Donald Trump

Jon Voight #conspiracy #wingnut

It is with great honour that I say ‘God Bless America’.

Let us all wish this great land a healing from all the unrighteousness that is taking place. My fellow Americans, we are in danger of a Third World War. We as a family of One Truth must hear this now, look at this lie, this deceit that continues day after day. Can you not see this lie? We must all wake up. Wake up because if we don’t see this lie, this land will die, die in its freedom, its beauty, its opportunity. It’s supposed to be the Land of the Free, it’s far from this. It’s a dark web, a dark world but not for long because my friends, a change is coming and a new light will emerge. We must all see this truth and allow justice to take place now.

You see, the only way we can win these elections is to see the lies, deceit and corruption from the Left, the media and the Unknowns, who know who they are. Let us all come together and [inaudible] for true justice for all. Let us pray that the one President who understood truths and had the best interests of the American people, the American Dream, President Donald Trump, will return to the Presidency. He, and only he, can stop this swamp, this deceit and injustice.

My fellow Americans, wake up. Wake up from this bad dream and bring back life, justice, truth in the only land that’s meant for dreams of goodness, the Land of the Free, America, the greatest land, the greatest soil for mankind. And this, my friends, is where we must see the truth. Allow President Trump to rebuild our soil and out land so we can rise to her glory.

Much love to you.

Judy Byington/SGAnon #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #crackpot #mammon

The First Constitution of the United States of America Known as
The Articles of Confederation
Was Authored by Congress on Nov. 15 1777
President Trump Will Make a Special Announcement on Nov. 15 2022

Sabotage Threat:
Midterms Were Infiltrated
Trust the Plan
The initial plan from Space Force was to remove Biden in Jan. 2020 – but there were two nukes that were going to be un-leased on the American people if that happened.

Dates on the RV have been given that didn’t happen because of the need for Sting Operations to catch the Cabal.

2022 Election Fraud has been reported from all over the country.
NESARA was signed into law by Bill Clinton at gunpoint, but he refused to implement it, as did other presidents, until Donald Trump.

The Supreme Court sat on $16 trillion dollar slush fund to implement NESARA.

NESARA is a template for World Peace. It will completely remove the Cabal’s ability to rule over society.

On Feb. 4 2014 Trump signed an EO to implement NESARA.
The Trump Presidency was a legal coup against the Deep State.

The QFS will make corruption impossible – an extremely large portion of the wealth confiscated from the Deep State will be used in Humanitarian efforts.

JFK Jr. is alive.

Hillary Clinton died Dec. 31 2018 at 9:05 pm at GITMO Camp Delta. Trump witnessed the hanging.

Military Tribunals have taken place at the White House in Washington DC, Buckingham Palace in London, at GITMO and two other locations.

George W Bush has been executed – shortly after the funeral of his father.

Each of the cards at the Bush funeral contained a summons to Military Tribunals.

Michael Obama was a male.

The Obamas have been detained and saved for later Event.

Epstein is not dead yet.

Walmart has been bankrupted, with assets seized.

95% of the tunnel children have been rescued.

Med Beds are real and have been used on the rescued traumatized human trafficked children and their rescuers.

Balddog4 #psycho #wingnut #crackpot

Three poster in one day! I am on fire today! Anyway not spending a lot of time on this. I just want to point out, that if Trump was like Hitler, then why is it that people still talk bad about him? Why is it that the newspaper still talk bad about him.

I'll tell you why, it's because Donald J. Trump is not Hitler. Hitler silenced the newspapers and anyone that spoke bad about him was put in jail. And some like Hans Scholl and his sister Sophie were executed by Hitler.

So let me look for a similar incident with Trump… Hmm I can't see to find one thing that states that Trump is like Hitler. And I can't find one thing that shows that Trump executed people, that Trump silenced newspapers or networks. Trump refused to talk to CNN, but that's his choice. He doesn't have to talk to any CNN news reporter nor his he compelled to.

People need to stop with these false claims and false statements.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The FBI was paying a big time Russian informant (Spy) all the way back to 2017, while at the SAME TIME they were accusing me of working with the Russians in the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax. In other words, they knew their case against me was, with all of the money and man hours spent, a Fraud!

@realdonaldtrump They run the US like a third world country. The US government is a joke. Thank you Mr. President for exposing them.

@realdonaldtrump If people within the FBI don't go to jail over this, they got away with it. There is no justice. There is no respect for our government as it is.

I wish Trump had actually been pro-Russia. Russia is the last hope for humanity on this New World Order infested planet. God bless Mother Russia. Any young Russians who hate their country can come to California ( you know who you are you Russia bashing Russians on YouTube). All the Russians I've known who came here have voluntarily gone back. They realize it sucks. How many Mexicans or El Salvadorans or even more so Somalis or Haitians ever go back? Russians come and then go back. That should tell you something.

@realdonaldtrump The Trump vaccine helped kill useless eaters.

@WhiteMansBible @realdonaldtrump The vaccine was patented and ready in 2015, All Trump did was expose their plan!

@joelray59 @WhiteMansBible @realdonaldtrump And he promoted the Vaccine that's killed millions didn't save anyone.

@joelray59 @realdonaldtrump He willfully surrendered with Operation Warp Speed and fled to Florida and now is looking to defraud his supporters out of million$ AGAIN.

@realdonaldtrump communist country now!

Elon Musk, Donald Trump Jr., Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.), Dinsesh D’Souza, Sebastian Gorka, Mike Cernovich and other activists #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia

Hashtags including “PelosiGayLover,” “PelosiSmollett,” “PelosiGate,” and “Listen to the 911” appeared in the trending bar amid the proliferation of false claims about the attack and mockery of Pelosi. Several prominent right-wing figures pushed the false idea that both the attacker and Pelosi were in their underwear at the time of the assault, and that Pelosi knew his attacker and that they were actually lovers because Pelosi had referred to him as a “friend” while attempting to tip off 911 dispatchers as to his situation[…]
Musk on Sunday tweeted (and later deleted) a story from right-wing rag The Santa Monica Observer claiming Paul Pelosi was not the victim of a break in, but that the attack was part of a domestic dispute with a male prostitute[…]
Former first son Donald Trump Jr. mocked the attack on Instagram and Twitter later on Sunday, posting a meme depicting a pair of underwear and a hammer with the text, “Got my Paul Pelosi Halloween costume ready.” Jr. captioned the post “OMG. The internet remains undefeated”[…]
Trump Jr. on Monday morning tweeted out a photo of a hammer in a holster, captioned “open carry in San Francisco”[…]
Sitting politicians have also been mocking the attack. Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) tweeted, then deleted, an image mocking Speaker Pelosi, captioning the tweet, “That moment you realize the nudist hippie male prostitute LSD guy was the reason your husband didn’t make it to your fundraiser”[…]
Dinsesh D’Souza began publishing an alternate version of events on social media virtually immediately after the attack happened[…]Sebastian Gorka published[…]video “The Paul Pelosi 911 Lie…”[…]Mike Cernovich claimed news outlets are “hiding facts from the public”

various commenters #wingnut

spoilerFirst, they came for Alex Jones and you said nothing
because you did not believe in "conspiracy theories."
Then they came for Steve Bannon and you said
nothing because you were not a Trump supporter.
Then they came for Mike Lindell and you said
nothing because you didn't care about election
Next they will come for you. You had learned
nothing from history.

@Carryingmarine JUST REFUSE TO BE TAKEN.

@Carryingmarine Donald trump lifted the rug at the white house so everyone could see what was swept under it .now that rug had been lifted up so the world can see how truly corrupt it is. The world now knows the truth and no matter what the traitors who are in the white house say , we all know they must be jailed for the miss deeds and punished for the deaths of Americans and the political imprisonment and attacks on Americans who want to see this country free from thier criminal hands .


@Carryingmarine All in the name of fun and games and a paycheck.

That is what I call the people who voted for Biden. Welcome to our Fascist Country.

Congratulations for doing the bidding of the corrupt government.

Bernadette Repisky #wingnut

Evan Sayet:
"My Leftist friends constantly ask me if I’m not bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum. They ask if I don’t think his tweets are “beneath the dignity of the office.”

Here’s my answer: We Right-thinking people have tried dignity. We tried statesmanship. We tried propriety. And the results were always the same. This is because, while we were playing by the rules of dignity, collegiality and propriety, the Left has been, for the past 60 years, engaged in a knife fight where the only rules are those of Saul Alinsky and the Chicago mob. I don’t find anything “dignified,” “collegial” or “proper” about Barack Obama’s lying about what went down on the streets of Ferguson in order to ramp up racial hatreds because racial hatreds serve the Democratic Party.

The problem is that, through these years, the Left has been the only side fighting this war. While the Left has been taking a knife to anyone who stands in their way, the Right has continued to act with dignity, collegiality and propriety.

With Donald Trump, this all has come to an end. Donald Trump is America ’s first wartime president in the Culture War.

Trump’s tweets may seem rash and unconsidered but, in reality, he is doing exactly what Alinsky suggested his followers do. First, instead of going after “the fake media” — and they are so fake that they have literally gotten every single significant story of the past 60 years not just wrong, but diametrically opposed to the truth, from the Tet Offensive to Benghazi, to what really happened on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri — Trump isolated CNN.. He made it personal.

Imagine, for example, if CNN had honestly and accurately reported then-candidate Barack Obama’s close ties to foreign terrorists (Rashid Khalidi), domestic terrorists (William Ayers & Bernardine Dohrn), the mafia (Tony Rezko) or the true evils of his spiritual mentor, Jeremiah Wright’s church.

So, to my friends on the Left — and the #NeverTrumpers as well — do I wish we lived in a time when our president could be “collegial” and “dignified” and “proper”? Of course I do.
These aren’t those times. This is war. And it’s a war that the Left has been fighting without opposition for the past 50 years.
So, say anything you want about this president - I get it - he can be vulgar, he can be crude, he can be undignified at times. I don’t care. I can’t spare this man. He fights for America!"

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Why aren’t they going after the people that RIGGED the Election? Massive amounts of irrefutable evidence. They are only interested in those seeking the TRUTH! Third World Country.

@realdonaldtrump We're becoming a third world country because of the antiwhites, antiwhitism, and white erasure.

@realdonaldtrump Why would they go after themselves?


Why wont you shut up, murderer? You betrayed your own supporters and murdered millions with your operation warp speed. Get fucked you kike sucker.

@AnkokuKishi @realdonaldtrump Murdered Millions....good God your brainwashed as have no ACTUAL prove that millions have been sound like a leftist for fuck sake......GO AWAY BECAUSE YOUR IN THE WAY YOU FUCKING TDS FREAK!!!

@Liberty0rDeath85 @realdonaldtrump

Millions worldwide thanks to sucking the dick of big harma? Even with the fake death numbers around the world, if you add them all up, it will go over 1 million.

And theres no way we'll ever learn the exact numbers because of countries like Jaban, which have hid the numbers worse than even the US has. 1800 dead over here from the jab, but how can that be when i hear 5-6 ambulances a DAY? That doesnt add up, and even controlling for population size, there should be at LEAST 8000.

So yeah, millions dead and maimed, because orange bitch decided to push the jabs on people with warp speed. Keep supporting that murderer, trumptard.

@realdonaldtrump Why would criminals go after themselves?

@realdonaldtrump HELL! the GOP leadership is working with Democrats to do all this shit. Mitch McConnell has his nose up every Democrat ass. So does Kevin McCarthy.

@realdonaldtrump because you didn’t drain the swamp! Actually You added to it. Now law abiding citizens are paying the price.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

"There is a man by the name of Donald,” the voice on the recording says. “God said, ‘You have been determined through your prayers to influence this nation … I will open that door that you prayed about, and when it comes time for the election you will be elected.” Where are you? You’re in the Twilight Zone of the ‘Great Awakening’ of 2022 with Donald Trump as the chosen one of God. You’re also on Day 966 of 15 Days To Flatten the Curve, so you better buckle up.

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are watching politics, religion, the Bible, false prophets and wacky QAnon conspiracy theories all merging together in support of the re-election of Donald Trump who has been raised to a Joseph Smith level of homegrown prophet. Trump has now become something he never set out to be, the anointed one of God who is raising up America in the end times. Let me just pause for a moment and assure you that none of this is biblical unless you want to view it as a picture of the spiritual deadness and biblical illiteracy of the American people in the last days. Have you forgotten that Trump’s trusted group of ‘spiritual advisors’ include heretic Paula White and the 100% false prophet Kenneth Copeland? I may be wrong about this, but I don’t recall one, single Bible believer anywhere in the Trump camp. You are watching revival without repentance, preaching without sound doctrine, a call to arms without confession of sin. Spurgeon said it best when he observed that “A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats.” And here we are. All this and more on this special presentation of the Prophecy News Podcast on the eve of the most rancorous Midterms that anyone can remember. TO THE FIGHT!!!

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Breaking News: Mike Lindell, “THE Pillow Guy,” was just raided by the FBI. We are now officially living in a Weaponized Police State, Rigged Elections, and all. Our Country is a laughing stock all over the World. The majesty of the United States is gone. Can’t let this happen. TAKE BACK AMERICA!

@realdonaldtrump Dictator JOE Biden and his DEMONRATS' gang are an evil-doer, a warmonger,a cheater,a liar and an arrogant tyrant.

@realdonaldtrump Antiwhites are destroying the country. CALL OUT ANTIWHITISM AND WHITE ERASURE YOU TANGERINE.

@realdonaldtrump You continued to let the JEWS destroy us on your watch. You refused to name them as the enemy. Your children married them. You funded them. You are Zionist scum.

@realdonaldtrump They arrest your supporters but not you, Mr. Drumpf. Weird.

Nobody wants to hear from your Judaized pie hole anymore. :vomit:

@realdonaldtrump you are a grifting shill. You had 4 years to change it and did nothing. Then in your final year you lucked us down, installed medical tyranny and poisoned the world in warp speed! Fuck you!

@realdonaldtrump DICTATOR JOE and his DemonRats' Comrades-In-Arms apply their jungle law on innocent people, and political prisoners. The DOJ and FBI are BRANDON'S COMMUNIST APPARATUS!

@realdonaldtrump Finally recognizing the severity of the situation? We have evil men willing to do anything to destroy opponents and maintain power. They were allowed to steal the election, open the border, shut down our energy independence, trample our rights, destroy our military, deplete our strategic reserves, and now have goals to politicize all branches of government and legalize voter fraud for a one-party tyrannical rule. And while in power, they are abusing it with impunity thanks to the propaganda media. Even the Republican party is infiltrated with traitors (controlled opposition). America is at a crucial time in history. Will we preserve our Constitutional Republic or succumb to communism?

Lauren Witzke & Various commenters #wingnut #fundie

(Lauren Witzke)
We need more fighters who will stand up for persecuted Christians as @DrPaulGosar does in office!

@LaurenWitzkeDE @DrPaulGosar Christians? Just shut up. This is antiwhitism, they are targeting whites.

@LaurenWitzkeDE @DrPaulGosar Donald Trump told you this would happen if Biden was elected president and he was right!

@Gunsmith4570 There have been damn few things Trump wasn't right about. Unlike Dopey Joe and Camel Toe who have missed every opportunity for adequacy.


@LaurenWitzkeDE @DrPaulGosar

I knew you were fucking ZOG.

DePape, Greene, various Republicans #wingnut

[Article title: Attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband follows years of GOP demonizing her. ... yelled "Where is Nancy?" before assaulting Paul Pelosi with a hammer ...]

“Fire Pelosi” project [...] #FIREPELOSI hashtag and images of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) engulfed in Hades-style flames
Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) joked that if he becomes the next leader of the House, “it will be hard not to hit” Pelosi with the speaker’s gavel.
blog written under DePape’s name and filled with deeply racist and antisemitic writings — as well as pro-Trump and anti-Democratic posts — belonged to the suspect. In a single day earlier this month, the blog had seven new posts. The titles included: “Balcks Nda jEwS,” “Were the Germans so Stupid?” “Who FINANCED Hitler’s rise to Power” and “Gas chamber doors.”
“Sadly this attack was inevitable. Political violence is on the rise,” Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), said. “And instead of GOP leaders condemning it, they condone it with silence or, even worse, glorification.”
Among far-right extremist groups, the anti-Pelosi memes are often cruder and more violent, but the demonization of the Democratic House leader is no fringe phenomenon. Her face — sometimes adorned with devil’s horns or a swastika — was plastered on signs at all the national rallies that led up to the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol. [...] insurrectionists did when roaming the halls of the Capitol searching for her while yelling: “Where are you, Nancy?”
Greene liked a Facebook comment that said “a bullet to the head would be quicker” as a way of removing Pelosi as speaker
Mark Kelly released a Western-themed ad that featured himself dressed as a sheriff shooting at actors playing President Biden, Kelly and Pelosi.
Paul A. Gosar [...] tweeting an anime video depicting him killing Ocasio-Cortez, a move Pelosi instigated to demonstrate that advocating political violence would not be tolerated.
“... you have political leaders who have personalized this and their rhetoric is hot and inflammatory — it’s not contextualized — so when Donald Trump back during the 2016 campaign talks about beating the hell out of someone, he meant that literally and people took it literally,” Steele said.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
This is an invasion of our Country!

@realdonaldtrump They need to back to where they came from. America for Americans. Africa for Africans. Europe for Europeans. Asia for Asians. Stand tall and fight back!

@realdonaldtrump -- Remember who's allowing this invasion!

@realdonaldtrump Our country has been invaded for at least 20 years. We have to deport them all!! and their anchor babies!!

@TrueDepth @realdonaldtrump longer than that. The real invasion started in 1965 with the Hart-Cellar Act created by Jews to make America more diverse. As far as the souther border, both Republicans and Democrats have contributed. Particularly Reagan giving amnesty to 3 million illegals in 1986 that contributed to several million more later. And Trump signing in a law that protects asylum seekers, coyotes, and family/roommates of the mentioned.

@realdonaldtrump Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Don. You were Commander in Chief of all forces for 4 fucking years and did nothing. It was your duty to stop the invasion completely. You failed miserably! I won't even go into the vaccine bullshit that you spewed. You are one of them, and we all know it.

@realdonaldtrump treason. Pure and simple, and if Republicans do nothing or little to stop and reverse this, they are treasonous too.

@realdonaldtrump The government (leaders) need to be jailed and on trial for treason at this point. They are looking out for the well being or illegals over taxpaying Americans. It's a matter of national security.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The fired FBI Agent who was walked out of the FBI Headquarters Building two weeks ago, and who said, falsely, to Facebook and the Media that the Laptop from Hell was Russian Disinformation, has been a greater source in convincing people that the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged than even the tapes of millions of ballots being stuffed into the voting machines - “2000 Mules.”So they spy on my campaign, Rigged & Stole the Election, and go after me for doing nothing wrong. Only in America!!!

@realdonaldtrump XI. Now listen to Obama himself saying: "I was not born in Hawaii. I wasn't born in United States. I come from Kenya." Then call people he is able to fool as naive. He also told his audience how easy it is to lie to people and/or to be dishonest. Video is credited to whoever posted it on the internet.

@Joannjgpwwg1wga @realdonaldtrump Never forget Americans => Gay black Muslim Soros' puppet, Kenya-born 💩 🐍 Obama (aka: Barry Soetoro and Harrison J. Bounel) was never really the President. Soros, Jarrett (aka: Obama's Handler), Hillary Clinton, Biden, Brennan, Rice, Pelosi, "tranny" Michael Obama, CIA, FBI, and the NWO/Globalists/WEF were the acting Presidents during fraud Obama's illegitimate 8-year term. Obama is/was a fraud, fake, phony, and 💩 parasite. All of Barry Obama's fake background and records need to be unsealed now. @USA @DeSantis2024 @RealMarjorieGreene @LaurenBoebert @DrPaulGosar @wendyrogersaz @RandPaul @tedcruz @_JimJordan @TeamTucker

@realdonaldtrump Fuck you Mr Warp Speed. You're a piece of shit. You poisoned the world in warp speed. Locked American down while called them un-essential. While you funneled billion to the governor and hospital to expand the medical tyranny murdering Americans with fauci's covid protocols.
You continue to whine about the "stolen election" which you allowed to happen under your emergency declaration! Anyone who believe any of this happened by accident is a complete fool. You're a deep-state conman, a globalist shill. FUCK YOU!

Nick Fuentes #fundie #wingnut

Nick Fuentes[…]declared during a livestream Tuesday night that he is going to spend the next two years raising up an army of thousands of far-right “soldiers” who will be ready to take over the government should former President Donald Trump be reelected in 2024[…]
Those who filled the ranks of government under Trump, Fuentes griped, were too concerned about their own lives and the welfare of their families to be willing to sacrifice it all for the cause[…]
“We need to raise an army of soldiers, not an army of pussies that have the right opinions,” Fuentes bellowed. “We need to raise an army of soldiers, and if you’re meek or weak or you’re a bitch, you need to hit the bricks because it’s finished, that movement is dead”

“This is my mission statement,” he continued. “My mission for 2024 is to raise an army of at least 1,000 groypers that will infiltrate Capitol Hill and the Trump administration as staffers and bureaucrats[…]
“I’ve recognized my role,” Fuentes said. “I’ve got an audience of young people. I’m respected. I’m a role model, and I’ve got an audience of energetic, zealous Christian American patriots. My exclusive mission in the next two years is to get as many of them as possible trained, vetted, testified, fortified, tested, and plug them in to Washington, D.C., or various other institutions, plug them into Capitol Hill, plug them into the White House[…]
“It’s our job to create an entire generation, a true movement, a cadre of 50,000 people to take over the government and create a lasting MAGA institutional revolution at every level of government,”[…]
“We got to come back in ’24 with the vengeance,” he declared. “Not care what the media says, not care what your friends and family say, not care what anybody says. It’s got to be, ‘Trump 2024: Make America Great Again Or Else.’ Like, at all costs. ‘America First At Any Cost’

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Now that the FBI and DOJ have been caught in a massive and determinative Election Rigging Scam, are they going to change the results of the 2020 Presidential Election? They should!!!

I’ll be boycotting for obvious reasons!

@NguyenUSA Well, if you boycott voting for conservatives, then you better be ready to fight, because they will be coming for us.

@realdonaldtrump No, they won't, because we live under antiwhite tyranny. The antiwhite regime does not care for rule of law.

@14W @realdonaldtrump and Trump was part of it. Promised a $500b platinum plan for blacks and nothing for poor and working class whites

@realdonaldtrump You can't build a house on quicksand and you can't go into another election without fixing the fraud of 2020.

@thedarthvader @realdonaldtrump It's absurd to act as if our votes are somehow going to count in 2022 and 2024 when they didn't count in 2020. Trump was the president in 2020, and even with all the tools of the federal government and executive branch at his disposal, he couldn't stop it. Now we're supposed to believe he can stop it when Biden pulls all the strings? No freaking way.

@realdonaldtrump I hear Trump will be back by Christmas. What a gift from the Lord that would be.

No! From now on, they are going to cheat a thousand times WORSE! They are criminals!

@844steamtrain WAR!


@realdonaldtrump are you going to stop sucking Jew ass? You should.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
So much talk, back and forth, including from my many patriotic “defenders & supporters,” about our Federal Government working every seldom (or never used) rule and regulation in order to get and destroy, at any cost, President Donald J. Trump. Same concepts, anger, and Radical Left maniacs and RINOs who have been working the system of Hoaxes and Scams ever since I came down the “golden escalator” in Trump Tower seven years ago. They also have the same problem, however - I DID NOTHING WRONG!!!

Trump won re-election by a landslide and must be reinstated immediately!🇺🇸👌

@realdonaldtrump but more importantly, you have been chosen by GOD “for such a time as this” and His Hand is upon you.

You did do something wrong, you didn't rid the trash when you had a chance. You wanted to play both sides the field and that's a no win situation. Now, the people you thought were your friends want to ruin you and America. Sometimes in life you get what's coming.


Yes you did murderer. You pushed operation warp speed and have murdered millions worldwide you fucking piece of shit

@AnkokuKishi @realdonaldtrump TRUMP 2024!!!

@Mickey_B @AnkokuKishi @realdonaldtrump this guy loves communism just like Trump

@realdonaldtrump We know you didn't Mr. President!

@realdonaldtrump if we don't put Trump back in office there will be total anarchy in America. To much crime not being punished.

@Taratmay @realdonaldtrump Why would you want him back in office? He personally convinced millions to take poison. He should face the exact same justice as Biden and Fauci. Trump is right there with them, and we can't afford to make excuses for why it's okay for SOME people to push poison, but not others.

@Taratmay It's up to the citizens to punish crimes, because the cops are on Team Criminal. The big tip-off was when they stopped allowing citizens to do law enforcement in their free time. That was pretty early in the Communist tyranny game.


Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
It’s impossible to explain how great the people last night were in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. The level of love they have for our Country is both unbelievable and highly impressive—it is more than anyone would ever know. If the Radical Left Lunatics that work so hard to destroy our Country could just get a little bit of the love, energy, enthusiasm, spirit, and patriotism that we witnessed last night, our Country would go to the top of every list like a rocket ship.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Rally last night. It was a two-hour speech, and the only disappointment was that they were screaming, “Please, please, go longer.” They love our Country, and I love them!

@realdonaldtrump When are you going to give some energy and enthusiasm to getting the January 6th prisoners released?


He's monitoring the situation of pardoning them now!


@realdonaldtrump Antiwhites will largely never change, they are motivated by jealousy and envy. You need to support White Wellbeing.

Notice that the TROLLS only come out of hiding when it’s Trump that has something to say…not the decepticon, illegitimate Biden? You trolls are pretty funny to think A) we can’t see you and B) we give a crap what you have to say. 😂. How does it feel to know your only upvotes are from other trolls? 😂😂😂 You people are the best joke of the day.

@Peanutbutterandjelly perhaps they're not trolls, but good Americans who don't want swamp creatures with death jab and booster coursing through his veins , telling us how great the shots are and how only he could get them out en masses.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
No President has done more for Israel than I have. Somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than the people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S. Those living in Israel, though, are a different story - Highest approval rating in the World, could easily be P.M.! U.S. Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel - Before it is too late!

@realdonaldtrump You care more about Israel than the US. F*ck off.

@GataJ @realdonaldtrump Trump is so eager to broadcast just how much he doesn't care about any of us, and yet half the population of Gab would still jump on a grenade (or get another Trump vaxx booster) to save him. It's unreal. HE TELLS YOU EVERY DAY HOW HE'S BETRAYING YOU, folks.

@realdonaldtrump Go fuck yourself faggot.

@realdonaldtrump -- Stop bowing to the Jews. They're going to hate you, no matter how much you do or don't do for them.

Tell the Jews to fuck off.

@Nature_and_Race @realdonaldtrump FUCK OFF JEWS!

@Nature_and_Race @realdonaldtrump That is true. Americans died going over to Germany and freeing them. Instead of gratitude, they are out to wipe out the White race and turn America into a communist outpost of the globalist.

@Nature_and_Race @realdonaldtrump too late now, it's in his bloodline

@realdonaldtrump Your allegiance to Israel is one of the reasons I won't vote for you again.

@CharitySlaughter @realdonaldtrump that......and massive govt spending......and gun control......and govt lockdowns.....and the vaccines......and the whole "lock her up" thing that never happened

@realdonaldtrump Zionism is the single greatest threat that humanity faces. Doesn’t have to be Zionist Jews specifically, but I can’t think of a more prolific group of Zionists.

@Imstartingtobelieve No, it's just Jews.


Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Wow! Fox News is really pushing the Democrats and the Democrat agenda. Gets worse every single day. So many Dems interviewed with only softball questions, then Republican counterparts get creamed. RINO Karl Rove is unwatchable, very negative, and on all the time - Has a big record of losing! Not an easy place to be as a Republican, especially with all of the “pervert” purchased ads. If “low ratings” CNN ever went Conservative, they would be an absolute gold mine, and I would help them to do so!

@realdonaldtrump -- That's because fox news is just like CNN. Both controlled by the same group of people.

@realdonaldtrump I can't believe Fox has an audience after their participation in the Election Fraud of 2020.

@realdonaldtrump pretty sure you know Tucker is a double agent by now. Right?

@realdonaldtrump Karl Rove is a Bush deep state SNAKE. I have been DONE with Fox since the election, other than Tucker, Bongino and Levin, depending on who his guests are

@realdonaldtrump sorry to say, but we need a 3rd party, The MAGA Party. Let the RINOS have their Republican Party. It is time!



@Teamsaveamerica #wingnut

We weren’t “homophobic” until you started messing with our children.

We weren’t “racist” until you started calling America and Americans irredeemable and deplorable.

We weren’t “fascists” until you started shutting down our free speech and banning us off the internet and social media.

We weren’t “Nazis” until you started assaulting us in the streets and physically attacking our rallies & protests.

We weren’t “bigots” until you started denying biological facts and rewriting the dictionary.

We weren’t “violating community guidelines” until after Donald Trump won the 2016 election.

We weren’t “offensive” until you started canceling everyone that was different than you.

We weren’t “misogynists” & “sexists” until women started murdering babies up to the moment of birth & even after, getting body counts in the hundreds, and making Only Fans.

We weren’t “conspiracy theorists” until you murdered Jeffrey Epstein in the most secure prison in the world and called it a suicide.

We weren’t “a threat to democracy” until after you burned our country to the ground for 5 months straight, held the entire country hostage using Covid, literally changed the election rules during election season without authority to do so, rigged Big Tech & social media to commit mass election interference (more election interference than in all of recorded history combined) everyday, illegally covered up the Hunter Biden laptop during election season, sent out ballots everywhere - even to empty lots, hired thousands of illegal mules during an election, stopped the vote count, and deplatformed the sitting President of the United States off all social media.

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

(submitters note: Memo by Donald Trump towards The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol)

Dear Chairman Thompson,


The same group of Radical Left Democrats who utilized their Majority position in Congress to create the fiction of Russia, Russia, Russia, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, the $48 Million Mueller Report (which ended in No Collusion!), Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, the atrocious and illegal Spying on my Campaign, and so much more, are the people who created this Committee of highly partisan political Hacks and Thugs whose sole function is to destroy the lives of many hard-working American Patriots, whose records in life have been unblemished until this point of attempted ruination. The double standard of the Unselects between what has taken place on the “RIGHT,” and what has taken place with Radical Left, lawless groups such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and others, is startling and will never be acceptable, even to those who will be writing the history of what you have done to America.

This memo is being written to express our anger, disappointment, and complaint that with all of the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on what many consider to be a Charade and Witch Hunt, and despite strong and powerful requests, you have not spent even a short moment on examining the massive Election Fraud that took place during the 2020 Presidential Election, and have targeted only those who were, as concerned American Citizens, protesting the Fraud itself. Those who committed the Fraud, thereby having created the Crime of the Century, go unblemished and untouched, but those who fought the Crime have suffered a fate that was unthinkable just a short time ago. We have a two-tier system of Justice in the United States that cannot be allowed to continue. A Majority of people in our Country say that the Presidential Election of 2020 was determinatively dishonest, including the fact that many Legislatures were overridden by local and State politicians and judges on vital regulations and requirements, which is totally illegal and UNCONSTITUTIONAL. In February 2021, Time Magazine broke the story of the shadow campaign that was launched to rig the 2020 Presidential Election.
The authors write:

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The FBI is totally corrupt. They blatantly used their power to get a cognitively impaired Democrat elected President - In TWO Elections. THEY SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN and now, BROKE INTO MY HOME, using a Radical Left Trump Hating Magistrate to grant approval, and indiscriminately STOLE everything within reach, including my Passports. They even “riffled” through the First Lady’s closets, dresses and drawers. They are an out of control group of highly partisan “mobsters,” a real threat to democracy!

@realdonaldtrump Hmm, maybe you should have done something about the FBI during your four years as president, rather than just focusing all your efforts towards giving free shit to niggers and Israel.



@realdonaldtrump The FBI is a national police force. The U.S. Constitution does not empower the Federal Government to establish a national police force. The FBI is an unconstitutional body that must be abolished!

@DanHunt @realdonaldtrump they are the new NKVD


@realdonaldtrump Abolish the FBI and ALL the alphabet agencies!


@AudioArcher @realdonaldtrump we are neither. We are the corporation doing business as the United States of America and have been since 1871. But they'll Pat you on the head until you're a good boy girl whatever for believing that this is still a constitutional republic. It is not. It is a corporation with shareholders and you are not one of the shareholders.

@realdonaldtrump The FBI, CDC, NIH and IRS should be defunded.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Biden has likened every MAGA Republican and Trump supporter to a domestic terrorist.

Republicans must be proactive.

We must dismantle the corrupt FBI and fire the deep state.

@DrPaulGosar Biden is antiwhite, the FBI are antiwhites, the deep state are antiwhites.

@DrPaulGosar But the republicans have a history of being afraid to stand up. Only Donald Trump had the balls to stand up.

@DrPaulGosar Goodluck with that
This speech was written and approved by Israel which 99.99% of the GOP worships also.
So nothing will happen

@DrPaulGosar Fire the deep state? Who is that exactly? Who will you fire? Name them. Will this include all of the degenerate, depraved and immoral pukes in congress? Tell us how you are going to accomplish this now that the communists are in power. Be specific because you Republicans are notoriously vague and almost never follow through.

@DrPaulGosar Dictator JOE Biden and his DEMONRATS' gang are an evil-doer, a warmonger,a cheater,a liar and an arrogant tyrant.

@DrPaulGosar Weird how the 'domestic terrorists' tend to attack citizens where they are most vulnerable but the government where they are most fortified. 🤔

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
If you look at the words and meaning of the awkward and angry Biden speech tonight, he threatened America, including with the possible use of military force. He must be insane, or suffering from late stage dementia!

@realdonaldtrump "Too much of what's happening in our country today is not normal." -Joe Biden

@MistahLarry @realdonaldtrump faghots deseve head bullets aimed at their necks dnsoul.

@MistahLarry @realdonaldtrump two degenerate kikes...this is what most of them behave like behind closed doors

It's time that the ethnic group, aka kikes, who are so inbred that they have over 40% mental illness, be deported

These mentally ill crazy people can not be trusted, send them all to isn't real and make them stay amongst their own kike kind

It's the only viable option to deal with them other then "eradicate their DNA from existence" but too many fucking cowards on this planet who won't fight for their continued existence for that to work

Realize this Biden "speech" is designed to anger Trump supporters and bait people into doing something stupid- don't fall for it- they want a reason to cancel the midterms because they know after the midterms that's the end of the whole deep state con. They are the minority. They are the extremists.

@Mythbuster @realdonaldtrump Imo, they want MAGA peeps to become violent. The pResident naming MAGA peeps terrorists puts targets on their backs. They will be attacked, threatened, killed, thus forcing the hands of MAGA who are in large part, most of the gun owners. Can't take down a country where most of the opposition is armed and can defend themselves.....

@realdonaldtrump Biden knows that he is illegitimate and most of America hates him for his corruption and America hating policies.

This is what a speech after a coup looks like: a president flanked by uniformed soldiers and bathed in red light as he delivers an address that every network must carry.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The fired agent who was just escorted out of the FBI headquarters is the person who got the FBI to do a Raid on a home, Mar-a-Lago, that has “stirred” the World and created anger and hostility toward the FBI and DOJ the likes of which have perhaps never been seen in our Country before. The “Special Agent” In Charge of the unprecedented and unnecessary Raid and Break In of Mar-a-Lago, who concealed the partisan nature of evidence to secure the FBI’s approval to open an investigation into the 45th President in the first place, was also involved in the hiding and suppressing from the Public and the Media, the “Laptop from Hell,” the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, and so much more!

@realdonaldtrump Mr. President, let's talk a minute about Operation Warp Speed. Your hesitancy to own up to your poor judgment or worse concerns me. Kids are dying. Why not come clean, say pharma deceived you, whatever. I think people are starting to see the real you, and I don't think they like what they see. You can be forgiven, but you need to step up to the plate and own what you have done (not brag about it). I know that's hard if not impossible for you to do. Are you too compromised? Corrupt? Just have bad judgment? What's up? You will give account to the Lord Jesus Christ, are you ready for that?

@Alethinos @realdonaldtrump Trump believed, naively for sure, his health experts, especially fauci. Little did he know the little elf was the one who helped design the virus and I'm sure was in on the order to release it to try to unseat an economy that was punishing his partners the Chinese, and would certainly meant a difficult time of stealing the election from him.

If only you had drained the swamp and secured our elections...

Tommy Tuberville #racist

Saturday’s Donald Trump rally in Nevada naturally featured some extremist comments, chief among them a false—and racist—tirade from Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), who claimed that Democrats are in favor of “reparations” because they are “pro-crime.” Tuberville’s speech also called for an end to food stamps, education reform, and closing the border. “No, they’re not soft on crime, they’re pro-crime. They want crime!” Tuberville said to the fringe crowd. “They want reparations because they think the people who do the crime are owed that. Bullshit!” The remarks at an event intended to promote Stop the Steal loons like Adam Laxalt, a Senate candidate, drew the ire of an army of critics on social media. Among them was MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough, who likened the Alabama senator’s comments to the rhetoric of segregationist figures like George Wallace and Lester Maddox.

Helgard Müller #fundie #wingnut #dunning-kruger

President Donald J. Trump, The Son of Man - The Christ

During the presidency of President Donald Trump, it became evident to me that the prophecies about the Son of Man, as predicted by Jesus in the Bible were, to a significant extent, fulfilled at the hands of Mr Trump. The Bible speaks about two different Christs-or Messiahs. Jesus, the Son of God is the one Christ, whereas the Son of Man is the other. Jesus always referred to the Son of Man in the third person. The greatest distinction or significance between the Son of Man and the Son of God (the Lamb) is their respective positions at the throne of God. There are numerous differences between the Son of God and the Son of Man, but overall, people read these scriptures and they do not realize that the Son of God (the Lamb) stands in front of the throne of God, whereas the Son of Man, is positioned on the right hand of God. Jesus spoke about two different killings in the four gospels of the New Testament. People read these scriptures and are unaware that Jesus (the Son of God) predicted his own killing in the first person, as opposed to the several prophecies that He made in respects to the Son of Man who will be crucified. The New Testament speaks about "two Kings;" Jesus, the Son of God, is the "King of the Jews," whereas the Son of Man is the "King of Kings" who will be a world-ruler, and He will rule all the nations (the tribes) of the earth with a rod of iron. This book will explain in depth how "Donald John Trump's" full name literally means: "The Ruler of the World, graced by Yahweh (the LORD) and a descendant of a Drummer." Upon reading this book, the reader will be captivated when they realize how President Donald John Trump fulfilled most of the prophecies as the Son of Man. It speaks about End Time Prophecies and Biblical revelations regarding "President Donald J. Trump, the Son of Man. The Christ."

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

Republicans are mad they couldn’t cancel student debt for blacks only.

Wait till they find out they've already paid for all the jews in israel. They'll forget all about the niggers.

...And give free tuition to border jumpers.

@Halp Dump tried with his 500, 000, 000 Platinum plan for niggers.

@Halp Definitely. Republicucks are the REAL nigger-lovers.

@brextremist @Halp

@Halp One of the cornerstones of our society is that if a person takes on a debt, then they are responsible to pay it off in full. I object to any student loan forgiveness, we took out loans for my wife and paid them off in full. Race is not in this equation. We are all going to be saddled with their loans.

@BryanRocker @Halp Hilariously retarded, you're nigger food.

@BryanRocker @Halp

"Yall better pay them jews back for the money you borrowed that they created out of thin air!!!"

@BryanRocker @Halp One of the cornerstones of our society is giving handouts to niggers.

@BryanRocker @Halp Jew spotted.

Sure. I fucking worked hard my whole life because I couldn't afford college, so I went to work! Now I get to pay for the fucks who CHOSE to go??? I'll be charging more for my trade school expertise.

@GirlPlumber I seem to recall the Donald Trump cult and the Republican Party cheering on Trumps platinum plan for niggers. I watched in utter shock and amazement watching them support it and this was after niggers were given impunity from trump to terrorize whites. @Halp

They'll just have to settle for Israeli jews...

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The Justice Department and FBI are “leaking” at levels never seen before - and I did nothing wrong!!!



@realdonaldtrump Keep hangin' tough Mr President!


@cinjans @realdonaldtrump why is it always old women who love trump

You didn't do enough to stop the antiwhites while you were in office, that's what you did wrong.

@realdonaldtrump We've been leaking here at Gab too! We like to leak info about all the damage your poison clot shot is doing to good Americans. Some of them forced to take it to keep their jobs. We know you care as much about them as you do the Jan 6 protestors that you fooled into going to jail. I see you Trump. You're one of them.. What do they have on you? Is it an Epstein tape? How can you sleep at night, traitor?

Henry Makow PhD #racist #conspiracy #wingnut

What is Donald Trump's place in the big picture?

Trump is a Freemason and probably a crypto Jew. He is surrounded by Jews. The Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) goal is the reduction of the human race (goyim) to the status of domestic animals serving them.

The Illuminati advance this agenda through mind control (mass media, education) and war. They can't subjugate humanity alone; they need the goyim to destroy each other.

Thus, they have developed a tag team to promote war. On the one hand, we have the Communist Jews ("globalists") who attack the goyim by undermining their national, religious (moral), racial and family (gender) identity.

On the other hand, are the Fascists, Nazis or Zionist ("nationalist") Jews, who seem to defend the goyim from this onslaught. Trump won the election by appealing to the latter demography.

From a different angle, we have a conflict between philo-Semitic Masonic Jews (Communists) and "anti-Semitic" Masonic Jews (Fascists, Nazis, Zionists.) While claiming to defend Jews, Zionism uses anti-Semitism (and false flag terror) to coerce Jews into serving their megalomaniacal agenda.
What does "tomorrow's world" look like? If present trends continue, the Northern hemisphere will be a pile of radioactive ruins. Putin, like Stalin, is a nationalist. I see Russia China and Iran facing the "Zionist" West.

Communism is a monopoly of power, money and culture by the cabalist central bankers. This monopoly requires the dissolution of "all collective forces except our own." (Protocols of Zion, 16.4) As I said, these collective forces are race, religion, nation and family (gender.) Hence we have a conflict between Communism and Nationalism, which appears to be backed by Zionism. The question is, can we trust our defender?

Trump has answered this question. Zionism can quickly pivot to embrace the goals of Communism (war) because they are both cut from the same Masonic cloth and ultimately stand for the same thing. Masonic Jewish central bank tyranny.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The Democrats have Mitch McConnell and his lovely wife, Elaine “Coco” Chao, over a barrel. He and she will never be prosecuted, as per the last paragraphs of this story, as long as he continues to give the Radical Left the Trillions and Trillions of Dollars that they constantly DEMAND. He was afraid to use the “Debt Ceiling Card” in order to stop the most expensive waste of money in our Country’s history, to be spent on the Green New Deal, which will only cause one thing, a Depression. These expenditures are something our Country can never recover from. Mitch McConnell is not an Opposition Leader, he is a pawn for the Democrats to get whatever they want. He is afraid of them, and will not do what has to be done. A new Republican Leader in the Senate should be picked immediately!

@realdonaldtrump Trump NEVER mandated the vaccine . It was made available as a CHOICE!
It was Demoncrats who stripped you of your freedoms after the 2020 Election.

@realdonaldtrump Immoral McConnell is just a useful tool for the antiwhite uniparty.

@realdonaldtrump Donald you are afraid of everything. You are a craven coward. Remember when BLM was marching outside the Capitol and you ran and hid in a bunker? Coward! You know it and we know it. So, who believes anything different? Oh yeah, your stupid supporters. But that's all. The rest of us see you for who you are.

@realdonaldtrump Mitch is just another bought and controlled puppet that bows at the altar of Satan. And that position comes with a mighty high price tag ... selling his soul.

@realdonaldtrump I don't understand how such a RINO/aka Communist leaning McConnell can remain the leader in the Senate when he should be in jail. Not enough attention is being given in any circle to remove him. Hopefully this will change very soon.

@realdonaldtrump Just a friendly reminder those Democrats had you bent over the barrel as well. You caved every time with every negotiation. You even sat on your ass doing nothing while those Democrats stole your re-election. You ran like a coward from DC when that "Deep State" hi-jacked your rally on January 6. Incompetent or complicit?

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The White House stated strongly that they were NOT INVOLVED, and knew absolutely nothing about, the political Witch Hunt going on with me, & that they didn’t know anything at all about the Break-In of Mar-a-Lago. This was strongly reiterated again & again. WRONG! Remember, these are the people who spied on my campaign, denied it, & got caught. Through the great reporting of John Solomon (Fake Pulitzer Prize?), documents reveal they knew everything, in fact led the charge - a political NO, NO!

@realdonaldtrump Don't care faggot. Fuckoff


@Dinduvius_Shekelstein @realdonaldtrump @Teamsaveamerica

@Special_boy @realdonaldtrump @Teamsaveamerica

@realdonaldtrump Jews telling us all Loving Christ is Hate Speech...

They hate white Europeans and they hate Christ...
White Europeans are God's chosen people... Not Jews... That is why they want us extinct with mass third world immigration they push...

Watch Europa The Last Battle

@Natsoc_united @realdonaldtrump

They really do hate us and Jesus. No good person would push for or support mass immigration. It's terrible.

Donald J Trump #wingnut

We have just filed a motion in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida strongly asserting my rights, including under the Fourth Amendment of our Constitution, regarding the unnecessary, unwarranted, and unAmerican Break-In by dozens of FBI agents, and others, of my home, Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida.

They demanded that the security cameras be turned off, a request we rightfully denied. They prevented my attorneys from observing what was being taken in the raid, saying “absolutely not.” They took documents covered by attorney-client and executive privilege, which is not allowed. They took my passports. They even brought a “safe cracker” and successfully broke into my personal safe, which revealed…nothing!

We are now demanding that the Department of “Justice” be instructed to immediately STOP the review of documents illegally seized from my home. ALL documents have been previously declassified.

We are demanding the appointment of a SPECIAL MASTER to oversee the handling of the materials taken in the raid.

We are further demanding that the DOJ be forced to turn over a REAL, without “plants,” inventory of my property that was taken and disclose where that property is now located. We are demanding that all items wrongfully taken from my home be IMMEDIATELY returned.

The wrongful, overbroad warrant was signed by a Magistrate Judge who recused himself just two months ago, from a MAJOR civil suit that I filed, because of his bias and animus toward me.

This Mar-a-Lago Break-In, Search, and Seizure was illegal and unconstitutional, and we are taking all actions necessary to get the documents back, which we would have given to them without the necessity of the despicable raid of my home, so that I can give them to the National Archives until they are required for the future Donald J. Trump Presidential Library and Museum.

I will never stop fighting for the American people, our Country, and the Rule of Law.

Make America Great Again!

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
A major motion pertaining to the Fourth Amendment will soon be filed concerning the illegal Break-In of my home, Mar-a-Lago, right before the ever important Mid-Term Elections. My rights, together with the rights of all Americans, have been violated at a level rarely seen before in our Country. Remember, they even spied on my campaign. The greatest Witch Hunt in USA history has been going on for six years, with no consequences to the scammers. It should not be allowed to continue!

@realdonaldtrump How about the rights of J6 political prisoners who are rotting in jail for you, you kike-worshipping maggot?

@realdonaldtrump the lives of the j6ers have been destroyed, file a motion pertaining to the fourth amendment on their behalf.

@realdonaldtrump What about the Jan 6 gulag you fat asshole?

@realdonaldtrump Yeah. The last time American's rights were violated this bad was when your supporters were thrown in prison and you did nothing.

It must be tough for you, Donnie...did those agents wipe their feet before they entered the mansion? Oh, the horror!

@Don1975 Trump sending his supporters to the Capitol: "And I'll be there with you". Never forget, never forgive.

@realdonaldtrump Some of the comments here are deplorable . I know it and you know , how the deep state is so entrenched in OUR government that it will take many years to drain the swamp .The DEMONRAT party own the media and every 3 letter agency in OUR government . They must be controlled by satan himself . This struggle is bigger than 45 , you shined a light in the darkness and the darkness comprehend it not....

@Speed455 @realdonaldtrump tell that to people who are being treated as terrorist for walking in the capital.

Laura Loomer & Various commenters #wingnut

(Laura Loomer)
President Donald J Trump has single handedly DESTROYED the Bush, Clinton, and now the Cheney political dynasties in American politics.

That’s why the globalists are working so hard to take him down.

President Donald J Trump is one of the most impactful and consequential human beings in our entire world history.



spoilerThe Great Reset, and ESG, are
in progess
it's about money and control
trump cancels climate
accords, and
makes the U.S. a net exporter
of energy
They're putting Trump through
all this, because if he gets
back into the Presidency, they
have lost 100 Yrs.. of their

@lauraloomer Yes! Let's get this party started for you, Trump, and everyone in the #AmericaFirst movement! 🇺🇸☝️

@lauraloomer He could not impart any meaningful impact to secure the release of incarcerated Jan6 prisoners.

@lauraloomer yes he is and so are you both of you have been banned, attacked by the corrupt media, and even attacked by your own party. You have a great future in the America First GOP party God bless the both of you❤️🇺🇸

@lauraloomer He's got to ditch the vax. I can't support him unless he does. It's killing us.

@lauraloomer Nope. Trump makes a comeback at the end of this year. We are NOT going to let a fraud election continue to destroy America. By 2024, nothing will be left.

Mastriano, Garlow, Greene and others #fundie #conspiracy

[New Apostolic Reformation, dominionist public prayer in preparation for the 2020 coup attempt, conspiracy by conspiracy theorists, call for holy takeover]

A week before Jan. 6, on a Zoom call organized by far-right Christian Nationalists seeking to reinstall Donald Trump in the White House, a man with a booming baritone voice bowed his bald head and began to pray. “We remember the promises of old,” he said, before invoking the book of Revelations and its account of the End Times: “We know we overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony and not loving our lives unto death.”
“God I ask you that you help us roll in these dark times, that we fear not the darkness, that we will seize our Esther and Gideon moments,” the man said, invoking a pair of Old Testament heroes who made themselves instruments of God’s vengeance. “We’re surrounded by wickedness and fear, and dithering, and inaction,” he added, “But that’s not our problem. Our problem is following Your lead.” Looking ahead to Jan 6, the man said: “I pray that… we’ll seize the power that we had given to us by the Constitution, and as well by You, providentially. I pray for the leaders also in the federal government, God, on the Sixth of January that they will rise up with boldness.”
The prayer meeting — one of a series of nearly two dozen “Global Prayer for Election Integrity” calls organized between election day and Jan. 6 — was organized by Jim Garlow, a prominent figure in the far-right New Apostolic Restoration movement. Garlow believes that U.S. government should operate according to biblical principles, because, “He knows best how government is to function.”
[... includes video link(s) ...]
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene identifies as a “proud Christian Nationalist” and Rep. Lauren Boehbert spoke succinctly of its aims in a June appearance at the Cornerstone Christian Center: “I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk,” she said. “The church is supposed to direct the government; the government is not supposed to direct the church.”
NAR adherents view current events through a lens of “spiritual warfare” — seeing a constant battle between Christ believers and their enemies, whom they hold are literally afflicted by demons.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
America has never suffered this kind of ABUSE in Law Enforcement! For the FBI to RAID the home of the 45 President of the United States, or any President for that matter, is totally unheard of and unthinkable. This Break In was a sneak attack on democracy (our Republic!), and was both unannounced and done at a time when the President was not even present. It was for political, not legal reasons, and our entire Country is angry, hurt, and greatly embarrassed by it. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

@realdonaldtrump The FBI is no different than the KGB. Stand up against poisonous Jewish politics


spoilerEvery single aspect of the Trump campaign funding is jewish

@realdonaldtrump Um. Innocent people locked up for over a year for entering the capitol building after being invited in by police comes to mind.



..........GO ON,DO IT!!!


@realdonaldtrump Trump did nothing for us while he had the chance. Voting won't save you.


@realdonaldtrump it’s the jews.

Name the jew

@ShaneWood Trump

@syndicatespeaker @ShaneWood Trump is cucked to the jews

Donald Trump #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday defended hosting a Saudi-funded tournament at his golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, by casting doubt on any connection between Saudi Arabia and the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Asked to respond to harsh criticism from families of Sept. 11 victims who are urging Americans to protest the Saudi-backed LIV Golf tournament, Trump suggested there was still uncertainty surrounding the attacks.

“Well, nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately, and they should have,” Trump said.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Oh great! It has just been learned that the FBI, in its now famous raid of Mar-a-Lago, took boxes of privileged “attorney-client” material, and also “executive” privileged material, which they knowingly should not have taken. By copy of this TRUTH, I respectfully request that these documents be immediately returned to the location from which they were taken. Thank you!



@jld61972 @realdonaldtrump There are no Biden supporters - only Trump haters.

@realdonaldtrump I have long said the FBI and CIA and IRS should be abolished.

@realdonaldtrump I cannot begin to express my contempt to all who have desecrated you in any way. The last few years have been torture watching them desperately try to bring you down. We, the true American people know the truth and there are millions of us, ready




President Trump,
Please gut the FBI, and all WEAPONIZED AGENCIES of gov't. Shut them down permanently. They are political, self-serving Uniparty thugs, who no longer serve any function for America. They are domestic enemies of our Constitutional Republic. Stop their...

C orruption
O verreach
P oliticization

T reasonous
H aters
U nhinged
G ov't
S wamp

@realdonaldtrump Time for the military to retrieve them.

@Desire_Peace3 @realdonaldtrump of course the military supports them so we must defend the military

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar

spoiler"THE BIDEN

@DrPaulGosar America would be a safer place without the FBI and CIA

@Footdoc @DrPaulGosar the last person to talk about dismantling the CIA got his brains splattered in Dallas


@DrPaulGosar #ImpeachAndIndict The Illegal Biden Fascist Regime Now to #SaveAmerica #DecertifyStolen2020Election "Manchurian Candidate China Joe Biden Must be #IMpeached & Indicted for crimes against American Citizens who support A FREE DEMOCRACY!! "We realize the power of our voices only when we are silenced." Malala Yousafzai #IndictTreasonusMikePenceForCertifyingFraudulent2020Election The little weasel only had ONE job as Vice President and that was to support his President Donald Trump & he couldn't even do that . "Those who would trade Essential Liberty for a little temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Benjamin Franklin #VoteOutAllTreasonoiusBastardRinosNowToSaveAmerica

@rpwarner @DrPaulGosar I agree just wait all these sheep liberals who wanted the Biden democrat regime will see when 87'000 IRS agents ts start victimizing everyone. That is what communism looks like.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Just received the strongest poll numbers I have ever gotten, and the largest amount of campaign contributions from the “people.” The public gets the “Scam,” but this time much earlier than all of the others!

@realdonaldtrump Will you denounce Israel and Jews? Will people finally wake up?

@Natsoc_united @realdonaldtrump

I'm not even anti semitic but just looking at it reasonably: why do Jewish people control everything and why does everything propagandize people to hate us White folks?

@LeonFrank @Natsoc_united @realdonaldtrump

Mass immigration is a great example.

Since the 1965 immigration act wages for average folks have been stagnant or have even declined while living costs have skyrocketed.

No reasonable and good person can be for immigration at these ridiculous levels.

@realdonaldtrump you murdered millions with the trumpccine

@realdonaldtrump what about the the political prisoners. 2 or 3 have been killed.

@Candymaker @realdonaldtrump If they're not Jews, Trump doesn't give a political rat's ass.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Number one, it was all declassified. Number two, they didn’t need to “seize” anything. They could have had it anytime they wanted without playing politics and breaking into Mar-a-Lago. It was in secured storage, with an additional lock put on as per their request...

@realdonaldtrump America is under seige! We need you Sir!!

@realdonaldtrump we know they are corrupt Mr. President. 2024 I pray you get re-elected



@realdonaldtrump I'll keep this short. Trump has been, since his announcement for president, the most persecuted human being that I am aware of, and I do not live in my parent’s basement. Yes, he has lots of money / resources but these marxists are trying to kill his wealth by a thousand cuts. I am proposing that nation-wide we begin a collection of CASH ONLY to be setup at places like bars and eating businesses along with drive by "fill-the-boot" events with ALL proceeds going to THE MAN who has placed himself between the Godless marxists one-world cabal and we American Citizens. These proceeds would be transferred into a secure bank account that Trump has sole ownership of so he may use the money for what he believes provides him and the nation the most security. Anyone out there that may have experience in setting up such drives please come forward so we can begin to make this happen.


Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Donald J Trump)

@realdonaldtrump Remove the Jew

Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

@R2002hh the bolsheviks killed 70 million christians. Hitler was right. Shove it

@R2002hh Are Barrack Obama, Maxine Waters, Eric Adams, Mazie Hirono, AOC, etc. Jews?

In the absence of Jews, would those non-Jewish communists not continue to rob us blind through the same government and central bank institutions doing it now?

People crying about Jews are controlled opposition, seeking to make the communists' enemies look like assholes, and social retards.

Don't be controlled opposition or a social retard. It doesn't help.

@Justice_4_Germans @R2002hh Government and central banks are how communists enslave. Those are the enemies.

How does labeling them all Jews help?

You're not serious. No wonder they're winning.

@William_Jaeger @R2002hh (((their))) golems are always well compensated with wealth, power and all the toddlers they'd ever want to rape. #HunterBiden is a golem.

@realdonaldtrump You're gonna have to stop the jews first, Donnie boy.

@realdonaldtrump the Jews are communists…

@realdonaldtrump your support of jews is countrr productive

Call out the kikes and the blacks and I’ll start listening again

Maybe you should’ve had this talk with your kids before they married jews


OratorBlog Information Warrior #wingnut #conspiracy

Ladies and gentlemen, it pains me to say this, but the evangelical base was swindled by Donald Trump and the globalists.

We all know that the term, “drain the swamp,” had an impact on the election. The words galvanized voters. They stirred up an emotional response. Why? Because the words offer hope that corruption would be destroyed in Washington, DC. However, for Donald Trump, “draining the swamp,” was never a part of his plan.

As you watch the video, you will see that this is true. Trump did not invent the term. The slogan was developed in 2014, one year before Trump decided to run for president.

The slogan was the result of Cambridge Analytica’s data mining weapons lab which discovered that the slogan got a strong response from voters.
This EXPLOSIVE video visits the hidden mystery of Trump Tower and looks into Trump’s involvement in the dark arts. It will also visit Trump’s interest with mysticism and mythical gods.

If you have wondered if Donald J. Trump is involved in secret orders, the evidence presented in this disclosure, will answer those questions.

It will also explain the origins of Baal worship and freemasonry symbolism
President Trump did Not Drain the Swamp, he let it Overflow and walked away to let it infect the entire Nation.

And don’t you dare call Me a Cabal Shill. I have fought for Truth and the Defense of America full time for 7 years without making a penny.

The ones who Are Cabal Shills are 90% of our Leaders. They never call out our True Enemies, nor exactly what we they are Really Doing. They Never Tell us What to do to Take Down our Enemies.

And that includes President Trump…

Don’t you Think It Is Damn Well Suspicious that President Trump Never Warned us about the Coming Great Reset NWO Dictatorship? Nor by One Damn Member of His Administration?

Now can you Guess Why DJT Likes 5G and AI So Much? Why He Likes the Transhuman mRNA Vax So Much?

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #racist #conspiracy #magick #wingnut

Operation Warp Speed was Trumps baby and he considers it one of his greatest accomplishments and routinely brags about having infected so many millions of people with genocidal A.I.D.S.-inducing, DNA-altering synthetic poison.

Donald J. Trump… “father” of the Covaids quackcine and Zionist / Jesuit pig. Those were his words. He calls himself “the father of the vaccine“. Another one of Israel’s hand puppets.

Of course do not forget about the Vatican and the Society of Jesus and their Black Nobility. They are the true head of the snake and videos like this one do too good of a job making it seem like it’s only the Jews who are at the helm of the world’s Saturn-worshipping, Kabbalah-practicing, veil-hiding crime syndicate. Zionists represent a very powerful sect but are not the only or even largest tribe within that crew. That being said, they still do indeed represent a huge chunk of the Geopolitical power players on the world stage and were a huge part of the Trump deception.

Even DeSantis recently publicly endorsed and recommended getting the vaccine! He’s another Jewish hand puppet.

Various commenters #wingnut


This is what we need to see from all of our conservative representatives!


spoilerThe FBI raid on Trump's home tells us
one thing.
Failure is not an option.
We must destroy the FBI.
We must save America.
I stand with Donald J. Trump.

@Teamsaveamerica 1776 was about destroying tyrants. today we have to again destroy tyrants, in order to preserve our Constitutional government and Christian way of life:

@Teamsaveamerica We must restore the US Constitution as the ruling Law of the Land. We absolutely have to turn back the clock to before the Omama FRAUD. ALL those judges must be thrown out. Their rulings overturned and reversed. ALL those General officers, such as Milly and Austin must be court-martial and imprisoned if not hung for high treason. And all this fucking madness from FJB and nancancer piglousy must be reversed.

@Teamsaveamerica it's military time to remove the dnc/rhinos/elites from all government agencies immediately for over throwing the election/government/usher in nwo and the release of a bioweapon upon the world to depopulate

@Teamsaveamerica There is NO reason to have ANY federal cops! NONE! We have state and local law enforcement. The ONLY reason to have federal gestapo is tyranny!

Andrew Tate #sexist

The controversial online influencer and self-described misogynist Andrew Tate has been banned from Meta platforms Instagram and Facebook

Tate, a former kickboxer and reality TV star, was removed for violating Meta policies “on dangerous organizations and individuals”, the company confirmed by email

Tate first rose to prominence after appearing on the TV show Big Brother in 2016, when he was removed from the series after a video of him beating a woman outside the show surfaced

Since then, he has garnered backlash for his posts across social media, which domestic abuse charities have called “extreme misogyny”. He stated on Twitter in 2017 that women belong in the home and that rape victims “bear responsibility” for their attack, after which Twitter permanently banned him from the platform
Tate has grown a following for his advice videos to men, many of them veering into sexist territory. On one YouTube video, Tate described himself as “absolutely a misogynist”. He said: “I’m a realist and when you’re a realist you’re sexist. There’s no way you can be rooted in reality and not be sexist”

In a statement to the Guardian, Tate characterized many of his videos as parody, stating he was “playing a comedic character”[…]
Tate was a vocal supporter of former president Donald Trump and has appeared on a number of rightwing podcasts, including shows like Infowars, hosted by the conspiracy theorist Alex Jones

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The FBI and others from the Federal Government would not let anyone, including my lawyers, be anywhere near the areas that were rummaged and otherwise looked at during the raid on Mar-a-Lago. Everyone was asked to leave the premises, they wanted to be left alone, without any witnesses to see what they were doing, taking or, hopefully not, “planting.” Why did they STRONGLY insist on having nobody watching them, everybody out? Obama and Clinton were never “raided,” despite big disputes!

@realdonaldtrump is great, but have you ever considered not voting for Jews and Zogbots?

Good morning to everyone except to the LOSERS who just want to sit back and wait for 2024. YOU Sheep are part of the problem! Thanks a lot. 😡
#Fix2020First #IStandWithTrump #Ignore2024


@realdonaldtrump the same reason they didn’t want anyone to witness anything that was going at at the polls on November 3, 4, 2020…

@realdonaldtrump no doubt about that they probably planted items. So for the record criminals running this banana republic, free Americans will not support any claims against President Trump because it’s obvious that they are purposely trying to destroy him ! Any evidence or any claims they bring up on media or social media will be only met with distrust and dismissal. Don’t waste your time. Don’t waste taxpayers time we’re sick of this shit!

@realdonaldtrump I believe Biden for once when he says he knew nothing about the illegal raid on President Trump's home on MAL.

Why do I believe Biden?

Because Obama gave the order.

Under Obama the FBI became more corrupt and lawless than any criminal or criminal organization the FBI ever investigated or pursued. The FBI has become the Gestapo, the KGB, the enemy of the American people.

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