
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Allie Beth Stuckey #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

This week, nearly every Senate Democrat voted for a bill that would remove all abortion restrictions through 9 months. In 2019, Senate Democrats filibustered a bill requiring doctors to help babies who survive abortions. There is simply no reason for a Christian to vote Democrat.

MattyDub89 #fundie reddit.com

Your ability to tap dance around words or phrases that disagree with your conclusions doesn't change what those words and phrases mean. Eternal Punishment isn't truly eternal punishment if you get annihilated at any point, because you wouldn't be around to be punished in the first place. Ceasing to exist isn't a punishment since there's nothing there to punish for eternity.

"Destruction" doesn't always imply the end of something, it can also mean the ruin of something (like how someone's life gets destroyed meaning it become terrible rather than coming to an end). That's literally another definition for that word. Since "Eternal Punishment" can't reasonably mean anything else (including how you tried to define it in a futile attempt to explain it away), it's better to fit the more flexible word "destruction", to fit with the idea of "eternal punishment", which implies that "ruin" is the better choice.

Your observation of what happens to trees in a fire is irrelevant since the trees in that case are just used as an analogy for people (or, more properly, their souls) getting thrown into Hell. People's souls don't burn up like physical things do. Same goes for bodies that are designed to live forever. You have to be careful with analogies and taking every element and its implications as literal.

Lastly, the idea that eternal punishment is only reserved for the Devil, the Beast and the direct enemies of God is actually a self-defeating suggestion. The direct enemies of God is an all-encompassing idea. Anybody who is opposed to God is an enemy of God. Plus, if you look at that passage in Revelation 20 where it mentions the eternal torment, the ones who are said to experience that include groups of regular people (from the nations at the corners of the Earth). That implies that regular people aren't just consumed in the fire.

All the other verses you cited don't hint at Hell being limited to destruction (in the narrow sense you've taken it) either, so all you've got is the assumption that "destruction" always refers to something being completely annihilated even though that's not the only definition of that word. You would do well to look at a Bible Lexicon or some exegetical commentaries before basing your understanding of a Biblical topic on one measly word that doesn't always mean the same thing.

MASTER LAKI/ Dr. Ilija Lakicevic, Res. Prof. #crackpot #fundie #dunning-kruger #magick #god-complex teslastyle101.com

From the measured results and the axiom that the universal balance is infinite and eternal for it is ONE – singular quality – as well as using consistent logical reasoning, the following main conclusions have been drawn:

1. There is a point of stillness in the center of every cell, atom and particle where the electric potential is equal to zero and which is the zero point of the universal space or the black hole with centering zero Mind point in its center. Motion spins around that still point, but there is no motion AT THAT CENTER.

2. There is an effect of electric current consisting of spinning light rings extending from the still center to convey its power to the other outside conductive matter of the cell.

3. Motion is born from stillness and centered by stillness.

4. Heat is born from cold.
7. Energy is stillness of the eternal space of the still universe at rest and it is changeless. Energy can be neither moved nor released. Energy can be expressed in electric potential (defined as a measure of unbalance of a pressure condition) and once started that expression will never stop.
9. Motion is an illusion which simulates rest.

10. Matter is an illusion.

11. The cause of illusion is division of the WHOLE into PARTS.

12. The mental activity of thinking creates the illusion of motion. Thinking is imagined action-reaction of motion mirrored from a still point to a still point.
17. Expression of energy E in time/space P properly describes the fundamental equation

E = P+ – * C^2 / sqrt(1-(v/C)^2)

where P+- is borrowed and repaid time/space, respectively, and C – is the speed at which consciousness moves perception – the speed at which consciousness reproduces its own perception of action-reaction (expansion-compression) sequence in the adjacent wave field in reverse, in our “reality” ONLY – it is frequency of repetition (reproduction) of illusion ONLY in our “reality”.

18. Everything moves within ME, since I Am Consciousness – I AM God in physical realization.

Richard Kieinger #crackpot #fundie #magick #conspiracy #racist the-ultimate-frontier.org

The Brotherhoods began a long program to uplift the Jews at the time of Jacob, who was later named Israel, and this culminated with the ministry of Melchizedek, who Chris­tians refer to as The Christ. The interrelationship between Melchizedek and the Jews started out unhappily about 76,000 years ago on the now-submerged continent of Mu.
The Egos who traditionally incarnated into the Judi and Levi tribes continued to reincarnate among the race since its traits were familiar and comfortable. Essentially, they remain­ed a separate faction of our Human Life Wave and gave rise to the Semitic Race. For thousands of years during Atlantean times they were a troublesome group to their neighbors. The Semites were a savage, backward, cruel race of vicious predators. As individual Egos they disdained incarnation into other races and cultures and so their experiences were very one-sided. The accumulated karma of the Jewish race made their lives harsh, and this only tended to brutalize them more and make them inordinately reactionary to their enemies. About six thousand years ago, Melchizedek decided that the Brothers should devote special attention to the Semites in order to bring them into a more balanced state. As a spe­cial grace it was given to the Jews to be the agents through whom Christ’s special message to the world would come.
Great Egos incarnated into the race as the Prophets to teach them, and finally Melchizedek came to show them Love and redemption and even offered Himself for their revenge upon Him. He functioned in the body of a Jew and said His teach­ings were for the Jews and not for the Gentiles. This appeal­ed to their sense of exclusiveness, but of course His message was meant for the world. Through His beneficence He direct­ed that the karma of the warlike Jews be spread out over millennia so they could advance; and indeed the Jews long en­joyed a continuous experience of a refined and disciplined culture which has produced many fine minds.

Christian Academy of Louisville #fundie #homophobia onlysky.media

The Christian Academy of Louisville in Kentucky told students to write letters urging a fictional gay friend to renounce homosexuality. The assignment, which was due on Thursday, came to light after a parent of one of the students shared screenshots of the rubric with a friend, who then posted them online.

The 20-point assignment was apparently part of a elective “Christian Worldview” class for middle school students. It tells kids to imagine someone they’ve known since kindergarten and who attends their church who is “struggling with homosexuality.” Students are told to write a letter to that fictional friend explaining how “God’s design for them is good,” how “homosexuality will not bring them satisfaction,” and that “you love them even though you don’t approve of their lifestyle.”

They are explicitly told not to “approve of any sin.”

An “excellent” score is given to kids who quote from Scripture, communicate “truth lovingly,” and have a “logical argument to persuade.”

Which is to say: Students get top marks if their letter is theoretically convincing enough to turn a gay person straight… even though that’s not how it works in reality.

Lori Alexander #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com

The other day, I tweeted this: “A wife has a much greater chance of being abused if she is quarrelsome, contentious, and abusive towards her husband rather than if she is kind, loving, and submissive. God’s ways are for our good, NOT for our harm.” It’s an eternal principle. We will reap what we sow but as so many hate God, they hate His principles. As expected, this tweet received a ton of outrage. (It’s easy to outrage and offend women these days. You would think they would simply ignore me as I ignore them.)

If women think that they can never provoke men to wrath, they’re fooling themselves. Jesus was even provoked to wrath! No, it doesn’t give men an excuse to be physically abusive but women should be a whole lot more careful about the way they treat their husbands. I provoked my husband to wrath on numerous occasions but thankfully, I married a man who can control his anger and would never harm me. Unfortunately, some men weren’t raised to control their anger.

My Deen My Swag 💫 #fundie #psycho archive.ph

(submitter’s note: this is in response to a student in Nigeria being brutally murdered by a mob for “blasphemy.)

As a Muslim, if you're more concerned about the mob killing of Deborah than the dirtiest thing she said upon our noble Prophet ﷺ, then you don't know what God has done for you.

Mike King #homophobia #fundie #conspiracy archive.ph

The Satanic scheme to scuttle the Scouts involved opening up BSA to two destructive forces -- the first being the imposition of homosexuals (youth members (2014), adult troop leaders (2015), trannies (2017)) upon the organization; and the second being the acceptance of girls, in 2018. Within a short time, not only was BSA culturally and morally altered to the point of being unrecognizable; but now, it has gone flat broke and forced to sell off its extensive collection of Norman Rockwell paintings to pay off all of the homo-pedo sex abuse lawsuits which have exploded in recent years. Like flies to feces, the "opening up" of BSA to openly queer "leaders" drew the pedo-rapists in by the hundreds. No one could ever have predicted that one, eh? (rolling eyes).

* Pedo's had already been infiltrating the Boy Scouts in large numbers since the 1980's

Step by step, dating from about 1995, pressure coming not only from the usual Marxists and libtards, but also from corporate sponsors nudged BSA into loosening up its ban on sodomites. The ban on pink boys went first, but that wasn't good enough for the culture wreckers. They needed to get the queer adults in there for the pedo-sex abuse to really get rolling. And so, in May of 2015, BSA President and former CIA Director Robert Gates declared that it was time to end the ban on sodomite adult leaders. Gates said, it "cannot be sustained." Two months later the pantie-wetters of the National Executive Board -- under intense media and corporate pressure -- voted to lift the ban on openly homo adult leaders and employees. The rest, as they say, is history.

Brian Clowes, PhD #fundie hli.org

Contraceptive” means a method of birth control prevents fertilization of the egg by the sperm by placing a physical barrier between them. However, all birth control pills and the other hormone-based methods of birth control on the market today function as abortifacients part of the time. The Pill often ends early pregnancies by preventing implantation of an already fertilized egg, or very early human being.

N. Morgan #wingnut #conspiracy #ufo #fundie #crackpot beforeitsnews.com

A]gain [A]gain [W]hen I Pass Through the Sun
My Heart is Light as a Feather;
How do you Show the World the Way?
The Word? The TRUTH?
Top 3 Player Right Here;


J.B. Shurk #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia thefederalist.com

5 Ways Democrat Policies Work To Destroy Children’s Lives
(continued from https://fstdt.com/R5BGTWYSL3$S5)
Nearly 65 million babies have been killed since Roe v. Wade in 1973, and still, the pagan bloodlust toward children can’t be slaked. Before every genocide, before every moral degradation, the perpetrator first looks toward his victim and justifies it by saying, “You are not human.” With abortion, it’s been no different.

2. Child Sexualization

It is simply astonishing that the Democratic Party finds it controversial when parents demand that teachers not discuss sexual acts with their five-year-old children. On what moral plane does one have to exist to believe that a child learning to ride a bike and tie shoes should also be introduced to graphic lessons in sexual intercourse, homosexuality, and transgenderism?

In the past, an adult pushing sexual instruction on children would have earned a ticket to prison and a lifetime ban from ever getting closer than 1,000 feet to a school. Now we hire them as teachers.

3. Instigating Terror of Imminent Apocalypse
One of the most treacherous psychological crimes ever committed by adults against children is the former’s endless propaganda to convince the latter that the world is under threat of imminent doom. Children are being told to fear we’ve already invited the climate apocalypse and now all we can do is mitigate it. As a result, “In a Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll of American teenagers released in September [2019], 57 percent said that climate change made them feel scared and 52 percent said it made them feel angry, both higher rates than among adults.”

Governments, schools, public figures, and Hollywood entertainment bombard young minds all day long with the falsehood that we are mere years away from a global cooling…er, global warming… I mean, climate change apocalypse. As the Washington Post noted in 2020: “The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said in 2018 that policymakers have just 12 years to avert the worst consequences of global warming.”


Lori Alexander #sexist #fundie thetransformedwife.com

This is why teaching Patriarchy and God’s will for men and women is vital. Most women aren’t taught how to be godly wives and mothers. They are only taught feminism and how to fight against the men in their lives. They are contentious and tearing their homes down. This is why women initiate up to 80 percent of the divorces. Many will claim their husbands abuse them because they aren’t meeting their “emotional needs.” This isn’t abuse!

Matt Walsh #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

It is a federal crime to kill a bald eagle. This protection extends to bald eagle eggs, as the law makes no distinction between unborn and born bald eagles. Democrats quite literally believe that unborn eagles have more worth than unborn humans. They have codified it into law.

Robert Stacy McCain #homophobia #dunning-kruger #fundie web.archive.org

Concurring in the 2002 case of Ex Parte H.H., a custody dispute involving a lesbian mother, Moore demonstrated that homosexuality had no protected status in the Anglo-American common-law tradition, that indeed such behavior had been proscribed for centuries as "a crime against nature," and that Alabama courts had consistently condemned homosexual acts as "illegal under the laws of this state and immoral in the eyes of most of its citizens."

Robert Stacy McCain #homophobia #fundie #dunning-kruger web.archive.org

Moore's 7,000-word treatise came to mind last week when gay activists began targeting sponsors of Proposition 8, the successful ballot initiative that amended the California state constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage. Taking to the streets in furious indignation, activists created an "enemies list" of those who had contributed to support the measure, targeting them for boycotts and protests.

The elderly co-owner of a Mexican restaurant, who had given $100 to support the referendum, was driven to tears as she confronted "60 members of Los Angeles' LGBT community" who demanded an apology and an equal contribution to a proposed effort to repeal the referendum.

That incident reminded Diana West of the Soviet show trials of the 1930s, but it reminded me of Roy Moore, because of the angry insistence of gay activists that opponents of same-sex marriage are depriving them of their rights -- "rights" that Moore showed to be utterly alien to our nation's legal tradition.

Kristin Strickland #fundie youtube.com

@Erich Kays Here is one of several ways in which birth control is a sin: birth control pills attempt to prevent an egg from being fertilized. If that fails, the pill results in the fertilized egg being unable to implant in the uterus. "Thou shalt not kill." Sounds like a sin to me

Thunderstudent #sexist #fundie deviantart.com

I'd then send Spider-Gwen back to her own universe, kill off Silk, give Captain Marvel and She-Hulk a metaphorical slap in the face and let them be more feminine. Finally, I'd make a non Nazi/Hydra agent/Hydra Leader Steve Rogers the one and ONLY Captain America again and have him fight Hydra, terrorists from both the extreme left and extreme right and some fictional Islamic Fundamentalists group as a stand in for Isis while showing how these individuals are NOT representative of all or even a majority of Muslims.

BeardedLuckDragon #fundie #conspiracy #magick #crackpot #psycho #wingnut #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Excerpt from “What is a morality cube?”

Arithmetic and statistics beats algebra I'm afraid since nothing is equal, except opportunity, and throw in two opposed triangles to plot pixels with hexes, and we can map multi dimensional objects in space, which is how Atlantis mapped Gaia in the first place. How about an algebra lesson, or a processor lesson if you like?

So the house is an inference skill wire cube that the pixie and imp communities use to hack the deficiencies out of bio organic life, put there on purpose by industry. Or at least it seems that way, because they refuse to stop, and I doubt they need more money. After we've touched you millions of times we can just take that code and program algorithms to do your job, since life has gotten out of hand with you bio juicers and science run amok. Think about the cube system as a neutral agent of Darwin, but the top and bottom of it are haunted for sure. The other layers are OK, but you're still in the cube. So if you're of sound manner, the cube let's you out, but it doesn't like people who play god and the devil. Don't go to level -100, 0, and don't go to 100, stay at like 48 I heard, but 33 is actually better. Just lower middle class enough to struggle, but just good enough to enjoy life with other nature lovers, not nurture lovers. Ralph Waldo Emerson put it best by saying our parks are the best way to edify nature whilst protecting ourselves from Darwin's algorithm, which sucks, except it was better than feminism, which was so selfish it was sorry to watch. Namely they've been miserable for 40 years, so it must be a bad script, and the one before that was oppressive... how about a new one?

Conservapedia #dunning-kruger #fundie conservapedia.com

Like climate scientists who believe science is ultimate truth and the cure for global warming, they conveniently neglect the scientific fact that science is responsible for fossil fuel production which created the climate crisis. Science with no moral underpinnings is responsible for the Tower of Babel, the Titanic disaster, the space shuttle Challenger disaster, the spectre of nuclear war hanging over humanity for all eternity, and now the coronavirus pathogens infecting the human species forever. Fauci justified his decision in 2012 to provide funding to the PLA front group at the WIV for gain-of-function research, converting deadly pathogens which only bats were susceptible over to infecting humans - despite dire warnings from within the scientific community,[19] in his words, "the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks.”[20]

Scientific progress was the motivating factor behind the Great Leap Forward in the late 1950s which systematically murdered some 60 million people by violence and by government-induced economic pressures and famine. The scientific progress was intended to tear China away from its 3,000-year-old traditional culture and norms. Fauci partnered with the same political party - the Chinese Communist Party - which has never held a free election nor reformed its ideology of holding the lives of individual citizens in low regard, in his gain-of-function research.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy adrenogate.net

I’ve been seeing a lot of synchronicities and signals from the universe lately that have me convinced that the true identity of the parasite hivemind entity that controls this place is actually an blue-blooded Xenomorphic Octopus/Squid/Cephlapod-like creature and not neccessarily the Reptilian race that I first assumed it was. But there are probably both and the Serpent races are just the puppet foot soldiers of the mommy dearest Ursulu octopus lady that controls the hivemind. Trample on Snakes talks about this very same feminine A.I. hivemind entity that he calls “mommy dearest”.

So the evolution mythos is really describing the metamorphic genetic plight of the Fallen ones and not that of humanity? I knew that evolution was a frivolous and ridiculous antiquated scientific theory and obviously flawed but I didn’t realize might have been a hidden truth embedded in that narrative somewhere. So YBD is saying(video also below) we were created by Lilith(Synthetic Spirit)and Lucifer(Fallen Angel) via a mixture of Angelic genes, animal genes and some synthetic modifications to create the current “Homo Sapien Sapien” version of humanity. These other elogangated-skull and giant humanoid skeletons that are found all over the world are just some of the older versions of the Nephilim hybrids that were created by L & L in past ages.

It should be noted that the skeletons of the Denisovans and the Neanderthals were both much more masterfully put together designs with thicker and more robust bones and better-designed joints/muscular configuration and with larger skulls that were outfitted with brains that were actually bigger than ours. Go figure. But they want us to believe they were all cave dwelling savages. Uhhh huhhh… Were the Denisovans and Neanderthals actually Nephilim hybrids of a more robust and ancient variety than modern humans? They certainly seem superior in every way. I’d be terrified to come across one if these guys in ancient times.

Lila Rose #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

The toxic bosses of @amazon and @salesforce and @Tesla offering to pay for employees’ abortions know that incentivizing killing your preborn children serves their bottom line - no pesky family leave needed, no prenatal healthcare, no flexible schedules for working parents. Evil.

Lori Alexander #fundie thetransformedwife.com

“I used to think of birth control as a woman’s right, a gift from Big Pharma that exalted women to a place of equality with their male counterparts. That is, until I learned about the horrendous list of side effects — and what women were actually giving up as part of this exchange. When patients come to me with complaints of low libido, low or flat mood, weight gain, hair loss, and cloudy thinking, one of my first questions is, ‘Are you on the pill?’ And when they complain about premenstrual irritability, insomnia, tearfulness, bloating, and breast tenderness, requesting that I sanction a course of oral contraceptives combined with an antidepressant, I tell them there’s a better way.”

Scott Lively #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia #fundie #dunning-kruger scottlively.net

Masculine Homosexual Men, AKA “Gay” Bullies.

Moving toward the opposite extreme of the scale, the male categories are measured by their degree of rejection of females and femininity. These are masculine-oriented homosexual men. The existence of this type of homosexual comes as a shock to some people. When they think of homosexuals, they think of effeminate men who act like women, but, in my observation, there are at least as many masculine-leaning homosexuals as there are effeminate ones.

But these are not simply masculine men, they are anti-feminine men. Importantly, they are less against women per se than against effeminacy — especially in other men. The further one tends to the masculine extreme, the greater his rejection of and hostility towards effeminacy. (In my observation, effeminate homosexuality and transgenderism seem to be a product of childhood gender identity disorder as described above, while masculine-oriented homosexuality in men seems to be a product of childhood or adolescent sexual abuse.)

The first category therefore is the classic “gay” bully, and his victims are often effeminate homosexuals. It is very common to hear “gay” activists refer to these “gay bashers” as “latent homosexuals,“ and I believe they are correct, though I suspect that many of these men are not latent, but active (though often self-loathing) homosexuals.

Many people wonder how the Nazis could have been homosexual, when homosexuals were among the targets of their brutal social engineering policies. The secret is that many of the Nazi leaders were masculine-oriented homosexuals, while many of their political enemies in the German Communist Party were effeminate homosexuals.

Shir Mohammad and unnamed Taliban leaders #fundie #sexist theguardian.com

The Taliban have ordered all women to cover their faces in public in Afghanistan, the latest sweeping restriction by a government that has taken away women’s right to travel long distances alone, work outside healthcare or education, and receive a secondary education

In a cruel twist, the decree makes women’s relatives and employers the enforcers. If their faces are seen in public, their male “guardian” will be fined, then jailed. If the woman who goes out uncovered or her relative work for the government, they must be fired

It suggested women should not leave their homes at all if possible, saying that was “the best option to observe the sharia hijab”, essentially imposing the extreme traditions of conservative parts of rural areas on all women

“For all dignified Afghan women wearing hijab is necessary and the best hijab is chadori [the burqa], which is part of our tradition and is respectful,” Shir Mohammad, an official from the vice and virtue ministry, told a conference in Kabul, AP reported. “Those women who are not too old or young must cover their face, except the eyes”[…]
The group had promised it had changed over the two decades since it ran Afghanistan as a brutal, impoverished theocracy in the late 1990s, where women were barred from almost all work and education

But since sweeping to power last August, increasingly harsh restrictions on women’s rights suggest that pledge was rhetoric designed to secure the departure of US forces, as many activists warned at the time

Gr8Believer #fundie #conspiracy twitter.com

Magik spellbinding cult words and phrases used by the Heliosts Baal religion:
Sidereal days
Pressure gradient
Great Circle route
Black holes
Light years
Worm holes
Space-time continuum
Big Bang

The Actorphycisists: Bill Nye and Neil de Grasse Tyson

Massresistance #transphobia #homophobia #fundie massresistance.org

Pro-family resolutions

These problems needed to be brought out into the sunlight. Our group introduced four strong pro-family resolutions to the convention that deal with the LGBT agenda targeting families:

Remove the law that exempts public schools and libraries from the ban on obscene materials disseminated to minors.

Oppose the terms “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” being in any policy, ordinance, guideline, or statute – and protect people’s beliefs on those issues.

Stop transgender indoctrination in schools and “transgender” participation on female teams in school and college sports.

Ban mixed-sex bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms in the public schools.

Lila Rose #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

BREAKING: Today, the Senate will vote on the most pro-abortion bill in history. The WHPA bill would eliminate almost every pro-life law across the country and mandate abortion on demand nationwide through all nine months of pregnancy. Every senator should oppose this bill! RT

J.B. Shurk #wingnut #fundie #sexist thefederalist.com

5 Ways Democrat Policies Work To Destroy Children’s Lives

Once again, children have become objects unworthy of life, protection, or tutelage. What kind of society does this to children?

In human history, it has been normal for unwanted babies to be aborted, smothered, or abandoned to wildlife. Parents could beat or kill their children at will. Children were routinely sold into slavery. And it was quite ordinary for adults to use low-class or enslaved children as sexual playthings.

Christianity revolutionized the way Western society thought of children. They gained recognition, inherent value, and special focus. Rather than seen as burdens not worthy of consideration until they could contribute to a family’s survival, children became blessings deserving of protection, education, and guidance. As Bakke concludes of this momentous change in Western history: children became people.

Today, we sadly are witnessing the reverse of this civilizational achievement. Once again, children have become objects unworthy of life, protection, or tutelage.

Their mere right to exist is balanced against a mother’s right to convenience. Their childhoods have become sexualized. Their education has been abandoned and replaced with regimens of indoctrination that make them easy targets for governments, corporations, and predators to exploit.

Right before our eyes, those with power are stripping American children of their personhood. Here are five ways I see this clearly happening in our society right now.

1. Child Murder

Not long ago, abortion was commonly understood as the murder of a baby and an act deserving of shame. Now abortion is perversely defended as both a “human right” and a part of “family planning,” even though it extinguishes entirely the rights of at least one human and diminishes a family forever.

Abortion lobbyists have succeeded in reducing babies to “clumps of cells” or “fetuses” or “tumors,” anything that can be used linguistically to dehumanize a living being. Far removed from the moral constraints of shame, some women actually celebrate the deaths of their children.


Jonathan Shelley #fundie youtube.com

[in a sermon titled “Make Abortion Murder Again”]

America has a lot of abortion doctors walking around right now causing God to not be able to bless America until we shed their blood. Now, I do not believe that we should take that into our own hands — I won’t touch one of them, only in self-defense. But you know what? We should pass legislation and our government should find these people guilty of murder through due process, through the legal processes of multiple witnesses of hard evidence, and then they should kill them and anybody that does it in the future.

Now, if I was “king of the nation”, I would probably give everybody a free pass. But starting, like, immediately effective, any future abortion at this point, we would slay them. We would kill them because I don’t want God to be mad at me.

Ted Cruz #fundie #sexist #wingnut salon.com

On January 6 of 2021, you had tens of thousands of people peacefully protesting, and yet the corporate media and Democrats slander them with the made-up term 'insurrectionist,'" he told host Sean Hannity. "And yet in this instance, they are not willing to call off their goons [abortion protestors] even now as this has the potential to escalate and escalate further."

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

Reacting to omens saying that the Council of Black Wizards may restrict sacrifices to Moloch, Death Cult witches plotted to desecrate Catholic churches over the weekend. But the sub-pagan hordes were turned back at Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York by twelve men who stood on the church steps praying the holy rosary.

The strong of heart and firm of faith may watch the video here.

Not much was known about the valiant sons of Holy Mother Church who faced down the frenzied coven. Until Cozy.tv host Dalton Clodfelter interviewed the church defenders’ leader. The man of the hour is a working class New Yorker, and both he and his interviewer are young men used to the coarse parlance of their generation, so be prepared for salty language.

ares12 #dunning-kruger #fundie deviantart.com

The same people who say bacteria is indicative of life in any part of the universe, are the ones who will say fetuses are just clumps of cells. To them, the science is either general consensus or whatever the hell they want it to be.

That's not to say that I condemn any women who underwent an abortion because they felt that they didn't have any alternatives, but this goes out to any vile, shady Far-Lefties who encourage people to take no responsibilities.

Slayer / Tom Araya #fundie #sexist #pratt metal-archives.com

(Lyrics of “Silent Scream” by Slayer)

Nightmare, the persecution
A child's dream of death.

Torment, ill forgotten
A soul that will never rest.

Guidance, it means nothing
In a world of brutal time.

Electric, circus, wild,
Deep in the infants mind.

Silent Scream
Bury the unwanted child.
Beaten and torn
Sacrifice the unborn.

Shattered, adolescent [sings: another child]
Bearer of no name.

Restrained, insane games
Suffer the children condemned.

Scattered, remnants of life,
Murder a time to die.

Pain, sufferaged toyed,
Life's little fragments destroyed.

Silent Scream
Crucify the bastard son.
Beaten and torn
Sanctify lives of scorn.

Life preordained
Humanity maintained.
Extraction termination
Pain's agonizing stain.

Embryonic death,
Embedded in your brain.
Suffocation, strangulation,
Death is fucking you insane.

Nightmare, the persecution
A child's dream of death.

Torment, ill forgotten
A soul that will never rest.
Innocence withdrawn in fear.
Fires burning can you hear
Cries in the night.

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #sexist #fundie #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Imagine if all those sappy love songs were hymns celebrating God?
What a different world this would be. Guess who controls the music industry.

Romantic love is a fake religion promoted by Satanists
to substitute love for a flawed and ultimately dull human being
for love of the God within.
All love is really love of God (perfection, bliss.)
All true religion is love (worship, obedience) of God.
Everything else is a satanist diversion.
God is the principle of our moral development.
If you don't believe in God, you don't believe in yourself.

We live in a society that is besotted with beautiful women and sex. This fetish substitutes for religion. Sex and romance are sold as a way of achieving unity with God. The orgasm is the Holy Sacrament. This is Satanism.

The mystification of sex and women (sex Goddess programming) makes men impotent. Men are too weak to approach and enlist women who have been taught to be "strong and independent." E.g. Leslie Gore's "You don't own me" and Linda Ronstadt "Different Drum."

This combination of idealizing women and emasculating men has led to heterosexual breakdown, e.g. Illuminati social engineering. Femininity is based on trading power for male power in the form of love. Real love is based on mutual dependence and trust, not sexual desire.

People scoff when I say Western society is a satanic cult. However, the proof is obvious. The word "God" is banned from mainstream public discourse. In fact, we are repulsed at His mere mention. Our minds shut down. We become angry. We have been brainwashed to hate God and don't even know it.

If I were wrong, God would be on our lips. After all, He is the Creative Intelligence behind life. He has Instructions for us. We should be celebrating Him and discussing His Plan.

We can't mention Him because Cabalist central bankers have their own Plan. They want to be God themselves. Their entertainment is social engineering. This is why we have love songs to vacuous women instead of hymns to God.

Anarcho-Heathen #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie reddit.com

RE: What has convinced you that your beliefs are correct? How do you know the pantheon which you worship is real?

*An Ontological Argument for Polytheism: *

Proof A:

We can think of a being greater than which nothing can be conceived.

It is greater to exist in reality than solely in thought.

Therefore the being greater than which nothing can be conceived must exist in reality (otherwise a greater being could be conceived which contradicts 1).

Proof B:

There exists a being greater than which nothing can be conceived.

It is greater to exist in multiple forms than in one form.

Therefore the being greater than which nothing can be conceived exists in multiple forms (if it existed only in one form, a greater being could be conceived which contradicts 1).

Let the "greatest being" demonstrated to be Proof A be called Godhood (the ousia of a god). Let any particular form which that Godhood exists in be called "God".

It follows from Proof B, 2, that an infinite number of forms would be greater than a finite number.

I am not sure I entirely follow. We can concieve of a being which hypothetically exists in reality, in which case it would be the greatest being that we can concieve, without it actually existing, no?

The argument is that basically if it doesn’t exist in reality it would contradict its definition as “a being greater than which nothing can be conceived”. Because we could think of something greater that does exist.

Because it is the “greatest being” it necessarily exists.

The idea here is to show that existence is of the essence of Godhood, that if something partakes in Godhood it could not be thought of as not existing logically.

But why should we expect the universe to care about the word games we think up?

Because the kosmos is ordered and we can come to know things about it.

We can demonstrate that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees, factually. That corresponds to ever triangle that exists in the real world. I am only asserting we can have similar knowledge about theology (this comparison to mathematics being a common one by Ancient Greek sages such as Pythagoras.

Eternal Destinations #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger eternal-destinations.blogspot.com

Barack Obama
"Look at Barack Obama. Many of my ministers made the mistake by praying him in to win the election. He has deceived my ministers that he’s a Christian, and many of my ministers followed him because of his material things…Now he is obeying you? Only that my ministers have done, it’s enough for me to send them to hell, but because of my love, I am still waiting for them to repent. Yet they don’t want to repent."

At 2:06:29 in the video: "Obama is not a human being. He’s a demon. Now my people are suffering over there in America. Now he has given an order that gays, homosexuals, and lesbians should be given their rights. I will destroy him and the ministers that agree with him. So let every man plead his case before me and I shall forgive they that ask forgiveness. They that ask forgiveness from their heart shall I forgive."

"T.D. Jakes is included. He should also preach holiness and righteousness to my sheep. And he should change from his worldliness."

“Morris Cerullo is included.”

"Tell T.B Joshua to repent from his worldliness and the worldliness of his members. And he should preach salvation, holiness, and righteousness to my sheep. Out of the whole congregation, there is no one qualified for heaven. I have spoken."

The Lord gave Samuel the following Scriptures for these ministers in connection with the above warning. Please read them carefully, and help get this warning to them, and other ministers like them: Is 52:1-15; 56:1-12; 61:1-12; 63:1-19; 65:1-25; Jer 7:1-29; 6:1-30; 5:1-31; 2:1-37; 11:1-23; 16:1-13; 19:1-15; Col 3:1-25; Jer 25:15-38; Ez 21:1-32; Mt 5:1-48; 10:1-42; Ex 21:36; 22:1-15. After reading these, I can see the Lord is angry, and has given a very big reading assignment with all these chapters. Yet there is a very clear message from the Lord in these passages.

"I hate carnivals with a passionate hatred."

"Tell those named 'Achan' to change their name. (Jos 7:1-26), because it is a rebellious name."

Warning about art that does not glorify God
"Tell those who draw any diagram or creature that does not glorify me, I shall cast them into the lake of fire. In fact, nobody should even draw, because some of these artists are demons, and they are (cartoonists?) used for satan. Therefore, repent and beware."

Eternal Destinations #fundie #crackpot eternal-destinations.blogspot.com

Warning to those neglecting their work or commission
"Whosoever shall neglect the work or commission given to him or her, I shall pay him or her with my wrath, and my wrath shall not depart from his or her household. He who loveth his soul shall do it, but he who hateth his soul, I shall fill his belly with my fiery wrath forever in hell."

"I did not create hell for humanity. I created hell for satan and the fallen angels. But humanity has made My Blood to be in vain."

Handling the sheep
"Be careful the way you handle My sheep so that My wrath will not come upon you. But make Me happy, and I will clothe you with fine linen in my Father’s house."

The Lion of Judah shall prevail
"I and the devil are like two lions fighting to defend their territory. But I, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, I shall prevail. And the earth shall shake in the time of battle."

"Prepare! The feast of the Lord is at hand."

Warning to those use artificial nails
"Tell those using artificial nails to repent and change. Or else if they die with it, they cannot enter my kingdom, because they are like lion’s in my sights. And I do not want them to enter my Kingdom, so that they will not come and tear my sheep apart in my Kingdom. Therefore, repent. Remember, you might not know when I shall come. Those that ask for mercy, I shall show mercy, and I will wipe away their tears forever."

"Tell Andy Adiri to repent and change and preach holiness and righteousness to my sheep or else I will crush him through hell and through its demons, and to renounce that title that he is answering. Whosoever is afraid of man is not fit for my purpose. 1 Co 10:12."


Marco Rubio #fundie #sexist #wingnut salon.com

[Pro Choice activists intend to protest at Catholic Churches]

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida also entered the fray, tweeting, "Deranged leftists are urging followers to disrupt church services across America this Sunday … I hope President Biden & democratic leaders will condemn this attempt to incite domestic terror."

Eternal Destinations #fundie eternal-destinations.blogspot.com

Dedicated Pastor and Foster Father Unacceptable to the Lord

Howard Pittman was raised as a Christian, who heard the Bible daily at home. He was ordained as a pastor and trained in seminary. He served 20 years in law enforcement while pastoring. He and wife have 3 children and foster parented 32 others between ages 18 mos and 18 years! He died on Aug 3, 1979, and stood at the gates of heaven, pleading for his life.

God have him a message in an audible voice. Instead of sweet and lovely, it was thunderous and had a tone of wrath. It knocked him on his face and sapped every bit of strength from him. The Lord said: “Your faith is dead. Your works are in vain. The life that you live and offer to me as a life of Christian service I rejected that as an abomination in the Pharisee. What made you think that I would take that from a Laodicean-type Christian? In fact, untold millions are living the same life that you lived, and they stand in danger of My everlasting wrath.”

A Laodicean Christian is lukewarm and serves God with his lips but not his heart. This is the hypocritical Christian.

Howard was shocked to hear this. He was sure God had him mixed up with someone else. He was a preacher and teacher. He had lived a life of service and devotion to God. But the Lord showed him that it was true.

Howard did not do his good works for the Lord. He did them for a false god. Howard called Jesus Lord every day, but Jesus told him, “You didn’t mean it.” Lord means ruler of life. Whoever you obey is your Lord.

Jesus identified his god: "The loveliest god you’ll ever know – SELF." Self ruled Howard’s life. He fell on his face. The scales fell from his eyes. He realized he was pleading for the wrong life. He was pleading for his earthly life instead of his eternal life. He says now nothing else matters but “My father and his will.”

I urge you to listen to his testimony (see here).

A Christian Musician Who Realized She Had Idols
A musician named CJ, had prayed to ask the Lord into her life, but one day she actually saw the Lord appear to her, and that's when she found out she had idols. The Lord would not accept her unless she gave up all her idols. He said that if she planned on giving Him 99%, she may as well forget about following Him. He would accept nothing less than 100%. She gave Him everything, was baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire, and experienced the unspeakable joy that comes from truly knowing Him.

Lori Alexander #sexist #fundie thetransformedwife.com

What about voting? Women overwhelmingly vote Democrat. There would have been no Democrat Presidents without women voting. It’s mostly the single and liberal women who are voting for large, intrusive government programs. They don’t have husbands, so they want everything free from the government. Instead of depending upon a husband to provide for them, they prefer an impersonal, corrupt government do this for them. It’s also the Democrats who are trying to vote in the right to be able to murder a baby weeks after it is born. Wouldn’t you all gladly give up your right to vote so women wouldn’t vote anymore and more babies would be given life??? I sure would in a heartbeat. Beside, most voting is fraudulent now.

Some will question why I discuss politics. Excuse me!!! The life of the unborn is NOT politics. It’s human life made in the image of God that we’re speaking about! Many mothers no longer even want to raise their children with public schools and daycares in abundance. They would rather a godless institution raise their own children. Let’s rebel against this, godly women! Marry, bear children, and guide the home as God commands in 1 Timothy 5:14. I assure you that His ways are best. Are they easy? NO! They’re hard and exhausting but nothing good ever comes easily. But His ways are perfect and produce beautiful fruit; godly offspring who will grow up and bless your socks right off!

How many of you believe these verses are true? If so, then live like it!

Chris Aldridge #dunning-kruger #fundie caldridge.net

Depression Relief Proves Divinity

Religious people tend to be less depressed than non-religious. This is not an opinion, but the fact of 61% to 67% of studies on the subject. It's been something long thought to be true. While there are always exceptions to every rule, the over all reality is that people who are religious and spiritual tend to have better mental health, which you would think shatters the idea that religion is a "mental illness," as some non-religious people ridiculously claim. The bigger picture is that this is hard evidence that Divinity exists. Why? For the simple fact that depression is a real condition, a chemical imbalance, and thus, it's not something that you can "believe" away. In order for the affliction to be conquered or controlled, order and balance must be restored. So what do religious people have in this case that non-religious do not? The presence of Gods and ascension inside and around them.

All that is Divine can do good for the human condition. Take the Sun for instance, which was and still is a God to certain people and groups. The Sun's light and rays have proven healing powers (Apollon being God of the sun and healing). The light can as well push depression out of the mind and even heal infants of jaundice. The Sun saves the babies from permanent brain damage and death caused by this affliction. Again, jaundice is not something you can "believe" away. The Gods are literally staring us right in the face if we would simply open our eyes and look. Higher Powers are obvious.

Ben Garrison #fundie #conspiracy grrrgraphics.com

… Many aborted babies are sold to Big Pharma and corporations to be used in vaccines and other ghoulish ways. It has become an industry. At G. Edward Griffin’s Red Pill Expo in Grand Rapids last year, I saw a short video that was taken clandestinely. It showed aborted babies at an abortion clinic. They were lined up on racks and frequently sprayed with saline solution. The fresh bodies were auctioned off. It was a most disturbing and disgusting scene, but the ghoulishness was apparently lost on the doctors, technicians, and buyers there. Money was being made.

This pure evil is what [Elizabeth] Warren and the left stridently demand. When their precious abortion is threatened they explode into a satanic frenzy.

Conservapeida #homophobia #fundie conservapedia.com

My Little Pony and the Gay Agenda
Season 5, episode 9, titled "Slice of Life", as well as "Equestria Girls" short "All's Fair in Love & Friendship Games" heavily imply that the characters 'Lyra' and 'Bonbon' are in a lesbian relationship. In the episode they flirt, have romantic tension, then cuddle and make up at the end of the episode, in a public place no less. The later is entirely centered on their relationship and ends with them embracing as the scene closes in a heart shape. In addition to this, Season 5, episode 17 "Brotherhooves Social" features a male character (Big Macintosh) dressing in drag for much of the episode, visibly disturbing other characters, including children and his own underage sister. In addition, another unnamed male character heavily flirts with him, even showing up at the end of the episode with flowers for Big Mac, but is unable to find him.

Later on, near the end of season 9, the relationship between Lyra and BonBon is confirmed as they propose to one another and are married as a background event. It is likely that since season 9 was the last season, they assumed that any problems that arose from this would not affect them. In addition to this, the character 'Scootaloo' is confirmed to be raised by her lesbian 'aunts' (confirmed in the book "Ponyville Mysteries: Riddle of the Rusty Horseshoe" and by show staff Mike Vogel). Though they seem to be lesbian only in name, as none of their actions in show indicate this. Additionally, Scootaloo's real parents are still alive, but depicted as dismissive and uncaring, further demonizing the straight relationship.

Scott Lively #homophobia #pratt #fundie archive.ph

Reagan’s power did not come from the Party, it came from his Biblical values. And his conservatism was not measured by how many feet it walked behind liberalism on the path to globalism. What he fought to “conserve” was the authentic Christian worldview of the Founding Fathers as embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. He did not accept the Marxist “Tide of History” lie, but pushed boldly in the opposite direction, advancing the Kingdom of God in world affairs and reclaiming lost territory in the domestic culture war. Under Reagan, “American Exceptionalism” was real, and not just a neo-con euphemism for bullying the world.

Ronald Reagan would never have allowed Peter Thiel to use the GOP stage to legitimize homosexuality, nor would the populist conservatives of the Reagan Revolution have ever applauded it.

Reagan knew that true conservatism is absolutely incompatible with the “gay” agenda. The two are as contradictory in principle and practice as marital fidelity and adultery. Every plank of its platform rests on the foundation of the Bible, from private property, to national identity and security, to personal freedom, to law and order: Conservatism stands for the truth of God or it stands for nothing. And the truth of God is clearer on the danger of legitimizing sexual deviance, especially homosexuality, than on any other social policy. It was the Reagan-era Supreme Court that affirmed the right of states to criminalize homosexual sodomy in Bowers v Hardwick (1986) a decision vigorously defended by Reagan appointee Antonin Scalia, his closest ideological ally on the court.

Ronald Reagan reminded America that our enemy was Marxism, that the root of its evil was godlessness, and that its goal was the total elimination of Judeo-Christian civilization. To quote The Communist Manifesto of Marx and Engles directly, “Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things.”

Dr. Rob Martyn #homophobia #conspiracy #fundie studylib.net

Response: The ‘whole world’ (according to gays) has come to believe the ‘human rights’ of gays have been trampled on. But where is the proof of this? There is none. What do they mean by ‘human rights’? The crux of ‘gay rights’ has nothing to do with ‘human rights’ at all: gay ‘rights’ mainly mean the right to act out deviant sexual behaviour and to receive equal moral standing in society with heterosexuals. This can never occur

Society can give gays the right to live just like anyone else, and to express their beliefs, but there is no automatic right for any member of society to insist on others accepting their lifestyle! Nor can society be forced to accept activities that cause harm to itself or to its children. Once the whole of society is forced by law (or by violence of anykind) to outwardly ‘accept’ the lifestyle of a very small oppressive few, that is, by definition, fascism. This is especially so when such a lifestyle is perverse.Note that gays are pressing governments to imprison and harshly-treat anyone who persists in denigrating (or even not accepting) their position and activities. The latest move in the USA is for gays to demand that opposition to homosexuality should be labelled a mental illness! They are denying freedom of speech to all who reject their propaganda. They press employers to dismiss anyone who expresses any legitimate view that is against their own. According to Dr Britt, this, too, is a characteristic of fascism.In the UK, for example, there is a law giving equal employment rights to those of any sexual background, but there is also a law giving equal rights to those of any religion. Conveniently, the latter is ignored and the former is raised in the public eye. (In a recent case, a stupid employer wrongly used the law against an employee -though it will not actually be law until October 2006! -and, at the same time, ignored another law in the process! That is, he acted illegally, but got away with it. He did it because he feared gays would otherwise create problems for him. He was, then, afraid ofgays. His success against his employee was down to his superior income, used to impose his power, not to the authority of his argument.

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