
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

PracticalButcher #psycho #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Why do you hate Albanians?

"Are criminals mafia and stuff" > don't certain western nations say the same about Polish people, Russians, and such?

Wtf is wrong with you. This is why westerners think we are backwards barbarians

Slavs say people are racist to them yet they say stuff like this.

Slavs are by default inferior people known only as prostitutes and drug/alcohol addicts.

Albanians are way superior to slavs, who are the lowest of the low in Europe.

Known only for prostitutes, easy women, sex tourism, alcoholics, drug addicts, filthy etc.

Most of the people here based their opinion on Albanians on what they heard by some dumbass clown. It's like someone here can write "Albanians are From Mars" and people will believe it. To all People here,do your own Research.

The OP is a deficient polish plumber that is trolling and some people just follow his path.

Many people are also buthurt because of the comments of some Albanians here.

But you shouldn't care what some inferior people say online.

They are lesser than animals.

Albanians highest demographics in most European prison systems lol

Only in London.

They supply cocaine to degenerate brits.

Illyriciani #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

you literally described Albanians...not Slavs

Bosniak, serbs killed and raped you in mass and most slav mongrels here dont consider you part of their group.

Why are you buthurt for?

He stated facts and you lied like a pig to defend a bunch of degenerates.

Unironically you have the highest rate of sex tourists,second to romania

Lol servian gypsy.

Albania is literally the most difficult place in Europe to get laid.

This is verified.

The biggest PUA website, Roosh Forum had 2 threads about Serbia and the Serbian slu*s those guys banged.

There was just a small thread about Albania and 0 success and Albanian has like 4 times more tourists than Serbia.

Typical serbian rat.

Not just white guys, but also blacks have their harems in Serbia.

I’ve never heard of Albanians targeting Bosniaks at all, so I don’t know where this suffering comes from? Many Albanians have actually been assimilated into Bosniaks in Šandzak.

Well some Bosniaks might have been attacked in Kosovo By Albanians probably because Albanians wanted to revenge so much against servs, that they targeted all slavs.

But it was not political like the mass killings and rape Servs did to bosniaks.

I have never heard of a targeted mass killing of Bosniaks by Albanians ever in history, while there’s been plenty by Serbs.

Silence Dogood #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: ‘Major Gang War’ in Bronx Leaving Teens Dead in the Streets

The indisputable "fact" is: White people did this. It was Whites, you see, who opened social media accounts for these future astronauts, forced them at privilege point to antagonize conflict with the future physicists from a few blocks over, and ultimately forced firearms into their dusky hands, giving these melanin rich spiritual Kangs no choice but to extinguish their fellow cherubim, lest the privilege looming large overhead devour them whole. More programs are needed, and above all else, our overlords must ensure beyond any doubt that White people are held to account, not only for the terrible, terrible legacy of the slavery, but for the actions of our colored betters, whom would no doubt be traveling the universe spreading their greatness and unlocking the mysteries of existence itself were it not for the horrifying oppression inflicted on them by the pink germ cavemen.

Beautiful prose, but tell us please. . . How many times did you throw up writing it?

If you remove some of the more humorous and exaggerated elements, my comment does not read all that differently than your average school curriculum, from pre-K all the way up through journalism school.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: For or against?


This map is cut off. All of North Africa is in the red. Western blacks would seethe so hard if they knew how their beloved "people of color" treat whites in comparison.

Funny enough, Israel is in the green even though they openly practice systemic racism. It's just virtue signaling.

I just love that Morocco is 3% lol. White westerners are least racist people on earth.

Ireland here. Never thought I’d compare ourselves to Morocco but we need to get our numbers down to that level.

Ireland shocked me with that number honestly

The population have been severely brainwashed since the Celtic Tiger years. All the youth are either marxists or neoliberals, it’s sort of black pilling to see what has become of a formerly very proud people.

Ireland is liberal?

Massively. It’s a disgrace. The country is beyond England levels of “woke”. It all started to go to shit during the boom years. People talk about Sweden being the ultimate depiction of clownery in Europe but at least the Swedes have a half viable nationalist party.

Could be worse belive me, here in Poland people are trying very hard to deconstruct our only non-socialist party because it is too right wing and "nazi".

Damn, and I used to think Poles and Polish goverment was very conservative

Those numbers barely reflect reality. I'd recommend looking into "social desirability bias". Most germans for example will never admit to not wanting their kid marrying a foreigner in front of an interviewer

Revisionist Historians for World Peace #conspiracy #wingnut #racist stateofthenation.co

Make no mistake; the GREAT RESET has been planned for centuries. Yes, centuries!
The New World Order globalist banksters have essentially owned and operated planet Earth over the millennia that define the present age which began with the Mayan Long Count Calendar. That highly accurate and predictive calendar started well over 5000 years ago which means that the true end date can be any year going forward.

A defining feature of the modern phase of the Mayan Long Count Calendar concerns the highly managed process of exponentially increasing technological advancement coupled with an unlimited amount of funding made available for the requisite scientific development.
Because their Black Babylonian bloodline goes back to the Hebrews of ancient lore, some of their customs and traditions were brought forward into the modern world of finance and economics.
Given so many egregious parallel and intersecting crime waves washing over the Earth at one time, the NWO perps are taking this GREAT RESET opportunity to apply their Ordo ab Chao MO one last time to save themselves. For when even the man on the street knows so much about the myriad ways that they have been exploited and abused, victimized and bankrupted, fleeced and ripped off, they are certain to seek their own types of vigilante justice. Which is why the Covid perps and GREAT RESETTERS may even try to stage a fake alien invasion to divert our attention in a last ditch effort to save their skins. See: Will Project Blue Beam begin after OPERATION COVID-19 crashes and burns?!

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut henrymakow.com

As an ethnic Jew, it's painful to say that, IMHO,
the essence of Judaism & Organized Jewry is to enslave the goyim and establish a Satanic dispensation on earth. This is the inspiration behind central banks, covid & the Communist (Satanic) New World Order.
Most Jews are dupes and would deny it, just as most goyim would deny that most "leaders" in every field are crass opportunists who advance this age-old plot to rob humanity of its Divine birthright.

There will be no return to "normal." They say this themselves, although the MSM doesn't report it. Don't let "antisemite" mind control deter you from confronting this ugly truth.
Communism was/is simply a mask for the confiscation of Gentile wealth. The same applies to Zionism, a mask for the theft of Palestinian property.

Disclaimer: Why do I, a Jew, expose this information? Because this is not who I am, nor who my family or Jews I know, are. I am the inventor of Scruples, a game based on 1200 moral dilemmas. God is the Moral Order. All human beings have souls capable of hearing the voice of God. Our Duty is to discern God's Will and Obey. You must be good to feel good.

However, the Masonic Jewish bankers and their Masonic flunkies are engaged in this vile plot to dispossess humanity. It begins with the spirit --morality and truth-- and ends in some planetary gulag or nuclear conflagration. I could remain quiet but I believe we were put on earth to serve and praise God. I sound this alarm as an act of love for Jews and non-Jews alike

Wesley Charles Martines #psycho #racist nypost.com

A California man was busted with a cache of weapons, a racist manifesto and bullets inscribed with phrases like “cop killer” and “first of many,” authorities said.

Wesley Charles Martines, 32, was spotted prowling outside a business in Campbell on July 9. Responding officers stopped his truck, where they found two AR-style rifles, a Glock 9mm handgun and personally inscribed ammunition with sayings like “to a widow, from the Grim Reaper,” according to the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office.

Investigators also discovered body armor, heroin, meth and an inactive pipe bomb filled with pellets inside the truck — as well as a journal with racist and anti-Semitic writings detailing Martines’ plan to disguise himself as an employee at a sporting goods store and tie everyone up, authorities said.

Martines’ writings indicated he wanted to “wipe out the Black, Hispanic and Jewish populations,” according to prosecutors.

“Once again, law enforcement saved lives before the blood and tears flowed,” District Attorney Jeff Rosen said.

Campbell police Capt. Ian White told the East Bay Times Thursday investigators believe they “prevented a tragic incident” by arresting Martines, who remains held on $300,000 bail.

“There’s a lot of evidence to unpack still, but based on what we have seen thus far and what was recovered in the car, we believe that this person was going to commit some sort of violence against the community,” White told the newspaper.

Socrates #crackpot #racist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

Why is Mexico Getting Our Water During a Drought?

The Colorado River in Northern Arizona is at its lowest level since the 1930s. Lake Mead is now at 36% capacity — almost dry. Yet, according to a special 1944 treaty, America must give Mexico “x” millions of gallons of Colorado River water per year. Why? Mexico is surrounded by ocean water! Desalinate the ocean water, Brown fools. (Apparently, Mexico “plans to construct four desalination plants” in the northeast. But, knowing Mexico, it’ll take 30 years, and 100 White engineers, to do that!).

Saaay, who was the president of America in 1944? Oh yeah, the commie, FDR. Thanks, commie. You can always count on a commie to do the wrong thing.

Yukon Jack #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #homophobia speculareffect.org

The world is now trapped in the clutches of multiple death cults like Judeo-Communism (China), Judaic Fascism in Israel (Zionism), Judeo-Christianity (e.g Evangelical Christ Cult), patriotic war machine cults (e.g the Military Industrial Complexes that need endless war for endless profits), Global Warming/Climate Change Death Cult, and the never mentioned central banking caused Debt Bubble cult.


The world is in the grip of multiple death cults, and now we have a new world wide death cult that could already be bigger than the Christian-Zionist hell death cult, it is what I call the Branch Covidian Death Cult of Mask Wearing Morons addicted to the Jewtube. They so love their mask of obedience and want more restrictions to stop the spread of the make believe Covids.
So in my not so humble opinion these abovementioned death cult groups are going to win hands down and take the world to hell with them and their crazy death cult ideas they hold so dear. The Jewish banking system is based on the madness of a homosexual deviant named John Maynard Keynes, his idea of endless debt stimulus with no end – is a completely unknown death cult. There is an end to endless debt madness, it is the end of us. So if anyone wants to argue with me that Jews are not the root cause of the downfall of humanity, go ahead make my day.

Glen Muise #crackpot #wingnut #quack #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Our national blood bank refused to test for antibodies. Why? Because, as my MD told me , it is influenza A and B, a mix that is why it is a flu.

It changes every year and last year they called the flu you know what. I had the flu , it was a flu. my dr. knew, but the lab would not test for simple antibodies, unless I was vaxxed.

I know why. A lab from university of Toronto was going to test for my antibodies and guess what, they refused unless I was jabbed. Does anyone see the deception and the fact if you are jabbed you are no longer human, you belong to the evil one. You volunteered, took the mark.

First will be the immune compromised, like the elderly, diabetics, late term cancer and heart disease. This will cull the herd in the first round, you see half of the experiment was saline to trick people, oh i feel fine, then they get the real deal.

Oh-my do ranchers ever love their cattle (goyim.) You are now a possession of the WHO, and your federal gov't; you already were registered at birth now they have your DNA, mixed with their patented MNRA.

Oh, did I mention the 5G kill switch that's why you have graphene oxide making you magnetic, forgot about that eh?

They didn't. Look at the 5G nodes being rolled out. Look at all the street lights now LED with cameras and sensors.

They will know how you feel. Yes, you will emanate signals, and they have the down-and-out switch.

The process is this, the spike things they put in you when activated will deprive you of oxygen. They know it will do this after the jab.

If you jabbed your kids, you will definitely not get a pass for being stupid. Saint Peter has a antibody test at the Golden Gates. Gates. lol. Stick you poison up your arse,he says, with a type of prophecy.

Various Racists #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: India is proposing a 2-child policy to keep its population under control

(Thom Bombadil)
And every single one of them will proceed to relieve itself on the streets and then go an bathe next to bloated dead bodies. Just imagine walking through that hell for a day. A bunch of weird brown trolls from a D&D game that worship a 9 armed demon god.

And this is where (((intel))) hires most of its staff from.

We should have that for these feral aliens in our land

(geboren Weiss)
I've seen articles stating that white people aren't having as many children, and people would respond, "Good. The world is already overpopulated. If white countries aren't having as many children, then immigration is there to keep the population from shrinking." They don't even realize how stupid their argument sounds because the ones overpopulating aren't white countries, and non-white countries have too big of a population. They're fine with overpopulation, as long as it's not white people.


All humans, provided they are able and can provide food and shelter, have a right to choose how many children they will have.

Then that should cut curry land out completely for that right. They dump their excess population on our left wing run White countries who are stupid enough to take them. How many more unskilled indian cash register monkeys, supermarket shelf stackers and smelly taxi drivers (who can't use a GPS) do we need? We actually don't need any of them....

Hyper-breeding rats won't understand this.

They will just ignore it. And what do you expect when they crap wherever they feel like it.....I bet that's a welcoming smell

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: NYC School’s Faculty Says Principal Is Racist Against White Staff

The shape of things to come. I the engineering world, we have a saying that with every project, we are working ourselves out of a job.
The same goes for white wokesters who appoint negro officials. They are also working themselves out of job by appointing negroes who will take away their jobs.

(De ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Doc)

… and told an employee that she ‘was going to get rid of all these white teachers that aren’t doing anything for the kids of our community.’

I heartily agree. It’ll be a lesson needed for these White teachers to stop wasting time amongst these ingrate, low IQ miscreants, both at the student level, teacher level, and administrator level. Let the Blacks and Browns take over the entire system and run it into the ground, all the while watching the further degradation of this largely hopeless student body.

They go to someone elses home country, complaining it is 'racist' towards them, when they are given power (big or small) the tactics they use are FAR more diabolical than any 'racism' a white person ever think to do

There's never any "allegedly" in these cases. Blacks say all white people are racists and that is simple projection. Anyone with a brain knows this.

Duitsebloed #conspiracy #crackpot #psycho #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: South Africa: Zulu uprising rocks the country - Govt declare State of Emergency

This could easily spread outside South Africa.

I imagine blacks watching footage of live-streams of the violence are feeling strong primal urge to go on a rampage. In fact, Anyone White anywhere in the world near any large number of blacks would be wise to pay extra close attention as this plays out.

There is a media Blackout in the U.S.A and U.K over this.

Fox News, CNN & BBC silent

I guess aren’t ready to trigger riots here right now.

Why are they angry about Zuma being kicked out of office, isn't Ramaphosa even more rabidly anti-white than Zuma was? Not sure what to make of white vigilantes getting involved. I guess sometimes they have no choice but to defend themselves but it doesn't sound like a good idea when vastly outnumbered by blacks.

They shouldn’t defend themselves when vastly outnumbered by blacks?

What should they do?

Wait to get hacked to death by savages?

Looked to me like the black mobs were approaching their homes and businesses and they had no other option than to shoot.

In the videos I saw they were shooting at them in the middle of the street, not defending their own properties from what I could see. The concern is I think that could easily be spun as "racist whites randomly shooting at blacks".

That is already happening.
The few news outlets I’ve seen covering it are spinning it that way.
I’m sure that’s why that particular video is being highlighted.

It was clear if they stopped shooting the mob would swarm them.

Pretty sure if I was in their shoes and saw that mob coming for my little place in the world I’d keep right on shooting until they were gone optics be damned.

Ty Smith & Alexander Stephens #crackpot #racist #wingnut mediaite.com

Fox Guest Says Slavery ‘Was Not Initially a Racist Thing’ and That America Being Founded on Racism Is ‘Complete Lie’

On Tuesday, radio host Ty Smith appeared on Fox News to talk about critical race theory allegedly being taught in schools and at one point claimed slavery “never was a race thing.”

Host Martha MacCallum said that university professors are “very invested in the idea that the nation was founded on the idea of systemic racism, that it’s built into every single institution in America.”

“It’s absolutely absurd because nobody really wants to get the real history of it,” said Smith.

He continued:

America was not founded on racism. Don’t get me wrong. Yeah, there was slavery going on, but slavery itself was not initially a racist thing. It never was about race initially. So to sit there and take it like America was founded on racism is a complete lie. Yeah, there was slavery going on, but slavery was going on in all the world. It never was a race thing, so why are we making it a race thing now?

MacCallum thanked Smith before ending ... .

Between 1619 and the time of the Civil War, the Black slave population in America grew substantially from a few dozen to nearly four million. Slavery was written into the Constitution in the infamous Three-Fifths Clause, which counted three-fifths of each state’s slave population for the purposes of taxation and the allocation of seats in the House of Representatives.

Later on, Alexander Stephens, the vice president of the Confederate States of America espoused the view shared by many slaveholders throughout the centuries that slavery is the “natural condition” of Black people:

ts foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.

Judy Byington #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon #racist dinarchronicles.com

Restored Republic:

On Fri. 13 August 2021 the DoD White Hats expected Trump back in office as US President. Right now the US Military was in charge of the US government and under authority of the Alliance*, acted as overseers of law enforcement across the globe for the Global Currency Reset. On Jan. 20 with a failure by Congress to present a full report on 2020 Election showing that it complied with laws of the Constitutional Republic, the US Military began their own 45 day investigation. On March 6 the US Military determined that there was fraud and foreign interference in the 2020 Election – an act of Treason. The US Military then read in Donald Trump as Commander in Chief of the US on March 11.

Emergency Broadcast System Activation:

On Tues. 13 July President Trump reported that, “Both Iran and their people want Nuclear World War 3 to start to fulfill Islamic prophecies which had Great Satan America falling, Little Satan Israel becoming Iran again and the One World Islamic Order completed.”

Internationally there were massive crisis going on including a pending Stock Market Crash, a massive Solar Storm about to hit that would take out cell phones worldwide, extensive floods in Arizona, plus in London and New York subways and breaks in China’s Three Gorges Dam (headquarters for Bitcoin and international Child Sex Trafficking and Adrenachrome production), fires across the West, a French Revolution over vaccination mandates, mass arrests of prominent people and protests in Italy, Germany, U.S cities, Canada cities South American cities, Middle East, Australia, France, London and Cuba that were moving the countries toward democracy – all of which would soon lead to an activation of the Emergency Broadcast System.

Brother Nathaniel #racist #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut realjewnews.com

Invasion Of The Nation Snatchers

If America is the last remaining sovereign nation then surely it’s in the crosshairs of World Jewry.

For any political entity that could resist ‘The Blob of World Jewry’ will have the soul and body of that nation “snatched up.”

The realization of this “snatching up” is seeing Biden recently “taking the knee” before World Jewry’s leading representational Jews.

Here’s the sniveling old pervert groveling before Israeli President, Reuven Rivlin, and his Chief of Staff, Rivka Ravitz, an ultra-Orthodox Talmudic Jew, both Christ deniers, and Christ-haters.

Biden, we are told, bowed to Ravitz when learning she birthed twelve Jewish nurslings of the devil’s own brood.

There’s a metaphor here.

The body politic of America—in the person of its imposter leader Biden—is being “snatched up” by the enemies of the Gospel upon which America once gave allegiance.

No more.

All is done in devotion to the Jew.

The invasion of the nation snatchers is as good as complete, in our schools, our politics, and culture.
Looking for the shadow government?

The “deep state?”

Look no further than your local synagogue.

The invasion today is complete.

The financial, political, educational, and cultural body of America has been “strangled” by the invasion of the Jewish nation snatchers.

Only a military coup—executed by a few patriots left in the highest ranks—can rid the nation of this disease.

The Jews, you see, have been kicked out of 109 countries.

110’s a good round number.

Elvis Dunderhoff #racist #dunning-kruger dailystormer.name

[From "Black Baby’s Entire Body is Covered in Hair, Just Like a Monkey’s"]

The monkey baby is kinda cute. I’m not trying to insult the monkey baby personally. I have no problem with monkeys

But it brings us to the question we’ve been asking for a very long time: are the Negroes simply Australopithecus or Homo Erectus or some other kind of allegedly extinct ape?

If so – and I think it’s safe to say “yup” – then should we be expecting them to be able to participate in modern civilization?

It could be that the real racism is in expecting a primitive, pre-human ape to be able to get along in a Western system

Daily Mail

A mother has revealed her shock at the amount of hair her three-month-old daughter had grown all over her body

Kei’Yonna Gumbs, from Texas City, said her daughter Myla was born with a full-head of hair and it soon grew over her arms and legs[…]

Google banned their image app from being able to recognize gorillas because they couldn’t convince the AI to believe that black people are not gorillas

That event happened three years ago, and to this day, you cannot identify gorillas with Google images. The AI simply cannot grasp what the difference is

I maintain that black people should be allowed to develop independently from whites, and that the people who expect them to participate in Western civilization are the real racists

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #quack benjaminfulford.net

Major developments have been taking place behind the scenes recently as both the British Royals and the P3 Freemasons have declared war against the Rothschild family and the Swiss-based Octagon group, MI6 and P3 sources say.

When the dust settles this will completely change the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, and even the ruling hierarchy of monotheism itself.

That is why Queen Elizabeth told reporters to “take a picture and make history” when she met her cousin Angela Hitler (Merkel) on July 2nd, MI6 sources say. They explain that Merkel’s iconic hand sign of a triangle is a sign to insiders that she is a member of the Saxe-Couborg Gotha clan.

The fact the Queen refused to make the sign signaled the British Royals had broken with their German cousins and would no longer obey their Swiss-based leadership, MI6 explains.

This means for the first time in about 200 years, the UK is free from Rothschild family rule. That is because the Rothschild family has been intimately intertwined with the Saxe-Couborg Gotha Royals since before the Napoleonic wars.

While England may be free for the first time in 200 years since the Rothschilds claim to be descended from the Babylonian Tyrant Hammurabi, soon the Jewish people may be freed for the first time in 3,793 years.
These people are powerful enough to remove Pope Francis and replace him with a rubber mask-wearing impostor who says all humans need to be vaccinated.

However, they have only managed to completely vaccinate 11.9% of the more than 7.8 billion people on earth, mainly in Western countries. This means the Khazarian Mafia’s last-ditch attempt to use enslaving vaccinations to stay in power has failed.

Henry Makow, PhD #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger #fundie #homophobia #transphobia henrymakow.com

The mind is a prison where the soul is tortured by thoughts. (Our feelings correspond to our thoughts. If we don't manage our thoughts, they will.)
Lately, the Satanists have launched a sexist and racist attack on white men implying that all whites males are crazed mass killers. Since when do the actions of a handful of misfits, groomed by the Deep State, condemn hundreds of millions of people? Are all Jews to blame for the actions of the Rothschilds?

The political and cultural climate is toxic because we are under constant occult attack. It's easy to have negative thoughts. Negative thoughts lead to depression. This actually may be their plan.
The Illuminati fabricate reality. Consider the JFK-RFK-MLK assassinations, 9-11, Boston Marathon and Sandy Hook. They determine reality simply by lying. They created ISIS and are responsible for war crimes as bad as any in history.

They program our minds to adopt self-destructive behavior.

Teachers can no longer refer to children as "boys" and "girls." Children are encouraged to change their gender and experiment with homosexuality. Women are taught that being a wife and mother is "oppressive" and promiscuity is "empowering." Men are taught to seek sex and not love. Society is governed by depravity & nonsense.

The mind unmoored from the Moral Order, (i.e. the soul) is malleable indeed! By soul, I am including intuition and instinct.

We experience our programming rather than reality. For example, Hollywood presents romance and sex as panaceas and we actually experience them as such...until the illusion dispels like a morning fog. The Cabalists love hypnotizing us with their "magic."

By themselves, our minds have no anchor in truth. The mental world is a house-of-mirrors.

Canadian Anon #racist boards.4chan.org

40% of Bongs want permanent lock down

I'm not at all surprised. We've all known since forever that the greenteeth are wretched boot licking slaves, the jews biggest cocksucking fans who think a mouthful of kosher jism is the biggest treat. An island full of shit eating maggots, their brains permanently etched into the most severe cognitive dissonance.

If only Napoleon or Hitler had invaded and replaced 95% of the inhabitants of that sinister gloomy dank prison isle with real human beings and not the cowardly nigger jew sucking faggots that infest it now. It's a sewer full of rats.

Chris Roberts #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

There are three kinds of people who get into socialism. White people (i.e. people who are not allowed to have a racial identity), mixed race people (i.e. people who do not have a coherent racial identity), and a smattering of low-ethnocentric Jews (i.e. people who reject their racial identity). Of the insignificant number of POC who get into socialism, half of them just want to bang white chicks and the other half think socialism is the best for their group.

One thing the DSA does is that they will cynically leverage identity to win elections. They will find a majority POC area with a white incumbent who has been in office since forever and recruit some POC to run against them and sometimes that person will win for reasons entirely related to identity. So on the surface it might look like socialist ideas are taking hold in POC communities but they are really not.

Socialists want no one to have an ethnic identity and think of themselves as just a generic homo sapien. I don’t think that is something most POC want. Most POC like having an identity. Whites don’t like having an identity because their identity is demonized. This is why I say that white people get into socialism for identitarian reasons. White socialists are like “Well, if I can’t have an identity, NO ONE CAN!!!”

I once wrote an article called “Chapo Trap House is Too White Even for Me (and I’m a White Supremacist)” which I thought was a funny title but I was only half joking. I really do believe that Democratic Socialism is whiter than white nationalism. See, other races will practice racial nationalism but this whole notion of “I consider my in-group to be the entire human race” is the kind of retarded crap that you only ever hear white people say.

C.T. #racist #psycho #conspiracy chechar.wordpress.com

[From "America delenda est"]

To save the white race, the United States, a country based on Christian ethics, must be destroyed. This was not seen by even the best men the US has produced, such as Rockwell and Pierce. Although both have been guiding spirits for this site, I now see that, by making concessions to Christianity in his second novel, where a Christian preacher appears almost as a saving hero, Pierce ‘cucked’ at the CQ

I’m afraid to say that I was wrong and old Sebas was right. In 2015 I said: ‘The huge difference between Hitler and Pierce, and white nationalists, is that virtually all of them cannot break away from the grip of Christian axiology, atheists included’
By now it should be obvious, more than obvious in fact (just see what’s been going on in there), that the US is the spearhead in the Western project to exterminate the White Man. The obsession of the American white nationalists with the Jew is deciphered when we understand that they see the straw in another’s eye and not the beam in their own
In the real world, an exterminationist Organization that conquers the whole world, as the one that appears in The Turner Diaries, would only be possible if Americans apostatised from Christianity, secular Christianity and transvalued all its values. And as old Sebas said, the chances of that happening are virtually zero, even among so-called American neonazis

squidchronicle #moonbat #racist #sexist twitter.com

(NOTE: This is a transcript of a video.)

You look at the progressive left. You know, what's, what Asian American voices are out there. You, you have some Asian American females probably, probably honestly sucking on a white dick, let's be fucking real. You know what I mean? Are they really stand for AsianAm or are they just a face of it, but they don't really stand for our interests? What are they really doing fighting for us? Are they really doing that? Yeah, they not man. I was saying look, you know the, the state of Asian Americans in this progressive movement is fucked up. And it's like yo we got some, uh, there's a Asian American female here and there and there and I'm like, yo, do you ever see a person fighting for Asian American interests? Do you ever see saying anything? You gotta face that looks like it's there, like a participating. Meanwhile, she's sucking on a white dick, you know what I mean, or Black dick. Honestly, Asian American men are, are completely fucking last and not disregarded. She's not saying anything controversial at all. She's just a... face, right, a fucking stock photo, that you could use to say "look, we're diverse". Shut the fuck up man. But you have, that bitch has zero interest in promoting our causes and zero interest in equality or justice for our people.

meatball #quack #wingnut #racist incels.is

My dad has "snake preserve" warnings, to scare vaccine Nazis off

We live in a Virginia horse community and lately the libtards have been out trying to educate non vaxxers.

We had several beware of dog signs, showing pit bull images, but they were not working.

Now, he has 3 signs up saying beware of poisonous snakes.

Libtards, niggers, no more problems. Last two weeks even the mailman refuses to come down the driveway.

Incels, who don't want to be bothered, feel free to copy our ideas. You can order snake warning signs online. Cheap and effective

Steve Sailer #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist takimag.com

Canada is currently undergoing the same orgy of antiwhite fear and loathing as the United States ... Ten churches in Alberta were set on fire on Canada Day, July 1, as part of a national nervous breakdown over “unmarked graves” at disused residential schools for Indian students.


The term “unmarked graves” is suggestive of massacre, but the reality is the children died of natural causes, especially diseases that hadn’t existed in the New World before 1492 so Indians hadn’t evolved defenses against them.


So, what explains the self-hating hysteria ... ?

It’s easy enough to understand why nonwhites like to defame whites. The fundamental crime of the white race, for which there apparently will be no forgiveness, was pulling ahead of the rest of humanity from roughly 1400 onward.

It seems like every movie trailer in recent years ends with the promise that the heroes will “change the world…forever,” but 15th-century Europeans really did. The accomplishments of Europeans in the 1400s were perhaps the greatest turning point in history.

Brunelleschi launched the Italian Renaissance by building Western Europe’s first dome in a thousand years (to aid in which he likely invented perspective). Prince Henry the Navigator began Portugal’s eight-decade-long research and development effort to sail around Africa to the Indies. Gutenberg devised the movable-type printing press. And Columbus discovered America.

These and countless other breakthroughs over the past six centuries allowed Europeans and their overseas descendants to socially construct the most valuable real estate in the world.

This immense wealth increasingly attracts the covetous eyes of the rest of the human race, who are realizing that, crazy as it sounds, they might just be able to shame whites into allowing their wonderful property to be expropriated over the sins of their ancestors.

But why are many whites going along with such a transparent scam? What’s in it for them?

Russell T. Warne #dunning-kruger #racist russellwarne.com

People have tried to use test development to eliminate race differences in average IQ scores. The results are disappointing.

An out-of-court settlement in 1984 led to the what psychometricians call the “Golden Rule procedure,” which is to build a test using items that have the smallest between-group race differences in passing rates.

The Golden Rule procedure sounds like a good idea on paper, but its application has not fulfilled expectations.

Evidence consistently shows that the tests and subtests that show the highest average difference between White Americans’ and African Americans’ scores are also the most effective tools for measuring general intelligence. This fact has several important implications, one of which being that average IQ differences across these two groups are not an artifact of test creation. Eliminating those differences is possible, but the result will be a test that is no longer an intelligence test.

If test creators are still eliminating items that show large average sex differences, they are not documenting this information in their technical manuals any more.

Even if sex differences in IQ are minimized in test development process, it does not have the massively detrimental effects on reliability and validity that minimizing race differences in IQ does. An intelligence test is still an intelligence test when sex differences in scores are minimized (though this may hide a difference favoring one sex or the other). The same cannot be said for minimizing race differences in IQ scores. This is strong evidence that the race difference in IQ is driven by a meaningful difference in intelligence and that Murray’s conclusions about the consequences of mean differences in IQ are viable.

Lost_Bug6069 #psycho #racist #sexist reddit.com

(NOTE: Those are various posts in numerous subreddits)

Oh please no honory status for Paks. Those nasty flirty Turk wannabe are so stinky in my hood Baku 🤮🤮 they are just as annoying as Indians in Midwest USA

I'd rather be flirted 100 times by a Turk or 20 times by a Kartvilian or 10 times by an American or 5 times by a Russian than once by a Pak



Yo that yalquzaq guy is EVERYWHERE

He's a national treasure, only behind TB2 drone and Iron Dome😉😉

Even TB2 can't repeatedly attack so many rounds at an erm*ni target all at once.


(Khankendi is the capital of Nagorno-Karabakh)

Seriously when we settle the border and liberate Khankendi, I'm more than willing to meet you very nice folks in Aragrats.

Azeris can teach you very civilised people in Aragrats how to properly herd cows and make yoghurt that doesn't taste like pee


The balkans also have a higher concentration of a certain minority.

Wtf are you gypsies doing here? Go back to Punjabi and breed with your Soniye please 🙏


Can a non-slavic Caucasian (Azeri + Avar) shitpost here?

But why?

Slavic boys are satirically attractive😉😉As long as they don't fall into gopniks, they are very datable.

Ok now get lost

But cuckold slovks has no chance of winning my Göktürk Azeri heart. They're Untermenschen good at nothing but sucking German cock and even taking pride in that. Tiso sucked German cock 80 yrs ago and Dzurinda again in 2004 🤑🤑🤑🤮🤮

Even Serbs are more honourable than slovaks. At least they suck chigga cocks with moderation🤣🤣

DonReynolds #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Fox News Host Says Native American Land ‘Wasn’t Stolen’

We won this land on the battlefield.

There were many battles and skirmishes, and many pioneers and settlers bore the brunt of the Indian outrages.

But the land itself was not won on the battlefield.
Control of the land is ceded by TREATY.

Nearly all of the land that makes up the 50 states was acquired by treaty, often with the payment of money and other subsistence.

That makes the whites the biggest suckers of all.
Why? Because the Indian did NOT own land. He had no concept of land ownership.
Land was something of a gift of nature, like the sea, that could be traversed and hunted and occupied, but did not belong to anyone.... except the more powerful tribe.
The Indian lived in a place and occupied it and kept other tribes from taking it.
The concept of land ownership was brought to North America by the Europeans.
So the Indian was doubly-amazed.....

You say you are going to give me all this stuff, including money, firewater, and food, in return for ownership of land that I did not know I owned? Yeah, I will take the deal. WE are nomadic people and WE can just move over that line you keep talking about.
What a deal.

balkanised #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Court Documents Detail Alleged Abuse at Home Where Child Was Found in Freezer

Gruesome story of a black father, white mother.

I have a doubt.

I do not believe a word a white woman says anymore.

They are manipulative, exploitive, abusive, and psychotic.

She, like the majority of white women was happy to lay with the beasts.
So I see her, and the rest as the beasts they are.

Sorry, not sorry.
I have seen them working against white men for 40 years!
Never once relenting in their evil.
Or even accepting they do as such as a group, like they do.

The white men who have not been replaced by them yet, have been battered beyond recognition by a program of aggressive psychological warfare.

And yet you expect us to have sympathy for them?
Never again, shall my hand be forced.
Or my judgement clouded.

She is as guilty as sin.
Like the rest of them.

White women will never have to face the consequences of their actions against their own fathers and sons. Or even face collective responsibility in any form.

They have destroyed the West and every nation that empowered them from within.

Because of White Women's inability to foresee the second and third order consequences of their actions, they have painted themselves into a corner.

For instance, Women believe women should be allowed to serve in combat, but should not have to compete against biological men in sporting events?

I cannot take white women seriously.
And regret ever having done so in the past.

Bring back hanging, and let them swing...

Socrates #crackpot #racist #sexist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

A philosophical question to ponder, which I’d like to answer as well: would today’s White, self-hating leftism exist if the Jews had not pioneered communism and socialism circa 1840? In other words, would liberal “Enlightenment values” (circa 1715-onward) alone have made White, self-hating liberalism “a thing” today? Without the influence of communism and socialism? I say no. Enlightenment values alone weren’t nearly radical enough to create modern, White, self-hating liberalism. Even the Old Left (circa 1930) didn’t have the self-hate that modern White leftism has — one reason being that today’s Left is heavily female-dominated, e.g., by college students, teachers, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi. Also, the New Left was birthed by Herbert Marcuse, who was a Marxist. So, no, Enlightenment values by themselves could not have made today’s vicious, self-hating White liberalism. It required some extra “Jewish poison” to bring it to full bloom, e.g., the Frankfurt School. Today’s Left is ultimately a Jewish construct).

Socrates #crackpot #elitist #racist #wingnut #sexist vanguardnewsnetwork.com

Defining the White Leftist Mindset in One Paragraph

Defining the White, leftist mindset, as it relates to White culture, in one paragraph:

White leftism is ultimately a jealous and angry attack on White males because they invented the world, and indeed that was their cardinal sin: White males invented the world! How dare they! Leftism says: “How dare the White males hog all of the glory! How dare they stand head and shoulders above everybody else! The White males must be punished for their success, for their centuries-long hegemony! How dare the White males give the world to mankind and leave everyone else to play second and third fiddle! We’ll cut those White males down to size!” You always hate and envy people who are better than you. Also, leftists are unhappy people who hate themselves, mostly for having been born White. They are also more emotional and therefore quick to complain.


[Footnote] you might say, “you forgot to mention White colonialism.” No. White colonialism benefited Brown and Black people, as Black writer Walter Williams admitted in his January 2002 article “South Africa After Apartheid” [Here. The money quote: “The tragic fact of business is that ordinary Africans were better off under colonialism.”]. Any leftist beef against White colonialism is related to the leftist beef against White male success in general.

Tesla Steinmetz #dunning-kruger #racist godlikeproductions.com

Space-Time "Curvature" induced by "Mass"

Has a greater load of steaming horse-shit EVAH been foisted off on Humanity?

"Space" is a privation - a lack of matter.

"Time" is a CONCEPT.

How can a privation be melded with a concept, and then be somehow "curved" by the presence of "Mass" (whatever that is - we still have no idea)?

Oh, wait! The fucking MATH works out, so we're good!

[second post]
The whole point of the fraudulent Zi0-neest, Einstein's, Theory of Relativity, was to rubbish the work of Michelson and Morley.

Hence the ridiculous band-aid known as the Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction.

Plenty of true Natural Scientists called out Einstein for his absurd BS, at the time.

However, the powah of Z-ism shut them down.

Physics has been is a dark cul-de-sac, since then, when the (((Math Men))) took over.

General Dominique Delawarde #conspiracy #racist news.in-24.com

The Paris prosecutor’s office said Friday, June 18, that it had opened an investigation into an ex-general, Dominique Delawarde, signatory of the so-called “generals” platform, accused of having made anti-Semitic comments on CNews
In November 2020, commenting on a blog on the results of the American presidential election, Dominique Delawarde had endorsed “the hypothesis of a major fraud”, adding: “There are, in my eyes, too many concordant clues for allow the Western ‘media pack’, of which we know who controls it, to convince me otherwise”

This Friday, on Cnews, the communicator Claude Posternak asked him “who controls” this “pack”, in the video extract to see below

Retired since the mid-2010s, the general smiles: “You know very well who controls the media pack in the world and in France”

“Who controls the Washington Post, the New York Times, with us BFMTV and all the newspapers which come to group around, who are these people…? ”, pretends to wonder the ex-soldier

“Who?” Insists Claude Posternak

“This is the community that you know well”, replies Dominique Delawarde

“We are not going to leave on that, we will stop there my general, I’m sorry,” immediately cut the host of the show, Jean-Marc Morandini. “We can’t let it say that on the air, I’m sorry, we cut, we take away the general,” he said
Dominique Delawarde is one of the 20 generals to have signed a column published in mid-April in Current values evoking “the disintegration” of France and which had given rise to a political controversy

robbinsville #psycho #racist stormfront.org

Haitian President Jovenel Moise was shot dead by unidentified attackers in his private residence overnight in a "barbaric act", the government said on Wednesday, stirring fears of widespread turmoil in the impoverished Caribbean nation.

"Barbaric act?" "Widespread turmoil?" It sounds as though it's nothing more than subhuman, cannibalistic, savage "knee-growz" doing what subhuman, cannibalistic, savage "knee-growz" ALWAYS do--commit barbaric acts and cause widespread turmoil.

This same scenario is played out hundreds--if not thousands--of times daily in all the major metropolitan areas across the United States--one-time-beautiful, lovely, gorgeous major metropolitan areas that have now been reduced to decaying, decomposing, nuclear waste dump, third-world ghetto hell-holes by the wild-ubangi, primordial, neanderthal, subhuman "knee-growz" whose lot in life is to destroy everything in their wake.

After reading the Post I was rather shocked--I thought that the decaying, decomposing, nuclear waste dump, third-world ghetto hell-hole of Haiti had long ago been completely destroyed by the savage, primitive, burr-headed "knee-growz" and had dissolved and disappeared into the Atlantic Ocean.

Missy #conspiracy #pratt #racist amren.com

RE: Longford Councillor Becomes First Black Woman to Be Elected Mayor in Ireland

In the back of her mind, she is thinking, "damn these white folks are dumb to let black people like me do this!" Snickering at the lifestyle never possible in Nigeria among her own race.

The bottom line is white people have been made stupid due to the comforts of civilization, unable to discern threats. The key to survival for gullible white nations such as Ireland is not breeding with them. All other mistakes but that one can be undone. Low class whites will breed with them, and nothing will be lost. And nothing personal against Uruemu Adejinmi, I'm sure she's a nice black lady. But she is taking advantage of a race that has lost it's bearings on reality.

you had me up to the 'nothing personal' part

I consider it all very personal

Because I'm sure if you met her, you would agree that she is a nice person. Her race is a problem for the white race, but this does not negate that there are nice upstanding individual blacks within the black race. We are dealing with the problems of group dynamics. Groups invade, displace, and genocide other ethnic and racial groups. Uruemu Adejinmi's group is a danger to the Irish. Uruemu Adejinmi's group has a territory called Nigeria. It doesn't mean the Irish need to hate them or the Nigerians are bad people.

I'm not nice about it, just logical. Ethnic and racial displacement of native peoples such as Irish in Ireland must not be allowed. It is not ethical. Hate is a waste of our time, we have logical and scientific reasons for preservation of human racial and ethnic groups and their native territories.

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut amren.com

Many of the things we are supposed to think about race are so obviously wrong you wonder if anyone believes them.

We’re supposed to think Europeans are the only people to come up with the idea of race.

Ibn Khaldun, one of the great philosophers of the Middle Ages, wrote: “The Negro nations are submissive to slavery, because Negroes have little that is essentially human and have attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals.”

In the 10th century, Abu Firas al-Hamadani complained that “the infants dropped from the wombs of Slavs,” were “blanched, and leprous colored.” But Africans were worse: They were “overdone in the womb until they are burned, so that the child comes out something between black, murky, malodorous, stinking, and crinkly-haired, with uneven limbs, deficient minds, and depraved passions.”

Arab traders brought black slaves to China during the Tang Dynasty. One Chinese wrote: “After having been kept a long time they begin to understand the language of human beings, though they themselves cannot speak it.”

Muslims prized white women as sex slaves. Edward Lane lived in Egypt from 1833 to 1835. He wrote that a white slave girl cost six to 20 times as much as a black slave girl.

That’s a high price for a social construct invented by Europeans.

Lefties would have you believe that throughout history, when an Asian met an African, he said to himself, “Gee, he looks and acts and thinks just like me.”

But then, along came white people, invented the false idea of race and, to quote Time magazine, we “engineered the most complete and enduring dehumanization of a people in history.”

Do they believe this stuff, or do they deliberately lie to us? In either case, it’s pure baloney. I hope they choke on it.

Simon Elliot #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #racist quora.com

Absolutely not because if that were the case then Islam would be reduced to 0.1% in China, it would have banned Uighurs from rights, put a symbol on Uighurs and Muslim restaurants would be closed.
Those you see in prison or who have been detained are guilty of supporting Islamic extremism or separatism, the Chinese government does not react without reason.
For those who say "Uyghurs terrorists are a myth" then it is blind or ignorant on these matters who would do better to shut up if he does not want to make a bad figure.

See this links:

CTON #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

I do not think this is fair. I know factually that white people who live amongst themselves are among the most carefree happiest whites in society. Never worrying about crime, diversity, or other ills of society really breeds the most content people and I will not for a second forget that. I live in one of the top 10 whitest cities in America and that's why I fight for whites with all that I have. None of your kind should have to deal with integration because other races can't behave appropriately as you all are truly great people, especially when surrounded by yourselves.

When I hear other middle and upper class whites spouting white guilt BS, I tell them "Ok, if you really feel bad, move to a black neighborhood then instead of living here. Give your job to a Hispanic since you claim they work harder than whites. Hand over your wealth to them. Give your house to a local Native American tribe if you feel we are on stolen land." Often they are speechless when I say this. I am getting really REALLY tired of this self-degrading virtue signaling BS from these soft whites.

Most black people don't realise how good they have it in the U.S, and how well their treated. They would soon find out if they moved to Japan, China, India or an Arab country. So it shows how ignorant and ungrateful a lot of black people are.

Even some black conservatives say once nonwhites are a majority, the goodies and nice comfortable life that post 1960s whites have given them is over. One said, "Post 1960s White America is the best friend of blacks. No other people would have given us jobs, money, free stuff and not held us accountable when we mess up."

Vijay Prozak #racist #wingnut anus.com

And who is behind this decline [of Western civilization]? Who has brought it upon you, whether willingly or not? Soon you will know. In the meantime, it's important that we again address Mr. Linder's idea ("DEATH TO THE JEWS," remember?) and question whether or not the Jews are responsible for our plight. It seems unlikely, since their appearance is relatively late in the cycle, and they don't yet control everything, although certainly their prominence in the news-entertainment media, finance and government is troubling. This article isn't an apologetic for the Jews; clearly they do not belong in Western culture, as their values are entirely foreign to ours - their materialistic dualism does not match with the healthiest of European beliefs, cosmic idealism, and is in fact diametrically opposed to it, to the point that whenever a Jew opens his mouth to speak "ideology" you should be assured it is harmful to you - and should be ejected by any means necessary. It's definitely not an attempt to praise them, since while they've done many good things, this is in part a result of their having relentlessly self-promoted and passed over capable goyim, such to the point where it's natural they have accomplished some good things, because they hold disproportionate amounts of the positions required. But on the whole, have Europe's fortunes raised or lowered because of the Jews? Greater divisiveness, neurosis, infighting, and ugly hook noses - Europeans are becoming Jews, from the looks of things!

Lv99_BixNood & fast_curry #racist #sexist incels.is

Chinkcels get brutally cucked in new Huawei ad

Chinkcels on zhihu are not happy about this, many blackpilled comments: https://www.zhihu.com/question/462814527

Part of the malice is to encourage East Asian yellow women to abandon their own race of men

Anyone who says I'm overreacting and says Chinese men are too sensitive is a pull-off, an accomplice to the cultural genocide of Asian-Yellow men by Germanic whites

Enjoy - refers to the yellow man working while the white man enjoys the gentle yellow skin wife (cover face)


All forms of racemixing are bad but racemixing is worse in Europe than in China. France has 5 million Africans or 7.5% of the total population. China would need 105 million Africans to have the same %.

The eurocucks brought it upon themselves by colonizing shithole countries in Africa.

That law has nothing to do with colonial past and can be changed tomorrow if the Jews that rule over France decide to do it.

Yeah but it won't. Americans could also go back to enslaving niggers but you know as well as I that'll never happen.

Zhihu is a site I never manage to understand. On one hand, if you search for the term "incel", you'll see foids and soys sitting at the moral high ground, defending whores and making fun of lonely men. Then the men get worked up when they are slapped on the face by videos like this, completely oblivious of how their own actions of white-worshiping will eventually lead to their own doom. Too bad CCP is no longer as based as it used to be; whoever's involved would have been labeled as the enemy of people, publicly shamed for degeneracy then sentenced to death.

Missy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Poor Whites Don’t Benefit From a ‘Support Industry’

(John Daniels)

Jared Taylor and his co-host marvel at a British government commission’s conclusion that poor non-whites are lathered with care while poor whites are told they have “white privilege.”

Have you looked at the critical race theory pyramid showing what there teaching children now color blindness as well as every other opinion radical or moderate is listed as covert white supremacy on the pyramid? Lol Hey GOP!!! You can’t bury your head in the sand anymore and mumble this isn’t what MLK wanted or I many have black Friends anymore!!!

The rac**t or being a White supremacist is a fluid subjective term it has multiple meanings contradictory and opposed to one another it’s impossible not to be one.

We need to say, "You are either pro white or anti white. There's no in between." The problem is so many of these white conservatives still buy into the 'colorblind' notion and 'I'm not taking sides!' and "don't engage in identity politics!" (while they get excited pointing out every nonwhite who is not 100% liberal) What I say to them is this "I do not think every black is a criminal nor do I think every white is an angel, but you need to look at demographics. Politically, nonwhites overwhelmingly vote Democrat and support big government. Overwhelmingly, you are safer being in a majority white setting than a majority nonwhite setting. You are safer being gay or being a minority, be it a racial or religious one, around whites than any other group of people."

Rick Santorum #crackpot #racist #wingnut #fundie nbcnews.com

[Article from April 26, 2021]

Rick Santorum says 'there isn't much Native American culture in American culture'

The former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania made the remarks to a conservative audience as part of a broader comment on America's early European settlers.

In remarks to conservative group the Young America's Foundation on Friday, Santorum argued that the culture of the United States is largely unchanged since it was birthed by "Judeo-Christian" values.

Santorum, 62, a Republican from Pennsylvania who served in the Senate from 1995 to 2007 and is now a CNN commentator, said there was "nothing here" before European settlers arrived.

"We came here and created a blank slate," Santorum said. "We birthed a nation from nothing. I mean, there was nothing here. I mean, yes we have Native Americans, but candidly there isn't much Native American culture in American culture."

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "If you really want to "flip the script" try opposing Pride Month or BLM"]

A Texas student uses her high school valedictorian speech to denounce Texas' new abortion law

Naturally, the left couldn't be happier

Paxton Smith had submitted an entirely different speech on the effect of the media on young minds to school officials for the commencement ceremony at Lake Highlands High School in Dallas on Sunday, but Smith said it was important to use the moment to criticize a controversial abortion law signed by Gov. Greg Abbott[…]

She really really really wants to be able to murder babies. That cannot be psychologically healthy

The memo to conservatives students in the running to be valedictorian in the future is clear: "flip the script" and submit some anodyne speech about being the "leaders of tomorrow" or some nonsense and then in the actual speech give a devastating takedown of cancel culture, #NiggerLivesMoreImportantThanSocietyMotherfucker, and how there are only two sexes with only one valid sexual orientation relating the two of them

Smith doesn't seem equally upset about the "war on the rights of your brothers" to run their BBQ restaurants, or the "war on the rights of your fathers" to use firearms to shoot and kill violent blacks terrorizing their homes and neighbourhoods, or the "war on the rights of your sons" by running up insane levels of debt and importing third world thugs to replace them

Various Commenters #conspiracy #moonbat #racist globaltimes.cn

RE: Brutality against indigenous people embedded in Anglo-Saxons' DNA

(Zhao Lei)
Agreed. Many Anglo Saxons people that i met & observed are very dishonest, two-faced, having a mentality of pot calling kettle black, shamelessly giving false accusations.......... They will do anything for attention, fame, money and Ferraris, so on and so forth.

The Whites, especially those leading mass murderers of America, are racist to the core. They willfully practiced, racist policy to this very day. Their only concern is not to be caught out in their hypocrisy. They use their mass media to whitewash their genocidal actions by means of subtle twisted and slant analysis and interpretation of events. They employed numerous agents in mass social media like twitter, facebook, youtube, instagram etc to influence and convince their readers. Their effectiveness can be seen by the support for their numerous wars, sabotage, insurrections and varied 'colour' revolutions past and ongoing in the world. Vigilance must be practice at all times for such disinformation and misinformation.


I wave my magic wand and those countries go *poof*! What does the world look like? Rainbows and lollipops or Mogadishu? Your answer will depend on your IQ.

Bagdhad would still be a proud standing cradle of civilization. There would still be natves and their undestoryed culture and socal evolution in N. America, NZ, Canada, Australia...

Serously are you anglo descendents some sort of exterminating virus.... any where you people are found there's a constant of gemocide and ethnic cleansing....

End the fed & Double I #racist #sexist stormfront.org

RE: Black athlete who trashed America trashed whites, Mexicans. and Asians

(End the fed)

She says “Mexicans just don’t care about ppl,” she wrote in a Tweet in November 2012.

In another Tweet from 2011, she wrote: “This lil white boy being bad as hell!! I would smack his ass then stomp him!! Smh #whitepplKids hella disrespectful.”

“Just saw this gurl wearing heels with white socks!! What the Hell..#chineseppl always try to start new trends..smh..ggguuurrrllll,” she also wrote in 2011.

She joked about rape too

Most dark ghetto black women hate lighter races because their men prefer lighter races so these dark ones cant keep a man around.

(Double I)

The truth is they are all saying stuff like this about us and other non-blacks ALL the time, it is part of every day interaction with black people, pure Racism non-stop. She just wrote it down, so she got caught! In fact, in all the years I have known black people I have never heard a black person say a good thing about White people EVER!

Me neither. They are incapable showing appreciation or acknowledge our many virtues and accomplishments. Whites that think, because they know a decent black or read Thomas Sowell, that they are good people with a few bad apples are delusional. It's merely a smokescreen for their hatred and jealousy for a better race. They all hate us, and want what we have. Hate them more.

KBS & DarienX #conspiracy #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Harvard Poll: 80% See Border Disaster, Want Trump Closure Restored

Don't like feeling this way, but every time I see video clips of "unaccompanied minors" in shelters it makes my blood boil. Hoards of low IQ, future hate-whitey types, with negligent parents who expect The Land of Oppression and Racism to provide babysitting services while they break the law. Am pretty sick of being civilized and nice.


The dems have 3 problems that no amount of anti white straight male propaganda is gonna solve.

A: blacks dont like open borders
B: hispanics dont like crt
C: neither like trannies in women sports or bathrooms.

Its a house of cards that is collapsing.

The negroes view non-white illegal immigrants as another ally against the white man. If most illegals were from Eastern Europe for example, both the Hispanics and negroes would be on the southern border with guns and nobody would get through.

Prussian Society of America #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "There is No Rest For the Wicked – Germans Need to become More Racist and Hateful"]

Only the German is capable to understand and empathize with fellow Germans.

The Non-German Barbarian is always hateful, critical, suspicious and inferior in his/her emotions or thought processes to understand the German Mind and Spirit
The COVID-19 Agenda and its aftermath has brought many of the already unsettled social and related issues to the forefront of hot issues
Tensions are building very high in this regard, even as much that the eruption of Civil Wars are likely even in countries like France

A good sign that at least is becoming more and more apparent by the day in Germany, is that Germans are beginning to realize the true enemy that America is, and we must hope and strive for this movement to build up to a point where Germans fanatically begin to slander and work towards ruthless elimination of American influences and propaganda, including Hollywood Films, QAnon, and American values of any kind, need to be completely pulverized
Germans should also never fly an American Flag, or even a Confederate Flag, but should hoist only the Imperial Flag, the proper colors of our people, and DAMN EVERYONE who opposed our Imperial Flag, which is currently under further attack in our Vaterland
The True German Nation is not a land of Democracy Lovers, and every Democracy Lover is an absolute foe of the German Nation, and in particular the German Reich!
The Filthy Barbarians simply do not understand how to ACT CLEAN. They cannot ACT CLEAN, they cannot THINK CLEAN, they are worse than animals, because at least most animals know when they ought to bathe

Russ Winter #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #quack #crackpot winterwatch.net

We will be covering this roll out going forward and have added a new tag: The 5G Beast.

The real risk for the Beast is that heavy users Beavis and Butthead learn one of life’s lessons and become sick from exposure. For this to play out, Beavis should already be debilitated from heavy exposure from 4G electro-smog. Additionally, if one has heavy metals in the body from vaccines, this magnifies the impact of EMF.

Although the Crime Syndicate will try to explain it away as some type of new virus, a cover up may prove difficult once it gets out of the bag, and is shared on social media. How ironic. To survive this plague, non-adapters and those who make attempts to mitigate the effects almost have to bet on foils Beavis and Butthead taking the hard fall first.

Yes, Beavis, you can expose yourself to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and numerous other diseases and disabling symptoms that are linked to the cumulative effects of microwave radiation- all so you can further bury yourself into high-definition video, play video games online or even live in a virtual reality hologram world.

CR #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The times are changing in Canada under Justin Trudeau. What was once a peaceful, prosperous, and stable nation will soon be unrecognizable if we continue on the current trajectory.

Not only has Trudeau and his Liberal party pushed for the normalization of a variety of deviant sexual practices, the lockdowns and restrictions in response to covid have decimated small business across the country and left many people dependent on government benefits.
With Fidel Castro's bastard son as our prime minister, It should come as little surprise w that much of what is happening bears a strong resemblance to events that took place during China's cultural revolution.
The other issue that doesn't fit with this is the immigration agenda. Trudeau is bringing in hundreds of thousands of immigrants each year. Aside from the fact that this additional population is eventually going to require more indigenous-owned lands to live on, it has been my observation that Natives, generally speaking, are not particularly fond of immigrants. For them, the white man was bad enough, more hostile foreigners are not wanted. These appear to be conflicting agendas, but there must be an underling plan.

Is this part of a plan to force the general population into large cities, leaving rural areas to the Natives?
Trudeau has said that "diversity is our strength", which makes very little sense unless the objective is to divide society in as many ways as possible.
If we can't change course then soon Canada will become a multi-cultural, sexually confused version of communist China.

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