
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Hadley Freeman #transphobia archive.is

What gives men the right to use gender activism as a cover for misogyny?

And lo, it has come to pass. The rise of gender ideology — which for too long was dismissed as too niche and irrelevant to discuss by those too sexist or just too cowardly to listen to women’s concerns — has now exploded into a constitutional showdown, with the UK government blocking Nicola Sturgeon’s wildly unpopular gender recognition reform bill.
For those of us who have been writing for years about the insanity of rewriting the law to accommodate something no one can even define (is gender a feeling? A soul? Simple masculinity or femininity?), this feels a bit like watching your local cult band play at Wembley. Or, to put it from the perspective of those who desperately tried to pretend no problems could possibly arise from a philosophy that tries to rewrite the human experience, insisting being a woman is a mere feeling rather than a fact, this is like having a stain on your ceiling which you tried to ignore, only for it to then cause your whole house to collapse.

It was inevitable the fantasies sold by gender activists would crash on the hard rocks of reality, and not just because of the endless internal contradictions (if gender is different from biological sex, and given that sport is segregated by sex, why are trans women now on women’s sports teams?). The movement is increasingly underpinned by a frothing misogyny that is becoming all too visible to even the most casual observers. Some insist it is impossible to engage rationally with this “debate” because, they say, “both sides are equally toxic”. Parliament last week gave lie to that. When Rosie Duffield spoke on Tuesday, calmly — and rightly — saying that Scotland’s bill “clearly conflicts with the Equality Act and would have repercussions for women across the UK”, she was jeered by men in her own party, most obviously Ben Bradshaw and Lloyd Russell-Moyle. After Conservative MP Miriam Cates spoke about the threats the bill poses to women’s “dignity and safety”, Russell-Moyle, pink with rage, called Cates’s speech “disgusting” and added, wagging his finger: “You should be ashamed!”


@Women4Trump & @RPMonteleone #wingnut #transphobia gettr.com

( @Women4Trump )
Biden administration announces K-12 schools must allow boys into girls' bathrooms in order to qualify for federal funds used to pay for school lunches.

Time to teach your girls what to do to boys that invade their private space .. 👊👊👊👊

( @RPMonteleone )
Chance to pick up 2 easy wins:

Don’t pander to trannies.

Cut government spending.


Roger Helle #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy #fundie patriotpost.us

I’m not sure why, but these movies remind me of progressives who have gone off the deep end, not looking for treasure but looking for ways to make the lives of average Americans miserable. How much time do they spend trying to find the latest microaggression or cultural appropriation?

Do they sleep at night? Do they form little bands of fellow snowflakes to come up with all of these offenses that can trigger them into a rage? What a miserable existence they must live, trying to make our lives miserable.

Twenty years ago, we didn’t know about personal pronouns, “nonbinary,” “transsexual,” “gender fluid,” “gender reassignment surgery,” or men getting pregnant. We didn’t have a boy wearing dresses to school, sexually assaulting a girl, then being sent to another school to do the same thing without any consequences. When the father of one of the victims expressed outrage about what happened to his daughter, he was thrown to the ground, handcuffed, and taken out of the school board meeting. How did we ever live not knowing all of these things? Pretty good, I think.

Twenty years ago, we still had the Rule of Law and equal justice under the law. Sure, the system had flaws because we live in a fallen world spiritually.
During the 1960s, while serving in the Marine Corps, I watched as Republicans were going all out to pass legislation giving blacks the same rights as whites. The Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, if I recall, did not receive one vote from a Democrat. The Republican Party passed it on its own.

Now, 58 years later, we’re told Republicans are racist, white supremacists, homophobic, and the scourge of people of color. Not that the Democrats really do anything to help minorities. They just keep them on the urban plantations with the promise that “someday” things will be better if they vote Democrat.

wdcipher #dunning-kruger #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

RE: GFP released list of strongest armies in Europe for 2023, certain artist is rolling in his grave


Hard times, Create stronk men (and femboys)

See its basic math, in order to create a population of strong men, you need to make part o male population into femboys and focus their masculinity taken from those femboys directly into the remianing men. This will create a perfectly balanced male population. Now repeat the smae process, except with women and you create the perfect state of being.

Eliza Mondegreen #transphobia elizamondegreen.substack.com

Extremism-fluid: The neo-Nazi-to-trans pipeline
"Hate groups prey on people who feel like outsiders or that they don't belong."

The other day, I was talking to a friend about people—men in particular—going from neo-Nazis to transgender activists and he quipped: "What is the pipeline? The neo-Nazi becomes tired of being unpopular but still wants to be in a hate group?"

It’s a thing I’ve observed online and in real life. So what might be going on here?

When these Redditors talk about the allure of neo-Nazism, white supremacism, and the alt-right, they talk about being recruited online based on personality and life-situation factors like being young, frustrated, misfit, desperate to belong, confused, insecure, and too online. There’s a lot of insight here. They just don’t extend this insight from their dark pasts to their dark presents. In fact, now they see themselves as reformed. They believe they’ve left all that in the past.

But how did these young people come to the ‘saving’ realization that they were really trans? They were recruited. Online. Based on the very same personality and life-situation factors. Often in the same online spaces. By the same radicalizing algorithms. To participate in the same kinds of antisocial behavior and aggression.

Only the cause is different. The participants, recruitment methods, vulnerability factors, appeal, and behaviors are the same.

In other words, it sure looks like Hoffer was right when he observed what we could call the “fluidity” that so often goes along with fanaticism. It's easy for an extremist of one stripe to become an extremist of another type. The belief system on behalf of which they take an extremist stance is always secondary to the pull of extremism itself. More important that the belief system is the opportunity an extremist movement presents to vent hatred and channel self-contempt, as Hoffer observed:
The real question is what young people need to break up with fanaticism and extremism altogether, not how to get them to shift from one form of extremism to another, more fashionable one.

pennygadget , CeruleanPisces & hypatia #transphobia ovarit.com

Trans protestors shut down McGill University talk on women's rights | Daily Mail Online

( pennygadget )

The protest was organized by trans activist Celeste Trianon, who said she was 'surprised, shocked and disgusted' by the subject of the talk.

'I feel like there's such a tragic irony where someone who is actively working toward dismantling human rights toward one of the most marginalized groups ... How such an event can be hosted at the McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism,' she told CTV.

She added that the talk would lead to the deaths of trans people.

So melodramatic.

If simply discussing female civil rights leads to the death of trans people, than maybe trans people aren't fit for this earth. Why does Mr Celeste think its incumbent on women to sacrifice our rights, safety, and lives for the sake of trans people? Oh right! Its because he's an entitled, sexist MAN who thinks women only exist to serve as emotional support animals (and fuck toys) for men like him.

Also, LOL at trans people being "the most marginalized group". This dude probably calls his mom a "nazi" when she buys him the wrong flavor of Hot Pockets

( CeruleanPisces )
When are people going to realize this is just men oppressing women as per usual? What if the talk was about mens rights vs trans rights?

( CeruleanPisces )
Lastly, if trans rights are so important to protect, and so badly requiring protection like they say they are, surely it would hold up to the scrutiny of a debate then?

Why do they fear open honest debate?

I know I can defend my stance on being a "terf", so why can't they defend their stance on their opinions?

Wait, wait, wait. They can't be lying about all of it can they?

( pennygadget )
The speaker who was targeted in this incident was a man. If it had been a woman giving the same talk, the mob likely would have behaved worse

( hypatia )
These are frustrated men who long for battle. They are chafing at the mediocrity and boredom of their privileged lives and desperately want to prove themselves by conquering enemies in battle.

Their male urges are understandable, but also act as further proof of how unwomanly they really are.

Dr. Debra Soh #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #enbyphobia #pratt #sexist #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Gender ideology is a form of grooming.

Conspiracy theorists are the ones who are paying attention.

If you can count to two, you know how many genders there are.

When the entire process thus far has been corrupt, I fully expect any “investigation” into it to also be corrupt.

Keep sex offenders out of women’s spaces.

Gender self-identification was designed to be exploited.

Biological sex is immutable. There’s nothing to debate.

The he/him “allies” are always the most insufferable.

The word ”woman” is being redefined in the name of stealing our opportunities and trophies.

Parents pushing transition need a psych evaluation.

Detransition will soon be more common than transition. That’s my prediction.

Autism, sexual assault, and being gay are the real reasons girls are transitioning.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Some Trans People Are Preparing to Flee the US and Seek Asylum Abroad

( BondiBlue )
Sweden is reversing course because the evidence doesn’t stack up for mutilating troubled kids. Canada remains stubborn for now but I don’t think it’ll be that way forever. Maybe TRAs should go and seek asylum in, you know, an actual asylum, where they can be counseled away from their delusion, or segregated away from normal people who do face a threat from their deviant paraphilia.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )

“I was like, ‘Wait a minute, this is crazy,” Willgohs remembered thinking. “I can actually declare asylum just because I’m trans?’”

Almost like it's a privilege.

( assignedpooratbirth )

“ draconian legislation that criminalizes their very existence,”

The person that wrote this article is a fucking dork. No, being told you can’t use the women’s room doesn’t “criminalize your existence.” Use the other bathroom.

( KittyWhawWhaw )
It’s just as bad as torture, murder, rape, or any other human rights violation, if not worse!- not getting to use the woman’s bathroom. Oh the humanity!

( worried19 )
Real question, what are trans people so upset about? They're not hunted down and beaten and killed on the streets in the USA. Thank God, of course.

It's also not like it was 40 or 50 years ago when trans women were forced to work as street prostitutes or nightclub entertainers because they couldn't get gainful employment elsewhere. Trans people are mostly mainstream. They're able to to get jobs. They're able to get housing. They're able to get married to a partner of either sex.

Medical transition is not being threatened for adults at all. As far as I know, no one is proposing outlawing hormones or surgeries for legal adults. So what's preventing them from living their lives happily and safely in the USA?

( Stealthygal )
Where? Iran?

( Mandy )
Being forced to wear the hijab will be really affirming for them; euphoria all day long.

( KittyWhawWhaw )
Let’s see how long their little game of dress up lasts there. Must be nice to be able to be a woman only when it’s convenient…

Brendan O’Neill #transphobia #enbyphobia spiked-online.com

It’s time to call out the nonsense of nonbinary

That’s the other point – the staggering narcissism of the nonbinary ideology. These people really do believe that the entire world should mould itself around their ideology. Male and female awards must be scrapped. Female toilets, changing rooms and other private spaces must be thrown open to men who feel like women. Even language itself must be twisted and bent to these people’s identity feels. So we’re all expected to use ‘preferred pronouns’ and even to mangle grammar by using ‘they’ to refer to one person. My use of the he pronoun for Smith and the she pronoun for Corrin and D’Arcy will be judged by some a heinous act of bigotry. But I am not willing to sacrifice the sense and universalism of the language I use to appease the fever dreams of a minority movement.

‘For the narcissist, the world is a mirror’, said Christopher Lasch. The narcissist must always see ‘his “grandiose self” reflected in the attentions of others’, he said. So it is with the trans movement. It expects every realm of society – every awards ceremony, every woman’s space, every linguistic tradition – to bow and scrape before its post-truth, ahistorical belief that people are whatever sex they say they are. The truly oppressive force was not the Brits having male and female categories but the pressure put on the Brits to scrap those categories in order to flatter the narcissistic delusions of a few nonbinaries. This is the opposite of a civil-rights movement. Progressive movements in the past were concerned with changing the world to make it better for all. The regressive, navel-gazing cult of gender play is obsessed with altering the world so that its own adherents never have to encounter an idea or a space that dents their fragile egos. The irony of their misuse of the word ‘they’ is that they are myopically focused on me, me, me.

There is a serious philosophical question in all this: should people have the right to liberate themselves from reality? I say no. Sam Smith and Emma Corrin and the rest can wear what they want, call themselves what they want and use whatever pronouns they want. But why should the rest of us have to play along with them and abandon everything we know to be true and right? Sam Smith is a man, Emma Corrin is a woman, and it is not bigotry to say so. Truth is never bigotry.

@PeteTheCozyRana #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #homophobia #transphobia gettr.com

You just cant make this damn shit up.

They #NWO cable has threatened and lied to all of us, conning us, forcing a #PoisonJab on us and our children, yet they don't take it themselves

#WakeUpAmerica #DoNotComply

Be #SuperStrait - stay #UltraMAGA - keep #PureBlood




Wokal Distance #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

The woke gender theorists think they are special and have access to knowledge the rest of us don't have.

Gender theorists think the rest of use have been brainwashed by society into thinking all humans are either male or female.

Woke Gender theorists think that all of society was created by straight white males to advance the goals, prestige, power, privilege, and interests of straight white males, and for that reason literally everything in society is "structured" to advance the interests of straight white males.

Everything. Hockey, buildings, McDonalds, The English language, roads and highways, the sewer system, lightposts...everything in society is built for the benefit of straight white males.

They woke gender theorists think that because, in their view, everything in society is built by and for straight white males, everything in society either implicitly or explicitly perpetuates the assumptions and ideas of straight white males...even if no one else is aware that this perpetuation of straight male ideas is happening.

Robin Diangelo uses similar reasoning when talking about race in the clip below. She says it's impossible not to have a racist worldview if you're white.

Everyone is asleep at the wheel, casually being socialized into straight male idea...but the woke gender theorists are "awake" and they can see what's going on.

In other words you need the special knowledge only the woke have.

So because they think they have special knowledge no one else has they want to spread it...but they also think most people are to brainwashed to be able to understand.

But you know which group has NOT been fully socialized yet?


They want your kids, introduced to, or "initiated" into their way of thinking so woke ideas have a chance to take root in the mind of your child before his mind is fully formed.

It is about introducing their woke ideology to the kids, and initiating them into the woke way of thinking at an early age while the child is still developing.

They want to make sure your child is brought into the circle of woke people who have "woken up" to the fact society is all built by and for straight men, and they want to "wake up" your child as well.

This is what is going on.

BondiBlue #transphobia #enbyphobia #ableist ovarit.com

RE: How much longer do you think the TRA movement will last and what do you think the next big topic will be?

I don’t know when this will “end” if ever. But I hope that if/when this movement peaks, the next step will be reversal of the policies and recompense, including apologies from the major institutions and governments that were captured by this, and a naming and shaming (and mass firing) of its most prominent advocates (like the Pritzkers, Rothblatt, and the paragons of so-called q~eer theory).

I want public statements on record that no child is born in the ‘wrong’ body, sex is physical and immutable; ‘gender’ is a set of stereotypes; there is no such thing as “non-binary-gender”; and especially, a woman is an adult human female. I want that chevron flag designated a homophobic and misogynistic hate symbol, the q~eer swastika (note: the Nazis’ designation for gay people they sought to eliminate was, infamously, a pink triangle, just like the sharp spear gutting the LGB rainbow like an invading army).

As for what the next “thing” is or ought to be, I hope to see a return to empirical evidence, rational inquiry, and open debate in the academy. If it’s junk science, call it that based on the facts, rather than because it doesn’t check these or those boxes in a DIE statement. Or because even broaching X subject purportedly “opens the door to genocide.”

In terms of what I would like to see as the next ideology to fall, because I have a personal stake as a sufferer of mental illness, I hope it’s “mad pride”/“neurodivergency” and its cousins in “crip pride.” I want honest studies to be done on the biological roots of things like schizophrenia, autism, and A.D.H.D. with intent of finding a cure. Not this TRA-mimicking, Woke Scientology nonsense that brands someone a Nazi eliminationist because he or she wants to be normal (oh, how they hate that word) rather than suffer from a broken brain. There are even people who want spinal cord research kiboshed because it supposedly discriminates against “people of diverse mobility.” I kid you not.


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( cyrus )
How much longer do you think the TRA movement will last and what do you think the next big topic will be?
There will always be TRAs, but it it seems that the movement is losing ground and that more and more people are becoming tired of them. I give them 3-5 years till the movement becomes pretty much dead. I think it will be a mixture of people getting annoyed by them and the TRA allies getting bored of the topic, after awhile there's only so much you can say.

What topic do you think will replace them?

( redacted )
the movement might die in that time but repealing the legislation they have pushed through, and undoing the instituitional capture, will take much longer.

the fact that prominent TERFs are in a position where, to get their voices amplified and money to do their work, they sometimes end up working with very right wing organisations that want to remove our reproductive rights and push us back towards traditional womens roles makes me worry that the next steps will be steps backwards. i.e. we will get our single sex spaces back but lose ground elsewhere. i hope i'm wrong.

i understand why those women do that, we need all the money and airspace we can get and the dangers of TRAs are so widespread that the calculation of losing some rights to safeguard others works out such that it might be worth it in the short term. but i'm not optimistic about the short to medium term. we are facing attacks from all angles.

( Rheya )
Great point. Even if/when this fades, our institutions, governments, laws, and organizations will take a long time to recover and get back on course. I’m optimistic that the pendulum won’t swing too far the other way, but it’s still going to take a massive effort to hold the line and then reclaim what we’ve lost.

( drdeeisback )
It's hard to imagine how this will all be rolled back when I literally am asked my 'gender identity' on institutional forms, and the other day was expected to state on a form whether I 'identified as disabled' (at this point I just 'decline to state' anything that has to do with 'identifying as' anything, as I don't identify as anything)--on the other hand, this all happened very quickly, maybe it can disappear just as quickly, who knows.

It also worries me that so many kids are being taught gender ideology as 'fact'--not sure how difficult it will be to undo that, when they learn it so young.

confetti_shrapnel, epheisey and Elivey #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut #transphobia reddit.com

[Context: they are replying to someone who is criticizing J.K. Rowling and pointing out that supporting her is transphobic].

"You are supporting her, which means you are not a supporter of trans rights. It's incredibly simple."

Not even trying to be an asshole but I feel bad for you. That moral absolutism and rigidity will not be of service to you in the real world. Long life ahead of you, person.

It’s convenient for them and it makes them feel superior. They’ve probably spent money on a dozen other things in the past few weeks that support more cruel and impactful people, but this one is a minimal effort win for them.

Ding ding ding!

But all the people that their purchases have affected are thousands of miles away, they don't hear their outcry and see their faces so they can just ignore them. It's like you said, it was an easy decision for them to make to feel morally superior.

BTW my trans sister and her trans wife are excited to play this game lol they're not gonna buy it but they're gonna play it!

Kara Dansky #transphobia #conspiracy karadansky.substack.com

Exposing transgenderism for what it is: A lie
(submitters note: continued from here https://fstdt.com/.G9BG6TPSWP5K )

Because of our opposition to gender ideology and the harms that it is doing to women, we are often smeared by the Left as traitors to progressivism. However, we are not the ones who abandoned progressive values. That crime belongs to the gender ideologues who are pushing an ideology that is politically regressive in every way. Indeed, “transgenderism” destroys the equality that women have achieved and actually enshrines harmful sex stereotypes in law, medicine, academia, and throughout all of society.

But that is exactly the goal of gender ideology: to take over our institutions and destroy from within any truth that grounds us to material reality, including biological sex. The entire edifice of “trans” is being driven by a vicious industry whose aim is to literally obliterate the reality of sex. This industry is a loose conglomeration of Big Tech, Big Pharma, medical supply companies, legacy media, and government agencies. I realize this sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it isn’t. This industry operates out in the open, from renowned children’s hospitals to legacy newsrooms to the White House itself.

Thankfully, more and more people are willing to speak up about this ideology and the damage it is doing to our society. But the only way we win this battle is if we push back as boldly and aggressively as the gender activists who pushed this on us in the first place. We have to tell the truth: “Transgenderism” isn’t real. “Gender identity” is a fake concept. The “transgender” emperor isn’t wearing any clothes.

@AthenasWrench #transphobia #enbyphobia gettr.com

F**k off with the trans and the non-binary. There is no such thing as either. No man pretending to be a woman should be allowed in women’s spaces on his say so. Any man demanding access is suspect.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 “We hold the Scottish Government responsible for the atmosphere here. Claims it makes to have sought to build consensus here are patently untrue.

Prussian Society of America #sexist #elitist #homophobia #transphobia prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Women Behave and Think like Criminals"]

Men, generally are indifferent to other Men, whereas Women are never indifferent to other Women and view every other Women as a potential threat and rival [enemy]

Outside of Criminal Syndicates, or with the excessive need for overcoming Online “Censorship”, Men never use “Code-speak” with other Men or even with Women for that matter

It is Women who are always using Code-speak and hiding their intentions, saying one thing while meaning another

Also, Women make no shame about their attraction and interest towards dating Criminals, while outside of Criminal Syndicates, you would almost never hear of a Man who approves of other Criminals[…]
We must have total determination to break up and smash this society and world order that is determined to maintain the idea and notion that Men are only valued for Money[…]Natural Selection can be restored to its high

Our greatest tragedy today is that the Majority of both Men and Women are directly related to the Majority of Women alive, and not equally towards the pool of Men left in our genetic populations, and the fact that these majority of genetics that are being handed down, come from Filthy, Greedy, Money-hungry, Narcissistic/Psychopathic and Parasitic Pathological Lying types

We can only ultimately seek to bring about their extermination[…]
Women who are dishonest about attraction, also have dishonest sex drives[…]they will engage in deviant sexual behavior, which includes infidelity, experimenting with other Women or Transgender people, even their own Pets (especially Dogs), and that such Women are actually more only interested or turned on by a Man’s Wealth[…]
Women who have dishonest sex drives are also horrible in the bedroom. They are like a chore to deal with and expect the Man to do all the work and drain the Man of his sexual energies in the bedroom, and then drain his wallet

@LoveHerMadly & @AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

( @LoveHerMadly )
Being female is a biological reality. You are either born female or male. You do not identify into a sex. It is determined at the point of conception. Joe Biden is a piece of shit who should fry in hell right now!

spoilerAccording to this new
USDA policy,
organizations that
accept food stamps or
other federal food
funding must allow
men into women's
private spaces,
including showers and
sleeping areas, if they
identify as female.
These organizations are
also required to allow
male staff to dress as
women while working.

( @AthenasWrench )
Trans activism is an incel rights movement.

@AthenasWrench & @zelosaletheia #transphobia gettr.com

( @AthenasWrench )
Can’t wait for the documentary. Matt is doing what almost no left wing men are doing, standing up for women. Where are the left wing men? I’ve been banned from all the left wing facebook groups i was in, harassed by left wing men calling me a transphobe and a fake feminist because I refuse to acknowledge men can be women if they say so. Women too afraid to speak up because they see the pushback from even the most respectful questions. It’s a cult.

What is a woman?!? 🤔


#trans #transgender #ideology #lgbtq #pronouns #woke #mindvirus #sex #terf #radfem #sexisreal #male #female #nonbinary #femalepenis #malevagina #identity #diversity #inclusion #equity #adulthumanfemale #twosexes #twogenders #agp #usa #progressive #boys #girls #socialcontagion #whatisawoman

( @zelosaletheia )
I'd rather date a pro-lifer than a leftist who thinks women can have a penis. And I am a leftist myself! At least he still lives in the real world and not in some postmodernist simulation. 🤮

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

It's a big first step. Thank you, Governor.

spoilerI just signed SB3 to prevent gender
transition services for minors at
Oklahoma Children's Hospital at OU
This is just the first step.
I am calling on the Legislature to ban all
irreversible gender transition surgeries
and hormone therapies on minors

@sethdillon Great. Step two, start making arrests.

@sethdillon final step is outlawing it for all people. We don’t let schizos dig the illuminati tracking chip out of their heads, so why do we allow “transgenders” to mutilate their genitals?

It should be considered Child Abuse and you should go to prison for at least twenty years for each child you abused.

@sethdillon Just the first step to ban "transition" bodily mutilation for everyone. People with mental illness need a therapist, not a surgeon.

@sethdillon Can we also get the medical licenses of all medical workers participating in 'transistioning' revoked? Let them go to another country and practice what they call 'medicine'.

@sethdillon It just seems eminently reasonable to wait untl kids are at least 21 and can make a really informed consent first...

Scarlett Johnson #racist #transphobia twitter.com

How is this hateful content @elonmusk?



“Abby Martinez tried to fight back when a Los Angeles school, county social workers, and a group sought to transition her confused 15-year-old daughter. But once Yaeli Martinez was moved into foster care and later injected with testosterone, the heartbroken mother could only watch helplessly as the girl spiraled into depression that ended when she stepped in front of an oncoming train.”

The woke have every reason to be concerned when Latinas like myself expose the truth.
Traditional Hispanic families are not able to be manipulated by white guilt, so they will not sit quietly as their children are indoctrinated into a cult that rejects biological realities.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( SayNoToTRAs )
What are your thoughts on socialism/communism?

I believe the gender movement is heavily linked to capitalism, and part of the reason it's being pushed so hard in the US in particular is because of our ultra capitalist system. It's making thousands of people dependent on big pharma companies for the rest of their lives, and TiMs also boost capitalism by buying unnecessary products to aid their transition.


Thus, I believe, if implemented correctly, socialism could be a benefit to women, and would have less of a place for gender ideology.

( Kestrel )
I've gone from being against capitalism to actually against industrial civilization entirely, one book at a time. As Derrick Jensen says, this way of life cannot last, and it would better for more of the planet to be left than less. In the more immediate perspective I lean socialist, but it's not like I'm very politically active.

( Escapedacult )
Honestly I just do not have enough knowledge to comment on what would be better for women..but I wanted to point out that I too think gender stuff is heavily linked to capitalism....not just consumerism but the 'constant growth' mindset too... ideology is something that seems to evolve over time. Sometimes for good and sometimes for worse. [...]

Anyway, the crazy capitalism/consumerism link to grnddr ideology is interesting to me, since so many of those with gender identifiers also preach about how awful capitalism is. And sometimes even put "communist" or "socialist" right front and center of thir personalities right behind their gender...it is just so ironic, hypocritical, confusing? The disconnect is so insane to me....

( sarstan )
Socialism, sure. Communism, NO. I just finished the Gulag Archipelago and Masha Gessen's the Future is History and am reading (audiobook tho) Anne Applebaum's Iron Curtain about the non-Russian eastern European countries post WWII. I also recently finished "First They Killed My Father" about Cambodia's revolution. I am reading these types of books because the gender stuff reminds me of other authoritarian or totalitarian regimes in history, especially the compelled language, the newspeak, the vitriol towards dissenters, the lies and absurdity etc. The parallels are quite scary.


various commenters #transphobia #kinkshaming ovarit.com

RE: Trans is a red flag for domestic abuse.

( TheEthicalHedonist )
I would think many paraphilias correlate with abuse and trans is simply the latest in a long line of methods men use to abuse women. Part of what brought me to this movement was recognizing the scary similarities between the things said to me by my abusive ex-husband (BDSM paraphilia) and the TRAs.

( Calliope )
I think you're correct. It's not just AGP or transness, it's so many kinks, fetishes, paraphilias.

Editing to add: Most of these men have more than one gross kink or fetish. It seems pretty rare to find an AGP with only AGP.

( Luckystar )
I feel like trans fetish (sissy, crossdressing, shemale, whatever they wanna call it) is on the rise too. I saw a Pornhub infographic series of the year's trends and "transgender" was all over the top search hits for various demographics. I'm not exactly a porn trends expert but I don't remember that really being a thing even 10 or so years ago

( RuneOwl )
Trans ideology is really attractive to all sorts of sociopathic men, from incels to neo Nazis to pedophiles. And of course, they’re all entitled misogynists who deeply resent women and want to control us. This isn’t the least bit surprising.

They’re not even safe from each other. I knew a couple who are both TIMs—one was extremely financially and emotionally abusive towards the other, then cheated and left him for another TIM. I have never seen one in what seems like a healthy normal romantic relationship, and the trans community at large is full of infighting and unhinged toxicity. They absolutely are a mob of abusive people.

( CheshireBat )

Something startling I realized today is at probably around 40-50%% of the women I've dealt with in that capacity have revealed that their abuser is transing themselves, or has participating in cross dressing in a sexual context, or has stolen their underwear and been caught wearing it.

JFC. Is AGP just inherent to the male condition at this point???

( RuneOwl )
I honestly think the Y chromosome is a disability. I’m not even saying that in a glib “lol misandry” sort of way, I am convinced men are prone to self-destruction and overall degeneracy on a fundamental, genetic level.

I’d feel sorry for them if women weren’t always the collateral damage.

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

Using poor kids to push through allowing boys in girls changerooms and washrooms. The Democrats are a disgrace. First thing Biden does is remove women in law.

When are the 99% of voters going to say enough is enough with these insane woke Marxist policies?

Hopefully it will be this year in the Midterms, with parents saying enough is enough and taking over school boards.

The Biden Administration Is Exploiting Poor Kids To Further Transgender Policies https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/biden-administration-exploiting-poor-kids-transgender-policies/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PostTopSharingButtons&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons via

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia gab.com


spoiler96% of Americans
should NOT have
to Adjust their
Morals to
accommodate 4%
of the population

@timrunshismouth. Im so tired of seeing rainbow crap everywhere that I could puke. Children don't need to be exposed to anyone's sexuality - no matter what it is. And let children enjoy exploring life without trying to talk them into getting castrated or cutting off their breasts. The Left is really taking advantage of the most vulnerable. Maybe trying to help kids like being who they are and not trying g to change anything would help.

@timrunshismouth And we sure as HELL should not have to give them access to our children!

@WinyanStazWakien @timrunshismouth I totally agree! Keep them out of our schools!

@timrunshismouth Wood chippers....More wood chippers....

@timrunshismouth I don’t care if 99% are faggots, I will still oppose faggotory ruthlessly

@timrunshismouth It's not even as hard as adjusting our morals, they won't even allow you to simply ignore them!! You do you and I'll do me, including raising my own children!!

@timrunshismouth Apparently you are claiming there is approx. 96% of the people in the United States who are not gay, actually having morals... is that right?
I have to argue that point with you... No one who voted for Biden has even an ounce of morals, and though they may claim to be Christian, they certainly are not true Bible reading and believing Christian if they are voting for democrats who supports abortion, gay rights, transgenderism, evolution, and the rejection of God's WORD...

@timrunshismouth I say the white population should not have to live with the black one

@timrunshismouth I doubt they are 4% and half of them have mental problems and should be institutionalized!

Cookiecuttermaxy #conspiracy #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

Fuck it you know what Imma just say the most out-of-loop comment regarding LGBT and other shit, here comes nothing

If you want a minority to stop existing, then go ahead and shove LGBT down their throats, go ahead and do so. LGBT is literally implicit soft eugenics, there's a reason why people of color for a long time were against gay marrriage

Japan for this reason alone had to state the marriage is between a man and a woman

I mean it makes sense, I am for all lgbt people existing, but if we normalize then our CURRENT CIVILIZATION would cease to exist dipshits

But hey if the left wants religious, racial and ethnic minorities to stop existing, by all means normalize the shit out of lgbt culture and abortions

Makes sense, their memo never really changed, they just gotten more politically-cautious about it

various commenters #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia gettr.com

( @TimRunsHisMouth )
You can't even send your dogs to doggie daycare without worrying about them getting indoctrinated now...

( @Sindora )
I'm really starting to pray that the rapture happens soon at this point. 😶

( @MaryJane101 )
We spend a day honoring our fallen heroes but will give an entire month “celebrating” sexual perversions

( @deplorabletruth )
Isn’t it amazing that no matter how they dress or paint their pets up they will still sniff out the opposite sex and do their “duty”

( @Liza007 )
I would absolutely go postal if anything like that happened to my dogs

( @Bidenisapenis )
This is the real mark of the Beast.

( @Noodogbythebay )
Hope the dog bites the owner and gives him/her/it Doggy Pox!

( @AsparagusP )
Dog groomer = double entendre thanks to deranged leftists

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: How would you feel about TIFs using the women's restroom?

( Tiramisuomi )
They are women and they belong there. However, if they have made such alterations to themselves that they look like men, they should be prepared for questions and women being uncomfortable - their voice usually gives it away, anyway.

( Greatlakeshotdish )
Forcing TIFS to use the men's restroom would result in violence and discrimination against butch lesbians and any other women who don't perform femininity. Bathroom use should be sex-based, nothing else

( vulvapeople )
At least with bathrooms, I'm in favor of the implied gentlemen's agreement that existed before captured governments started mandating that women tolerate men in our spaces. In the past, a TIM would only enter if he felt he passed. If he was questioned, it was incumbent on him to leave and not return. I think this worked somewhat well in that it left it in women's hands to tell men to GTFO or ask security to do so.

Although, truth be told, I'm not sure if that would work today thanks to greater trans awareness. Women who don't buy into trans identity now have reason to question male-appearing users of the restrooms (whether women or TIMs) while, in the past, they would have been more likely to extend the benefit of the doubt.

So it likely would have to come down to sex in order to protect women and have accurate government documents to show when there's a dispute. Too bad, so sad for TIMs who could have flown under the radar 40 years ago, but, as far as I'm concerned, this outcome is their fault.

( DietCokeAddict )
I’m fine with it. If I have to share a bathroom with either a woman on steroids, or a man in a wig, I’ll pick the woman every time no matter what she looks like.

( opreroma )
I don't want trans anything in the bathroom, because trans shouldn't exist.

The TIF is certainly safer with the women, but depending on how well the TIF passes, why should the women be subjected to that shock?

( Galko )
TiF should use the female bathrooms for their own safety. As for the imaginary panic, the hips don't lie. IRL, nobody passes. Look at Ellen and all the money she's spent on cosmetic procedures. Also, at least in my limited experience, the TiF know why we want sex separated spaces. They just think they've beat the system, not destroy it like the men do.

Mike Stone #wingnut #transphobia #quack #conspiracy #elitist henrymakow.com

Are you disgusted with the whole human race?
All of the people you thought were brave turned out to be cowards. All of the people you thought were smart, turned out to be mindless dolts. All of your childhood heroes, be they sports stars, musical artists, or actors turned out to be commie pukes.
Have you been cut off, shut out, and put aside by others for not buying into the almost three-year-old virus hoax?

Did a promising or potential romance go belly up when they learned you weren't jabbed?

Were you denied entry, refused service, or told to leave for not wearing a mask or not showing proof of "vaccination"?

Were you fired from your job for not taking an unsafe and untested fake vaccine?

Have you been held hostage by your own family; not allowed to attend family gatherings or see your own grandchildren until you knuckled under?
A friend of mine "died suddenly" last week. He was double-jabbed and boosted and a truth denier. Like all truth deniers, he fawned over celebrities and believed everything he saw on television or read in a newspaper, no matter how outlandish.

There was numerous times when I'd tell him something that went against his belief system and he'd smile and shake his head, but if someone on television or an authority figure told him the exact same thing, then it was gospel.
Parents force-jabbing their children and sending them to an early grave. Other parents force mutilating their children, turning little boys into girls, and little girls into boys, and no one is held accountable. In fact, the brain-dead masses believe it's normal.
I put a sign on the inside of my door so I would see it everyday before I stepped outside. The sign said: Everyone you see today is deranged.

I needed that sign to remind myself of the mass lunacy I was stepping into every time I left the house. Today that sign is more relevant than ever. If you're not disgusted with practically everyone you meet in life, you're probably brain dead too.

Kara Dansky #transphobia karadansky.substack.com

Exposing transgenderism for what it is: A lie


Out of postmodernism came “queer theory,” the idea that biological sex is a social construct. Queer theorists in the 1990s argued from their ivory towers that the material reality of sex doesn’t exist and that it is a social construction meant to oppress. However, the “queer” theorists understood that if they tried to persuade ordinary people that sex isn’t real, they would have been (rightly) ridiculed and ignored. So they invented a new term: “transgender.” This term does exactly what it was intended to do — it persuades ordinary people that the material reality of biological sex isn’t real or, at least, that it doesn’t matter.

There very well may be people who sincerely suffer from what the DSM refers to as “gender dysphoria.” But it does not follow that it makes sense or is healthy for a society to allow people to “identify as” a gender different from their sex. In fact, doing so will only create more confusion and anxiety in those who are very often mentally vulnerable to begin with.


Some have pointed the blame at feminists for the rise of gender ideology. But that’s not a fair accusation. Actual feminists fight for the liberation of women and girls, by which we mean female human beings. Feminists aren’t confused about the category of human beings for whose liberation we fight. [...] When feminists complain about male violence against women, we aren’t confused about what the words “male” and “women” mean. Feminists didn’t create this “trans” monster. And we are more than willing to work with anyone, even those with whom we might generally disagree, to protect the sex-based rights of women.

The U.S. chapter of Women’s Declaration International, for example, of which I serve as president, works to advance the Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights throughout U.S. law and society. We are nonpartisan and work with women across the political spectrum who agree with the principles outlined in the declaration. (We are also not shy about our support for abortion as a sex-based right for women and girls.)


@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

The BBC allowed trans activists to rewrite a rape victims words to reflect respect for the rapists pronouns. Imagine that! Every day I wonder how much lower these nasty woman hating troons can go and every day I am reminded there is no bar too low. They are vile. I’m sure the BBC will side with the “vulnerable and marginalized” fetishist woman haters, as they always do.

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

Even defining ourselves apart from men is a vile act of transphobia. There is nothing women can have that these sick woman hating pricks won’t steal - our wombs are not even off limits. Everything is theirs to steal. There is nothing we are allowed to have for ourselves. They will ensure it is all taken by force and law. They will bully, beat and malign us until they put these angry agrressive trans back in their man box. What a colossal mistake gender identity and trans activism was. No girl is safe from this. Fathers, protect your daughters. This is war.

@DebJane & @AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

( @DebJane )
Stella Creasy is so wrong on so many levels. Men who ID as women are not suffering misogyny from the patriarchy, they are the patriarchy. Women suffer misogyny because of their biology, these men are picked on because they are men who do not conform to male gender stereotypes, that’s nothing to do with misogyny.

( @AthenasWrench )
They are also picked in because so many insist on trying to mimic 16 year old school girls or hookers. They look ridiculous.

( @DebJane )
Absolutely! Idiots and fetishests

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

"Live and let live"

( a-witch-a-broad )
"Live and let live" doesn't work when one group is actively trying to destroy the rights of another group.

( iCONIC )
"Live and let live" brings with it total individuality. Community for TRAs has been a collection of individuals acting in self-interest and displaying lack of consideration for the feelings of women and gay people

They don't stop and ask, "may I ...?" or "are you okay with that?"

And they don't take "no" for an answer

That doesn't work, ever

( danaseilhan )
Yes, "live and let live" cuts both ways. They're not living and letting us live, so.

( legopants )
Radical feminism isn't "transmed", but try again. I'm also so tired of people who think radical feminism = gender talk and ABSOLUTELY nothing else.

( songoftheworms )
Radical feminist: Right then, we're here to talk about the liberation and autonomy of women

Trans rights activist: When you said "women" surely you meant to add "especially trans women"

RF: That's gonna be a no from me dawg

TRA: How very dare? You must be a terf

RF: Trans women are "excluded" when we talk about women's liberation and autonomy because trans women aren't women, they're men. Whole ass plain old regular men

TRA: See?! Fascist nazi bigot terfs want people to think they're feminists but they only ever talk about how much they hate all trans people everywhere and want every single one of us to be violently exterminated from the face of the earth

( Carrots90 )

let trans people exist or however TF it was worded in this fake-assed, insta-crap post

We know you all exist. We’ve never wanted you not to live

We don’t want to be changing in a locker room when one of you pervs ‘trips’ and accidentally grabs a handful of our ass, or stumbles and accidentally lays a penis on our shoulder, or slips and wanks into our shampoo bottle, etc

( Lee-Side_ )
And be in the same hospital room as you, and watch you change in the locker room while exposing themselves, and take the top 3 of 5 positions in a women's sporting event, and take boardroom and bursary positions that were intended for women, and be incarcerated in women's prisons . . . Are you sure you want to "live" with that?

Kara Dansky #transphobia karadansky.substack.com

Exposing transgenderism for what it is: A lie

There is a lot of talk in America today about “transgender rights.” News outlets talk about “transgender athletes ,” “transgender prisoners ,” and “transgender students .” Our society is steeped in debate about so-called transgenderism. However, I see very few people asking the question, “What does ‘transgender’ mean?” or “What exactly is ‘trans?’”

The crux of the matter is this: People across the political spectrum have been persuaded to accept that there is a coherent category of people for whom sex is irrelevant and that this category of people is called “transgender” (or simply “trans”). Democrats on the whole support “rights for ‘transgender people,’” and Republicans on the whole oppose allowing sex-confused people to hijack sex-specific spaces. But regardless of whether or not a person supports or opposes “rights for ‘transgender people,’” that person probably believes that there is such a category of people.

But there isn’t. “Trans” is a lie. It is a lie as big as the lie that the emperor is wearing clothes. He isn’t wearing clothes. He’s naked. He’s just too arrogant to acknowledge it, and everyone around him is too cowed to say so.

To understand how transgenderism became so entrenched in our society despite its obvious distortions, one must first understand the philosophy from which it began. Starting in the 1970s, a group of people in academia started talking about postmodernism — a new philosophical and political movement that dismissed claims to objective fact and reason. It objected to the idea that anything could be grounded in material reality. One of its main proponents was Michel Foucault, a French philosopher who taught for a while at the University of California, Berkeley. Foucault was also, incidentally, a known pedophile who advocated the abolition of age-of-consent laws. For Foucault, age was just a construct, which meant that adults should be permitted to have sexual relationships with children.


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: They. Can. Choose.

( SakuraBlossoms )
If it's so dangerous in the men's locker room, how would turning the women's locker room into the men's locker room protect them?

The irony of fighting to allow any man to walk into the women's locker room is that the men who are apparently attacking gender non-conforming men can follow them into the women's locker room just as they can do to women. Notifying the authorities if you saw this suspicious behavior would of course render you a bigot.

( vulvapeople )
Some of the only bathroom attacks of TIMs that I've heard of involved a man taking exception to a TIM in the women's and beat him on that basis. I've never heard of a TIM being attacked in the men's.

( Positronic_waves )
They kinda are convinced men would want to fck them as if they were actually women. Delusions.

( Itzpapalotl )
Exactly. Nobody is forcing them to (attempt to) disguise their biological sex. They choose to live a life of deception. The whole “born this way” thing doesn’t fly since they are literally trying to emulate something they aren’t and chemically and surgically alter their natural body. It’s just BS stolen from LGB people, who actually are born the way they are.

( Cantstopthemachine77 )
Yup, just another LGB thing they’ve piggy backed on!

( Eava )
Has there ever been a reported case of a TIM assaulted in a men's room? Especially at work? If employers can make everyone state their pronouns, you'd think they could tell the men who work for them not to assault their colleagues.

( DoomedSibyl )
I’ve wondered about this too. Don’t you think if there was a case of assault of a TIM in the men’s room that the TRAs would be shouting it from the rooftops? Hourly? Makes me wonder if it is all nonsense about being in danger in the men’s room.

( Eava )
Exactly. I have seen multiple analysis of trans murders and not a single one is related to a TIM being in a male bathroom or locker room. [...]

( DoomedSibyl )
Is there any way that we could turn this fact to our advantage in terms of resistance and activism? That men in women’s spaces is a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist? When the TRAs whine, force them to say it is really about being validated? Even just in conversation, can we start asking people to give an example of a TIM attacked in male spaces for being a TIM? It might make people think.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Tiramisuomi )
They. Can. Choose.
If it's so unsafe to use the men's locker room, they can remove all their bullshit and pass perfectly as men. Problem solved.

If that's soul-killing, they should try centuries of womanhood where many women have had to dress as men to survive.

And if it's that fucking awful and unsafe, what better motivator to get off their asses and build something for themselves rather than stealing from us?

( shewolfoffrance )
99% of what TiMs claim is "danger" is actually, at most, "discomfort." It's being correctly perceived as male, overhearing awkward comments about their bizarre appearance, or being denied entrance to female spaces. There was even a pair of TiMs in Halifax who claimed they felt "unsafe" merely because their local library stocked Irreversible Damage.

If they truly felt there was a "trans genocide" going on, they would only do ladyface in windowless rooms in the basements of their houses, in the middle of the night, when the family is out of town. And then they'd carefully wash and replace all the underwear they stole to wack off in.

As it is, they'll hop back into "boymode" for much less than life-threatening emergencies. Eddie Izzard is more than willing to take lucrative male screen roles. Sam Brinton will put on a suit for court. Numerous TiMs have strategically waited until their wife was pregnant to "come out."

( mathlover )
It's not about safety. It's about getting off on seeing themselves, and forcing others to see them, as "women". If it was really about safety, they would be fine with a third space only for them. They usually refuse to use available third spaces.

This is why we need to speak about them as men, which is what they are. It's not about "transwomen" or "transgender" people using womens spaces. It's about men. We have never had a public, national debate about whether or not men should be in womens prisons, locker/changing rooms, bathrooms, etc.

These men (however they "identify") belong in men's spaces. And men need to get used to that. The men will all have to sort it out among themselves.

( sarstan )
If it really was about safety, these men would have some respect for women’s concerns about safety.

( notsofreshfeeling )
Invading female spaces is easier, though, and more titillating.

speculareffect #elitist #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut specular-effect.com

As I’ve explained before, Christianity, like Communism, is a feminine construct for the weak. So, too, is the “climate change” doctrine pushed by the Neo-Malthusisnist cultists. The racism against the human race ideation is nothing more than moral-fagging and moral-shaming. They are the lifeblood of each previously mentioned. After all, morality is a construct of the weak for the weak. This is especially the case with regards to moral absolutes pushed by Christrannies in order to achieve dominance and transcend being dominated. It is what is known as ressentiment—the fox and the grapes syndrome—a psychological gymnastics to feel better about being inferior. The trick is to then demonize and criticize your counterparts who dominate you, by claiming their behaviors and ways of life are immoral. From this gay, feminine psychological gymnastics, a life of asceticism is pursued “for the greater good” (an afterlife) (heaven).
The Techno-Communist agenda that envelopes the entire planet, its accompanying Neo-Malthusianist cult ideology and Cultural Marxism, each possess slave morality leanings. Marxist Communism is primarily concerned with the haves vs. the have-nots and creates a classwarfare where ressentiment is showcased by its most ardent adherents—the social justice warrior. Landlords are seen as evil parasites and usurpers. Whites are racist bigots . The rich and wealthy became rich and wealthy through exploitation. If not by their deeds, by the deeds of their forefathers. These social justice warriors are professors, doctors, lawyers and not just the cat glasses-wearing, pink and blue-haired freak at your local Trader Jews, who has her septum pierced. These weaklings are everywhere and their slave morality—ressentiment—is pervasive. Communism has taken over. Feminine values have taken over.

prosperina65 #transphobia forums.primetimer.com

(from a thread about annoying commercials)

The commercial for the new HIV prep drug, Descovy, annoy the hell out of me. Specifically the bit where one of the actors says that it hasn't been tested on people who were assigned "female" at birth. No, you mean people born female. The actual biological sex they were born as. Because all but small percentage of people were born either male or female. It's not like gender, which is cultural and something you can be assigned, it's a biological fact.

So basically this drug hasn't been tested for anyone who was born female, regardless of how they might identify now. Just say that.

Various Kiwifarmers #psycho #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

(The Magnificence)

There needs to be some "female socialization" etiquette guide for this population.

You can, at least to a degree, teach "Mean Girl;" "Shade," however, cannot be taught. And very, very few men innately know how to throw it. And most of those men are black and/or gay.

I don't think it's socialization. Women just speak in high context, men don't. These troons remind me of guys who say "I once met a woman at a party and she asked me back to her place to watch Indiana Jones and I said no because I hate Indiana Jones. Five years later I realize what she was actually saying."


T4T dating event on the HER app canceled “due to a lack of interest”


post was quickly deleted before more mask-off uncomfortable truths could be posted.

Wow Hetero men don't want to date other men. In other news, water is wet.

And yet, if a bio woman said she only wanted women not a man or a trans woman she would be banned so fast it would make your head spin. For fuck sake, they don't even see each other as women. When is society going to stop collectively pretending this is legit?

(Sexual Chocolate)
Sadly, we can only imagine what fuglies and swamp-ma'ams woulda shown up to that thing. In olden - and therefore based - times, a PT Barnum or a Jerry Springer would be on that like a dog in a bowl of stew


(Big Al's Famous Pork)
Transgender Woman interview-Taryn

This piece of absolute human garbage has fathered 10 kids! 10 drug addicted babies he has jizzed into the world!!! Every single one was taken by CPS.. holy shit. Give me all your top hats because this made me want to punch the internet.

(Pitbull Victim)
I have no idea what is more nightmarish: what you mentioned, his Crusader Kings-ass family tree where his grandpa trooned out and married his own son, or how his wife would suffer worsening brain damage with each pregnancy but he kept impregnanting her until she ended up a vegetable.

These people need to be spayed and neutred.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Intelligent GNC female, bullied for her looks, on the spectrum showing signs/symptoms of burgeoning trans identity. Quelle surprise

( pennygadget )
I hate that she's too deep in the cult to see how this harms her climate change activism. How are we supposed to "believe the science" when these same activists who scream about climate change also say dumb shit like, "Some males have a magical girl soul that turns them into a real girl the moment they announce she/her pronouns" or "There’s no safety issue with letting penis people freely enter female spaces. And if you object to male rapists being locked in female prisons, you're a bigot who is literally trying to Holocaust the trans community"

( hmimperialtortie )
As a poster on that Twitter thread said - “Believe the science (that you agree with).”

( meranii )
Fighting sexism and outdated gender roles by declaring yourself trans/nb is like fighting climate change by moving somewhere where you think the weather's nicer.

( yikesforever )
i've never seen that trans symbol with the feminist symbol inside... very odd to see as a gender critical feminist where to me (us) it seems like gender identity and feminism are at odds with each other.

( Ladylucy )
It’s just one more thing TIPs are taking from women. Soon, all of our symbols will be theirs, and all of our heroines will be trans or non-binary. They are hellbent on erasing us.

( pennygadget )
Its yet another thing the gender-specials can't let us have to ourselves. They have to colonize everything

EverlyB #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

There needs to be some "female socialization" etiquette guide for this population. I'm sure a portion of the disconnect is straight-up from being cognitively more masculine (especially in AGPs who saw women as unattainable lust objects rather than peers until very recently), but the specifics of mature intrasexual communication within a culture are things that women took years to pick up on. The "out-of-proportion compliment = insult" lesson is one that can take some time for us to figure out.

For their sake, and especially women's, they ought to know...

The way you can get away with acting as a blatantly non-threatening gay man (campy, clownish, joking crudely) is going to look like mockery if you now do it claiming to be a woman. (Hi, Dylan Mulvaney.)

If you wouldn't have the balls to say something to a woman while you were passing as a straight man out of fear of looking like a creep, don't say it now. For all you know, you're still a man to her.

Go ahead and try on the youthful looks you find cute and show them off to your thirsty e-communities in the privacy of your own home, but if you want to be taken seriously as an adult woman out in the world, dress your age.

If you're going to be interacting with a woman on a long-term basis, as part of a workplace or social circle, her compliments to you are communicating less about you and more about her. She wants you to know she's not a threat, not a bigot.

Don't act like you can relate with women regarding ANYTHING bodily. They share the experience of female puberty in their youth and the effects of a female reproductive system to this day; you and other transfeminine individuals share the experience of living with a male reproductive system and seeing the effects of exogenous hormones in adulthood. Anything in common is only superficial. Women don't want to hear about your "second puberty" the way you tell other troons about it, and they don't want you eavesdropping on their private talk about their own bodies (which even so, are not trivial conversations any woman can share with any woman).

Sall Grover #transphobia businessinsider.com

An app marketed towards "females" has faced a barrage of online criticism for excluding transgender women with its use of artificial intelligence.

Giggle, which first launched in early 2020, according to The Verge, uses facial recognition to determine if new users are male or female.

"The way the app works is when you install it, you have to take a picture of yourself and it uses AI to analyze your face," said Jenny, a 23-year-old trans woman from California. "And if it decides you're a woman, it will let you in. If it decides you're a man, it will reject you. But if it rejects you, you can just submit another picture."

Giggle's founder and CEO, Sall Grover, has brashly pushed back against online criticism, including claims that the app uses technology that has failed to properly identify women of color, while publicly embracing an ideology that's considered harmful to trans people.

"This particular combination of gender categorization and facial recognition and race is something that we absolutely know is a problem," Casey Fiesler, a professor at the University of Colorado Boulder who studies technology ethics, told Insider.

The issue, however, has gone beyond the platform's questionable AI practices. Grover, who has embraced being called a "TERF" — trans-exclusionary radical feminist — told Insider that she decided to exclude trans women from the platform once trans activists began using it.

According to Giggle's website, the app sends a new user's selfie to the facial-recognition AI company Kairos, which analyzes the photo.

"Through computer vision and deep learning, they recognise females in videos, photos, and the real world," according to Giggle. If the Kairos AI is 95% certain the person is female, the person is allowed to create an account, Giggle says. Kairos did not return Insider's request for comment.

Grover said in a December tweet in the wake of the controversy that the app would be temporarily removed from the Google app store after the company was targeted with negative reviews by people she described in a tweet as "male" and "trolls."

The app was restored to Google Play in January and has remained available on the App Store. Neither Apple nor Google returned Insider's requests for comment about whether the app violated any policies.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Name a Human Right Dylan Mulvaney Lacks and I Will Give You a Million Dollars. From LGB United on Substack

( overanddone )
name a human right any trans person does not have. This is a red herring, claiming they are fighting for their rights.

They are fighting to co-opt women's rights to safety, security, dignity, personal liberty, privacy, freedom of thought, and freedom of expression.

( hmimperialtortie )
What TIMs want is unfettered access to women’s and children’s bodies. Rape being for all practical purposes legal isn’t enough for them.

( pennygadget )
Poor Dylan currently lacks the right to put women who mock him in front of a firing squad. Though I'm sure Biden is working on that....

( hmimperialtortie )
Yes, they don’t want “rights” so much as absolute power.

( Ginger )
A few years ago in his video about JK Rowling Contrapoints talked about how the conversation shouldn't be about "Trans rights" but "trans liberation" -- most likely because when you actually look at the "rights" they're fighting for, people would quickly realize these rights directly conflict with women's rights and basic children's safeguarding.

( salty-tomorrow )
Liberation from what though?

( RighteousIndignation )
The Law so they can go around beating up whatever woman they like, grooming kids, masturbating in public and anything else any one wants, Trans is a front for Anarchist it doesn't end with "smashing the gender boundaries" thats the beginning.

Matt Osborne #transphobia thedistancemag.com

Name A Human Right Dylan Mulvaney Lacks And I Will Give You A Million Dollars

Nothing about him is marginalized. Dylan Mulvaney is not marginalized. His status has increased.

This writer cannot recall a single transgender person visibly decreasing in status from transition. On the contrary, “gender transition” has been a spectacular means to get attention since at least Christine Jorgensen.

Gender transition has received universally positive press coverage all my life. I cannot remember an actual countervailing wave of “transphobia” across media, ever. Not even within a specific media space except perhaps the most reactionary televangelism.

(Stop making the televangelists right about things, Joe Biden.)

Critical views are not welcome. Middle ground solutions are not welcome. Either submit to the demands of the “gendererd” or you will suffer the consequences.

This is the description of an elite class, one that hides its eliteness behind an obfuscating myth of its own fragility.

The only fragile thing about Dylan Mulvaney is his ego.

Dylan Mulvaney objects to women who dislike his opportunism. His intentions were pure, you see. He is the quintessential “nice guy.”

You can trust him, ladies. He says so. He’s just giving away tampons randomly, see? To women who need them. In their restrooms.

Not creepy at all. See? “No threat to you and your womanhood,” in his words. “How is someone doing something so nice so repulsive for you?”

In a recent video posted to his Instagram, nice guy Dylan denied being responsible for a tampon shortage.

“It’s not because I’m mysogynistic, it’s because you’re transphobic,” he explained. “You know, we gotta work through this.”

So reasonable. So nice. He just wants to be loved for endorsing tampons. He is actually jealous, he admits, that he isn’t a real woman. He wishes he had been born in a woman’s body.

Maleness was assigned to him, he says. Dylan is really really a woman inside, but being materially female is not what God had in mind, he says. Stupid God.

Dylan’s in your restroom for the most honorable and even godly of purposes. Godlier than God zerself. Suggestions otherwise are actual wounds to his soul.

“I’m not enjoying my womanhood as much as I used to,” he complains. “And my pain might be different from your pain, but it’s very real.” Can’t you feel his pain?


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: WaPo article on "rise of LGBTQ+ hate" really pushing the limits
(submitters note: this article https://archive.vn/sO2ds )

( hmimperialtortie )
The QT are the ones who hate LGB people. They’re the ones doing conversion therapy. They’re the ones leeching from legitimate civil rights movements while doing their best to destroy them. They’re the ones pushing rape and paedophilia as their rights. Fuck yeah I hate them.

( RisingUp )

Since coming out [as a TIM], she said, she has already lost a job teaching swim lessons.

Oh boy. I bet there’s a story there.

( BondiBlue )
Oh that's right, there's also a TIM featured in this piece complaining about not "passing," in addition to the indigo children and the sex clown. No shit, you can't force the rest of the world to have eyesight de-assignment surgery.

Dear TQs and the rest of the parasitic alphabet: If you really want to talk pronouns, maybe the fact that you are so unlikable is "a you problem and not a me problem."

( Hollyhock )
For someone to fire a TiM, it has to be really, really bad. Everyone either tiptoes around them, praises them to high heaven or actively avoids them.

( vulvapeople )
I wonder if there’s some measure of sex-segregation going on, similar to the Port Townsend Y. And like the TIM in that incident, this one undoubtedly would want to be present while young girls changed into their swimsuits.

( hard_headed_woman )
Ugh. Teaching swimming often involves little children clinging to the teacher's body. It's just the way it is, and why I wanted women swim teachers for my kids decades ago. Now, I'm even more careful with my grandkids.

( sarstan )
Cisneros is literally just some random guy who likes glitter.

( BondiBlue )
I can't believe society has turned itself inside out and rewritten the language of objective reality just to appease scene kids.

( madderthanhell )
Scene kids like these are just a smokescreen for the re-writing of material reality, not the reason for it.

( Hollyhock )
My kids say the gender men tend to have poor hygiene...a good hair washing would be in order.

( RighteousIndignation )
well of course theres a rise in QWERTY+ hate, things do tend to go up when you keep adding more letters of the alphabet to the list.

( Omina_Sentenziosa )
And when your basic level of obnoxiousness rises exponentially.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( itsnotaboutewe )
Let's Make 2023 the Year of the Terf
Last New Year's Eve I made a resolution to be more actively involved in fighting the gender cult. I have always been an out and proud terf and have never shied away from debate, discussion, and even arguments about trans ideology but I had been spectacularly lazy when it came to letter writing, stickering, and other forms of activism, so this year I changed that. I stickered my little heart out, had several letters published in the local papers, emailed politicians and policy makers, and even phoned into Kellie-Jay Keen's Terf Talk Tuesday podcast. I have become braver in the last 12 months and I'm proud of myself for it.

I want 2023 to be the Year of the Terf. I want all of us to be a little braver and push our own comfort zones a bit in the fight against the TRAs. In that spirit, I have resolved that I will speak at one of KJK's Let Women Speak rallies when she comes to Australia in March. I am not someone who can speak in public easily and I even find it hard to speak to a small group of friendly people if they are all looking at me, so this is a huge challenge for me. I know I am not alone in wanting to do more for our cause, so what are you willing to do to help make 2023 the year the terfs win?

My New Year's resolution is for a women's revolution. Let's make 2023 the Year of the Terf.

( Blahdyblahdyblah )
Right there with you. Went mask-off on my socials yesterday for the first time. No more hiding how I feel.

( sailorvenus )
I used to be in the gender cult, but I've started pushing back in my own small ways.

"Chest feeding? You can't say that men don't have abortions and mean it in a general way anymore?" Small questions, but they're the ones that got me over to the Terf side.

I really want 2023 to be my TERF/improve yourself year. I want to learn coding and get more financially stable so I can donate to orgs that support actual women. Maybe someday if I get good enough I can make a crowdfunding site that is for biological women only. Fund their educations and their dreams. Women deserve it.

( lunamoth )
Much admiration for your willingness to push yourself out of your comfort zone and I wish you luck in your public speaking goals!

The pendulum is about to swing the other way. It has to. I wouldn’t be surprised if 2023 is indeed the year of the terf, or at least the start of an age of the terf ✊

@NeilThin / Neil Thin #transphobia twitter.com

"Born in the wrong body". Almost no-one said this before 2000. The belief may often be compelling, but the phrase doesn't absolve us of the duty to think things through.

When an influential phrase is as recent as this, shouldn't we all be curious, and want to raise questions?
Why is the body suddenly unreliable, and the mind reliable?

Why is it suddenly young women who disbelieve and renounce their sex, whereas previously it was mainly men?

Why, so soon after same-sex attraction became ok, were so many people suddenly dismissing it as irrelevant?

Why, so soon after women’s sports were developed, were so many people hell-bent on wrecking them by allowing males to compete as women?

Why, so soon after most educated people had learned to doubt the reality or relevance of something as fanciful and vague as the soul, did "soul" beliefs enjoy a sudden renaissance in the form of “true (gendered) self” ideology?

If people were confident in their "born in the wrong body" belief, would they require everyone else to publicly affirm their belief?

If we really want a happier world, in which fewer people suffer from obsessive distrust or dislike of their own bodies, shouldn't we be challenging rather than affirming people's bodily self-loathing?

These are just questions. If you read them as attacks, you might want to ask yourself if this might be paranoia, and if so where it comes from.

There are plenty more psychological, sociological, linguistic, and political questions we should be asking.

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