
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

Equality – another evil concept peddled to children – does not exist in any measurable form among individuals. Someone who’s 5′ 4″ is not going to excel in the NBA. If your IQ is 89, you will not be founding a successful tech startup. Diversity is real, though not in the warped sense the Death Cult intends. There is a hierarchy of being in which every on the spectrum of ability is filled. This full expression of possibilities inherent in the human condition honors God and man. The serious mental and larger societal problems we’re seeing stem from denying the natural order.


The cure for Nickelodeon syndrome is a healthy dose of humility – the virtue by which one makes an accurate assessment of his ability and submits to the cosmic order accordingly. The surest and fastest way to grow in virtue is to petition God for it. But since Millennials have been taught they don’t need God since they’re Him, few are taking this route.

What’s clear is that generations X and Y are being passed over for leadership so Boomers can hand the reins over to their Millennial clones. The tragic spectacle of foreign policymakers taking cues from Reddit suggests that the handover is already in progress. If you thought that rule by demented fossils was bad, just wait until the self-entitled neurotics who can’t boil water or change a tire take charge. For a vision almost as scary, read my hit horror-adventure novel.

More Various Commenters #conspiracy #fundie youtube.com

(Bunch of YouTube comments)

Mary C I don´t think it´s already the mark of the beast but it´s harmful. The green dictator-pass is the antichrist-tool to prepare the world to accept the real mark of the beast in the future, which is a sort of chip or tattoo that is placed in the right hand or forehead and without you can´t buy or sell.


@Helmut Baschleben Yes I did, but the vaccination is harmful anyway, genetic technology is to be refused, fetal tissue containing or on fetal tissue tested vaccinations can´t be pleasing to god and christians!

Children of Light

Sumerian English Gematria type words '' A COVID VACCINE '' = 666 this is no joke

10 months ago (edited)
@Children of Light It´s claerly a satanic agenda to inject the whole world with a mixture, that has not been tested in proper long term studies. First the vaccine and the vaccination pass, then the tattoo-
chip.The mark of the beast is coming soon, so is worldwide persecution. But Jesus finally will put an end to this blasphemious activities. God bless you all!

Jim #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia creationsciencestudy.wordpress.com

Some toys have hidden smutty signals that corrupt the minds of children. Toy lightsabers have been used by young boys and girls to simulate sex acts. Barbie Dolls, Cabbage Patch Kids, and Bratz dolls seduce young girls into becoming Whores of Babylon once they reach adulthood. Ken dolls are made to appeal to homosexual lust for young boys. These toys transform kids into becoming sexually rebellious, and they offend the presence of God.

Geri Ungurean #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #racist nowtheendbegins.com

He said “We are not looking for Antichrist; we are looking for Jesus Christ.” And with that I agree 100%. But when world leader seemingly comes onto the world stage out of nowhere, we just can’t help but wonder: “Could this be him?”

Having said that, I am writing this article about a man who seems to possibly be that man of sin although we can only surmise this.

The readers are most likely wondering why I would want to take a hard look at this man. I will list my reasons. And before anyone proclaims that I am playing “Pin the tail on AC” let me just say that I am intrigued by Zelenskyy – not in a good way, but in a way which compels me to research him further.
The readers are most likely wondering why I would want to take a hard look at this man. I will list my reasons. And before anyone proclaims that I am playing “Pin the tail on AC” let me just say that I am intrigued by Zelenskyy – not in a good way, but in a way which compels me to research him further.

1. Zelenskyy came onto the world stage out of nowhere. Yes, he has been the president of Ukraine for a few years, but he was obscure and relatively unknown.
2. Our World is preparing for Globalism and having sparked the Ukrainian/Russian war: it seems like a time for Satan to present his man (the beast) to the world. He will promise peace and security
3. Overnight this man is known by the entire world and is being heralded as a hero.
4. Zelenskyy is a puppet of George Soros who installed him in his position as president of Ukraine.
5. Zelenskyy is a Jew and I do believe that Israel would receive him as messiah
6. Zelenskyy graduated from Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders School, so is officially on board with Globalism
7. He has turned away from the God of his fathers – A Jew whose army has a great percentage of Neo Nazis!??
8. He is a performer with a magnetism that draws people to him. His long running TV show was about a teacher who suddenly becomes President of his Republic

Miedek #fundie consumeproduct.win

Understand that this all fake and suddenly it all makes sense. The only way to join “among the stars” is through God. They can’t do that, and their goal is to make sure that you don’t either.

If space and Nasa were real, we would be as advanced today as scifi movies from XX century predicted. But we’re not because it’s false science.

Scott Lively #homophobia #conspiracy #fundie scottlively.net

For example, when Donald Trump recommenced a temporary moratorium on immigration from Moslem countries conditional on proper vetting procedures for applicants, the left (some disingenuously, some delusionally) instantly began misrepresenting that as a “Ban on Moslems.” In a truth-oriented culture that claim would have been quickly dismissed, but in our leftist-dominated culture the lie was then continually repeated by leftist media organs, Democrat and Establishment Republicans, leftist college professors, and street activist organizations. The chorus of multiple false witnesses created a “false reality” in the general public that persists to this day. It is one of many such misrepresentations fueling the hysterical moral outrage and street violence of the anti-Trump rioters whose narrative-driven sense of purpose and identity blinds them to actual reality.

It never mattered to them that I opposed the Ugandan bill as written from the beginning, and had advocated for rehabilitation and prevention during my visit. Nor did they care that the confessed and convicted murderer of David Kato was his own “gay” lover whom he had bailed out of jail to be his live-in boyfriend. All that mattered was the narrative – and so the whole truth was suppressed in favor of only those facts that fit the false reality.

To paraphrase a famous Hollywood movie, “That army of social justice warriors is out there! It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear! And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!” The hard left is the Terminator of the cultural/political sphere. It’s mission is conquest, supremacy and elimination of Judeo-Christian civilization. Any attempt at compromise with it is just perceived as weakness to exploit. In the end either the truth or the leftist narrative will prevail.

Herschel Walker #pratt #fundie thedailybeast.com

Herschel Walker, a Republican candidate in Georgia for the U.S. Senate, is at it again, this time with an extremely dubious argument against evolution. “At one time, science said man came from apes, did it not?” he said during an appearance at a church on Sunday. “If that is true, why are there still apes? Think about it.” The statement, which does not prove the theory of evolution false, nonetheless landed well among the congregation. “Now you’re getting too smart for us, Herschel,” the church’s pastor said. Walker doubled down on his damnation of science, falsely arguing that science alone cannot be responsible for the creation of a baby. “They’re still trying to do that, but they can’t, because there has to be a God,” he said. Walker is the GOP frontrunner to compete against Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) in November.

Mychal Massie #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy wnd.com

Cultural Marxists, neo-Leninists and the liberal Democrats that emulate them are a variant species of "The Children of the Corn." Bathtub gin has done less brain damage than the demonic psychosocial idiocies they panhandle as a higher form of social inclusion.

I submit that the objective to which they are most earnestly dedicated is to subvert God's intended order of creation, i.e., man and woman. I further submit that the truly clever aspect of this hellish objective has been to convince the public that their objective is a social necessity, through the use of fictional disaffection and alienation that threatens their well-being.

This effort was augmented by the abandonment of Truth in Christendom as said Truth is immutably stated in the Word of God. Sin was recast as love, and as such the function of male and female was repurposed into a reality where mental illness was applauded – and the pursuit of exchanging the "Truth for a lie" was fully underway. Homosexuality was no longer a disgusting, dirty, sexual perversion; it was gender. But it couldn't stop there, so transgenderism and every other form of sexual perversion imaginable was invented to give the illusion that this mental illness was normal.
Thus, the heretofore unimaginable was created and socially entrenched. A hegemony of deviant sexual perversion was standardized and protected by godless perverts exercising dictatorial authority based upon spurious science and social constructs.
This is the work of the progeny of Satan, and it is being done for one purpose: to reorder God's plan for male, female and family.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #fundie #racist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "There are No Male “Civilians” Between the Ages of 18 and 60 in the Ukraine"]

The Jewish President of the Ukrainian revolutionary government, Volodymyr Zelensky, has declared that all men between the ages of 18 and 60 are not allowed to leave the country because they have to stay and fight
I just read through several parts of the Geneva and Hague Conventions relating to this issue of the way citizens are differentiated from combatants[…]It’s not entirely clear if they have to have “taken up arms,” or what that means. There is no way to know if a citizen’s militia is armed or not
A militia that engages in partisan activities does not have to be wearing a uniform or an insignia in order to be considered a combatant, and with these videos we’ve seen of plainclothes militia throwing Molotovs at Russians, it is reasonable for every drafted male to be considered a combatant by the Russians

The situation effectively makes it impossible for Russians to commit “war crimes” against civilians, other than women and children, or the elderly
There is no explanation as to why Jews have been given special permission to leave, but one would assume it is “because the Holocaust”
It certainly couldn’t be that the Ukraine President, as well as the overwhelming majority of his government, is Jewish
The only thing that would end up in a lot of people dying is if Putin gives up on his current strategy of avoiding civilian casualties while begging for a deal to end the conflict, and decides to release the Chechens
Chechens are well trained and highly disciplined, and wouldn’t kill women and children
At this point, I’m pro releasing the Chechens
We’ve still got Finland, Moldova, and Georgia to deal with, as we continue our march to Constantinople
The day is coming, brothers, when we will receive the Eucharist in Hagia Sophia

Prima Scriptura #fundie forum.nationstates.net

I should be surprised that we have an individual here vehemently defending certain people's "right" to be an unopposed shitbag. But it's 2022 and I've seen more than enough shit to desensitise me

Well, that may be because you appear to believe sexual orientation/gender identity is akin to race and ethnicity. I don’t. Being a POC isn’t a lifestyle, being LGBT is.

Scott Lively #homophobia #conspiracy #fundie scottlively.net

I once asked a journalist who was doing a story about my listing as a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center to ask SPLC what I would take for them to de-list me. SPLC replied to him that I would have to recant my book, The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party (co-authored with Orthodox Jewish researcher Kevin E. Abrams). I will never recant The Pink Swastika because it is the truth, so I guess I’m a SPLC “lifer.”

The SPLC knows that the most dangerous aspect of my 25-year Christian ministry to stop the LGBT political agenda is the truth contained in the pages of this book. That militant agenda rests on a foundation of sand: ie. the premise that homosexuals are victims of society who can only escape persecution and eventual extermination by expunging all disapproval of their sexual perversion from public life. The bottom-most layer of that foundation is the claim that homosexuals were victims of the Nazi Holocaust.

Solely for making this assertion, and proving it with 400 pages of documentation on the centrality of homosexuality to the Nazi movement, the SPLC has also labeled me a “Holocaust Revisionist,” a nasty lie which is close to the top of the list of “100 Reasons to Hate Scott Lively” that is today posted on the refrigerators of every leftist journalist and political activist on the planet (a slight exaggeration, perhaps).

On the contrary, the cover-up of the homosexual roots of Nazism is one of, if not the greatest feat of historical revisionism the world has ever seen. The sheer volume of documentation that has been suppressed to protect the homosexual movement from its own past is staggering.

Importantly, and alarmingly, the claims of The Pink Swastika which link homosexuality with fascism are also being proven by the emergence of a form of homo-fascism in our own society. The forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich is the latest example, but there are many in recent years. “Gay” bullies have become the new Brownshirts (just as they were the original Brownshirts).

Mark my words, these Pinkshirts will eventually grow as violent as the Brownshirts were. We got a taste of it when Floyd Lee Corkins attempted mass-murder at the Family Research Council, following the inspiration of non other than the SPLC. The window-smashing lesbian riot against Ryan Sorba at Smith College a few years ago comes close.

David Pratt #fundie #dunning-kruger davidpratt.info

(Part 1)

The neo-Darwinian theory that one species gradually evolves into another species through the slow accumulation of minute changes over extremely long periods of time is contradicted by the fossil record, including the hominid fossil record.1 Stephen J. Gould pointed out that ‘we still have no firm evidence for any progressive change within any hominid species’.2 Instead, species persist unchanged for millions of years, and these periods are followed by the sudden appearance of several new species. This prompted the development of the modified Darwinian theory of punctuated equilibrium, first proposed by Gould and Niles Eldredge in 1972, which says that new species split off from ancestral species so rapidly that there is little chance of a smooth series of transitional fossils being preserved.

However, the probability of the right random genetic variations (amidst all the unfavourable ones) occurring and being ‘selected for’ within a very short space of time, leading to the appearance of a new species, is even more remote than the prospect of such changes occurring over a very long period. The vast majority of genetic mutations are harmful or even lethal. In the 1950s geneticist J.B.S. Haldane showed that, even under very favourable assumptions, only one new, beneficial mutation could be completely substituted in a population every 300 generations. So in 10 million years – far longer than the time that has elapsed since the alleged chimp/human split from a common ancestor – only 1667 substitutions of beneficial genes could occur.3 This amounts to three ten-millionths of the human genome – which is hardly likely to turn an ape into a human.

Mike Stone #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #quack henrymakow.com

It's a miracle. Los Angeles, the beachhead of brain-dead liberalism, the most corrupt and ignorantly-run city in the world, has relaxed its mask mandates.

I can actually walk into a store now without getting yelled at and threatened with arrest for not wearing a mask.

I never thought this day would come. I thought we were headed for Australian-style lockdowns and quarantine camps, and maybe we still are.
Why the sudden change in city policy, you ask?

The answer is easy. The same people who have pushed the virus hoax for the last two years have shifted gears and are now pushing for World War III with Russia and China.

That's the thing with hoaxes, you can only push one at a time. The human cattle can't keep their minds on more than one thing, so if you're going to push for World War III, then the virus hoax has to go.
What the hoax pushers are saying is they place a higher priority on pushing globo-homo and pedophilia than they do on enslaving mankind and herding them into quarantine camps. Because that's one of the major reasons behind the Russian invasion: to stop the onslaught of homosexuality and the forced sexualization of children.

Think about that for a moment and two things jump out. The first is that almost everyone operating at the top levels of both the virus hoax and the new "we have to start World War III" hoax is not only obsessed with homosexuality and pedophilia, they're actually enslaved and possessed by it.

Kind of reminds you of the homo-obsessed inhabitants of Sodom, doesn't it?
The Bible says homosexuality is one of four sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, and the hoax pushers, by subverting their Mark of the Beast virus hoax agenda to make way for this new hoax are putting their cards on the table. They're telling you, plain as day, that homosexuality, pedophilia and the forced sexualization of children is their number one priority.

Anonymous #fundie mypercept.co.uk

Prophecies (Part 2)

“We delivered the Children of Israel across the sea. Pharaoh and his troops pursued them, aggressively and sinfully. When drowning became a reality for him, he said, “I believe there is no god except in the One whom the Children of Israel have believed; I am a submitter. Too late! For you have rebelled already, and chose to be a transgressor. Today, we will preserve your body, to set you up as a lesson for future generations. Verily, many among mankind are totally oblivious to our signs.” (The Quran, from 10:90 to 10:92)

As you can see from the above passage, The Quran prophesises that the body of the Pharaoh will be preserved for future generations. This was proved correct when the mummy of Merneptah (the Pharaoh of the Exodus) was discovered well preserved in 1898, and it can be seen on display in the Royal Mummies Room of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Even though, this event occurred over 3000 years ago (more than 1600 years before Muhammad) according to both archaeological and Biblical data, the author of The Quran predicted that the body of the Pharaoh would be preserved as a sign for future generations, which is nowhere to be found in the Biblical version. Dr Maurice Bucaille (who was chosen to examine the mummy) covers the above prophecy in detail in his book. Please refer to the Bibliography.

The author of The Quran also prophesised that The Quran itself would remain intact (unaltered) through time –
“Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder (The Quran), and, absolutely, we will preserve it.” (The Quran, 15:9)

- since its revelation more than 1400 years ago, the original Quran is still fully preserved and intact as it was when it was first revealed (as I have discussed in the Introduction).

“It is He who has sent his messenger with guidance and the religion of truth and will make it dominate over all religions, in spite of the idol worshipers.” (The Quran, 61:9)
- within decades the above promise became true. Islam prevailed. The two superpowers of the day, the Persian and the Roman empires crumbled at the hands of the Muslims. Even today, Islam is apparently the fastest growing religion in the world, including in Western countries.

Nour Alhakk #fundie #sexist medium.com

Men to Stay and Fight, Women to Flee. Are Men Equal To Women?
How the Ukraine war debunks feminism and reveals the wisdom of Islam

Ukraine has banned all male citizens, aged 18 to 60, from leaving the country.
They have to stay behind as soldiers and fight the Russian invasion. But women are allowed to flee to safety.
But can’t women do everything men can do, even better?!
That is what we have been hearing from feminists over the last two hundred years. Today we see them silent.
Feminists say that “the future is female,” but when the war comes, the future is male, whether they like it or not.
Have you heard any feminists raging and calling this Ukranian decision misogyny?
No. Some have even outright admitted that their feminism doesn’t extend to war times. In war, feminist ideologies melt away, and we see the wisdom of Islam.
The Quran commands men to be leaders. They are commanded to protect and spend on women. They don’t have the luxury of choice. Allah, the creator of both, says that men have a degree of authority over women.

Men are the caretakers of women, as men have been provisioned by Allah over women and tasked with supporting them financially. Quran (4:34)

Unfortunately for feminists, Allah is not male or female, so they cannot claim that these commands come from a male God. Allah created them both, the man and woman, and identified the roles of each party based on their needs and capabilities.

When you’re brainwashed into believing that the human race came from monkeys (evolution), then this is where problems start.
The myth of gender equality doesn’t bring justice to men or women because it’s not based on understanding the capabilities and needs of each party and dealing with them accordingly.
Men are physically and psychologically different from women. Therefore their capabilities and needs are also different.
Men have additional responsibilities that women are not burdened with, like protecting and spending on the family and fighting at wars. They have the capabilities to do so.
Islam recognizes these inherent differences between men and women and gives everyone suitable responsibilities.

Burt Prelutsky #fundie #wingnut #psycho wnd.com

Islam was never peaceful. From the very beginning, those who refused to accept Shariah law and to bow down to Mecca were killed.

Unlike Christianity which says that we should treat others as we would wish to be treated, to love our neighbors as ourselves and to be our brother’s keeper, Islam’s message is a threat: Convert or perish.

Whenever I see the so-called Muslim moderate Dr. Zuhdi Jasser show up on Fox, I am reminded of the well-dressed, well-spoken representatives of CAIR, the terrorist organization that attempts to pass itself off as a benevolent society, as if it were the Islamic equivalent of the Shriners.
Those like Dr. Jasser who talk about their wonderful religion having been hijacked are lying through their teeth. Suggesting that there is nothing wrong with a religion whose Quran is a handbook for terrorism is reminiscent of those fools who keep insisting that communism is perfect, and that the only problem with it is that it’s never been done right, whether in China, the Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela, Mongolia or North Korea.

My own politically incorrect suggestion is that we remove ISIS from the face of the earth, hopefully as a joint effort with every other nation it has threatened or attacked, and that we then bomb Mecca off the face of the earth, not concerning ourselves in the least with collateral damage, letting the Muslims know once and for all that our God is far more powerful and, yes, vengeful than their own puny deity.

It’s harsh, but they’ve been asking for it for over 1,400 years, and it’s time they got it. I, for one, am sick and tired of seeing the Islamic bullies demand our lunch money and, like a bunch of scrawny wimps afraid of our own shadow, we hand it over. What’s even more appalling, we then pretend we did it because we’re good guys who realized that they’re human beings just like us, and who just happen to be a little bit hungrier than we are.

The notion that we in the West can re-educate Muslims or show them a better way to live by our example is foolish in the extreme. It’s not just our movies or our music or the fact that we live in a post-ninth century world that they hate. It’s our art, our culture, our technology, our Judeo-Christian values, our tolerance, our treatment of women, even, for all I know, our love of dogs.

The idea that we can civilize these savages is beyond ludicrous.

MassResistance #fundie #homophobia massresistance.org

Furthermore, the spokesman said, this violates the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations which outlines that foreign embassies must respect the culture of the host country and not attempt to interfere with the country’s internal affairs.

The Advocacy officer for JCHS did not mince words when interviewed:

You have to understand what that multi-color flag represents. It represents normalizing perverse sexual behaviors and lifestyle choices, behaviors and lifestyles that lead to disease and death. Our Christian duty is to speak the truth in love.

Scott Lively #homophobia #fundie #conspiracy scottlively.net

Welcome to the brave new world of homo-fascism, Mr. Greenwald, but watch your back. You’re now officially a “homophobe” because you have dared to oppose something that is favorable to the “gay” cause. Sure, you tried to cover your backside by tossing in a couple of cheap shots at the “chicken CEO” but that won’t save you from the Brownshirts. They don’t really care about free speech. They care about power. Indeed, if you had been paying attention over the past few years, you would have noticed that their official position is that “anti-gay bigots” don‘t deserve free speech at all.

Perhaps you are unaware of the “Commentator Accountability Project” of the powerful Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLADD). It was launched earlier this year to hold media outlets (not commentators) accountable for allowing traditional marriage advocates (including this writer) to have a voice in the public debate.

One of its key concepts for twisting the arms of journalists is the slogan “bias is not balance.” How’s that for simply redefining pro-family opinion out of existence in the newsroom? See http://www.glaad.org/cap. I personally recall a leader of the Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association years ago state that allowing pro-family people to comment in news stories related to homosexuality was equivalent to letting the Ku Klux Klan have equal time in stories about race.

But surely, Mr. Greenwald, you are not unaware of the many incidents of “gay” bullying of Christians in recent years, from the celebrity-level character assassination of beauty queen Carrie Prejean (for saying nothing more than that marriage should be between a man and a woman), to the recent bashing of Brad Pitt’s Mom for giving her opinion that homosexuality is wrong in a letter to her local newspaper. Reportedly, death threats have since intimidated her into silence. Last year just outside of Rahm’s Chicago in Arlington Heights, a church school which hosted me for a talk on the biblical view of homosexuality was vandalized when a chunk of pavement was thrown through a window. On it was written the message “Shut Down Lively” and a note was attached threatening future violence. Come to mention it, though, you wouldn’t have known about this hate crime because it got almost no press coverage, even locally. I wonder why?

MASTER CHRISTOS--ESU IMMANUEL 'JESUS' SANANDA via Anne Bellringer #crackpot #magick #ufo #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy fourwinds10.com

I petition by my Mighty God Spirit within and for a great, great Love of our Creator, all the Lighted Masters and all of Creation.

By my I AM Presence, I ask that all negative feelings of emotions, deeds, actions, words, all addictions, all anxety, aguish, any procrastination and distractions, all physical, mental and emotional illnesses, being unfocused, unbalanced, unhappy, being off centered, all regrets, self-humiliation, all evil and darkness, all ego and alter ego, condemning, all crosses of selfishness and self-indulgence, all black goo that I bear within myself, and within every being and creation on and within Mother Earth Shan that is, also, within every being of Creation in the entire Cosmos, be cleared away immediately and transmuted by the Violet Flame of St Germain from this Lower [3D] Octave to the Higher Octaves to be uncreated!

I ask for complete protection for every creation in the entire Cosmos from all evil and evil technologies. I ask for all the Lighted Masters and our Creator to right the chalices within all souls, and fill them with Love, Knowledge, Wisdom, Healing, totality, and centralization.

I petition for all our harmonic frequencies be continuously raised to 169443. I ask for Divine humility and purity of thought. I ask to keep us all centered, focused and calm within this Lower Octave of illusion at this ending time, and to keep our emotions and energy in the Higher Octaves of the Cosmic Consciousness which will help us master our freewill. Remember, there is only goodness in reality, and evil is of the illusion like this low 3D octive in which we live on this planet.

Please surround and infuse us all with the White Light of God Aton and the Blue Light of St. Michael.

I ask this to be done in Sananda’s name. AMEN!

Connor Boyack #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #mammon tuttletwins.com

Dear Parent,

If you’re like me, you’re worried about the “new normal” society is trying to cram down our throats.

In the wake of Covid-19, the government has asserted its power, printed a ton of new money, and restricted our rights.

To make matters worse, the public school system, the mainstream media, and the entertainment industry aren’t helping. They are openly pushing socialism and woke-ism into the minds of our kids every day.

Just recently, an elementary school in my community plastered the wall with the ABCs of socialist activism — teaching kids terms such as “W is for woke,” “S is for social justice,” and “A is for activist.”

Parents like you struggle to find educational material that doesn’t lie about our nation’s history or teach that the government is the solution to our problems.
That’s why we’ve made it our mission to create books and curriculum materials that teach students the values of a free society—ideas that support your family values.

And freedom-loving parents like you might question whether your kids could be interested in—and understand!—these real-world concepts.

And what’s critical is that we empower our children to understand these time-tested principles so that they can recognize and reject the brainwashing they will be bombarded with in the world.

Fortunately, parents like you don’t have to do this alone. That’s why we created the Tuttle Twins books!

The Tuttle Twins empower parents like you to make sure your children have a foundation of freedom—to understand the ideas of a free society that socialists are trying to hard to undermine.

Limited-time 35% OFF discount
Get the entire set for only $62.99
You will also receive ALL 12 PDF activity workbooks for free! ($60 value)

NASALies #fundie #crackpot fstdt.com

The Moon landings were fake movies directed by Stanley Kubrick and commissioned by President Dick the Crook. The Mercury missions were a lie because there is no Mercury. The Solar System doesn't exist. There is only the Earth, the Heaven, the Firmament, the Sun, Moon, and Stars. Columbia didn't actually go into space. They gave up and turned around but it was too late. The Van Allan Radiation Belt fried it instantly. NASA is the world's worst terrorist organization ever in the world. They have killed so many people through their "missions". They are war criminals, trying to cruelly invade God's territory when John 3:13 says is IMPOSSIBLE! Wake up NASA sheeple and start thinking for yourself!

Mr. Aldrich #fundie #homophobia identitydixie.com

[From "The False Premise: “Love is Love”"]

The use of the Bible to support the Alphabet People’s propaganda is even more tiresome. They glean passages from the NIV Bible and then wonder why some consider the argument false. The use of this propaganda has led to lesbian women presiding over the pulpit. This is unacceptable for many reasons, but the narrative and argument are built on a false premise

The Alphabet Peoples of the world have fundamentally distorted the relationship of love and God. I have heard the argument many times of, “How can you deny that these two individuals love one another? Would you deny them love?” This is usually followed up with the Bible verse, “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” (1 John 4:8 KJV). I will usually respond with something along the lines of adultery can be considered “love” under the same rules, but it is still a sin
I will admit that many of the statements regarding love and God in the Bible would confound me as a child[…]Even in my teens and early adulthood this bothered me. I could not understand how God created the flood and also the concept of love. When I became a father, I began to understand this concept on a much different level. As a father, it is my duty to correct my children, and this came from a place of love
The next two statements are the same passage in the Bible, but one is from the New International Version and the other from the King James Version[…][1 Cor. 13:4-5]

With six different words combined into one word, it is obvious that it can be misunderstood[…]Majority of the arguments from the Alphabet People equates love to a simple, ambiguous feeling
Do not fall for this trickery, the false interpretation of the Bible is why no one should feel bad for not accepting their false “unions.” They should feel shame for their sin[…]This is not discrimination or bigotry. These are simple facts

NASALies #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger fstdt.com

Space exploration is impossible. Not only that, it has never been done. The Challenger blew up after passing through the firmament in 1986. That proves men never went to the moon or space at all. NASA is a Satanic organization that kills people who disagree with them and lie about everything they touch. To Hell with these Masonic scumbags!

Andrew Anglin #transphobia #fundie dailystormer.name

Or, you shitbag, the politics of bigotry are just about to get started.

People accepted the “do it in their own bedroom” faggot argument, but this tranny stuff is too weird. People are not going to accept this, everywhere we are seeing signs that they are not accepting it, the harder you people push the more open they are to me calling for EVERY SINGLE LAST FUCKING FAGGOT IN THIS COUNTRY TO BE THROWN IN A WOODCHIPPER.

Psalm1Tree #fundie youtube.com

See secular news reports about Val Thomas, dead for 17 hours but now alive and normal after prayers from her family and her Church. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPHycsIdB1Y .

See CBN's short vid with Dean Braxton. You'll hear his critical care doctor, rated the best patient care doctor in Washington state, saying "It is a miracle...a miracle..." that Braxton is alive, has no brain damage and is normal in every way. Why? He had no heart beat and no respiration for 1 3/4 hours! His family believed in divine healing and they and others were praying for him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3Zjt8r-hNA . Also see CBN Dr. Chauncey Crandall Raises A Man From The Dead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-7ZkleLu1w Part 1.
Get Dr. Richard Casdorph's book The Miracles. There he gives medical documentation for miracles, mostly, but not all, from Kathryn Kuhlman's healing services. Casdorph came to Kuhlman's meetings to debunk her but turned into a supporter, as did other doctors. You can see him and other doctors in some of her healing services on YT. (She is now deceased.) Delores Winder is one of the cases documented in his book. You can watch her amazing story on YT with Sid Roth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfdG5czaUX0&t=7s
The book The Audacity of Prayer by Don Nordin lists medically documented miracles.
On Andrew Wommack's vids you can see doctors talking about "miracles" too. Check out the YT vid with the ophthalmologist who says Yes, Ronald Coyne could see out of an empty eye socket after a faith healer prayed for him. You can see him doing demos. At the end of the book Don't Limit God you see a medical statement by a doctor saying that his patient used to have M.S. and diabetes but is now cured. Do you think that Someone Who can raise the dead and heal people of deadly "incurable" diseases, Someone Who created time, space, matter, energy and you - needed "evolution" to make life forms? No, He created them fully formed and fully functional in 6 days just as Genesis, a Book He always supported, tells you.

Psalm1Tree #fundie youtube.com

Then there is the Shroud of Turin. If you don't know, the Shroud is a linen burial shroud with the faint image of a crucified man on it. If you have heard that the Shroud was proven to be a Medieval fake based on carbon 14 testing, in the documentary Jesus And The Shroud of Turin, you can see the very inventor of carbon 14 testing saying that the sample was invalid due to contamination. . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTtDhvk_aw4 . The vid demonstrates many miraculous features such as pollen from Jerusalem and faint images of flowers that are found only in the Jerusalem area during the spring, as at Passover when Messiah was crucified. With modern technology we also see that the Shroud has an x ray quality which even reveals the bones and dentition of the Man on the Shroud.
In the 70s a NASA scientist noticed the Shroud's photographs had inexplicable, unique in the world, qualities. He got up a team of scientists, called STURP, to examine it in person in Italy. (No, the Shroud is not "just a Catholic thing" as the Vatican only came into possession of it fairly recently in history.) They used NASA, and other, high tech equipment, with 100s of thousands of hours of research. Their findings are seen all over the net and were published in respected science journals.
The team was composed of 3 Jews, at least one agnostic and one atheist, and people of various faiths. They all agreed on these things: The Shroud image was not painted on, and they have no clue how it got there. It exactly matches, down to blood stains where a crown of thorns would be, the description of Messiah's death and burial as given in the Bible. The image could not be duplicated with modern technology.
About the Shroud I say "If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck, maybe it's a duck."
Maybe that Man on the Shroud is your very Best Friend and Savior. I pray you will find that out. You're going to need a miracle some day friend. They are out there in abundance for those who humbly seek them from their Creator, the One Who made all that DNA out there, and Who said, "Whoever comes to Me I will no way cast out."

Anonymous #fundie #dunning-kruger mypercept.co.uk


Space exploration by man a definite possibility, a clear hint given in this verse:

"O you jinns and humans, if you can penetrate the regions of the heavens and the earth, go ahead and penetrate. You cannot penetrate without (Our) authority." (The Quran, 55:33)

Space exploration became fact by various manned missions into space. Thise verse could also be referring to exploration of regions on earth (deep sea, extreme cold/hot environments).

The moon has split and the hour has drawn closer” (The Quran, 54:1)

When did the prophecy come to pass? To answer that, one must keep the prophecy in mind: “The moon has split.” This is a metaphor. Parts of the moon have left its surface. They no longer are part of the moon. So, the prophecy does not refer to the landing on the moon or to the first step made by Neil Armstrong but to the fact that Armstrong and Aldrin collected 21 kilograms of lunar rocks to bring back to earth. The prophecy was fulfilled at the very moment the astronauts left the moon with 21 kilograms of rocks that had belonged to the moon. This can be confirmed by checking the definition of “split” in any dictionary, among the definitions given by Dictionary.com are – “to divide, disunite, separate” The date this prophecy came to pass was on July 21 1969. The moment the prophecy was fulfilled is confirmed by the hour of departure of the lunar module, which left the lunar surface at 17:54:1 (Universal Time) or 1:54:1 (EDT) and as you have seen above, verse [54:1] is the verse that deals with the prophecy. Still not convinced? Lets read the following verses after (54:1) –

“The moon has split and the hour has drawn closer. Then they saw a great miracle; but they turned away and said, “Old magic.” They disbelieved, followed their opinions, and adhered to their old traditions.” (The Quran, from 54:1 to 54:3)

Here, the author of The Quran specifically states – “the moon has split”, then people will see “a great miracle”, yet they still “disbelieved”. Could the “great miracle” be the fulfilment of prophecy?

Caleb Wampler #fundie #magick #conspiracy charismanews.com

Tuesday, I received breaking news from my crusade director in Haiti. The news was disturbing and showed that God's power cannot be overcome by even the most wicked darkness.
In the months prior to the crusade, apparently witches were going around into the very village I preached the gospel in just two weeks ago. As a part of their voodoo rituals, they were offering blood sacrifices, which led to them eating children. They taunted the few believers who were there, saying that the locals needed to follow the power of the witches.

Testimonies are now being received from the village:

- This is the first time the people have seen such a great power and authority. All glory to Jesus!

- The witches no longer have power because the works of the devil were destroyed.

- When the witches tried to test us in the meetings to "see if we had any real power," they couldn't look at us. They reported seeing a fire surrounding us and their power would no longer work.

- Many witches renounced their witchcraft, repented of their sins, gave their lives to Jesus and are now going around the village, telling people about their testimonies of encountering Jesus through the ministry. They have become evangelists.

In five days, I board an airplane for our next crusade. More than 70,000 people are projected to attend in this unreached nation over a three-day crusade. We will also be equipping hundreds of pastors as well in a pastors' conference! Religious extremism is rampant, Christians are being killed for their faith, Christian literature is being burned, villages with Christian people are being isolated and cut off from water wells and running water, and the tragedies are all around.

The only hope for our world is Jesus. We are willing to risk everything to bring Jesus to them. Will you send us?

Vic Rosenthal #fundie #wingnut jewishpress.com

Hundreds of members of the Reform and Conservative movements from Israel and the United States arrived on Friday morning at the Kotel plaza for the Rosh Chodesh Adar B prayer. They were met with enormous resistance from mostly Haredi Jews, including an estimated ten thousand seminary women who followed the instructions of two leaders of the Haredi Lithuanian public,
I believe that both the Israeli Masorti <Conservative> Movement and the Nashot Hakotel are shooting themselves in the foot by associating themselves with the Reform Movement, both its American mothership and its satellite in Israel. The Masorti Movement in Israel is doctrinally closer to Orthodox Judaism than it is to Reform Judaism. There is a commitment to binding halacha, and most of its members are observant of Shabbat and Kashrut.

Reform Judaism, on the other hand, makes Shabbat and Kashrut optional. It replaces the mitzvot [commandments] of the Torah as codified into halacha with a collection of platitudes that many observers note are identical to liberal – lately, “progressive” – American (or left-wing Israeli) politics.

The observance of mitzvot because they are mitzvot and not because of their social utility is the essence of Judaism, more important than any set of beliefs. This is entirely absent from Reform Judaism, and I think this in itself is enough to support the position that Reform Judaism is a different religion from Orthodox or even Masorti Judaism.
The ordinary Israeli sees Reform Judaism for what it is, which is a politically left-leaning, spiritually vacuous, non-Jewish religion. But it is the 800-pound gorilla of the non-Orthodox world, with money, clout, and people that it uses to project its influence here in Israel, where, in my opinion, it does not belong. Both the women and the Masortim thought they could help their cause by hitching a ride with them.

Fundies from Ignite America #fundie #racist igniteamerica.com

‘Social Justice’ sounds harmless
For those of us over 40 years of age, the term ‘Social Justice’ is a new term that sounds harmless. But those under the age of 40 have been taught all their lives that ‘Social Justice’ is a movement to “develop and support socially just, equitable and sustainable practices.” Who could possibly be against that?

Without years of indoctrination, it’s easy to presume that ‘Social Justice’ preserves justice for wrongdoing. But in fact, ’Social Justice’ justifies all forms of wrongdoing by the oppressed. Adding to that mindset is CRT, the Critical Race Theory, that identifies all of us as either being the oppressed or the oppressor. If you’re not a victim, you’re an oppressor, taking advantage of others for personal gain.

John Derbyshire #fundie #pratt #racist vdare.com

Arbery thereupon attacked Travis, the foremost McMichael—a seriously dumb thing to do, as McMichael was pointing a shotgun at him. The result, as mathematicians say, followed.

So this was Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown all over again. A few words of life advice from white America to black America: We understand how much you hate us, but for the sake of your own actuarial prospects, please try to restrain yourself from attacking us WHEN WE ARE POINTING A LOADED GUN AT YOU. You're welcome.

So the question hanging over the Arbery trial is: Can it be kept within the narrative, the narrative of mean, ignorant, gap-toothed rednecks hunting blacks for sport? If it can, then it's just a show trial, run by the Goodwhite establishment to terrorize and humiliate Badwhites.

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow #crackpot #homophobia #fundie #wingnut themoscowtimes.com

Russian Church Leader Appears to Blame Gay Pride Parades for Ukraine War

The head of Russia’s Orthodox Church appeared to blame liberal Western values — drawing particular attention to gay pride parades — for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in his Sunday sermon.

President Vladimir Putin ordered the deadly “special operation” in Ukraine on Feb. 24 to “demilitarize and denazify” the pro-Western country after recognizing eastern Ukraine's two breakaway territories as independent republics. 

But Patriarch Kirill said the war is about “which side of God humanity will be on” in the divide between supporters of gay pride events — or the Western governments that allow them — and their opponents in Russian-backed eastern Ukraine. 

“Pride parades are designed to demonstrate that sin is one variation of human behavior. That's why in order to join the club of those countries, you have to have a gay pride parade,” he said in his Forgiveness Sunday sermon. 

The Russian church leader characterized gay pride parades as a “loyalty test” to Western governments, which Ukraine’s breakaway republics have “fundamentally rejected.”

“For eight years there have been attempts to destroy what exists in Donbas,” Patriarch Kirill said, referring to the region where Kyiv has been at war with the separatist republics since 2014. 

“And in Donbas there is a rejection, a fundamental rejection of the so-called values that are offered today by those who claim world power,” he said.

“We know that if people or countries reject these demands, they are not part of that world, they become strangers to it.”
Patriarch Kirill painted the Russian invasion of Ukraine in more apocalyptic colors as a conflict “far more important than politics.”

“If humanity accepts that sin is not a violation of God's law, if humanity accepts that sin is a variation of human behavior, then human civilization will end there,” send there. 


JE Aggas #crackpot #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #racist decodingsatan.blogspot.com

On the Georgia Guidestones 42nd birthday it will be the 666th day since George Floyd died...
On the Georgia Guidestones 42nd birthday it will be the 666th day since George Floyd died...

Expect a racial shooting....

"Racial tension" = 666 (Reverse Satanic)
"prophecy" = 666 (Jewish)
"Black Nobility" = 666 (Jewish)
"The black Boule" = 666 (English Extended)
"This is a Hoax" = 666 (Jewish)

From Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Subtracted 666 days
Result: Monday, May 25, 2020

Genesis and Genetics #fundie #dunning-kruger genesisandgenetics.org

(Note: Each article title is a link to that article)

Articles in Alphabetical Order

Adam’s DNA Adam’s DNA contained all human variation less mutations.

Adam’s Rib The only bone in the human body that regenerates is the rib.

Divine Genetic Resets The Bible defines at least 3 genetic resets.

Epigenetics Complexity of Biblical Proportions This complexity requires intelligence of Biblical proportions.

Eve’s DNA Eve was an identical twin to Adam less the Y-chromosome.

Genesis Chapter 1 and 2 Agreement Chapter 1: the creation; Chapter 2 the activation

Genetics of Good Works We humans were created for good works; it is in our DNA.

Genetics of Sin Nature When Adam sinned, we received the sin nature; it is in our DNA.

Jesus’ DNA Jesus had the same DNA as Adam; He was the last Adam.

Junk DNA Our DNA is polluted

Noah’s Ark – A Fresh Look The animals on the Ark were in a Biblical “deep sleep”

Noah’s Ark Hermetically Sealed and Safe The Ark was sealed for protection.

Kinds/Species on Noah’s Ark All kinds/species defined by modern science were on the Ark

Science and the Bible How scientific observations are in tune with the Bible

The Gospel According to DNA The only safe place in the universe is in Christ

The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men Sin was irreversibly mixed into all humanity.

Time Machine Via Genetics Travel in time and space via the Genetics of Christ

Answers to questions:

How did the kangaroos get to Australia? They migrated.

Where does Neanderthal fit in the Bible? He is pre-flood man.

Where does Neanderthal fit in the Bible – Update More evidence he is antediluvian man

Whom did Cain Marry? He married his sister.

Why did God create plant life before the sun? The sun was not necessary – Light was created on day 1

Lila Rose #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Yesterday, senior White House officials met to strategize with those who commit & promote the killing of preborn children: Tampa Bay Abortion Fund A Woman's Choice Abortion Facility Presidential Women's Center Abortion Facility Planned Parenthood of Florida & a dozen more

Pastor Mark Downey #fundie #racist kinsmanredeemer.com

Obadiah 1:21 speaks of saviors, in the plural, or guardians of God's Word, who will come to the Aryan-Israel nations and purge the jews, Esau-Edom, and establishing the government of Christ. Adolf Hitler, whether you like it or not, saved Germany from those who hated Germans, because he was a man of God. He remains an enigma to our people, wondering how one man could lead a small organization to political triumph against such incredible odds. Being outnumbered by Marxist communists, jewish-infected churches and out financed by antichrist bankers, Hitler was lawfully voted into office, not because of rigged elections like we have today, but because of the promises of II Chronicles 7:14 where we read, "If My people, which are called by My name shall humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." With the election of Hitler, Germany began to heal. The posterity of Judah repented of the jew. Germans are the true heirs from the same tribe as Christ, the tribe of Judah, to whom God gave the sceptre. But, they were lost to their identity and imposters claimed what didn't belong to them. The jews fulfilled the prophecy of killing the heir and confiscating His property. They war against Christ and Christians and continue their ambitions for global control.

Ross Wind #fundie #dunning-kruger quora.com


It is said the chimpanzee and the bonobo share 98.6% of their genes and has the same number of chromosomes but are incompatible they cannot reproduce.


An early evolutionists fake news is surprisingly still part of today’s urban legend; both have the same number of chromosomes. No, they don’t. humans have 46 and big primates 48. Few people know this, it seems that the pig is closer genetically to humans than the chimp. In other words, chimpanzees and humans are incompatible.

True2God #fundie #homophobia #psycho fstdt.com

(in response to Steven Anderson telling homosexuals to kill themselves)

Suicide is a sin. Suicide would make God madder. While the world may be a better place if all the homos killed themselves, the ends still don't justify the means. What they need is God.

Of course there are homos who are Christians, but they're not living a life of queer sex.

Tess W #fundie youtube.com

What you're describing about these people and lack of humility? It's the reason you see so many Cluster B personality disorders. They are only focused on themselves and can only define things by how someone/something makes them feel. They can't see anything by way of reason. Like that lady in the hair salon... "You are evil because your kindness made me feel bad. You made me feel bad on purpose."
This is the way Borderlines and Narcissists think.

The New Age lie, is the same lie Satan fed Eve in the garden. "You shall be like God".
Pride took us down and ultimately it will be what takes many to Hell. These people don't know what real Love & Light is, they can't! They are too busy worshipping themselves as "divine". "You are God" is Satan's biggest gaslight on the world. It's the same thing that got him thrown out of heaven.

Romans 1
18 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.
19 They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. 20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. 21 Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. 22 Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools.

MassResistance #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy #pratt #elitist archive.ph

In March 2000, the Massachusetts Dept. of Education teamed up with GLSEN, a national homosexual organization, to put on a horrific “conference” for children as young as 12 – along with adult homosexual activists. In two of the workshops, adults instructed children how to perform various (rather sickening) types of homosexual sex acts. We had someone there who tape-recorded it. When LGBT groups found out, they threatened legal action if we released the tapes. We did so anyway! The recordings were a big story in all the Boston media, and eventually made national and international news – newspapers, TV, and radio. It was dubbed “Fistgate.” Two LGBT groups sued to “punish” us. Both lawsuits were unsuccessful, but it was a difficult time for us.

Massresistance #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #transphobia massresistance.org

They are claiming that Jawort was not present at that confrontation – not part of the group that accosted the legislators – so these are false, libelous statements. They assert that since the group was wearing masks, it was only assumed that Jawort was one of them. They are seeking $250,000 in damages from Hall.

The claim of libel would not appear to hold much water: (1) Hall’s article said only that Jawort was “reportedly” part of the group. That is not a false statement. (2) Despite a mask, Jawort is a very recognizable figure – a 6’3” man wearing a black dress with a distinctive voice. (3) Hall attempted to get Jawort’s side of the story, but Jawort refused. (4) By any sensible legal definition, Jawort is a “limited public figure” which in Montana requires a high standard for libel. (5) Hall relied on credible sources who identified Jawort as the individual who accosted the Senator, and as a credentialed journalist he does not have to reveal these sources.

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #conspiracy christorchaos.com

[From "Modernism's Own Geiger Counter"]

“Archbishop” of Luxembourg, Jean-Claude Hollerich[…]receive the Abraham Geiger Prize, which is awarded to those who promote the work of the founder of “Reform Judaism,” Abraham Geiger, to reconcile religions to each other as they accommodate themselves to the events of the world
Abraham Geiger’s “Reform Judaism” sought to accommodate Talmudic belief and practice to the “thought of the “Enlightenment”[…]One does not need any kind of advanced degree in theology or philosophy to recognize this is exactly what Modernists have sought to do, first within the Catholic Church
Jean-Claude Hollerich revealed why he is such a worthy recipient of the Abraham Geiger Prize as he, like his fellow lay Jesuit revolutionary, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, believes in the “progress” of dogma and a “re-interpretation” of the Gospel in light of the needs of “modern man”
Jean-Claude Hollerich believes that the sheep must lead the shepherds, not Christ the King and His immutable teaching[…]One sees the very embodiment of Pope Saint Pius X’s warning that the Modernists advance a “most pernicious doctrine which would make of the laity the factor of progress in the Church”
The Talmudists helped to create the world of Modernity by inspiring and guiding the leading figures of the Protestant Revolution[…]has quite indeed given free reign to the adversary in the place of Christ the King
It is because Catholics have been silent about the doctrinal and moral evils of the today that they have grown to accept them, participate in them and to consider the fact of their legal protection to be irrelevant to the promotion of the common temporal good
The entire Protestant English enterprise was seized by Jews, who were instrumental in forming the Grand Lodge of York Rite Masonry in England in 1717

Pat Robertson #fundie #crackpot deadstate.org

In his first appearance since his retirement from hosting the 700 Club last year, Pat Robertson took a moment to give his thoughts on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its roll in bringing about the End Times.

“I think you can say that Putin’s out of his mind — yes, maybe so, but at the same time he’s being compelled by God. He went into the Ukraine, but that wasn’t his goal. His goal was to move against Israel, ultimately,” Robertson said, adding that “God is getting ready to do something amazing, and that will be fulfilled.”

“Is Putin crazy? Is he mad? Well, perhaps,” Robertson said later in the segment. “But God says, ‘I’m going to put hooks in your jaws and I’m gonna draw you into this battle whether you like it or not. And [Putin’s] being compelled after the move into Ukraine.”

“Watch what’s going to happen next,” Robertson warned. “You read your bible because it’s coming to pass.”

Deanna Drogan #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy concernedwomen.org

Since the beginning of time, the devil has used one simple lie to cause destruction and chaos on all of humanity: you can and should become your own god. After all, this is how the devil himself was cast out of heaven and became a fallen angel. <...> It is hard to go from quoting Scripture to then quoting the great Uncle Ben Parker of the beloved Spider-Man Marvel comics, but I would argue that we can actually find strong Biblical truth in the fact that “with great power comes great responsibility.” Lucifer was elevated to a position of higher power, and pride got the best of him as he thought he could elevate himself to the highest position of authority, God.
The Bible says in Ephesians that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the Heavenly places. As believers, the cultural issues that we see today, such as abortion, sexual perversion, gender confusion, injustice, and critical race theory, all go back to the issue of pride. They all go back to that one simple lie: you can and should be your own god. Being your own god means that you have no higher authority with whom to submit.
is no surprise that the emblem of the whole entire LGBT movement is based around the word pride. In a world where there is no Lordship to surrender to, you can create your own rules for your life. You can marry whoever you want to marry, you can be whichever gender you best identify with, you can destroy a city when an election doesn’t rule in your favor, and you can even murder your own child when it is suitable for your lifestyle.
Many Christians stay out of the political sphere because they believe that they are to focus on the spiritual battle at hand, but this ideological battle our culture is facing is the spiritual battle. We are ultimately not fighting our brothers and sisters, and we are not even fighting policies; we are fighting an enemy who seeks to kill, steal, and destroy.

Alexandra Bruce #conspiracy #fundie #magick #wingnut forbiddenknowledgetv.net

Very few people in the US know what is actually happening in Ukraine right now – and the Fake News is definitely not the place to find out.

What is certain is that many early reports, including photos and video from the scene have turned out to be PSYOPs, such as Russian tanks running over motorists, the bombings of residential buildings and the “Ghost of Kyiv”, that have turned out to be fake. Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger has shared no less than three such fake stories on Twitter.
The Hopium crowd believes Putin is liberating the world from the Deep State, by destroying their bioweapons labs and their money-laundering headquarters – and I’d love for them to be right.

Happily, there is some serious prophecy horsepower to support this Hopium. If Russia ends up saving the world, it would be a fulfillment not only of Edgar Cayce’s prophecies but those of the famous Marian apparitions in both Fátima, Portugal in 1917 and in Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1981.
The late Father Malachi Martin claims to have read the 3rd secret of Fátima. Without disclosing its full contents, which he had sworn to keep secret, he told radio host, Art Bell in the 1990s that the prophecy essentially said Russia would commit the error of Communism, then heal itself of this scourge and proceed to lead the way for the rest of the world
In October of 1981, Our Lady of Medjugorje revealed her “Russia Prophecy” to six young children. She said “Russia will come to glorify God the most, the West will make civilization progress but without God and will act like their own creator,” as recorded by Marian expert, Father René Laurentin.
In 1944, Edgar Cayce prophesied that Russia would help prevent the destruction of mankind. He foresaw a future world financial crisis, and he pointed to Russia as being the “thorn in the side” of the financial powers that were organizing themselves against the good of humanity, describing Russia’s role as being the “hope of the world”

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