
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Thomas R. Horn #conspiracy #fundie #mammon #wingnut amazon.com

Before and after the presidency of Donald Trump, the United States was―and now is again―on an intentional trajectory to fulfill what famous Freemason Manly P. Hall described as The Secret Destiny of America. Hall’s book includes future national and global subservience to the god of Freemasonry, a deity most Americans would not imagine when reciting the pledge of allegiance to “one nation under God.” Unknown to most Americans and certainly many Christians is the fact that the Great Seal of the United States is a prophecy hidden in plain sight by the Founding Fathers for more than two hundred years, foretelling the return of this terrifying, demonic god who seizes control of Earth in the New Order of the Ages. This supernatural entity was known and feared in ancient times by different names: Apollo, Osiris, and even farther back as Nimrod, whom Masons consider to be the father of their institution.

Does ancient prophecy indicate he will return in 2025?
•Hidden secrets and forgotten prophecies surrounding the year 2025
•How the current U.S. government is tied to America’s occult destiny
•Lost prophecies from Qumran forecasting 2025 as the final age of man
•Why historians and intelligence agencies foresee a totalitarian world government by 2025 •How America’s Capital city is laid out to actuate arrival of Antichrist
•About the malevolent, Orwellian trinity currently converging
•The means by which the population’s thinking and speaking are being homogenized to create a nation of assimilated devotees who will embrace Antichrist
•The deep, esoteric meanings that names and titles held in ancient societies, the impact they had upon destiny, and what that could mean for America’s near future
•Who the mysterious character Melchizedek of Genesis 14 truly was
•What the “People of the Name” covenant is

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #fundie #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

The transition from the Dark Aeon to the New Aeon has begun. The planet is enduring a deeply significant milestone within the Bifurcation of Time that will greatly impact humanity. This is a macrocosmic planetary event that is Changing Architecture at a fundamental level. The result is mass consciousness Morphogenesis.

The planetary architecture of the Cosmic Clock is now secured by the Paliadorian and Krystal Star Guardian Host who are restoring the Natural Laws via the Krist-Krystallah coding in the God Worlds. This Diamond Sun alignment transmits those on the Christos Mission and is gradually dissolving and imploding the Artificial intelligence technology that was originally used to invade the planetary Stargate system by the NAA.
The macrocosm Architecture in the planet, galactic and Universal levels are undergoing a radical shift to prepare for the New Aeon, the next Astrological precession which is highlighting corrections made from the restoration of the Law of Gender that is transmitting from within the Solar Logos body. The rehabilitation of the Solar Logos body, 10D-11D-12D in our Universal system is also the recovery of a Natural Law, that is transmitting the Krist Code into all things from the unmanifest made to manifest, the process in which energy becomes matter. This New Aeon will make evident over time, the inherent spiritual creative power and consciousness freedom that is generated from the unification of the inner and outer Gender Principle into Oneness, which generates the feedback loop of an unlimited supply of zero-point energy. The God Creator circulates eternal love flows into the world through the act of sacred marriage that occurs between the masculine and feminine principle, from the quantum levels and into human beings, extending into and from planetary, stellar and cosmic bodies. This in turn manifests a chain reaction that profoundly alters the configuration of the human energy field and Lightbody.

ALIEN NATION CORPORATION #crackpot #fundie #ufo #conspiracy aliennationcorporation.com

Amongst some of the most symbolic architectures of all time is a seemingly unremarkable, yet an unarguably magnetic black cube.

Is this black cube indicative of global occult worship? Is it a not-so-secret blueprint of the next biggest technology in the making? Is this cube a symbol for yet another State secret dealing with the extraterrestrials? Regardless of whatever the black cube symbolizes, the fact is undeniable that this cube boxes a great mystery which, with the evolution of the internet and growing human interest, can no longer be veiled under abstractionism.
All of the questions and mysteries surrounding Saturn starts with the eerie rhyming of this gorgeous planet’s name with God’s archenemy: Satan. By just removing the ‘r’ or silencing it, the word literally spells and sounds ‘Satan’. The biblical villainizing of Satan is deeply rooted in the obsession of satanic powers with wealth accumulation. Is it then a coincidence that Saturn is named after the God of Wealth himself? Is this naming a chillingly accurate means of labeling this planet the ‘God of Satans’? Or, the ‘Satan of Gods’, maybe?

Another strong indicator of the close relationship between Satan and Saturn is number 6. A truly prolific number in the study of Satanism and religion, it is common knowledge that the numbers 666, as termed in the Book of Revelation.

1. Saturn is the 6th planet in the solar system.
2. Saturn forms the name ‘Saturday’, which is the sixth day of the week.
3. Saturn’s north-pole is six-sided.
4. Saturn has 6 most well-defined rings- the seventh one is quite faint.
Accelerating technological evolution, is the black cube a symbol for an upcoming grave scientific innovation that can disrupt humankind as we know it? Will this invention be premised upon satanic rituals and funded by the members of the secret Saturnian societies? Members of these cults, according to non-academic reports, are persons with significant wealth and local influence

Scott Lively #homophobia #fundie scottlively.net

A couple of years later, St. Petersburg became the first of several major Russian cities to ban LGBT propaganda to children. In 2013 the Russian Parliament adopted the law nationally almost unanimously, backed by the support of a stunning 88% of the populace. President Putin both signed and publicly supported the law, saying “I believe we should leave kids in peace.”

But the WCF8-Russia never happened because within weeks of the passage of the Russian law LGBT uber-activist Obama turned 180 degrees against his own State Department’s “Reset Policy” of normalization with Russia and launched a full-fledged international campaign to demonize Putin and the Russians starting by sabotaging the Socci Olympics in February 2014 followed by orchestrating the 2014 coup in Ukraine to replace its pro-Russian president with an Obama/Biden stooge. Obama essentially restarted the Cold War in revenge for Putin’s highly influential defiance of the global LGBT agenda. Several countries (including Ukraine) who were ready to quickly follow Russia’s lead were dissuaded from doing so by the vehemence of Obama’s reaction.

NOW, however, seven years later, the pro-family hero Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary has followed Russia’s lead and banned LGBT propaganda in schools, saying: “the European basic treaties clearly show that it is an issue that belongs in national authority,” adding that “Brussels bureaucrats have no business here”. No matter what they’ll do, we will not allow LGBTQ activists to enter our kindergartens and schools.”

Alex #fundie brianniemeier.com

My 2 year-old daughter just received a belated birthday present from a friend of my wife. The present in question was a Belle costume from “Beauty and the Beast.” Yeah, she’s not going to be wearing that one anytime soon. The only queen we venerate in our household is the Queen of Heaven.

Scott Lively #conspiracy #fundie scottlively.net

Under normal circumstances the first question most people ask after a fight has broken out is “Who started it?” because we all know that while “it takes two to tango,” there’s almost always an instigator and it isn’t necessarily the person who threw the first punch. When it comes to mob psychology and the phenomenon of rioting or war, identifying the instigator is a little trickier because there’s often an unseen hand stirring the pot of social unrest. In the “white nationalist” incident in Charlottesville, VA, I suspect the instigator is the same network of Bush, Clinton and Obama deep-state intelligence agents, politicians and street activists that’s been working since the election to remove President Trump.

Importantly, this is a network of one-world statists with a common cultural-Marxist worldview. The tools of their trade are ideological polarization to create social and political factions, inflammatory propaganda to breed emotionalism and “group-think” in those opposing factions, and staged street activism to incite conflict between them (conflict usually of a political nature but sometimes of the physical sort). Tactically, they almost always lead with the left because leftists are easier to manipulate, and they use them as provocateurs to get a counter-reaction from the right. Their strategy today is to sucker conservatives into following extreme hard right populists into a war for the streets just as occurred in Germany after WWI.

The Black Lives Matter movement is a big component of the strategy, complete with Soros-funded rent-a-mobs and roving “community organizers” looking for the next opportunity to stage a “spontaneous” riot against the police. But there’s a much larger target than the police in this strategy: it is the entire “right wing.” The purpose of leftist social agitation is not “social justice” (as many of BLM’s “useful idiot” foot soldiers believe), it is to inflame the right. They want war, in whatever form they can get it, because it’s in the chaos of war that the elites make their greatest gains toward a global socialist government. The pattern is similar to how our intelligence agencies have conducted “regime-change” operations in foreign nations for decades (making them all the greater hypocrites for their breathless “Russian collusion” narrative) and now we see a version of it here it home.

Scott Lively #conspiracy #homophobia #fundie scottlively.net

The latest reminder of that was watching the despotic Justin Trudeau regime declare martial law to crush peaceful opposition to vaccine tyranny in Ottawa. Remember Ottawa? Remember vaccine tyranny? The trucker convoy bearing down on D.C.? Hillary’s spy-treason? Election fraud? CRT propaganda? The Second Amendment? “Gay”/transgender grooming of children in our public schools? None of that seems to matter now because of the Ukraine war, and that’s no accident. As I said in a recent WND article, “From time immemorial elitist despots have started wars to deflect attention from domestic political crises.”

Let’s leave aside the question of whether Christian Russia – which has both honored God and protected normal marriage in its new constitution – has any right to use military force to stop the Obama/Biden/Clinton/Soros-created LGBT Woke-ocracy of Ukraine from putting anti-Russian nukes on the Russian border.

Let’s instead ask whether God is using Barack Obama’s avatar, Joe Biden, to punish our own country. I’ll answer with another question: “Politically speaking, what is the last best hope for saving America?”

Isn’t it the MAGA movement?

What MAGA movement? Do you mean that formerly united group of Trump supporters now fighting with each other tooth and nail over whether or not Vladimir Putin is (the globalists’ version of) the Antichrist? Or whether the Ukraine president (a former TV comedian who thought performing a homoerotic dance skit with three other men would be a good message for the children of his nation) is a hero for forcibly conscripting his entire male civilian population to be slaughtered in an unnecessary no-win battle with the overwhelming might of the Russian army, when he could win the peace by simply agreeing to remain neutral and not join NATO?

The Armchair Prophet #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #fundie stateofthenation.co

Truly, the highly consequential war in Ukraine signifies the proverbial point of no return for the entire planetary civilization. That’s because the Ukraine War represents nothing less than the long prophesied epoch-ending clash of civilizations. In other words, the full-scale war raging between Russia and Ukraine within Ukrainian borders is merely a microcosm of a much larger macrocosmic war occurring worldwide.

What the present human race is now witnessing is a last-ditch attempt by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis to forever defeat and enslave the BRICS-aligned nations. That means the US-UK-EU-NATO international crime syndicate is closely collaborating with numerous co-conspirators the world over to shock and awe Russia into submission via an overwhelming hybrid war.
It’s of paramount importance to correctly understand the preceding factual history. While this recapitulation of past and present represents only one dimension of the vast implementation plan known as the New World Order agenda, it’s a crucial piece of the puzzle toward the establishment of a One World Government. For the American Republic must be completely conquered, and her countless armed citizens subjugated, if The Powers That Be are to be successful in forming a global totalitarian government that combines the most oppressive elements of communism and fascism, marxism and socialism, bolshevism and predatory capitalism, neoconservatism and neoliberalism.
In light of these and other stark realities, the second decade of the Third Millennium will likely become known as the Great Tribulation. The first two years brought a terrible manmade ‘plague’ upon humanity only to be followed by a horrific war, financial breakdown and economic depression. Liberal-leaning western countries such as the US and UK have already undergone an irreparable tearing of their social fabric via Cultural Marxism making communities far less able to deal with the upcoming challenges and tremendous difficulties.

Ball Earth is a Jesuit Hoax #fundie quora.com

Why isn’t Encyclopedia Dramatica shut down?
Why hasn't Israel surrendered to Palestine? Because the Lord won't have it!

ED routinely exposes the lies and fraud of NASA and the evils of American politics. That's why the Illuminati/Deep State/globalist parasites want it dead. Their diabolical agendas are slowly but surely being cast out of the woodwork and the rose coloured glasses are being lifted off the masses. They know their hour is dying. Where will NASA run off to when the Lord comes back and demolishes their system for good? They'll be crawling on all fours for a dime. ED is a Godly website for standing up against the craziness of our world in these apostate times!

NASALies #fundie fstdt.com

And what happened to Laika the dog after she was thrown up into the firmament? SHE DIED! NASA is no better than circuses who beat and torture animals for sick people to enjoy. If you've ever been to a circus, you're not right with God! If you support NASA at all, you're not right with God! NASA is of the Devil, abusing animals and killing people to get political power and play God. Hell will be hot! Everybody involved in NASA will stand before Jesus Christ on Judgment Day if the Lord doesn't tarry. Come Lord Jesus and DESTROY NASA!

Freudian Slip Award

Ball Earth is a Jesuit Hoax #fundie quora.com

A Godly America is one who teaches Puritan Christian Dominionust Values, who teaches the strongest fact of science there is, that the Earth is a flat disk topped with a firmament, like Sandy's threesome from SpingeBob. One who teaches men are a beautiful creation of the Lord they God, not a monkey's mutated period blood. One that teaches that Man's purpose in life is to Serve and Fear God all our days. I miss the puritans every day and I cry of nostalgia just thinking of the times! Good old days!

Robert Cornell #fundie quora.com

You’re no Christian if you believe the Bible has textual issues. Did you know that even Muslims believe that Jesus existed? If you follow Jesus, but disbelieve in the Bible, that makes you a Muslim, which is a stepping stone to atheism.

Lara Logan #conspiracy #fundie #racist jpost.com

"Does anyone know who employed Darwin? Where does Darwinism come from?" Logan asked. "Look it up. The Rothschilds."

"I'm just saying Darwin was hired by someone to come up with a theory based on evidence," she added before saying that evolution is a chicken or egg debate and cannot be answered scientifically.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy #fundie #pratt jesusisprecious.org

You're A Fool If You Believe In Cavemen

One of the biggest lies ever fabricated is the falsehood of Evolution. The only verifiable truth regarding evolution is that there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that evolution is true. It's all bogus hypotheses! I am so sick of hearing idiots talk about our cavemen ancestors. Are you that stupid? Really?

I recently heard famed Hollywood actor Will Smith narrate a stupid 2018 National Geographic series called, “ONE STRANGE ROCK.” Here's another episode of this trash. The only “strange rock” is Will Smith's dense head! They guy is a fool. I say that kindly, but with all Biblical authority. Psalms 8:3, “When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained.”

Tatsuhirocel , HikikunDeformis & pornoddio #racist #conspiracy #fundie blackpill.club

Jews are seeking imortality

They want us to live forever so they can keep us as slaves on this planet forever.They are aiming to be gods.
Juan Carlos Izpisua: ‘Within two decades, we will be able to prevent aging’

Guess the early life page of the man who invests largely into Altos Labs

They have been trying to become immortal for a few thousand years that's why human sacrifices were their thing. It's ancient savage idea that young blood has healing effects

Yes wow. Immortality because they know that hell exists for them only. That must be the reason why they are so religious, they fear death for all the wrongdoings they do daily. Well, sorry jews, you burn in hell and I am glad you recognize its existence.


Yes wow. Immortality because they know that hell exists for them only. That must be the reason why they are so religious, they fear death for all the wrongdoings they do daily. Well, sorry jews, you burn in hell and I am glad you recognize its existence.

Cope jews work with satan and worship him.

Michael Brown #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia charismanews.com

There was a day when equal rights for Black Americans was the cause celebre of the Left. But for more than a decade now, gay rights have trumped Black rights. Why? There was a day when equal rights for women was the cause celebre of the Left. But in recent years, trans rights have trumped women's rights. Why has this happened? I believe I have the answer.
So, why is it that the same group of people (meaning the "progressives" or "the Left") who fought so tenaciously for Black rights now make that cause secondary to gay rights? And why is it that the same group of people who fought so tenaciously for women's rights now make that cause secondary to trans rights?

I believe the answer is staring us right in the face: it was not Blacks or gays or women or transgenders who were the ultimate issue. It was challenging the status quo that was the ultimate issue. It was rebelling against the system. It was saying no to the prevailing tradition of the hour, whether that tradition was bad (such as segregation) or that tradition is good (such as the integrity of women's sports).

Put another way, in the end, a radical agenda was more important than people (be they Blacks, women, gays or transgenders). And so, to this hour, what ultimately drives this radical, leftist agenda is not so much compassion but rather the "leftness" of the ideology.

I'm sure that there are many caring leftists. And I'm sure many of them have been grieved at what they perceive to be real inequalities and injustices. In fact, many on the Left feel aggrieved for themselves, as they too are Black or female or identify as gay or trans, and they too suffered mistreatment.
That's why, in the days ahead, something else might arise to push trans rights to the side. And on and on it goes.

How then, do we combat this radical leftist agenda? By exposing its moral hypocrisy. By demonstrating a heart of compassion for each group and individual. And by striving for equality under the law for all.

Afghanistan Taliban #fundie #sexist theguardian.com

The Taliban are facing international condemnation after they announced on Wednesday that girls would not be allowed to attend secondary school, despite their previous assurances[…]
The surprise announcement came late on Tuesday night. Many teachers and pupils found out only on Wednesday morning, the first day of the school year in Afghanistan, as girls prepared to return to class after a six-month break caused by the turmoil in the country

“Lots of excited girls were already waiting outside the school. They were here hours before their classes started. They were very happy and excited. Then we told them about the new order,” a schoolteacher in Kabul said. “Many of them started arguing. I had nothing to tell them. I left an hour ago. I cried.” By the end of the school day, the teacher said, some of the girls were still standing outside the building, unable to “to move their legs to go back home”

Girls have been banned from education beyond middle school in most of the country since the Taliban returned to power in mid-August 2021. Most universities opened up earlier this year but Taliban edicts on education have been erratic and, while a handful of provinces continued to provide education to all, most closed institutions for girls and women[…]
The U-turn is seen as a concession to the rural and deeply tribal backbone of the hardline Taliban that, in many parts of the countryside, are reluctant to send their daughters to school

“The leadership hasn’t decided when or how they will allow girls to return to school,” said Waheedullah Hashmi, external relations and donor representative with the Taliban-led administration. While he accepted that urban centres are mostly supportive of girls’ education, he said much of rural Afghanistan was opposed to it, particularly tribal Pashtun regions

Anonymous #fundie #racist quora.com

Where have the oldest Caucasoid-type skulls been found?


As you can see the skull morphology of Rameses II is closest to the Negro skull morphology with Mongoloid Face structure… That makes these words a lie-

“Ramses II has zero prognathism and the nose… that is more Middle Eastern like seen in Jews and Arabs. He even looks like the Caucasoid skull in your graphic above.

His lack of intelligence scientifically is also displayed by his inability to acknowledge that all Arabs and Jews and Sub Saharan Africans belong to the same Phylogenetic tree of “E” they all share a common Male Ancestor.

What he/Alex calls Middle Eastern Features are clearly Negroid and the Mid East overbite is really Negroid Prognathism.

And the obvious cognitive dissonance makes discussion unfruitful so the graphics are provided simply to demonstrate detached from reality some people can remain even when the evidence is unassailable.

“Wow, you guys are something. Yeah, the color of the skin could be incorrect, but the facial features are not Africoid- Negroid. There are either Europid or Mongolid (like the Oase man)- There are 3 Anthropological Skull classifications


The Oase Man is Negroid- Negroid skull morphology, this means he could only be 1 of 4 Y-DNA groups that are Africa in origin/Negroid= Y-DNA A’s, B’s, D’s and E’s- therefore the SSA’s were the EEF’s/Anatolians, not only the EEf’s but also part population of the ANE’s.


because this is the real scientific debate, when did Western E1b1a’s and Eastern E1b1b’s *Eurasians= Y-DNA HAPLOGROUP E NEGROIDS split, …. not your weird rant like yours.”

Massresistance #homophobia #fundie #pratt massresistance.org

The LGBT movement decided to counter the pro-family activism. On July 31, 2021, the first “Gay Pride” was held on the Cayman Islands. The large crowd of marchers included the British Governor, Martyn Roper. There was a substantial turnout.

But it was basically a sham. The observers said they’d never seen so many foreigners in the country at one time, as were marching in that parade. As one Cayman citizen told us, “It was blatantly obvious. They were not from here. They were not locals.” According to activists we spoke with, the people who work at customs even said that large numbers flew in the day before the parade and flew back out the day after. “So they came down specifically for the gay parade. It did not represent the support they have from people here,” we were told.

Although there’s still more work to do – overturning the Governor’s “domestic partnerships” edict – this was a huge win. As Kattina Anglin told us:

I think you should know that people here in the Cayman Islands are rejoicing. There’s a big sigh of relief – not just by Christians, but other people in the country who want to maintain a healthy society, a society where the man and the woman and the children is the definition of marriage, of family. We are a God-fearing nation.

Robert Hubbs #conspiracy #fundie #dunning-kruger quora.com

Lincoln was one of our worst presidents. He made enemies of succeeding states instead of creating an alliance with the CSA and pitted brother against brother in a bloody war. Lincoln violated the civil liberties of Americans on both sides both before and after the war between the states. I would dare say that Abraham Lincoln was under the influence of the anti-christ.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #fundie adrenogate.net

He’s right about just about everything he says with the exception of probably that menstrual blood mixing with the infinite waters creating the Candycane dualistic vortex shit. Lol. The Saturn Cube does run on blood. But yeah, what a dick. He is telling you the truth though and “spelling it out for the dummies” so to speak with most of what he says. Quasiluminous is probably a fractal avatar of the Progenitor of the Demiurge. Reminds me EXACTLY of the way Quinn Michaels talks when he goes on a rant.

DON’T do that “Blood Over Intent” shit. Seriously. That’s like retard level discernment there.

Here’s another old rant that he’s since taken down about earth being “The Land of the Dead”. Again, probably mostly true. Remember, once you become aware of the fact that our English language is a curse and that our birth certificates are designed to usurp the sovereignty of our souls, then the Magick no longer binds and is rendered ineffective.

Various Anons #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt boards.4chan.org

(Canada Anon)

I-It's just a c-coincidence! Pure Chance!

(BLM Anon)

No, its selective evolution to find the most efficient path.

So tell me, what is the most elemental underlying force driving the selection and evolution?

Atheists always short circuit at this question and cop out with a "we just don't know yet bro!" even though the ancients figured out that it was god literally thousands of years ago.

(US Anon)
So how does it know to do that? You atheists never answer that question. And if you give an answer why does that know to do that?

You guys seem to just hate the truth to be honest.

(Colombia Anon)
>selective evolution
show me the proof of failed evolutions
show me the birds with 3 heads, snakes with 6 tails or gorilla with 7 arms
evolutiontards are the stupidest retards alive
we're all designed as we appear

>uh.. theres plenty of those. It’s called birth defects. Google it, and sweet dreams.
not random enough you monkeys
we need birds with the head of lizards, bears with a dick of snakes etc. etc if evolution is random that would happen
evolutiontards are retarded so they lack imagination, can you guys visualise apple number 1?

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo #fundie #quack bennettleeross.com

CERN shoots people in the past with shock waves by changing the density
The person then reappears in the place where the energy density is

The morphogenetic fields are coded with mathematical architecture
With living energetic current

With our frequency current we can internalize them into our circuitry

When one subscribes to a reversal frequency
Or believes in what refracted light from a distorted hologram is messaging
Then human souls can be trapped in dimensional planes
This is called soul binding

In former times we concentrated on the Divine Wholeness
Of the God Consciousness

Which was the golden architecture of the City of God
It was Saturn in the Holy of Holies
Sitting on the Throne
Which was the center of the Cosmic Cube or geometric Tesseract

Venus or Mother Quintessence was the catalyst
In animating the vortex points of the Celestial City Four Square
With her energetic current

The month of Quintiles was renamed July in honor of Julius Casaer
And Sextiles was renamed August in honor of Caesar Augustus

Because the heavenly city was dispersed
A calendar change was necessary
The months January and February were added

In the beginning bacteria cultures morphed into human bodies
We are still colonies of bacteria that have their own consciousness

The Divine Mother with her Mother Arc frequencies
Was instigated by the conjoining of Mars or Risen Christ
It was the Sacred Union or Heiros Gamos
It was the merging of the masculine and feminine energies

By focusing on this Sacred Marriage
One could direct their personal energy
And maximize their life force potential

Masterfully influencing their experience
Within the world of matter!

Mary Beaver #crackpot #ufo #fundie #conspiracy #magick supersoldiertalk.com

There are 500 Thornton ET here running through the inner earth tunnels chasing the angelic signature of the fallen angels. They are looking for an area that is known but not frequented and these angels were hiding with the hopes that when the planet reached 5th dimension that they would also be fully DNA signatured and would become Gods. This would make them more powerful than our God and they could destroy him and all life if they chose to.

There are also other things with them, they came from a darker galaxy but they want to ascend in our universe by helping us eliminate the darker angelics in our realm. When we go in the 5th dimension the 144,000 mentioned in the bible will become gods and their abilities will activate. The dark being’s abilities will also be enhanced if they go to 5th dimension which will make them harder to eliminate, so they want to take them out now.

I was told that myself and other SSP warriors went in the spirit to help them navigate through the inner earth tunnels. We appeared as children in some parts and adults in other parts. I am very exhausted and in physical pain today.

They were brought in by the Existinal Council to destroy the 4 fallen angels and all other powerful celestial beings that might be hiding on the planet. These celestial beings are being hunted because they are too strong for the SSP and white hats to fight alone, they would be walking into a trap. They said the SSP and white hats need to stay on track with the bugs i.e., dogs and other lower evil beings that snuck into the portal in Ukraine. Nothing was getting on or off the planet and in the last 6 months but a new stargate portal was built in a cabal military in the Ukraine to bring in negative entities.

Alex #fundie #transphobia brianniemeier.com

There’s no joke to be had in stating the self-evident, immutable truth that Rachel Levine is a man. If someone wants to fire me, ban me, threaten me, or even kill me for not kowtowing to the Father of Lies and his Death Cult, so be it. By bearing false witness against my neighbor, I’m already in direct violation of a commandment handed down by our Lord and Savior. This is, and always has been spiritual warfare. Making 2016 Sargon/Crowder type of anti-SJW humor just isn’t going to cut it anymore.

D Cal #fundie brianniemeier.com

Every single Christian on Twitter needs to spam the emails of the Twitter management with crying Wojack memes of Satan. Since they’re going to purge you eventually, so you might as well go out in style.

Rod Dreher #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia theamericanconservative.com

Why does Disney force its conservative employees into the closet, where they have to live in fear, for the sake of appeasing this woke mob that wants to sexualize children? Has Disney forgotten who and what it is supposed to serve? And what about you, Mom and Dad? Do you really want to support a company that treats its religious and politically conservative employees like this — and that empowers a woke internal mob to compel it to interfere in politics to disempower parents’ control over the sexual education of their children, and to turn popular art into culture-war propaganda?

I stand with the internally silenced and persecuted Disney employees, and with the Florida legislature that is not allowing woke capitalist bullies to tell parents to sit down and shut up and hand their children’s minds over to activist teachers. I hope you will too. Trying to stop activists and woke capitalists from queering little children through the schools is a fight worth having.

https://archive.ph/rwVKY #homophobia #fundie

Homo-Fascism is a form of extreme left-wing radicalism which attempts to establish rigid totalitarian controls over public discussions and policies addressing sexual morality, and to punish or suppress all disapproval of homosexuality and related sexual behaviors. Homo-fascism emerged as a socio-political phenomenon with the June 28, 1969 Stonewall Riot in New York City, which is today celebrated annually by the homosexual movement as “Gay Pride Day.” Stonewall represented a shift in goals for the “gays” from tolerance (“the right to be left alone”) to control (the complete restructuring of society with “gays“ or their surrogates in all seats of power), and a shift in tactics from civil dialogue to implacable militancy.

While traditional liberalism values the First Amendment freedoms of speech, thought and religion as the highest ideals of civilization, homo-fascists seek to criminalize any exercise of these ideals that are deemed to be a threat to “gay” culture. Present day examples of homo-fascist policies include speech codes in schools and colleges, anti-discrimination regulations in government agencies and private corporations, and de-facto anti-family censorship policies in the news media. Where pro-family speech and other activities are not yet constrained by law, homo-fascists employ bullying and other intimidation tactics to silence opponents and manipulate policy makers, all while posing as victims.

The primary remaining barrier to homo-fascism in America is the FirstAmendment. However, homo-fascist ideology has crept into both the judiciary and regulatory agencies tasked with civil rights enforcement so that in recent years sexual orientation regulations (SORs) are frequently held to trump the FirstAmendment. Following are examples of this dangerous phenomenon:

Scott Lively #fundie #conspiracy scottlively.net

Then, the Russians found the U.S. bio labs that none of us regular Americans knew or suspected had been in Ukraine for many years. Unlike the U.S. in Iraq, the Russians actually found makings for weapons of mass destruction (WMD), which, under our own well-worn excuse for foreign military intervention seems a pretty darn strong legal defense.

Today, after a days-long pingpong match of Biden administration admissions and denials, the Wall Street Journal has done a weasle-worded “deep dive” on the bio labs (beginning with a whitewash of Obama’s part in it), which reads partly like a defense pleading in criminal court and partly like a set of talking points to help the co-conspirators get their narrative straight.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the great Soros-funded “Hero of Democracy,” Volodymyr Zelensky, has suspended all rival political parties and nationalized the media instead of just surrendering to spare his people further suffering. Like all leftist ideologues, Zelensky’s reality is “the narrative,” and his mission is selling it to people of the world. Yes, he has won that propaganda war, especially in America (to our great shame). But in the real world he lost the real war on Day 1 – and could have avoided every civilian casualty from that point forward by simply agreeing to Russia’s reasonable demands – an offer that has been on the table with little change ever since.

By the logic and reasoning America has used for 200 years – the fault for ALL of this is OUR egregious violation of Russia’s legitimate security interests in its own region.

Add this to the long, long list of Barack Obama-caused disasters. If not for evil Obama (and his “puppet monarch” Biden), Ukraine and Russia would be at peace, and the world would not be on the brink of World War III.

Allie Beth Stuckey #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Heard this 15267 times. It’s an irrelevant question, because it doesn’t parallel what happens in an abortion. Abortion (in 99% of cases) isn’t choosing between the life of the mother & the life of the baby. It’s choosing between the mom’s convenience & the life of the baby.

Ali A. Rizvi

For pro-lifers:

There is a fire at a fertility clinic. In one corner, there is a terrified five-year-old child. In the other, there is a container with 1000 viable embryos. You can only save one.

Which do you save?

(Credit to Patrick Tomlinson)

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill #fundie #psycho #wingnut thedailybeast.com

Beneath the gold onion domes of the Danilov Monastery a few miles south of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin’s chief shaman explains why Russia is hell-bent on destroying Ukraine.

“If we see [Ukraine] as a threat, we have the right to use force to ensure the threat is eradicated,” Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill recently preached to his church’s 90 million faithful followers. “We have entered into a conflict which has not only physical but also metaphysical significance. We are talking about human salvation, something much more important than politics.”

Mike Braun #racist #fundie salon.com

Braun then disapprovingly pointed to the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion nationwide. Pressed by a reporter on if he similarly disapproved of the decision to federally legalize interracial marriage, Braun said he did.

"If you're not wanting the Supreme Court to weigh in on issues like that, you're not going to be able to have your cake and eat it too," Braun said. "I think that's hypocritical."

"You can list a whole host of issues," Braun said. "When it comes down to whatever they are, I'm going to say they're not going to all make you happy within a given state. But we're better off having states manifest their points of view, rather than homogenizing it across the country as Roe v. Wade did."

Anonymous #fundie mypercept.co.uk

Prophecies (Part 3)

“Condemned are the works of Abu Lahab, and he is condemned. His money and whatever he has accomplished will never help him. He has incurred the blazing Hell.” (The Quran, 111:1 to 111:3)
Abu Lahab was the most bitter enemy of Muhammad, and opposed the establishment of Islam to the utmost of his power. In this verse it explicitly states that Abu Lahab, would be condemned to Hell (because he would never accept Islam and thus die a disbeliever). Even after 11 years after this Quranic revelation, Abu Lahab never accepted Islam and thus died a disbeliever. In view of the fact that he was Muhammad’s bitterest enemy, logic and experience suggest that it is unwise to make such a declaration, for Abu Lahab could have very easily disproved The Quran by pretending to believe. Why did Abu Lahab waste this golden opportunity? What made Muhammad so certain that even in ten years Abu Lahab would not exploit this tempting opportunity? At any rate past experience does not include knowledge of the future.

Once again, consider how many people could predict future events, some of which are quite remarkable, without producing an error? In my opinion, even if you disregard every prophecy and consider the Pharaoh prophecy alone, the probability of predicting this event (taking into account the time span involved) would be low. Overall, taking into account all of the above prophecies, the probability of someone achieving the above feat (using a safe estimate) would be about “1 in 1 million” (which means that 6000 people in the world today could accomplish this task theoretically). Once again, if you think my value is too high, please choose your own realistic probability and write it down.

Conclusion for Prophecies Within The Quran, probability = “1 in 1 million”

To read the conclusion, please click here – Conclusion

Lila Rose #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Horrific: A new bill in Maryland (SB669) legalizes INFANTICIDE. It would open the door for babies to be killed up to 28 days after birth, as well as strip all protections from preborn children up until the moment of birth.

Basilpern #fundie newsweek.com

Well there's many ways to demonstrate what you're saying you don't think can be demonstrated. For one thing there's information in the biblical texts that couldn't possibly have been known by the authors at the time they wrote them without supernatural influence. Take a look for example at the Egyptian medical journal roughly from the time of Moses called "papyrus embers" and compare that to the regulations Moses said he got from God on Sinai to protect the Jews during this wilderness wandering years and as they came into the Promised Land. You'll find it very specific protections that are unexplainable apart from an understanding of microbiology. For example detailed instructions for how to deal with mold and mildew if you find it in a home. Detailed instructions about different diseases and how long people should be quarantined from the camp who are suffering from them. Detailed instructions about how to deal properly with animal entrails and human feces. etc etc. The instructions are what we understand is safe in the 20th and 21st centuries and really no other time before that in no other culture before that. Or you might want to take a serious look at biblical prophecy about the land and nation of Israel specifically, or the Messiah Jesus the Christ. Extremely specific prophecies in the Old testament books on these two big themes in the Bible were filled and are being filled in our time today in such a way that coincidence is not a reasonable explanation

Associates for Biblical Research #fundie biblearchaeology.org

The Bible has been under attack in the western world for over 200 years but never more intensely than today. These attacks have taken different forms and have come from many different corners of the academic world, from philosophers, to scientists, to textual critics. In the specialized world of archaeology the attacks have increased dramatically in the past 50 years. Once a specialization filled with Bible believing individuals, the field of archaeology is now overrun with atheists and skeptics, agnostics and those committed to the destruction of the Bible as a source of true historical information.

These attacks on the Bible are a part of a sweeping movement in western culture. Spearheaded by academic elitists in the university and the public educational system, the news and popular media, and the entertainment industry, these revisionists cloak themselves with supposed objectivity, purity of motives, and the superiority of science over the "uninformed", "unscientific", religious community.

They regularly mock those who question their world-view and their conclusions by name-calling and the worst forms of anti-Bible and anti-Christian propaganda. They have powerfully infected the church by turning Bible believing Christians against the very Scripture which is the foundation of truth and life in this world. Instead of contending for the Bible, Christian academics, pastors, and lay-persons are making egregious accommodations to these destroyers of faith and truth.

In these days of intense spiritual battle, God has called ABR to step into the gap to contend for the truth and to assist the church in this critical hour. ABR is a non-profit ministry dedicated to demonstrating the historical reliability of the Bible and to give answers to questions being asked by believers and non-believers alike. We do this by using original archaeological fieldwork and research along with studies in other apologetic disciplines. We take on the bold claims of skeptics and critics. We challenge the bizarre anti-biblical propaganda that is purveyed upon the public as gospel through television and print media. We uphold the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is God's message for the salvation of all mankind!

Jerry Derecha/YeshuaBenDavid #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick #ufo adrenogate.net

YBD has been churning out videos at a steady rate. I need to catch up. The time loop of 1986 that’s about to close was a pretty wild and interesting theory. Reminded me of the show “Dark’ and the time loops that had imprisoned those stuck in an alternate dimension that should not exist in the first place. If we are inhabiting a spin off universe that is the result of a time travel experiment gone wrong, would we even know the difference?

MILEY-CYRUS IS LILITH MIDNIGHT-SKY = saturncube cloud aka hell cube
habitat=EARTH FLATEARTH-firmament

The Loop of 1986 is closings 2022 / Looper Losers are Harvesting Souls to insert in Meta fir reset , 1986 – 2022 = 36 3×6 = 666Mar 16, 2022


Her love nest?
Get it? Love nest?
And now she’s gone
RUN THE JEWELS-OOH-LA-LA LYRICS hannibal is satan the cannibal
the island is earth-matrix chaos = chaos magick
#thegame23 #operationMINDfuck saturn cube
She Wants to Move Song by N.E.R.D Lyrics her ass is a space ship = liliths saturn cube
toilet spaceship soul trap

Matt Walsh #fundie #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

If you're trying to find some middle-of-the-road position that opposes men in women's sports but supports the idea of transgenderism generally, it doesn't exist. You must either attack left wing gender ideology at its foundation, or ultimately affirm it. There is no middle ground

VoidSwirl #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot youtube.com

(Part 1)

Roman's 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles (Modern day Europeans/Caucasians/ Non 12 tribes) be come in.

Part of the blindness is that we would not know who the true Father of Jacob(Israel) was and that we would worship false gods of [wood and stone] referring to worship of the cross(wood) and the “idol” of christianity the “jesus” that hangs on the cross tends to be made of (stone).

Deuteronomy 28:36 TMH shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and there shalt thou serve other gods, wood and stone.

Deuteronomy 28:64
And TMH shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and stone.

Just as important as "what's his name," is "what is not his name."

However, it is 100% certain that his name was not Esus Crios aka “Jesus Christ”, the idol of the Celtics who the Catholics sing at Easter in the Vatican, aka what all surface level “Holy Bible” readers (Commonly identifies as “Christians”) refer to the Messiah as.

We have been tricked, deceived as a result of the curses of the law (Deut 28-64)...wake up and stop following the lies of the Gentiles. Israel is awakening.

Shawn Morris International Ministries #fundie youtube.com

Welcome to Shawn Morris International Ministries. It is our prayer that as you view this site, you will have an encounter with the Most High God.

If you need healing, deliverance, supernatural encounters, miracles, prophetic teachings, impartation to activate, and demonstrate your gifts, follow this ministry as we follow God. Come and embark on a journey that will take you to know the supernatural depth, width, height, and length of God's power. View our testimonial videos, register for our events, send your prayer requests, and written testimonies on how this ministry has impacted your life. This ministry is a global force that impacts several nations including the United States, through by teaching them through mentorship, revival crusades, television, and radio broadcasting. Stay connected with us as we follow the Glory Cloud.

Remember, "If a ministry is not SUPERNATURAL, then it's NATURAL."

Chris L Lesley #fundie #dunning-kruger quora.com

Question: Did giants exist before the deluge?

Chris: It takes no effort to dismiss anything everything, even reality.

Every animal was giant in the past.
Every plant was Giant in the past.
Every single celled organism was giant in the past.
Every human was giant in the past.

The question would be easier to answer, “What is not giant in the past?” … and that answer is “nothing but babies.” (they’re still rather small)
To dismiss giants shows people are uneducated, academia is incapable of educating beyond a point.

Pre deluge everything was larger and there are no exceptions.

If evolutionists didn’t mislabel 98% of the fossil record extinct, then ignore it they could learn what is actually in the fossil record.

Chris L Lesley #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #pratt quora.com

Question: Have creationists read Darwin's "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"? Did you finish the book and comprehend the work?

Chris: https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f935a98f8eb12738589b4ea856d566e9-pjlq

Yes, and other works, but it is likely that the “Origin of Species” was not written by him”.
Should we expect a new book from the Brookwood miners? Its been 20 years ago that 13 miners lost their lives due to an explosion.

What about the former Beatle George Harrison? Is he coming out with new music this year?

The book of Mark was within 35 years of Jesus death and it gets dismissed.

The Buddha was written of 600 years after his death and it doesnt.

I think if Charles had written the Origin of Species he’d of done it in a hurry, it wasnt his first book, he never hesitated on them.

Many of the people he was in correspondence with were in a rush to get Britain to follow India’s religious belief as British Science. So there was an urgency to publish.

20 years is more than long enough for someone to write the Origin of Species, and attribute it to someone who wasnt physically or mentally capable of writing the book in that condition.

Charles Darwin didnt write the Origin of Species.

Roosh V #fundie #sexist rooshv.com

[From "4 Reasons Why Lifting In Gyms Is A Bad Idea"]

For nearly two decades of my life, I would go to the gym[…]While I never had huge muscles, my body was athletic and toned[…]I want to claim that I went to the gym to be “healthy,” but my true intention was to be attractive to the opposite sex for the purpose of fornication. When I repented of my sins before God[…]I decided not to go to the gym anymore[…]
1. The music is filthy
The vehemently secular music that all gyms play is painful to my hymn-loving ears. I don’t want to hear songs about sex, seduction, getting rich, dancing all night in the club, driving expensive cars, and becoming a big boss. Thankfully, I can hardly understand the “English” being sung in most modern songs[…]the Satanically-engineered melody will find a way to worm its way into my brain[…]
I strive to listen to no secular music at all[…]because of how it corrupts my nous (spiritual eyes of the soul). One of the reasons I like shopping at Walmart is because they are one of the only supermarkets I know that don’t usually play music
2. The women are almost naked
There seems to be a competition among gym-going women to see who can display the most skin without technically being naked according to local ordinances. The arrival of “sports bras”[…]confirmed to me that the gym has become like an antechamber to the brothel bedroom
3. There are too many mirrors[…]
Since all gyms coat the walls in mirrors, my time in them exercised my pride as much as my body[…]
4. Desire to get bigger and bigger muscles for no practical reason[…]
Pride ignites within you to be even bigger and stronger[…]
solely to lift heavier things within the construct of the gym itself to make you think that your body, given to you by God, is an achievement of your own

Thomas Huizinga and Jill Wisland #fundie #dunning-kruger youtube.com

(Talking about the plagues/exodus)

Thomas Huizinga: Also you have to remember that if their isn't evidence that doesn't mean it didn't happen then, at one point Troy was thought to be a myth until they found evidence that said otherwise. So until they find evidence, they can neither prove of disprove it.

And that Evidence will be hard to find given the situation, the Jewish moving to Israel happened within a Generation so artifacts from that type of movement would probably be rare. Egypt maybe had records, but it's major Library burnt down before modern historians had the chance to read their texts so the only written records, besides the Bible, were turned to ashes. Also if this is a response to the comment I'm thinking off, Egyptian pride probably prevent writing down such an event as their pantheon of deities and their Pharaoh were brought down to their knees by a dirty man from the desert that claimed to be speaking on the behalf of the god of their slaves. But maybe it was written down, but like i said it was probably burnt to ash when Egypt's Library did.

Jill Wisland: but there is evidence of the Israelites in Egypt, it just doesn't fit the historical timeline laid out by historians. There is a small pyramid tomb that has a statue of a man dressed in multicolored clothes just like Jacob's favorite son Josephn who ended up second to Pharoah just before a major drought and famine, during which the Israelites moved to Egypt, a generation or so later, Israel was flourishing and the Eagyptians dis liked this so they enslaved the Israelites. There is evidence of a large group of sheep herders living in a northern area of Egypt close to where the Bible says they settled in. The problem is the saying is all wrong, the Pharoah wasn't Rameses, but another. And the Egyptians have written about it, vaguely. And why would the exodus happen during the calm and prosperity of Rameses? According to the Bible when the Israelites left Egypt, the Egyptians gave enormous amounts of gold, silver, and precious gems to them. Once the Israelites were gone Egypt would have been a weak, and poor nation.

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