Donald Trump

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

Let me start in a place that might be a tad unexpected. Before he ran for president the first time, Donald Trump was famously an anti-vaxxer. How did that Trump become the same Trump who became the “father of the COVID vaccine” that has so far killed millions of people? How did that Trump become the same Trump who started “Operation: Warp Speed”? Something changed along the way.

When Trump ran for President the first time he promised to build the wall, put Hillary in jail, drain The Swamp, and expose the Deep State. None of those things happened.
Flash forward to last night here in 2024, you are center stage at the RNC, the party nominating Donald Trump for a third time, and what do you see? You see the all-seeing eye of Horus from the US dollar bill, and you see the legend ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’ as the main graphic behind the speakers podium. It means “New World Order” if you didn’t know by now. If the Republican Party, united behind and around Donald Trump, is the party to defeat the New World Order, what are they doing promoting it on the biggest night of their convention?
Earlier today I wrote about Thomas Matthew Crooks, and the many head-scratching coincidences between what he is said to have done on July 13th, 2024, and what Lee Harvey Oswald is said to have done on November 22, 1963. Could it be possible, that the attempted assassination was an inside job, designed to propel Trump into office rather than assassinate him? Did they give him a shot to the ear as a warning shot to get in line? Is Donald Trump now the selected president of the United States, chosen by the New World Order to carry out their agenda? The clues leading us in that direction are stacking up almost faster than we can count them. The RNC is right now promoting the One World Religion and the New World Order while at the same time saying they are the only bulwark to protect us from those things.

David G. Brown #fundie

Hillary Clinton Pulls Out The Lie Book To Try And Stump The Trump At The First Presidential Debate

Monday night’s first Presidential debate, held at Hofstra University in New York, lacked some of the rhetorical fireworks between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton that many had anticipated. Still, the performances of both candidates confirmed earlier assessments made by Return Of Kings. Republican nominee Trump highlighted how America is continuing to lose out economically, socially, and in terms of its national security to other states and organized groups, including ISIS. By contrast, Clinton deployed a series of diversions and straight-out lies to bait again those perennial victims brainwashed by Democrats over decades: millions of blacks, Hispanics, young people, and non-SJW women.

The First Presidential Debate: Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump (Full Debate) | NBC News

(starts at 26:00)

The problem with Clinton’s performance is that she relied on “zingers,” as the mainstream media calls them, which are considered factual and superb just because she says them. They are either inaccurate or, just as bad, banal platitudes about “justice,” “fairness,” and “equality.” These feel-good lines are devoid of either context or proof. Compare this to Trump, who zoomed in perfectly on the cancers afflicting the US: deference to rivals and enemies, failing to ask allies for proper support, and a basic refusal to act in the ways that are best for America.

Here are three key areas in which the Trump-Clinton divide was most prominent during last night’s debate:

Hillary can’t shake off her globalist past—and future

Trump astutely homed in on Hillary Clinton’s previous “gold standard” description of the toxic Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) “free trade” proposal, support which the Democratic nominee claimed to have backtracked on only months ago. He linked this praise to her fawning endorsement of NAFTA in the 1990s. NAFTA, as Trump pointed out, has led to the erosion of American manufacturing and the strange situation where Mexico is allowed to export its goods into America with much smaller financial barriers than the reverse. The TPP promises to do the same and, when it comes to US based-interests, will only benefit transnational corporations.

Clinton was unwilling to categorically rule out backing the TPP again if elected President and avoided criticizing Barack Obama for wanting it implemented. She also said nothing of substance in relation to combating China’s extremely anti-free trade behavior, most notably the constant devaluation of its currency. In the context of a $20 trillion US national debt and trade deficits that balloon ever more, the likely Democratic inaction on this front is alarming and only surrenders national, rather than corporate interests. What she did do was to try to placate those wanting a welfare state, promising things like “debt-free college” and a minimum wage rise. But how can those she will get the money from, “the wealthy,” pay for both these shopping items and simultaneously pay down the debt?

When the topic switched to terrorism, the Democratic nominee refrained from discussing how ISIS began its rise when she was Secretary of State, an inconvenient truth she was quickly reminded about. Expanding on this bad judgment point, Trump alluded to a related national security failure of the “experienced” Secretary Clinton: the United States’ persistent bankrolling of other states’ safety at the direct expense of its own. The whole point of NATO is that it is an alliance, but America always seems to foot the bill, just as it does in its relationship with Japan. In response, Hillary Clinton was unable—or simply refused—to articulate how this is either a desirable or affordable state of affairs. This is telling as nationalist vs. globalist arguments grow more salient within the current American political discourse.

Gender pay gap madness

Hillary Clinton unsurprisingly brought up the gender pay gap, a long-discredited myth that ignores how women, even those employed full-time, work on average less hours than men. This political fiction, one perpetually drawing in millions of self-victimized female voters and emasculated white knights, fails to acknowledge the greater presence of men in higher-skilled and therefore higher-paying industries as well.

Despite the certainty that this kind of argument would be raised, Clinton took it to a new, far more delusional level by suggesting that women deserve the same pay for inferior work. She claimed that Donald Trump “said women don’t deserve equal pay unless they do as good a job as men.” He actually did not say this, as a fact check used in a [i]USA Today[/i] article illustrated months ago.

Yet even if he had made the statement, this is perhaps the least controversial soundbite, real or imagined, that anyone has ever used to try and discredit Trump. The falsely attributed words are one hundred percent in line with the idea of “equal pay for equal work.” If your work is not of the same quality as your peer, you should not get equal pay. How, for example, is a junior female lawyer who brings in less clients and billable hours than her male counterpart deserving of equal pay? What Trump did say is that he favors paying employees based on performance.

Necessary corrections aside, Hillary Clinton’s line is merely a prelude to the affirmative action she will unleash upon the American economy if elected. Having already implied that women deserve equal pay even if their work and performance cannot be described as equal, expect concrete legislation that will force employers to hire women over men, irrespective of their credentials, socioeconomic backgrounds (preferential treatment allows many Middle American men to be leapfrogged by women from privileged families), and the real requirements of the job.

Race-baiting— again

Hillary Clinton reverted to re-peddling the tired old fantasy that 2016 is the new Jim Crow laws era. Forgetting that countless non-blacks are in jail for non-violent offences, too, she falsely portrayed African-Americans as the victims of police harassment and racist hysteria over crimes that are not murder, rape or serious assault. To boot, she pushed aside the higher involvement of blacks in violent felonies. Clinton further outlined how outright (white) racism, not certain cultural values and black-on-black brutality, purportedly explains almost every conceivable problem confronting African-Americans today. Plus, she did not ever call out the truly deplorable rioters in Charlotte, nor condemn overall the opportunistic troublemakers that comprise Black Lives Matter.

Trump absolutely schooled his opponent, however, when it came to the astounding rate of violence in Chicago, Clinton’s city of birth. In a metropolitan area where gun laws are amongst the most restrictive in the nation, black-on-black crime especially has decimated African-American communities. Clinton’s crude racial politics quickly became stuck and the candidate herself appeared to be flustered. After all, Chicago, which Trump was using as an example of the general malaise of crime found across the country, is controlled locally by Democrats, like most major cities.

The desperation of Hillary Clinton, a representative of a party which has failed America’s minorities and made them poorer, became evident when she mentioned a racial discrimination lawsuit, not a finding of guilt, brought against Trump forty years ago. With nothing to offer blacks and Hispanics, other than the same old dud policies on a national and municipal level, she had to invent a boogeyman to distract people.

But the media still lauded Clinton

Regardless of her cheap antics at the debate, almost every mainstream media editorial from CNN’s to the LA Times‘ waxed lyrical about Clinton’s supposedly epic performance on Monday night. That sycophancy will only grow from now until election day. But if takes so much concerted, stooge-like media support to help her win, what does that say about her as a candidate?

Right now, though, we should be both proud of and amazed at where Trump is at the moment. Only six months ago, people were bellowing that he would still lose the Republican nomination. He could never ever win, the experts said. Moreover, just a year ago, his candidacy was considered a laughing stock by elites and nearly all supporters of the Democrats.

So who’s laughing at Donald Trump now? Not many people, and certainly not a very concerned Hillary Clinton.

Lawrence Mayo #fundie

Many people are under the mistaken impression that the political battle lines in America are Democrats vs. Republicans. Some even erroneously believe the battle lines are Liberal vs. Conservative.

But if you wish to understand modern politics in our country — if you want to make sense of the seemingly-irrational behaviors of both parties — consider the reality that the battle lines are actually Elitists vs. The People.

In 2014, Republicans were swept into office in the midterms, ostensibly to turn back Obamaism. Obamacare was to be repealed, or, at the least, relief was to be offered for the suffering the program is causing. Iran was to be denied resources for developing a nuclear weapon, or, at the least, slowed in that development. Obama’s penchant for going outside the bounds of the Constitution by sidestepping Congress with overreaching and illegal Executive Orders was to be halted, or, at the least, censured. Illegal alien invasion was to be stopped or curtailed, and violators were to be prosecuted and shipped back to their countries of origin.

Instead, the establishment Republicans re-elected the the Crying Cheeto John Boehner and Yertle the Turtle Mitch McConnell to head the two legislative bodies. As an aside: Have we ever had such freakish House and Senate leaders?. Led by those two feckless elitists, we got the following results:

On Obamacare, many repeal votes have failed. Most recently the Senate vote for repeal failed.
Per Iran’s quest for the atomic bomb, there has been no action by either party to stop an illegal “agreement” that went outside the bounds of the Constitutional treaty mechanisms. Though they claim to be “irked”, there is no followup action.
As regards Obama’s lawlessness and failure to heed the Constitution, no one in either legislative body has taken to the podium to denounce Barack’s dangerous behavior.
And on illegal alien invasion, not only are the House and Senate not forcefully demanding that illegal aliens be deported, they cannot even agree to deny illegal aliens drivers’ licenses and only barely rejected allowing illegal aliens into the military. Any student of the decline of Rome knows how bad an idea that would have been.
As a bonus — and even after videos surfaced that showed Planned Abortionhood ghoulishly selling the body parts of dead fetuses — the Senate blocked a vote to defund the ghastly enterprise.

The Republicans are acting in a manner most reminiscent of Democrats. It appears that there IS no difference between the two parties— none at all. That is what informed me that those are not the battle lines. That is not the divide. The two parties agree on most of the major issues we face today.

In the Republican grassroots, there was great frustration when the lack of opposition (by the establishment Republicans) to Democrat policies became apparent. There still is. There are murmurings of discontent on the far-left, as well, that the Democrats are only paying lip service to their important issues.

It has become quite clear that the real fight is that of Elitists against The People.

This explains the vigorous support and consistently-meteoric poll numbers that Donald Trump is seeing. Whether he is truly a Populist remains to be seen, but at minimum, he is speaking as one. This seldom-heard speech in Washington is appealing to a large number of people who feel ignored by the Elitist Party, be they Republican or Democrat. Donald Trump is even appealing to the Democrat-coveted minority population.

Ronald Reagan won as a Populist. He fought the Republican establishment, won the primary in 1980, and went on to become the most anti-big-government, anti-communist, pro-ordinary-citizen President in modern history. His sweeping re-election in 1984, capturing nearly every single state (including liberal ones), showed that Populist policies are popular even in liberal bastions. Of course, there will always be liberals that cling to Elitism, and those are usually the ones who favor Socialism or Communism.

I do not mean to compare Trump to Reagan in any way except to show that Trump’s populism is a winning strategy. It appears that — whatever Trump’s other faults, such as a recent political change-of-heart and his many personal issues over the years — Donald Trump does understand where the actual battle lines lie. His repeated disregard and dislike for the propaganda outlets called the ‘news media’, his brutal honesty, and his stated positions show a Populism that has not been seen in national politics for more than twenty years. This explains why many of us regard him as a breath of fresh air.

Elitists like Planned Abortionhood. That group helps to reduce the ‘surplus population’, as Ebenezer Scrooge once called it in Dickens’ novel. Elitists like Obamacare, with the Death Panels poised to deny treatment to ‘useless old people’. Elitists like Communism and/or Socialism, with its control over the masses and the tendency to gather wealth at the top. Elitists like big government and fascist police-state controls, to better keep the populace from rising up in anger.

Elitists like illegal alien invasion (and have encouraged it not only in America, but European nations), because that form of invasion dilutes national identities, erases borders, and leads the world to a nationless overall government. Elitists are using Islam’s threat to increase the police-state tactics in nation after nation. Elitists like Agenda 21, with the stated purpose of herding us into vast cities, where we can be more efficiently worked and better controlled.

If you have signed up on the sides of the Elitists, you have many choices, foremost among those being Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. If you are on the side of the people, your choices can be only Ted Cruz or Donald Trump.

Jim Garlow #fundie #wingnut

Pastor Paula White-Cain led Donald Trump to faith in Christ before he became a candidate for the presidency. At the time, White-Cain wisely never openly spoke of it. However, at a White House dinner in May of 2017, Vice President Mike Pence stated, "Donald Trump has prayed to receive Christ as his Lord and Savior," with the president sitting only about 10 feet away.


The first time that pastors "placed hands" on him to pray for him, Trump appeared to be shocked, looking over his shoulders at the hands on him, wondering what was going on. Months later, he would say to us, "lay hands on me and pray for me." He genuinely honors the role of prayer and has asked for it with increasing frequency.


He is frequently attacked for "character." I have observed politics and government closely since age nine when Dwight Eisenhower was running against Adlai Stevenson. (I know that is strange, but from August 13 of my ninth year, a "government anointing"—that's what I call it—came upon me, I have followed politics virtually every day since). I have never seen a nationally elected official so honor his campaign promises like Donald Trump. His critics cannot seem to understand that honoring one's campaign commitments is a demonstration of character.


How often have you heard someone bring up something about Donald Trump's past? The "Never Trumpers" obsess with this. Let me cut to the chase. Every person reading this has things from their past they wish they could change. Just because one has a "Saul" past, does not mean one cannot have a "Paul" present. The nature of the gospel is one of redemption.

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie

Wayne Allyn Root: I’m A ‘One-Man Army’ Who ‘Single-Handedly’ Won Nevada For Trump

Donald Trump-loving sycophant and ardent conspiracy theorist Wayne Allyn Root was a guest on TheDove TV’s “Focus Today” program yesterday, where he congratulated himself for having personally won the state of Nevada for Donald Trump in the upcoming election.

After declaring that when Trump is elected, his first order of business should be to pardon Julian Assange of WikiLeaks and award him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Root credited himself for single-handedly winning Nevada for Trump.

“I don’t want to brag too much,” Root said, without a hint of irony, “but I think I helped him get the state. I think I single-handedly was the biggest difference. I’m the number one radio talk show host now in Las Vegas and I’ve been the opening speaker at all six Donald Trump rallies with 5,000 to 15,000 people at them since December in Las Vegas. I’m the star columnist in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, my column is literally on the front page of the Nevada section every Wednesday and Sunday and every column has been cheerleading Donald Trump and attacking Hillary, so I think I’ve been a one-man army that’s won him the state. I wish he had a Wayne Root in every state, we’d win 50 states.”

Sadly, Root said that he has been too busy to travel to Utah and win that state for Trump as well by stopping the Mormons there from “making such a tragic mistake” of voting for Evan McMullin because, by doing so, “they could ruin the election and ruin their own lives for the next 100 years.”

Wayne Allyn Root Has Been A 'One Man Army' Who 'Single-Handedly' Won Nevada For Trump

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Whats Donald Trump biggest mistake? Alliance with Tall White Blonde Aliens? Aryans? Global Economic Reset and Gesara!

Trump's coming war against the UN and his alliance with the Aryans-Tall white aliens AKA White Hats Alliance.

The Reptilian faction George Sorus, Bush, Obama, Clinton, Bin Laden controlled Islam network vs Trump Ashtar Command, New Age, Global Economic Reset, Gesara.

5th Kingdome come.

Hello folks,

The background war continues between the falling Reptilian regime run by the Illuminati Nazi bloodline families such as the Pope, Soros, Clinton's, Bush's etc...vs. the Knight Templars represented by President Donald Trump.

It really is baffling about the news associated with the Vatican kicking all Masons out of the Knights of Malta since they're all Masons...everyone in the Illuminati is a Mason. Another thing is they make it sound like it's a Mason vs. Jesuit war when even Donald Trump's father and youngest son are Jesuits...Trump himself could be a Jesuit.

So if you're getting lost in all the rhetoric, so is everyone else.

So let's just kick the rhetoric to the curb and look at what's really going on.


The 13 Illuminati bloodline familes are Reptilians. Often called lizards as well, it's the same thing. These are the German faction dominated by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, and George Bush Sr. They are dominated by bloodline to the Reptilian-lizard-snake faction of Lucifer's fallen angels.

Donald Trump represents the new Regime taking over that I've always referred to as the New Age Alien Agenda. This agenda is represented by the Ashtar Command, Galactics, Tall Greys, New Age Ascended Masters etc..everything New Age. These are dominated by Lilith's offspring in space known as the Tall Greys. The Tall Whites are also associated with them...such as Mt. Shasta (Tall Whites).

So it's basically the Reptiles vs. Tall Greys.

The Tall Greys take on human manufactured bodies so they look human. This includes Sananda, Maitreya, St. Germaine, all the Ashtar Command, also known as Ascended Masters etc..

We're seeing the Reptilian regime fighting to stay in control of the western world such as USA, AUS, Canada, GBR, Europe etc...

However the New Age regime is establishing it's footholds and taking over with the election of Trump as president. It's a Regime changeover and the battle has been fierce amongst them.

The reptiles are kicking and screaming. They dominate the Democratic Party and Republican Party...which is why you see both of them seeming to work against President Trump. This has nothing to do with politics but associations and regimes. Most of the Democrats and Republicans had aligned with the Reptilians just to get in Congress and get their jobs. With their regime going down and the New Age taking over, alot of them see the end of their own careers.

Many working with the New Age Alien agenda are referred to as White Knights, or White Hat politicians, or White Hat/Knight news reporters etc..

The Illuminati bloodline fascists/socialist regime is now being taken over by the NESARA/GESARA platform which is the worldwide economic platform of the New Age regime's.

I have websites on it at [link to] and [link to]

You can also check out my many articles and videos exposing the New Age Alien Agenda and their plans for the world at [link to]

One regime has died, the other is rising to replace it.

As children of the Most High we should not be supporting either of these groups. Both regimes are evil, neither of them Serve the Most High...they all serve Lucifer, they're just different branches of his (Satan's) tree.

We are heading into the times of Great Tribulation folks.

The Antichrist and False Prophet are from the Ascended Masters group, Maitreya and Sananda (fake Jesus).

As Trump aligns with this regime, and already has, it will bring about the events of the Tribulation Period as we will watch them unfold.

Anyway I just wanted to give a brief overview of what's going on and who is who and who is what and where.

Until next time everybody,
Yah bless,
Sherry Shriner

Corey Lewandowski #conspiracy

CNN’s Don Lemon had to shut down his panel Friday evening after former Donald Trump employee (still paid by the campaign) and CNN paid contributor Corey Lewandowski had an outright meltdown live on television.

Lewandowski filibustered Lemon, who was attempting to read a statement from former 2007 Clinton campaign adviser Sidney Blumenthal denying any involvement in birtherism. Lemon tried multiple times to get Lewandowski to be quiet so he could read the statement, asking several times if Lewandowski could pause for a moment. Ultimately, Lemon had to ask the producers to pull everyone’s microphone and everyone off the screen so he could read the statement. When the panel reappeared, Lewandowski was still moving his mouth, though his sound was still off, as if he had no idea what had just occurred.

Lewandowski tried to blame Clinton again, just as Trump and his campaign has attempted, but the panel groaned at him. He continued, saying he couldn’t understand why it was still a controversy

“The reason it’s still a controversy, Corey, is because he didn’t say, ‘His was disproven, it’s wrong, here’s why I continue with the innuendos for years and years,'” commentator Van Jones said. “He didn’t give full context. Instead, he tried to blame his kid sister, Hillary, for everything he’s done for the past five years. And because of that, it shows not just a lack of judgment in pursuing this, but now a lack of character, in not being a stand-up person and taking responsibility for your actions. And that’s why it’s still a controversy. I hope that helps you.”

“Look, look, here’s what it comes down to, right?” Lewandowski began. “For the last 24 hours, people have said, ‘Donald Trump did not say, himself, that Barack Obama was born in the United States. It was a statement by his campaign and he needs to come out and say this.’ So you know what Donald Trump did today? He came out and said, ‘Barack Obama was born in the United States.'”

“Those same voices have said that he needed to apologize to the president, none of which he did,” Lemon remarked.

Lewandowski tried to break in repeating, “No. No.”

“They also said that he needs to admit he was wrong,” Lemon continued.

“Look, when is Barack Obama going to apologize to Donald Trump for all the incendiary things he’s said? Are we holding the president accountable?” Lewandowski closed.

Matt Forney #fundie

[A transcript of Matt Forney's speech at the recent Identitarian Ideas IX conference]

I don’t think I need to remind anyone that the election of President Donald Trump was a turning point in American and European history. For our entire lives, our overlords in the government and media have told us that we were on the losing side of history. That we were destined to fail. That the future of our civilization was rainbows, unicorns and chocolate chip cookies, fruits Frenching their boyfriends in front of empty churches, neon-lit mosques eclipsing the cities our forefathers labored to build, and finally, being finessed out of our neighborhoods by swarthy foreigners who stare at our sisters, wives and girlfriends the way lions stare at gazelles.

But for now, the arc of the moral universe has been redirected.

The arc of the political universe has also been redirected. One of the most important achievements of the past two years has been the total destruction of the mainstream American right-wing. My friend Edwin Oslan calls them “Conservatism, Inc.,” the alt-right calls them “cuckservatives,” but regardless of how we abuse them, they were the primary impediment to real, nationalist change in the West. It is they, not the left, who are the biggest losers in the age of Trump. Right now, the left is so excited about the prospect of “resisting” the President that they almost seem sexually aroused by it. It’s your National Reviews, your Weekly Standards, your Rick Wilsons and Rich Lowrys and rich finks in general who have lost everything in the God-Emperor’s ascent.

I’m not just talking about the neocons, the loudest, yappiest poodles echoing in the cuckservative kennel. There’s a whole world of inanity beyond the armchair quarterbacking of soft, pudgy Manhattan intellectuals renaming French fries to “freedom fries” or calling on poor men’s sons to fight their wars for them. Mr. Trump has helped sledgehammer the foundations of American cuckservatism, and we are now dancing among the ruins.

A common refrain during the election was that Donald Trump was not a “true” conservative. The myth of the post-National Review right-wing in America is that the United States was intended to be a different society than the nations of Europe, one bound not by blood and soil but by the liberties granted by the Constitution: the proposition nation. In the minds of the geldings who believe this myth, such as, for example, the guy at CPAC who denounced us as “left-wing fascists” a couple of days ago, Trump and the alternative right are a rejection of these core American values, a return to the bad old days of European nationalism, endless war and diminutive Austrian men with funny mustaches.

The problem with myths is that they have a bad habit of being false. The proposition nation so beloved of William F. Buckley and Norman Podhoretz is nothing but Saran wrap stretched over the casserole of white America. While it’s true that the Constitution represented a break from the European tradition of monarchy, the ideals that fueled the American Revolution were derived from Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke and implemented by Americans of European descent. Without Europe’s peoples or its philosophies, there is no Constitution, there is no right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and there is no United States of America.

The “golden age” of immigration to Ellis Island, so beloved of cucks and leftists and a fundamental underpinning of the proposition nation myth, is itself a crock of garbage. As Jim Goad detailed in his book The Redneck Manifesto, during the 19th century, corporations lobbied the U.S. government to bring in Italians, Chinese and other foreigners to break the backs of labor unions and lower wages for the average worker. The lie that immigrants do the jobs that Americans don’t want to do has a far longer history than you think.

But myths cannot take root unless they contain some truth. You may not believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the Romans didn’t nail him to the cross. Similarly, while the U.S. is hardly a proposition nation, bound together only by the Bill of Rights, its history as a colonial state has kept white Americans from forming a cohesive, rooted culture.

Rare are the Americans who are so attached to their hometowns that they don’t want to leave them. Packing your bags and moving to another state, even if it’s on the other side of the country, is as American a tradition as sportsball and diabetes. From the settlement of Jamestown and the landing at Plymouth Rock to the Louisiana Purchase to the California gold rush to the rise of the Sun Belt in the 1950’s and sixties, if white Americans didn’t like where they were, they went somewhere else. I know that when I was a kid, I dreamt of nothing more than getting out of my hometown of Syracuse, New York, that decaying Rust Belt ghetto midway between New York City and Toronto.

People who are constantly moving from point A to point B cannot put down roots and develop a sense of self. In fact, recent scientific research has shown that the brains of those who live in the same place their entire life develop far differently than those who migrate to new locales. White Americans never developed a unified sense of who they are because they’ve never stayed in one place long enough for the question to come up. And that’s before we get into mass immigration, media propaganda and the other myriad ways that cultural Marxists have tried to destroy the spirits of white Americans.

Now, we do have strong regional identities: as explained in the book Albion’s Seed, the United States was settled by four distinct groups from the British Isles, and our politics and culture is in many ways a continuation of the struggle between the Cavaliers and the Roundheads during the English Civil War. But no singular white consciousness has ever existed in the U.S. Ask a Swede, a Pole, or a Hungarian who he is and what his nation means to him, and you’ll get concrete answers rooted in cultural memory going back centuries. Ask the same question of an American and you’ll quickly find out that there’s no “there” there. At the moment, mindless consumerism is the only duct tape holding the U.S. together.

So, yes, the cucks have—had—a glimmer of a point: as a settler state of European mutts, the U.S. was not merely an extension of its fatherland. But that has come to an end, not because of Donald Trump or the alt-right, but ultimately because of the left themselves.

Years ago, when I was skeptical of white advocates and tribalism, I wrote on my old blog In Mala Fide that a political movement like the alt-right would never work because whites in the U.S. don’t define themselves by their whiteness, unlike blacks. A reader of mine interjected by saying that whites have already been defined as white, in the negative, by the left. And he was right.

To be white is to be the world’s whipping boy. It means being blamed for everything from poverty in Africa to environmental degradation to women not having enough space to sit down on the subway. It means being told to shut up and sit down, that your opinion is worthless because of your “privilege,” and that the eventual disappearance of your people and culture is a sign of progress.

To be white, straight and a man is even worse, because you’re told that your natural masculine instincts, your natural desires to bed and wed women make you an oppressive misogynist. In 21st Century Parody World, six-year olds are allowed to take dangerous hormones so they can become a funhouse mirror version of the opposite sex, but not asking your wife for permission before you kiss her can land you in prison for rape. And if you’re not happy with this arrangement, you’re expected to sate yourself with degenerate Japanese cartoons and pornography, the bread and circuses of the globalist empire. That’s how mad the Marxists are: they don’t merely want to destroy our culture and identity; they want to destroy the very things that make us human.

Sun Tzu stated that when you have surrounded your enemy, you must give him a way to escape, or else he will fight you to the death, having nothing to lose. The left never learned that lesson, because they’ve pursued whites—white men—everywhere they’ve gone, leaving them no quarter and no place to call their own. Even video games, long the province of virginal nerds, were not safe, which is what sparked the GamerGate movement three years ago, the first successful backlash against cultural Marxism in most of our lifetimes. The white men of gaming saw leftists trying to subvert their favorite hobby, one they retreated to after society rejected them, and said no more. Enough. This line you shall not cross.

It was this spark that ignited the pile of TNT that was the Trump campaign and the alternative right. The average Trump voter isn’t explicitly aware of all the issues that we are versed in. They don’t know everything that we know. But they know, deep down, that something is wrong. They know that fifty years of mass non-white immigration and globalist free trade have ruined them financially and placed their lives and that of their children in peril. And they see, day in and day out, the chattering classes tell them that they are the problem. They see liberal arts dilettantes in Brooklyn brownstones, rent paid courtesy of Daddy’s credit line, banging out “thinkpieces” every day claiming that all the world’s ills are thanks to those stupid white rednecks in Kentucky, Michigan or Pennsylvania, and as soon as they kick the bucket and give way to all these newcomers from Mexico, we’ll be all better off.

White Americans saw this repulsive display and they said no more. Enough. This line you shall not cross. And they turned out to support a champion who would fight for them. Donald Trump is the first politician in years who treats white Americans as a group with interests of their own, interests that are worth defending. While he is far from the alt-right ideologically, Trump’s nationalist presidency is aiding the maturation of white America from an empty, consumerist frontier into a people with an identity of their own, one that runs deeper than pop culture effluvia and waxing autistic about “muh Constitution.”

I’ll end with an interesting anecdote.

Over the past few years, I’ve noticed an increasing number of houses in upstate New York flying Confederate flags. Seems absurd on the face of it. Why are white New Yorkers adorning their homes with the flag flown by the Southern rebels that their ancestors fought in the Civil War? After all, you don’t see many Poles flying the Hammer and Sickle, or many Koreans paying obeisance to the emperor of Japan. Then it hit me: the U.S. has become so deracinated and so debauched that rural Northern whites are reaching for any emblem of culture that they can get their hands on, anything that they can call theirs.

To the cultural Marxists, the Confederate flag represents white America, the white America they seek to destroy and replace with foreigners, a symbol that drives them insane with hatred. To rural whites across the U.S., lambasted as the embodiment of everything wrong with the world, the Confederate flag is a gesture of defiance to those who would see them dead and buried. A symbol of implicit white identity, transcending the petty regional differences between North and South, united against the forces of globalism, multiculturalism, and degeneracy.

None of us can say for certain whether this a struggle our people will win. But I can say this: we will not lie down and die either. Regardless of how the next eight years play out, the dragon of white identity has been roused from his slumber, and he’s not going back to bed anytime soon.

As my friend the Bechtloff says, I’ve made my peace with God. Let’s dance.

Thank you.

Jeffrey Lord #fundie

JOHN BERMAN (HOST): We just heard it. The sound stopped right there. Jeffrey, you heard him say "how many times can I disavow David Duke?"

JEFFREY LORD: Margaret mentioned Ronald Reagan. When Ronald Reagan ran for governor of California, the press tried keep trying to get him to renounce the John Birch Society. And finally Reagan's answer was, "I am not endorsing them. They are endorsing me. I have nothing to do with them." He didn't play the game in other words. Donald Trump isn't playing the game, although he certainly denounced him. I mean, David Duke is a hardcore leftist. He's an anti-Semite. Yes, Margaret, the Ku Klux Klan is a function of the left. It was the military arm of the Democratic Party. Hello? Donald Trump's daughter and son-in-law are Jewish. David Duke is an anti-Semite, for heaven's sakes. This is ridiculous.

MARGARET HOOVER: When William F. Buckley was starting the conservative movement in the 1950s and 1960s, the John Birch Society did the same thing. They were trying to be part of the conservative movement and what William F. Buckley said is, "no, you have to stand for something. You have to have principles." He said "you are not going to be part of this movement." Where is the moral courage on behalf of Donald Trump, who aspires to be the leader of the free world, to say on some level at some point we do not need the voice and the support of bigotry?

LORD: Margaret, the Ku Klux Klan is a leftist group.

HOOVER: It is a hate group, Dave. It is a hate group, Jeffrey Lord.

LORD: It is a leftist group.

HOOVER: I don't care what side they're on. They are on for hate, they are on the side of hate. They are on the side of murder. They are on the side of blood on their hands. This is not -- to blame them on the left. This is a scourge on humanity, this is a scourge on American politics. And to suggest that it is part of the Democratic Party is missing the point. And your guy would not denounce them yesterday. And that is bad for America and it is bad for the Republican Party.

BERMAN: Go ahead, Jeffrey.

LORD: Margaret, it is a racist hate group from the left. And that counts. That is important to understand. It is not conservative. It has nothing to do with conservatism. All of these Klan members who have been elected to Congress and U.S. Senate and governorships over the years, supporting Franklin Roosevelt because they like Social Security. Let's get our history straight.


This is why -- this is exactly the kind of thing why people are voting for Donald Trump. Because they think the media is making something out of nothing. Nothing. This is crazy.

William Grimes #fundie

Sermon 2: Purity and Chastity
By Rev. William H. Grimes
It's time that we discuss a very important chapter in the Bible: I Corinthians 7. I Corinthians 7 talks about married life and the single life. Liberal theologians take this passage as meaning that there is inherent value in marriage, and that marriage is better than being single. The command to "be fruitful and multiply" was ONLY for the immediate descendants of Adam and Eve. It was NOT meant to be a command in 2017! Yet people are breeding like rabbits! Fornicators such as US President Donald Trump are partially to blame for the emulation of wicked behaviors because in the eyes of the Lord Trump was never married, thus guilty of fornication, and his current "marriage" with Melania Trump is an adulterous affair!
I Corinthians 7:1 says that "Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman." Clear as crystal, plain as day! Yet these liberals are insistent upon theological sloppiness. IT IS GOOD FOR A MAN NOT TO TOUCH A WOMAN. What in the world do you think that means besides the fact that IT IS GOOD FOR A MAN NOT TO TOUCH A WOMAN?! Can Paul articulate this point any clearer?! Are you liberals dense?!!!
I Corinthians 7:8 likewise states "I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I." Even the liberal NIV says that "Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do." If even the liberal pro-abortion virgin birth denying NIV can be correct about this crucial issue, what is the excuse of these scores of other liberals who do not recognize the fact that this passage says that it is not good for a man to touch a woman, and that it is BETTER for men to stay unmarried and live lives of celibacy?
Liberals love to clap back with the following verse, which says "But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn." However, this does NOT say that most or all men should marry. Only men who absolutely lack self control and cannot remain chaste and then fall into fornication shall marry. A very different concept, right?! These men are seen as weaker in the Kingdom of God, and they get less reward in heaven for they had the reward of sexual gratification on Earth. Heaven has treasures far beyond the simple and fleeting pleasure of sexual gratification, and sexual gratification is completely unnecessary for humans, and people live fine lives and accomplish great things without it. Christian Sir Isaac Newton was one of the most brilliant minds that God has blessed this world with, and he never desired sexual gratification and lived a life of excellence for God and also his fellow man. This is what we need to set kids up for, not for ignoring God in favor of sexual gratification, marriage, and childrearing! It takes up a lot of time that could be spent worshiping God instead!
Back to the Trump situation, this chapter also says that "And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife. But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him."(I Corinthians 7:10-13) Donald Trump "married" Ivana Trump, but that was even a sham marriage because she is still married to Alfred Winklmayr, who she "divorced" right before marrying Trump, and after Ivana divorced Donald, she had two more "marriages" and "divorces" that are shams unto the Lord, as Ivana is still married to Alfred! Since Ivana has never reconciled with Alfred, and Donald has never been validly married in the eyes of the Lord, Donald is guilty of fornication and Ivana is an adultress! "First Lady" Melania Trump is "married" to Donald Trump in the eyes of the world, and Melania is nothing but a porn star and a trophy wife who has never glorified the Lord! Say what else you want about Michelle Obama, but at least she had some class and dignity, and was not an adulteress! Such a sinful and wicked and prideful man the "godly" have elected to lead the USA! Woe to America! Melania Trump is WICKED AND DECEITFUL AND SINFUL AND LACKS CLASS AND DIGNITY BECAUSE SHE HATES THE THINGS OF GOD AND LOVES MAMMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To conclude, the wicked Americans need to WAKE UP and realize the sham that is excessive marriage and fornication and adultery because sexual gratification IS NOT A HUMAN RIGHT and Onanism and other forms of impurity are NOT FOR THE GODLY and marriage is only for WEAK MEN WHO CANNOT CONTAIN THEIR PASSION LEST THEY FALL INTO FORNICATION, and if you marry and have sexual exploits, YOU WILL BE A LESSER BEING IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN PROVIDED YOU CAN BE A MAN WHO ONLY HAS ONE WIFE AND ONE LOVER! God's people said AMEN!

Byl Holte #wingnut

Black people, don’t cheer for this.

Donald J. Trump is Nelson Mandela.

Donald J. Trump is George Floyd.

Donald J. Trump is Trayvon Martin.

Donald J. Trump is Brianna Taylor.

Donald J. Trump is EVERY black person unjustly convicted under the democrat system of justice.

You’re cheering on his arrest, but the same system that targeted YOU targeted HIM.

Remember that, next time the democrats make you jump up and down about an officer kneeling on a black guys neck.
Last edited 8:47 AM · May 31, 2024 · 143.9K Views
679 Reposts 126 Quotes 3,796 Likes 59 Bookmarks

Patrick Scrivener #conspiracy

Nothing happens by chance in politics....In 2015, when the British Secret Service noticed that Pope Francis was secretly spending "Peter's MILLIONS" to finance the Presidential campaign of Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton, they mobilized their Trump Organization to stop her seizing the White House for a second time!

The crash occurred in broad daylight around 1:40 p.m. A lone camper on the ground heard a "big bang" overheard, and as he looked skyward he saw the helicopter break apart in midair!

The 3 casino executives and Donald J boarded an Agusta A-109 helicopter around 1:00 p.m.

At around 1:40 p.m., within 30 miles of Atlantic City, the helicopter broke apart in midair!

That downfall caused the instant deaths of Donald J and the 3 casino executives!

Construction of the 68-story Trump Tower began in June 1980 and was completed by October 1983.


During the press conference, the Trump Sikorsky helicopter was switched for an Agusta!!
On October 10, 1989, 3 of the top Trump executive in Atlantic City made a trip via a Trump Air Sikorsky S-76 helicopter to New York City for a brief press conference. They landed at the East 61st. heliport, and then were taken via limousine to the Plaza Hotel.

The press conference was held to promote a boxing match that night between Héctor "Macho Man" Camacho and Vinny Pazienza. Donald Trump was to accompany them back on the helicopter because his presence there would guarantee a full house.

After the news conference at the Plaza hotel, the trio had lunch, and then returned with Donald to the heliport—only to discover that their helicopter was replaced by an Italian made Agusta.

The 3 Trump casino executives left Atlantic City about 8:00 a.m., riding in a Trump Air Sikorsky S-76 helicopter.

When they returned from the press conference in the Plaza Hotel, the Sikorsky was gone, to be replaced by an Agusta A-109 helicopter.

The 3 executives and Donald Trump were on that helicopter when it crashed!

The Italian made Agusta was the Ferrari of helicopters and definitely not like a FIAT (Fix It Again Tony). The company was founded in 1923 by Count Agusta, and did not have a history of fatal crashes.

The official account of the helicopter crash is pure fiction: The 3 executives were "delayed," and their helicopter took off without them.

Then they shopped around and found an Italian made Agusta helicopter.

Finding a replacement helicopter happened so quickly that the trio were airborne by 1:00 p.m.

The Trump Organization had a French made Super Puma helicopter, but the executives decided not to use it because it was a gas-guzzler!

Helicopter pilot Robert Kent and copilot Lawrence Diener also perished in the crash.

According to a biography of the "resurrected" Trump, he decided at the last minute to cancel his trip!

The "resurrected" Donald credits that decision with saving his life!


In 2015, Pope Francis begun using Peter's MILLIONS to finance Hilllary's Presidential campaign!
Nothing happens in the political realm by accident. After an intense struggle that lasted from 2005 to 2013, Jorge Bergoglio finally forced Pope Benedict XVI to resign. Only a month later, "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher—the woman who torpedoed Bergoglio in 2005—was sent to meet her Maker.

A geopolitical earthquake occurred in March 2013 when a coup d'état occurred in the Vatican, and Pope Benedict XVI was forced to abdicate. The first thing that Pope Francis did was to send a telegram of "congratulations" to Queens Elizabeth II.

Then, in the most unkindest cut of all, he began using Peter's Pence to finance the U.S. "Evita's" Presidential campaign.

Peter's Pence is a uniquely British contribution to the Papal coffers, and it begin during the pontificate of Pope Gregory II in 725.

From 2005 to 2013, a titanic battle raged at the Vatican between the Jesuits and the other factions.

Finally, in March 2013, Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict XVI, was forced to resign.

The outcome was never in doubt as Jorge Bergoglio finally achieved his lifelong ambition and became Pope Francis.

Every biography of Trump has a different story about the helicopter crash:

But Donald does not seem to care what appointments his gaming division executives have for the afternoon. Rather than bid the trio farewell, he insists on summoning them to an unscheduled meeting in Trump Tower. By the time the meeting commences, it is already too late for the three gaming executives to catch the noon return flight of the Trump Sikorsky S-76 helicopter they chartered that morning. (Hurt, Lost Tycoon, p. 40).

After that meeting, Trump and the 3 executives headed for the East Side heliport, which was about 15 minutes by car from Trump Tower.

Jorge Bergoglio was Jesuit provincial in Argentina during the desaparecidos, and he "blessed" the Argentine troops before they invaded the Falkland Islands.

In January 1983, the British Cleopatra visited the Falkland Islands and awarded medals to the soldiers who liberated the islands.

It was at that time that she received photos of Jesuit provincial Jorge Bergoglio blessing the invading Argentine troops.

From the very beginning, Pope Francis wanted to put Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton in the White House. Her ancestor, Jesuit Sir Everard Digby, was one of the conspirators in the 1605 Gunpowder Plot.

In 725, under Pope Gregory II, Peter's Pence began in Britannia as a tax or tribute imposed by Catholic kings.

Combined with the revenues from the Papal States, it was a cash cow for the Vatican.

In 2015, Pope Francis began using PETER"S MILLIONS to finance Hillary Clinton's campaign!

Here is a quote from a Vatican insider who has decided to bring the Vatican's shady financial dealing to the light of day:

That is why in 2016 Pope Francis staked all his chips on a Clinton presidency. Those around him, beginning with Cardinal Parolin, told him that Donald Trump had no hope of winning, and on Francis’s orders the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See helped finance Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. (It is now being said that the money used for it came from Peter’s Pence, the donations of the faithful made supposedly for charitable purposes.) (Colonna, The Dictator Pope: The Inside Story of the Francis Papacy, p. 92).

Nothing aroused the ire of the British lion more than the Pope Francis Papacy. He began his Papacy by sending "congratulations" to the Queens, and then used Peter's MILLIONS to finance Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton's Presidential bid.

From 2013 onward, the British lion was GROWLING at Pope Francis.

The thorn in the lion's paw was his endorsement of the U.S. "Evita."

The British Secret Service mobilized "Team Trump" to challenge her bid for the White House!

It is indeed another New Jerusalem miracle that they succeeded.

No other Republican candidates could be trusted to run against Hillary and win. George W. Bush deliberately tried to lose the election to Al Gore in 2000.

Trump National Doral Miami Resort #wingnut

Donald Trump, who regularly incites violence against the media—the “enemy of the people”—and his political foes, must be so proud:

A video depicting a macabre scene of a fake President Trump shooting, stabbing and brutally assaulting members of the news media and his political opponents was shown at a conference for his supporters at his Miami resort last week, according to footage obtained by The New York Times.

A couple of notable figures attending this fun-filled conference? Donald Trump Jr. and Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Both denied having seen the video, with Huckabee Sanders claiming that she was just there to lead a prayer and talk about “unity and bringing the country together.” Uh huh.

In the video, Trump is shown shooting down media critics in the “Church of Fake News,” not to mention assaulting the late Sen. John McCain, President Barack Obama, Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders, and, of course, Hillary Clinton.

The clip ends with Mr. Trump putting a stake into the head of a person with a CNN logo for a face. Mr. Trump then stands on the altar, admiring his rampage, and smiles.

The Trump campaign and the organizers of the event both claim they had nothing to do with the video production of Donald Trump’s favorite wet dream.

Brent D. Cates #wingnut #conspiracy

As someone that started out anonymous to shifting to open posting my perspective has also shifted on the value of anonymous versus open posting.

This, in and of itself is a shading of the Soul War America is going through in a crucible of fear and doubt.

The Cancel Your Life and DIE Crowd are still out there.

Spinning their wheels over less and less ground every year.

The impact of their negative activism has gone soft under Dementia Hitler.
There’s only one conclusion I can draw from this amazing surge in support for Trump and his pro-America #Agenda47.

Since it’s clear most voters no longer believe the corrupt, sycophant Mainstream Media, where are these newly won Trump supporters getting their information?
Where is Donald Trump’s Agenda 47 having the most impact in social media?

Not on Instagram, YouTube or TikTok.

It’s Elon’s X App.

Tik Tok and Elon’s X App are now FEEDING off each other’s energy and viewers.

Viral videos you’re seeing on X are almost always TikTok-ers being posted FOR EFFECT.
And of course, how they shut down President Trump on January 7th, 2021.


Until it wasn’t.

History will mark that moment as October 26th, 2022.

That was the high water mark for what Mike Benz called the Censorship Death Star.

Trump is now surging in popularity to such a degree it’s staggering and panicking all those invested in America remaining their captured and prostrate victim.

The Black and Hispanic Voters are breaking free of the PROGRAMMING.

Tucker Carlson is now openly talking about the Soul War.

WHO empowered Carlson after his attempted (they hoped, devastating) cancellation?

Elon Musk’s X App.

WHO Empowered Elon Musk?

WHO provided Elon Musk the incredible opportunities via contracts with the US Government and Military to make him the world’s richest man?



WHO empowered Donald Trump?

This will become self evident during the DARK ZONE you will experience during the aftermath of Trump’s election victory in November through January.

Gregory Hood #racist

White Renegade of the Year — 2019

The White Renegade of the Year is the man who could have done the most good for his people, but instead did the most harm. Charlie Kirk is 2019’s renegade. His organization Turning Point USA could have been a real force for American nationalism, but he has led it up yet another Conservatism Inc. blind alley.

Tuning Point USA’s budget is reportedly over $10 million and may be $20 million in 2020. It boasts over 130,000 members, including high school students, college students, and recent graduates. It has more than 50 chapters. President Trump and his son Donald, Jr. have spoken at its meetings. It is Conservatism Inc.’s youth wing.

And TPUSA is not entirely a sellout caricature. Ann Coulter spoke at its December student leadership conference, where she argued that immigration is the most important issue because it changes everything else. If you support gun rights and oppose socialism, you must limit Third World immigration. Politics is downstream from culture, but culture is downstream from demographics.

Deliberately or not, Miss Coulter was accusing TPUSA of irrelevance, because Turning Point USA has little to say about this critical issue. Its chapter handbook on “activism ideas” doesn’t contain the word “immigration.” The handbook does talk about “affirmative action bake sales,” but even College Republicans have been putting them on for more than decade.

TPUSA opposes affirmative action only because it’s “inadvertent[ly] racist” and another way “big government sucks!” Its handbook lists four different ways to protest “debt,” but President Trump, whom TPUSA claims to love, piled on trillions more in federal debt.

TPUSA is everywhere on social media. Yet memes such as “Let me get this straight: You’re on food stamps but you can afford an iPhone” don’t appeal to young people. Audience surveys show these slogans appeal to older Americans, namely, potential donors.

On his personal Twitter account, Mr. Kirk often blames failing cities on “Democrats” instead of race. Others challenge him to explain well-run Democrat cities (with mostly white populations.) He ignores them.

Turning Point USA is not afraid of race — just white people. This year, the group hosted “leadership summits” for blacks, Hispanics, Jews, and women. Nothing for whites.

Charlie Kirk has debated leftists, despite TPUSA’s memes claiming Communism is racist and murderous. He’ll debate a radical leftist, but not Nick Fuentes.

TPUSA blasts “political correctness” and mocks people who are “offended,” but it enforces political correctness. For example, in June, its “brand ambassador” Ashley St. Clair mocked Donald Trump supporters, immigration restrictionists, and even her own organization. TPUSA did not fire her. However, after she simply appeared in a picture with Nick Fuentes, she was gone. Contempt for President Trump’s supporters is forgivable, but even casual association with the “far right” is not.

In June, Mr. Kirk called America “just a placeholder” for ideas, in contrast to Israel, which is a real nation. Only later — and after much criticism — did he explain his remarks, calling America a “place, a people, a history.”

In recent months, the “Groyper Wars” exposed TPUSA’s hypocrisy. Mr. Kirk is eager to challenge leftists to debate, or at least to dismiss them with a zinger, but he seems to be afraid of nationalists.

In September, Mr. Kirk claimed being American has nothing to do with color or religion, said American identity is an ideology, and called an ethnically homogeneous America “insane.” TPUSA claimed this “DESTROYED” ethno-nationalism.

Two months ago, a young questioner asked whether “American ideals” could survive a non-white majority. Mr. Kirk said it is a “racist ideal” to believe “race and ideology are somehow intertwined together.” He further claimed that “the black community is an inherently conservative community.” Needless to say, blacks are clamoring to vote against President Trump.

After nationalists pressured him, Mr. Kirk claimed he supported cutting legal immigration, but he opposes a moratorium and believes that whites should win over non-white voters to conservative ideals. “His continued refusal to talk about demographics in good faith does little to inspire confidence that his movement has a plan for an American future,” wrote Matthew Boose of American Greatness.

In November, nationalists heckled Mr. Kirk, Donald Trump Jr., and Kimberly Guilfoyle off the stage after they refused to let the audience ask questions at an event. Miss Guilfoyle’s irrelevant and insulting reaction: “I bet you engage and go on online dating because you’re impressing no one here to get a date in person.”

At its most recent conference, TPUSA kicked out Nick Fuentes. The Bulwark, a neoconservative publication, credited TPUSA’s attacks on nationalists with Young Americans for Freedom’s decision to cut ties with Michelle Malkin. I’ve also heard reports — I can’t disclose details — that Mr. Kirk personally called conservative groups, pressuring them to fire people who speak well of Mr. Fuentes or the so-called “Groypers.” Nick Fuentes reports similar tantrums.

Why does this matter? Isn’t this all petty Beltway Right infighting? It’s President Trump who is appointing bad judges and failing his supporters.

The fact is, it’s not about Donald Trump. In 2019, no white advocate or civic nationalist believes President Trump will save us. However, his triumph is slowly changing the GOP into a nationalist party, and without that transformation the Republicans will die. Virginia’s quick shift from red to blue shows that the GOP mustn’t ignore demographic change.

Leading nationalists such as Tucker Carlson, Josh Hawley, Michelle Malkin, and Ann Coulter are doing their best to push America-first policies, but a nationalist movement must be led by young people. Instead of creating new activists, Turning Point USA is exploiting them. It’s funneling would-be nationalists into the same, stale Conservatism Inc. talking points and positions that could lead to disaster in 2020. Instead of attacking political correctness, TPUSA is reinforcing it and purging rightists.

To be fair, Mr. Kirk isn’t anti-white. He’s not a leftist. He’s got a stronger immigration position than most Republicans. His opponents are also our opponents.

But the hour is late, and Charlie Kirk is in the way. He’s built another multimillion-dollar dead end for young Americans. After decades of failure, we can’t afford scams like this. We’re out of time.

The country can’t survive another generation of “conservative leaders” who are terrified of race, demography, and identity. Young Americans, especially whites, don’t need “#BigGovSucks” hashtags. They don’t need more leadership summits for minorities. They don’t need more tributes to Israel.

They need a group that puts America First. They need young people who declare, without apology, not only that It’s OK to Be White, but that it’s OK for America to stay white. They don’t need Charlie Kirk or TPUSA.

JE Aggas #crackpot #magick #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

Today is Trump's 77th birthday. Trump declared a National Emergency on 3/13/2020. Today it is 1189 days from then. There are 1189 chapters in the Bible. "Donald J Trump" equals 1189.

The cornerstone on the Washington Monument was laid on 7/4/1848
The mason numerolgy of the cornerstone date and Trump's 77th birthday date added together = 7777
7 × 4 + 18 × 48 + 6 × 14 + 20 × 23 = 1436 + 6341 = 7777

Queens funeral was on 9/19/2022 add 7 months, 7 weeks, 7 days you get today Trump's 77th birthday

The Georgia Guidestone cube was taken down on 9/25/2014 from then to Trump's 77th birthday today is
September 25, 2014 To June 14, 2023 = 3185 days
Trump was the 45th President so divide it by 45 (3185 / 45 = 7.07) = 77 Trump 77th birthday

The Washington Monument capstone was laid on 12/6/1884 from then to 6/14/2023 is...
138 years "Donald Trump" = 138 (Ordinal) 6 months, 8 days "Donald John Trump" = 68 (Reduction)

The SWIFT Banking system was founded on 5/3/1973 "Swift" = 77 (Ordinal)
It is 619 lunar months old on Trump's 77th Birthday
5/3/1973 to 6/14/2023 = 18304 / 29.531 = 619.82
Divide it by Scottish Rite degree 32 ( 18304 / 32 = 572 exactly)
"Egypt" = 572 (Latin) "SKull and Bones" = 572 (Latin)

On 6/19 the capstone will be 138 years, 6 months, 14 days old
"Donald Trump" = 138 (Ordinal) 6/14 is his birthday
(6/19 is King James' 457th birthday) "Darkness Falls" = 457 (Latin)
(457 is the 88th prime number) "Trump" = 88 (Ordinal)
"mystery Babylon" = 196 (English Ordinal) 19/6

From SWIFT to 6/25 is 18315 days divided by 33 = 555 exactly
Washington Monument is 555 feet tall
It turns 555 on June 25th and 556 on Tishabav
Days divided by 33

patrice12345 #fundie

The Democrats have a problem. A bad one.

I am going to go ahead and say that Donald J. Trump almost certainly will be President of the United States. Not that anyone should stop campaigning, convincing other people, and getting their ass down to the voting booth on BOTH elections. Regardless - after Super Tuesday, I think we will see the party solidify around Donald J. Trump.

Not if but when Donald J. Trump wins the general election and becomes President of the United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton will be put in jail. Obamacare will be dismantled. And a lot of people from the Obama Administration will most likely be under investigation for abuse of power after abuse of power which has characterized the Administration for the past eight years. The Democrats are looking at a total, complete reversal of most of the "progress" they have made over the past decade. And Obama's name will forever be tarnished by an Donald J. Trump Administration which does not shy away from the political warfare which would ensue from opening investigations on Obama. All that, coupled with Supreme Court nominations, will CRUSH the Democrats' agenda, and set them back DECADES.

If we see an economic crisis in the last few days of Obama's presidency (which is looking at least somewhat likely,) these losses will be further compounded by an impoverished electorate who has been robbed to the point of desperation by the Fed, Treasury, SEC, and FTC under Obama. Obama has been an unmitigated disaster for the middle class, and when piled on their gross abuses of power, I think Donald J. Trump will WRECK the Democratic Party and put them on the defensive in the 2018 midterms. We could see a Republican hegemony in the Federal Government which lasts a generation, depending on the success of the Republicans with Trump at the helm. Not that I have any respect for the Republican Party, but they are the only group of people who can pull us out of this shit and back our Nation away from the cliff the Democrats have been pushing us towards the edge of for years. And Donald J. Trump will whip their pork spending asses into shape.

Reddit, please, for the love of Christ, help us elect this man to the Presidency. We desperately need to bring the current Administration to justice, to signal to all future Presidents that using the Federal Government as a weapon against your political enemies will never be allowed or forgiven in our great Nation.





Unnamed woman #racist

A Washington, D.C. Muslim woman says she was attacked by a Donald Trump supporter while sitting outside a coffee shop, WJLA reports.

The woman, who did not give her name, is African-American and wears the hijab, a head covering that devout Muslim women wear. She told WJLA she was sitting outside a Starbucks on April 21. Police have since released surveillance footage that shows the woman yelling in the victim’s face, then returning with a bottle of liquid and dousing her.

“A Caucasian lady with blond hair walked right past me,” she told the station. “Then as soon as she sat down she started talking about me. Saying ‘F-ing Muslim. Trash, worthless piece of Muslim trash. You all need to go back to where you came from.”

The woman was able to record a brief video, on which the attacker can be heard saying, “You’re a terrorist. So stupid.”

According to a video released by MyNews4, the woman is wanted for simple assault.

The victim says the attacker said she supports GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.

“She says if Donald Trump wins the nomination I’m going to vote for him so he can send all of you all back to where you came from,” she told WJLA.

The victim called 911, but the officer responded and told her there was nothing he could do about “words.”

After the officer left, the woman told WJLA the assailant returned with a bottle of fluid and poured it on her.

“She came around and took out a water bottle and poured the contents over my head and all over me,” she told the station. It didn’t burn my skin or anything, but it had a strange smell to it.”

She said that while she has lived in her neighborhood for six years, the incident left her “more nervous than ever.”

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie

Why I'm (still) betting big on Donald Trump to win

Every mainstream media outlet in the country keeps saying Trump is losing badly. They say this as if it’s fact. And based on many polls, it does look that way.

But so did Brexit. That was the vote for UK to leave the EU. No one anywhere in the establishment—or media—or any major politician thought it would pass.

But it did.

I believe this is our Brexit. And I’m putting my money where my mouth is. I’m betting big on Donald Trump to win the election. Here’s why.

I had the honor of attending the presidential debate as a guest of Donald Trump in my adopted hometown of Las Vegas.

My day began with a taste of what the Washington establishment and so-called “experts” think of the race. I was a guest on “Fox & Friends.” On one side of me was a Democrat political strategist from D.C. predicting a Clinton victory. On the other side was a Republican strategist from Washington predicting a Clinton victory. Both felt the presidential race was already over and Clinton could be headied for a landslide victory. That’s the thinking from Washington.

Which is fascinating. I call it “group think." Both of these political gurus would probably lose a ton of income if Trump wins. I guarantee they both hang out with all the same kind of establishment people—go to the same parties—read the same newspapers—study the same biased polls that oversample Democrats. No wonder they come to the same conclusions.

But they are not alone. Every time I turn on any TV or radio station, all I hear is predictions of doom and gloom for Trump. The national media seems to have already printed the headline, “Dewey Beats Truman.” You remember how that ended.

Yes, I understand why they think Trump is finished. Most of the national polls show Donald behind by 4 to 12 points. But didn’t all the experts and pollsters predict Trump’s demise every step of the way during the GOP primaries too? I’ve predicted his success since day one -- starting right here at Fox News on the day he declared for president.

More importantly, why is the media ignoring the polls predicting Trump is in the lead? I'm betting you've never heard a word about these polls in the media.

Rasmussen has Trump up by 43-41 percent.

USC/LA Times has Trump up by 1 point.

And most importantly, the most accurate poll of the 2012 election, IBD/TIPP has Trump up 43 to 41 percent.

Funny how the mainstream media doesn’t mention these polls.

But there are many signs this year is different and pollsters cannot accurately measure the direction of the electorate.

Trump attracts 10,000 or more crazed fans to his events. Hillary attracts 200 to 500. And most of those attendees are Democrat Party employees or union hacks paid to be there! The exact number since August 1 is 561,000 for Trump events vs 31,000 for Hillary events.

Hillary can’t even sell her new book. As of this moment, it’s #5,568 at Amazon. It’s brand new. It’s written by the most high-profile woman in the world. She has had an audience of over 60 million watching each of the past three presidential debates. Yet no one is buying her book.

The signs are everywhere. Literally.

My best friend’s wife drove this weekend from DC to Florida. She saw hundreds of Trump signs on lawns, on barns, on highway overpasses. She saw one Gary Johnson sign. But there wasn’t one Hillary sign. Not one.

Then there’s the dramatic drop in NFL ratings. My friends are all NFL fans. This is due to the anger of the people I wrote about in my new book “ANGRY WHITE MALE.” This is the same "Silent Majority" who are boycotting the NFL over disrespect for the flag by NFL players.

This is "the Trump effect" at work. My friends are angry and motivated. The media just doesn’t understand what’s happening on Main Street.

Then there’s the kind of polls I trust. My friend is a Vegas cab driver. She starts every new ride with this conversation opener, “Welcome to Vegas. Now let’s talk about the election. Who are you voting for?” In the privacy of her cab, with no one watching or judging, every single passenger in the past two weeks has whispered “TRUMP.” Yes, all of them.

So what gives? I’ve predicted this in the media for three months now. This is our Brexit. None of the experts saw Brexit coming. Only the people on Main Street knew.

Here’s some facts to back up my contention. William Hill, one of the largest legal bookmakers in the world, warned days ago that the betting patterns of this election look exactly like Brexit.

All the big bets they’ve taken are on Clinton. They report 71 percent of the money is on Hillary. Just like Brexit.

But 65 percent of the actual bets are on Trump. The little guys are all betting on Trump. Guess who determines the outcome of elections? The little guys. They’re betting their $5 and $10 on Trump. Just like Brexit.

I’ll take the Vegas cab driver’s poll over the fancy D.C. pollsters any day.

I’ll take the betting patterns at legal bookmakers.

I’ll take the sign of a massive drop in NFL ratings.

I’ll take the size of the crowds at Trump rallies.

I’ll take the signs along the road for Trump vs none for Hillary.

The signs are all there. Something is happening that the DC experts and mainstream media can’t see, or understand. Or maybe they just don't want to.

This is our Brexit. And I’m betting big on Trump.

Ann Barnhardt #conspiracy

is NOT about Trump becoming “president” of the former-United States. Never was, folks. It was pre-arranged with the Clintons as a means of re-installing the Clinton mafia in The White House while allowing Trump to evolve the Trump brand and increase the value of the Trump brand by billions of dollars.

Donald Trump began by cultivating his persona as a real estate tycoon and casino mogul in the 1980s. But that is a somewhat limited market, and also very cyclical and risky. After all, building giant mirror-penis skyscrapers and slapping your name on them in gold-mirror caps can only take narcissist so far. He then decided to expand and elevate his persona by moving into entertainment – specifically reality shows – in the 1990s and 2000s. While risky and cyclical like real estate, entertainment is far LESS risky once a given entertainer has established a foothold. Trump did that with “The Apprentice”.

Being “friends” with the Clintons, Trump saw how lucrative the political racketeering paradigm was, specifically the “speaking fees”, which are just extremely thinly-veiled bribes and payola, and the “Clinton Global Initiative”, which is a straight-up money laundering racket. But, in order for Trump to break into the world of ten-figure political racketeering, he needed to evolve his brand even further. He needed to evolve into “Donald Trump: Global Statesman”.

And THAT, my dears, is why he brokered and concocted the kayfabe with the Clintons that you are now seeing. Was Trump inspired in all of this after his dabble in Professional Wrestling a few years ago? Were his business dealings with on again-off again billionaire Vince McMahon (owner of WWF/WWE Pro Wrestling) his inspiration for the kayfabe “presidential” run? NOTHING would surprise me at this point.

Now to the “winning and losing”. This is all fake. Clinton is going to “win” and was always going to win no matter what because the elections themselves are a sham. I know this is really, really hard for Americans to come to grips with, but these national-level elections are all bullshit and have been for a while. Donald Trump wants NOTHING TO DO with being “president” of the former-United States. Think about it. What person in their right mind would want to be “president” over the next four years, as the catastrophic destabilization, the aggressive execution of the Cloward-Piven strategy comes to full flower? As I said from the beginning, the Obama regime would incite a race-based civil war inside the U.S., while simultaneously destabilizing the rest of the world AND reforming and arming a new islamic Caliphate. Check. The Obama regime also executed the Cloward-Piven Strategy upon the U.S. economy AND healthcare delivery system. This was done in a two-pronged attack, namely Obamacare and the dissolving of the Mexican border. Check.

Zachary K Hubbard #conspiracy

Joel Shanahan, Golden Donna DJ, & "survivor of Oakland warehouse fire hoax +Chicago Fire, Golden State Warriors & Donald Trump

I now have zero doubts this was a staged hoax. No one is dead.

The "survivor", the "fire crotch", "Joel the DJ", from "Golden Donna", tells me all I need to know. The fact that he is reported to be age '33' is just a cherry on the top.

In case you have somehow missed my posts on Dolly Parton, the staged fire in Tennessee and the burnt Bible page from the Book of Joel, please read below:

Please be sure to check the reader comments for more on Billy Joel and his song 'We Didn't Start the Fire':'t_Start_the_Fire

Joel = 42; Freemason = 42; Zionism = 42; NBA Finals = 42; Stephen = 42

As for the reference to 'Golden Dawn', it connects to the DJ's full name, Joel Shanahan.

Keep in mind, I have been pointing out the parallels to these fires with Donald Trump, the 45th President 'elect'. Donald Trump is preaching the message of fascism and police state, which is very similar to the message of the political movement Golden Dawn, in Greece.

Now, more on the GOLDEN State Warriors.

Joel Shanahan = 108; Golden State Warriors = 108; Chicago Fire was 10/8/1871

Speaking of Chicago, we just saw them break the 108-year curse.
Geometry = 108; Major League = 108

Also, has I pointed out in my last post, this is the worst fire in Golden State since 1991, the year Golden Dawn became recognized as a political party.

Lance Wallnau #fundie

Earlier this week, right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau streamed a video on Periscope in which he claimed that the mistake in announcing the best picture winner at the Academy Awards last weekend was an example of God making the enemies of President Trump “look foolish.”

“A lot of us don’t watch the Academy Awards because it’s so irritating with the politics,” Wallnau said. “All night they’re bashing Trump, all night they set up this imaginary Donald Trump figure and beat him like a pinata. And then when it comes time for them to do the best picture, they screw it up, they have the wrong envelope. Hollywood evidently knows enough to lecture the president and the rest of the country on what the president’s policy should be, but they don’t know enough to find their own envelopes.”

“All night long they’re beating up on Donald Trump and the headlines the next day [are] how screwed up the Academy Awards was,” Wallnau continued. “I don’t know how long this grace is going to be on Donald Trump but, I’ll tell you what, there’s an anointing on that guy and God literally makes his enemies look foolish.”

Fading Light #racist


Heather Mac Donald is an investigative journalist who has done some truly remarkable work in exposing the endless lies of the left. I must admit I’ve rather idolized this person for her bravery in usefully confronting the endless anti-White diatribe with hard (and hard-to-find) facts. That being said, my idolization of people doesn’t take the usual idiotic form of guru worship so common among the endless throngs of retards that populate our world. I simply appreciate—and feel a sense of debt.

Now imagine how irritated I was to click on one of her speeches on YouTube only to hear her refer to the “horrific injustice of slavery and Jim Crow,” or something similarly mindless. And many would say I shouldn’t dwell on that bit, but I think the failure of so many to dwell on that is exactly the point. For all the good she has done, it rather sounds as if Ms. Mac Donald would keep us on the road to hell (decrying the suffering the whole time) because she—even she—buys into the utterly ludicrous narrative that Blacks have been mistreated by Whites EVER.

And so it goes with virtually every public figure that I admire or border on admiring: Jim Goad at Takimag, Donald Trump, Steven Crowder, and several others. These are reasonably intelligent individuals—certainly without peer among their leftist opponents, which makes for some very entertaining argumentative beat-downs. And I’m even willing to grant that Donald Trump is in no position to voice such a thing as what I’m about to say, but I can tell that he is a true-believer, that ALL of them are true-believers . . . that Blacks are equal to Whites, or that they SHOULD BE TREATED as equal to Whites.

For leftists, this is as far as they needed to read. I’m “bad” because I dare to assert that the races are not equal—more specifically that the White race is superior to all other races on earth. Leftards have been conditioned like monkeys to sententiously repeat their special little religious mantras about equality and human uniformity and magic hate rays that make even rich Negroes do badly on tests. So if you’re one of these people, please let me address the other members of the audience and do me a favor by putting a gun in your mouth and blowing that shriveled sack of excrement you call your brain out through the top of your pointed head.

But whom does that leave? The blades are all sharpened, the armor is polished, and the enemy has left the gate unmanned, but nowhere in the wide world can we find even one person sufficiently intelligent to pick up his own sword without cutting off his own fingers. What a pack of bloody imbeciles! Sometimes I feel utter shame at how long it took me to see the truth, and then I reflect on how alone I am in what I can see.

I’d like to put aside the fact that evolution literally precludes the possibility of racial equality. Let’s spare ourselves the observation that the inventive history of the White race outstrips that of all other races COMBINED by about a thousand-to-one. I’d just like you to stop for a second and use information gathered by your own eyes. Just for a moment shut off the propaganda voice you let rule your consciousness from the back of your well-trained mind, and access your own direct personal experience for a moment. When in the course of your entire life have you ever seen any evidence, even one shred, that the races are equal? No evasions, no cherry-picking, no tu-quoque fallacies: Have you ever seen any evidence that the various non-White groups you have encountered, taken one race at a time or all at once, were a match for the majesty, cleverness, decency, and beauty of Whites?

Every philosophical ideal you hold dear in the world, whether you are a leftist or an actual human being, has come from our race: Civilization itself, environmental conservation, rejection of spousal abuse, the notion of human rights, every medium in which you have ever received information, the understanding of the movement of the heavens, democracy, the aspiration for personal greatness and worth, all of it, ALL OF IT, has come from the White race. THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE WILLING TO LET DIE AS YOU PRETEND IT MAKES YOU NOBLE TO SAY THE RACES ARE EQUAL.

And all of that is destroyed by the non-Whites. In China and Japan, individuals are relegated to the existence of being little more than mechanical surfs mass-producing for a soulless state. In any dealing you have with public officials, be they police or school masters, judges or businessmen, you can expect to have to pay a bribe to get “fair” treatment. Japan hides it a little better, but practices amakudari in selection of CEOs and has been repeatedly admonished for stealing patents and doing nothing to prosecute countless bribery cases. I mention these two nations because Asians are the closest thing to a decent race apart from Whites: the closest thing, but still a thousand light years short of it. They lie and they cheat and they steal constantly. They, like every other non-White race, swarm into White nations for a better life, bringing their corruption with them and destroying what we have, all while telling us how oppressive and hateful and vile we are.

How many people have you ever heard of who wanted to run away from a White nation for Japan or China? Honestly, have you EVER? What does that tell you?

My point here is that none of this is going to get any better until White people are hurting badly enough that they lose their fear of stating what they can see with their own eyes. We are forbidden to say our race is the best precisely because it really is the best. It simply isn’t brought up by even the most daring of anti-globalist personalities because it is the one objective fact that will unify all the inferiors in their rage and hatred of our achievements. But the really sad truth is that these “daring” nonconformists won’t admit it even to themselves.

Blacks were NEVER mistreated in America, never mistreated by the White race anywhere, not for even one day. Putting aside more leftist evasions like focussing on far-removed singular individuals who met a bad fate (though more often than not, even they got better than they deserved, like Negroes hanged for raping or murdering innocent people), the non-White races have always gained from us far, far, far more than we gained from them. Our interactions with them have always been to their benefit, and always they have cried crocodile tears and pretended they were wronged.

And slavery was never unjust to Blacks, Heather. Blacks are intellectual children, and violent, indolent, incompetent, and useless. They were taken from a life of horrific poverty, rampant disease, incessant warfare, and early death in Africa to a life of useful work, medical providence, and the same respectful care that was given to any tamed horse by his master, if not out of benevolence then out of a desire for consistent productivity. The only injustice in that slavery was to the White race. Slavery has been turned into yet another mythical holocaust where Blacks, supposedly provided for free in endless supply to evil White southerners, were daily whipped bloody, raped, and worked without sleep in deserts full of cobras until they dropped from exhaustion. This narrative is as far from reality as is describing a kids’ summer camp as a prison—or Bruce Jenner as a woman, for that matter.

Oh, and Africa had then AND STILL HAS NOW slavery. If we really think that’s so horrible, why aren’t we bombing Africa at this very moment? But we actually know better, don’t we. And the Middle East still has slavery. And the crap we buy from our “trade partners” in China is essentially manufactured by slaves, isn’t it. That’s why we buy it. Slave labor makes for cheap products—in both senses of the word.

But the Negroes received their food and lodging, a bit of alcohol now and again, and were allowed to get together and play music and party, and accumulate personal baubles just like everyone else. They simply weren’t allowed to leave, just like the average laborer right now in China or Mexico. But we aren’t bombing China and Mexico because we know it’s not really that bad, and what on earth would we do with them if we “freed” them from it?

The average person in Mexico has seen their enslavement as nothing but a blessing. Having a factory to work in, with air conditioning and a steady pay check beats the starvation existence they had on their overcrowded farms, trying to squeeze a survival out of the parched dirt. My objection to our factories moving to Mexico has nothing to do with this enslavement (i.e. EMPLOYMENT) of the Mexican people, but rather the horrific effects it has had on my own race.

What would the average Black slave have become if he had been freed? We have the answer to this: He would keep working on his original plantation for a paycheck that amounts to nothing more than the benefits he got when he was a slave, and his freedom had thus expanded to either going to work on another plantation for the same pay, or moving north and trying to mooch off the naive pity of the anti-slavery libtards of the time. Few took that last option because it was the unknown and required thought and effort. The opportunity to become a welfare parasite had to be brought to the southern Negro’s door by libfags from the north because Blacks are so inferior that they would have remained slaves forever rather than figure out how to live off other people’s tax money. Where in ANY of this is the “injustice” to Negroes?

Realizing the races are not equal matters because all the supposed injustice of “White privilege” is based on the unproven (and entirely false) assertion that the races OUGHT to all be entitled to the same things. In a world where liars and retards can claim children are equal to adults, the protective parent who won’t let his or her pre-adolescent have sex and drink alcohol becomes an “oppressor,” and the physically weak, ignorant child becomes the “oppressed.” In a world where devils and imbeciles declare that animals are equal to people, a barbecue becomes a “holocaust” and rats and roaches must be allowed to live in your home, in your cupboards, in your bed else you are guilty of “bigotry.” But in reality in both cases, the universe has a logical hierarchy and making unequal things equal is an act of cowardice or stupidity at best.

Attention Jim Goad and Donald Trump and Steven Crowder and Heather Mac Donald: Go outside tonight and look up at the moon. There’s a fifty-fifty chance it will be in your sky tonight whenever you read this, assuming that by some chance you ever do. Human beings have been to that world, have walked around on its surface, left flags, brought back to earth pieces of the heavens. And every last one of them was White: not Asian, not Jewish, not Middle Eastern. White.

You rightly pride yourselves on seeing past the PC brainwashing. When are you going to admit to yourself the reality that the races are not equal, and that one of them is clearly far better than all the others? There’s a world full of people watching you, daring to ask questions of themselves based on what you say. Maybe it’s time you found a way to get them to ask the one that really matters, but first you’ll have to ask it of yourselves.

Helgard Müller #fundie #wingnut #dunning-kruger

President Donald J. Trump, The Son of Man - The Christ

During the presidency of President Donald Trump, it became evident to me that the prophecies about the Son of Man, as predicted by Jesus in the Bible were, to a significant extent, fulfilled at the hands of Mr Trump. The Bible speaks about two different Christs-or Messiahs. Jesus, the Son of God is the one Christ, whereas the Son of Man is the other. Jesus always referred to the Son of Man in the third person. The greatest distinction or significance between the Son of Man and the Son of God (the Lamb) is their respective positions at the throne of God. There are numerous differences between the Son of God and the Son of Man, but overall, people read these scriptures and they do not realize that the Son of God (the Lamb) stands in front of the throne of God, whereas the Son of Man, is positioned on the right hand of God. Jesus spoke about two different killings in the four gospels of the New Testament. People read these scriptures and are unaware that Jesus (the Son of God) predicted his own killing in the first person, as opposed to the several prophecies that He made in respects to the Son of Man who will be crucified. The New Testament speaks about "two Kings;" Jesus, the Son of God, is the "King of the Jews," whereas the Son of Man is the "King of Kings" who will be a world-ruler, and He will rule all the nations (the tribes) of the earth with a rod of iron. This book will explain in depth how "Donald John Trump's" full name literally means: "The Ruler of the World, graced by Yahweh (the LORD) and a descendant of a Drummer." Upon reading this book, the reader will be captivated when they realize how President Donald John Trump fulfilled most of the prophecies as the Son of Man. It speaks about End Time Prophecies and Biblical revelations regarding "President Donald J. Trump, the Son of Man. The Christ."

Mirrors of Truth #conspiracy #racist

<links removed to compress entry>
Donald Trump has Steven Mnuchin and had Gary Cohn, Steve Bannon, Anthony Scaramucci, and Dina Powell in his Administration and they were all top executives for Goldman Sachs.

The Goldman and Sachs families were from Bavaria. The Trump bloodline is from Bavaria. Ivana Trump was accompanied by Prince Manuel of Bavaria and Princess Anna of Bavaria for the Benefit Auction for the Jazz Musicians Emergency Fund in 2005.

Trump had a meeting with the Bavarian Henry Kissinger who wrote the National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 a report on population control.

Trump-appointed Jared Kushner as a senior adviser and his company RealCadre LLC was financed by George Soros and Goldman Sachs. Jared Kushner is also a Kabbalist Chabad member.
Thousands of children have been held in former Walmarts and government facilities under the Trump presidency. Trump does not deny this. That is child trafficking.
Nearly 1,500 boys between the ages of 10 and 17 are spread across the re-purposed Walmart. Most of the boys have crossed into the United States alone while dozens more were separated from their parents under Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ new zero-tolerance policy.

A few days later after the story came out about the thousands of Spanish speaking immigrant children detained in former Walmarts and other government facilities Trump met with King Felipe VI of Spain. I previously stated in other articles that Spain which is ruled by the House of Bourbon runs Mexico and various Latin American nations like proxies and that the Spanish House of Bourbon owns many of the Mexican and Latin American drug cartels which are involved in human trafficking. The Bourbon and Franco families were also involved in stealing an estimated 300,000 babies from Spanish hospitals over several decades.

Trump is friends with Prince Roffredo Gaetani of Roman-Vatican Black Nobility and his ex-wife Ivana Trump dated him for years. The House of Gaetani produced two Popes. In the image above Prince Roffredo has his hands around the waist of his girlfriend Ivana and also around the waist of the sixteen-year-old Ivanka with Trump present at the party.

Trump purchased property for his casino from the mafia hitman Salvatore Testa. The mafia built Atlantic City and launder their criminal profits in casinos. The NJ Commission of Investigation report on organized crime, contractors, casinos, and construction describes Philly Mob owned construction companies working on the Trump-owned Harrah’s.

Trump-appointed Kellyanne Conway as Counselor to the President. Kellyanne Conway’s grandfather Jimmy “The Brute” DiNatale was an associate of the Philly Mob.

One of Siligato’s closest friends was James “Jimmy the Brute” DiNatale, identified by police as an organized crime associate who ran a gambling operation in and around the migrant labor camps and in several Latino communities in the Hammonton area. DiNatale, who died in 1983, “was like a second father to me,” Siligato said last week. Another sore point with police, Siligato said, is that in 1980, he and DiNatale were alibi witnesses for mob boss Nicodemo “Little Nicky” Scarfo in a murder trial in which Scarfo and two codefendants were acquitted. Siligato describes Scarfo as “an acquaintance,” but not a friend.

Trump hired Roy Cohn who worked as an attorney for the mafia bosses John Gotti, Tony Salerno, and Carmine Galante. Trump has also been friends with the mafia associate Robert Libutti. The Gambino-Genovese owned S&A Concrete was involved in constructing Trump’s building in Manhattan with Genovese boss Tony Salerno as an owner. Below is Trump with the mafia lawyer Roy Cohn.

Donald Trump with Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies the Duke of Castro and his family at Trump’s Mar a Lago. The Bourbon-Two Sicilies' ancestors which were the Dukes of Castro officially established the Jesuit Order under Pope Paul III. The House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies is also part owners of the Trafficante crime family of Florida. The Trafficantes have criminal operations and casinos in Cuba. Cuba is run by the Castro family just as the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies are the Dukes of Castro. Their cousins the Bourbon-Parma family have residences in Florida.

Donald Trump was a Jesuit educated at Fordham. Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump went to Jesuit Georgetown. None of them are Roman Catholic. Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies is a top authority over the Jesuits.
Before earning his degree in economics, he was a student at Fordham College at Rose Hill (FCRH) for two years.

The above image is of Trump with Felix Sater who has Russian mafia connections. The Russian billionaire and Communist Aras Agalarov’s son Emin Agalarov set up a meeting with the Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya and Trump Jr, Kushner, and Paul Manafort. Aras Agalarov is a Commander in the Italian Order of Merit.

Autochthonous Croatian Party of Rights #racist

US Condemns Croatian Neo-Nazi March for Trump

The United States condemned a march in support of Donald Trump organised by a marginal Croatian far-right party, at which a German neo-Nazi party’s flag was flown.

March supporting US President Donald Trump in Zagreb on Sunday. Photo: BETAPHOTO/HINA/Denis CERIC/DS

The United States embassy in Zagreb on Monday strongly condemned the march staged by the far-right Autochthonous Croatian Party of Right, A-HSP, in the centre of Zagreb on Sunday.

At the march, which was intended to show support to US President Donald Trump, party members waved the US flag, along with the Croatian flag with an unofficial coat of arms resembling the one of Croatian WWII fascist Ustasa movement.

The procession of some 30 people also flew their A-HSP party flag with the Ustasa slogan ‘Za dom spremni’ (‘Ready for the Home(land)’) on it, as well as the flag of the neo-Nazi National Democratic Party of Germany, NPD.

“The embassy of the United States most strongly rejects the neo-Nazi and pro-Ustasa views expressed during a demonstration of a few people in Zagreb on Sunday,” the embassy said in its statement.

“We condemn any attempt to link the United States with this odious ideology. Such a suggestion is an insult to the memory of the 186,000 US soldiers killed in Europe in the fight against Nazi Germany and several million innocent victims killed during World War II,” it added.

The Croatian government also condemned the event on Sunday.

“[We] strongly condemn today’s lining-up of members of the A-HSP party in Zagreb, which promotes the Ustasa ideology and Nazism, thus attacking the fundamental values of the Croatian constitutional system,” the government said in a statement.

It added that such actions were intended to “incite fear and intolerance in society”.

Although the march was legally announced to the police, which ensured the security of the participants, A-HSP president Drazen Keleminec was arrested for shouting 'Za dom spremni', which is a misdemeanour under Croatian law.

Keleminec said on Sunday that a representative of the German far-right NPD party, Alexander Neidlein, was also present on the march to assist the A-HSP’s cause.

“Alexander Neidlein is here among us, a friend who came to us today to give support for the independent and sovereign state of Croatia in the battle against the Satan which rules the Croatian state,” he said.

He then shouted “Za dom spremni”, insisting that nobody could ban him from voicing the Ustasa slogan in public.

He explained that his party supports Trump because of his politics, especially his anti-immigration and anti-EU stances.

Keleminec however rejected comparisons with the nationalist Serbian Radical Party, which also publically supported Trump.

Some questioned how the police allowed such an event to take place, because in 2015, then Interior Minister Ranko Ostojic, of the former centre-left government, rejected an attempt by the A-HSP to rally its members on Zagreb’s central square.

Boris Miletic, the president of the centre-left Istrian Democratic Assembly, argued that it should have been stopped.

“This is a pure Nazi parade. It is hard to imagine a higher form of primitivism in 2017 than this shameful and dangerous parade. I’m disgusted by the fact that such a thing can be organised in Croatia, and that law enforcement doesn’t prevent it starting,” Miletic said on Sunday.

Miletic urged the government and the Croatian president to condemn “every act of reviving Croatia’s dark history, every piece of hate speech and any representation of intolerance towards minorities”.

The A-HSP is known for its protests at which it expresses support for the Ustasa legacy and confronts anti-fascist groups.

Between 1941 and 1945, the Ustasa movement ran a Nazi-aligned puppet state called the Independent State of Croatia and committed crimes against Serbs, Jews, Roma and anti-fascists.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut

White Renegade of the Year — 2022

The White Renegade of the Year is not the person who is the most anti-white. He is the person who could have done the most good, but instead did the most harm. This year’s winner is Boris Johnson.

Boris Johnson had the potential for greatness. Other than Nigel Farage, it was Boris Johnson who delivered victory in the Brexit referendum. His closing speech was magnificent.

Unfortunately, like President Donald Trump, Boris Johnson betrayed those who believed in him. Unlike Donald Trump, Boris Johnson can’t blame saboteurs within his own government and party, a ferociously hostile media, political inexperience, or Big Tech censorship. Whatever Donald Trump’s failings, our former president faced obstacles he never imagined when he descended the escalator in 2015.

Though it was not the sole cause, opposition to mass immigration was an important reason why so many Britons defied the political establishment and voted to leave the European Union.

In 2019, after Brexit, Boris Johnson and the Conservatives ran and won the election on a strong anti-immigration platform. Immigration then increased.

From 2019 to May 2022, visas issued to Indians surged by 164 percent, Pakistanis by 255 percent, and Nigerians by 415 percent.

Brexit voters thought they were limiting immigration; Mr. Johnson expanded immigration beyond the European Union.

Boris Johnson also offered more visas to Indians in exchange for more trade with the former Raj. Indian leaders must hardly believe their good fortune: They can get more economic benefits and more revenge colonization. Though Boris Johnson’s term lies a-moldering in the grave, his agreement marches on, with India and the UK recently striking another deal. The interests of the British people don’t matter.

The Conservative government is now mulling an effort to get “migrants” to move to rural areas to “combat depopulation and replenish ageing communities.” In other words, replace Britons. “So what?” asked former Conservative Health Secretary Sajid Javid when Nigel Farage charged that the people of Britain are being remade. If that’s conservatism, it’s hard to care whether Labour wins the next general election.

Bernadette Repisky #wingnut

Evan Sayet:
"My Leftist friends constantly ask me if I’m not bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum. They ask if I don’t think his tweets are “beneath the dignity of the office.”

Here’s my answer: We Right-thinking people have tried dignity. We tried statesmanship. We tried propriety. And the results were always the same. This is because, while we were playing by the rules of dignity, collegiality and propriety, the Left has been, for the past 60 years, engaged in a knife fight where the only rules are those of Saul Alinsky and the Chicago mob. I don’t find anything “dignified,” “collegial” or “proper” about Barack Obama’s lying about what went down on the streets of Ferguson in order to ramp up racial hatreds because racial hatreds serve the Democratic Party.

The problem is that, through these years, the Left has been the only side fighting this war. While the Left has been taking a knife to anyone who stands in their way, the Right has continued to act with dignity, collegiality and propriety.

With Donald Trump, this all has come to an end. Donald Trump is America ’s first wartime president in the Culture War.

Trump’s tweets may seem rash and unconsidered but, in reality, he is doing exactly what Alinsky suggested his followers do. First, instead of going after “the fake media” — and they are so fake that they have literally gotten every single significant story of the past 60 years not just wrong, but diametrically opposed to the truth, from the Tet Offensive to Benghazi, to what really happened on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri — Trump isolated CNN.. He made it personal.

Imagine, for example, if CNN had honestly and accurately reported then-candidate Barack Obama’s close ties to foreign terrorists (Rashid Khalidi), domestic terrorists (William Ayers & Bernardine Dohrn), the mafia (Tony Rezko) or the true evils of his spiritual mentor, Jeremiah Wright’s church.

So, to my friends on the Left — and the #NeverTrumpers as well — do I wish we lived in a time when our president could be “collegial” and “dignified” and “proper”? Of course I do.
These aren’t those times. This is war. And it’s a war that the Left has been fighting without opposition for the past 50 years.
So, say anything you want about this president - I get it - he can be vulgar, he can be crude, he can be undignified at times. I don’t care. I can’t spare this man. He fights for America!"

David J. Stewart #conspiracy

Something is very wrong with Donald Trump. Just days before the 2016 Presidential election, the FBI and NYPD went public with evidence that Hillary was involved in child sex crimes, child exploitation, perjury and kidnapping. Then they mysteriously decided not to prosecute her? What an obvious ploy to sway the election! Yet, Mr. Trump praised Hillary when he won the election. What kind of man praises a known satanist and child predator? Please watch the following shocking documentary about the Clinton's sex perversion and satanism. What Is The Illuminati? - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8.

I hesitated to make any predictions, because it was really difficult for me to decide who would win. Albeit, I had my leanings toward Trump for two reasons: 1) The last time a Democrat was elected as U.S. President after a two term Democrat was in the year 1836; and 2) Historically, Republicans and Democrats always rotate back n' forth, so it was time for another Republican President. Check out how hilarious Hillary's supporters became upon hearing that she lost the election, crying like babies. Good, they lost their dyke lesbian fascist queen of Hell. Still, I think Mr. Trump is a slick deception, who ultimately will further the agendas of the Luciferian elite who are behind the satanic New World Order (NWO).

Pastor Jimenez rightfully exposes Mr. Trump as being covetous, vulgar and proud. Pastor Roger Jimenez Preaches About Why Donald Trump Is A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing!!! AMEN BROTHER JIMENEZ!!! It is obvious to me that Hillary Clinton was deliberately placed in competition with Donald Trump, so that nearly every Christian and evangelical in the United States would be overly thankful to have Trump as their leader instead of the likes of a devil like Hillary Clinton. Voting for the lesser of two evils sends a clear message to the Luciferian elite that they can continue to give us horrible candidates, because we'll vote for them every time, just as long as one is a little better than the other guy! If they give us Adolf Hitler and Jeffrey Dahmer, America's churches will vote for Adolf Hitler! The Clintons are known murderers, drug-traffickers, sex perverts, liars, opportunists, child predators and satanists!

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie

Right-wing commentator, conspiracy theorist and Donald Trump–obsessed sycophant Wayne Allyn Root kicked off his radio broadcast on Wednesday by heaping praise on President Trump’s decision to ban transgender people from serving in the military.

“Brilliant Donald Trump cements his support among every conservative, every Christian, every evangelical Christian and every straight white male in America,” Root crowed. “We are back! America is back! Thank God for Donald Trump. Thank God for common sense.”

“We’ve had it with this transgender issue,” he continued. “Do whatever you want in your bedroom, but you can’t go in the military, you cannot serve alongside the men and women who are fighting to save America [who] don’t want to be on the battlefront or in the fox holes with a he/she.”

“You don’t get to fight in the military,” Root proclaimed. “Where does the U.S. Constitution say you have a right to not know if you have a penis or a vagina and sit in a fox hole and shoot people? ‘Cause you don’t have what it takes to sit in a fox hole and shoot people and the other men who do, don’t want to sit in a fox hole with you; they’re scared of you. They’re not scared of murdering communists, they’re not scared of crazy, murdering, set-you-on-fire Muslims, they’re scared of you who don’t know if you have a penis or a vagina! That’s who scares most straight men! Sorry to tell you. They don’t want to be near you. It’s like a freaking Nightmare on Elm Street if they see a bunch of transgenders walking towards them who don’t know if they are a man or a woman.”

“Those days are done,” Root celebrated. “Real men are in charge of the United States of America again, not the sissies called liberal men. Those days are over. The military is for real men ’cause your children’s lives are on the line.”

Meghan McCain #wingnut

Fox News contributor Meghan McCain on Monday called on conservatives to stop trying to defeat Donald Trump for president, arguing that Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton was “truly evil.”

“I wasn’t a Donald Trump supporter but this is the will of the American people,” McCain told Fox News host Neil Cavuto. “But I think Donald Trump has to step up and answer a lot of questions. And he has to start being a leader, and he has said he wants to unite this party. That means uniting people like me.”

“There’s so many things that I have a hard time defending about his rhetoric and his values,” she admitted.

“But you still prefer him over Hillary Clinton?” Cavuto wondered.

“I told you, a tuna sandwich over Hillary Clinton,” McCain quipped. “Because I think Hillary Clinton is truly evil, and she’s truly a liar and she’s been responsible in my opinion for getting people killed.”

“Come on,” Cavuto replied.

“She’s Darth Vader,” McCain insisted. “I can’t trust her in any way.”

Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the Machine) #crackpot #wingnut #transphobia #ufo #racist #conspiracy

Guys… everything you are seeing regarding Donald Trump and the 2024 election, supports the theory that the original Donald Trump is DEAD, and that the imposter will hand over the election to Harris on a silver platter!

1. He’s just not the same dude, in the last few years. His behaviour is different, and YOU KNOW IT! I know it’s hard to believe the original is DEAD but there’s nothing wrong with considering it.

2. So why is Donald Trump letting rubber-faced Jewish “Israel First” tranny touch him with ‘her’ boob in public? Could it be we’re looking at an actor? YES… SOMEONE WHO IS ISRAEL FIRST he says he can’t tell her what to do, as she is on his CAMPAIGN PLANE. Yup… leader of the free world, can’t tell ‘her’ what to do.
7. Then when there was that assassination attempt… he was clearly seeing showing his hand to the camera, that should have been covered in blood!!

Guys… all of this for me at least, supports the idea that the original Trump is DEAD! There’s no way, this is all a WHITE HAT MOVIE… unless the movie is a horror movie of betrayal of a nation.

8. Does it make sense, that humanity needs GALACTIC MILITARY INTERVENTION?
13. Folks, I know this is all very confusing, but the only thing that makes sense, is that the original Trump is dead… for me, at least. <...> LET’S FACE IT, THIS WHOLE TIME, HE COULD HAVE PINCHED JOE BIDEN’S MASK IN PUBLIC, AND SHOWN THE WORLD, THERE ARE IMPOSTERS AMONG US. As if all this isn’t bad enough, there’s the CLONE ISSUE.

The US election campaign REAL ISSUES ARE;

a. depopulation

b. transhuman agenda

c. new fake plandemic

d. millions of spaceships in our solar system

e. the end of the Piscean age and the beginning of the golden age

f. the fake sun that even the sunflowers are turning away from

g. the cellphone towers, and how they work with graphene oxide and other technology to create fully controllable and mutatable programmable humans who have no more free thought.

Scott Lively #homophobia #wingnut

Trump – and his base – lost the election because we did not fight the dragon at center of the Marxist agenda, but allowed that snake inside our own camp: homosexual perversion. On this score, billionaire Trump’s family had been undermined by the same Cultural Marxist social-engineering that infiltrated every poor and middle class home in America since the 1960s. His own daughter Ivanka was seduced by the allure of “Queer Theory” pop-culture propaganda in all of its insidious forms, becoming (apparently) the Eve in the garden of Trump’s own family, convincing him to eat the apple of pro-“gay” political correctness.
If God had wanted Donald Trump to remain in the presidency, nothing in heaven or earth could have dislodged him. Instead, just as first Israel and then Judah were expelled from the Holy Land by wicked conquerors for ignoring Leviticus 18, God allowed Donald Trump to be expelled from the White House by obviously corrupt and senile Joe Biden and his sneering Jezebel side-kick, riding a tidal wave of insultingly blatant election fraud.

Now, I’m not rejecting Donald Trump as a political leader as a result of this assessment. Despite his flaws he remains the single most potent human force for constitutionalism in America and I no longer subscribe to the Evangelical requirement of moral perfection in political leaders. Most importantly, I still believe Trump was God’s man in the White House during his term and that God is not done with him any more than he’s done maturing and shaping the rest of us to be more like Jesus Christ.
My advice to President Trump is to first apologize to God for defying His command and then, at minimum, pivot to a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” philosophy, the only workable compromise between the secular society and the MAGA millions who rightfully insist that Christian family values and traditions MUST be protected for the survival of not just our nation, but humanity.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut

[From “The Case for Trump 2024: Secessionists for Trump”]

In the 2016 election[…]I was swept up in the Alt-Right wave and I voted for Donald Trump[…]
In 2024, I am still a Southern Nationalist. I still do not believe the system is capable of being reformed. I would happily vote to secede tomorrow. I do not believe that Donald Trump is going to Make America Again. Then as now, I have never believed this[…]
In 2016, I think my analysis was spot on. The country wasn’t ready for secession, but it was entering a deep national crisis. Donald Trump would prove to be a deeply polarizing figure. He wouldn’t succeed in Making America Great Again, but he would delegitimize institutions, widen cultural divisions and erode taboos[…]
In 2024, over half of Southern Republicans and Independents are now open to the dissolution of the Union[…]These people are also voting for Trump[…]Civil War and National Divorce have gone from unthinkable to mainstream in the Trump era. If Thomas Matthew Crooks had been a slightly better shot, you have to wonder where we would be today

In 2016, the SPLC thought it was bizarre that I was “Stumping For Trump.” I’m an Alabamian and have always been an admirer of Alabama senator William Lowndes Yancey. Yancey did not forsake mainstream politics. He participated in the Democratic Party of his day in order to stoke and inflame national divisions over issues like squatter sovereignty and reopening the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Yancey’s insight in the 1850s was essentially that the only way to destroy the system was to throw sand in its gears and drive up polarization[…]
I am ready to get to the other side of this, which is 2028 when Trump is constitutionally barred from running for the presidency. The divisive Trump era will finally be over. Institutions will be in shambles. America will be no closer to greatness than it was in 2016. Hopefully, a victorious Trump will have succeeded in taking out his various enemies though

David J. Stewart #fundie

Trump committed adultery in 1990 and publicly stated that, “ADULTERY IS NOT A SIN!” What a wicked man! Trump boasted publickly that, “IT WAS THE BEST SEX I'VE EVER HAD!” This headline ran for 28 days in the local New York Times. You can see all of this and the entire story of Trump's rise to fame and wealth in this documentary. When Mr. Trump stands before God at The Great White Throne of Judgment, he won't be so cocky, smug, rebellious and haughty concerning his evil deeds. I am not judging Donald Trump, for the Holy Bible condemns all of us as guilty, dirty, undeserving, sinners in God's sight. I'm just pointing out that Mr. Trump is defiant against God and brags about his sins. The churches have no business supporting a flip-flopping whoremonger who boasts about his recklessness with people's lives and ungodly sins. Clearly, Trump has never repented (i.e., changed his mind) toward sin, Christ and the Gospel. Trump is not saved. No man who denies that he is a sinner is saved (1st John 1:8-10).

The reason why Hillary Clinton was deliberately selected to run against Donald Trump was so that America's Christians, churches and conservatives would be overly grateful to have Trump instead of a Lucifer-worshipping, drug-trafficking, lesbian bimbo, like Hillary! All across the United States, Christians in the churches are saying, “Thank God for Donald Trump,” and they're all breathing a deep sigh of relief. But that was the whole plan! It was all staged. YOU'VE BEEN MANIPULATED SHEEPLE, AGAIN!!! In reality, the churches are thanking God for a whoremonger who brags about having the best sex of his life while committing adultery, and 26-years-later prides himself in never having asked God to forgive him for anything. Wow, what a heathen individual.

The purpose of my article is not to bash Trump; but rather, to hopefully open your eyes not to be deceived by Trump's election to office. Trump is not going to be a Savior. Remember, President Ronald Reagan (aka, “Rainbow Ronnie” for his known homosexual deathstyle, both in California and The White House) used the very same slogan while running for office... “WE'RE GOING TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” While pulling the wool over the eyes of gullible Americans, millions of manufacturing jobs left the country during the Reagan administration. As former U.S. President, Ronald Reagan is guilty of treason and war crimes! Reagan knew about the billions-of-dollars in cocaine being trafficked through Mena, Arkansas (while Bill Clinton was governor), but as a coward he let Colonel Oliver North take the heat. These are not American heroes, they are traitors!!!

Mack Major #fundie

[On a woman screaming no at a Trump protest]

This woman is in full demonic manifestation. She's upset that Donald Trump was inaugurated as the President of America. And as they announced his name, whatever demonic spirits inside of her immediately began to manifest. Crazy right.

How many of you resonate with her pain though?

I've been trying to tell you guys (and gals) that there was more to this election and more at stake than what the news media has been projecting. This election was the result of a very real spiritual battle for the future of not just America: but more importantly the future of an entire generation.

Think about it: Donald TRUMP. The man's very name signals an announcement of some kind. In the Bible trumpets were blown to announce when God was about to move. It was a signal to activate the angels of God in the heavenlies to carry out God's commands in the Earth. (I wrote about angels and the heavenlies in my ebook Brand Ambassadors for Jesus. Fascinating study on parallel spiritual universes that exist right alongside our own. But I digress.)

God didn't put Donald Trump in office: the SAINTS of God did; along with the help of other God-fearing individuals who were ready to see a shift in the spiritual direction of America. And we did it by voting for him while others sat home due to allowing the media to paint a picture of the man that was skewed by personal agendas, lies, LGBTQ smear campaigns and other leftist liberal assault tactics.

I pointed out in a previous article that even WITCHES and SATANISTS were conducting rituals during the debates to effect Trump's mind and make him quit.

This is spiritual warfare on a different level that most are accustomed to seeing play out in politics.

But believers all across this country came together and prayed, fasted and dedicated themselves to withstand being smeared, maligned and rejected by family, community and friends: all because we believed God Himself would hear our prayers and bring about a drastic change in the direction the nation has been headed in over the past 8 years.

The witches lost this battle and the saints won! What's the use in believing in spiritual warfare if you don't believe the saints have an actual chance at winning sometime? You can tell we won too, by the massive witches - I mean women's rallies - going on across the country today. The spirit of Jezebel is just upset that the spirit of Elijah has cast her down and weakened her.

I know this point of view messes with a lot of your eschatology. But much of the way we've been learning and interpreting biblical end times events was way off anyway. It's time for an endtimes prophetic knowledge reboot and update, to correct some of our prior errors in understanding.

Obama welcomed gays into the White House. I along with many others believe President Trump just welcomed God back in. And we'll see the results of it in due season: if we faint not.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

I voted for Donald Trump for president in 2016, again in 2020, and would like to vote for him a third time in 2024, but it’s getting harder and harder. Earlier today on his Truth Social site, Donald Trump shared a video called ‘So God Made Trump’, which borrows liberally from the Paul Harvey classic ‘So God Made A Farmer’, and injected this new creation with an extra-helping of messianic fervor. It’s not good, it’s really not good. Some are calling it ‘blasphemy’.
Politics in any nation, and especially in America, is a dirty and disgusting enterprise run by corrupt people with their own agenda looking to enrich themselves and grab power. If Jesus was walking amongst us now as in the New Testament, He wouldn’t be running for any office. The Bible says that at the Second Advent, He comes as KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, and wipes out all the governments of the world. Christians are not called to ‘reclaim the governments of the world’ to create a kingdom here on Earth, we are called to preach the gospel. The ‘So God Made Trump’ video takes the Good Shepherd of John 10, Jesus, and applies those attributes to Donald Trump. Even going so far as to say that Trump will ‘never leave nor forsake’ the America people.
This video is very much inline with the beliefs of the New Apostolic Reformation, or NAR, and their ‘7 Mountain Mandate’, and just about everything that the corrupt Evangelical Movement believes about combining politics with the Bible. Something cannot and will not be done. This video was created by the Dilley Meme Team, and given Trump’s endorsement when he shared it earlier today.

Is this borderline blasphemy, or does it cross the line completely?

Eddie Hyatt #fundie #wingnut #mammon

My purpose in life—my reason for being—is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and see His church strengthened and built up in America and around the world. I have no vested interest in any candidate or political party but will vote for the one whose policies are most friendly to the cause of Christ and my own reason for being.

The Democratic Party—the party of my parents and grandparents—has made this an easy choice. To cite just one example; last year, the Democrat National Committee (DNC) unanimously passed a resolution affirming atheism and declaring that neither Christianity nor any religion is necessary for morality or patriotism.

By this act, they rejected God, the Bible and any transcendent guide for truth and morality. They swallowed the lie of the serpent to our first parents that if they would ignore God's command and go their own way, "You will be like God, knowing [determining] good and evil" (Gen. 3:5b).

This move was not only a slap in the face of God, but also a rejection of America's founding generation. To cite just one example: In his first inaugural address, George Washington declared, "The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the external rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained (Hyatt, Pilgrims and Patriots, 174).

Donald Trump, despite his tweets and personal flaws, has supported individual and religious liberty. He has acknowledged God and Christ and promoted policies that are friendly to the Christian cause. He has obviously moved in the direction of Christian, conservative values.

But while Trump has been moving toward God, the Democratic Party has been running from Him. This has made Nov. 3 an easy choice for me. If you would like to read more about my thoughts on this election and Donald Trump, check out my 31-page book, 5 Reasons I Changed My Mind About Donald Trump.

Michael Savage #fundie

I have a dream, I have a real dream, that Donald Trump wins. Oh, do I have a dream. I have a dream that when Donald Trump wins, the new Justice Department goes after the ACLU. I have a dream that all the Marvins and the Glorias and all their ill-gotten gains will be seized by the government and they will either run for the hills or be thrown in the slammer. I have a dream that when Donald Trump becomes president, George Soros finds that there’s not a country on earth that he can hide in because he is hated around the world for what he has done to every currency on the planet. I have a dream.

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie

Hillary will open the borders like never before, to let in millions of illegal aliens who have no love for anything that made America great.

Illegals immigrants no longer come here "for a love of America." They come for a love of welfare, food stamps, housing allowances, free medical, free education, free meals at school, free English as second language classes—and don’t forget $3,000 welfare payments disguised as "earned income tax credits," for people who paid no taxes.

Illegals come here for the cradle to grave welfare state that America has become. Eighty percent of them (or higher) will vote for Democrats forever to keep the checks coming. That’s Hillary’s plan.

Don’t believe me? See California. No Republican will ever again be elected to statewide office.

This was the exact formula that destroyed California. Open the borders, let in millions of foreigners, make them dependent on government welfare checks, train them to vote Democratic to keep the checks and handouts coming. It worked!

That was the experiment. Call it Plan A. Now Democrats are onto Plan B. The plan is to flood the country with illegals and foreigners who don’t share our values or love of America. The plan is to turn the rest of America into California.

Hillary will flood the country with millions more.

Hillary will legalize the 15 million or so already here -- and give them the right to vote.

Hillary will allow those 15 million to quickly and easily bring in millions of their relatives and friends.

Hillary will also import millions of Muslim refugees -- people who will need instant welfare and food stamps, very few of whom speak our language, very few of whom believe in American exceptionalism, our Constitution, or Judeo-Christian values.

This is the four-step plan. Then it’s over for America. In four years we’ll be California-cated. We will never win a popular vote for president again.

Donald Trump is our last chance to ever again elect a Republican president. It’s Donald Trump—or it’s the end of the GOP on the national level—and the end of America.

So don’t even think of staying home—or taking a vacation—or registering a “protest vote” on Gary Johnson—or Evan McMullen.

Don’t even think of staying home because you’re a Christian and Trump is not your cup of tea.

Think of the Supreme Court.

Think of open borders.

Think of millions of Muslim refugees imported by Hillary to turn America into Western Europe.

Think of your children’s future.

Think of the future of your unborn grandchildren.

Think of your job.

Think of your middle class life.

Think of ObamaCare expanded to single payer like bankrupt Europe.

Think of capitalism, American exceptionalism, Judeo-Christian values.

Think of this as the last time you can EVER elect a Republican.

Think of this as Trump—or the end of America.

Then vote like you’ve never voted before.

Vote for Trump like...

It’s Trump, or the end of America.

Because it is.

Wayne Allyn Root is a capitalist evangelist, serial entrepreneur, conservative national media commentator, and proud champion of the middle class. He is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee, now back to the GOP. Wayne's latest book is "Angry White Male" (Skyhorse Publishing). He is a supporter of Donald Trump's presidential campaign. For more, visit his website: Follow him on Twitter@WayneRoot.

Padraig Martin #wingnut

[From "The Trump Raid and the End of the United States"]

I was shocked to see that former President of the United States, Donald Trump, had his home raided by the Federal Bureau of Investigations[…]U.S. has enjoyed unprecedented stability because it did not raid the homes of political rivals[…]
It is important to note that this raid is more than just Trump[…]The fact that they can attempt the gulag treatment on Trump should be a massive wake-up to any powerless, ordinary citizen with an unpopular view[…]
I have been critical of “45” for years. Like most dissidents, I am disappointed in Donald Trump for many reasons[…]He should have been more aggressive regarding the removal of far-left activists within the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigations[…]
The military of 2022 is not the military of 1990. There is not a single Constitutional Conservative above the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Franco is not coming to save us[…]
Southern Nationalists would argue that the consent of the governed was destroyed in 1865. Regardless, the façade of an elected representative government endured until now

In 2016, the citizenry chose Donald Trump. For four years, the unelected entities harassed and targeted the will of the people[…]
They failed to protect the right of dissidents to express their personal conscience at Charlottesville. They failed to hold accountable those individuals who manipulated the FISA Courts to weaponize the FBI against the candidate of a major political party. They failed to defend those who peacefully protested on January 6th, 2021[…]
The United States is dead. It cannot be revived. This is the regime flexing on you, the worthless American vote[…]
The raid on Trump should be a wake-up call that the Yankee government cannot be reformed. It is gone. The Constitution will not protect him. The Constitution will not protect you. Secession will

Tenniel #fundie

Nevertheless, WN's who support Bob Whitaker should ALSO support Donald Trump. Why?

Because the Trump candidacy is not so much a candidacy as it is the start of a WHITE AMERICAN MOVEMENT. Donald Trump is giving "the Silent Majority" a voice. He is the voice of the Silent Majority's thoughts.

Whether Trump wins or loses, the Silent Majority will NEVER be silent again. The White Racial Movement in America is underway -- and will only grow in numbers and in strength and in loudness. The demoralization of White America is breaking down. That is what Donald Trump's candidacy represents.

Michele Bachmann #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt

Jan. 6, we’re all told that that’s the worst day that ever happened, these were the worst riots in America. It absolutely wasn’t. It is my opinion that this was a theatrical event that the progressive left put on. The individuals who were the instigators, who brought this about, these were agitators brought in to create this problem. I believe it was specifically done to rebrand Donald Trump as being an insurrectionist and a leader of a terrorist movement. I also believe that this was done to rebrand the Make America Great agenda—because remember, that was considered extremely popular by about 80 million Americans—so they wanted to rebrand Make America Great as an evil thing and those of us who supported Donald Trump and that agenda as evil and terrorists.

That’s all a lie. In the last five months, you wouldn’t even know that Donald J. Trump was ever the president. You wouldn’t even know that those four years of his presidency existed. George Orwell wrote a book, ‘1984.’ He talked about a concept called the memory hole; if the government in charge didn’t want you to remember someone, they put them in the memory hole. Donald J. Trump has been put in a memory hole, Make America Great Again has been put in a memory hole.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #racist

[From “Maybe MAGA is Ready to Talk About the Jews?”]

Along with the Daily Stormer, there were two big internet forces in Donald Trump’s 2016 victory: 4chan’s /pol/ and reddit’s r/The_Donald.
I have not been a reader since 2016, but I’d imagine that it is currently fertile grounds to spread information about Our Greatest Ally to these folks. They are looking for someone to blame
There are two main reasons for the denial.
Childhood Brainwashing and Trauma-Based Psychological Abuse
Every child is taught that the Holocaust was the worst event in history, and they are continually traumatized with it, throughout their childhood. Along with watching an endless number of films[…]small children are shown pictures of piles of corpses[…]before the internet and pornography, this was usually the first time that a child has seen an image of a naked body
The Daily Stormer’s first mission was to use various forms of shock humor and spectacle to break through this mental conditioning.
Evangelical Christian Heresies
Evangelical Christians have devoted themselves to believing that the Jews are the people from the Bible. As we’ve talked about on this site in detail, “the Jews” are not the people of the Bible; they are the remote decedents of Israelites who rejected Christ.
It’s simply a fact that from the media to the Democrats to Jared Kushner, the people who destroyed Donald Trump’s presidency were Jewish.
There is zero strategic value in talking about Donald Trump as anything other than a tragic figure: a brave patriot who tried to save America but was thwarted by satanic Jews.

The Individual (a.k.a: Reptilian Dimension) #conspiracy

Assassination of Donald Trump imminent

After a number of intelligence leaks related to staging a fake UFO invasion, the Jesuit New World Order cancelled their staged alien invasion, which would have been used to suspend the election process. However the Jesuit Order has recently had a meeting about assassinating Donald Trump and there is an imminent threat to his life. However due to this intelligence leak and other factors I believe Donald will be able to get through this alive. God bless you Donald Trump.

Andrew Anglin #fundie

[From "I Wish Donald Trump was Going to Take Away Everyone’s Health Insurance"]

Just as I wished all of those stories about Donald Trump secretly being a Nazi were true, I wish that he was going to actually take away everyone’s health insurance.

Firstly, old people are already taken care of.

So only three kinds of people need health insurance:
• Fat people
• Women
• Cancer children

Government health insurance is simply yet another plot to redistribute wealth to the weakest, most pathetic and most useless people on earth.

Socialism is a system for the weak. Show me a person who isn’t pathetic who supports socialism.

I want a system where only the strong survive.

Where Apache UFC fighters are given medals for beating the shit out of their whore porn star girlfriends, instead of being wrongly imprisoned.

If you’re so pathetic you need a doctor to solve your health problems, then nature should be left to deal with you using her own devices.

Instead of giving fat people free health care, I want to force them to fight one another to the death for my amusement. I want to cleanse the earth of fat people and children with cancer.

Who would win in a death match: a 300 pound man, or ten repulsive bald children with leukemia?

I want to know.

You might even say I would make a wish to see that fight.

But I never will know.

Because Donald Trump won’t take any fat piece of shit’s health insurance. He’s not going to force any bald cancer children to fight to the death for your amusement. This man is sending billions to spread man-on-man anal sodomy in Africa.

I would prefer Pastor Ssempa was president.

You think Blormf is going to let some fat slob keel over and get himself out of our misery?

Not likely.

He’s probably going to up the funding to the sickening cancer children just like he is trying to save retards from being exterminated.


Mark Taylor #fundie

Mark Taylor, the “firefighter prophet” and right-wing conspiracy theorist who claims that God told him that Donald Trump would become president years ago, appeared on Greg Hunter’s “USAWatchdog” program last weekend, where he revealed that God told him that two of the five former presidents will soon die and the other three will face jail time as divine retribution for criticizing President Trump.

Taylor said that when he saw all five former presidents gathered at an event to raise money for hurricane relief, he received a word from the Lord that “two will be taken, three will be shaken.”

“They were doing this Hurricane Harvey relief effort,” Taylor said. “They were trying to raise money for Hurricane Harvey, but we all know that is a bunch of lies. These guys could care less about people, it’s about their agenda. They disguised it as a relief effort for Hurricane Harvey victims and they go in there and they trash Donald Trump.”

“The Bible says, ‘Do not touch my anointed, but especially my prophets,'” he continued. “These guys have now touched God’s anointed, Donald Trump. They used it as a platform to go in there and attack.”

Taylor said that God told him that because of their supposed attack on Trump, “the covenant that these five presidents have had with that entity called Baal—because Baal is the strongman over America—is going to be broken. And then He said, ‘Two of these ex-presidents will be taken and and three will be shaken.'”

“God is just going to take these guys home, period. He is going to remove them and it will be a sign for certain things,” said Taylor. “The other three will be shaken and I believe that two of them will run the risk of going to prison and the third one will also be shaken due to having to testify or legal issues or whatever the case may be. Now, I don’t know if all three of those will go to prison, but I believe there is a very good possibility that two out of the three could face jail time because of what they have done.”

Sassy #fundie

If you a mock a believer you mock the God who made him and the saviour (in this case) who died for him.
Why do you believe that it is written:-

King James Bible
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

It isn't a personality contest of whether I like Donald Trump or Not. I believe in higher powers and that all powers are their by the will of God. Do I know why God put Donald Trump in power? Guessing and looking at facts in the world it could be because of the lack of the last president to help secure Israel the nation and the City of Jerusalem where they need to be. It could also, (which I do believe) be about end times coming into force and the powers that be finally being brought to book.
What I do know is that God is no ones fool he has told the end from the beginning.
My personal beliefs about Donald Trump as a man or business man has no bearing on the fact he is in power because God allowed it, and it will eventually serve the greater plans of God for the good and future of mankind.

You mention you have a faith Robinson. Well, so do I, but it is not based or founded in what others call the 'rights' and 'wrongs' of the world. It is based on belief in God and that he has everything worked out to the last detail.
If Trump is in power you need to know God has real good reasons for it.

sadoeconomics #fundie

Can you give a good reason why you believe child pornography ahouldnt be illegal? Because to me it sounds like youre justifying child rape in the name of "anti-censorship"

I’m not doing that at all, and you shouldn’t put scare quotes on anti-censorship.

First, let’s go over a few incidents. Recently, I heard about an acquaintance of mine whose 16-year-old son’s 17-year-old girlfriend attempted to send him a topless selfie but instead accidentally texted it to her neighbor, an old lady who freaked out and called the police. And the first reaction of the police was to begin the process of indicting ALL THREE OF THEM for possession of child pornography and adding them to the sex offender registry for life - and it’s only because the girl’s dad was a golfing buddy of the chief of police that it ended with all of their cell phones being confiscated and wiped instead. Does this sound like a reasonable way of dealing with this situation? Were all of them child rapists? How much prison time should you get for the crime of receiving an unsolicited JPEG file exactly?

Let’s consider also the Playpen incident last year, which was what prompted that post you’re probably responding to, in which the FBI ran a sting operation that disseminated a massive amount of child pornography through the dark web, which was so badly mishandled that very few people they caught downloading real hardcore child rape pornography can be prosecuted. The US federal government is itself unquestionably the biggest distributor of child pornography there is. This is the same federal government that ran COINTELPRO, MKULTRA, the Tuskegee syphilis experiments, etc. And they are now headed by Donald Trump, who is one of several political figures who went to Jeffrey Epstein’s private island before Epstein was convicted of trafficking in underage prostitutes. Donald Trump of the Republican Party, which recently had Dennis Hastert as the Speaker of the House, who has since been convicted of raping an underage boy. And let’s not even get into all the shit the Democrats have been caught doing. Are these the people you trust to fairly enforce these laws? Do you think it would be difficult for any three-letter agency to put child pornography on your computer without your knowledge if they wanted to, so they could prosecute anyone they wanted and claim they were secretly a pedophile, to destroy their reputation? Is that a power you are comfortable with Donald Trump and the deep state having? They haven’t been willing to legally define ‘pornography,’ even. Having laws forbidding certain combinations of ones and zeroes hands those people a blank check to destroy whomever they wish.

Let’s go back to what prompted my personal interest in this whole debate, which was the relationship I had with an older woman when I was 16 - when I had a job, I was going to college, I was allowed to drive a multi-ton motor vehicle, I was talking to a recruiter about joining the Marine Corps, etc. but had no access to many other legal rights arbitrarily withheld from people under 18. If she had sent me racy photos of herself or vice versa, well, she might still be in prison today. As it was, we carefully avoided putting her at risk for two very long years until I was 18, at which point we had a rather normal romantic adult relationship for several years that ended amicably, that I look back on fondly today. As the person who was supposedly protected here by being forcibly kept apart from the person I loved, how do you think I feel about the state’s interference in our relationship now? If you guessed ‘immensely resentful even after all these years,’ you are correct. Would it have been child rape on her part if I had sent her a picture of my naked body unprompted? Does it make any sense that I could pledge to sign several years of my life over to the military at that age but I couldn’t send someone a picture of myself? Do you get how that experience molded my opinion on the subject and made me willing to speak out on the subject even if it meant people would call me a pedophile?

One of the most famous home movies in history is the Zapruder film of the Kennedy assassination. We’ve all seen it, right? But it’s photographic evidence of a crime. Shouldn’t we all be charged with condoning the murder of the president for watching that footage, by your logic? Surely you agree that murder is worse than rape. Shouldn’t possessing media of a person being killed be illegal, if possessing media of a person being raped should be? And if animated or drawn child pornography is illegal, shouldn’t possessing any movie or video game in which a person is shown being killed be grounds for imprisonment as well? The logic that you folks use has implications far beyond this subject, but you never really pursue those implications (and you shouldn’t, because they’re insane).

My point is, that’s because you’re fabricating unsound legal principles here to support the existence of this unjust, unconstitutional law (probably because anyone who questions it gets accused of being a pedophile, and you don’t want to wind up with clueless anons accusing you of justifying child rape, for example), instead of coming up with law based on sound legal principles. In any other context, anyone would tell you that possessing a picture or video of a crime is not the same thing as committing the crime yourself and the harm was entirely in the original crime, not just watching it. Are you justifying robbing convenience stores by saying it shouldn’t be illegal to watch America’s Dumbest Criminals? And if we took that principle to extremes it’d suppress important political speech - for example, after Vietnam the American media was pressured by the military to stop showing images of US soldiers in body bags, and as a consequence we’re more emotionally isolated from the wars currently being waged and information about the circumstances of the deaths of soldiers has been kept from the public ‘out of respect.’ Laws against pornography were used not so long ago to suppress information about birth control and sex education. It’s not unimaginable that there’s something important we’re not being allowed to know about, or that we’re all afraid to discuss, because it’s been declared child pornography. Censorship is absolutely something you should be afraid of in any form, and even well-meaning censorship can inadvertently suppress the truth. A free society, especially a democracy, depends on open access to information to function and I’m skeptical of anything that nibbles at that around the edges, even for the noblest of causes. These things always have chilling effects on expression far beyond their official limits as well. If some JPEGs can be illegal it requires all this machinery of surveillance and enforcement that can be just as easily used to suppress other things, and if we don’t trust the state, which we shouldn’t, we shouldn’t be comfortable with that machinery of censorship existing at all. We can’t trust them to stay within their mission - look at all the NSA personnel spying on their girlfriends instead of terrorists. Look at how the state has far outgrown its constitutional bounds. Stopping a few fucked up people from getting access to their preferred masturbation material is not worth having to give Leviathan access to all of our digital communications.

I am an anarchist. I discuss radical libertarian politics here. That’s why I’m against this law that’s been abused so much, the enforcement of which has been a massive travesty of justice for decades. Not because I’m ‘trying to justify child rape.’ My ideology is rooted in the nonaggression principle, which rape obviously violates. Do you think I should take the position of ‘we need to remove all power from the government except the power to prosecute people for child pornography?’ There’s no exception here to my general critique of the state. And what do you think would happen to child rapists in Ancapistan, anyway? ‘Hunted for sport’ is my guess. A convicted child rapist would probably not be able to retain the protection of a DRO (I’ve conjectured for a long time that that might be the one thing all of them would refuse to deal with) and they’d have the status of a medieval outlaw, they’d have no legal protections - likely a de facto death sentence with all the people who’d be lining up to kill them. Meanwhile, the state plays catch and release with child rapists - go check the sex offender map and see how many live in your community right now, I dare you.

Anyway, Anon, you are the unwitting pawn of someone who has started a harassment campaign against me, who has accused me of all kinds of other ridiculous vile shit in the past few days as well, and sent messages encouraging me to commit suicide. They dug up a post from nearly two years ago and reposted it outside of the context of the ongoing debate we had had, triggered by the revelation that the FBI had disseminated a massive amount of child pornography on the deep web. I had explained all of this back then in even greater detail, but then someone sent me an anon asking me about banning violent porn and I made the mistake of mentioning my position again without that context, so it could be misinterpreted by people unfamiliar with my ideas.

So yeah, I don’t condone raping children, I’m not a psychopath, I just really don’t trust the government, in large part because there are so many actual child rapists at the highest levels of government, and I think we can do better than the current system. I hope this clarifies my thinking for you.

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