
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Vasilisa #transphobia ovarit.com

Bill C-63 in Canada - a new tool to oppress women

This is a bill that purports to protect children from online exploitation (good! if only!) but sneaks in words that are absolutely shocking. Here is is, talking about “hate crimes”:

320.‍1001 (1) Everyone who commits an offence under this Act or any other Act of Parliament, if the commission of the offence is motivated by hatred based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for life.

And “hate” is defined as

hatred means the emotion that involves detestation or vilification and that is stronger than disdain or dislike; (haine)

This can be used to punish and harass women in so many ways. I feel I’m practically “back in the USSR”. What next? Siberia? Gulag?

I think we’ll have a jolly good time meeting one another in prison, dear Canadian Ovarites. Personally, I am well past the zone of mere “dislike”, and well into “detestation” …and I think many of you are, too. And how can you NOT detest the TIMs? Today as I was reading about the “chest feeding” I felt myself sinking into the very red zone of “vilification”.

It will not take long for this bill, if enacted in its current form, to start making victims. Imprisonment for life! Not for pedophiles, murderers, serial killers, but for detesting TIMs.

Megasaurus , syntaxerror & delicate_silicate #transphobia ovarit.com

( Megasaurus )
So many AGPs are MRAs/incels/'former' neoNazis. They're the worst dudes.

( syntaxerror )
The incel to TIM pipeline is real. A lot of them even admit it

A common phrase you hear is “I couldn’t date the hot (goth/gamer/bimbo) girl I dreamed about, so I became her,” said without a trace of self reflection

( delicate_silicate )
There is a guide that has detailed instructions on how to do this. It's been passed around here a few times and it's quite a fascinating read. I think it's called "guide to transmaxing" or something like that.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

And how, pray tell, can you be sexually attracted to a feeling in someone else’s head?

( istara )
Homosexual not homogender

( Unicorn )
Homogender lmao. I like it.

Let's start coining homogender and heterogender. If TIPs think gender is all that matters, while other people still live in reality where realize sexual beings are attracted to people with certain sexual organs, we can use words for them that better explain and delineate their sexist thinking.

Also I bet a lot of men nowadays are "heterogender" after decades of pornsickness and normalized misogyny. They're not attracted to female people, they're attracted to feminine ideals. Hence why there are men okay with HSTS partners who tend to rigidly perform femininity.

( MaryDyer )
I second this. I’ve started a rough draft of their new dictionary so they can stop stealing and twisting OUR words:

Gender: one’s internal sense of affinity for outdated sex-based stereotypes

Moman/birl: a male who identifies with the gender (sex-based stereotypes) historically associated with females

Wan/goy: a female who identifies with the gender (sex-based stereotypes) historically associated with males

Gender orientation: the gender that you are genderally attracted to

Genderal intercourse: also known as “having gender”; the joining together of two genders in a pleasurable union. See also: mind meld

Heterogenderal: attracted to the opposite gender

Homogenderal: attracted to the same gender

Mazerbae: a homogenderal moman

Wazerbae: a homogenderal wan

( istara )
Also, one can of course be both (effectively "super straight" - or "super gay" - that sounds fabulous, doesn't it?!)

( pennygadget )
"I wasn't initially attracted to that woman over there because I'm not a lesbian. But now that I see the 'he/him' pronoun badge, I suddenly see the inner man soul and want to ask him out!!" 😍

Kevin Downey Jr. #transphobia #pratt #fundie pjmedia.com

I've decided I will no longer "tolerate" people who believe I am Old Gooseberry himself because I think it's sick to ginsu a teen lad's genitals into Play-Doh.

The LGBT movement began by asking for “tolerance.” Then they wanted “acceptance.” Now they insist we straight men Drive Mr. Daisy or else the gaystapo will shriek “TRANSPHOBE!” at me as I walk by with my very real Puerto Rican fiancé.

As a former New York City liberal, I know the crushing pressure your screeching, man-bunned clown-in-law feels when it comes to obeisance to the narrative. In the world of the libs, thinking for oneself means complete ostracization. Zhe will no longer be invited to drink with Friday's after-work appletini posse. And forget about hooking up with that flocculent-nostrilled, fubsy Madison chick, who has insisted everyone call her "Mad" since she got that tattoo of George Floyd across her forehead.

I am over the days of "tolerating" a person whose political views include sending me to a gulag for walking the "wrong way" down the aisle at Kroger during a fictitious pandemic.

I haven't seen a Harris-Walz yard sign in my hood -- though I find new Trump flags every day -- but if I did see one I would know that the person who posted it plans to vote for open borders, more crime, inflation, the end of the 1st and 2nd Amendments, and perhaps the death of our Republic. How can I "tolerate" a communist? I can't.

Ben Bartee #transphobia pjmedia.com

Every week, our neoliberal overlords exhort us to clap like seals at the latest stunning and brave “first” by some pioneering transgender.

In reality, what these feats usually amount to is a gentleman applying womanface and going what hundreds if not billions of front hole women have done before him — in this case, performing an affected and deeply unnatural walk in underwear for the gratification of strangers and weird fashion reporters.

Ben Bartee #transphobia armageddonprose.substack.com

If we accept this framing, opposing “gender transitions” for elementary school children is de facto bullying, whereas trans “advocates” become the heroes.

In reality, the inverse is true; proponents of sane education policy understand that promoting transgenderism among first-graders – too young to conceptualize gender in any meaningful, informed way — is an egregious, reprehensible abuse of authority.

The promoters of the trans agenda who hide behind empathy shields do untold harm in reality, evident in the heartbreaking stories of regret from so-called “de-transitioners” – those individuals who were subjected to the transgender propaganda in their youth and, sadly, followed through, only to regret their ill-informed choices later in life

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Women voters pushed toward Trump over rising trend of transgender athletes in girls’ sports

( Leithriel )
We can fix abortion rights - but *only *if we can protect women as a sex class in law.

I do not trust the democrats to do so. Thus, I am voting for Trump.

( pennygadget )
This is a good point. How can we advocate for abortion and other women's issues if Democrats like Katanji Brown-Jackson tremble like frightened animals when asked to define what a woman is or which people get pregnant?

( Itzpapalotl )
Yeah. Women are sick of men pretending to be us. We’re sick of the blatant lies, sick of children being needlessly medicated, sick of men in female prisons, in female rape shelters, in female changing rooms, bathrooms and sports.

We are women, distinct from men. We deserve dignity, privacy and the right to say no to men and their BS misogynist ideology.

( overanddone )
how much of Dem political support for gender insanity is due to chasing money from large donors of the leftist variety and how much is due to "this is what I believe." ?

( CryingInYourInbox )
Any woman who thinks Trump and AGP Vance are gonna smother TRAs agency with the rabid fervor that they did with abortion rights has worms for brains

Vote for fucking Kamala or an AGP is going to turn you in to for having a miscarriage in the female bathroom and will probably receive a financial reward for doing so

Those are your options

( jelliknight )
This is one of the most important and stupidest elections in history

How are we going to explain to future high school students that everyone knew he was probably going to be a dictator with dementia, but we kinda had to elect him anyway because the other side kept insisting they didnt know what a woman was.

Imagine if Hitler got elected because the opposition were insisting that crayons are tasty and nutritious, and everyone should eat them 3x a day.

( Smartierthanthou )
I am a feminist. Never in my life did I think that the Democrat party would be forcing me to choose between my own bodily autonomy or sexual autonomy for women. I'm hopeful that there's a capacity for reflection and reform from the Democrats, but I am utterly disgusted with them as an institution.


Rev. Joel Webbon, Michael Belch and Wesley Todd #fundie #racist #forced-birth #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt angrywhitemen.org

Joel Webbon claimed to be unsure of how many Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. While Webbon said the number of people killed by Hitler was “exaggerated,” he also stated that he had no “position” on the “exact number”

During the Oct. 2, 2024 livestream, dedicated to defending a member of his church for sharing a Holocaust denial meme, Webbon complained that while the Allied Forces defeated Nazi Germany[…]“all of the west looks like it lost”[…]
“That’s what’s going on is young men are saying ‘So you’re telling me we won the war, but since then we’ve murdered 70 million children in the womb, just in the United States, and we’re cutting off the genitals of little kids?'” he said. Webbon’s co-host, Michael Belch, added that “we are flooding our nations and diluting the cultures” with immigrants

Webbon and Belch then shared a statement from[…]Wesley Todd, which praised aspects of the Nazi regime

According to the statement by Todd[…]“there were some good things that happened in 1930s Germany,” including book burnings which targeted “Jewish pornography and transgender literature,” polices which “promoted the nuclear family,” and a “general acceptance of Christianity”

The statement went on to say that the U.S. need not adopt Nazism in order to “beat liberalism,” and that their “solution to communism will have to be American-made and suited for our national situation.” Webbon said that Todd’s statement was “well-written”[…]
“I don’t have a strong position on it. I tend to think that the numbers are exaggerated. I don’t think that they’re made up whole cloth, but I do think that they’re probably a little bit high. But that being said, let’s just go with it. If Hitler killed his millions, Mao killed his hundred millions”[…]
Webbon said that “not all Jews are part of some secret conspiracy” and condemned Hitler, but once again railed against what he called “talmudic Judaism”[…]denounced it as “worse than Islam,” “worse than Buddhism,” and “worse than Hinduism”

Mike McDaniel #transphobia #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt statelymcdanielmanor.wordpress.com

My favorite story about that movie was when a student teacher was worried about “fucking.” We decided she’d use the mute button to blank out that word. Unfortunately, she was a bit late on the button and the nurse burst in to announce: “It’s a fucking!” I had to pause the movie until the kids and I stopped laughing. I had video editing software, but even muting the word that way would have been ineffective, as the kids could clearly read the nurse’s lips. My student teacher decided trying to mute the word might not have been the best tactic.

I also taught Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, arguably the most effective anti-slavery book ever written. It’s a book many try to ban every year. Some just don’t, or won’t, get the satire, Twain’s sharp social commentary. Some object to “nigger.” Others are upset Huck seems to be smarter than adults and often gets the better of them.

That’s why I was always careful to explain to the kids—and when necessary, parents—all those issues. “Nigger” in Twain’s time, didn’t have the same connotations it has today. Trying to impose contemporary feelings on history and literature kills our ability to learn from the past. A few years back, an academic published a “new” edition, replacing “nigger” with “slave.” Not long thereafter, “slave” was declared non-woke/racist. It never ends. Huck is wise in the ways of nature, he’s “street smart,” but he succeeds because he has a good heart–he always tries to do the right thing–but he lacks what Jim, his adult, uneducated runaway slave companion has: experience. There are many passages in the book where Twain, speaking through Huck, compels readers to see the essential humanity of Jim, and through him, all blacks. It’s a cold and evil heart that can’t learn those lessons.

Final Thoughts: In opposing sexual/gender and political indoctrination, it’s not necessary and largely counterproductive, to call people “groomers” or “pedophiles,” even when they clearly are. Keep it calm and rational. Display examples of the materials they want to push on kids. Read aloud passages from the books—there are plenty that would make sailors blush. If school board members try to shut you up because the material isn’t fit for public consumption, all the better.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Harris on TIM Prisoners and Gender Affirming Care

( overanddone )
I disagree vehemently with Democrats on this issue. I will continue to fight after the election for Democrats (people in general really) to end the trans cult stranglehold on instituitons and laws.

I will send my donations to WoLF, because they are fighting this insanity in the courts and by working with lawmakers to make progress removing men from women's spaces, no matter who wins the election.

But I will vote for her and hold my nose. The alternative is terrifying,.

( LizardQ )
I feel like there is a creepy aspect of using inmates for experimental surgeries/medical practices too. Sure, these guys want it, but they're also insane. It's not ethical to do that, and them being prisoners makes it even less ethical (before we get to the idea of taxes paying for it even). I think this has potential to be a disturbing slippery slope. It's not like it'd be the first time incarcerated people would be medically experimented on.

( StrawberryCough )
The only bright spot in this is, if Harris wins, I think Team Blue could possibly be pushed into stepping back on Trans, if we get enough weight behind it, and maybe some money.

( Biologia )
I mean, this is the closest to legalized permanent sterilization of sex offenders that we can reach before it impacts freedom. I think we should cover bottom surgery on males for this reason. It also allows us to do research and improve surgical techniques on a larger scale. I say line them up- and maybe argue to have a separate prison dedicated to this.

Just my opinion.

( DoomedSibyl )
Doesn’t matter, most TIMs don’t want SRS. Depending on where you read, either 94% or 96% of trans identified males are fully intact and intend to stay that way. They want the other surgeries (bolt ons, body contouring, facial feminization surgery) to feed their fetish. TIMs definitely don’t want to lose the sexual function.

There’s a possibility that the American taxpayer will be paying for cosmetic surgeries for trans criminals, including the higher percentage of rapists in the TIM population. What’s next? TERFs will be forced to send them affirming care packages?

Mad Momma Bear #homophobia #transphobia madmommabear.com

Apparently, at Camp Indigo gender magically changes with the mood of the camper. This exemplifies the insanity of the gender movement. It is hard to believe there are camps dedicated to furthering the confusion of children, but the gender ideology grift is a good grift for the gender cult leaders.

A review of the camp (above) shares that parents share resources such as how to save money on puberty blockers for their children. Camps like this should be illegal in Texas because this is psychologically harming these children and putting them on the trajectory for adult medical transition, maybe sooner if their parent(s) take them out of state to pursue sterilization and body-altering procedures like the mother of James Younger whose father, Jeff Younger, has been fighting for years only to see Texas fail to protect his son who is now in California with his degenerate mother who is transitioning him and pursuing sterilization (puberty blockers) for James.

AroAce is an “identity” that doesn’t feel romantic or sexual. That actually sounds like a mood and not an identity. But everyone needs to feel special and have an oppressed and “misunderstood” identity, I guess. As for me, I still identify as a Mad Momma Bear.

moonlust45 #transphobia ovarit.com

Why do black women support transgenderism?
I stopped following the afro-feminist page called Afrocolectiva because it is immersed in transgenderism. They talk about the lived experiences of black women from different parts of the world in which I feel identified. They have good publications that talk about female genital mutilation. All good until I saw a video of them talking about trans children "debunking the transphobic or terf discourse that children do not have the maturity to question their gender identity."

The video talks about the patriarchal and binary ideas imposed by colonizers on indigenous and black people that reduce trans and non-binary people to their genitals and that the category of woman was introduced by colonizers.

I saw another video about a black female athlete who was banned from women's sports for having high testosterone levels and she says it's an injustice to black female athletes. But in the same video they say that they are using this as an excuse to exclude "trans women."

What does that have do with black women!? Black women are women, not males with high or levels of testosterone, castrated penis or fake boobs! I am tired of being compared with men!

I saw another video talking about that blackface is racism. Questioning the fact that they chose a white person to play as Baltasar and not a black person. Why don't they talk about womanface? Why don't they talk about Munroe Bergdof who was chosen as ambassador of the UN Women Committee of the United Kingdom and that he stated that he does not want to hear anything related to the body of human females? Why is the fact that they chose a man as a representative of women not questioned when they could have chosen a woman?

Following non woke black women like Laetitia Kay, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Hibo Wardere is like breathing fresh air. Trans activists really showed their racism by attacking Laetitia Kay for talking to JK Rowling. Also by attacking Hibo Wardere because talking about female genital mutilation hurts TIMS feelings. When Hibo Wardere herself was a victim of female genital mutilation. How can they be so cruel?

Vox Day #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy voxday.net

[From “Carthago Delenda Est”]

Decades ago, I predicted that with the rise of Clown World would come the return of public human sacrifice. And while we’re not quite there yet, it’s already visible on the horizon:

Krishna Kushwaha of Hathras, in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, was the first in his family to get a formal education. To ensure a brighter future for his children, he enrolled them in a hostel. Little did he know that his 11-year-old son Kritarth would fall prey to black magic

Kritarth was a student of standard II at the DL Public School. On the evening of September 22, he was kidnapped by two of his teachers, the owners of the school, and one of their fathers[…]
During a subsequent investigation, police visited the site of the black magic rituals and uncovered material linked to the practice, such as occult texts. Under interrogation, one of the accused confessed that the child had been sacrificed, as the school owners believed it would bring prosperity to the institute

This has been happening in secret for centuries across Europe, and for the last century, in the United States as well. Along with homosexuality and transgenderism, it is the historical hallmark of The Empire That Never Ended, against which both China and Russia are warring. Vladimir Putin calls it The Empire of Lies, whereas Xi refers to it as The Western Hegemony, albeit in a different context than his predecessors Deng and Mao did

This is why, whether its outward form is Hinduism, Judaism, enlightened secularism, churchianity, or open Satanism, its primary target is always Christianity. It is why, if it is not crushed again the way it was when Scipio Africanus took Rome, I suspect it won’t be more than two decades before we start seeing neo-Aztec temples publicly performing human sacrifices in Mexico

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

TRA attempt at satire - "Taking hormones to treat a medical condition is exactly the same as taking hormones just because you feel like it!"

( Ava )
I don't understand how these people have seriously convinced themselves that they have a "medical condition" and that they therefore should be "treated" with hormones.

A man with low testosterone is given hormones because we can literally observe his physical problem. Meanwhile there is no way to measure "transness." You're going off someone saying that they feel like they should be the opposite sex. There is nothing physically wrong with them.

The fact that they can so snarkily act like "dysphoria" is equivalent to observable medical issues is crazy to me.

( Edelgard )
It's only a medical condition when it's convenient though. In other contexts saying transness is a medical condition is heinous transphobia.

( shewolfoffrance )

Meanwhile there is no way to measure "transness."

And they desperately want it to stay that way. Since the goal is sexual access for unscrupulous men, it's important that no one can point to a study that would prove any of them lying perverts. When AGPs like Julia Malott say things like "we can't rule out trans women breastfeeding because it hasn't been studied adequately" they don't mean it. It's deflection and a delaying tactic. The last thing they want is scientists confirming that male nipple discharge is harmful to babies.

( shewolfoffrance )
"Oh, so you're saying cis women can use estrogen to control their hot flashes and regulate their moods, but trans women can't use it to grow boobs?"

Yes, that's what we're saying.

( PracticalMagic )
I read something recently telling prescribers that they should warn TIMs they won't grow massive bewbz on HRT anyway.

( BlackCirce )
Men who take estrogen so they can play with their self induced gynecomastia moobs are not women. I dont really care about male fetishes as long as I don’t have to be involved. They always make it so fucking complicated.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

Our children are being injured and mutilated and are being turned against us. Who is to blame? There are so many contenders: willing doctors, greedy surgeons, cheerleader psychologists, the internet, chat groups, video games, isolation due to COVID, delusional teachers and counselors, mentally disturbed philosophers and writers, drug companies, willing insurance companies, anime, porn, lawmakers, probably a few others. But if you take away the noise, and look at this phenomenon from 10,000 feet, who is doing the actual harm? The answer is clear: gender doctors.


Violence or threats of violence against gender doctors run into legal problems, so are not sustainable and not recommended. Maybe mass picketing of gender clinics? Picketing of AMA conventions, headquarters? I’ve seen this before, although the press never picks it up. Still, I can think of some great signs that I haven’t seen before: “Jail the gender doctors”, among others.

John Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy returntoorder.org

We live in terrible times when tiny horizons dominate the attention of so many. We do not think in grand terms anymore. Few appreciate splendor and overwhelming beauty.

Instead, many seek the tiny impulse, the momentary high or the insignificant trifle, as a means to provide that next tiny fix to get them through the day. These tiny things do not satisfy but engage us in a contradiction of intense emotion and exhausting frustration.
When everything is tiny, nothing can have serious consequences. Life can be lived by whims and randomness. Men can be women, and women can be men. Nothing can be certain because everything is possible. The ordered will is destroyed as fantasy takes hold.
The rule of the tiny souls is truly a tyranny since it accepts no opposition. Once embraced, all around must be reduced to littleness lest greatness reappear and challenge its absurdities.

The tiny souls are capable of the worst tyranny when others dispute the course of their lives or pronoun choices. They are capable of the greatest and most irrational hatred toward those who dare oppose their fantasies.

Indeed, we once thought that our downfall as a nation would be caused by the might of great powers. Little did we suspect we might fall due to tiny souls who, like termites, undermine our metanarratives and corrupt our moral universe.
It is time for the “why” to return to our discourse. It is the only way to overcome the tyranny of the tiny souls.

This return is not as difficult as it sounds. We are not made for tininess but have an eternal destiny. We are naturally attracted by grand ideas and noble causes. Above all, our yearnings direct us to the Eternal Why of Everything found in God.

It takes courage, but such a world is possible when extraordinary individuals dare to rise above beyond mediocrity and break its spell upon postmodern man. Then, with God’s grace (and only with it), we might be forced to make efforts, accept suffering and reevaluate our priorities.

Mandy #transphobia #fundie radar.gaysagainstgroomers.com

Granted, pride festivals in Tennessee do not seem to have the wild flare of nudists and dramatics of Satanists that other Pride festivals boast about; however, there are still reasons to be alarmed about any Pride event, no matter the location – even in the heart of the Bible belt. Don’t get me wrong. I am proud. I am proud to be a Christian. I am proud to be raised in Tennessee. I am proud to be American. I am proud to be part of Gays Against Groomers. I am proud to stand up and fight for children and their safety! However, I am not proud to be associated with “Pride.” I am not proud of what pedophiles and genderqueer ideologues are doing to our children. I am not proud of the pride festivals we are seeing in Tennessee.


Children dressed as furries were not the only concern. Upon entering, a man could be heard giving a “speech” to a nonexistent crowd. He was passionate about stopping the trials and tribulations that face the “LBTQAIA2STTQF+ youth” today and how we can stop the hate together. There is nothing hateful about wanting to keep kids safe.

JL #transphobia #homophobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

Writing on Substack this week, James Esses, detailed several horrifying examples of schools in England that are teaching gender identity as fact to their pupils and indoctrinating even very young children into this harmful ideology.

St Jude’s Church of England primary school in Southwark, SE London, for example, operates a ‘wider curriculum’ which involves shoe-horning ‘inclusion’ and ‘pride’ into a variety of subjects. For example, in History, children will be taught about “The history and meaning of the rainbow flag” and in art lessons, children “Study LGBT+ performance art and fashion, including drag queens and kings”.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Torreflor )
Will a female walk-away movement get democrats to come to their senses?
I know some black people are walking away from the democrats and opening up to voting republican or 3rd party. Is there a female equivalent of the #walkaway movement? As much as I care about reproductive rights, I'm not convinced that dems are even working to do anything about that. They can use it as a carrot on a stick to get female voters riled up every 4 years, the same way they rile up black people with racism without actually delivering legislation that would improve your life.


For me, reproductive rights don't mean anything if a male patient can enter a female only ward and harm you and then call you a bigot for complaining.

( eatmypussy )
Serious question: what have the Dems done for women’s rights lately??? They’ve decriminalized prostitution in California with predictably awful results. Allowed TIMs to terrorize & impregnate women in prison. Tried to allow the state to take away people’s children if parents don’t put them on cross sex hormones as minors.

I can think of several issues related to women where Republicans are doing a better job legislating than the Dems: keeping women’s sports eligibility open only to females; age-verification for pornographic websites; passing the women’s bill of rights & codifying sex in law.

I grow more disillusioned with the Democratic party by the day. Defending abortion is about the only thing they’re good for.

( pennygadget )

Also, we all know that Biden would federally outlaw abortion tomorrow if some TIM stomped into his office and cried, "Abortion is transphobic because i can't have one!!"

( J-Halleck )
You think Trump will improve things for women?

( Torreflor )
Is abortion access more important than preventing the rapes that would lead to needing an abortion in the first place? Poor and homeless and incarcerated women are being raped by men who pretend to be women. I’d rather deal with that and prevent rapes than just offer an abortion after the rape happens.

( pennygadget )
Democrats: "We're gonna force all you vagina people into intimate spaces with mentally ill penis people. But its okay because we will graciously permit you to have an abortion if you get knocked up! We're the feminist party!!"

Exempli_Gratia & Spencer_Shayy #transphobia ovarit.com

Language is important and this time, it's accurate

( Exempli_Gratia )
Your existence is an act of aggression against women. The very fact that you believe you can just skinwalk into our spaces pretending you're one of us is aggressive, hostile, and evidence of a complete lack of empathy.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Maybe we're hostile because you're invading and colonizing spaces that are not for you.

Maybe if you'd stay out of places you don't belong and are not welcome in, no one would be hostile.

Just a thought from your unfriendly neighborhood exclusionary ovary haver.

This is the exact same kind of post Brits would make about Native Americans if internet existed back then.

Grayson Bakich #transphobia #dunning-kruger pjmedia.com

Also, as Michael Knowles explained, transing a literal clone (they are all made from the DNA of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, who raised one clone as his son Boba Fett) is a massive unintentional refutation of transgenderism's assertion that it is based in biology.

After all, because the clones are derived from a single male template, they are all genetically the same regardless of how they perceive themselves or develop their own personalities, so it is literally impossible for one to claim to be female.

But because the Star Wars universe has much more fantastical technology than ours, the Kaminoans (the aliens who were in charge of creating and training the clones) could seemingly make a female clone from a male template (or something) already because, apparently, Boba Fett has a sister in the form of "Omega," as revealed in "The Bad Batch" (my interest in Star Wars has been gone for a long time, so I read that for the first time today).

Even then, that just drives home Knowles's point further: if the Kaminoans wanted to make a female clone of a male subject, they could create one from scratch without the need to mutilate an existing male clone into a simulacrum of a female.

But that is too logical for the people pushing this nonsense.

crodish #transphobia ovarit.com

So much wrong with this post

That "girl" would still exist. Your "anti-trans" laws aren't marching people off to the gulags 🙄 only asking that you RESUME using the bathroom/sports/prisons you had zero issues with until genderwoo invaded your life. You're not stopped from sports or scholarships, just the female ones. You're not female = you don't qualify. It's not hard to understand.

The transman gotcha is an over used "card". Any TIF, no matter how much she's transitioned, is still female, and therefore still has the RIGHT to use female only spaces and female only services, because she's female. But she's not forced to - she can use male spaces if she wants - because (1) it would affirm her 🙄 (2) men face little to no threat from a female in a male space. If a TIF like Buck Angel walks into a women's space "presenting as a man", of course she's going to get pushback, but that's not on the women who don't and should not expect males to be in their female-only space. That's on the TIF for taking wrong sex hormones and surgeries to the point where she could possibly be mistaken for an actual man, and not just a masculine woman, a woman with short hair, a woman with a flat chest, or a woman with hirsutism. Because, TRAs, "masculinity" doesn't equal "man", and most peoples' sex, even after heavy modification, is still very obvious.

TIMs however are still the ones with a male body - and so they still can't use female spaces no matter how well they pass, or if they've gotten surgery, or if they were on blockers before puberty. There's not much to explain outside of "females are at risk from males and should have the right to female single sexed spaces".

If men want their spaces to be kept single sex only too from females, that's their fight, but I doubt many are going to bother since most of them WANT females in their spaces. See: Grindr, and anywhere else. Gay men can lead their own fight to keep TIFs out of homosexual male spaces.

This is a very tiring overexplanation constantly telling a lion tamer why his lion isn't welcome at the domestic cat contest even though both are cats. And that domestic cats are clear to enter the lion contest at their own risk and safety.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

So much wrong with this post

( Samhain )
The top photo is of Daniela Arroyo González, a TIM competing in the upcoming Miss Universe Puerto Rico pageant. The boy, called Willow, is being transed by his mom and was in the news last year when activists in South Dakota used him as a pawn to fight a proposed ban on medical transition for children. The third pic is Buck Angel.

( snails )
if an actual woman had a jawline like that she’d be laughed off stage of any beauty pageant. they couldn’t be any more obvious that the judges are just pandering and they don’t actually think that a man is the prettiest woman in puerto rico

( RusticTroglodyte )
I would react negatively if that obvious man walked in the bathroom. His safety in the men's room isn't any of my concern. I am not responsible for male violence

Kids are resilient. That child needs to be told that he's fine the way he is.

Women who look masculine are still obviously women. Not worried about that

Now STFU and GFY

( snails )
yes, buck passes extremely well and i’d probably think she was a man. TIFs usually pass better than TIMs (especially considering this TIF has been on testosterone for most of her life now.)

but even if a TIF looks like a man, you know what she can’t and won’t do? rape women.

( Spencer_Shayy )

"Ask yourself what happens when people start policing women with masculine features."

We don't have to ask. We know what happens because it's actually happening. Woke blowhards like this poster pester them to "transition".

Where are the statistics of such assaults in the men's restroom? I've never seen evidence of men assaulting "transwomen" in the men's room. Anywhere.

Also, the dude at the tops face gives him away. That's the most male expression and face I've ever seen. He's got the "smug for no reason" look most men have.

Also also, using a boy yall are grooming to be "trans" as an example is absolutely disgusting.

What an emotionally manipulative post this person made. Too bad it won't work on anyone outside the cult.

legopants #transphobia ovarit.com

1. Women who are afraid of men in their bathroom need to STFU & deal with it, but "transwomen need women's bathrooms because they're unsafe in men's"

2. Trans people can decide to declare someone isn't actually trans and/or that's not what being trans is, but women defining why someone's post/behavior isn't gender critical or radfem are told the person is 100% GC/radfem no matter what even obvi trolls

3. if you aren't trans you can't speak for them or about their experiences, but they can speak for women and about exclusively female experiences

4. TiP can make any claim, say anything, and it's automatically the truth despite no evidence and if you ask for proof you're told to "educate yourself", but women who make a claim about something have to provide tons of proof & evidence to be told anyway that it's somehow fake and trans ppl never have to educate themselves on what GC or Radfem actually means/believes

5. transwomen deserve to have the opportunity to participate in women's sports because men's would invalidate them and hurt their poor feelings or somehow make them "unsafe", but women have to compete with men feeling the same, get over it, and miss opportunities to sport so a man can take her spot

6. you don't get to decide if something is transphobic or not but TiP can tell you clear misogyny isn't misogyny and same w sexism

7. women aren't allowed female only online communities for any reason whatsoever even discussing female health, being lesbian, or sexual assualt, but TiP can have thousands and for anything reason even video game discussion or for their pets that are just for trans people

8. TiMs get to talk about porn fetishizing, dehumanizing, and degrading them and it's a serious issue many are disgusted with, reportable/bannable offense but women can stfu because porn doesn't hurt them whatsoever and literal abuse & rape porn is fine

9. cosmetic surgery for breast implants because you want it must be covered for transwoman so they don't experience "mental distress" and "affirm their identity" + it is "essentialal/life saving" but women experiencing pain every day of her life due to large breasts can't have reduction covered or performed or even get a referral because it's cosmetic surgery

Do you know of any others?

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: The things I cannot forget.

( moonlust45 )
This is why I don't feel empathy for TIMS. Straight men kills TIMS? Don't care. Violence between men is not women's problem. They are men. They can defend themselves. Feel insecure in men's bathroom? Don't care either. Feel afraid in men's prisons? Don't care. The lives of autogynephilic, entitled and narcissist males are not my problem. They threaten to kill us and dismember us just for not tolerating their bullshit. And nobody says nothing. I am glad that they are starting to date each other. If they would do the same with other things. For example, go together to men's bathroom, prisons, shelters, etc. And leave female spaces alone.

( Jane_Merrydaughter )
The attempt to memoryhole “popular transgenderism” is going to be epic.

It’s a case study of Internet-era ideological production, projection, and uptake, though. Way to cynically exploit the spirits of sisterhood and feminist inclusiveness.

Women had better name, discuss, document, archive, and remember this stunning and brave era of male supremacist campaigning, because WTF DUDES.

Never forget.

( Iota_Aurigae )
Archive, archive, archive! People are going to try to sweep their involvement under the rug and claim that they never had anything to do with it. It’s not hard to imagine that when we produce proof that they were involved, they’ll call us mean for calling them out and say that we should let the past go or something, that it was a mistake. That they were only following orders.

Regardless, we need to save as much as possible.

( RusticTroglodyte )
This will be discussed in future history classes right alongside the dancing epidemic and lobotomies

( Exempli_Gratia )
...and everyone will pretend they have no idea how it could possibly have happened. "How were people so stupid?" they will ask, and they will pretend they weren't the stupid, even though they were. It's all so fucking frustrating.

lyamc #ableist #transphobia phoronix.com

[submitter note: in reply to “There are a lot of transgendered people in FOSS and who work with computers in general.”]

The actual connection is that the rate of autism is higher in software development than in other fields because people with autism have a much higher interest in things. Autism has more social anxiety, self-regulation and social issues, meaning they have trouble fitting in, and that sets them up for acceptance within the gender cult.

There's a few pathways, I'll give you two of them:
1. "I am constantly social anxious", "your anxiety is gender dysphoria" --> you're trans (is accepted by gender cult)
2. Porn addicted --> stops working as well, needs more exotic content --> cuckhold/sissy pron --> AGP --> you're trans (is accepted by gender cult)

Re-enacterf, FemmeEtal & YesYourNigel #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: The NHS says trans women should breastfeed babies. This is unforgivable. | The Spectator

( Re-enacterf )

I have some sympathy for these poor men. They’re driven mad by hormones and the mental strain of trying to believe they’re female. The people I have no sympathy for – only cold, vengeful loathing – are the activist medics of the NHS: doctors who have sworn to do no harm and should care for babies before all others, but who instead choose to prioritise the feelings of cross-dressing men.

I'm so glad to see this topic covered critically that I hate to quibble, but no. No sympathy for these men. They are pedophiles and they were mad before the estrogen. I understand the buck stops with the doctors, but these TIMs are no good.

( FemmeEtal )
Exactly. “Driven mad by hormones”? They weren’t force fed, they demanded estrogen that doesn’t belong in their bodies. They stole HRT from women in actual need of those hormones, created a new stigma around the use of HRT, bullied nurses and doctors, destroyed the medical community in general, tainted countless studies and data, and demanded tax payer money fund it all because their depression boner makes them unable to work. It’s entirely their doing and they aren’t victims, they are literally demanding it.

( YesYourNigel )
I think the person is saying that TIMs like this are traumatised by gender roles and so desperate to escape them through transitioning, which fucks with their heads even further by making them even more obsesses over maintaining a lie, while also suffering the effects of an artificially maintained hormonal imbalance. But yeah, when you start claiming your moob secretions are better at feeding babies, you are way past just being misguided.

You also can't go crazy from a hormonal imbalance. It will fuck with your emotional stability and can produce various issues, but these guys are already fueled by perceiving women as costumes and wanting to beat them at their own game. The emotional instability only makes them more unhinged, but it doesn't turn them into raging misogynists, they already were that coming it. Because they're men.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Why being Minority is considered virtuous ?
Look at TiMs in women's sports. They always cry they are being targeted despite being a minority. Why does being Minority warrants a free pass ?

Same thing happens with religious minorities who are a majority group in a lot of countries. We are supposed to turn a blind eye to their woman oppressing customs just because they are a minority here. That's it, that's the only justification.

Everyone can be a minority if you draw enough lines. Even among ethnic minorities, you could draw more likes based on their income levels.

The TiM argument I see a lot on reddit, like Why are they making laws to keep out just 2 or 3 trans girls UwU ffs

( Calidris )
I mean they say that, but they're not even consistent.

Trans are a minority so they must get special privileges to abuse women at their leisure.

Detrans people are a minority of a minority, so they should get extra extra special treatment, right? WRONG for some reason they get treated basically as badly as us TERFs. Probably because they're mostly women, but also because the religious zealot hates the apostate MUCH more than the infidel.

Also Jewish people are a minority, especially compared to the billions of muslims, but they're almost as hated as women are. Obviously Jewish women get the brunt of it.

Also minorities that don't behave in woke approved manner, like Asian people who despite discrimination perform often better than whites in the USA, lose their minority status and become "white adjacent".

( Misssarcasm )
Critical race theory turned into an easy black-and-white topic. Being a minority -> being oppressed. Oppression is evil -> majority is evil -> minority is good.

( MKatie )
Add on to that with the fact that people love labels. They want to be special, and a minority label can be seen to attention seekers as a “more important” label, since it allows them to be part of a special, small group that’s “inherently good” and deserves more for being so small and oppressed.

Edit: I should say that I don’t think all minority labels are inherently bad, in case it came off with that when I re-read it. Some do genuinely bring up injustices that should be changed, but in cases like TIMs it’s a total play for “special points”

ase2000 #sexist #transphobia deviantart.com

I said is of the nature to give birth. Infertility among women is the exception that proves the rule. The fact that a women goes to the doctor to try and fix it implies that she is supposed to be fertile.

A man who can't give birth wouldn't even think to go to the doctor to see why he can't give birth. Because he is not of the nature to give birth.

nonenosome2 #transphobia #wingnut #forced-birth tumblr.com

First off, Project 2025 has nothing to do with Trump. Find something new to complain about.

Second, the fact a doctor doesn't understand the law and refuses to do what they are legally allowed to do, isn't the fault of the law.

It's almost funny how the same doctors who were saying they would violate the law to give kids "gender affirming care" suddenly decide that literally anything having to do with a child is an abortion and they totally don't want to violate the law. It's almost like they are playing politics with women's lives because they really hate not being able to kill babies.

Drew Augustine #transphobia pittparents.com

To raise money for the Women’s Rights Network, I’m launching an advent calendar of flash fiction from my author website.

I’m launching an advent calendar of flash fiction from my author website. Each day in December, a door will open to reveal a short story of poem on a gender critical (GC) theme. Access to the stories will be free but, in the spirit of Christmas, I’ll ask readers for a small contribution with a link to the WRN donation page.

For this to fly, I will need short stories (fiction of any genre; preferably 500 words or less) or poems, published or unpublished. I’ve written four, one anonymously, so I just need another 20 by the beginning of November. [...] To give you an idea of what I’m after, one of my stories features a child’s letter to Santa that reveals how his family has been affected by trans ideology. The other features the psychologist Kuzi (from ‘The Twenty Murders’) treating a patient on Christmas Eve who believes he’s Napoleon — but because of new legislation, she can only affirm his delusion. The stories are funny, poignant and designed to 'peak' readers.

stickyleaves , CupOfAbominations & brusquette #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: How do smart feminists fall for the gender theory?

( stickyleaves )
A smart feminist academic friend still believes in gender theory, I think because:

-being a successful adademic is super important to her identity and so she doesn’t want to die on that hill if it risks her career. I think this is a subconscious choice- she doesn’t want to dig into TERF-y things lest it shake the foundations, deep down I think she has some doubts (she used to talk about these to me a decade ago, now she wont acknowledge the doubts)

-she’s got your typical levels of self-doubt/imposter syndrome so is willing to assume that all the other smart lefties who are really into trans stuff must be right

-she moves in hip, “queer” circles and at least one close friend of hers has gone from lesbian to supposedly NB or trans. It’s much more convenient to believe her good friend is earnestly living their best life and fighting the good fight than that they’re an idiot in this very important way.

None of this excuses any of it, but I think this is where her head is at. I wasn’t in the cool club enough to peak her yet, but I think she will get there.

( CupOfAbominations )
I suppose it's similar to how a lot of great scientists and academics back in the day had to choose their battles, tiptoing around the established dogma of the Catholic Church so as not to be arrested for heresy like Galileo.

Nowadays, the repercussions are mostly social, but for anyone trying to establish themselves in academia, it's a cutthroat world. When professors are fired for stating basic biology, it's hard to blame them, even if it is cowardly.

( brusquette )
The same kernel that has women talking about how female on male sexual abuse isn't taken seriously, how toxic masculinity is bad for men too, how gender roles hurt so.

The expectation for women to be mother shows up in feminism as much as anything else. There's no other isms wherein activisms constituents are demanded to appeal to all, and to consider the oppressor harmed by the system.

People sneer at "white feminism" to sneer at all feminism. It is not that feminists are above reproach for issues of race, class, or other intersectionality. But merely that we don't call anything "men's civil rights movements" or "mens BLM" or "rich disability activism."


Matt Osbourne #dunning-kruger #transphobia #sexist osborneink.com

Inflation has driven up the price of groceries, so Harris has promised to impose price controls on groceries. Cheaper groceries are popular! Harris has also proposed an end to taxation of tips, which Trump had already proposed. Taxing tips is unpopular, doing away with taxation of tips is popular! And so on. Harris understands this is a literal popularity contest. She knows what she is and she is not ashamed. After all, Trump is shameless, so she can be shameless, too. She deserves to be president for what she represents, not the qualities of her character. She is a girlboss. A Mary Sue. The anti-Trump,

So-called ‘restorative justice’ programs fail to account for the biological imbalance of violence; woke ‘gender ideology’ denies that any sex imbalance exists at all in criminality. Gender-swapped heroes who slay monsters without effort, the infiltration of ‘fan shipping’ into script-writing, and tedious political messaging have all driven audiences away from formerly-successful franchises. The Bud Light fiasco has revived conservative cultural organizing; Robby Starbuck has convinced a series of companies to abandon DEI as well as woke cultural programming, and it all began with a male brand that forgot who its drinkers are. Most video gamers are male, therefore video game culture is also male, therefore it was necessary for the video game journalists to tame the culture; this was ‘gamergate,’ an episode that turns out to have been about the lack of ethics in video game journalism, after all. Antiracism and DEI champions achieved temporary prominence through fraud and plagiarism because the masculine idea of improving one’s self in real ways is anathema to the ‘equity’ project.

Jim #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia blog.reaction.la

[From “Relief Fund for Hurricane Helene Victims”]

This an ad for a worthy cause


This relief fund is being organised by Carson Ford Brooks, who, unlike most people involved in Hurricane Helene relief solicitations has no history of grifting, so when he says

“We are internally fundraising for our own travel, lodging, and food expenses. We are bringing our own equipment. Absolutely ALL of the funds received will go directly toward supplies for the victims and fuel to operate equipment”

It is probably true

Fema has pissed away all its money on illegal immigrants, which is probably a good thing because its previous responses to disasters have been hostile to the victims of disaster, and even more hostile to anyone who was prepared for disaster, or providing more useful assistance than Fema. Their primary objective appears to be to move people from areas that vote Republican, to areas that vote Democrat by overwhelming margins, and to reduce everyone to dependency upon the government. In the floods of Hurricane Helene, seem to be more interested in land seizures than providing food and clean drinking water

Fema is however vitally concerned that faith based shelters might misgender transwomen

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: How do smart feminists fall for the gender theory?

( shewolfoffrance )
I think smart people are better at rationalizing ideas that are plainly stupid, especially if not doing so would threaten their careers or social standing.

( LasagnaRossa )
Fun fact: in the same chapter she mentions TERFs and says that they are not real feminists. Lol. I can't even.

( Calidris )
5 years ago I would have said that a very compassionate and empathetic person could be bamboozled by the trans cult, especially if they only knew about the topic superficially.

Today though? Unless you've literally lived on the moon, I honestly have to say: if someone appears intelligent and believes in gender ideology, they're not actually intelligent at all, they probably just remember a bunch of superficially intelligent sounding buzzwords and catchphrases. The other possibility is that they profit from gender ideology and use it for the grift but privately do not believe in it.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Exactly. It's best to not presume they come with good intentions or should be too smart to fall for this crap.

Look at how they react when they're questioned. With threats, shunning, and even violence. What person with good intentions does that?

Most of these leftists are not good people. They are self-righteous bullies. That's how they fall for it. It's the latest trend to hop on to give them social clout, head pats, and sometimes even money.

It's time to end the myth of the well meaning trans activist.

( vulvapeople )
It grieves me to note that many people (maybe most) just believe whatever it is they're required to believe. This doesn't explain the early adopters, those women in academia and feminist circles who glommed on to TWAW when it was not at all a popular position. I think those women are functionally misogynists no matter what they call themselves.

But, now, reality denial for the benefit of a tiny minority of men (no one cares about TIFs) is the Correct Opinion that all Very Important and Smart People believe. I'm not sure what it's going to take to reverse that. If it ever happens, though, none of these people will offer a mea culpa or take any responsibility for the harms they've caused.

LasagnaRossa #transphobia ovarit.com

How do smart feminists fall for the gender theory?
I've just finished a book about gender roles, in particular the mother role and all its associates (the surrogate, the childfree, the childless, the regretted mother, the witch, etc). It's a very completed book and each role is dissected with intelligence and coherence.

And then here it comes, the chapter about trans motherhood. Suddenly all the premises are thrown out of the window and the same author who was able to describe patriarchy and the origin of the female discrimination, doesn't beat an eye when talking about pregnant TIFs and lactating TIMs.

TIFs claim oppression because when they enter the hospital they are called mothers. The author supports that and claims that they are real fathers because that's their identity and that society must accept that even a man can get pregnant. How. Why. How.

About TIMs, the author says that they are more interested in lactating their child rather than bear them. Lol. How she can't see the fetish behind this it's a mystery to me. Especially when she wrote so many paragraphs in the previous chapters about the fact that motherhood is not defined by lactation.

I really... I'm baffled.

This chapter kinda ruined the book to me, which is sad because otherwise it's a great book. I'm more sad that smart feminists fell for the gender trap. In my eyes it's similar to read a scientific book and then find a chapter all about God and its powers.

How can they fall for it? How can you support trans people's delusions on one hand and on the other hand pointing the finger that the root of all female discrimination is the ability to create life?

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com


( IdentifyAsTired )
I need that meme of the goose chasing a man yelling "Where do the uteruses come from for uterus transplants? WHERE DO THE UTERUSES COME FROM?"

( pennygadget )
I scream this from the rooftop whenever these scrotes bring up uterus transplants

If they did this, they would need to source uteri from young, healthy women. And most young, healthy women don't want to throw away their fertility and put themselves into early menopause just so a man can be validated with a toy infant. So those uteri will likely be obtained through coercion and trafficking

( Spencer_Shayy )
If and when uterus transplants into men become a thing, y'all AGPs will die from it, and we won't have to deal with these rapists in wigs anymore.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
I'm proudly transphobic. 😎

( LobselVith )
The delusion in thinking whatever they get down there with surgery is even remotely comparable to a vulva. Thing is, even if somehow they managed to make it look like a vulva, it still won't be one. EVER. Implanting a uterus in a body that is not supposed to be one doesn't make that a female body. Ever. No person having sex with you will be having sex with a woman. You're men no matter what. Forever.

( pennygadget )
Right. Because a TIM's necrotic crotch wound made from dick skin and/or bits of the colon is exactly the same as a real vagina. 🙄

Why can't these scrotes just fuck each other if we cissies are so transphobic?

( MiMi2013 )
"Bottom surgery"=turning normal healthy penis into a suppurating wound in no way analogous to an actual vagina/vulva-???? Who needs an excuse to not want to touch one with a 10' pole-?

No one is entitled to use another person's body for sex, no matter how HE identifies.

Pennsylvania South Western School District’s school board #transphobia apnews.com

A Pennsylvania school district has reversed course and boarded up window openings it recently installed that allowed people in a middle school hallway to peer into two gender-neutral-designated bathrooms, the superintendent said Friday.

The two windows were installed in recent weeks following a vote in August of the South Western School District’s conservative-majority school board, a move the board president said was designed to monitor and prevent misbehavior. Such openings weren’t installed in any of the school’s non-gender-neutral bathrooms.

The openings were covered by plywood on Thursday on the advice of lawyers from the Harrisburg-based Independence Law Center, a conservative legal group the board consulted before ordering the windows installed, Superintendent Jay Burkhart said.

“I believe that we have to protect all of our students,” Burkhart said in a phone interview. “Students are entitled to privacy and I don’t want to violate that.”

The board “has been targeting transgender students and stripping away their rights for a while,” said Kristina Moon, a lawyer with the Philadelphia-based Education Law Center, which has asked affected students to reach out to it. She said the “multiple tiers and assignments” of bathrooms “overcomplicated a nonissue,” stigmatizing students.

“Now they’ve cut actual holes for windows into the student bathrooms — but only the bathrooms they expect trans and nonbinary children to use. This is a horrifying violation of children’s privacy and cruel discrimination targeted against trans and nonbinary kids,” Moon said in an emailed statement.

School board president Matthew A. Gelazela, elected as a Libertarian in 2021, told a reporter seeking comment Friday that he considered the call to be criminal harassment and abruptly hung up.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: She Finally Peaked

( syntaxerror )
I suspect she originally thought the same thing that most people did, that “trans women” were either intersex or effeminate gay twinks who could do no harm to women and just wanted to exist, bothering no one.

The rise of the AGPs has been impossible to ignore if you’re even slightly involved in the LGBTQWERTY community, and again the more exposure that this new wave of “trans woman” gets, the more people wake up! We need more Lia Thomases, more Dylan mulvaneys to be making headlines, because I promise you that it’s making reasonable people really go “wait a minute, this isn’t what I thought it was”

That, combined with the tsunami of lawsuits I see heading for shore, and I think there will be some mass peaking in the next 1-3 years. Go team!

( solitaire )
In my limited experience as a straight outsider looking in, the older a lesbian is, the less likely she is to be single/dating and therefore the less likely she is to have had her boundaries transgressed by AGP TIMs. (The invisibility of older women doesn’t seem to be limited to those of us who are straight.)

I think that’s why some of the most rabid TRAs I know are older (50+) lesbians, particularly those in long term relationships. They’re just not going to be personally impacted the way a young lesbian is, and it can take a long time for the scales to fall from their eyes.

Like your friend, it might only be when the TQ+ start encroaching on other aspects of their life: bathrooms, hospitals, sports, aged care, lesbian gatherings, women-only spaces etc. that they start to get uncomfortable and maybe reach peak trans.

Unfortunately, it’s part of human nature: people frequently do not care about important issues until they are personally affected.

( Eava )
That is a really good point. If you're past the age of going to bars and dating, you're probably not being told you're a homophobic bigot for not wanting to sleep with TIMs.

( Architectura )
Did she for sure know that transwomen = males? Because her initial response makes perfect sense if she (like many) assumes that transwomen = females.

Glad you peaked so many! Keep fighting the good fight, Sister!

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Dear BBC, you've got your facts wrong about 'trans milk'

( puppy_cat )
No barrier these people won't cross. Throwing babies under the bus now in order to fulfill their fetish. It should be a crime for a man to put his moobs in a baby's mouth and make it suck out whatever poison is in there. I can't believe that even has to be said.

( Spencer_Shayy )
It really should. It's CHILD ABUSE when a "transwoman" "breastfeeds" a baby. Not only is he poisoning it, he's using a BABY as a prop for his sexual fetish! These men belong in prison!

( Ptarmagant )
"...no observable effects..." so the babies weren't actually tested for chemical/hormonal load, there was no long term follow up (how could there be?), no studies on how it affects the children's sexual development and fertility (again, how could there be?) Let alone cancer or abnormal growth and development risks. As long as the babies didn't die immediately (or instantly grow 2 heads, or turn green, or whatever), they feel confident going out and saying it's as good or better than the natural breast milk refined and perfected by thousands of millennia of evolution. Moms with trans exes, keep visitation records because you're going to want them for your future class-action lawsuits. Im so sorry you and all of the children sired by these delusional perverts have been treated so shabbily by our current establishment.

( lifeisshortandsoami )
I don’t even know how to talk about this one. I’m so dumbfounded.

I just can’t fathom how anyone, except the mentally insane, could think that breastmilk from any other source than a mother could be good.

I can accept that people who have never breast-fed don’t know about the hard breasts, the engorgement, the clogs, the letdowns, etc. but no one has to know about those things to make the rational judgment that men aren’t supposed to breast-feed and can’t breast-feed.

What the fuck? Why can’t society get on the same page that abusing children and using them for science experiments is absolutely wrong?

Allanon #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia the-sietch.com

Boomers got us into this mess.

For example, women in the 1970s were encouraged to divorce and have it all. Problem is, kids are a real handful.

So, drug them to keep them quiet, making up fake medical problems. Since this was done mostly to boys feminists saw it as a way to give girls an advantage. This started pretty much in the late 1980s.

It is no coincidence that school mass shooters were on those sort of drugs. They also opened the way for the insanity we have today, never saying "no" to the demographic pushing the craziness. That's all it would have taken back then.

The next step, now that everything is fluid and about "how you identify," is child sex. And YOU will be the irrational bigot if you are against it. When transsexualism was accepted the door was blasted open.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

The slippery iceberg.

( Intuiterf )
Men chest feeding babies Males using babies as a prop in their chest/breastfeeding fetish

( Spencer_Shayy )
Yup. The "trans" shit is the slippery slope. Not same sex marriage. Take note, conservatives. It ain't our fault our movement was hijacked by perverts.

( RighteousIndignation )
mark my words next up Maternity Leave will be deemed transphobic and reduced/gotten rid of.

( cranberrysalad )
I bet it will once a bunch of dads try to take advantage of the same time off as mom.

Sweeter and Savoury #transphobia kiwifarms.st

You'd have to be fool to even think that any MSM organization would ever dare to say anything that would reflect badly upon the troonsphere. They have somehow become the untouchable caste despite being proven to be nothing but a bunch of sexual misogynists and pedophiles.

This is why the west is doomed, we glorify the worst people and castigate the best. No society can operate like that for very long before reality comes trudging long to remind them whose boss.

behindyourightnow #transphobia kiwifarms.st

Good for Jude here, she's doing our job for us. The sooner more people realize that there is no pleasing these people, that the slightest and most polite digression will have them accusing you of murdering children and saying you need to be murdered yourself, the more people will simply give up on pleasing them and the more they'll be left out in the cold.

Non-TRA: Men can't get pregnant.
TRA: but have you considered.... this??
(pulls out a picture of a hairy woman with mastectomy scars who is visibly pregnant)
TRA: whoa did I just blow your mind? This man is pregnant.
Non-TRA: no that's still a woman.
TRA: learn some biology you disgusting bigot

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #fundie #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

So Kamala "Commula" Harris is the Marxist Machine's pick to run instead of "Criminal" Joe Biden. The Machine has spoken. And her chosen running mate is "Tampon" Timmy Walz, who worships at the altar of homo-transsexualism weirdness and who, as a total surprise and without notice, bugged-out of his military unit just before deployment.

If you wonder why these life-long communist American politicians are so anti-life, anti-property, anti-liberty, anti-speech, anti-press, anti-gun, anti-bourgeois middle-class, anti-Christian, anti-male, anti-family, antisemitic, anti-capitalism, anti-American borders, anti-law and order, anti-normalcy and anti-American constitution, look no farther than the Communist manifesto:
That's why they oppose everything that is; every established thing, every "normal" thing, every ordered and orderly thing, every human institution, from corporations to religions to governments, from sexual relationships to families, from schools, to even any sense of individual property ownership, independence or liberty.

At its core, that's what communism is.
Just look at who they associate the closest with. It's a veritable freak-show of perverts, misfits and malcontents, from BLM and Antifa to Drag Queens, prancing faggots, transvestites and freshly released criminal illegal aliens giving the finger to the news cameras.
It doesn't get any more Islamo-Commie-Homo than the Commula and Timmy show. They stand with Islam because Islam stands against America, and all religions other than Islam. Of course they stand with Communism against constitutional America, because they are communist. And they stand with homosexual and all other forms of sexual impropriety because they are hedonist to the bone.
As long as Iran chants "death to America" the Machine, including Traitor John Kerry, Comrade Obama peace be upon him, the Soros family, the WEF, the UN, the EU and COMINTERN will be supporting Iran and opposing Israel, and all Jews everywhere.

Mandy #transphobia #dunning-kruger #homophobia radar.gaysagainstgroomers.com

As long as children are reading, it doesn’t matter what kind of book they are reading…does it? It shouldn’t. However, there is a modern-day book burning occurring. Historically, libraries were destroyed by conquerors in order to erase the culture and history of the conquered.


Radical queer activism can be seen as a modern-day book burning because it seeks to disrupt and erase culture, history, and even biology. It is rooted in Marxism and Communism. At its core, queer theory seeks to create chaos. Flooding libraries, schools, and social media with this ideology, especially in children's books, serves to erase history, culture, and censor innocence.

various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

( formallyknownaswoman )
The Hypocrisy of Men
I hope this is the right Cirle for this post, please let me know if this should be in another place.

One thing that is increasingly annoying me is how conservative men in comments, often in news articles about how TiMs are replacing women in sports, or in locker rooms is, "Where are the feminists?! Why are the feminists silent?!"

Yet, these are also the same men who say they "protect" women.

( Mizuna )
The average person sees headlines about large women's organizations like Planned Parenthood and NOW pushing the transgender cult and then mistakenly assumes that all of feminism supports this nonsense. I don't like the "Where are the feminists?" snark either, but I don't 100% blame people for the confusion. It was deliberately set up by this way by the rich and powerful pushing the trans agenda.

( Lipsy )
To be fair, it's all too easy for a casual observer to get the impression that "feminism" means libfemmery—which is much more heavily covered in the media, especially now that so many legacy feminist organizations are fully captured by the "inclusive" centering of men.
Sadly, I can definitely see how somebody whose only impression of 'feminism' is what's predominant in today's media would ask these kinds of accusatory 'questions'.

Even Kellie-Jay Keen, whose personal values are absolutely aligned with those of second-wave radical Feminism, describes Herself as "not a feminist" presumably to disavow libfemmery.

( pennygadget )
The Conservative bros who say this shit are positioning themselves to take all the credit when the gender fad finally dies

( Unicorn )
Who cares? As long as it's dead. I'm not here for credit, I'm here for truth and justice.

( LobselVith )
I feel you SO MUCH! Feminists have been speaking about the danger of transgenderism for decades, from even before some of this men even knew such a phenomenon existed. Just because they've always been blind to it doesn't mean others have too. But this sort of inflamatory language that points fingers at others works too well, especially on social media.

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