
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

pennygadget & softglow #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Kentucky senator's TIF daughter, 24, committed suicide. Blames it on laws protecting women's safe spaces and sex-based rights

( pennygadget )
If they need to blame anyone for their daughter's death,, they should be blaming the psychological institutions that push the narrative that suicide is inevitable if a trans person doesn't get everything that they want the moment they demand it. Actual therapists recognize how dangerous it is to treat suicide that way when it comes to other problems. But, when it comes to trans people, they're like, "Aiden, you know that trans people will immediately jump into traffic if they're misgendered, right?" or "If you can't get a T prescription, your dysphoria will metastasize and you'll have no choice but to kill yourself".

THIS is why these people end their lives. Their mental illness is exacerbated by a medical system that cares more about selling them services than helping them live functional lives!

( softglow )
TIMs hate TIFs, envy them for their comparative ease in passing, in getting lesbians, for their genitals (which they also hate them for squandering). They use TIFs for validation, for victimhood status when claiming female rape statistics, and piss their pants and shriek about transmisogyny, and how very dare any TIFs suggest that they might still be victim of actual misogyny from transwomen, who grew up with (this is the worst thing you can accuse them of, so remember it) MALE SOCIALIZATION.

There's so many reasons why a TIF might kill herself, but I refuse to believe that the constant toxic demands that TIMs make on them didn't play at least a small part here. I guarantee there's going to be some whispers between her friends about the ghoulish reaction transwomen will have, after they've seen how TIFs are treated by them, and god willing that will peak a few. It does happen, rare as it is; TIMs are so unpleasant that they can snap us out of our delusions sometimes, and if there's any silver lining to such an awful situation, I hope that's one.

Matt Walsh #elitist #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Extremely honored to have earned the Transphobe of the Year award from @newrepublic. I want to thank everyone who supported me in pursuit of this goal. I don’t do it for the accolades, but I’m grateful and humbled to receive them.


“One man stands out from the crowd” — The New Republic

In a year where the Transgender Day of Remembrance was marked by a mass shooting at an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs, one man stands out from the crowd of online right-wing personalities fearmongering against trans people: Matt Walsh.

Bio is updated

Matt Osborne #transphobia thedistance.substack.com

Name A Human Right Dylan Mulvaney Lacks And I Will Give You A Million Dollars

If your child is one of too many now joining the self-harm cult of “gender identity,” then the president of the United States wants you to know that you must participate, otherwise bad things will happen.

Biden said that “affirming” imaginary, ineffable, invisible gendered essences that cannot be detected by modern science is “one of the most powerful things you can do to keep [your children] safe and healthy.”

Nice trans kid you got, would be a shame if something happened to them. Because then it would be your fault. (It’s a game. This will always be your fault, mom and dad.) Do you want Dylan Mulvaney to literally die?

Do you, mom and dad?

“You’re so brave,” Biden said to the Dylan Mulvaneys of the world. He wanted them to know that “you belong, we have your back.”

Dylan Mulvaney needed powerful people at his back. Making the world safe for Dylan Mulvaney is a global mission statement for peace on earth. Affirm the trans kids or Dylan will literally die. We will all literally die.

Democracy itself will die.

Signing a federal marriage equality law earlier this month, Biden argued that no one else can have human rights unless Dylan Mulvaney is special.

“Folks, racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, they are all connected,” Biden said. “But the antidote to hate is love. This law and the love it defends strike a blow against hate in all its forms.”

Love Dylan Mulvaney or you do actual harm to him. Sterilize the kids and cheer for Lia Thomas and look away from the rapists in women’s prisons. Ignore the harms, otherwise you harm him, and by extension, the whole world.

It may all seem a strange place for Puritan ethics to land, but not really. Alexis de Tocqueville observed that equality is eternally popular, whereas the relative popularity of freedom is fickle, fluctuating with the challenges and changes of the times.

It helps to understand that this is about status, not money. “Elite” is a status, not money.

Americans are under a presidential command to value Dylan Mulvaney’s gender identity and give it status.

Transgender “rights” organizing is focused on validation, on centering itself, on its own supposed status as the most marginalized community ever (read: “most…ever”).


various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #transphobia gab.com

• Putin didn’t try to force inject me with an experimental toxin.

• Putin isn’t trying to castrate and sexually mutilate American children.

• Putin didn’t send all our hard earned tax money to Ukraine when we needed it here.

• Putin isn’t the one calling American patriots “terrorists” while raiding the homes of pro-life pastors at gun point, putting MAGA grandmas in jail, and trying to destroy the life of a pillow salesman for questioning a questionable election.

Putin isn’t my problem, he’s doing more to expose the corruption in America than the FBI…which is nothing more than the Deep State’s personal goon squad. My problem is with these greedy war criminals in DC that are they themselves being controlled and funded by these godless Bolsheviks, that have for generations used people like cannon fodder by starting wars to push their central bank debt-slavery system on the rest of the world.

I’m rootin’ for Putin. I hope he wipes every illegal bioweapon lab we had in Ukraine off the map before these psychopaths release something even worse.





Never seen Putin mumbling incoherently
Never seen Putin children drunk naked
Never seen Putin children on crack
Never seen Putin sniffing children hair
Never seen Putin with a black face

I saw Putin playing Hockey
I saw Putin riding a horse
I saw Putin doing Judo
I saw Putin talking evident truth

@AmericanAFMindy. If people can't see the we, the US, is one of the "bad guys" in all this.. I dont know what to say. I'm with Putin on this too!

@AmericanAFMindy This conflict is backed by Jews on both sides to continue the Talmudic agenda of more White Genocide in Europe.

Natalie Argyle #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy chicksonright.com

Government School Sponsors Lecture, Book Signing By “The Transgender Child” Author

I no longer call them “public schools.” They aren’t working for the public’s best interest, they don’t consider public sentiment or priorities, and for more than 2 years, they weren’t open to the public. They are government schools. They’re run by the government, fueled by politics, used to indoctrinate children with government agendas, and funded by American tax dollars that are being increasingly confiscated by the government from hardworking Americans amid unprecedented reckless government spending. They are government schools, not public schools.


And the Davis Joint Unified School District government school in Davis County, California, is using taxpayer funds to sponsor a lecture and book signing event by Rachel Pepper, a licensed marriage and family therapist (terrifying) and author of a book titled, “The Transgender Child; A Handbook for Parents and Professionals Supporting Transgender and Nonbinary Children.” The event promises “a groundbreaking, compassionate, and comprehensive GPS for offering understanding, love and support to gender expansive and transgender young people.” All good things, but in and by a government school, sponsored by taxpayers, and pushing an extremely polarizing agenda? I certainly don’t agree with that. If they’re sponsoring entire events and book signings, what else is happening in the classrooms that aren’t quite as advertised?

(At this point the author includes a tweet advertising the event, and then a description of the event)

Children 12 and over are “welcome to attend with an adult.” Notice it doesn’t way “with a parent.” Because perhaps they’ll be coming with an adult who is helping them keep secrets from their parents?

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #homophobia #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Dyke discovers dyke bars exist"]

A dyke in the UK has started a bar for only her and her own kind

Teddy Edwardes, 32, is the founder and director of LICK, a women-only venue with a focus on LGTBQ+[…]

Dyke bars have been around for decades. It was a plot point in Wayne's World 2 for crying out loud (and going further back was a movie staple since 1968's The Killing of Sister George). Only a millennial could think she's come up with something new

Don't despair though, guys. Unlike Wayne Campbell you don't have to dress up as a Village Person if you want to attend. Surprise surprise, Teddy Edwardes is up with all the latest fashions from this despicable lifestyle choice. She's "inclusive to trans women" so all you have to do is show up at the door wearing the same clothes you always do, tell the bouncer you're a chick, and in you are![…]
This club was founded "6 years ago" (ie 2016) at the same time that the UK was going ballistic over another organization only allowing in one of the two sexes. Uppity bitches in Edinburgh even tried banning members of that club from a public bench (imagine if we said that a bench couldn't be used by anybody who ever went to a fag bar!)[…]
At the same time all the "right people" were demanding one of the few remaining mens-only clubs be allowed to stay open, those same people were opening up a womens-only club and celebrating their commitment to diversity and/or the yaya sisterhood. It's yet another case where the "war on women" is actually a "war by women" which is dangerous because chicks aren't militarily capable

Bonus lol: from the MSN.com comments, somebody asked "if there are no men then who pays for all the drinks?" The answer: "alimony"

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Kentucky senator's TIF daughter, 24, committed suicide. Blames it on laws protecting women's safe spaces and sex-based rights

( no- )
I believe transitioning generates more dysphoria than not transitioning at all, because dysphoria is just the feeling of incongruence between reality and a TIP’s inner sense of self. The more you try to chase the pipe dream of changing sex, the more obvious it becomes that you can’t. Even passing TIPs are living a lie that’s very mentally taxing to maintain. The TIPs who are happy with their transition are so disconnected from reality they’re in a permanent state of delusion and magical thinking, which is not something worth aspiring to.

( dontdoxxmepal )
This 1000x over. Dysphoria is an ever jumping and escalating issue to the individual who experiences it

( Kevina )
Not sure if anyone looked at the pics, but this woman looks like a very average, gnc/butch/possibly lesbian woman. She doesnt read even a little bit male to me, I have several friends who look and dress alot like this woman. I also noticed the sister is a rabbi. I have no idea if this was a "trans the gay away" situation, but it's a shame that these kids are wasting their lives chasing the carrot on a stick that is trans instead of just accepting themselves and their sexed bodies and trying to get some kind of enjoyment out of life.

His final tweet was retweeting the words of his boss: 'State lawmakers have advanced an onslaught of anti-LGBTQ+ bills to restrict where and how we can freely and openly be our true selves.'

Except that's not at all what you're doing, and it's no wonder that what you are doing is negatively affecting your mental (and physical) health.

( itsnotaboutewe )
A woman who refused to accept herself as she was tried to force others to accept her as something she was not. She said she felt unsafe walking down the street because she feared people who didn't coddle her delusion, but her life was taken not by strangers who wouldn't accept her but by her own hands because she couldn't accept she was perfect just the way she was. Blaming suicide on anyone but the victim/perpetrator is disingenuous and prepetuates victim mentality. Shame on this mother for blaming strangers for her daughter's actions.

silkyradfem #transphobia #sexist at.tumblr.com

A man by nature is gender conforming. He has to change nothing about himself. To be gender nonconforming he has to do something—wear makeup, put on restrictive clothing, adopt a less manageable hairstyle, buy jewelry, shave his body.

A woman by nature is gender nonconforming. She must change herself to conform. To be gender nonconforming she just has to be—throw on comfortable clothing and forget her razors, makeup, styling appliances, and jewelry in a drawer somewhere.

For men, conforming to gender is passive, natural; nonconformity is an active choice. For women, the opposite is true. Her natural existence itself revolts against demands of her gender.

To draw similarity between gnc men and gnc women is to misunderstand the nature of gender itself—it is a set of shackles for women. This means that gnc women are freeing themselves of their chains. But does it not also mean that gnc men are trying on our shackles for fun, with no awareness of the role they play in our lives and none of the pressure to chain themselves in this way that we endure? Do they feel so entitled to our experiences that they can experiment with the most brutal of our feminine beauty rituals and have the audacity to say it validates them? To the point where they demand access to everything women have to ourselves, including but not limited to our spaces in which we can be vulnerable, our anatomy and our language for it, our shared experiences, our names, our very words—women, female, she?

Is a gnc man any more than a mockery of the cages in which we are born?

Matt Osborne #transphobia thedistance.substack.com

Name A Human Right Dylan Mulvaney Lacks And I Will Give You A Million Dollars

“Transgender” is an elite ingrouping heuristic: use the pronouns or lose membership in civil society. Only barbarians fail to recognize Dylan Mulvaney’s woman-ness. You know — Trump voters. Red staters. The people who want to “destroy democracy,” whatever that is.

Apparently, “saving democracy” requires the suppression of valid laptop-related news stories that, had they been subject to the usual process of democratic conversation, may in the end have been deemed “nothingburgers” after all, rather than becoming epic scandals that unfold in Twitter threads after the election is over.

Elites really, really distrust actual democracy right now. The Orange Man scared them to the core, so genuine democracy — defined as a free conversation with majority and minority respecting one another — has been deemed too dangerous for “democracy.”

It is dangerous to tweet that Dylan Mulvaney is male. It is dangerous to say so in public. No one on MSNBC or CNN would ever fail to use Dylan’s preferred pronouns, nor would they bring back a guest who refused to do so. Even Fox News remains a difficult sell for such a guest.

This is not about human rights, but the restriction of human rights on behalf of a special, protected class of person.

Dylan Mulvaney is special. He is elite.

Joe Biden demands that we see Dylan. Really see him. See him as a woman. We are to gaslight ourselves, otherwise we are actual terrorists doing harm to people.

Transgender people are “under attack,” you see. The special people are under attack by all the bad people who don’t “respect them” as “who they are.”

Dylan Mulvaney is under attack by bad people who don’t respect him as the woman he wishes to be.

Biden will stop all the “hateful” laws against sterilizing children and boys cheating at girls’ sports. He calls this “equality.”

During his remarks for the Transgender Day of Visibility in March, Biden evoked a state of emergency.

Citing a nonexistent “epidemic of violence against transgender girls of color” — meaning effeminate nonwhite men —Biden promised a global crusade (“around the world”) to give transgender people lives free of “discrimination and violence.”

We must make the world safe for Dylan Mulvaney, you see, otherwise black people will die, you racist.


MiMi2013 , pennygadget & Kriegerin #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Kentucky senator's TIF daughter, 24, committed suicide. Blames it on laws protecting women's safe spaces and sex-based rights

( MiMi2013 )
I don't care.

This woman's suicide is being used as propaganda for full infiltration of trans people into places segregated by sex ; however irritating it is for men to have trans "men" foisted on them , they're in no danger from these females.

Trans woMEN, OTOH, are a danger to women : How many more incarcerated women have to be assaulted by criminals willing to self ID into their spaces-? How many more school children have to make themselves sick because they're unwilling to use unisex toilets-?How many more college students have fully intact trans "girls" invading their showers and locker rooms -? How many more allegedly 'public' places (including hospitals, gyms, store changing rooms or restrooms) have to be made de facto off limits to women, because of trans invasions-?

I care about the female victims of these policies, and I do not think this girl's suicide is such a big loss to the world as to make it the justification for a ceasing of the long overdue pushback on trans woMEN invasions. And I make no apologies for this stance.

( pennygadget )

It was an argument she also address to the senate in February - when she warned 'the world is coming after them,' referring to trans people like her son.

This melodramatic language helps no one. "The world is coming after them"? I hate to play Oppression Olympics, but if that was all it took to trigger suicide, 99% of the Jewish population would be dead via suicide. American slaves, Jews in Nazi Germany, and women in Afghanistan didn't have the suicide rate that trans people supposedly have. So framing a trans person's suicide as the result of oppression is both incorrect and a slap in the face to people who are actually marginalized

( Kriegerin )
Right? Women, Jewish people, black people, disabled people all suffer from actual oppression, yet their number one solution isn't killing themselves.

These are severely mentally ill people and instead of therapy we give them snake oil and mutilation, duh they're gonna kill themselves...

Andrew Tate #sexist #ableist #enbyphobia #transphobia #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger #elitist twitter.com

(submitter’s note: this is Tate’s second try at a response to Greta Thunberg’s awesome to reply to his attempt to show off and troll her. He doesn’t succeed anywhere near as well as he likely thinks, but his followers are sadly probably still fooled)

Andrew Tate:
Thank you for confirming via your email address that you have a small penis

The world was curious.

And I do agree you should get a life ❤️

(submitter’s note: this is followed by a video which I have transcribed for you all so you don’t have to watch it)


spoiler It’s Tate talking the entire time
*smoking cigar
“Releasing greenhouse gases”
“I’m obviously a stranger to online controversy, it’s not something I often do… but now the mainstream press is commenting on the fact that I was informing Greta that my very extensive car collection with internal combustion engines which run on dead dinosaurs have an enormous emissions profile and she replied by telling me her own email address. Greta’s email address is “ihavesmalldickenergy”. Why would that be your email address, Greta? Strange… I mean, I don’t want to assume her gender, it’s 50-50, but it is what it is…

“I’m not actually mad at Greta. (Speaking to someone offscreen) Please bring pizza and make sure that these boxes are not recycled…”
*pizza boxes arrive

“Thank you… So I’m not actually mad at Greta, because she doesn’t realize she’s been programmed, she doesn’t realize she’s a slave of the matrix, she thinks she’s doing good. Someone has sat her down and convinced her to try and convince you to beg your government to tax you into poverty to stop the sun from being hot… and then because I called her out on it the global matrix got this bot farm to like and retweet and all this bot commentary to try and pretend that her telling me that she has a small dick in her own email address somehow teaches me a lesson.
*waves arms
“Welcome to a new episode of the clown show! But now I know, at least, that Greta, with her little hate-filled face, bitter, sitting somewhere without the heat on, little hat, shivering…” *laughs “views my tweets! Which is going to make my twitter account far more fun into eternity”

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

In my opinion,

California needs military intervention and occupation, for the sake of the children. Literally.

If there were any true Conservative states, I'd say it would be wholly justifiable for them to launch a special military operation into California to arrest Newsom and liberate the schools from these psychotic child rapists.

And drive all the illegal immigrants into the sea, or at least back south of the border.

Newsom Signs Bill Making California "Sanctuary State" For Children Seeking 'Gender Affirming' Surgery - Without Parental Consent https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/newsom-signs-bill-making-california-sanctuary-state-children-seeking-gender-affirming-surgery-without-parental-consent/?utm_source=Gab&utm_medium=PostTopSharingButtons&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons

@Nature_and_Race What is scary is there seems to be no red line.. the commie psychopaths keep marching forward with more and more vile, degenerate madness with no opposition.

@Seashell25 @Nature_and_Race the red line is when you ppl finally use your guns instead of chatting
Clearly they know that’s never going to happen

@Nature_and_Race whoever is bringing the child to California without parental consent, is engaged in child abduction. Which I'm pretty sure it is a capital offense.

@Nature_and_Race CA is a lost state, there is nothing there worth saving. I should know, I grew up there and watch as the madness grew worse.

@DisplacedSailor @Nature_and_Race and no, voting won’t help as software is programmed by radical Marxists!

@Nature_and_Race The entire United States should be liberated! Liberated from International Financial Jewry!!!
Long way.
For this we need the big broom!

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

Russian President Putin:

- We're witnessing sheer satanism in West
- Do we want our children to be offered operations on sex changes? It's unacceptable!
- Our future is different. We're fighting for a great, historic Russia.

@TommyRobinsonOfficial The US no longer has the moral high ground....we are now sodom and gomorrah

@Submitted2JC TFW you realize Jews were behind the degenerate agenda of Sodom and Gomorrah.


@TommyRobinsonOfficial the tyrant has a point there

Men can't menstruate.
Men can't get pregnant.
Men have XY chromosomes.
Women don't have penises.
Women don't have testicles.
Women have XX chromosomes.
Men are not women.
Women are not men.
Gender is not on a spectrum.
Putting children on hormone
blockers is child abuse.

Truth Be Told .. President Putin is a Great Man ! END OF STORY .. PERIOD !


@TommyRobinsonOfficial Faggots out here saying we suck putins dick. It's not that we want to be russian, or we want to be ruled by putin, what we want is this kind of leadership for our own people. In 1776 our founding fathers took inspiration from the French in their pursuit of liberty, in 2022 we take inspiration from Russia for the same.

@sardine_enjoyer @TommyRobinsonOfficial maybe we should of stood up when they robbed the election instead of crying over Covid. We turned into a bunch of pussies and believed in the fake fken psyop Q. DONT BLAME TRUMP EITHER. PUTIN IS BEING LED BY WEF AND THERE IS NO FKEN WAR IN UKRAINE THEY DRAGGED OUT RUSTED TANKS FROM CHENOBYL WAKE UP

@TommyRobinsonOfficial The people want God family and country. West elites want Satanism

@eyeswatching2021 @TommyRobinsonOfficial Western elites ARE Satanists!

Matt Osborne #transphobia thedistance.substack.com

Name A Human Right Dylan Mulvaney Lacks And I Will Give You A Million Dollars

Name a human right that Dylan Mulvaney did not already have before his “transition,” or loses by transition, and I will award you a million dollar prize.

Note that “allowed to cheat at sports,” “sterilize the kids,” “all the hormones and surgeries I demand,” “the prison of my choice,” and “million dollar endorsement deals” are not actual human rights.

Freedom from ridicule is not a human right. Flattery and silencing of negative attention are not a human right.

Suppression of contrary voices is not a human right. A field of eggshells around you at all times is not a human right.

Privilege over others is not a human right.

Dylan Mulvaney went from obscurity to success, with a White House invitation, in 222 days. African Americans needed almost that many years to be seen in the White House.

A white male mediocrity has been elevated to “influencer” success, which the Joe Biden White House has confused with a human rights cause.

Dylan Mulvaney has all the human rights of any American. He can use Instagram to build a gigantic audience of idiots, just like Alex Jones used YouTube, and play for as much attention as he wants. It’s a free country.

Stop pretending that he is a marginalized person, though. A person in a marginalized community doesn’t get this much media attention, or have this much political valence with elite classes.

Membership in the elite is not a human right. Things the elites value, such as plastic surgery, are not human rights.

Dylan Mulvaney had “facial feminization” surgery. He went into the surgery male and came out of it still male. Only now he resembles a male who has been beaten to a pulp. Stop pretending this isn’t just validated self-harm.

Dylan Mulvaney can have plastic surgery. He can have all the plastic surgery he wants. It’s a free country.

But do stop pretending he is oppressed in his surgical transformations.

Dylan is choosing this pain. He has chased it down and calls it “success.”

This is a status chase.

At the moment, elites value the totalizing potential of “transgender” and all its new language rules as a form of ideological exclusion.


various commenters #interphobia #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: Genuine conundrum about certain people with CAIS

( Positronic_waves )
Sorry for this person, but I want to be kind to women. That means being unkind to men, rapists and in the very rare minority and some unfortunate souls with CAIS. If you never develop correctly as a man, it doesn't mean you are a woman. We are not a faulty male. Caster [Semenya] is a guy, who lived like a male except for competitions then he is a woman. I think natal sex is important, then puberty levels. If we have to exclude some CAIS people to let women win at something, we should do it. They say it never happens until they had 11 CAIS men winning womens athletics. When the difference is -10% of performance not being born a woman actually matters.

( Wokeuplate )
I think transgender and intersex are two different issues and the genderists, as per the uze, latch onto intersex as a way to stealth themselves into legitimate discourse, much the same as they did with LGB. It’s literally part of their playbook. Transgender is based on Gender Identity, which is an idiosyncratic, subjective belief system, unhinged from material reality. Intersex/DSD is a biologically based condition and has nothing to do with gendered souls or lady brains or myfeelz. The intersection between these two issues is competitive sports, where there can be male body advantages that accrue to CAIS people which have to be addressed in order to ensure fair play.

It’s really important when talking about transgender people to keep intersex as a separate topic. The recent debate with Colin Wright was frustrating in that he let very narrow examples relating to DSD be used as a proxy for TIMs. Since 99.98% of the world is not intersex of the type which gives rise to ambiguous genitalia and phenotype presentation, it is not useful to lump gender identity trans with DSD and say that they need to be addressed and accommodated similarly.

( FlorenceBlue )
IMO, still male. What we choose socially to do with that info is up for debate.

( viscerally )
Male, yes. But a woman still. In this extremely rare case, that in no way is similar to the case of trans women, I can confidently say that a male person can also be a woman - if she has the outer body of one and was brought up as one and would have always been believed to have been one of it weren’t for genetical testing.

( FlorenceBlue )
No such thing as male women.

@alexbloodfire #transphobia gettr.com

Schools should stop pandering to pernicious
because it's nonsense and damaging our vulnerable children.

Attorney General Suella Raverman calls JK Rowling a 'heroine' for her 'very brave' transgender views and says schools should not pander to trans pupils by letting them choose their pronouns and uniforms

#SuellaRaverman #JKRowling #Transgender #Schools #Pronouns #AttorneyGeneral #Trans #Gender #NonBinary

@AthenasWrench & @Latschluder #transphobia gettr.com

( @AthenasWrench )
How long before poor Indian girls are sold and killed for their uterus to be transplanted in a rich foreign troon?

Now this is scary! The fact that the TransCult idiots are even considering it is frightening. A few years ago Iwould have laughed at the suggestion…not now

( @Latschluder )
Shopping for wombs in India. There seems to be no limit to some men's hatred for women. They use us as front holes, punch bags, servants, brood mares, and repository of body parts. In their greed, colossal hubris, and pursuit of limitless power they have subjugated, disassembled, and murdered us with impunity for millenia. It's high time we (and the men who understand that women are human) hit back hard and without mercy.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: It is all so STUPID

( BondiBlue )
I’ve been feeling so blackpilled about it that I’ve come to the conclusion humanity is just too goddamned stupid to be salvaged, and we would be better off if Putin just outright slammed the button. The ultimate in “cancel culture” x 8 billion. 10,000 years of evolutionary fact just thrown in the garbage like Dylan’s gross tampons, because “muh uwu oppwesshun feelz.” Just get it over and done with, and with any luck some other species won’t make the same dumbass mistakes.

( Itzpapalotl )
I cannot believe humans could be stupid enough to collectively deny proven facts just to cater to feelings. It’s absurd.

( Dee )
I lie awake about this far more often than I'd like. I am glad I've managed to protect my daughter enough that she never experienced sexual assault and figured out how dangerous men can be. When she soaks up internet-inspired ideas that women like JK Rowling who advocate for female-only spaces can only possibly be motivated by a hate for trans people, I guess I should be glad that she's so naive that she doesn't understand why those spaces are so needed. But there are times when I am haunted by the thought that I have somehow raised a misogynistic daughter. The thought that some of my children would grow up to be misogynists occurred to me when they were little, but I never thought it would be my daughter.

( Kriegerin )
Okay, does anybody else sometimes wake up from a weird and ominous dream and for a few split seconds think that the whole trans thing was part of this lucid fever dream? And then it dawns on you that it's real. Idk... It's just unreal how stupid it is. Fucking unreal.

( Itzpapalotl )
It is utterly dystopian.

Progress is not a consistently forward march. We fall into the trap of thinking we are constantly advancing.

If you’d have told people in the 50’s or 60’s that 50 or 60 years later people would be pretending men and women are identical, that acknowledging biology would have you ostracised and slandered...people would’ve laughed and said “don’t be so silly”

The tide will turn. This bizarro time frame won’t last much longer because it’s incompatible with reality. I hope in 10 years people look back and say “what the fuck were people smoking!?”

@BohoRose , @Linkstar & @_Fangoria_ #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy gettr.com

( @BohoRose )
Christians believe God created the world, it's called Genesis. Martine Rothblatt created the transgender empire and called his daughter Jenesis. If you think transhumanists like him or Ray Kurzweil at Google aren't determined to win, you're insane. They've put too much money and effort into gender ideology for it to fail, so it's only going to get worse regarding laws made by their puppets like Biden or Trudeau. Fight, fight, fight. If you can't do anything much else, donate what you can and shitpost on the internet. Knowledge is power, give it back to the people. All you need to know is that sex is binary, disorders of sexual differentiation exist, and that there is no trans. Everything else is smoke and mirrors. Do it for humanity. Speak up wherever you can!

( @Linkstar )
Satan is always there to try to twist the minds to pervert God's creations, to always put doubt in the minds that God really exists, and to take as many as he can to the pits of hell

( @_Fangoria_ )
All of those things. And also pray 🙏😀
We are definitely definitely living at the end of a system/civilization- (the apocalypse?) the question is : what is it going to be on the other side? The hellscape these globalist elite demons are planning- or a new awakened world sensitive, receptive and expressive of God’s grace, design and purpose for the human being He created?

( @BohoRose )
There's a hellscape coming. We dunno if it's an ultimate end of days kinda thing or just a horrible time, gotta wait and see. Transhumanists are narcissists so they will try everything.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia henrymakow.com

Cabalist Judaism is a satanic cult where God is replaced by his "Chosen People," led by the Masonic Jewish central bank cartel.

A documentary Dreaming of a Jewish Christmas (2017) brought home how the West has been inducted into this satanic cult (Cabalism). Many popular Christmas songs were written by Jewish songwriters and are really Jewish. These include Dreaming of a White Christmas, Silver Bells and Let it Snow. Through banker control of the mass media, Cabalist Jews have removed Christ from Christmas and replaced him with snow and material consumption.

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, written by a Jew. Robert May was inspired by how Jews were ostracized because of their big noses.
Santa plays the role of God, choosing Rudolph to lead the other reindeers.
Cabalist Judaism involves abandoning absolute standards and imposing a false reality that advances Jewish banker interests instead. Through their control of the mass media and suppression of the truth, they have converted most people to "Judaism." We are satanically possessed. We are all Jews now.

What do Cabalists believe? Just ask, what do you and I believe? They are our common values. We are materialists. There is nothing beyond matter, no Moral Order, no God and no soul to hear God speaking to us. We believe in buying-low-and-selling-high. We believe that after money, sex is the best thing in life and the more partners the better.

We believe in despoiling pre-puberty children with "sex education" and gender dysphoria. We pursue social causes like migration and civil rights if they can be used to weaken our perceived rivals. We believe in Greater Israel and endless wars against her perceived enemies, no matter how many people are killed or maimed.

Freemasons are known as "Jewes." These traitors and imposters are our leaders. They run the world for the bankers. They create mental reality. They program us. We are all "Jewes" to some extent.

various commenters #transphobia #homophobia gettr.com

( @Flobrez )


( @McQ66 )
Same with gay "rights"

( @AndreaCook )
Identifying into a biological category for which you do not meet criteria is not a human right.

( @JoanDArc2000 )
There is no such thing as trans rights bc there is no such thing as trans.

There are only men looking to invade, exploit, and abuse women. They have no rights.

( @MawRee66 )
Exactly and....are against how God tells us how we should live.

( @AnotherAlice )
I will never never call them by anything other than...
man in a dress
men impersonating women
agp porn addled male
fuckwits in drag
cock in a frock
I have so many to choose from and they all denote the FACT that ....

( @mentalconflux )
The right to:
- choose your preferred prison estate
- lie about your sex on official identity documents - and compel officials to collaborate
- plastic surgery on demand, free, with unlimited revisions
- surgeons' rights to sell cosmetic procedures to children
- impose language reform on everyone, obfuscating reference to sex, enforced with "hate speech" policies
- men can evade sex-specific safeguarding restrictions with a declaration
- compulsory bisexuality for everyone
- flaunt fetishes in public, including at the workplace, with impunity

Best rights ever.

( @WomensRights )
But they're the 'most oppressed group ever'........

@JonKUhlerLPC #transphobia gettr.com

The mental manipulation, the scripting, and the sexual grooming is in full swing. Sexual Predators already use Barbies in their grooming of kids. This will make a predator's job that much easier. The men in my sex offender treatment groups are shaking their heads in disbelief at how naive the public and parents are at what this entire Movement is all about... the sexual grooming of minors.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: It is all so STUPID

( furyosa )
Not just incredibly stupid. It's also incredibly boring. We could be so much further along in the fight for women's emancipation but instead we're treading water with this nonsense.

( Itzpapalotl )
Exactly! Could be tackling period poverty, femicide, DV, sex trafficking, FGM, child marriage, abortion access...but instead men are muddying the waters, obscuring language, dismantling our rights, taking away what our foremothers fought for.

Ffs, first female crash test dummy was created this year iirc, yet we have men in dresses now pretending they are The Most Opressed EVER and demanding they be centred in feminism. I hate them.

Fuck them and their handmaidens. Feminism is for females and men can’t stand things not being all about them.

( Lilith-Fair )
Not just women's emancipation, but just about every other progress our society can spend its collective time on solving or improving if not for all the time and resources wasted on this totally stupid nonsense. Imagine if kids spend all the time figuring out what their real talents are instead of their "gender identities". All the time spent on "becoming their authentic self" gender could be spent on science projects, community service, writing a novel, perfecting a musical talent or playing an instrument, practicing and excelling at a sport. Kids could be investing their time on all of these things to make themselves and the future better. But no. Instead, they're being taught to think about their fucking pronouns and "gender".

( RawSienna )

Human beings cannot change sex. That is a fact. If you deny this then you are an imbecile who is colluding in gaslighting and abusing women and girls.

That’s really all that needs to be said. I’ll just add that “gender identity” is a fake, pseudoscientific ruse to shove”trans rights” down society’s throat. What “gender identity” really means is destroying women’s rights and child safeguarding so predatory, fetishist males can do whatever they want without restraint. It’s abhorrent and we will not accept it, ever.

Robin M. Itzler #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #racist americanthinker.com

Decades ago, when I was a liberal Democrat, I bought into the fallacy that saying “Merry Christmas” was wrong. But back then, I also thought murdering a baby in the womb was right. As (my husband and) I slowly morphed into Reagan Democrats and then finally abandoned the now Marxist-leaning Democrat party to register as Republicans, I realized that celebrating Christmas is fundamental to the United States remaining a beacon of freedom in the world. Commemorating Christmas guarantees freedom of religion for all Americans.

Think about it. If a nation where about 80 percent of its population is Christian is denied its own religious beliefs (“Merry Christmas” morphing into “Happy Holidays”), what chance do smaller religions such as Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. have for celebrating their holidays? If woke Marxists can remove the nativity scene from Christmas and replace it with Santa Claus, it’s even easier to remove the Hanukkah menorah and replace it with Liberace’s candelabra.
And here we are today. Progressive lunacy has given us a society filled with misguided people who think they can pick from hundreds of genders or no gender (when they’re not busy stealing luggage from airport carousels). They want to convince young children that they can medically alter their gender without parental consent, that men have can give birth, that teachers should discuss kinky sexual acts with kindergartners, that one race matters more than another, that biological men wearing skirts are women, that abortion after birth is acceptable, that millions of illegal aliens can waltz into our country, that criminals shouldn’t be arrested and …

E N O U G H !

The attack on our freedom started with words when Marxist progressives demanded that “Merry Christmas” become “Happy Holidays” and I say, “Enough!” As Benjamin Franklin warned: “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”

Annons 584784987 & 584788241 #transphobia arch.b4k.co

Oh no they're defintely a good amount over 21, see Trannyism was originally a millenial thing (still is) except now they've finally gotten it pushed into education so it's becoming normalised toward late Gen Z and Gen A. I'd say not as many of them are falling for it as you think though, trannies are a hard example of the vocal minority, especially within gaming. Problem is, they were actually loud enough to end up swaying and fucking over the western gaming sphere (like other "minority" groups not blacks tho to be fair alot of them hate this pandering shit as much was we do), which being honest, wasn't doing that well to begin with [...]

Lying is aggressive. The entire trans movement is dripping with dishonesty. When you tell me to refer to you as "she/her" you are telling me to see a woman when I look at you. I don't. I see your receding hairline, I see your broad shoulders, I see your thin hips, I see your gut and sinking cheeks and wide stubble, I see your fashion sense that reeks of male sensibilities, I see your taste in anime that reeks of somebody with a porn addiction, I see your imitation based on what men find attractive, but more than this I see male aggression. I see the demand to dominate. I see acts of assertion and imperialist reeducation. You demand that I tell you 2+2=5 and when I refuse you become angry, aggressive, and seek my removal or destruction. You are bullies who want to assert yourselves over others but have no field in which you're competitive except in social manipulation. You demand female spaces, you demand female aesthetics, you even demand the female label. You take even this from the women from which you wish you could take love and acceptance. You have gone beyond incel. You have entered into thievery and barbarism. Pastiche. Fraud. Imitation. Ersatz. You are dishonest, inauthentic, and aggressive. You are not, will never, can never, and should never be a woman. You are the aggressor in every space, turning the conversation towards your hatred of the penis and leg hair, towards your lust for the female. Your insistence on being called a woman is your demand to be given the girlfriend you were denied through your roleplaying as that imaginary woman. You are your father's son, and that is how you will die.

@AthenasWrench & @Lissak27 #transphobia gettr.com

( @AthenasWrench )
Won’t someone feel sorry for the woman hating pronoun males stealing woman’s sports? Transgender females???? Now they get the word female too? That last father, sad poor Will is in “emotional turmoil”, as his own daughter lost to him. This father still calls him She. Id be so sad if that was my father.

( @Lissak27 )
As bad as it is, this article is actually a little less biased than we’re used to seeing. But the sympathetic tone towards Thomas is ridiculous, he brought this upon himself.

( @AthenasWrench )
For sure. It’s actually decent considering the source. Just get really mad at the language obfuscation. Transgender females. It’s false and doesn’t reflect reality. Transgender males. I just don’t understand, why say that? Probably to keep the activists happy. It’s a hate crime to say they are male. We are living in crazy times.

( @Lissak27 )
It feels like they know they’re going to lose this one and are trying to make sure there’s no hard feelings towards the poor people who tried to destroy womens sports.

( @AthenasWrench )
Right? Consilatory. They know the backlash they will receive. It won’t help them. Nothing short of total capitulation is good enough.

Vic Biorseth #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

Eroticism is all about how normal people may be, have been, and are being artificially eroticized for political purposes. Children especially. There is an ongoing Marxist PSYOP in operation to transform otherwise normal children and adults into "happy" members of the revolutionary LGBTQ+ "community".

In Silent Coup we spoke of the three pillars of Totalitarianism. This is about the first pillar: Eroticism. Through an old running PSYOP of Cultural Marxism, the free-world population is being schmoozed into displacing self-mastery and all sense of social decency, and adopting more and more open hedonism and seeking of pleasure for pleasure's sake. As if pleasure were man's sole purpose for being.

Eventually to the point that the source of human decency - God - is totally sidelined if not entirely expunged from the human mind.
But today, almost everyone has fallen into the "Open LGBTQ+ Behavior Is Culturally, Socially And Even Religiously Acceptable" psychological trap. And now the tables are turning, to where the open LGBTQ+ public miscreants are mandating that non-LGBTQ+ behaviors are no longer acceptable.

At one time or another, you have heard the most stalwart conservative voices, whether speaking from public office, from talk radio or even from Church pulpits solemnly declare,

"No one cares what goes on between homosexuals or transsexuals or any two people who love each other; that's no one's business but theirs."

That's the problem; everyone should care. Sexual perversion does not belong in the public eye. No one should be subjected to seeing it on public display or dealing with it anywhere, from the workplace to the streets to political competition for political office.
The minute the Homo-Nazi movement started coming "out of the closet", going public, and got away with it, was the minute the American Judaeo-Christian ethos began it's decline to where, today, anything goes in the public square.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

(note: responses to the post submitted here https://fstdt.com/TJG4N77K2M274 )
RE: Dear TRAs and Trans people, here’s what I think of you

( itsnotaboutewe )
I agree wholeheartedly.

This whole debacle went from "it's just one or two dysphoric men that pass as women so you won't even notice it" to "women don't exist so they have no right to single-sex spaces and we will take your kids and trans them against your will" in around 5 years. Every politician, writer, celebrity, lawmaker, social media influencer, and policy maker who helped force this destructive ideology through our society and our law courts should be banished forever from the public eye. They have shown how little critical thinking skills they have and how easily manipulated they are by bad actors selling cruel and devisive cults. They can never be trusted with power or influence again. This time will go down in history as the worst mind virus to hit the world since the dark ages of the witchcraft trials. I want their names and deeds etched in fucking stone in letters so big you can see them from space. I will never forget or forgive them. They deserve no mercy.

( RawSienna )
It’s a fig leaf for sex offenders. When you boil off the pseudo academic/scientific bullshit, what is left is men being able to prey on women and children sexually while at the same time muzzling and hobbling us legally and socially.

Fucking disgusting misogynistic perverts.

( spinningintelllect )
It's very hard not to hate them after interacting with them. There is nothing redeemable about this movement. I've never been on board with the trans, but it still somehow finds ways to disappoint me.

( Seven )
Yeah, I didn’t want to hate them. Really didn’t. But these people are EVIL. They are purely driven by profit (doctors, influencers), fetish or delusion. These people made me hurt SO BAD. So yeah, i do hate you now. And I hate you even more the minute you open your goddamn mouths in that nasally high pitched voice that is an offensive mockery of my own.

( Ooofffff )
Yep, also never wanted to hate. But knowing them and hearing them (and being yelled at by wokebros for saying I stand with JKR) resulted in hate.

Maplefields #transphobia ovarit.com

Dear TRAs and Trans people, here’s what I think of you

I just came back from reading a post from one of your subreddits (MtF) where one of your members asked your community what sex is compared to gender. All the replies peaked me again. Every time I listen to trans people, my opinion gets worse. I’m going to keep this as short as possible.

The first word I would describe you as is dangerous, followed by delusional, illogical, and anti science. And you’re a cult too.


You groom children to believe sex is changeable when it isn’t. You prey on the people with mental illnesses and the neurodivergent. Your ideology destroys lives.


Get your clown show away from us. We want a society with healthy, thriving children who will grow up into adults to the full potential of health allotted by the lottery of their genetics—as a BARE MINIMUM.

[...] It’s been barely a century since we’ve had women’s spaces, sports, scholarships all fought for by FEMINISTS, and you’ve eroded it. You narcissists just have to colonize anything that excludes you. Our spaces and programs don’t exist to validate your delusions.

I absolutely hate you. You’re a bunch of misogynists and pedophiles (drag queen story hour is some horror I never imagined I’d one day wake up to find in my public libraries—including that shop teacher, Kayla Lemieux, in Ontario traumatizing children with fetish gear balloon-breasts). And TRAs, you’re included too because transpeople wouldn’t have been able to get away with the destruction of our safeguards and mental health medical evaluations if you didn’t enable and green light it.


Edit 2: Your sex is determined by the evolutionary purpose to produce one of the two gametes, regardless if you manage to succeed in your lifetime. No matter how many of the small sex differences you mimic through medical intervention, YOU WILL NEVER TRANSITION SEXES. A man can’t transition into a woman, and a woman can’t transition into a man. Any physiological changes that occurred from hormones are the result of you artificially creating a hormone imbalance. Just like a woman suffering from PCOS will never be a man (and any less of a woman), neither will a woman shooting up on testosterone be a man, or a man shooting up on estrogen be a woman.


rad-bad-and-dangerous-to-know #transphobia at.tumblr.com

But that's not true. Every transwoman was born with a dick and surgical mods to a penis doesn't make it anything other than a penis that's been carved up and rearranged.

If a man's penis is injured beyond repair and something must be rigged so he is able to urinate, does he automatically become a woman? Of course not. He is a man who survived a life changing traumatic injury. So are transwomen.

It's also worthy of note fewer 15% percent of transwomen have had neovaginas surgically created. That is considered statistically insignificant. If a party of transwomen got together roughly one in ten would have mutilated peens. The other nine would be out swinging.

James Lindsay #conspiracy #transphobia #fundie lgbtqnation.com

Anti-LGBTQ+ activist James Lindsay thinks that drag queens (who he calls “groomer clowns”) are part of “an unconventional warfare tactic to provoke” conservatives into killing one. Such a killing, he says, would make the victim a “Drag Floyd,” basically a drag queen version of George Floyd, a Black man whose 2020 murder by police sparked national protests against institutional discrimination.

Lindsay — who has previously published hoax “research papers” seeking to discredit queer, gender, and critical race studies — made his comments while speaking during Turning Point USA’s annual Americafest conference. The organization’s founder, Charlie Kirk, has attacked transgender people and described opposition to religious exemptions as “fascism.”

“Drag queens are a provocation. It’s been an escalating provocation,” Lindsay said, accusing drag queens of first putting on makeup and reading to children before eventually progressing to “dancing,” “grinding,” “sexual dancing,” “twerking,” and “doing simulated sex acts in front of children.” Very few drag shows contain simulated sex acts, and all-ages drag shows often involve reading children’s books while fully clothed or other family-friendly entertainment.

He said the “real goal of Drag Queen Story Hour” is to teach kids “living queerly [and] strategic defiance” and to get adults to either accept their methods or to react too harshly against them on video in order to “smear” such opponents as inciters of anti-LGBTQ+ hate, Media Matters reported.

“The goal is to get you to give in so they get their way or overreact — and that’s where I say ‘Drag Floyd,'” Lindsay added. “It’s so important to understand that they want a drag queen to get attacked and they want to make a huge amount of hay of it and they want to create summer 2020 again off of a drag queen or a trans person or something like this.”

Lindsay made his comments while sitting on a panel with Kirk; Steve Bannon, an anti-LGBTQ+ former advisor to President Donald Trump; and Tim Pool, a podcaster who said that queer people are child molesters who are responsible for their own murders.

Annons 584772295 & 584778310 #transphobia arch.b4k.co

I've said this in other threads, but I'll say it here too - Trannies don't live in anybody's head rent free. They kick the door to your head down and shit on the carpet. They put themselves everywhere until there is nowhere left to enjoy. I joined a Metroid discord because I was excited about Metroid Dread and wanted to see what people were talking about. There was maybe one person talking about Metroid. Everyone else was congratulating this "egg" that just "came out" as trans in the Metroid Lore discussion channel. I tried to talk about how cool it was that the pirates kept Metroids in Phendrana Drifts because its cold environment prevented them from escaping. I was banned for off topic posting. I tried to watch AGDQ last night. One of the commentators was a man, with a man voice, with a hololive avatar instead of a face, whose pronouns were listed as fae/faer. These fucking people do not leave you, your space, or your thoughts alone. If you try to have a discussion without them, they insist on making it about them. I can't even click a YouTube video anymore without some faggot putting on a fake girl voice and trying to act like a cute anime retard. It's painful. It's dishonest and inauthentic. It is also an act of aggression. If you can't recognize that, I don't know what to tell you.

(584778310 )

>but what's the point

Putting several thousands of dollars into the pockets of big pharma. That's literally it. That's why tranny propaganda is pushed so hard from every direction. Tranny surgeries and hormone pills (which they have to take for the rest of their lives, however short it may be) cost boatloads of money and they have a returning customer for life.

Gavin Wax and Marjorie Taylor Greene #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia splcenter.org

“We want to cross the Rubicon. We want total war. We must be prepared to do battle in every arena. In the media. In the courtroom. At the ballot box. And in the streets,” NYYRC president Gavin Wax declared to a room full of supporters at 583 Park Ave., an event venue on New York’s Upper East Side

“This is the only language the left understands. The language of pure and unadulterated power,” Wax added.
Bannon and the Brimelows

At the five-hour event, which Hatewatch reporters attended, white nationalists Peter and Lydia Brimelow of VDARE hobnobbed with Steve Bannon, a former Trump adviser and White House official. Donald Trump Jr. was also in attendance

Republicans publicly lauded members in attendance from an Austrian political party founded by World War II-era Nazi party members. Racist political operative Jack Posobiec shared jokes across a table with Josh Hammer[…]Multiple recently elected GOP congresspeople applauded Marjorie Taylor Greene, who told the NYYRC crowd in the event’s closing remarks that the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol would have succeeded if she had planned it and that the insurrectionists would have been armed[…]
“I will tell you something, if Steve Bannon and I organized that, we would have won,” she said, as attendees erupted in cheers and applause. “Not to mention, it would’ve been armed”[…]
White nationalists such as the Brimelows of VDARE and leaders from extreme far-right European parties like Alternative for Germany (Alternative für Deutschland, AfD)[…]and Austrian Freedom Party (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, FPÖ), ate and drank in the same room as newly elected Republican congresspeople[…]
NYYRC gave Posobiec a speaking slot and an Allen W. Dulles award[…]
Greene praised a Project Veritas video focused on LGBTQ+ education published by the group, saying it shows that teachers “pass around dildos, butt plugs and lube”

"A Penis is a Fucking Weapon" Award

Some classics never really fade away.

various commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: Men use their penises as literal weapons of war, but we should be fine with them in our spaces.

( femlez34 )
100%. TIMs will say, "well we're not 'men' so that doesn't apply to us", but then in the same breath will threaten feminists with rape to try and get them back in line. I don't think they even realize how much they do this, it's so ingrained in their DNA.

( pepperbeth )
We have to start waking up - sexual violence is a huge motivator for many men, maybe "not all men" but huge numbers. Some will say "oh rape is about sex" "oh rape is about power" but let's allow men some intersectional analysis - sexual power is highly arousing to men. Dominating and harming others is arousing to men. They will watch violence in porn, they will enact it in the bedroom, they will buy slave women to harm for their own orgasms, and they will rape women and children, including their own fucking brothers and sisters, and they become especially aroused and predatory when when war grants them opportunity to rape many vulnerable potential victims.

Do women get aroused by the suffering of others? Not even Aileen Wournos can rival the most average of prostitute-murdering men. The penis isn't the scary part, it's the whole goddamn man.

( Fluffy_gender )
Yes, that's why I find it ridiculous when people say "rape/sex abuse is not about sex, it's about power". Well, power is indeed very sexualized for men...

( Pointer )
Men do seem to have "rape software" pre-installed. Makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. They are actually able to maintain an erection and have an orgasm while penetrating someone who is screaming and crying in pain. It's crazy.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Men are carrying loaded weapons at all times, and we're supposed to trust them completely and give them endless chances. It's fucking insane.

Edit: this is why self defense laws are such bullshit and deliberately harmful to women. We literally cannot act in self defense the way a man can. He can kill us with his bare hands in the heat of the moment, we cannot.

Fuck man, they literally kill us with their penises during violent rapes. There is no possibility of a woman killing a man using only her vulva/vagina, it's not the same act at all.

Trust no male, especially one that REALLY wants to violate your boundaries.

Arsuf1991 #transphobia ovarit.com

So I was discussing with a trans person (MTF) in florida and i asked him what caused him to transition and he straight up told me it was because he couldn't stand mens shorts during the summer as it was too long and he wanted to wear short shorts because he finds it more comfy and keeps him cool.

I'm like couldn't you do this without having to transition and larp as a woman? and hes like "well its not socially acceptable for men to wear it and i dont want to get made fun of so atleast if i transition id be more respected and people will see me as a regular girl wearing shorts". At this point i was just like, "if you lived in a colder country where no one wears shorts would you still have dysphoria" and hes like "not sure never really thought about that but to cope in this warm climate i need to transition".

So the weather fucking turns people dysphoric and trans at this point? Also notice how transgenderism basically affirms some social stereotypes that are sexist? like has he not seen the men of the 70s who wore short shorts?

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( EvilTerfyTerf )
So how's everybody feeling about Greta Thunberg coming out as a TRA handmaiden
She didn't even tweet out a generic 'I love trans rights' slathered over the ugly flag. She retweeted that one transactivist bragging about shutting down the adult human female screening at Edinburgh university with a bunch of heart emojis.

Apparently it's 'believe the science' until men start claiming speshul women feelingz.

Suddenly I feel a lot less guilty about my carbon footprint and I feel a lot worse about criticizing my beloved Taylor Swift for her private jet trips this August. Burn the planet to the ground, my darling. At least once we're all dead, no woman will ever be subjugated under male supremacy again.

( klytaimestra )

Men can't be women – also a fact, but one Greta doesn't know and / or understand.


I am zero surprised about her stance on TRAs, and was pretty much waiting for this. It was obvious that she was going to struggle with womanhood. She had a fairly childish presentation of herself for a long time and taking that leap into becoming a woman and understanding what that entails was never going to be easy for her. Like for many young women, gender ideology offers a false hope that you can escape the abuses from patriarchy by choosing to believe in something else. If only it were that simple.

( Riothamus )
Is anyone surprised? Billionaires crafted this ideology to torpedo the Trust the Science(TM) parties all over the Western World.

You can't honestly expect people to believe you on scientific matters when you pretend to not know the difference between men and women.

( actualdyke )
let's be real, she always has been and always will be a shill for the corporate western media propaganda machine. we all know she simply regurgitates whatever party line she's spoonfed. this is completely unsurprising to me, the only surprising thing is that this is seemingly the first time she's bent over backwards for the TWAW cult.

also, sorry not sorry if this makes me a bad person, but this definitely makes me question the validity and legitimacy of her past activism. if you believe that men can be women and vice versa, how scientifically sound are your thoughts on climate change, actually?

Ester Perez #transphobia hispanicpandora.substack.com

(continued from https://fstdt.com/X_WSP.74WBDP6 )
Where "Just Be Kind" Has Gotten Us

The next ceded ground: girlhood (and feminism)

This brings me to one of my least-favorite woman-identified men of all time: Dylan Mulvaney, [...] The underlying ideology that informs Mulvaney’s shtick is taken directly from social media platforms like Reddit and Tumblr, where a frequently repeated mantra of the trans-identified is “Wanting to be a girl is a symptom of being a girl.” In other words, the desire to be female, no matter how intense, is enough of a justification to claim that identity for yourself. For males like Mulvaney, declaring you are a girl is akin to a magical utterance that creates you as such and starts the clock, if you will, on your “girlhood” journey (I’ll save the discussion of why many of these adult men prefer to refer to themself as “girls” for another day).

Colonizing girlhood is not only the next logical step once the colonization of womanhood was complete; it’s also a symptom of the way trans ideology presupposes womanhood and women as “open access” in this way: the barriers to our identities are so low that, if you desire womanhood at all, it is already yours, constantly available to everyone. [...]

This is the extreme end of the “inclusive at all costs” logic: The barrier to womanhood, to our lives, to everything we have, is so low, how could they hold any value at all? Being demonstrated on a society-wide level here is the complete inability to conceive of women as human beings who can possess anything at all that we shouldn’t be willing to gladly give up to someone else at the drop of a hat, or their expression of a desire to have it.

Following this principle of inclusivity to its logical conclusion, then, is how we got to modern-day liberal feminism. Feminism is for everyone narratives have effectively, gently, insidiously, almost invisibly, swept natal females to the side in their own liberation movement. This is what Andrea Dworkin meant when she said that a mainstream feminist movement is an oxymoron that can’t actually exist, because once it becomes mainstream it will cease to serve women’s liberation: the only type of feminism that can ever become mainstream is the toothless kind, that can ultimately only support the status quo.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: What would you say to TIMs in person if retaliation & violence were not a threat?

( DurableBook )
I'd simply treat them the way I treat anybody else.

When a religious person expects me to share their belief in souls or God or whatever, I simply say "No thank you, I'm atheist." I would say the same about gender identities.

If a non-trans person acts out a sexist caricature, I say "Wow, that's sexist" and don't play along. The only reason I sometimes play along with trans identities is if I am concerned about reprisal for declining.

I happen to really like gender nonconformity and often am delighted to encounter people who, like me, do not "match" expectations for their sex. I have ceased expressing this, however, whenever I'm someplace that I know trans people tend to be around, because of their inevitable explosions at being recognized as their actual sex.


( SaintHedwig )
Agreed. I want to tell them they're fine to wear dresses and makeup, but they're still men and should spend their efforts making the men's room a less dangerous place instead of trying to squeeze into the women's.

I'd also tell them that HRT will increase their erectile dysfunction on top of other health issues and will likely only increase their gender dysphoria because they're always going to look "off" no matter how many surgeries they get.

( Hollyhock )
Just stop. No one believes you're a woman. You're harming your body with off-label hormones and when women agree with you it's because they're either scared not to or they do it because they know you're a man and they need to suck up to you for social protections.

Grow up.

( CriminallyCritical )
I’d just make a look of disgust or maybe an audible noise of disgust.

( hmimperialtortie )
“You should have stuck to being an incel. Your chances of a sex life just got dramatically worse.”

( hontrapoints )
Ovarit is too polite of a place to say such things

( Committing_Tervery )
Ooooh I’m curious now 👀 ☕️ But I respect your desire to not disclose it. I’m sure it’s great though 😆

Aimee Hudec, StumbleCakes #sexist #transphobia quora.com

Post: “To all the relatives, “friends”, and random ass strangers that have been telling me since I was 16 that being 6’3” made me too tall to wear dresses or find a guy willing to date a girl taller than him: my 5’2” girlfriend loves when I wear dresses, thank you very much.”

StumbleCakes: Idk why, but just ew.

Aimee Hudec: Most women aren’t naturally so tall. But regardless of height, “she” still has male anatomy. That is the real issue.

My respond to Aimee: Biological women can be taller than 6’0 genius.

(My comment was removed for harassment.)

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: What would you say to TIMs in person if retaliation & violence were not a threat?

( Itzpapalotl )
I would say: you are a selfish, misogynistic, entitled, narcissistic, colonising man with no empathy or regard for women. Your woman costume is offensive and an affront to every female on the planet.

What you do is the epitome of male privilege; to claim language, spaces, experiences that are not yours, to play out your fantasy with no consideration of women and girls who have no choice but to be second class citizens in a man’s world.

You are living in delusion, playing pretend, and making a mockery of womanhood. You are a man. You are putting on a performance of womanhood as imagined by you, a male. You have only and will only ever experience the world as a male, and to pretend otherwise is an appalling, disgusting slight against the very people you claim to “identify” as.

Honestly, fuck you. You are not a woman. You are not a sister, a mother, a grandmother, an aunt, a daughter, a niece. You are a man. You will only ever be a man. Worst of all, you are the most misogynistic, abusive, selfish and inhumane version of a man.

You know what you are doing hurts women and girls and yet you do it anyway because you only care about yourself. You are a terrible human being.

( mathlover )
That no actually believes they are women or could ever be women. That the only reason anyone goes along with it is out of fear because they are vindictive, mentally unstable, potentially violent men. That whenever anyone calls them "she" or "her" that they should hear he and him/his because that is what everyone means and believes about them. We only include them because we are forced to, but they are not welcome among us.

And, oh, yeah. Any woman - ALL women - who actually wants to be with any of them is bisexual or heterosexual. No lesbian will ever want any of them.

( hmimperialtortie )
If things were as they should be, there’d be no TIMs on the street or anywhere, but if I saw one, I’d want to call police on him for displaying fetishes, same as if he was flashing.

Edit for grammar

( LilOvaries )
"You will never be a woman, and Hell is going to make you jump rope with your saggy, outstretched scrotums".

( Alias_Rosie )
No one actually buys your deception. We're just playing along because you are, quite literally, pitiful.

Ester Perez #transphobia hispanicpandora.substack.com

Where "Just Be Kind" Has Gotten Us

It’s hard to express exactly how angry I am as I sit down to write today. [...] I have also accepted that it is not “hatred,” either, at least not in the sense that trans rights activists mean when they say this. Anger is a justifiable response to injustice. This anger in particular feels uncontainable, uncontrollable, as boundless as the sea of derisions and obscenities against my sex class, especially against those of us who insist that it is still a sex class, and that it will never, ever include anybody born male.


Today, my anger is consuming like a fire.

The first ceded ground: “Trans women are women”


The value structure enforced by female socialization helps illustrate why women and girls are some of the—if not the most—ardent and zealous warriors for trans activism and gender ideology. This is completely unsurprising in a society that constantly pushes women to cede, cede, cede, and then rewards them for doing that. Some of the demands that feel the smallest, the easiest to yield to, turn out to have the most insidious effect, particularly those that have to do with relinquishing female-specific language to make room for more “inclusion.” Prior to all this, I would not have described having a word to refer to a specific category of oppressed people as a “right.” This is something so fundamental to any political discourse, it’s more like the basis to even begin a discussion about rights: the ability to name the group of people whose rights are either at risk or under attack. The patriarchal mandate is the same in language as it is with our bodies: to divide and isolate us, while males, of course, stay intact.

I capitulated to these language demands—like “trans women are women”—for years, because they seemed like such small concessions to make. I never realized the way I was being asked to contribute to my own self-erasure: Yes, you are me, you are us. Whatever I have is for you also. Whoever I am, you are also. Everything I have is for you too. Taking back female-specific language is one arena, at least, in which I can regain some meager amount of ground, by wholly refusing to uphold the fiction that any males are included in any definition of the categories women and girls.


Adam Morgan and the “South Carolina Freedom Caucus” #transphobia #pratt #wingnut wistv.com

The Medical University of South Carolina announced they are dropping pediatric transgender clinics.

The clinics provided hormonal care to minors.

In response, the South Carolina Freedom Caucus, which is made up of conservative politicians around the state, called the decision “a huge win.”

“This is a huge win for the Freedom Caucus, but more importantly, it is a huge win for childhood innocence,” Chairman Adam Morgan, R-Greenville, said. “Officials from MUSC have informed us that they will no longer be providing morally and ethically repugnant ‘gender-affirming care’ that results in irrevocable and irreparable harm for minors.”

MUSC released the following statements related to the decision and its current policies.

MUSC Health has worked diligently to make sure that we are in compliance with the 2022-2023 Appropriations Act and proviso 23.4 and will do the same with any future legislative requirements/directives.
MUSC Health does not have a dedicated pediatric/adolescent transgender endocrine clinic.
MUSC Health no longer provides pediatric/adolescent transgender hormonal care.
MUSC Health does not offer gender-altering surgery.
Behavioral health and nutritional support and social services are provided, based on need, for all pediatric patients and families regardless of sex, gender orientation, or race.
The parents or legal guardians of any patient under legal age are involved in all decision-making regarding their children.

Stephen Kokx #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #conspiracy lifesitenews.com

[From "Christians should at least give credit to Putin for waging war on LGBT propaganda"]

Putin continued his war on woke ideology Sunday by signing into law a bill that strengthens his country’s opposition to “LGBT propaganda”

Western media predictably lashed out at the Orthodox Christian president, who, unlike European and North American politicians, has rejected international pressure to embrace transgenderism and state-sanctioned sodomy

For defending Biblical marriage and sexuality — as well as for putting Russia first — Putin is vilified by the press as one of the most evil men to have ever lived. The reason why is obvious: He stands in the way of the military industrial complex’s plans for global hegemony

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying Putin’s hands are entirely clean. He’s no saint by any means. But I have friends who would rather have him as their president than Joe Biden[…]
The new Russian bill laudably creates fines and broadens the scope of a 2013 law to now include a prohibition of LGBT content not only for children but Russians of all ages. It also bans the promotion of pedophilia and gender “reassignment” in films, books, media, and advertising[…]Bill passed with unanimous support in both the upper and lower houses of Russia’s Federal Assembly. To that I say: Bravo. U.S. lawmakers should follow suit[…]
This isn’t the first time Putin has the social justice left up in arms. At the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi last year, he denounced those who promote “cancel culture,” equating them to the Bolsheviks[…]
It’s been said that even a broken clock is right twice a day. I hope Christians who consider Putin an irredeemable villain will at least recognize the good he has done with this and other laws he’s supported that defend Biblical morality against the woke left. Leaders who support such bills are no doubt hard to come by in our post-Christian world. Let’s give credit where credit is due

Jim #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #wingnut #sexist #transphobia blog.reaction.la

[From "The shape of our enemy"]

The richest man in the world, Elon Musk, is currently in a power struggle with Yoel Roth, the former head of Trust & Safety at Twitter who is featured prominently in the “Twitter Files” released by Elon Musk

Yoel Roth is a Jewish faggot. That he is a Jew and a faggot is in his bio. As head of Trust and Safety, he displayed a strangely relaxed attitude to child sexual exploitation material on twitter, which would lead one to expect he is a pederast

Further, all faggots are pederasts and all straights are “paedophiles” for a straight is attracted to youth and indications of fertility, regardless of chronological age, thus attracted to all fertile age females, regardless of chronological age, while faggots find breasts repulsive and youth attractive, thus are attracted to men and to children below fertile age regardless of the sex of the child. Which does not necessarily prove that they acting on that attraction, but Yoel Roth considered accusations of grooming “unsafe”, while somehow considering grooming to be safe

As head of Trust and Safety, he not only suppressed information on the dangers of the jab, and the truth about Global Warming, but also suppressed information on the dangers of child sexual transition. Child sexual transition is very much in the interests of pederasts

The current epidemic of gender confusion in schools reflects the interests of pederasts running them. Marriage was destroyed in large part so that professors could get pussy. Now childhood is being destroyed so that faggots can get ass

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Committing_Tervery )
What would you say to TIMs in person if retaliation & violence were not a threat?
I just had this thought, and am wondering your answers.

This is just stuff I might consider saying if I saw an AGP on the street and could walk by without being screamed at in response.

“Nice prostate, bro.”

“Man, it takes a lot of balls for a dude to go out in public looking like that.” 🤣🤣🤣

“Terfs are stunning & brave! 😌”

I know this is probably seen as “petty” by some, but I don’t care. Humor is a release and coping mechanism. And I don’t feel bad about fantasizing saying this shit to men who literally threaten to rape, torture, gas, and curb stomp us.


“Wash your hair!”

“You’ll never be a woman/girl/female.”

“You’ll never look like an anime child.”



( KittyWhawWhaw )
Leave women the fuck alone.

I don’t care what they think they are or what they want to do as long as it doesn’t harm others or try to police other people’s thoughts.

No one owes them validation for their delusions and usurping what we’ve accomplished.

( Hollyhock )
That first line is always my first thought. I still have a 'live and let live' mentality for most people. But, just LEAVE WOMEN AND CHILDREN ALONE. Like, go be your fetished self in your community or whatever. Make your own clubs, wear your shit to adult venues. I don't care. but leave us alone. stay out of spaces intended for women only.

( caraba1961 )
But how would you know that this particular person, a stranger you encountered on the street, was not leaving women the fuck alone? For that matter, how would you know what type of TIM he was, especially if his outfit wasn't too over the top? Doesn't seem fair to make that assumption just because someone's walking past you and isn't saying or doing anything to you or to anyone else. Now, if he were harassing a woman or being a complete asshat, it'd be different.

( Kriegerin )
Would you say the same about a man in blackface? "Maybe he's not mocking black people" uhmmmmmm

( danaseilhan )
He's literally pretending to be a woman. Until I see the "nice" ones publicly protesting gender policy en masse to reverse the damage done, IDGAF how "nice" they are.

( hmimperialtortie )
If he’s crossdressing in public he’s parading his fetish. That’s not leaving women alone, that’s making unconsenting women participants.

Highly Polished Mirror Award

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #racist catholicamericanthinker.com

Loony Lefties really are crazy people. The insane mind is broken from reality. The crazy person believes things that are not true, and acts accordingly.

The question we wrestle with here, or one of them, regards whether a crazy person who firmly believes that he is something other than what he actually is, actually is what he thinks he is, or actually is what he actually is.

Either he (her; it; whatever) is crazy, or all the rest of us are crazy.

It should strike all of us that this very line of questioning is crazy.

Why on earth do we even need to discuss it?

Well, we need to discuss it because the now booming numbers of crazy people today were made to be crazy by others who are part of a concerted plan to drive whole human cultures crazy.
To forcibly get humanity's mind right. Or, actually, wrong.

The goal is Globalism, the "in" name for International Communism.

The New World Order is just the latest recipe for communism, and all of its many proponents who are pushing it on the world who don't know or believe that are either silly unserious dupes, or crazy people.

Professional teachers today are themselves educated, credentialed, indoctrinated and dedicated to the effort to crank out insane graduates. We can blame Cultural Marxism for getting this ball rolling, but once it started rolling it took on a destructive life of its own.
They all teach things that are not true, and they all stand on the three pillars of the drive to cultural insanity, which are

Progressive Theology

Progressive Theology begins with inclusive "all religions are the same", then trivializes all religions, and ends with "there is no god".
Anyone who dares to stand up and challenge any one of these Marxist lies will be charged with being a racist, a science-denier, a hater, and a femi-commie-homo-trannie-phobe, subject to firing, doxing, canceling, suing and perhaps even fining and imprisonment.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

No, trans people, you are not even close to being put in concentration camps. Stop fantasizing about being in the Holocaust.

( suupersami )
So TIPs will disappear unless they're actively recruiting children?

( Carrots90 )

Told on themselves didn’t they

( astroterf )
The detention camp: men’s bathrooms

( SulphuricMirror )
Maybe if transgenderism didn't latch itself to sex clown story hour for kids, start sterilizing literal children and operating on kids' primary and secondary sex characteristics under the age of 18, didn't find their "true selves" that they plaster all over social media by dressing up the way women are forced to in porn... maybe then people would not see them as inherently sexual. Just a guess.

( Apricot_Ibex )
That’s especially rich considering the infamous incel/Neo-Nazi/alt-right MRA to-“transbian” pipeline.

TIMs sound not too far off from the Nazis the way they talk about gay people and women and promote misogynistic, rigid gender roles. They want to erase same sex attraction and commit corrective rape and harass lesbians who won’t sleep with them. We’ve already seen that TIMs will murder lesbians (and their families) who won’t bow down to their insane demands (Dana Rivers).

They want to steamroll their way into women’s spaces, driving women to stay at home “where they belong” out of fear of male creeps. They constantly threaten women with violence, and assault feminists and LGB activists at peaceful protests.

Their stereotypes of women amount to porn and patriarchy and are no different from the submissive domestic bangmaid vision that the Nazis had (Kinder, Kueche, Kirche). The Nazis also seemed to have a sizable number of AGPs and men who loved crossdressing but hated women and gay people (in addition to being genocidal racist pieces of shit).

( carpetplaydohx2 )
Oh ffs, can't they switch to "boy mode" like they do other times they want to go "stealth"?

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