
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Personalityinkwell #sexist #homophobia #crackpot incels.is

[Discussion] Isn't shaming men for not being able to get laid homophobic in nature?

Any guy can download Grindr and fuck a guy, this is undeniably true. Yet, people will laugh at a guy for saying "haha, you can't get laid". But the thing is, he can get laid, just with another man. The counterargument is that this "doesn't count". Well why not? Are you saying gay sex isn't sex, and not real? Is that not homophobic towards gay men? You're saying "you could participate in gay acts, but those aren't as valuable as heterosexual acts", which is basically saying heterosexuals>homosexuals, which is clearly homophobic according to SJWs.

If it gets disproven. Gay men don't just fuck anything. Or at the very least, they're no less picky than straight men.

except that's not true, any dude can fuck a dude on grindr. this is because all gay men are males, unlike heterosexuals which feature two contradicting genders

I'm talking about the male side of the equation. If a straight man had his choice, he wouldn't necessarily fuck anything and everything that came along as long as it was female. And so it goes for gay men.

so you're saying ugly gay men are unable to fuck other ugly gay men?

I'm saying if a gay man considers another gay man too ugly to fuck, he will not fuck him. Same as how if a straight man considers a straight woman too ugly to fuck, he will not fuck her.

not all straight men are like that though, many straight men have absolutely, LITERALLY, no standards. This is why femcels cannot exist

metabuxx #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[RageFuel] "Big dicks hurt me. I prefer an average sized one. TeeHee"

The fact that they know that a big dick hurts means that they have tried one before. Otherwise how would they know that it hurts. Big dicks have always been preferred by women. Every single woman has a fetish for it. If it wasn't loved by women then the question "does size matter" wouldn't even exist. The truth is that every single woman first tries a big dick and by the time she realizes that her vagina is too shallow for it, it is too late. Her hole has already been ruined by Chad's 10+ inch dick. They love the pain. But just to virtue signal they'll go on telling everyone that they prefer an average sized one. JFL.

the bigger the better applies everywhere, height, dick, frame, jaw.

Truer words were never spoken

I was just thinking about how no amount of looks, height can make up for the small dick You as a man cannot be an alpha with a small pecker. It's the worst pill. Very retable quote

Dickpill is the most brutal of all.

Thank you, so true, yet TILL THIS DAY there are dick copers on this forum, spouting shit like they don't like it too big, or size isn't everything, or just don't have micropenis. Ffs just cos a foid gets into a relationship with you and your pathetic 6 inches she ONLY wants Johnny Sins and Mandingo ffs

JFL. People who deny the dickpill are beyond retarded. Exactly. Their first preference will always be a big dick.

TheIncelRepublic #racist #sexist incels.is

At this point I considering moving to Pakistan, Chechnya or Nigeria

What I have read is that these places are secret based utopias for subhumans. Pakistan for example, everything I read about it is very based, honor killings, traditional values, intelligent people are praised instead of thugs, cheap standard of living. In Chechnya, they kill faggots and lesbians and in Nigeria, they uphold religious values. These places are utopias compared to the west. Inb4, "but muh tHIrD World SHItHolE". That's what cuckolds, simps and (((them))) always say. They don't want you to flee to countries that actually work, they want you to embrace the degeneracy of the (((first world))). Getting drone striked is 1000x better than feminism and degeneracy. Shithole = Not embraced feminism

Shitty internet: Good, no social media for foids Shitty water: Cleaner than the (((estrogen))) they put in yours Shitty restaurants: Again no trans fats Shitty breathable air: Just live in the country side Benefits: Cheap standard of living, great communities, great cultures and no feminism.

There's Feminism and all that other degenerate crap you hate in Pakistan. Nigeria is literary a shit hole where the sun doesn't go down. And Chechnya... even if you convert to islam, it won't work unless you're fully loaded, or a full blown chad. People in Central Asia and Eastern Europe are pretty xenophobic.

Name better countries, go on. Anyways, I can always larp as a Chechan as I am an Arab muslim. Even if those countries have a little degeneracy, there are no where near as bad as the west. Even if I don't escape Inceldom, at least I will live in non cucked country. I don't care about shitholes, I just want no feminism or sexaul capitalism.

TheIncelRepublic #sexist #psycho incels.is

[RageFuel] I want to load water guns with piss and drive-by shooting at foids.

I want to hop on my motorcycle at a very quiet night, load a water gun with my piss, and shoot it at foids walking alone at night. I am thinking of doing this at tight corners so they don't see my number plate, and I can escape really quickly. It would be pretty funny to do this, the foid is going to see Chad and have sex. She has just showered and put on her best makeup, and then she gets drenched in my piss, her day is ruined. I know the president of Chechnya does this to foids wearing slutty clothes, but with water instead of piss, and in his car with his friend. What do you think lads, should I do this, or is it too risky?

Why only piss and no shit?

I need a liquid, maybe if I eat a lot of spicy food I can have diarrhea and add that to the mix.

I would do it with fresh lime rather than piss because it will make her all sticky afterwards.

If I can't make her sticky with my semen, then I'll do it with my piss.


Good idea. Maybe dog piss.

Hate_my_life #psycho #sexist incels.is

I am starting to internalize the mysoginy. I know I shouldn't say this because Incels would probably masturbate on my sadness but I just cried because I was stressed that if I find someone he will leave me if I get fat, if I age past 24 and that my only value is my appearance as a XX chromosome haver

I hope your chad bf deflowers you and leaves you. Don't get raped. It would be a huge shame. Also your tears make me happy.

I will never believe your lies, I am a human being, I am strong, smart and worthy of resoect.

and I am the president of the United states. we can all tell ourselves what we want. It doesn't make it true.

You dont understand how much I really want to beat up a foid. I might challenge one of them to a MMA spar for £200 or something. Id pay that amount to physically fight a foid for 30 minutes. If it's an attractive foid that would make the experience more enjoyable but any foid (who isnt a whale) will do. Its not a fetish, I just have so much anger/distaste towards women and that would be a good outlet. One spar session with a foid for 30 minutes. The match ends after 30 minutes or she's unconscious. Whichever comes first.

How brutally do you want to beat her?

I have 30 minutes. I'm assuming 6 x 5 minute round? The first 5 minutes would just be playful body jabs. Make her fear me. The next 5 minutes im going all out. Face and chest shots (mainly flush for the face). Hopefully there won't be anyone spectating/watching the fight. Id love to knock a foid out then just repeatedly smash their skulls into the ground until blood is oozing out of their face. Id repeatedly do this, stand her up and punch her down again until I'm exhausted and I've got all my anger out. I FEEL SO ENERGIZED JUST WRITING THAT. I REALLY MUST FIGHT A HOLE AND MAKE THEM FEEL A fraction of the pain I've felt. Worthless holes.

shii410 #sexist incels.is

RE: [News] Eight low SMV men were arrested for raping a 16-year-old foid...and taping it and uploading the video onto Facebook

The sharing of the video on Facebook suggests the perpetrators were “proud of what they had done and wanted to display this for others to see — and that in itself is disturbing,” said Vanessa Volz. “It’s obviously horrific and completely unacceptable and I think very indicative of how we still are living in a rape culture,” Ms. Volz said.

maybe if women didn't use sexual appeal as a metric of men's worth & routinely shame men for being sexually unsuccessful, that wouldn't be the case. just a thought

PolishJames #sexist #crackpot incels.net

Attractive women have beta male fetish

I really don't know why, but young and attractive females, the ones that I saw on Instagram or Twitch, you know "the streamers", only fans creators and fit influencers are always have sissy beta male as a partner. I really doesn't know why females choose men weaker and looking worse than them.
Is that a special domination mechanism? Or they choose the weakest ones because of their money to get even more money from their beta buxx partners?

Anakin66 #psycho #sexist incels.net

If I it wasnt for my religion holding me back i wouldve been a mass shooter in minecraft

Im a christian and i firmly believe in everything the bible teaches . So i lm well aware gunning down lets say a soriority house full of hot women whom i greatly desire yet hate so much at the same time. I've lost sympathy for women and only show sympathy for them in specific circumstances but for the most part i loathe them. Every attractive foid i see is a brutal reminder of my failure as a man. To court,Dominate and eventually impregnate a foid so my thousand plus year old lineage can live on as it always had. But no its reached a dead end. Im that end.im genetic garbage. FUCK FOIDS!

PolishJames #sexist #crackpot incels.net

The overall nature of females is a Blackpill itself - evolutionary BlackPill

If you go and visit sites like r/femaledatingstrategy or heartlessaspergers.com you will see that females itself dropping a massive blackpill in their opinions, behaviours and quotes. They will literally tell between themselfs, in closed, safe communities that they will never date an Asperger's or ugly, short, ethnic guy. Because when safe, female will always drop a BlackPill, there's zero chance of female not doing that when feeling safe, secured and not judged by their actions. Females are simple, brutal, fake and will make everything to see low class male dying. Due to our primitive evolutionary past, we enjoy gore and death of members of our own kind, humans are secretly enoying that weaker individual is being brutally beaten or killed. Because this cleans the gene pool from the weakest ones. This behaviour is very common in almost every advanced animal, we're no diffrent.
Human female acts no diffrent than females or other species, watch how brutally female mantis threats male or how brutally shoebird mother threats the weakest hatchling, they're much muc more examples of how primitive and brutal the nature is, life and nature are the most brutal blackpills. If you wanna see our true nature and nature of females, watch animals and then watch human behaviour. I guarantee to all of you that this will be the most painful realisation

Females are made to lie, evolution made them that way, they will tell you one thing, think about other and the result is always opposite to what they previously said
It was not a huge shock and revlation for me, i've read a ton of books about our evolutionary past, and the evolution of our species is very brutal, we're still, basically a primitive tribe of chimpansees, we're sharing 98% of genes with them, If you wanna see how brutal and primitive chimps are go and watch documentaries about them on National Geographic or BBC Earth. We're just a little more advanced chimps, evolutionists are tend to place Homo Sapiens as third spiecies of Chimpansee.

Also incles aren't beta's, in nature beta's are tyhe second most powerful members of herd, incels are Omaga's. Omega's are always bullied by the other males of the herd, they eat last, and if they lucky - have the weakest females to mate with. But in most cases they end their lifes childless

Unnamed EasyJet flight attendants and passengers #sexist #fundie jonathanturley.org

We have previously discussed the practice on some airlines to ask women move to accommodate ultra-Orthodox Jewish men who refuse to sit next to women. Now, Melanie Wolfson, 38, a British-Israeli woman, is suing EasyJet after she was asked her to change seats on a flight from Tel Aviv to London.

Wolfson is asking for 66,438 shekels compensation in a lawsuit filed by the Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC). She wants the airline to bar future demands or requests for women to move. She noted that she paid extra for an aisle seat on her flight last October, but an ultra-Orthodox man and his son were sitting in the row when she arrived. According to Haaretz, she claims that the request was insulting and humiliating.

What is interesting about the lawsuit is that Wolfson was not told to switch, was offered the incentive of a free hot drink, and ultimately agreed to move. However, two months later, she was again asked to move for the same reason. She then refused but two other female passengers agreed to move.

Darthmat #sexist #dunning-kruger #crackpot incels.is

Chads of the tribes got all the women while the lessor men slaved away and eventually the lesser man would get tired of that shit and would murder all the Chads and his sons while keeping his daughters and the other women for themselves and they would fuck until the tribe collapse and they're bastards split off and created new tribes and even then not every guy Got a Woman because the betas would fight and kill amongst themselves.

Sometimes jealous Chad's would kill other top men for more women but most of the time it was the betas doing the killing through poisoning Chad's food, killing him when he slept or just plain beta uprising.

And throughout history as civilization developed we used to have little Snippets where men knew what women were capable of and can do the kept them and check and to be forewarned about Chad.

Dad used to tell his kid that he was the man of the house while he was gone because Dad knew that once he walked out the door the mom or daughter would do something stupid like bring Chad's over because there's nobody to keep them accountable while he's away so the son had to be accountable.

Chad had to play secret agent and sneak through the house or get the girls somewhere alone because the brothers and the dad would kill his ass if they found him.

It's just now in this feminist empowered era that Chad can walk through the door and fuck a lady's daughter and then as he's walking out the door get a goodbye blowjob from her mom while he goes to pick up some money from his bitch that he's living with. A feminist Society is not natural and anybody trying to talk about nature and natural selection in a civilization is a retard.

Pumkin #sexist #psycho #crackpot incels.is

RE: [Serious] Unpopular opinion: we have a problem with paedophilia in this community

For fuck's sake, I'm not here to go into the semantics.

What do you mean you haven't seen anyone here advocate for sex with a prepubescent individual? I saw this on the last thread:

Pumkin said:
cousin recently had a baby. sent the family a nude pic (aka child porn) of her laying on the bed completely naked. tightest and most succulent innie pussy you'd ever seen. looked as if i drew a straight line where the vagina would be. i tell you it was something else.

compare that with any 30+yo woman. would make you vomit. how big the contrast is to the disgusting meatflaps that old hags call a 'vagina'
what's even worse is how society keeps lying to the general populace to believe these lies and think that old hags are 'sexy' and to be sought after. for millinons upon millions of human civilization it was always the youngest, freshest, and RIPEST girls got fucked and married. now, in 2020, all that is illegal. we shame our forefathers with this bullshit

You hurt my feelings. I thought we were incel brothers. Et tu, PP? (btw get your facts straight. I never said id fuck the newborn. I said newborn pussy is aesthetically pleasing to the eye and looks perfect. A simple observaton from our society today. ALL women and porn want hairless with innie lips and blush of pink and red hues on the vagina. To imitate men fucking younger girls Which is what men sexually desire)

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

[Serious] You've heard of SEAmaxxing but have you ever considered Africamaxx?


I slept with 1,400 girls, impregnated 600 in 6 African countries, French tourist recounts

Could be a larp but I wouldn't completely doubt it. I remember a post on Braincels where someone put St Blackops2cel in Ghana on tinder and he immediately got 30 matches in the matter of like an hour. It had the lion king music to go with it if anyone remembers that.

I don't wanna be a piece of shit chad prego'in lots of women. I just want one girl who loves me and is loyal to me. That's all i ever wanted

Jfl. You're too pure for this world.

No because I'm not attracted to them

Most of them look like men.

Really ugly men, at that. Average rice male looks more feminine.

I have already paid to have sex with a black woman but sadly I can't feel anything for them. Even the lust I have for them is like only a fraction of what I have for white women.

I literally have no attraction to black woman.

I never fapped to a black woman in my life. And I'm 32.

There aren't even black porn stars. Even black people don't fap to black women.

Being a black woman must be tough. They still have it way, way better than male incels, but since they only compare themselves to other women, they must feel like shit in comparison. It's like incels are at 1, normies are at 3, Chads are at 100, black women are at 80 and white women are at 500.


Aboriginals are the worst. They literally do not look human. Although apparently they have legit room temperature IQs, I remember once watching an Australian govt produced public service announcement which told them not to sleep on the road at night. JFL.

OverBeforeItBegan #sexist #psycho incels.is

[NSFW] How can an incel cope with seeing this outside?


I swear to God any time I see a femoid wearing tight leggings or yoga pants I get very dizzy and for a couple of seconds I feel like I need an inhaler or i'm going to faint. I want to COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM inside these tight whores. Fuck my dick needs to nut on a yoga pants wearing whore. I NEED TO DO IT. NOW. FUCK.

Whenever I go shopping and I see a foid wearing them I always strategically follow them around. I don't know why I do it. It's just torture since I can't touch them, but my brain just forces me to follow them around, knowing very well nothing's going to happen, sometimes for more than 10 minutes. It's so over, bros.

Even just one nice spank would enough to keep me going.

I'm not a coomer so whenever I leave my apartment, I'm not focused on women. I legit never stared at a women's body in public, ever. It just doesn't fit my character, I'm not really pervy.

I always stare and follow foids around when i'm outside if they're wearing tight clothing. I can't stop myself from doing it. Now that I have a mask covering half my face it's even easier for me.

I can't relate. In fact I avoid staring at anyone. I find it weird when people stare at me so I don't do it myself. It also has to do with me not giving them the attention they want, think about, you think these women go outside with tight clothing because it's comfortable? I've worn tight boxers and let me tell you, they're uncomfortable, baggy clothing is where it's at tbh. These women wear tight clothing because they want attention, don't validate them bro.

It's really hard not to though. Like if you're a homeless man past a fancy restaurant, you're obviously going to look in at people eating, no matter how torturous it is.

metabuxx #sexist incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] Foids are the happiest when they hear about some foid getting raped and killed

Who benefits the most from a foid's misery? Its certainly not the man who caused it because he will be rotting in jail for the rest of his live. Its definitely not us because we are just coping when we tag such news as Lifefuel.

Its obviously the other foids. Think about it. Lesser foids in this world means lesser competition. Lesser competition means higher chances for them to get fucked by Chad.

Also the orbiters and potential betabuxers of the foid who died have to go somewhere. So some random whore will benefit a lot when those cucks start simping for her.

The more scarce they are, the more they'll be valued. So the next time you see feminist whores protesting over a foid's murder, just remember that some of them are secretly happy that now they can peacefully fuck her Chad boyfriend.

Foids generally take pleasure in seeing other people do worse.

Exactly. They are sadistic bitches.

They are their own enemy sadistic, apathetic whores is all they are


Arthas93 #crackpot #sexist incels.is

RE: [Serious] Most of women are socially retarded and would be incels if they were men

Foids can't even deal with other foids. It's like psychopaths talking with each other. No social skill, they just lie and fake everything and wait for their pussy pass to solve the situation in their favor.

Foids say they hate talking to foids for this reason. They can't pull out the pussy card on them.

Strange really. They, sometimes, help each other. For example, if an ugly men is falsely accused of sexual harassment. All the foids will join forces and lie, just to fuck with his life. But when their interests come into conflict, they will fight. Often using beta cucks and normies as pawns.

Their eyes would "scan" the other persons face first, Isolate the Expression and then mimic it.

You are on point. High IQ. I have seen that behavior in person, it's disturbing. They look at the face of whoever is dominant in a talk and try to mimic it. Not only the facial expression, but they pretty much try to emulate the entire behavior, gestures, etc. They don't even try to play it cool, they just copy the person like a bad actor or a robot. Back in the day mentalcels would whine about how hard it is for them to fit together with the normies. And how they often try and mimic Chad/celebrity behavior because normies kept telling them to "have Confidence™". I guess it's something like that. Foids try to emulate humans because it's their chance at fitting in within the normies. But I don't know how that work between the foids themselves. Can't they tell when the other foid is mimicking them, or they don't care?

Total Imbecile and Transcended Trucel #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Serious] I daydream about having a daughter and punishing her in various way
Slapping and hitting her here and there, grounding her, shutting off the internet, taking away her devices, taking away the car keys, not giving her any spending money, etc

This is my revenge fantasy to get back at women

(Transcended Trucel)
Josef Fritzl maxing is legit way to get back at them. too bad we won't get a chance to do it.

I will never understand Fritzl tbh

(Total Imbecile)
He married his wife at 17 and he was 21 at that time

He got to experience his wife in her teens and early 20s, what else could a guy ask for

AnonAutist #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #crackpot incels.is

Why there aren't leftist incels on .co...

... they are all in the process of defecting to the femoid team. By either nominal transitions or full on physcial transitions with castrating hormones.


The trans trend (no disrespect, just empirically it's trending) is probably due, in part, to the declining monagamy norm. As the sexually liberal mating economy creates winner-take-all dynamics, more biological males hate being male. Add female empowerment norms, & voila.

Leftist incels probably experience mostly the same life problems as we do on this forum. However they are so wedded to their pro-feminist ideology and political dogmas (and lefty social circle such as it is) that they cannot conceive of the idea of themselves as an 'incel. Or of joining us and making common cause.

Additionally, like we all know, the word 'incel' is now a highly politically charged slur, that denotes an enemy to a leftist. And you don't join your enemies... nor do you want to see yourself as 'evil' and an 'enemy'.

However they feel pain like we do and gotta do something about it, so they probably choose to join the winning team in our society. Besides instant raise in SMV, they get themselves access to femoid/trans side benefits like rampant positive discrimination in every aspect of life, economic sinecures and being a protected class in society. Something most incels, in turn, would not consider. Transmaxxing isn't a thing, I don't expect it's gonna be a thing.

AnonAutist #sexist incels.is

What would foids choose?


transcriptchoose a bf

boy 1:
- part of "the boys"
- plays sport
- extrovert

boy 2:
- feminist;
- does not play sport
- introvert

boy 2 does not exist

Most foids will hate that they are inherently drawn to #1.

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "On the Unmanageableness of the Cunt Class"]

We now have in the West an entire class of childless women who are past the age of attractiveness or healthy childbearing who spend their lives attacking white men, all of whom they view as stand-ins for their fathers.[…]Female humans never really grow into adults, they just grow tits. They are also completely self-centered and believe the universe revolves around them.[…]Thus, it is her father’s fault that she is so unhappy.[…]
These childless women are the absolute epitome of “worthless human beings,” in that the purpose of a woman is to produce children and everything else that they do was simply tolerated throughout history because they had that ability.[…]
I call these women the “Cunt Class.”
It’s possible that people looked at historical examples of women who had not had children, either due to infertility or very specific circumstances, and thought it would just all work out. However, historically, women who made it to thirty without children were an extreme abnormality.[…]
All of these women are virtually identical. They are aggressive, abrasive, rude, childlike, entitled, disrespectful, belligerent and utterly inane.
If using reason is impossible, then the only way to get them to get married and have children is to use force or manipulation. By the order of nature, there is nothing “immoral” about kidnapping women and putting them into sexual slavery for the purpose of producing children. But that is illegal.

Thus, your option is to use manipulation and deceit.[…]
Use any means at your disposal to prevent the abortion. If she has a Christian background, this is much easier. You can use the family against her in many ways.[…]
The most important thing in dealing with women is this: never be emotionally committed. After 3 decades of marriage, never commit yourself to her emotionally.

Various Incels #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: [JFL] Why the fuck do female to male transgenders even exist. Wtf are these retards thinking


Seriously lmfao. I'm not saying I want to be one, but I can at least see why some men decide to "become women". Why the fuck would a woman want to become a man though?! Where the fuck is the logic in that? Especially considering they're just going to be like a 5'5" subhuman man anyway lmao?

Logic and women...pick one. Seriously though, FTM regret is one of the great life-fuels. It doesn't take long for an FTM to realize how much more privilege the average woman has than the average man.


Lmfao true, will definitely read a few of these posts. Truly hilarious shit. They thought they would become Chad. Literally threw away a tutorial mode life in exchange for living life as a short, weak male. COMICALLY stupid.

"I want to be myself again. I want the world to see me for what I am. I want other women and lesbians to recognize me as their sister, because I am. I miss my connections with women. No amount of hormones or surgery could ever replace the friendship and company of women."


(The Abyss)
They believe the male privilege larp.

They can't be that stupid:waitwhat:

Oh but they can, look at the human race locked into a cycle of servitude as a wage slave while others have the entirety of a country's GDP as their net worth yet we do nothing.

It's retarded because you get 5'2 foids who make fun of short men on twitter everyday, yet they transition into a male despite them loathing short men. It's like a klan member painting his skin brown.

Many of them try to change back after getting blackpilled and learning a guy's life isn't easy. The media don't talk about those though as it's against both agendas about transitioning and how women have it worse than men.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] Kids' Personality Detectors malfunction when told ugly people are their new teachers (bonus Meekspill at 5:20)


This reaction never goes away, people just become "good" at hiding it for social credit.

Meet Your Teacher Prank (Tik Tok Compilation)




(Made in Heaven)

Looks= life.

To be fair, those pictures used are crack heads and literal deformed people. I doubt most of us are that ugly, if any of us at all. But yeah, looks = life

But HOLY FUCK at that loli wetting herself over Meeks!!!

AoC really is a joke


Women are already Chad's whores even at that age. Agecuck simps are pathetic.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

[JFL] Imagine raising another mans child

I laugh my ass off at every single one. Anyone who willingly raises another mans child deserves no respect and deserves to be laughed at hysterically. It's one thing for a wicked woman to cuck you and have you raise Chad's off spring unknowingly, but its another to know it's not yours and take care of it. All for some crumbs of used up pussy Chad already made his own.

Raising offspring that knowingly isn't yours is the antithesis of natural. Female primates have literally developed evolutionary techniques to confuse other male primates that their child isnt theirs because the male primate will commit infanticide. Humans do this willingly.

also like imagine if the roles were switched and the dude gets custody. Will a female marry him? Will she take care of another woman's child?
Sounds like an instant no right? And that man would be socially shamed for wanting her to raise another female's child while men have to do it and shut up. And if they don't they get shamed too

Don't think for one moment that a woman would ever happily raise someone else's offspring regardless of all the bullshit they spout about expecting men to 'step-up'. This duplicity by women (which is not present in men to anywhere near the same extent) is one of the major reasons why I hate women.

Total Imbecile #sexist #psycho incels.is

[RageFuel] The audacity of people on r/DACA

Sometimes I browse subs like r/povertyfinance or r/DACA to read about people who have it worse than me and feel better about myself and occasionally I get reminded that unless theyre also incel they really dont For example take this post on r/DACA:

Is anyone else exhausted to the point where they wonder why life is worth living when the government they work so hard to contribute good things for thinks of you as a deplorable item? I don't think people ever fully understand unless they're in our shoes the kind of pain and suffering we go through just to try to make a living while being in limbo. Even if it's a United States problem, I can't fathom how I can keep being alive in a world where people can classify others differently based on being brought to this country without a choice. Idk how many of us go day to day masking how we really feel just to get by but there has to be someone else who feels the same. I feel so alone. It's so selfish to say as I have a loving wife who would die for me and a decent life with an amazing job yet it's just gotten to me to the point where I feel like why do I bother? Life shouldn't have to be like this, the internal suffering is too much, I know things change but why does it have to be this big a deal in the first place? Why does life with daca feel like a punishment? I don't know how much more of the uncertainty I can take, it hurts. It really really really hurts

This post legit sent me flying into a rage Imagine having a wife who loves you and youre complaining about life and how lonely and unfair it is and asking if its worth it just because, get this, youre not a citizen of some rando country JFL Id gladly move to any shithole if I could live with a gf who loves me there, LOL @ money, LOL @ legal status, LOL @ anything else mattering but sex and love Materialistic and vapid reddit cucks, FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

OverBeforeItBegan #sexist #psycho incels.is

[JFL] roastbeefoid gave me its CV

She was in her late teens or early 20s. She came over to me while I was working and gave it to me. I told her that I would give it to my manager. Obviously I ripped it apart and threw it in the bin but before I did that, I took a picture of it so I could do some research later on at home. Well... I found her Instagram and VSCO. One of the first things I saw on her VSCO was a meme about hooking up with someone. Holy shit, if I actually helped out some whore who showed this level of disrespect towards her father and her future husband i'd be hanging from my ceiling right now.

I also wrote down her number and full name on a few walls and said "call for free blowjobs". That's the extent to what I could've done. Anything more and she might be able to use her limited foid brain to trace back what's happening to me.

Based as fuck boyo. If I was hiring manager, would avoid hiring femoids as much as I can without appearing suspect

She probably wouldn't have gotten the job anyway tbh. Where I work you have to do some heavy lifting at least occasionally so all the foids that do work there are in high positions. The average joes carrying stock around are all men.

fair enough then, it's just the BJ part because she would get a hint it was you, since I was thinking that you placed them on walls at work.

Well even if she does she has absolutely no way of proving it. And lol no, obviously not on walls where I work. It was outside far from where I work.

Jerry and Becki Falwell #sexist #fundie apnews.com

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Jerry Falwell Jr. announced his resignation Tuesday as the head of Liberty University after a provocative photo and revelations of his wife’s extramarital affair roiled the evangelical school founded by his father.

Falwell’s exit marks a precipitous fall from power for one of the country’s most visible conservative Christian leaders and ardent supporters of President Donald Trump. He confirmed his decision to resign in a wide-ranging interview with The Associated Press.

According to the school, he initially offered to resign Monday, hours after a news outlet published an interview with a man who said that he had a yearslong sexual relationship with Becki Falwell and that Jerry Falwell participated in some of the liaisons as a voyeur. Falwell, who denied any participation, later reversed course on his resignation and began telling news outlets he had no intention of leaving. Then he changed direction again.

“That’s the only reason I resigned: because I don’t want something my wife did to harm the school I’ve spent my whole life building,” he said in a phone interview. “I never broke a single rule that applies to staff members at Liberty, which I was. So I want everybody to know that.”

The university confirmed in a statement that its board had accepted Falwell’s resignation as president, chancellor and board member. All were effective immediately, the statement said.

Becki Falwell also spoke with the AP on Tuesday, saying she and her husband are “more in love than ever” — a sentiment echoed by an audibly tearful Jerry Falwell.

“We have the strongest relationship, and Jerry is the most forgiving person I’ve ever met,” she said. “It’s a shame that Christians can’t give us the same forgiveness that Christ gave us.”

Yamete #sexist #homophobia #psycho incels.is

RE: [Serious] Pedophiles and Pedophile Sympathizers are a CANCER on the Incel Community

Most of them aren't. Even if they are, I couldn't fathom why any adult would find a conversation with a child to be romantic at all.

Innocence is charming, it melts men's heart like nothing else in this world, not that I would expect a brute like you to understand.

I just don't understand how anyone who is in their 20s can be attracted to a 14-year-old. Disgusting.

Maybe because you are gay?

It’s because social compatibility is an abstract concept to autists anyway, so the idea of a female partner who is socially underdeveloped is less of an intimidating prospect for them. In their mind someone they can ‘mould’ or ‘groom’ (yes several in this thread have used these exact terms) as if they were the father is actually more viable to them than a female with a fully formed mind. Personally I can’t think of anything being more of a turn off.

You are an infiltrated woman or cuck. If you were truly an incel you would already know that females cannot be allowed to have freewill, they will ALWAYS, without exception betray you. (maybe some mothers are an exception)

Mainländer #sexist #fundie incels.is

RE: [RageFuel] foids on lipstick alley asked what the age of consent should be. some even say 21

23 JFL. Those people are insane. For me it looks like they're trying to make sure every single woman rides the cock carousel a lot before marrying. Which already happens extra-officially in the vast majority of cases, but they want to make it law. Look, God is not an idiot. He didn't give you a libido and developed body at 13 so that you could wait 10 years to have sex. Let alone does He want you to fornicate with Chads before marrying.

one said 25. but many say 21. if it's 21, then many men will be arrested and made registered sex offenders for consensual sex with 18-20 year olds. society keeps infantilizing young adults so much that no wonder we got 30 year olds these days who still act immature.

Feminism is a mental illness.

and feminists say "if you say she's mature for her age you're a predator. thats what predators say" but it's blatantly true that some are mature for their age

Either you're mature enough for sex or you aren't. "Only with people the same age" is nonsensical feminist bullshit. Nothing in life works like that, only sex and relationships because of feminism.

society is very sensitive about this subject so they refuse to discuss it with an open mind

Congrats, you're 16, now you're considered responsible enough to drive. BUT ONLY AROUND OTHER DRIVERS THE SAME AGE, stay away for older pedophile drivers. This is how much sense those laws make.

in america, 3 year olds are old enough to understand gender fluidity but 16 year olds cannot handle a relationship with someone even 3 years older.

Congrats, you're 18. Now you're considered old enough to write and sign contracts, BUT ONLY WITH PEOPLE AROUND YOUR AGE! Don't sign any contract written by older people, they're all pedophiles who will manipulate and traumatize you. But yeah, what you pointed out there only makes it clearer that it's all about shitty nonsensical ideologies and not about any remotely reasonable parameter.

metabuxx #sexist #psycho incels.is

[RageFuel] It should be mandatory for every foid to get labiaplasty and vaginoplasty surgery

I'm sick and tired of seeing roast beef flaps everywhere, even pornstars have it. ITS FUCKING BEING NORMALIZED. I can't even jerk off in peace without being grossed by their ugly flaps. These dumb whores have no idea how to take care of the cash generator between their legs. This shit needs to stop. I know foids can't stop fucking Chad which makes their flaps loose and stretches out their vagina. But at least they can go through labiaplasty surgery to trim away the flaps of extra skin. It just costs around $4,000. They earn that much in a week on OnlyFans. And while they are at it, they should also get vaginoplasty surgery which makes their holes tighter. I don't care what kind of pussy they present to Chads. Give Chads the most stretched out hole, for all I care. But before they are settling with a betabux (a man who worked hard all his life) they should get that surgery. They owe a tight vagina to their providers.

Maybe they should be shamed for being whores instead so they don't sleep with every chad they see.

Yep. Slut shaming should be also normalized

I mean these holes are already getting surgery to tighten up their insides due to all the miles of cock they've had, so just check it off as you're there spending your simp's onlyfans money.

I'm glad that at least loose vaginas are not being normalized. And as long as they are spending a simp's money its fine. Those simps deserve this for worshiping whores.

Vagina looks are genetic, foids can have a bbq party between their legs without having sex with many men.

I don't care. They should get rid of it. It looks gross.

Tiredpoorcel #sexist #psycho incels.is

[LifeFuel] I made a Landwhale whore cry today. Also please touch this IT so next time ill touch foids instead.

So as you all know from my name. I am poor. AF. So today is my once a month taco day (yes i am so poor i eat fast food once a month). So i went to my typical place (not too fancy and didn't have cameras to record me) cause they make good tacos. Also ps: the tacos aren't really tacos they are like huge fat sandwiches. Anyways so as soon as i enter i saw a hijabless (i know AWALT but if she was hijabi i wouldn't bully her cause i respect her dad for not letting her be a whore) 300pound or so hexagon faced triple chin white whore. And as you all know the only thing that is worse than a foid is a triple sized one. So she ordered 2 tacos 2 burgers french fries and a large milkshake and sat infront of me eating like she was in a desert for years and never had a meal. So then i am like disgusted af and pissed cause she is obviously a spoiled fucking whore. So i kept penetrating her with my eyes. Not breaking eye contact for a single second and laughing at her until she started getting red and feeling uncomfy af and id wipe my mouth even tho i didn't have food on it so id make fun of her. At that point after 10 minutes i started seeing tears forming on her eyes which got me more interested in making her life hell so i stand up and went to the cashier thing paid for my cheap ass tacos then as i was exiting i went next to her, called her a pig spitting on the floor next to her and kicked the table spilling the milkshake on her black pants. And i kept looking at her while exiting and she was crying and sobbing loudly, exactly like you see fat whores crying in movies. And as i was exiting i heard her call for help from the manager or whatever and at that point i was already out. SO I GUESS I NEED TO FIND A NEW PLACE TO EAT. BUT IT WAS WORTH IT.

So this is going to be my hobby from now on. Bullying foids by any means necessary.

Also yes IT. I am a dick. And if you touch this itll be worse next time.Yes i am a dick and my pewsonalityy is awful :soy: But i love it.

DirtyCurryCell #sexist incels.is

RE: [News] Why a growing number of LGBT+ people are incels – and angry they aren’t having sex

Why a growing number of LGBT+ people are incels – and angry they aren’t having sex

We need to form an alliance between the LGBTQ+ tbh. It's the only way for us to make a difference.

Why do you want to be "allied" with faggots?

It's the only way for us to overthrow the foids.

And so? Teaming up with faggots as a response to this, is like teaming up with uganda against russia and china. + they be gay uganda which is worse

Nope. Not at all. False equivalence. A more accurate comparison would be siding with Tibetans, Uyghurs and Hong Kong, against China.

Fixed it

ISIS kills incels you faggot. How retarded do you have to be side with those goat fucking retards

Problem is that while Tibetans, Uyghurs and Hong Kong are in conflict with China since ever, lgbts are the best allies of normies and foids, and even if a very little number of them can turn into incels, the vast majority will mantain always a strong alliance and common interests with normies and foids

Well if this article is right, then there are LGBTcels. Besides, most normies are incels in denial. We just have to blackpill them.

TheIncelRepublic #sexist #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist #god-complex incels.is

[Venting] We are literally the last bastion of hope left in humanity, and it's fucking scary.

I realised the Incel community is the only place left that is factually correct about society. The whole world is ruled by the elite, 1%, bourgeoisie, Rothschilds, illuminati or whatever you call them. While we are the last people to resist the bluepill and fight back against the system.

And our ideas of the blackpill, if implemented would turn human society back to normal. The fact that the whole world except here is bluepilled is just a scary thought.

Once based patriarchies are now falling to feminism and degeneracy, to points of no return. Everyone is animal with no moral views. Society is toxic as hell, you can't even critique it's flaws without being sent to jail, which is glorified concentration camp. When you present solutions, they call you a bad person. When you call for revolution or present any hatred against the State / Military industrial complex they call you a terrorist. When you advocate for strong patriarchy they call you a rapist.

If the past men of humanity could see us now, they would be proud. We as a community will carry the blackpill through the darkness and into the light!

Anonymous #wingnut #sexist unz.com

In Athens raping a married woman was considered a less serious crime than seducing her. From the husband’s standpoint, it makes sense, since seduction means he can no longer trust her. And from the wife’s standpoint? Well, it wasn’t a legal system that cared much for the well-being of women.

The same mindset can be seen in these Q people. It would enrage them more to hear a Jew say “shiksas are for practice,”(something some actually do say) than “we must rape these abdominal shiksas to get vengeance for the six billion,” as they do in Q’s fantasies.* Regarding some women as worthy of short-term sexual relationships but unworthy of marriage is not the same as rape, but it’s understandable that it pisses people off, most notably the “unworthy” women and the low-status men they will eventually settle for. The solution is a socially conservative society where women hear the following message:

1. Sex and the City is not a depiction of reality. The vast majority of women will not be happy in that lifestyle.

2. If you do not follow the above advice and wind up happy, good for you. If you wind up unhappy, it’s not society’s fault or society’s problem to fix.

But this is difficult, much easier to create an alternate reality in which the women are nothing but victims. It’s the same with Q as it is with the feminist movement.

*I’m sure some of this occurred in the aftermath of the Holocaust and as part of the wider Red Army rape spree, but it’s not deeply rooted in Jewish culture.

mainlander #sexist #psycho #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Theory] I think only truly romantic men become actual misogynists

Love and hate are truly two sides of the same coin. When you love someone, you'll hate them when they are cold, dismissive, uncaring, etc, towards you. When you don't love someone, you won't care when such stuff happens.

The typical promiscuous Chad is not a misogynist. He just honestly doesn't care about women. Women are a dime a dozen to him because he can fuck a virtually unlimited amount of attractive women just by flipping a phone out of his pocket and getting on Tinder/IG. He'll pump and dump a girl, dismiss her feelings for him, be like "lol dumb bitch" and forget about her the next second.

The typical romantic incel loves women, at least initially, before he go through all the shit he will go through inevitably in such circumstances. He just wants one girl to love him and give him a chance, but when he realizes that there are billions of women in the world and NOT ONE will ever truly love him, it's natural that all the love he has to give turns into hatred.

Look at people like Elliot Rodger. The guy was pretty much the ultimate romantic. "Oh but he was superficial". No shit, sherlock, romantic love is superficial, discriminatory love. You'll only love romantically a person who fits your sex, age, race, looks (at least minimally), etc, preferences. Still, realizing there's NO ONE out there for you is insanely brutal.

I think cucks are simply too weak to accept how insanely brutal this is and won't accept it, commonly choosing to double down on simping, being a male feminist, etc, instead. Cucks are psychologically weak.

Wizard32 #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

RE: [Cope] BLM has made me prefer white women

BLM Has made me despise all roasties who have participated in the movement. Fuck niggers,I want law and order and not anarchy,

You should've come to this reason back in August 2017 with what happened to the Unite the Right rally. What was your thought process three years ago brother?

I dont wanna mess with no ethnic (unless Latina) because politics

How exactly is 'la raza' and shit any better than BLM?

because im white

La Raza is anti-white. La Raza discourages racemixxing, jfl! Also you've gotta stop putting latinas on a pedestal. They're just like black women, loud, obnoxious, naggy and generally unfeminine.

Made in Heaven #sexist #psycho incels.is

[JFL] Women WANT to be property

Read this post and read the replies to it. Women all admitting that, after being raped, domesticated, and dominated like the cattle they are, they view their bodies as belonging to their rapist. Obviously, not condoning rape, but it's hilarious how women will bond with a man who subjugates and captures her.

Feeling like my rapist still owns me and do others feel this way? Tw

male rape victims have reported the exact same feeling. look at the suicide letter of bill zeller. eitherway women should be kept inside a cage

I know, but the difference is women are built to be "owned", men are not. Men who feel this way are essentially emascualted/feminized via rape. It's also why when a man is raped by another man, he becomes a homo.

i agree that women ought to be subservient to her husband.A female is incapable of living without a male.You seriously think these stupid single moms with 10 kids would be able to live without males?males build society and upkeep and it's easy to see that.If not for society and social welfare these bitches would be out there dead in a ditch somewhere being eaten by a dog. I was just saying that being emasculated can happen to man too.

Cool, it just sounded to me like you were against subjugating women

metabuxx #sexist incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] It makes sense why women are the major causes of all great wars.

The Trojan war was fought because of the whore Helen. World War 1 was fueled by the affair between General Franz Conrad and Virginia von Reininghaus. There are many more examples. Foids use their sexuality to start wars because they are the ones who benefit the most from it. Consider World War 2. It was because of the war that women got the right to vote, the privilege to divorce rape and the right to kill their babies because they wanted to be Chad's cocksleeve. And it was always the subhuman soldiers who died while their Chad officers sat back and gave orders. It made it easier for foids to filter out the superior men. And whenever someone says that women also suffer because they are enslaved and raped, I just laugh in their faces. Women love that shit. Nothing gives them a stronger orgasm than a dominant man fucking them against their will. JFL.

Female rights was a big mistake. Without women, there would be no greed and no hatred


all wars are wars for women, they're the most precious resource


We should send all the women out to fight the wars, let them kill each other to get Chad.

Exactly. Maybe then they'll realize how hard it is to be a man and how easy it is to be a Chad worshiping whore.

iTheorize #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Theory] Could "Neuromods" be a solution ?

Let's start from the beginning, "What's a Neuromod ?" Neuromod : a device that changes brain circuitry in order to give one new abilities or change their behavior or even repair the brain . If you don't want to watch the video, what is worth noting is that Neuromods are more rooted in reality than you think and it's part of a field called "Optogenetics" which an experimental research field primarily conducted on mice (with hints that it might move on to humans) .

The Point: If Neuromods can be real one day, what if there were to be one that could end your sexual attraction to foids and craving for validation and physical and emotional intimacy altogether ? I'm not talking about just being asexual I'm talking about no longer needing foids physically nor emotionally , wouldn't that be neat ? You would no longer suffer from Skin Hunger and Sexual Frustration, you would be free of your biological shackles, what do you brocels think?

Cucked. I would install perfect aim ability neuromod and buy some guns (in dota 2)

Lol, I get that you're joking but aside from hating and being violent towards foids, I just want a solution to my problem (and our problem in general) tbh .

”Yes. Transhumanism can solve all of our problems from inceldom and depression, to terrorism, poverty and the lack spriituality.”

just lol at this.God is the one that gives you his presence,not some random machine.it's easy to think that way,so i don't blame you.

I fully respect your beliefs brocel, but I personally believe in science, Neuromods are a bit of a drastic measure, but we all know that women and society are impossible to reason with, I'd personally rather have a Neuromod that eliminates any need I have for women rather than go do drugs to numb the pain, besides I have scientific aspirations and dreams I'd like to accomplish.

Incels Wiki #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.wiki

Femoid or foid (short for female humanoid) refers to flaky creatures and herd animals who have bullied or ignored you your entire life. That is unless they were somehow making money off you as a teacher or counselor or hairdresser or wife.

Popular femoid hobbies include twerking as well as feminism, the process by which women seize the means of reproduction to liberate themselves from ugly beta providers. Another popular femoid hobby is encouraging vicious male competition and toxic masculinity through their mere sexual desires.

Femoids are secretly embarrassed about these desires as they are irreconcilable with civilizational values. As a result, they cover up their sexuality with a sophisticated web of lies.

"Good genes radar"

Many in the manosphere and womanosphere claim women have a "good genes seeking radar" and can sense a good personality due to their superior social abilities, yet we find millions of women attaching themselves to utterly abusive males and women lusting after criminals.

Women are literally spoiled children

Men are frequently accused of childishness, when in truth it is women who are more childlike. Girls mature faster than boys, but this simply means they arrest in their development prematurely compared to men, not that they reach the same level of maturity earlier. For example, well into their 20s, women look exactly like teenage boys, but with boobs and long hair. Women also cry on average just as much as young teens and they expect things being done for them and their minds being read, a passivity that has been noted by many throughout history. Women also generally evade any accountability and few people like to hold them accountable either because of how cute they look, resulting in them becoming hopelessly solipsistic, meaning they live in their own world.

Contrary to popular belief, women are more likely than men to initiate intimate partner violence (despite being less outwardly aggressive).[1] Much like a childish urge to romp and test social boundaries, they appear to expect to be physically restrained in response to their tantrums, which can also be seen in their sexual fantasies for being raped and general desire to be subordinated. Typically, it takes a while for them to calm down from anger and it's usually best to leave them alone and recollect themselves.

Foids are genetically oblivious to the fact that they can always be certain their offspring is theirs, whereas men can't and thus desire certainty in this regard. Thus, women will thus gleefully flirt with other men and provoke their partner's possibly brutal mate guarding attempts, only to be then surprised and entertained by the outcome.

The value of femoids

Femoids are very good at lying very often and not feeling bad about it. This makes them very good at child-rearing and being a lawyer but a bit more than misleading during dating or while giving dating advice. The easiest and most heroic act of compassion and generosity for women would be to put effort into relationships with incels. However, it is unknown whether or not incel groupies actually exist or can exist due to a lack of natural sexual generosity among the female species. Femoids are also very good at extracting personal wealth from men when given the freedom to. Femoids now own more total personal wealth than men in the United States.[2]

Views on love & pairbonding

Many Arguments are made about how femoids view love & companionship. Many self-described incels still believe that woman view love in a romantic way, however those in other incel camps theorize that most woman view relationships in a very shallow, materialistic way. Similar to a business transaction, as compared to men's love, which is claimed to be more idealistic in nature. It is also believed that most woman have a very strict "bottom line" and they will "shop around" with a very defined list of hard attributes. This is usually done before said femoid is checking for shared values, morality, intelligence and other things. This also explains why many woman end up in abusive shitty relationships. Their "bottom line" makes them tunnel vision on certain qualities that are not favorable in the long haul.


Medcel #sexist #crackpot #psycho incels.is

RageFuel] "Size doesn't matter"

Larkin Love wants Amateur Male Cock!

^ The link above will take you to a PH bideo where this (admittedly hot) roastie asks for you to send pics of your dick to her OnlyFans (redirected to via the site http://cockauditions.com), and the best dicks will have the chance to kickstart a male pornstar career.

Now, all of you know that bigger dicks look more attractive right (fuck you I'm not linking a study google it yourself)? And the average male pornstar has a dick of 7 inches, which is bigger than 80+% of the population right?

I thought I was on my way to recovery from inceldom. I said my shit looks won't matter if I get built and with maybe some plastic surgery, given my serviceable height of 5'9" (not 5'11" as I had previously stated) and that my inexperience with sex and my now-full-blown erectile dysfunction due to years of depression wouldn't matter if I played my cards right, but then this piece of shit comes along and says GOT A BIG DICK? SIGN UP FOR YOUR FREE MONEY AND SEX HERE

Fuck it, I'm gonna shoot someone in my middle age. I hate the world. See you in another 4 months, maybe.

Unnamed Besancon parents and relatives of a young girl #sexist #racist #fundie thelocal.fr

The parents, uncle and aunt of a teenager of Bosnian Muslim origin will face trial in France on charges of violence against a minor for shaving her head over her relationship with a Christian Serbian boy, prosecutors said Friday.

The girl had her hair shaven off and was also beaten in the eastern city of Besancon on Monday, judicial sources said.

"Shaved and beaten because she 'loved a Christian'. Deeply shocked by this act of torture on this 17-year-old girl," French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin wrote on Twitter.

"This barbarity calls for the most severe punishment," he added.

Police detained the two parents as well as the uncle and the aunt. They were released under judicial control but are banned from contacting the girl, who has been placed under protection. They are not aware of her whereabouts.

They will be tried for "violence against minors", deputy prosecutor Margaret Parietti told AFP.

The girl, who arrived from Bosnia-Herzegovina two years ago with her family, had for several months had a relationship with the young man, aged 20, of Serbian origin who lived in the same building.

"The two families knew each other and (their relationship) was not a problem, but when they started talking about marriage, the girl's parents told her: 'We are Muslims, you cannot marry a Christian'," Parietti said.

The family took away her phone and stopped her contacting her boyfriend. The pair then fled for four days and on their return came to the apartment of the girl's family along with the boy's parents.

"The first blow came from the mother, then there was an outbreak of violence. She was taken to a room and beaten. She was shaved, according to her testimony, by her uncle -- her father's brother -- while being beaten", the prosecutor said.


She suffered a broken rib and bruises "everywhere", in particular "at the level of the ear", according to Parietti.

JohnWickCel #sexist #psycho #wingnut incels.is

[NSFW] Prepare for every non cucked man in America to get Rittenhoused.

Kyle Rittenhouse last night shot and killed two rioters, one of which was attempting to beat him with a skateboard. He is now being hunted down on a murder warrant for defending himself. This will be all our fates for the crime of not wanting to get beaten to death because a legit criminal died from a drug overdose. And it won't just be for defending yourself, it will be due to "hate speech, thought crime and protesting your rights as a man will be turned into "violent riots".

AutisticMonstrosity #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] 918'000 thousand British men live alone in the UK, but only 453'000 foids

This is for age groups 25-44.

Number of people living alone in the United Kingdom (UK) 2019, by age and gender (in 1,000)*

Good situation. Compared to Finland (let alone Sweden!), the women shortage is less. UK has much bigger population. The biggest shortage of women are in Qatar, UAE etc. where there has been massive immigration. But they block their women from the immigrant workers unlike Finland. In fact taxpayer incels pay for courses that teach Iraqi and Afghan men how to get/approach a Finnish woman while they don't help incels at all, do exactly the opposite. Just recently our government decided to transfer 175 underage asylum seekers from Greece, Italy, Cyprus and Malta. They are all handsome Afghan men that quickly get a GF and thus create more Finnish incels. If women could not vote in elections, these things would not happen.

Reprobus #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[SuicideFuel] We aren't going to get justice, instead this might happen.

I believe something else will happen, normies will start to be like, "o hey goy, looks rlly do matter", and when they come to consensus, normies will make it apart of the agenda and will claim ugly women(Jfl) and men have it hard and recognize that hot men and women(jfl) are treated better. It will be nothing like what we have here and majority of the "ugly" people will be normies and foids, the emergence of this movement will cloud everything we've ever done and normies will never know that our ideology and beliefs were rooted in logic.

Thread is still shit. It implies ugly females are a thing and experience lookism which is bullshit. Spoiler alert: all women are ugly without makeup and because of that no woman is ugly in societal eyes because you can cake on makeup. They will not treat ugly women or beautiful women any different because they are the same. Maybe minority women because they are typically seen as uglier but they are already doing that with women of color

Yes I know that foids are exempt from lookism we all know that I preach that in every other thread I'm in I'm just saying that's how NORMIES will view it. Okay, so you know how females have to be apart of everything nowadays or else that thing/activity is seen as misogynistic or toxic because of feminism? You also know how we have this giant issue of women acting like they are incel/ugly for attention when they have men throwing themselves at them? Well same shit will happen there, these women aren't ugly and have no problems they just want attention similar to the virtue signaling Stacy we can encounter IRL.

Caesercel #sexist #racist #fundie #wingnut incels.is

[RageFuel] How can you guys laugh at this bullshit

This forum is fucking nuts. How the fuck can you guys laugh at these cuckit stories of foids being complete utter whores? Instead of getting called out they get support from thousands of cuckiters. That one about that whore who fucked 10 guys

My boyfriend isn’t okay with me being promiscuous in the past. [Update]

WHAT THE FUCK FUCKING 7000 comments. All who support and encourage her whoredom. By Allah, these stink ridden broken vagina roasties make me want to rain fire upon these cum guzzling inhuman freaks. How can anyone be ok with this????????? How is this even allowed? How can anyone self respecting man accept such a disgusting tramp as a wife or gf. Why are they not being beaten to death

laughing is a cope in the face of powerlessness, like how monkeys smile to signal subservience.

What powerlessness? Have we forgotten so easily that we are men? When did we allow the (((police state))) and (((corporate system))) to have so much power over our lives. So much so that we can't even discipline our women from becoming such demonspawn. The cucked police and government would arrest the man for just expecting basic humanity from a woman. But they would allow the foid to be an evil leach who can't even be expected to keep her legs closed!!!!!!!! FUCK SUCH A SYSTEM

B.O.G.A.R.T. #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] The Blackpilling Beauty of American Beauty (1999), a Hollywood masterpiece every incel must watch

I was about to give up on American cinema all together and watch only European productions, but last night, while flipping channels, I saw American Beauty. It has to be one of the most based takes on the "american dream" at the turn of the millennium. American Beauty is a story about a man's eternal struggle against the fear of going over-the-hill, getting cucked and eventually divorce-raped.

Kevin Spacey plays a 40something magazine executive caged in a marriage which suffers a severe case of a dead bedroom. Everything changes for him the day he goes to pick up his daughter from high school, where he is introduced to his daughters best friend -- a blonde jb cheerleader (played by Mena Suvari), and starts drooling at the sight of her, as he were possessed. His daughter is disgusted and creeped out by her father having the hots for a 16 year old girl, but the movie doesn't call for the viewer to make moralistic judgments or problematize the age gap.

The film rather shows the sheer re-invigorating power that developing a oneitis has. Spacey fantasies about the blonde loli at nights, describing the feeling as blood pumping through his veins again after 20 years of living a life of a dead man. His libido becomes so intense his wife wakes up to the sound of him fapping one night -- she freaks out and threatens to divorce him for being a pervert, to which he starts dropping nuclear redpills about having to live a celibate life out of fear of being labeled a creep, and as he shuts the bitch down -- the camera focuses on his smirk as the scene gets accompanied with a playfully upbeat tune, inviting the viewer to root for Spacey character's newly found will to reclaim and defend his manhood.

Here is a man who always tried to please everyone around him at the expense of himself, and was still left on ignore by his own family, a cautious tale of american youth obsessed culture, the Yes Chad movie of unapologetic male sexuality.

Personalityinkwell & Mainländer #sexist incels.is


[Whitepill] The state of New York acknowledges 11 year olds can consent to sex.

New York Statutory Rape Laws

However you can't be older than 14 and have sex with the 11 year old. So if you have an 11 year old daughter she can get railed by Chadlet but no man with a stable job can marry her and start a family with a young wife as God intended. Btw girls can hit puberty at 11 a decent amount of the time, with all the soy and hormones in the food girls are hitting puberty younger and younger. The average age their pussy gets wet is 10.



Being pumped and dumped by a slightly older Chad is less psychologically damaging to a girl's mind than being in a loving marriage with an adult man :soy:

It's all nonsensical feminist shit. A 11 yo can consent with an orgy with 14 yo gigachads that can lead to her asshole being teared apart like it happened with that teen from Australia but a 17 yo can't consent with a peck kiss from an adult guy. It's baffling that even some people here agree with that nonsense. The fact we have people who agree with some feminist stuff even here shows us clearly that men lost. Gynocentrism won. If I was the admin agecucks would all be banned as hard as Zesto was. All their shit would be deleted forever with 35 patterms Guttman overwriting.

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