Donald Trump

David Irving, Vincent Reynouard, Alison Chabloz, David Shayler, Jeremy Bedford-Turner and others #racist

Holocaust denier David Irving spoke alongside other anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists at a secret meeting of the “neo-Nazi, white supremacist” London Forum, where it was claimed Auschwitz was “like Disneyland” and that the Holocaust was “gossip”, “propaganda” and a “rumour", The Independent can reveal.

Mr Irving, whose defeat in a libel trial is dramatised in 2017 blockbuster Denial, began by praising the organisers for ensuring there were “only white faces in the audience”.

Fellow speakers delivered anti-Semitic jokes and coded references to Adolf Hitler to a receptive crowd of around 100 at the meeting, which was attended by an undercover reporter.

One attendee told this reporter the murder of MP Jo Cox was “cheery news”. Another claimed there were Jews controlling “all 193 states” and a third said life for African-Americans was “better before the end of slavery”.

Far-right luminaries appearing alongside Mr Irving included Vincent Reynouard, a Frenchman who like Mr Irving has been imprisoned for Holocaust denial; Alison Chabloz, whose anti-Semitic songs have seen her banned from the Edinburgh Fringe; and David Shayler, an MI5 agent turned 9/11 truther who has claimed he is the Messiah.

Attendees rang a private phone number and were instructed to meet in Green Park, before being shepherded on the Underground to the Swedish Seamen’s Church in Rotherhithe for the meeting in February. The listed building closed to the public in 2012, and has since been sold to developers.

The security measures were put in place after a London Forum event in January this year was shut down by an anti-fascist demonstration. Speaking to The Independent at the time, London Anti-Fascists described the group as a “Neo-Nazi, white supremacist” organisation.

When asked at the time to respond to allegations of anti-Semitism, the London Forum said: “We abhor the criminalisation of opinions and defend the right of anyone to question the conventional narrative concerning any events that took place in any period of history; and we regard the nature of Zionism, the role of Israel in international affairs and the influence of the Jewish Diaspora upon culture and politics as being legitimate subjects for discussion.”

At the recent meeting, shaven-headed security guards stood by the heavy copper doors of the church, and an event organiser claimed a “group of Millwall fans” were waiting in a nearby pub as back-up in case of violence.

As people browsed bookstalls and drank coffee from polystyrene cups, discussion ranged from Jewish plots to take over the Houses of Parliament to defences of slavery and segregation.

One man showed The Independent a copy of the Evening Standard, saying a front-page story describing the rise of the far right was “cheery news”.

“A lot of people talk the talk but don’t actually do anything, but that’s starting to change,” he said. Asked what he meant, he pointed to a story inside the paper discussing the murder of MP Jo Cox by far-right extremist Thomas Mair.

Alongside Mr Irving’s self-published works, other books on sale included The Biology of the Race Problem, The Rise of Hitler, Epic: The Story of the Waffen SS and SS Man, Be Fruitful – a booklet originally published by the paramilitary fascists who served as Adolf Hitler’s personal bodyguards.

The event was compèred by London Forum chief, Jeremy “Jez” Bedford-Turner, Britain’s third-most influential right-wing extremist, according to campaign group Hope not Hate.

Clad in a tweed suit and speaking in a cut-glass upper-class accent, he said: “The West is degenerate, decaying and deracinated. This is the last home of free speech.”

He then pulled out a Donald Trump mask and performed an impersonation of the incumbent US President, sending good wishes to the organisation.

Mr Reynouard, who is wanted in France to serve a second sentence for Holocaust denial, was the first speaker.

He claimed the Allies “orchestrated propaganda in the Soviet style”, that gas chambers at Nazi death camps were in fact used to delouse prisoners, and that the Holocaust was simply “a rumour”.

He ended by telling the crowd that “defence is the best form of attack”, and urged them to block the construction of a planned Holocaust memorial in Westminster.

Next up was David Shayler. The former MI5 man has previously claimed he is the Messiah, and told the London Forum he was on a “divine mission” from God.

“I’ve survived 10 assassination attempts because someone up there likes me,” he said.

Similarly, Mr Irving told The Independent that “Hitler appointed me his biographer,” saying he felt a mystical connection with the Nazi leader and describing himself as “The Messiah".

Mr Shayler said the Holocaust was beneficial to Jews as they could “claim compensation”, and described the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund as “Zionist front organisations”.

He further claimed the 9/11 terror attacks were orchestrated by Zionist agents, and that MI5 embezzled money from drug stings to fund “false flag” terror attacks on British citizens.

Ms Chabloz is currently out on bail, accused of posting a song on YouTube including the lyric: “Did the Holocaust ever happen?”

She used her performance before the London Forum to defend herself, saying she was in trouble “just for writing a few offensive songs about Jews”.

When she suggested the judge hearing her case had Jewish ties, using the euphemistic term “one of our friends”, one audience member called out: “Could you tell by the size of his nose?”

Another shouted “there’s no business like Shoah business”, using the Hebrew word for the Holocaust.

She described performing at the 88th birthday party of Robert Faurisson, the pre-eminent French holocaust denier.

“An 88th? in Vichy? Come on,” she said, in a reference to the Nazi-collaborating Vichy government and a Neo-Nazi code number signifying Heil Hitler.

To close out her appearance she performed a parody of Edith Piaf’s “I Regret Nothing” on a malfunctioning keyboard, and said she was ready to be sent to jail for her beliefs. As the crowd applauded she performed an anti-Semitic quenelle salute.

Finally, Mr Irving took the stage. His rambling speech focused on his life story and complaints that Denial misrepresented details of the court case.

Discussing negative media coverage of his work, he used the Nazi term “Lügenpresse”, or “lying press”, and when criticising Denial he described the actress Rachel Weisz as “Jewish but good-looking".

Moving on to his hallmark claims that only 300,000 people of all religions died in the entirety of the Holocaust, he described Auschwitz as “small beer” and now “like Disneyland”.

In conclusion, he declared: “I am still standing, the fight goes on, and I will continue writing true history as I find it to be true.”

The crowd responded with a standing ovation.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Donald Trump is Illuminati

Obama's famous quote during the 2008 election was "Yes we can!" which backwards was "Thank you satan". This was Obama announcing his true allegiance.

What is Donald Trumps most famous quote? "Build a wall"

He is announcing his allegiance to the Bilderbergs

burg: noun – an ancient or medieval fortress or walled town.

A burg is a "walled" town. Therefore, Bilderberg
is like saying Build a wall

Build a wall --> build-a-burg --> Bilderberg

Jonathan Cahn #fundie

“It’s very revealing that Donald Trump has witches all over the world casting spells against him – while at the same time he has had born again Christians believers praying for him throughout the campaign until now,” he told WND.

“It would seem to say he’s doing something right.”

Larry Klayman #fundie

The liberation of Washington has been a long time coming. While Obama and his leftist, socialist, pro-Muslim, anti-Christian, ant-Semitic, generally atheist, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay, lesbian and transgender,and pro-radical feminist comrades had terrorized and sought to enslave not just me but hundreds of millions of Americans, and brought the nation to its proverbial knees with their intentionally destructive governance intended (with success) to cut the United States "down to size" in world stature, the prior years since President Ronald Reagan had left office were not so great, either. Presidents Bush 1 and 2 were by and large failures as our chief executives, and the people's enthusiasm for their stewardship of America was lukewarm at best.

But nothing could ever have been imagined by our Founding Fathers and framers of the Constitution like one Barack Hussein Obama and his hateful wife, so infected with venom and reverse racism that it dripped minute by minute from their lips and actions!

In the many months leading up to the election of Donald J. Trump as president, the country faced the prospect of being permanently destroyed. The Wicked Witch of the Left, Hillary Clinton, a white woman every bit as evil as the black man Obama, was running to occupy the White House once again. I had fought her tooth and nail, along with her degenerate husband, for decades since Bill first won the presidency in 1992. In so doing, I and others peeled back the many layers of Clinton corruption. Indeed, I used to quip that there was no crime beneath the Clintons. The Wicked Witch even attempted to steal White House furniture on the Clintons' way out the White House door in 2001, as she later "jacked" State Department furniture and government property when she stepped down as secretary of state in 2013, to plan and undertake her quest for the presidency.

But with the grace and will of God, who I continued to have faith would not allow Hillary to assume the reigns of power – who to win votes had promised to wrap her administration in the shroud of another eight years of Obama-type rule – a man who committed to deconstruct the capital that had become so corrupt was miraculously elected as our 45th president of the United States. And, while no mortal man can ever be our Messiah – there is only one Jesus Christ – We the People now have hope that the republic, typified by Washington, D.C., is on its way to being restored to what President Reagan often called that "shining city on a hill."

Oliver Dollimore #fundie

WOW! New Poll Shows Massive Gains In Trump’s Approval Rating

President Donald Trump has seen a significant gain in popularity according to the latest Morning Consult poll.

This Politico poll surveyed 1,983 voters and has a two percentage point margin of error.

The article states:

Public opinion of the new health care proposal is limited thus far, though the POLITICO/Morning Consult poll does show less fervent opposition to the bill than a SurveyMonkey poll of adult Americans released on Tuesday.

Similarly, the Politico/Morning Consult survey also shows more positive opinions of the job Trump is doing as president. In the new poll, 52 percent of voters approve of Trump’s job performance, more than the 43 percent who disapprove. But, on balance, most polls show more disapprove than approve of the job Trump is doing.

These numbers are set to rise even further especially when you consider the growth that we have already seen to far with more Americans at work and significant improvements to the economy.

The survey also found that 46 percent of Americans think the country’s on the right track. That’s up 17 points since Election Day.

This could be either Democrats coming around to Trump, or just Independents who can now see that Trump’s agenda is positive and the one we need to follow in order to “Make America Great Again”.

Read More –

Ann Coulter #fundie

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): It's about the economy. It's about raising taxes, cutting taxes. It's about energy independence or dependence. It's about repealing Obamacare, not repealing it. It's about impacting this country for generations with our Supreme Court. It's about saying radical Islam or not. It's about gambling with Americans’ lives or vetting refugees like Trump wants to do. It's about border security for national security purposes and the economy. It's about our military. It's about our role in the world. It's about education. There are deep and there are significant and profound differences between these two people, and Hillary doesn't want to talk about the economy. Hillary doesn't want to talk about her foreign policy because she's failed. So the only thing she's got left is Donald Trump said 22 years ago blah blah blah blah blah.

ANN COULTER: Right. And it's pretty spin gruel when this latest one, the Hispanic mattress girl, Alicia Machado. Now today she's saying, "Oh I'm not talking about Trump anymore." Their big heroine of the --

HANNITY: Last debate.

COULTER: Yes, of what a brute Donald Trump is. You know the father, she has an anchor baby in this country. So that's fantastic. The father is a drug lord. She was the accused getaway car driver in Venezuela of her boyfriend who shot up his brother-in-law's funeral. And a federal judge went on TV, national TV. in Venezuela and said that she had threatened to kill him. That's the poster child for our immigration policy. They looked and they looked, they've had a year. What are we going to bring in? We need you know the most sympathetic case and that's the one they come up with. It's Alicia Machado. The new Hispanic mattress girl. She was just made a citizen in August.

HANNITY: What do you mean by mattress girl? What does that mean? What does that mean?

COULTER: Oh, remember the whole hysteria over mattress girl at Columbia? I just mean she's – it's like an It Girl, except it's mattress girl.

HANNITY: Oh good grief. I am not responsible if this is obscene in some way and I don't even know what you're referring -- I'm just asking?

COULTER: Have you been in a coma for the last two years? There was that woman doing an art project walking around with a mattress on her back, and the whole thing turned out to be fake.

Andrew Anglin #fundie

When asked about the majority of the people supporting The Donald’s extraordinary plan to remove kebab, Clinton said that people are afraid because Moslems are killing people in Paris and San Bernardino, and that Trump is good at stirring up bigotry and making people think there are “easy answers to complex questions.”

This is obvious Jew gibberish – they love making out as though things are more complicated than they actually are. The simple question is “how can we stop these kebabs from killing us?” and the simple answer is “remove kebab.”

Steve King #racist

Trump ally Steve King: I don't know how 'white supremacist' became offensive term

The Republican congressman says the diverse Democratic party appears to be ‘no country for white men’

A nine-term Republican congressman and close ally of Donald Trump known for making racially provocative statements said in an interview published Thursday that he did not understand why the phrases “white nationalist” and “white supremacist” had “become offensive”.

Congressman Steve King, who has represented his rural Iowa district in Washington since 2003, made the remarks in an interview with the New York Times.

“White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?” King said. “Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?”

In the same interview, King expressed a sense of racial alienation at the swearing-in of the new Democratic majority in the House of Representatives, which includes a record number of women and people of color, as well as the first Muslim American and Native American women elected to Congress.

“You could look over there and think the Democratic party is no country for white men,” King said.

King, who has forged personal alliances with far-right, anti-immigration groups across Europe, has a long track record of making statements widely perceived as racist, although he denies the charge.

“We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies,” he has tweeted. He has called illegal immigration a “slow-rolling, slow-motion terrorist attack on the United States” and a “slow-motion Holocaust” and tweeted: “Cultural suicide by demographic transformation must end.”

King has amassed national political power as a conservative gatekeeper in a state that votes first in the presidential primary process and can give Republican candidates a crucial early boost – or sink a candidacy.

When Trump began visiting Iowa as a candidate, he found an ideological ally, particularly on issues such as immigration.

King has long advocated building a wall on the Mexican border, authored legislation to make English the official language of Iowa and has said of immigrants: “For every one who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there who weigh 130lb and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75lb of marijuana across the desert.”

“He may be the world’s most conservative human being,” Trump approvingly said of King at a rally in Iowa before the recent midterm elections. The congressman replied on Twitter: “I do my best to pull President Trump to the right:-)”

But King’s repeated provocations appear to have made him freshly vulnerable to political challengers. He beat a Democratic opponent in his most recent election only narrowly, in a district Trump won by 27 points. A Republican challenger, Randy Feenstra, an assistant majority leader in the state senate, has announced he will take on King in the 2020 primary race, saying King’s “distractions” had robbed Iowans of “a seat at the table”.

S. D. Wells #conspiracy

Here come the top 6 news subjects that CNN, Washington Post and New York Times have never, and will never publish.

#1. Anything bad about terrorists immigrating into the USA and committing acts of violence here

Since the horrific day we will all remember forever (September 11th, 2001), Americans have all but sacrificed their Constitutional rights in order to “fight terrorism” and stop terrorists from entering our country (again) to hurt us and our way of life. Yet every time illegal immigrants or terrorists are involved in domestic violence the mainstream (lamestream) media blames anything and everything else, including racism, police violence, President Donald Trump – you name it.

Case in point: Trump recently banned immigration to the US from the seven Muslim countries where dozens of known terrorists have already been caught committing horrible acts, yet the mass media acted like this was an act of racism and racial profiling rather than an intelligent strategy to protect Americans from repeat offenders. Extreme vetting of known and likely terrorists is exactly what we need, but fake-stream media tells the big government sheeple otherwise.

Mass media literally celebrated when one rogue judge who supports Black Lives Matter lifted the executive order, thus aiding and abetting the 72 known terrorists and many others from the 7 Muslim countries that are sending refugees to America like some mass exodus. So go ahead, Google “72 terrorists” and you certainly won’t see links to CNN, the Washington Post or the New York Times, because to the mass media, all immigration is wonderful, including illegal immigration of known terrorists.

#2. Anything bad about vaccines or flu shots, like how they spread disease, still contain mercury and can cause autism

What’s the easiest way to catch an infectious disease or the flu? Get several vaccines that contain weakened strains of infectious bacteria, viruses, pathogens, along with mercury, formaldehyde, MSG and aluminum. The list of side effects for any inoculation is a mile long, but who reads the vaccine insert? Certainly doctors and nurses don’t tell their patients to read the dangers printed right on the package insert as warnings and side effects. As long as you live, you will never read anything bad about vaccines in the mainstream media, mainly because their sponsors are the same companies and corporations that manufacture, market, sell and distribute the toxic jabs that make a fortune off the fools who think injecting known neurotoxins creates immunity.

#3. Anything about how GMOs cause cancer and are horrible for the environment

The main goal of genetically modified food is to insert toxic genes into seeds of crops in order to kill bugs and weeds. These same toxins cause cancer, organ failure and Alzheimer’s disease in humans, but the biotechnology corporations don’t care. In fact, those same companies are heavily vested in Pharma, so it’s a double dipping of revenue for them. These biotech giants, like Monsanto, Bayer, Dupont, Dow, Cargill and Syngenta also control the mainstream news so that Americans never think twice about eating toxic food.

#4. Anything good about President Trump

President Trump is the first person to enter the White House in decades who is calling out massive lies the government and mainstream media have engaged in for a century. You simply will not hear praise about Trump because then the sheeple might start thinking twice about all the toxic food and toxic medicine besieged upon them.

#5. Anything bad about prescription medications or chemotherapy

If the commercials and print ads are for prescription medications, you can bet your last penny that the news is fake, twisted, scripted and in favor of toxic food and toxic medicine.

#6. Anything that debunks the biggest hoax of the 21st century – Man-made global warming (climate change)

The earth is at the beginning of a long-term cooling phase. Mankind and our actions cannot change the temperature. Global warming is a huge Ponzi scheme promoted by the mass media and the globalists. Check the facts.

JOHN NOLTE #fundie

Nolte: Trump’s Super-Early 2020 Announcement Kills Another Dumb Norm — It’s Also Smart

Donald Trump has already announced his intent to run for re-election in 2020, which has mercifully killed off one of the most obnoxious conceits ever — the asinine spectacle of watching a first-term president pretend to play Hamlet over the decision of whether or not to run for re-election.

The “permanent campaign” is already a quarter-century old. Naturally, it was brought to life by the grasping Clintons. The whole idea of Americans being allowed to exhale in-between presidential elections was shattered forever the moment Bill Clinton took the oath in early 1993. Then, in 2000, after he was constitutionally blocked from running again, Hillary began her 16 year quest.

And so, along with vanquishing forever the hideous Clintons (unless you count Bankrupt Terry), Trump is being brazenly upfront about his desire to win a second term and his intent to mercilessly campaign for that goal starting right now. This announcement is not only refreshingly honest, it is strategically smart.

To begin with, Trump can start raising money immediately and openly, instead of through some dumb exploratory committee, and he will need it. Trump will not only be fighting feverish Democrats and their stable of plutocrat billionaires, but untold billions of corporate dollars spent to destroy him by a mainstream media still smarting over the humiliation of 2016, and eager for payback.

Moreover, by removing the conceit of not campaigning for president, Trump does not have to stand around and take it as his opponents come after him (not that he would, anyway). For example, there is no question that even after the Evan McMuffin debacle, the sell-out crybabies in the increasingly left-wing NeverTrump will attempt to run another spoiler. Trump now has free reign to suck up all that money and to define these pathetic chumps, to get in their head, before they even step in the batter’s box.

He will also have free reign to go after the growing pile of Democrats who will seek to unseat him. Whether it is McAuliffe, Kamala Harris, Pocahontas, or whomever, Trump can work his genius in locating and mercilessly poking at their weak spot, i.e., “Low Energy Jeb,” “Crooked Hillary,” “Little Marco.”

During the raucous 2016 election, while the super-geniuses in the media were laughing at Trump’s “childish” name calling, it was that alpha male name-calling (real Americans call it “ball breaking”) that was devastating his opponents, grinding them into betas– and in this era of TV, betas do not win presidential elections.

Of course, what will be happening behind the scenes is just as vital. Trump has already chosen tech-genius Brad Parscale to run his campaign. Parscale, along with Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, were the two responsible for Trump’s brilliant online 2016 strategy, a stealth campaign that made Hillary’s digital effort’s (inherited from Obama) look like something out of the Flintstone’s.

While our clueless and lazy media were writing story after story, smugly snarking over Trump’s lack of a campaign infrastructure, Parscale and Kushner micro-targeted voters in ways previously thought impossible.

All of this, of course, adds up to Trump’s true sweet spot, his uncanny ability to psyche out his opponents, to unnerve them, to emasculate them, to make them look weak, to live under their skin. Knowing that Trump is already this far ahead of the 2020 game is intimidating enough. Knowing that whatever he is planning will be targeted against you is all part of the psy-ops strategy Trump has used for decades to stay on top.

Finally, there is Trump’s primary opposition — the corrupt mainstream media. Trump’s early announcement accomplishes one small thing and one Big Thing. The small thing is killing off all the fake news the media intended to publish (using phony sources) about Trump not running for re-election. This is an end-run around the media’s intent to make him look weak, indecisive, and beleaguered with lies.

The Big Thing is burning out the media. Trump’s seemingly inexhaustible energy and relish for a fight is one of his most potent political weapons. By announcing his intent to run for a second term, the media are automatically put on the defensive. But they are also facing three more years of lost weekends and holidays, bitter battles, and the endless fatigue and burn-out that comes with it.

When the media are tired, they become nasty and desperate, they reveal their biases and insufferable elitism, they flail with fake news. All of this serves to hasten a credibility death spiral that has already tanked the media’s approval ratings into the low twenties.

Trump’s smartest move in 2016 was to define his opponents in the media as the left-wing liars they truly are. By running his permanent 2020 campaign openly, he keeps them guessing, running, chasing, worrying, stressing — and he keeps his boot squarely on their squirming pencil necks.

Lady Checkmate #fundie

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Trump's one-two punch hits birth control, LGBT rights"

Thank God for our president! Please continue to pray for him. God bless him!!

(FOX news story follows)

WASHINGTON – In a one-two punch elating religious conservatives, President Donald Trump's administration is allowing more employers to opt out of no-cost birth control for workers and issuing sweeping religious-freedom directions that could override many anti-discrimination protections for LGBT people and others.

At a time when Trump finds himself embattled on many fronts, the two directives — issued almost simultaneously on Friday — demonstrated the president's eagerness to retain the loyalty of social conservatives who make up a key part of his base. Leaders of that constituency were exultant.

"President Trump is demonstrating his commitment to undoing the anti-faith policies of the previous administration and restoring true religious freedom," said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council.

Liberal advocacy groups, including those supporting LGBT and reproductive rights, were outraged.

"The Trump administration is saying to employers, 'If you want to discriminate, we have your back,'" said Fatima Goss Graves, president of National Women's Law Center.

Her organization is among several that are planning to challenge the birth-control rollback in court. The American Civil Liberties Union filed such a lawsuit less than three hours after the rules were issued.

"The Trump administration is forcing women to pay for their boss' religious beliefs," said ACLU senior staff attorney Brigitte Amiri. "We're filing this lawsuit because the federal government cannot authorize discrimination against women in the name of religion or otherwise."

Xavier Becerra, the Democratic attorney general of California, said he planned to file a similar lawsuit as soon as feasible. Other Democratic attorneys general said they were mulling the same step.

Both directives had been in the works for months, with activists on both sides of a culture war on edge about the timing and the details.

The religious-liberty directive, issued by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, instructs federal agencies to do as much as possible to accommodate those who claim their religious freedoms are being violated. The guidance effectively lifts a burden from religious objectors to prove that their beliefs about marriage or other topics that affect various actions are sincerely held.

"Except in the narrowest circumstances, no one should be forced to choose between living out his or her faith and complying with the law," Sessions wrote.

In what is likely to be one of the more contested aspects of the document, the Justice Department states that religious organizations can hire workers based on religious beliefs and an employee's willingness "to adhere to a code of conduct." Many conservative Christian schools and faith-based agencies require employees to adhere to moral codes that ban sex outside marriage and same-sex relationships, among other behavior.

The Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian law firm, called it "a great day for religious freedom." But JoDee Winterhof of the Human Rights Campaign, a national LGBT-rights group, depicted the two directives as "an all-out assault, on women, LGBT people and others" as the administration fulfilled a "wish list" of the religious right.

The new policy on contraception, issued by the Department of Health and Human Services, allows more categories of employers, including publicly traded companies, to opt out of providing no-cost birth control to women by claiming religious or moral objections — another step in rolling back President Barack Obama's health care law that required most companies to cover birth control at no additional cost.

Employers with religious or moral qualms will also be able to cover some birth control methods, and not others. Experts said that could interfere with efforts to promote modern long-acting implantable contraceptives, such as IUDs, which are more expensive.

The top Democrat in the House of Representatives, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, said the birth-control rollback was despicable.

"This administration's contempt for women reaches a new low with this appalling decision to enable employers and health plans to deny women basic coverage for contraception," she said.

On the Republican side, however, House Speaker Paul Ryan welcomed the decision, calling it "a landmark day for religious liberty."

The new policy took effect on Friday, but its impact won't be known immediately and may not be dramatic.

"I can't imagine that many employers are going to be willing to certify that they have a moral objection to standard birth control methods," said Dan Mendelson, president of the consulting firm Avalere Health.

Nonetheless, he worried that the new rules would set a precedent for undermining basic health benefits required under federal law. The administration has estimated that some 200 employers who have already voiced objections to the Obama-era policy would qualify for the expanded opt-out, and that 120,000 women would be affected.

Since contraception became a covered preventive benefit, the share of female employees paying with their own money for birth control pills has plunged to 3 percent, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Many Catholic hospitals now rely on an Obama-era workaround under which the government pays for the cost of birth control coverage. That workaround can continue under the new rules.

Despite that workaround, there have been extensive legal battles waged by religious institutions and other parties challenging the birth-control mandate. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops hailed the new policy as a "return to common sense" that would enhance "peaceful coexistence" between church and state.

Doctors' groups that were instrumental in derailing Republican plans to repeal Obama's health law outright expressed their dismay.

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists said the new policy could reverse the recent progress in lowering the nation's rate of unintended pregnancies.

"Instead of fulfilling its mission 'to enhance and protect the health and well-being of all Americans,' HHS leaders under the current administration are focused on turning back the clock on women's health," said the organization's president, Dr. Haywood Brown.

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified.Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

Shelley Garland #sexist

[Note: I initially assumed this to be satire, until I saw a follow up piece from the Huffington Post which indicated that this was quite serious.]

Some of the biggest blows to the progressive cause in the past year have often been due to the votes of white men. If white men were not allowed to vote, it is unlikely that the United Kingdom would be leaving the European Union, it is unlikely that Donald Trump would now be the President of the United States, and it is unlikely that the Democratic Alliance would now be governing four of South Africa's biggest cities.

If white men no longer had the vote, the progressive cause would be strengthened. It would not be necessary to deny white men indefinitely – the denial of the vote to white men for 20 years (just less than a generation) would go some way to seeing a decline in the influence of reactionary and neo-liberal ideology in the world. The influence of reckless white males were one of the primary reasons that led to the Great Recession which began in 2008. This would also strike a blow against toxic white masculinity, one that is long needed.

At the same time, a denial of the franchise to white men, could see a redistribution of global assets to their rightful owners. After all, white men have used the imposition of Western legal systems around the world to reinforce modern capitalism. A period of twenty years without white men in the world's parliaments and voting booths will allow legislation to be passed which could see the world's wealth far more equitably shared. The violence of white male wealth and income inequality will be a thing of the past.

This redistribution of the world's wealth is long overdue, and it is not just South Africa where white males own a disproportionate amount of wealth. While in South Africa 90 percent of the country's land is in the hands of whites (it is safe to assume these are mainly men), along with 97 percent of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, this is also the norm in the rest of the world. Namibia has similar statistics with regard to land distribution and one can assume this holds for other assets too. As Oxfam notes eight men control as much as wealth as the poorest 50 percent of the world's population. In the United States ten percent of the population (nearly all white) own 90 percent of all assets – it is likely that these assets are largely in the hands of males. Although statistics by race are difficult to find from other parts of the world, it is very likely that the majority of the world's assets are in the hands of white males, despite them making up less than 10 percent of the world's population.

It is obvious that this violent status quo will not change without a struggle, and the only way to do so will be through the expropriation of these various assets and equitably distribute them to those who need them. This will not only make the world a more equitable place, but will also go some way to paying the debt that white males owe the world. Over the past 500 years colonialism, slavery, and various aggressive wars and genocides, have been due to the actions of white men. Redistributing some of their assets will go some way to paying the historical debt that they owe society.

It is no surprise that liberalism – and its ideological offshoots of conservatism and libertarianism – are the most popular ideologies among white males. These ideologies with their focus on individuals and individual responsibility, rather than group affiliation, allow white men to ignore the debt that they owe society, and from acknowledging that most of their assets, wealth, and privilege are the result of theft and violence.

Some may argue that this is unfair. Let's be clear, it may be unfair, but a moratorium on the franchise for white males for a period of between 20 and 30 years is a small price to pay for the pain inflicted by white males on others, particularly those with black, female-identifying bodies. In addition, white men should not be stripped of their other rights, and this withholding of the franchise should only be a temporary measure, as the world rights the wrongs of the past.

A withholding of the franchise from white males, along with the passing of legislation in this period to redistribute some of their assets, will also, to a degree, act as the reparations for slavery, colonialism, and apartheid, which the world is crying out for to be paid.

As we saw after the recent altercation between a white man and Lebohang Mabuya at a Spur restaurant in Johannesburg, white males still believe that they are in control, and people who aren't white or male (in particularly black female-identifying people) have to bow to their every whim. There are numerous other examples of white angry male violence in South Africa and abroad, often against black bodies (Dylann Roof's terrorist actions in the United States is only one of many examples). It is time to wrestle control of the world back from white males, and the first step will be a temporary restriction of the franchise to them.

Although this may seem unfair and unjust, allowing white males to continue to call the shots politically and economically, following their actions over the past 500 years, is the greater injustice.

Ann Coulter #racist

Right-wing provocateur Ann Coulter suggested last week that if President Donald Trump “continues down this path” of appearing to be open to immigration reform, one of the only solutions could be “death squads for the people who ruined America.”

Last week, Coulter appeared on the “Todd Starnes Show” to discuss Trump’s apparent willingness to betray his campaign promise to oppose programs like DACA, which is designed to protect people who immigrated illegally to the United States as children.

“We have made as clear as you can possibly make it, we want less immigration,” Coulter said. “Stop dumping the third-world on the country.”

She then claimed that Trump was elected into the White House because of his stance on immigration and bemoaned Trump’s recent mixed signals on the DACA program.

“If he continues down this path, well I guess there are three options. There’s the organizing the death squads for the people who ruined America, because there will be no more hope,” Coulter said.

After some hesitation Coulter continued, “I guess the other possibility is to – well I don’t think anyone would mind him being impeached. What’s the faction opposing that? And then at least we’ll get Mike Pence. But in terms of saving America, maybe a third party.”

Right Wing Watch reported that Coulter made similar remarks at CPAC in 2014, where she issued the following call to arms: “Amnesty is forever and you got to vote for the Republicans one more time and just make it clear; but if you pass amnesty, that’s it, it’s over and then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America.”

Mike King #conspiracy

On October 28, 2017, someone calling themselves "Q" began posting a series of cryptic messages on a web forum called “4chan” in a sub-category under politics (pol) titled “Calm Before the Storm” (in reference to that mysterious Trump quote from early October). Q, aka Q-Anon, claimed to be a high-level government insider with special "Q clearance" (hence the name) tasked with posting “crumbs” for the purpose of covertly informing patriots about Donald Trump’s master plan to rout the Deep State and the whole Globalist-Rothschild structure above them.

Though Sugar the Crazed Conspiracy Cat was on board the Q-train a few weeks ago, your cautious reporter here remained skeptical, yet open-minded. As a result of too many of Q's advance clues coming to pass, we are now in agreement that Q is indeed for real – though the jury is still out as to whether Q and the great crusade truly represents the “White Hat” faction of America’s military, intelligence and law enforcement communities, or if Q, and Trump, are just tools of the anti-Globalist Zionists.

Q's mysterious posts can no longer be dismissed as an Internet hoax. This individual has special knowledge and even some in the Globalist media are getting worried.

According to Q, and as confirmed by recent events, Trump was never really under investigation by Robert Mueller. To the contrary, Q’s advance clues, coupled with subsequent events, have been showing us that it is actually scum such as Killary Clinton, McCain the Insane, Homo- Obongo, George Soros and the Rothschild Crime Dynasty who need to be worried.

The Q phenomenon has since made its way out of the darkest corners of the Internet and attracted the keen interest of the attention-whore Alex Jones (who assures us that although Q is great, his sources are even better.) and syndicated radio host “Lionel” (Michael William Lebron). Q’s prophetic posts have also caught the scornful attention of New York Magazine (that’s a really good sign!).

Although we encourage our readers to remain cautious of Q’s ultimate intentions, “youse guys” (New Jerseyese for the plural of “you”) ought to have a look at some of the various analysis of his cryptic posts. Eerie as all heck! We list below just three of the many "crumbs" that made us go: “Hmmmmmm.”

November 13, 2017: Q Threatens Lynn de Rothschild -- Followed by Deadly Plane Crash at Rothschild Estate

"Lady" Lynn de Rothschild is the American wife of "Sir" Evelyn de Rothschild. She is a rabid supporter of Killary Clinton and fanatically obsessed with tweeting out her pure Satanic hatred against Donald Trump. Q tweeted a cryptic threat aimed at her family, using the letters "L," "d," and "R" (notice how the letter cases match the initials of Lynn de Rothschild).

Just four days after Q's clue, this headline:

Telegraph: Aylesbury mid-air crash: Four dead as plane and helicopter wreckage lands near Rothschild manor house (here)

December 11, 2017: Q Threatens George Soros -- Soros disappears?

The initials GS can mean no other than George Soros. Just two weeks after Q threatened to put Soros in "a special place," the evil financier's twitter went silent. After tweeting 4-5 times per week throughout all of 2017, there have been zero tweets from his account since November 26th. (here) Prior to that, his longest twitter dry spell for 2017 had been only 10 days. Where the heck is George Soros? A "special place" in Guantanamo?

As of the date of this TomatoBubble article, December 27, there have been no tweets from "GS" (an avid twitterer!) for 32 days, and counting.

Before the votes had been counted in Alabama's Senate race, Q posted, with absolute certainty, of a Democrat victory based on voter fraud and Soros-owned machines. He indicated that the subsequent investigation would expose the Democrat Party. Lo and behold, much to everyone's surprise, Democrat Doug Jones did defeat Republican Roy Moore, and an investigation is indeed progressing!

Was it a "sting" operation?

The Communist Doug Jones won, but the Alabama Senate election is now under investigation -- exactly as Q had told us in his post.

Could it really be that Globalist gangsters are being investigated, arrested and even killed? If so, are the military & law enforcement "White Hats" coming to our rescue, or is this just part of a factional war Zionist vs Globalist war amongst competing gangsters? Are Trump's repeated two-hand drinking episodes that have so amused the late night commie-comics a signal that people are being placed in handcuffs and sent to prison?

Who can say for sure at this point. But what we will say with certainty is that something very big is taking shape -- and Q, regardless of his ultimate intentions, should not be ignored.

Trump, who is notoriously etiquette-conscious, has mimicked the manner in which a man wearing handcuffs would drink water. Each time, the Piranha Press has mocked him for it, yet he keeps doing it --- most recently while wearing a purple tie which symbolizes Soros "color revolutions."

Killary and McCain have both been wearing ankle boots for past two months, he for a "tendon injury" and she for a "broken toe." Are they concealing GPS ankle devices? (Your cane is on the wrong side,Senator.) McCain was later caught switching his boot from right to left, and explained it away by saying his other leg was getting sore!!!

Donald Trump #fundie

US refugee ban: Trump decried for 'stomping on' American values

Donald Trump is facing strong criticism from aid organisations after ending his first week as president with a ban on all Syrian refugees entering the US and a halt on arrivals from a string of predominantly Muslim countries.

The president signed an executive order to stop all refugee arrivals for four months – and Syrian arrivals indefinitely – on Friday, hours after meeting the British prime minister, Theresa May, and reportedly reaffirming his commitment to Nato.

The move, which he described as “extreme vetting” intended to “keep terrorists out”, was more severe than expected. It will amount to a de facto ban on Muslims traveling to the US from parts of the Middle East and north Africa by prioritising refugee claims “on the basis of religious-based persecution”.

The order has already reportedly blocked people from flying into US airports or clearing customs after arriving in the country. The Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee said people who had landed after the order was enacted at 4.30pm had been blocked and told they had to return to their point of origin.

Named the Protection of the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States, the order places a 90-day block on entry to the US from citizens from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Libya and Somalia. It is unclear whether the measure would apply to citizens of those countries on trips abroad who already have permission to live and work in the US.

The order also caps the total number of refugees entering the US in 2017 to 50,000, less than half the previous year’s figure of 117,000.

The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) and International Organization for Migration (IOM) called on the Trump administration to continue offering asylum to people fleeing war and persecution, saying its resettlement programme was vital.

“The needs of refugees and migrants worldwide have never been greater and the US resettlement programme is one of the most important in the world,” the Geneva-based agencies said in a joint statement.

They said the US’s acceptance of refugees had offered a double benefit, “first by rescuing some of the most vulnerable people in the world and second by enabling them to enrich their new societies”.

Chuck Schumer, Democratic leader in the Senate, said: “Tears are running down the cheeks of the Statue of Liberty tonight as a grand tradition of America, welcoming immigrants, that has existed since America was founded, has been stomped upon.

“Taking in immigrants and refugees is not only humanitarian but has also boosted our economy and created jobs decade after decade. This is one of the most backward and nasty executive orders that the president has issued.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations announced it would be filing a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the order “because its apparent purpose and underlying motive is to ban people of the Islamic faith from Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States”.

“There is no evidence that refugees – the most thoroughly vetted of all people entering our nation – are a threat to national security,” said Lena F Masri, the council’s litigation director. “This is an order that is based on bigotry, not reality.”

Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani campaigner for girls’ education who survived an attempted murder by the Taliban when she was 15, said she was “heartbroken” that America was “turning its back on a proud history of welcoming refugees and immigrants – the people who helped build your country, ready to work hard in exchange for a fair chance at a new life”.

She added: “I am heartbroken that Syrian refugee children, who have suffered through six years of war by no fault of their own, are singled out for discrimination.”

Madeline Albright, the former US secretary of state, said: “There is no fine print on the Statue of Liberty. America must remain open to people of all faiths and backgrounds.”

She was referring the inscription of the iconic New York landmark: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”


As well as halting Syrian arrivals indefinitely, the president’s order suspends the admittance of all refugees to the US for 120 days. In Syria alone, the nearly six-year war under Bashar al-Assad’s regime has led to more than 500,000 civilian deaths and displaced an estimated 11 million Syrians.

Although Trump administration officials continue to insist the president’s actions are not targeted at any one faith, the text of the order made explicit that, when the 120-day suspension ended, the US government would prioritize religious minorities in Muslim-majority countries.

It states: “Upon the resumption of USRAP [US Refugee Admissions Program] admissions, the secretary of state, in consultation with the secretary of homeland security, is further directed to make changes, to the extent permitted by law, to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.”

knowledgeispower88 #fundie

Trump was chosen by God and can be proved.

Use Calculator to confirm dates for proof.

Date Calculator:

Donald Trump D.O.B: 14/06/1946 Donald Trump First Day of Presidency: 21/01/2017 Day Israel became a Nation: 14/05/1948 Donald Trump electors who voted for him: 304 (with 2 defectors) Hillary Clinton electors who votes for her: 227 (with 5 defectors)

1. Donald Trump was born 700 days before Israel was a nation again

2. Which would mean when Israel was 77 days old, Trump would have been 777 days old.

3. Which would also mean Israel’s 70th Birthday will come 700 days after Trumps 70th Birthday.

4. Trump won by 304 electors, Hillary lost with 227 electors. 304 – 227 = 77

5. Also 3+0+4 = 7

6. Trump was 70 Years, 7 Months, and 7 days old on his first day of presidency.

7. Trump became president in the Hebrew year of 5777.

Number 6, 1, 2 & 3 are the most significant.

If Trump was born 1 day earlier or later, or Israel became a nation again 1 day earlier or later, then these numbers wouldn't match.

Only an all mighty God could have made Trump be born 700 days before Israel was a nation again, & make Israel a nation again on that specific date, make and know the 45th Presidency would be on that specific date (21/01/2017), & that Trump would be exactly 70 years old, 7 months old, and 7 days old on his first day of presidency. These are facts, these dates happened and can be calculated by you.

Robert Mercer #racist

Robert Mercer – the “Renaissance Technologies” co-chief executive who bankrolled Donald Trump’s presidential campaign – once said black Americans are “the only racist people remaining in the U.S.,” according to a lawsuit brought by former employee David Magerman.

Mercer who, alongside daughter Rebekah Mercer, fought to install chief White House strategist Steve Bannon and counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway in the Trump administration, allegedly made “a series of racist comments” in conversation with Magerman.

According to a complaint filed by the former “Renaissance” employee, Mercer allegedly told Magerman the US “began to go in the wrong direction after the passage of the Civil Rights Act in the 1960.” Mercer also told Magerman that black people “were doing just fine” before its passage and insisted they are the “only racist people remaining in the U.S.”

“Magerman was stunned by these comments and pushed back” against Mercer, the complaint reads.

Magerman is suing Mercer for wrongful termination after he was fired for criticizing Mercer’s support of the president.

Andrew Anglin #fundie

[From "Here Come Dat Website"]

Welcome friends, new and old, to that website that they don’t want you to see.

The Daily Stormer: the most banned website ever. In fact, the only banned website ever that is political or legal. You can find pornography of the sickest sort you can imagine, all through these tubes. You can find ISIS recruitment sites – sites that literally give instructions on how to go to Syria and join ISIS. You can find how to make all sorts of explosives and chemical gasses.

But most of the time, you can’t find the Daily Stormer.

And why is that?

Well, according to the media, it was because I made an inappropriate fat joke about a fat woman who died of a heart attack.

Right here you can find the article allegedly responsible for the banning.

Ask yourself: does that make sense to you? Does it make sense that you are allowed to do anything you want on the internet, but the one thing that goes too far is making fun of a fat woman?

Of course that does not make sense.

In actual fact, the reason that this site is banned from the internet is not because of our fat jokes, it’s not even because of our nigger jokes – it is because the Daily Stormer is the number one site in the world which talks about a specific problem population: the Jews.

These are the people you are banned from talking about.

Because these are the people that are in charge. In charge of the entire Western world.


Everywhere in the world you look, you are going to see Jews controlling things.

Even now, Donald Trump’s administration is being destroyed by his Jewish son-in-law.

And yet, they simply pretend this isn’t true. And if you say it is true, they mock you as insane. But now, there is too much information available. It is too easy to point out the truth of the statement “the Jews control the world” – so when you do point it out, they shut you down.

I had been kicked off of PayPal, Patreon, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, every credit card processor, etc. etc. etc.

I had been repeatedly DDoSed by criminals trying to shut the site down.

I had been sued. I had been harassed by the FBI. I had had my family targeted by cops, journalists and private investigators.

But I just kept talking about the Jews.

The site kept getting more and more popular because we were the only ones talking about the Jews so directly, and in a fun and entertaining way that had mass appeal to young people.

So there was nothing to do other than invent new ways to censor us.

You can read my blog outlining that here.

Right now, we have been on 9 different domains, all of which we have been banned from. Google is still holding in internet prison. I have been locked out of the account, and they have not communicated with me as to what their plan is.

I put out a call to governments that they could show the hypocrisy of the US government – which claims to stand for freedom, claims to have the moral authority to “spread freedom” to the world using manipulation and war, yet bans freedom of speech at home – by giving me a domain, and yet no government on earth came forward with an offer to do this.

But we carry on.


I fully expect this domain to be banned, though in Iceland, they do have very strict free speech policies. In fact, they have only ever banned one website, which was an internationally illegal ISIS recruitment site, and they did so only with a parliamentary decree. And freedom of speech activists in Iceland fought to keep it up.

And yet, I have zero doubt that this site will eventually be taken down by the Icelandic government.

But we shall remain on the darknet. Never will they take that from us.


If it becomes more clear that the agenda for censorship is an entirely Jewish agenda, which is opposed by both the left and the right, then the Jews will feel like they have to back off. The one thing that Jews fear most is being singled out and targeted as a group engaged in a socially deleterious behavior. Right now, Jews are using sockpuppets to try and play it off like there is some support beyond themselves for the censorship agenda.

Yukon Jack #conspiracy

Hardcore Zionist stooge Donald Trump has illegally attacked Syria for Netanyahu and the Greater Israel Plan. He is a supremacist just like the Jew, he is an egoist just like the Jew, Trump thinks he has the moral right to violate sovereign nations because he’s the Donald. This fool could get us all killed.

Americans should be concerned that Jew Inc. has put into power a fool narcissist. Tweet after tweet proves this guys self absorption with his own greatness. Now he’s in charge, the big man on the totem pole, the decider in chief, another big egoist just like Il Duce Mussolini who ended up on a meat hook.

Want proof that Trump is self absorbed?

“All of the women on ‘The Apprentice’ flirted with me — consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.”

“The world was gloomy before I won – there was no hope. Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over a trillion dollars!”

“There’s nobody bigger or better at the military than I am“

The politically naive alt-right feels betrayed just as the neo-left was by President Obama. The alt-right has awoken to the Trump betrayal which wasn’t a betrayal but really an unveiling. Trump is Jew whore just like Obama, Clinton, Bush, Ford, Nixon and all the way back to President Wilson who authorized the Federal Reserve. Make no mistake Trump is a hardcore Zionist whore of Netanyahu and world Jewry.




Trump is the President, if he didn’t want Zionists on his staff he wouldn’t hire them, if he wasn’t a tool he could call in the Marines and have the traitors of the Republic arrested. I can tell you as a former USAF officer for a fact that all military personnel will obey his orders without question. Whatever Trump says will be followed automatically as a command by all military personnel. So what this means is that “big man” Trump is doing what he is doing voluntarily.

To the alt-right it seems Trump has betrayed them – but if you objectively examine his AIPAC and other pro-Jewish speeches you will realize that Trump is part of the Kosher Nostra – in other words Trump’s is beholden and linked to Jewish wealth. Trump’s daughter Ivanka is married to 666 Fifth Avenue owner Jared Kushner who served in the Israeli army. Trump’s staff is loaded to the gills with Jewish moles, Goldman Sachs executives, Zionist warmongering generals. The idea that Trump is opposed to Jewry is patently false.

Where’s the proof that Trump is being controlled, coerced, or blackmailed? Trump is owned, Amerika is owned by world Jewry and this idea that we the people have any say in how things are is just not true. It is only an illusion that this a democracy, the ugly truth is that elections are staged events where people vote between two false alternatives.

As soon as the lying politician gets into office his concerns of the little people is soon forgotten because voting is a charade of the ruling class to establish authoritarian rule. They care nothing for us and have their own agenda, and in the case of modern states subverted by ZOG the agenda is an Israeli agenda. Fools on the antiwar left are fighting with the alt-right instead of uniting against ZOG. We have no hope if we can’t unite.

Amerika been fooled again because voting is manipulated emotional response and not objective reality. Well the koolaid is wearing off, the new boss will be worse than the old boss. The goy were fooled again and that is good because it will force them to dig deeper and discover Jewish control. America is ruled by Jews and they are masters of statecraft and deception. The people remain divided, and it will probably stay that way right up until the bitter end.

Trump is not betraying us all. Trump is part of the Jewish crime scheme. He didn’t flip all of a sudden, that is a misperception by those with stars in their eyes about making America great again. Doesn’t a slogan like that bother you? Why would we want to make a war mongering nation great again? The fools don’t understand the real plan is to destroy the United States by pitting it into a no-win war with Russia and Iran.

Jews plan to rule the world from Jerusalem. Fool Trump has promised to make that the Jewish capital. They need Amerika and Russia to go at it leaving them victorious. Zionist Jews are completely ruthless, they will do anything to get their way. The Israelis are masters of deception, they are the real terrorists, they did 911 to manipulate America into endless wars in the Middle East until they are used up and then thrown into the ditch.

How much more evidence do the patriots need before they through the towel in and realize they’ve been had? Trump is not your friend, he isn’t going to save America, he is not going to make America great again (if that was even possible on the long cycle). Trump is just another mad man who could get all of us killed.





As crazy as it sounds, all the facts point toward another war in the Middle East with boots on the ground by June 1st. The stakes are high and Putin is not leaving Syria. Trump has proved himself crazy with the Syria Tomahawk missile strike. Trump is like a character in the Dr. Strangelove movie, he’s going to ride the bomb into oblivion and in all probability nukes could be going off soon. Don’t be fooled by this cult of personality, Trump is a liar who told you what you wanted to hear to get elected, now he will implement the plans of his Jewish supremacist masters.

LD50 #fundie

Art gallery criticised over neo-Nazi artwork and hosting racist speakers
Artists and campaigners call for closure of the LD50 gallery after accusing it of promoting ‘hate speech not free speech’ but owner criticises protesters

A London art gallery has come under criticism for exhibiting neo-Nazi artwork and hosting openly racist speakers.

This weekend, artists and campaigners will protest calling for the closure of LD50, in Dalston, east London, after accusations the gallery gave a platform to anti-immigrant, Islamophobic and “alt-right” figures and promoted “hate speech not free speech”.

Guests at LD50’s Neoreaction conference last summer included Brett Stevens, the white supremacist whose writing was an inspiration to Oslo far-right terrorist Anders Breivik, who murdered 77 people in 2011.

After Breivik’s attack, Stevens wrote: “I am honored to be so mentioned by someone who is clearly far braver than I, no comment on his methods, but he chose to act where many of us write, think and dream.”

Others on the conference programme included anti-immigration activist Peter Brimelow, who runs Vdare, described by the Southern Poverty Law Centre as “an anti-immigration hate website” that “regularly publishes articles by prominent white nationalists, race scientists and antisemites”.

Brimelow’s talk at LD50 was orientated around the threat imposed on “native white Americans” by a “great influx of third world immigration”. He said that while it was socially acceptable for Hispanic and Asian ethnic activists to call for more immigration, the only people who get criticised are whites; described the Black Lives Matter movement as a Democratic party racket purely designed to increase turmoil; and referred to the Jewish faction of the Democratic party vote as problematic.

Gallery owner Lucia Diego said in a statement published on the LD50 website that the programme was intended to create “a dialogue between two different and contrasting ideologies” and that the audience for the conference was “very liberal”.

However, a recording of Brimelow’s talk reveals that members of the audience who contributed to the discussion were predominately sympathetic to his views, agreeing with his statement about the need to remove the “corrupt treacherous elite” in government and one professing support for David Duke, the former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and Holocaust denier.

Shut Down LD50 has accused the gallery, which has previously exhibited works by Turner Prize nominees Jake and Dinos Chapman, of curating “one of the most extensive programmes of racist hate speech to take place in London over the past 10 years”. They said the fact that the list of names of the conference speakers had been made public only after the event was finished was telling. “At first in secret, LD50 has acted as a platform for a cross-section of the most virulent advocates of contemporary extreme-right ideology.”

Alongside the conference, the gallery hosted an art exhibition titled Amerika, which explored far-right and Nazi imagery and featured video works of far-right and neoreactive texts being read out by avatars. A pink swastika was graffitied onto the gallery front door last week.

Writing on his ultra-conservative blog, – which is directly linked to on the gallery’s website – Stevens said the neoreaction conference had been held behind a “veil of secrecy to prevent the usual suspects (Leftists and other neurotics) from attacking”.

Last week, in an Facebook exchange with artist Sophie Jung, Diego described the left as “more like a fascist organisation than the real fascists” and indicated her support for Donald Trump, writing: “I’m not even sure if I disagree with the Muslim ban. I see it also as a temporary measure in order for America to get sorted while they transition to another form of government.”

In an open letter, Shut Down LD50 said that it could not “creditably be argued that the talk series was an instance of artistic license or of the free-spirited ‘exploration’ of ideas.

“The fact that the gallerists decided to make the details of their conference public only in late November, after the Trump election victory, is the clearest evidence of conscious purpose”.

Andrew Osborne, a fine art technician at the Royal College of Art, who is among the campaigners, said they would be handing out 2,000 leaflets in the area around the gallery on Saturday to make the public aware of the gallery’s allegiances, adding that the campaign had the backing of businesses neighbouring the gallery. “We believe this is a matter of public safety,” he added.

In her statement, Diego defended the gallery’s programme, writing: “We feel that the exceptionally aggressive, militant and hyperbolic reaction this has provoked vindicates our suspicion that at some point, as a society, we have drifted into a cultural echo chamber.”

She said the reaction of the protesters was proof that anyone who disagreed with the left was “publicly vilified, delegitimated and intimidated with menaces”.

“Our position has always been that the role of art is to provide a vehicle for the free exploration of ideas, even and perhaps especially where these are challenging, controversial or indeed distasteful for some individuals to contemplate.”

Donald Trump #fundie

Donald Trump called his Democratic rival 'the devil' on Monday in a high-profile escalation of his campaign rhetoric – at precisely the moment he needed to change the subject.

Facing a four-day-long scandal over his criticism of the father of a Muslim soldier who died in combat, the Republican presidential nominee shifted gears.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, Trump told an overflow crowd at a high school in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, 'made a deal with the devil' when he endorsed Clinton at last week's Democratic National Convention.

'She's the devil!' he added.

Trump has hinted at the insult before, saying Friday in Colorado that 'Bernie blew it. He sold his soul to the devil. He did.'

But Trump had previously stopped short of declaring that Hillary Clinton is, in fact, the Prince – or Princess – of Darkness.

By rallying around Clinton instead of standing on principle, the billionaire said, Sanders 'made a bad deal. He should have not made a deal. He would have gone down as [having] done something really important.'

'Once he made that deal, and believe me, he has buyer's remorse.'

'If he would have just not done anything – just go home, go to sleep, relax – he would have been a hero,' he said. 'But he made a deal with the devil. She's the devil! He made a deal with the devil. It's true.'

theantifeminist #fundie

Hollywood luvvie Meryl Streep has given a speech lambasting President Elect Donald Trump. No suprise there. The Alt-Right, led by paedohysteric Mike Cernovich, has responded by pointing out that Streep gave a standing ovation to Roman Polanski – the director still wanted in the USA for taking a 13 year old girl up the ass, back in the 70s. No surprise there either. His Twitter feed has quickly degenerated into a shouting match as to who are the bigger paedos – Conservatives or Libs – complete with pictures of Trump kissing a very young cutie on a bed (Brooke Shields?) and Obama apparently feeling up his own teen daughter’s ass on the sofa.

This is what political discussion has been reduced to in the death throes of Western civilization – which side is the bigger paedophiles for openly showing attraction to fertile teenage girls. The really creepy thing is, both side’s Twitter armies are full of profiles with anime avatars showing very young pre-pubescent girls. In fact, I believe the alt-right are particularly famous for it and even have a group dedicated to it (anime).

N/A #fundie


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Hateful letters sent anonymously to three mosques in California with a warning that President-elect Donald Trump would “cleanse” the United States of Muslims have stirred fears among congregants, a community leader said.

Hussam Ayloush, executive director of the Los Angeles chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said on Saturday (Nov. 27) that the letters were identical and were postmarked as being sent from Santa Clarita just north of Los Angeles.

Ayloush said his group is considering asking the Federal Bureau of Investigation to look into the letters, which he believes were sent to other mosques aside from the three that received them earlier this week.

Civil rights groups have signaled alarm over attacks targeting minorities, including Muslims, since Republican Trump won the presidential election on Nov. 8. There have also been reports of harassment toward Trump supporters.

The letters were sent earlier this week to the Islamic centers of Long Beach and Claremont in Southern California and to Evergreen Islamic Center in the Northern California city of San Jose, Ayloush said.

They are signed anonymously as “Americans for a Better Way” and say that Trump would “cleanse America and make it shine again” and would carry out a genocide against Muslims.

“You Muslims would be wise to pack your bags and get out of Dodge,” the letter said.

Ayloush said he has counseled the three mosques to work with their local police departments to have the letters investigated as hate crimes.

The San Jose Police Department in a statement said that, following a report about the letter, it sent officers to Evergreen Islamic Center on Thursday and that a unit that handles hate crime investigations will conduct the probe.

Trump’s name has been mentioned in some hateful graffiti markings that surfaced since his election.

A representative of Trump’s transition team could not be reached immediately for comment.

Last year, as a candidate in the Republican presidential primary, Trump called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States. Trump this year pledged to suspend immigration from countries where Islamist militants are active but did not say he still wanted to ban all Muslims.

Following his election, Trump, who takes office on Jan. 20, promised to be a president for all Americans.

CAIR has tallied more than 100 incidents targeting Muslims in the United States since Trump was elected.

Prof. James Petras #conspiracy

Pluto-Zionism is the three-way marriage of plutocracy, rightwing Zionism and US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, a serial war criminal, racist and servant of Wall Street. How did this deadly ménage-a-trois come about? The answer is that a stratospherically wealthy donor group, dedicated to promoting Israel’s dominance in the Middle East and deepening US military intervention in the region, has secured Clinton’s unconditional support for Tel Aviv’s ambitions and, in exchange, Hilary receives scores of millions to finance her Democratic Party foot soldiers and voters for her campaign.

Pluto-Zionists comprise the leading financial backers of Clinton. Her million-dollar backers, among the most powerful financiers and media moguls in America, include: George Soros, Marc Benioff, Roger Altman, Steven Spielberg, Haim and Cheryl Saban ($3 million and counting), Jeffrey Katzenberg, Donald Sussman, Herb Sandler, Jay and Mark Pritzker, S. Daniel Abraham ($1 million), Bernard Schwartz, Marc Lasry, Paul Singer, David Geffen, Fred Eychaner, Norman Braman and Bernie Marcus.

Waiting in the wings are the Republican billionaire ‘king-makers’, Sheldon and Miriam Adelson, the Koch brothers as well as the ‘liberal’ multi-billionaire, Michael Bloomberg who had contributed $11 million in the 2012 elections. These erstwhile Republican funders are increasingly frightened by the anti-‘free trade and anti-intervention’ rhetoric of their party’s front-runner, Donald Trump, and are approaching the solidly pro-Israel, pro-war and pro-Wall Street candidate, Madame Clinton.


The US presidential primaries reveal in all their facets the decay and corruption of democracy in an era of imperial decline. The ascendancy of a financial oligarchy in the Democratic Party, backing a psychopathic militarist, like Hillary, cannot disguise her track record by labeling their candidate a ‘pragmatist’; the majority of Sanders supporters have no illusions about Madame Clinton. Panic and hysteria among an unsavory elite in the Republican Party and its efforts to block a sui-generis conservative Republican isolationist speaks to the fragility of imperial rule.

If the psychopathic war-monger Clinton is crowned the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate, there is no way she can be considered the pragmatic ‘lesser evil’ to Donald Trump or any Republican – their bosses decide to spew out. At best, she might be the ‘equal evil’. In this case, more than 50% of the electorate will not vote. If, after being robbed of his growing movement for the Democratic Party candidacy, ‘Bernie’ Sanders does not break out with an independent bid for the White House, I will join the miniscule 1% who vote for Green Party candidate, Dr. Jill Stein.

Bristol Palin #fundie

How Hillary, the most robotic candidate ever, had to be prompted by staff to “smile”

Must. Get. Elected. Must. Say. Anything. To. Get. Elected.

These must be Hillary Clinton’s inner thoughts. She is the most robotic person I’ve ever seen! Every step in her campaign has seemed phony, every motion and emotion seems planned out to the “T.” Her leaked emails show a candidate and campaign that’s beyond “micromanaged, highly scripted, and poll-tested.” It’s clear she’s not a genuine person.

Recently leaked Wikileaks emails tell the sorry, odd tale of Hillary Clinton. Click here to read how she had to be reminded to smile, how it took multiple people and lots of time to get the “right tweet,” and how her staff said she lived in a bubble of privilege.

Do you think she really cares about the people she’s trying to win over?

Do you think she cares our children’s future?

About our military?

Or crimes we have in inner cities?

Do you think she cares about any of us hard working, middle class Americans?

Her team has to pencil in “smile” in her responses!!

I know Donald Trump is far from perfect – we all are – but I would rather have someone in office that fights for what is best for our country – and not someone in office who is so desperately willing to DO ANYTHING to get elected.

Do these professional politicians really think the American people don’t see behind their smoke screen? Does Hillary really think that those of us who work “menial” jobs to put food on the table – jobs like I have had in coffee shops, baby sitting, hardware stores, commercial fishing, etc. – believe for one second that her decade’s long – privileged lifestyle – connects her to us?

It’s not so much that this multi, multi, millionaire is pretending to understand middle class struggles by faking it for a few hours in our shoes, it’s that she shows disdain for our brains when assuming we’ll fall for this!

At least Trump doesn’t pretend to be something he is not. He’s been a builder and boss for decades, and he proudly, commendably wears that on his sleeve.

That’s the problem with typical politicians like Hillary. They’re so disconnected from our normal working class like that they have to conspire how to gin up the appearance of connection. We see right through it, it turns us off and causes too many voters to just stay home Election Day because this is seen as a phony actors in a really bad performance who disrespected our intelligence.

Hillary Clinton is exactly like Barrack Obama, they will tell you what they want to hear, but will get in office and do whatever is on their sponsored agenda. Whom ever they’ve made deals with!!

We’ve already had eight years of it!!!! Wake up! Aren’t you tired of it yet?

Buy our books!
Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far
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Roy Batty #sexist

10-Year-Old Drag Child Becomes Canada’s Greatest Cultural Icon


What the flip is going on in Canada, mang. This is some heavy shit, I kid you not.

A photo showing a 10-year-old Canadian drag queen posing next to a half-naked adult performer sparked outrage online. But the boy’s mother thinks it’s all OK and the child is not overtly sexualized.

The world of drag queens – male performers taking on exaggeratedly female personas and taking to the stage – may seem like an inappropriate place for minors. After all, sexuality plays a major part in a drag performance, and the common wisdom is that sexualizing young children for entertainment is a taboo.

Yet there are child drag queens. One of them – Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden – received some unwanted attention online after a photo of him posing in a black dress and fishnet tights next to an adult drag queen was posted online.

This child tranny thing— I’m writing about it a lot now and I’m not sure why this is even a thing.

If you had asked me 5 years ago, “Hey Roy, where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, I can guarantee you that trying to convince people that little boys in drag is a bad idea was not what I had in mind as my first answer.

It’s one of those things that’s so absurd it’s hard to explain why it’s bad.

I feel like a conservative Boomer stuttering and trying to explain what I believe and finding that I can’t because I haven’t had to ever give it any thought.

I just get angry and start banging the table and yelling about how much money I make.

Here’s an interesting take from the article.

The article mentions conservative speaker Ben Shapiro, who is described as an “alt-right mouthpiece and fierce critic of child drag queens”, who criticized the mother of another child drag queen for exploiting him “for attention.” The “child drag debate” is an example of “the widening gap between Liberals and Conservatives in North America and beyond” in the age of Donald Trump, Turton believes.

“Alt-right mouthpiece and fierce critic of child drag queens” is MY preferred monicker. Ben stole it.

Imagine a conversation with a liberal.

Xir: Like, why is it wrong for mothers to drag their 10-year-old boys to male strip clubs, dress them up as women and let gay AIDS-infected men grind up on them?

Me: —I— I— I don’t know how to answer that.

The very premise of the question angers and confuses me.

I don’t have the energy left to keep an open mind. My worldview can’t tolerate any more shocks and disruptions. I know what I know and I want to go back to a better time.

Besides, I shouldn’t have to explain such basic principles to people. And frankly, I don’t want to explain them. If you’re so fucked in the head that we even have to have this conversation, well, you belong in the bog. CASE CLOSED.

I’m just going to dig my heels in here and not even try to explain why allowing your nation’s sons to become mommy’s little twinks is wrong.

Fuck that.

Like, if a liberal is going to start a conversation on, say, Global Warming, okay, we can have that conversation. It’ll be annoying and frustrating, but I can get where they’re coming from. I used to be concerned about greenhouse gases once upon a time too and the issue sometimes does come from a genuine place of concern for the environment, which I totally get.

But my reasonableness has limits.

This child tranny/drag thing is just so beyond the pale that words fail me.

Stormer needs to hire a young Zoomer finishing up high school who can pick the ball up from here and provide commentary on these little guinea pigs. Because I’m just too damn old. I can’t even begin to relate or even contemplate the idea.

Clearly, this child tranny thing is here to stay and these kids are going to need someone to provide in-depth rebuttals to child-tranny theory.

Can’t do it, mang. Sorry. I tap out.

Pete Hegseth #conspiracy

Donald Trump’s favourite TV show, Fox & Friends, has a reputation for giving airtime to conspiracy theories that benefit the White House agenda. But host Pete Hegseth may now have managed to upset the famously germaphobic president – by revealing that he has not washed his hands in a decade.

The admission came as Hegseth discussed eating day-old pizza that had not been refrigerated. He did not see any issue with eating the pizza, he said, then added that he didn’t think he had washed his hands in 10 years.

“Really,” he said. “I don’t really wash my hands ever.”

Met with laughter, he explained: “I inoculate myself. Germs are not a real thing. I can’t see them, therefore they’re not real.”

Ricardo Duchesne #racist

While relying on these violent labels without definitions, Kilian has the nerve to say that
Duchesne...relies on populist clichés like "establishment," "elites," "transnational elites," and "cultural Marxists." He never defines them.
This is not true. I defined "cultural Marxism" along with other key terms requiring definition, such as "Euro-Canadians." There is no reason to define works like "establishment" which are commonly understood by everyone. Those who actually read my book will know that the meaning of the words I use are evident within the context they are used.

The One Potentially Fair Objection

The one potentially fair objection Kilian makes is too imprecise and illogical to be of much value to readers. He writes:
Duchesne...cites Canada's first census, in 1871, to argue that the new country had just 23,000 natives, barely more than the 21,500 blacks. But an Indigenous population that small wouldn't have kept the Hudson's Bay Company in furs for two centuries before Confederation.
The population of First Nations on the B.C. coast alone was estimated at 60,000 in the 1860s — before a disastrous smallpox epidemic wiped out 20,000 of them and shattered their centuries-old societies. The population of the coast before the first arrival of smallpox in the 18th century was likely 100,000 or more. Duchesne takes no notice of the demographic disasters that conveniently depopulated the Americas for the Europeans.
First, to be sure, the 1871 census does say that the native population was 23,000. Now, I should have qualified this statement by adding that these figures "are for the four original provinces (Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia) only." The census was counting the population of these 4 provinces because these were the provinces that came to constitute Canada a few years earlier in Confederation in 1867. Manitoba and Northwest territories joined in 1870, and BC in 1871.

Yes, one can argue that this census left out the natives of these newly integrated provinces in 1870 and 1871, but, as Kilian himself adds, the 60,000 he guess-estimates for BC in the 1860s was reduced by 20,000 soon after. It is also the case that the natives in these newly acquired provinces were mostly outside Canadian legal society, and that, in this respect, it would have been inaccurate to count them as "Canadians" since they were members of autonomous tribes living in the wild. Moreover, by the same token, this 1871 census is not counting the European population in the other provinces and territories apart from these four provinces. The European population in BC was about 36,000 in 1871.

I do refer to the demographic disasters the natives suffered, calling it "tragic." But my intention in offering numerous statistical facts about the ethnic composition of the Canadian population was precisely to avoid the notion that natives should be elevated into major participants in Canada's history insomuch as they were drastically reduced in numbers. I wanted to offer an accurate account of their contribution to the making of Canada's institutions, rather than a moral account driven by White guilt.

But this is exactly what Kilian tries to do in the review, once his sentence on the epidemics is completed, he goes on to exaggerate the contributions of "Chinese, Hawaiians, South Americans and countless others" in the making of Canada, totally ignoring the masses of demographic statistics I offered on the ethnic distribution of Canada's population, which totally refute his statistical fabrications.

Moral Posturing While Ignoring The Subject

The rest of Kilian's review is full of moral grandstanding coupled with bromides about Donald Trump and Anglo supremacists. He completely ignores the arguments I made, opting for the claim that I am fascist who writes history "without concepts." What about the four theoretical chapters I offered on Kymlicka, Taylor, Strauss, and Schmitt? Kilian claims that I offer "an attitude, not a thesis, that life was better under European rule because Europeans are (indefinably) superior." It is the other way around, this lazy journalist never asks one of the cardinal questions reviewers must ask: what the intention of the author was in writing the book?

My intentions were:
Why is everyone in the Canadian establishment, from left to right, engaged in a program of diversification without open debate?
Why is everyone saying that Euro-Canadians stand to be enriched as they are reduced to a minority in their own homeland?
Why are historians, and the elites, insisting that Canada is a nation of immigrants, lying to millions of students, when there is no historical evidence for this claim?
What are the roots of the ideology of multiculturalism and the obsession with excluding Euro-Canadians, and only Euro-Canadians, from affirming their ethnic identity?
Why does multiculturalism encourage the group rights of non-Europeans, while openly excluding the group rights of Euro-Canadians?
Why are Canadians being told that Canada is historically unique in its multicultural identity when we know that they are making the same claim about the unique multicultural identity of European nations, United States, Australia, and New Zealand?

I offered answers to all these questions. Kilian ignored them all and opted for a repetition of what the banks, politicians, and the lying media say about those who criticize diversification. No one respects men like Kilian; they may be called "nice" by Asians and Blacks, but they are never respected. Deep down everyone knows that a man who trashes his own ancestors lacks honour and basic human decency. There is just something wrong witnessing Kilian take regular snipes against the men who built this nation as "mediocrities," making fun of our most respected Prime Minister, Mackenzie King, while always praising foreigners-to-become immigrants as morally superior.

Warren Davidson #fundie

A Donald Trump-backing Ohio Republican is defending his claims that “moochers” and “pretenders” are overwhelming the Veterans Affairs’ health care system with fraudulent claims — even though there’s little evidence of abuse.

Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) suggested earlier this week at a town hall event in West Chester, Ohio, that some veterans who sought care from the federal agency weren’t as worthy of treatment than others, reported the Journal-News.

“Just like workers comp out here’s got moochers, I wish that there were no vets that were the same sort of problem on our society,” Davidson said. “But part of the problem is there are some vets that are moochers and they’re clogging up the system, and we do as taxpayers want to make sure the VA filters out these folks that are pretenders. Just like we wish there were no people out there with stolen valor, but that’s a problem in the vet community, too.”

The Army veteran and first-term congressman from Troy, who won a special election to succeed former House Speaker John Boehner, drew strong criticism from the GOP chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee.

“I can only hope that Rep. Davidson misspoke, and I look forward to him clarifying his remarks,” said Rep. Jeff Miller (R-FL).

The national spokesman for the Veterans of Foreign Wars also slammed Davidson for his remarks.

“Honorably discharged veterans with service-connected wounds, illnesses and injuries, or who are indigent due to circumstances beyond their control, are not moochers,” said the spokesman, Joe Davis.

But Davidson, who has introduced legislation that would require all members of Congress and their staffers to receive health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs, said he meant what he said.

“As a veteran, I know the subpar care that many of my brothers and sisters in arms have received, and I will not be content until that is changed,” Davidson said. “Any effort to suggest I have anything other than a soldier’s passion for providing our veterans with the care they deserve is dishonest.”

His spokesman cited four cases of VA benefits fraud uncovered this year, all of which were prosecuted.

Only one of those four cases involved VA health care services, when a California man falsely claimed to be a decorated Marine Corps veteran to get health care benefits and other assistance.

The Inspector General’s Office investigated 14 cases between Oct. 1, 2015, and March 31, 2016, which resulted in five arrests.

Davidson was among four Republican congressmen who gave interviews promoting Trump on a white nationalist radio host during the Republican National Convention.

Matt Forney #fundie

My friend Davis Aurini has been predicting that the U.S.—and the world at large—will break out into war later this year, based on his reading of The Fourth Turning and the churn and conflict that defines the generational cycle. I used to doubt him. I don’t anymore.

The release of the FISA memo last Friday has laid bare the impossibility of uniting America.

There’s enough analysis about the memo itself to fill a book, so I don’t need to write too much about it, other than to say that it’s just as bad as everyone thought it would be. The Obama administration, in collaboration with the FBI, the courts, and the intelligence apparatus of a foreign country, spied on then candidate Donald Trump solely because they did not want him to become president. Their justification for obtaining a warrant was based entirely on partisan opposition research, most of which was fabricated.

This is worse than Watergate. Watergate was just a botched break-in, a 13-year old blowing off toilet seats with cherry bombs. Obama and the FBI openly colluded with a foreign nation to stop a democratically elected candidate—Trump—from assuming his office.

And the sad reality is that it doesn’t matter.

Prior to the memo being released, the Democrats and the fake news memo were attacking it relentlessly, warning anyone who listened not to read it, lest their heads be filled with Satanic thoughts. At no point before or after did the left contest the truthfulness of the memo, instead using only emotional, rhetorical appeals about how the memo was a “smear job” or would undermine Americans’ faith in the justice system (as if that ship hasn’t already sailed). Within hours after its release, leftists were making jokes about it on Twitter.

You cannot reason with people who cannot see objective reality. The left doesn’t care about the abuses of power revealed by the FISA memo because they don’t care about anything but their feeeeeelings, their subjective reality. To them, President Trump is Orange Hitler and he has to be stopped by any means necessary, including rioting, assassination attempts, judicial activism, and trampling all over our civil liberties and the rule of law.

If this is how they feel about the president, it’s also how they feel about you.

I wrote years ago that there is no one more dangerous in this world than the man who considers himself a victim. A man who sees himself as a victim can invent any justification for whatever he wants to do, because he’s been wronged and he needs to exact justice on those who he believes to have harmed him. He is right by virtue of being wronged, and anyone who questions his actions is just as bad as those who he perceives to have hurt him, regardless of how real that hurt was. The greatest villains of history have always wrapped themselves in the cloak of victimhood, whether it was Hitler and the Nazis believing they were victimized by the Jews and the Poles, to communists believing they were victimized by international finance, to Puritans believing they were victimized by the big bad Catholic Church.

The American left—and the global left at large—believe themselves to be victims above all else. Minorities believe they are the victims of whites, women believe they are the victims of men, and sodomites believe they are the victims of heterosexuals. The electoral triumph of 2016, in which an unabashedly heterosexual white man became president when it was “her turn,” has pushed the left into mass psychosis. They feel like they are victimized every moment of every day, and they will not stop until they perceive that victimization to end.

As the rise of antifa and the left’s approval of violently attacking people who offend them shows, the left won’t stop unless the rest of us submit to them or are killed.

As Anonymous Conservative has pointed out, this is due to the defective brain structures of leftists and their inability to handle threat detection and response. Life as a leftist is utter hell. Imagine going around all the time constantly feeling like you’re under assault, interpreting innocuous gestures and comments and minor inconveniences as attacks on your race, sex, or identity. That’s the leftist way of life: existing in a state of permanent agitation, always on the lookout for “microaggressions,” “mansplaining,” or “wypipo” coming to ruin your day.

It’s because of their defective brain chemistry that leftists cannot interpret objective reality. You say one thing and they hear another, making communication with them impossible since we cannot even agree on the meanings of words. For them, communication and basic observation is like a Rorschach test on acid.

For example, a long time ago, there was this soyboy who made a video attacking me as a “pick-up artist” (a term I have never used to describe myself) and accusing me of pretending to be a woman online so I could convince myself that women don’t like cunnilingus. In actuality, I invented a fake female persona years ago so I could troll the manosphere and make fun of “red pill women.” But because this soyboy has brain damage, he sees a satirical article I wrote about women not liking it when men go down on them and assumes I wrote it out of personal insecurity.

It’s entirely possible he knows this full-well and chose to libel me anyway, but nearly ten years of experience writing has shown me that the left is increasingly incapable of perceiving the world correctly and telling truth from fiction.

This is why war is inevitable now. To the average person, it is increasingly obvious that one-half of the political spectrum is totally divorced from reality. When one half of the population hates the other half and can justify doing anything to them—including getting them fired from their jobs, arresting them for hate speech, spying on them, and physically attacking them—no compromise or peace is possible. As the Bible put it, one cannot be unequally yoked.

Similarly, President Trump’s constant fakeouts on DACA and amnesty are also hitting this home. As Trump pointed out in his State of the Union Address last week, the amnesty deal he’s offering is more generous than the one that Obama proposed several years back, yet the Democrats are still rejecting it.

The average voter is seeing this and going, “Why SHOULDN’T we deport them all? The President is trying to compromise with the other side and they absolutely will not cooperate.”

If two groups who hate each other—who can’t even see reality the same way—are forced to inhabit the same space, they will eventually try to wipe each other out. Will it be the right or the left who inherits the Earth? I can’t say; all I can say is that the current paradigm is about to end.

We truly were cursed to live in interesting times.

Matt Forney #fundie

In the days after Wikileaks released the emails, leftists went berserk, claiming that the Russians were behind the hack (with no proof whatsoever), accusing Vladimir Putin of trying to influence the presidential election, and even accusing Donald Trump of being a Manchurian candidate for Moscow. Curiously, none of them have taken note of the multitude of other countries who are also sticking their hands into the American cookie jar, most notably Mexico, whose government has been funding riots at Trump’s rallies.

It’s quite telling that the only country that leftists don’t want influencing the government is a white, traditionalist, Christian one. The left’s anti-Russian hysteria isn’t simply repugnant: it’s a throwback to the anti-communist fervor of the early 1950’s. The difference is that while Joseph McCarthy’s claims that communists had infiltrated the government had validity, the left’s hatred of Russia is rooted entirely in their paranoia and hatred of healthy, prosperous societies.


Before and during the Cold War, leftists were in love with Russia. The Soviet Union represented the end goal of leftism: total state control over every aspect life. Because of this—and also because the Soviets extensively funded efforts to infiltrate Western institutions—the American and European left sided with Russia at every opportunity. For example, during World War II, leftists promoted the idea of opening a second front in Europe with the goal of taking pressure off of the Soviet Union, when the militarily smart move would have been to let the Nazis and Soviets destroy each other. The Normandy invasion was completely unnecessary; all it did was enable the U.S.S.R. to colonize much of eastern Europe.

Similarly, in the 1950’s, leftists in the media and government smeared Senator Joseph McCarthy when he courageously pointed out that Soviet agents were deeply embedded in the State Department and other prominent federal agencies. The Venona Papers—a collection of decrypted messages from the Soviet Union’s intelligence agencies released in 1995—later vindicated many of McCarthy’s claims. Later, in the 1980’s, leftists vociferously opposed Ronald Reagan’s aggressive stance towards the U.S.S.R., claiming it would lead to war; Ted Kennedy even begged the Russians to intervene in the 1984 presidential election and help defeat Reagan (irony).

The love between the Western left and Russia died when the Soviet Union collapsed. Since the end of the Cold War, Russia has transformed itself from a failed socialist state into a patriarchal, traditionalist one, reasserting its place as a world power. Christianity has been revived and takes a central role in Russian life, open homosexuality is frowned upon, and George Soros-funded front groups have been banned from the country. The reason why Russian (and other eastern European) women are known for their femininity and beauty is because these nations resist the moral turpitude of the West.

All this naturally makes Russia an enemy of the degenerate left. Anti-Russian feelings among leftists exploded in 2012, when members of Pussy Riot, a Western-funded leftist agitator group, were arrested after they broke into an Orthodox church and disrupted a mass in process. Leftists began foaming at the mouth a year later when the Russian government formally banned homosexuals from distributing propaganda to minors. When Russia began attacking ISIS last year—and actually made progress towards dismantling the Islamic State—Barack Obama shit a brick and “moderate” Republicans such as John Kasich and Lindsey Graham began speaking of war with Russia.

The left’s fear of Russia is simply their fear of normality, of white heterosexual men taking back what’s theirs. They’re aided by clueless cuckservatives who still think the Cold War is on and Russia is the Red Menace. Additionally, a large number of Russian Jews in the American political establishment, such as neocon Max Boot (a prominent #NeverTrump Republican) and radical lesbian activist Masha Gessen, have spent their careers agitating for more conflict with Russia. (Ilya Sheyman, another Russian Jew, is the head of, which was behind the riot that shut down Donald Trump’s rally in Chicago last March.)


Common Filth and other commentators have quipped in the past that the U.S. will start World War III with Russia over the issue of gay rights, and those predictions are disturbingly close to coming true. The left’s irrational hatred of Russia combined with our constant meddling in their internal affairs (for example, see Ukraine, where we helped instigate an anti-Russian coup right in their backyard) ensure that tensions with Putin will continue to escalate.

This is lunacy. Beyond the fact that Russian society is one that we should aspire to emulate, Russia is a superpower with a nuclear arsenal. Vladimir Putin is not some tinpot potentate of a third-world hellhole; he’s a crafty leader with a strong military and a nation of hundreds of millions behind him. Hillary Clinton will almost assuredly escalate tensions with Russia, possibly bringing us to war, destroying what is left of America with it.

The left hopes to distract Americans’ from the Democrats’ corruption and malfeasance by ginning up a Red Scare 2.0, and we can’t let them get away from it. Leftists’ hatred of Russia, combined with the apocalyptic ramifications of war with Putin, are too significant to ignore.

David Harsanyi #fundie

This week, the Democratic Party was unable to pass a watered-down, platitudinous resolution condemning anti-Semitism, due to “fierce backlash” from presidential candidates, the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), and the now-powerful progressive base. Rather than censuring Rep. Ilhan Omar, the intellectually frivolous, Hamas-supporting freshman representative from Minnesota, she was rewarded and inoculated from party criticism.
More consequently, the Democrats deemed Protocols of Zion-style attacks a legitimate form of debate. That’s because Omar, despite what you hear, has repeatedly attacked Jews, not only Israel supporters, and certainly not only specific Israeli policies.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who would finally bring an “All Lives Matter” resolution to the floor, told reporters she didn’t believe the congresswoman’s comments were “intentionally anti-Semitic.” No educated human believes Omar inadvertently accused “Benjamin”-grubbing Rootless Cosmopolitans of hypnotizing the world for their evil. These are long-standing, conspiratorial attacks on the Jewish people, used by anti-Semites on right and left, and popular throughout the Islamic world.
Even the Democratic Party activist groups that typically cover for the Israel-haters, like the Anti- Defamation League, have condemned Omar. Yet it was the lie that coursed through the Democratic Party’s defense of Omar.
Presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren claimed that “branding criticism of Israel as automatically anti-Semitic has had a chilling effect on our public discourse and makes it harder to achieve a peaceful solution between Israelis and Palestinians.” Either Warren believes that accusing Jews and their supporters of dual loyalty and sedition is a legitimate criticism of Israel, or she is deliberately mischaracterizing Omar’s comments to gain favor with the growing faction of anti-Semites in her party.
“We must not,” the socialist Bernie Sanders argued, “equate anti-Semitism and legitimate criticism of the right-wing, Netanyahu government in Israel” because such a thing would be “stifling” debate. Does anyone believe that if left-of-center Kahol Lavan were running Israel, Omar would be less inclined to smear the bipartisan squishes at AIPAC?

Omar has mentioned Benjamin Netanyahu (who, incidentally, is in every way more of a genuine liberal than either Sanders or Omar) once in her Twitter feed, and then only to use this very talking point to defend her comments. As a political matter, no major party in Israel is going allow an independent Palestinian state run by theocrats and terrorists to exist, so Omar and her allies will never be appeased.
Of course, no one argues that Omar’s speech should be curtailed or stifled. The same can’t be said of her defenders, however, who not only falsely claim criticism of her tropes is “chilling speech,” but also decided to transform this 38-year-old firebrand into a helpless, childlike victim.
“We all have a responsibility to speak out against anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, racism, and all forms of hatred and bigotry, especially as we see a spike in hate crimes in America,” said Sen. Kamala Harris, who, like many Democrats, tried to dilute criticism of anti-Semitism in a torrent of phobias. “But like some of my colleagues in the Congressional Black Caucus, I am concerned that the spotlight being put on Congresswoman Omar may put her at risk.”
We shouldn’t exaggerate the prevalence of hate crimes in America, which is low, but it’s certainly worth pointing out that Jews are the target of 60 percent of those crimes—a far larger percentage than anyone else. In New York City, there have been at least 36 hate crimes against Jews so far this year so far. Shouldn’t Harris be more concerned about Omar’s rhetoric?

As Gad Saad noted yesterday, Omar’s brand of Israel criticism “is almost ALWAYS a cover of existential and definitional Jew-hatred.” This anti-Israel sentiment—opposition to the idea of a national Jewish state—is the most consequential form of anti-Semitism that exists in the world today. It has done more to undermine Jewish safety than all the dog whistles and white nationalist marches combined. Yet, many Democrats have now seemingly joined Corbynites and leftists around the world perpetuating this radicalism.
The normalization of Omarism is a long time coming. Omar’s defenders have been praising and participating in the Women’s March, led by Louis Farrakhan acolytes who believe Jewish people bear a special collective responsibility “as exploiters of black and brown people,” since Trump was elected. But it goes even further back.
When leaving the CBC meeting, “members formed a circle around Omar and Marcia Fudge literally stuck her arm out to prevent reporters from asking her questions. Then a few members hugged Omar, including Al Lawson.” It is unsurprising that Omar, who has great trouble answering simple questions, has the CBC running interference for her hatred. At least seven members of the CBC—a group seemingly immune from criticism—have coordinated and worked with Farrakhan, the anti-Semite preacher who believes “satanic” Jews are “termites” who “deserve to die.” Liberals keep telling me Farrakhan is just a conservative boogeyman, and yet his contingent is growing as Omar and allies like Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez join the ranks.
Democrats’ allies in media quickly came to Omar’s rescue, as well. The Washington Post ran three articles after Omar’s initial comments this week. All three defended her. “Want to combat hate? Stop the hazing of Ilhan Omar and start listening” wrote Wajahat Ali and Rabia Chaudry. Not only shouldn’t Jews censure Omar, the authors argued, they should shut up and listen to her wisdom. In the progressive worldview, Jews, who are successful and predominately white, should put up with a little bigotry for the common good.

As Rep James Clyburn (D-SC), who once also shared a stage with Farrakhan, noted, Omar should be given a free pass because she fled Somalia. “There are people who tell me, ‘Well, my parents are Holocaust survivors.’ ‘My parents did this.’ It’s more personal with her,” he explained. It’s personal to hate Jews when you fled Somalia? The number of people defending Omar on the risible grounds that Muslims should be immune from criticism isn’t surprising when you realize that identity politics demands strict adherence to the hierarchy of victimhood.
When New York Times reporters Sheryl Gay Stolberg (whose article in the aftermath of Omar’s dual loyalty remarks asked if Jewish people had too much power in Washington) and Glenn Thrush (who may or may not be taking diction from the Democratic National Committee) authored a piece about the resolution fight, they spent a large chunk of their space letting everyone know that President Donald Trump—whose daughter converted to Judaism and who moved the American embassy to Jerusalem and who stopped coddling the world’s most dangerous anti-Jewish terror-state—had also used anti-Semitic tropes.
While it’s not worth again debunking the fact that Trump never said neo-Nazis were “very fine people” or pointing out that most of the Jews at the Republican Jewish Coalition laughed at his jokes, it is worth mentioning that Democrats have embraced the worst kind of “whataboutism.”
NBC’s News’ Chuck Todd, in his “I’m obsessed with” segment, offered a jaw-droppingly misleading lecture accusing both parties of having an anti-Semitism problem by comparing elected officials like Omar and Tlaib — who have been embraced by their party, take part in policy making, and now widely defended on the mainstream left — to a fringe Nazi murderer who shot up a Pittsburgh synagogue, whom not a single Republican supports and has nothing to do with the GOP. The very fact that Todd was forced to shoehorn these comparisons is revealing.
In truth, Pelosi’s first watered-down resolution would have passed with most Republicans voting for it, and a number of Democrats defecting. This would have been embarrassing. So she promised to dilute it, and even that wasn’t enough for Democrats. Now, leadership is poised to pass some pointless resolution condemning all hatred.
Omar, an intellectual lightweight, is certainly a problem for America. But the fact that Democrats apparently believe what she says is fine is an absolute disaster.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy

So if you asked me to guess who will be our next U.S. President in 2016, I say “Hillary, the Devil in disguise!” I just don't see Donald Trump (whose promising the impossible) winning, but who knows? I'd like to see millions of American jobs overseas come back home. I'd like to see a big wall built along the border. My better sense tells me these things will NEVER happen, because it would be counter-productive to the New World Order. And really, a big wall is a farce, because where there's a will there's a way. Illegals will still find a way in, and the corrupt federal government today will help them find it.

And may I say, there's always the chance that we'll see another 9/11 type False Flag Terror Attack in the United States, and President Obama will declare Marshall Law to remain in office. Or Trump may be assassinated (which Alex Jones has claimed). One way or another, Hillary and Obama, and the Luciferian elite WANT YOUR GUNS!!! The only way to get American's guns is to carry out another False Flag Terror Attack, like the massive state of Connecticut, Sandy Hook Shooting, fraud (no children died, not a single one). Sandy Hook Massacre: Obama Officials Confirm That It Was A Drill And NO CHILDREN DIED!!! Research online and you'll be shocked at the preponderance of evidence showing that the whole thing was staged. Professional actors were used, handsomely paid off. U.S. President Obama Cries Like Hollywood Actor Over Non-Existent Sandy Hook Shootings! It was a big hoax! Millions Of Dollars Were Donated To The 'United Way' For Non-Existent Sandyhook Victims! Why did the Illuminati do that? The reason is obvious, that is, it was a cleverly devised plot to confiscate American's guns. Mr. Obama even faked some tears for the victims (which thousands of Hollywood actors do on que every day for a salary). Little-by-little, inch-by-inch, the liberals, kooks and Communists are taking away American citizen's guns, to disarm us entirely. People are so indifferent and foolish, willing to surrender their guns so that only the tyrannical government has weapons!!! Sandyhook was a Massive Fraud!!! Hitler knew the benefit of confiscating guns...

“To conquer a nation you must first disarm the citizens. Nothing drives the people harder than the sudden fear of death.” —WWII Germany dictator, Adolf Hitler

I'd like to think that in some way I helped cost Jeb Bush the election, by boldly proclaiming that I believed he would win. Ultimately, it doesn't really matter, because the Illuminati could put anyone in office, just so long as he or she does exactly as they are told to do, and they have exceptional people skills to deceive the public.

The DiDi Delgado #fundie

In Defense of Punching Cops

Why the original slave catchers can catch these hands

Note: The views and opinions expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of Black Lives Matter or any affiliations thereof.

I have a friend who punched a cop?—?or as he describes it, he “two-pieced his white ass and laid him out on the street.” This is doubly impressive because my friend is a queer Black man and he lived to tell about it.As legend has it, a white cop was witnessed aggressively harassing Black school children for exhibiting Black joy (aka running), and my friend (we’ll call him “Pigslayer”), was so overcome with emotion that he confronted the cop and the situation escalated from there. Before Pigslayer knew what came over him, he knocked the cop on his ass and made his escape by hopping on a conveniently departing bus nearby. Pigslayer watched from the moving window as the officer got to his feet and tried to regain his composure. Assuming the bus would get pulled over, my friend gave his belongings to a random passenger who volunteered to keep them safe upon his arrest.But an arrest never happened.The cop?—?presumably too embarrassed to report he’d just gotten his ass whooped by an angry faggot with frosted tips?—?never so much as called in the incident. Folks on the bus thanked Pigslayer for intervening to protect the Black youth, and now my friend re-tells the story whenever he has three or more drinks in his system. And no matter how many times he tells the story I think it’s going to end with his funeral, because 9 times out of 10 that’s exactly what would have happened. And 10 times out of 10 the cop would have gotten away with it. It’s no secret that in the United States, police have a license to kill.
In the United States, police have a license to kill.
It’s for this reason that I own a hoodie that reads, “Police Murder People.” I don’t wear it ironically; I wear it because (spoiler alert) police have a habit of murdering people. Call me antagonistic, but I think that warrants some acknowledgement.

“Police murder people.” No lies detected.Perhaps more interesting, however, is the fact that many Americans are under the belief that police are murdering us for our own good. Sometimes we eagerly call them to our houses so they can murder us in front of our families. Just two weeks ago, police killed a pregnant Black woman named Charleena Lyles, who had called to report a burglary at her home. The fact her death barely interrupted the news cycle should scare the shit out of all of us. Instead, most Americans remain unfazed. I’m not one to give cops credit, but that’s an impressive public relations feat.Convincing Americans that killer cops are performing a public service is the fascist equivalent of selling road kill as “free-range organic.” Bravo. I might even respect the deception if it didn’t put a huge target on my back?—?and the backs of all marginalized folks. In fact, the prevailing message that law enforcement has a right to brutalize us is so normalized that most of us don’t even find it odd. And why would we?This past spring, I watched a new TV show in which cops were given high-tech military grade weaponry to patrol and terrorize low income minority communities. In a rational world, we’d recognize this as blatant fascist propaganda. But in 2017 America, it’s just the third most racist show on Hulu Plus. It’s part of an ongoing PR campaign which allows police to assault everybody from children to old ladies with relative impunity. That sentiment is frightening enough in its own right, but this PR stunt has an added side effect I hadn’t considered until recently: The higher we place law enforcement on a seemingly immovable social pedestal, the more blasphemous statements like, “cops murder people,” become?—?even when undeniably true.This explains why I’m frequently referred to as a fanatic and an extremist in the comment sections of my articles and social media posts. I’ve even internalized this, and (like many queer Black organizers) have started referring to myself as a radical. I wear it as a badge of honor, but I don’t know if I’m prepared to live in a world where single moms who blog and actually pay for Hulu Plus are considered radical. If I’m radical, what does that make Pigslayer? If I’m an extremist, what does that make of the folks behind this violent NRA ad?

Aka: “In Defense of Shooting Blacks, Gays, Muslims, and the Poor”Inevitably, as the status quo shifts to the far right, it drags all of us along with it. That’s why Democrats today are about as liberal as stormtroopers®, and Pride festivals are patrolled by cops driving rainbow colored paddy wagons. Even the “liberal media” recently praised mass-murderer-turned-oil-painter George W. Bush for criticizing Donald Trump’s overt racism. This is the same guy who called for a constitutional amendment permanently banning gay marriage. Why is he suddenly doing light-hearted guest spots on Ellen? How did George “Mission Accomplished” Bush become the golden boy of the Huffington fucking Post? It’s likely for the same reason I’m now being lumped in with radical freedom fighters like Assata Shakur and Korryn Gaines, even though I thought a Molotov cocktail was a mixed drink until I was 28.One of the best examples of this glaring political shift happened back in January, when actual neo-Nazi, Richard Spencer, was punched in the face. Twice. It’s not the punches that highlighted the shift, but the fact they caused a national discussion on the morality of punching Nazis. I shit you not.
Being civil in the face of oppression is to be a spectator?—?or, more accurately, a perpetrator.
There was a time when punching Nazis was the only thing all Americans agreed upon?—?even before most Americans were cool with Black folks drinking from public water fountains. We set aside our differences when it came to understanding that Nazis ought to have their bells rung on sight. Here’s a short list of fictional characters who have physically assaulted Nazis over the years: Wonder Woman, Deadpool, Captain America, Rafael from the Ninja Turtles, Indiana Jones, Superman, and Captain Planet. Even Daffy Duck gave Hitler a concussion with a croquet mallet[/url], and we all agreed it was fine because Nazis obviously deserve concussions. Or at least they used to. Today, it’s up for debate.
Duck the police.

As Isaac Hayes¹ once said, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” That seems to be true for everything except American liberalism, which has largely decided that acts of resistance should not extend beyond clever memes and stern words of admonishment. Being civil in the face of oppression is to be a spectator?—?or, more accurately, a perpetrator. During the course of my life, I’ve seen the far right crank the dial up to 10, while the left has tried to politely reason with them over the deafening noise. They want to be remembered as the voice of reason, not the voice of revolution. In essence, liberals are the fuckboys of America?—?screenshotting their seemingly righteous indignation so they can gaslight us later and stake claim to the moral high ground.Boy, bye.From where I’m sitting, there are only two possible solutions for re-calibrating the political spectrum to redefine leftist radicalism and far right conservatism. We can continue to slowly build grassroots movements and increase pressure on the powers that be to abandon their regressive and oppressive regimes—. or we can punch cops.I think both of these solutions have merit, but cop punching might solve our problem faster. For starters, we don’t need a lot of people punching cops. We just need enough so that Fox and Friends will think twice before labeling people like me extremists. The goal is to burst the bubbles of those who view my boring ass opinions and lifestyle as “extreme” in any way. Nothing puts that in perspective faster than Officer O’Mally getting laid out in front of 1 Police Plaza.I know that if my child one day becomes a victim of police abuse and harassment (and statistically they will), I’d want somebody to intervene and defend them. But I also know that aside from myself and Pigslayer, not many people would. I find that realization frightening. Does that make me an unhinged extremist, or a mother concerned about a legitimate threat to my child and a violation of my reproductive rights?As a bonus, decking cops would make decking Nazis seem tame by comparison, and essentially end that debate once and for all. If history is any guide, we know how this plays out anyway. It ALWAYS comes down to the people rebelling and punching cops. It’s only a question of when. The new normal is not sustainable. I’ve been to the mountain top, and trust me; it’s covered in knuckle sandwiches with extra bacon.Punching cops would be the perfect plan, if it weren’t for one glaring reality: You’ll probably end up getting murdered. Which sounds terrible, until you come to grips with the fact that cops are already murdering us. Maybe if more people knew, my idea wouldn’t sound so radical. Maybe I should stock up on more hoodies.________________

Donald Trump #racist

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump launched new attacks on immigrants Thursday, telling supporters that Somalis and other refugees from “terrorist nations” should be barred entry to the United States.

“We are letting people come in from terrorist nations that shouldn’t be allowed because you can’t vet them,” Trump, who has built his campaign around an anti-immigration platform, said at a rally in Portland, Maine.

“You have no idea who they are. This could be the great Trojan horse of all time,” he said, reprising a warning that terrorists including members of the Islamic State extremist group will sneak into the United States as refugees.

“This is a practice that has to stop.”

He pointed to the Somali immigrant population as an example of the “thousands” of refugees who have flooded into Maine and other US states and caused problems.

Trump said efforts to resettle Somali refugees — many of them in Minnesota — were “having the unintended consequence of creating an enclave of immigrants with high unemployment that is both stressing the state’s— safety net and creating a rich pool of potential recruiting targets for Islamist terror groups.”

He then listed several immigrants, mostly from Muslim majority countries — Afghanistan, Iraq, Morocco, Pakistan, the Philippines, Somalia, Syria, Uzbekistan and Yemen — who were arrested for conducting or threatening to carry out violent attacks, teaching bomb-making to recruits, and otherwise supporting terror groups.

“We’re dealing with animals,” he seethed.

Trump caused an uproar last December when he called for a temporary ban on all Muslims entering the United States, and he has harangued his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for seeking to allow many times more refugees into the country than President Barack Obama has.

“Hillary Clinton wants to have them come in by the hundreds of thousands,” Trump warned Thursday, to a chorus of boos.

“You’re going to have problems like you’ve never seen.”

Rick Wiles #conspiracy

Christian broadcaster Rick Wiles is really going all in on this idea that Democrats are going to murder Republicans.

A couple of weeks ago, he claimed the purge would occur before 2020 to stop the GOP from voting. This week, he used the “extermination” conspiracy to get money from his followers.

Now he says that MSNBC host Rachel Maddow has given the instructions for an all-out decapitation of Donald Trump and his family.

Here’s what Wiles said Tuesday night on his TruNews show:

— Wiles declared that a recent segment in which Maddow argued that this nation must begin to prepare for “the worst case scenario that Trump is compromised by Russia” was really a signal that a leftist revolution is imminent.

“She was spewing out, last night, calls for revolution,” Wiles said. “She was telling the left, ‘Take a deep breath, we’re at the moment, it’s coming, we’re almost there, we’re going to remove him from the White House.’”

“We’re about 72 hours — possibly 72 hours — from a coup,” Wiles warned. “Be prepared that you’re going to turn on the television and see helicopters hovering over the roof of the White House with men clad in black repelling down ropes, entering into the White House. Be prepared for a shootout in the White House as Secret Service agents shoot commandos coming in to arrest President Trump. That is how close we are to a revolution. Be prepared for a mob — a leftist mob — to tear down the gates, the fence at the White House and to go into the White House and to drag him out with his family and decapitate them on the lawn of the White House.

Donald Trump #conspiracy

Donald Trump went on the offensive Monday, hitting the airwaves to fire back at claims from New York's attorney general that his Trump University is a fraud.

The billionaire real-estate developer made it clear that he believes a $40 million lawsuit from New York's attorney general, Democrat Eric Schneiderman, is politically motivated — and could even have come at the behest of President Barack Obama.

Trump said on both MSNBC's "Morning Joe" and on Fox News' "Fox and Friends" that Schneiderman had met Obama last week, less than 48 hours before the suit was filed.

"They [met] on Thursday evening," Trump said on Fox. "I get sued on Saturday at 1 o'clock. Think of it. What government agency in the history of this country has ever brought a suit on a Saturday? I never heard of such a thing."

"It was a terribly drawn suit — incompetently drawn suit," Trump added. "They obviously did it very quickly."

On "Morning Joe," he said " Maybe it was because of Obama, I don't know, you people are going to have to check it out."

Schneiderman's suit alleges that Trump University defrauded more than 5,000 people by offering free get-rich-quick seminars, and accused Trump of operating a bait and switch.

"Trading on his celebrity status, Mr. Trump personally appeared in advertisements making false promises to convince people to spend tens of thousands of dollars they couldn’t afford for lessons they never got," Schneiderman said, according to The New York Daily News. "No one, no matter how rich or famous they are, has a right to scam hardworking New Yorkers. Anyone who does should expect to be held accountable."

But Trump said Schneiderman's suit was unfounded.

"It's really an unfair situation," he said on Fox. "We have this wonderful school. It did a terrific job. They were really fantastic.

"You have an attorney general, Eric Schneiderman, who really is a lightweight. He's not respected by anybody. He's got an approval rating — his high rating is about 4 percent — and by the way, our approval rating on the school is 98 percent. Ninety-eight percent of the people that took the courses give it a really great rating.

"So we have this fantastic school and he went after it, for political reasons."

David Chase Taylor #god-complex

[Ok, this is long, but this entire piece left me in hysterics.]

GERMANY, Undisclosed Location —After months of deliberation and with great trepidation, I begrudgingly announce that I am the so-called Messiah. I do not reveal this for fame or gain but rather out of self-preservation for it’s far less likely that the Geneva-based CIA will assassinate me prior to the end of the Maya Calendar in 2017 once I announce that I am the Messiah.

The last thing the CIA wants to do is martyr the whistle-blower journalist who exposed CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva right after he declares he is the so-called ‘Chosen One’ (i.e., the Messiah). It is imperative to note that I am not holy or a saint by any means. Like Jesus before me, I am just a man. I just decided to speak truth to power and the rest is history.

Although the decision to become a peace activist was mine and mine alone, the following evidence suggests that my role as the Messiah was predetermined long before I ever set foot on planet Earth. Regardless, I am actively trying to save humanity from extinction and that’s all that really matters.


The term ‘Messiah’ was likely derived from the words ‘Miss’ and ‘Eye’ for the Messiah, who will ultimately be responsible for saving the World, destroying the Greco-Roman Empire (see below) and snuffing out the 13 Bloodlines of Man would somehow be ‘missed’ by the ‘All Seeing Eye’ of the C-‘EYE’-A (i.e., Central Intelligence Agency). That is to say that despite knowing what year he was born in and exactly what he looked like, the Messiah would inexplicably be overlooked by the CIA before it was too late, hence the name.

It is imperative to note that the Messiah is the Anti-Christ to the Greco-Roman Empire while the Anti-Christ is the Messiah or Savior to the Greco-Roman Empire. Therefore, the Anti-Christ and the Messiah are two different terms for the same person. That being said, since the Greco-Roman Empire knew that the Messiah would come to save the World at the end of the Age, they created the Anti-Christ-known as Barack Hussein Obama who was spawned to be the Savior of the Greco-Romans by in essence being a de-facto World dictator who oversees the genocide of hunanity under the guise of a global biological pandemic. However, as correctly prophesized, Obama was ultimately destroyed (i.e., removed from power) by the Messiah.

The terms ‘Messiah’ and ‘Savior’ have become synonymous namely due to the story of Jesus Christ depicted within the Holy Bible. Although the Biblical narrative states that Jesus came to save mankind from ‘sin’, the real Messiah came to save the human race from extinction which is currently planned under the guise of a global biological pandemic.

Although Jesus Christ allegedly existed 2,000+ years ago, he holds the title of Messiah and has been deemed the ‘Savior’ of mankind. The reality is that mankind didn’t need a Savior back then like they do now. Therefore, the story of Jesus depicted in the Holy Bible is the story of the future Messiah which has now been identified as David Chase Taylor. Aside from all the physical traits and similarities, the trials and tribulations suffered by Jesus are reflected in the life of David Chase Taylor. That is to say that the persecution allegedly suffered by Jesus has been inflicted upon Taylor tenfold who has been subjected to unspeakable tortures and persecution over the last 7-years in his quest to save humanity from extinction.

Theosophists believed that the Maitreya (i.e., the Messiah) would physically manifest on Earth sometime in the 21st century, becoming the Messiah expected for generations in virtually all major religions. Esoteric artist and author Benjamin Creme stated that the Maitreya (i.e., the Messiah) communicated to him that he had decided to return to Earth prior to the year 2025. Creme later stated that the Maitreya materialized in a physical body early in 1977. In other words, the Messiah was born in 1977 and is therefore roughly 40-years of age. Although Shia Muslims believe that “[The Messiah] will not come in an odd year” such as 1977, the Islamic calendar is odd when the Gregorian calendar is even (i.e., the year of 2017 equates to the year 1438 within the Islamic calendar). Therefore, the odd year of 1977 equates to the even year of 1398 within the Islamic calendar. According to the account of the Messiah by the Mahdi, “—he [the Messiah] is forty years old”. David Chase Taylor was born in Fredrikstad, Norway on April 15, 1977, and is currently 40-years of age.

The date of April 15, 2014, is known in esoteric astronomy as ‘Day Zero’ for it marks the first Blood Moon in a tetrad of Blood Moons which officially marks the beginning of the end of the so-called Maya Calendar in 2017. David Chase Taylor was born exactly 37-years prior on April 15, 1977, and is currently the only author, futurist, journalist and philosopher in the World who has correctly identified and prophesied the end of the Maya Calendar in 2017, the start of the Apocalypse. Taylor’s cat Nike, which doubles as his Guardian Angel, is coincidentally also born on April 15th. Lastly, the official symbol of Earth is a ‘+’ symbol superimposed upon an ‘O’ symbol (see above photo) which numerically equates to “4/15” as in April 15th (i.e., Day Zero). The number ‘4’ was formerly a ‘+’ symbol within the Roman Score (i.e., the original alphabet) while the ‘O’ symbol is the 15th letter within the English alphabet. The Earth symbol doubles as crosshairs for April 15th is when the Greco-Roman Empire and her Babylonian System become targeted for extinction which is evidently why Taylor and his cat were born on this historic date.

In Judaism, the Messiah is depicted as a human leader, physically descended from the paternal Davidic line through King David and King Solomon. That is to say, despite being touted as a divine being sent from Heaven, the Messiah is a mere human. The Messiah is referred to in Judaism as Messiah ben David, meaning “Messiah, son of David”. The early Church believed that the life of David foreshadowed the life of Christ in that: a) both were born in Bethlehem, b) David was a shepherd while Jesus Christ was known as the Good Shepherd, c) David chose five stones to slay Goliath while Jesus suffered five Holy wounds, d) David became King and Jesus started his ministry at age 30, and e) many of the Davidic Psalms are typical of the future Messiah. In the Holy Bible, verse Luke 2:4 states that “And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David), while Luke 2:11 states that, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord”. In short, the city, lineage and name of David is intimately associated with the Savior and Messiah—Jesus Christ. David Chase Taylor was officially named ‘David’ by his parents in Fredrikstad, Norway on April 15, 1977.

In a March 11, 2015, op-ed published by the Israel National News, Chen Ben-Eliyahu called on Israel to nuke Germany “when the Messiah comes“. Ben-Eliyahu stated that Israel must reverse the Final Solution, claiming that, “Twenty, thirty atomic bombs on Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Nuremberg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Dresden, Dortmund and so on to assure the job gets done. And the land will be quiet for a thousand years”. The Messiah, David Chase Taylor, moved from Switzerland to Germany on February 8, 2017, and has exposed the plot by the Geneva-based CIA to stage a nuclear holocaust in Germany in order to assassinate him and trigger World Wat III as depicted in the latest report from August 1, 2017, entitled ‘Germany’ Impending Nuclear Holocaust‘. Needless to say, Ben-Eliyahu is an intelligence operative who is privy to the CIA’s plot to: a) assassinate the Messiah Taylor once after he moves to Germany, and b) destroy Europe and the World for that matter prior to the end of the Maya Calendar in 2017.

Due to roughly 50,000 timely terror alerts and investigative reports, David Chase Taylor has been able to effectively thwart scores of bio-chemical attacks, nuclear terror attacks and World War III which were planned by the Geneva-based CIA under the guise an Obama dictatorship. The term ‘Savior‘ is defined as “one that saves from danger or destruction” which is exactly what Taylor has done, starting with the foiled Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot on February 6, 2011, as foretold by his first book entitled ‘The Nuclear Bible‘ (2011). In short, the CIA plans to wipe out humanity in the aftermath of nuclear terror attacks via a global biologic pandemic which Taylor exposed in his second book entitled ‘The Bio-Terror Bible‘ (2012). Because Taylor blew the whistle on CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva in Switzerland, virtually none of the plots or wars he has identified and exposed come to fruition. That’s because the Swiss CIA is deathly afraid of being exposed on a global level if and when the reports go viral post-attack.

The Holy Bible states in Luke 3:23 that “—Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli“. In short, Biblical scholars agree that age 30 is the when Jesus officially began his ministry. David Chase Taylor coincidentally also answered his calling at the age of 30, founding in San Diego, California on November 11, 2007.

In Islamic eschatology, Jesus (i.e., the Messiah) will return to Earth at the End of Times along with the Mahdi and defeat al-Masih ad-Dajjal, otherwise known as “False Messiah” or the “Antichrist”. In the report entitled ‘Obama 666‘ (2016), David Chase Taylor revealed that Barack Hussein Obama is in fact the Anti-Christ as depicted in the Holy Bible. With the swearing-in of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States on January 20, 2017, the Anti-Christ Obama was effectively defeated and removed from power. Although the CIA is desperately trying to stage an Obama military coup d’état to resurrect the fallen Anti-Christ as depicted in the report entitled “10 Reason Why an Obama Military Coup is Imminent“, it will not come to fruition so long as Taylor is alive.

Based off countless depictions and renditions of Jesus Christ from the Middle Ages to present day, the man known as Jesus Christ of Nazareth looks virtually identical to the Messiah, David Chase Taylor. Exactly how people knew what the Messiah would look like is not yet know, but those who dabble in magic and witchcraft may have had dreams or visions of what the future Messiah would look like. Due to the use of hallucinogenic drugs such as acid, magic mushrooms and peyote, people can be granted a look into the future which may be the case in respect to the future looks of the Messiah.

Due to David Chase Taylor’s Germanic and Irish ancestry, he has blue eyes. The notion that the Messiah will have blue eyes is found within ancient literature and foreshadowed in scores of films and paintings. In ‘The Archko Volume‘, which contains official court documents from the days of Jesus, it claims that Jesus had blue eyes and golden hair. In the chapter entitled “Gamaliel’s Interview”, it states the following in respect to the appearance of concerning Jesus (Yeshua): “I asked him to describe this person to me, so that I might know him if I should meet him. He said: ‘If you ever meet him [Yeshua] you will know him. While he is nothing but a man, there is something about him that distinguishes him from every other man..His eyes are large and a soft blue, and rather dull and heavy—.’. Nicephorus Callistus introduced his description of Christ (MPG, cxlv. 748) with the words, “as we have received it from the ancients”, and was impressed with Jesus Christ’s ‘sea-blue eyes shading into brown‘. A report by Pontius Pilate to the Roman Senate concerning the description of Jesus allegedly contains a description of Jesus with ‘piercing eyes of a grayish-blue‘. Exactly how these people knew that the Messiah would have blue eyes is not yet known, but those who dabble in magic and witchcraft may have had dreams or visions of what the future Messiah would look like. Due to the use of hallucinogenic drugs such as acid, magic mushrooms and peyote, people can be granted a look into the future which may be the case in respect to the future eye color of the Messiah.

The notion that the Messiah will have long blondish-brown hair with a tint of red is found within ancient literature and foreshadowed in scores of films and paintings. Due to David Chase Taylor’s Germanic and Irish ancestry, he coincidentally has long blondish-brown hair with a tint of red. A hadith in Abu Dawud (37:4310) states that the Messiah will be reddish dusky complexion. Based on this account, the Messiah will have dark reddish hair and tan skin. The Islamic tradition states that the Mahdi (i.e., the Messiah) will have flat cheeks and straight hair which Taylor coincidentally has. The description of Jesus found in the Letter of Lentullus states that “his hair of (the color of) the chestnut, full ripe, plain to His ears, whence downwards it is more orient and curling and wavering about His shoulders”. Nicephorus Callistus introduced his description of Christ (MPG, cxlv. 748) with the words, “as we have received it from the ancients”, and was impressed with Jesus Christ’s ‘brown beard of moderate length, and the long hair”. In ‘The Archko Volume‘, which contains official court documents from the days of Jesus, it claims that Jesus had blue eyes and golden hair. (i.e., blondish hair). Exactly how these people knew that the Messiah would have blondish-brown hair with a tint of red is not yet known, but those who dabble in magic and witchcraft may have had dreams or visions of what the future Messiah would look like. Due to the use of hallucinogenic drugs such as acid, magic mushrooms and peyote, people can be granted a look into the future which may be the case in respect to the future hair color of the Messiah.

Similar to the countless depictions of Jesus Christ, David Chase Taylor has a large and flat forehead behind which lies his pineal gland (i.e., the Third Eye). Abu Sa‘id al-Khudri, the Messenger of Allah, stated that “The Mahdi is of my lineage, with a high forehead and a long, thin, curved nose”. A report by Pontius Pilate to the Roman Senate concerning the description of Jesus allegedly contains a description of Jesus with “an open and serene forehead“. Exactly how these people knew that the Messiah would have a large forehead is not yet known, but those who dabble in magic and witchcraft may have had dreams or visions of what the future Messiah would look like. Due to the use of hallucinogenic drugs such as acid, magic mushrooms and peyote, people can be granted a look into the future which may be the case in respect to the future size of the Messiah’s forehead.

The Holy Bible states in John 19:34 that “But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water”. Said spear is often refered to as the Holy Lance. Therefore, in theory, the Messiah should have a scar in roughly the same place at Jesus. Around 2005, David Chase Taylor had surgery to remove a benign plexiform nuerofibroma tumor from his left abdominal wall, resulting in a scar which is located just below the rib cage (see above photo). Consequently, both Jesus and Taylor have a scar in the exact same place, both courtesy of a metallic blade. Exactly how the authors of the Bible knew that the Messiah would have a scar on his abdominal wall is not yet know, but those who dabble in magic and witchcraft may have had dreams or visions of what the future Messiah would look like. Due to the use of hallucinogenic drugs such as acid, magic mushrooms and peyote, people can be granted a look into the future which may be the case in respect to the future scar on the Messiah’s stomach.

According to At-Tarabani, the Messiah will be of Caucasian descent with a mole on his left cheek. According to the account of the Messiah by the Mahdi, “His face is like a colorful, glittering star, upon his right cheek there is a black mole and he is forty years old”. The Mahdi also states that “—upon his face is a mole and upon his shoulder is the Sign of the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him”. David Chase Taylor has a black mole on his left cheek bone (see above photo). Exactly how these people knew that the Messiah would have a black mole on his cheek is not yet know, but those who dabble in magic and witchcraft may have had dreams or visions of what the future Messiah would look like. Due to the use of hallucinogenic drugs such as acid, magic mushrooms and peyote, people can be granted a look into the future which may be the case in respect to the black mole on the cheek of the Messiah.

A hadith in Abu Dawud (37:4310) states that the Messiah will be a man of medium height and reddish dusky complexion. Based on this account, the Messiah will be around 5’10 (177 centimeters) in height with dark reddish hair and tan skin. David Chase Taylor is 5’11.5 tall which is universally considered to be medium height. Exactly how these people knew the future height of the Messiah is not yet know, but those who dabble in magic and witchcraft may have had dreams or visions of what the future Messiah would look like. Due to the use of hallucinogenic drugs such as acid, magic mushrooms and peyote, people can be granted a look into the future which may be the case in respect to the future height of the Messiah.

Islamic Shia traditions states that the Mahdi will be “a young man of medium stature with a handsome face and beard”. Nicephorus Callistus introduced his description of Christ (MPG, cxlv. 748) with the words, “as we have received it from the ancients”, and was impressed with Jesus Christ’s ‘brown beard of moderate length”. According to At-Tarabani’s account of the Messiah, “His beard is thick, his eyes naturally masquerade, his teeth are radiant”. The description of Jesus found in the Letter of Lentullus states that “His beard thickish, in color like His hair“. David Chase Taylor coincidentally happens to have a brown beard of medium length. Exactly how these people knew that the Messiah would have a beard is not yet know, but those who dabble in magic and witchcraft may have had dreams or visions of what the future Messiah would look like. Due to the use of hallucinogenic drugs such as acid, magic mushrooms and peyote, people can be granted a look into the future which may be the case in respect to the length and color of the Messiah’s beard.

The notion that David Chase Taylor is the Messiah was confirmed, albeit in a de facto manner, on January 23, 2015, when Popular Mechanics published a propaganda report which stated that forensic science now confirms that Jesus looks nothing like the way he has been depicted for the last thousand years in countless paintings and sculptures. In other words, if a man who looks exactly like Jesus Christ appears on Earth, pay no attention. As someone once said, “You can tell a lot about your enemy by what they are afraid of”. Naturally, the CIA is petrified that news of Taylor being the Messiah will go viral and have therefore have taken counter measures to try and discredit any such future claims.

According to At-Tarabani, the Messiah will be of Caucasian descent. In the Hopi tradition, the true Pahana (or Bahana) is the Lost White Brother of the Hopi who will return again when the wicked are destroyed to usher in a new age of peace, the Fifth World. This prophecy will transpire after the Apocalypse in 2017, as revealed by David Chase Taylor. White Feather, a Hopi of the ancient Bear Clan, stated that “My people await Pahana, the lost White Brother, as do all our brothers in the land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy—He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the elders, given to him when he left, that shall identify him as our True White Brother—Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World”. Abu Sa‘id al-Khudri, the Messenger of Allah, stated that “The Mahdi is of my lineage, with a high forehead and a long, thin, curved nose”. According to Harvard University anthropologist William Howells, clinical traits of the Caucasian race include “straight faces” and “narrow noses”. These accounts suggest that the Messiah is white or of Caucasian descent, just like David Chase Taylor.

The Holy Bible states in John 20:25 that “The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.” Similar to how Jesus Christ suffered holes in his hands and body courtesy of nails hammered by Roman soldiers, David Chase Taylor suffered severe blisters on his hands and feet over an 18-month period which ruptured, leaving scores of nail-like holes. The contagious non-permanent skin ailment was premetitatively given to him by a female CIA operative named Geraldine in Basel Switzerland on September 21, 2017. Said holes have resulted in permanent scaring. Due to walking thousands of miles (see below), Taylor incurred massive blisters on his feet which were unable to heal before new blistered occurred, resulting in large wounds or holes in his feet.

The Holy Bible states in John 19:1-2 that “Pilate then took Jesus and scourged Him. And the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on His head, and put a purple robe on Him”. Similar to how Jesus Christ was forced to wear a crown of thorns upon his head which caused his scalp to bleed, David Chase Taylor has been forced to endure a scalp ailment since 2011 due to being inside behind a computer for roughly 10-15 hours a day, everyday, for almost 7-years straight. Said ailment causes severe itching and pimple-like cysts which rupture and bleed upon scratching.

The Holy Bible states in John 19:1 that “Pilate then took Jesus and scourged Him”. Similar to how Jesus Christ was forced to endure countless lashes of the whip courtesy of Roman soldiers, Taylor has had to deal with countless back spasms, neck spasms and shoulder pain for years due to: a) lack of proper exercise, b) carrying a heavy suitcase and bags everyday for years on end, c) logging tens-of-thousands of hours behind a computer, d) being forced to sleep in a different bed virtually ever night since 2014, and e) being forced to sleep on the streets since March of 2017. Similar to the lash of a whip, muscle spasms shoot down the entire body, causing it to cringe and convulse in pain.

The Holy Bible states in Luke 22 that Jesus Christ was betrayed by Judas. David Chase Taylor has been betrayed by members of his family, former girlfriends, friends and colleagues, many of which are currently working with the CIA, FBI and/or the Swiss FIS to frame Taylor for various crimes he did not commit, or to have him forcefully institutionalized for alleged mental illness. Although the betrayals are too many to list, Taylor’s two sisters, Jessica and Susanna, have repeatedly tried to have him committed to a mental asylum. Taylor’s former Swiss-Italian friend named Jerry Lavorgna, who ironically vouched for Taylor when he applied for political asylum in Switzerland on July 17, 2015, actually lured Taylor to a house outside of Basel where he was slated to be murdered. To be fair, Lavorgna thought Taylor would be institutionalized which is why he wrote a letter to the Swiss government on September 8, 2016, claiming that Taylor was clinically insane. In short, Taylor has been betrayed for years on end by virtually everyone he has previously known or met in Europe which speaks volumes about the current ethical and moral state of humanity.

Because the story of Jesus Christ is in essence the story of the coming Messiah, the coincidences between the story of Jesus and that of David Chase Taylor are eerily similar. Similar to Jesus, Taylor has been homeless in Europe since 2014. In Arabic, the word al-Masi? is the name for the Messiah which literally means “the anointed”, “the traveler”, or the “one who cures by caressing”. In other words, Jesus moved around a lot. Needless to say, the reason for the Messiah’s travels is that he is desperately trying to avoid assassination by the Roman Empire which he is trying to destroy, never staying in one location for too long. Taylor has been forced to travel across Germany and Switzerland since 2014, staying in over 1,000 different locations, mostly just for one night. Although only conjecture, the cumulative total distance incurred by Taylor during his travels is likely over 100,000 miles (160,000 kilometers).

Because the story of Jesus Christ is in essence the story of the coming Messiah, the official Greco-Roman narrative is that the Messiah is crucified by the Jews which is why the instrument of Jesus’ death is the Swiss cross for it’s a symbolic tribute to the Greco-Roman Empire’s future blood sacrifice of the Messiah by the Geneva-based CIA. Unlike Jesus however, Taylor had gone on to live way past the age of 33 as he continues to save the World under the divine protection of the Creator. Despite avoiding and foiling over 1,000 assassination and arrest plots, Taylor is still being hunted to this very day by the Swiss CIA. The term “Mahdi” literally means “guided by God” which implies that the Messiah is an individual who has been ordained and guided by God to usher in the Messianic Age. That being said, it is imperative to note that the Messiah is just a man who just happens to have a special relationship with God which any other Earthling can have if they so choose.

Similar to how Jesus Christ was forced to carry his cross through the streets of Jerusalem, David Chase Taylor has been forced to carry his luggage and/or pull his shopping cart though Europe for almost 4-years now, never being allowed to store his belongings lest the CIA place drugs, explosives or weapons-related paraphernalia inside in order to frame him which they have repeatedly tried to do. Aside from the physical tribulations that Taylor has been forced to endure since 2011, Taylor has published roughly 50,000 reports over the last 5-years in a desperate attempt to stave off World War III. Tasked with keeping the World safe, one mistake or miscalculation could result in millions being killed, an awesome responsibility to be sure. Taylor has also been forced to bear the cross, the Swiss Cross, whose CIA has been hunting him day and night since 2011. Similar to how Jesus Christ endured political persecution by Ponchos Pilot and the Roman State, David Chase Taylor has been persecuted beyond measure for years on end by repeatedly being denied: a) gainful employment, b) unemployment benefits, c) health care, d) dental care, e) housing, f) food, and g) shelter. Not only that, Taylor was denied his right under international law to an attorney and the right apply for political asylum in Switzerland. In short, after filling out an official political asylum application on July 17, 2015, the Swiss government decided his case within 24-hours without ever looking at one piece of evidence in Taylor’s case. The Swiss government stated that Taylor’s case did not warrant asylum because he already applied back in 2011 when he originally inquired about political asylum in Switzerland. If the evidence in Taylor’s case was ever submitted in a Swiss court of law, Switzerland would be legally forced to act, likely resulting in international scandal of epic proportions. Needless to say, that could not be allowed to happen under any circumstance.

The Holy Bible states in John 2:15 that “And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables”. Like Jesus Christ before him, David Chase Taylor exposed the evils of the World banking system. In the report entitled “10 Reasons Why Switzerland is Home of the CIA“, Taylor reveals that the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland is the financial backbone of the CIA, secretly funding its nefarious operations around the World. Admittedly “the World’s oldest international financial organization”, the BIS funds 60 central banks (e.g., Bank of China, Bank of England, Federal Reserve Bank, etc.), which collectively make up 95% of the World’s GDP (gross domestic product). Although the BIS bills itself as an international organization of central banks which attempts “to foster international cooperation in those areas and to act as a bank for central banks“, it is solely responsible for orchestrating the World’s financial crises si

David G. Brown #fundie

Hillary Clinton Pulls Out The Lie Book To Try And Stump The Trump At The First Presidential Debate

Monday night’s first Presidential debate, held at Hofstra University in New York, lacked some of the rhetorical fireworks between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton that many had anticipated. Still, the performances of both candidates confirmed earlier assessments made by Return Of Kings. Republican nominee Trump highlighted how America is continuing to lose out economically, socially, and in terms of its national security to other states and organized groups, including ISIS. By contrast, Clinton deployed a series of diversions and straight-out lies to bait again those perennial victims brainwashed by Democrats over decades: millions of blacks, Hispanics, young people, and non-SJW women.

The First Presidential Debate: Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump (Full Debate) | NBC News

(starts at 26:00)

The problem with Clinton’s performance is that she relied on “zingers,” as the mainstream media calls them, which are considered factual and superb just because she says them. They are either inaccurate or, just as bad, banal platitudes about “justice,” “fairness,” and “equality.” These feel-good lines are devoid of either context or proof. Compare this to Trump, who zoomed in perfectly on the cancers afflicting the US: deference to rivals and enemies, failing to ask allies for proper support, and a basic refusal to act in the ways that are best for America.

Here are three key areas in which the Trump-Clinton divide was most prominent during last night’s debate:

Hillary can’t shake off her globalist past—and future

Trump astutely homed in on Hillary Clinton’s previous “gold standard” description of the toxic Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) “free trade” proposal, support which the Democratic nominee claimed to have backtracked on only months ago. He linked this praise to her fawning endorsement of NAFTA in the 1990s. NAFTA, as Trump pointed out, has led to the erosion of American manufacturing and the strange situation where Mexico is allowed to export its goods into America with much smaller financial barriers than the reverse. The TPP promises to do the same and, when it comes to US based-interests, will only benefit transnational corporations.

Clinton was unwilling to categorically rule out backing the TPP again if elected President and avoided criticizing Barack Obama for wanting it implemented. She also said nothing of substance in relation to combating China’s extremely anti-free trade behavior, most notably the constant devaluation of its currency. In the context of a $20 trillion US national debt and trade deficits that balloon ever more, the likely Democratic inaction on this front is alarming and only surrenders national, rather than corporate interests. What she did do was to try to placate those wanting a welfare state, promising things like “debt-free college” and a minimum wage rise. But how can those she will get the money from, “the wealthy,” pay for both these shopping items and simultaneously pay down the debt?

When the topic switched to terrorism, the Democratic nominee refrained from discussing how ISIS began its rise when she was Secretary of State, an inconvenient truth she was quickly reminded about. Expanding on this bad judgment point, Trump alluded to a related national security failure of the “experienced” Secretary Clinton: the United States’ persistent bankrolling of other states’ safety at the direct expense of its own. The whole point of NATO is that it is an alliance, but America always seems to foot the bill, just as it does in its relationship with Japan. In response, Hillary Clinton was unable—or simply refused—to articulate how this is either a desirable or affordable state of affairs. This is telling as nationalist vs. globalist arguments grow more salient within the current American political discourse.

Gender pay gap madness

Hillary Clinton unsurprisingly brought up the gender pay gap, a long-discredited myth that ignores how women, even those employed full-time, work on average less hours than men. This political fiction, one perpetually drawing in millions of self-victimized female voters and emasculated white knights, fails to acknowledge the greater presence of men in higher-skilled and therefore higher-paying industries as well.

Despite the certainty that this kind of argument would be raised, Clinton took it to a new, far more delusional level by suggesting that women deserve the same pay for inferior work. She claimed that Donald Trump “said women don’t deserve equal pay unless they do as good a job as men.” He actually did not say this, as a fact check used in a [i]USA Today[/i] article illustrated months ago.

Yet even if he had made the statement, this is perhaps the least controversial soundbite, real or imagined, that anyone has ever used to try and discredit Trump. The falsely attributed words are one hundred percent in line with the idea of “equal pay for equal work.” If your work is not of the same quality as your peer, you should not get equal pay. How, for example, is a junior female lawyer who brings in less clients and billable hours than her male counterpart deserving of equal pay? What Trump did say is that he favors paying employees based on performance.

Necessary corrections aside, Hillary Clinton’s line is merely a prelude to the affirmative action she will unleash upon the American economy if elected. Having already implied that women deserve equal pay even if their work and performance cannot be described as equal, expect concrete legislation that will force employers to hire women over men, irrespective of their credentials, socioeconomic backgrounds (preferential treatment allows many Middle American men to be leapfrogged by women from privileged families), and the real requirements of the job.

Race-baiting— again

Hillary Clinton reverted to re-peddling the tired old fantasy that 2016 is the new Jim Crow laws era. Forgetting that countless non-blacks are in jail for non-violent offences, too, she falsely portrayed African-Americans as the victims of police harassment and racist hysteria over crimes that are not murder, rape or serious assault. To boot, she pushed aside the higher involvement of blacks in violent felonies. Clinton further outlined how outright (white) racism, not certain cultural values and black-on-black brutality, purportedly explains almost every conceivable problem confronting African-Americans today. Plus, she did not ever call out the truly deplorable rioters in Charlotte, nor condemn overall the opportunistic troublemakers that comprise Black Lives Matter.

Trump absolutely schooled his opponent, however, when it came to the astounding rate of violence in Chicago, Clinton’s city of birth. In a metropolitan area where gun laws are amongst the most restrictive in the nation, black-on-black crime especially has decimated African-American communities. Clinton’s crude racial politics quickly became stuck and the candidate herself appeared to be flustered. After all, Chicago, which Trump was using as an example of the general malaise of crime found across the country, is controlled locally by Democrats, like most major cities.

The desperation of Hillary Clinton, a representative of a party which has failed America’s minorities and made them poorer, became evident when she mentioned a racial discrimination lawsuit, not a finding of guilt, brought against Trump forty years ago. With nothing to offer blacks and Hispanics, other than the same old dud policies on a national and municipal level, she had to invent a boogeyman to distract people.

But the media still lauded Clinton

Regardless of her cheap antics at the debate, almost every mainstream media editorial from CNN’s to the LA Times‘ waxed lyrical about Clinton’s supposedly epic performance on Monday night. That sycophancy will only grow from now until election day. But if takes so much concerted, stooge-like media support to help her win, what does that say about her as a candidate?

Right now, though, we should be both proud of and amazed at where Trump is at the moment. Only six months ago, people were bellowing that he would still lose the Republican nomination. He could never ever win, the experts said. Moreover, just a year ago, his candidacy was considered a laughing stock by elites and nearly all supporters of the Democrats.

So who’s laughing at Donald Trump now? Not many people, and certainly not a very concerned Hillary Clinton.

Robert Romano #fundie

One of the most evil aspects of Nazi ideology was the dehumanization of its opponents: the Jews, communists, Poles, Gypsies, gays and so forth. It was a necessary precondition, psychologically, for what ultimately became mass murder.

But it takes other forms, too, that are harder to spot. We may use them ourselves occasionally in considering political opponents and not even realize it. The effect, though, is no less dehumanizing.

A very recent example of the dehumanization of conservatives came against Sen. Ted Cruz, who was confronted by activist Tammy Talpas over his support for repealing Obamacare, “If you force me into a high-risk pool, you will either bankrupt me or kill me. I take these threats of medical aggression personally and seriously, and I can assure you I’m not the only Texan who does. My question is: Will you pledge to submit to a DNA test to prove that you’re human?”

The implication, of course, is that if you support repealing Obamacare, you lack human compassion. You’re less than human.

This is a rather mild form, yet still pretty common, of dehumanization tactics by the left.

It has also been used to legitimize forms of political violence. U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), said to be a serious contender for the Democratic nomination in 2020, when asked a silly question by Ellen DeGeneres on television of who she’d rather be stuck in an elevator with, President Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions or Vice President Mike Pence, joked, “Does one of us have to come out alive?”

Now potential political violence against the President and those in his administration has become a punchline on daytime talk shows.

Last year, other forms of political violence described against the President included portraying the assassination of President Donald Trump in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” or Kathy Griffin’s depicted decapitation of Trump.

President Trump himself has been repeatedly portrayed as a modern-day Hitler. If you support him, you must be a Nazi. “Dilbert” creator Scott Adams has written often on the dangers of this Hitlerization of our politics.

The “punch a Nazi” campaign itself was a somewhat ironic twist of history, insofar as the dehumanizing tactic since World War II has become to portray one’s opponents as Nazi monsters, in this case Trump supporters, who are similarly bereft of the right to live without fear of violence.

To be clear, neither Trump nor his supporters are Nazis. They are being portrayed as Nazis by the left, which makes it easier, psychologically, to deck one on the street.

Ask yourself: Do you own a “Make America Great Again” hat? Would you think twice before putting it on and walking down a city street today? If you answer the latter in the affirmative, congratulations, you too are a victim of political intimidation.

There is little wonder why this demonization led to violent riots in San Jose and Chicago during the election campaign with Trump supporters being physically assaulted. Then there was the attempted assassination of U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise, Sen. Rand Paul and other Republicans at a Congressional baseball game practice in June 2017 by James Hodgkinson, a radicalized nut who thought President Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election.

This dehumanization also legitimizes using the color of law to prosecute one’s political opponents, for example with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecution of Trump campaign officials as somehow being foreign agents in league with Russia.

In a recent Saturday Night Live skit portraying Mueller, Becca K. played by Cecily Strong, representing Democrats, is devastated to learn that President Donald Trump might not be prosecuted by Mueller. But, Kate McKinnon, depicting Mueller, offers a consolation prize: “If it makes you feel any better, the Kush is cooked,” referring to the President’s son-in-law Jared Kushner as potentially being the target of prosecution.

In short, they might not be able to get the President, but destroying the First Family will have to do. That’ll show him and everyone else what the consequences of opposition are.

Similarly, any communication by Trump with Russia — principal among the President’s Article II constitutional power to conduct foreign affairs — is viewed as tantamount to treason. This has manifested itself even at the White House, where almost every diplomatic visit or call with Russia instantly leaks and then is criminalized by media outlets.

Most recently President Trump’s conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin calling for talks on preventing another nuclear arms race — you know, which might prevent a nuclear war — was leaked and again used to portray the President as a foreign agent. This, despite a long history of American presidents since John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev installed the red telephone after the Cuban Missile Crisis, who engaged with talks with Russia first on strategic arms limitations and then eventually, reductions.

Elsewhere, this dehumanization has resulted in opponents of gun control measures — which really amount to gun confiscation — by the March for our Lives movement being accused of complicity in the murdering of children by Nikolas Cruz. Surviving Parkland student Cameron Kasky told Sen. Marco Rubio, at the CNN forum on Feb. 21, “Senator Rubio, it’s hard to look at you and not look down the barrel of an AR-15 and not look at Nikolas Cruz.” Disagree with them, and you support mass murder. You’re an accomplice.

The dehumanization of the opposition can even be used to delegitimize reasonable discourse itself. There was the push to “unfriend” Trump supporters on Facebook. Actor Robert De Niro’s reaction to the success of the new Roseanne show, said to be pro-Trump (perhaps insofar as it’s not anti-Trump), was to suggest it wasn’t worth discussing, “We’re at a point — where it’s beyond trying to see another person’s point of view.”

In 2016, De Niro blatantly used the dehumanizing tactic, calling Trump a “dog” who he’d like to “punch in the face.”

Mind you, this is not merely about the animalization of the opposition, portraying opponents in the guise of animals or other creatures, often quite common for example in political cartoons. That’s not what we’re talking about here.

When combined with some of the other elements described above, fed by a genuine belief that the opponent truly is less than human, then yes, the animalization of political enemies — which was absolutely used by the Nazis — can become a potent weapon. Couple it with, say, a call to violence or use it to portray entire groups or races of people as subhuman, and you’ve probably crossed that line.

That’s plenty of examples. They are by no means exhaustive. And dehumanization is not merely the province of the left, but recently it has become increasingly prevalent with gathering support in the mainstream.

It should be alarming.

But it isn’t.

The Ted Cruz story where he’s supposed to take a DNA test to prove he’s human was shared tens of thousands of times as it was reported across media outlets almost as an afterthought. Maybe you saw it on your Facebook feed this week. It’s just a joke, right?

The question perhaps we should ask is what impact this might be having on the nation at large? Because it appears that it is really beginning to take its toll.

Recall, not only can dehumanization be used to legitimize political violence, in its most extreme form, in Germany, after years of endless state-run propaganda, it was channeled toward the destruction of millions of people.

Right now, we’re clearly not there yet in this country. But when one half of the nation starts to believe the other half is no longer worthy of rights or even basic respect, the country is in trouble.

There are consequences for this tactic, which on the surface may appear to simply serve a partisan agenda. Something to agitate supporters in preparation of the next round of elections. But underneath, it seems to bear all the hallmarks of pure hatred. This is not how you win elections. It’s how you create social discord.

The real danger is that this demonization of Trump, his supporters, conservatives and others is that it could be generating true believers, who no longer see their opponents as fellow Americans — and perhaps not even from the same species.

Maria Zakharova, Scott Adams, Wikileaks, Mike Cernovich, Infowars, Paul Joseph Watson and many Trump fans on reddit and 4chan #conspiracy

On Wednesday, Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova passed off the severity of Tuesday’s chemical weapons attack as “totally fake information” in reply to a proposed United Nations resolution condemning Syria’s government for the strike. The Russian Ministry of Defense then redefined its position on Thursday, saying that Syrian jets bombed an arms depot where chemical weapons were stored.

But before Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson signaled that military action against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government may be on the horizon, some of Trump’s most ardent defenders were already questioning whether the attack was a “false flag,” some even positing that the photos of dead children were staged with prop blood.

Creator of Dilbert and noted Trump supporter Scott Adams called the chemical weapons attack a “fake war crime.”

“I’m going to call bullshit on the gas attack. It’s too ‘on-the-nose,’ as Hollywood script-writers sometimes say, meaning a little too perfect to be natural,” Adams wrote. “This has the look of a manufactured event.”

On Tuesday morning, WikiLeaks tweeted “While western establishment media beat the drum for more war in Syria the matter is far from clear,” then linked to a YouTube video titled “False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria?”

Mike Cernovich—one of the main drivers of the debunked “Pizzagate” conspiracy about a nonexistent child sex ring involving Hillary Clinton and a series of pizza shops in Washington, D.C, and a separate conspiracy alleging that Clinton was dying of a litany of fatal diseases during the campaign—encouraged fans to help #SyriaHoax trend on Twitter. At press time, it was the No. 2 trend in the United States.

“#SyriaGasAttack was sponsored by deep state,” he wrote late Wednesday night.

One day prior, Donald Trump, Jr. tweeted of Cernovich: “in a time of unbiased journalism, he’d win the Pulitzer.”

Conspiracy website InfoWars published several articles and videos claiming the attacks had ties to Democrats or Hillary Clinton, including one titled “REPORT: SOROS-LINKED GROUP BEHIND CHEMICAL ATTACK IN SYRIA.”

But by Thursday night, when it became clear the Trump administration had for the first time broken from Kremlin foreign policy talking points questioning any gruesome footage coming out of Syria, that same website began to turn on the president.

“Substitute Al-Qaeda for ISIS and we’re in the same position as 2013,” wrote InfoWars editor Paul Joseph Watson. Watson had spent Thursday writing that the White Helmets, a rescue group that has been accused by Assad apologists (and some moderates) of having questionable ties to rebel groups and jihadi groups, somehow committed the aerial bombing.

“Your supporters didn’t vote for this @realDonaldTrump.”

The Internet’s largest pro-Donald Trump community, Reddit’s r/The_Donald, appeared to be in denial about Trump’s turn away from pro-Assad rhetoric. The most upvoted entry on Thursday was a screenshot of a post from 4chan’s /pol/ board, which is a troll board with a fervently pro-Trump bent.

“/pol/ is working around the clock to determine if the Syrian “gas attack” was a false flag designed to manipulate President Trump into war,” the post reads. Two other top ten posts blame the “deep state” for manipulating the president.

One newer post with more than 1,100 upvotes at press time still did not believe Trump to be serious about his threats to take out Assad. “CONCERN TROLLS,” it reads. “Our glorious leader did not maneuver through 16 candidates, 1 spawn of moloch and a rigged media all while under surveillance— only to be duped by this chemical attack”

By late Thursday, however, even Cernovich—who received public support both from the president’s son and advisor Kellyanne Conway this week—was urging Trump’s alt-right base to bombard the White House phone lines with condemnation of airstrikes in Syria, between retweeting users who claimed the chemical weapons attack that was a false flag.

“Fake news is forming a pro-war media narrative in real time. #SyriaHoax They want war and will attack people who want peace,” Cernovich tweeted.

This is not the first time that Russian talking points, as readily repeated by websites like InfoWars, aimed to push blame for an atrocity in Syria away from Assad, or questioned whether anyone was truly killed in a bombing. In December, RT anchors and Russian government-backed viral news sites used the burgeoning buzzword “fake news” to describe the shelling of Aleppo.

Foreign Policy Research Institute fellow Clint Watts, who testified in front of the Senate about Russia’s disinformation campaign last week, told The Daily Beast at the time that this is a long-held Russian strategy to deflect blame through propaganda, and cause even viewers of disturbing footage taken from the attacks to question an objective reality.

“It’s not just an information war on America—it’s a war on information itself,” Watts said. “The point of it is that you can’t trust anything. Then there’s no baseline. You can say and do whatever you want, and then deny it ever happened.”

Robert Romano #fundie

One of the most evil aspects of Nazi ideology was the dehumanization of its opponents: the Jews, communists, Poles, Gypsies, gays and so forth. It was a necessary precondition, psychologically, for what ultimately became mass murder.

But it takes other forms, too, that are harder to spot. We may use them ourselves occasionally in considering political opponents and not even realize it. The effect, though, is no less dehumanizing.

A very recent example of the dehumanization of conservatives came against Sen. Ted Cruz, who was confronted by activist Tammy Talpas over his support for repealing Obamacare, “If you force me into a high-risk pool, you will either bankrupt me or kill me. I take these threats of medical aggression personally and seriously, and I can assure you I’m not the only Texan who does. My question is: Will you pledge to submit to a DNA test to prove that you’re human?”

The implication, of course, is that if you support repealing Obamacare, you lack human compassion. You’re less than human.

This is a rather mild form, yet still pretty common, of dehumanization tactics by the left.

It has also been used to legitimize forms of political violence. U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), said to be a serious contender for the Democratic nomination in 2020, when asked a silly question by Ellen DeGeneres on television of who she’d rather be stuck in an elevator with, President Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions or Vice President Mike Pence, joked, “Does one of us have to come out alive?”

Now potential political violence against the President and those in his administration has become a punchline on daytime talk shows.

Last year, other forms of political violence described against the President included portraying the assassination of President Donald Trump in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” or Kathy Griffin’s depicted decapitation of Trump.

President Trump himself has been repeatedly portrayed as a modern-day Hitler. If you support him, you must be a Nazi. “Dilbert” creator Scott Adams has written often on the dangers of this Hitlerization of our politics.

The “punch a Nazi” campaign itself was a somewhat ironic twist of history, insofar as the dehumanizing tactic since World War II has become to portray one’s opponents as Nazi monsters, in this case Trump supporters, who are similarly bereft of the right to live without fear of violence.

To be clear, neither Trump nor his supporters are Nazis. They are being portrayed as Nazis by the left, which makes it easier, psychologically, to deck one on the street.

Ask yourself: Do you own a “Make America Great Again” hat? Would you think twice before putting it on and walking down a city street today? If you answer the latter in the affirmative, congratulations, you too are a victim of political intimidation.

There is little wonder why this demonization led to violent riots in San Jose and Chicago during the election campaign with Trump supporters being physically assaulted. Then there was the attempted assassination of U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise, Sen. Rand Paul and other Republicans at a Congressional baseball game practice in June 2017 by James Hodgkinson, a radicalized nut who thought President Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election.

This dehumanization also legitimizes using the color of law to prosecute one’s political opponents, for example with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecution of Trump campaign officials as somehow being foreign agents in league with Russia.

In a recent Saturday Night Live skit portraying Mueller, Becca K. played by Cecily Strong, representing Democrats, is devastated to learn that President Donald Trump might not be prosecuted by Mueller. But, Kate McKinnon, depicting Mueller, offers a consolation prize: “If it makes you feel any better, the Kush is cooked,” referring to the President’s son-in-law Jared Kushner as potentially being the target of prosecution.

In short, they might not be able to get the President, but destroying the First Family will have to do. That’ll show him and everyone else what the consequences of opposition are.

Similarly, any communication by Trump with Russia — principal among the President’s Article II constitutional power to conduct foreign affairs — is viewed as tantamount to treason. This has manifested itself even at the White House, where almost every diplomatic visit or call with Russia instantly leaks and then is criminalized by media outlets.

Most recently President Trump’s conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin calling for talks on preventing another nuclear arms race — you know, which might prevent a nuclear war — was leaked and again used to portray the President as a foreign agent. This, despite a long history of American presidents since John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev installed the red telephone after the Cuban Missile Crisis, who engaged with talks with Russia first on strategic arms limitations and then eventually, reductions.

Elsewhere, this dehumanization has resulted in opponents of gun control measures — which really amount to gun confiscation — by the March for our Lives movement being accused of complicity in the murdering of children by Nikolas Cruz. Surviving Parkland student Cameron Kasky told Sen. Marco Rubio, at the CNN forum on Feb. 21, “Senator Rubio, it’s hard to look at you and not look down the barrel of an AR-15 and not look at Nikolas Cruz.” Disagree with them, and you support mass murder. You’re an accomplice.

The dehumanization of the opposition can even be used to delegitimize reasonable discourse itself. There was the push to “unfriend” Trump supporters on Facebook. Actor Robert De Niro’s reaction to the success of the new Roseanne show, said to be pro-Trump (perhaps insofar as it’s not anti-Trump), was to suggest it wasn’t worth discussing, “We’re at a point — where it’s beyond trying to see another person’s point of view.”

In 2016, De Niro blatantly used the dehumanizing tactic, calling Trump a “dog” who he’d like to “punch in the face.”

Mind you, this is not merely about the animalization of the opposition, portraying opponents in the guise of animals or other creatures, often quite common for example in political cartoons. That’s not what we’re talking about here.

When combined with some of the other elements described above, fed by a genuine belief that the opponent truly is less than human, then yes, the animalization of political enemies — which was absolutely used by the Nazis — can become a potent weapon. Couple it with, say, a call to violence or use it to portray entire groups or races of people as subhuman, and you’ve probably crossed that line.

That’s plenty of examples. They are by no means exhaustive. And dehumanization is not merely the province of the left, but recently it has become increasingly prevalent with gathering support in the mainstream.

It should be alarming.

But it isn’t.

The Ted Cruz story where he’s supposed to take a DNA test to prove he’s human was shared tens of thousands of times as it was reported across media outlets almost as an afterthought. Maybe you saw it on your Facebook feed this week. It’s just a joke, right?

The question perhaps we should ask is what impact this might be having on the nation at large? Because it appears that it is really beginning to take its toll.

Recall, not only can dehumanization be used to legitimize political violence, in its most extreme form, in Germany, after years of endless state-run propaganda, it was channeled toward the destruction of millions of people.

Right now, we’re clearly not there yet in this country. But when one half of the nation starts to believe the other half is no longer worthy of rights or even basic respect, the country is in trouble.

There are consequences for this tactic, which on the surface may appear to simply serve a partisan agenda. Something to agitate supporters in preparation of the next round of elections. But underneath, it seems to bear all the hallmarks of pure hatred. This is not how you win elections. It’s how you create social discord.

The real danger is that this demonization of Trump, his supporters, conservatives and others is that it could be generating true believers, who no longer see their opponents as fellow Americans — and perhaps not even from the same species.

Lawrence Mayo #fundie

Many people are under the mistaken impression that the political battle lines in America are Democrats vs. Republicans. Some even erroneously believe the battle lines are Liberal vs. Conservative.

But if you wish to understand modern politics in our country — if you want to make sense of the seemingly-irrational behaviors of both parties — consider the reality that the battle lines are actually Elitists vs. The People.

In 2014, Republicans were swept into office in the midterms, ostensibly to turn back Obamaism. Obamacare was to be repealed, or, at the least, relief was to be offered for the suffering the program is causing. Iran was to be denied resources for developing a nuclear weapon, or, at the least, slowed in that development. Obama’s penchant for going outside the bounds of the Constitution by sidestepping Congress with overreaching and illegal Executive Orders was to be halted, or, at the least, censured. Illegal alien invasion was to be stopped or curtailed, and violators were to be prosecuted and shipped back to their countries of origin.

Instead, the establishment Republicans re-elected the the Crying Cheeto John Boehner and Yertle the Turtle Mitch McConnell to head the two legislative bodies. As an aside: Have we ever had such freakish House and Senate leaders?. Led by those two feckless elitists, we got the following results:

On Obamacare, many repeal votes have failed. Most recently the Senate vote for repeal failed.
Per Iran’s quest for the atomic bomb, there has been no action by either party to stop an illegal “agreement” that went outside the bounds of the Constitutional treaty mechanisms. Though they claim to be “irked”, there is no followup action.
As regards Obama’s lawlessness and failure to heed the Constitution, no one in either legislative body has taken to the podium to denounce Barack’s dangerous behavior.
And on illegal alien invasion, not only are the House and Senate not forcefully demanding that illegal aliens be deported, they cannot even agree to deny illegal aliens drivers’ licenses and only barely rejected allowing illegal aliens into the military. Any student of the decline of Rome knows how bad an idea that would have been.
As a bonus — and even after videos surfaced that showed Planned Abortionhood ghoulishly selling the body parts of dead fetuses — the Senate blocked a vote to defund the ghastly enterprise.

The Republicans are acting in a manner most reminiscent of Democrats. It appears that there IS no difference between the two parties— none at all. That is what informed me that those are not the battle lines. That is not the divide. The two parties agree on most of the major issues we face today.

In the Republican grassroots, there was great frustration when the lack of opposition (by the establishment Republicans) to Democrat policies became apparent. There still is. There are murmurings of discontent on the far-left, as well, that the Democrats are only paying lip service to their important issues.

It has become quite clear that the real fight is that of Elitists against The People.

This explains the vigorous support and consistently-meteoric poll numbers that Donald Trump is seeing. Whether he is truly a Populist remains to be seen, but at minimum, he is speaking as one. This seldom-heard speech in Washington is appealing to a large number of people who feel ignored by the Elitist Party, be they Republican or Democrat. Donald Trump is even appealing to the Democrat-coveted minority population.

Ronald Reagan won as a Populist. He fought the Republican establishment, won the primary in 1980, and went on to become the most anti-big-government, anti-communist, pro-ordinary-citizen President in modern history. His sweeping re-election in 1984, capturing nearly every single state (including liberal ones), showed that Populist policies are popular even in liberal bastions. Of course, there will always be liberals that cling to Elitism, and those are usually the ones who favor Socialism or Communism.

I do not mean to compare Trump to Reagan in any way except to show that Trump’s populism is a winning strategy. It appears that — whatever Trump’s other faults, such as a recent political change-of-heart and his many personal issues over the years — Donald Trump does understand where the actual battle lines lie. His repeated disregard and dislike for the propaganda outlets called the ‘news media’, his brutal honesty, and his stated positions show a Populism that has not been seen in national politics for more than twenty years. This explains why many of us regard him as a breath of fresh air.

Elitists like Planned Abortionhood. That group helps to reduce the ‘surplus population’, as Ebenezer Scrooge once called it in Dickens’ novel. Elitists like Obamacare, with the Death Panels poised to deny treatment to ‘useless old people’. Elitists like Communism and/or Socialism, with its control over the masses and the tendency to gather wealth at the top. Elitists like big government and fascist police-state controls, to better keep the populace from rising up in anger.

Elitists like illegal alien invasion (and have encouraged it not only in America, but European nations), because that form of invasion dilutes national identities, erases borders, and leads the world to a nationless overall government. Elitists are using Islam’s threat to increase the police-state tactics in nation after nation. Elitists like Agenda 21, with the stated purpose of herding us into vast cities, where we can be more efficiently worked and better controlled.

If you have signed up on the sides of the Elitists, you have many choices, foremost among those being Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. If you are on the side of the people, your choices can be only Ted Cruz or Donald Trump.

Stephen Miller #racist

Trump campaign spokesperson Stephen Miller shocked a CNN panel on Sunday by deflecting sexism charges against his boss with warnings about genital mutilations in the United States.

On CNN’s State of the Union, host Jake Tapper asked Miller if Trump’s “my wife is hotter than your wife” attack on Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was “presidential.”

Miller, however, tried to change the topic to crimes perpetrated undocumented immigrants.

“We get wrong what we’re mad about in America!” the Trump advisor exclaimed. “We don’t get mad when Americans are murdered by illegal immigrants. We don’t get mad when people have their jobs taken by cheaper foreign workers her on visa programs. We don’t get mad when entire cities are crushed by our trade policies that send jobs overseas.”

“I understand why you want to change the subject,” Tapper interrupted, pointing out that Trump “chose” to attack Cruz’s wife using Twitter instead of choosing to discuss immigration.

“The political class in D.C. works itself up into a feigned indignation over things that don’t really affect the lives of people,” Miller charged.

“There’s nothing feigned here,” former RNC Communications Director Doug Heye shot back, reminding Miller that CNN’s Kate Baldwin had slammed him last week for refusing to condemn the “sexism” in Trump’s tweets.

“You want to get into an argument? Then we’ll get into an argument!” Miller yelled. “He just accused me of standing up for sexism, and that is absolutely inappropriate!”

“I said in that interview that it is a trivial issue to be debating retweets [attacking Cruz’s wife] when it is a fact you have Americans dying every single day as a result of immigration policies!” Miller continued. “Americans all over this country see their communities destroyed by uncontrolled migration.”

As others on the panel tried to chime in, Miller continued to shout: “This is not a joke!”

“You want to talk about women’s issues here?” he said. “Here’s something we should be talking about. It is a fact, as a result of uncontrolled migration into this country — you can look this up, this is statistics from Equality Now — half a million girls in this country are at risk of female genital mutilation.”

“Oh my god,” Center for American Progress CEO Neera Tanden gasped. “If we actually want to fight sexism in America— the wrong way to go is Donald Trump, who judges women on their looks, who says terrible things about women in every way he could possibly do.”

A Center for Disease Control report warned earlier this year that 513,000 women and girls in the U.S. could be at risk for genital mutilation based on 2012 data. In 2014, The Obama administration confirmed that U.S. Department of Health and Human Services planned to carry out a study to measure the extent of the problem in the U.S.

Matt Forney #fundie

3 Reasons Why You Should Apply For A Job In The Trump Administration

With the election over and done with, America is turning its attention to the transition from President Obama to President Trump. In barely two months, the Donald will take office, ejecting the Democrats’ coterie of corrupt courtiers and beginning his mission to right America’s wrongs. But President Trump can’t do it alone: he needs good, talented people to work under him and carry out the hard work of making America great again.

That’s where you come in.

The Trump administration is now soliciting people to apply for jobs for when the man himself takes office in January. We are officially calling on all ready and able Return Of Kings readers to submit their applications and take up any job offers. Here’s why you should consider a job in President Trump’s administration (beyond obvious reasons such as money and prestige)—

1. It’ll help keep President Trump accountable

While the media is lying about Trump reneging on his campaign promises, it’s still a good idea to give the man more reasons to keep his word. By staffing his administration with committed nationalists, we’ll make it easier for President Trump to fulfill his political program, as well as make it more difficult for him to go back on his promises. Remember, it was rank-and-file FBI agents who forced James Comey to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton; a leader needs loyal men in order to carry out his agenda.

2. You’ll be able to make history

Given the momentous task of rebuilding America after eight years of Obama’s perfidy and failure, you almost have a civic duty to help President Trump in his mission. Expecting America to become great again all on its own is delusional; we need to do our part to restore this nation’s glory. By working with the Trump administration, you’ll have a direct role in reshaping America for years—possibly decades—to come.

3. You’ll help trigger the left

Despite their massive losses in the election—beyond Hillary Clinton’s defeat, the Democrats now control only a handful of state governments and failed to dent the GOP’s Congressional majority—the leftist mainstream media is trying to order Trump around and persuade him to staff his administration with the same flacks who filled Bush’s and Obama’s. Right now, they’re freaking out over [i]Breitbart[/i] executive chairman Stephen Bannon being appointed as Trump’s chief strategist.

By joining the Trump administration, you’ll have a hand in helping trigger the left into conniption fits and spasms of impotence. Nothing horrifies them more than losing access to the levers of power, which they’ve controlled for decades. Watching leftists squirm and cry is one of the biggest fringe benefits of Trump’s victory, and we need to keep the triggering up for years to come.

If you think you have the job skills, Return Of Kings highly recommends you apply for a job in Trump’s administration. President Trump may have started the fire, but it’s our job to help the fire rise.

André du Pôle #fundie

And here is the major fault line. The leftists deny or value—they often go from the former to the latter—the replacement of native European population, the aggressive and tribalistic stance of “minority groups” towards the silent majority, the forced inclusion of individuals into sick identity politics games, the perpetual hostility and institutionalized prejudice against whites and males— Either the leftists utterly deny what we are aware of, for example when they say that whites are not under replacement, or they demonize it as a remnant of some “privilege” or “prejudice.”

All their talk about “oppressed minorities” dissimulates the very real disenfranchisement of the white majority, of non-white meritorious and integrated Westerners, and serves to deny us from our rights to public empathy, to dignity, or to even basically survive in a world of our own. They work on language and representations because their job consists in manipulating these, thus brainwashing us into seeing the world through their lenses and denying the legitimacy of any other vision.

The importance of shared awareness explains why we united on the Internet. A lot of us were closet nationalists years ago, and still are. We could not, and often still cannot, be nationalists in public, or we would have been excluded from normal social life by the local leftists and cowards. Leftist hegemony was and is still real in the mainstream. You know hegemony when you see it and spend countless hours thinking about how you can thrive even when living under it.

In the mid-2000, I found out about the information website [i]Fdesouche[/i] (“Native French”) quote. By the standards of today, this news aggregator seems hardly interesting: it mostly collates pieces written by others. But then, it was fantastic. Here I could recognize what I already felt about the world—that something was wrong with all these non-whites thugs holding the streets and getting lavish promotion when they bragged about it. It was all concentrated before my eyes, and others were talking about what they went through daily as well. At least, others felt and saw the same as I did! I was not crazy, not bound to a life of unauthenticity or forlorn solitude among the almighty left. We were assembling. And we were on the Internet.

As most of us found ourselves under attack from non-native Frenchmen, and knowing intuitively that identity goes deeper than the fleeting winds today called culture, we often despised immigration in general. But eventually things changed, thanks to Alain Soral, mostly, who emphasized how racial struggle was leading to sterile battles among disenfranchised people while letting the truly powerful off the hook. Mathias Cardet, a black journalist who worked with Soral, showed how gangsta-rap culture was injected and nurtured among non-whites by powerful interests.

After all, one can be black or Arab and wanting to live in peace as a free individual, not as an identity politics pawn who spends his life attacking another social category.

Being pro-white, pro-masculinity and pro-tradition does not require being white: I often felt closer from Muslims with good intentions, i.e. Muslims who were genuine believers and not rancorous people using Islam as a mask for anti-white tribalism, than from white liberals. The Muslims would not share my blood, but they would share some of my awareness and yearning for Tradition, two things that white liberals eagerly reject.

The Internet is immaterial. It is, basically, a network where information flows. Awareness, and the will to spread it, are immaterial as well. This is why we could meet and act on the Internet. After all, the Alt Right and manosphere have been sharing ideas, media contents, memes, advises—and only later proceeded to meetups, panicking the totalitarian liberals in the process.

Trump’s victory is a major one. Regardless of what The Donald will actually do, it is an event of considerable historical magnitude. But it is only the beginning—make no mistake about that. The libtards’ establishment still holds loads of money, of institutions, of cultural territory. It has started to crumble and leak, yet it is still there.

Major battles are waiting ahead. We have to further our awareness, make thorough research on every aspect of leftism, and develop more proper cultural references.

Always remember the libtards never cared one second about us. They would have let us die off, alone, poor, childless, traumatized and demonized, had we not chosen to follow the path of the red pill.

America is a first-tier power, but it is still a battlefield among others. Wherever we are, it is time to thicken our mutual relationships and cooperate more closely. It is a battle, not between nationals and foreigners, but between workers and parasites, between those who feel the void and wrongness in the rotten core of postmodernity and those who dwell in the last liberal trend, between the realists who want freedom and responsibility in a healthy world of values and cultures against those who ravel in blue pill, media bullshit, complacency, parasitism and cucking for the empire of nothing.

We are the future. It doesn’t matter where we are. We are those with true awareness, those with genuine and healthy values, those who struggled to hone their abilities, and most importantly those who actually deserve to inherit the Western world. So, save it and conquer it, country after country, institution after institution, outlet after outlet—or there will be nothing left.

Mark Taylor #fundie

Mark Taylor, the “firefighter prophet” and right-wing conspiracy theorist who claims that God told him that Donald Trump would become president years ago, appeared on Greg Hunter’s “USAWatchdog” program last weekend, where he revealed that God told him that two of the five former presidents will soon die and the other three will face jail time as divine retribution for criticizing President Trump.

Taylor said that when he saw all five former presidents gathered at an event to raise money for hurricane relief, he received a word from the Lord that “two will be taken, three will be shaken.”

“They were doing this Hurricane Harvey relief effort,” Taylor said. “They were trying to raise money for Hurricane Harvey, but we all know that is a bunch of lies. These guys could care less about people, it’s about their agenda. They disguised it as a relief effort for Hurricane Harvey victims and they go in there and they trash Donald Trump.”

“The Bible says, ‘Do not touch my anointed, but especially my prophets,'” he continued. “These guys have now touched God’s anointed, Donald Trump. They used it as a platform to go in there and attack.”

Taylor said that God told him that because of their supposed attack on Trump, “the covenant that these five presidents have had with that entity called Baal—because Baal is the strongman over America—is going to be broken. And then He said, ‘Two of these ex-presidents will be taken and and three will be shaken.'”

“God is just going to take these guys home, period. He is going to remove them and it will be a sign for certain things,” said Taylor. “The other three will be shaken and I believe that two of them will run the risk of going to prison and the third one will also be shaken due to having to testify or legal issues or whatever the case may be. Now, I don’t know if all three of those will go to prison, but I believe there is a very good possibility that two out of the three could face jail time because of what they have done.”

Ken Shupe #fundie

A South Carolina tow truck driver said God told him to leave a disabled Bernie Sanders supporter stranded along the interstate.

Cassy McWade was involved in a car crash near Asheville, North Carolina, and her family called their regular mechanic to drive 45 minutes north from his shop to haul her wrecked vehicle back for repairs, reported WHNS-TV.

Ken Shupe, owner of Shupee Max Towing, arrived about an hour later and began hooking McWade’s car up to his truck — until he spotted the Sanders campaign sticker on her bumper and the yard sign placed in her rear window.

“He goes around back and comes back and says, ‘I can’t tow you,'” McWade said. “My first instinct was there must be something wrong with the car, and he says, ‘No, you’re a Bernie supporter.’ And I was like, ‘Wait — really?’ And he says, ‘Yes ma’am,’ and just walks away.”

Shupe offered a supernatural explanation for his decision to leave the 25-year-old McWade, who suffers from arthritis and other health conditions, alongside I-26.

“Something came over me, I think the Lord came to me, and He just said, ‘Get in the truck and leave,'” Shupe said. “And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud, because I felt like I finally drew a line in the sand and stood up for what I believed.”

The Donald Trump supporter then offered a more earthly explanation for stranding the customer.

“Every business dealing in recent history with a socialist-minded person I have not gotten paid,” Shupe said. “I own this truck. It says, ‘Shupee,’ not ‘freebie.’ Every time I deal with these people I get ‘Berned’ with a ‘e’ — not a ‘u’.”

Alex Jones #conspiracy

InfoWars broadcaster and Donald Trump ally Alex Jones is back to claiming that First Lady Michelle Obama is secretly a transgender woman, but this time he’s adding a new twist to his conspiracy theory: that Obama had comedienne Joan Rivers killed after she joked about the first lady being trans.

Jones told his listeners yesterday that he’s seen enough videos on the internet to substantiate the rumor.

“The national media takes it when I talk about this and acts like I’m crazy,” he said. “Listen, there’s hundreds of millions views on YouTube.” (There are also millions of views on videos claiming that Obama and other leaders are shapeshifting reptilian humanoids, another conspiracy promoted by Jones.)

He went on to say that the first lady acts like she’s “god” and that the president wants schools to “teach five-year-olds how to be trannies.”

“Don’t forget,” Jones said, “the famous comedienne Joan Rivers said, ‘Of course everyone knows she’s a tranny.’ She’s dead serious, ‘She’s a man.’ Deader than a doornail in a routine operation where basically she had fire poured down her throat and was a fire-breathing goblin. Dead on arrival. Shoot your mouth off, honey, you will die.”

Jones didn’t stop there.

“I really think — her daughters don’t look like her — I really think this is some weird hoax they did again,” he said, “just like he didn’t get sworn in on the Bible, it was the Quran. All this weirdness, I mean, I used to laugh at this stuff, but man, it’s all about rubbing our noses in it. I think it’s all an arranged marriage, it’s all completely fake and it’s this big sick joke because he’s obsessed with transgender, just like some weird cult or something. I think Michelle Obama is a man. I really do. I really do. I believe it.”

Everett Corley #racist

A Republican congressional candidate plans to ask a judge for a restraining order to stop the removal of a Confederate memorial on the campus of the University of Louisville.

Everett Corley — a real estate agent, GOP candidate and would-be Donald Trump delegate — announced he would file a temporary restraining order Monday in Jefferson Circuit Court to stop Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer and U of L President James Ramsey from dismantling the controversial memorial, reported the Courier-Journal.

“It is a political version of book burning,” Corley told the newspaper. “And the fact is, I’m not in favor of book burning.”

Fisher and Ramsey announced Friday they would remove the 121-year-old memorial, which sits on city-owned property on the university campus and has attracted student complaints for years.

Corley, who is running in a three-way GOP primary for the chance to challenge Democratic Rep. John Yarmuth, said he would file the restraining order on grounds that it caused irreparable harm to himself and the community.

“This will, in our view, detract and damage the entire cultural history of Louisville and its residents,” he said.

Corley filed a criminal complaint and lawsuit against the executive director of the Jefferson County GOP, who he accused of assaulting him in March outside a party meeting.

The candidate told police that Byron Fisher “violently grabbed my right arm and pushed me with the other hand, suddenly and without provocation.”

The 48-year-old Corley, who provided a copy of the complaint to the Courier-Journal, said the incident made him “extremely anxious and (his) blood pressure increased to dangerous levels.”

Party Chairman Jim Stansbury said he witnessed the incident, and he said Corley’s claims were overheated and exaggerated.

Stansbury said Fisher put his hands up to block Corley from entering a private office, and he said the party official may have touched the candidate — who strongly reacted to the contact.

“He started yelling, ‘Don’t you touch me. Don’t touch me. That’s criminal assault,’” Stansbury said. “There was nothing that raised it to that level other than in Everett’s mind.”

It’s not clear that Corley ever served Fisher with the complaint.

The lawsuit accused Fisher and the GOP of breach of contract for collecting $5 in fees to allow him to participate in the delegate process but would not allow him to become a delegate from the district of his choice.

Corley, who backs Donald Trump in the GOP presidential election, changed his voter registration earlier this year from the 28th legislative district to the 43rd legislative district.

His lawsuit asks for compensatory and punitive damages.

Corley, who has previously run for office under the name Corley Everett but has since changed it for family reasons, faces Bob Devore and Harold Bratcher in this month’s primary election.

His Facebook page reveals strong support for Trump and the Confederacy, and he also shares phony memes about a wall between Mexico and Guatemala and complaints about “black thugs” removing white farmers from their land in Rhodesia — the white-rule name for what is now Zimbabwe.

Dylann Roof, the white supremacist who gunned down nine worshipers at a historically black church in South Carolina shared similar interests on his own Facebook page.

Corley was endorsed in a previous race, under his old name, by the white supremacist American Freedom Party — which also endorsed white nationalist Harry Bertram in a West Virginia statehouse race and neo-Nazi Robert Ransdell, who ran for U.S. Senate in Kentucky.

His current campaign promises to represent “the majority who built this country: the American of Valley Forge and Bull Run” — referring, respectively, to the Revolutionary War camp that holds special significance for Christian conservatives and to a Confederate victory in the first major battle of the Civil War.

“Illegal immigration costs thousands of lives through criminal acts, hundreds of thousands of jobs, billions of taxpayer’s dollars, and compromised the future of America,” Corley said. “I have witnessed young Kentucky men lose hope when local jobs disappear and the educational system betrays them in favor of ‘multiculturalism.'”

Corley reached out to white supremacist William Daniel Johnson, the national chairman of the American Freedom Party, in January — perhaps to notify the racist political activist of his name change.

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