
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

1 God's Warrior✝️ / @InfantryMan3 #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia gettr.com

Err... Actually is NOT the "religion" who 'loves' (does) to rape young men, it's the #Homosexuals and any other #Sodomites who has infiltrated that religion to destroy it from within; just exactly how this 'Pope Francis" has done (he is the Sodomite Honcho), and who, also, are "proudly" represented in the #LGTBQ community...

Say's the guy whose religion loves to rape young men?

Earnestly Contending for the Faith #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy earnestlycontendingforthefaith.com

Most of the internet sites we visited were put up by Christians, but because of the nature of the battle they are involved in their ministries have to present lurid details that are an abomination to the Christian conscience as well as morally offensive to most of the unsaved. Pray for them. I am not talking about church web sites, but web sites that have been put up by Christians with the sole purpose of fighting against the sodomite agenda. We could not stand large doses of it at one time because it was so spiritually oppressive and morally offensive. Those who push the sodomite agenda are hell bent on the destruction of Bible believing Christianity. They are pushing their agenda through infiltrating, subverting, and perverting our public schools, our government, our public institutions, our private institutions, our colleges, our places of employment, our entertainment, our hospitals, our military, and yes, even our "churches". <...> We believe that it is proceeding at a much faster rate than in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah because it is being pushed through the television, the internet, the print media, and the movie industry. IF IT IS NOT STOPPED IT WILL LEAD TO THE DESTRUCTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Most of our leaders today are no different than those that God judged with the worldwide flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. They are worthy of death. I am not saying that we should kill them, but I am saying that God would be totally justified in destroying them and their sponsors.

I have never studied anything so vile and repulsive in my life. I feel like I have been violated by Satan himself. Christians, we need to pray for the salvation for these vile people. They need Jesus. We also need to pray that God will protect us and our children from their vile affections and their violence. God deliver us. Even so come Lord Jesus.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #magick #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

The Holy Spirit Board with its ‘Magic Cross planchette with metallic mirrored finish’ is straight from the pit of Hell.

I really wish this article today on the Holy Spirit Board was something from the Babylon Bee, but sadly, it is not. It’s hard to say what’s more demonic, the original Ouija board with its satanic gothic styling cues, or this one that presents Jesus in a mocking way, and drags the Holy Spirit into just for fun. The worst part is the number of Laodicean Christian churches that have already ordered it and are planning to have Fall Festival family fun nights. On sale at Amazon right now.

“Abstain from all appearance of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:22 (KJB)

This straight from the boardroom of Hell board game tells you how you can “communicate directly with Jesus Christ!” and “get all the answers straight from the man himself!”. Just for fun it comes complete with something called a ‘Magic Cross planchette’ shaped, of course, not like the biblical cross that the Romans crucified Jesus on, but styled after the Babylonian cross dating back to the rule of everyone’s
This straight from the boardroom of Hell board game tells you how you can “communicate directly with Jesus Christ!” and “get all the answers straight from the man himself!”. Just for fun it comes complete with something called a ‘Magic Cross planchette’ shaped, of course, not like the biblical cross that the Romans crucified Jesus on, but styled after the Babylonian cross dating back to the rule of everyone’s favorite type of Antichrist, King Nebuchadnezzar.

This is wickedness, this is evil, and this is something. <...> This is where we are folks, on Day 976 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve.

various commenters #wingnut #fundie gab.com

They must repent or be considered heretics.

Take back your churches.

@EmeraldRobinson One of the most dangerous things you can do today is randomly walk into a church, sit down and accept what the preacher is saying as the truth. It's not new. The early church also had their share of fakers. It's no different than the state of politics. We've got RINOS in congress and we've got satanists in our churches. But we are warned of this in the Bible. We are told that is is noble minded to search the Scriptures daily to see whether the things spoken are so. We are told to never trust in men or princes. But to trust in God. Read and know the Gospel, as written, for yourself. We are saved by faith in Christ alone. We challenge our politicians. We need to start challenging our pastors and others in the church. Not rudely, but with respect.

@EmeraldRobinson Our churches have become so feminized that I kind feel gay just attending their services. Men need to take back our churches and install real men of God in the pulpits!

Jesus cast out demons. He did not welcome them into His Church.

@EmeraldRobinson The degenerate "nuclear family" is nothing worth preserving, you must go further back long before the "nuclear family" to the traditional family!
The nuclear family was just a phase in the destruction.

@EmeraldRobinson all protestants are heretics

All unorthodox really

And I don't mean this rudely

Protestantism opens the door for this kind of thing.

Anderson Lee Aldrich #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #interphobia #fundie #psycho #wingnut cnn.com

Gunman kills 5 at LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs before patrons confront and stop him, police say

(CNN) -A 22-year-old gunman entered an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colorado, just before midnight Saturday and immediately opened fire, killing at least five people and injuring 18 others, before patrons confronted and stopped him, police said Sunday.

The suspect in the shooting at Club Q was identified as Anderson Lee Aldrich, according to Colorado Springs Police Chief Adrian Vasquez. He used a long rifle in the shooting, and two firearms were found at the scene, Vasquez said.

At least two people inside the club confronted and fought the gunman and prevented further violence, Vasquez said. “We owe them a great debt of thanks,” he said.


Of the 18 people injured, several are in critical condition with gunshot wounds, though the exact number was unclear, officials said.

The suspect is being treated at a hospital, police added. Officers did not shoot at him, police said.

@Leeanncashman #fundie #wingnut gettr.com


Have a wonderful weekend my amazing FAMILY! ❤️ Showered with many beautiful blessings. 💫💫✝️🤍💟

Much love today & always Lee, 🗽✨🎚✨🙏🏼


Pastor Eli James #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy anglo-saxonisrael.com

The Ecclesiastical Council for the
Restoration of Covenant Israel

Mission Statement

This Council, convened in the month of Abib in the year of our Lord 2003, in the republic of Ohio, being sanctioned by the Word of our Father, YHWH, does make the following statement:

We, the gathered, for the first time in 2700 years, for the purpose of furthering the Kingdom of YHWH, believing that we are to be a separate people from all others on this planet, standing firmly on the doctrine of the seedlines.

Doctrinal Statement

We, the true descendants of Jacob-Israel, being of the Caucasian race, do hereby make this statement of doctrinal belief

The Bible as we know it today has been changed to meet the agenda of the enemies of YHWH.
The Sacred name of YHWH was removed from the Holy Scriptures to prevent its use.
In 325 AD, the Council of Nicea, being made up of YHWH’s enemies, removed many of the books of Scripture that were considered ‘inspired’ (this process became known as canonizing) in an attempt to disguise the Word of YHWH and to prevent the true racial descendents from coming to the knowledge of their heritage.
Today, these same enemies of YHWH control the media, finance and government.
We, Jacob-Israel, do take into consideration that these are the curses that were set upon us because of our disobedience and this is no one’s fault but our own. This Council, being formed, exists in a spirit of ‘reconciliation’ with love and respect for our racial brethren; to all who come to it in like manner.

The Identity Challenge

The Identity Challenge is our attempt to reach the Anglo-Saxon people with the historical facts about who the Jews really are (they are not Israelites) and what religion they really practice (it is not the Mosaic Law). We challenge anyone to refute the arguments contained therein.

Rep. Benny Abante (Manila, 6th District) #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia philstar.com

In filing House Bill No. 5717, evangelical pastor Rep. Benny Abante (Manila, 6th District) pushes for the State to protect heterosexuals or straight people's right to freely practice their religion and express their views, particularly opinions concerning the LGBT community

From the get-go, Abante begins his explanatory note arguing that "God created man in his own image and created male and female only and gave the decree of procreation to a male and female only, [and] it is clear that God created only two genders." He went on to call the LGBTQ community a "detestable reality [that] was virtually unknown and unimaginable since time immemorial"

"If, therefore, we seek to ‘grant’ and/or ‘protect’ rights to homosexuals, bisexuals, transgenders and queers, in the spirit of justice, equity and fair play, we must also ‘grant’ and/or ‘protect’ rights to heterosexuals who are the actual and direct creations of God," he wrote

Abante also claims that it is the right of heterosexuals to "enjoy their religious profession and worship without interference or abridgement with the right to exclude therefrom others of different beliefs or faith" and "impose [these views] when running or operating their churches, businesses, schools or workplaces"

The bill penalizes any violations of those rights with imprisonment of up to seven years and a fine of at least P100,000

The bill has since been referred to the House Committee on Women and Gender Equality chaired by the transgender Rep. Geraldine Roman (Bataan, 1st District)[…]
The conservative lawmaker indicated opposition to the SOGIE Equality Bill once more in his latest bill, writing in its explanatory note: "Bills are now before us that smacks God’s laws and standards, particularly on creation, human dignity and morals. These Bills not only recognize, but worse, promote and give reward to ‘genders’ not created by God"

Andrew Hennessey #conspiracy #fundie whale.to

By removing Earth from the motionless center of the Universe, these Masons have moved us physically and metaphysically from a place of supreme importance to one of complete nihilistic indifference. If the Earth is the center of the Universe, then the ideas of God, creation, and a purpose for human existence are resplendent. But if the Earth is just one of billions of planets revolving around billions of stars in billions of galaxies, then the ideas of God, creation, and a specific purpose for Earth and human existence become highly implausible.

By surreptitiously indoctrinating us into their scientific materialist Sun-worship, not only do we lose faith in anything beyond the material, we gain absolute faith in materiality, superficiality, status, selfishness, hedonism and consumerism. If there is no God, and everyone is just an accident, then all that really matters is me, me, me. They have turned Madonna, the Mother of God, into a material girl living in a material world. Their rich, powerful corporations with slick Sun-cult logos sell us idols to worship, slowly taking over the world while we tacitly believe their “science,” vote for their politicians, buy their products, listen to their music, and watch their movies, sacrificing our souls at the altar of materialism.

Our eyes and experience tell us the Earth is flat and motionless, and everything in the sky revolves around us. When we cease to believe our own eyes and experience we must prostrate ourselves at the feet of the very pseudo-scientists who blinded us, to treat them as "experts," astronomical "priests" who have special knowledge only they can access, like the Hubble telescope. By brainwashing us of something so gigantic and fundamental, it makes every other kind of lesser indoctrination a piece of cake!

Earth being the flat, fixed center of the universe, around which everything in the heavens revolves denotes a special importance and significance not only the Earth, but to us humans, the most intelligent among the intelligent designer's designs. By turning Earth into a spinning ball thrown around the Sun and shot through infinite space from a Godless Big Bang they turn humanity into a random meaningless, purposeless accident of a blind, dumb universe! It's trauma-based mind-control! They beat the divinity out of us with their mental manipulations.

Roosh V #fundie #sexist rooshv.com

[From "Top 3 Sources Of Human Pride"]

If Satan can amplify your pride then he can get you to commit all manner of sin. This will be made easy if you are born with one of three natural gifts that effortlessly make you proud[…]The more of these gifts you have, the easier it is for Satan to turn you away from God[…]
The world has become so carnal that possessing just a smidge of beauty[…]will lead to limitless material benefits and sexual offers that are hard to refuse. I have witnessed how beautiful women are treated, and I feel sorry for them[…]
With such a tsunami of temptation[…]a woman develops enough pride in her beauty and what it can give her that she sees no need for an Orthodox faith[…]
A beautiful woman may look in the mirror and still see a flaw that she cries to others about, but a handsome man may look in the mirror and think he’s some kind of human god. His pride can actually end up separating him from God more than a woman who is tempted at a far greater rate[…]
I can’t sing, but I have observed the effects of those who can[…]A male singer receives enraptured and adoring looks from women who have decided that are ready to be intimate with him[…]This makes him feel that his singing is a superpower that will get him what he wants in life instead of God

Once I encountered a woman who was not attractive in my eyes, but because she was an incredible singer, she comported herself with a proud air as if she were a celebrity[…]
If you’re ugly and can’t sing, there’s one more source for you to gain unlimited pride: intelligence. If your IQ is at least 115[…]you will be filled with thoughts of intellectual supremacy[…]
Woe to the man or woman who is intelligent, beautiful, and can sing! Within them will be a constant fountain of pride that not only stops them from humbling themselves before God, but which also leads to regular sins of the tongue and body

Monica Cole #fundie #homophobia onemillionmoms.com

Alerting all parents!

One Million Moms needs your help to make sure as many people as possible are aware of Disney pushing the LGBTQ agenda on families, particularly children, in the upcoming animated movie Strange World, set to hit theaters on Wednesday, November 23.

Disney is no longer being discrete, but now Disney has traded its subtlety for intentionality.

Strange World is a film about a family of explorers traveling to a new and bizarre land.

In one scene, the character Ethan flirts with a boy named Diazo in front of his friends, who tease him in a friendly and warm-hearted way.

His father, Searcher Clade, later joins in and embarrasses him in “an overeager show of acceptance,” according to a scene description by Variety.

The scene portrays the son as being very shy in front of his boy crush, and his dad comes in and says, “So nice to meet you! My son talks about you all the time,” further embarrassing his son.

Obviously, this part of the movie is a nod to inclusivity, along with a blatant attempt by Disney to normalize a same-sex crush.

CBN News reported that right after Florida passed its controversial Parental Rights in Education Act in late March, Disney CEO Bob Chapek promised to be “a better ally for the LGBTQ+ community.” Likewise, Karey Burke, president of general entertainment for Disney, declared that she hoped to see “many, many, many LGBTQIA characters” in all genres of Disney entertainment.

The Disney that parents knew as children is long gone. Disney has now decided to be politically correct instead of providing family-friendly programming. But Disney should stick to entertaining, not pushing an agenda.

Please share this with your friends and family to make sure they are aware of the gay teen romance in Strange World and are not blindsided by it. As moms, we all want to know when Disney is attempting to desensitize our children by normalizing the LGBTQ lifestyle.

@GraCoDG & @memorypeg #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia gab.com


spoilerGod destroyed
Sodom and
Gomorrah for
the very things
we are
celebrating and
teaching in

@GraCoDG The Serbian tipping point

There is a reason why societies throughout history kept people with sexual & gender identity disorders in the closet through the collective tactic of taboo enforcement. Once members of these "communities" come out and organize, their ultimate goal is to institute normalization throughout the society. Understandably, they seek safety & security through general acceptance.

Naturally, they degrade the perception that their behavior is taboo by establishing themselves as no different than any other oppressed minority who deserve various legal rights and protections.

Once protected by the legal system they further their cause by openly seeking positions of authority and influence in government, the judiciary, law enforcement, the military, the media, educational institutions and even religious institutions.

The age old irreconcilable problem that will always set them apart from all other law abiding minorities is the inherent discord that exists between their behavior and that of the nuclear family. Just ask any parent faced with the deeply disruptive task of dealing with a 9 year old who just witnessed 2 homosexuals caressing each other, or a teenager who just encountered a bearded man in a dress.

The notion that the only ingredient needed to solve this fundamental dilemma is early childhood reconditioning (grooming) is utter foolishness. Why? The parents will instinctively and rightfully always perceive them as a threat to traditional family life. The child will instinctively react to such behavior as abnormal and confusing.

Let's pray we can peacefully return to the traditional arrangement that has proven itself through the test of time before we reach the Serbian tipping point.

Be well.

Jesse Kelly #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Blows me away people on the Right are complaining about abortion costing us elections.

As if a bunch of baby-murdering demonic hags voting Dem are gonna make me change my mind about the life of a baby.

If it cost me every seat in the country, I’d still be pro life.

Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer #fundie #wingnut #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Demonic Abortion is a companion edition to Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer's larger work, Exorcism and the Church Militant. The parallels in the pro-life movement to the Church's hand-to-hand combat with the devil in exorcism are legion. The abortion industry is not just powerful in worldly terms; it is the institutionalized power of the devil. Human beings cannot commit such immense atrocities without a diabolical intelligence and malice giving them power. The scope of the killing, the fervor of abortion's missionaries of death and the seductive force of its ideology transcend the human intellect and will. Only the Church has the spiritual resources and the authority to end the culture of death. This book examines not only the satanic nature of the abortion industry, but also the spiritual power that the Church can marshal in the defense of the most innocent of God's children, the unborn--and their mothers. Christ will use the hearts that are ready to pray and the hands that are ready to work, and He will, through His Church Militant, drive out the evil of abortion from our midst

Brian Niemeier #fundie #mammon #wingnut brianniemeier.com

The Left only hated Trump because they sensed that Conservatives made him a stand-in for Christ.

At the end of the day, the one thing the Death Cult is enraged and terrified by the thought of you doing is turning back to Jesus Christ.

Don’t keep Him waiting.

I wrote a military thriller series about a world where many people returned to Christ. That world also has giant robot fights.

Experience it now:

JE Aggas #crackpot #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #magick decodingsatan.blogspot.com

Trump announcement 11/15/22
"November fifteenth" = 1122 (Sumerian)
If you write out "JFK assassination" it produces his death date in the Sumerian cipher.
"JFK assassination" = 1122 (Sumerian) = 11/22
Just like his brother who was assassinated on 6/6 being the number both of their names added up to.
"Robert Kennedy" = 66 (Reduction)
"Sirhan Sirhan" = 66 (Reduction)
"Sirhan & Kennedy" = 66 (Reduction)

"November fifteenth Twenty Twenty Two" = 5331 (Latin) 5331+1335 = 6666
5331. pharmakeia
Strong's Concordance
pharmakeia: the use of medicine, drugs or spells
Original Word: φαρμακεία, ας, ἡ

Galatians 5:20 N-NFS
GRK: εἰδωλολατρία φαρμακεία ἔχθραι ἔρις
NAS: idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife,
KJV: Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred,
INT: idolatry sorcery enmities strife
Revelation 18:23 N-DFS
GRK: ἐν τῇ φαρμακείᾳ σου ἐπλανήθησαν
NAS: were deceived by your sorcery.
KJV: by thy sorceries were all
INT: by the sorcery of you were misled

Strong's Greek 5331
2 Occurrences

Jim #fundie #elitist blog.reaction.la

[From "He votes, counts for nothing"]

He who counts, counts for everything

Voting is over. Elections are over. The Republic is over

The time of Republics has passed, for a republic requires a virtuous elite, yet undermines elite virtue. Thus Republics are always short lived, and their endings dreadful

The time has come once again for a King appointed by God, and for an army to march to holy war under the banners of Christ

Bible Thumpin n Gun Totin #wingnut #fundie #sexist baptistboard.com

God is judging our nation.

Democrats are "winning" in deep red areas because they are harvesting mail-in ballots from voters sitting on their couch or living with their mommies.

IMO Republicans will never be competitive so long as mail-in voting continues. Voting should require effort. If you can't be bothered to get off your rear and go vote then you don't get to vote.

Other unpopular items that are needed to fix things:
-Repeal the 19th Amendment
-Only landholding (house, condo, raw land) males are allowed to vote
-Must be a productive member of society, not on welfare to vote

Until these actions are taken:
-women will continue to vote to murder babies, and go soft on tranny and gay discipleship
-Renters will vote for rent relief and destruction of property rights
-Welfare consumers will outvote the members of society that are paying for their welfare

Anonymous #dunning-kruger #elitist #fundie #sexist boards.4channel.org

Fucking succubus as a Christian man is cucking Satan

Fucking a demon is possibly the most based and redpilled thing you can do.

You are fucking a demon, a demon who's Satan raised it to destroy humanity, who never thought that it would be spreading its buttcheeks and getting cummed in its asshole, who probably thought his spawn would grow up to steal human souls like him, but instead is getting fucked in the ass by God's greatest creation that is human, moaning femininely, and taking seed of a said alpha human into its womb. It's not only just been humiliated, but has been put into its rightful place by Christ's sons. If only Satan could see this, what he would be thinking inside of his head, that he raised his little spawn just to be a cumdumster for a humanchad.

You, by fucking a demon, is meta-physically cucking Satan and the entire demonhood, stripping them of all their honor and pride all in the name of Christ's superiority. It is the most alpha thing you can possibly do.

From satan's perspective he is accomplishing his goal by having you condemn yourself.
you think he has any honor in the first place?

Honor? No. Pride? A lot. And nothing hurts a prideful man more than fucking his daughter.

Don't fall for sex = bad propaganda. It was an attempt of Satan to save face because his whore daughters couldn't resist the seed of Christian men.

The only permissible way to have sex is within marriage. I don't remember marriage between a demoness and a human being legal according to the Christian faith. So you're condemning yourself to sin for no reason.

Nothing in the good book says that you can't marry a succubus and turn her wayward ways on the path of redemtion paved by Lord Jesus Christ himself.

Haibatullah Akhundzada #fundie #psycho #sexist theguardian.com

Afghan supreme leader orders full implementation of sharia law

Public executions and amputations some of the punishments for crimes including adultery and theft

Afghanistan’s supreme leader has ordered judges to fully enforce aspects of Islamic law that include public executions, stonings, floggings and the amputation of limbs for thieves, the Taliban’s chief spokesperson said.

Zabihullah Mujahid tweeted on Sunday that the “obligatory” command by Haibatullah Akhundzada came after the secretive leader met with a group of judges.

Akhundzada, who has not been filmed or photographed in public since the Taliban returned to power in August last year, rules by decree from Kandahar, the movement’s birthplace and spiritual heartland.

“Carefully examine the files of thieves, kidnappers and seditionists,” Mujahid quoted Akhundzada as saying. Those files in which all the sharia [Islamic law] conditions of hudud and qisas have been fulfilled, you are obliged to implement. This is the ruling of sharia, and my command, which is obligatory.”

Mujahid was not available on Monday to expand on his tweet.

Hudud refers to offences for which, under Islamic law, certain types of punishment are mandated, while qisas translates as “retaliation in kind” – effectively an eye for an eye.

Hudud crimes include adultery – and falsely accusing someone of it – drinking alcohol, theft, kidnapping and highway robbery, apostasy and rebellion.

Qisas covers murder and deliberate injury, among other things, but also allows for the families of victims to accept compensation in lieu of punishment.

Islamic scholars say crimes leading to hudud punishment require a very high degree of proof, including – in the case of adultery – confession, or being witnessed by four adult male Muslims.

Since last year’s takeover, videos and pictures of Taliban fighters meting out summary floggings to people accused of various offences have appeared frequently on social media.

The hard-won rights of women in particular have evaporated in the past 15 months, and they are increasingly being squeezed out of public life.

In the past week, the Taliban also banned women from entering parks, funfairs, gyms and public baths.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #racist #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Have you fallen victim to false claims of the anti-Christian Hebrew Roots Movement and the Yahweh scam? The God of the Bible is Jehovah!
We all acknowledge the Jewish roots of biblical Christianity as we also understand that the Church is made up of saved Jews and Gentiles in the Body of Christ. But Judaism, the cultural extra-biblical traditions of the rabbis is something altogether different. We have written extensively about something called the Hebrew Roots Movement which, as we have shown you, is nothing more than a scam to steal the faith from born again Christians in Jesus Christ. Saved sinners don’t become Jews at salvation, they become Christians who are placed in a Body, not grafted into national Israel.

On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are going to show you the truth about the Hebrew Roots Movement which creates ‘another Jesus’, as well as what we like to call the Yahweh scam. The word ‘Yahweh’ appears nowhere in your King James Bible, but the word JEHOVAH sure does. I understand this flies in the face of what some of your favorite online Bible teachers teach, and it flies in the face of what some of you were taught at seminary. So who is this Yahweh? A tribal god of the Canaanites who was married to the Queen of Heaven, Ashtaroth! There has been a campaign waged by Bible correctors for the past 140 years to steal Jehovah from you, and give you the tribal god Yahweh instead. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we show you all this and much more.

Nick Fuentes #wingnut #fundie #sexist #homophobia #conspiracy rightwingwatch.org

Nick Fuentes[…]reacted to the results of the midterm elections by declaring that the failure of Republican candidates to take sweeping control in a “red wave” is precisely why this nation needs to be taken over by a far-right-wing dictatorship[…]
During a Wednesday night livestream, Fuentes admitted that the election results showed that his agenda is wildly unpopular[…]
“You gotta recognize the fact that this is a godless country,” Fuentes said. “I hate it. It’s immoral. It’s wrong. It’s heinous. It’s evil[…]And that’s why you’ve got to get this out of your head that there is some silent majority cavalry that’s going to come out of the woods and save us at the last minute. It’s not”

“We are in the minority,” he continued. “There are not as many of us as there are of them. If they all had to vote, if you forced every man and woman in America to vote, there would be more of them than us by a lot. That’s why they win the popular vote[…]And I hate to burst anybody’s bubble, but there is simply no evidence that there is a silent majority. There is no evidence of this. There are too many non-white people in the country, frankly, for that to be the case”

“When you look at these things like abortion, it’s popular,” Fuentes added. “And you can thank the Jewish media for that. Abortion is popular, sodomy is popular, being gay is popular, being a feminist is popular, sex out of wedlock is popular, contraceptives—it’s all popular. That’s not to say it’s good. That’s not to say I like that. Popular means that people support it, which they do. It sucks, and it is what it is, but that’s why we need a dictatorship. That’s unironically why we need to get rid of all that. We need to take control of the media or take control of the government and force the people to believe what we believe or force them to play by our rules and reshape the society”

ETW7 #fundie #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

Revelation 14:11 KJV

[11] And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name…

——The Graves Are Opening! Verdict is In! Bodies Are No Longer Decomposing! They Are All Mummified! This Gives New Meaning To “RIP”! And They Have No Rest…“Revelation 14:11”” & They Have NO Peace! HERE WE HAVE OUR WITNESSES! THEY HAVE RISEN FROM THE GRAVE TO GIVE THEIR TESTIMONY!

God revealed to me- yet, another great mysteries-by means of the Holy Spirit! Maybe today you will finally come to accept the TRUTH! We ARE in GREAT TRIBULATION, people are dying from the Wrath of God and they did take the Mark of the Beast- and, there was NO RAPTURE! The Mark They Could NOT SEE! Part 2 (full documentary)

New Illness coming… New Beast Blood Coming! New NON-Burial Coming! SHARE THIS FAR AND WIDE PLEASE! We❗️NEED❗️ TEAMS NOW⚠️To HELP THIS DR. DISCOVER THE FACTS Before She Is Taken Out Of Their Way❗️

When Jesus was being crucified, they were not allowed to break His legs for a good reason! Maybe now we can finally understand this mystery!

We were not supposed to be incinerated either! There will come a day, that our bodies will be resurrected. We need our bones.

Additionally, the Scientists have created inorganic blood! They are in the human testing phase. 1-2 Tsp’s are being added to the test subjects to see if it will work! Well, there is only life in the Blood of Jesus Christ! If you don’t have His Blood, there is NO life now or ever- for anyone!
#TheTwoWitnesses Are HERE RIGHT NOW! Get Ready! They will be running to their caves, and mountains begging for the rocks to fall on them! Our Redemption is here! God Bless YOU Disciples Of JESUS CHRIST!

All GLORY Goes To God Almighty In Jesus Name and a Very Special Thanks To The Holy Spirit Who Made All of This Possible. I did none of this! It was all orders from our Father! Amen!

Monica Cole #fundie #homophobia onemillionmoms.com

Alerting parents!

Many parents have found the prominent animated children’s program Peppa Pig to be a clean show; One Million Moms has recently found this to be no longer true. Peppa Pig has added a same-sex polar bear couple to the program.

Hasbro acquired the Peppa Pig cartoon in 2019 through its independent eOne entertainment studio, but in its 18-year history, this is the first time a same-sex couple has appeared in the animated series.

A Care2.com petition with over 23,000 signatures demanded the inclusion of a gay couple in the children’s program.

“Children of same-sex parents may feel alienated by Peppa Pig, and other children may be more likely to bully them, simply through ignorance,” stated the Care2.com petition. “Peppa Pig is not just for entertainment; children are inevitably learning from it too.”

Yes, children learn from programming content. That is why 1MM is so concerned with the normalization of a sinful lifestyle choice during a children’s show. This type of sexuality should never be included in a cartoon designed for children, much less praised. It is especially distressing since this popular children’s program is viewed in 180 countries.

In the Peppa Pig episode titled “Families,” a polar bear cub speaks about her lesbian parents to her class.

"I’m Penny Polar Bear. I live with my mommy and my other mommy,” the cartoon character explains to her classmates. “One mommy is a doctor, and one mommy cooks spaghetti. I love spaghetti.”

So, beware! Peppa Pig is now boldly glorifying gay marriage. Discussion of such controversial topics should be left up to parents. Hasbro should not introduce this information to young children. Even though the LGBTQ lifestyle is legally and culturally accepted, it still is immoral. Therefore, Hasbro should stick to entertaining and providing family-friendly programming instead of pushing an agenda.

Vox Day #fundie #psycho voxday.net

[From "On Suicide"]

If your life sucks and you simply can’t see any way out, instead of ending it, why not make that radical change that has always fascinated you but struck you as completely impossible? Why not imagine that your present life is over, so now you’ve got the chance to live one of the other lives that you would have lived if you had nine of them?

It’s far better to leave everyone and everything behind than to seek oblivion while leaving your friends and family with psychological scars that will last a lifetime

And if for some reason that’s not possible, if life genuinely isn’t worth living, then, at the very least, make your death count!

@Judges 16:26-30

Samson said to the servant who held his hand, “Put me where I can feel the pillars that support the temple, so that I may lean against them.” Now the temple was crowded with men and women; all the rulers of the Philistines were there, and on the roof were about three thousand men and women watching Samson perform. Then Samson prayed to the Lord, “Sovereign Lord, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.” Then Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood. Bracing himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other, Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived

David J. Stewart #fundie how2becomeachristian.wordpress.com

Church of Christ members teach that baptism is required for salvation, but it is not. They believe that obedience is a part of salvation. However, the only thing which we must obey to be saved is the Gospel, “In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” There is nothing in the Bible which requires a person to be baptized in order to be saved. On the contrary, we read in John 3:18, “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” One who has trusted in Christ is saved, not condemned, whether he has been baptized or not. John 11:25, “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” There is no mention in this verse concerning baptism. Or what about John 10:9, “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” Again, there is no mention of being baptized to be saved. There are hundreds of New Testament references which mention faith in Christ, without baptism being mentioned. Clearly, it is faith alone in Christ which saves a person, without baptism. The Church of Christ cult teaches damnable heresies by ADDING requirements which God didn’t add.

A careful study of the Scriptures with an honest heart makes it quite clear that works CANNOT save a person, “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified IN HIS SIGHT: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” One cannot be justified in the sight of God by WORKS. When James spoke of being justified by works, he clearly stated…

“Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: SHEW ME thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

Dana Loesch #fundie #sexist #wingnut washingtonexaminer.com

Conservative political commentator Dana Loesch is reiterating her comments about women who get abortions after receiving backlash from the hosts of The View on Wednesday.

"FIRST OF ALL, @WhoopiGoldberg — I refuse to coddle or celebrate irresponsible women who use abortion as birth control. I'm right, so get over it. That you're angrier over that than murder speaks volumes about your character," she wrote.

"Oh, and @Alyssafarah — good to know you find an honest description of females who use abortion as birth control more heinous than actual murder. Thanks for showing you're willing to put lives on the chopping block if it means the left will validate you," she continued.

"Oh, and re my words — I refuse to celebrate irresponsible females who use abortion as birth control. If that bothers you more than murder, check your soul. If you think females can’t be responsible, check your sexism," Loesch added.

Following allegations that Georgia GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker paid for an anonymous woman to get an abortion in 2009, Loesch told her listeners that she will still support him regardless of whether or not the report is true.

"If the Daily Beast story is true, you’re telling me Walker used his money to reportedly pay some skank for an abortion and Warnock wants to use all of our monies to pay a whole bunch of skanks for abortions,” she said.


"It just exposes the moral rot that's taking over my party," Republican host Alyssa Farah Griffin said. "As a pro-life woman, to hear someone else like Dana, who is pro-life, call women who get into situations where they need abortions 'skanks' is just shameful, and I will not defend that."

"First of all, ma'am, there's a lot of women who find themselves in the position of having to have an abortion. How dare you call them 'skanks'?" host Whoopi Goldberg said.

QuantumInnovator #crackpot #psycho #fundie #god-complex deviantart.com

If you're a parent and you feel it is necessary to make your kids wear a sign like this in public, DO IT. Don't listen to all those armchair quarterbacks who don't know your kid, who haven't lived with your kid for the past ten to twenty years, who don't know what you've had to put up with. What some people see as "cruel and unusual punishment" is often the most effective. If more parents used "cruel and unusual punishment" instead of giving up, the world would be a much better place. And if more kids obeyed the Fifth Commandment Of The Holy Bible (Honor Thy Father And Thy Mother), they wouldn't be the recipients of "cruel and unusual punishment", now would they?

Khalid Salman #fundie #homophobia dw.com

Days after Qatar's foreign minister said all people would be welcome to his country for the upcoming men's World Cup, including members of the LGBTQ community, its World Cup ambassador has labeled homosexuality "damage in the mind," "spiritual harm" and ultimately "haram" in the Muslim-majority emirate, meaning a sin

Khalid Salman, a former national player for Qatar and now the emirate's World Cup ambassador, said in a documentary to be broadcast on German public broadcaster ZDF on Tuesday that he has problems with children seeing gay men and women because they then learn something they should not

"I'm not a strict Muslim," he said, "But why is it haram? It's spiritual harm"

Excerpts from the documentary by German sports journalist and TV presenter Jochen Breyer, titled "Geheimsache Katar" or "Secret Affairs Qatar," were prereleased by ZDF on its Monday news bulletin

In the release footage, the media officer of the Qatar World Cup organizing committee, who accompanied the ZDF team during its video recording, ended an interview just after Salman referred to homosexuality as "damage in the mind"

In another excerpt, Salman said: "During the World Cup, a lot of things will come into the country. Let's talk about gays, for example. The most important thing is that everyone will accept that they come here. But they will have to accept our rules"

Homosexual acts in public are forbidden in Qatar and can be punished by up to seven years in prison[…]
FIFA, which awards the World Cup tournament to different countries every four years, has stressed that all fans are welcome at the World Cup in Qatar, as has the Qatar organzing committee. The Emir of the Gulf state, Tamim bin Hamad al Thani, has also said recently that respect for "our culture" is expected

QuantumInnovator #crackpot #fundie deviantart.com

There has been a lot of talk about defunding police departments after the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. However, only 1,000 people were killed by police officers in the United States in 2019. But Planned Parenthood has murdered 345,672 babies in the year between October 1, 2017 and September 30, 2018. That's 947 babies murdered per day. If you want to save lives, don't defund the police. Defund Planned Parenthood. You'll save 345 times as many people. Planned Parenthood brutality is far worse than police brutality.

TruthIsUnbreakable #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie operationdisclosureofficial.com

If you aren’t questioning what’s really going on, researching, and doing the work on yourself, how can one say “everything is in control”, it’s God’s time, trust in those that would rob and rule you, etc. Whom benefits should be right question or are asking question forbidden? How is one supposed to learn and grow and be better by truly serving God? Anything that the media discredits and/or calls misinformation as they protect the narrative and their overlords is true. No different than the revelations coming out of Paul Pelosi and the paid actor David with the Hammer, sure he was invited inside by Paul, in his underwear. <...> The whole thing was staged to create sympathy for the tyrants, increase security for the political parasites. While they keep making so many mistakes that more are recognizing the insanity and lies are so obvious not just with this scenario, but with other events. Anything that is heavily promoted by the media such as the Kangaroo court battles are distractions and waste of taxpayer $$.
Regarding the dark omen such as the blood red moon on election day, are we on that eve of destruction? Regarding the Midterms, don’t be surprised of more rigged elections that benefit the few at the expense of many. Even if the Republicans do take over, may lead to gridlock of more pain and suffering until 2024. According to the fake White House, “it would take days to know who won the midterms”. Despite what is revealed of the corruption, fraud, and treason, questions of real accountability? Voting is a suggestion box of slaves.
This is a Holy War in the battle of Good vs Evil, the good news that God wins and foils the plans of the evil ones. Without free speech, leads to complete totalitarian society. The mockingbird media are still pushing their propaganda, but say anything or even bring up the word “anti-semitism” and your character is destroyed, pay heavy fines, and public apology to the Jewish community.

Ali Khan Mohammadi #fundie #sexist middleeasteye.net

Iran's headquarters for the promotion of virtue and prevention of vice, a powerful religious organisation responsible for defining regulations relating to the hijab and Islamic attitudes in Iran, has said it will not ease laws on the wearing of the clothing despite protests calling for it to no longer be obligatory

In an interview with Khabar Online, Ali Khan Mohammadi, the organisation's spokesman, said: "In our constitution, removing the hijab is a crime, and [our] organisation will not step back from implementing the [wearing of the] hijab"

Commenting on mass protests by Iranians against the wearing of the hijab, Khan Mohammadi said that new methods would soon be deployed to implement hijab regulations

"The enemy is attempting to bring down the headscarf, which is a symbol [of Sharia law]," he was quoted as saying

"If they bring down this symbol, then nudity and other things will come afterwards

"Officials have been rethinking the lack of hijab and taken that as a serious matter

"This is contrary to what people think, that now there is freedom regarding the hijab and they can remove their headscarves," he concluded

drkineildwicks #crackpot #quack #fundie at.tumblr.com

To the evolutionists out there:
I just want to say that I feel sorry for the evolutionists, for they say that peer-review is best and yet ridicule Creationists at the same time. Peer-review is not let us have all that agree on one point agree on this point, but let us show this work to those who have differing opinions; if we can all agree, then there must be merit.
I feel sorry for the evolutionists that know so little about history that they call Creationists Nazis—Nazis, who believed in evolution to the point that they made concentration camps to “remove the pollution from the Aryan race and thus form the master race.”

I feel sorry for the evolutionists who think that just because we believe in God, we think science is some sort of fantasy. We know that gravity exists, that physics exist, that dinosaurs and outer space and genetics exist—I daresay we approach science with more humility and awe than evolutionists do, because we approach it from the angle of knowing that the One Who made it all did so from such a high and knowledgeable and caring position that we mere mortals have no hope of fathoming it. We approach the world as a fan does a piece of literature or art: marveling at how it is put together and admiring the Artist Who made it.

Basically, I just feel sorry for evolutionists, for being so busy spewing hate and ridicule that they can’t admire the world around them.


drkineildwicks #crackpot #fundie #quack tumblr.com

What proof do you have for evolutionism? The tooth of the cro-magnon man, that was from a pig? The specific order of silt and dirt that only appears in evolutionism books? The theory of a man who later recanted his theory and regretted ever postulating it in the first place?

According to evolutionists, the moon should be coated in dust thick enough to bury a man in--that’s why the lunar module had those broad disks for feet. Buzz Aldrin was ready to grab Neil Armstrong when he took that first step for fear that he’d disappear in that dust--dust that turned out to be only a few inches deep.

Every fossil graveyard in existence is proof of the Great Flood--the fact that every culture talks of the Great Flood is too. The Chinese word for life has the components for breath and mouth in it. The fact that life exists is proof enough against it being some fluke of chance.

If you’d like some videos on the subject I’d highly recommend the YouTube channel Answers in Genesis. They even have some specific videos discussing Adam and Eve and how the earth was only in existence a few days before they were.

We have more than the Bible, but the Bible itself is enough. The Bible is the truth, full stop. Every time the Bible discusses scientific points, the Bible discusses them accurately, well before human ‘reasoning’ decided it was fact.

You can do a lot worse than believing in God, and compared to the fixed point of the Bible I can’t really understand putting more stock in man’s constantly shifting opinions.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

"There is a man by the name of Donald,” the voice on the recording says. “God said, ‘You have been determined through your prayers to influence this nation … I will open that door that you prayed about, and when it comes time for the election you will be elected.” Where are you? You’re in the Twilight Zone of the ‘Great Awakening’ of 2022 with Donald Trump as the chosen one of God. You’re also on Day 966 of 15 Days To Flatten the Curve, so you better buckle up.

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are watching politics, religion, the Bible, false prophets and wacky QAnon conspiracy theories all merging together in support of the re-election of Donald Trump who has been raised to a Joseph Smith level of homegrown prophet. Trump has now become something he never set out to be, the anointed one of God who is raising up America in the end times. Let me just pause for a moment and assure you that none of this is biblical unless you want to view it as a picture of the spiritual deadness and biblical illiteracy of the American people in the last days. Have you forgotten that Trump’s trusted group of ‘spiritual advisors’ include heretic Paula White and the 100% false prophet Kenneth Copeland? I may be wrong about this, but I don’t recall one, single Bible believer anywhere in the Trump camp. You are watching revival without repentance, preaching without sound doctrine, a call to arms without confession of sin. Spurgeon said it best when he observed that “A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats.” And here we are. All this and more on this special presentation of the Prophecy News Podcast on the eve of the most rancorous Midterms that anyone can remember. TO THE FIGHT!!!

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

We may ask, "can people become any more depraved?" Yes! We're starting to get a glimpse at why God judged Sodom & Gomorrah as he did, or commanded Israelites to conquer & judge pagan nations. Man's depravity knows no end! People despeerately need Christ.

Dmitry Medvedev #fundie #psycho reuters.com

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Friday cast Russia's war in Ukraine as a sacred conflict with Satan, warning that Moscow could send all its enemies to the eternal fires of Gehenna[…]
Medvedev, who once cast himself as a liberal moderniser as president from 2008 to 2012, said Moscow was fighting "crazy Nazi drug addicts" in Ukraine backed by Westerners who he said had "saliva running down their chins from degeneracy"[…]
In a message marking Russia's Day of National Unity, Medvedev said the task of the fatherland was to "stop the supreme ruler of Hell, whatever name he uses - Satan, Lucifer or Iblis"

Medvedev, now deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, said Russia had different weapons, including the ability to "send all our enemies to fiery Gehenna", using a Hebrew term often translated as Hell[…]
Satan's weapons, Medvedev said, were "intricate lies. And our weapon is the truth. That is why our cause is right. That is why victory will be ours! Happy Holidays!"

Tommy Truthful #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #ufo tommytruthful.com

There have been many plasma events or resets during our history, many of which we know little or nothing about, putting into question many of our currently taught historical narratives.

Some resets are minor or shorter while others are longer or major. The Great Flood of Noah(Moon), The Tower of Babel(Mercury), The Hebrew Exodus(Venus), the Assyrian Captivity(Mars), The Christian Epoch(Jupiter), the Industrial Revolution(Saturn), The American Revolution(Uranus), the Mud Flood(Neptune), and World Wars I and II(Pluto) are all major resets in our history.

The last one now coming to light seems to have occurred 1n the early to mid-1800s and is known as the “Mud Flood” which supposedly buried Tartaria. Russian-based Tartaria was the foundation upon which our current world civilization was rebuilt. Many of the old buildings, with domes and spires, belong to Tartaria and were simply dug out and reused by most of our leading modern institutions.

The next coming reset may be the largest and most important of all and is often referred to as the Plasma Acopalypse or Pole Shift. Plasma is the fourth state of matter, the basis for the other three states -gas(air), liquid, and solid. It is found in its pure state between worlds or creations, and has the nature of gas or water, but is electromagnetic in nature.
The elites know all about the coming plasma Apocalypse and intend to use the temporary Rift or portal opening to escape this plane and go on to others. They have built underground bunkers in case their plan fails but the bunkers will not save them. Plasma incinerates all metal and wiring and high tech which their bunkers depend on. Do NOT go in your car(metal) or be around wiring or electrical equipment during this time. Stay indoors with provisions until the plasma event passes. Cities and houses on shaky foundations will be hit hard. People in rural or warm environments will fare better. Fasting, prayer, and a pure diet will help. Be right with God.

unknown & Dr. David Jeremiah #conspiracy #fundie davidjeremiah.blog

unknown Q I’m trying to make sense of this vaccine. I believe it is a prelude to the mark of the Beast. What is your opinion on the vaccine? Should we be afraid of it?

Dr. David Jeremiah A Without a doubt, prophecy casts its shadow on current events. What we are seeing now is an example of how the Antichrist could operate during the Tribulation period. This does not mean the COVID-19 vaccine has anything to do with the Antichrist—it merely provides an illustration of how his mark might be applied after the Lord comes for His Church.

Nifty62 #fundie quora.com

(In response to: Were there stegosaurs (Stegosaurus, Kentrosaurus, etc.) in the biblical Garden of Eden?)

Very unlikely.

The dinosaurs were probably long dead before Adam and Eve came on the scene.

Unlike humans, animals are allowed to either diversify and/or go extinct as the situation occurs. The fossil record shows that all life forms came into existence in very sudden bursts. After that, they largely remain the same with the exception of diversifying within their kind until they eventually go extinct.

This pattern is, interestingly, the exact opposite of what one would expect from an evolutionary standpoint, and precisely what one would expect if they believed in a special creation by an intelligent designer.

Got Questions Ministries #fundie #homophobia #biphobia gotquestions.org

[Submitter’s Note: There is no tag for panphobia, so I put the biphobia tag since both deal with sexual attraction to more than one gender.]

What does the Bible say about pansexuality / omnisexuality?

Pansexuality and omnisexuality are closely related. Pansexuality is sexual attraction to people with no recognition of gender. Omnisexuality is sexual attraction to people with recognition of gender. Practically speaking, there is no difference between the two. Both pansexuals and omnisexuals are sexually attracted to heterosexual men and women, homosexual men and women, bisexual men and women, transgendered men and women, gender-fluid men and women, etc., etc. The difference is that a pansexual claims to not see gender at all while an omnisexual sees gender but doesn’t care. The unofficial slogan of both seems to be “hearts not parts.”

The Bible does not specifically mention pansexuality or omnisexuality. But, since pansexuality and omnisexuality sometimes involve sex with the same gender, the biblical condemnations of homosexuality would apply equally to those who practice pansexuality or omnisexuality (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26–27; 1 Corinthians 6:9). The only form of sexual activity the Bible supports is heterosexuality within the confines of marriage (Acts 15:20; 1 Corinthians 6:13; Galatians 5:19; Ephesians 5:3; Colossians 3:5).

The recent trend to ignore gender or even deny it entirely is absolutely unbiblical. God created man and woman and designed them to complement each other, not just physically and sexually but also emotionally and spiritually (Genesis 2). To deny male-female distinctions and embrace alternative forms of sexuality, such as pansexuality and omnisexuality, is to deny reality and, more importantly, to reject God as Creator and Designer. Simply put, to engage in pansexuality or omnisexuality is sin.

Humans Are Free #wingnut #fundie #magick #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

I was sent a handwritten letter from someone who said she was a Christian, and had contact with Elon Musk and his mother Maye Musk many years ago.

The author of the letter claimed that Elon was a “child of the Illuminati” being bred to be a world leader who can present the Mark of the Beast.
To my surprise, I was able to verify that Elon Musk’s grandfather, Joshua Haldeman, was in fact part of the Canadian Technocracy movement in the 1930’s to the point of being brought to trial after Technocracy was banned.

Later that decade, he fathered Maye and Kaye (twins) in 1948 after marrying his second wife (he had 5 total children).

He would then take his family (including Maye) on expeditions to the Kalahari desert of South Africa, searching for a lost civilization that many revisionist and alt. historians consider part of the ancient city of Atlantis.

The other part of the handwritten letter claimed that Maye was into African witchcraft, which is plausible given she moved to South Africa (age 2-3) and lived there for many years of her youth.

It is interesting to note however, that there are literally no results on Google, Bing, Startpage and the rest, that actually contains the keyphrases “Maye Musk” or “Maye Haldeman” and “Charles Manson.”

This could mean that there really is nothing there, or, it might be a purposeful “white washing” of any information that can be found on the topic online.
Finally, the letter claimed that Elon was “into darkness” and that he even levitated! Again, these are claims that I cannot verify.

It’s hard for me to believe anyone can actually levitate, but perhaps if he truly is assisted by dark spiritual beings, anything is possible, at least illusory.

No matter what the agenda behind Elon Musk and his technocratic family, we can rest easy knowing that Jesus Christ already defeated death, and promised us the eternal life that the elite men who run the world seek, simply for repenting and believing in Him!

JBSLAYER , Absolute Penguin & ULTRAVISIONARYBLACKPILISM #sexist #fundie blackpill.club

Andrew Tate has converted to Islam
Allah u Akbar !!! He was too based to stay as a Christcuck

Tamim al-Dari reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “This matter will certainly reach every place touched by the night and day. Allah will not leave a house or residence but that Allah will cause this religion to enter it, by which the honorable will be honored and the disgraceful will be disgraced. Allah will honor the honorable with Islam and he will disgrace the disgraceful with unbelief.”

Source: Musnad Aḥmad 16957

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

Disclaimer : I'm only a cultural Muslim, so I don't care about Islam being false. What really matters is the cultural values of Islam

( Absolute Penguin )
My parents are Muslim but I grew up Americanized I never got a sex slave

I kinda gave up on religion cus I never benifited from it living in USA

jfl there is some goat herder in the Middle East with 3 submissive virgin wives while I rot on .club


Muh Western liberals ....

Liberalism is the fruit of Christianity

Caging at your alleged hatred for the Jews when you literally worship a Jew who died 2000 years ago.

Mark my words, Christianity played a great role in the downfall of Roman Empire, and it is still playing a role in the downfall of western civilization.

But just in case, you are a pagan larper, keep your role play to 4chan and stormfront. Cause in real life, you guys are one big internet meme

Yeah muh islam meanwhile now Turkey will become atheism hell hole
Turkish woman literally has the highest body count in the world JFL

Margarita Simonyan #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #homophobia #wingnut twitter.com

State Russian TV blames Friends TV series for the Ukraine ar:

[Some may say] whatever… oh well, it is not clear what we are fighting for. This is where the loss begins. Losing always starts with the fact that you don’t care if you win or not. What is this fighting all about? This war is for our right to have our children be like us and not be like them. It is a gulf between us and our children, and them and their children - a mental, cultural gulf. It cannot be jumped over already, not a single living creature can - it is already so huge. 30 years ago, when I myself studied in the states, it seemed we are so similar. And we really were alike. It was just beginning then - the very first gurgles of now already boiling ultra-liberal borscht - they were so small then, it was hard to notice them. You had to have very good eyesight to notice it in the 1994 series Friends, for example, which is still probably the most popular American TV series of all time, such a personification of American culture. Let me remind you that the first episode begins with the main character who enters, confused and sad. Why is he confused and sad? Because his wife left for a woman, discovering after several years of marriage that she was a lesbian. And this is shown sympathetically: she seems to be right, but he is not quite right. This is 1994. It was also impossible to notice frenzied propaganda in this, because it was so rare, so fresh, so interesting. And now we have what we have. And we will not jump over this [gulf]. We either save ourselves - the way we have to do it now, or we’ll be there.

James Lasher #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia charismanews.com

The spirit of deception is alive and well at the second annual Pagan Pride Fest in Tyler, Texas.

Despite the event organizer, Raynie Castañeda, claiming the event was "not satanic," nothing could be further from the truth. Those hosting the event appeared to be trying to distort and spread false senses of self and identity to the attendees.
The event was formed specifically to be anti-Christian.

In promotional material distributed beforehand, the event is described as a place to "gather & celebrate ourselves in the center of town, on our Good Old Square, which has historically been the place of our town's atrocities against BIPOC, LGBTQ+, Pagans, and any non-Christian folk. We reclaim this space in Honour of Ourselves, or our Gods, or our Ancestors."

The focus was to celebrate "ANY Pagan, Heathen, Satanist, Atheist, Spiritualist, any 'Other'd' folk who just don't know."
As reported by Tayler Hansen, the Satanic Temple clergy were clad in black robes and an assortment of demonic masks, while charging people $10 to be "un-baptized" by having a black upside-down cross drawn on their foreheads as they exclaimed "Hail Satan!"
Denial has worked so well for Satan and his minions, there is no reason to stop it now. People are being deceived by this tactic as is evidenced by this festival and others like it across the world.

The goal of making it appear innocent and undermine the seriousness of the spiritual impact an event like this would have can be seen across America.

The same spirit that claims a pagan festival's sole focus is not to be anti-Christian, is the same spirit that wants to see children exposed to sexually explicit drag shows. It wants to see children taught CRT and LGBTQ ideology in schools across the nation. It wants the government to continue to deny the existence of God (such as the Democratic party's pledge to secularism) and keep the truth of Jesus Christ from the hearts of as many as it can.

Margarita Simonyan, head of the russian state news agency RT #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #homophobia #psycho #racist #transphobia #wingnut thedailybeast.com

“The world is at a dead-end—first and foremost, in terms of values. If the Western world continues to develop in the same way and proceeds along the same insane trajectory, then it’s headed towards the destruction of mankind—even without any kind of a war,” she said. “Another fifty to a hundred years and no one will give birth anymore. No one will be able to give birth. With all the hormonal therapies, with their pharmaceutical lobbies, with brainwashing the mentality of their own nation and others, their own people and their own empires.”

She went on: “I don’t want to live in this kind of a world. It’s better to go to heaven right away, as Putin said: We’ll go to heaven and they’ll just croak.” Simonyan proclaimed her unwillingness “to live in the world where I’d be prohibited to put dresses on my daughters and to explain to my son that he is a boy.” She concluded: “This is already happening in many countries. For me, it’s unbearable. For me, this is worse than war. Indeed, it’s worse than war.”

“Will we win? Do we have enough strength? Do we have enough weapons? We’re not talking about a victory over Ukraine... right now, it’s abundantly clear that we’re dealing with the origin of that tumor I just mentioned, with the monstrous organism that is known as the collective Western world. It’s powerful, successful, well-armed and at the same time, utterly screwed-up, hotheaded and totally uneducated.”

Jorgensen Shmorgensen #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #enbyphobia #racist #kinkshaming #fundie newdiscourses.com

Good day, children. Today our Grade 2 class celebrates another Transplendent day of anti-white Transness here in our magical kingdom of Translandia-Canadodoland. Remember that Grand-Wizard Lord Soros’ Trans Inc. liberated you from your own Caucasianness and Transformed you into mock-POC honoured allies after the State liberated you from your racist whyt-peepo parents who were charged with procreating whiteness and jailed in the penal colonies of all-white Antarctica to pay for their ancestors’ crimes of spreading Intergalactic Whiteness.

As your non-binary fa’afafine-adjacent genderflorin teacher-friend, I will be using some French words today to honour the anniversary of The Islamic Republic of France that liberated the mother-country whose racist forebears colonized our own country’s two-spirited peoples in the former French imperialist province of Le Pays de Cochons Blanc. So, mes enfants, let us celebrate today’s hagiographic calendar of Trans Saints with two very special hetero-Trans male martyrs.

Today we worship two Autogynophile Trans saints who triumphed over whiteness so that all maleborn be-penised white-beings can proudly flaunt “female” erections in our miniskirts thus liberating us from heteropatriarchal imperialism. Let us kneel and assume the position, ma petit choses. O Trans Saint Stu Rasmussen of Oregon. O Trans Saint Stef-On-Knee of Torontula. O ye Trans martyrs. Thou hast reverse-colonized heteronormative males who renounced their whiteness by donning female clothing and erotically self-sexualizing their Transness by wearing womanhood as a bonerizing skin suit. Blessed Be the Autogynophile jug-wow of your synthetic EEE fake breastial mam-hams. Blessed Be the instruments of your Autogynophile martyrdom, the miniskirt and the blonde she-wig. Deus Sex Trangendera! O Trans! Blessed Be!

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