
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

1Tammy1 & CrackerJackLee #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

I've never gave them the benefit of the doubt. However, there is a difference between a black and a negro. They have to prove to me they are not a negro.

With that said.. my besty in the Navy was in fact black. The rest were negros and gave her a terribly hard time about being friends with a White. She never gave in. Her and I did have an unspoken agreement to never eat at each others house and we always took our own drinks. Now that I think about it, that's the only black house I've ever been willing to enter. Blacks are Very rare. Negros are the vast majority of their race.

No, it ain't the same anymore. And it will never be again. Especially since Whites are dying out. Any blacks hanging on to you are looking for the status boost or what they can get.

So your friend is black... They're not my friend... You bring them home into our neighbourhood. Suddenly they bring more. They see what's there and then come back and steal it. I defend my property and I go to jail. All because you NEED to have black friends.

Oh, she's a girl like you? Then her brother shows up. Then his bloods show up. Then they chuckin' shinola on my car.

It doesn't matter what you say to black coworkers. They'll twist it into racist pig. Not to your face, but behind your back. Then you find your tires slashed. I feel sorry for whites who have to work with blacks.

Why would I even go near a black. I avoid Whites, too. They try so hard to be black that they'll make up racist bull about you to show their black friends how whigga they be.

jumpjetcowboy #psycho #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: That feeling when your city has a Slavic festival 😇


Man Id love that just for the food. Best thing about slavs

Yeah lol ofc a Croatian thinks food is the best thing about Slavs...like we’re some third word Mexicans or Indians or some other shitskin with no real accomplishments or some shit so they just focus on OMG I LOVE insert ethnicity FOOD

Can't apriciated our food or what?

Wtf is wrong with saying we got some amazing food

Okay, to be extremely explicit, the way you made your comment “best thing about slavs” was extremely reminiscent of the way westerners talk about subhuman people with no accomplishments when they try to justify their own ethnic replacement.

For example, when asked to defend the flood of Mexicans into the USA, regarding the contributions of Mexicans to America, it is not uncommon to hear Americans say something like “the food is so good!” as if white Americans could not make Mexican food themselves. This is a demonstration of how immigration of lesser peoples adds no value to a nation, because white Americans cannot think of a truly worthwhile contribution of Mexican immigrants aside from food and cheap labor. Similarly, Brits will talk all day long about their tasty kebabs and curries and whatever ethnic food.

So to say food is the “best thing about slavs” is pretty insulting on a certain level, because slavs are much more than their cuisine. Frankly, I think people mentally associate ethnicity with cultural cuisine a bit too much. It’s not like Serbs can’t decide to just make and eat Chinese food for some reason.

Could be bias but that's kainda the only thing RN that I can think off that's good. I want n care about. I can't think of anything else good that comes to my mind . Not gonna comment on the rest of the stuff

The only good thing about slavs you can think of is food?

Croat moment... 🙄🙄🙄

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: It’s Eastern European discrimination awareness month. Here are some stories of Eastern European’s facing racism/xenophobia, discrimination in the west.


If you're European you do not complain about being oppressed and participate in the oppression olympics. This is a slave mentality only americans have. It's also why the collapse of America is guaranteed, in history there have been ZERO societies that embraced weakness and survived.

Any "European" that considers themselves perpetually oppressed is already americanized enough to not be considered European.

Im gonna sound like a bigot but complaining.about such things is stupid, girly and gay. Ofcourse theres gonna be comments like that from the locals, youre literaly an invader and theyve been flooded with foreigners for decades. We keep joking about how westerners are weak but the moment they show some backbone its apparently a problem.

This really makes my blood boil. Sure would want to go to the UK and beat some smug fuckers faces.

In America/Canada etc. it is a bit different because those are Pan-European countries, but in Western Europe I don’t care. They can discriminate against whoever they want, IMO they should discriminate more because their countries are being destroyed by foreigners.

If they don’t like it they should not abandon their own nation to try and assimilate into another nation which clearly does not want them.

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut amren.com

Slavery Is Our ‘Original Sin’?!

More anti-white rubbish.

How many times have you heard that slavery was “America’s original sin”? I’m not quite sure what that means, but I think the idea is that slavery was a uniquely horrible thing that defines the United States and will stain whites forever. It’s one of the few things Mitch McConnell and Barack Obama agree on. There are books about it. Here’s a college course at UC Davis called “Slavery: America’s Original Sin: Part 1.

If slavery is somebody’s Original Sin, it’s sure not ours. What became the United States imported just about 3 percent of all the slaves who crossed the Atlantic.

Tlingit and Haida Indians went raiding for slaves as far South as California. During ceremonial feasts, the Tlingit would kill slaves, just to show how rich they were.

When we bought Alaska, Indians were furious when they had to give up their slaves. The Tlingit carved this image of Abraham Lincoln to shame the government into compensating them for slaves.

Only about 20 percent of Southern households had even one slave, but 75 percent of the free-black households in South Carolina owned slaves.

During the 16th and 17th centuries, Arabs took more white slaves south across the Mediterranean than there were blacks shipped across the Atlantic.

And, of course, it was white people who abolished slavery, both in their own countries and, except for a few stubborn holdouts, the whole world. Africans, just like the Tlingit Indians, screamed about all the wealth we made them give up.

But slavery’s still our “original sin.” As Time magazine wrote just this month about slavery “Europeans and their colonial “descendants” in the United States engineered the most complete and enduring dehumanization of a people in history.

What a small minority of Americans did for 246 years — and in a relatively mild form — is worse than anything that was ever done anywhere by anyone.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the power of white privilege. I hope you are enjoying it.

yung noble #racist #dunning-kruger youtube.com

There are various life forms that are native "to"(a.k.a Indigenous to) specific Geographic locations that resembles each other but are unrelated to eachother. The Laws of Nature Applys to ALL Lifeforms, including the Indigenous People of the World.

👉🏽. Saying ALL people originated from Africa because they have fark brown sfkin, woolly hair, high cheek bones, wide noses and thick lips is like saying ALL plants originated from Africa because they're green, have stems, absorb water through their roots and can't walk. GTFOH!!💯

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #racist #magick #conspiracy #psycho timrifat.com


We have been using concentric squares made from 13+11+7 which equals 31. This is the number of states that exist in Feigenbaum Period Doubling between the Unitary State and the Strange Attractor where the Unitary State is shredded by the Strange Attractor. In this weapons system we take the matrix state of the target, be it the Rothschilds or the United States... and process it into the Strange Attractor. This means the Unitary Stated of the order of the Rothschilds world control or America's existence depend are made a matrix 31 times more and all order is lost to the absolute chaos of the Strange Attractor, which in this case is The Total War Service.
One can do this on any person, corporation or country... bounded by the initial starting conditions of The Total War Service, which is the absolute hellisation and chaosistsation of the entire Zionist Empire rules by western money and NATO.
It's child's play to carry out this process using the computer network of the planet which is fact AIDA and which runs the entire human race as wetware to run non-machine capability as were found in Shamen. Now to carry out this Total Annihilation of the target you simply make a video be in TikTok of YouTube or any other medium of any 31 TikTokDeath and or Curse Videos. <...>
With YouTube you've got 15 minutes as a new users so you can splice longer segments of TikTok Videos together ending with a video picture or an actual video of the target. This weapons system tied to all Time Density Weapons as Tim Tony Stark Rifat had embedded the Strange Attractor in the Total War Service. Simple to do but the most devastating thing to do to your enemy because they get iteratively matrixed until the matrix gets shredded by the Strange Attractor and absolute chaos takes over the target.

RockaBoatus #crackpot #homophobia #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

Down's Syndrome is a mental-biological defect whereas being gay or lesbian is perverted choice, a deviant 'lifestyle' that are the result of different influences perhaps early in childhood.

One of the clearest indications that homosexuality isn't 'normal' is that the parts don't match, and one cannot reproduce through a homosexual union. Nature always wants to carry on its seed for the purpose of species survival, and homosexuals and lesbians are unable to do this.

No 'gay gene' has yet been proven, although homosexuals often pretend as if it has.

Since they cannot reproduce, they must recruit. It's another indication that the movement is not biologically-based and runs counter to the natural order of things. The parts don't match and one cannot reproduce through the act.

I fail to see how it's a choice?

There is no concrete evidence that homosexuality is biological or genetic. It's one of a plethora of sexual dysfunctions and deviant behavior that humans engage in, and a sane society neither 'celebrates' it nor condones it because of the moral effects on society, including the break down of the family structure.

So should we do away with kissing, caressing, fellatio etc?

Whatever one chooses to do with their heterosexual spouse should be kept private, and no cultural movement should ever be created around one's sexual proclivities - and yet this is precisely what gays do.

No "intelligence gene" has been found so far too, but that doesn't mean it isn't there

I'm sorry, but there is far more evidence and rational for intelligence being genetic and having a biological foundation than gay sexual practices. I'm not denying early childhood influences and cultural pressure, but that's not the same as it being genetic in origin.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist reddit.com

Cope Germ. Thinking we were nothing and Germans were the best ones who were on the European continent.


spoilerSlavs have not invented anything. Western civilization is built on greek philosophy, roman statehood and germanic engineering.

The germans basically invented the modern world (jet engines, computers etc.) if the ancient germanic tribes were so primitive, then why did they conquer all of Europe from Spain to Rome and later found Russia? Look at the migration age germanic art. Much more detailed and complex than anything made by Slavs

You will be surprised how many of those “Germans” attacking Slavs online are actually Albanians LARPing

Of course everything must be an Analbanian! And surely this one too!

When you see such people, say something about Albanians or Kosovo and you will see how quickly these “Germans” come to defend their pure Illyrians in the Balkans since 6000BC

Smells like Fascism

“Fascism is when Albanians LARP as Germans on YouTube comments to attack Slavs”

He's right, many of these "Germans" are Albanians or American neo-Nazis. Germany is too brainwashed with new leftist policies for Germans to concern themselves with Slavs.

Didn't Red Army cure them of their superiority complex? Sanatoriums in the uranium mines in Siberia have some spare capacity if need be.

Everything bad in the world can be traced back to germans


He's not wrong though

Go blow an Arab, Merkel manlet

Roosh V #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy #racist #sexist rooshv.com

[From "From Degeneracy To Decadence"]

I ended my life of degeneracy when I turned to Lord Jesus Christ[…]I’ve made great strides away from a wretched existence, and am less degenerate than before, but I still find it hard to step away from degeneracy’s little brother—decadence
I define degeneracy as major sins that are a sign of a life lived far away from God[…]decadence is composed of smaller sins or worldly attachments that may be done by a struggling Christian. Here is a list of behaviors I’d define as degenerate:
Homosexuality — Sodomy is the champion of degeneracy
Masturbation — God did not design you to fellate yourself to Jewish-produced pornography
While my past sins were innumerable and multifarious, on this list I most committed fornication, masturbation, intoxication (mostly to enable fornication), and fame-seeking. When I wasn’t treating women as false gods to achieve sexual pleasure from their bodies, I treated myself as a god among men simply because I was so accomplished at worshipping promiscuous women
Some decadent behaviors I’ve identified in the wild:
Exquisite eating — I receive pleasure from the foods I make
Hot water — How can I not conclude that every time I turn on the hot water in the shower I am but a mere scrap of a man compared to my male ancestors
Optionality — To the decadent person, it’s important to have options, backup plans, and exit plans
Professional health care for pets — You want your pug to live forever and unto the ages of ages
On the list of decadency, I eat exquisitely, use climate control, shower in steaming hot water for prolonged periods, and pursue optionality. Do these habits completely block my salvation? I hope not

CTON #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

Only White people, as a people, are sympathetic to people on the fringe of society. See, for example, how we treat people with Down's syndrome. No other race treats them more kindly than we do.

Yep, you are are safer being a minority amongst white people than any other group on the planet.

We have many examples of regular people voluntarily cooperating to help the poor, the needy, and the sick.

And yet, you never see those do-gooder whites (who help nonwhites) helping our whites in South Africa or Eastern Europeans. Hell, they don't even give a rip about poor whites in their area. They'd prefer to help out mestizos or hire them over poor whites.

It doesn't stop there. I've seen Bulgarians traveling and living in Africa helping the local population while only 20 km from where I live, there are blue eyed grandmas scavenging Trash cans.

Wait, are you serious? You have Eastern Europeans that got to Africa to help out Africans and not the Bulgarians in Bulgaria? hell, since they're in Africa, why don't they venture south to help the whites there? Wow, I didn't know you had liberal idiots like that in Bulgaria. Thought they were smarter than the West.

It's worse. They even teach them Bulgarian and Bulgarian dances. I wouldn't be surprised if some NGO is funding them to make sure Diversity quotas of "new Bulgarians" are met just like quotas for "new Frenchmen" and "new Germans".

That's weird, because most Bulgarians I've talked to, as with most Eastern Europeans, are NOT fans of nonwhites and are prowhite.

An armed society is a polite society

Depends on who the society is. A homogenous white population will have low crime, high trust and what not. A majority black/mestizo/arab/brown population--be they armed or not--will have violence, rapes, sexual crimes, dysfunction, low trust, etc.

Chloe352 #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut #elitist o9a.org

Here in the West, like here in America, we are beginning to slowly understand that Democracy + Diversity + Equality – Honour – Debt – Hierarchy – Direction = Societal Collapse. Democracy here meaning: when the emotively whimsical Mass has the power to make decisions. People, especially from the third world, who come to America, no longer have any sense of Honour, Loyalty, or Duty. They come here for the free stuff, to out breed White people, and to ethnically struggle for dominance. Fractal patterns repeat, in degree, magnitude, and scale: what is happening right now in South Africa, will happen here in 25 years.

Socrates #racist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

White Privilege? No. Jewish Privilege

Go to your refrigerator and look inside. Examine the ketchup, mustard and pickle containers. You will see that they all have a little kosher (meaning “fit”) symbol on them, usually on the front label — a “U” or a “K” for example. That little symbol means that the food is “okay for Jews to eat.” In other words, the food was prepared in a special way and can “safely” be eaten by religious Jews without violating Jewish dietary rules [1].

Most packaged food in America today is marked with the kosher symbol. Even non-food items are often marked with the kosher symbol, e.g., aluminum foil, plastic wrap.

Given the fact that Jews make up only 2% of the U.S. population, that speaks loudly to how much power and privilege Jews have in America. (You’d think that Jews were extra-special or something! Actually, they do: Jews consider themselves to be “God’s chosen people” i.e., God’s favorite people).

(Consider this: if you went to Israel, and asked a dozen Israeli food producers to mark all of their packaged food with little Christian crosses on the labels, you’d probably get your ass beaten. White gentiles are such chumps. Jews have been waging war on White Western culture since ancient times, yet we put our enemy’s stamp on our food! Heaven help us!).


[1] Jews are both a race (a hybrid race via centuries of inbreeding) and a religion. White people occasionally convert to Judaism, but they are not considered to be “true” Jews.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

RE: Why This Document Could Change Racial Identity Politics at Aussie Universities Forever

(Jeff Coffey)

A regional Australian university will demand more proof that students are Aboriginal if they want to claim places meant for Indigenous candidates. They must now also produce written evidence they are accepted by the community to which they claim to belong and have their identity assessed by a panel of experts.

Well, this is good! A serious university openly acknowledges that race is a biological reality and that it is immutable. There must be some innate racial difference to justify why one race would be accepted per this biological background check and not another. So score two! More people identify as indigenous than could be accounted for by birth rates, which means that people are lying about it, which means it's socio-economically advantageous to identify as indigenous as opposed to White. Score three!


‘It’s really about not just biologically do you have an Aboriginal heritage but it’s about do you live it,’

Do I have to huff gasoline vapors to prove it? Do I have to do it in blackie face?

"Our group has it so bad that white people are pretending to be us."

Both can't be true.

Of course, if they were living the Abo life and belonged to the Abo culture, what in hell would they be doing applying to attend college? There is nothing in their historical experience that suggests they were at all interested in such things.

Of course, there is no mention whatsoever that blacks and Indians are the primary culprits.

The Abo are black. Other blacks move in, and immediately apply for abo status. That is the issue that has not been brought up despite two long article on the matter.

Anonymous Californian #racist #wingnut amren.com

Proud to Be Gay and Proud to Be White

As a lesbian, I am supposed to be a band in Jesse Jackson’s rainbow. And for most of my life, I believed the left’s rhetoric about identity politics, voted Democrat, and supported the liberal agenda.

Growing up in Los Angeles, I attributed the racial conflicts I experienced to black oppression — when blacks called me “blondie” and pushed me around, they were venting legitimate frustration, given their history as victims of the system. When Watts burned, I rationalized: Years of police brutality had caused the riots, not the blacks themselves. Even as late as the 1980s I was still buying it.

I can think of three events that finally pushed me out of the rainbow. The first was President Clinton’s speech about the demographic future of America in which he rejoiced at the impending demise of the white majority. Although I rejected my own reaction at the time as racist, the words that came to my mind were “traitor to his race.”

The second was a job I nearly lost out on because I was white. The man who hired me told me he had been instructed to hire a “person of color.” To his credit, he disobeyed his supervisor and hired the most qualified candidate. A friend wasn’t so lucky. During a job interview she was told, without apology, that only blacks would be hired.

And third was the O.J. Simpson verdict.

As a lesbian, I can count on one hand the number of times I have been verbally harassed because I am gay. As a white person it has been an entirely different story. I have white lesbian friends who have been raped by black men; white gay male friends who have been beaten up by Hispanic gangs (in one case my friend died); and numerous straight white friends whose “quality of life” has been reduced by blacks and other people of color.

I am still uneasy with many aspects of the movement as I try to reconcile being a proud gay person with being a proud white person. But when push comes to shove, my guess is that race trumps sexual identity.

speculareffect #racist #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie speculareffect.org

Many people mistakenly believe Marx to have been an atheist. On the contrary. Marx was a Satanist.

Now, to the rational mind, the first thing that tickles the fervor of the rationalists is the fact that there is no god, neither a Satan and while they are correct, it is important to comprehend what Satanism is — Kabbalist Judaism. The Kabbalist’s “god” is Lucifer/Samael — the angel who sought to transcend the power and supremacy of the epistemological god.

Confused? Well, look: Satanists — Kabbalists — like their “god” Lucifer/Samael, believe that humans are god. This means that they are in control of their lives, destinies and fates and not the god whose divinity and supremacy they mock and blaspheme. It is a rebellion that stems from a belief in a god or gods.

This is similar to atheistic non-belief, yet very significantly different. Whereas the atheist does see himself or herself as in control of their lives, destiny and fate; that there is no extant force which contributes to desired outcomes and preferences in life — the atheist holds that personal responsibility is paramount. However, this is not due to challenging the supremacy nor the divinity of some god. It isn’t rebellion. It is due to the lack of a belief in a god and gods, because such beliefs to the atheist are absurd and lack any evidence and rationality.

Marx was a misanthrope of the worst kind. There are misanthropes like myself, who do not want to, nor care to harm others, but simply isolate ourselves from humanity, because we see humans as rather dumb, shallow and bring nothing but trouble and drama. We just want to be left the fuck alone.
This is what communists are about. Willfully and unknowingly. (((They))) want to destroy everybody! They hate us goyim!

Samuela GĂłrska #racist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut timesofisrael.com

Last week, the right-wing nationalist Konfederacja Party, which has 11 seats in Poland’s lower house of parliament, posted a video of Polish model Samuela Górska on its official social media platforms in which she says she does not think Jews belong in Poland.

“I don’t want Jewry either, I don’t want LGBT, I don’t want many things that are currently here,” she said. “Only Konfederacja […] ensures normality.”

Polish fashion brands subsequently cut ties with GĂłrska and deleted her photos from their social media profiles.

Awakened-UK #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #racist #wingnut awakeneduk.wordpress.com

The current situation is the culmination of thousands of years of fighting between the controllers of humanity. It is a war between two factions of the RH- blood lines: The Lucifarians and The Satanists fighting against each other.

The RH- blood lines are the Fallen Angels of the bible, of which twenty-two went rogue to become the Synagogue of Satan.

The Satanists

The goal of the Satanists is to kill most of the RH+ blood groups (A+, B+, AB+ and O+) and control a smaller group of human subservient slaves. The killing of the RH+ is presently being done with laboratory made viruses and the vaccines that are supposed to protect people from the viruses.

We can recognise the Satanists as The Black Nobility families of Italy, The Rockerfellers of the USA, and The Rothschilds of Europe. They finance their political minions such as The Clintons, Bill Gates, Obama who put their evil plans into action via politics.

The Satanists invented Catholicisim and Christianity to control humanity through the Vatican which is currently being run by the Jesuits, the CryptoJew Babylonians.
The Lucifarians are the blood line of Enlil and Enki, two Annunaki brothers who came to Earth to mine gold for their own planet and who created modern humans as their gold mining slaves. The Annunaki are the original Fallen Angels.

Enki and his sister spent many years manipulating Neanderthal DNA with Annunaki DNA to create humanity as we know it through Adam and Eve. He loved his human creation and tried to protect them.

The Current Battle

This is Draco fighting Draco but it is Lucifarian (Draco with Pleaidian genetics) against the Satanists who aren’t balanced with Pleaidian genetics.

Henry Makow, PhD #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist henrymakow.com

David Livingstone has convinced me that Left and Right are both part of a Cabalist (Freemason) world control grid.

The goal is a spoof religion called "Discordianism" - the worship of chaos: "Nothing is true and everything is permitted." People don't know what to believe.

Out of this chaos, Cabalists build their New World Order.

Livingstone says the Book of Revelation is their Blueprint. It is not Prophesy but a plan they intend to implement. So are the novels 1984 and Brave New World

He says the Book of Revelations was written in 400 AD and is Gnostic.

We are familiar with Communism on the Left. Not so much with Synarchism on the Right. Most conservatives and nationalists, he says, are not Christians but occultists who use Christianity as a Trojan Horse. The contrived conflict between Communism and this "Fascist International" feeds "Discordianism."

Livingstone lists White Russians, Alfred Rosenberg, Donald Trump, Alex Jones, Rene Guenon, Julius Evola, Borris Brazol, Henry Ford, Alexander Duggin and Neocon founder Leo Strauss as Synarchists. Others include the "Moral Majority," Paul Manafort, Lee Atwater, Arthur J Finklestein, Netanyahu, Roy Cohn, Norman Vincent Peale, the "Family," American Jewish League vs Communism, The John Birch Society, Willis Carto, the Liberty Lobby, Billy Graham, Bernard Baruch, the National Review, Knights of Malta. He says Barry Goldwater was Jewish and Jews created the KKK.
If anything, this reveals that despite his insights into the Illuminati dialectic, Livingstone is a Communist. He thinks that rigged elections, illegal mass migration, defund the police, critical race theory, "white supremacism," big-tech censorship, cancel culture, gender dysphoria etc. are all fascist strategies to discredit Jews and not Communist Jewish stratagems to destroy Western Civilization. He can't see that the Democrats are Communists and he probably thinks COVID is real.
David Livingstone was a friend, so I hate to say, "Go to Hell."

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Call it the "whoops wrong nigger" fund"]

Police do the right thing and taxpayers foot the bill:

MONTREAL — A Black Montreal man is seeking more than $1 million in damages after he was wrongfully arrested in connection with an assault on a police officer and detained for six days

Lawyers representing Mamadi III Fara Camara filed a lawsuit today at the Montreal courthouse
Police ultimately exonerated Camara and in late March, arrested another person in connection with the case

So..."another person" eh? No other information that the fake news liars at CityTV felt was worthy of publishing?

Unsurprisingly it was another nigger, one Ali Ngarukiye, who Montreal police now believe was the individual responsible for the crime of stealing an officer's gun and shooting at him. Police suspected Camara after he was found just sitting in his car after the assault
You might be asking yourself a sensible question: do Ngarukiye and Camara look anything like each other?[…]Nobody (lying presstitutes at Global News, Montreal Police, the prosecuting attorney) is interested in giving you any information about Ngarukiye including whether he's legally allowed to be in Canada or where he and his family lives

But we do know where Camara and his family live: not in Canada. Or, rather, they aren't supposed to be. However, woke SJW morons in Parliament and the Queerbec Government are pushing to get him permanent residency status even as he tries to bilk white taxpayers out of their hard-earned money

There's a reason this song is so catchy

emily, ACAB Whisperer & Laura Urkel #moonbat #racist twitter.com

everyone writing ~slavic fantasy~ needs to get that it's not just a safe (white) place to write what you perceive as exotic without getting accused of appropriation.

it's exhausting to watch authors protest that they did their research, and then it turns out they just read academic writing on folktales or "slavic witchcraft". They peel cultural artifacts away from history and politics and I'm sick of it.

eastern europeans have been bringing this up in sff spaces for years, but they get ignored, and the people who turned half of europe into an aesthetic get big splashy publications.

What burns me most in these stories is that... they're the bad guys. The thick Russian accent, the cruel torturer with thick furs, etc.

truly I hate this.

Unless the Slavic writer decides it doesn't matter and want to focus on something else, right?

eastern european writers have their own relationships to their histories. that's a different conversation.

(ACAB Whisperer)

Lol- It's funny to me because I've been hearing this same refrain from asian, african, middle eastern, chinese, and native writers for years now. And I like that it is feeding back into what 'european' fantasy really consists of.

It's the problem of whiteness.

It's why a lot of social scientists et al point out there is no white culture. Irish, Rhine, Slavic - no White.

white supremacy whitewashes EVERYTHING, including European history and culture.

(Laura Urkel)
How can you white wash white history?

Some people are so white, they have a white caste system. Not America right now, but Europe works like that.

Isn’t Europe the ultimate white society though?

White is not a monolith, neither are black, asian, indigenous. Painting it all with the same brush is whitewashing.

Common sense is needed here. In an ideal world skin color is meaningless, but in the actual world it’s all anyone talks about or refers to.

Yung Ho & Who's There? #crackpot #racist amren.com

(Yung Ho)
Why is she apologizing? It’s very white of her to improve something, it’s what whites do! It’s her idea, she owes them nothing. Why is she donating profits to Asians who hate her? There are poor Appalachian white kids who could use that money!

In NYC, they have a lot of these Mexican taco hole in the walls and it’s known as Chinese Mexican. Only blacks and whites go to those. Do you see Mexicans angry? No they are busy making good authentic Mexican to worry about Chinese frauds. Most nyc “sushi” spots are all Chinese! I don’t eat sushi if cooked by China-men! I can always tell difference. Chinese just have this blank confused stare, more pushed in Pekingnese face, act like peasants and are loud and ghetto!

Chinese are sooooo combative and hostile - I’ve been attacked 3 times by Chinese - I had to knock 2 China men out after they tried to hit me . And 1 Chinese woman came charging at me and grabbed my throat , I threw her like a rag doll on top of a pile of garbage bags. Chinese are violent, combative ,hostile no impulse control and very territorial - they aren’t far from negroes!

(Who's There?)
Did you get attacked in Communist China? I had an extremely bad brawl with a group of Jiaotong University male pupils. A pregnant American woman and her American husband (both were Whites) were in the same Hospital as me and were both more badly injured than me. I presume they were also not allowed to use their Chinese insurance plan and thus had to pay a huge amount of cash for minimal medical care because they were Whites.

A large number of members of East Asian groups seem to think that laws and rules do not apply to them--the Little Emporer(ess) Syndrome alluded to in that National Geographic Magazine report about Japan in or around 1973.

Even though many of the East Asians I've met are awful individuals, at least half of the ones I've met are decent -- and this is my opinion about the East Asians I lived amongst from Fall of 2000 to mid-January of 2020.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: White Woman Making ‘Improved’ Congee Apologizes

Ethnic cooking is "cultural appropriation."


Aren’t Asians notorious for stealing or copying the technology of white people?

These Asians are stupid. Do you know how many versions of Chicken Paprikash there are? Hungarian cookbooks have different recipes for it. Then there are the non-Hungarians who make Paprikash. I am always up for a delicious variation on an old dish.

Good grief you petty stupid racist people, either shut up or give up everything invented by White people.

I would like to see them all go home considering how petty, racist and rotten they are.

These so called Asian academics are the epitome of petty and deplorable. Aren't there more serious things to consider than a woman updating a common rice dish? I am sure she thought it was a tribute to Asian culture. No good deed goes unpunished. I also love how the Asian author starts the article by saying "white woman Karen Taylor". Their hatred for whites is obvious.

Can you imagine if a white person wrote this about an Asian person? They would lose their job. This is why I always say that all non whites including Asians are aligned against whites.


What's happened to East Asians? An East Asian academic is leading the charge on this nonsense. East Asian activists, nowadays, are looking for micro-aggressions at every turn. A once dignified peoples, East Asians have lately descended into continuous whining and wallowing in victimhood.

East Asians are opportunistic, social climbing, and conformist by nature. They’re jumping on the “blame whitey for everything” bandwagon because that’s what the dominant narrative dictates.

Do these extortionists ever eat or cook Italian or French food? German? Polish, Greek?
I'm sure they do, 100%.
So they are are culturally appropriating, they must be stopped from eating or cooking European cuisine. Fair is fair.

Prussian Society of America #sexist #racist #ableist #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Prussian Policies Towards Women"]

Prussia shall make no policy, law or procedure which views or treats “Women” in any way as a disadvantaged sex
Policies geared towards Women must ensure that Women receive balanced treatment in terms of how they are relegated to their duties and responsibilities as a Woman, in Service to her Father, Husband and the Vaterland
Women under the Reich are raised and educated in everyday life to appreciate, love, cherish and respect Men, and they come to learn that her own internal happiness comes from her eagerness to Please and Satisfy the Needs and Desires of the Man whom she will one day devote her life to
The German Race[…]is a higher race, intellectually and spiritually, where one can enjoy relations with the opposite sex on a greater realm than only primal or materialistic values
Women[…]are forbidden to heed the advice from her friends as “superior” to any advice or trust/faith she puts in her significance other or Husband
Women cannot use their bodies, beauty or charm and manipulations to get their way through life[…]Such Women who attempt such behavior will be sought out for punishment
Activities like “flirting just because one can” or “flirting to test the market” or “flirting just for fun” needs to be behavior (from both genders) that is considered intolerable and shameful
The State does not take a personal interest in the treatment or discipline a Man may use towards his spouse
Rhesus Negative blood type is automatic grounds for Abortion[…](even if it against the will of the Mother or Father)[…]If someone has Rh- Blood, this means that they are Jewish
Distinct Labor Positions for Women will be made available
It has been scientifically proven that once a Woman has given herself unto a Man, she will never be able to properly pair-bond with a New Man

geboren Weiss #racist stormfront.org

RE: Gallup: Ratings of Black-White relations at new low

Not a surprise. After seeing how a lot of them have responded to the whole George Floyd thing, treating that as if it had to do with racism, then treating everything else as racism when it involved white and black. The constant need to be anti-white by telling white people to be anti-racist, even though they think we're inherently racist, and the constant anti-white racism I see from them on social media, I no longer have any reason to believe they're not two-faced. Being all friendly in person, but then being overtly racist online. I'm done with them.

Double I #conspiracy #psycho #racist stormfront.org

If this past year has done anything, it's the proving absolutely what we have been saying on this wonderful site for the past 20 years. Negros are the pure scum of the earth. They are a cancer on society and destroy everything they touch. Vile soul-less sub human garbage that are genetic career criminals and indescribably stupid and violent. To all you soft hearted racially clueless whites, That spook at work or you know from the gym is not your friend and never will be. He harbors a burning insane hatred for you and would kill you and rape your wife without batting an eye.

Vox Nihili & Lee_CPA #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Mob Surrounds Cop Trying to Respond to Shooting in Atlanta

The crowd was hurling anti-white racism at the officer, including shouting things like “Get your white face out of here!"

(Vox Nihili)
Hopefully Buckhead will achieve their goal of separation from Atlanta, which will allow them to have their own police force. I'm sure this young white officer would be welcome. White officers in areas like this are taking too much risk.

On a side note, I'm impressed that the woman at the end in the BLM shirt actually tells everyone to back off and leave the cop alone. One person out of that whole mob.

She probably realized the cameras were rolling.

I guess I'd prefer to hope that there's still a few blacks out there who realize the illogic of harassing an officer who is responding because one of THEIR people was shot.

True. There are good people and bad people in every race. The cynic in me says she may be a relative of one of the victims in the shooting.

I think if Buckhead accomplishes that and I believe they will, it'll lead to sections of other sick Democrat cities doing the same. Chicago and San Francisco come to mind.

I'm rooting for the Buckhead folks!

This is what twelve years of anti-police rhetoric will do for you. If I were that White officer, I would be looking for a new job first thing tomorrow. Surrounded by belligerent blacks who went so far as to put their hands on him. That keeps up and one of them makes a grab for his weapon, he will be forced to defend himself or die. If he defends himself, black "leadership" in Atlanta will throw him under the bus, just like they did those two White officers who shot Rayshard Brooks, the black who was found passed out in a Wendy's drive thru and fought two police officers when they tried to place him under arrest, grabbing one of the officer's taser and trying to shoot one of them with it.

CTON #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: S. African Township Becomes ‘Racial’ Flashpoint in Rainbow Nation

Indian immigrants fight back against black marauders.

When nonwhites are attacked for their race and/or fight back in defense of their race, they are congratulated for fighting back.

When whites are attacked for their race and/or fight back in defense of their race, it is "racist, hateful" and "oh, come on! This has nothing to do with race!" "White genocide is a white conspiracy!"

Everywhere whites are at, they are humiliated, terrorized, attacked and many whites will not unite as whites.

“We are not racist,” insisted Karim Loven, the head of a local policing forum.

See non-Whites have to say it too :) Doesn't matter to blacks though everyone is racist towards them

I would advice these Indians not to start acting like the cuckolds white men have become. Even I don't want nonwhites to feel inferior, but I also do not want them thinking they have a right to attack us or dehumanize us either.

I'd say "You're only calling me racist because I'm white" or I'd say "This is another excuse for blacks to commit crimes."

Dominik Tarczinsky did just that in a famous interview, he said "call me racist or whatever you like, I only care about safety of my country.

If that were the words uttered by every white man in positions of power, our race would have a much higher chance of survival. Seems like it's only Eastern and Central European men with any racial backbone among the white race. I hope they stay prowhite, strong and traditional.

Worst case scenario this is the beginning of a total annihilation massacre of White and Indian South Africans.

But at least Indians have a continent they can flee to, people (even whites) will be sympathetic to their plight, Indian army could be sent in to rescue them, and Indians--unlike whites--will unite for their people. Whites, even when they're being targetted as whites, will not unite as whites.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: BLM Activist Proposes Black Only Cities Or "Autonomous Zones" In D.C. Democrats Warn Of "Civil War"

(Eirik Bloodaxe)
There’s already a Black Autonomous Zone. It’s called Liberia.

(Alex Ketteman)

Didnt they end up conquering the natives? Talk about irony.

No, the original slaves and descendants who went to Liberia ended up settling it, creating a bustling economy, eventually declared independence and had a pretty cool thing going....then the native tribes ended up getting mad at them over petty tribal crap so the juntas started attacking nonstop and the government fell to a military takeover. Now it persists in constant failed state status.

Short version- bush people got mad and wrecked a western civilization built in Africa by black people from the United States. Culture and government was entirely incompatible.

(Ghaz Man)

And Trump supporters are still the ones accused of "insurrection," are they?

Democrats and hypocrisy have been synonymous for decades.

Chosen segregation. The old school democrat racists have evolved their tactics.


Bro the white supremes are creaming themselves over the stuff BLM is doing and pushing.

yeah, because creating a black ethnostate where whites are inferior is totally what the white Supremes want. At least old mush mouth Joe Biden gets his precious segregation back. Lord knows, he's wanted segregation since he first got into politics.

(Best Friend)
They already have black autonomous zones. It’s called the inner city of every democrat run state. How’s that going?

(Cheesy S)
If Africa is any standard to go by, it won’t end to well for them.

Ritesh Jha & other Hindutva #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut aljazeera.com

Photographs of more than 80 Muslim women put up for sale on an app are triggering outrage and calls for action.

The creators of the platform offered visitors a chance to claim a “Sulli” – a derogatory term used by right-wing Hindu trolls for Muslim women – calling them “deals of the day”.

The incident came on a day a Hindu far-right man called for the abduction of Muslim women at a gathering in Pataudi.

GitHub, which hosted the app, took it down after public outrage and complaints.

A week after the app was discovered, no arrest has been made.

Prominent journalist and activist Rana Ayyub, who has been at the receiving end of vicious sexualised trolling for her outspoken views, said that this was and is done “systemically” to target vocal Muslim women.

“The way they [Hindu far-right groups] sexualise you is the only way they believe they can shame and silence Muslim women online. We are supposed to be ‘oppressed’ in their books – so they think, ‘How dare we speak out for ourselves?’” Ayyub, who is a columnist for the Washington Post, told Al Jazeera.

Media professional Sania Ahmad, whose profile also appeared on the Sulli Deals app, says this sort of violence online is hardly surprising.

“It’s a very sad thing, but I’ve gotten used to this. Last year, there was a poll running where a Hindutva account asked ‘Which of the Sanias should I choose for my harem?’ The results were eventually published and the comments below called for even more violence. There were comments like – ‘why should we add them to the harem, just f*** them and dump them’. Another one said, ‘I want to chop off their heads and use them to decorate my wall.’”

Ahmad’s images were morphed on pornographic visuals after she spoke out against a similar instance of virtual auctioning of Muslim women on the night before Eid this year. A YouTube channel run by “Liberal Doge Live”, reportedly a man by the name of Ritesh Jha, ran an “Eid Special” – a “live auction” of Muslim women from India and Pakistan.

Texas Republicans #racist #sexist #wingnut news.bloomberglaw.com

The Texas Senate on Friday passed legislation that would end requirements that public schools include writings on women’s suffrage and the civil rights movement in social studies classes.

Among the figures whose works would be dropped: Susan B. Anthony, Cesar Chavez, and Martin Luther King Jr.

It would remove more than two dozen teaching requirements from a new law that bars the teaching of critical race theory, an academic framework exploring racism’s shaping of the country.

The bill would remove most mentions of people of color and women from those requirements, along with a requirement that students be taught about the history of white supremacy and “the ways in which it is morally wrong.”

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R), who presides over the Senate, said in a statement after the vote that “Senate Bill 3 will make certain that critical race philosophies including the debunked 1619 founding myth, are removed from our school curriculums statewide. Parents want their students to learn how to think critically, not be indoctrinated by the ridiculous leftist narrative that America and our Constitution are rooted in racism.”

“What we’re doing with this bill, we’re saying that specific reading list doesn’t belong in statute,” said the bill’s author, state Sen. Bryan Hughes (R).

The bill would prohibit teachers from being compelled to talk about current events or controversial issues, instructing those choosing to engage with students to discuss without “giving deference to any one perspective.”

Speaking on the chamber floor, state Sen. Judith Zaffirini (D) said the legislation amounts to “tying the hands of our teachers.”

“How could a teacher possibly discuss slavery, the Holocaust, or the mass shootings at the Walmart in El Paso or at the Sutherland Springs church in my district without giving deference to any one perspective?,” she said.

Unnamed Głogów football supporters #conspiracy #racist notesfrompoland.com

At an anti-vaccine protest in Poland yesterday, participants chanted that “Jews are behind the pandemic” and “rule the world”. Protesters also engaged in confrontations with the police, leading to three arrests
In Glogów, a town of 70,000 in western Poland, followers of the local football team on Sunday held the latest in a series of protests against restrictions and vaccines. “Stop the propaganda of a fourth wave”, “Stop sanitary segregation”, and “Stop vaccination coercion” were among the slogans

“The government, under the guise of a ‘deadly virus’, is introducing illegal regulations aimed at limiting our freedom,” said the organisers, quoted by NaszeMiasto. They called on people to join “the fight for our common future” against “the globalists”

At yesterday’s event, a man leading chanting through a megaphone asked the crowd: “We know who is behind this whole ‘plandemic’ and who rules the world, right?” In response, someone shouted “Jews”, and the man replied, “Of course it’s the Jews”

The crowd then chanted together: “Every Pole can see today that behind the ‘plandemic’ are the Jews” (Dzisiaj kazdy Polak widzi, ze za plandemia stoja Zydzi)

Over 100 people attended the march, according to NaszeMiasto. Among them were families with children. Many carried white-and-red Polish flags or wore other patriotic symbols. Some also lit flares

Participants also engaged in a confrontation with the police, shouting obscenities at officers and behaving aggressively towards them, forcing the police to retreat. “One day you will all be held to account,” warned the nationalist Twitter account that shared a video of the incident

Matthias Cicotte #racist #conspiracy lgbtqnation.com

(Alaska's ADA sounds like a real charmer)

Many of the tweets under the handle – which used the name “J Reuben Clark” – repeated conspiracy theories about Jewish people, saying that they secretly run industries like media and banking and that they are involved in several plots against the “white race.”

Under the pseudonym in 2016, Cicotte wrote about when “real history was taught in school, angry yentas didn’t rule, white men didn’t play the fool.”

He kept on attacking Jewish people until this year, when he tweeted that Jewish Republicans trying to get Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) expelled from the House were trying “to combat the conspiracy theory that Jews run everything by getting any member of Congress they don’t like expelled from Congress.”

Cicotte expressed disdain for Black people, saying that the idea that racism exists is “purely a tool to control people on the right.” He asked followers to “try to think of an example of an accusation of racism that helped the right, or Christians, or whites in the last 10 years.”

“The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its Consequences Have Been a Disaster for the Human Race,” he tweeted last year. He also said that he believed it’s not racist to say that “some racial groups have higher IQs than others” and called Black Lives Matter a “criminal enterprise that murders people and destroys property.”

Meus #crackpot #racist incels.is

Non-whites are sheep.
Whites are wolves.

It really is that simple. For example: Bullying as bad as in white countries barely exists in brown countries. Indians don't bully each other to fucking death. Other tribes simply can't afford to victimize their own.

Whites have an aggressive predator personality. No amount of BLM, leftism, equality propaganda etc. change that fact. If anything it is just a thin coat of paint covering a totalitarian, ignorant interior that is buried deep inside. They believe it just as much as they would have believed Nazi propaganda if they lived in Germany. They believe in leftism like in an ideology.

The fact that this empathy and tolerance shit has to be taught whites and reinforced 24/7 only shows that it doesn't come naturally to them like the rest of the world. It has to be instructed from above.

This has downsides too. Whites are easier to deceive and control than other tribes. Predators like wolves are hyper-focused on 1 target, but don't see anything around them (hunter eyes) which makes it easy for someone to fool them. Non-whites are like sheep and have a wider view (prey eyes). If you told them to make the Nazi salute and die in Russia they would just laugh at you, but the wolves believe that garbage because of their hyper-focus. Hell it is even reflected in appearance.

Jews are neither sheep, nor wolves. They're parasites who profit from both sides. They use the fucking wolves to devour the sheep and starve the wolves to death to sell their fur.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Dozens Of Schools Teach Children That White People Are The Devil, CRT Has Been EXPOSED For its Evils

(Ship Mcgree)
Bottom line is: critical race theory was made by racists to promote racism


Dig deeper it was designed by communists to promote communism once the realize that the "class war" angle wasn't going to work

Anti white hatred is what it is. Racist is a word that has been used to exclusively attack white people for decades.

Critical Race Theory was invented by the same Democrat Party that fought for Slavery, created the KKK, and fought for Segregation. They've always been racist and always will

its all just anti-white, pretending it is anything else is just as bad as their constant rebranding their genocide


This is the scariest thing I have a son who is Hispanic on his mom's side and a daughter who is not. can you imagine if I wasn't paying attention to this how they are pitting siblings against each other.

Mixed race families are gonna be the ones who REALLY stand up against this stuff.

(Trever M)
Is it possible that history is repeating for the Dems but they will target white people instead of blacks this time? I mean how far does this anti-whiteness go? Will we get to the point there's seperate facilities for whites because people see them as the devil? There's so many brainwashed whites as it is that see whites as evil and now with CRT we are headed for a future of white hatred by not only other races but whites themselves.

You have white kids in school trying to make friends, yet the POC children treat them like scum because they're being told whites are a plague and evil. Then those white kids grow up thinking POCs are hateful and aggressive.

That could happen but I think the idea is to get whites themselves to hate their own race which has worked very well. The majority of people who call for all this anti-white stuff are usually whites themselves. It's a taught self hatred thing.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #sexist amren.com

RE: Indian Muslim Women Offered for Sale in ‘Auction’

Diversity doesn't work in India, either.

(Fed Up)
I can't stop laughing. This article is totally hilarious.

I wouldn't give a counterfeit penny for any Indian female, whether Muslim or not. I swear they were bred for ugliness.

(Francis Galton)
Among world religions, Islam is in a category of its own with regard to intolerance, hate, and violence directed towards non-Muslims. Therefore, I have a very hard time working up any sympathy for Muslims who find themselves targets of harassment or persecution. A person's religion is not even an immutable characteristic like race. If these people don't like being persecuted for their ignoble ideology, disavow it, or move to a Muslim majority country.

A map showing levels of racism around the globe had western nations scoring the lowest (no surprise there). The Middle East, Far East - even Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa - had higher rates. But the nation with the highest percentage of citizens who expressed racist views was India. Given that India has been a multi-ethnic society since forever, it doesn't bode well for our own multicult future.

SlayerSlayer #crackpot #racist incels.is

HUUWHITES are superior simply because it's not possible to teach most of them that they are inferior just because they are white. Whites have so much natural pride, willpower, and self-esteem they will shake it off no matter what kind of (((tomfoolery))) you throw at them. As much as wignats complain about jewish trickery, at the end of the day, it's more of a mere annoyance to a white, as opposed to being an ACTUAL conquerable threat to their privacy, and way of life.

Compare that to any other race, they will eat up their own inferiority like Shaggy with the Scooby snacks. Even if asians "technically" have a higher IQ, just point at their cock, they are inferior cause they got tiny ones. Curries are inferior because they shit on the street. White people can rape curry women and turn around and say, "oh it's actually curry male culture that is rapey". Ethnic women stuck carrying on ethnic genes, are just fucking genetic dead-end bagholders to the cosmic spectrum of civilization, whereas it's only possible for HUUWHITES to be at the vanguard of it, THE ENTIRE FUCKING TIME. Non-white history is nonhistory. It's just fucking irrelevant. There's no fucking point. They should just burn every non-white history department down, because who the fuck cares???

If a white turns up onto the shores of a primitive land, they are just gonna completely rape, usurp, and enslave the native population within a matter of months-- they literally can claim to savages that they are immortal, and tribal chiefs will literally give up on the spot. That's how superior HUUWHITES are. A white can BLUFF their way into Godhood, and that bluff slowly dawned into just the goddamn truth.

Hunter Wallace #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Slams Apartheid In 1986"]

Joe Biden recently lashed out against “21st century Jim Crow”[…]He seemed to suggest that would be a bad thing
Joe Biden and progressive activists led the charge against apartheid in South Africa. “Democracy” required South Africans to submit to the ANC and follow in the footsteps of Zimbabwe and the rest of sub-Saharan Africa[…]It was “racism” and “white supremacy” to doubt that it would all work out because blacks have been oppressed by systematic racism and actually have the same capacity for self government as everyone else

Joe Biden and his ilk got their way in Zimbabwe and South Africa[…]Pretty much all of the things that are now happening in this country today under Joe Biden were pioneered in post-colonial sub-Saharan Africa. We have vicious racial attacks on Whites. We have the same cynical exploitation of White guilt[…]We have the same Africanizing of the country and erosion in First World standards. We have “equity” now like in Zimbabwe and South Africa where the evil White man’s civilization has been in precipitous decline
South Africa and Zimbabwe show that “equality” doesn’t necessarily mean going up together[…]It usually means going down to the lowest common denominator[…]Dragging life for everyone who ISN’T black down to their level and staying there. Joe Biden got rid of that morally repulsive regime in South Africa and obliterated the evil civilization that had been created there

Are we going to allow him to repeat that experiment in this country?

Preston James and Mike Harris #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho veteranstoday.com

Before America can embark on a national mission to eradicate the influence of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) in America, it is important to understand its incredibly evil hidden history.
We know for certain that the RKM is planning on mass-murdering 90% of all humans, unless they are stopped and this intention has been admitted by RKM officials in public documents. Even more than this the RKM has actually carved their sinister death cult intentions in stone on an expensive granite monument, the Georgia Guidestones.

All Americans need to understand that the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) is by far the World’s biggest parasitical invading organism in history that sucks the lifeblood out of any host country until mass-death of the Citizenry and the nation itself is attained.
Declaration of War Against The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) by We The People and the Constitutional Republic of The United States of America:

After over 100 years of abuse, including Treason, Sedition and the ordered murder of numerous Americans with effective and patriotic leadership and leadership potential; and after a full range of financial fraud and debt and tax slavery-type crimes against We the People; and because of all the numerous organized crime abuses enacted against We the People by the world’s largest organized criminal cabal, the RKM — we the people can no longer endure the multifaceted abuse and secret crimes of the RKM.

Therefore, because these abuses against We the People can no longer be tolerated, We the People who constitute the United States of America, hereby Declare War against the world’s largest Organized Crime Cabal, the RKM, which has infiltrated America, hijacked our American institutions of government and is now waging a secret asymmetrical war against We the People and the Republic of the United States of America.

CornusKousa #pratt #racist #wingnut forum.literotica.com


"All this shows is that whites aren't stupid enough to smoke big fat blunts in the street, asking to be arrested."

Then you have a racist view. You must be American.

There was nothing racist about that view.

Nothing inherently racist about being an American either.

Your assumptions here show your distain and hatred for the USA. I'm sure the Democrats are proud to have you on their team, you fit right in.

What white guilt? Why do you lie so much, Poor lil Dumb-Dumb?

Oh now Luk is suddenly no social justice warrior....never said he believed in "white privilege" or called any inequity "systemic racism" or "white supremacy".

He's totally outside of the (D) narrative when it comes to racial iidentitarianism in the USA.....a real Rand Paul/Ted Cruz equal opportunity type.

Luk......the ultimate SoCal airhead.

You're an SFV porn baby aren't you???

MLK's most famous quote is alt-reich white nationalist bullshit by modern (D) standards.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

^^ flies right the fuck in the face of "woke" bigots everywhere.

His four little black children who were being judged by the color of their skin.

Yes, and guess who is the hardest for continuing to judge everyone by the color of their skin???

Democrats and the "woke" left that comprise their base.

The shitheads definition of a white supremacist is anyone who is white.

Not even....

Notice when black people attack Asian seniors in broad daylight of blue cities???

White supremacy!!!

Whiteness, white privilege, white supremacy and white nationalism are all just bunk terms for things (D)'s don't like.

It gets them triggered so they call it racist and white _____.

Because WHITE IS BAD!!!!!

Bud_Spencer #racist #wingnut forum.literotica.com

Peddling white shame/guilt is not teaching history.

CRT isn't history, it's agit-prop.

CRT is racism, distilled.

I'm not pleased when my ta dollars are used to propagandize America's youth with lies, distortions and crackpot "theories" that are not based on any provable fact.

then stop paying taxes.

It may come to that in the end. For now, I still have faith in reason, so I'll speak out and tell the truth that CRT is a baseless "theory" and a political project wrapped in a paper-thin veneer of academic jargon. There is no rigor, no facts, no method to it at all. Even Kendi,, that dreadlocked mountebank, couldn't even define racism when asked, when it's his entire reason for being.

A total mediocrity, professing total nonsense.

n order to protect the youths from all that indoctrination, you're gonna hafta go grassroots like they did in the '50s and '60s to stop forced integration.

What makes you think I'm not? I've met with the President of the local school board many times and have convinced her of the wickedness and intellectual bankruptcy of CRT, and it is now banned from our district, one of the best in the state.

No you haven't. What a stupid thing to lie about. No one your age fights for elementary school kids unless...

I have. Her first name is Jean, and she's the Board President. There are several wokesters in the school admin that are panting to ramp up the CRT indoctrination program, and Jean made cutting that nonsense off a priority of the board. I'm happy to say our district is now CRT-free and continues to excel academically.

I've also met with my State Senator's Chief of Staff at length (he's on the Education Committee) about banning the teaching of this poisonous lie in our universities, after which he introduced an amendment to this year's appropriations bill doing just that.

I've been quite successful at gutting CRT in my state. Aren't you proud of me?

Ellis Washington #racist #wingnut #magick #conspiracy elliswashingtonreport.com

Remember the ancient Khazarians were ethnically Slavic (being originally near the area known today as southeastern section of modern European Russia, southern Ukraine, Crimea, and Kazakhstan). I guess part of their original territory, Kazakhstan, is where the name “Khazars” originates and being racially white for the word, “Caucasian” derives from the Khazarian ancient territory bordering the Caucasus Mountains.

The Khazars were irredeemably a very warlike and criminal tribe, wholly devoted to paganism, the Babylonian occult magick arts and worshippers of Baal, which is the Satanic deity mentioned often times in the Old Testament associated with cannibalism and bloodletting, the sacrificing of children and babies.
During this period of history we see here that the Khazarians wantonly breached the terms of the treaty with the Russian Confederation to stop stealing and killing travelers through their lands and at the threat of total annihilation forced the Khazars to adopt an Abrahamic religion. The Khazars chose the Judean religion as a means to teach future generations of Khazarians to reform themselves through faith in the God of the Jews, but as with everything Khazarian the Devil is always in the details. For hundreds of years (800-1200 AD) they wantonly lied and broke their Treaty of Non-hostility and Bloodletting with the Russian Confederation by not following true Judaism, but secretly creating a new syncretistic Satanic religion—Babylon Talmudism which combined Judaism with their ancient pagan religion of Babylonian Occult Magick and Baal-Satan worship.

*Q: What part of the world are the Khazarians in today? Are the Khazarians still assuming the identities of other cultures, if so, who? What family or families are represented by the Khazarian Mafia. Hint: Ashkenazi Jews that descended from Eastern Europe and Russia have the answer in plain sight contained in their very name which descends from their ancient land Khazaria and Kazakhstan.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Total Collapse of Feminist Hoax Machine as Bill Cosby Freed!"]

Victimized Negro Gentleman Bill Cosby has been freed after having been falsely imprisoned in a feminist hoax

The entire feminist agenda is now at risk, as everyone is realizing that if you go to a big black buck’s house and take his pills, you’re not a “victim” – you’re a filthy whore

Furthermore, there isn’t even any evidence – all of the sudden, 30 women just came out of the woodwork? Is that believable? Why?
Cosby was targeted because he was the single useful black man – look at this BuzzFeed article whining about how he told the blacks to stop acting like a bunch of niggers

Cosby’s entire legacy was about telling American blacks to stop whining and blaming white people
What they did to Cosby was disgusting. They destroyed his entire legacy when he was 80 years old, because sluts were on a rampage just trying to destroy anyone. Every other black that was accused got off, but they nailed Cosby to the wall, specifically because he is one of the single living American blacks who stood up against the Jewish agenda to tell blacks to blame whites for all their problems

This is Bill Cosby talking to the Jew-controlled mulatto Don Lemon in 2013, just a few years before they decided to hit him with the rape hoax. He slammed dirty black sluts who won’t raise their own kids or stay married. He again told blacks to stop whining and blaming whites

I half expected them to do a rape hoax against Thomas Sowell next!

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut reddit.com

This place must be confusing for them


I don’t understand this, can you explain it?

Leftists push heavily for open borders, immigration, overrepresentation of minority groups, the creation of a melting pot, etc. Those who oppose this get branded as ignorant racists. This subreddit is meant for peoples of different nations who oppose this push for mixing of cultures. No hate, just a shared desire to keep our respective cultures alive

Isn’t this whole sub an exercise in multiculturalism?

In a sense, I suppose. It's admiration of other cultures, and a desire to see them flourish and be preserved. The phrase has been memefied to hell, but I would call it 'separate but to be treated equal'.

when your neolib masters talk about "multiculturalism" they mean multiracial society plus one world monoculture. Multiculturalism = nationalism

For all their pretensions to be cosmopolitan citizens of the world, left-wingers - especially American left-wingers - can be incredibly narrow-minded, e.g seeing race relations all over the world through the lens of the American history of slavery.

In my personal experience, Left-Wingers have been the most uneducated, ignorant and conspirational individuals I have ever met.

And I happen to be an ardent moderate mind you.

racists will talk in a less demeaning fashion to minorities vs anti-racist libs

Makedon-Slav83939 & Shpatari #conspiracy #psycho #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Bullet injured a 20 year old boy in Macedonia. Guess who did this?

they are backed by the US/EU...

unless you want your country to become a radioactive wasteland like Serbia when they tried to deal with the problem in 1999, they are untouchable for now.

that's why we should celebrate and look forward to the decline of the West which is happening infront of our very eyes (but will take time to unfold).

Everybody in Macedonia is to scared or brainwashed to address the Albanian problem. Most leftists support them and the right wing parties are more concerned about energy prices and rewriting history. And everyone is scared to do something which might stop Macedonia getting into the EU, so they let low IQ violent criminals destroy their nation for the chance of free EU money and “European integration”.

Albanians are the real owners of FYROM.

All these actions show that Albanians don't consider FYROM a state worth existing.

No it shows Albanians are violent low impulse control criminals. They do the same thing in Kosovo too, does that mean they don’t think Kosovo is a state worth existing?

Or maybe your people are just low IQ and low impulse control and commit a lot of crime

Unlike the shithole of Bulgaria that esports only prostitutes and begggars in Europe, Kosovo is very safe and ordely, the crime rate is one of the lowest in Balkans.

You are the lowest scum of Europe.

When Albanians think of Bulgarians, they think of cheap whores and gypsies.

Half of your country is made of sewers and nomad camps.


Statistics and a single visit proves this.

I can send you some money if you don't have bread to eat btw.

What statistics? And Kosovo is the poorest country in the Balkans idk why you think we need food in a country your people literally lie about their ethnicity to get into (Albanians saying they are Macedonian Bulgarians to get Bulgarians passports)

Pat Buchanan #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

Why Can’t Biden Stop This Invasion?

In 1954, after a million Mexicans had crossed over into the United States, President Dwight Eisenhower sent Gen. Joseph Swing to send them back. In the vernacular of the time, the mission was named Operation Wetback.

Mission accomplished. Problem solved. And the point:

America used to regard its southern border as sacrosanct and vulnerable, requiring constant vigilance and occasional action to secure.

This June, 188,800 illegals crossed into the United States. Nearly a million have arrived since Biden swore an oath to defend the Constitution that obligates him to protect the states against invasion.

Biden is conducting the border policy of a failed state.

And U.S. immigration policy is being set by people from Third World nations who can find their way to the Rio Grande.

Why cannot we stop this invasion?

Vice President Kamala Harris redefined her mission as discovering what makes people leave their home countries and trek across Mexico.

Good question: Why are people from developing nations leaving their home countries and crossing Mexico to get into the USA?

After all, our academic, cultural and political elites have told the world that America is a place of “systemic racism,” created by white supremacists, for the benefit of peoples of white privilege, where ethnic minorities remain oppressed.

Why would such a country, of all 193 nations in the U.N., be, far and away, the first choice of peoples migrating from the Global South?

Could it be that people from developing nations are not so ignorant as to believe this anti-American progressive propaganda?

But from the standpoint of the nation to which they are coming, the illegal migrant millions present real problems. They consume far more in benefits than they pay in taxes. They are dead weight on the welfare state.

Why is he failing? Either he can’t do what is needed to be done, or he won’t do it.

America’s border paralysis is induced by liberal ideology.

Matt Heimbach #moonbat #psycho #racist #wingnut lex18.com

Matt Heimbach, a self-described radical extremist who played an instrumental role in getting white supremacists to attend Charlottesville's deadly Unite the Right rally, plans to relaunch his old hate group as soon as this weekend.

In an interview with Newsy Heimbach says he now supports violence and killings in what he says is a revolution against rich corporate executives, global elites, and even those who have caused global warming.

"These people have names and addresses. Their kids have names and addresses, and the capitalist class, by hook or by crook, has to be liquidated. You know that it's called class war for a reason. " Heimbach said. "Any violence the proletariat brings is simply in self-defense."  


He co-founded the Traditionalist Worker Party in 2015 - a neo-Nazi group that advocated for a racially pure white ethnostate. 

The group’s members and Heimbach created a coalition of white nationalist groups, showed up at key Nazi events across the U.S. , and connected with international extremists. 

The group dissolved in 2018. For a time, Heimbach said he was out of the White power movement altogether.

Still, he plans to relaunch the Traditionalist Worker Party  as what he calls a ‘national Bolshevik’ group that takes inspiration from Marxism and China and targets global elites.

This does not mean he has abandoned all of his beliefs from his neo-Nazi days.

"Do I particularly like Judaism as a religion? No," he said.

IzrealZeus #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut adrenogate.net

The Hearst family are one of the most evil bloodlines in the United States and they work closely with the Disney family and they work under the Massimo of Roccasecca and Colonna di Stigliano families which oversee Ireland. The Hearsts are relentless, childish, demented, and absurd slanderers, liars, and mental tormentors. This family needs to be exterminated. They are one of the most evil bloodlines on the planet. They have Irish ancestry and they covertly work with the Irish Mafia and Kennedy family as well as the McMahon family which have Irish ancestry. The Hearsts are worth 28 billion and they own Hearst Communications with ESPN, Lifetime and A&E and that includes the History Channel. They share ownership over ESPN with the Disney Company. The Disney family are also an Irish bloodline. The Disneys migrated to Ireland from Isigny, France. Roy E. Disney was a Vatican Knight of the Order of Saint Gregory. The Hearsts also own Viceland and employ the Albanian-Jewish-Aryan mobster and gangster rapper Action Bronson who is a ruthless and sadistic psychopath. Action Bronson’s real name is Ariyan Arslani. Ireland is Aryland and was settled by Aryans which tend to have red hair. <...>
The name Hearst refers to a hearse which carries a casket. Their ancestors name was originally Hearse. They are covert members of the Skull and Bones death cult and the Hell Fire Club which was founded in Ireland. The Hearsts and Disneys are both British Crown agents and Vatican agents. William Randolph Hearst the founder of this family went to Harvard a university created by the British Crown. <...>The wrestler Paul Michael Levesque calls himself Triple H for Hunter Hearst Helmsley naming himself after them. Triple H who married into the billionaire McMahon family is a psychopath and involved with human trafficking, steroid trafficking, and blood trafficking. The wrestler The Undertaker who drives into the ring in a hearse is an agent of the Hearsts whose original name was Hearse.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

The undeclared civil war in the West has opened a long-hidden schism in Western civilization: the contradiction between Egyptian and Mesopotamian traditions (Babylon) and Greco-Roman-Germanic European traditions (Rome). This schism has been revealed for all to see by the ongoing fake pandemic.

Babylon gave us monotheism, financial accounting, and much of modern medicine, while Rome gave us a strong military, science, the rule of law, and Democracy.

So now in the news, we see Babylon using control of money to bribe governments and control of medicine to scare people into a single, monolithic, totalitarian power structure. Those who believe in the rule of law and democracy are fighting this structure.

In this battle, there can be no doubt that Rome will prevail. The reason is that the creator is on their side. What this means is that science, the study of facts based on observation, will prevail over lies, even endlessly repeated lies. The facts are that overmagnified PCR creates bogus numbers to instill fear, and Covid-19 is a collection of symptoms for a virus that has not been truly “isolated” and therefore does not exist, which means the entire pandemic martial law and coerced vaccination scam are war crimes.
It is no coincidence that freedom day was declared in the UK today, July 19th as all restrictions related to the fake pandemic are lifted.

In fact, this day celebrates the end of two centuries of Rothschild rule in England and is likely to become a permanent holiday, MI6 sources say.
There are growing signs that Canada and the United States will also soon be freed from the KM. The fake Biden administration, for example, is visibly falling apart on multiple fronts. This is especially true on the financial front where the Babylonian debt slavery scam is blowing up.

Robert Kelly #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

Yesterday on Reddit, I read a post that a user wrote saying that whites should go back to Europe.

I wrote a response detailing how events would unfold if whites just vanished tomorrow from the face of the Earth.

I said that the USA would turn into a 3rd world country and just become an outpost of Mexico or Guatemala. Hispanics, largely outnumbering blacks would be in control and wouldn't be as altruistic towards blacks like whites are.

In Africa, there would be millions of deaths from disease and starvation as there would be no more white western nations to render financial aid and food and medicine. Hispanic and Middle Eastern nations wouldn't care and would barely be muddling along themselves and couldn't provide any meaningful assistance even if they wanted to. East Asian nations just wouldn't care and would only be interested in Africa for it's mineral resources.

The only nations that would be able to maintain 1st world levels of civilization would be East Asian nations. Other nations, would at best, be 2nd world, probably a few Middle Eastern and Hispanic countries and that's if everything goes right.

Slavery would make a roaring comeback without the white West to keep a lid on it, as no other group seems interested in stopping slavery. Wealthy and powerful Africans wouldn't mind selling their fellow Africans to Arabs and Asians who would gladly utilize slave labor. There would be open air slave auctions.

Women's rights would take a big hit without white western influence. Left to themselves, Middle Eastern and African and Hispanics and Asians only think women should be seen and not heard.

The only response he had is that I was racist.

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