
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

[deleted] #sexist reddit.com

I honestly don't get Reddit's new obsession with making fun of girls who ship men. Although I guess it's not surprising that these examples are heavily exaggerated in order to push a narrative, considering y'know (Reddit's new obsession with making fun of girls) in general.

Queerbaiting is actually a thing that exists, and nobody in their right mind actually thinks that someone who is uncomfortable with sexual harassment is homophobic. What's homophobic (and definitely misogynistic) is the new trend of mocking teenage girls who ship men and read fanfiction when it's the same exact guys who masturbate to lesbian porn.

The examples of "would two guys who are just...." actually brings up a completely valid point, in that homoeroticism is never assumed, because it's just not possibly seen in the eye of mostly heterosexual men. They don't like it, and don't want to consider the possibility. They just can't be gay, it's just male friendship. The problem is that it's not acceptable for them to be gay together, hence the reactionary defense of "why can't men just be friends", and the assumption that they think every male friendship has homoerotic subtones. You'll never see as many people defending "Why can't it just be friendship" when romantic subtext is assumed between a guy and a girl as the excessiv amount of people getting upset over two characters in a mostly heterosexual cast being gay in a non-cannon fanfiction. In fact, it's a tired trope in media that the if there are male and female leads, they'll end up together if it started with friendship. Yet, it's completely valid and a celebrated trope, and some media just throw in a completely irrelevant love interest just to keep things hetero (Sharon Carter, Captain America Civil War), instead of building upon the already intimate relationship that would have definitely occurred had it been hetero.

You're creating a massive false equivalency.

There are far more heterosexuals than homosexuals. Both the man and the women in these cases are presenting as heterosexuals. Friendships between Men and Women are less typical than same sex friendships and often end up with some boundary being pushed. Vs two men presenting as heterosexual. Who are essentially lying to themselves and the audience through whatever means of narattion they're being presented in secretly being gay for each other.

One is a pretty common occurrence in life. One is incredibly rare.

Richard Willet #conspiracy #sexist davidicke.com

Shorter hairstyles will help stop spread of Covid’ – yes men and women having the same hairstyles is not part of the agenda or anything

Hairdressers need to revive the “hygienic-yet-trendy” bob cut and ditch blow drys to survive coronavirus restrictions threatening to decimate the sector, say industry leaders.

Covid-19 is reviving the iconic precision bob cut as the “safe” alternative to “lengthy” blow drys for longer locks, according to Tim Hartley, a former director at Vidal Sassoon.

The world-renowned hairdresser fears that the coronavirus is more likely to spread in long, wavy hair.

The bob cut became popular when sported by Hollywood star Louise Brooks during the ‘flapper’ era.

It came back into fashion during the 1960s when Twiggy had the chop.

The bob remains in fashion thanks to award winning actresses including Charlize Theron, Cate Blanchett, Tilda Swinton and Rosamund Pike.

Mr Hartley said: “We have to think about maximising hygiene. The sooner the long tresses of yesterday are dispensed with, the more hygienic it will be for us all.

“The hour-long blow dries in the salon are no longer safe for the stylist or the client. Research suggests the Covid-19 virus is transmitted much easier through a swift airflow.”

He thinks the shorter cuts, popularised by his former boss Vidal Sassoon, are the solution to the stricter hygiene required during the Covid-19 crisis.

Tim said: “With the bob cut you can wash your hair everyday and not worry about it. It becomes part of your routine. It’s the glamour without the fuss.”

BikPillPres #sexist #pratt incels.is

I could never envy the life of the average male, because I've done all the things they've done to try and attain what they have, and I felt absolutely pathetic doing it, and I look back now thinking even if it had yielded results I likely still would not be alright with it

Here's the reality about dating and relationships that I rarely see discussed in a direct manner


That's it, that's the summary of how attraction in dating works, all this PUA fuckery is literally just JESTERMAXXING, its just men employing psychological tactics to trick, motivate or guilt a woman into trying to be attracted to them, it isn't "natural"

Chad doesn't have to memorize pick up lines, rehearse body language, insult a woman indirectly to lower her guard, etc to gain a woman's attention and attract her, his mere presence alone is enough

That's why I find it so amusing to see all these men who boast about "having game", its like boasting about who is the best pet, who can do the best tricks to please their master, WHO'S A GOOD BOY, YOU ARE, YOU ARE (here's a treat, you get a few sessions of medicore sex with some used up holes, she'll put in around 50% of the effort she does when fucking Chad, congrats)

To make it worse, there isn't even any security in your trials anymore, a man can Jestermaxx like a pro, "win her over" and have this amazing story of effort to tell his children about "how he met their mother", and ironically said children may not even be his (paternity fraud is at new highs these days), or she may have been cheating all along, or even at the current point of that relationship while he's talking to his kids, there's no security even after all the embarrassing, undignified shit you put yourself through, just to gamble for used up pussy

I mean if you had to do all this shit to get a virgin wife it would still be ridiculous, but it would atleast be understandable, but what the average man does to himself for used goods today, will always amuse me, also the remarks of incels who are "looking for love" and "female affection/validation" :feelskek:

Game is nothing to take pride in, if you have to use game, its an admission that you simply aren't attractive enough to JUST BE YOURSELF and have women be attracted to you. Its something you do to compensate for your lack of "natural ability"

Incels Wiki #sexist #transphobia #crackpot incels.wiki

Trannymaxxing Case studies


Remy is another former incel who has corresponded online with one of the writers at Incel Wiki. As Remy has asked to remain unidentified, we will avoid excerpting Remy's texts directly. Nonetheless, it will be paraphrased closely enough that it retains its original meaning

(interviewer) Are you involuntarily celibate?
(Remy) Not now no. I lived as a cishet male incel up to the age of 27. I felt deincelizing was an uphill battle I wasn't going to win. As such, I assumed my feminine facial features would make me passable as a woman if I transitioned. I haven't been incel since becoming a woman.
(interviewer) How did you escape inceldom?
(Remy) Well ... I always had this inclination that women had it much easier in the dating scene. Having transitioned to being a woman, I realized that my previous inclinations were correct.
(interviewer) Are you still attracted to women?
(Remy) Post-transition I have dated both men and women but lean more towards androphilia. Since I have undergone treatment in order to acquire the physical characteristics of a woman, I feel my body is designed to accommodate a male. However, even during the waning years of me being a male, gynophilic attraction began to decline due to the incessant amount of romantic rejections from women I had gone through.
(interviewer) Was inceldom the main reason you transitioned?
(Remy) Yes. During my teens, the thought of transitioning didn't even occur to me. I felt totally comfortable being male. But sex and intimacy were important to me. I genuinely felt undateable as a man and loneliness can make some people like myself take drastic measures.
(interviewer) Do you know anyone else who went through the incel-to-transgender pipeline?
(Remy) No. I don't personally know anyone else who went through the incel-to-trans pipeline besides myself.
(interviewer) What does trannymaxxing mean?
(Remy) It basically means to do what I did. To transition in the hope of entering a romantic relationship afterwards.
(interviewer) Were you ever hesitant to go through with surgery?
(Remy) No. I was already pretty short, and had quite a feminine face, so I felt the transition wouldn't be so hard anyway. I also knew for a fact my life would improve, and it did.


Remy's situation seems a bit different to Leslie. Whereas Leslie transitioned because they eventually developed gender dysphoria, Remy doesn't seem to have had gender dysphoria. Leslie appeared to feel exceedingly uncomfortable at the fact that she had male genitalia. On the other hand, Remy does not seem to have.

ionlycopenow #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

What planet do foids live on?

You always hear foids complaining that all men are trash and all men cheat. While in reality here on planet Earth, I can't think of many male cheaters. Almost evry single Cheater you read about or see in person is always a cumdumpster with no exceptions.

Maybe they are talking about the same one or two chads that pump and dump them?

Otherwise, it's absolutely hilarious to try to pretend men cheat more than toilets. Toilets cheat in a heartbeat all the time.

anon1822 and Ectasy #sexist #conspiracy incels.is

Why are so few women into nerdy activities (such as video games, comic books, anime etc...)?

I searched on google and all I got was the expected and typical bluepilled answers. "Hurr durr some girls DO like video games" and shit like that, totally missing the point that 99% of them don't.

Even scientific studies are biased and clearly manipulated by the author's views nowadays (even though there were few studies on this topic). They even managed to spin it into men's/society's fault, of course. That men are condescending by "teaching them" or that women would be mocked for it. "The patriarchy". The mental gymnastics never end.

But what's the real reason? It seems to me like men tend do be the majority of people who are engaged in both productive (building and doing shit) and unproductive activities (video games etc...). And women seem to sort of be ... focused on increasing their social status/looks/SMV at all times in order to get a bigger Chad than the one they're currently able to get. Sort of like a biological robot who is always operating in order to fulfill its purpose, even when doing seemingly innocent things like socializing. Even those that do have "hobbies", those are usually extremely extroverted and always involving a lot of interactions with other people.

Most hobbies women have are social or about enhancing their looks, or one that gives them a chance to meet a good genetics man.

Nerd hobbies are the exact opposite, they try to espace from this normie world.

Doesnt work out together.

That really does sum it up quite well.

SadLonelySingle #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Theory] Imagine how based would be a society where women's rights are equivalent to cattle or a dog.

High iq thread alert.

We all know that no women ever wants to have accountability for their actions, it's always the fault of patriarchy, or alcohol, or upbringing, or whatever solipsistic reason she finds on the spot.

Not only that, but they lack the basic logical thought to be able to overcome their instincts for chad cock only, one could argue they do not have the mental capacity to exercise civil rights similar to a man - I must specify that only the non cuckfied man has intellectual gigantism beyond the brains of the mere foid.

Which leads us to the most appropriate conclusion and also revives a similar system that existed for a millenia and proved to yield the best results so far.

It is not feasible of foids to be treated as lifeless objects, however, their mental accomplishments do not ever surpass the biological chad only whoreness intrinsic to their instincts.

Therefore, the same way you can't expect a dog to behave like an intelligent non cucked human being, you can't expect a foid to not act like a degenerate.

The only viable solution to hypergamy would be to classify women's rights as equivalent to cattle or a dog.

In the sense that they're legally protected from the acts of any third party that do not own them, in exchange they would not vote, receive welfare (i.e single mothers), or exercise complex human legally binding volition since it would lead to the degeneracy we witness today.

@Edmund_Kemper @Atavistic Autist @FinnCel @mylifeistrash @Personalityinkwell @Uglyme @78980n @zangano1 @SlayerSlayer @Venomkore @TheNEET thoughts?

Incels Wiki #sexist #transphobia #crackpot incels.wiki

Trannymaxxing Case studies


One such incel-turned-transgender who has contacted one of the writers at Incel Wiki has elaborated on this situation. However since she has asked not to be identified, we at Incel Wiki will avoid naming her as well as avoiding directly quoting her by slightly altering her account. Lets call her Leslie. Although Leslie was born male, she began to try to pass as a female, initially by tucking, using a gaff (device that hides the mooseknuckle), cleavage enhancement, hip and buttock padding, crossdressing and using breast prostheses; later by going through a physical transition. Leslie felt that her penis and balls were useless body parts that served no purpose. The pointlessness of her male genitalia is what triggered gender dysphoria in her. Leslie did this because she struggled to gain the attention of women. She believed it wouldn't be too difficult to change gender identity as she already had a small frame, and had minimal secondary sexual characteristics. She specifically said that being male "sucked" because of the prolonged sexlessness. She also said that if she had not altered his/her gender identity, the trauma of inceldom was so bad she considered going to Belgium or Switzerland as these two countries are considered the easiest places for entering a "mercy killing" or "suicide tourism" arrangement. In Leslie's words, the research they had done suggested both countries were considered the "euthanasia capitals" of the western world. Transitioning made Leslie change her mind. She began to understand why prostitution is usually a 1-way street of men buying sex from women; not the other way around. Its because of the mismatch in demand, Leslie posited. Becoming a woman she learnt first-hand that the ease of access to sex was as different as night and day between men and women. Women are stupendously privileged in this regard as Leslie soon found out. Leslie decided to transition because she wanted to experience this female-specific privilege for herself. After changing gender identity, she had no difficulties attracting partners of either sex. Leslie was no longer lonely. She specifically said, and emphasized, that she would have never transitioned had it not been for the inexhaustibility of male inceldom. Leslie felt that some her earlier traits as a male, which made her repulsive or off-putting to potential suitors, such as shyness and awkwardness, suddenly were seen as tenable traits in the dating scene. Leslie's transition according to her e-mail has been successful and she now happily lives as an allosexual sex-having passing transwoman. According to Leslie, from her tweens, to her teens and during early adulthood she was completely a cisgender man. Only once Leslie reached their tricenarian years did they begin doubting the viability of their gender with regards to prolonged loneliness, thus subsequently decided that transitioning to a woman was the right choice.


The Leslie case study above shows how dramatic inceldom can be to a man's quality of life. Inceldom can in fact make a man feel so gloomy, that some involuntary celibates feel that despite being comfortably cisgender one's entire life, they suddenly feel gender dysphoria in the midst of one's adulthood. Feeling like their genitalia don't belong. Like having a penis is liability and disadvantage in the dating scene. That being male makes one unprivileged in the dating scene. As of 2019, no studies have been done yet on the pathway from inceldom to transgenderism, but the Leslie case study shows that this pathway does exist. How much of today's transgender population are formerly incel? We don't know ... yet.

Anonymous #moonbat #racist #sexist literotica.com

(NOTE: For context, this is a comment in reaction to a NonConsent-themed erotic story about a Latina police detective “blessed” with certain abnormally-large body parts, who is blackmailed by a mafia member/police informer to “massage” a certain body part of his with said body parts of hers in front of a policeman heavily implied to be her romantic partner, in exchange for extremely valuable information)


Just wow.

Every single time I think white, male Americans can't possibly sink any lower, you guys do it anyway.

"who doesn't love big caramel latina tits?"

Fucking really? That is your explanation for why, in this day and age, in this political climate, with the situation in your country being what it is, with THAT situation at the border, you dared to write a fetishizing, exoticizing, exploitative, racist, sexist bunch of crap like this?

Let me guess, I can look forward to seeing you and the inbreds who favourited this pile of crap on the nearest Trump/"Straight pride" rallies, can I?

Like, I understand it, this is simply your primitive, primal, primate instincts as a male of the dominant group working as they should. After exploiting their men, throwing them in prisons for no reason and deporting them, after throwing their children into concentration camps to be abused and raped, of course you sick fucks would continue by fetishizing their women.

I understand it. It still makes me sick.

Such a shame though, you seem like a decent writer, but the world would be a better place without people like you. Waste of talent tbh.

Thinkingman21 #sexist reddit.com

[OP of "A truly black pill history always shows and repeats"]

No morality was ever invented or upheld by the female. No intelligence agency, no military, no police organisation, no religion, no political party or education institution, nothing -none were invented and upheld by the female so they function. This is because enforcement and defence of the morality is required for propogation, and men can just override that.

If any morality was invented by female to tame the potential identities of the world, men could come in, overtake it in one day with strength, and then ironically run it to provide for society and to attract females. Plus women don't invent things like rules or ideas that benefit others period, because they seek benefit themselves through Briffaults law.

Consider the most relevant example. When the Germans defeated France in six weeks in June 1940; women fled towards the Germans whilst the husband's died at the front or were stuck in a camp. Some Germans raped women, but most women colluded. Now for the Black pill;

At no part of the German occupation did the female demand the upholding of French traditions, rule of law, culture, schooling systems, freedoms, or any of past French moralities they grew up with -nothing. A new system of morality was offered by the PRESENCE of men, and extracting benefit from it to survive was the only female thought across France....

This occured because the female does not identify with abstract ideas like morality, where as men will fight to the death to defend the wives that abandon him for a taller, more handsome German, who is a SS supremisist, especially if he is confident.

She will never abide by a morality to her end, only twist what she is allowed to do to extract benefit -like a psychological form of historical double think the academic community outright refuses to study, because it's behaviour is too in line with that of a child.

Incels Wiki #sexist #transphobia #crackpot incels.wiki


Trannymaxxing is the act of switching to another gender in the hope that it may help you to escape inceldom. There have been a few case studies wherein trannymaxxing has been proven to be a successful element in deincelization. Trannymaxxing which involves surgery is similar to castratemaxxing except that the latter has the end goal of volceldom and doesn't involve a gender change.


There is an entire forum dedicated to help involuntary celibates escape inceldom through trannymaxxing: r/transmaxxing

Here are some examples of people whom have tried trannymaxxing:

[WTF] from Incel to Becky? trannymaxxing

Various Incels #sexist incels.is


[Blackpill] Article about suicide in people with arthritis, and how it makes women use more violent suicide methods

I've often seen citations that women attempt suicide more but succeed less, and this being put down to women using less violent methods.

I however found a journal study about the impact of arthritis on the likelihood of suicide, seemingly particularly in women. The fact that the suicide rate went up isn't shocking, however one particular sentence is.

Before their suicide, 50% of the female RA patients (vs 11% of the male RA patients) had experienced at least one suicide attempt. The method of suicide was violent in 90% of the RA females.

Suicides in persons suffering from rheumatoid arthritis

Now this particular passage says that in 90% of the female suicides were violent in women with RA. Why is this interesting?

To me this would suggest that in reality, womens low suicide success rate in normal cases is due to the fact that they don't want to die. As seen here, when women have an actual reason to die, like severe arthritis pain, they don't shy away from using more violent methods. Thus this would suggest that in most female suicide attempts, the reason for using less violent is not because of womens inherent lack of violent nature, but because they simply don't actually want to die. Meanwhile women who do actually want to die will use the same violent methods that men who want to die do.

While it shouldn't be too shocking, I think it's interesting to see an actual study that would corroborate the idea that the high attempt low success rate is due to women straight up just not actually wanting to kill themselves.

No matter woman or man people who have RA have to experience a hell few others do. These are some of the most understandable suicides out there.

I think the fact that success numbers went up pretty steeply and via mostly violent methods here really shows it's really just a matter of whether they really want to sui or not. Anyone who wants to sui will use violent methods, only attention seekers use crappy drugs to try and suicide really unless it's some seriously potent stuff they've gotten their hands on.


Based thread.

There is almost never a reason for someone on tutorial mode to kill themselves


at the end of the day it's all about calling chad's attention

Imagine having everything you could ever want in life handed to you on a silver platter and yet you still kill yourself

(the black dog)

In terms of pain levels anything less than rheumatoid arthritis will not cause a toilet foid to commit seppuku. I'd say the psychic pain an incel suffers daily pales in comparison to RA. Foids don't suffer, they "attempt" suicide to get attention and pity points on and offline. A man could off himself in the middle of the street and people would walk over his corpse for days until being noticed.


All but confirms what we've already suspected, the vast majority of women who "attempt suicide" just don't have a good enough reason to actually do it properly. Their attempts are usually nothing more than attention seeking behavior.


Fucking this thread needs it's spot on a plaque. The amount of bullshit I've heard about "muh less violent mefodz"... It's painfully obvious that the reason high failure methods are used is for attention. Here's the evidence.


I think the fact that success numbers went up pretty steeply and via mostly violent methods here really shows it's really just a matter of whether they really want to sui or not. Anyone who wants to sui will use violent methods, only attention seekers use crappy drugs to try and suicide really unless it's some seriously potent stuff they've gotten their hands on.

This is something that is so obvious yet it sounds bad to say so people cry out when others say so.

I'd like to see what nonsense they'd try to throw out when presented with this study.

Robert Kelly #sexist #racist amren.com

I’m no expert but from an evolutionary perspective, women chase the alpha male to maximize mating benefits. In nazi occupied countries, local women sleeping and having babies with German soldiers were common place (that is beyond normal collaboration of the vanquished like a local bureaucrat that cooperated with nazi authorities to keep on making a living). A lot of black women in the US under slavery willingly courted slave owners to hope making an offspring with him. So women tend to sleep with victors. In SA, It is clear the ANC has won of course. The fact that in SA it’s marxist women with PhDs who do it the most, that can certainly be explained by the fact that these ladies have been more deeply indoctrinated by cultural marxist deconstructionist views, I’m not sure. However, if SA is a sign of times to come in the US, we know where our own marxist white ladies stand today...

What you say makes a lot of sense. And, I never bought that white men were just forcefully raping unwilling black women during slavery. Sure, perhaps it may have happened at some time, but typically, women will go for the most dominant male or who she perceives as most dominant. I don't doubt that during slavery it was a coveted position to be the mistress of the slave owner or one of his sons.

Her life was probably one of leisure that other slaves envied and any offspring she had by him would likely be well looked after and probably even get an inheritance. Of course I would guess that this position of mistress went to the most attractive of mulatto women or light skinned black women as white men typically aren't crazy about black women now and there's no reason to think they were in the 19th century, which makes allegations of rampant rape of black women by white men even more far fetched.

I remember reading awhile ago that the majority of mulatto slave children were fathered not by the plantation owner, but by the white men who were hired to manage the slaves and the land.

It was also stated that for the most part, these men would give little trinkets and extra favors to the young women they were interested in (usually lighter-skinned) as a way to get the women to consent, rather than taking them by force.

Most of the young women were compliant because of the preferential treatment they received, but the ones who said no were mostly left alone. The rare cases where the men harmed them could result in severe punishment by the plantation owner, as slaves were not allowed to be harmed nor punished without the owner's prior knowledge and consent.

Interestingly, this created a lot of hostility between dark-skinned and light-skinned slave women. Not just for the gifts and the implication that the mulattoes were more beautiful, but because they were house slaves or had easier jobs than the others. Basically, house slaves were treated like garbage by the farm slaves out of resentment.

Yeah it likely wasn't this rape carnival of black women by white men as we are led to believe. They have already made millions of people believe that gangs of white supremacist go around hunting for black men to kill right now in 2020. How difficult would it be to get those same people to believe that white men were rampantly raping black women in 1820?

epillepsy #sexist #psycho incels.is

It’s hypocritical that a woman should appear in public in the pregnant state, because it’s a signifier that she has had sex. Just as it is inappropriate to walk around with cum smeared on their face, it’s obscene to advertise your degeneracy by revealing it to the merciless light of day.

crew2 #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[Blackpill] There's no greater way to discredit a movement than have a load of femoids join on board

Seriously. If people saw only black people walking down the street protesting they would get on board with it and show some sympathy. As soon as loads of plain-faced, short-haired, jean-wearing, pissed off about not being chad material femoids start marching alongside you trying to piggyback on your movement just to bash all men because they have realised they are ugly you are gonna get hate and ridicule purely through association.

Every time I see these marches it is all either ugly women or LGBT/Cucked types mixed in with blacks. Ironic seeing as white femoids are the most racist beings to ever walk the earth and reject black men en masse on Tinder which is the most prevalent form of racial/physical oppression.

Demand these foids give up Tinder or donate a quarter of their wages/OnlyCucks money to an impoverished black family and watch them crumble.

Some Pinkpillers #sexist #psycho reddit.com

RE: Is it something wrong with male children now too?


There absolutely is something wrong with male children. And this something is not just caused by socialization but - at least partly - also by their male biology. Young boys very clearly exhibit the desire to fight, to dominate, and to destroy whom they consider beneath them. It is not uncommon for young boys to rape and abuse - their sisters, for instance. https://i.redd.it/mkwy8ufokm051.jpg Men have basically evolved to rape and kill and male children are already practicing. And these days, they start watching rape porn and calling women "sluts" and "thots" online when they are 10 or 11-years-old already, anyway...

Personally, I've come to hate male children just as much as I hate men: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPillFeminism/comments/gnuqgl/ive_come_to_hate_boys_just_as_much_as_i_hate_men/

They should be thaugth to be more friendly

Women are always expected to "help" males and to sacrifice themselves in order to raise males. I am opposed to this. It hasn't worked out in the past, and it won't work out in the future. The only thing it has resulted in - the only thing this argument was designed for - was to make women responsible for the bad actions of men and make women sacrifice their time, their energy, their well-being to "help" the very males who want to oppress and rape them.

You adult men, you go ahead and teach boys not rape, not to objectify women, not to watch porn, not to glorify prostitution, not to oppress women, not to "slut-shame" them, etc.

You know most men in the world wont rape you. "Helping" boys is raising them. Do it right with other people. Give them a positive influence. Teach them about normal feminism and not radical. Let them know how they should be treated and how to treat women.

Normal feminism is nothing but misogyny. Men define "normal" feminism as a feminism that allows them to continue all the shit they've done for centuries - but this time using "woke" rather than Christian vocabulary to justify it.

No it's not misogyny. Normal feminism as that guy said is woman's rights, to become equal to males. Not to kill them all and become a species that will very quickly become extinct because females won't evolve without males. Feminists from the past are the people who got you the rights you have today. So don't dis them because you shouldn't deserve what they gave their life for.

The goal is female liberation from male oppression, not "equality" with rapists, murderers, pedophiles, and oppressors.


A chilling story about two 10 year old boys who kidnapped, tortured, raped and murdered a 2 year old toddler for fun. One of them was arrested as an adult later due to possession of CP(shocker). [NSFW] - https://np.reddit.com/r/BlackPillFeminism/comments/h84ulp/a_chilling_story_about_two_10_year_old_boys_who/

I did not know that. I personally think not every 10yr old boy have the instinct to murder and torture young kids. But, What do i know. I can only speak of my experience when i was 10yrs old

The best way to prevent males from harming females is sex-based separation.


6 year old boy shot and killed a 6 year old girl at school because she rejected him. Could've been prevented if schools weren't integrated. Sure, you can say could've been prevented if his uncle didn't have guns in the house. But it's just better to separate females from males.

But doesnt females harm males aswell? Think about hoe much more boeing life would become without males. Basically forcing everyone to be lesbian.

Not at the same rate as males who harm females. Heterosexuality is a disease. Women need to evolve.

So you say avery woman on the planet is superior to men?

Fuck off.


Boys 10-12 have higher rape statistics than every age of women. Just the preteens. I can barely even retell the story of Junko Furuta kidnapped by a few 14 year old boys and put through the worst torture imaginable for months until she finally died of her injuries. Not to mention little boys tend to be violent, unruly, and show affection by hitting.

You people are deranged. Fuck you and your campaign to feminize little boys. Boys are different than girls, they're not supposed to be these little quiet robots that you shove information into. They're learning machines, they're exploring their environment as all babies do. Just because they're more prone to being unruly (mostly due to the uneven distribution of ADHD among the two sexes), does not mean they are inherently evil.

Citing rare instances of boys doing horrible things is fucking nuts and you know it, I can easily find female equivalents. You people need to delete this sub or honestly just rope, there is no hope for leeches on society who sit on reddit and hate on men, deranged idiots.

Rare instances???

Yes dumbass. Are you really implying that all boys rape someone when they're a preteen?

Why is it all or nothing with you guys.

I’ve already stated that boys between 10-12 rape more people than all age categories of women do...that’s not all, but that’s not rare and it’s so hilarious when y’all try to refute this. Just like how men make up about 24% of teachers nationally but 78% of student sex crimes. Because y’all always love to say how “women rape students just as much as men” but no, they fucking don’t. Women don’t X anything as much as men, not all of them do horrible things but way more do than women do

That's because of the toxic culture that implies young boys should enjoy sex from older women. All the sex scandals from my highschool were exposed not because of reporting, but because someone else found out. Usually it's the parents.

The same way there used to be stigma around women reporting sexual assaults (which is now mitigated by all the awareness movements; sexual assault cases against men have skyrocketed), there is also a stigma against male victims. Once that is broken there will be a surge of reports on female rapists.

But you toxic fuckers make that impossible with your "male violent and bad, woman innocent and pretty amd good" mindset. What a bunch of narcissistic and uneducated jack-offs.

I couldn't count the amount of second-hand embarassment I got whilst reading posts/comments where "pink pilled" psychos were circle jerking about female superiority. And you know what's funny? Mens rights subs don't allow misogyny, yet misandry is the basis of all feminist subs. What an embarassment honestly...

Jesus Christ feminists are the ones against all rape, I’ve only ever heard men encourage students to get with adult teachers. Even had a coworker speak up unprompted to tell me how he believed men could never be raped unless the woman was ugly, and that students were lucky to get with a teacher. If you think it was “just one guy” and are blind to the massive culture of men especially online who feel this way, then obviously you must not believe that all women are the ones supporting this, isn’t that right?

Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is

[News] 28 year old normie tries to ascend with a 13 year old foid, parents hogtie him and parents get arrested but he doesn’t

so the normie isn't in trouble?


I wonder if there are other lulzy examples of this happening

Finally the justice system actually punishes the right people.
Those parents are hypocrites, they dont want 28 year old normie having sex with their daughter but I can assure 100% if they checked her phone they would see hundreds of videos of her getting gangbanged by chads

If he was a chad they’d allow him to fuck their daughter. But he’s a normie so they were mad at him. I remember your based high IQ thread about hebephilia

Young Chad only. She can understand when young Chad's penis enters in her but can't when the person attached to the penis is older and/or ugly.

He’s 28, even if he dates a 21 year old, people will say he’s a “predator”

clown world

pedo vigilanteism gone wrong
hope h is parents get the electric chair

They’re prolly in jail

Even if he dated a 13 year old and he was 70 it shouldn't matter. This moralfagging for teen rosties is getting old.

Moralfags are worse than foids imo

Ngl if that was my kid I would of surely curb stomped him

Only .0001% of parents do that. Stop trying to sound badass online, you just sound desperate.

@Robtical jfl at this virtue signaller

Silly inkwell teenagers are innocent and delicate flowers they don’t understand sex, sweaty, quit objectifying them

Normies in a nutshell

If she was 13 she clearly isn’t as mature as a 17 year old. I don’t know how female puberty works, and she could of been playing him the whole time. But the guy is 28 and trying to fuck a 13 year old is like playing with your life

THe idea that someone’s life is ruined from statutory rape is a myth

Agreed. Most relationship abuse happens between teenagers of the same age. 50% of teenage girls said they got emotionally or physically abused by their boyfriends of equal age, whereas teenage girls who dated someone older than 18 reported it was less than 18%.

Social services are barking up the wrong tree.

Can I see the study that’d be interesting

Zagreb Football Hooligans #psycho #wingnut #sexist balkaninsight.com

A photograph that was circulated on social media of a group of Dinamo Zagreb fans holding lighted flares and a banner with an obscene anti-Serb slogan has provoked outrage.

“There does not seem to be a rock bottom,” Dario Brentin, associated researcher from the University of Graz in Austria, an expert on sport and nationalism in Croatia, wrote on Twitter on Friday.

As well as the words “We’ll f*** Serbian women and children”, the banner incorporated the World War II fascist Ustasa movement’s symbol.

In the photo, two other men are holding up flags of the Croatian Defence Forces, a paramilitary organisation from the 1990s war.

The Croatian Defence Forces use the Ustasa slogan ‘Za dom spremni’ (‘Ready for the Homeland’) as their official slogan and on their legally-recognised coat of arms.

The picture was taken in Zagreb by photographer Nikola Solic who posted it on Facebook on Thursday evening. According to Solic, the Dinamo Zagreb fans were chanting “Kill, kill”.

Based Hungary #sexist twitter.com

Dear Western women,

You’ve successfully:

• downgraded masculinity
• emasculated western men
• repeatedly belittled us
• dismantled the “patriarchy”
• feminised western society to the point it cannot defend itself


And now, what do you think happens next?

Toyako34 #homophobia #sexist reddit.com

Two guys can't be close friends without it being a ship???

A boy and girl can't be close friends without being a ship???

What does that have to do with it??? Why would you ship two guys just because they're close friends?

Did you even read what I said earlier? It was a rhetorical question. Holy crap.

Fuck it, let me answer since you're being persistently annoying about such an insignificant question: The reason why they're shipped in the first place is BECAUSE they are close, have good chemistry, and/or look good together. This sub(and you) in particular just can't fathom/accept these types of ships simply because it's gay. I think that's pretty fucking simple.

That's what I meant about "a boy and girl can't have a close relationship without being shipped". You can try to justify it as much as you want but your original reply(and following ones) makes it pretty clear you just don't like/can't accept/can't comprehend boy x boy ships.

I refuse to accept it because its a perversion of two straight friends. Why would you take that and make them gay? You have no respect for their friendship. Its quite normal, on the other hand, for a close friendship in both media and irl between a guy and a girl to result in a romantic relationship between them. I don't like gay ships because those who advocate for them take two perfectly fine friends and pervert it into exactly that, a gay ship. I would question someone taking a gay character and using them in a straight ship. It's a perversion of their character for your own satisfsction.

72hit #homophobia #sexist reddit.com

I heard that too, but from what I heard that YYH romance was minor (correct me if I'm wrong)

btw, look at how many times I've been downvoted lol. many people sure to like romance :p. However, I would like not to see any LGBT in HxH. normal romance is more or less fine hehe

LGBT romance is normal romance

LGBT one, well, whatever you call it... I don't prefer to see LGBT conents anyway.

Just like how there are people who can accept gay relationships.. there are people who can't. I'm from the later.

at the end, as a guy myself I can accept lesbian relationships more or less, but i can't bring myself to see gay action. that's all

trolling? Sorry, I see a misunderstanding here

I don't deny anyone interested in LGBT romance or such, nor denying the existing of such thing
I can't see all people willing to accept LGBT, nor can't see the exact opposite
Simply stating my opinion isn't trolling
My first comment was probably harsh? if so then my bad.. sorry
Overall, romance isn't my cup of tea
Overall, I hate gay relationship, that doesn't mean I heat who like such thing
As a straight guy, I can accept lesbian relationship. Is something wrong here?
Finally, I would like to say that aside from my first comment, I was talking in a manner that can be discussed. If you guys are going to downvote blindly and replay with such comment, then that's an entirely different thing.

Adigun Forest #sexist #psycho twitter.com


This man raped a woman, went to jail, then beat her in front of her child when he was released from jail days later.
So he's wrong for forcing sex on her, but she isn't wrong for forcing child support/alimony on him? Rape is rape. Slavery is slavery. I don't feel bad for that woman.

Incel Wiki #sexist #transphobia #homophobia #crackpot incels.wiki

Trans-vestigiality hypothesis

The trans-vestigiality hypothesis is similar to the homocel hypothesis and the incel transbian pipeline in that it suggests that a significant segment of the transgender population used to be incel. It suggests that inceldom may cause gender dysmorphia in some people and by extension may lead a person to consider gender transitioning. Anecdotes from incels and studies on non-human animals suggest this may be due to a desire for the transitioning incel to avoid confrontation with stronger men (or disgusted women), to deincelize, and/or simply an attempt to live life on tutorial mode (i.e. as a woman). The case studies depicted on the trannymaxxing page (see trannymaxxing) or other one's depicted below show that transitioning to female can aid in deincelization. However, some incel-turned-transgenders remain incel (or transcel) upon becoming transgender.[1]

Some incel Youtubers have referred to many cases of male to female transsexualism as "advanced inceldom". Female to male transsexualism, which occurs at a slightly lower rate than male to female transsexualism, is also often seen by people in the incelosphere as a voluntary incelizing process, and as such is highly amusing to incels.

That being said, pretending to be a female is unlikely a sexual strategy due to a very low prevalence rate of transgenderism of 0,001% (see the criticism section).

Sexual mimicry in animals

Dr Erica Todd from the University of Otago is a leading researcher in the Trans-vestigiality hypothesis in non-human animals. She calls male animals who take on female imagery to increase mating success as "sneaker males". She explains how "sneaker males" disguise themselves as females to avoid aggression from larger males, and steal mating opportunities.[2] Her work focused a lot on Bluehead Wrasse fish. She found that the "sneaker males" had genes for male sex hormones turned off making them appear feminine but also had much more sperm production and sperm quality control. The "sneaker males" had near identical brain gene expression to females and much different brain gene expression than non-sneaker-males. The "sneaker males" often also changed roles to more masculine fish as they grew larger.


In the Phillipines, where the women are so disgusted by the local men that they pursue relationships with American incels, many native men from the Phillipines undergo fake breast surgery in order to make enough money to survive or move out of the country.

Case studies

There have been a few case studies suggesting that trannymaxxing can actually help one to escape inceldom. See for example:

Leslie case study
Remy case study

Further case-studies


Criticism and statistics

With a prevalence of only 0.001%, transgenderism is unlikely much more prevalent than mutation-selection balance would predict, hence it is unlikely an evolved sexual strategy.[3] Many transgenders appear to use the protected class status of transgenderism as a means of status ascension (transtrender), which is evidenced by the fact that most revert their sexual orientation after a while. Many show signs of deleterious mutation or adverse social environments.

These claims are corroborated by the statistics below:

About 88% of children who have gender dysphoria do not hold those beliefs when they grow older.[5]
Only 12% of boys who believe they are transsexuals still believe so when they are older.[6]
MRI scans indicate that MtF transsexuals are either men aroused by the thought of possessing female genitalia or homosexuals who want to seduce straight men.[7]
Transsexuals who undergo sex reassignment surgery are more likely to commit suicide.[9]
Only 21% of transsexuals can sucessfully pass as the opposite gender.[14]
53% of mothers of transsexual children have Borderline Personality Disorder, compared to only 6% of mothers of normal children.[15]
16% of transsexuals have been sent to jail or prison, compared to 2.7% of the general population.[16]
Gay and transgender students are half as likely to graduate high school as straight students.[17]
Transsexuals are more likely to have autism than the general population.[25]
20-40% of homeless children are transsexuals.[18]
Children raised by gay couples are twice as likely to be in poverty as children of straight married couples.[20]
“24% of lesbians and bisexual women are poor, compared with only 19% of heterosexual women.”[21]
1/3 transsexuals are being treated for mental health.[22]
85% of transsexuals show signs of psychological distress or have been recently treated for mental health.[23]
44% of transsexuals show signs of clinical depression.[24]

adolf512, Restart80 & G-Flake #sexist #transphobia yourenotalone.co


You are more likely to reproduce if you go trans

Some gay and bisexual women like dick and by going for a transbian they will be able to start a family with their partner.

You just need to bank your sperm before starting HrT.

If you dont transition the probability of you reproducing is almost zero.

This applies to the bottom 10% of males.


Probably meant sex with guys.

I think being trans does raise your SMV with regard to bisexual females, marginally. And it likely raises it more than that with regard to bisexual males.

On average, non-trans heterosexual males are considered garbage tier. The lowest SMV of any group (on average) in 2019.


My account wasn’t able to log in through Facebook, but anyway, let’s pretend for a second that @pong_lenis is totally serious and worth arguing with. Yes trans people who want to be women should transition. This is why:
“For me, I have absolutely no regrets about transitioning and it has made me a million times happier.”


While I wouldn’t necessarily discourage anyone from transitioning, I dislike how much many people in the trans community encourage people to transition. Your quality of life is going to vary GREATLY depending on these factors:

How well you pass (ie whether it’s obvious you’re trans or not)
Where you live (San Francisco vs. Saudi Arabia…or Alabama - especially if you don’t pass)
Your financial situation (MtF is particularly expensive and you might also have problems finding a job - especially if you don’t pass)
Whether you have supportive friends or family (A disproportionate number of homeless teens are LGBT because their parents kicked them out of the house)
Your current relationship status (divorce is common enough without throwing trans into the mix…and finding a new partner will be harder if you don’t pass)
Did I mention the thing about passing being important?

Personally I kind of agree with you. MtF is really expensive and the ones who don’t pass look weird as fuck. Like imagine an NFL linebacker with a wig and lipstick (and no FFS). I mean I consider myself LGBT friendly but I wouldn’t want to date or have sex with someone who looks like that. And yeah, if they looked like that at a job interview I could totally imagine them being discriminated against. It must suck to be a non-passing trans person. But yeah, I agree that those are definitely things to consider.

Yeah. “Uncanny Valley” is what it’s sometimes called. The term was originally applied to androids who look sort of human, but not convincing enough. It’s sort of off-putting.

It’s not a justification for hate, but I think that’s a big part of what’s driving it. People then rationalize their feelings by saying it goes against the “natural order”, but I think it makes them feel uncomfortable.

Even I feel that way to a certain extent and I’ve heard other trans women say the same thing. There ARE plenty of guys into trans women enough that they don’t care, but trans women don’t wan to date those guys lol. While I understand, I don’t really feel sorry for them. I’m actually planning on doing a video about “chasers” on my channel.

Andrew Anglin #psycho #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia archive.vn

Children are Loud, Stinky, Cruel Terrorists – And Women Love Them

“I am become Noise, destroyer of concentration.”

I have expressed many, many types of hatred on this website, but I do not believe I have ever fully expressed my hatred for children. I would like to do so now, and also address the obvious purpose for a creature whose purpose often seems a mystery: women.
A hatred I have most certainly expressed before is my hatred for millennial men who have children and then spend time with them. There is nothing more pathetic than a man holding a small child. I feel utterly repulsed by such a scene. But millennial men have received so little instruction and no mentoring whatsoever from their loafing boomer fathers that these freaks apparently believe that holding an infant is part of being a father. Some of them will even change the diapers of their little brats – or feed them with a bottle! Can you imagine! Simulating a woman’s breast with a device? These are no doubt the same men who enjoy it when their girlfriends stick dildos in their anuses, as they have some sick fascination with “being the woman.”
The fact of reality is that children offer no appeal, whatsoever. They are loud, stinky and cruel. There is no sound more vile than the screech of a child. It is even more vile than the crying of an infant. Their smells come in all sorts and all of them are foul. Their cruelty is nigh as boundless as that of a woman – for they destroy with impunity. Perhaps you are sitting at your computer, just typing away in-between sips of a fine liquor… and a child, who appears to have been at rest mere seconds earlier, rushes your spot like some kind of African-American sports player and smashes your drink right all over your keyboard. When he sees your horror, what does he do? Why, he laughs of course. Laughs maniacally, out of pure sadism and hatred for the grown man’s world of doing things and getting things done. When you yell at the devilish creature, what does he then do? Cries out! Screaming, as though he is the victim! He runs to his mummy to tell her of the injustice he has suffered at your hands, and her, being herself a hater of getting things done, sides with him against you!
I understand that some of you reading this are rubbing your necks and thinking, “jeez, man, oh jeez, he’s talking about me, isn’t he… the diaper changing, the bottle… oh man, jeez…”
Well, bud – it’s your life. I’m not your dad and your dad obviously didn’t explain any of this to you, because I guarantee you, no matter how much of a cuck your boomer father is, he didn’t change your diapers or feed you with a bottle. This is a purely millennial phenomenon, which appears to have come both from a lack of masculine instruction and a lack of masculinity in general. But hey, if you enjoy being a woman – who I am to judge? (Note: I do and will judge.)
However, you may ask yourself why you engage in this behavior with your spawn:

1. If it is actually because you’re making the Soyjak face and getting all excited about it, like the baby is a Funko Pop, then I can’t help you.
2. If it’s because you just thought it was what you were supposed to do because no one ever told you otherwise, and you didn’t really like it or understand why having children would be this unpleasant, then there you go: I just told you, it’s not what you’re supposed to do. Men have never done this stuff with babies, ever, in all of history, and you shouldn’t be doing it. So, just tell your wife she will be doing it from now on. Tell her you’ll do some other task, which is manly, such as mowing the lawn, working to make money or GUARDING THE DOOR WITH A GUN TO KEEP THE RIOTING BLACKS FROM KICKING IT IN AND RAPING HER AND SLITTING HER THROAT, SOMETHING THAT SHE SHOULD PROBABLY BE A LOT MORE GRATEFUL FOR THAN SHE IS.
3. If it is because you have a volatile home life, and if you don’t do it then your wife will create a crisis and crush your soul, then I hear you. Maybe try to negotiate with her, but if you can’t negotiate, then just deal with the reality that you are literally held hostage by that bitch and she can destroy your life whenever she wants for any reason or no reason, and do what you gotta do. Just please, don’t be proud of it. Feel shame about it and hide it from others. Tell others that you don’t do it. Cover it up like you would a perverse fetish.

Your role as a father should be this: be there and let the child know you are there in the background, and that if anything ever comes to try to harm it, you will crush that threat like an insect with the palm of your hand. That is what a child needs from you: he (or she, if you are thus cursed) needs you to be the thing in its environment that maybe doesn’t like it that much, maybe yells at it now and again, but would give his life to keep it safe if he had to, but who would never have to because he is so strong an army of creatures of the night couldn’t make him flinch.
It is a fundamental part of the child’s development that in his early years, he has this dichotomy between nurturer and protector. With that, we get to the actual problem with this disgusting behavior outlined above – because no, I wasn’t just saying all this to call men who care for small children “fags” (although I admit, I do take pleasure in knowing that a few mommy-daddies are going to read this and gasp, “you wound me, sir!”) It is imprinted on a child’s brain, part of the “firmware,” if you will, to look around in his environment and identify a nurturer and protector as distinct entities. The problem with this “two mommies” business is that if you play mommy, then the child is looking around for his father and not finding one. His primitive psyche believes that he was cursed with two mommies, and zero daddies. That is very damaging to the child. It will cause permanent damage to his psyche.
So, again – only engage in this transsexual behavior if there is no other way. Because it is about much more than protecting your own dignity (which you should probably care about more than you do), but about ensuring that the child doesn’t start off life with crippling psychological problems. Children of this age are going to grow up with more than enough serious problems, so if you can manage to create a situation where its brain develops a stable dichotomy between mother and father, you should do that.
I know that many of you cleaned up your lives, got in shape and got married at my direction, and you may be saying, “well why didn’t you tell me this before, Anglin???? Now I feel like an asshole!” Well, the answer to that is: this stuff comes to me in waves when it comes to me, and I never thought about this in detail until yesterday afternoon.
That’s pretty much that.

Women Enjoy These Creatures

Being that a child is a miserable and beastly entity, and given that our NOBLE SONS must go through this larval phase before emerging as glorious statues of Adonis which we send to do our bidding in this world, to march with our banner, carrying our glorious names into the infinite abyss of the future, it is truly fitting that women enjoy their company, as this solves once and for all the mystery of why God chose to create a creature so otherwise pointless as a woman.
Women love the sound of these screeches so much that they will often induce the child to create the noise. Can you imagine it? That most awful of sounds is music to the ears of a woman. She also enjoys the stench of the child, and laughs with him at his cruelties, she herself enjoying the wanton, meaningless destruction and the pain it creates as much as he.
I hope that you are blessed with being able to know what it feels like to be “in the zone” when doing meaningful work. Well, this feeling is something that a woman can only feel when she is caring for children. This is the purpose of her existence, it is the only reason that God created her in the first place.
This is your mystery solved: the solution to the woman problem is to get her pregnant and keep her pregnant. Traditionally – all the way up through the early 2000s – divorces didn’t happen until the youngest child was 10-12. The divorce rate is still much, much, much, much lower for people with small children. So, you need to keep her pregnant until she can’t get pregnant anymore. Do it by hook or by crook. Refuse to allow her to take birth control and if she gets it anyway then replace the pills with placebos. Learn her menstruation cycle, Google when she’s most fertile, seduce her and tell her you’ll pull out and don’t. Do whatever you have to do, just keep her pregnant until she can’t get pregnant anymore. As far as paying for that – well, figure it out, man. This is the existence of our race on the line here – and your marriage, and thereby, all of your money. That is to say: you’re going to be a lot more broke if you end up in divorce than you will be if you end up with twelve kids.

Quarantined #sexist #psycho incels.is

Was I the only one rooting for ISIS(in minecraft) when they were fighting the feminazi kurds +all the other cucks in the region.

Islam has never really felt right to me, but still I've always been happy when the news says the Taliban is gaining ground about to take back power/ ISIS is creating a caliphate ect...they're the only truly misogynist groups, all the rest pander to foids.

Ethnic Natsoc #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Blackpill] Posting here made me realize something about historical conflicts

I don't know who it was exactly but I remember not too long ago, that someone made a thread where he described inceldom as the first movement/group to unite men of all races, religions and political ideologies. When I was contemplating this recently, I realized something about history: when you come down to it, every single conflict between men in history was caused by the hypergamous nature of women.

For example, nationalism generally arises in a society when women start intermixing with other races and the men of their own race start getting less chances at getting a sexual partner because of it. In National-Socialist Germany, propaganda posters and films depicted the relationships between Jewish men and German women (never the opposite) as evil and they of course had the Nuremberg laws which outlawed marriages between Jews and Germans. So nationalism arises when men lose the monopoly on women of their own race. The main concern among white nationalists in Europe and America as well is the interbreeding between women (again, never men) of their race with men of other races. This is not limited to whites though, there were news articles for example about Middle-Easterners in France who are frustrated with their women marrying/dating black men.

Socialism could be said to arise when lower-class men no longer have the financial opportunity to marry or otherwise gain a sexual partner. The wealthy elite get all the women for themselves. Something similar happened in Islamic countries where polygamy is legal, where the rich elite men married most of the women, leaving the lower class unable to find a partner thus leading them to joining terrorist organizations like Boko Haram.

On the subject of religion, religion's main purpose has in my opinion always been to legitimize the institution of marriage. As we see in the west, women generally don't feel like remaining loyal to their partner in marriage without a faith forcing them to. We see that religious uprisings often happen right after women get more rights and thus get more opportunity to be whores and not give sub-8 men a chance, just look up photos of Iranian women before and after the Islamic revolution.

So basically, all ideologies exist purely for sub-8 men to increase the chance of gaining a sexual partner and all ideological conflicts were essentially a struggle to regain control over women, who naturally lack any form of loyalty for men that aren't Chad. If women were inherently loyal and not hypergamous, many of the major wars of history would not have happened and men of all races and creeds could live together in peace.

Eric Hamilton #sexist #psycho techtimes.com

How to Spy on My Wife's Phone

Cheating is rampant in today's Information Era, unfortunately. It's especially painful if your wife is doing it.

Before you confront your wife, you need to make sure she's actually cheating. If she's being distant from you, it could just be a passing phase, not a sign of cheating behavior.

If you want to know for sure if your wife is cheating, you need to spy on her phone. That way, you'll be able to see who she's in touch with and what she engages in all day. You could also hire a private eye, but that's not at all affordable.

In this article, we show you how to spy on your wife via her phone without getting caught. The solution we offer is discreet, affordable, and easy to implement.

Various Incels #sexist #racist incels.is


[RageFuel] Daily reminder that white women are the dumbest creatures on earth

View video
View video

>has to show cleavage because that's her only value
>hops onto a mainstream political trend and acts like shes a rebel
>doesnt understand that more crime equals more police sent to the area
In the recent days white women have proven themselves to be the dumbest creatures on earth and the ultimate race traitors, noodlewhores and currysluts have nothing on them. They sill deny all evidence so they can believe in their bullshit narrative and attack white people. They are worse than bluepillers that deny the overwhelming evidence of the blackpill.
I really want this animal to explain why black cops shoot black people more than white cops? Are the black cops racist against their own race

i wouldn't have agreed a month ago, but the BLM virtue signalling shit has made me downgrade white women to the lowest of foids

White women have been completely exposed due to the current events.
If tommorow you had the media advocating to send all white men to concentration camps, white females would hop on the idea instantly. They have zero sense of loyalty


Stupid cunt has more breast cells than braincels.

I would say this oughta be lifefuel for ethnics having hordes of white women fawn over your race. But we know it comes down to Tyrone Lives Matter, because the civilized blackcels here dont engage in stupid degenerate nigger shit


I hate white women but unfortunetly they're the hottest.

* were the hottest

now they're just fat

My area many are athletic and beautiful...................its torture.

Highly debatable there, man. But hey, everyone got their taste in general right?

On average


Women's liberation and recognition as adults and equals of men by cucks was the single biggest mistake of the entire timeline of Western empire. Women have destroyed civilization. Everything that's happening today with that riots and everything is on their hands.They have innate no allegiance to their tribe or civilization because they didn't build any of the institutions and hence have no logical comprehension of anything. They always react and reason with their emotions and their misplaced empathy for subhuman invaders, and now everything has gone to shit. They've allowed the minority slave class to gain influence and degrade white institutions which have historically been successful.

watcher #sexist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] My GL friend bragging about a girl sending him a message wanting to suck his dick

He posted a screenshot in a group that I am part of. All he did to achieve this was posting his photo on instagram.

His photo is nothing special, just him in his room with a stupid expression.

All he needed to have some slut hungry for his cock was his face. Nothing more... just imagine what men who are even better looking (and taller) than him can get... holy shit, my day is completely ruined. I just can't stop thinking about this... I would have to pay a girl to do to me what he can get completely for free, and she would probably be disgusted at me and do a shitty job anyway.

Yup. She doesn't know anything his personality, his hobby, his job etc, none of that bluepill/redpill nonsense matters. It's all looks

Sometimes I feel like coping with money and status but its all worthless, it will never be the same, its all just dumb copes. His photo showed no signs of money (he's broke) and he is not doing some high status activity or in an event or anything like that, just him posting pics from his room like an autist.

Damn this ruined my day OP

Well if this makes you feel better she's not particularly attractive (but not horrible looking either) and looks older (around 30) so kind of a milf... but free BJ is free BJ...

makes me feel abit better tbh.
but then again, imagine not even attracting 30 year olds

How come you guys have GL friends and Chad brothers? JFL am I the only KHHV friendless here ?

When I first met him I couldn't tell he was good looking and he gave me the impression of being low SMV like me, the first time he bragged I thought he was lying. I am incel but I can talk with people just fine and be socially aware, etc. so it is no big deal meeting new people for me but very few end up being long therm friends.

How many teenage women do you see with posters of bill gates on their wall?
How many foids do you see commenting heart eyes emojis under pics of jeff bezos on social media?

These are the questions you should ask yourself when you ever think about coping with money

Just imagine the response if we were to post a photo like he did, just the thought of each response sends me into a deep depression

I posted a 'good' photo of myself months ago on instagram, I couldn't get 10 likes. Like is a joke

Newcel04 #racist #sexist incels.is

[Discussion] World vs Latino Race War? Opinions?

If white people become the minority in the USA, then Latinos, the second largest group, will take over the USA. They will have access to the entire US military. They will give nuclear weapons to each latino country. The only other countries with nuclear arsenals are Asian and European countries. Who would win?

Asian stats: Smartest,60% world population, can develop tech,have nukes
White stats:Smart,10% world population, can develop tech, have nukes
Latino stats:Stupid, 15% world population, cannot develop tech, will have nukes but cannot develop them
Black stats:Stupid,25% world population, cannot develop tech, no nukes
Sand stats: Not smart or stupid, average intelligence, very small population, may develop tech, no nukes
Abo stats:Stupidest, very small population, cannot develop tech, no nukes

The results of this race war will greatly affect the perception of men around the world, and change the smv of many, many men.

How is this related to inceldom?

it will affect the smv of each race of men depending on who wins

Retarded, you are counting smarts here in terms of ability to execute and /or follow instructions.
That counts for something in being able to manage a stable system, which is what u have in riceland, but in the scenario you envision that is meaningless, the only smarts that counts is ability to think from scratch, innovate, and apply quantitative concepts to qualitative issues, once these have been identified by innovative thinking.
Only 4 races are adept at this, Ashkenazi Jews, Nordics, germanics, and IIT/M, so you're Asians are smartest goes for a toss, Asians would sit between non Nordic/ Germanic whites and sands in terms of smartness.
Other than that your xp points seen fairly distributed

Lol no. Asians (Rice and Curry) have the highest iq in the world

Nope, they have just been doing Iq tests since the age of 5.
Whatever IQ they do have they are unable to apply in any real situation, so they would be screwed in any of these scenarios.
Agree they are the best human calculators, which carries you a long way in IQ tests, but that's not smarts. Those 4 are the only smart races, and one of those 4 is from curryland


ToxicPersonality #sexist #psycho incels.is

Im going to touch female coworker

I will touch female coworker now when i go there in a few days. Ass and titties. This will satisfy me and i will press my cock against her ass. It will be very enjoyable for me

Nice larp greycel.

I have already "bumped" into her on "accident" a few times. Its a small space with many of us so its believable that i could have because people are bumping into each other all day basically. But this time i will grab her waist and touch her nice ass with my cock

Hello cucktear infiltrator

Typical Greycel post

This cunt is obviously a foid infiltrator. Every thread it posts on has some stupid and/or larping bullshit like this mods need to get their act together tbhngl

Its not my fault that you are low t and dont want to put ur dick against womens asses.

”He is saying he will sexually assault them.

OP, rub one for me.”

When did he say that? He said he was gonna partake in normal interactions that happen in work day.
I wouldn't advise it personally due to metoo, I don't even meet with foids alone, unless they are western foids, because a noodle might not just metoo me for being ethnic, she might even have me organ harvested

If you look it up there was only like 2k lawsuits for workplace sexual harassment but lkke 5million was touched

They would lynch you if you were accused of fiddling a noodlewhore. Stay safe dude. The way OP wrote it seems as if he is going to be against her will.

She wont say anything due to my t mogging every soy shes met, i dont believe anyone shes worked with there has enough t to press his cock on her infront of everyone. I will satisfy myself in a truly blackpilled high t manner and everyone will tremble before my awesome power

Based gropemaxxer, mogs me.

Thanks guys. I will grope her titties and ass good when i work next. She will be my cum slave because my high t blackpilled groping will make her animal brain submit to me as my personal cum dumpster and fuckhole.

nikita46 #sexist #kinkshaming removeddit.com

[ in response to a man confessing to cheating on his asexual wife with an escort ]

Congratulations. The only thing more pathetic and gross than a dude who cheats on his wife because he's too much of a pussy to divorce her...is a dude who cheats on his wife with a filthy used-up hooker and is stupid enough to pay for it. At least stay away from your wife so she doesn't catch your disgusting STD. Stay classy.

Good point...his wife already figured out how gross he is and won't touch him. That's why he has to pay someone to lower themselves to have sex with him. Hopefully, she divorces him and takes whatever she can.

[ In response to a man admitting to sexually abusing his underage sister ]

She needs therapy...you need therapy....not self-therapy but you actually need to go speak to someone and so does she. If you guys are in an ok place to talk, I would talk to her candidly about it and honestly ask her what she needs you to do. Whether that's to turn yourself in...or to tell the family...or whatever she needs. You need to seek redemption from her and put yourself in a position where she can tell you what she now needs you to do so she can move on. After you do that, you'll be able to move on too. But both of you need to get some professional help.

Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is

[Soy] my oldest brother went from being a tough guy to becoming a soyboy

when he was in his teens and early 20s, he was a big kinda angry guy who didn't really smile much and was kinda rude and aggressive

at 31, he's now against hypermasculinity and now hates those type of men. he also didn't want me asking any questions that would appear on this forum, but he referred to it as redpill and shit.

also he's been married for nearly 4 years and his wife's pregnant with a daughter. the daughter will be born in 7 weeks? i think.

he also thinks men and women shouldn't use seperate bathrooms and should share the bathroom together (my sister thinks that too) even if it's some 30 year old man in the bathroom with an 11 year old foid. but he thinks it's weird for a guy his age to date a 22 year old (and i'm 22)

he's a normie who norwooded but betabuxxes a looksmatch wife.

my other brother, however, is a chaddam who is also now married.

mylifeistrash #psycho #sexist incels.is

I want the west to become a crime filled shithole like Brazil or Mexico

This is purely out of spite, but I want boomers, women and people who live luxuries metropolitan lifestyles to feel anxious and scared. Fuck those idiots. I hope no woman ever feels safe walking alone or out at night. I hope the cartel guts boomers in the daytime just for the fun of it.

Society hates men in general and especially incels. So take away police, law and order. Let people fend for themselves.

We also need an app that lets you report women who are out alone so the cartel or thugs can find them.

Sparrow's Song #sexist incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] Proof that chads are actually malevolent entities here to oppress you and that evil originated with chad and stacy...

Context: Jahi is the spirit of all femasites. She is the meta consciousness of all females and the Femiurge. Every foid in the world is an incarnation of Jahi. She is known as the representation of female nature, hypergamy, and roastism. Her boyfriend, Ahriman, is tall... tee hee... and he's basically the most powerful malevolent entity in existence. This mythology is based on real life and all you have to do is look outside our look at Tinder to see it. Ahriman and Jahi are real beings that physically exist, they mock us for our faces and bully us our entire lives. The United States government are minions of Ahriman and Jahi.


Transcript(Ancient Persian religion showed Jeh as the consort of Ahriman, the destructive spirit. This idea is closely followed in Zoroastrianism, where Jahi is shown as raising Angra Mainyu from his slumber. Angra Mainyu is also known as being the spirit of conflict. His prior battles with Ahura Mazda, also known as the primordial peace, had sent him to this slumber following his defeats. At the beginning of the second age of Iranian mythology, Jahi attempted to wake him. Angra Mainyu had resisted all prior attempts at this, but he was roused from impotence by the deity and her promise to assist him in the battle against Ahura Mazda. On waking he defiled her with a kiss, and in doing so he transformed from lizard form into that of a handsome man. This action was also believed to have afflicted Jahi with a monthly menstruation cycle starting the pattern for women around the world. Together they defeated Ahura Mazda, and energised, they set to work on making an evil presence throughout the world.)

This is why waifubots and artificial wombs are the only way to save the world from darkness and suffering. All femasites are Jahi in human form, it is better to reproduce with artificial wombs so our progeny are not born of Jahi. Artificial wombs are better than roasties because all non virgin foids are Jahis and their eggs have been defiled by chad Ahriman through telegony. Better to be incel until science and technology sets us free than be cucks who marry Jahi and get cucked by Ahriman.

propolisoasis #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Im transgender, but I avoid female friendship.

I have a long story of chasing away left-leaning women trying to be "friends". The way they try to assert superiority over you throwing themselves into a virtuous posture (while trying to leech anything they can from you) absolutely disgusts me.

I never enjoyed left-leaning men for the same reasons, but at least they cant get away with most things women do, specially when trying to get sexual favours, if any men did what so many feminist women said and tried to do to me, they would be arrested or lynched.

But its not just the harrassment, the narcisistic tendecies of the average women seem over the roof. I constantly got disappointed by how the same people who claim to be so emotionally aware can also get away with being completly terrible.

A friend of mine (which is also transgender, let's call her "A") used to have a feminist girlfriend (let's call her "B") that was 100% silent about radical feminists attacking "A". "B" just started to fight back when the same radfems LIGHTLY criticized her about she going out with a prostitute (something she boosted about, because she wanted to look so edgy and empowered, but it backfired because it looked like she was exploiting another woman, but they didnt even gave her an actual hard time for it).

Im tired of seeing shit like that daily, in different contexts and listening that this is "anetodical". Im sick of being suffocated as if I had to pledge alliance to a group that doesnt deserve it, otherwise I wont be allowed to have a voice and will always be persecuted (and for the last ten years, I am! (I am 27 btw)).

This all because I dont want to give free praise to a group of people that mutilate their male sons out of convenience (circumcision).

I think it's very difficult sometimes not to lump all women in with feminists or "relationships". I think women are cool, and I value the friendships I have with women. However, the romantic / sexual relationship model is horrible, gynocentric and best avoided at all costs. It is this, and not women themselves that I can't stand. Feminism is a supremacy movement. Not at all different from the KKK or the Nazi. Doesn't "the future is female" sound a bit like "manifest destiny" to you? But I like women. I also recognize that a lot of white people died in the civil war to free the slaves, and a lot of Europeans ended up marrying native Americans. Likewise, there are a lot of cool women who really do recognize the nature of feminism and the way sex is used to control men.

But the traits that I quoted are encountered even in women that arent feminists. I'm not going to sugarcoat it, I dont like them. When there is one I am willing to interact with is, it is usually despite their gender.

Feminists when listening to an anecdote that agrees with them: "Lived experience is the only evidence anyone should need."

Feminists when listening to an anecdote they don't like: "Not a real feminist."

Is it even anectodical if the same experience repeats itselft in different enviorments and different people as a rule?

RaceAgainstTDL #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

1) Race

As noted, it costs an extra $247,000 for an Asian man to date a white girl. It costs an extra $154,000 for a black man to date a white girl.

On the other hand, white men can make up to $24,000 less to be considered equally attractive to Asian women. ie. Asian women will accept poor white men over average income Asians.

2) Height

At extremely low male height (eg. 5'0"), height becomes more important than even race, but for more moderate cases of shortness (eg. 5'6"), race is still more important. A 5'6" man must make an extra $175,000 to match a 5'11" guy.

3) Face

The maximum cost of facial ugliness is $186,000, and that's for a bottom 10% guy to match a top 10% guy. ie. To bring the ugliest 10% of men up to the performance of the top 10% most handsome men.

4) Money
If we tally up the cost, then we find being an ugly 5'7" Asian will then cost you an extra $437,000 income per year. ie. You need to make $499,500 annual income to match the attractiveness of an average white guy.

In America, this income represents the top 0.5%.

So the only way money can compensate for being physically unattractive is if you are in the top 0.5%, and this is just enough to bring you back to equal to an average white guy.

It still isn't enough to make you actually attractive, and you need to find a way to make sure girls know about the money for it to even matter in the first place.

So again, we can see the hierarchy is Race > Height > Face > Money.

BummerDrummer #racist #transphobia #homophobia #sexist #wingnut #ableist #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] If you don’t hate atleast 90% of the world you’re a faggot

hate (not in order)

1. Niggers
2. Women
3. Jews
4. Some Mexicans
5. Native Americans
6. Aboriginals
7. Most other people
8. Chads
9. Normies
10. Stacies
11. Lefties
12. Conservatives
13. Fake religious people who are faggots and smoke weed and shit but still claim to be christian
14. Faggots and the rest of the lgbtq mentally ill club in general
15. Everyone not identified as a blackpilled incel
16. Some retards identified as a blackpilled incel

If you don’t hate most of society (atleast 90%) you are submissive cuckold who’s mom gets fucked by Jamal. I can’t see being an incel and not hating literally everyone around you. I just simply cannot!
List read in a vocaroo: View: https://voca.ro/4SLr2JxZ6Ef


1. Europeans because they are too fancy
2. I hate animals cuz they’re dumb
3. I hate whoever came up with makeup and women’s rights
4. I hate anyone who doesn’t like hitler
5. I hate police cuz they fight for women
7. I hate BLM cuz they’re even worse
8. I frickin hate Indians. Never seen one really but I bet they stink
9. I hate anime and cuz of that
10. I hate Japs
11. I hate people with Down syndrome and people who are literally brain dead and mentally retarded. I don’t think they deserve to live because they are literally an anchor to society.

SkinjobCatastrophe #sexist #psycho incels.is

[It's Over] Women are not evil, they are even worse than evil

I have placed a tl;dr at the bottom for your edification if you dont want to ingest this ludicrously verbose wall of text

I am so tired of women. They poison EVERYTHING with their entitlement, terrible attitudes, bullying, lookism, and subconscious manipulating of men. They are so empty and lifeless. They have no soul. You can see it in their eyes - there is nothing there. No passion, no desire, no purpose, no meaning, no morals or even common decency. They are just soulless husks of people. Completely empty, without even the substance of a ball of dust.

If they were truly evil then there would be something to fight against. We could point and say, THERE is the problem! THAT is the source of our suffering, our oppression, that is why we experience the bullshit we do on a daily basis. But there is nothing to women, they are empty, so we cant point at anything.

The real source of our suffering is the men who work on womens behalf - but what is it that women want? Most men dont know what women want and even women dont know what they want. Women say what they want, and then men do all the heavy lifting to make sure that happens, but then what? Women complain and say thats not what they wanted and that men are the source of all their problems. But what are these problems? They are not actually problems, women like these things, many of which women have created for themselves, but then they complain about them and a man rushes to do their bidding like a slave minion.

So women complain about “problems” that they actually like - for example, being given attention for their looks, or as they call it, being “objectified”. Then, men rush to do whatever the women want done. Being men, they are able to listen and follow instructions very well, and so they do exactly as they are told, and then what? The women complain. “All women are beautiful, why havent you told them that they are pretty? They are not just your tools to use for working and, they want to feel pretty and sexually desirable too!”

And then the cycle either repeats, or more often, creates a ludicrously more complex system of interwoven bullshit that soyboys have to keep track of just to appease their female masters. “All women are beautiful! B-but- their looks dont matter! They work just as hard or harder than men! But men and women are equal! Except we need to give them special privileges and help them because they can't do it on their own! But they are strong and can do anything without a mans help!” Etc.

Many would say to blame these men who enable women and do their bidding, and I would agree. But just like everyone on this forum, men want to be with women. Some men are lucky enough to get to be with very attractive women, some can only get with landwhales, and some, like us, are left with nothing. If everyone wants to be with women, how can we do away with these problems?

Many people say that we need a more traditional culture that places women in the position of household caretakers as a requirement and keeps them out of the workforce and any position of power. But in this society, romance and mate competition would still enable womens behaviors. Just as it did even long ago in america and europe or even a very long time ago in ancient greece. Competition over women is a main source of these problems. Men will step over each other and hurt each other to gain access to higher value females. They will subvert, manipulate, and of course directly physically attack other men to win the attention of females. Women like this and encourage it, and we would be directly back to the root problem - men hurting each other and causing wide scale societal problems to appease women.

Let us say that we have a muslim state type society. There women are removed almost entirely from all public interactions. Marriages are largely arranged and many times you cannot even see the woman because of full body and face coverings. But then we arise at yet another problem. Men want to have sex and be with attractive women, of course, so what happens to these emotions and pent up feelings that are hardwired into the brain like hunger and thirst? Well, nothing good, obviously. Muslim states are not known for their peaceful and diplomatic nature. Men are angry and can only cope with other things, even if they have a wife and kids.

A mans sex drive can never be done away with. It cannot be suppressed. It is like thirst or hunger, it will be there until the day he dies. So what is the solution that can make the most people happy and let men finally have sexual contact? Well there is none. At least, there is not a good solution. Nature is cruel and cares nothing about morals or fairness.

Roughly 50 percent of males from the history of the human race likely never mated. Nature is designed to put a few men at the top and leave the rest of the men either fighting for scraps or suffering with nothing. You cant fight nature, its like stopping a hurricane with a fan or melting Antarctica with a space heater. These are not solvable problems.

It would be best if people accepted that the world is imperfect and did the best that we could instead of acting like if we could institute some massive social or cultural change that inceldom would be fixed. I cannot change the nature of humans. It always has been and it always will be over for many men.

When I say women are not evil, they are even worse, I mean that they are responsible, in a way, for an unsolvable problem. They are so empty and lifeless that they cannot be the ones responsible - men are. But even if we were to kill every soyboy and cuck and IT poster, the problem will still exist. Men would fight over women, they would hurt each other for women. All men want sex and female attention/companionship. But women are the source of these problems.

Its as if your only food source was poisoned potatoes. You have to eat them, but when you do they damage your body and put you in great pain. But you can never be not hungry. You will always want to eat them even though you know they will hurt you. You cannot think “these will cause me pain - so therefore I shouldnt want them and I will not be hungry”. You will ALWAYS be hungry if you dont eat, that is all there is to it. And you will always want women even though you know how terrible they are

Although maybe .0000000001% of the world population can take a step back and realize that fighting over women and simping for women is just a terrible idea, most cant. Even super geniuses who design particle accelerators do these things. Even intelligence cant help. Although intelligence has been has been used to solve just about every other problem throughout history, this problem is too much.


ionlycopenow #sexist incels.is

My sister has deterred me from women more than any blackpill content ever could

Having a sister blackpills you like no other. I'm glad I have one because the shit she has told me over the years about toilets is a bigger blackpill coming from one of them than any faceandlms stream could ever be.

She's told so much shit about how toilets are that even if I had the chance I would never get married.

over the years it's things like "if you ever get married, your wife is gonna be a hoe" and "almost every girl I know is a hoe now". And I know she's not lying.

She has basically told me that any guy has to accept his girlfriend or wife was a huge whore in her past and probably still is now.

She's told me about how in high school her sweet and innocent Becky friends would ask how to suck dick for their Chad boyfriend.

How could any dude hear that and still want to spend thousands of dollars on a prostitute?

my sisters don't talk to me about this shit like yours did. But at least I know to never even want to get married to a cumdumpster

Bad news my man...

what's the bad news? that my sisters are whores?


Especially since they are dead silent about all that

goydivision #sexist #psycho incels.is

[LifeFuel] Roastie from my school gets nudes leaked and ropes

It’s a classic story.

Roastie cheated on her Tyrone bf with her Chad friend, under the pretense that she was hanging out with her friends.

Based Tyrone then leaks her nudes to the school, and also exposes her Chad “friend”. Long story short, roastie becomes bullied to the point which she cuts her wrists and dies. Tyrone gets expelled but not after getting 1 kill.

It’s an old story which has been repeated countless times, but it never ceases to make me laugh every time it reoccurs.

inb4 pedos ask for n00ds, i actually have never seen them (being low status incel), but I know people who have. And whether they exist or not, she’s dead anyways. Mission accomplished. Who cares how they did it, they got it done.

Honestly the thing that baffles me is why they still do it. Literally almost every roastie who’s sent nudes to Chad ends up having them leaked and ruining her life. Not that I mind, but you’d think they’d be slightly less retarded.

Do you really think foids have the ability to think logically?

Good point.

wow! In the age where you can take a screenshot of anything and easily share it to anyone, anywhere within seconds, sending a nude means it might be shared with others!

Damn... it’s almost like... actions have consequences.

l33tbl0k3 #sexist #conspiracy incels.is

[Conspiracy] Real reason media is pushing anti-incel narratives

There is big money in the male loneliness market. We don't have the numbers, but if we did, my question would be how much are dating apps making from their male user base compared to their female user base? I would make a guess and say about 95% of the income for these dating websites and companies are from males, reason being is males are willing to pay to have at least one date with a woman, while women are guaranteed a match if they swipe right on any male profile so the female has no reason to pay for any services. That big money revenue goes towards advertisements and such on news websites. Inceldom and blackpilled studies are a direct counter to the narratives these big companies push, and to conceal the truth of the blackpill from the masses they instigate and target incels to make it seem that males who do not have any relationships with females are simply misinformed and should be mocked, and having "violent personalities" is the reason they don't get any relationships. The blackpill doesn't fit their narrative, and if made widespread will directly hurt the revenue of these companies. Thus news outlets push this narrative, because they are desperate for that ad revenue money, and perhaps direct bribes from these dating companies.

Macrocephalus #sexist #moonbat #kinkshaming incels.is

Sex is ubiquitous in today's western world. Sexual promiscuity is not only condoned but encouraged. Some argue that this is just the way things are naturally supposed to work. Actually though, this wasn't the case for a long time. People actually invested little time and resources dealing with sex. It was pretty much took for granted. Most people would eventually become of age, seek a partner through networking in communities (a small village, the church etc.), get married and that was pretty much it. They'll eventually move on to deal with less worldy and animal-like aspects of life rather than sex. It would play a small part in the rest of their existence, and mainly for reproductive reasons.

Ironically this glorification of sex happens in a time where many people are having less sex than their ancestors used to (there are many studies you probably already know, I'll just link one)


By the way this is absolutely consistent with modern sexual dynamics, since of course when a resource is scarce, it becomes fetishized.

This mechanism also features a key characteristic of capitalism, which is unequally allocating resources: on one hand you have attractive people who are so awashed with sex, and take so much pride in succeeding at something so glorified by society, that they make it one of their main focus in life; then you have normies who delude themselves into thinking they'll eventually get to live the same life as attractive people if only they try hard enough and invest enough time/money; and finally on the other spectrum we have incels who are completely deprived of sex, and thus end up making something so worldly, something they were supposed to take for granted, their main source of pain, misery and motivation (or more often, lack thereof)

Quoting from Marx's "Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844" regarding the estrangement of labor in the factory based system of production:

As a result, therefore, man (the worker) only feels himself freely active in his animal functions – eating, drinking, procreating, or at most in his dwelling and in dressing-up, etc.; and in his human functions he no longer feels himself to be anything but an animal. What is animal becomes human and what is human becomes animal.

Certainly eating, drinking, procreating, etc., are also genuinely human functions. But taken abstractly, separated from the sphere of all other human activity and turned into sole and ultimate ends, they are animal functions.

There's only a finite amount of resources (time, money, intellectual capabilities) one can dedicate to a given number of activities. If a mundane activity such as sex ends up absorbing a hefty share of them (either because you're good at it and like indulging in it, or because you can't get any and won't stop brooding about it) there will be less resources to dedicate to something else (e.g. questioning the status quo)

Obviously we now live in a post-industrial society. People are now consumers first, rather than producers. Capitalism has thus switched from exploiting labor, to exploiting consumption. This is where the commodification of sex comes into play. Sex being promoted, advertised, fetishized, and unequally distributed just like any other commodity, only broadens the spectrum of consumption, and the broader it gets, the more there is for capitalism to exploit.
Labor -> Consumption -> Sex.
As a consequence, stemming from the estrangement of labor, WE CAN RIGHTFULLY TALK OF ESTRANGEMENT OF SEX as the main tool to degrade mankind.

What is animal becomes human and what is human becomes animal.

[A picture of Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and then Elliot Rodger]

SuperMario64DS #crackpot #sexist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] "Eros" love is meaningless

The desire for a foid, a becky, a girl, - meaningless.

All it is are neurological processes and signals hardwired in your brain to keep the species alive.

That is all. There is nothing behind it. "Love" is just a creation in order to justify your reproductive existence, that is without meaning or purpose.

Hoist by His Own Petard Award

Cole Carini #sexist #psycho buzzfeednews.com

The FBI Says A Guy Blew His Hand Off With A Bomb Possibly Planned For An Attack On "Hot Cheerleaders"

Cole Carini told FBI agents he had a lawnmower accident, but when agents searched his home they found blood and chunks of human flesh splattered on a bedroom wall.

A 23-year-old Virginia man who appeared to be planning an incel bomb attack on "hot cheerleaders" accidentally blew off his hand with explosives, authorities say.

Cole Carini was charged in federal court on Friday connection with the plot after he allegedly lied to FBI agents by saying his extensive injuries were the result of a lawnmower accident.

Late Tuesday evening, Carini went to a medical center near his home in Richlands, Virginia with one hand missing, several fingers amputated, and shrapnel wounds to his neck and throat.

"When asked if he remembered what happened to put him in hospital," authorities wrote in a criminal complaint, "Carini told the [FBI] Agents that he was mowing his yard and the mower flipped over in such a way that it [dragged] his hands into the blades and because the blades were spinning so fast it acted like a bomb."

But when FBI agents searched his home, they found a shocking scene: a trail of blood leading investigators to a bedroom where blinds had been shredded by shrapnel and the walls and ceilings were covered with blood spatters and chunks of human flesh.

Agents also said they discovered explosive chemicals and a box of rusty nails that could be used as shrapnel, among other items that could be used to make bombs, including PVC pipes and hot plates.

The six-inch high grass at the home also showed no signs of having been freshly mowed.

In a nearby shed, authorities found a crumpled letter that discussed a suicide bomber walking through a shopping mall while concealing "deadly objects" to target a "stage of hot cheerleaders."

"I will not be afraid of the consequences," read the letter. "No matter what I will be heroic. I will make a statement like Elliot Rodgers [sic] did., he thought to himself."

Elliot Rodger, who killed six people and himself in a 2014 attack in Santa Barbara, left behind a manifesto that is frequently cited by incels, or so-called involuntary celibate males who target women.

When Carini was confronted in hospital by agents with the evidence they had uncovered, he continued to repeat his story about the lawnmower.

He is currently facing one charge of lying to FBI agents.

Carini, who is currently being held at Western Virginia Regional Jail, had previously been on probation for explosives-related charges as a minor.

No attorney is listed for Carini. Reached for comment on Facebook, his brother, Neil Carini said, "My family is trusting in God and Godly people. Please pray for my brother. Thank you."

Various Incels #sexist incels.is


[TeeHee] Female cops let a store get robbed by a armed guy.


Two female NYPD cops stand down (one runs away and abandons her partner) and allow a store to be robbed at knifepoint right in front of them.

This is what @BilldeBlasio and @NYPDShea have turned the NYPD into.

Fire all of these useless cowards today.

Female cops are the most useless things in the world. You can see how one of pussies out and abandoned her partner and the other one looks like shes gonna shit her pants from fear.

Useless fucking cops.

Where's that video of the sand warrior beating tf out of three foid cops?

3 female cops beaten by 1 male refugee SWEDISH POLICE FIASCO[Full Video]

you mean this? Yet again female cops are trash.

Do you think they will be fired ? I bet they won't.

Na they will probably blame the patriarchy. If not they will reee like kids if they get fired.


Female cop? Might as well call them a smart retard.
AKA, it doesn't exist.

Every time I see these videos of female cops, they're always stupid as shit. Sometimes over shooting in general (and missing), sometimes screeching at the suspect while the actual cops (always male) are trying to talk to the suspect calmly, sometimes trying to taze the suspect but fails to the point the suspect pushes them and then the actual cops have to restrain the suspect.

Serious serious question. Is there ANY footage out there of a female cop doing their job right/correctly/decent? ANY? I'm genuinely wondering because I seriously never saw it.
Not like I would apologize for speaking shit about female cops, even though I don't like any cops in general, but at the very least I would correct myself and say I'm wrong to assume it's 100% of all "Female Cops", but until I see any footage, I say all of them are just as reliable as a retarded vegetable in a wheelchair that have cerebral palsy and then handed a gun to protect me. Would be the same outcome.


Serious serious question. Is there ANY footage out there of a female cop doing their job right/correctly/decent? ANY? I'm genuinely wondering because I seriously never saw it.

Yes, they do traffic stops decently but only when the individual is non combative.

I remember watching this YT clip of a cop show, these two female cops try to get this guy out of a mustang(I think he has a warrant for an arrest or something.)
He initially refuses to get out of the car so they open the door & try to drag him out. They can't, try to grab keys and fail so he pull offs and this women almost gets dragged by the car.
They lose him in the chase & in the aftermath of the video you can see the white mustang past by.


women cant do anything that isnt related to making food and pleasuring a dick


I couldn’t take female cops seriously if I wanted to. Look so funny in their little uniforms. Basically cosplay more than an actual job for them. Chad can get away with any crime if they’re on watch duty.


Female´s can´t be cops I have made several threads about them, they start screaming and panicking when even a skinny guy overpowers them, it´s so pathetic how they so deeply want to believe we are equals in any way that they even think they can take down a man by themselves.

There is a reason men are the ones who have protected women and children basically since the dawn of humans because we are stronger and are wired differently, men tend to chose fight over flight almost every time when was the last time you heard about a female who tackled a school shooter/mass shooter, never! That´s the answer.

And of course this sounds "misogynistic" when in reality I am just stating the evolutionary facts but of course stating facts that isn´t about equality or any fact that can be concieved as negative e.g.some countries have generally a lower IQ than others but those FACTS are not allowed to be said because it offends people.


JFL at TWO cops with GUNS being afraid ONE robber who only had a KNIFE.

How the fuck can a cop not stop a robber in this scenario. Oh thats right, its cos they were women, bunch of literal pussies. These worthless holes get paid a good amount of money for being useless.

meanwhile there are males out there who could do a much better job at being a cop, being homeless and rotting on the streets.



How many male candidates, you know, big guys who might end shit before it happens by virtue of their physical presence intimidation factor, were passed over in the name of gender diversity?

Dude robbed a store with his dog and got away scott-free jfl. This is the future that soycucks want.

BummerDrummer #sexist #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Based] the vast majority of people are stupid and I am smarter than them

1. Half of the world is females, so that's given to me.
2. Anyone socially left is a fucking idiot, so there's another big chunk cut off.
3. There's faggot conservacucks who still want womens rights and equal rights for everyone, so bye-bye.
4. Brb, cutting out fuckheads who think democracy needs to exist and is a good system (Pro tip: it's not because of the fucking idiots from 1, 2, and 3)
5. People who think races are the same and "It's just skin color bro there's no difference bro" (Not in a supremacist viewpoint, but in the point of regardless of supremacy all races are different, look at fucking skull shapes for example and tell me it's just skin)
6. People not awake to the Jewish Question
7. People not nihilist/blackpilled

I am smart as shit. I could not imagine having irl friends because 99.9% of the people in my area are described by even half or a quarter of this list. As an incel[1], considering you are A: Male and B:Atleast somewhat blackpilled you are smarter than atleast 60-90% of the population. It would be a complete brain drain to have some faggot normoid who has a "panic attack" every time you look at him slightly the wrong way as a friend, or to have a braindead foid as a friend. Would be crippling to my mental wellbeing

radishman & Guykild #sexist #psycho incels.is

(NOTE: They are reacting to a now-removed reddit post titled “Degradation of women”, consisting of a pedophilic, wingnut commentary on a collage of photos of a young woman, taken once a year since she was 7.)


It's "cute" that whoever made that picture thinks a 7 yr old is an innoncent angle. That bitch was already using boys her age. May not be fucking and sucking yet, but ain't no such thing as an innocent foid.


7 does not look innocent. 1st image is fake innocence the parents made her do. 2nd image is the faces a kid make when they need to fake a smile for a photo just so they can go back to playing.
By that 10 image, she's playing with the boys hearts so don't give me that "natural lovely smile" bullshit.
13, you know she has fucked already.
15, she had several boyfriends already.
17, they're spot on.
19 she looks older than me. What the fuck?

Redpill Robert #sexist incels.is

[Hypocrisy] Yes cucks and roasties I will admit, toxic masculinity is a problem... and women are responsible for it!

"Toxic masculinity" is actually driven more by women than by men. How so? For starters, women simply don't want to date sensitive, nonaggressive men and so on. They say they do of course, and media routinely portrays that this is the case. Yet many men learn that all this shit is bogus and usually the hard way at a young age e.g. they were left for a thug or "badboy." They see good men treated like shit left and right by women while they spread their legs for worthless men that treat them like garbage. All the old cliches which still ring true. And so they compensate and act more callous and aggressive because women will be far more likely to fuck them. Disclaimer: this is not suggesting that any of the deluded redpill BS such as "a man can become Chad by simply acting like one!" is true

The reality is that men don't wake up one day just wanting to start fights and stuff, they compete with each other because they want a woman and a family at the end of the day. We see this in more crude forms all throughout nature (e.g. male chimps don't routinely kill younger weaker chimps just because, they do it because they want access to female chimps). That is also part of why less and less men are graduating college and so on. Foids delude themselves into thinking "this proves once and for all we are just as smart as men! No, smarter!" The reality is that they (men) see their futures with women and they say, why even bother? What's the point? The ones with decent enough genetics cope with one-night-stands and playing the field. The ones who aren't as fortunate cope with vidya, junkfood, and/or end up posting here. Or some (the weakest) end up just being enabling male-feminists and cucks who foolishly believe that maybe, just maybe, if they work on their "personality" enough, a roastie will be waiting for them once she eventually realizes what a "good guy" he is.

But of course 'foids will deny all of it. No shock there though; I mean a fat foid will record herself eating a whole case of oreos in one sitting, upload it to jewtube, then act like they can't explain why they're fat (and why you're evil for finding them less attractive) they completely lack introspection and awareness.

But so the bottom line is this:

'Foids: REALLY want to end toxic masculinity? Then stop rewarding toxic men.

End of discussion.

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