
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Stefan Stanford #wingnut #racist #conspiracy allnewspipeline.com

So when taking a look at where the future will bring us if we stay upon the current path we're now on, the US govt becoming more and more militarized against it's rightful masters, We the American People, quite literally using the United States military to wage war upon 'the People'.
The J6ers will never get out of prison. Most will die there.

The economy will collapse and the millions of illegals will form the reinforcements the feds and military will need to round up and crush the little resistance that appears.

In Illinois the feds are moving huge amounts of firearms and ammo to Chicago and Springfield to govt leased warehouses. The Illinois Air and Army National Guards are currently forming training teams to instruct the newly arrived illegals from Latin America in the art of war.

Same thing is ongoing in New York and California.

No training needed for the arriving Chinese males as most have simply changed one uniform for another.

The fires will spread and become more massive.

Effective conservative leaders will be targeted and shot to death by federal agents in hundreds of 3 a.m. raids.

Huge criminal gangs will continue to target corporations until they collapse under the weight of their losses.

Train derailments will increase.

Sorry to be so dramatic but I am trying to prepare you for what is coming.

People still don't realize America was taken in 2020 by Communist revolution masked under a stolen election. The left is fully in control and is preparing to fight to the death to keep their power. The right simply lacks the backbone and the willingness to sacrifice to regain their freedom.
The leftists have long memories and have used federal agencies like the ATF, DHS, FBI, and NSA to compile lists of millions they will eventually go after.

It would not be hard at all to do another nationwide lockdown. Most would meekly comply. That is the saddest thing of all. Sheeple go baa baa baa.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Stanleymitchell90 )
A lot of famous Jews changed their names like Jon Stewart (Liebowitz).

When asked why they will say “anti-semitism” but that’s a lie. Jews have basically always been privileged in America, are treated like royalty post WW2, are the safest and wealthiest demographic, and simply being Jewish opens up doors in showbusiness and the finance industry due to nepotism.

So why do they do it?

To fool us. When they bitch about “fellow White people” they don’t want us to know it’s criticism coming from a foreign tribe who doesn’t consider themselves White.

You can be damn sure wherever Jon Stewart went to interview in showbusiness he made sure to let people know he was really a Liebowitz. That way the Jews he was interviewing with knew he’s an insider and not a “dumb goy.”

( @Malignant )
@Stanleymitchell90 they claim to change their names because of antisemitism, but they do nothing to change the behavior that causes antisemitism.

( @John_Madison )
@Stanleymitchell90 Many actors did the same thing such as Kirk (Issur Danielovitch) Douglas and Tony (Bernard Schwartz) Curtis and many others.

John Wayne hated Douglas because when filming the with the jew he stated he tried to take over the set by pushing jew ideologies.

( @rotifer1066 )
John Stewart doesn’t want the dumb goys to know he whores for Zionist gangsters.
And most have no clue.

( @dbflcl )
@Stanleymitchell90 jon stewart hosted that "fuck White people" show and openly laughed at White people saying "i tricked you" and "i infiltratrated you"

( @uhtred321 )
@Stanleymitchell90 One good example I heard about was Geraldo Rivera, who presents to the world as a hispanic with his name and moustache (mother's surname Friedman), but has a Star of David tattooed under a ring on a finger which he can subtly display in meetings if he suspects a fellow jew didn't realise so he wouldn't get preferential treatment.

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #racist gab.com

( @SomeBitchIKnow )
Joining together for a common cause. I'm with it.

spoilerMuslim, Christian parents
sue Ohio school board
over transgender
bathroom and locker room

( @avengeme )
Hegelian Dialectic:

Enemies Desired Outcome - Mongrelized/Multicultural Nation
Problem Presented : Globalists are trying to divide us!
Reaction Presented : Unite with other races and religions to fight the globalists
Outcome: Mongrelized/Multicultural Nation

( @Mrsh21413 )
@SomeBitchIKnow Not really though, Muslim people who follow their religion to it’s full conclusion want to kill every Christian and American so I wouldn’t get too excited about it.

( @KennyLiquorbush )
@SomeBitchIKnow I can think of another common cause that Muslims and Christians could unite behind.

( @HorstWessel88 )
@KennyLiquorbush @SomeBitchIKnow The Muslims and their idiotic policy of conversion have saved the jews countless times, they have not the mentality nor the spirit to fight the jewish menace. The Palestinian leaders are rifle with corruption far more than Hunter Biden for example. Jews run circles around the Muslims always have always will

( @dthayer2021 )
@SomeBitchIKnow Muslims are our enemies... Period.

( @Harry_Lyme )
@dthayer2021 @SomeBitchIKnow But the Left is both our enemies and a more immediate problem.

( @dthayer2021 )
@Harry_Lyme @SomeBitchIKnow I agree. But the Left is OBVIOUSLY the enemy, we all see it. Far too many people have made this statement about Muslims - "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"; No. Not with Muslims. The very religion itself is incompatible with both freedom in general, and the US Constitution specifically. Islam specifically allows deception in order to propagate itself.

( @TheHobbitHooWas )
@SomeBitchIKnow Those parents are going about it the wrong way. The School Board members need to be taught the fear that the girls in the school fear over young men pretending to be women entering their bathrooms and locker rooms. Only when the Board members understand the fear those girls deal with will they actually do something differently. Lawsuits don't work because the judges are largely part of the groomer coalition.

Vic Biorseth #racist #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

The always anti-American Political Party of slavery, the Confederacy, "Segregation Forever", the KKK, the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws - the Democrat Party - hit on something big when they discovered the power of the term "Racial Discrimination" and weaponized it. It was during the MLK - Selma - Kennedy - Castro - Che Guevara - Vietnam - Hippy years that they switched sides, began blaming the Republicans for all the Democrat racial sins of the past, and began going totally Marxist.

Projection is the appropriate term for the new Marxocrat Party's main political policy; whatever terrible things they accuse the Republicrats of doing, you may rest assured that they themselves are doing them.
t's a thousand and one smaller revolutions within the larger national revolution, which is within a still larger international revolution; the movement toward and into the globalist, communist, New World Order.

It isn't just racial discrimination any more. It's near open warfare against psychologically demonized and politically applied faux misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, white people, the Bible, Christianity, the natural order of things and simple morality.
Diversity is not our strength. Diversity is a political weapon being wielded against all of us. Diversity politically turns us all against each other for no good reason.
Social destabilization is the setup for establishing the police state.

"Diversity is our strength" is a Marxist revolutionary lie.
When you ask for proof of their screwball theories they trot out all the Marxist professors, scientists and supposedly learned know-it-alls as their "proof" that, since they all believe it, it must be true.

That's how they do science. Democratically. They take a vote on it. Whoever has the most elitist votes wins the scientific contest.

If NASA and EPA and UN "experts" say so, it must be scientific.

General Roberto Vannacci #homophobia #racist #conspiracy euronews.com

Italian general Roberto Vannacci has been removed from his position as the head of the Italian paratroopers brigade and from the Military Geographical Institute in Florence after he made homophobic and racist statements in his self-published book 'The World Upside Down'

In his book, which has now reached number one on Amazon Italy’s bestsellers list, he takes aim at environmentalists, leftists, feminists, Jews and the unemployed. The most shocking statements in his book, which were the main reasons he was relieved from his positions, were aimed at the LGBTQ+ community and Black Italians

The most infamous segment from the book starts as an address to the LGBTQ+ community:

“Dear homosexuals, you’re not normal, get over it!” He continues: “Normality is heterosexuality. If everything seems normal to you, however, it is the fault of the plots of the international gay lobby which banned terms that until a few years ago were in our dictionaries…” He then proceeds to list nearly a dozen slurs against the LGBTQ+ community

After the controversy surrounding the book broke out, he defended his statements about the ‘abnormality’ of the LGBTQ+ community by saying that they were taken out of context. “Dear homosexuals, you are in good company, I too am abnormal”

Later in the book, he states that he thinks migrants and immigrants should be more grateful for the “generosity and compassion” he alleges they received when they arrive in Italy. He continues that we are not all born equal and that immigrants to Italy will always be different and uses Italian volleyball champion Paola Egonu as an example. “She is Italian by citizenship, but it is clear that her facial features do not represent Italianness”

In an interview with Italian media, the general defended his statements and said that he would not take anything back[…]
He continued that what he discussed in his book falls under his constitutionally protected right to freedom of speech

Melissa Dungan and other ISD trustees #fundie #homophobia #racist #wingnut abc13.com

Some Conroe ISD trustees want to crack down on displays of racial inclusivity and pride, saying they represent, "symbols of personal ideologies."

One trustee says a child was traumatized by a poster showing different colored children holding hands and had to switch classrooms.

School officials against this say a policy prohibiting political displays, not related to curriculum, already exists. The trustee who brought this forward didn't realize that.

When it was brought to her attention, the trustee said she wants that policy to go further. Citing "a number of parents reaching out to her about supposed displays of personal ideologies in classrooms," Melissa Dungan asked her fellow board members to crackdown on them.

"I wish I was shocked by each of the examples that were shared with me, however, I am aware these trends have been happening for many years," Dungan said.

When pressed to share one of those examples, Dungan referred to a first grade student whose parent claimed they were so upset by a poster showing hands of people of different races, that they transferred classrooms.

"Just so I understand, you are seriously suggesting that you find objectionable, a poster indicating that all are included," Stacey Chase, another trustee, said.

Dungan wouldn't say whether she found that poster objectionable, just that she wants to avoid "situations like that" by having the board adopt stricter standards and adhere to state policies already in place, prohibiting teachers from displaying political items not relevant to curriculum.

Another trustee even asked if the poster was illegal and went on to claim previous displays of pride flags were.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Trouble_Man )
Republicans are more concerned with Trump having dinner with an antisemite and holocaust denier than they are with israel blackmailing politicians on Epstein’s child rape island.

( @RobotJesterGirl )
@Trouble_Man There's no such thing as an antisemite or a holocaust denier. These terms are propaganda used to delegitimize criticism of Israel. Jews are responsible for the deaths of millions of people, the torture and imprisonment of hundreds of thousands more, and the destruction of whole countries.

( @Indy_Mike )
@Trouble_Man Contrary to the New World Order Thought Police, being an antisemite and holocaust denier is not against the law, it doesn't even make you a bad person...just someone with an opinion!

( @Zenithra )
@Trouble_Man You say that as if Jews aren’t the problem and as if the Holocaust happened to the degree that we “learned” in school. Smh 🤦🏻‍♀️ you’re asleep.

( @KiRealMike )
@Trouble_Man That's because the Republicans are controlled opposition including Trump

( @FedUpWithPCCulture )
@Trouble_Man Calling Kanye an antisemite means you have fallen for the jew overlord propaganda.

( @ldunco )
@Trouble_Man republicans are more concerned with white people being racist than white people being eradicated

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie #psycho gab.com

( @BlackScorpionNationalists )

( @sjkbent )
@BlackScorpionNationalists Jesus made it clear they are the children of the devil that's all I need to know to know they are sheer evil.

( @BoLoe )
@BlackScorpionNationalists the Babylonian Talmud Jesus called them children of the devil

( @Yourfullofshit )
@BlackScorpionNationalists Who can argue with that, history and the present is on his arguments side

( @Yourfullofshit )
@BlackScorpionNationalists Who can argue with that, history and the present is on his arguments side

( @boughum2255 )
@BlackScorpionNationalists Sounds llike 1937 Nazi Germany ! Blame the Jews for everything

( @BlackScorpionNationalists )
@boughum2255 That's because the Jews are responsible for everything.

( @TheArchduke )
@boughum2255 @BlackScorpionNationalists I’m sure it’s all just a Cohencidence.

( @echoes )
@boughum2255 Sounds like a zionist rat.

( @BlackScorpionNationalists )
@boughum2255 @BlackScorpionNationalists Normally I would've agreed, until I started doing history research on Weimar Germany before the rise of Hitler. Everything wrong and debauched going on in the West is exactly what happened in Germany. The Establishment tells the youth the Nazis burned books, but never tell you which ones. Yeah, it is inevitable that the West will eventually turn to military leaders to stop this evil from further destroying us.

( @Hbomb )
@boughum2255 @BlackScorpionNationalists For everything they did and keeping doing, wake up goy!

James Rink, Rainetta Jones #conspiracy #racist #ufo supersoldiertalk.com

Today Rainetta will be talking about Atlantis, the Black Goo Queen, update on the Spider Queen under the Getty and her invasion force below the Changbai Mountains.

Today’s speaker is Rainetta Jones who is a native of Trinidad. At the age of 14, she moved to the United States and then attended Martin Luther King Jr. HS in Manhattan, New York where she had experienced missing time. As a young adult, she had to drop out of the University of Buffalo where she was studying a degree in Molecular Biology due to neurological anomalies which was caused by “Brain Scrambling Technologies.” When she reached the workforce, she developed two inventions the iPod and Kindle and also a novel conceptual hosiery design, all of which was stolen by her Jewish friends that were Russian and Israeli intelligence. They took her ideas and gave it directly to Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos and they hashed out a plan to get her out of the country in England so that Rainetta could not contest the stolen technology or be paid. Eventually, she moved back to the United Sates and began to work as a Certified Administrative Professional at the United Nations and other government agencies in New York City. In 2004, Rainetta meet with the disgraced fashion designer Peter Nygård who shapeshifted into a T-Rex reptilian in front of her. Rainetta believes she is a SSP experiencer and has had contact with extraterrestrials throughout her life. She is also a medium portal and has communicated with beings from inner earth.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "CariWest 2023"]

After a few lockdown-closed years, the Edmonton Caribbean† Festival is back this year with a vengeance. Even the annual parade is back[…]
As is typical for the Caribbean Festival, if you think racial stereotypes are wrong and misguided your worldview gets absolutely destroyed, because every negative thing about niggers you ever thought (minus one glaring example) comes true[…]
Let's start with the parade despite the parade not starting. It's been over a decade that I've been pointing out that the race notorious for always being late for work (and/or slow drivers) also can't start a parade within half an hour of the widely agreed and published start time[…]
On top of that, both at the grounds and annoyingly on the parade path itself were numerous examples of the "Blacks and the Domination of Social Space" effect I recently reposted after the original source was scrubbed from the internet[…]
The one thing that was conspicuously absent from this and most CariWest festivals: why is it when the second-most violent of all races stops being violent when you throw all of them together in a giant pile? I honestly don't (yet) have a strong answer to this, but the theory that you know that if another nigger wants to kill you, you stay away from the festival its 99.999% likely he will attend[…]
Since we just covered the one stereotype that got skipped, let's switch to the next one that didn't: blacks have incredibly poor governance and organizational skills, possibly related to them being literally retarded[…]
For all the issues though, it's good to see another of Edmonton's festivals come back to normal

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Dr. Marie N. Robinson's 1958 book, The Power of Sexual Surrender, explains that women need to surrender to a loving man in order to have a satisfying orgasm. By encouraging women to become "strong", "independent" and wary of men, feminism is blocking their sexual fulfillment. As result, women become frustrated, angry, and compensate by becoming masculine.

In their crusade to destroy European Christian civilization, Cabalists (satanist Jews and Freemasons, i.e. Communists) exploit every division. When they couldn't foment class war, they turned woman against man.

Under the guise of women's, gay and tranny "rights," heterosexuals are victims of a vicious satanic attack on their human identity. They are being re-engineered and they don't even know it. A woman's love of husband and child is divine. Only demonically possessed people would destroy it.

The Illuminati's ultimate aim is to induct society into their satanic cult and to impose a veiled Communist police state.

Satanic cults are designed to exploit their members by corrupting and making them sick.

By coercing women to abandon their femininity and usurp the male role, feminism throws a spanner in the natural heterosexual mechanism of humanity. Women have been deprived of their natural biological and social roles and condemned to loneliness and frustration. Similarly, men are deprived of the role of protector and provider essential to their development and fulfillment.

The triumph of such a wrongheaded ideology, and the suppression of the truth, signifies that control in the world has passed to a malignant force.

Robinson confirms my view that heterosexual union is based on an exchange of female power for male power expressed as love. A woman who seeks power is neutering herself and her husband. She will not receive love from a man whose identity is based on power. She cannot love someone she competes with. He cannot love her. This is the dilemma of feminists today.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

( @Apolitical )
How many Rembrandts, Michelangelos, Beethovens and Mozarts have we missed out on because the jewish elite that control our culture prefer modern art and ghetto rap?

( @HorstWessel88 )
@Apolitical Lot of what the jews have done in history is mocking the goyim I am convinced. The degenerate Modern art, and Negro worship in coon music is examples of this. Sadly we no longer have European or American culture. We have Jewish culture and at the present time the world is unlivable thanks to these hebes....

( @Professional_Noticer )
@HorstWessel88 @Apolitical they made it "livable" by convincing gentiles into material possession worship and greedy lifestyles while pushing them onto digital plantations. Phones, social networking, virtual reality etc etc coupled with shiny things and too much food create great slaves for the Jew World Order.

( @Diversity_is_our_weakness )
Removal of Shakespeare as a requirement from the basic high school curriculums is an obvious blatant example of the erasing of Western and white heritage.

( @ElricTheDemonHunter )

They do not create only swindle and destroy. They revel in the perverted and ugly and use it to destroy other cultures. They are parasites who weaken and always eventually destroy their host if they are not removed.

( @AnotherBryan )
@Apolitical Jews think it's hilarious to trick the masses into accepting the most cringey retarded shit and they use their control over MSM to do it.

( @ThePrimer )
@Apolitical The decline in intelligence began shortly after Beethoven died, which conveniently "cohencides" with the rise of the Rothchild/Jewish takeover of the monetary systems of Europe.

( @Lady_Liberty_2021 )
@Apolitical. That's why we need to turn off the ZOG TV and Music Industry and support classical or traditional music and arts.
Judeo-Bolshevik values are derived from the seven deadly sins - pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth - and that is why it is an ideology incapable of creating beauty in the arts, good health in medicine, safety in society, nurturing in schools, or peace in the world.

Vox Day #racist #dunning-kruger #psycho voxday.net

[From "SF is Dying and LA is Next"]

The store looting community have migrated from San Francisco to Los Angeles:

Dozens of thieves ransacked the Nordstrom, smashing displays and stealing an estimated $60,000- $100,000 worth of merchandise, authorities said[…]

The same thing is happening in London. An astonishing number of retailers, major and minor, have been driven out of downtown San Francisco already, now Oxford Street and the Topanga Mall appear to be the next sitting ducks

Europeans became civilized after several centuries of methodically executing thieves and imposing other violent forms of civilization. Asians went through the same refining process, but even longer. Africans never went through it, which is why the dyscivilizational genetic patterns that were significantly reduced in the other primary human sub-species are still prevalent in them. Evolution by artificial selection doesn’t produce new species, but it does produce better-behaved animals and human beings

So the people of the West have three choices. Either impose the same cruel and merciless system of punishment on petty criminals today that the medieval Europeans did or watch civilization collapse in every single major city with a substantially vibrant population. Or, of course, bring back freedom of association and segregation, but we know that won’t happen until society itself collapses

The nations will be homogenous again; the patterns of history are inevitable and the diversity of today is imposed, subsidized, and artificial. The only question is just how terrible the process involved will be

@A_Solzhenitsyn & @TheElderRace #wingnut #racist #homophobia #conspiracy gettr.com

( @A_Solzhenitsyn )
Let’s call a spade a spade.

Whites are the real slaves in America. They work hard to pay half their wages for illegals and bums to have free health care, education, housing, food stamps, and “free basic income.”

It’s the whites who are oppressed, and they should demand reparations.

( @TheElderRace )
Maybe the Mayan calendar was right. Not that history stopped at that point in 2012. Maybe the world was not destroyed as Hollywood would betray it, but the world did turn upside-down around then. We are seeing it now and it DID start around that time.

(@A_Solzhenitsyn )
It’s simpler than that. We let the communists install a Kenyan Marxist homo in the White House.

Paul Craig Roberts #racist #wingnut #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org

As I recently explained, American universities are far more committed to creating an incompetent society consisting of a Tower of Babel than they are to creating well educated citizens that the society needs. For decades American universities have discriminated against white applicants of merit in favor of less capable “preferred minorities. This is called “white privilege.”

To accommodate the influx of unqualified preferred minorities, the universities that had high standards had to lower them, so the final product is less capable than prior to the “affirmative action” era.

After more than a half century, the racial discrimination against white meritorious candidates was ruled unconstitutional recently by the Supreme Court.
But the issue is not only unequal racial treatment in university admissions. The much larger problem is that American universities value race over merit and prefer a non-meritorious society to the United States Constitution. This is the general problem of all US institutions, not only universities and public schools, which are degenerating into indoctrination centers against the white majority.
It Today it makes little, if any, sense for a white heterosexual male to attend an American University. As an attendee he is indoctrinated that he is a racist and a misogynist, an oppressor of people of color and women. He might also be required to take the dangerous Covid “vaccine” as an admission requirement, thus risking his health and life. Both US medical and law schools have declared their intention of favoring “diversity” over the white population and have committed to expanding, regardless of merit, graduates of color. So has the US military. Both the black Secretary of Defense and Biden’s black nominee as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have declared that the US military has too many white officers and their promotions are on hold until blacks and transgendered have advanced in the ranks.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Donald J Trump )
So I help a seriously troubled man, who just happens to be black, Ye (Kanye West), who has been decimated in his business and virtually everything else, and who has always been good to me, by allowing his request for a meeting at Mar-a-Lago, alone, so that I can give him very much needed “advice.” He shows up with 3 people, two of which I didn’t know, the other a political person who I haven’t seen in years. I told him don’t run for office, a total waste of time, can’t win. Fake News went CRAZY!

( @G_Thaumaturgus )
@realdonaldtrump At least Ye is not afraid to name the Jew

( @shitlord_olafssen )
@G_Thaumaturgus @realdonaldtrump DJT "names them" all right - names them as his master!

( @Takeshima )
@G_Thaumaturgus @realdonaldtrump seriously fcuk Trump the zionist Israel FIRST bootlicker. All Kanye and Nick Fuentes are saying is what Trump said himself 2015-2016 before he became a sellout cuck shabbos goy race traitor .

( @MrBAD )
@realdonaldtrump you sold out. I'd rather have a troubled black man who names the Jew and declares Jesus is King than someone who sold out.

( @Takeshima )
@MrBAD @realdonaldtrump Notice how Kanye is suddenly “distressed” and crazed when he logically calls out zionist jews and their influence on media, finance and politics? Shabbos goy Ziodon and his Jew oeners don’t want their house n1gger escaping the plantation and thinking for himself..

( @TheSuperSavvyCitzen )
@realdonaldtrump Please stay away from Kayne and Nick Fuentes they'll ruin your chances of winning the primary it's already hard enough with election fraud

( @KenpachiRabbit )
@TheSuperSavvyCitzen @realdonaldtrump he let the fraud happen as president while he was working on 'warp speed' clot shots. we need someone even bolder and not ron defaggot either

( @brextremist )
@TheSuperSavvyCitzen @realdonaldtrump So long as Trump refuses to denounce the jews as America's greatest adversary, he has no chance of winning in 2024.

( @WoodenDoors_88 )
@realdonaldtrump shut the fuck up you orange kike

UNSCJohn-117 #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy #psycho deviantart.com

The Soviet Union was more a nationalist country then a communist nation after WW2 because they focused more on tribalism and the family element in Russia just like the National Socialists in Germany as they believed in there own race and nation instead of this multiculturalism and egalitarianism shoved down our throats here in the White Western World which is why the United States and Western Europe are decaying and falling to this white genocide campaign by the Liberal Globalist Establishment. This man Kyle when it was said his people supported the Soviet Union it was more of a sense of pride and nationalism now that he become a Russian Women he is now apart of a homogeneous society to produce children for her country which is the most important job in any society as the preservation of one's race is what preserves there civilization. I mean today in the world the White Birth Rates have dropped so significantly because of this consumerist propaganda that focuses on self-indulgences and the burdens of producing children which makes most White people lazy to have children I'm glad this man is now finally has a purpose to produce children for her nation now I mean in the United States and Europe because of this Consumerist Propaganda its making us weaker and in most cases making the men more feminine as were losing our masculinity through this stifling of our men so that they don't become strong masculine white people but weak and frail feminine men so in general there turning the men into women and the women into men promoting masculinity in them so they won't adopt natural feminine traits or stay home and produce children but take on full time careers except the thing is Men don't bear children only women can and its impossible to do that when there at work instead of home. So In general I'm glad that this caption was made as finally this man has a purpose to produce children for our people and I wish this could happen to all the feminine males in the country so that could be doing the same thing this young lady is doing being a proud, patriot, and loyal wife to her husband producing children for her race and nation so that our own people can continue existing instead of being bred out of existence like what's happening in the West so our hope lies in the East and we as Western European must follow there example or else we perish.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )

spoilerIn America they don't outlaw pro-
White movements (yet).
Instead, they manufacture false pro-
White leaders and organizations so
as to corrupt any possibility of real
pro-White growth or influence.
They manufacture corrupt
ideologies, infighting, chaos, & self-

( @alexpulse231 )
@Nature_and_Race Yeah I can name a few organizations that are controlled oppositions:
VDare, and American Renaissance. VDare is s bunch of race traitors as they are endorsing genocidal race traitor John Derbyshire, who has hybridized children with an Asian woman.
And in Great Britain some organizations that are controlled opposition are Britain First and the British national party.

( @Miles_Deep )

You are right they don't outlaw pro White movements. Im starting to think they never will. They will/are just making everything a proWhite movement would be about illegal.

Its clever way of crushing any proWhite movement. On top of what you said about the subversion of any movements.

( @graceman33 )
@Nature_and_Race it looks like a standard disagreement situation, to me.
Look, I don't believe in evolution. Period.
I was taught it like everyone else, but I kept learning and I simply don't believe it.
This is an example of why there are disagreements.
There are other topics like it.
Frankly, I don't see any manufactured pro white people, not even Kanye. It's just people who generally agree on the large principle, but disagree on details.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @wormintheapple )
@Nature_and_Race I don't believe that Jews are solely responsible for anti-white racism. You think if Jews disappeared, blacks would stop hating and resenting us? That Muslims would no longer wish to conquer us as their prophet commands? That Asians wouldn't have a fierce desire to move up from second place to first and humiliate us as we did them by achieving modern science and technology, and in other ways obviously superior culture?

But Jews are unrelenting in their aggression and most whites, public figures, will not even acknowledge that we're being attacked, let alone act in defense. They are a special threat and do deserve special focus.

( @shantyshortygirl )
@wormintheapple @Nature_and_Race yes but without Jews we would be able to tell the truth and do something about the fact that we have all these invaders in our country who have come to kill, rape and pillage.
Jews have us in this impossible situation where we are in an abusive relationship but we can’t get out of it or we will be gaslighted and cancelled.

( @Bronso_Villa )
@wormintheapple @Nature_and_Race You're not wrong at all. However, the Jews are the historical enemies of Western Civilization (they consider us Edom) and are the main engine behind all other race hatred, real or perceived. Expose them and eliminate their negative influence and the game has completely changed.

( @LadyYlva )
@wormintheapple @Nature_and_Race The important difference is that, without jews, those other groups would be staying put in their homelands and be no threat to us whatsoever.

( @Down_For_The_Count )
@LadyYlva @wormintheapple @Nature_and_Race It wouldnt even really be feasible to remove non-White Americans is large enough numbers for at least decades. Without jewish control, we would be able to sufficiently Balkanize.

Matthew Boose #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy amgreatness.com

The phrase “our democracy” has become a pervasive cliche in American politics. But who is the subject in this presumptuous expression? Although never defined explicitly, the answer is implicit in what it does not include. To a greater and greater extent, American politics revolves around black people, women, and immigrant populations from the Third World, which together form the core of the Democratic party. The remnants of the old country are now facing obsolescence, with only a weak vessel, the Republican party, to defend them.

The right, whether out of denial, cowardice, or a lack of imagination, has failed to grapple with the deep roots of its demise. Republicans ostracized “nativists” and helped facilitate the demographic replacement of their own voters with the delusion that cheap Third World day laborers are “natural conservatives,” overlooking the most naturally conservative constituency of all: white men. The right failed to conserve gender roles, as women left the home and became angry foot soldiers of a socialist revolution.
The left isn’t wrong when they paint conservatives as natural enemies of “our democracy.” There is nothing conservative about the radically egalitarian system that governs the country, which turns politics into a race to the bottom, a game at which the left naturally excels. The left, in all times and places, has thrived on destruction and decay. The muddled, obese, foreign mass that is today called “the American people” has only a faint connection to the sturdy, adventurous Anglo-Saxons who founded the nation.
Those who find the present state of things tolerable, or even good, will never be shaken out of their delusions. One cannot feel too sorry for them when they come face to face with the creatures vomited out of the belly of their beloved “democracy.” If there is any hope of leaving this cesspool of mediocrity and disorder, it lies not with soft and flabby conservatism but a politics that is willing to raise the bar.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
The only way to truly eliminate a disease is to eliminate the source of said disease.

If all you do is run around combatting the individual symptoms, rather than combatting the initial infection, the origin-virus, you'll never be free of the sickness.

If you want to eliminate anti-White racism, then you have to eliminate/remove the source of it. And trust me, it has a source. And without this source, there would be no more anti-White racism.

( @Shturmovik )
@Nature_and_Race No other race will take the supreme “anti white” and power position of Jews if they disappeared.

No other race has such a parasitic grasp powerful and cunning enough to root itself in a White society.

Generally all browns and blacks are anti white, but without Jews, they’re powerless.

( @John_Madison )
@Nature_and_Race The source is the same scum that were expelled from 109 other counties for turning the minority against the White majority.

( @MCharlton )
@Nature_and_Race “Racism” is a Jewish word to remove White in-group preference and diversify White countries until White people no longer exist. The same methodology would never work in a nonwhite nation because nonwhite DNA does not place empathy > existence.

( @shitlord_olafssen )
@MCharlton @Nature_and_Race Agree, though I'm not sure the pathological altruism is in the DNA. I reckon that a lot more of it is due to centuries of Christian subversion in White nations (Christianity being little other than a Jewish deception to create masses of pacifist enemy-loving meek slaves).

( @gemSStoned )
@Nature_and_Race who cares what happened in usa during the slave era, Whites freed nigras, while TODAY, in chyna, africa and arab nations they have millions of slaves, but it is only bad that some Whites had slaves decades ago......

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy realjewnews.com

Tons of letters, mostly good, some bad.

The bad ones blind side me with side swipes.

Like this:

“I like your passion for the truth, Brother.

“But why do you focus so much on the Jewish people?

“Is there something from your childhood that makes you bear a personal grudge against your own Jewish people?”


And completely personal!

Growing up in the synagogue, and behind closed doors, which you as a goy will never see, I know firsthand how ‘my own’ “Jewwwish people” function.

They fool gullible goys like you by feigning to care about ‘human interests’ for “all people.”

They don’t.

ONLY their own interests are their focus.

Like ‘equity’ for Blacks so as to weaken a White Christian political block.

They would never want ‘equity’ for Blacks in Israel.

You see, the Jews must destroy the Whites.

Because potentially they could turn against the Jews.

That’s why they hate Trump.

Not for Trump himself, but for the Whites who support him.

Behind closed doors they call Blacks, “schwartzas.”

And God forbid any schwartza should “equitably” live next door to them.
Here’s a Letter from a fan of ‘Bobby’ Kennedy Jr:

“Why aren’t you promoting Robert Kennedy Jr for president?

“He’s really the best we have, Brother!”

You mean, he’s the best the Jews have groveling for their vote.
This Letter puts a smile on my face:

“Why do you criticize Jordan Peterson?

“Your reproaches of him fall flat since he says things against the powers that be.”

But not against the real power.

Peterstein’s simply a useful goy.

He captures the youth by telling them not to ‘beat off,’ ‘cause it lowers their dopamine levels.

But he decided that reaching goyim youth doesn’t cut it.

So he decided to ‘beat off’ with Ben Shapiro on “Israel democracy porn.”

speculareffect #conspiracy #wingnut #racist specular-effect.com

You know how it goes. We “conspiracy theorists” ran out of conspiracy theories because, to date, they’ve all come true. Now, we just see psyops everywhere!

Some retards would go so far as to connect dots that aren’t even there and make shit up.

Disinformation agents the likes of Alex Jones are claiming the Maui fires being due to Blackrock; the residents refused to sell their properties to the mega corporation. I think this is highly improbable. Frankly, the notion is retarded, because the insurance payouts would be insane. The only way this would hurt the homeowners is if it was arson and they would have to prove it was. Climate-change hoaxers aren’t willing to do such a thing—risk dismantling the narrative. Could this end up bankrupting insurance companies and perhaps Blackrock swoop in and buy up whatever is left? Sure, but there’s no certainty behind any of these claims. Alex Jones is a retarded, controlled opposition Boomer.
Why now? Were the recent fires as a result of a Jewish Space Laser? Perhaps. I wouldn’t doubt it, because EnMod (Environmental Modification) technology is very real and have been used one too many times in the recent past. New York, Texas and California, to be specific, with their “alarming” and “unprecedented” weather changes.

Still, we must be very careful with the crazy, Christian Boomer kookery that is going to emerge out of this disaster. In addition, we can rest assured that none of this is a natural disaster as the powers that be want us to believe. It is certainly not as a result of global warming, climate-change or any of the buzzwords the IPCC and its charlatans would have us repeating.

This Climate Change is an elaborate hoax, but it gets tricky, still, because anthropogenic climate change is real, because very evil people have the capacity and technology to modify the weather so as to deceive the very elect and murder billions in the interim.

Abigail Jo Shry #psycho #racist apnews.com

“You are in our sights, we want to kill you, If Trump doesn’t get elected in 2024, we are coming to kill you.”

Texas woman arrested and charged with threatening to kill Judge Tanya Chutkan, overseeing Trump’s case in Washington DC, throwing in a racist term just for flavor.
Oh, and she wants to kill a congresswoman, too.

woodchip #wingnut #racist #elitist #conspiracy descentbb.net

Goodhue is what is wrong with America. Burger flippers needed to make 15.00 an hour yet a policeman only make 22.00. Who wants the responsibility of life and death for 22.00? Coupled with the facts Mayors and D.A.'s want to release criminals as soon as they are arrested, can you wonder why their moral is so low. If we are not a country of laws, what are we? Just look at the smash and grab looting taking place. See any convictions taking place? What happens when the stores, including food stores, move out and you have to travel 60 mile. What do you think the ghetto-bangers are going to do. Public transportation don't go that far. Maybe you could offer to give them a ride in your shiny new ev. I'd advise against as I used to drive a school bus for the city projects middle schooler's and I know what they can do. Have fun telling me how your utopia is working out.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia gab.com

( @Apolitical )
The German people loved Hitler.

You know who didn’t?

Jews, communists, antifa, homosexuals, trannies, pedophiles, international financiers, leftists and liberals.

Basically all the scum you should be hated by if you are doing a good job. Take from that what you will

( @Malignant )
“Jews, communists, antifa, homosexuals, trannies, pedophiles, international financiers, leftists and liberals.“

No need to be redundant….

( @Thenationalist1776 )
@Apolitical This is the bottom of the rabbit hole for the normie. It's a terrifying place for them. Confronting this historical figure is terrifying. From their earliest memories, this man was presented to them as evil incarnate: someone they should hate more than anything or anyone. They avoid this confrontation like grim death and cling to their indoctrination like it's a life raft.

Beneath all their fears of consequences from their peers, their employers, their banks, what is most frightening to them is the fear of themselves. Of ego sacrifice. Of the possibility of having to admit they were completely wrong about something they were so sure of their entire life.

( @brextremist )
@Apolitical This is exactly why jews, communists, antifa, homosexuals, trannies, pedophiles, international financiers, liberals and leftists call everyone who opposes them "nazis".

( @fr0vUFru4AwodAKiPo9rLne )
@brextremist @Apolitical because you literally fucking are.

( @brextremist )
@fr0vUFru4AwodAKiPo9rLne @Apolitical Yes, and proud of it. Hitler was 100% right. If you have a problem with that, you can eat shit.

( @FurthestRight )
@fr0vUFru4AwodAKiPo9rLne @brextremist @Apolitical thanks for noticing we take a stand against degeneracy. as if that's something to be ashamed of

( @phlfie )
Benjamin Franklin was correct.
Adolf Hitler was correct.
George S. Patton was correct.
Vladimir Putin is correct.
We are correct.
It's the filthy jews.

( @Malignant )
Hey, I just made up a new joke. “A communist, an Antifa member, a tranny, a pedophile, an international financier, a leftist and a liberal walk into a bar. So the bartender looks up and says ‘Shalom!’”

@waronwoke #racist gettr.com

The sum of Anti-white govt, media activity, combined with the influx of foreigners who lap up this stuff and perceive opportunity in the portayed weakness presents an obvious heads up to white peoples everywhere. Stay alert, be cautious, be discriminating about where you chose to live and work, up your defense skills, arm yourself. Petition, disparage, degrade the propagandists and their propaganda.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )

( @RedRock919 )
@KeepNHGranite only place you’ll see White men on TV is if they are looking like a blithering idiot in a commercial. Of course there’s always the wise negro there to either correct the White man or frown and shake his head.

( @BasedAsianUSA )
@RedRock919 @KeepNHGranite Traitorous, degenerate Jews running hedge funds and investment banks like Blackrock that control TV ads and their Zionist comrades in Hollywood that control TV programming want the goy to watch sexual deviancies and race mixings, also as part of their Kalergi Plan, to normalize their perceptions for the New World Order.

( @SavedCenturion )
You can find the white women. They're always race mixing. The white male, if seen, is ultimate beta and is seeking out soy or playing the role of the dramatic foil to the intellectually superior minority. Think Homer Simpson or Family guy.
But Reality...that's another issue altogether. A word to the wise - don't drink the Kool-aid.

( @GetchaSumaDat )
@KeepNHGranite or a natural white family in a commercial.........

( @jddubbya )
@KeepNHGranite You can find a few:

- the partners in biracial couples
- the low IQ idiot who the black person has to explain the obvious to
- weak, unmasculine beta males

Woke companies and antiWhite Madison Avenue propagandist ad companies doing their part.

( @Dandakang )
@KeepNHGranite Try to find a strong White male character in either a TV show, commercial or ad. If aliens came to earth, theyd assume the slave class is the White male.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Illuminati (Cabala) Jews and their Masonic go-fers don't want Jews or others to understand the hidden subversive and occult character of the collective Jewish enterprise.

They don't want Jews to understand that anti-Semitism throughout the ages was not irrational. This realization would empower Gentiles, and allow "the lesser brethren" to escape their role as dupes, scapegoats, human shields and sacrifices for their demented leadership.

Cabala Jews believe that they define God's Will. In other words, God comes into the world through them. Otherwise, He is "formless and unknowable." (This is satanic because God is our GPS. Man is connected to God through our soul and spiritual ideals.)
The Cabalists believe they can redefine reality according to Satan: Evil is good, falsehood is truth and sick is healthy, (and vice versa.) They undermine every other collective identity: nation, religion, race, and family. They must destroy the Christian order to build the NWO.
The Cabalist Conspiracy is on the cusp of success. God has been banished from public life. Illuminati Jews control the mass media and can deceive and degrade the masses. Entertainment is an orgy of pornography, apocalyptic chaos, obscenity, propaganda, social engineering, predictive programming, violence, and satanism.

Illuminati Jews and Masons behind feminism are responsible for the debauchery of Western women. They are behind the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism designed to destroy marriage and family.

They were at the forefront of sexual liberation, pornography and abortion. The mass media is obsessed with sex. It has a fawning fetish for fertile females, and even children aren't safe.

Christianity has been Judaized, concerned with "social change" (the Satanist agenda) rather than spiritual development and salvation. Christian Zionists are pledged to the Zionist rogue state.
The people are lost and increasingly desperate. What's left? Depression? War? The Antichrist?

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Halp )
An antisemitic trope is when jews at the adl use their connections in finance and media to bully the world’s richest man because he won’t ban people who say jews control the media.

( @bh41921 )
@Halp Hopefully this is such a huge example of jewish overreach that a good number of normies will finally realize what's happening and wake up. I know I myself took overly long to wake up. I feel bad about that now in retrospect. But maybe someday soon the average person will start to realize why our world is so terrible. It's because of jewish chicanery.

( @Malignant )
“Antisemitism” is retorting to the Jews calling for your genocide.

( @Santa401 )
@Malignant @Halp

( @HeartCloud )
@Halp frigging filth all and finance Jews.

( @Etrax2020 )
@Halp The criminal Jews are running out of scams, false flags and false narratives!!! Will they turn to Jesus and beg for forgiveness of their wickedness???

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @JimboObryan )
Noticing @Dirty_White_Boy on Twitter lol.

( @KrautMc )
@JimboObryan @Dirty_White_Boy

( @woodgrames )
@JimboObryan @Dirty_White_Boy

This is obviously coming from a tard but does anybody have a clue as to what 'unofficial' social media would mean?

( @GoingHome )
@woodgrames @JimboObryan @Dirty_White_Boy I think the tard meant social media that isn't beholden to jewish influence.

( @GoingHome )
@woodgrames @JimboObryan @Dirty_White_Boy Yep, leftoid commies suck authoritarian banker dick at all times. If the dicksucker Greenblatt can't control it they want it shut down. They will have no place in the future of humanity.

( @Unknownusername1988 )
@Dirty_White_Boy @JimboObryan
What the fuck is unofficial social media? What a gay and retarded phrase. It's like they're admitting mainstream social media is inorganic.

( @bobthebuilder123 )
@Dirty_White_Boy @JimboObryan imagine needing laws to reinforce your lies because if you didn't people would learn the truth about you, and you are so afraid they would genocide you at that point that you desperately act to enforce these laws even at risk of exposing themselves

Imagine such a people exist...now imagine they are covetous and want the "best" that humanity has to offer

Who would they pretend to be?
Where would they pretend they deserve to belong?

Kikes are the tapeworm of humanity.

( @W0lfman )
@Dirty_White_Boy @JimboObryan I heard some of our guys were planning to infiltrate Twitter and post screen caps from Gab as if they were outraged leftists. I wonder if this is that or a legit libtard?

( @Salvadorporfavor )
@W0lfman @Dirty_White_Boy @JimboObryan the left can’t meme and they are literally doing our work for us. Hilarious. It’s also funny because a show of hands is democracy in action. So they not only can’t meme, but also don’t like losing in a democratic way. They suck. If it is ourguy then kudos.

( @NZPatriot )
@Dirty_White_Boy @JimboObryan WTF is unofficial social media? These idiots just love making shit up out of thin air. Fuck those filthy Jew baby dick suckers.

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

We are currently living in a grotesque environment of absolute ignorance by the bulk of society so fantastic, that it leads to not only the expectation and embracing of absurd conduct, but also to the full and total normalization of heinous and criminal behavior, violence, theft, gross immorality, and perversion. Obviously, there has always been crime, and the most violent crime, has always been committed or sanctioned by the State itself.

During the past few years, the amount of openly allowed violent behavior has been allowed to rise to monstrous levels, but the theft, immorality, perversion, brutality and disorder, have escalated out of control over the same period. This extreme behavior was for some time happening simultaneously all around the country, and has been ongoing in some regards for years. It began in this cycle with the fake ‘covid’ lockdowns, as the group improperly called “Black Lives Matter,” (BLM) were allowed by this government and its so-called enforcers, to run amok, causing destruction of property, businesses, committing theft, burning, looting, violence, and in some cases death. The bogus claim of ‘racism’ was implemented to excuse this horrid behavior. Another criminal group call Antifa, followed the same pattern, and both are little more than terrorist groups.

To add insult to injury, bring in the depraved transgender nonsense, the promotion by government and media of the so-called ‘LBGTQ+’ crowd, under the ridiculous and idiotic moniker labeled ‘pride,’ and more disorder, perversion, and child abuse is the direct result.
A violent and immoral society can only breed more violence and immorality; leading to the normalization of criminal behavior, which in turn leads to the downfall of all societal cohesion. Allowing a top-down governing system to exist, one that sanctions violence, commits violence, protects the felons, and facilitates crime in order to divide, is anathema to any free society of normal human beings.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #transphobia gab.com

( @ElfReich )
The Far Right, including those referred to as neo-nazis, are not the hateful people that the media portrays them to be... They are the ones who helped you take your groceries to the car, the ones that greeted you respectfully in passing, the ones who joked with you as they renovated your kitchen... the ones who waited with you until the ambulance arrived. They are the people who remind you that good, caring, moral people still exist... and they are prepared to defend that existence.

( @brucebohn )

( @jjuhasz2510 )
@ElfReich bring back the phrase “very White of you”

( @Vernon_Wormer )
@ElfReich The "far right" have always been the right. The left moved, the right didn't. The farness of the right was not caused by the right, it was caused by the left moving away from the right. Yet, the left uses the distance they created to stigmatize the right.

( @Fungus_Man )
@ElfReich What is "far-right"? The left has gone so extremely left (full blown communist) that even moderate centrists are basically considered neo-nazis if they don't want their kids dicks chopped off.

( @Samisdat14 )

*picture of Adolf Hitler*

( @ReichsgauVlaanderen )
@ElfReich i'm unappologetically a national socialist and the greatest european man who ever existed was Adolf Hitler. Also Christ is king.

Undisclosed Source/Kerry Cassidy #ufo #magick #conspiracy #racist projectcamelotportal.com

The whole subject of “Walki-ns” or substitutes which at present are a serious problem in our government and many governments of the world. This complex phenomena poses many complicated issues such as actual identification of who is actually what and who do the officials actually serve.

Take the Biden imposters for example. They are easily identified because they all look somewhat different, act differently and speak differently, and have not done one good thing yet and all their acts have been oriented to destroying America and harming its citizenry.

Some are short-lived clones that are programmed. These have no souls and eventually start to freeze and glitch.
Some are shape-shifters (Dracos) that can somehow assume the shape of the target and can walk-in and take over their life with the real one disappeared.

Some of the evil ones come from the “Old Black Euro Bloodline families” and were always shape-shifting Dracos, two faced (known as the Janus Principle as depicted in two faced ancient Roman statues).

Some have been human compromised and later “soul-stripped”. These can be identified by the person over time being easily corrupted, and at some point they lose their soul. Many of these are brought on board at occult initiation rituals that become increasingly evil over their years of their oath to satan they took. As their very souls leave them, they are often replaced with Demons (the wandering souls of dead Nephilim).
All walk-ins serve and also gain power from the Darkside, have been captured by evil and are helping to destroy and eradicate the human races, especially targeted are the Caucasians for some reason.
Most of this reality is so bizarre, so strange, so incredulous few of the public and few of the good guys in government could ever believe it. Most of the public are “deer in the headlights”. About 40% are hived using very high tech quantum particle physics called the “joint presence”. This includes many in government who are not walk-ins.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia thepoliticalcesspool.org

[From "White Americans Are Being Attacked"]

The majority of the population remains white despite 58 years of mass immigration of non-whites. Despite remaining a large majority, white Americans are not only being replaced but are being disappeared along with their history.

You no longer see white families in corporate ads. If a family is shown, it is a black man, white woman, and mixed-race children, or it is an Asian woman, white man, and mixed-race children. A white family has been given a negative meaning as a statement against “diversity.” Diversity has trumped the basis of a nation-state, which is a homogeneous population[…]
Ever since the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission created racial quotas in defiance of the statutory prohibition in the 1964 Civil Rights Act, white Americans, especially heterosexual males, have been second-class citizens[…]
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that race-based university admissions are impermissible[…]The ruling is a half-century too late. Discrimination against white Americans is now institutionalized. Blacks are a small percentage of the population, but they are over-represented in positions of power[…]
White people are being demonized out of existence, and they are helpless, despite being a majority in an alleged democracy, to do anything about it[…]
Museum curators, themselves white, present the works of white art in their collections as “racist works”[…]
White Americans are helpless to stand up for themselves because half of them – the blue state half – have succumbed to the brainwashing and indoctrination that white people – only white people – are “aversive racists”[…]
The statue of Robert E. Lee, a work of art by famous sculptors Henry Shrady and Leo Lantelli, stood in Charlottesville[…]
Why does black self-expression and celebration of black heritage require the elimination of white heritage?[…]
In 1970 the population of California was 76% white. The state was solidly Republican through the 1980s

@Skin__Nerd & @ImperivmEvropa #wingnut #fundie #racist gab.com

( @Skin__Nerd )
@Nature_and_Race I agree, though my main goal is for us to win. The best way to win is to be within the will of God. Paul was sent West for a reason. White people are divinely chosen by God to spread the gospel of Christ to the world. THAT is why Jews want us gone. When Whitey dies...... Christianity dies. The racial struggle is absolutely real, but a front in a larger spiritual war.

( @ImperivmEvropa )
@Skin__Nerd @Nature_and_Race It's not mainly a "spiritual" or "religious" struggle, but a racial struggle. The kikes don't give a damn whether white people are Christian or not. They care that we are a threat to their power, because their power is what allows them to continue to survive, and for the first time in history, also thrive. Because Aryans threaten Jewish power, it's an existential struggle for the Jew, and because they feel their existence is in jeopardy, they've turned the struggle into an existential one for US AS WELL since they believe that eliminating us is the only way to stop the biggest threat to their power, and therefore the biggest threat to their very existence. It really does have nothing to do with Christianity. Hitler was right about our struggle being a racial one.

( @Skin__Nerd )
@ImperivmEvropa @Nature_and_Race it's not an either/or. God created the nations and the tribes. When Jesus was rejected and betrayed by those who should have worshipped him first, they became the sons of their father the devil. There is supernatural evil in their intentions. We can Aryan all we want and lose without the spiritual strength to defeat their supernatural evil. We, not them, are God's Chosen.

( @ImperivmEvropa )
@Skin__Nerd @Nature_and_Race You sound just like them. There are no chosen people. There are people. The end.

( @Skin__Nerd )
@ImperivmEvropa @Nature_and_Race Without the spiritual basis to defeat Zionism, you will lose. The end.

( @ImperivmEvropa )
@Skin__Nerd @Nature_and_Race It's not just Zionism. In fact, Zionism is less of a problem than the Jews as a whole are, because at least Zionism seeks to take the diaspora Jews OUT of white lands (and all other lands), and to put them all in one place, which is of course Israhell. [...]

Jim Nelles #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy amgreatness.com

The left hates words, well specific words anyway. The left believes that words are hateful and that they cause fear. Per the left, using the wrong word should open you to ridicule, get you fired, or even put in jail.
The list of what we cannot say continues to grow daily. One publication has claimed that men cannot ask a female, say a hotel desk clerk, if he can speak to her manager, as it is disrespectful and implies a lack of trust in her abilities. And you certainly may never ask someone if they have lost weight, because you are saying that they used to be fat.

At the Los Angeles Times, reporters are discouraged from using the word “looters,” as it has a pejorative and racist connotation.
The Left is now also weaponizing words to prosecute those who offend them with speech. Per the National Institutes of Health, being misgendered can be an extremely hurtful and invalidating experience. The intentional refusal to use someone’s correct pronouns is equivalent to harassment and a violation of one’s civil rights. Continuing, EEOC guidance states that “intentionally and repeatedly using the wrong name and pronouns to refer to a transgender employee could contribute to an unlawful hostile work environment and is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
I believe in the right to free speech, no matter how hateful, ridiculous, or even obscene. The First Amendment is designed to protect the speech I hate, not the speech I embrace. That is why the best way to expose stupidity, hate, and racism is to give people who espouse such thoughts a platform to expose themselves. As former supreme court justice, Louis Brandeis once said, sunlight is the best disinfectant.

The Left should return to its roots as embracing free speech and uninhibited debate. If nothing else, the Left should remember what all of our mamas taught us as children, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

Once again, the wisdom of mom rings true.

@Bea_Trix_Potter #racist #wingnut gettr.com

@WarRoom @posse @SteveBannon @Miles #AdamBandt pushing the anti-white CCP/Globalist/UN genocidal agenda in #Australia SouthAfrica2.0 Adam Bandt ‘shocked many’ with Australian flag removal #AustralianFlagRemoval #WhiteGenocide 1 hours ago #skynewsaustralia #warroom #warroompandemic #warroompossee Genocide isn't only when they herd you into cattle cars. There are steps leading up to it: Dehumanization/Demonization is the 4th step in the 10 steps of genocide.
#COMMUNISM #marxism #marxists #australia #whitegenocide #southafrica
Willem Petzer
48.8K subscribers
South Africa government refuse pandemic aid to Poor Whites | Calls them Racist on SABC
413,380 views•May 13, 2020


Of course it's "Unavailable". Guess what YouTube is doing? #censorship #genocide

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
"I do not hesitate to declare that I regard the men who today draw the folkish movement into the crisis of religious quarrels as worse enemies of my people than any international Communist.

Whether consciously or unconsciously is immaterial, he is a fighter for Jewish interests. For it is to the Jewish interest today to make the folkish movement bleed to death in a religious struggle at the moment when it is beginning to become a danger for the Jew."

- The forbidden philosopher

Subversives start fights with other pro-Whites over Christianity/Paganism. These shills are easy to spot because they never go after the "one race, the human race" conservatives.

( @VictoryValhalla )
@Nature_and_Race Race first and last. We must put our people first, what matters right now is unity and victory.

( @Giovanni_Scipione )
@Nature_and_Race Hitler was a holy man, he still is.

( @John_Knox )
@Giovanni_Scipione @Nature_and_Race no he wasn't. he was a genius but he was no saint. Ultimately he was just a cog in the jewish machine. The jews wanted ww2 and he gave it to them.

( @Screw_Your_Optics )
@Nature_and_Race I'm just tired of being told by zealots that I'll have to convert or die soon and of the Hebrew Israelite stuff that totally ignores the OT as the historical account of why Jews are always hated that it really is. I think the original National Socialists were right in the religious reforms they attempted to try to unify Germany more properly.

( @Bran_Lateberie )
@Nature_and_Race Nah. Jews got kicked from 109? Countries. Who let them in?

Hitler’s greatest mistake was not following the jew money back to the Vatican Bank.

( @Bran_Lateberie )
@Nature_and_Race Name a Jew in power.

I will name the Judeo-Catholic who put him into power.

( @Bannedguy )
@Nature_and_Race since I'm not an international communist working for Jewish interests, I support temporary alliances between folks of different faiths to fight a common enemy. Now tell me where I can go sign up for the revolution.👁️👁️

4Chan copypasta #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut #psycho boards.4chan.org

Civilization cannot run without the blood, sweat and tears of young men. They are trying to replace (You) with migrants and eventually robots but migrants only work for one generation, second generation migrants have no connection to their homeland they all have a crisis of identity and the overwhelming majority cope with it by going along with the flow and adopting the stances of their peers. The west is now overflowing with 2nd and third generation migrants and they are with (You). Not to mention that the overwhelming majority of migrants are a net drain on the economy (see pic related).

The social contract has been broken and yet they still expect (You) a young man to contribute (You)r weight in blood, sweat and tears. (You) and many of your peers are choosing to opt out of this deal. After nearly a decade of this trend snowballing (You) and (You)r peers have become the biggest threat the regime has ever faced.

There is nothing they can do to stop it
There is no action they can take that does not reinforce and accelerate the trend
The last time something of this scale happened it was August of 1921. Nearly 20,000 coal miners fought 3000 lawmen and strikebreakers in the battle of Blair Mountain. It was the first time the US had ever been bombed by an aircraft and it was the US Military bombing its own citizens, they even used poison gas bombs. But this time there is nowhere to bomb, the group is largely faceless, instead of 20,000 its nearly 10,000,000. There is no headquarters to attack, there are no leaders, it is just millions of young men collectively coming to the conclusion that there is nothing in it for them.

They will call (You) a "loser", "low T", an "incel" while simultaneously demonizing "toxic masculinity" they have no answer and they are terrified.
Civilization cannot run without the sacrifices of young men it however CAN run without the contributions of women. Artificial wombs already exist, true robot workforces DO NOT.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Liberals are Xenophobic to the extreme.

Why else would they decry that all cultures must remain pure, and that no outsiders have the right to infringe upon their own culture. The common cry of "you're just saying that 'cause you're white" is about as xenophobic as you can possibly get.

I mean, the fact that trendy pan-Asian cuisine is the literal definition of cultural appropriation, according to their terms. Or let alone the fact that "Asian Heritage Month" is a thing, with the motto of "we love Asians, 1 Asian is as good as another!" But that's SOMEHOW acceptable and different and exempt from their holy judgement because it's a liberal inspired movement because ... well ... they're like orks. They can simultaneously hold 2 completely contradictory accounts of reality as truth and not think anything of it.

fuck it. Liberals are why humanity deserves nuclear holocaust.

Thomas A. Anderson #wingnut #conspiracy #racist amazon.com

More and more people are realizing that they are being lied to and cheated by those in power and that the representatives of the people do not represent the people. Large, global corporations and organizations are running our world. It is not presidents and chancellors who react to a country, but a few selected families. These family clans call the raw materials on earth their own, determine the price of gold and lend astronomical sums to warring countries. <...> This state of affairs has been deliberately brought about because, according to the wishes of the ruling family clans, the human race of the future will no longer need cash - and neither will many other things. But we humans are not only trapped in the financial system, but also in faith. The idea and necessity of a religion has been perverted and devilishly ingeniously used against humanity. We are modern slaves, that is the bitter truth. The countries of Europe - Germany in particular - are currently being overrun by immigrants against the will of a large part of the population and are being pressed into a financial and political straitjacket with payment obligations for huge sums of money. Is there perhaps a historical reason for these destinations? Is there a place in the past from which everything started? Are those whom we believe to be the ruling families - the so-called Illuminati - really the true masters of this world? Instead of living peacefully in a large family of nations, we live in fear of one another and wage war against one another. Cui bono? - Who benefits? All this is only possible because we do not know the true causes and the true history of our planet. In this book you will find answers - answers to the history of current and past terror with and on this planet, to the origins of humanity and the history of suffering on our planet. Illig's phantom time problem is finally solved and the world's calendars are explained in detail.

Joseph Jordan #racist #conspiracy nationaljusticeparty.com

[From "YIMBYs Versus NIMBYs: The Jewish Proxy War On White Communities"]

There is no greater litmus test for human liberty than the right to decide what kind of community you and your family live in. Since the advent of the Great Migration of blacks from the South to the Northeast, California, and Midwest, and later the passing of the Civil Rights and Fair Housing acts, white Americans of all political persuasions and economic statuses have fled urban enclaves for suburbs and, in more recent years, even further out to sprawling semi-rural exurbs in hopes of escaping the rampant violence and general state of decay and alienation brought by new neighbors

The primary strategy used to limit diversity in neighborhoods and towns has been for town councils to pass local zoning regulations preventing dwellings more accessible to minorities from being built[…]A very well-funded coalition of real estate capitalists, Silicon Valley billionaires, conservatives, libertarians and anti-white leftists who call themselves “YIMBYs” (Yes In My Backyard) are pushing federal and state officials to begin undoing single-family zoning rules in white communities[…]
For those on the receiving end of this internal migration, the news is grim. One 2022 study found that the value of a home begins deteriorating as soon as a single non-white household appears[…]
The American housing experience is fairly unique in the developed world and reveals an inherent flaw in heavily multi-racial experiments. In racially homogenous nations like Austria (95%+ European) and Singapore (overwhelmingly East Asian), the state builds heavily socialized housing for low-income tenants, and the policy is popular[…]
These influential YIMBYists are all Jewish[…]
YIMBYism versus NIMBYism, in other words, is a proxy conflict between whites and Jews

The Jewish advantage is overwhelming. YIMBYs are able to flood the press and opinion columns with their narratives while suppressing NIMBY counter-arguments

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #quack finalwakeupcall.info

Planet Earth has arrived at the most important crossroads in our civilisation. With the aim of enriching themselves, the globalists, with the help of the political establishment, have done great damage to our society, industry, culture, etc.. They are now panicking because all over the world their corruption is being recognised and confirmed.

Now is our last chance to save our interests and civilisation. It is now or never, by now the whole world knows that the world powers with their New World Order are bent on destroying humanity a.o. with Covid poison injections.
All octopus leaders of the Satanic Deep State have been eliminated worldwide. They are the physical top of the pyramid. They are the descendants of Luciferian Pharaonic rulers of Octogon who resided in Switzerland, under Lake Geneva, 6,000 metres below sea level, with one of the hidden entrances at CERN, the world’s largest and most advanced nuclear and physics particle laboratory. A second entrance is via submarine/earth tunnel which runs from Genoa in Italy under the Alps to their headquarters in Geneva.

Security at the top-secret CERN facility is the strictest in the world. So it is the perfect place to hide the top of the world octopus oppressors, the ruling elites with their tentacles reaching into every corner of “our” society.

The Octopus sprang from the pharaonic Templar Bankers in Switzerland with their 5th Column Jesuits and Freemasons as followers. George Soros and the Nazis are an integral part of the Octogon, and are also somewhat at the top. They form the ruling Oligarchy around the world.
As a result of their Covid attack, billions of people are already condemned to a certain, prematurely irrevocable and agonising death. Every person who has received the Covid injection, undergone a PCR test, or worn a face mask for a long time is certain to die prematurely, while three years is a generous estimate for how long they can expect to stay alive.

@AmericasMansMan #wingnut #racist #homophobia gettr.com


The #Media Tried To Steal #Marriage, And Now It’s Trying to Take Our #Guns.


'#Antiracism' (#AntiWhite) activist likens gun advocates to defenders of slavery

'#Enslavers' are still 'fighting for the freedom to enslave'

One of the leading proponents of the concept of "antiracism," Ibram X. Kendi, compared defenders of Second Amendment rights to advocates of slavery in an interview Sunday with "Face the Nation."

#antiAmerican #FakeNewsCBS host #MargaretBrennan, a #communist pushing the fictional #Juneteeth and #antiMarriage #PrideMonth asked #Kendi how he would explain the fake holiday to his 6-year-old daughter.

And - frankly, nobody cares.

America is the old world #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #fundie americaistheoldworld.com

Prophet Muhammed was from the Americas is a necessary post to demonstrate that Maurs/ Mu’urs and Islam are indigenous to the Americas since people want to make Islam, via, the double O European and African Moors, as the invaders, when we know that the Dum Diversas (papal bull) of 1452 authorized Christians and Catholics to take possession of Saracens (Moslem Maurs) and pagans (Hebrews) and subject them to perpetual servitude
Prophet Muhammed, a Blackamoor (Negro/ Naga), stopped at Coba (Koba/ Kaba) in Mexico to Pray (see “The Sheild of Prophet Muhammed,” as a Black man). Coba is an ancient Maya city on the Yucatán Peninsula, located in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. Coba is etymologically the same as Koba, Cuba, and Kaba (Kaaba). Prophet Muhammed of the Holy Quran stopped at Koba (Coba) or the Kaba (Kaaba) before he reached Medina to pray at a Koba mosque called Al Takwa in Mexico.
We know that Mexico was Southern Arabia, which means that Mexico is also Southern Saudi Arabia:
The Xi Anu People, aka, the Olmecs are the first inhabitants of the Americas, and they were giant Negroes with Asian or Oriental features. The Olmecs were survivors of the Atlantis disaster that occurred in the Americas, so they were not from Africa: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/ancient-china-the-land-of-the-orient/.

After the Great Flood, which I believed caused Atlantis to sink, the oxygen of the Earth fell causing everything to shrink down to its normal size. Over 10,000 years ago we had giants on the earth in those days. “There were giants on the Earth in those days” ~ Genesis 6:4 KJV Bible. The cause of the great flood was due to Mount Roraima, aka, the Tree of Life, being chopped down:
Olmec is also the origin of the word Mexico (Olmec =old Mexican), and Olmeccan (Olmeccan= old Meccan). Now that we know this, where is the old Mecca of the Olmec/ Maya? Guatemala was the Mecca or Wakanda of the Maurs (High priests of Anu) of Mexico.

Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

It takes a certain level of narcissism to be an actor. I know, I used to be one.

Add money to the mix and you end up with a really combustible combination. For instance, did you know that despite a very public actors' strike, over 110 independent movies and television shows are currently shooting? Those projects involve a number of A-list stars, including Mel Gibson, Kevin Costner, Anne Hathaway, Glenn Close, and Dakota Fanning. So much for solidarity.

While those projects are proceeding unhindered, hundreds of actors continue to march in the street carrying their little picket signs. It's been hot here lately, so actors picketing at Universal Studios took advantage of the shade offered by a strip of trees. That is, until the studio cut all the trees down, forcing the picketers to swelter under the hot sun. HAHAHAHAHA!!!
With those trees gone, thousands of picketing actors and writers retaliated by picketing on a stretch of freshly poured asphalt and chanting, "This is what democracy looks like!"

This is exactly what commie pukes chant when they take over a state or federal building. "This is what democracy looks like!" They chant it with bullhorns as part of an intimidation-by-mob-rule tactic.

While money is always an issue during a strike, this one might have more to do with Artificial Intelligence than anything else. Actors don't want to go the way of the horse and buggy. That's somewhat ironic because the movie and television industries have been at the forefront of White Replacement. Yet when the possibility of their own replacement suddenly looms, they shriek like little girls.
The use of Artificial Intelligence is an issue that neither actors nor writers are going to be able to negotiate their way out of in the long run. The reality is they are no longer needed and outside of a handful of major stars, all of them will soon be unemployed.

Maybe they can learn to code.

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