
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

ReturnOfSaddam #sexist incels.is

/r/CreepyPMs is pretty blackpilling

Some of the submissions are actually stalkerish/weird. But if you sort by new, you soon see the majority of posts are just of low value ugly men trying to message foids, not even saying anything particularly creepy. As well as that, you will notice foids complaining about harassment, when the "harassing" messages are usually offers for cash for a fucking photo :lul:

This foid got offered 2000 euros (more than I make in a month as a full time slave) for a nude and she complains JFL.


Don't get me wrong, simps getting humiliated in any way is funny and a good thing, but foids complain WAY too fucking much. Meanwhile her looksmatch has literally never had a positive interaction initiated by a member of the opposite sex.

I remember someone on braincels used quotes from the front page of r/creepypms while chadfishing and the tinder foids loved it

JFL that's genius. Will try

Found it. Hahaha he even made a side by side comparison


Someone's reaction to the above image being posted on /r/Tinder


Only a complete fucking retard could think "putting your energy into making yourself a better person" could do anything, while using TINDER, which is literally just HERE'S THE FACE, YES OR NO. How fucking stupid are cucks?

shii410 #racist #sexist incels.is

JFL Even people who engage in sexual market dynamics can be completely oblivious to how they actually work

I used to be friends with this one hapacel. his dad tried so hard to LARP as a normal conservative suburban father.

like buddy, you’re a sexpat and your wife is a subhuman third world foid who married you for US citizenship. you are a complete sexual failure, the lowest of the low. you’re a loser who had to import pussy from a shithole just to get anything. everyone sees people like him as a joke, and yet he’s fully convinced that he “made it” and that he’s a “successful married man with a wife and kids” and there’s nothing else to it.

when he says “my wife is a Filipina”, he seems to genuinely have no idea what the implications of that are or how it reflects on him, and sees it as no different from saying “My wife’s Irish/Italian/Scandinavian”. I honestly cannot tell whether he’s a giga coper or just giga bluepilled. apparently they’re divorced now which makes me wonder if he ever accepted that his role as patriarch of a “Old fashioned Christian family” was a complete meme and LARP

Apparently noticing these things makes you a racist. Let the racism roll.... r/IncelTear

Holy fuck at the cope in those comments they really think there’s nothing abnormal about a weird fat white guy who had never been in a successful relationship in his entire life going to a third world shithole for pussy. “It’s just called loving outside your race incels!!:soy:“. progressives have such a rosy view of interracial relationships, even fundamentally toxic ones

NPC brain rapidly switching between “White men with yellow fever are creepy misogynists!:soy:” and “Sexpatting in SEA? It’s called not being a racist and loving outside your race inkwell! :soy: ” depending on whatever seems more virtuous at the time:feelskek:

ReturnOfSaddam #sexist incels.is

Married for 6 years... but I'm a 36 year old virgin.

These are the people mocking you and calling you incel :lul:

Biggest cuck I have ever seen. Raising the kids of TWO DIFFERENT CHADS and can't even fuck his slut wife :feelskek:

Then she claims fucking depression lmao she wasn't depressed when Chad was around was she?



Turbocuck lvl breached and beyond
edit: also raising girl children that aren't even yours :feelsseriously:

This guy is the ULTIMATE cuck. A married virgin whose wife was a turboslut and he is raising two DAUGHTERS who aren't even his. It's like the "having a daughter" copypasta but made even worse by the fact that their actual Chad fathers left, so this guy comes along to raise them, obviously in the hope of getting laid but he's denied even that :lul: to make things EVEN worse he hasn't even got the balls to see a prostitute :feelskek:

To koniec #racist #sexist incels.is

Blackpill It's over for slavicels and nordicels

What are Italian men like? | Easy Italian 33

One comment chain and there's so many many brutal slavpills :feelsrope: and there one interesting comparing that northern africans and MENA men are seen as better looking than slavs and whites :feelsrope:, it's also over for blondecels. Also hope that incels will accept truth that blonde men are unfuckable for women and MUHHH MUHH JBW Slavcels are truecels just like curries look how many likes about finding slavic guys is opposed

image image

And worst of worst slavic women are tend to be overrated and men simps for them like under such video


Cope, nordics and Slavs have better pheno than Italians

not to women and send you living proofs

They have colored eyes and all hair colors, Italians only have brown hair and dark hair, and also shitskin eyes. They are rating GL Italian men, not average ones, long Midfaces are way more common in Italians than nordics and also weaker jaws

Literal praising of their beautiful brown eyes

Depends. Most meds would have no chance of ever competing with a slavic/nordic man due to height alone, but a med chad will mog a purely white chad to hell and back.

med chad has mroe agressive outlook and wild features Only thing nords and slavs have in advantage over meds is height and that's it

BummerDrummer #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL "This one's for you mexico"


spoilermarrying him only to make this colonizer's kids brown, this one's for you méxico

Punishing a white man by having sex with him jfl.

This is a highiq move and is technically true. Their kids won’t be white so the goal is there

She is like castizo, their kids will be white. Just look at Daniel Bryan's wife and kids.

They won’t be white in spirit. There’s having white skin and then being white

Is he white in spirit?

No because his last name is Fuentes and he has Mexican ancesyors

Well at least you are consistent with your beliefs, it is true that he is 17% Amerindian and 2% African according to DNA test and his family immigrated from Mexico but the surname he has is Spanish from his white ancestry that settled in Latin America.

Fuentes isn’t a white nationalist to begin with, he’s just a paleo conservative which isn’t race or identity politics (despite what the Jews tell their normcattle). Fuentes is probably part white sure, but majority isn’t all. I do the one drop policy instituted by the US during Jim Crow. It’s not just skin color, it’s cranium shape and phenotype and all that stuff.

Albatros #crackpot #sexist incels.is

Blackpill This is the reason why women are (or at least were) shamed for having a high bodycount and men are not [IT won't touch this]


spoilerim glad he doesnt have h@es but why does he npt have hOes?? am i fighting for a spot no one wants?

Woman who fucks a lot of men = disgusting, used up and unloyal - unnatractive to (non-cucked) men for evolutionary reasons

HOWEVER, a man with a high sexual success displays that he's valuable, good-looking, big dick... "if a lot of women agreed to fuck him, it means he's genetically fit for sex/reproduction and I should fuck him too" - foid

This is why men will never be shamed for having a high bodycount, because it is by definition a POSITIVE thing for a man to have, women WANT men with a high bodycount, they wonder if he must be good if so many women fucked him.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

(Total Imbecile)
RageFuel How does it feel knowing that this 16 year old is using girls for sex because hes "depressed" while were in our mid 20s and cant even get a hug

I (18M) am using a wonderful girl (19F) because I can't get over my ex girlfriend (17F)

(hes 16, lied about his age to get around the rules)

I'm using this girl because I'm hurt, I don't love her, I'm honestly not even that attracted to her, when we have sex I fell fucking horrible after it, I'm using a girl mentally and physically because I can't get over a breakup.

JFL, heres this teenager pumping and dumping girls using them as rebounds and just hooking up cause why the fuck not, hes "depressed" because of his one true love ex and meanwhile Im just sitting here a 24 year old virgin who cant even get a fucking hugg


How is this fair boyos? HOW IS THIS FAIR

Makes me feel nothing as I've seen before junior high with this happening. Way before the age of 16. It also makes me feel nothing because I'm in my mid 30s.

People who have never experienced hardships literally cannot comprehend things like depression. They assume that a brief moment of boredom or an insignificant pet peeve must be terrifying hardships/depressions because they have no reference It's like a guy born to a billionaire family denting his car and having to spend .01% of his weekly allowance on fixing it and saying "bro im going broke, i'm almost on the streets!!"

ERfuel Whenever i'm actually depressed, im just told 'get up and suck it up' or 'you'll never get a gf like that' JFL @ this clown world

any female or good looking guy who says they're depressed is lying, they have no reason to be depressed unless they've lost a loved one or some shit

fucksinglemoms #sexist #racist #transphobia #dunning-kruger reddit.com

SJW in Avengers Endgame

First of all captain marvel is super OP and thanos tried to punch her it did nothing. She so OP.

She also has a feminist haircut. They just had to give her that kind of hair. I know it's like that in the comics but the fact that she went to a normal haircut to a feminist 'rebellious' haircut, don't tell me there's no agenda there.

Gamora kicks StarLord in the balls. Basically encouraging domestic violence. They think it's ok to beat up men but evil to beat up women.

Another SJW element is Capitan America. He passes it on to a falcon. Captain America is now black. This symbolizes America turning black and casting out the white people. Whites are being kicked out and shamed while blacks replace them and be the heroes.

Iron man dying, bet they will give the moniker to a woman like his daughter, Pepper or the african american girl in comics

Thor letting Valkyrie rule New Asgard

Thor becoming fat, meaning to convey white males as lazy n ugly

Peter Parker a white male getting saved by like 10+ of all the female hero cast at once. Right before hes saved hes acting scared n whimpy

Another reason is transgender propaganda. They had a Bruce Banner and Hulk mixed. I think this is kind a a subliminal message that tells us that you can be whatever you want. Non-binary, both genders, or the opposite gender. They are saying gender is a spectrum. More pandering to sjws.

It might also be encouraging forced diversity cause hulk is 'mixed' kind of like mixed race. Who knows.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

Brutal These two foids next to me are busy bragging about the number of grade schoolers they have slept with.

I shit you not, one of them is claiming how sad it is that they have been single for so long and had to resort to fucking kids.

Reminds of a thread I made a while back about adult foids on the bas talking how hot some underage chad high schooler was. They spoke so loudly and shamelessly. Women can get away with things that'd get you arrested, make you lose your job or just get you ganged up on by white knights

SuicideFuel Foids were talking loudly about how hot an underage chad was

I eavesdropped on a conversation like that one time... pure suicide fuel.

Imagine living in a world where women would rather risk breaking the law to fuck kids than fuck you as grown adult. When I was a kid I was mostly yelled at by old hag teachers because I was a massive daydreamer and got in trouble fornot following directions.

just do the nastiest most smelly shart u ever did and claim your territory

(trying to ascend)
Why do they brag about something that is easy af for them? I'ts the same thing as I starting brag about walking or breathing

Various Incels #sexist #wingnut incels.is

LifeFuel Abortion in Poland is officially ILLEGAL [nine animated emoji of Pepe waving two lightsabres around happily]

Gigalifefuel boyos, the femoids are losing their minds because we took their ability to murder kids. before it was only a proposition, now it's reality. 2021 is starting to become a great year

what an incredibly fucked up sentence. women protesting for the "right" to murder their own infant offspring

It was already illegal except for some special cases like children with genetic disorders and the handicapped. This tweak will only raise the rates of inceldom

Good thing sex is not that big a deal, right ? I mean all these women will have to do is to keep their legs closed. That shouldn't be too hard. Oh wait I forgot they could also use the dozens methods of contraception available, but then there are even fewer reasons to complain, right ?

foids are bitching and crying because now they have to drive to Germany to get an abortion, boohoo what an inconvenience. imagine being a trucel who has to fly over the Atlantic or Pacific just to escortcel legally

(The Cagot)
It's a very good news, abortion is murder and an horror. Now foids will have to stop fucking anyone at sight just for fun.


Various Incels #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Daily reminder that THIS was how foids reacted to Abortion being legalised in Argentina

View: https://twitter.com/ABC/status/1337589264100564994?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1337589264100564994%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=

Foids LITERALLY jumping for joy and crying with happiness because they can now have more sex with Chad and be free to kill their own babies. How compassionate and empathetic

Women have probably killed more people than men and certainly more babies throughout history

interesting subhumans

meme gender

The empathetic gender:feelskek:

i hate soyciety

Life is meaningless to them (and pretty much in general) so they pursue pleasure over motherhood.

Females should be entitled to fuck (white) Chad without consequence! :soy:

Remember, men gave these creature's rights (specifically pig skins)

They're laughing, crying, jumping from joy. They weren't so happy when the WWII ended it seems (because nazi chad wouldn't come to save them from their subhuman men). Yaaaay I can freely mortify another creature inside me and go on fucking chad like there's no tomorrow!

Edmund_Kemper #ableist #psycho #sexist incels.is

Blackpill Autists are more likely to have a nasal voice and physically weird/unusual faces

three studies confirming it, autists are much more likely to be ugly AF and have nasal nerdy voices.

Nasal voice in boys with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder

Clinical research: Facial features can help diagnose autism

Facial features provide clue to autism severity

autism is a death sentence and if you disagree, you aren't blackpilled. looks are the main thing that help in life, but when you're sub8, you need to know how to communicate easily to start a relationship. you make any mistakes and you fucked up your chance.

The nasal voice pill is the brutalest of all pills I legit sound annoying as fuck Tbh I believe if I wasnt autistic I wouldnt be incel On top of sounding like a retard I just dont know how to talk to people and its why I have no freinds let alone a gf

Life is hell for autists. Over 80% of us are unemployed past college and many of us struggle with finishing college. We are also significantly more likely to be bullied. We’re less likely to find a romantic or sexual partner. 70% of autistic people who are mainstreamed (put in mainstream classes/schools in school) are bullied.

I feel like people who get diagnosed with autism should be euthanized

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #sexist #wingnut #transphobia nowtheendbegins.com

There is a reason why young and inexperienced women like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are ruling over us from the halls of Congress. Tonight we will bring you the shocking biblical truth of what it looks like when God judges a nation, and gives it over to the sinful desires of their hearts.

Our apostle Paul in the book of Romans tells us plainly that everything that was written in the Old Testament was written so that we could learn from the things that took place, and that the spiritual principles we see there apply to every dispensation. Why? Because the nature and character of the LORD are eternal and unchanging. Isaiah shows us Israel in the time of Jacob’s trouble, laying out in graphic detail what it looked like when their nation fell. We would do well to heed that warning here nearly 3,000 years later in the end of the Church Age.

On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking to see what happens when the people of a nation reject the rule of God over their lives, and what we find is startling indeed. The natural order of things is reversed, and everything gets flipped upside down while all the while people are hailing it as ‘progress’. Sound familiar? You bet it does, and tonight we will see just how America got to the place where arrogant children lecture us on climate change, and universities proudly instruct their students on things like the nascent 72 genders and abortion as health care. There is a reason why young and inexperienced women like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are ruling over us from the halls of Congress. Tonight we will bring you the shocking biblical truth of what it looks like when God judges a nation, and gives it over to the sinful desires of their hearts.

Various Incels #crackpot #homophobia #racist #sexist incels.is

TeeHee Another nice eugenics story in the NYT

The Sperm Kings Have a Problem: Too Much Demand

Foids want that big-brained Ivy League and Stanford seed, preferably from tall guys who go to the gym a lot and/or are fraternity members (Chads and Chadlites). And desperate foids are prepared to pay substantial dollar amounts for quality seed, which is marketed and traded not unlike the golden cum of elite racehorses.

"Mr. Allard said he had recently offered 35 vials produced by a particularly handsome blue-eyed, black-haired male, which is a rare combination." BUT LOOKS DONT MATTER


Somebody needs to pollute the 6’5 Nordic Aryan Chad sperm with 5’2 balding Indian sperm.

I would legit give anything to make that happen. The fact that sperm donation even exists is PROOF that normies all support eugenics. Two dykes raising a child is absolutely disgusting, but imagine being the male cuck whose wife gets pregnant from a LITERALLY UNKNOWN Chad's cum fucking disgusting.

(Copexodius Maximus)
Holy shit, this is absolutely brootal. Natural selection is okay if it fucks over males, but if no one wants women, they are allowed to just have kids and spread their disgusting genes around.

From the comments section:

imageInterestingly the only two kids from my son's HS class who were accepted by Harvard were both fathered by carefully selected donated sperm. Brave New World indeed. And both kids are tall and blonde, while both moms are short and dark haired.

Lebensmüder #racist #sexist incels.is

Discussion Do Incels have it better in Western or Eastern Europe?

Western Europe Votes: 21 43.8%
Eastern Europe Votes: 27 56.3%

My opinion: Slavcels have it worse.

In Eastern Europe they still have the traditional system without its just justification (e.g. providing safety/stability for men), but also the liberal degeneracy, so you have a toxic mixture between the worst parts of tradition (e.g. high demands for men) and the worst parts of liberalism (e.g. limitless freedom without responsibilities for women).

In many Western European Nations the society is so atomized that you aren't even forced to contribute to it or conform to any standards while this is not the case in these countries. In the West you can at least do LDARing with no financial problems and be completely removed from the society that doesn't care about you. Furthermore, there is also the wealth of the west.

I fully agree. our smv is low af in both E Euorpean countries and W European. western man has much easier time mating with slav women, while slav men are non existant to anybody besides slavic women and maybe noodlewhores. Ive seen tinder experiment in which british slut rejected chadlite bc he revealed that he's polish.

brootal pole pill. When she sees a Pole, she sees this pole image

Gymcelled #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: JFL Obese 5'2 FtM trans searches on reddit for a wife to be a "househusband" to

imagine being this person, 30 years old, unemployed, not having a penis, being diagnosed with mental disorders and thinking some girl will want to date you if you make a reddit post where you show her your quirky personality

It's both funny and infuriating because a male would only have to do a tiny portion of this to be considered a total loser. A guy who's 30 yrs old and unemployed is already seen as a loser and leech that deserves to be shit on. Yet this fucking foid is also obese and mentally ill and yet thinks that absolutely nothing is wrong with her. People always talk about muh obese neckbeard living in his mom's basement when so many foids fail just as hard if not more at life and yet are never mocked or considered losers.

They also think every male lives like a 6'6, blue eyed, diamond-sharp jawed, full bearded, rich man.

A woman will walk past a bunch of construction workers, sewer workers, roofers, garbage men, janitors, bus drivers etc and only notice the business man exiting from a nice car and think to herself "fuck, men have it so easy"

this is really noticeable on any imageboard like r9k. a fembot and an incel could have the exact same life story and yet the key difference is the woman will always have a social safety net of some kind.

This is caveman mentality that stems from the fact that foids are always a breeding asset to the tribe regardless of how bad they are. People always say muh obese neckbeard asking for models when in reality it takes a min of tinder to find obese unemployed single mothers with mental issues/on SSRI who make entire lists of what a man has to have/be to have a chance with them. I've never, EVER, seen a male make such lists.

Copexodius Maximus #sexist incels.is

Theory Race war among femcels (how they handle it compared to us)

Lately I've been seeing race bait threads in this forum, and also saw a post made by some femcels.
Here are some things I've noticed when I compare how women fight internet race wars and how males shit post race war threads.

Males immediately attack and shit talk other people without looking at their point, and see it as a low blow attack to even make race based threads. But when we go to normal posts, everything is back to normal like it never happened.

When we compare this to the femcels, they pretend like they are all supporting each other and try to be supportive of one another in race bait posts. But in normal posts that don't address race, go back to shit talking about it.

What this shows me is that women (femcels) are literal political correct fake people who pretend like the are cool with one another, but then immediately go back to talking shit like a poison and using underhand jabs in normal times. This backs up the idea that most female's existence is all about deception and being fake.

Meanwhile male incels are not politically correct, anything even remotely seen as a diss against their race leads to shit talking. However, we get over that shit fast and don't carry it with us after the situation dies out. This supports the idea of most males being upfront and not requiring manipulation, but instead brute force attack and then moving the fuck on.

However, imagine how bad inceldom is for males that we aren't able to move on from being subhumans. I know this is chads.co, but just imagine how hard it is for a real incel.

Jim #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger blog.reaction.la

[From “Where we go from here”]

Electoral politics is dead, though its corpse will continue to be paraded about for a considerable time. It will not be revived for a very long time, for a live Republic requires a virtuous elite
I hoped and prayed that Trump would retain power[…]My investments were to some extent premised on him retaining power.
I have for decades predicted war, democide, or genocide around 2026 or so, and have never shifted in that prediction. On the whole, things seem to be moving as expected, at about the rate expected.[…]Had Trump successfully performed the coup or started the civil war that I expected, it would have been only the small beginning of what is needed to reverse the decline.
Trump is delusionally attempting to appease his enemies.[…]A Trump restoration could only happen after the pattern of the Rwandan genocide, when the exiles returned to conquer a grotesquely dysfunctional and murderous government.
Eventually the leftism spiral will be ended by a Napoleon or a Stalin. If we are lucky a Cromwell.
Our key issue is patriarchy, and each of us should promote it at the individual level, by being alpha in our interactions with women, and by telling our women that this is God’s will
While our ultimate goal is a state and state religion that enforces truth and truthfulness, as Charles the Second’s men at arms protected the Royal Society from Puritan attempts to forcibly deplatform them, for the duration our goal is agorist[…]Agorism has no answer to large scale organized violence, and neither did the Invisible College, but after the Restoration, the Invisible College became the state sponsored Royal Society.

Legendarywristcel #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Discussion Fem33yo virgin pajeet on dr. Phil

33-Year-Old Virgin Wants to Know Why She Scares Men Away

JFL she's my age and looks 10 years older.

She wants white Chad

Shes gross looking though. No chad is going to fuck her.

This is quite rare for a curryfoid, wanting to stay a virgin and only do it with a guy she intends to marry. But she should have just gone for her father's arranged marriage, she won't find any Chad who is not going to pump and dump.

Id reject this foid in arranged marriage too. Imagine betabuxxing for an ugly curry foid JFL.

She isn't that bad looking for a currywhore, but the point is that unless she is lying about her virginity, it is at least a sign of good character that she wants to remain a virgin until she finds the person she wants to marry. Leaving aside this particular foid, would the incel problem be anywhere near as bad if every single foid thought like this?

If she was a few years younger (arnd 25ish) and a virgin, i wouldnt mind doing her.

She should have gone with the arranged marriage at 22, instead I bet she kept waiting for some white Chad to not use her as simply his cum dumpster. Ethnic foids would rather be volcel for the remainder of their lives than get with a man of their own race that isn't 95th percentile

True. I see a lot of curry roasties where i live either single or divorced, but still looking for giga chads. They wont touch me with a 100 foot pole though.

Shigechi & WØLF #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel B-but porn is not real life inkel! Wrong


spoiler'BOOBS OR BUM?' Married female teacher 'told schoolboy lover, 15, "you have a bigger penis than my husband" in sordid texts', pal says

While you are jacking off to porn, underage Chad is living it. How many times did you see that shit about how the penis is bigger than the whore's husband in your porn? Porn is real life to attractive males. To us, to ITcucks, and the others not so privileged is just a fantasy.

Wanna take a wild guess of how much jail time this pig skin whore is going to face?

Not even a year.

Imagine what the headlines would be if the genders were reversed. Femoid pedos literally get praised and rewarded yet we're demonized for even questioning it. Also dickpill deniers on suicide watch

Because everyone knows that the male child is physically and mentally superior to the adult woman so she's not actually taking advantage of him.

We know this, but I don't think normies do tbh. Or maybe they do, fuck if I know

People can virtue-signal as much as they want about how muh women are just as capable as men and should be treated equally but the double standard when it comes to male and female pedos tells you all you need to know what we think of femoids as a society. They're children who are allowed to vote for some reason.

And cumskins gave them rights. At least ethnics kept their foids in line for the most part

Various Incels #crackpot #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel Having an autist gf is like winning the lottery

Autistic women are way, way more rare than autistic males. For every 100 autistic males there's a female.

And nearly all autistic female go for Chad, they don't want to have a relationship with someone with a similar condition, they want someone "better"

As an autist myself I can't imagine being with a NT that will never fully understand me, in my entire life I've only met just one autistic woman, she was a true gem on top of all the pile of worthless shit, but she rejected me of course.


”Autistic women are way, way more rare than autistic males. For every 100 autistic males there's a female.”

that's because autism is just lack of social skills to a degree. females don't need social skills. 99% of females don't have any actual social skills. they're all autistic by men's standards

Seriously, take anything a foid says, "accomplishes", does in general etc, and imagine a dude doing it. You'd think he was a pathetic little faggot who needs to be shoved in a locker.

You take an autist and make him grow up with positive reinforcement, symptoms of a disability become quirks, this is not a luxury for the male autist. Social interactions for the male autist become cognitive ability tests which inevitably turn into humiliation rituals.

Autistic foids hate autistic males because they are hypergamous cunts just like the rest of their kind

The worse thing you can do, even if you're a Chad, is tell an autistic girl you have autism too. They don't associate male autism to what they experienced - they visualize special ed classrooms and ugly men with no friends.

various incels #sexist incels.is

(quadRUPLE bogey)
[Cope] Are men supposed to enjoy talking to woman?

They feel like a time waste tbh. Maybe if she spouted more than "controlled thoughts" I would feel like I'm missing out more? It's tough to implant wisdom in these whores when landing above looksmatch/ statusmatch is the only mission for these modern day pleasure seeking degenerates.


I hate talking to holes. Id only pretend to be interested in her stupid BS if she agrees to fuck me after the conversation.

No, the only pleasure men get from talking with women is validation and having a chance at sex.
Neither of those things we get.

Women are NPCs. Talked to one, talked to them all... the same opinions about everything, the same tastes... etc.

Tera based.

Women have no souls, which is evident by their group think and lack of ability to criticize their own gender in any situation despite them being wrong.

Let's all remember that the only reason women were ALLOWED rights is because they were profitable and easy to control.

Animeak116 #wingnut #sexist reddit.com

Animeak116: I think that type of dark humor should be more for cartoons meant for older audiences obviously because its dark humor. Like ypu dont see VetTV trying to cater to a younger audience with its dark humor. But toxic masculinity has been bullshit sense the beginning and has been due to moronic SJWs who cant take a joke and think something is sexist when its not or what not.

PowerfulVictory: It's so rare to see pure unfiltered stupidity in this subreddit, that was actually surprising
edit : this comment. Not the post.
edit 2 : a guy answered me, ranting non-sensically and basically saying "yeah this post is shit". He deleted his comment now.

gadgetmcfly: Toxic masculinity is when masculinity backfires either on men or it hurts women. I don't want a society of femboys, but I want men with masculinity that complements them.
In general, I just want gender roles to go to shit, but I'd settle for healthy views of femininity and masculinity.

Animeak116: Yeah thats not what SJWs and people who think toxic masculinity actually believe. Because what you listed is exactly what SJWs actually mean by what they want to end Toxic masculinity. Which again does not exist. What people believe toxic masculinity is. Is just the very basic natural male tendencies. Protective of there family, likes anything like guns, cars, ect. The willingness to hold back ones emotions for rational thoughts and problem solving. Ect. So yeah thats what SJWs mean when they want toxic masculinity destroyed. What makes a man a man. Because to SJWs men have to be destroyed to uplift women. Dont believe me thats literally what feminists and SJWs believe

SwordsmanAlt & slavcel11 #sexist incels.is

Toxic Femininity JFL. Foids can’t even stand themselves. In same-sex marriages, lesbian marriage consistently show higher divorce rates than gay men.

Truly a meme gender. Studies across Every. Single. Country. in the article have consistently demonstrated that lesbian marriages have higher divorce rates than marriages between gay men. Men don’t want drama, emotional baggage, or to play stupid mind games. All we want is our basic needs met: food/drink, sleep, sex, and companionship. Foids are just so damn hysteric and emotionally unstable that they can’t even stand each other.

Divorce of same-sex couples - Wikipedia

So much for foids and their "personality". Can't even live peacefully with each other. This also proves correct everything redpillers have been preaching since forever. Woman is a weak, fickle and unreliable creature. It can't choose a course of action and follow it to a reasonable end. It absolutely has to fuck you over somewhere in the middle. You can't create a family with it, you can never trust it with something important. It will eventually betray and leave you because its mind just clicked one day. Foids NEED to be governed and regulated by men to even function properly. Otherwise they never grow up mentally.

Selinity #crackpot #sexist incels.is

RageFuel [STUDY] Female Privilege is Very Real, and Very Big. Statistics Prove It.

Women are born into privileges that they wouldn't otherwise enjoy had they been born a male, but exactly how far can the power of a vagina get you in life? How much privilege do women truly have? What are your chances of losing at life as a women?

0.17% Of the Population is Homeless, when accounting for gender differences the amount of Homeless females drops to an astonishing 0.3% IT IS WORTH MENTIONING THAT THIS STATISTIC DOESN'T ACCOUNT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE OTHER HOUSING FROM FRIENDS OR RELATIVES, SO THE AMOUNT OF UNSHELTERED WOMEN COULD BE EVEN LOWER.

Men are 10 TIMES more likely to die in the workplace. Meaning that as a women, you have a 0.00050226409% Chance of Dying at Work

In the exact same scenario as a man, a women has only a 3% chance of losing custody. But what about in cases that do not involve child custody? Scholars have found that women receive shorter sentences for sex crimes than men. A 2014 study suggests that federal courts are more lenient on femaledefendants in general. ... Women were less likely to be detained before trial. They were 46 percent less likely than men to held in jail prior to a trial.

Another Study shows that Women are More Likely to be Promoted into Management Positions then Men. Despite this however, other studies show that women have an increased chance of having anxiety and make poorer leaders then men.

The majority of Relationships are ended by Women, with them accounting for 76% of breakups.

Conclusion: As a female you have an increased chance of being promoted in the workforce despite showing lesser performance, holding power in and ending relationships. You have a lower chance of being homeless, being homeless and unsheltered and an advantage in the legal system. You have the power to abort a baby.

What do the statistics say? "Female privilege is very real, and very big, as a women, it's damn near impossible to lose"

ReturnOfSaddam & Unsaveable #sexist #transphobia incels.is

This FtM trans has no idea what she's in for

FtM 23; Pre-T; Feeling incredibly dysphoric; Starting T in 14 Days

They think they'll become men and live like Chad...then surprise

Reminder number 958914 that most women would be incels or truecels if they were male. They're the incel factories Like holy shit she looks like bo2cel. Looks like the type of guy that would get bullied, beaten and mocked his whole life

It's like you said the other day. Women never think there can be anything wrong with their genes. They view themselves as perfect. Just google "ftm regret" and you'll see so many cases of what awaits the foid in the OP in a few years time. It's like the fucking penny drops and they finally realise that not all men live like Chad :lul:

FTM Regret transition, intensely lonely and need someone to talk to

More foids should transition so they can begin to understand how fucked sub Chad males are in 2021.


Yea congratulations you pass as a very low t looking low value male, i'm sure you'll be just fine. What bunch of morons.

Total Imbecile #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Had a dream that my little sister lost her virginity in October 2016

I dont recall the specifics but I remember reading "I did it in Oct 2016" in some book/journal? in my dream and I do remember feeling that that book was connected to my younger sister in some way

There were also headshots of her and some young dude

Now Im distrubed but I relaly wish there was a way to know for sure

Apparently she doesnt have a boyfriend, has never had one it seems, but everyone knows that if a girl is single it doesnt mean shes not having sex

Also shes doesnt really go out but talks to her friends over zoom/FaceTime and tbh doesnt seem like the person to do casual so I dont think she slutting around

Anyone has any ideas on how to determine her virtue? I cant ask her straight up if shes a virgin because that would be too creepy I think...

Various Commenters #crackpot #sexist answers.yahoo.com

RE: Do girls practice oral sex on their brothers growing up?


I was at a party (all girls) and the subject of sex and men came up. One of the girls CASUALLY said something to the affect of "I practiced giving head on my brother before I did it with my 1st boyfriend". Couple of the other girls laughed and were surprised but then ANOTHER girl there just kind of nodded her head and said something like "yep...that's how you learn...that's how you perfect your technique" so I said don't you think that's a bit strange? And she said something about him being the only person she could trust in the beginning about doing that. Is this a common thing for girls growing up to do? I personally never did and I had a brother growing up.

Yes, some do. Something like 20 percent of women have been approached by or involved sexually with a family member by the time they are college age. In situations where close family members feel isolated from others, they often turn to each other as their only alternative for sexual exploration. Trust and mutual support feelings are nearly always mentioned as deciding factors. Most siblings just do not have the level of intimate support needed, or too much sibling rivalry.

not my sister, but a first cousin practiced on me

I have and still do. Also we have sex.

yes i did

no! at least i didn't the only way to learn is on the drunk guys at bars

and when I was a stripper I REALLY satisfied those private booth guys

Storminnorman #racist #sexist amren.com

A White girl just having a history of one nigrowfekk in the wombpile is enough to drive a wedge between her and any White man she may want to rope into marriage in the future. One reckless coal burning incident can permanently tarnish the puzzy pedestal of even the most obsequious soyboy claiming to be unbothered by his girl's negrolatrous nethers.

Social media, the irresistible draw of attention whoring, and a naive belief among White women that virtue signaling erases the natural male disgust instinct, make a past peccadindu virtually impossible to hide from men.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From “Belle Delphine Releases Kidnapping and Rape Porno Titled “My Perfect First Date””]

One of the moral problems I have when promoting that women should be beaten and raped is that actually, women love this.

British e-girl Belle Delphine is probably the world’s most famous (and richest) pornographic actress because she’s really good at pretending to be 12 (which itself brings up some complicated questions I won’t address here). She recently released preview photos of a porno she’s releasing on her OnlyFans where she gets kidnapped and raped in the woods by a man in a mask.
What this actually is is a bunch of beta males who want to believe that women are princesses, and have their minds blown when they are forced to face the fact that actually, women just want to be kidnapped and raped.

For most of history, kidnapping a woman (typically what we would call “a girl,” actually) and “ravishing” her (there was no concept of “rape” until recent times) was considered a valid way to begin a marriage.

All of this stuff we are taught about human sexuality is really a huge part of the massive scam that is modern society. Basically, everything we are taught about both female and male sexuality is a lie. There is a reason that we used to have sexual taboos, and rules around sexuality, and it wasn’t because our ancestors were backward superstitious barbarians who were yet to read and truly comprehend Herbert Marcuse.
It is actually good that soyboy fav e-girl Delphine put out this porno shoot, as it is basically dropping a bomb on the established lies surrounding sexuality in our Western culture.
We already know that the family has completely collapsed as a result of the theories of these Jews about sexuality. But maybe as a reduction of a complex social phenomenon, this offensive pornographic material is more powerful than that in making people wonder if perhaps, we’ve made some mistakes during this ongoing sexual revolution.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

Soy Normies acting lile nobody loses their virginity before 18

image These bluepillers try to keep youngcels away from the blackpill by acting like nobody has sex before 18. The average age of virginity loss is 17, so that means that most people have lost their virginity before 18 years old


I went to high school in the early 00's and it was an orgy for the good looking kids, the tall chads in my school would literally go fuck chicks during lunch breaks.

My school has a fucking “blowjob forest” out back jfl. Every school or setting is the exact same. An orgy for the good looking ones. Because life revolves around sex and at large social groups like this everyone's having alot of it. Except you.

I overhead foids in my english class talking about lesbian sex and strap on dildo penetration and i am in 10th grade JFL

Also, a guy in my language class mentioned that 6 foids in my school are pregnant JFL

A normie friend of mine mentions girls giving blowjobs for drugs JFL

A foid friend of mine in 3rd grade asked me who was my first kiss but i could not answer because MEANWHILE I NEVER KISSED A GIRL ON THE LIPS SINCE DAY ZERO

ReturnOfSaddam #psycho #sexist incels.is

Redditor gets cucked by foid at party and believes it was sexual assault

My(20M) girlfriend(21) went to a massive New Year’s Eve party after I begged her not to and got sexually assaulted. I want to help her but I don’t know if I should or how.

Beta cuck begs his foid not to go to this party because of corona and because there are "a bunch of frat boys who already have a handful of girls that have allegations against them" there JUST FUCKING LOL. Foid calls him at 2am while drunk crying. She claims she was sexually assaulted by the frat boy, cuck obviously believes it, but gets mad that she went. Now the foid is angry at him.

He's OBLIVIOUS to the fact that she obviously got wasted, did things with the Chad, and is now regretting it in case cuck finds out. These stories are such obvious bullshit because you would NEVER, especially in 2020 have some guy go up to a girl and "force his hand down her pants". IN PUBLIC, AT A PARTY. That shit just doesn't fucking happen, the man would be ostracized even in a fratboy party setting.

"I feel really bad that this happened", he says, after his girlfriend got drunk as fuck and had sex with a frat guy at a party that he begged her not to go to what the fuck is wrong with modern men jfl

The thing I can't get over is how he actually knew the party would be full of frat boys JFL. Not only that, she knew that he didn't want her to go, yet she chose to go anyway. Is this guy fucking blind or something? She chooses to go to the party despite this guy begging her not to, he knows it's going to be full of Chads and alcohol, like, what the FUCK does he think happened? He ACTUALLY believes her bullshit story lmfao!

Jenna Ellis #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

A word on this debate over whether conservative women are “hotter.” The answer is definitely yes, but not for the reason you think. It’s because conservative women VALUE our femininity and our immutable differences. We aren’t TRYING to be men. God made us WOMEN. Go us and go men!

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com


President Joe Biden, who says his ‘strong Catholic faith’ is what drives him, has just consulted with Anthony Fauci, with the takeaway being it’s time to radically and rapidly expand the US taxpayer-funded killing machine that is legalized abortion. Evidentially, the murderous holocaust of 3,200 babies per day, most of the them black, here in America is not nearly enough, so they are taking their show on the road, and bringing the blessing of abortion overseas.

“Wherefore, O harlot, hear the word of the LORD: Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thy filthiness was poured out, and thy nakedness discovered through thy whoredoms with thy lovers, and with all the idols of thy abominations, and by the blood of thy children, which thou didst give unto them;” Ezekiel 16:35,36 (KJB)

This is the ‘new America’, that every news outlet across the land is celebrating today, but in reality America in 2021 is a corrupt and bankrupt society that glories in the murder of its own children, and is ripe for the judgment of Almighty God. With Joe Biden and the demonic horde that is the Democratic Party, this just might be the year America gets aborted.

Welcome to the ‘strong Catholic faith’ of the new America’s new president, only one day old and already dripping in innocent blood. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

To koniec #racist #sexist incels.is

Blackpill Imagine not being BENELUX chad

Top 20 Countries With The Tallest Men - How Height Has Changed Over 100 Years


Not a single non-white country in there. Brutal racepill tbh.

bosnia is 6

are any countries in the Balkans really white though?

yeah, balkans and meds are not really white

whats the difference between balks and meds?

south slavs are dinarics, and meds...are just meds, just like jews are semitic

They're as white as any other slavs. Only Albanians are more ethnic looking and surprise they're not on the list.

i don't agree, but i don't want to engage with argument

The Cagot #sexist incels.is

RE: RageFuel No guy has ever been into me (F19)

Nobody has ever liked me (F19) and it's starting to take a toll on my mental health

TL DR: "Femcel" escapades episode 102938201

"I live in Philippines, so there's this whole culture of "if she asks you out first, she's really desperate"

--> Milady would be surprised to see that it's exactly the same in France or anywhere in the world, because foids who asks men first ARE desperate, otherwise they would just let the guys ask them.

I've never seen a cute foid asking a guy first, excepted if she's drunk, depressed or in urgent need of sex.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

RE: RageFuel Foid posts CP on Onlyfans

Just imagine if it was a man that did this. Just picture how over his life would be. And this foid gets "suspended" LMAO!! NOT EVEN BANNED. SUSPENDED LOL!

Pfft, how about not even arrested. Truly a :feelsclown: world.

you can get fifteen years to life for distributing child porn. And this foid isn't going to see a single year in jail because she has a vagina. Truly an oppressed gender.

No no no no you guys got it all wrong. The blame is put on the men. Men made her do this. If the men didn't want kiddie porn, they would not have paid her for it. It's not her fault. It's men. Damn men. I hate men. So stupid unlike the pure and thoughtful women. All hail women. We're not worthy of such beauty and such perfection in design.

Women do this shit because they know they can get away with it. Fuck cucks

(The Abyss)
The cp the soys jerked off to only became inappropriate once they knew the age, when they assumed the contents depicted an of age adult it was fine but once you change the number it's wholely unacceptable yet nothing else changed. A number holds power over a visual manifestation.

If a men would have done this he would get 15 years in prison. She will get a formal warning and that's it. Foids have been getting away with obvious murder even. Vagina privilege > all

With the insane logic feminists operate on it's going to be like prostitution in some european countries: legal to be, illegal to be a customer. So CP of themselves is going to be legal for foids to produce and sell, but buying and possession by a 2nd party will still be illegal. After all we wouldn't want to oppress female sexuality would we? Can't wait for it to all burn.


Further proving world isn't worth saving.

No but it's worth destroying.

Ineedassitance #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Discussion Pinkpill feminism on "male cope"


spoilerI will never not laugh at men's long-standing pathetic cope called organized religion

All religion is male cope. Islam, Christianity, even the godless ones. Take for example Christianity. The Bible was written by men and it reflects their view on women. The Father, Son and holy spirit are all manitestations ofwomb envy: Now that's true blasphemy. It should have been the mother; daughter and the holy spirit because women are not vessels but true creators. All religions are a male cope with their own mortality.

I don't know what these feminist theories are trying to say, but I do know one thing. Man wants to secure his own genes, that is the aim of man - the escape from inceldom. Why do we get jobs - to get women. I do not know any other heterosexual man who does not think this way. Everything else is an attempt to stop that process.

All these theories seem to give a more complicated picture of society, so I just occam's razor that bitch. Why would I help my fellow man when it's in his best interest to cuck me (spread his seed as much as he can)? Sexual selection is a process.

Reminder that sub still isn't banned even after going private for months while

BlackPillFeminism and AndreasGarden somehow got banned.

Blackpill feminism sounds based. They need to bring back Gendercritical, based foids.

BasedRedPillZeus #sexist patriots.win

No amount of proselytizing or social conditioning will erase what God and evolution hard-coded into our collective biopsychological desires and behaviors

Women don’t want a man who will “do everything she says.” Why would that indicate anything more than insecurity and lack of confidence? Women want to be told “NO” and constantly test a man’s resolve to say this to her (a.k.a. shit testing) in order to affirm that she’s made the right choice (even in marriage) of a guy who will put his sexual impulses (knowing full well how powerful it is with men) on hold to stick to his own self interests, beliefs and ambitions. What this does is covertly communicates to the woman that his goals and determination Trump her one real power over him - her sexuality. THAT is the man who is the prize, the ‘great catch’, the make to be competed for with other women.

Various Incels #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

RE: News Apparently the EU is preparing a session to talk about the "violent incel movement"


I wonder when the worlds male hate movement is going to come to an end

Men are being squeezed tighter and tighter, increasingly marginalized- these few and far between mass shootings are really just the beginning of what happens to a society that marginalizes it's men.

Maybe people will be able to finally see what's happening and reverse course, but far more likely they will squeeze men tighter and tighter and the backlash from men will get increasingly drastic and more violent, until we get a complete societal collapse. Either way, I don't care.

Can we talk about the violent black and arab movements first, you know the ones overrepresented in every cimre statistic across Europe. Fucking feminist fucks, I want out the fucking EU as well, turns rightwing politicians into leftwing Merkel puppets.

Truly that's the true danger threatening Europe rather than Islamic terrorism, economic recession and their gay lockdowns etc.

Violent incels? Last I saw it's the non-imcels committing the violence, like domestic violence, which involves being in a relationship

What did i said? With that geriatric as a president of the USA you can bet your life that the EU and the cucknite states of jewmerica will persecute us. Dumb are the faggots who defended any leftist politician in their lives, they will not forget that you posted here.

Relax niggers!

They are only looking for WHITECELS!

(...worse than a panicking herd of longhorns...)

cvh1991 #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist incels.is

RE: Serious How do you all deal with the gaslighting?

You have to be capable of recognizing when your opponent makes a false claim then be capable of easily debunking it with valid studies. For example, I can across this rare based comment on Reddit where this guy laid out a couple different studies to prove his point regarding ugly low status males:

Amazing body

EDIT: Damn looks like that comment got removed lmao — they’ll stop at nothing to censor the truth, eh?

Let this be a lesson. Start capturing black pilled posts and points out in the wild.

I copied the comment into a Google Doc for later before it got removed since I wanted to read over the links they shared, just didn't have time to paste it here/format everything on mobile.

***Original comment was on some "thot" video where the commenter was asking how they can get women that hot iirc
***Reply text with the links I found online added in:

This 2015 study from the Journal of Sex Research found that male virgins more typically could not find willing partners while female virgins more typically reported personal beliefs, fear, or not enough love as reasons for virginity compared to males (e.g. Male virgins generally cannot find willing partners while this is not typical for female virgins):


Men are more desperate and have lower standards. Statistics the reality of this yet many people seem to incorrectly assume men and women are basically the same.

ReturnOfSaddam #crackpot #sexist incels.is

The disparity in male attractiveness is FUCKING ASTOUNDING

Pretty much any girl can become legitimately hot with makeup, it's so fucked up it's insane. And even without it, the average man is attracted to the average woman, whereas the reverse? JUST FUCKING LOL. Not in a million years.

Foids look pretty similar for the most part. How rare is it to see a foid who's a LOT shorter/taller than other ones? Do fucking 50% of foids go bald? Do they have to be able to sustain an erection when having sex? Do they get graded for the size of their vaginas? For a foid to be legitimately ugly, she either has to be obese (will still have an ARMY of white knights at her disposal) or fucking deformed tier. For a guy he needs to have one sub-par feature and that's it. Done, finished, game over, KO.

When you look at Chads compared to everyone else, it's like a different life form. The guy on the left looks completely fine, full head of hair, good skin, good jaw/forward growth but he's just EVERYTHINGMOGGED by a massive fucking degree to the guy next to him. You don't see this with foids, not to anywhere near the same extent.


This wouldn't be a problem if: a) women weren't so picky and b) if their tastes weren't so universal and monolithic There are no foids chasing short men, balding men, men with narrow shoulders, men with tiny dicks, men with bug eyes, men with gyno, obese men etc

JFL so legit. It's so fucking over. I still find it amazing that so many guys think women don't care about looks. They value looks over everything, it's just they're all attracted to the same kind of looks. CHAD.

tomale #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: When will the JBW SEAmaxxing strategy start failing? When will Loser-Back-Home 本国卢瑟 awareness go mainstream in Asia?

Why Every White guy in Asia is a Loser Back Home 本国卢瑟

you cant make women to stop seeing a white chad as atracctive just because you mock them,china is traditional in his stand on marrying a foreigner but chinese will still date them(even when the thousand years of humillation by european powers is shilled in the media and education).

blacks are shilled in media and that dont make is smv go higther for the average guy,kpop is cited as making asian smv go up and the true is that the average asian can only look like them with more that one stetic operation.

the anti-white,anti-racist ethnic women that,married and breed with white men.

the only thing media shilling can do take the social stigma for dating an asian/hispanic/black so a women that see that race as atractive BEFORE the shilling even begone is to be in better terms with the idea to date them.

asians make more than whites in america,asian-american women still marry white men that earn less and without the necesity of a green card.

indians and asian women have white fever.

i am not white by the way,i dont pass as white.

Unpleasant Trump-loving extended family #sexist #wingnut patriots.win

intobs: I got into a heated discussion with my wife's sister and she told me to leave and never go back to her house. She is a stupid crazy liberal high school counselor in Phoenix. All I said was that I will never accept China Joe as a legitimate leader! She freaking blew up on me and started ranting about how superior Biden and Harris are. Now my wife is mad at me cuz I will not apologize.

Rainman: Your wife will respect you more if you don't apologize trust me she's probably sick of her sister's shit too

conservativeyuppie: Tell your wife to shut it and never apologize.

Tartarian-kingz: Your wife is shit testing you to the max. Dick hard, mind hard, do NOT backdown

Cminc: Step one is telling your wife to get out of yours.

andywest1200: Why the fuck isn't your wife apologizing to you? Ban her commie sister from your house.

OrangeLivesMatterCA: Tell your wife to stfu

rockettails: I guess she missed four years of "Not my president! #REEEESISTANCE" huh? How the turn tables.

Various Trump Supporters #sexist #transphobia #fundie patriots.win

[RE: Regarding White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany]

100% Guarantee she will be the last attractive press sec. Probably going to be filled by a tranny now.

If true the journos will be suckin its yuge clit

That tranny will get questions like:

1. What's it feel like to do the most awesome things ever?

2. When will this administration criminalize supporting Trump? Sorry if this question is too hard

3. Could I taste your lady penis?

Edfech #sexist incels.is

Average brazilian child/teenager

I was watching some funny videos and suddenly I got myself in the wrong wrong side of youtube again. Imagine, just imagine your daughter doing something like that... You probably are thinking. ``That`s exception``. no... That`s the average in Brazil. My cousin has a tiktok and she do exactly that... her parents knows about her tiktok and they don`t even care about it. She usually dances twerking when her parents aren`t nearby. I don`t know how it is in your country, but Brazil is a disgusting country. It makes me so sad that our generation of women is becoming a bunch of brainless whores.

The lyrics at that exactly moment say something like ``I WANT TO FUCK YOU, GIRL``. and she knows exactly what this music is about. You can see that there is a parent on the background and he do exactly nothing lol. That`s because that is fucking normal in Brazil. Look at her worried looking at the door while dancing xD. This is fucking disgusting. Rule 1 Never let a smartphone in a child`s hand. My blood is boiling right now

This is Brazil. This is more commom here than you imagine. does something like that usually happen in your country?

Various Incels #psycho #sexist incels.is

Blackpill 37 year old criminal BF kidnaps teen GF and robs her parents

“It’s all about your personality bro”

Manhunt: Armed And Dangerous Suspect Kidnapped 18-year-old Still Has Her Captive Police Say


He kidnapped her and her parents using the parents truck, forced them to empty their bank accounts at the ATM, and then dropped off the parents in the middle of nowhere and drove off to another state with his teen GF.


@Personalityinkwell took the JBpill and darktriadmaxxing too seriously :feelsmega:

shes 18 already blown out. tfu on that old hag.

ironically that kind of a personality does make foids wet. Darktriadmaxxing is legit. Does he look like a Chad to any of you?

You still have to be at least a masculine normie

Normie, yeah, but he doesn't look masculine naturally at all. It's the tats.


His personality moggs mine. Amazing personality

Maybe if i took as many showers a day as him, id also get to have sex

Based tbh. He looks white for a wetback.

Imagine raising a daughter so she can bring a big criminal home to rob you because her cunt flaps tingled. Thanks, darling.

yikerinos #crackpot #sexist incels.is

jfl most men are depressed as fuck

this society isn't normal. we're used to it, and also most people are trying to hide it, but look closely and pay attention boyos, because:

most men are DEPRESSED, that's how bad life is for a non gigachad male

meanwhile, women's egos are through the roof

ugly women still get lots of attention from ugly guys, and they have the highest egos as a result. stacies are ironically a bit more humbled, because gigachad doesn't respond to their texts, but they still hate ugly males and take out their frustration on ugly males

even chads are simping for average women these days. its gigachad only out there. average foids have several chads to choose from, available to them anytime, but those chads still get laid at least

for average males its OVER. not only do they never get laid, they're also lonely, and extremely abused by society, subtly treated like they're disgusting but in a way that slowly destroys them inside. i say they bc im referring to the bluepilled ones, im blackpilled so for me its different as i know its not my fault at least

there's nowhere near as many depressed men as there should be. most have created some horrendous mental contraption in their heads, that takes in nothing but bad feedback and unpleasant events and romantic deprivation, and somehow still turns it all into optimism, energy and "can-do" spirit i can't even imagine how fucked up your mind must be if you're like that

high IQ

Gymcelled #sexist incels.is

RE: Venting IncelExitPill: At least Incels Without Hate have them sussed out.


Normalfags will deny all your life experiences and give you the most useless advice which are borderline insults (i mean come on, thinking we don't know how to wash ourselves or brush our teeth??) ... AND they expect you to be 100% positive and polite in return

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