Donald Trump

Donald Trump #racist #wingnut

Immigrants are no longer welcome in Donald Trump’s America. Instead, the Republican presidential nominee posited that under his potential second administration, he would round up and mass-deport noncitizens based on their “serial numbers.”

Speaking with Full Measure’s Sharyl Attkisson, Trump argued that the United States—which was founded by and has historically been a nation of immigrants—shouldn’t be a “dumping ground” for newcomers.

“But we’re getting the criminals out, and we’re going to do that fast, and we know who they are, and the local police know their names, and they know their serial numbers,” Trump said. “They know everything about them.”

Trump has regularly mimicked Adolf Hitler during his campaign. But the mention of serial numbers—a terrifying echo of the identification numbers forcibly tattooed on concentration camp prisoners—is one of his most chilling references yet.

Mike Johnson #fundie #wingnut #racist

Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson joined Donald Trump adviser Paula White on a call last night hosted by the National Faith Advisory Board, an operation White set up after Trump left office to continue the work she did as a White House aide to keep religious-right leaders solidly in the MAGA camp. The call was streamed by Intercessors for America, a group of pro-Trump prayer warriors whose leader Dave Kubal is closely associate with White and helped her set up her One Voice Prayer Movement during Trump’s first term.

Johnson called himself an “ambassador of hope,” telling the MAGA faithful, “I am absolutely convinced that we are going to keep and grow the House majority, we’re going to win a Republican majority in the Senate, and President Donald J. Trump is going to go back to the White House.”

“This is a real inflection point, a civilizational moment, a turning point for our country,” he said, calling this “the most important election of our lifetimes, arguably one of the most important in the history of our nation.”

Johnson said he spent almost three hours with Trump at Mar-a-Lago just after the Secret Service disrupted a second assassination attempt. Johnson said he told Trump that “it seems apparent to us that God has chosen him to do this, to lead the greatest nation in the history of the world for a second time.”

White prayed for Johnson, and asked God to “raise up this army of millions that you’ve called to bombard Heaven [with prayers]” and secure Johnson’s anointing.

Johnson was followed on the call by Rabbi Yaakov Menken of the Trump-inspired right-wing Coalition for Jewish Values. “This is a fight for biblical values,” Menken said. He claimed that “Intersectionality is a union of people who hate values.”

Next up was Father Calvin Robinson, a right-wing Anglo-Catholic priest who recently moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan, from the United Kingdom. He said what is happening in England is evidence that “nanny statism is demonic” because “there is no liberty without Christ.”

“I believe that America will become the last stand for Christendom, which we now call the West,” he said, calling the upcoming election “kind of the make or break for the West, really, where we get to say, ‘Do we believe in Christ or not, collectively.’”

Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the Machine) #crackpot #wingnut #transphobia #ufo #racist #conspiracy

Guys… everything you are seeing regarding Donald Trump and the 2024 election, supports the theory that the original Donald Trump is DEAD, and that the imposter will hand over the election to Harris on a silver platter!

1. He’s just not the same dude, in the last few years. His behaviour is different, and YOU KNOW IT! I know it’s hard to believe the original is DEAD but there’s nothing wrong with considering it.

2. So why is Donald Trump letting rubber-faced Jewish “Israel First” tranny touch him with ‘her’ boob in public? Could it be we’re looking at an actor? YES… SOMEONE WHO IS ISRAEL FIRST he says he can’t tell her what to do, as she is on his CAMPAIGN PLANE. Yup… leader of the free world, can’t tell ‘her’ what to do.
7. Then when there was that assassination attempt… he was clearly seeing showing his hand to the camera, that should have been covered in blood!!

Guys… all of this for me at least, supports the idea that the original Trump is DEAD! There’s no way, this is all a WHITE HAT MOVIE… unless the movie is a horror movie of betrayal of a nation.

8. Does it make sense, that humanity needs GALACTIC MILITARY INTERVENTION?
13. Folks, I know this is all very confusing, but the only thing that makes sense, is that the original Trump is dead… for me, at least. <...> LET’S FACE IT, THIS WHOLE TIME, HE COULD HAVE PINCHED JOE BIDEN’S MASK IN PUBLIC, AND SHOWN THE WORLD, THERE ARE IMPOSTERS AMONG US. As if all this isn’t bad enough, there’s the CLONE ISSUE.

The US election campaign REAL ISSUES ARE;

a. depopulation

b. transhuman agenda

c. new fake plandemic

d. millions of spaceships in our solar system

e. the end of the Piscean age and the beginning of the golden age

f. the fake sun that even the sunflowers are turning away from

g. the cellphone towers, and how they work with graphene oxide and other technology to create fully controllable and mutatable programmable humans who have no more free thought.

Donald Trump #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #ableist #god-complex

Trump has for years made the claim that American Jews who mostly vote for Democrats are mentally ill, and this year, he has taken to saying that Jews who vote for Democrats need to “have their head examined.” He has also repeatedly said Israel will be destroyed if he loses the election, a prediction he repeated Thursday.

But in this speech, he also said Jews would be at fault if he loses, citing the low percentage of Jewish voters who have historically supported him. He referenced a poll he said he saw showing that he could receive 40% of the Jewish vote — which itself would be a marked increase for him from 2016 and 2020.

“I will put it to you very simply and gently. I really haven’t been treated right, but you haven’t been treated right, because you’re putting yourself in great danger, and the United States hasn’t been treated right,” he said. “The Jewish people would have a lot to do with the loss if I’m at 40%. Think of it, that means 60% are voting for Kamala.”

The speech was one of two Trump gave to Jewish audiences in Washington on Thursday. He also spoke at the Israeli American Council’s conference following the “Fighting Antisemitism” event.

Marianne Williamson #magick #racist #pratt

Marianne Williamson has denied backing Donald Trump’s claim that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are eating people’s pets, after saying the unverified reports should not be dismissed out of hand and that “voodoo is real”

This week, Trump, JD Vance and other right-wingers have promoted the unfounded conspiracy theory that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio are eating residents’ cats and dogs[…]
Former Democratic presidential candidate and self-help author Williamson responded to the uproar by writing on X: “Continuing to dump on Trump because of the ‘eating cats’ issue will create blowback on Nov. 5

“Haitian voodoo is in fact real, and to dismiss the story out-of-hand rather than listen to the citizens of Springfield. Ohio confirms in the minds of many voters the stereotype of Democrats as smug elite jerks who think they’re too smart to listen to anyone outside their own silo”

But Williamson, 71, insisted her comments did not mean she was backing Trump’s claims[…]
Linking to a National Geographic article she added: “I said that the practice itself is verifiable (see below), and that automatically dismissing the stories of people in places like small town Ohio are very bad for Democrats and actually helps Trump”

However, officials in Springfield have said there have been “no credible reports” of cats or dogs being harmed

Meanwhile, some academics have previously suggested the historical use of the word “voodoo” had racist undertones[…]
Anti-Haitian racism has a deep-rooted history in the United States, dating back centuries. Americans have long been fed images of Haiti as a “voodoo and backwards, uncivilized Black country,” Mack told The Intercept

The Individual (a.k.a: Reptilian Dimension) #conspiracy

Assassination of Donald Trump imminent

After a number of intelligence leaks related to staging a fake UFO invasion, the Jesuit New World Order cancelled their staged alien invasion, which would have been used to suspend the election process. However the Jesuit Order has recently had a meeting about assassinating Donald Trump and there is an imminent threat to his life. However due to this intelligence leak and other factors I believe Donald will be able to get through this alive. God bless you Donald Trump.

David Sacks #wingnut #conspiracy

American politicians speak constantly about the indispensable role of the United States in leading the free world against authoritarianism. If that is true, why is the White House so silent in the face of new global threats to free speech?

In January, American citizen Gonzalo Lira died in a Ukrainian prison for posting YouTube videos; the State Department didn’t lift a finger to help. Last week, Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested in France for the crime of insufficient content moderation.

Now Brazil has banned X for resisting the diktats of a tyrannical judge, who salivates over the possibility of jailing @elonmusk. The EU is one step behind, with Eurocrat Thierry Breton pursuing a criminal investigation against Elon for “platforming disinformation,” which Breton defines to include a conversation with Donald Trump.

In the UK, the government of Keir Starmer imprisons critics of open borders with more zeal than it prosecutes violent crime. In Canada, Justin Trudeau crushed a trucker protest against vaccine mandates by asserting sweeping new powers to freeze bank accounts.
Hypocritically, the same voices demanding this crackdown are also the loudest in proclaiming the West to be engaged in a “war on authoritarianism” against countries like Russia and China. But whatever their other sins, Russia and China are in no position to deprive American citizens of their free speech rights; only our own government can do that.
As this battle over free speech heats up in an election year, where do the candidates stand? Donald Trump has declared his support for free speech whereas Kamala Harris has said nothing and can be expected to continue her administration’s policy of tacit approval of creeping censorship. In just two months, Americans will decide. Do we actually lead the free world in standing up for free speech, or do we accept the authoritarianism we claim to detest so much?

Peter Navarro #wingnut

Donald Trump’s former adviser has urged Fox News pundits to “cut the Kamala c**p” and stop referring to the vice president by her first name because it “personalizes her.”

Peter Navarro, a former trade adviser to Trump when he was in office, went on a three-minute rant about “Kamala” while appearing on Steve Bannon’s War Room on Tuesday.

Navarro warned Fox News and Newsmax hosts that in referring to Harris by her first name, they “personalize her” and it is not doing Trump any favors in the presidential campaign.

“Never refer to Kamala Harris only by her first name,” he said. “She is not a soccer star. Pelé, Messi, I get it, but when you use Kamala these days it does not do us any good. Works in the other direction. It personalizes her, it creates a favorable impression.”

Navarro, released in July from a four-month prison sentence, had some suggestions for fellow conservatives on how they could refer to the vice president.

“The only exception to that rule is if you use it with a Trump-like nickname. Kamachameleon... that’s not bad. Kamaliar... that’s not bad.”

Continuing his rant, Navarro pointed out: “When was the last time you heard somebody refer to Donald John Trump favorably or affectionately, simply as ‘Donald’? So cut the Kamala crap.”

James Harting #racist

Playing Three-Dimensional Chess: Why White Nationalists Should Consider Voting for Bernie Sanders
Some here may be ancient enough to remember the original Star Trek television series back in the 1960s. During their downtime, the crew members were occasionally shown playing a version of three-dimensional chess. It is like traditional chess, only exponentially more complex.

That is what the Jews are doing: they are playing three-dimensional chess. They have strategies within strategies within strategies. They pursue multiple options simultaneously: if one gets blocked, they just shift to another one. They organize in depth, and have layer after layer of defensive positions. Above all they think ahead, not just one or two moves, but a dozen or 20.

Compare their strategic sophistication with that of the pitiful White Nationalist movement: while the Jews are playing three-dimensional chess, WNs are struggling to play a basic game of checkers.

The Jews control all of the presidential candidates: no matter who gets the nomination, or who is elected, it does not matter--they win, because all of the candidates are in one way or another under their thumb or in their corner. The whole System is rigged: the only choice you have is to vote for a pro-Jewish candidate. Heads they win, tails you lose!

But many naïve, well-meaning White Nationalists cannot see this. They believe in the fundamental integrity of an electoral system that is completely corrupt--completely Jewed.

With their checkers-like primitive strategizing, they think that the Jews have allowed for an option in which they, the Jews, might possibly lose. The Jew slides Hillary Clinton across the board; they want to slide Donald Trump forward to block her. But the Jews are not playing checkers, they are playing three dimensional chess. The Trump maneuver is a trick bag, a trap to lure angry, racially-conscious White voters into a political dead end.

It has worked before: Barry Goldwater in 1964; George Wallace in 1968 and 1972; Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984, then H. Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul and now on to Donald Trump. The goyim are stupid: they fall for the Trump maneuver every time. No wonder the Jews hold us in such contempt!

In a different thread, Stormfront member Il fascismo per i fascisti makes a modest proposal: he suggests that instead of voting for Trump, that White Nationalists vote for Bernie Sanders. He reasons that electing a White Anglo-Saxon candidate like Trump maintains the façade that White Americans are still in control. With an avowed Jewish Marxist like Sanders in the White House, the anti-White, Jewish nature of the Old Order would be openly revealed: it would be on display for all to see.

Now, personally, I, myself, am not going to vote for Bernie Sanders: I have never voted in a presidential election, and the first ballot that I cast will not be for Communist Jew. Beyond that, there is ZERO chance that Bernie the Red will be elected, anyway.

But I like the out-of-the-box thinking of Il fascismo per i fascisti. He is playing chess not checkers. His strategic approach is not quite as refined and sophisticated as that of the Jews: it is two-dimensional, rather than three dimensional.

But at least he is thinking more than one or two moves ahead.

We need more of that--and a whole lot less of the Pavlovian conditioning that controls the reactions of the pro-Trump crowd.

Rev. Joel Webbon #fundie #forced-birth

On his YouTube show, Theology Applied[…]pastor Joel Webbon declared that women who have abortions should be prosecuted for “first degree murder.” The self-described “abortion abolitionist” also argued that Christians should cast their votes for Donald Trump

During the episode, in which he interviewed fellow “abolitionist” Ben Garrett, Webbon lambasted mainstream anti-choice groups which, he claimed, have “absolutely no desire to abolish abortion”

“In fact, they very much have financial and political incentives not to abolish abortion,” he said. “Abolishing abortion — America having zero abortion — is actually one of the last things that Pro-Life Inc. would ever want to happen, because, you know, for one they’d have to get a job”

He added that they “want to be able to continue to milk boomers with, you know, 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations that essentially accomplish nothing”

And, after denouncing the mainstream talking point that women are secondary victims of abortion, Webbon called for women who have abortions to be prosecuted for murder

“Everybody involved in murder should be treated as a murderer,” he said flatly. “And that would also — you know, that involves, you know, the serial killer — a.k.a. the abortion doctor, the hit man who’s paid to murder children by the hundreds and the thousands”

“That also involves the mother,” he continued, “with intent — as first degree murder — who goes in, premeditated with intent to kill her child. And, for the record, that also involves the father, or a grandmother, or a grandfather or anyone else in the scenario who might be involved through coercion, who’s pushing the mother toward that decision”

Webbon added that anyone involved in the decision to have an abortion should be treated “as though they conspired together to kill a 2-year-old toddler in a back alley”

Donald Trump #wingnut

Donald Trump said he believes the way judges and justices are treated by "the radical far left" is illegal and should be punishable by "serious fines and beyond that"

At a campaign rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, over the weekend, the Republican presidential nominee was discussing the criticism many of his Supreme Court appointees have faced recently

Multiple justices have been embroiled in controversies, including Samuel Alito, whose household flew flags associated with the "Stop the Steal" movement, and Clarence Thomas who did not disclose numerous luxurious gifts and trips funded by a wealthy Republican donor

Several of them have faced calls to recuse themselves from certain cases and even to be impeached

Trump was speaking about these types of reactions when he said: "I believe they are playing the ref, they are constantly criticizing some of our greatest judges and justices"

He said later: "I really think it's illegal what they do with the judges and justices"

"Remember the term, playing the ref with our judges and our justices should be punishable by very serious crimes and beyond that," Trump added toward the end of his speech

He explained that the term "playing the ref" was a reference to Indiana basketball coach Bobby Knight

Trump said: "You know the great Bobby Knight—he supported me—he used to fight the refs all the time, scream at them. Bobby, Bobby please don't do that, it's not going to work

"And he said: 'You're right, it's not going to work, it's going to work for the next one'

"And the next call, there would be a flagrant foul and they wouldn't call it, they didn't want to get screamed at

"The radical left harasses our judges and harasses our justices. They scream at them, they call them names, they say 'they're incompetent, they're horrible, they should be impeached'—they're constantly saying they should be impeached"

Andrew Anglin #sexist #wingnut #psycho

[From "British Politician Sargon of Akkad Calls for Women to be Raped"]

"100% deal with it."

UKIP candidate Carl Benjamin stands by his comments that he "wouldn't even rape" a female Labour MP and tells Sky's @KateEMcCann to "deal with it".

Get more on this story here:

8:00 PM - Apr 18, 2019

You might remember Sargon of Akkad from YouTube.

And you may have been thinking “what the heck happened to that lad?”

Well, he’s a politician now.

And he is based and redpilled, and is calling for women to be raped.

This is quite awesome.

Aside from exterminating Jews, the main thing that I have always wanted was for women to be raped. For years, we have not had a single politician in a Western country that was willing to call for women to be raped – even while this is a very popular position in Middle Eastern countries.

It’s yet to be seen if Sargon will be able to enact his policy of rape once elected, or if he will pull a Donald Trump and build a few miles of groping and call it rape.

What is certain is that Sargon will win the election for Prime Minister of the UK based on the promise that women will be raped.

Rape has overwhelming popular support as a policy among the public, with up to 98% of people supporting it. However, thus far, no politician in the West has had the nerve to run on a rape platform.

I salute Sargon of Akkad, and wish him the best.

The Daily Stormer is officially endorsing Sargon of Akkad as Prime Minister of the UK.

Catherine Salgado #fundie

How did America, the land of the free, reach the crisis point we now face today? The Father of Our Country would have an answer for us: “boundless ambition” and “corrupted morals.”

Child mutilation, baby murder, no consequences for violent crime, election fraud, money laundering, mainstream sexual perversion—this describes not some ancient tyranny or Communist banana republic but our current state in America, once a beacon of Judeo-Christian values and liberty. The tide can be reversed but only if we are honest about the root causes of this crisis and willing to heed George Washington's warning.

As Washington’s fellow founder, John Adams, noted, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” As we see our most sacred constitutional rights under attack from the very leaders who are supposed to protect them, we can see painfully and clearly how right Adams was.
Washington, in the undelivered address, reflected, “The blessed Religion revealed in the word of God will remain an eternal and awful monument to prove that the best Institutions may be abused by human depravity; and that they may even, in some instances be made subservient to the vilest of purposes.”

Now, even men and women who consider themselves Christians and/or conservatives justify the brutal murder of unborn babies. Donald Trump, while talking about his gratitude to God for miraculously protecting him from a deadly shooting, is compromising more than ever on abortion (even though most Americans believe in restricting abortion), and the main result is Trump’s own base taking offense.

Can we expect God to bless us when we have a multitude of excuses, in defiance of the natural and moral laws and ample scientific evidence—and in spite of abortion never being necessary to save a mother—as to why we should crush babies’ skulls and rip off their limbs? The Founding Fathers were pro-life, and they would have replied, “No.”

Martin Armstrong #racist #conspiracy #wingnut

[From “Will the Migrant Crisis Cause the End of the United States?”]

When Donald Trump turned his head, perhaps by the hand of fate, it saved the United States from a civil war then and there—for now. Nevertheless, our model turns upward for civil war beginning September 4[…]
From my days in high school, perhaps in history class, I saw an invisible common thread that ran through history. Every empire, nation, and city-state had risen with such hope, believing they would last forever, only to fall to dust and be swept aside into a common grave. In recent years, I have grown steadily more concerned about the prospect of a complete democratic breakdown in America. I have studied how such grand empires, always founded for eternity, crumble, split, and then turn into revolutions spawned by civil unrest[…]The common source has always begun with this idea of a federal government that then seeks to impose its will upon the people in a one-size-fits-all approach[…]
We face the very same crisis in this mass migration of illegal aliens, and the purpose is the very same as I encountered in 1997 in Australia – yet the opposite. Biden opened the border with an Executive Order on the first day he entered office. The Democrats know that their Marxist Agenda, like Communist China and Russia, is losing[…]
Anyone who thinks that those on Capitol Hill really care about you or your future is a brainwashed fool. This is a game of party politics, a civil war on Capitol Hill. Rigging elections has been a pastime since the beginning. Andrew Jackson shut down the Bank of the United States because they lent money to his opponent. Every election is always rigged![…]
This video was taken down and then called fake news, but it showed an unprecedented line of people applying for a driver’s license[…]It is clear they are not 17-year-olds anxious to get their first driver’s license. What adult in our society does not have a driver’s license since we need a photo ID?

Alex Collier #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy #mammon

Alex hosted his 57th *LIVE* Question and Answer webinar on August 23rd, 2024. The webinar was just over two hours and 41 minutes in length. Hosted by James Harkin from and the former radio host for Wolf Spirit Radio JayPee.

In just over two hours and forty-one minutes, Alex answered 38 questions. Some of the questions had multiple parts, so Alex spent time answering these questions thoroughly. Due to character limits in the description, here are the top 15 questions that have been paraphrased and voted up by webinar attendees:

Do you know anything about what is happening at Quantum Healing Systems?
Are there any updates regarding the soul trap previously used on Earth?
Will flowers and other vegetation be affected by the new sun frequency?
Do you see a black swan event happening before the end of the year?
Have certain people been cut off from their spiritual connection to their higher self and soul connection?
Who is The Heritage Foundation that has influenced presidents, including President Donald J. Trump?
Are members of the English Royal Family of shape-shifting reptilian descent?
Why was the Brunson Supreme Court case report released after President Joe R. Biden dropped his reelection bid and not before?
What will happen in Ukraine and Israel if those countries allied with BRICS launch a new financial system?
Are there 6,000 US Marshals in Washington, DC?
What can you tell us about the new replicators being developed?
Is there any update to the Quantum Financial System and the revaluation of the world's currencies? Will there still be fraud and manipulation?
Has the US Patent Office been liberated to free the suppressed technologies?
Is AI malevolent or benevolent, and is the race towards artificial intelligence good for humanity?
Do you know why President Donald J. Trump looks so healthy and fit?
And many more!

<Only 6 dollars!>

Alfred Lambremont Webre/Dr. Raymond A. Keller #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

How Interdimensional Quantum Access Time Travel
Manipulates Human Events, Human History,
and the Interlife
Alfred Lambremont Webre
Author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe
and The Omniverse Trilogy
“The word ‘Chronogarchy’ is a neologism that signifies ‘Those Who Rule Through Time,’ or the manipulation of it. These are wizards standing behind curtains and directing the matrix system to which we all find ourselves subjected. The exopolitical expert describes the Chronogarchy as, ‘an interdimensional alliance dedicated to the oppression of the community of human souls, and includes factions in human institutions such as religions, governments, military-intelligence agencies, bloodline families, monarchies, media, medical-pharma, as well as Archonic Spiritual entities, including Fallen Angels, demonic entities, and exophenotypes hostile to the community of human souls such as the Draco Reptilians, Orion Greys, and sentient Artificial Intelligence (AI).’
“In The Chronogarchy, Alfred Lambremont Webre delves into the real nature of space, time and inter-dimensionality. He interviews many of the leading authorities and experiencers in these fields, thereby facilitating an awareness of the people, powers and organizations constituting the network of the Chronogarchy’s existence and helping us to formulate viable defense strategies in the coming years of increasing tribulations. We also learn of the “good guys” helping us from ‘behind the scenes,’ so to speak, thereby pointing to a light of hope at the end of a long, dark tunnel.”

In The Chronogarchy book, Alfred Lambremont Webre demonstrates through eye-witness evidence that U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump, and Joseph Robinette Biden were pre-identified by the Chronogarchy secret Presidential Time Travel preidentification program.

Ann Coulter, Mike Crispi, Alec Lace and Jay Weber #ableist #sexist

A tearful, unscripted moment between Tim Walz and his 17-year-old son, Gus, has unleashed a flood of praise and admiration[…]
But the show of affection triggered a swath of snark and ugly comments on social media, many from MAGA supporters of former President Donald Trump, who faces Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris and Walz in November

Conservative columnist and right-wing provocateur Ann Coulter mocked the teenager’s tears. “Talk about weird,” she wrote on X. The message has since been deleted

Mike Crispi, a Trump supporter and podcaster from New Jersey, mocked Walz’s “stupid crying son” on X and added, “You raised your kid to be a puffy beta male. Congrats”

Alec Lace, a Trump supporter who hosts a podcast about fatherhood, took his own swipe at the teenager: “Get that kid a tampon already,” he wrote, an apparent reference to a Minnesota state law that Walz signed as governor in that required schools to provide free menstrual supplies to students

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that Jay Weber, a conservative Milwaukee radio host, made a now-deleted post on X criticizing the Walz family

“If the Walzs (sic) represent today's American man, this country is screwed: 'Meet my son, Gus. He's a blubbering b---- boy. His mother and I are very proud'”

After removing the post, Weber apologized and claimed he didn't know Gus had a learning disability

Joe Exotic #racist

Tiger King's Joe Exotic has questioned whether he is 'too white' for Kim Kardashian's help in getting out of prison while unleashing a furious rant against the reality star - with the jailed zookeeper also taking aim at Justin Bieber for failing to use his platform for good

The former Netflix star, 61, is serving a 21-year sentence for conspiracy to commit murder-for-hire - and risks dying behind bars after being told by doctors that he may have lung cancer

Speaking exclusively to from Santa Rosa County jail in Florida, Exotic went on a tirade against Kim, 43, for failing to answer his pleas for help in securing his freedom, insisting that he does not need the businesswoman's money, but rather her voice

At the same time, he heaped praise on Cardi B for showing her support - while also targeting Kendall Jenner on Instagram in a bid to contact Kim

I've called Kim Kardashian plain out,' he said. 'Am I too white for her help? Because all I need is her voice. I don't need her money

'I don't need her to spend her whole life helping me do this. All I need is for her to pick up a phone and call the White House and say, "Look, I'm behind Joe's movement. This is good. The system is messed up"'

In 2020, Exotic begged Kim 43, to 'call President Donald Trump to pardon me' in an open letter

Donald Trump #pratt #wingnut

During his interview with billionaire donor Elon Musk, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said they could "meet next time in Venezuela" if he loses November's election

"If something happens with this election, which would be a horror show, we'll meet the next time in Venezuela, because it'll be a far safer place to meet than our country," Trump said to Musk. "OK, so we'll go. You and I will go, and we'll have a meeting and dinner in Venezuela"

Trump had alleged that Venezuela has released violent criminals from its jails and sent them to the United States to reduce its own crime rate

"Their crime rate is coming down and our crime rate is going through the roof. And it's so simple. And you haven't seen anything yet because these people have come into our country and they're just getting acclimated and they don't know about being politically correct, law enforcement or lack of law enforcement and our police. I have to just end with this. We have great police," he said

Trump has repeatedly made the unsubstantiated claim about Venezuela releasing its prisoners to the United States

"I'll tell you what. Venezuela has not gotten rid of all of them. They've gotten rid of about 70 percent of their really bad people," he told Musk

"Their jails are about 50 percent, put into the United States. Same with other countries, over 30 percent. Some are at 50 percent. They're all different," he said. "But the bottom line is they're all going to be 100 percent. Why wouldn't you put 100 percent of it?"

Judge Anna Von Reitz #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

This may come as news to many, but there has always been a "British Territorial United States". This is clearly indicated in the Definitive Treaty of Paris (1783) concerning that entity and its doing-business-as-name, "the United States of America" (Incorporated) as opposed to "The United States of America" -- our unincorporated Federation of States.

These very similar names, separated only by the Definite Article, which is included as part of the name of the Federation and excluded as part of the name of the British sound-alike entity, have proven to be a fertile bed for confusion and fraud.

Likewise, the British have, by omitting to mention that they are talking about the British Territorial United States and simply referring to their operation as "the United States", have succeeded in confusing their operations with the Federal Republic that existed from 1787 to 1861, and also with the Municipal United States, and ultimately with our country, The United States.
All such Pretenses and the source and motivation for these Pretenses have now been cut to the bone before the Perpetrators and the members of the High Courts of the world.

These people, including Donald Trump, are not acting as Americans while they are adopting British Territorial U.S. Citizenship.

Our claim to our American States, our land and our soil, remains, as we ourselves remain, internationally declared, recorded, and published nationals and citizens of our States of the Union, still operating our lawful American Government and in international venues, still operating our Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.

That should be all that needs to be said or explained in refutation of the claims of The Republic of the United States of America, and in exposure of its foreign nature and criminal objectives, which are acts and claims made in insurrection and treason against our actual American Government to which they all owe good faith and service.

Hulk Hogan #racist #wingnut

Hulk Hogan proves that Trumpworld can't resist attacking Kamala Harris' racial identity

One of former President Donald Trump's lines of attack against Vice President Kamala Harris' racial identity has been given a fresh lease on life by his GOP surrogate Hulk Hogan.

The WWE Hall of Famer was seen making a racist joke, commenting on Harris' Indian heritage, as well as asking if she was a "chameleon," during a promotional event for his new beer on Monday night.

He also offered to "body slam" Harris, to chants of "yeah!" from the crowd.


'You want me to drop the leg on Kamala?'

Excerpts from Hogan's Monday night appearance included:

"You wanna get crazy?" Hogan asked the crowd, evincing a cheer after each question.

"You want me to throw more beers out? You want me to body slam somebody? You want me to body slam Kamala Harris?

"I said — do you want me to body slam Kamala Harris? You want me to drop the leg on Kamala?" he continued, referring to one of his signature wrestling moves.

He then moved on to Harris' racial identity.

"Is Kamala a chameleon? Is she Indian? OK, I like it," he said, before raising his hand in a gesture that is stereotypically understood as a Native American greeting. "How," he said, to laughter from the crowd.

Donald Trump #transphobia #conspiracy #pratt

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former President Donald Trump on Saturday again decried two gold medalist Olympic athletes, falsely labeling the female boxers as men.

Trump made the comments while speaking at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania and pledging to “keep men out of women’s sports,” turned his attention to the recently concluded Olympic Games and the case of two athletes who became the subject of international scrutiny regarding misconceptions about their gender.

Trump has long criticized transgender people as part of his rallies and focused specifically on transgender athletes, using language about gender identity that LGBTQ+ advocates say is wrong and harmful.

In the case of the two boxers, both Imane Khelif of Algeria and Li Yu-ting of Taiwan have faced misconceptions about their gender created by the fallout from the Olympic-banished International Boxing Association’s decision last year to disqualify both fighters from the world championships for allegedly failing an eligibility test.

Trump did not mention the athletes by name but remarked that “in the Olympics, they had two transitioned.”

“They were men. They transitioned to women, and they were in the boxing,” Trump said.

Despite being born and raised as women, Khelif and Lin found themselves in the crosshairs of Western debates about gender, sex and sports after failing the unspecified and untransparent eligibility tests for women’s competition from the now-banned International Boxing Association.

Trump and other prominent figures have complained about Khelif being allowed to compete and Trump has previously referred to Khelif as a man.

On Saturday, he did so again and in describing both athletes competing in the games as “crazy” and said, “It’s so demeaning to women.”

JD Vance #racist

Vice presidential candidate JD Vance is standing by his position that ethnic neighborhoods are a source of crime — basing his conclusion on a 2002 Martin Scorsese movie

Vance was asked at a campaign appearance Friday about previous remarks he made about waves of early immigration in the U.S. and how they relate to issues of crime and ethnic enclaves, and he raised the movie “Gangs of New York” about New York City in the 19th century in his response

“Has anybody seen the movie ‘Gangs of New York,’” Vance said in an appearance at the Milwaukee Police Association. “That is what I’m talking about, with these ethnic enclaves in our country, it can lead to higher crime rates”

It was an effort by the Ohio senator to defend former President Donald Trump’s call for large-scale deportations to remove non-citizens from the country, a central element of his presidential campaign

Vance was asked by a reporter if mass deportations would address crime, apparently referencing remarks he made about “ethnic enclaves” in a 2021 interview

“You had this massive wave of Italian, Irish, and German immigration right? And that had its problems, its consequences,” Vance said in an interview in 2021 when he was running for Senate. “You had higher crime rates, you had these ethnic enclaves, you had inter-ethnic conflict”

When asked for comment, Vance campaign spokesperson William Martin pivoted to criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris and stated that Vance “will do everything he can to assist President Trump in reversing these weak, failed and dangerously liberal border policies”

At the Milwaukee event, he returned to that theme, citing the 2002 film about an Irish man who returns to New York to kill his father’s killer, the leader of a gang that believes America should belong to native-born Americans and opposes immigration

“What happens when you have massive amounts of illegal immigration,” Vance said. “It actually starts to create ethnic conflict”

Hunter Wallace #wingnut

[From “The Case for Trump 2024: Secessionists for Trump”]

In the 2016 election[…]I was swept up in the Alt-Right wave and I voted for Donald Trump[…]
In 2024, I am still a Southern Nationalist. I still do not believe the system is capable of being reformed. I would happily vote to secede tomorrow. I do not believe that Donald Trump is going to Make America Again. Then as now, I have never believed this[…]
In 2016, I think my analysis was spot on. The country wasn’t ready for secession, but it was entering a deep national crisis. Donald Trump would prove to be a deeply polarizing figure. He wouldn’t succeed in Making America Great Again, but he would delegitimize institutions, widen cultural divisions and erode taboos[…]
In 2024, over half of Southern Republicans and Independents are now open to the dissolution of the Union[…]These people are also voting for Trump[…]Civil War and National Divorce have gone from unthinkable to mainstream in the Trump era. If Thomas Matthew Crooks had been a slightly better shot, you have to wonder where we would be today

In 2016, the SPLC thought it was bizarre that I was “Stumping For Trump.” I’m an Alabamian and have always been an admirer of Alabama senator William Lowndes Yancey. Yancey did not forsake mainstream politics. He participated in the Democratic Party of his day in order to stoke and inflame national divisions over issues like squatter sovereignty and reopening the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Yancey’s insight in the 1850s was essentially that the only way to destroy the system was to throw sand in its gears and drive up polarization[…]
I am ready to get to the other side of this, which is 2028 when Trump is constitutionally barred from running for the presidency. The divisive Trump era will finally be over. Institutions will be in shambles. America will be no closer to greatness than it was in 2016. Hopefully, a victorious Trump will have succeeded in taking out his various enemies though

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

The Obama presidency from January 20th 2009 to January 20th 2016 was supposed to an interlude or truce in the secret war. However, the March 11, 2011 attack on Fukushima, Japan started the war again. The Japanese government, scared by the attack and by threats to blow up Mount Fuji, ended a brief rebellion against the Khazarian Mafia. They handed over the $7 trillion Japan had earned since World War II to Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Satanyahu. Satanyahu then handed it over to the Swiss based Octagon group.

They also installed a slave regime in Japan led by Shinzo Abe. After being installed, Abe was summoned over to Davos to read a keynote speech in January, 2014 in which be compared China to Germany before World War I. In other words, everyone was going to gang up on China and it would be defeated and split up. This speech was the modern Roman Empire’s (The US dominated G7) declaration of war against China.

What we now know in retrospect is that Barack Obama is a grandson of Adolf Hitler. As such he is part of the George Bush Sr. Nazi faction of the KM. His faction installed Abe as Prime Minister because he was a card carrying Nazi. To be more exact he was affiliated with the Unification Church or Moonies who had a ranch in Paraguay next to the Bush ranch. In other words they were part of the group of Japanese who never surrendered at the end of World War II.
The plan was to install Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, another Hitler relative, in 2016 to release these bioweapons around the world to soften up Russia, China and the resto of the world with a pandemic aimed at reducing their population. This was to be followed by an invasion first of Russia and then China.

What happened on November 8th 2016 was a gnostic illuminati coup against the Khazarian Mafia. On this day, at an emergency meeting at the Norwegian base in Antarctica, a decision was made to make Donald Trump president of the United States, according to two individuals who were at this meeting.

Donald Trump #racist #conspiracy #wingnut

[Title: Trump repeats lies and attacks Kamala Harris’s racial identity at panel of Black journalists. (31 Jul 2024)]

Donald Trump parroted disinformation about immigration and abortion, questioned Kamala Harris’s race and accused a panel moderator, Rachel Scott – the senior congressional correspondent for ABC News – of being “rude” and presenting a “nasty question” when she asked him: “Why should Black voters trust you?”
Trump arrived more than an hour late to the panel[...]
The conversation opened with Scott asking why Black voters should trust Trump given his repeated inflammatory comments about Black people.

“Well, first of all, I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner,” Trump said, before asking whether Scott was with “fake news network” ABC News.
Trump added: “I think it’s disgraceful that I came here in good spirit. I love the Black population of this country. I’ve done so much for the Black population of this country … I think it’s a very rude introduction.”

He continued, “I have been the best president for the Black population since Abraham Lincoln,”
He repeated the unsubstantiated claim that undocumented immigrants were planning on taking “Black jobs”,[...]“Anybody that has a job – that’s what it is. They’re taking the employment away from Black people.”
Trump claimed that Harris suddenly “became a Black woman” and had previously only been identifying with her Indian heritage. “Is she Indian or is she Black?”[...]“I respect either one but she obviously doesn’t because she was Indian all the way and then all of sudden she became a Black woman.”
At least two Black attendees sporting Trump hats frequently cheered for the former president, especially as he reiterated that he faced “political persecution” after being convicted of 34 felonies.

Ethan White #wingnut #conspiracy

In the relentless heat of July, the stakes have escalated dramatically in the hidden yet palpable battle for America’s future. This isn’t just a series of random incidents but a coordinated and strategic campaign orchestrated by the indefatigable leader Donald J. Trump, in partnership with the fearless White Hats, to reclaim the very soul of our nation from the jaws of deceit and treachery.

Trump is not merely reacting to the events as they unfold. No, he is the mastermind, a true commander in chief, directing each move in this grand chess game against a shadow government that has infiltrated our institutions at every level.

The seemingly innocuous power outage in Phoenix, Arizona, was in fact a master stroke. Crafted by the White Hats, this operation disabled a major deep state communications hub, seizing crucial data that will expose years of espionage against American citizens.

In Silicon Valley, the unreported military convoy was another bold move by Trump’s forces. They struck at the heart of digital censorship, commandeering a facility known for manipulating public discourse to suppress conservative and patriotic voices.
Meanwhile, the abrupt disruptions at JFK Airport, veiled by the media as mere technical failures, were actually strategic detainments. Key operatives, poised to flee the country as their illicit activities came close to exposure, found themselves stranded, their escape plans foiled by Trump’s meticulously organized intelligence network. This maneuver was not just about preventing their flight but also a clear message: there’s no escape from justice under Trump’s watch.
The White Hats, under Trump’s leadership, are not just guardians of the nation; they are warriors for truth. Their actions this month demonstrate a commitment to restoring the foundational values of America—freedom, justice, and democracy.

As they prepare to activate the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), the nation must ready itself for the truths that will be revealed.

Brent D. Cates #wingnut #magick #conspiracy

It’s Friday morning, July 26th, 2024 as I sit down at my workstation to compile my thoughts on where I am on this unfolding #SoulWAR.
And the GREAT NOTICING will continue as THE GREAT UNRAVELING on the attempted assassination on President Trump that was ALLOWED to happen coincides with more recent revelations on how the HAMAS attack of October 7th that was ALLOWED to happen as well as the attacks of 9-11 that were ALLOWED to happen.

After 23 years new, never before seen footage of the World Trade Center collapse of both towers has SUDDENLY appeared.

Showing to anyone but the brain dead it was a controlled demolition.
May I remind people the US Government has access to technologies they don’t yet let you play around with that are 20+ years ahead of anything you are ALLOWED to see?

So this is where we are.

9-11 ALLOWED to happen.

Massive political capital for these super criminals to take advantage of.

October 7th ALLOWED to happen.

The attempt to publicly execute Donald Trump for his innumerable crimes against their NAZI WORLD ORDER was ALLOWED to happen.

Before I continue I must mention this.

There are aspects of RITUAL throughout all of this.

When Anons tell you kid fucking Luciferians are running the World, please don’t take that as some fanciful narrative for a TV Show.

It is REAL.


They are on a ACTUAL Dark Crusade to defeat Our Creator and enslave humanity.

And were on track to achieving that victory until Trump arrived to deliberately stop them.

They intend to use the TRILLIONS they have stolen to find ways via tech and medicine to LIVE PHYSICALLY FOREVER while raping and sacrificing your children.

Without FEAR of being exposed or overthrown.

To do these things IN PEACE.

Humanity in THRALL.

Once their Orange Adversary was put down once and for all.

9-11 = #RITUAL.

Donald trump #ableist #mammon #psycho #elitist

I’m Fred Trump. I am the father of William Trump, a young man with complex disabilities. Donald has never asked, and not once ever met William. Which is, frankly, he’s missed out on a lot, getting to know William. When Donald was inaugurated, I knew that would be an opportunity for me and my wife Lisa to try to use his position as the president to the benefit of folks with intellectual and developmental disabilities. First person we reached out to was my cousin Ivanka. She was great and set us up a meeting with Ben Carson for as you may know housing issues for the disabled are a very tough issue. Throughout the couple of years, met with various other organizations within the executive branch. It culminated in a meeting in the white house in may of 2020. Covid was raging at the time, we were in the midst of an election. We had a final meeting with Donald, just to let Donald know personally, I had called him and said look, I really need you to listen to this okay?And he did and we spent 45 minutes. The meeting dispersed and he called me back in and we chatted for a minute and he goes “You know those people, all those expenses, those people should just die.” That was a brutal thing to hear, on the large scale. But then a few years later we were talking about something and, mentioning William, he goes “Your son doesn’t recognize you, let him die and move down to Florida.”

I don’t know how to explain how somebody could say that about any human being, but to say it about your grand nephew was beyond anything I could imagine.

Derek Johnson #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

Doomsday Plane coming from Philippines with official Call Sign…

“Biden” in “D.C.” with Closed Pressers.

The E-4B aka Doomsday Plane with official Call Sign means it’s not “training” especially over the big pond.

It’s on official business. It’s the National Command Authority that carries the President, the Secretary of Defense, and successors.

They are modified for the National Emergency Airborne Command Post.

The National Command Authority = ultimate source of lawful military orders.

That term was replaced in 2002 in favor of explicitly referring to the president and/or secretary of defense.

What a coincidence… 2001… 2002… a whole whopping year, we remove the term NCA and just give sole power to President and SECDEF…
So, you intercept the 2030 Agenda by the democrats / liberals / fascists / socialists / marxists / progressives, especially since a majority of that population has no clue what they “believe” in will be doom…

You reverse tactics by using the Laws and Orders on paper as prescribed as they were written to reset us on our Foundation that supports the Founders just as they wrote in the Declaration of Independence.

That’s why MANY people look ignorant and dumb because the Constitution is a Framework that outlines what the Congress, President, and Vice President’s roles are and what they have the authority and power to do.
They clearly do not know much about the Constitution, the Military, Military History, Wartime Powers of the President, and Military Laws and Orders and how they pair with Federal Legislation, as legislators have put into place LONG before President Donald John Trump.

In Executive Order 13919, WPDJT, Directed the SecDef to Order Selected Reserves to Active-Duty.

The Secretary of Defense is 2nd in line under President over Military.

That EO has a Direct Order giving SecDef equal authority to Federalize to Active-Duty.

That EO has not been revoked or revised.

Military Occupation.


Islamists #fundie

Supporters of the Islamic State (Isis) have reportedly hailed Donald Trump's historic victory in the 2016 US presidential race, saying it marks the beginning of the fall of the country.

While several political leaders from across the globe joined in welcoming the Republican to the White House, the jihadists too cheered for the new president-elect.

They took to social media at the prospect of a Trump presidency, with one user writing: "9/11 was the beginning of the renaissance of the Muslim nation. 11/9 will be the beginning of the fall of the Satan (America) of this age". A screenshot of the message was shared by Rukmini Callimachi, a New York Times journalist focusing on IS (Daesh) and al-Qaeda.

"The real winner in the American elections is the policy of Sheikh Usama Bin Laadin," the user added.

Pointing out how Trump had won despite being "openly racist" towards Muslims and other minority groups, a user named Khorasani said the majority of the Americans had similar views and "mindset".

"This shows the true colours of the Americans and how corrupt they all are with no moral values whatsoever," Khorasani said.

"Trump's victory is a hard slap to those promoting the efficiency of democratic systems," The Independent cited Hamza al-Karibi, a spokesperson for the al-Qaeda affiliated Syrian jihadist group Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, as saying to his Twitter followers. "Starting today, we won't need media releases clarifying the West's machinations. All we need to do is retweet what Trump says".

Pro-al-Qaeda supporters too cheered Trump's victory as signalling a decline of the US. The al-Maqalaat Twitter account said Trump would "make the US Enemy No. 1 again" in the Middle East.

"Trump will serve as the perfect straw man for the next four years, like Bush did before him," Washington Post quoted it as saying.

Another al-Qaeda-linked ideologue, Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, who has over 56,000 followers on Twitter, declared that Trump's term "may be the beginning of America's disintegration and the era of its breakup".

"Rejoice with support from Allah, and find glad tidings in the imminent demise of America at the hands of Trump," said the IS-affiliated al-Minbar Jihadi Media network. It was one of several jihadi forums to post its comments soon after the results of the US elections were declared.

Patrick Scrivener #conspiracy

Nothing happens by chance in politics....In 2015, when the British Secret Service noticed that Pope Francis was secretly spending "Peter's MILLIONS" to finance the Presidential campaign of Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton, they mobilized their Trump Organization to stop her seizing the White House for a second time!

The crash occurred in broad daylight around 1:40 p.m. A lone camper on the ground heard a "big bang" overheard, and as he looked skyward he saw the helicopter break apart in midair!

The 3 casino executives and Donald J boarded an Agusta A-109 helicopter around 1:00 p.m.

At around 1:40 p.m., within 30 miles of Atlantic City, the helicopter broke apart in midair!

That downfall caused the instant deaths of Donald J and the 3 casino executives!

Construction of the 68-story Trump Tower began in June 1980 and was completed by October 1983.


During the press conference, the Trump Sikorsky helicopter was switched for an Agusta!!
On October 10, 1989, 3 of the top Trump executive in Atlantic City made a trip via a Trump Air Sikorsky S-76 helicopter to New York City for a brief press conference. They landed at the East 61st. heliport, and then were taken via limousine to the Plaza Hotel.

The press conference was held to promote a boxing match that night between Héctor "Macho Man" Camacho and Vinny Pazienza. Donald Trump was to accompany them back on the helicopter because his presence there would guarantee a full house.

After the news conference at the Plaza hotel, the trio had lunch, and then returned with Donald to the heliport—only to discover that their helicopter was replaced by an Italian made Agusta.

The 3 Trump casino executives left Atlantic City about 8:00 a.m., riding in a Trump Air Sikorsky S-76 helicopter.

When they returned from the press conference in the Plaza Hotel, the Sikorsky was gone, to be replaced by an Agusta A-109 helicopter.

The 3 executives and Donald Trump were on that helicopter when it crashed!

The Italian made Agusta was the Ferrari of helicopters and definitely not like a FIAT (Fix It Again Tony). The company was founded in 1923 by Count Agusta, and did not have a history of fatal crashes.

The official account of the helicopter crash is pure fiction: The 3 executives were "delayed," and their helicopter took off without them.

Then they shopped around and found an Italian made Agusta helicopter.

Finding a replacement helicopter happened so quickly that the trio were airborne by 1:00 p.m.

The Trump Organization had a French made Super Puma helicopter, but the executives decided not to use it because it was a gas-guzzler!

Helicopter pilot Robert Kent and copilot Lawrence Diener also perished in the crash.

According to a biography of the "resurrected" Trump, he decided at the last minute to cancel his trip!

The "resurrected" Donald credits that decision with saving his life!


In 2015, Pope Francis begun using Peter's MILLIONS to finance Hilllary's Presidential campaign!
Nothing happens in the political realm by accident. After an intense struggle that lasted from 2005 to 2013, Jorge Bergoglio finally forced Pope Benedict XVI to resign. Only a month later, "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher—the woman who torpedoed Bergoglio in 2005—was sent to meet her Maker.

A geopolitical earthquake occurred in March 2013 when a coup d'état occurred in the Vatican, and Pope Benedict XVI was forced to abdicate. The first thing that Pope Francis did was to send a telegram of "congratulations" to Queens Elizabeth II.

Then, in the most unkindest cut of all, he began using Peter's Pence to finance the U.S. "Evita's" Presidential campaign.

Peter's Pence is a uniquely British contribution to the Papal coffers, and it begin during the pontificate of Pope Gregory II in 725.

From 2005 to 2013, a titanic battle raged at the Vatican between the Jesuits and the other factions.

Finally, in March 2013, Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict XVI, was forced to resign.

The outcome was never in doubt as Jorge Bergoglio finally achieved his lifelong ambition and became Pope Francis.

Every biography of Trump has a different story about the helicopter crash:

But Donald does not seem to care what appointments his gaming division executives have for the afternoon. Rather than bid the trio farewell, he insists on summoning them to an unscheduled meeting in Trump Tower. By the time the meeting commences, it is already too late for the three gaming executives to catch the noon return flight of the Trump Sikorsky S-76 helicopter they chartered that morning. (Hurt, Lost Tycoon, p. 40).

After that meeting, Trump and the 3 executives headed for the East Side heliport, which was about 15 minutes by car from Trump Tower.

Jorge Bergoglio was Jesuit provincial in Argentina during the desaparecidos, and he "blessed" the Argentine troops before they invaded the Falkland Islands.

In January 1983, the British Cleopatra visited the Falkland Islands and awarded medals to the soldiers who liberated the islands.

It was at that time that she received photos of Jesuit provincial Jorge Bergoglio blessing the invading Argentine troops.

From the very beginning, Pope Francis wanted to put Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton in the White House. Her ancestor, Jesuit Sir Everard Digby, was one of the conspirators in the 1605 Gunpowder Plot.

In 725, under Pope Gregory II, Peter's Pence began in Britannia as a tax or tribute imposed by Catholic kings.

Combined with the revenues from the Papal States, it was a cash cow for the Vatican.

In 2015, Pope Francis began using PETER"S MILLIONS to finance Hillary Clinton's campaign!

Here is a quote from a Vatican insider who has decided to bring the Vatican's shady financial dealing to the light of day:

That is why in 2016 Pope Francis staked all his chips on a Clinton presidency. Those around him, beginning with Cardinal Parolin, told him that Donald Trump had no hope of winning, and on Francis’s orders the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See helped finance Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. (It is now being said that the money used for it came from Peter’s Pence, the donations of the faithful made supposedly for charitable purposes.) (Colonna, The Dictator Pope: The Inside Story of the Francis Papacy, p. 92).

Nothing aroused the ire of the British lion more than the Pope Francis Papacy. He began his Papacy by sending "congratulations" to the Queens, and then used Peter's MILLIONS to finance Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton's Presidential bid.

From 2013 onward, the British lion was GROWLING at Pope Francis.

The thorn in the lion's paw was his endorsement of the U.S. "Evita."

The British Secret Service mobilized "Team Trump" to challenge her bid for the White House!

It is indeed another New Jerusalem miracle that they succeeded.

No other Republican candidates could be trusted to run against Hillary and win. George W. Bush deliberately tried to lose the election to Al Gore in 2000.

C.T. #racist #psycho

[From “A confession”]

On the day of the attempt on Donald Trump, I went to talk to the woman to whom I referred in my article[…]
I don’t write about news like the attempt because I don’t consider it important[…]
I would like to confess that I have long since been able to fall asleep only by imagining nuclear mushroom clouds over the major capitals of the West due to a strategic war with Russia. Mixing the symbols of Martin’s novels with Tolkien, if Washington is Mordor, the capitals of the major Western countries are like various Isengards. What nobler thing could there be than to wish that these centres of ethnocidal power against the Aryan, along with Mordor, be incinerated?

A skirmish like yesterday’s means nothing from the point of view of the old man holed up in a cave far from the Wall contemplating the historical past[…]Someone might tell me that in a nuclear conflagration, the Aryan baby could thus be thrown out with the dirty water and that although it is healthy to want eight billion Untermenschen to die in the nuclear winter, perhaps the same number should die better gradually, through energy devolution, so that the surviving Aryan has the chance, through our forums, to realise that only the religion that Uncle Adolf bequeathed us saves

But that is not what emotions tell me, especially when trying to sleep or waking up in the night. In those moments only wishing that those mushroom clouds were already over the enemy cities calms me down[…]
The only thing that calms me, and I speak of that César now fully awake, clear-headed and out of bed, is that thanks to a slow apocalypse (due to peak oil) billions of obsolete versions of humans will be wiped out in the next hundred years. It reminds me of what Eduardo Velasco wrote from page 162 to the end of On Exterminationism when we read about an Aryan couple who, after the end of the world, will thirst to live to repopulate the Earth

Revisionist Historians for World Peace #racist #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

So now you know that even an assassination attempt on a former POTUS and current 2024 candidate is fraught with hidden objectives and religious significance and political purposes and esoteric meaning.

And the following video of Trump pretty much seals the deal; you know, the one that he cut with his Old Testament rabbis and Talmudic scholars, Ashkenazi bansksters and Jewish businessmen, Israeli extortionists and Mossad blackmailers, Khazarian masters and Zionist handlers.
What is not widely known is that the major monotheistic traditions throughout the Judeo-Christian-Islamic world each had their own respective agendas where it concerned their end time prophecy. Over millennia “carrot and stick prophecy” became a very useful tool for keeping the congregation in check. As cities rose from the plains and dotted the coastlines, immorality and wrongdoing increased. The ruling class increasingly looked to the prophets and astrologers for divine intercession.

For these and other reasons the prophetic agendas in some kingdoms became more self-serving and manipulative over time. In some historical settings they became downright exploitative and oppressive. The whole genre of secret societies grew up as a response to this type of abuse and misuse of prophetic influence, occult knowledge and mystical power.
Well, guess what, the appearance of Donald John Trump as the “MOSHIACH” represents the fulfillment of what is perhaps the single most important prophecy of Judaism.

Before we continue with this disquisition, the following exhaustive exposé ought to be read in its entirety in order to correctly understand how Trump was methodically set up for his starring role in this meticulously scripted and fastidiously choreographed “GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH”.

Now we see that Jewish rabbis are openly declaring the anointing of Trump on that fateful day of Judaic destiny long prophesied by both the modern Jewish prophets and ancient Hebrew sages.

Scott Pinsker #conspiracy #pratt

In no particular order, when the Harris Honeymoon comes to a close, here are the 10 questions we dare the media to ask the Vice President:

“Nearly 92% of your White House staff has either quit in anger, resigned on their own, or been fired during your first three years as vice president – which seems like an unusually high number. Was the problem racism, Donald Trump, or that gosh-darn Russian misinformation?”

“Your first responsibility as vice president was solving the problem on the border. Bravo on a job well done! Which one of your clever strategies that fixed the border will you redeploy to tackle, say, high inflation?”

“Have you noticed that Hunter Biden seems all jittery and scatterbrained whenever he returns from the bathroom? Weird, huh?”

“In 2019, you claimed that ‘voter suppression’ was why Democrats Stacey Adams (Georgia) and Andrew Gillum (Florida) lost their elections. Have you ever apologized for being an election denier? I mean… don’t you realize that democracy dies in darkness?!”

Rampant Fox #conspiracy

I Still Think Trump is Using Time Travel or Looking Glass

Future proves past.

How did he know about the Bangladeshi bomber?

How did he know about the terrorist attack that was planned for St. Petersburg and notify Putin ahead of time?

Same with the attempted assassination attempt on Theresa May?

Why do I think so? Because I knew it would take someone with this ability to defeat the cabal.

Donald Trump has direct a connection, by way of his uncle John D. Trump, to Nicola Tesla. Tesla was working on time travel. (can't post the link but easily found) John Trump, was given Tesla's papers after Tesla's passing.

Finally, the Trump/Tesla/Bush connection

George Scherff, George Bush's father, was Tesla's accountant and George HW would rifle through Tesla's papers, which Tesla found highly annoying, dubbing little George, "Curious George" and later this moniker became the title of the famous children's book. The author of this book died through suspicious causes right before it was published.

However, as I was searching for the source (easily found,) I stumbled across this:

Raytheon Patents Bush & Trump

The documents were released, via FOIA, in April, 2016. (you will have to search under the title above, as none of the links I've tried putting in will post.) P.S. It's a Death Ray.

Finally, I have had the theory that Trump was a time traveller tucked in the corner of my mind ever since he put his hat in the ring for President. I remember the Titor posts. It was an amusing theory, but I didn't really believe it until I started watching Trump with the question of what if? in mind. Everything he did, even when he said "You'd be in jail," to Hillary during the debate, was perfectly timed. Everything he said was proven right, even when the press tried to mock it. He never makes a fatal misstep. It can't be genius alone. Although I do think he's a genius.

Anyway, I just wanted to get that out.

Rev. Jack Hibbs #fundie

Jack Hibb[…]delivered a special sermon Sunday in response to the failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump the day before

Clad in a “colonial preachers robe” meant to the emulate the apocryphal “Black Robe Regiment” that supposedly rallied the colonists to rebel against England during the American revolution, Hibbs said he only breaks out the garb in “times of tyranny”

We are in just such a time right now, said Hibbs, prompting him to deliver a rather strange sermon in which he referenced a passage from the book of Leviticus instructing priests to anoint the toe, thumb, and right ear of those making a guilt offering with blood, which Hibbs tied to the injury Trump received[…]
“God said all those who represent me in the priesthood, there’s to be a sacrificial basin of blood,” Hibbs said. “And I want the toe of the priest to be dipped in the blood—the big toe, the right toe—dipped in blood. I want the priest’s thumb dipped in blood because his feet and his decision making is covered in my blood. And then take the blood from the basin and put it on your right ear”

Hibbs then pivoted to addressing Trump directly, declaring that the shooting was “a warning by Almighty God” that he must publicly “bow the knee” and commit himself to Jesus

“Mr. President, if you’re watching this right now, your right ear was bloodied,” Hibbs declared. “We would like to pledge and pray that you might bow your knee before the Lord Almighty and say, ‘Not only did God do this’—because I know, Mr. President, you said that today that ‘God protected me’—but who is God? Mr. President, who is he? What’s his name? You’ve heard it for years. It’s time to bow the knee”

“It’s time to say that Jesus Christ is Lord, that he’s the one that rules over the affairs of men,” Hibbs preached. “This has been a warning by Almighty God that your ear might be sanctified. Will you hear this? Can you hear this? Listen to the word of God. Stop talking about God and come to know God”

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

Let me start in a place that might be a tad unexpected. Before he ran for president the first time, Donald Trump was famously an anti-vaxxer. How did that Trump become the same Trump who became the “father of the COVID vaccine” that has so far killed millions of people? How did that Trump become the same Trump who started “Operation: Warp Speed”? Something changed along the way.

When Trump ran for President the first time he promised to build the wall, put Hillary in jail, drain The Swamp, and expose the Deep State. None of those things happened.
Flash forward to last night here in 2024, you are center stage at the RNC, the party nominating Donald Trump for a third time, and what do you see? You see the all-seeing eye of Horus from the US dollar bill, and you see the legend ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’ as the main graphic behind the speakers podium. It means “New World Order” if you didn’t know by now. If the Republican Party, united behind and around Donald Trump, is the party to defeat the New World Order, what are they doing promoting it on the biggest night of their convention?
Earlier today I wrote about Thomas Matthew Crooks, and the many head-scratching coincidences between what he is said to have done on July 13th, 2024, and what Lee Harvey Oswald is said to have done on November 22, 1963. Could it be possible, that the attempted assassination was an inside job, designed to propel Trump into office rather than assassinate him? Did they give him a shot to the ear as a warning shot to get in line? Is Donald Trump now the selected president of the United States, chosen by the New World Order to carry out their agenda? The clues leading us in that direction are stacking up almost faster than we can count them. The RNC is right now promoting the One World Religion and the New World Order while at the same time saying they are the only bulwark to protect us from those things.

Donald Trump #fundie #god-complex #wingnut

[2024-07-19: Trump described the shooting in depth in his RNC speech. Here’s what he said.]

[...] opened his speech at the Republican National Convention [...] spent 15 minutes recounting in great detail his personal perspective of the assassination attempt [...]

[...] because I was discussing the great job my administration did on immigration of the southern border. We were very proud of it. [...] Behind me and to the right was a large screen that was displaying a chart of border crossings under my leadership. The numbers were absolutely amazing. [...]

There was blood pouring everywhere and, yet, in a certain way I felt very safe because I had God on my side. I thank him. [...] we had many bullets that were being fired – crowds run for the exits or stampede. But not in this case. It was very unusual. [...] Nobody ran and by not stampeding, many lives were saved. [...] The reason is that they knew I was in very serious trouble. They saw, they saw me go down. They saw the blood, and thought actually, most did, that I was dead. They knew it was a shot to the head. They saw the blood. [...]

Bullets were flying over us, yet I felt serene. [...] I’m not supposed to be here tonight. Not supposed to be here. [...] I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of almighty God. [...]

But I could see it, I wanted to do something to let ‘em know I was ok. I raised my right arm, looked at the thousands and thousands of people who were breathlessly waiting and started shouting, Fight! Fight! Fight! [...]

There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for others. [...]

Nothing will stop me in this mission because our vision is righteous and our cause is pure. [...] Gonna turn our nation around and we’re going to do it very quickly. [...]

Danlboon #wingnut #conspiracy

If you didn’t know is that to be President of the USA you must be ‘American made’ with ‘both’ parents to be natural born Americans and Trump Jr. and Barron are not.
DJ Trump could not have slipped some words into an Executive Order to allow his children to be President.

Where in the Constitution does it state that if your parent was President of the USA than you can be President.

We better get going on this or it appears all the Trumps are still pushing for the USA, INC. to be in place and not a Constitutional Republic, just like Barrack Obama was allowed to be a foreigner to be President of the USA corporation.

Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric cannot be President nor Vice President of the USA as their mother, Ivana, was born in Czechoslovakia.

The same goes for Barron as Melania was born in Yugoslavia, thus any of her children cannot be President nor Vice President of the USA.

However, you should be allowed if your parents are natural born Americans but you just happened to be born in another country at the time yet come back to America sometime soon thereafter like those that serve in the US Military.

U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, Clause 5:

“No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”

But I guess this is from the Cabal US Constitution as it states Citizen of the United States and not Sovereign, Natural Born Americans within the united States.
Things are happening where Trump is being coerced into really not bringing the Republic into place as to what happened on Saturday appears to be a staged event with all the new media available and could not be covered up as to what happened with JFK as these are controlled by the cabal.

Byl Holte #wingnut

Black people, don’t cheer for this.

Donald J. Trump is Nelson Mandela.

Donald J. Trump is George Floyd.

Donald J. Trump is Trayvon Martin.

Donald J. Trump is Brianna Taylor.

Donald J. Trump is EVERY black person unjustly convicted under the democrat system of justice.

You’re cheering on his arrest, but the same system that targeted YOU targeted HIM.

Remember that, next time the democrats make you jump up and down about an officer kneeling on a black guys neck.
Last edited 8:47 AM · May 31, 2024 · 143.9K Views
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