
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #racist #fundie naturalnews.com

Over the weekend, this author received intel chatter — unconfirmed but worth paying attention — about radical left-wing terrorists planning on carrying out acts of sabotage during the Christmas week deep freeze that’s about to hit much of North America. Acts of sabotage against domestic power infrastructure are multiplied in their chaos effects by sub-freezing weather which makes power loss extremely dangerous for a variety of reasons.
Many Antifa supporters are Luciferians / Satanists, and if they can take down the power grid on or around Christmas Day, they will literally achieve the snuffing out of lights on the day of Christ. This would be an “extra credit” type of terrorism activity for those who are also satanists and who therefore despise both Christ and a functioning human civilization.
I cover all this and more in today’s podcast:

– Antifa group in Georgia arrested with BOMBS and weapons
– Intel chatter about Antifa groups targeting electrical infrastructure
– Luciferians hope to take out the lights on the Day of Christ (Christmas)
– Nearly two-thirds of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck
– America is at the tipping point of chaos and desperation: #Inflation , layoffs, etc.
– EU #climate cultists reach agreement to force all citizens to pay for carbon emissions
– EU climate goal specifies a “carbon zero” deadline of 2050
– CARBON ZERO means zero human beings, since breathing releases carbon
– Under the climate cult, Western Europe is committing civilization SUICIDE
– The planetary-scale ethnic cleansing operation has only accelerated since
– Vaccines, bioweapons, economic collapse, “carbon zero” all share same goal: Eliminating humans from Earth
– Why is Earth being prepared for a post-human future? #depopulation
– Humanity is a FAILED species on a cosmic scale. Failed basic tests of logic, stewardship and sanity.
– The entire human race has been targeted for termination by forces far more powerful than us

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Get ready for Round #2 of the New World Order, coming to a theater near you in 2023, you heard it here first. 23 Skidoo!
Today on the Podcast we will do a little prognosticating about what 2023 may or may not have in store for us. We will base this on not baseless conspiracy theory, but on what did transpire in the time period we are now calling Round #1, the years 2020 through 2022. The New World Order is not retreating, in fact, they appear to be reloading. Are you ready for what comes next?

“Therefore they sacrifice unto their net, and burn incense unto their drag; because by them their portion is fat, and their meat plenteous. Shall they therefore empty their net, and not spare continually to slay the nations?” Habakkuk 1:16,17 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, Jared Kushner and Elon Musk were just accidentally intentionally “spotted” hanging out together at the World Cup Finals in Qatar, I wonder what that means? It means something. Speaking of Jared Kushner, he just started Affinity Partners hedge fund that opened its doors with $2,000,000,000.00 in petty cash on day one of operations. I wonder where all that cash came from. (not really). Here’s a fun fact – did you know that the Kingdom Holding Company and the private office of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal are the second largest investors in Twitter? It’s true. Hmm, I wonder what all these seemingly unrelated items have to do with each other? (I don’t really wonder, I know). Did you know that the New York Times published a swastika-shaped crossword puzzle to celebrate the first day of Hanukkah? They did, and what about the Spartan Virus and Mein Kampf? Man, oh man. Get ready for Round #2 of the New World Order, coming soon to a theater near you in 2023, you heard it here first.

Muslim Diary #fundie #sexist facebook.com

It is well known that gold is something with which people adorn and beautify themselves, but a man is not meant to do this, i.e., he is not a person who may be perfected by means of adding something, rather a man is perfect in and of himself, because of his manhood, so he has no need to adorn himself for some one else that he may like, unlike women. One of the strange things that we see nowadays is many young men adorning themselves by wearing gold chains and the like, and they even put makeup on their faces. This is contrary to the fitrah (sound human nature) and to the masculinity and resolve which should be the characteristics of men. Hence you will not find any wise and serious man doing that, rather they are either who are not straight or those who are lacking in character, time-wasters who are trying to fill the gaps in their character or fill their time by doing that.
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Stephen Kokx #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #conspiracy lifesitenews.com

[From "Christians should at least give credit to Putin for waging war on LGBT propaganda"]

Putin continued his war on woke ideology Sunday by signing into law a bill that strengthens his country’s opposition to “LGBT propaganda”

Western media predictably lashed out at the Orthodox Christian president, who, unlike European and North American politicians, has rejected international pressure to embrace transgenderism and state-sanctioned sodomy

For defending Biblical marriage and sexuality — as well as for putting Russia first — Putin is vilified by the press as one of the most evil men to have ever lived. The reason why is obvious: He stands in the way of the military industrial complex’s plans for global hegemony

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying Putin’s hands are entirely clean. He’s no saint by any means. But I have friends who would rather have him as their president than Joe Biden[…]
The new Russian bill laudably creates fines and broadens the scope of a 2013 law to now include a prohibition of LGBT content not only for children but Russians of all ages. It also bans the promotion of pedophilia and gender “reassignment” in films, books, media, and advertising[…]Bill passed with unanimous support in both the upper and lower houses of Russia’s Federal Assembly. To that I say: Bravo. U.S. lawmakers should follow suit[…]
This isn’t the first time Putin has the social justice left up in arms. At the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi last year, he denounced those who promote “cancel culture,” equating them to the Bolsheviks[…]
It’s been said that even a broken clock is right twice a day. I hope Christians who consider Putin an irredeemable villain will at least recognize the good he has done with this and other laws he’s supported that defend Biblical morality against the woke left. Leaders who support such bills are no doubt hard to come by in our post-Christian world. Let’s give credit where credit is due

NIGELTEAPOT #fundie #sexist brianniemeier.com

what you perceive as “ai” are just demons infesting computers. your line of “reasoning” to attack the messenger falls right into the intended trap laid out for you.

freemasons believe that you give “consent” to every evil by doing nothing when they surreptitiously warn you what they are planning to do. there is also no such thing as an evil that doesn’t harm other evils, and so when those dolls are panicking you should listen (like when birds fly in the forest or deer get spooked though you can hear nothing).

As I have said many times:
“ the devil operates by reactions. the devil cannot make direct orders, as no one would listen, and has no power to compel or do anything; therefore the devil makes groups insufferable by corrupting their weakness so that a “reactionary group” comes to destroy the former. the reactionary group is the devil’s goal (if a corpse can have a goal, that is).

ex. feminism. the devil HATES women, more than you could imagine. therefore in an attempt to wipe out women once and for all, the devil made weak women stupid, demonic, and insufferable. the goal being that frustrated men would “react” by giving the feminists all their worst fears in revenge; which is what the devil wanted all along.”

Matt #fundie #sexist #conspiracy #racist younggospelminister.blogspot.com

[From "Trade Offs Of Women Working"]

When you sit and ponder what pushing women into the workforce has done for society, objectively, it really shows how silly we are[…]
-Well, it has created more opportunities for women. Almost endless opportunities[…]
-It has filled the workforce with a mixed gender field[…]
This has had mixed results. Some people meet their husband or wife at work, and some people encounter sexually abusive interactions. There are now endless court cases dealing with sexual complaints in the workforce, placing a massive burden on women, men, employers, the court system, bringing in the creation of HR and more. A massive bureaucratic burden has been increased on the workplace, and women often write articles about how hard it is to deal with sexism in the workplace[…]
The most common place adultery happens is in the workforce[…]so it has undermined countless marriages. Which offsets the benefits of people finding a spouse at work, sometimes they were even somebody else's spouse first

It also places wives under the authority of someone else outside the home that competes with the husband's authority[…]
-Women can earn far more than ever before[…]So they have far more money, but they are earning money doing things they did as wives[…]
-Because women have more money, everything costs more. Therefore this having more money is a double edged sword[…]
This causes women to delay having children to pursue a career, which means less children are born. So immigration is needed (some think so at least)[…]These people often come from cultures opposed to ours causing other issues as well[…]
In engineering there is a principle, that every increase in one area, comes with a trade off in another area[…]We have done this to society by driving women into the workforce. We have traded a lot, for little return, and we are wearing society down in the process

C. Ervana #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy youtube.com

Obama "joked" that he would win the war on Christmas. He did...in 2015. From the Snaketivity, to the opening of the Church of Lucifer in Houston, to the first public state-sponsored Satanic ceremony, to Childhood's End unveiling of the supervisor of Earth, to the show "Supernatural" depicting Lucifer dressed up as Satan, we can see a change happened in 2015. This change is an apostasy that happened inside the human body. Now, the Lord of the World has taken his position...

The Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, is the only Way, Truth, and Life. You cannot know the Father any other way except through Him!

Bishop Climate Wiseman #fundie #god-complex #magick #mammon #quack fij.ng

Climate Wiseman, a bishop and founder of Kingdom Church, Camberwell, London, United Kingdom, was found guilty of fraud by an Inner London Crown Court after he sold bottles containing hyssop, cedarwood and olive oil as “plague protection oil” during the pandemic.

According to the UK Mirror, Wiseman, 47, sold each bottle as part of a “protection kit” that contained other items like a “prayer card and scarlet yarn” for £91.

He also told his flock during the pandemic that they could drop dead if they did not purchase the kit.

While defending himself in court on Thursday, Wiseman told a group of jurors that he was inspired by a visitation from God, who during the visit, told him he was a prophet who could cure coronavirus.

He also told the jurors he had performed many miracles, including curing the blind, and insisted he believed the oil was capable of curing or preventing Covid-19 for him and members of his church “because of their faith”.

the Canadian conservative / @12345678901 #crackpot #quack #fundie gettr.com

We are in a holographic matrix, any one who doesn't not bring positive value to your life you need to distance your self from! This planet is evolving to a 5D state and if you want your transition to be some what easy you really need to start your spiritual awakening. I'm sure you feel it, the symptoms they say are covid symptoms, the headaches/fatigue the feeling like some thing isn't right in this world Dejan-vu . Pay attention to the sky. The jabs are the devils work to change our DNA and disconnect us from the source creator. But the truth is the solar flares happening are up grading our DNA that's what there keeping from you, the knowledge that God's plan for our species is now and happening in real time. Quite your mind and listen for our fathers voice

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

What then, do zombies represent? You could argue that they’re manifestations of the fear of Western civilization ending. And that’s fair. It also explains why the zombie apocalypse was the first ubiquitous entertainment sensation after Cultural Ground Zero. People sensed that our artistic capital was used up, so the only thing people could come together over was the mutual observation that everything was falling apart.

But that’s a major symptom, not the root cause. The zombies might have been stand-ins for third-world invaders, collapsing social trust, and younger generations’ rejection of tradition. But then what was the underlying ritual/chemical/virus?

[Photos of a vandalized statue, a drag queen talking to a child, and a woman expressing happiness at being vaccinated]

It was a force that encompassed all dyscivic outcomes, so it is the sum of all errors and the sum of all fears. The answer is Modernism and its disastrous consequences. Stop to think about it, and you’ll see that the zombie is the perfect avatar of the Modernist. Succumbing to the apocalypse vector frees him to indulge forbidden urges, but at the cost of his humanity.

For decades, Modernist heretics promised us that a bright, sexy utopia was just around the corner. All we had to do was change one little part of the Church’s Tradition. Then another. And another …

Cultural Ground Zero was when people started to realize that there would be no shiny earthly paradise. Instead, they’d sold their inheritance for antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis and hobo camps. Of course the real zombie outbreak would take the form of a heresy. It’s right there in the “apocalypse” keyword. “Apocalypse” means “unveiling”. A lot of folks saw their true selves in those movies and despaired. But there’s always time to turn back and embrace the Traditions the West abandoned in our hubris.

It’s tricky, though. Because Christ will forgive any sin but despair, because despair is the refusal to accept that mercy is possible.

Roosh V #fundie #conspiracy #racist rooshv.com

[From "The Synagogue Is Ramping Up Their Attacks On The Orthodox Church"]

The Ukrainian government[…]has been making steady progress towards the unthinkable: the complete banning of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). If this happens, it will undoubtedly pave the way for the banning of Orthodox Churches in America. Via Reuters:

The Ukrainian government will draw up a law banning churches affiliated with Russia[…]

Other outlets called the Ukrainian Orthodox Church a “sect”[…]but make no mistake that it is the canonical Orthodox Church in Ukraine with the vast majority of Orthodox believers (70%) and succession to Saint Vladimir the Great[…]
The other Orthodox church in the country, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), hereby referred to as the schismatic church, was established in 2018 as a geopolitical attack against Russia thanks to its recognition by Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, whose political aspirations lead him to continually meet with American officials[…]
First came the American coup in 2014 that took over the country and then little coups of the individual churches, with a design to move the geopolitical center of Ukraine from Russia to the West and its spiritual center from the Patriarch of Moscow[…]
History tends to repeat itself, and so it becomes instructive when we start asking who is behind the proposed shutdown[…]Christ refused Satan’s temptation for the world’s kingdoms, but members of the synagogue were quick to make lucrative deals[…]
Zelenksy is Jewish. Most of the cabinet directing Joe Biden is Jewish[…]
It’s worth asking yourself why the canonical Russian Church is being directly assaulted by Jewish authorities yet again a mere 105 years after the Bolsheviks came into power: because it is the true and faithful Church

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #fundie gab.com

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)

spoilerThis Sunday, pray to END abortion in America

@RealMarjorieGreene Really, then we will have 200 Million blacks and 300 Million mexicans in only 2 generations. Why don't we pray white women start having more than ZERO kids ?!?

@BatKun @RealMarjorieGreene How about we just separate and let the democrats have their 3rd world sh*thole.

@RealMarjorieGreene Work to end antiwhitism as well.

@RealMarjorieGreene Focus on ending the COMMUNISM, the end of abortion will fall into place.

@RealMarjorieGreene weird because you are the only one who is in the position to do so. Instead you virtue signal and beg God for more. God will have choice words for hypocrites like you. Jesus is unlikely to allow a hypocrite to meet his Father.

@RealMarjorieGreene How about stop communist jews, the real threat??

@RealMarjorieGreene Prayer is good, but it isn't sufficient:

1. Donate to crisis pregnancy centers.
2. Volunteer to work in one -- or to guard one.
3. Make your voice heard, especially around medical parks that are home to abortion clinics.
Infanticide has become fashionable. It will take a mass movement unprecedented in history to end it.

@fporretto @RealMarjorieGreene And we had better do this soon....before The Lord decides to take His hand of protection off this country. God will not be mocked.

Jim #fundie #sexist blog.reaction.la

[From "The priest cannot say “groomer” and the churches are vanishing."]

Christianity is an evangelical religion, but it was always transmitted primarily biologically. People went to the church their dad went to, because their dad went to that Church. Christians outbred, rather than converted, the pagans

And now, that has stopped. Few baptisms, few intact families in the pews. And so the Churches are emptying out, with a diminishing congregation of old people, and very few children. Every year, the church gets a bit emptier. In the mainstream churches, biological replacement is not happening

The first church to vanish was the congregationalists. When a Church capitulates to modernity, it loses biological transmission of faith and starts to disappear

The Anglican Church started its disappearing act when it abolished marriage, replacing a mating procedure appropriate for oogamous organisms, with a symmetric procedure, that could only make sense if vertebrates were isogamous

Anisogamy is fundamental to Christianity. God is the father. He is not the mother. The Church is the bride of Christ, and Christ the bridegroom. The bible does not speak to women. It speaks to men about women[…]
All happy families are alike. They all work the same way. They are all quietly biblical and quietly eighteenth century. Women, children, and dogs need a master, and if they do not have one, get tense and difficult[…]
Thus the Church that has a symmetric mating ceremony, suitable only for isogamous organisms, is going to wind up preaching that the husband and father is Homer Simpson. So it is not necessarily a good idea to take your wife and kids to Church to hear that you are Homer Simpson. And so, the faith fails to propagate biologically[…]
I attempt to control my wife’s social environment so that the women in her environment are good influences[…]
Patriarchs take their family’s to church for the social environment

Jon Garvey #conspiracy #fundie potiphar.jongarvey.co.uk

On GB News last night someone had found a recent House of Lords report stating, as a matter of fact, that renewables will never be able to replace the energy supply we have, and hence outlining how (not if) the people will have to reduce their consumption of energy. It’s not just that they will have to pay to install heat pumps instead of gas boilers – they will have to get used to colder houses, because the inadequacy of the latter is already assumed. Foreign travel will not just be too expensive – it will be restricted (in line, of course, with the G20’s recent support for digital vaccine passports, despite their demonstrated uselessness as a public health measure). Local travel, too, will be limited by the inability of most to buy, or charge, electric cars.

None of this appears to be intended as belt-tightening necessary to get us through all the threatened climate tipping points until the new clean energy system is up and running. Rather, the future is all permanent sackcloth, ashes and low energy consumption by design.

Now that makes some kind of religious sense if you buy into the idea that we are guilty of raping Mother Earth by our greedy consumption of fossil fuels. I wrote about that myth here, and it’s surprising how even many Christians accept what is actually a thoroughly pagan idea, and an irrational one at that. Earth’s bounty, including fossil fuels, was given to us by God to use. But like so much of the Great Reset the myth seems purpose-made to impoverish the poor, especially, and reduce them to servitude. Why does Satan hate the poor so much (perhaps it’s just making people poor he enjoys)?

ChristMasIsALie #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy christmasisalie.org

What they didn’t tell you about “Christmas” is not simply trivial or incidental. In fact, it could be the most explosive thing you have ever heard, if you are a “Christian”. Because what you were not told, is what could change your opinion as to whether you ever wish to do it again.

To the people censoring that information, making sure that you do it, no matter what it really is, is much more important to them, than your future, or even your “eternal destiny”.
They really don’t care what happens to you, as a result of your “elbowed-forced” compliance to them. (Even if it “demonizes your children”, “kills both you and them” or “sends you both altogether to hell” after you die) They really really really do not care.

And just in case, you "get it confused" or "twisted" as a result of accidentally believing in their "propaganda", "peace on earth, goodwill toward men".
They will explain it, they will illustrate it, and they will even punctuate it with a few choice profanities. (All in “honor of Christ”, of course) ...The “Christ” born on December 25th, that is.
A very strange thing happened in the history of the western Church. The idea came to be believed that “secretly” Christ and the Antichrist were the same thing. The whore of Babylon and the bride of Christ, were “secretly” the same thing. And that “Christ” and “Lucifer” were “secretly” the same thing.

So by doing “both” at the same time, the Church was appropriating the promises of “power” spoken about the “Antichrist”. Therefore by “sacrificing itself” to BE those same two opposite things, at the same time, they were “conquering the world” (for “Christ”).. the "Christ" of December 25th.

But it was the “Christ” of the gnostics, not the one of the New Testament. Thus the difference. And in believing what the New Testament prophesied was going to be “the great delusion”, it also fulfilled the very prophecies concerning the coming of the “Antichrist” and it’s deception on earth, and its global rule over the world.

Matt #fundie #sexist younggospelminister.blogspot.com

[From "The Woman Problem"]

It is common to hear in Australia that the Liberal Party has a woman problem. Because women tend to vote more to the left, and the liberal party often has less women in positions of influence. Putting aside the fact that some of the other parties got the amount of women they have into prominent positions through quotas, I disagree the Liberal Party has a woman problem. Australia has a woman problem, because of problem women

Australian women in general (with very clear and godly exceptions) are haughty, proud and arrogant, and are unashamed about using their vote to allocate more resources to themselves, and to favour whichever political party will give this to them. Australian woman are much like the women of ancient Judah in its days before its decline[…]
The women of Judah had become haughty, proud and dominated their husbands. Isaiah put it this way, 
@Isaiah 3:16

The Lord said: Because the daughters of Zion are haughty and walk with outstretched necks, glancing wantonly with their eyes, mincing along as they go, tinkling with their feet[…]

In its declining years Judah had a woman problem. It was producing the wrong kind of women as well. This helped bring down theor nation[…]
The women of Judah were provoking great sin, but it was not without the permission of their men. Judah had a woman problem, because it had a man problem. Theee was a lack of leading men; strong, righteous and godly men. 

Aussie men are very tolerant of their wives rejecting God's commands to be mothers, managing the home, etc. But ultimately, even rebellious women look to their men for their cues. Even the idolatrous women of Judah were just following their lead leas of their men. Which is why God judges the men with the women, and the society as a whole 

The conservative parties don't have a woman problem. Australia has a haughty woman problem. And it's because Aussie men allow it

Got Questions Ministries #fundie #conspiracy #racist #sexist #homophobia gotquestions.org

What is cultural Marxism?

Cultural Marxism can be a controversial term—some assert there’s no such thing, and others use the term as a catch-all for anything they see as undermining society. In short, cultural Marxism is a revolutionary leftist idea that traditional culture is the source of oppression in the modern world. Cultural Marxism is often linked to an insistence upon political correctness, multiculturalism, and perpetual attacks on the foundations of culture: the nuclear family, marriage, patriotism, traditional morality, law and order, etc. Cultural Marxists are assumed to be committed to establishing economic Marxism, in which case their cultural attacks are a necessary preparation for their ultimate goal.


Beyond question, there is a purposeful effort in parts of Western culture to reject traditional values and aggressively replace them with more (supposedly) progressive ideals. This often results in an extreme imbalance in criticism and cultural sensitivity. For instance, derogatory attitudes toward men, whites, Christians, fathers, heterosexuals, and so forth are often celebrated or encouraged. Equally critical comments directed at women, minorities, Muslims, mothers, homosexuals, and so forth are readily condemned as “hateful.” Whether or not cultural Marxism is behind this imbalance, many people do seem purposefully prejudiced against certain points of view.

For Christians, dealing with cultural Marxism involves a spiritual dimension. It is undeniable that, in the West, Christian values are under attack. However, the root cause of these attacks is not wholly political or racial or social. It is spiritual. To the extent that traditional Western culture reflects biblical truth, attacks on that culture are anti-God. As an example, for centuries Western culture promoted chastity before marriage as an ideal; modern culture downplays chastity and glorifies immorality. Cultural Marxism at work? Possibly. Satan working in tandem with humanity’s sin nature? Assuredly (see James 1:14).

Affectionate_Park87 #fundie #conspiracy reddit.com

It's absolutely disgusting and so disrespectful how they use the words almighty and then made the creator a pokemon that you can actually see, fight, and catch. So much hidden messages in what is supposed to be an innocent game, we all grew on loving pokemon and everything about it. But this is just a new low disgusting atheist approach they are using to pass messages to youth and kids about the myths of beliefs, gods existence and they use them in a very sinister way in the game that is hard to ignore. Why do you have to force your disgusting atheist ideologies in an innocent game.

Brian Niemeier #fundie brianniemeier.com

Most historically literate people realize that Christianity is an essential pillar of Western civilization. But Satan’s role as our accuser means he loves tempting God’s people to sin and then calling us out for hypocrisy. No one would fall for the wignats’ spiel if every Christian lived Christianity. That scandal, in its various forms across Christian sects, has given many who’re sympathetic to Christianity pause.

Hang out on Christian Twitter, and you’ll soon come across seekers saying, “The Death Cult’s enormities have me convinced that demons are real, so there must be a God. But every Christian denomination seems tainted with some flavor of wokeness, cuckery, or cringe. If only there were a based Church, I’d join in a heartbeat.”

Such statements betray the same shallow, consumerist attitude that underlies wignat attacks on the Church. Modern liberal democracy and capitalism promised everyone unlimited license. Individual preference became the measure of all things, including religion. You see it in the phrase “marketplace of ideas.” Liberalism frames politics as the same kind of consumer choice as shoe shopping. Material preferences are enshrined as absolutes, so everything is politicized and commodified. That is the tainted ground from which the Woke Cult grew, and the wignats’ ambitions will be choked if they try to plant in it.

Rawflesh0615A #homophobia #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

Aonons I don’t really think you got the bigger picture at all. From what you don’t understand that being a sodomer like gays, sodomers, and also homosexual is ALSO part of a sin. I’m not rude you know. I’m just saying that making excuse isn’t a good idea. You see, Mr. Crowley is the responsible for all of this sodomy movement aka same sex marriage. It’s already happened in CA, Florida, and including DC. Same as our government, those sodomers are even the worse thing could ever impact your life, and I am not going to agree with your excuse you know. There are most people who support this LGBT and even the sodomy movement were extreme corruptedly sins. Don’t you have any idea what your protecting? God never support sodomy marriage, and it’s purely sin. Sodomy is also got to do with same sex marriage because man isn’t falling love with ladies anymore. From you wanted was to defend that sin, and it’s very unhealthy. If you think that this argument had gone to fair. Then you have been warned my friend.

Dr. John A. Duncan Ph.D. #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #quack #mammon amazon.com

Identity theft is a real problem that has a significant impact as the loss is costly in ways that reach far beyond an economic one — as vital as that is. The more consequential loss is when persons are robbed of their identity given at birth because there is the compromising of one’s most precious commodity — our personal identity — that one thing that sets us apart from others. Our current suicide rate is a testimony against present-day approaches for dealing with the issues, which are rooted in the hearts of men, while only dealing with the mind, the will, and the emotions of man, and not the heart and will of God. So, when individuals are not walking out the destiny connected to their God-ordained purpose, they are often blind to who they were created to be and instead become a poor copy of someone else. "Homosexuality: The Ultimate Manifestation of Identity Theft" has been written to address the mishandling of the current crisis that exists today among the genders, with the knowledge that the dissonance experienced cannot be quieted with all the acceptance one can find. We must rediscover God’s purpose for the two sexes . . . and there must be a return to the Maker’s original intent when He made them male and female.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

The Church Now Has A Non-Catholic Pope, The USA Has Yet Another Anti-American President And Still No One Recognizes The Silent Coup Taking Down Church And State
What seems to be dooming Constitutional America and guaranteeing that the American silent coup will succeed is the almost universal worshiping of, not so much the American electoral process itself, but Public Faith in the American electoral process. Over and over again, the "experts" in the matter keep repeating the exact same "get 'em again next time" strategy and expecting a different result.

Whatever you do, don't question any past election once it is certified, they advise, again, and again, and again. Certified elections are sacred.

Despite the fact that almost all critical area certifiers of elections are bought, paid for, owned and operated by George Soros, as are so many judges, prosecutors, investigators and various Marxocrat candidates and office holders, high and low.

The political experts know, with ontological certitude, that if President Trump keeps referring to the 2020 election steal he will lose the election in 2024, no matter who runs against him. And, he will lose the primary before the 2024 election, no matter who runs against him in the primary.

Thereby helping the silent coup to succeed, if President Trump takes their advice, or drops out.
The "expert" advice from supposed conservatives to look only forward and not backward, to pretend that nothing happened in 2020 and work on 2024, is now being embellished with advice to "fight fire with fire" and do what the Marxocrats are doing and have done, because, it has been found, they are still doing it.

Well, no Schiff, Sherlock.
The only thing Truth has going for Him in this world is us.

The restoration of Truth = Reality in the hearts and minds of men is now totally dependent upon you and me; if we don't do it, it won't get done.

Get behind President Trump, and make America Constitutional again.

Pray for a strategic collaboration between Abp. Vigano and Trump.

Light Monyeki #fundie #psycho #quack dailymail.co.uk

A Christian pastor in South Africa has sparked outrage after encouraging worshipers at his church to drink deadly rat poison.

Pastor Light Monyeki told worshipers at the Grace Living Hope Ministries to drink from a bottle of water laced with noxious Rattex to 'nourish their bodies' and 'heal their sickness'.

After the pastor took a sip from the bottom, 'a multitude of congregants voluntarily ran to the front to have a drink of the deadly poison', the church claimed.

Sharing pictures of Monyeki pouring the poisoned water down congregants' throats, the church wrote in a Facebook post: 'The man of God, Prophet Light Monyeki demonstrates power of faith by causing congregants to drink Rattax; deadly poison to show forth their faith.

As he was doing that he said “we do not need to proclaim faith because we are believers. If nyaope [a street drug] boys can smoke Rattax for more than eight years, who are we? Death has no power over us”.

Then he declared life from above upon the water mixed with Rattax; and spoke nourishment unto bodies and healing unto the sick.

A multitude of congregants voluntarily ran to the front to have a drink of the deadly poison. After declaring nourishment and healing, Prophet Light was the first one to drink.

Allie Beth Stuckey #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

When left-wing activists scream “separation of church & state,” they really mean the church should stay out of politics. They very much want the state to have authority over the church. And they intend to force their values on every remaining entity that hasn’t yet complied.

Russian Government #fundie #homophobia #biphobia #enbyphobia #psycho #transphobia thebulwark.com

[The Russian government has introduced new] legislation, which was passed unanimously, prohibits all public speech or actions deemed to be “directed at promoting nontraditional sexual norms,” to propagandize the “attractiveness” of same-sex relationships or gender transition, or to encourage “distorted notions of the social equivalency of traditional and nontraditional sexual relations.” The ban covers all media, from internet sites to journalism to literature, arts and entertainment including video games. While there are no criminal penalties, violators will pay steep fines: 50,000 to 400,000 rubles for individuals (in a country where the average monthly wage is between 50,000 and 60,000 rubles); 100,000 to 800,000 rubles for public officeholders; and 800,000 to 5 million rubles for companies, which can also be shut down for up to 90 days. Foreign lawbreakers can be not only deported but held in detention for up to 15 days. Films and television shows will be barred from release if found to have prohibited LGBT content, and Russia’s powerful federal communications supervision agency, the Roskomnadzor, will be empowered to block “LGBT propaganda” websites without a court order.

According to the principal architect of the new law, Duma member Aleksandr Khinshtein: “The special military operation is taking place not only on the battlefield, but also in people’s minds and souls. Today, in fact, we are fighting to ensure that Russia, as the president puts it, does not have “parent number one, parent number two, and parent number three” instead of Mom and Dad. It is obvious that our confrontation with the West is largely civilizational in nature. That’s because Russia is an outpost for the protection and preservation of traditional values in opposition to the new pseudo-values imposed by the West, first and foremost being the normalization of sexual deviancy.”

Brian Niemeier #homophobia #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

[On a high school teacher curating a collection of LGBT books for teenage students]

The witch has curated a collection of demonic spell books. Color me surprised.

That last bit about smut helping students figure out who they are and relate to their peers is pure diabolical perversion. Children are not sexual. That is part of what it means to be a child. Healthy presexual persons don’t need sex books to help them relate to fellow presexual persons. Saner civilizations understood this fact. Western society used to, until we let corrupted institutions like mandatory state schools raise our kids.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it until non-Cultists get it through their thick heads:

Failure to home school is child abuse.

That’s not an exaggeration. If you still send your children to public school, you’re complicit in child abuse, and you belong in prison. How much longer does your child have to suffer because you let your wife play office making PowerPoints in a cube farm?

Enough, already. You can stop the cycle any time. Start by not paying people who hate you. Read how here:

[Followed by a link to his book]

RealALivingston #wingnut #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com






Revelations describes the new Babylon as ”Mystery Babylon” which gives the definition much difference to historical Babylon. What entity is shrouded in Mystery or Secrecy and hidden in plain sight?!

Of course that would mean the 3 United States as sovereigns in their own right, by using Maritime Law.





Tommy Truthful #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick tommytruthful.com

CERN gets its name from Cernnunous which is Abbadon, lucifer, and shiva the destroyer. No wonder they have a statue of Shiva right outside of CERN.

333 IS ANOTHER PLAY ON 666, SHIVA IS THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS, SHIVA IS IN FRONT OF CERN, The True Meaning of 333 and the connection to lucifer aka shiva.

Satan may actually be Shiva in the east. This is also shown in the bible in Revelation, the number of the beast, the beast is another name of the serpent agathodaemon, the symbol of the soul, the serpentine system, in the ancient world. The number of which is 666.
The ancient Pythagoreans, who were part of the Golden Chain, brought knowledge of Egypt to India. Showed god as the Pentagram with the number 666 underneath. The pentagram is the symbol of Venus who is the serpent, this is where the Baphomet comes from. The androgynous serpent. Lucifer is another name for Venus as well.
This 666 is the symbol of the reborn soul and of God. A friend of mine who is Greek and has ancient knowledge in Greek showed me in the Greek Bible that 666 is put as Xi Chi Stau. However, the original spelling of 666 in the ancient world and is the revealing part. It's Chi Vav Vav. In ancient Kabala, repeating letters in this case would just be filling in the number code; the actual letters to be used here in kabala would be ChiVav… And from here the Vav becomes Va as the Kabala texts show.
Chiva is the ancient name of the serpent God associated with the moon in the Near East, which is originally male, this was also spelled as Sheba the B and V are double letters so one can be exchanged for the other. Sheba becomes Shiva further east where this knowledge came from. Shiva is still called Lord Chandra, the Moon God. The Chiva is also called The Breath of Life. The prana energy of the soul and all creation is shown as the serpent in Hinduism. The Chi is Shi.
In ancient Kabala, letters were numbered, and NUMBERS were used to spell letters. NUMBERS NEVER LIE!!!!

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #fundie paulcraigroberts.org

Alex Jones is demonized for giving us information that otherwise is withheld from us. Here are white Dutch policemen suppressing with violence the peaceful protests of the white Dutch farmers who feed them. The white Dutch farmers are facing confiscation of their farms on the fabricated grounds that their cows contribute to global emissions that allegedly are causing global warming. In other words, if you drink milk, you are destroying the earth.

For who are the Dutch police acting? It turns out that the Dutch policemen are acting against the Dutch farmers who feed them for the sole benefit of the propaganda of the Fascist World Economic Forum, financed by Bill Gats, George Soros and the rest of the rich who are alienated from Western civilization, infused as it is with Christianity that values human life and the human soul. . The WEA’s motto is: “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.”

The question is why do the Dutch Farmers and the rest of the heavily oppressed Western World’s populations, whether the oppression is from Covid mandates, speech restrictions, property confiscations, job loss, or school indoctrination of white children against parents and their race, bother with peaceful protests when the state has made it completely clear that the state has no concern whatsoever with public opinion. The Dutch farmers are suffering the same fate as the truckers in Canada and Trump supporters in America.
The West is dead. It was destroyed by liberals who infused the West with self-doubt. Oppressed Western peoples, such as the Dutch farmers, are so oppressed that violent resistance never occurs to them. All peaceful protests achieve is to identify dissidents to the government, as in Canada where the truckers’ protest identified leaders for the Fascist Trudeau to arrest.

In the Western World liberty is lost. Only the removal of the ruling elite could restore it. But the demonized people lack the confidence to save themselves.

Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, Bambang Wuryanto and the Indonesia parliament #fundie #sexist #homophobia theguardian.com

Indonesia’s parliament is expected to pass a new criminal code this month that would criminalise sex outside marriage and outlaw insults against the president or state institutions, prompting alarm from human rights campaigners

The deputy justice minister, Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, said in an interview with Reuters that the new criminal code was expected to be passed on 15 December. “We’re proud to have a criminal code that’s in line with Indonesian values,” he said

Bambang Wuryanto, a lawmaker involved in the draft, said the code could be passed by as early as next week

If passed, the code would apply to Indonesian citizens and foreign visitors, and introduce sweeping changes affecting a wide range of civil liberties

Sex outside marriage, which under the code could be reported only by limited parties such as close relatives, could lead to up to a year in prison, while unmarried couples would be banned from living together

Civil society activists have said this would leave same-sex couples, who do not have the right to marry, at additional risk of prosecution[…]
Insulting the president, which under the code could be reported only by the president, would carry a maximum of three years. Insulting state institutions and expressing any views counter to Indonesia’s state ideology would also be forbidden

Abortion would remain illegal except in cases of rape, according to the latest draft seen by Reuters, which was dated 24 November[…]
Savitri raised concerns over a provision that would criminalise “unsanctioned public demonstrations” that cause public unrest, which she said could be used to restrict peaceful assembly[…]
It is feared that a broad article in the code that refers to “living laws” could be used to recognise hundreds of regulations that exist at a local level and that are discriminatory against women, religious minorities and LGBTQ+ people

Kanye West #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #god-complex msn.com

On Monday, American Rapper Ye a.k.a Kanye took to Instagram and wrote, "Am I the only one who thinks Elon could be half Chinese? Have you ever seen his pics as a child? Take a Chinese genius and mate them with South African super model and we have an Elon."

He continued, "I say an Elon because they probably made 10 to 30 Elons and he is the first genetic hybrid that stuck..Well let`s not forget about Obama."

Kanye added, "I`m sorry for using curse words in church but i don`t have another word for Obama yet. YE24 Let`s Unify and find out LUAFO."

Sharing the note, he captioned, "On Jay Zs birthday Future president of the United States Ye uses Mark Zuckerberg`s platform to incite a mass investigation of Elon Musk`s childhood photos in the midst of Balenciagagate I call this The theory of everything Problem solved Praise God."

Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie twitter.com

There's so much for families of all ages to learn at the Creation Museum @CreationMuseum. And as you learn, you also "unlearn" all the false evolutionary based beliefs & anti-God secular humanist worldview that has impacted us all in one way or another! It's refresing!

Matt #elitist #fundie younggospelminister.blogspot.com

[From "Egalitarianism Exposed"]

This is a very important video. Because in this video, one of the most radical egalitarians I know actually admits that equality is not workable, possible or reasonable

Kyle is a passionate egalitarian atheist secularist, who is absolutely committed to egalitarianism in the West. Yet he has to admit its a non-workable philosophy

You have to understand equality is an anti-Christian force. It was the rhetoric of the secularists for well over a century because it was useful to batter against the anti-egalitarian strictly hierarchical Christian faith. And it worked. It worked so well many Christians now preach as if equality was their idea

But now that secularism reigns supreme in our culture egalitarianism is being redefined to suppress any competing philosophies, especially hierarchical religious philosophies. The goal was always the supremacy of the godless morality of the anti-Christ philosophy over Christendom and beyond. Now that the egalitarians are squarely in charge their rhetoric of equality is not as useful to them. They can now admit their desire for all competing ways of living to be diminished, if not suppressed

Kyle's argument is now common amongst secular leftists: "of course all cultures are not equal. Only our egalitarianism philosophy is the right kind of equal and all else must submit to it"

Watch the video. It's a remarkable admission

heather w #conspiracy #fundie youtube.com

Several years ago, right before Obama ran to be president, I had a vision from God that dealt with this. I was taken by an angel who showed me three ways evil is working on this earth and the way it is manifested. The angel stood behind me and had a sword that he put in my hand, and he kept his hand on mine, and pointed with it to the first scene that opened up. It was my ex husband (before I was saved, I had divorced). Tge angel said, this type of human has a heart for God, but Satan uses temptations of the flesh to lead them astray. I saw then in the vision these demonic women all around him giving him drugs and alcohol, and pulling him away so he couldn't be reached. I called out, but he was unable to hear me. Later on, my ex had reached out several times to go to church, and even got baptized, but eventually succumbed to an overdose on drugs a few years after this vision. The second scene the angel showed me was in a dingy dark apartment. There was a man and woman I had never seen before. The angel pointed at the man and said "this type, has no heart for God at all!" and the angel took my hand and drove the sword into the belly of the man, and there was nothing. The angel said "there is no light in him at all!" And a week later I saw a news article with that man and woman, and they had been arrested for robbing someone and tying them up and beating them in front of their kids! Then the angel took me to the third scene. I saw a giant political platform and it was all dark like night, and the lighting was firelight. People were cheering. Then a black man with a toothy grin appeared on the stage. The angel in a very angry voice said "THIS TYPE, this type is NOT human at all!!!" Aand the angel took my hand with the sword and cut the throat of the politician, and there was no blood. The man just laughed an evil laugh with his throat gaping open. Later i recognized that man to be Obama, and he destroyed the sanctity of marriage in our nation, opening a floodgate of evil. I had this vision before I had even read the word of God. I later learned that what God had shown me, were wheat under attack, tares, and principalities of evil. I understand what Paul meant when he said he didn't know if he was in rhe body or in the spirit, because I didn't know either. The vision was so clear and so detailed, and everything the angel showed me was confirmed later. I've never had anything like that happen before or since.

Russian state TV hosts #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #magick #psycho #wingnut twitter.com

Araik Stepanyan: I would like to continue this painful topic. This is a religious, psychological, people’s topic. We need to be very specific as to what we emphasize and not be shy about it. I believe the Orthodox church should proclaim that Zelensky is officially the coming of the Antichrist. He is official Antichrist! From the standpoint of Orthodoxy, this man is the classic Antichrist. We should forget the surname Zelensky, e should simply call Zelensky the Antichrist! He formalized it, officially, practically and in writing! He made a deal with the Devil, and he is fulfilling his obligations per this contract! There can be no diplomacy or familiarity with this! We should realize that the destruction of Orthodoxy and it’s uprooting is taking place!

Alexander Kamkin: Araik, I will disagree with you. You flatter Zelensky by calling him an Antichrist. He is just a small demon, but no more than that. Yes, he serves the Antichrist, he is building, stone after stone…

My dearest, there is so much blood, a sea of blood, a sea of Ukrainian blood, a schism in the church. It couldn’t be accomplished by a small demon! He is definitely the AntiChrist! The Antichrist should be finished off!

Dan Corner #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot evangelicaloutreach.org

The Covid 'vaccine' is NOT a real vaccine, but instead an injection of mRNA technology that will change your DNA. Besides aborted baby cells and parasites, the injection contains an operating system that transforms the recipient into an antenna and a trackable controllable TRANSHUMAN, due to the graphene oxide (hydrogel or nano-robots). MANY have DIED and many others have been severely injured by this injection. DECEIT IS PROSPERING (Dan 8:25). In due time, the mark of the beast (Rev. 13:16,17) will be coming from the MICRONEEDLE vaccine patch. See Rev . 12:11; 14:9-12. EOM IN.org

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy christorchaos.com

[From "Fallen Men Will Choose to be Willing Servants of Evil Absent the Social Reign of Christ the King"]

Catholics continue to believe in the political equivalent of the tooth fairy even though the scions of the organized crime family of the false opposite of the naturalist “right” continue to betray the cause of both natural and supernatural truth[…]
A dozen hapless agents of evil in the Republican Party, led[…]by the follower of a false religion[…]Mitt Romney, voted[…]to advance debate on a bill to codify[…]Obergefell v. Hodges[…]
The modern civil state[…]product of Protestant Revolution’s overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King and the subsequent rise of Judeo-Masonry[…]
Divorce led to contraception, which led to a rise in adultery, divorce[…]broken families[…]rise of the welfare state and its agenda of alienating children from their parents. Contraception also led to the surgical execution of children in the womb[…]
Those who know to commit sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance carried with them a fully justified stigma[…]Actors such as Raymond Burr[…]entertainers such as[…]Liberace never confirmed their perverse ways[…]
It is not unjust for an employer to refuse to hire or to fire someone who is so intent on identifying himself by that which is opposed to the law of God[…]
Death, not “brotherhood”[…]was what Pope Saint Pius V[…]believed should be imposed on the clergy as well as the laity who were caught[…]
I am not suggesting the revival of this penalty in a world where it would not be understood and where the offender would be made a "martyr"[…]
Consider the reactions of a few careerist Republicans to[…]Bostock v. Clayton County[…]Sodomites and those who have undergone various surgeries and used various chemicals to “transform” themselves into something that is an ontological impossibility

Vox Day #fundie #conspiracy voxday.net

[From "Crucifixion Denial"]

Elon Musk: Denying a violent event, such as Sandy Hook, the Holocaust, and the September 11th attacks

Ian Miles Cheong: Twitter now has a new policy against Holocaust denial, 9/11 denial, or Sandy Hook denial. Thanks for adding this, @elonmusk

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ of Nazareth was indubitably a violent historical event. Should not its denial be similarly banned? Does this not mean Twitter has adopted an official Crucifixion Denial policy?

Dr. Leon James #fundie theisticpsychology.org

I have been teaching theistic psychology to college students who are majoring in psychology and are being prepared for professional and graduate school. The most difficult issue in their mind regarding the scientific status of the Swedenborg Reports is that his observations are not replicable by other scientists. They were taught that science means proof that can be replicated by other scientists. The students also report that the friends and family with whom they discuss the Swedenborg Reports, also are bothered by this one issue, saying, Why should you believe this man from the 18th century who says he talked to the dead? And how many others have also claimed this? Etc.

But the fact is that no one in the history of science, philosophy, psychology, theology, literature has ever claimed to have been dual citizens for decades, and no one in the history of literature has discussed or described what Swedenborg observed and explained. So the dismissive idea of Why should I believe him -- does not apply here at all. Here we have a unique situation in science and history and it deserves its own rational and impartial assessment.

The replicability issue is actually not a critical one in this case. Everyone will be able to replicate and verify what Swedenborg describes. This occurs 30 hours after death, when we are awakened through the process of resuscitation and begin our life of eternity in our spiritual mind (see Section xx). At that point everyone can verify the accuracy of the Swedenborg Reports.

Alexander Pagani #fundie #magick #quack charismanews.com

What's the difference between mental illness, a broken spirit and demonic possession? We sat down with pastor and apostle Alexander Pagani who works in deliverance ministry, and he is sharing his biblical insights to help shed light on what deliverance is and what it is not.

"First and foremost deliverance is not fighting the darkness it's turning on the light. It's total dependence on the Holy Spirit to deal with the root of the problem," Pagani says.

What is deliverance?

It is the military might of the kingdom of God destroying and removing strongmen in the kingdom of darkness. The entire purpose of salvation is to give followers of Jesus wholeness, while the purpose of the enemy is to break us into pieces.

Your soul can be whole or it can be fractured. "It can be broken in multiple pieces, now those pieces is where I believe Legion actually enter in," Pagani says.
"When it's a malevolent entity, its goal is to always destroy you. Leading a person to committing the act of suicide. When it's emotional it leads to this perpetual place of depression or instability," Pagani says.

When there is a dark entity influencing someone, the goal is to push them off of the deep end. The difference with mental health is that it often feels like anguish and doesn't lead to the place of destruction.

What isn't deliverance?

God can lead believer's through seasons where He is breaking things off like pride and insecurity and it can feel like you are being attacked. The importance in telling the difference between God refining you and the enemy attacking you is the end goal.

God will always work to bring you back together stronger than ever, give you peace and a beautiful future. The enemy's goal is to steal, kill and destroy and will lead you down a path of deep darkness and depression.

Mental health issues can be fought through affirmations and natural tools to help realign your thought processes.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #psycho #fundie dailystormer.in

[From "The Idaho Slut Punisher Remains Totally Elusive – No Suspect!"]

Sluts get put to sleep and there is no suspect

Sluts all over the world now live in fear that they will finally have to pay the price for their whoring

No one knows where the Idaho Slut Justice Deliverer will strike next

New York Post[…]
The slut population literally fled the town fleeing justice

You people think I’m joking or just being an asshole, but every single slut sees these murders and says “oh shit”[…]Sluts all know what they are doing is wrong, and they all expect to be punished, and are shocked they keep getting away with it[…]
Women all understand the kind of advantage they are taking and they’re laughing all the way to the bank that men in this country think it’s normal for women to go around dressed like this[…]
Most men – not me, but most men – look at these slut executions and think “oh this must be something personal or whatever.” Sluts see it and think “OH MY GOD I’VE BEEN FOUND OUT AND HE’S COMING FOR ME”

Despite pursuing countless tips[…]law enforcement officials appear to not be any closer to identifying the suspected killer or killers[…]

He laid the groundwork, and just like clockwork the dominos cascaded in a line[…]
You people can say I’m heartless and cold for saying these women had it coming, but frankly, I believe in the Bible

I denounce law-breaking and murder and so on, but the fact is, sluts do have it coming, they all know it and I know it and God knows it

A woman who goes around whoring it up on an industrial scale – as all women do these days – is not only a worthless parasite, she is also directly responsible for destroying society

On some level, sure, I’m having a laugh about these sluts getting carved up like a Thanksgiving turkey

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #conspiracy christorchaos.com

[From "John Calvin Could Not Be Happier (2022)"]

Do you realize that Christmas Day was not declared a Federal holiday until June 26, 1870, principally because of the large number of Catholics who had come to this country from Europe[…]?

Yes, the principal "holiday" of celebration in the latter part of a calendar year between 1607[…]and 1870, a period of two hundred sixty-three years, was "thanksgiving day"[…]
The American concept of "thanksgiving day"[…]has its roots with the Pilgrims of the Plymouth Colony who, as followers of John Calvin, were desirous of a total separation from the Church of England, which had, they believed, too much of the vestigial trappings of Catholicism[…]were giving thanks to God for having placed them in a land that they believed had not been "polluted" by what they hated most: the Holy Mass[…]
The first American Thanksgiving, though, took place on September 8, 1565, the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Saint Augustine, Florida. It included a Mass of Thanksgiving offered by Father Francisco Lopez de Mendoza Grajales. The Americas were indeed Catholic and they belonged to Our Lady long before those horrible Catholic-hating, Mass-hating Calvinists[…]
Calvinism, which is really warmed over Judaism with a slightly Christian gloss, is at the heart and soul of life here in the United States of America[…]
Yes, Christmas Day is still a Federal holiday. References to "Merry Christmas" and "Christmas Day." however, are strictly forbidden in most commercial establishments[…]
The American "thanksgiving day" has thus become the true embodiment of the ethos of religious indifferentism and cultural pluralism, a celebration of family traditions while the traditions of the true Faith have been consigned to the Orwellian memory well both by the forces of Calvinism/Judeo-Masonry and by the liturgical revolutionaries of conciliarism

Sam Sorbo #fundie #wingnut #transphobia stream.org

The whole woke thing, the CRT, that’s the critical race theory, and the transgender movement, and the 1619 project, which is a bunch of lies, right? All of that is its own religion. And Christians have to wake up and understand we are at war. It’s a war of two religions, the Judeo-Christian religion, and the other religion, which is the antithesis of that in every way, shape or form.

Matt Walsh #transphobia #enbyphobia #fundie #quack sciencebasedmedicine.org

“What is a woman” is a documentary directed by far-right activist Matt Walsh, where he goes around interviewing various people asking them their definition of what a woman is.

When interviewing members of the African Maasai tribe, Walsh is told that in their culture, men and women have separate roles, men can’t become women, and trans people don’t exist. The tribe laughs when Walsh asks, “What if a woman has a penis?” Walsh adds, “In my country, I can’t go a day without hearing that”. The Maasai tribe’s answer to what a woman is, is that a woman delivers babies; a man cannot. Walsh concludes from this encounter, “It’s clear that gender ideology is a uniquely Western phenomenon”. He’s not entirely wrong, but not for the reasons he thinks. “Gender ideology” is a buzzword originated by anti-LGBTQ activists in Europe. It is neither an academic term nor an actual political movement. However, it is presented as a movement led by LGBTQ and feminist activists intent on upending the “traditional family” and “natural order” of society. The fear-mongering of “gender ideology” is grounded in two beliefs: first, that LGBTQ people somehow threaten Christian values and the traditional family, and, second, that men and women should follow antiquated gender roles, lest they corrupt society.

Interestingly, Walsh interviewed members of just one out of 3,000 tribes in Africa and no one else from any other culture outside of the U.S. This comes across as some spectacular cherry-picking that is unrepresentative of the diversity of beliefs and practices involving gender in the world. It is also unclear to us whether Walsh is aware that the Maasai tribe also has a tradition of female genital cutting. Though the practice is, thankfully, becoming increasingly uncommon, the ritual persists in some communities and is used to prepare girls as young as ten years old for marriage. This seems incongruous with Walsh’s mission: as he states in a clip from his appearance on The Dr. Phil Show, “I care about the truth, so basic truth matters, I want to live in a society where people care about the truth, I care about children”. It’s hard not to wonder if Walsh actually approves of a society in which gender roles are so rigidly constrained that girls are required to undergo genital cutting to enforce them.

Vic Biorseth #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

The Homo Nazi movement already owns the SLIMC <Secularist Liberal Intellectual Media Complex>, but most people are probably not yet aware of the inroads it has made into government. hen high-level politicians use mealy-mouthed weasel-words to explain their position, how they're really for something that they are voting against, you should see their winning, warm political smiles as sinister. It is about as benign as the smile of the crocodile. I've said it before, many times, and it always bears repeating: you show me a Marxist and I'll show you an ends-justify-the-means liar. These predominantly Homo Nazi Senators do not love America so much as they love the notion of Utopia, or Communism.
A homosexual is what a homosexual does. If you have homosexual tendencies or temptations, and you take charge of yourself and resist them, then you are not a homosexual, and you are not any different from me or from anyone else. We all have temptations, we are all called to self-control. A homosexual cross may have a different shape or size or weight than other ones, but we each have our own unique crosses, and we are all called to pick them up, every day, and follow Him. He didn't say it would be easy; He just said to do it.

So, simple common sense, the Natural Order and the Ecclesial Order all seem to agree, and all oppose the Homo Nazi notion of the goodness, normalcy and acceptability of active homosexuality. Yet that is the clear and obvious position of our courts, most of our government, educational institutions, the SLIMC, the UN, the Left Coast and much of the East Coast.

However, for me, the gloves come off when addressing active homosexuals who have adopted the open homosexual lifestyle. I don't use tippy-toe language when talking to or about committed, obstinate unrepentant sinners, particularly when they publicly promote or "roll model" homosexuality in a positive way to others. I am a Roman Catholic; therefore, I am the open, avowed enemy of the Homo Nazi.

@motron #wingnut #fundie #homophobia gettr.com

This is a bit speculative but I think:#Twitter and #DISNEY are dying because they took the #ESG money. They have to promote the #GayAgenda and have to remove conservatives. The ESG money is #Saudi money. The ESG agenda wants islamic immigration. Islamic countries have population surplus. Promoting Gayness and Islam at the same time is not a contradiction. Gayness helps to destroy the formerly Christian nations. All ESG companies are poisoned and will die. All ESG customers overpay. ESG is the Saudi equivalent to the CCP's belt and road. The WEF who promotes ESG is aligned with the Islamic expansion.
i came to this conclusion because I noticed #Alwaleed complain about #Musk's takeover of Twitter. And I asked myself, why is this guy trying to interfere when he doesn't even have his Twitter stocks anymore (to my knowledge)?

Roosh V #fundie rooshv.com

[From "Serious People Don’t Pursue “Fun”"]

For most of my adult life, I lived as a child in an adult body. I never grew out of the desire to play in a selfish way[…]Only when I came back to Christ have I begun to put away the childish notion of having fun

The word “fun” is not found in the Bible. At no point did God command us to idolize fun, pursue it[…]The epitome of fun is the modern amusement park[…]stimulating rides and games for many hours until one gets nauseous from overstimulation[…]we do not need to physically drive to an amusement park to duplicate its effect upon our souls[…]cheap thrills that distract us from our vital mission before God[…]
Fun is a relatively new idea that entered the world when material ease and comfort became idolized. If your material needs were easily being met, and you did not take your faith seriously, you would experience black voids of “boredom,” where the antidote was not serving others or communing with God but engaging in fun[…]The apotheosis of fun may be the existence of a band by the same name who a decade ago sang about all the impious, drunken fun[…]
This song (i.e. work of social engineering) was extremely popular when it came out[…]
Mentally, we have all struggled to shake loose a childish desire to enjoy ourselves without responsibility or seriousness. How often does it happen to you that, after a tough day at work or a particularly long Orthodox service, you want to clock out and “enjoy” yourself?[…]
We’ve fallen so badly with our obsession to have fun and turn this life into a fit and a laugh that the early Church Fathers didn’t see the need to address that which didn’t then exist. To put it starkly, I have behaved worse than a pagan even though I was born after the revelation of Christ, and I am currently in the Orthodox Church and still must battle with my need to kick back

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