
Peak Trans / Maria Mclachlan #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: Transscript starting around 1:19 and ending around 3:56 of a 36-minute video)

Taln responds that no one decides to be a trans woman as gender identity is innate. So Taln believes that even rapists and violent male criminals should be accepted as women because of their claimed gender identity, which of course there is no way of verifying. There isn't the remotest possibility that they could just be pretending in order to get transferred to a women's prison. On the prison page of my website I quote Dr. James Barrett who was chair of the british association of gender identities specialists who said it has been rather naively suggested that nobody would seek to pretend transsexual status in prison if this were not actually the case. There are, to those of us who actually interview the prisoners, in fact very many reasons why people might pretend this. Note that I said male criminals decided they are women. I didn't say trans women. Once upon a time I, along with large swathes of the population, were content to use the term trans women, understanding it to mean that it referred to men who wish they were women, who tried to present as women, without actually claiming to be women. Plenty of men who call themselves trans women still fit that profile, but thanks to widespread capture by gender ideology with its oft repeated and totally empty mantra that trans women are women the - purpose of which is to erase adult human females aka women as a sex class with needs that are distinct from those of men - we now have people conflating the two terms trans women and women. Those captured include political leaders and representatives of every part of the establishment. They pretend it's true because they think that is the side on which their bread is buttered. In the scale of things women simply don't matter. Men do. The upshot is that many of us who were once prepared to use the term trans women and walk that extra mile will no longer do so. Many of us who were prepared to be kind and accommodating will no longer be so, and there is no such thing as a trans woman and it's not your so-called gender identity that determines what we are. It's biology. I intend to deal with this in greater depth in a forthcoming video, so I'll confine myself to stating the obvious which is that no man can actually be a woman or vice versa.


amy. #transphobia youtube.com

someone tell me why us trans women are better looking than real females

Respectfully you aren't number one. You look like you were body slammed in the cosmetic section of a dollar general. If you're going to compare yourself to biological women how about you take all that off. Does the five o'clock shadow and the uncontoured adams apple will give you away? If you don't want to be measured in your passability, maybe don't measure women in their fuckability. If putting down biological women is the only way that you can validate your gender, you can take that misogyny and dilate your neo-vaginal disaster with it. Maybe if you didn't treat womanhood as a fetish you would have left your duets and stitches on.

Bryan Melvin #fundie #crackpot #psycho youtube.com

Bryan Melvin, a self-described "militant atheist," died from a contaminated drink that caused cholera. At first he heard a wonderful sound and a voice from someone who he instantly knew as God. But God told Bryan that he could not enter Heaven for reasons explained in this video. Instead, God sent Bryan to a place that the inhabitants initially described as "paradise." But this wasn't paradise, it was hell, and the deception of a homey veneer was soon exposed as a place so horrific that the mere mention of its surroundings could evoke terrible thoughts. Beings tried to devour Bryan as they clawed at him, but there was something Jesus had instructed Bryan to do in order to prevent his ultimate destruction. He viewed those who had been condemned to hell, people from the past - abusers, killers, even a preacher - and then he saw one of the most reviled persons in all of history, Adolph Hitler. What Bryan saw will shock you. But Bryan's story ends with redemption, and hope. Watch this video and realize not only the horrors of hell, but the saving Grace of Jesus in offering tremendous hope to everyone who heeds the call of God's Holy Spirit.

Donna Brooks #transphobia youtube.com

RE: How not to argue. A response to taln0reich

I heard that Philosophy Tube had drunk the kool-aid. I'm still a Liberal and disagree w/ Rose of Dawn political but have a number of Rose's vids in my trans demands ideology playlist b/c they are quite good, esp. the ones on the scariest trans-identified people. The same goes for Blair White. It's a DARVO technique for the trans cult, who demand strict adherence to their dogma & turn viciously on anyone leaving their religion, to call GC folks a cult. We come from all races, from across the political spectrum, & from countries around the globe. We are LGB, hetero, & "trans". We are men & women, from various professions & trades, including students & retirees & those on disability. We are of all different ages. Most importantly, we all think for ourselves. Each YTer, writer, or speaker has a different philosophy and different tactics that they think are more effective and they promote those tactics & viewpoints all for the same goal. We don't demand conformity. We argue the case for things like not using the word, "cis", something which I myself will not compromise on, but I also don't go apoplectic b/c someone hasn't come to the same conclusion I have. I just ask them not to use that term around me b/c I refuse to be turned into a subset of my own biological sex class. It bothers me when people assume this is a "conservative" movement. WTF? So are we a conservative movement or are we all terfs (radical feminists)? Which is it? Because the "pro-family" Far Right is not going to funnel money into radical feminist organizations! That's ludicrous!

Kym Francis & Julie Smith #transphobia youtube.com

RE: How not to argue. A response to taln0reich

(Kym Francis)
When I was doing my Master’s degree, in 2013-2015 the degree was in behavioural & health sciences (specialising in disabilities & mental health). I did a subject on sexuality & people with disabilities. The précis of the unit described the theoretical & behavioural implications & proposed to suggest discussion on strategies for people to use to to support people with disabilities to explore their sexuality & to seek mutually beneficial relationships. My expectations of the lecturer was that they were going to have professional experience in that sector & to be politically neutral; I couldn’t have been more wrong. Unfortunately the lecturer was a trans man & he used that subject to promote his ideology. I was utterly confused & I actually questioned my values because of that person. My values were completely stomped on & I was gas lighted so badly that I questioned my motivation for completing that course. Fortunately I passed the subject (just) & I never had to encounter that individual again.
I’ve always considered myself as an advocate of the principles of social justice & I have spent a long career advocating for the rights of people & to have my career diminished & reduced to a 12 week course was extremely confronting. That was my first experience of the revolting agenda of trans men.

(Julie Smith)
When someone tells you the emperor has fine clothes on and you can see they don't they are buck naked then believe in yourself. Always. Good you pulled through. It's like an experiment in a class. All the kids were told to raise their hands in agreement that a statement was true when it was in fact a lie. All but one student was in on it. When they all raised their hands this student didn't but looked round and was uncomfortable he stood out as the only one until eventually he started to raise his hand even tho he knew it was a lie. !! Peer pressure wanting to fit in and too young to stand and say you are ALL wrong. This what trans are doing and people like them pushing their ideology and using their captive audience to indoctrinate and not in fact the correct curriculum. It's happening in USA and in our schools now. I'm glad yo came through

Sterling Price #wingnut youtube.com

Says the fascist puke coated leftist.
What are patriots supposed to do when the fascist anti-white left steals a presidential election for the first time in history? Nothing? No no. They did the right thing. And unlike the insurrectionist blm/antifa, these were real patriotic Americans. Did a few get carried away? Yes. Of course there WERE undercover FEDS there trying to coerce people to go inside. More than 99% of the patriots who made the pilgrimage there that day stayed outside waving their signs and flags (unlike the domestic terrorists blm/antifa who BURNT American flags in the streets while burning stealing and destroying everything in over 500 riots in cities coast to coast). Eh?
None of those who went to the Capitol on Jan 6th were armed with firearms. None tried to hunt down members of Congress. IMO it would have been a good thing if they had actually had blood in their eyes and dragged a bi-partisan selection of our Congressional prostitutes outside and promptly hanged them.
AND, if your prejudiced anti-white bigoted racist election stealing fascist authoritarian regime tries to use the virus as an excuse to steal another election, your going to get a REAL insurrection. Next time the rifles won't be left at HOME. Neither will the BULLDOZERS, trucks, tractors, and a few other things.
When we get back in power, ALL of the criminals that the democratic left allowed to burn and pillage are going to be hunted down and arrested.
All of the prejudiced anti-white school administrators and teachers that have been abusing our children are going to be rounded up and jailed. All of the power-tripping little dictator administrators of leftist institutions that have been persecuting people, firing people, they are going to be FIRED.

Various Commenters #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Cocaine Addict Joe Biden Voter Identifying as Woman Rapes a Dog?!?!

(C B)
Remember the LGBT community is actively fighting for the rights of these types of people. Facts

Yes they are and advocating for kid phookers

(Rozie B)
Not to mention the socialist wing of the democratic party also.

(Kioko Fulgarion)
Hilarious that there are some insisting they're not, yet I have not seen one of them say or spread that they do not support this.

And remember, Trumpstein supported them, even held their flag up and posed with it for all the cameras of the world to see.

Nice try trying to turn people against the only guy who had the guts to destroy the deep states plans.

Share a link of anything where the LGBTQ COMMUNITY denounces any of this? Not a single LGBTQ person but a large group of the community as a whole. Because the San Francisco Gay Choir sang they were coming for the Children and I don’t recall any large backlash from the LGBTQ community as a whole that they were opposed to this message. I keep seeing love is love with grown men holding little boys hands, I see Sesame Street characters coming out as bi or non binary and I see schools having books that teach underage sex and I only see ‘far right’ mom’s speaking out against it.

Larry Elder quoting Zac Kriegman #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

Data scientist DESTROYS the BLM narrative

I have frequently said that Black Lives Matter has done a great deal of damage to the very black lives they claim to matter. This is a prime example. A data scientist has posted a long critique of Black Lives Matter, where he documented how many people are dead as a result of the Ferguson effect, or more recently the George Floyd effect.

In 2014, after the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson the BLM movement's anti-police rhetoric and propaganda found a receptive audience. The police were demonized, their morale and willingness to engage in proactive policing plummeted and murder rates, especially murder rates in
low-income black neighborhoods, spiked.

In just the five cities this data scientist examined, five cities, it caused a staggering 900 excess murders and 34 000 excess felonies that would not have otherwise occurred. The growing consensus that decline in proactive policing is resulting in drastic increase in murders is so substantial that even left-wing outlets like CNN are beginning to recognize it.

Over the last five years there have been typically between 30 to 100% more unarmed whites killed by police than unarmed blacks. Blacks make up 53% of known homicide offenders and commit about 60% of the robberies. Whites commit about 48% of the non-fatal violent crimes and blacks about 35%, but you look at just serious non-fatal ones, whites commit about 41% and blacks 43%, but as mentioned, over the past five years police have killed 39% more unarmed whites than unarmed blacks even though whites account for a similar absolute number of violent offenders, therefore the raw data suggests there is a slight anti-white bias in police applications of lethal force.

The claim at the heart of the movement, that the police more readily shoot black people, is false, and likely responsible for thousands of black people being murdered in the most disadvantaged communities of the country.

Tim Pool #dunning-kruger #wingnut #transphobia youtube.com

We like to say that the woke are white supremacists with guilty consciences and I think that's a fair point. They think white people are privileged and superior, at least politically. They reject that, saying "Oh, don't say that we're superior, that we think we're superior."

Yo. If you're a white person and you think you are granted and afforded special rights and privileges, you are saying that in society white people are superior, you just don't like that they are. That's a fair assessment. If you don't agree with that, well, that's your linguistic issue.

The racial thing becomes way too complicated. They said Polish people are people of color. You know that thing we talk about with Luke on the show, yes, woke people say that Slavic people are actually people of color. Whatever. Determining this is more difficult than gender.

Giggle is an app for females. Trans men are allowed on the platform, but the trans women community is viewing this more like an affirmation attempt. It would be lovely if male people respected female spaces and left them alone.

There was one story I covered years ago. In the UK, when they created unisex changing rooms, assaults against women skyrocketed. Why? The males who were committing these crimes against females now had greater opportunity.

So, when you have a CEO of a company who says they want a female only space, perhaps they don't want to be around a male of any sort.

During Occupy Wall Street you had women's only therapy tents. Somebody had raped several women in the camp, including a trans man. That's right, someone who is female but identified as male was raped during Occupy Wall Street. They created a female-only trauma tent.

They said trans women should be allowed in there because they're women. Several women got mad, saying these are males and they were scared to be around males, but at the same time, the trans man, they say trans men are men, was also allowed in that space. Why? Because she's female. Therein lies the conundrum.

Think 2 Invest #wingnut #dunning-kruger youtube.com

Typical leftist cancer content. Tests and grades exist to evaluate competance.

When a bridge colapses and kills hundreds of people becose you hired the F grade structural engineer, it only reveals how evil fake compasion is.

Maria in not in school to party. She is in school to develop competentce and become a usefull member of society.
She also has free time and weekends for self discovery, fun, friends.

Life is not just empty plejure but also about responsability.

Eleanor Lynn, Hugo Brand & Lida Hall #transphobia youtube.com

(Eleanor Lynn)
the article is a very clumsy attempt at conflating feminist analysis of "gender identity" with being racist and bigoted. They're hoping it will scare people off questioning gender ideology without thinking critically about the issues. People are scared by that label and even just the accusation could be enough for many people to duck the debate.
(Hugo Brand)
I'm surprised that they don't argue that it's akin to attacking religion (read: a strong philosophical/religious belief or lack thereof) because it's far more accurate to what T ideology actually is and represents, right down to protecting an individual's behaviour and how they dress. However, those rights to manifest those beliefs are limited in certain situations to protect the safety, rights, freedoms, etc. of others.

In that regard, by qualifying their beliefs as religious/philosophical they'd have a much greater chance at having their beliefs protected while also providing women, gay people, and kids with protection from those beliefs.

And, fundamentally, that's the only logical, rational route the T argument can go--it has no sound basis in objectivity. It is a subjective, reality-denying belief that tries to force society, science, religion, and everything else to go along with it: 'man' brains in women's bodies; women who are truly 'gay men', men who are actually 'lesbian', and, the award-winning: "born in the wrong body" claptrap.

It's a religious/philosophical belief and needs to be treated as such. It deserves no greater respect or acknowledgement than that

(Lida Hall)
@Hugo Brand A major tenet of their religious belief is that they actually have some kind of "science" backing them up, teamed with a belief that their soul heavy belief system is not a religion when in fact, it very clearly is. I suspect that this cognitive dissonance serves to distract adherents from the cognitive dissonance the "born in the wrong body" narrative gives rise to - but that's just a theory.

Donna Brooks #transphobia youtube.com

@Lena Black Stop using that term, "cis"! It's offensive to any woman who refuses to be made a sub-category of our own sex! Women don't exist only as a "NOT TRANS" "woman" (i.e. a non-man) & that's what you are doing when you call us cis. It's a disgusting, insulting term. So men who say they are women (transwomen) deserve to be called women, but actual women should be called "cis" women? F*** that shit. Your use of the term, "cis", means you are forcing your cult's language, dogma, & misogyny on the rest of society, & WE WON'T USE IT. Now you'll come back & insist that it's an innocuous term & not meant to be an insult, which just is further proof of your willingness to subjugate the feelings of women to the feelings of men who claim to be women. If THEY say calling them a "man" is harmful, then ALL OF SOCIETY must bow to their wishes & reinforce their fantasy of themselves as women. But if WE don't want to be called "cis", then too bad because for YOU, it's "trans uber alles".

Various commenters #transphobia youtube.com

Here is where I disagree with you. Buck Angel is a transman. We can respect that while not denying he is biologically female.

(Antje Galuschka)
why should we use trainslanguage? It's less harmless than most people think. Because when we read "man", our brain associates that it must be a male person. Whether the "man" is preceded by "cis" or "trans" is irrelevant.

How do you fix this cognitive dissonance „he is female“? It‘s an oxymoron.

I don‘t want to validate a GID.

(A. Rashid)
Then you have more in common with transactivists. If a sex offender is a "transwoman", do we need to legitimize that identity? Try to be consistent. Get a solid foundation of gender critical/radical feminism.

(Vanessa Vokey)
I don't respect pornographers. You've been groomed

(Crumbly Duckling)
Alternatively, we can choose not to respect bogus "identities" and childish, made-up language.

AA BB #transphobia youtube.com

I haven't watch the entire video yet but, I still want to comment as I'm five minutes in. I just want to say that I really don't whether or not being trans is a choice. Just because something is not a choice, doesn't mean it should be tolerated or that it is right. The whole discussion about whether or not being trans is a choice just seems like a distraction. Nothing can justify what happened at the Wii Spa, the massage Parlor where Yaniv went or Loudoun County. If someone has a burning uncontrollable desire to be an awful human being, that doesn't mean they deserve acceptance. I'll live more comments after I've finished watching the video.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Not ONE Body Found in Canadian "Mass Graves"

(Norman F Birnberg)
Lauren three words for you: mass psychosis formation. The flight of people from reality has been documented before and this is a good instance of it. It always happen right before civilizations collapse. What we are witnessing and experiencing now is the late stages of a dying civilization.

(Cheesy Koch)
The world is full of these leftist people in power who are totally gone in the head. Every leftist needs stripping of any of the positions of power wherever it be in the world. They are screwing the world up with their insanity. They are insane the lot of them. They are very dangerous people.

(Rob Figulski)
Wait....There was reactionary public outrage over an unchecked media accusation? How weird.
Sincerely, Duke Mens LaCrosse Team

This is what happens when you have it so good, that you have to go looking for victims and victimhood status.

This was a psy-op on the European Canadians. Meant to shame humiliate and destroy Canada and Canadians.
Bravo to thé Québécois academic for having integrity.


I’m in Poland and many of my acquaintances and family members won’t hear about this correction. If I tell them I will look like conspiracy theorist. It’s all so depressing…

I've lost family members and close friends because I chose truth over the narrative.

(Odin the German Shepherd)
Same thing in Tulsa about the 1921 riots. They have been digging all over town for over 30 years looking for the “mass graves” of black rioters. They have found nothing.

(Kevin H)
So, basically a teenage girl spread a rumor, and society just went insane.

It's incredible how authoritatively people will speak on things they know nothing about. My industry works with all kinds of remote sending techniques, so anyone who wants to assert Lauren has been lying or obfuscating on the technical aspects of this topic, they are sorely mistaken.

Donna Brooks #transphobia youtube.com

Welcome to the Light. Like you guys, I once defended trans people until this movement morphed into the misogynistic, homophobic, violent, authoritarian movement it has become. It's a dreadful feeling knowing I was played. It was as if, while I was looking the other way, someone wheeled a Trojan Horse into the LGB"T" "community" & suddenly all these T people were pouring out, attacking freedom of speech and the boundaries & rights of women, children, & LGB people!

@MacyJane A few years back, while watching some MRA YT channels, I stumbled onto a video of a guy proposing a strategy to get women out of good jobs & positions of authority through trance ideology. He proposed that men apply for jobs as women, so that when there were positions to be filled, they could count toward the women's quota. If enough men did this, they could succeed in driving women out of public life by using quotas & demands for women's equality against us. I never gave it much thought at the time b/c I was a couple years away from my sudden enlightenment re trans demands activists & ideology (and the dangers of identity politics). I didn't think men would actually do this. Now I'm not so sure. Hate will drive people to extreme actions.

mechantechatonne #transphobia youtube.com

Why do you mind their existence? These people are doing stuff to themselves because they are in pain and trouble, Buck Angel for instance has been very open about the downsides of taking male hormones leading to vaginal atrophy due to testosterone intake, how can you say it promotes being trans?
You're just being hateful.

That's a weird question. Why would you oppose the entire practice of doctors giving medications and surgeries that cause serious, chronic issues to people with serious mental issues that asked for them? The answer ought to be obvious. Plenty of them are bothering people plenty with all the invading single-sex spaces and violating peoples' rights to safety and privacy in that way, and they're bothering people by recruiting ill children into their cult and making them lifelong medical patients. But even besides that, doctors shouldn't do you harm just because you ask them to.

These people are not doing things to themselves. These people are having doctors do things to them, things that are unethical and harmful, and they're lobbying politically for everyone to have access to medicalized self-harm. Nobody minds them "existing." People mind them promoting and lobbying for nonsense pseudoscience. IF they stop doing that, nobody will mind them existing at all.

Truthy Lucy #fundie youtube.com

My sister had schizophrenia. She heard voices & I believed her. ( She has since passed) I believe they're demonic entities in nature.
I remember reading about a case where a lady was driving to a location & became lost.
The voices she hears that she's told are hallucinations just so happened to instruct her how to get to her destination.
Most shrinks don't acknowledge the voices they call them hallucinations & prescribe meds.
They need to pay more attention to what the voices are saying. Imo
Excellent video!!

Vanessa Vokey #transphobia youtube.com

(Transscript of song sung)

Pronouns are rohypnol
Cause they try to numb your senses
If you can't tell it's a dude in a dress
You must need contact lenses

Cause Lesbians don't have penises
There's no such thing as a girl-dick
These fetishists just won't back off
I suspect they ALL are porn-sick

These adult men believe they're "girls"
But what does that really mean?
Depictions of females raped and abused
On pornhubs most watched video streams

Cause female is not an identity
You can put on when its pleasing
Its the cycle of the moon and tides
The life giving and bleeding

Do not call us vulva-owners
Babies are not fed by our chests
Stop erasing our experiences
And STOP sexualizing the function of breasts

younger gays are being told that they
Were born in the wrong body
Only perverts lie to kids about
Sex and human anatomy

Grooming is what predators do
They stalk their unwitting prey
MAPS are openly promoting their sickness
On Twitter and YouTube every single day

So if you're sick of this assault on truth
And you can't understand how we got this fucked
Share this song to all your friends
(Especially that one with his dick tucked)

Roy Kliffen, Aboc Stark & Heavy Metar is My Way #conspiracy #sexist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Feminism and Low Testosterone Are Destroying Civilization, Men Are Losing Testosterone And Are Weak

(Roy Kliffen)
This has been known for a long, long time. When women in the US got the vote, a leading Soviet intellectual - whom's name escapes me right now - commented that the US sowed the seed of it's own destruction and Communism would conquer the US. He knew women tend to be collective and Capitalism leans more towards individualism; Communism is an ideology based in collectivism and with women always having the majority, the trend will be towards collectivism and thus Communism.

(Aboc Stark)
It’s almost as if telling half a generation that they’re the root of all evil because of they lie gender is a bad thing. Imagine my shock when the constant barrage of negativity and downright malice starts to have an effect.

(Heavy Metar is My Way)
As one psychotic feminist attacked me in another post on a different channel; "YoU jUsT rEdEfInEd FeMiNiSm."

Feminism appears as though it has righteous intentions on paper, but in practice it is completely evil.

Batya Ungar-Sargon & Tim Pool #dunning-kruger #wingnut youtube.com

Formerly-Woke Reporter Explains Her De-Programming From Wokeness

Batya Ungar-Sargon: The second thing i would say was, I read this Yale study from 2018, what they found was there's a difference between how white liberals and white conservatives talk to black people. White liberals dumb down their vocabulary when they're talking to blacks and Latinos, and white conservatives do not, and I remember reading that in 2018 and thinking to myself "This implicates my entire worldview."

And I had this moment where I was like, "This is disgusting," and everything I think is caught up in that thing that makes you dumb down your language. You assume a person of color is less educated than you, is poorer than you, and needs your help, and needs your generosity, and your beneficence. right?

Tim Pool: Jonathan Haidt's research found that conservatives have a balance of all six moral foundations, while liberals only have two of them, care and fairness.

The political divide is obviously not left or right, it's authoritarian versus anti-authoritarian. Liberals have a tendency towards authoritarianism because they're collectivist and collectivism is inherently authoritarian.

Because if the collective, which is the authority, decrees you either follow suit or you're ostracized, so if you're someone who is driven by care and fairness, and that's it, you don't care about loyalty, purity, authority or anything like that, then you don't care if they're doing vaccine mandates.

I think people really need to understand that the left and the right don't speak the same language. They come out right now in NYC and they say vaccine mandates work. New York is experiencing a massive surge in cases, but when they say vaccine mandates work, they're not talking about preventing Covid, they're talking about forcing people to adhere to the collective which why is you must get the vaccine regardless of the outcome.

Vanessa Vokey #transphobia youtube.com

no one is "trans". there are male and female humans. anything else is sexist stereotypes. detransitioners are the only voices who are speaking the truth about how self destructive medicalization was for them, and how much they regret it and blame doctors and surgeons for disobeying their oath to do no harm. this is real life, not make believe land where the "gender transformation fairy" exists and people will be happy as long as you lie to them every single moment of their life.

Catherine Robillard, Kai Decadence & Ruth Less #transphobia youtube.com

(Catherine Robillard)
It’s in trans activists interests to conflate gender with sex. If they used biological facts, instead of their interpretation of a social construct, their ideology would be shown for the nonsense it is.

(Kai Decadence)
Exactly. That's why they NEVER or hardly answer the simple questions of
- What is gender?
- How do you "feel like a man"? How do you "feel like a woman?"
They know if they answer these questions and use the usual gender stereotypes, it exposes the ideology for the rubbish that it is so they either don't answer the question, use circular definition that goes nowhere, and/or move the goal post. These people are ridiculous.

(Ruth Less)
Then it's accusing us of conflating the two, so they can escape humiliation for as long as it takes to block us, rant from behind a block and declare themself the winner

Winter Rose, Reverend Coffin's Other son & sdsmt1169 #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

( Winter Rose )
My personal take on it is that "cis" is religious language for the faithful of the Woke church. Rather like a Christians referring to people as "sinners." (I don't mean the words themselves have anything in common, just that they mean something to religious people and mean nothing to those who are not believers. If you are not Christian, "sin" is meaningless.) It's a descriptor that only works if you believe the theology. If you don't believe the theology, the word means nothing to you.

Since I don't subcribe to the religion that says gender and sex are unrelated and what you feel inside is who you really are, "cis" is just three letters. The problems arise when this new "church" and state don't stay seperate because, as with any truly zealous believers, they are convinced beyond reason that this religion is the "truth" and therefore the faithful must convert the unenlightened because then we would have our utopia. Fortunately, Christians worked out a few centuries ago it doesn't work that way. Hopefully, this new faith will realise that's all it is. It's not science. It's not truth. It's faith. Believe it if you wish, but do not expect others to participate in your rites and rituals and terminology.

I will not, therefore, use the word "cis" any more than I would expect an atheist to speak of himself as a "sinner."

(Reverend Coffin's Other son)
I like to call them the Church of Genderology and the famous TRAs are their high priests.

I used the same analogy to a friend asking me about the meaning of cis. I said it’s like infidel, or kafir. Not of the faith. I don’t believe in the faith so I don’t accept that label for myself. I am not an infidel, nor am I cis.

Leah James #transphobia youtube.com

RE: Transgender ideology: awful argument 17 Being trans isn't a choice..?

It's not a choice, yet gender is also fluid, some people's pronouns change over time, yet there's no wrong or right way to be trans, people know their "gender identity" from the age of 4, yet some don't realize it until they're 54, and on and on and on. There are so many loopholes in gender ideology, how do people take it seriously...Gender ideology is the new sexism and misogyny. I thought society wanted to get away from gender norms??? I thought we didn't want to live in the 50's🤔So many things I have heard men say that is sexism and misogyny, bit they can get away with it if they're "trans" or an "ally". Sexism in plain sight. How women don't see this, is beyond me...

Andrew S #magick youtube.com

When I first started taking magick seriously I created a protective servitor that lived in a statue on my alter. He had a passive form and a battle form. His battle form was designed to grab, constrict, and consume negative energies and beings. After consuming them they would be converted into neutral energy and released back to source. I released him after I learned how to protect myself better, but I still think of him fondly from time to time. He was a truly loyal and good friend.

"I was wondering if good fiction writers, in the process of the character creation also produce something similar? Maybe this is why some fictional characters seem to start life of their own?"

I remember hearing somewhere about authors having trouble keeping prolific characters in the rails of their story and the character often taking over the story for themselves and the author pretty much just falling along, look into Robert e Howard’s relationship with his character “conan”, apparently conan would just show up in his room , smash shit, and demand that he writes more badass stories about him

MUSE DEV #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon #racist youtube.com

(Submitter’s note: This is a comment on a Green Day music video.)

Its 2021.. Joe Biden is a Pedo/Nazi/DeepState Puppet… inflation is at an all time HISTORICAL HIGH… men are identifying as women… Women are getting beat up in MMA cage fights with Trans Men …. Women who identify as men are sewing their vaginas up filling with marbles and getting skin grafts from their ass cheeks to fold a poor excuse of a “penis” connected to their clit…and BLM is a joke Antifa is a Deepstate project.. Bill Gates wants to Jab everyone to death… yeah… Simpler times… we should all GO BACK to how it was in this video…. To be truly punk rock you go against the Gov not for it… also.. invest in crypto.. especially XRP, XLM

Materva 1974 & Crumbly Duckling #transphobia youtube.com

RE:Transgender ideology: awful argument 17 Being trans isn't a choice..?

(Materva 1974)

There should be no medical intervention for anyone if it involves changing the function of the body. No hormones, no GRS. I don't think it should matter what age they are or if they have had therapy, the bottom line is doctors shouldn't be doing that. Cosmetic surgeries are different...they can be in poor taste, but changing someone's external appearance is a lot different than destroying their reproductive health

(Crumbly Duckling)
I'm always glad when people bring this up - thank you! Whatever anyone's opinion of cosmetic surgery, it tweaks what's already there, changing only the size, shape or location. It doesn't add something that isn't naturally there or remove anything that should be there. Many people only opt for it after a lot of soul-searching as to whether it's worth the risk or the expense, after being teased, bullied or stared at for having a body-part that doesn't conform to a narrow idea of 'normal'. These Frankensurgeries are in a different league.

(Materva 1974)
@Crumbly Duckling Yes, thanks for the reply. I probably should have clarified that I was talking about the context of trans surgeries. I don't have a problem with cosmetic surgeries in general, but I was thinking if a man wants to put on breast implants or pull out his beard or put in a butt implant then that's his problem. But if we allow doctors to give people hormones (which will screw up their whole body) or rip up people's genitals to conform to someone's delusion then I think we are a cruel society and that becomes society's problem

Hugo Brand #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

RE:Transgender ideology: awful argument 17 Being trans isn't a choice..?

This is on par with "religious people don't choose to be religious". I'd actually agree, to an extent--once you're indoctrinated into a belief system it's awfully hard to break out of it, let alone feel as though you ever had any choice or say in the matter. Kids grow up believing in the same religions as their parents and generally the same as the culture and society they grow up in. Indoctrination is often incredibly insidious and happens long before anyone really makes an 'active' choice in the matter.


T-genderism is just another religion many vulnerable people have been groomed into. I would certainly argue that their susceptibility to those beliefs likely was never a choice, but a lack of critical thinking certainly enabled a continued descent into those beliefs. At which point is the individual at fault for not snapping out of it or for not developing critical thinking skills?

Also, much like you often see religious people probing and asking questions and trying to find a way out on their own terms, you see much the same in the T-gender demographic. Some find a way out, some never do, and for some the 'benefits' of adherence (affirmation, feeling 'special', having a sense of 'community', access to off-limits spaces, sexual gratification, etc.) outweigh any desire to break free.

It's what happens when people never learn to develop coping strategies in real life for real life and instead see a warped version of real life through a dogmatic lens.

Either way, it's not a natural, harmless, benign, or healthy state of being--it's an ideology that is fundamentally destructive of the self and toxic to others, and for those who truly want it there is a way out--thus it is a choice in so far as it is something that has been foisted onto them that they have been groomed into believing. Thus, it deserves no more respect than any other religion, and I will never participate in it.

Juan Abier and Taylor King #conspiracy youtube.com

(Note: There are many more batshit-crazy conspiracy comments on this video, these are just two of them)
(On a video about Sir Richard Owens)

Juan Abier: Looks like a snake-oil salesman to me.
So for thousand of years, people were digging, everywhere, and they never even found a tooth.
And all of a sudden a couple of years after numb-nuts Owen made-up the word dinosaur we seem to be tripping over them.

Taylor King: Exactly. You ever wonder why construction sites never find bones? Even the museums have admitted that the bones they show you aren't real because the REAL ones apparently still have radiation on them from 66 million years ago. So if you live on top of or around undiscovered dinosaur bones the radiation magically doesn't affect you... until you dig them up haha. According to the official story an entire skeleton has not been found and only 12 supposed specimens have been found.

Matt Walsh #pratt #wingnut youtube.com

The BLM Riots Were A Million Times Worse Than January 6th

Republicans should be doing the exact same thing with the BLM riots. All of the time that the Democrats spend talking about January 6th, Republicans should be spending the exact same amount of time talking about the BLM riots and in that case it would not be dishonest or cynical because unlike January 6th the BLM riots of 2020 were in fact an assault on our way of life, our civilization, our democracy if you like.

They were deadly. They were actually deadly, they were catastrophic, they were unthinkably tragic and they were explicitly supported every step of the way by every elected Democrat in the country. They resulted in 25 deaths, dozens of injuries, two billion dollars of damage across the country. They sparked a crime surge that still hasn't died away. They were several orders of magnitude worse than january 6th worse in every way by every conceivable metric. They had exactly the destabilizing effect on our system that January 6th allegedly had.

Crime is running rampant in many of the cities where these riots occurred. They therefore have a lasting impact and a relevance that january 6th does not have. The BLM rioters have paid almost no price at all. This is why the BLM riots represent an ongoing existential threat in a way that January 6th does not, never did, never could and never will.

Most people on the right condemned January 6th. That hasn't happened on the left on with the BLM riots. This is a point that Republicans could make over and over again. They could have candlelight vigils for the officers killed or injured by BLM. They could make sure that nobody ever forgets the date when David Dorn was shot in cold blood by a BLM militant, or the date when BLM militants invaded a police station in Minneapolis and burned it to the ground while the officers ran for their lives.

Republicans could do that, but they don't, because they are feckless, hapless, incompetent, and scared.

Stewart-Allen Clark #sexist youtube.com

[in response to the distracted boyfriend meme]

And ladies, here’s the thing you need to know about men: Don’t give him a reason to be like this distracted boyfriend. You hear me? Don’t give him a reason to be looking around. Hello?!
Now look, I’m not saying every woman can be the epic, the epic trophy wife of all time, like Melania Trump — I’m not saying that at all. Most women can’t be trophy wives, but, you know, like her — maybe you’re a participation trophy. I don’t know. But all I can say is not everybody looks like that! Amen?! But you don’t need to look like a butch either!
But you say, “How can I do that?” Oh, I’m so glad you asked that question! I’m so glad you asked that question! Because you’re in my office, you and your husband, and we’re talking about your marriage, and you’ve asked me this question about “What can I do about that?” All right, if you were sitting in my office, here’s the first thing I’d say to you — and boy, I hate to say this, this is why I don’t do marital counseling anymore — and that is… weight control.
So how important is this? Let me tell you something: I have a friend. He has put a “divorce weight” on his wife! That’s how important this is!
You know, makeup! Makeup is a good thing. You know, my little boy said, “Why do girls wear makeup and perfume?” You say “Because they’re ugly and they stink.” You don’t want to be ugly and stink!
Scientists have discovered, by the way, a food that diminishes the woman’s sex drive. It’s called the wedding cake. Hahahahahahahaha, yeah.

Shane Vaughn #racist youtube.com

[in response to Kim Potter being found guilty of Daunte Wright’s manslaughter]

BLM does not seek peace, it seeks war! It does not seek understanding, it seeks tyranny!

BLM is demons, and you tell them I said so. Give them my mailing address: [redacted]. You demon spirit called BLM, I curse you in the name of Yeshua the Messiah for what you have done in the United States of America, you Nephilim demon spirit!

We will not surrender to your demands. Why? Because no demand they ever make will satisfy their demon minds. God bless America, the greatest nation on the face of planet Earth! And we will never, ever surrender to these demon powers called Black Lives Matters! You demons from Hell, go back to the roach pit from whence you came, saith the Lord!

Ashley Green, Deirdre & Gravitron Rutherford #crackpot #magick youtube.com

(Ashley Green)
I've astral travelled. First I saw pixels, then mathematical formulae in geometric shapes. This led to a realisation that I understood the ultimate formula for all existence. It was so obvious, like its right there in front of all of us, hidden in plain sight.

I was told that this is what lies beyond the body: permanent timeless ecstasy and autonomy.

The other orb recommended I go back, as having physicality and experiencing suffering is a gift and this beautiful existence will be waiting when my body dies anyway.

I woke up not knowing who or where I was. It took about 10 minutes of slowly relearning who I am.

This is the ultimate truth. Be grateful for we are the chosen ones.

All memory of the said formula was dissolved. I remember an overwhelming sense that to know this formula in a human state would equate to death of human state.

On the Astral plane I visited a realm where the adults were the size of children and they were playing outside like children. I met a woman/child hybrid with a large scar across her face, she said its gets rough when we play, then someone from a nearby building called her in for dinner.

Endless dimensions and realms of reality out there

On another realm I watched a sun breach a horizon, it rose up in front of me the size Mt. Everest. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!

(Gravitron Rutherford)
Intriguing, when describing the different types of entities, I was blown away with the details in this shell like entity that can only be likened to that of AI. I have always suspected that the universe itself evolved into a supernatural AI through nature’s quantum mechanics crazy probability laws and has somehow able to intermingle with these other planes of existence or may even be the source of these dimensions that are able to harness the information imprinted from our consciousness right into another world similar to an avatar in a video game switching to another game.

CBC MEDIA #fundie #crackpot #ableist youtube.com

The theory of evolution was fabricated by a mental patient. Darwin's mental problems were considered so severe that Picover (1998, p. 289) included Darwin in his collection of historical persons that he calls "strange brains . . . eccentric scientists, and madmen." That Darwin suffered from several severely disabling maladies is not debated; the only debate is what caused them (Pasnau, 1990, p. 121).
Colp (1977, p. 97) concluded that "much of Darwin's daily life was lived on a rack which consisted of fluctuating degrees of pain" that was sometimes so severe that Darwin called it "distressingly great." Darwin's many psychological or psychologically influenced physical health symptoms included severe depression, insomnia, hysterical crying, dying sensations, shaking, fainting spells, muscle twitches, shortness of breath, trembling, nausea, vomiting, severe anxiety, depersonalization, seeing spots, treading on air and vision, and other visual hallucinations (Barloon and Noyes, 1997, p. 139; Picover, 1998, p. 290; Colp, 1977, p. 97; Bean, 1978, p. 573). The physical symptoms included headaches, cardiac palpitations, ringing in ears (possibly tinnitus), painful flatulence, and gastric upsets—all of which commonly have a psychological origin (Pasnau, 1990). Colp noted that "behind these symptoms there was always a core of anxiety and depression" (1977, p. 97). Some speculate that part of Darwin's mental problems were due to his nagging, gnawing fear that he had devoted his "life to a fantasy"—and a "dangerous one" at that (Desmond and Moore, 1991, p. 477). This fear was that his theory was false and there was, in fact, a divine Creator.

Darwin was clearly a very troubled man and suffered from severe emotional problems for most of his adult life, especially when he was in the prime of life. The exact cause of his mental and many physical problems has been much debated and may never be known for certain. Since Darwin wrote extensively about his mental and physical problems, we have much material on which to base a reasonable conclusion about this area of his life. The diagnosis of the cause of his mental and physical problems includes a variety of debilitating conditions, but agoraphobia with the addition of psychoneurosis is most probably correct.

CBC MEDIA #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger youtube.com

This is the greatest discovery in the history of paleontology, Indisputably. Dinosaur soft tissue and dinosaur DNA. The atheistic science world wants you to know nothing about , they wish it weren't true, they don't want it to be true, when they hear it they put it out of their mind. Their problem is, it's proven and factual. Also, we are finding carbon-14 in these samples proving their true age to be well under 57,000 years. You will hear from the scoffers ... it's a hoax, it's contaminated, fraud ... bla bla bla. Please check out the evidence for your self. Another little piece of data that has been swept under the rug is that the Neanderthal DNA has been sequenced. Its closer to man then a chimp is to a chimp within the same species of chimps. Neanderthals' are 100% human. DNA doesn't lie!

TheRuffington #racist #crackpot #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy youtube.com

The 1950s were actually one of the most prosperous and happy times in our nation. Less crime, less violence, one income to support the family, debt wasn’t out of control, we weren’t addicted to credit, everyone was much more fit, less depressed and more happy than they are today, but some dipshit intellectuals and the TV tell you otherwise, so keep believing the 50s were oppressive and restricting. Minorities were doing much better back then too, even though we had to battle for some of our basic rights. Isn’t it something? Maybe I could not have sat at the counter at Woolworths, but I was much more likely to graduate high school, graduate college, not be in poverty, our literacy rates were higher, our crime rate lower, I would be less likely to die in a shooting or suffer any other kind of violence in the 1950s, I would’ve been five times more likely to own a home, also. You know, before certain people got a hold of our cities and decided for us that we need to vote for them for their policies. And we fell for it. Yeah, bang up job. Really well done. But that’s OK, some 90 IQ college professor thinks the 1950s were a mess.

Pastor Greg Locke #wingnut #conspiracy youtube.com

Stop believing all the numbers - inflated evil and wicked nonsense. All these people are NOT DYING OF WHAT THEY’RE TELLING YOU THEY’RE DYING OF! The hospitals of America are the death camps of East Germany. The worst place to go today is a hospital when you are sick. They are killing people for money. On purpose. And you know I’m telling you the facts. I don’t give two flips of a nickel what Nancy Pelosi thinks about it.
…These doctors and nurses are killing people and blaming us! “It’s ’em unmasked people. It’s ’em unvaccinated people.” I ain’t playing with this bunch of demons. I don’t care what Right Wing Watch thinks. CNN can say anything they want to. You got the wrong one if you think I’m gonna bow down to this wicked evil nonsense.
…I ain’t playing their games. I’ll preach all day long and miss the Chinese buffet if I have to!

Liquid Rox #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut youtube.com

Washington has failed us, Hollywood obscene.
Churches gone complacent, the bankers are all thieves.
This wasn't the country we were left, we wouldn't leave this to our kids,
It'd fell asleep and leave this nation all but defenceless.
Most of [inaudible] stirred, that fateful Nov'mber morn,
When 45 was elected and the Deep State all got scorned.

With the sun in his face, and the wind to his back,
His powders be dry, his burdens be light,
May the Lord's face upon you always shine,
The Ballad of 45.

He came in guns a'blazin, to that God-forsaken town,
The Mockingbird Media swore to take him down.
But he led his posse through the swamp, and polished up his gun,
You could tell the Lord had laid His hand upon this Chosen One.
The enemy swears to this day, they still can't understand,
How they got their sorry asses handed right back to them.

With the sun in his face, and the wind to his back,
His powders be dry, his burdens be light,
May the Lord's face upon you always shine,
The Ballad of 45.

So activate the patriots, and read the Prophecy,
He must be re-elected, to keep this land free.
And all those little empties, they're pawns in the game,
They have their own handler, Satan is his name.
In the year 2020, people's voices shake the earth,
The time has come to clean this mess, Justice will be served.

With the sun in his face, and the wind to his back,
His powders be dry, his burdens be light,
May the Lord's face upon you always shine,
The Ballad of 45.

Justice for Yellow Van! #wingnut #dunning-kruger youtube.com

I actually pictured the exact same thing, just not how the Histrionic, tantruming left is picturing it. Alucard is Trumpeters mocking the psychotic paranoid leftists. He could also be said leftists who don't care about SJW shit, but just wants to fuck shit up, are bored, and have a disturbing lack of empathy. Examples being Antifa and BLM, both being contradictory and hypocritical titles (show, don't tell). Integra is the majority of the world replying to said psychotics. And Millennium is the Alt-right, just taking the piss out of anyone who clutch their pearls, get their jimmies rustled, and are obsessed with thinking that Trump voters are Nazis and Klan members, regardless of no longer meaningful labels such as Republican or progressive Democrat.

Terriyn Jonez #fundie #crackpot youtube.com

(Talking about the Sasquatch/Wood Ape)

Yeah, I know the man is not lying. It's these crazy guys who don't want to go in the deep woods to @ least camp out they r chickens chickens... I never saw one w/my own eyes, but I know they r out there. Bcuz my great grandfather has spoken of them. They can brutally harm u & they also can eat ppl. They r considered evil they r not human they r part of the fallen angels. They will come out soon to rampage in all areas. B covered by the blood of Jesus meaning b prayed up b protected by Jesus Christ our Lord our Savior ppl of every Nations... B vigilant🍃📖🍃🙏🍃👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾

Olajide Ajai #fundie youtube.com

that's what scientist want you to believe but all are lies
The same way you want me to believe humans are ape before !Nahh it's just scientifiction hyenas are dogs

I still think DNA test are fuck top

Like dogs are dogs, cat's are cats , buh the science of this modern time is just giving them a fucktop background

Yo hyenas don't act like cats
Tell me how do hyenas act like cats

That's what science want you to believe were they there when their ancestors were alive
I don't care if bears look like dogs but they're not dogs
Infact the same way lions hate hyenas like cat and dogs that how bears hate wolf
So let's just agree to disagree

but hyenas are dog like animals like bears but nothing relate them wit cats end of story bruvv

Tria Avery #racist youtube.com

EVERYTHING belongs to black people. This is our planet

Everything came from black people, even them. Just reaserch the Moors and the Ice age. Black girl magic is propaganda to uplift the black woman and destroy the image of the black man. And this is coming from a black woman. It's just like the feminist movement

Middle age, Ice age or Dark ages the Moors went in to Europe and civilized those people who were the Neanderthals or Europeans or the cave people or what ever you call them, everything you learn today as way of Science, astrology, math and etc. The Moors which is another way of saying black taught them. And if you are BLACK you should know these things, The moorish people ruled this earth for thousand and thousands of years and brought civilazation too every Europen country. It was when they came out of the dark ages and The morrish reign was get older that they took over. If you want to know these things you would have to actually read a book and not google

Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad) #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

Critical Race Theorists are lying about Critical Race Theory and I would know, because I've read their goddamn bible, all 500 pages of it and I'm about two-thirds of the way through.

I'll be quoting extensively from this in this segment, these serpents are just going to lie to your face and pretend like their ideology is not what it seems.

I think it's an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of how the past informs the future, and, of course, that in turn should allow us to intervene and find the necessary solutions in regards to combating racial disparities.

That's not what CRT is.

Kimberly Crenshaw who wrote the introduction to this says that Critical Theory is, "An attempt by a collection of neo-Marxist intellectuals, former New Left activists, and ex-counter-culturalists in law schools to oppose the classical liberal argument that race is irrelevant to public policy." Crenshaw tells us, "With its explicit embrace of race consciousness, Critical Race Theory aims to re-examine the terms by which race and racism have been negotiated in the american consciousness, and recover and revitalize the radical tradition of race consciousness among African Americans and other People of Color, a tradition that was discarded when integration, assimilation, and the ideal of colorblindness became the official norms of racial enlightenment."

It's race supremacy for non-white people, that's what it is, and so what this leads them to is being pro-segregation, because integration is a form of black genocide. They also want to return to the separate but equal doctrine, only they want the society to be run and segregated by blacks, so it is just an inversion of the entire Democrat policy from like the 20s. That's what it essentially boils down to, it is expressly neo-Marxist in their approach, and they're very clear about this, they're crystal clear about this, so there's nothing to do about racial unfairness and it's not about racial disparities.

Various Commenters #psycho #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

(In reaction to the Malaysian government trying to extradite a Malay transwoman from Thailand for breaching Islamic dressing rules.)

(Jack Django)
It's not strange at all that traditionalism is on the rise in the rest of the world. Anyone on the outside that looks at the west for more than five minutes wants no part of what we're doing.

(privacy first)
Malaysia attempting to change a person's pronouns to was/were. Progressive.

(Dave N)
Can we just go back to calling the ones that pass Ladyboys, and the ones that don't (99.9%) Men.

You give them an inch they will take a mile. In Canada they already can brainwash and medicate kids without leting the parents know. If I had to choose between the two I choose the Malaysian way.

(who is John Galt)
The east, and tribal cultures have seen what has happened in the west. They are seeing what we are doing to little children. They ain't having it.

(Milk Shake)
Welll .... the Aliens or Robots will start to enslave humans .... or Owrld War 3 will turns us all to ash .... these can't come soon enough. Humans are clearly trash.

(Geoff Owen)
Ahh the lefties are now in a bind, if they kick off about this they're islamaphobic, if they say nothing then they're violent transphobes as silence is violence.
Ohhhhh pass the popcorn.

Lefties are going to love living in an Islamic country.

(Midori Sato)
While I'm not going to say that a person can't be a trans man and willingly get pregnant, I will say they're doing a terrible job at being men.

(Delta Sly)
Trans people can be hot,
Mostly, if there under 35.
As soon as your age shows, its like wearing ball skin on your face.

(Aniquin Stark)
Muslims are allowed to have entire religious governments but Christians can't even talk about religion in schools...

(Jason Reborn)
Asian men make the most convincing women. It is disturbing how hard it is to tell that isn't a woman. Soon you will need to see a birth certificate and baby pictures to be sure it's not a man

Asian trans > American trans

Unexplained Mysteries #magick #conspiracy #ufo youtube.com

This Psychic reveals that Albert Einstein studied this with him & was told not to tell anyone. Today, we take a look at what this Psychic said he encountered.

Uri Geller has been saying some interesting things in recent weeks. He says that he had multiple meetings with Wernher Von Braun at NASA, and said that while there he was shown some interesting pieces of materials, that he said later came from mysterious aircrafts.

He decided to come forward with his story after hearing about the various sightings that pilots had made in regards to mysterious flying objects, noting that the government had known about these things for years.

Thank you for watching!

Giureh - G.I.U.R.E.H. #conspiracy #magick #fundie #psycho youtube.com

The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil: Part 1. NWO Nazi-Templars

I feel, the Indigo inside me consists of AIR & FIRE, and they shouldn't play with this fire any longer these earthly creepers of the worldwide authorities and occupying army over humanity; this is why my Blue Warrior's aura has the colour of air and scourging blue fire !
Ich fühle, der Indigo in mir besteht aus LUFT & FEUER, und sie sollen nicht weiter mit diesem Feuer spielen diesen erdischen Kriecher der weltweiten Autoritäten und Besetzungsmacht über die Menschheit; darum hat mein Blauer Krieger Aura die Farbe der Luft und versengendes Blaues Feuer !
The Knights Templars of Octogon founded "clean" Switzerland 1291
My name is Sean Hross, my other channels are giureh and chatzefratz, my email is swisstorture@gmail.com, and this video here tells the whole story of our ruling Masters: "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil"

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