
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Julie Burchill #transphobia #conspiracy spectator.co.uk

What do Munroe Bergdorf and Andrew Tate have in common?

For inadequate men scared by self-willed women, by the start of the 21st century, things were getting dangerously out of hand. The old right-wing ‘Kinder, Küche, Kirche’ method of corralling and controlling us had been woefully discredited with the second world war. (Like the old brand of anti-Semitism, coincidentally, which was also looking for a new angle – and found it in the fresh’n’funky Islamist kind.)

A ‘caring’ and ‘progressive’ way to thwart uppity women was needed, but repeated and risible attempts at ‘men’s rights’ movements were rightfully mocked. So how could men abuse women while not being accused of sexism? Simple, say: ‘We’re women too. How can we be misogynists?’ And so the shock-frock-troops of transvestism formed a pincer movement with the aggressive masculinists embodied by Andrew Tate to assault the gains made by women in the 20th century.

Gains which took decades to achieve were wiped away in a few strokes of a pen: separate public toilets to uphold privacy and safety; sports to celebrate female bodies in a rare way that isn’t sexual (Sebastian Coe verified this week that sportswomen will never win Olympic gold medals again if they have to compete against men pretending to be women); opportunities at work to recompense for all the centuries of not being allowed to pursue careers – now given over to men in drag.
You can’t ban women from the workplace in the West as some Middle Eastern countries effectively do, but what you can do, since the onset of mass transophilia in the foremost institutions and corporations of this country, is frustrate female progress by taking many of the most well-paid, high-profile jobs created for women. It would be no surprise to me if the first ‘female’ leader of the Labour Party had a penis.
Another way to degrade and destroy female achievement is to question the very femaleness of prominent women in history, as was done last year with Joan of Arc, now mooted as ‘non-binary’. [...]

Davey Hiott and other South Carolina Republicans #transphobia #enbyphobia wistv.com

A ban on gender-affirming care for kids and teens in South Carolina is moving quickly at the State House.

Just hours after lawmakers gaveled in to begin their 2024 legislative session Tuesday, the newly-filed bill, H.4624, drew hours of criticism from parents and pediatricians during an afternoon hearing.

[…]But supporters, including top Republicans in the state’s House of Representatives, claimed they are pushing this legislation to protect kids.

“When God created us, he created us male and female, and that’s it. There is no other choice, and all these other folks that want to change that from birth or change that through their life, we need to stand up against that,” House Majority Leader Davey Hiott, R – Pickens and the bill’s lead sponsor, said during a news conference Tuesday.

This bill would ban minors in South Carolina from undergoing “gender-transition procedures,” including surgeries, hormone therapy, and puberty blockers.

It would also prohibit state dollars from paying for these procedures and would ban Medicaid from covering them for anyone younger than 27 in South Carolina.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( spw )
"The real threat to women is 'cis' men, not transwomen"
It really annoys me when people say this. TRAs say things like "the real threats to women's sports are misogyny and lack of opportunities for girls/women, not transwomen." Yes it may be true that this is a bigger problem. But there is no easy solution to this. We've made a lot of progress recently but any progress has been slow and gradual over a long period of time. There is so much progress that needs to be made, but unfortunately there is nothing that could be done tomorrow that would fix all of these issues.

However there is an easy solution to TIMs in women's sports. It would take one small bit of legislation banning them, that could be done tomorrow and it would be sorted. It's just absurd that it's even a problem. So yes there are bigger problems, but this one is a big problem and can be fixed so easily

Same with when they say "the real threat to women is abusive men, not TIMs." Yes but there is no easy solution to that but it should be so easy to just ban TIMs from women's spaces now

( Women1st )
TIMs are male. Males are the problem. An identity doesn’t change the rotten core

( OwnLyingEyes )
The real threat to women is the collective decision being made over and over again on a government level that women's rights, safety, opportunities, wellbeing, boundaries/consent, and lives don't matter, many of which are currently being made by demand of TIMs. Women are under siege behind our barricades. TIMs are manning the battering ram knocking all of that down. Yes, there's a far larger horde of dangerous men outside of those gates, but that doesn't mean the battering ram brigade isn't the immediate threat in this situation (only magnifies the threat they represent to us), because they're the ones throwing their all into breaching our defenses and once breached we're vulnerable to the whole damn horde.

And plenty of TIMs are abusive men, they are misogynists, they're the same damn picture.

( RusticTroglodyte )
There is no such thing as "cis". "Transwomen" is just a name pornsick men with fetishes use to describe themselves.

It is baffling to me that ppl think a male simply saying, "I'm a woman" magically removes him from the class of ppl who commit 90% of violent crime and 99% of sexual assault. It is totally nonsensical and requires a belief in magic gender souls

various commenters #transphobia bprice.substack.com

RE: Sexual Offenses Are More Common Among Transwomen Than Men

( MarkS )
Please: you are a WOMAN, not a "cis woman". Do not degrade yourself with their awful language.

( MarkS )
It IS an easy problem: segregate by biological sex, period.

This solution has worked for thousands of years. We don't need to invent a new one, or pretend that the old one doesn't work. It does.

( The 21st Century Salonnière )
It did work until trans identities became more common. I want the spaces by sex but you know every post op or passing transwoman is going to complain about it: “what, so you want Blair White in the men’s room?”

( MarkS )
No policy is going to make everyone happy.

( Sam )
It is misogyny. Plain and simple. We are currently living in a time where someone with a penis is demanding access to womens spaces and we are expected to just go along with it. It’s shameful and frightening.

( MarkS )
Yes, it is the revenge of the patriarchy.

You women thougt you had carved out safe spaces and places for youselves, but guess what? We men are now women too! We can enter, we can dominate, we can win the prizes at the competitions you foolishly thought were yours alone.

( MarkS )
Also, I wish you (who know better) would stop using the Orwellian language of the cult.

There is no such thing as a "transwoman".

There are only men who wish they were women, and who go to extreme lengths of drugs and surgery to pass as women.

But they are not, and never can be, women.

"Transition" from one sex to another is a biological impossibility for mammals.

This is a plain fact of science. Mammalian sex is encoded at the cellular level. No amount of drugs or surgery can change it.

The cult has been extremely successful in forcing its Orwellian use of language on the rest of us. For example, "sex assigned at birth" is an absurdity. Sex is not "assigned" at birth, it is DETERMINED at birth, by a procedure (looking at the newborn's genitals) that has a 99.98% success rate.

So please, those of us who know the truth, let's stop going along with the cult's indoctrination and language.

Speak the truth. Live not by lies.

Chaya Raichik #transphobia #pratt mediamatters.org

On the afternoon of January 4, Libs of TikTok creator Chaya Raichik shared a meme on X suggesting that multiple recent school shooters have been transgender. Raichik added the claim — spreading rapidly among anti-trans accounts — that the alleged perpetrator of a shooting in an Iowa school that day identified as “genderfluid,” adding, “What’s going on?”

But one of the photos in the meme Raichik shared — supposedly of the shooter in the 2022 Uvalde, Texas, school shooting — was of an innocent woman

Far-right 4chan trolls had originally shared photos of an unrelated trans woman, identified by NBC News only as “Sam,” to claim that she had perpetrated the massacre. The actual shooter, 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, was killed on the scene by police

Carthimundia & Calidris #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Trans ideology has entirely warped the concept of bisexuality

( Calidris )
Bisexuality doesn't actually exist in the transgender ideology framework, no? They literally don't believe in biological sex so every human has to be attracted to both sexes because in their world you're only attracted to the gender soul which is obviously invisible. So what it comes down to is clothes and accessories, or how they call it "gender expression". So in their logic a straight woman is a kind of bisexual because she'd be attracted to men and AMAB non binaries. Two genders, so bisexual. Even though they're the same sex but they wear slightly clothing!

But if attraction to imaginary gender souls is okay and good why can't attraction to sexed bodies be good? Well because if women have their way, men don't get their dicks as wet. That's it, that's the whole reason behind it, dry dicks that want to be wet.

( Carthimundia )
Yes, what I’ve come to realise is bisexuality is essentially destroyed in the gender paradigm. Young people are now saying the word “bisexual” is an old fashioned term that is kept because of history, but if you actually say you are attracted to both sexes you are a bigot and wrong. So they keep the word but not its essence.

There does seem to be a bit of tension about what bisexuality actually is- the hearts over parts view, or the more than one gender view. Both are fundamentally in tension but doesn’t seem to bother genderists.

And you’re exactly right, technically speaking a straight woman should be attracted to all men so “trans men” and “cis men”. Perhaps also non binary or gender fluid males. I haven’t heard any concept of someone just attracted to “cis” people , outside of super straight memes.

It shouldn’t bother anyone that I want to define my own sexuality as attraction to males and females but this is deeply threatening to genderists …

Political Hat #pratt #transphobia politicalhat.com

“The same belief in magic reveals itself in the claim that certain words or ideas associated with ‘white privilege’ are a form of ‘epistemic violence’, capable of wreaking untold psychological damage on women and minorities. When a group of LGBT+ activists at a university claim that giving a platform to a ‘Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist’ will ‘erase’ the identity of trans students, it is tempting to dismiss this as hyperbole. But maybe we should take what they say at face value. If we grant them that courtesy, we have to conclude that the members of this cult attribute a terrifying supernatural power to those in possession of ‘white privilege’. They really do believe that the people at the top of the intersectional hierarchy can literally ‘erase’ people by uttering certain words, almost like magic spells. In this context, the ‘safe spaces’ that have been created in universities, in which students are protected from the harmful effects of these spells, are a bit like churches — holy places where evil cannot penetrate.”

The Foxhole #transphobia sfcmac.com

Trannies Gone Wild: Iowa School Shooter Identified as ‘Trans Activist’

Unhinged tranny activist Dylan Butler, age 17, opened fire inside the Perry High School, which he attended.

He posted this photo before the shooting from the school bathroom.

They’re so traumatized by their own gender dysphoria and mental illness, they have to kill innocent people. The only small consolation is the tranny took his own life. He should have done that before he decided to show up at the school.


Mike Stone #wingnut #fundie #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Those reasons fall directly on us. We're the ones responsible, because when a nation turns its back on God, it dies.

Collectively, the people of this country have never engaged in such widespread sin and rejection of God as they are now. And that doesn't look to change any time soon.

As Cassius put it in the play Julius Caesar, "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves."

stone-porn.jpegBy continuing to sin, the people of this country are dooming it to failure. And that responsibility lies with all of us individually. Until we stop sinning, the country will never recover. In fact, it's only going to fall further from grace.

What are these sins, you ask? Just about everything.

If you're watching porn, you're part of the problem.

If you're cruising hookup sites and jerking off to OnlyFans, you're the reason why the country is in the mess it's in.

If you've had an abortion or impregnated someone who had an abortion, you're directly responsible for the downfall of the country.

And on and on it goes.

Modern society is a funnel to hell. Not only does society condone every sin imaginable, from murder (abortion), to child molestation (trannyism), to immodest dress, to homosexuality, drunkenness, and more, but sin has become so commonplace that nobody even bats an eye over it. The vast majority of sinners are unaware that they're sinning.
Another Trump presidency, as beneficial as it will be, is not going to clean up the level of sin currently ongoing. Sure, a Trump administration will crack down on illegal immigration and child sex trafficking, and that's a good thing. But it will do nothing to put an end to individual sin being committed on a daily basis by just about everyone.

A country on the brink of collapse will never recover until the citizens of that country refrain from destroying it with sin. If we wish to save America, we have to start with ourselves.

various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

RE: The colonisation of lesbian & bisexual women’s spaces by TIMs - the canary in the coal mine?

( unlearningtrans )
Lesbian community (which includes bisexual women) has been ravaged by pornography, polyamory, Trans, and kink. Men have colonized our spaces. It’s ruined dating—just hop on Lex or HER, and it’s taken from us our bars, our festivals, and our right to exist and call ourselves bisexual or homosexual women. It makes me fucking furious. Being pro-reality as a lesbian is to be a parish today—I think it’s bigger than the TIMs though. They are awful and we need to resist them but we need to resist the Queer bullshit as well. All that keeps me sane are the lesbians who came before me like Julie Bindel that know this shit is not new.

( Carrots90 )
And all the butchered young lesbians. Trying to be a simulacrum of short, straight men


( unlearningtrans )
Horrific. Conversion therapy in a vile and violent form.

( mathlover )
They violate personal space because they get off on it. They talk about being touch starved. Well, yeah. No lesbians and very few bi or het women want to get anywhere near these guys. So they get way too close to any woman if there is an opportunity. They know women will feel uncomfortable or even defiled but won't say anything. And if a woman does complain, the man will make a scene and aggressively harass the woman for being a "bigot". This sense of "power" and violation of women's bodies and personal space gets them off and provides mental masturbation fodder for later on when they cry about being rejected by women (lesbians) who will never want them.

( sarstan )
My theory is that the movement is to sexualize society so that men can access whomever and whatever they want, wherever, whenever, however and why-ever they want. We will have fetishes everywhere in public life.

( [Deleted] )
Yeah a new friend of mine and I discussed this (she’s a rad fem) and she said exactly that. TIMs access to and garnering sympathy from society for their fetishising of woman hood and as well as that society encouraging those lib fems to embrace sex work and pornography as empowerment

Gino Bulso #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist msn.com

Bulso is a Christian nationalist who believes the Bible is the foundation of civic life and government. He says 18th-century values are the ones Americans should adhere to.

“Certainly, you know, 50 years ago we had a consensus on what marriage is; we don’t have that anymore,” “One hundred years ago, we had a consensus on sexual morality; I don’t think we have that anymore. So the values that I think most parents want their children exposed to are the ones that were in existence at the time that our country was founded.”

“I had some complaints from Williamson County parents and a Williamson County School Board member, in particular, about Pride flags in some of our schools in Williamson County,” Bulso said. “The whole idea is that a school is a place where a child goes to learn, not a place where a child goes to be indoctrinated” in “transgender ideology and other similar issues.”

According to Bulso, the Pride and trans flags represent the 2015 Supreme Court decision legalizing marriage equality and are a misguided interpretation of the 14th Amendment that requires states to recognize same-sex marriage.

“That’s one issue that I think that flag represents. This idea that, somehow, the 14th Amendment has an equal protection clause that extends this protection, which is obviously something I very much disagree with,” he said. “And I think — a lot of parents and I would be included in that group — really think that this transgender ideology is probably the most dangerous one that comes under that Pride flag.”

As written, Bulso’s bill bans any flag except the U.S. and Tennessee state flags from being displayed on government property like municipal buildings, state courts, and schools. That will change, Bulso said, as exceptions are written in that conform to a “very strong consensus”, while still denying “political” or “ideological” flags a place in public.

Flags that promote an “agenda,” like the Pride and Black Lives Matter flags, will still face a ban, Bulso said.

MaryDyer #transphobia ovarit.com

If we don’t put an end to this madness, the generations that come after this one will have to relearn what young millennials and gen z willingly unlearned about the nature of crime and why we segregate males from females in intimate settings.

100 years from now they’ll be reviewing compiled crime statistics and they’ll notice something:

Investigator 1: “Hey, you know what I’ve noticed, Bobbert?”

Investigator 2: “What, Tavariousness Rex?”

Investigator 1: “Well, you know how women are sexually assaulting other women like, every day?”

Investigator 2: “Yeah? Those wily women.”

Investigator 1: “Well according to the prison records, almost all of those women are AMAB. Like…99% of them.”

Investigator 2: “Yeah, you know, I read a recent study out of the UK that found the same thing. Crazy, right?”

Investigator 1: “It makes me wonder if there’s some sort of…link…between AMABs and sexual violence against women.”

Investigator 2: “Well if there’s a link, what do we do about it?”

Investigator 1: “Well first we need more data to confirm the link, but if it’s true, we could start by giving the AFABs their own spaces in which to feel safe. You know, intimate spaces like bathrooms and locker rooms and stuff like that. They’d be AFAB-only; No AMAB allowed in.”

Investigator 2: “My grand-birthing-person once told me that they used to do that. It was like, standard practice all over the world.”

Investigator 1: “SHHHH! We don’t talk about the Before Times. We don’t know who’s listening…”

Stephanie Bastiaan #transphobia twitter.com

Bad ideas lead to bad outcomes:

❗️“Their records said they were male but they were in labour. They had a prolapsed umbilical cord, but there was a delay while doctors worked out what was going on, and by the time they found it, the baby had died,” Gribble said.”

“In another case, a transgender man had a car accident and required intubation. The hospital mistook him for a biological man. “There are different-sized tubes between sexes and this person was intubated with an inappropriately large endotracheal tube for a long time, and ended up with serious injuries requiring multiple surgeries.”

MiMi2013, AriadneOnNaxos & WasItSomethingISaid #transphobia ovarit.com

The comedian taking on transphobia in a new show (that imagines JKR sitting down with trans interviewer)

( MiMi2013 )
There is no such thing as "transphobia" . There's people who think trans woMEN* are Sad Gay Men who've had their junk cut off, and people who know the majority of trans woMEN are heterosexual men who are physically intact, and who want to stick those intact and functioning "lady dicks" inside lesbians , whether they want it there or not, either as "validation" for their autogynephilia/"transbian" bullshit, OR because they're simply predators. The former (the ignorant/deluded) think the latter are "transphobic'

* Trans "men" are basically irrelevant as even the plummeting percentage that are the stereotypical Molestation Victims/Lesbians are no threat whatsoever, as there's no such thing as a "sex change operation". Trans "men" gain NOTHING in 'transitioning' in the way of physical strength, and no matter how irritating 'gay trans "men" ' are to gay men, they are in no way a threat to them, the way trans woMEN are to women, lesbian and otherwise.(It's amazing how many trans "men" really and truly seem to think that they're somehow gonna magically gain the height and build of a man, or that T in the bloodstream , if it gets to a certain percentage, will somehow give them physical strength equal to an actual man. )

( AriadneOnNaxos )
I admit to being curious about this show.

I wonder if Piper Scott is capable of understanding materialist arguments well enough to present them accurately, and whether the effect will be what he clearly anticipates, or will the audience see it differently.

If I weren’t on the other side of the globe, I think I’d go.

( WasItSomethingISaid )
If he or any other TPA could engage in actual debates with gender critical people without looking like absolute fools, they would do this rather than deplatforming us, censoring us and attempting to intimidate us into silence. I'm pretty sure the entire audience will be TPAs. Curious people might watch a debate, but not a drag show in which JKR is burned in effigy.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Starting to have resentment for HSTS men for having a hand in creating a false image of TIMs

( samsdat )
I’m not just here because of the danger to women and the fetishism and the intrusion into our spaces and the obliteration of our right to privacy; I am also offended at the fraud. And the HSTS are just as fraudulent as the straight AGPs. It’s an infuriatingly shameless denial of reality.

Now, I’m not against having some unprovable beliefs about souls or other things that can’t be proven to be real. I have my own beliefs that other people might think are ridiculous. And I’m fine with people believing things I don’t believe. But those beliefs should never be forced on other people. Trans is a religion and the whole thing offends my belief in separation of church and state AND freedom of speech.

( Aparallaxia )
There are some HSTS who speak out against straight TIMs, but not many, and that's in part because so many of them also are AGPs who hate and envy women just as fiercely.

BTW I don't find Nikkie Tutorials 'safe and non-threatening'. Anytime he is photographed next to a woman he looks like he's brought his lunch with him.

( Spencer_Shayy )
He also raped his husband by deception by not telling him he was male.

( SecondSkin )
Gay men are men.

Men are the problem. All men. Gay men, black men, disabled men, elderly men included. All are the problem, so don’t be afraid of saying it.

( fightlikeagirl )
Would I rather be around an HSTS than an AGP? Absolutely, because straight men are more dangerous. That being said, all TIMs perpetuate harm against women.

( RisingUp )
Gay TIMs could have stopped this shit dead in its tracks if they’d publicly disowned the creepy cross-dressers. And if they actually cared about women they would have.

( Riothamus )
Gay TIMs seek to rape straight men by deception. Of course they won't call out dudes who try to use the same tactic against women.

( Bubsy3D )
It's okay to be angry at gay men because they're men even if they do not transition into anything btw. Only men can be truly homophobic against gays because the root of their """phobia""" is the fear of being the target on another man's penile access, which they know is extremely degrading.

( Spencer_Shayy )
It's not homophobic to say this. Or if it is, I don't care. I blame gay men as much as straight people for this "trans" bullshit.

Pattikrenwinklesbountifulleghair #transphobia #sexist tumblr.com

If I see another “transwoman” begging for money to “help them transition” I am actually going to shit a literal physical brick, and then another, etc. and I’m going to use those bricks to wall myself off forever
Like honestly, fuck you. I know plenty of flat-chested girls who would LOVE fake boobs. I know plenty of hairy women, myself included, that would LOVE to be able to afford to laser all the hair off our faces. I would LOVE to be able to afford cute clothing. I would LOVE to be able to afford high-end cosmetics. They don’t hand that stuff out in a cis-woman gift bag when you come out of your mother with a vulva. Preforming femininity is expensive and painful and horrible and time consuming. It’s something we are forced into dedicating an enormous amount of time and money to, or we face horrible treatment. Get the fuck out of here if you think that you can not only opt into that oppression, but that because you opted in you get some kind of fucking free pass on having to make the sacrifices real women are forced to make.

Because honestly, the MtF fantasy isn’t being a woman. It’s not being an average woman with lip hair and uneven boobs and a naturally wide jaw and the natural, unpainted, plain face that god or whatever gave you. It’s not feeling ugly and inadequate every second of every day and having those thoughts reinforced by every piece of media you come across. NOBODY would want to trade male privilege for being an average woman. The fantasy is to be in the top 1% of “hot” women who get special treatment for being good decorative objects. And that’s clearer and clearer every time I see one of these bullshit begging posts. You don’t want to be a woman, with a woman’s struggles and pains and expectations and sacrifices. You don’t even RECOGNIZE a fraction of a percent of the time and money and effort that goes into preforming femininity. But I guess that’s the typical male mindset, isn’t it? Demanding everything handed to you like that…

operaghost, spiderberries & rightnow #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

RE: Nonbinary woman mad that doctor won't chop her breasts off

( operaghost )
So before she decided she was trans, she had a history of anorexia and "compulsive exercise."

What if adopting a trans identity is just another sign of compulsive hatred toward her body, rather than some sort of innate identity that she just happened to only figure out about herself as an adult in her 30s?

( spiderberries )
Honestly I don’t understand how these NBs and TIFs live several decades and think they are totally unique in disliking their bodies and struggling to lose weight. That seems like a near universal experience for women, at least from what I’ve observed. Are they just utterly isolated from other females? Are they antisocial narcissistic main characters? I don’t know. I’m trying to find sense where there is none.

( rightnow )
The HAES/fat acceptance moment is so similar to the trans moment, it doesn't surprise me to see this overlap.

Both have origins in men's sexual fetishes.

Both are filled with the sheer entitlement that the world should suddenly change to accommodate them.

Both think they are entitled to people finding them attractive.

Both claim the science is settled, while being anti science and spreading falsehoods.

Both require people to deny common sense and what their own eyes tell them. "You can't tell someone is unhealthy just by looking at them!" is not that much different than "You can't tell tell someone's gender just by looking at them!

Both feed into delusion and mask underlying mental health conditions.

Both have a rapid activists that can't be reasoned with.

Both lead to bad health outcomes and early deaths. Although at least the HAES movement is against bariatric surgery, which as Exculantic states, typically leads to "predictable and nightmarish" outcomes. Unfortunately, the misinformation they spread about weight loss leads to it anyway.


various commenters #transphobia #homophobia ovarit.com

RE: Starting to have resentment for HSTS men for having a hand in creating a false image of TIMs

( pennygadget )
One thing radical feminism taught me is that gay men are not our friends just because they don't want to fuck us. They are complicit in female oppression and are often happy to rape us by proxy in the form of shit like surrogacy. Hell, in some ways they can be worse than straight men because they don't even have to pretend to like/respect us in order to get laid or have a relationship.

The stereotype of cute, cuddly gay men being the BFFs of women is a total lie

( Spencer_Shayy )
Yup. I've never met a gay man who wasn't a raging misogynist.

( littleowl12 )
I've met a few- but only a few. Enough that I default to be wary of gay men just as I do other men. There have been some lovely gay men in my life, but women are a better ally to gay men than gay men are to women.

( Architectura )
Yup. If it was up to gay men, pedophiles would be under the alphabet soup banner already. The only reason homosexuality is tolerated at all is because of the work that Lesbians did.

Also: you think it was gay men doing a majority of the labor during the AIDS crisis, caring for their own? Nope. Lesbians. Meanwhile gay men weren't even widely willing to close bathhouses and limit promiscuity. Now that PReP is a thing, STDs are starting to get out of control among gay men once again, because males as a species are disgusting hedonists.

( SwiftiePrincess )
There's two different flavors of HSTS; the first is the child eunuch like Kim Petras and Jazz Jennings who were castrated in their youth because mommy and daddy couldn't cope with having an effeminate son who'd most likely grow up to be gay. I pity them because they're essentially victims of the most grotesque kind of human rights violation, and transitioning wasn't really a choice for them.

The other kind is basically the self-hating gay man, most commonly found in the form of RPDR contestants. They have a burning jealousy towards bio women for being the primary objects of male desire, and see them as competition who they get off on the idea of "stealing" their boyfriends from. They peddle the most blatant male supremacy rhetoric, and don't even TRY to hide their misogyny, yet handmaidens can't stop falling over themselves to coddle them.

Scott Lively #homophobia #fundie #transphobia scottlively.net

The first of the state churches to fall to the “Gays” was the Anglican Church of England, whose stand for biblical morality had been strongly bolstered by the cornerstone of modern human rights jurisprudence, the Magna Carta. The first demand of that incredible document (a copy of the original I personally viewed at Salisbury Cathedral) states in pertinent part: “the English Church shall be free.” That juridical foundation-stone served as a bulwark against all threats to the biblical worldview in English law for eight centuries until the rise of so-called “Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs) erupted like oozing sores on the British body politic, somehow trumping biblical morality.

I played a small part in that battle, as well, by divine appointment spending a night with my family at the home of David Anderson in Edenborough, Scotland on the very weekend he was tasked with writing a policy paper against the repeal of Paragraph 28 banning the promotion of LGBT issues to schoolchildren in the UK. We only met David, who happened to be the head of the Scottish Evangelical Alliance, because we stopped to chat with one of his church members that day who was passing out gospel tracts downtown. That parishioner then, impromptu, arranged for our stay at Dr. Anderson’s home. That very night we hammered out a great policy paper. But, again, using political dirty tricks, the LGBTs prevailed over the Christians in the British Parliament on that issue, striking down Paragraph 28, leading directly to today’s horrific pandemic of sexual deviance among UK schoolchildren.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia identitydixie.com

[From “Is Trump Hitler?”]

The Left has portrayed Donald Trump as Adolf Hitler. This has led to the outrageous, over-the-top political and judicial subversion of a once functioning constitutional republic[…]They have done so because they believe in their own rhetoric. The fact is, Trump and Hitler share much in common[…]
The reasons that the Trump-Hitler comparison works is not because the Left is right about Trump. Rather, the American political Right is wrong about Hitler[…]
Like Trump, Hitler was an outgrowth of a hurting middle class that recently lost a war and, more importantly, lost its moral bearings to Far Left radical subversives[…]Just as the political tyranny of transgenderism and homosexuality raged through schools throughout Germany in 1932, the same was seen in 2016[…]
Much of the same complaints voiced by Trump are identical to those by Hitler. The lack of national pride… the elite vs working class divide… the border invasion of illegal aliens… all of these messages are straight out of Mein Kampf[…]
Trump was and still is surrounded by sycophants with very little actual capacity to run a nation-state. Hitler, by contrast, spent five years working on a shadow government of likeminded individuals[…]
Germany only had a decade of widespread Marxist inculcation. Consequently, when the NSDAP slid into power, it was able to flip the script faster. Whomever leads a populist revolt in the U.S. will need to be very cautious[…]
Hitler understood the true nature of Nationalism. Trump does not understand the term because he is an American[…]The United States is not a nation. It is a union of quasi-independent states and an amalgamation of races and ethnicities[…]
Trump’s desire to ignore racial realities undermines his ability to be a Nationalist. It is the string that pulls the garment apart. In this regard, the Left is wrong about Trump – he is no Hitler. In this regard, the Right is wrong about Trump – he is, unfortunately, no Hitler

SummerGrl #transphobia ovarit.com

Deception is not kind
Trans ideology is robbing women our identity and our ability to advocate for our own rights. Entitled privileged males are stealing that from us. And they're time-sucking all of our resources and energies that need to be put into helping girls and women. Instead, we have to waste it on these males. It's the ultimate grift by males.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( DonnaFemina )
Open athletic category scrapped - apparently trans athletes don't want to compete
We're genociding them and banning them from sports - oh so sad! - and yet, when we clearly and explicitly direct them to a whole-ass sports category especially for them, they... do not want to compete.

ARE WE SURPRISED? Turns out they just wanted to unfairly beat female athletes.


Always figured this is what would happen if you gave them their own category.

Their only interest in competing as "women" is to force people to pretend they're women.

( ActualTomboy )
Not just any women, but the best women!!

It’s fulfillment for their main character syndrome. A huge proportion of trans identifying people have this issue.

Plus they get to perv on real women and make them uncomfortable! That’s half the fun! Also, what misogynistic, entitled man doesn’t love putting women in their place? 🥰

( RusticTroglodyte )
I swear all tims have main character syndrome whereas it's not guaranteed in tifs since tifs reason for transitioning usually isn't pornsickness.

( Fluffy_gender )
I'm really shocked. All this time I thought that poor transwomen just wanted to play sports and the big bad TERFs were stopping them. Are you telling me it was never about the sports?

( Helena_Handbasket )
But...but... we don't want to feel 'othered' by being in our own category. The ONLY solution that works for us is to invade the women's category so we can feel like real wimmin and also -- bonus! -- see some of y'all nekkid and intimidated in the lockers. That gives us all the validation feelz we crave.

( RusticTroglodyte )
Exactly. Can't get that euphoria boner and fully immerse themselves in the Lady Cosplay without the women's locker room experience

( OneStarWolf )
Gee, not so exciting if they don’t get that validation and chance to perv in the locker rooms eh?

( camino_medio )
Won't date each other

Won't compete with each other

Won't use the bathroom with each other

I just can't understand why the BRAVEST, bestest and most stunningly living-your-truthiestness of all don't want to hang with each other... it's a riddle for the ages for sure!

Torchy Blane #wingnut #sexist #enbyphobia #transphobia #conspiracy winterwatch.net

During the feminist movement in the ’70s, women moved into the professional workplace dressed in masculine suits because they were told that in order to succeed and be taken seriously, they would have to masc it up, or dress more like men. Smart women soon realized that there was power in beauty and femininity but to never rely up on it.

By the mid ’90s, women began bringing sexy to the boardroom for a competitive edge. Meanwhile, men began dressing down. Thanks to Silicon Valley’s tech titans, CEOs aren’t “cool” anymore unless they slouch around in jeans, tennis shoes and faded t-shirts.

Flash forward 25 years and almost nobody dresses up for work anymore. Non-binary neutrality is the norm. Don’t stand out, just fit in. And increasingly it’s about gender neutrality – which depending on a given retailer could mean anything from everyday frumpwear (sweats, jeans and T-shirts) to men fem’ing it up.

According to the usual suspects (aka the Lugenpresse), Millennials are to blame – gay, straight and trans. They don’t just want gender-neutral clothing for themselves but for their kids, too. They apparently don’t want to put any gender or sexual-identity pressure on their children.

Though the trend seems to be draped in a wide banner labeled “non-gender,” there appears to be a wide spectrum in approach. At one end of the spectrum is truly non-gender clothing — sort of like a one sack fits all approach. At the other end, there’s transgender clothes — meaning women’s clothes tailored for men and vice versa.
What’s most disturbing about non-gender clothes is that they’re reminiscent of Communist China after the Cultural Revolution.
The transgender “non-gender” fashion is equally disturbing. These victim-card-carrying, gender-bending guys and gals are encouraged to flaunt a flamboyant style that screams, “Your rights end where my feelings begin!” I wonder if a SJW membership is included with purchase.

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI) #homophobia #psycho #transphobia newsweek.com

Republican Congressman Tim Walberg is facing criticism on social media following support for Uganda's anti-LGBTQ+ bill, widely called the "Kill the Gays" law

On Wednesday, Salon, considered a liberal news organization,reported that in October, Walberg traveled to Uganda and delivered a speech where he spoke about his support for the country's anti-LGBTQ+ law

"Though the rest of the world is pushing back on you...though there are other major countries that are trying to get into you and ultimately change you, stand firm. Stand firm," Walberg said about Uganda's anti-homosexuality law while delivering a speech at Uganda's National Prayer Breakfast

According to Salon, Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni said that Walberg "thinks like us," following his speech. In May, Museveni signed the Anti-Homosexuality Act of 2023 which seeks to criminalize homosexuality, and includes the possibility of the death penalty for individuals found guilty of "aggravated homosexuality," Human Rights Watch reported#
In March, Walberg sought to include a measure in the Parental Rights Over the Education and Care of Their (PROTECT) Kids Act, requiring schools to get consent from parents before a student is allowed to change their preferred pronouns

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: “The Science is Settled” on Trans

( Dreamingsiren )
I really hate to admit this, but it’s this attitude that makes me increasingly skeptical of other mainstream scientific opinions and debate. If it’s not accepted that men can be women, what else is biased?

( rightnow )
I used to mock anti-vaxxers, but now I wonder if mothers in mass noticed that their children were suddenly different after getting certain vaccines, would their claims be taken seriously? Given how women are being ignored about the trans issues and mothers are being told ROGD isn't a thing, I would say the answer is no.

I'm not saying I'm anti-vaxx now, just that I understand the reasoning behind it.

( Moonflower )
I feel the same on this. The unfortunate reality is that our health authorities have chosen to stake their credibility on supporting “gender affirming healthcare” for minors and failed covid policies like school closures / masking / mRNA vaccines — and the result is that I no longer take it for granted that their judgement can be trusted on literally anything, including the old-school anti-vaxx shit. (And to be clear, this doesn’t mean I’m automatically against all vaccines or something; it just means I now need these people to show their fucking work in excruciating detail, including answering the concerns of everyone they felt entitled to dismiss as a quacks a decade ago.)

( tricky )
As awareness grows, TRAs are running out of comebacks and now are just aiming to shoot down all discussion. Like how you hear TIMs say "I'm a biological woman because I identify as a woman and I'm not a robot" and "I was assigned female at birth because female gender is innate in my head."

The way I see it, they're grasping at straws as they continue to lose every debate that relies on logic. Hopefully that means the TRA movement is on its last legs.

( a_shrub )
For me it came in the form of a big list of like 20+ Scientific™ associations who apparently all certify that "gender affirmation" is the best, more perfect cure for men's sad gender feelz in the whole universe, and who was little old me to ask anyone to throw out all that irrefutable Science™. My response was to ask if the dude wanted me to provide a similar long list of "prestigious" institutions that proclaimed Jesus is Lord.

Tired_of_this_BS #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: FLINTA! Female, Lesbian, Intersex, Non-binary, Trans & Agender! The newest woke acronym contributing to the destruction of female spaces!

I’m seriously, seriously considering joining the right.

I would rather keep the gender pay gap, suck up some chauvinism, keep the little boys club in Wall Street and in London banking if it means I don’t have to worry about vulnerable women being raped by male prisoners, don’t get shouted at for being a ‘sexual bigot’ because as a lesbian I don’t want to sleep with a TIM, watching children get sterilised and mutilated, worry about AGPs getting into roles that put them into positions of trust/ power with women eg intimate care.

I think the right might be the only political population to get us out of this.

cranberrysalad , GrendelsMother & Porange #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Looking back over the past 2 years, how has the sentiment of the general public where you live (excluding politicians) changed regarding transgender issues?

( cranberrysalad )
Already left a comment but want to add that I wonder if the quieting down is an effect of coming within a year of a president election in the US. This is a very divisive issue and it’s so crazy that it alienates a lot of people versus rallying a core base that would never vote the other way anyhow. Maybe that’s why it’s quiet.

Also, I do think there’s a small tidal shift against it but it’s not pro woman. More like “I won’t give my son hormones” or “get these perverts out of the bathrooms of my women/children” but not “women deserve respect!” because politically the people that say that in the US vote for the most infantile repressive policies toward women imaginable.

Trans days of visibility really help the peakening, because so many normies think of trans women as like Felicity Huffman in Transamerica, not the 300 lb furry with a beard and cat ears using the girls restroom in the children’s section of a public library. The more that the full spectrum of “trans” is introduced, from HSTS to spicy straights to AGP to heterosexual non brainaries to the bully kid whose mom tells the administration they can’t expel him for threatening girls because he’s sPeCiAl, the better. Peak the hell out of people by sharing the non-LGB rainbow.

( GrendelsMother )
It used to be wildly pro-trans, hooray for puberty blockers, etc. Now, it is… quiet. Mostly. A few very transy trans people, a few handmaidens, a few virtue signaling men, but the people in between just seem… quiet. The general enthusiasm for cheerleading has faded.

( cranberrysalad )
That’s what’s I think, too. The vocal cheerleading has stopped. I think the tide is turning. People went out and met actual trans people and went what the fuck these people are perverts or crazy or both. I’m noticing big shifts.

( Porange )
I thought it was just my circles/feed! I am in the 30s age group and in alt circles which we're very libfems leftist TRA. Many of them are quiet. I suspect it's because some of them started having kids but even ones that are 30+ with no kids are more mum besides the scared rituals of saying "they". The 20s people are still captured and perform pronoun rituals religiously.

Département d’Éveil Racial du Peuple ("People's Department of Racial Awakening") - Démocratie participative ("Participatory Democracy") #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut lemonde.fr

At dusk on Friday, December 8, almost 200 people gathered on Quissac's market square to take part in the "Republican rally" called by Michel Sala. The radical left MP from southern France sought to react quickly to the distribution of neo-Nazi leaflets in this small town some 40 kilometers from Nîmes. The town's mayor, Serge Cathala, did not attend the demonstration

According to the gendarmerie, some 50 anti-Semitic and homophobic leaflets featuring swastikas and Third Reich eagles were dropped in the mailboxes of two of the town's housing estates in late November and early December. "White man, are you tired of seeing the Jews destroy your country through immigration, pedo-LGBT degeneration and war? Join us in re-establishing the white race's dominance in Europe," said the message signed by the Département d’Éveil Racial du Peuple (People's Department of Racial Awakening). A QR code and an internet address led to the website Dempart (for démocratie participative, participatory democracy), which detailed the next steps: "Copy your leaflets (black and white) in computer stores (pay in cash). (…) At night (ideally, from 1 am to 3 am). Never in your town…"

These posters were similar to those found in May in La Neuville-Chant-d'Oisel (Normandy), near Rouen, where three men aged 22 to 25 were given suspended prison sentences on December 5 for "public condoning of crime" and "incitement to hatred." An investigation was opened in southern France. Sala and the Communist Party's departmental federation referred the case to the Nîmes public prosecutor, Cécile Gensac

[Below is the poster, found here:


Kininigen #crackpot #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt t.me

(Translated from German by the submitter)

A few helpful distinguishing traits of men in women’s clothing, in cases where it’s not that obvious, such as with the “pretty” Happy Rpthschild in the entry above.

Men have a ca. 10% bigger skull then wenches* and the traita at the skulls are different, such as a square chin and mandible, a more tilted forehead and a more prominent brow bone.

Another good distinguishing trait are the clavicles. Men have straight and more massive clavicles and wenches more gracile and v-shaped. In men, the shoulders are broader than the hips. Men have longer arms then wenches and bigger hands and feet as well, famously do not have a nidriff (one can see that very well with Giselle Bündchen), a longer upper body. Due to the wider pelvis, the legs are situated differently in wenches and thus, the gait is different as well.

* (He consistently uses the word “Weib”, which once used to be the standard word for woman, corresponding to the German words for female (weiblich, as well as Weibchen - not Weib - as a noun in biology), but became degoratory during the 19th Century, rather than Frau, which in parallel was an elevated word that became the standard word.)

Monica Levin and other People's Party (PP) and Vox assemblymembers #transphobia reuters.com

Madrid's regional assembly on Friday passed a proposal by the Spanish capital's ruling conservative People's Party (PP) to strip back protections for transgender people, sparking outcry from the opposition and LGBTQ activists

The bill, which amended a regional trans rights law and an LGBTQ rights law - both passed in 2016 with the PP's backing - makes Madrid the first Spanish region to roll back such legislation

It was approved with 80 votes in favour and 53 against thanks to the absolute majority the PP holds in the chamber. It was also supported by the far-right Vox party, which governs in coalition with the PP in some Spanish cities and regions but not in Madrid

Under the reform, discriminating against workers on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity is no longer a punishable offence. It is also no longer a punishable offence to beat a person without causing injury on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity

Amid jeers from the opposition, the PP's Monica Levin defended the reform as a way to stop what she described as "social engineering" and "getting into people's privacy and manipulating them in order to pit them against each other and then come to their rescue"

Carla Antonelli, an assemblymember for the left-wing Mas Madrid party who is trans, wore red gloves symbolising bloodied hands during the raucous debate preceding the vote[…]
Under the reform lawmakers also replaced the terms "trans people" and "gender identity" with "transsexuals" and "transsexuality", terms which activists say are archaic and demeaning. The option of changing names on regional documents before adapting the national ID was also eliminated

Mas Madrid said it would ask Spain's human rights ombudsman to challenge the law before the Constitutional Court. The party's lawmakers unfurled Trans Pride flags and activists displayed red gloves while shouting slogans before being expelled from the gallery

unlearningtrans #transphobia ovarit.com

Trans has made me skeptical of therapy and psychiatry

Let’s be honest: Trans is one of the biggest medical abuse/neglect scandals that has ever happened. A huge part of it is tangled up in the therapy sector—which has had multiple scandals before, including the satanic panic. Another sector that’s pushing this nonsense is medicine, particularly pediatrics and psychiatry (along with gender surgeons). I respected psychotherapy and medicine so much more after I peaked. Now I’m just not so sure anymore. If a therapist is willing to affirm someone’s delusion they’re trans, how is such a profession to be trusted? The APA and AMA have all come out in support of Trans. Even the GC therapists in the GV movement i am skeptical of, because their solution to “gender dysphoria” is more pathology and psychiatric intervention, which I don’t think comes from a well-intentioned place but is profit-driven mostly. Almost all of the GC therapists and doctors believe in True Trans and align themselves with True Trans people like Buck Angel. They don’t seem pro-woman or pro-reality to me, I think a number of them are grifters who are doing an about face bc they know the tides will turn on their entire profession. There’s story after story out there about parents taking their kid to a therapist and the kid going down a path to medicalization.

lighthouse , Sheva & notsofreshfeeling #transphobia ovarit.com

( lighthouse )
Women's studies class making me lose hope
I'm a Women's Studies major. Had a lecture yesterday about "challenging the sex binary". Most of the class was centered around intersex people (surprise surprise), and basically using their existence to prove a point. This + gender ideology, and basically all the libfem nonsense we know so well, is the essence of the class. I'm afraid to speak up in lectures, and I think I'm gonna stop attending them because there's no participation grade and I've heard everything before.

I was excited to be learning this stuff in university. Now I think I might switch majors because I just can't take it anymore.

Also, the official name of the class went from just Women's Studies to "Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies". Are those things not implied when learning about feminism? Why are people so afraid of centering women in a WOMEN'S STUDIES course? Am I being dramatic about this?

( Sheva )
Because women are being erased from the “women” part.

I went to a feminist meet up recently in the hopes I’d meet some fellow feminists and it was majority TIMs. And you know what the main topics of discussion centered around? TERFs. That’s right! Men, talking about women being pissed that men are hijacking feminism…

The only discussion about men and the patriarchy that was had that night was extremely brief and got pushed aside to talk more about how women are the problem by not accepting MEN as women.

I ended up making my excuses and leaving because FUCK THAT!

The people doing the majority of the speaking were TIMs and the actual women did nothing but clap and cheer them on.

I feel like I’m in some terrible “invasion the body snatchers” nightmare where slowly all things women are being replaced by all things men.

( notsofreshfeeling )
What is it that you want to do for a living that a Women's Studies program would be useful?

It's funny, I've sometimes fantasized about going back to college, just to take Women's Studies (or whatever they've bastardized it into), so that I could witness the peddling of gender ideology to the kiddos and offer them another perspective. Maybe even start a radical feminist club.

I'm certain there are others in that class who share your views, but who aren't speaking up.[...]

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #transphobia #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Tampons and sanitary napkins are now available in men’s bathrooms at the Canadian Parliament under a new policy from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that requires all federally regulated employers — including airports and military bases — to offer free menstrual products in all washrooms, regardless of gender noted on the door.

At this point, you have to wonder if we are somehow trapped in a giant, global psychological experiment, where our New World Order masters issue dictates just to see who is stupid enough, gullible enough and sufficiently compliant to meet their demands with unblinking obedience. Such is the case of Justin Trudeau in Canada ordering tampons in the men’s rooms all across Canada.

“And if a woman have an issue, and her issue in her flesh be blood, she shall be put apart seven days: and whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean until the even.” Leviticus 15:19 (KJB)

Your King James Bible contains a surprising number of verses that talks about the issue of menstruation, and in exactly 100% of those verses it is talking about women who are doing the menstruating. For 6,000 years, female-exclusive menstruation has been an undisputed and recognized global truth. Yet in just the past handful of years here in our 21st century, this is no longer the case. In our mentally-sick and spiritually-ruptured world, men can give birth, and men can use tampons. If you stand in the way of this new truth, be prepared to be run over, run down and ran out of town on a rail. You’ll not stand against this wickedness and still keep your job in dystopian places like Canada, but stand against it anyway. We live in a sick world that’s being prepared for judgment, even so, come Lord Jesus.

Dave Blount #transphobia moonbattery.com

[From “What “Love Is Love” Means”]

The moonbat credo “Love Is Love” refers not so much to who as to how. Only a bigot would think judgmental thoughts about this guy because of how he loves:

A trans-identified male has appeared in court after being accused of dumping soiled adult diapers outside a children’s nursery and stealing clinical waste bags. Abbi Taylor, born Martin Tarling, was also accused of hiding in a public bin with soiled diapers, smearing excrement on children’s milk bottles and removing items from a waste receptacle outside a nursery

So long as he was motivated by perverse sexual gratification, Tarling/Taylor qualifies as a victim of discrimination. Before progressives have finished progressing, his behavior will be first protected, then legitimized, then normalized

For now, psychos like this are still sometimes locked up, but authorities made sure to pander to his depravity:

Although court listings used the name Martin Tarling, the Chair of the Bench, John Lee, asked Taylor if he preferred to be addressed by his “feminine” name and the defendant agreed[…]

As noted recently, sexual sickness is fungible. It is to be equated with healthy romantic affection. That’s what “Love Is Love” means

Robert Spencer #transphobia #homophobia pjmedia.com

One notorious example of this came on May 5, 2022, when the Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) announced that it was planning to “interpret the prohibition on discrimination based on sex found in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and in the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, as amended, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly the Food Stamp Program (7 USC § 2011 et seq.), to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.”

This new interpretation would mean that “state and local agencies, program operators and sponsors that receive funds from FNS must investigate allegations of discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation. Those organizations must also update their non-discrimination policies and signage to include prohibitions against discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.”

Biden’s leftism isn’t generally recognized as a religion, but it very much is one, as can be seen all over, for instance in the transgender pronoun fantasies and hunt for heretics who dare to “misgender” a particular fantasist, and the fervor with which supporters of abortion vowed to fight against all restrictions to the practice after Roe v. Wade was overturned. But since this secular ideology is not understood to be a religion, it is not seen as an established creed in violation of the First Amendment, as it would be in a sane polity. If it were, then the solution to it would also be found in the First Amendment, in the prohibition of such an establishment, and provisions such as school lunch money being withheld from schools that refused to indulge insane gender faddism would be seen as establishing a religion and accordingly ended.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

If women accepted the label "cis," do you think TRAs would respect that boundary?

( Omina_Sentenziosa )

They want to be called what we call ourselves. If we used cis, they would call themselves cis. If we called ourselves AFAB, they would call themselves AFAB. They are already doing it. If we invented a new term, they would use that.

They don' t want to be women per se, they want to be us, there' s nowhere we can run to. They' re like stalkers who refuse to leave their victims alone.

( Sheva )
I believe it doesn’t get used much because it’s more commonly used as an underhanded slur and usually on people TRA’s are attacking. I very rarely hear it used in a neutral way. It seems to me that cis is used much like the word mutt. With the same negative intent.

If women actually adopted the word it would eventually completely become a dirty word. The word game will never end. The language will change over and over and each time the words we use will become dirty words. Continually stripping women of their identities helps them push women below them.

Every time someone calls me cis I have a big desire to spit directly in their face. I am a woman. A REAL lesbian woman, not some cheap and tasteless imitation and I refuse to change how I identify or to accept men into those identities no matter how pissy it makes the TRA’s

( tacocat )
No. The entire point of queer theory is to "transcend" and violate boundaries. Any boundary we set immediately becomes their next goal to destroy.

( realityismykink )
Here's what I'm wondering: If TRAs succeed in cancelling every word that's used as a stand-in for "actual woman," wouldn't that leave "TERF" as the only word in their lexicon for "actual woman?" And if that were the case, how much time would it take for TIMs to start calling themselves TERFs?

( VestalVirgin )
Now that's an interesting question!

The problem with TERF is that it is a slur, so if you started a "terf only" toilet, they'd just invade it saying terfs are evil so they are justified, instead of declaring themselves terfs.

Their goal is to prevent women from talking amongst ourselves. Whether society considers them women and lets them into womens' spaces, or considers all women evil and therefore lets males in to control what the women are doing, matters little to them, I wager.

Matt Margolis #transphobia pjmedia.com

“LGBTQIA... there's so many letters, they've just added a plus at the end," he said. "That's where we are now. What's going on? So, the same movement, because if we're gonna call that one thing was let's play it fair, the same movement that said that the sex of the person you're attracted to is hardwired on the day you're born—that was the premise of the gay rights movement for it to count as a civil right—that movement is now saying that your own biological sex is totally fluid over the course of your life. You can't believe those things.”

Ramaswamy continued: “And by the way, let's think about the feminist—the women's rights movement in this country, which said there's many ways to be a woman: You can have long hair, short hair, you can have wear a skirt, you can wear jeans—now says that ‘Oh if actually, you want to behave a certain way, that means you're a man.' So I think that the hypocrisies ]go all the way down. And I'll tell you what's going on. You can't believe both of those things at the same time, if you're operating according to principles of sheer logic. But you can if you're adopting a faith—a cult-like belief system.”

Ramaswamy went on to call transgenderism a mental health disorder, which the woman was clearly not thrilled with, even though there’s no reason to believe she didn’t expect such a response from him. She appeared to want to walk out of the event, but never quite made it. But he continued by citing the stories of well-known detransitioners who are now both in their 20s who were butchered as young teens. Their lives have forever been ruined because they were led down the path of transgenderism instead of receiving the mental health treatment they should have been given.

SomeRando #transphobia #sexist kotakuinaction2.win

Usually"? No, you fucking freak. When I was 9 I remember when we'd call eachother faggot, browse 4chan and Rotten.com, and rally around someone's dad's porno mags.. Girls were averse to our antics - there was absolutely no androgyny. Never was there a question of who was what in terms of appearance and behavior.

Stop turning kids into vegan cats.

Sheva #transphobia ovarit.com

TRA’s have been skinning ALL women already. Skinning away their rights, their identities, their voices, their communities and so on. They will skin until almost all skin is gone and the only “acceptable” skin left will be the TRA foreskins dangling between their legs that they dub “girldicks”

Jean-François Braunstein #wingnut #transphobia #enbyphobia #interphobia wook.pt

[Context: description of a book written by the fundie in question.]

A wave of madness and intolerance is sweeping the Western world. Originating in American universities, woke religion is sweeping everything in its path: universities, schools, companies, media and culture.

This religion propagates, in the name of the fight against discrimination, dogmas that are at least unheard of: Gender theory professes that sex and the body do not exist and that consciousness is what matters. Critical race theory asserts that all white people are racist, but that no racialized person is racist. Point of view epistemology argues that all knowledge is situated and that there is no objective science, not even exact sciences. The aim of the wokes is to deconstruct all cultural and scientific heritage and prepare for the establishment of a dictatorship in the name of good and social justice . It is all this and much more that Braunstein explains and contextualizes in this The Woke Religion , supported by texts, theses, conferences and essays, which he cites and explains at length, to denounce this new religion that destroys freedom. A shocking and salutary essay.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: “Just talk to trans people!” Unfortunately, I do.

( Radishe )
I've known a number of trans people in my life. Every single one of them had extreme mental health issues. I know the few I've known are a small representation of the whole, but the whole mindset of desperately needing the world to validate your delusion has to take its toll.

( RusticTroglodyte )
To be a trans identifying male, you have to be severely mentally ill and narcissistic. I have a double standard for women who transition and idgaf if it's unfair. Tifs transition for other reasons. A lot of them have PTSD, histories of childhood abuse, trauma, etc. They might have mental illness, but I don't think they're automatically narcs like I do with tims

( OwnLyingEyes )
Every other delusional disorder/dysphoria, the goal in treatment is to try to gently bring them back to reality. Not just because of the one delusion itself, which is quite possibly something small and seemingly harmless at the outset, but because the strain of maintaining it makes their mental health deteriorate more broadly as well. Because maintaining it tends to mean withdrawing from more and more of any aspect of reality that contradicts that belief. Why we don't treat gender dysphoria in line with what we know to be established practice in regards to other distorted perceptions seems sinister.

( mathlover )
I tell everyone to talk to lots of "trans" people. Enough to get to know them, till they start speaking unguardedly. Everyone who does this finds that:

(a) The TIMs are virtually all mentally unstable, viciously mysogynist, sexual predators, and drenched with the worst male socialization. People wind up realizing that TIMs should never be anywhere near women. Getting to know TIMs creates TERFs.

(b) The TIFs really are just fleeing womanhood like a house on fire. As obnoxious as some TIFs can be, people come away with some measure of pity for these (mostly) girls and young women.

Lucien Greaves #transphobia twitter.com

The co-founder of The Satanic Temple has been labelled ‘transphobic’ and condemned by Satanists after posing for a photograph with a gender critical anti-woke atheist.

Satanists are now calling for Lucien Greaves to be removed from his position as spokesperson for the temple for taking a photograph with former American Atheists President David Silverman.

According to trans activists in the Satanic Temple, the man he took a photo with, David Silverman, repeatedly tweets gender critical comments and is critical of transgenderism being pushed on children.

According to a report in The Atlantic "Many Satanic Temple members objected to their leader posing with such a figure.”

Additionally members began demanding he was removed from his position

“There were calls for Greaves to apologize, to cede power, to reaffirm his support for trans rights.”

Andrew Anglin #transphobia #dunning-kruger dailystormer.name

I guess it’s worth reminding everyone that these “hate crime” statistics are always fake, usually in multiple different ways. They include comments on the internet as “attacks,” they rely on self-reporting, they include any incident, even if it has nothing to do with sex/race/”gender.” The ADL is the most ridiculous with their “rising anti-Semitism” statistics. You open that up and it’s like “some Jew said he saw a post on 4chan that hurt his feelings.”

I’m not going to go look at the anti-tranny crimes in the UK. I don’t care, actually. If people were running through the streets and no-scoping trannies CS:GO style, I would not care at all. I mean, you shouldn’t kill people, that’s wrong, but if I read about it happening, I literally would not care at all, and would actually just chuckle.

I remember wiggers, and punk rock, and edgy Marilyn Manson satanism. I remember raves and glow sticks and those balloon pants.

It all seems so very innocent now.

And it doesn’t seem that long ago. It feels like we’ve rocketed from some edgy stuff and some “let them do want they want in their own bedroom” stuff into “hi, I’m your son’s teacher and he’s gay so I sent him to have his dick cut off. If you complain, you’re going to prison.”

I guess the primary change is that there is no longer any kind of metric for normalcy. No one has any idea what “normal” means. Nothing is true so anything is possible.

I regret bearing witness to all of it.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #fundie #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

A lie is "weaponized" by being believed and popularized. Thus, it can be "deweaponized" by being publicly revealed as a lie and restoring the truth and reality of the matter.

We all know that the American Political Parties, the current Presidency, most of the Congress, the State Department, the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the DHS, the DoD, the FISA court, the whole court and legal system including even some of the Supreme Court, have been politically "weaponized" to work against the American Constitution and against Constitutional America.

And we all know that the Catholic Church has been politicized for evil through the auspices of the Saint Galen Mafia, the "Lavender Mafia", the WEF, DAVOS, the Chinese Communist Party, Marxist ideology, Islamic ideology, Hedonistic ideology and the current Francis Papacy.

What's it really all about?

God is the Truth; Satan is the Father of Lies. That's what it's all about.

Satan has been given the upper hand in American and world culture.
We cannot look to the perpetrators of the crime to undo the crime.

For instance, how do we get DEI, CRT, Transsexuality, anti-white racism, corrupted anti-American history, anti-Christianity, pro-Communism, pro-Islam, anti-Western civilization, climate-change lies, Covid lies, Wokeunism, drag-queens, blessed and celebrated homosexuality, police and all authority hatred, BLM, "blessed" abortion, etc., out of our education, K through Ivy League?

By getting the federal government the hell out of it.
The Marxocrats and the UN could try to properly amend the American constitution to get their Islamo-Commie-Homo-trannie-drag-queen "education" forced down American throats and see how that flies. Until then, education in America, by the standing American constitution, is a state, local or private sector problem, and no legal business of the federal government at all.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Now define cisgender woman

( OwnLyingEyes )
Within their stupid framework, which is the only place where "cisgender" exists, and using their own stupid terminology, it's actually even easier than in the real world to mark a clear line where 'woman' includes all women and excludes TIMs. An adult who was "assigned female at birth." That one doesn't even require having to weigh phenotype versus chromosomal makeup in the absence of gametes for people with the vanishingly rare DSDs where that actually gets complicated.

Then again these fuckos already know there's a difference which is why they continue to use separate words for the two. So let's make it even simpler for the porn-soaked pea brains: "cisgender women" are women, TIMs are men attempting to mimic women, almost always unsuccessfully. Women are the category you're trying and failing to imitate...and are trying to force your way into, including by making up bullshit terms like "cisgender" to attempt to qualify something that is actually definitive. Hope that clears things up; if not, can speak more slowly.

( shewolfoffrance )
The category of human whose body plan is organized around producing the large gamete.

But, really, the whole question of "what is a woman?" is a bit of a distraction. This isn't about people with DSDs, hormonal disorders, or birth defects being treated with respect and dignity. This is about allowing mentally disturbed, but physically typical men with fully functioning genitalia access to women and children, and the spaces and resources intended for them.

( Calidris )
They really think it's such a gotcha that there is no definition for women that also includes men that makes any sense lmao

Define chair but it has to be defined in such a way that it includes ALL chairs but also doesn't exclude any cat. Yeah duh it's difficult because cats are not chairs and chairs are not cats.

But here's some definitions: human beings who cannot be "transwomen". Adult humans who cannot be autogynephiles. How bout those Mr TIM?

( FemmeEtal )
All cisgender women are born women. All “transwomen” were born men. Easy.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

First Lady Jill Biden’s efforts at spreading some Christmas joy have been met with derision and astonishment from many who have labeled her ‘hunger games’ celebratory video as ‘bizarre’ ‘freaky’ and ‘absolute garbage.’
Not since pretend Joe Biden appeared on national television evoking a Nazi Germany esthetic has a video created such a buzz, albeit a bad one. Welcome to the Jill Biden Christmas Video Special, only it’s like Christmas in the Matrix. If you thinking the eternal weirdness we live in was winding down, you’ll be disappointed after watching her video. One thing you’ll like about the Jill Biden video is that, if you’re a Liberal, it won’t bore you with any needless references to Jesus and the virgin birth. That story is not welcome here. But transgender X-mas dancers, and characters from ‘The Shining’? Yep, all that and more.

On the Podcast on Friday, we’ll give you the latest updates on the coming Civil War that everyone’s talking about, America is like a helium balloon with the air rapidly escaping and causing it to fly around erratically until it finally hits the wall and the lights go out. Christian, we are living in a Chick tract, and soon things are going to change for us quite dramatically. Get something done for the Lord before it’s time to go.

GraceHoward1729 #transphobia ovarit.com

The crux of this fight is that a serious error was made & must now be unmade.


I've always felt the same about facial feminisation surgery and breast implants on men. 99% of sexual offenders are men and 88% of victims of sexual offences are female.

Allowing a man to disguise their sex through not only legal documents but physical alterations that are approved and even covered by healthcare is egregious. It endangers us. It lags our reaction time, dulls our instincts.

Is women's safety important or is it more important that men be able to fondle bits of silicone they've had stitched on their pecs? (I already know the answer.)

For comparison, it's like if lions were given state-funded surgeries to look more like llamas, for no apparent reason. Awww cute little llama let me pet it- oh no my head's just been chewed off.

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