
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Saturn's Cube Exposed #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #fundie saturnscubeexposed.weebly.com

This website is devoted to exposing the Truth concerning the Father of all Lies "Saturn's Cube Box". All major religions worship it. Their False law of deception originates from it. I am going to show you everything is in Fact a Fraudulent Lie in order to control you. The question you need to ask yourself is why do they need to control you? That's because you have not yet discovered who and what you truly are that they wish to control. I can not show you every thing and in minute detail because it would take to long and it would overwhelm you. However, I am aware because the Universe/Superconsciousness has shown me and made me aware and now I am making you aware in order so you can begin to change your reality by changing yourself or your awareness.
The Earth is a prison and your physical body is the cell to this prison and it traps you here within this reality. You may be in fact within a Hologram which you perceive as real and it is NOT! Further, "they" are NOT aliens from outer space nor even ghosts. "They" are the fallen angels known as the watchers. Their disembodied by-product are known as the nephilum. "They" had access to the Earth even before the time of "Adam"/Atom (human kind). The nephilum are commonly referred to as the demons . "They" can shape shift into any physical form both animate and inanimate objects. You are in fact fallen in this physical form and they have access to this reality and work through their agents to influence/control you through your physical body form to extract both your physical and emotional energies which is then sent back to Saturn/Satan. The reason for this? To eventually harvest your Soul, insert it into another embryo, and start the process all over again in another physical body. Some refer to it as Reincarnation. This is the first level of Hell (the prison).

Liberty to the Captives #fundie #magick #conspiracy libertytothecaptives.net

Satan has his own harvest celebration— a harvest of souls that he greedily gathers and devours. His followers prepare for Satan's harvest of souls during the entire month of October in various ways:

by the recruitment of pre-teens, teens and adults into witchcraft (Halloween parties are the usual sites for recruiting)
by ritual killings of pets either kidnapped or obtained free from ads on the internet
by casting spells and sending curses which result in car accidents, fires, suicides, domestic violence, sudden illness unto death maiming, and all manner of death and destruction.

Their diabolical preparations begin on October 1st and build the entire month of October, climaxing on October 31st which is dedicated to:

ritual world-wide human sacrifice

These sacrifices take place in covens worldwide and at carefully guarded exclusive meeting places of high-ranking government officials. Beware: Pseudo Christian ministries also lure people in for the purpose of using them for human sacrifices.

Satan's followers hold positions in every aspect of Christian ministry. These scripture-twisting experts wrench the Bible from its context in order to convince Christians that giving place to the devil is the same thing as liberty in Christ. They have articles all over the internet filled with diabolical arguments as to why Christians have soul liberty to conform to the world's sin-loving ways, especially regarding occult trappings such as Halloween and trick-or-treat.

In these last days they have actually convinced Christians that rather than standing in the evil day, they can sanctify Satan's evil day. Remodeling Halloween by having a Hallelujah Party or Harvest Party feeds the flesh but it does not glorify God. The God of the Bible does not sanctify sin, and neither may his followers. Pastors are accountable to God for the spiritual oversight of their flocks. They must stop leading the way in this diabolical attempted syncretism of darkness and light!

Elisabeth R. and the "United Patriots" #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia washingtonexaminer.com

Elisabeth R., 75, an evangelical theologian and retired pastor and schoolteacher, was already well-known in German monarchist circles, being dubbed "the countess," according to T-Online[…]German press has dubbed her "Terror-Oma," or "Terror Granny," Bild reported[…]
The conspirators would destroy the country's power grid in order to trigger a blackout[…]In the resulting chaos, members would stage a coup, which would have apparently involved the conspirators kidnapping several celebrities, including Health Minister Karls Leuterbach, a central enemy in far-right circles in the country over his strict COVID-19 lockdown policies. The "United Patriots" Telegram chat named six ministers among them, apparently appointed by a "Prussian regent"[…]
Alongside Elisabeth R. as ringleaders of the group were a former East German Army officer and an East German Coast Guard seaman[…]
An AK-47 assault rifle was found in the home of one of the conspiracy members, along with ammunition, arrows, and a rapid-fire crossbow

Elisabeth R. was a member of Germany's Reichsburger[…]Many within these circles were aware of and actively discouraged the plot[…]
German radical drew enough attention from her writings to get her pension canceled, with the justification that she had "acted actively against the free democratic basic order[…]"She had discussed "asylum seeker tsunamis," "rape and slaughter," and the "secret remodeling of brain structures" through "genderism, digitization and 5G"

She also wrote extensively on the legal foundations for the illegitimacy of the modern democratic German state, claiming that the Versailles Treaty and Weimar Constitution were illegal

@GodlyPatriot #fundie #homophobia gettr.com

Listen to the warnings of the golden mouth preacher 1600+ years ago that is prophetic of our days ☦️ Chrysostom on homosexuality and lesbianism:

#lgbtqpedo is satanic & diabolical

"they burned in their lust one toward another." shows that the punishment (of turning our backs to God, and our bodies to the demons) was in this pleasure⚡
Remember Sodom:

Our response should not be PRIDE but humble cry for deliverance from satanic forces eating away at our souls and bodies 🛐😢 God desires purification to grant us the blessings of experiencing his kingdom forever🔥
For deeper understanding, #orthodoxchristian members & seekers, read the complete message on https://gab.com/GodlyPatriot/posts/108328472653189882
& https://biblehub.com/commentaries/chrysostom/romans/1.htm


Lauren Witzke & Various commenters #wingnut #fundie gab.com

(Lauren Witzke)
We need more fighters who will stand up for persecuted Christians as @DrPaulGosar does in office!

@LaurenWitzkeDE @DrPaulGosar Christians? Just shut up. This is antiwhitism, they are targeting whites.

@LaurenWitzkeDE @DrPaulGosar Donald Trump told you this would happen if Biden was elected president and he was right!

@Gunsmith4570 There have been damn few things Trump wasn't right about. Unlike Dopey Joe and Camel Toe who have missed every opportunity for adequacy.


@LaurenWitzkeDE @DrPaulGosar

I knew you were fucking ZOG.

@GodlyPatriot #wingnut #fundie #homophobia gettr.com

Rejoice ☦️ biden's #lgbtqpedo spokesperson said disinformation czar was cancelled because of #disinformation 🤣👏 Great when political power losses cause even the #bidencrimefamily to publicly attack their own ⚡ Thank God for the blessing 😇


#tuckercarlson #cancelculture #ministryoftruth #censorship #wokeculture

Nichole Morgan/JC/Rob #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

The most dangerous people in the world today are not easy to recognize. We don’t have to be accepting or tolerant of today’s evil people. If you are tolerant or accepting of evil and sin then you are not part of God. These people disguise themselves as doctors, teachers, police officers, mayors, governors, politicians, judges, scholars, church leaders, lawyers and on and on. They hold positions of so called “authority” over us.

That does not make them good. A position in life, a title or a degree from a school does not infer goodness on an individual.

These people hide their evil behind titles, badges, degrees, social media platforms and more. They are the double minded from the bible. They go to church on Sunday, go home, toss the bible on the shelf and go back to their evil lives until the next Sunday.

Not even knowing that Sunday is the first day of the week, not the seventh. They hunt Easter eggs, put up Christmas Trees and give out candy on Halloween. They lurk in the shadows and blur the lines between good and evil. Can you see them? I can.

They are as much a threat to you and your family as someone breaking into your home, they are just harder to identify.

Whats more you want these people to be good so you overlook what they really do and in many cases you enable them or outright work on their behalf while they do more evil and disguise it as good. You are afraid to speak out or are afraid of what other’s will think of you if you do. It does not matter what others think, it is what God knows about you that will count in the long run – JC

From Rob: We are seeing violence, theft, and murder starting to be the normal all across this nation.These people have no remorse! They are indifferent to Murder, rape, theft, and torture of people and animals. They are deceptive and have shallow emotions, and cannot feel the way we do.

Brian Niemeier #ufo #fundie #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

One consequence of Death Cult projection is the phenomenon of everyone else having the Cultists’ number, while the Cultists maintain delusions about normal people that are 180 degrees from reality.


Death Cultists care more about aliens than their own kids. And, as frequent readers of this blog know, aliens are just demons. So the map makes all kinds of sense.

Now do you understand why these people always try to seize the moral high ground? On the inside, they know they’re guilty of sin – as we all are. But then they get up on the social media soapbox and say, “This sin is actually a great moral good, so I’m good, and anyone who disagrees with me is evil.” It’s a diabolical inversion. And letting those inversions stand serves no one but Satan.

But the sad fact is that normal people have been too paralyzed by our besetting sin of cowardice. We’ve let the Cultists claim the moral high ground so many times, they’ve succeeded at inverting public morals. That’s why we can’t let these inversions go unchallenged.

At the same time, we have to be careful. As a commenter said recently, the Cult only has to win once to degrade civilization. Well, they’ve won countless times. So they wield a lot of power. Arguing online to oWn tHe LiBz just gives them a villain in their perpetual morality play to throw tomatoes at. Don’t don the devil horns. Instead, undermine a Cultist’s attempt to hijack and subvert Christian morality – and it’s always Christian morality – by calling her bluff.

The Witch Test has been a spiritual battle-tested and proven method of pulling the rug out from under Death Cultists for years. Familiarize yourself with it. Learn to apply it correctly. And use it on every valid subject you come across.

You’ll find more detailed instructions in my #1 best selling book.

TruNews/Richard D Wiles/Robert F. Kennedy Jr et al. #conspiracy #fundie #quack #crackpot #dunning-kruger #mammon greatestreset.movie

The Greatest News
Beast Rising

This TruNews documentary was produced to keep truth alive in a world of propaganda. People like you donated to TruNews to help produce the film. Please join them by giving something today for future projects.

The Movie
Executive Producer:
Richard D Wiles

Prince Charles, now King Charles III, told the opening session of a World Economic Forum virtual meeting on June 3, 2020, that world leaders had “a golden opportunity to seize something good” from the coronavirus pandemic. The future King of England saw Covid-19 as the way to “reset” human civilization and to recognize “the interdependence of all living things.” Reuters reported that Prince Charles’ speech was “part of a launch event for ‘The Great Reset’, a project involving the WEF and the Prince of Wales’s Sustainable Markets Initiative, aimed at rebuilding the economic and social system to be more sustainable.”
One month later, World Economic Forum founder and president Klaus Schwab published his book Covid-19: The Great Reset. It was a manifesto for a radical restructuring of human civilization. Indeed, the world dramatically changed in 2020 and 2021. The globalists told us that mask mandates, mRNA gene-therapy vaccines, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, school closings, social distancing, working from our homes, and online censorship of criticism of these things were part of the “new normal.”
The Greatest Reset: Beast Rising is a Christian response to the World Economic Forum’s globalists who think they were born to rule the world. Hopefully, this is the first film in a series of documentaries about the Greatest Reset – which is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the full manifestation of His kingdom. Christ is coming, but the Antichrist must come first.

Order your copy of the greatest reset dvd, shipping Winter 2022.

Muhammad Naeem Chattha Qadri #fundie #racist #psycho themuslimtimes.info

A YouTube video is circulating on social media with a speech by Muhammad Naeem Chattha Qadri, a senior cleric of Tehreek-e- Labbaik Pakistan (TLP). In the video, Qadri calls on his supporters to carry out attacks against pregnant Ahmadi mothers to “make sure that no new Ahmadis are born.” In a crescendo of hate, the preacher insisted that “there is but one punishment for blasphemers, decapitation.” He also said that, should the attacks on Ahmadi pregnant women not be successful, “those babies who are being born, should be killed.”

Qadri also threatened the police, should they attempt to interfere with TLP’s religious cleansing of the Ahmadis. “Those of you who are from the Police agencies, he said, or if there is any D.P.O (District Police Officer) or D.C (Deputy Commissioner) or S.H.O. (Police Station house officer) must understand that we cannot be stopped.”

Jonathan Shelley #fundie #racist #psycho twitter.com

We need to be warned of this serpent seed of the devil. These Jews that are out there. Because they want to destroy everything that’s holy, and everything that’s righteous, and, in our culture, it is not acceptable to say anything negative about them.

[Imitating a critic] Haven’t you heard about the Holocaust, Pastor Shelley?

Yeah. Why do I care?

I mean, if someone walks into a homo bar and shoots them all-shoots a bunch of homos and kills all of them-you know how many tears I shed for that? Zero.

And you know what? People that worship the devil, I don’t care how many of them die. I don’t care. You say, “Well, Adolf Hitler was evil!” Absolutely! That guy was full of the devil, okay? That guy was an antichrist figure. Absolutely. You know what? If an Antichrist kills another Antichrist, I don’t cry even one second.

Well, did they kill six million?

I doubt it. Only if we were lucky.

This sermon is not nice!

It’s not. How many lawsuits can I get? I don’t know.
But let me tell you something: If you’re gonna be like Jesus, you have to do something. You have to preach against the Jews. And it’s not popular. No one likes it. You’re gonna get a lot of heat for it. But you know what? I’d rather preach the truth on this issue and get all the heat for it, than to be a coward and try to worship the Jew, like most Baptists.

We will not worship that Jew.
And we need to be the loudest voice out here, explaining how the Jews are wicked, evil, Satanic people that hate the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am not Judeo-Christian. Our country should not be Judeo-Christian. Texas should not support these wicked people.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy realjewnews.com

Thrown in your face:

Force-fed wars, anal sex, drag queens, degeneracy, and mutilation of children’s testicles and genitals.

This is the kind of dreck coming out of DC, and neither Trump nor DeSantis can fix it.

Both are “Israel Firsters.”

That means whatever’s good for the Jews is good for Trump and DeSantis.
Here’s their schwartza shill, Lloyd Austin, rapt in adoration of his Ukrainian counterpart, the Yid, Oleksii Reznikov.

Oh, it makes the Yids all over de vorld, just vanna shimmy, do the Kizomba-Kompa jungle mumba, seeing this schwartza baboon woo and spoon this vittle little yiddle who’s been given a gold-plated key to the US Treasury.
We are being played.

It’s being built into our monthly national cycle:

‘Pride Month of June’ is nothing less than celebrating for thirty dirty days:

Anal sex between men, dildo sex between women, gender confusion, and child genital mutilation.
Last time I checked, shoving a penis up another man’s feces, is ignoble, ugly, unworthy of one’s manhood.

The very act of anal penetration sends a man to hell where demons stick their scorpion-tipped tails up the practitioner’s arse.
Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed for less.

DC is the enemy of Jesus Christ.

If you love God you must hate DC.

You cannot serve God and Mammon.

Not only religious and moral issues are at stake, but practical and economic ones, too.

Under DC, your children face mandatory health-endangering ‘vaccines’ required to be educated.

Under DC, your children will learn to hate their skin color and their White Christian heritage.

Under DC, your borders are ravaged, drugs come pouring in, human trafficking explodes, and your demographics are altered forever.

Under DC, your property taxes increase, tied to escalating inflation, and home-ownership becomes a thing of the past.

Under DC, Third World illiterates are re-settled in Middle America, and your culture and racial unity are dismantled forever.

Under DC, firearms are eliminated and all you’re left with is squirt guns.

Lisette Verdi #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #enbyphobia saltradioministries.com

The trend toward trans-humanism has really come to the forefront of the Luciferian global agenda in the past few years. If Luciferians have their way, they will have you believing wholeheartedly that the next necessary step for humanity is the transcendence to a brand new species: The Übermensche, the Overman, the Homo Superior.

The root of the transhumanism movement is found in Luciferians and Satanists who disguised themselves as atheists such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Charles Darwin, Julian Bruxley, Aleistair Crowely to name a few. All of these men share membership in high degree Freemasonry which does not bring any surprise considering the long-standing agenda that Freemasons have held for centuries. For Freemasons, the ultimate goal, by any means necessary, is to facilitate the removal of God completely from humanity while Satan slithers into His place.
What’s important to know…

In order to grasp these deeply Satanic messages in this type of programming, one must consider a few ideas:

There is a counterfeit messiah on the rise that scripture tells us is the Antichrist.

He will attempt to mimic and surpass God, mimic Christ as the savior of mankind, the “better” idea for mankind.

He will offer to heal the sick, give sight to the blind, and heal the planet.

He will offer eternal life without Christ.

He will mock God’s creation in every way possible (erasing gender roles and gender identity, muting male and female in combination with machine into one symbolized by the Baphomet.

Agendas that include removing natural human procreation and the natural family from society (abortion, homosexuality, the “family” is facing extinction)

Humans become their own god with godlike abilities. No death, no hell, self-will to godlike status.

To normalize this idea in film and programming so that the younger generation desensitizes to the idea.

@GodlyPatriot #fundie #homophobia #transphobia gettr.com

77% of customers unite against hatred and targeted destruction of our children in United States ☦️ Causes Coinbase to keep politics out of #lgbtqpedo pubic policy promoters. 95% of Republicans, 50%of democrat party members and 85% of independent voters are also uniting at the polls , turning even blue states red and red states with election integrity protection laws and poll watchers, even more prochild and pro-family and pro faith ⚡ 😇
Now even #netflix is rethinking its horrifying strategy to only openly allow sacrifice children to the demonic #lgbtqpedo shows. They're starting to allow comedians to call out trans indoctrination censorship but not enough rebranding to fool customers 🤔👏

@GodlyPatriot #fundie #homophobia gettr.com

God calls us to Worship Him in Spirit and Truth, Orthodox Christian filled with Power of The Holy Spirit transforming us from Grace unto Grace ☦️🕊️🔥

Stand up to Nero like antichrist forces like these faithful heroes of our One Holy Orthodox Christian faith ⚡

Spread the Light of God as Photini the woman at the well and her faithful family members🕯️🎉 don't bow to government forces allied with demonic #lgbtqpedo but grow in God's Power now and forever ♾️😇


#christisrisen #photini #orthodoxchristian #thegospelofjesuschrist

Ron Johnson #fundie #transphobia #kinkshaming lgbtqnation.com

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is the latest Republican politician to insist that kids are using litter boxes in schools as part of a rant attacking transgender youth.

During a recent tele-town hall event, Johnson was questioned by a caller who claimed that his niece told him that her school had provided litter boxes for students who believe they are cats. The caller, who identified himself as a former Democrat, wanted to know whether the senator had heard about things like that happening and whether Johnson would support a federal law similar to Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law.

One of the things that COVID did was that parents were looking over their kids’ shoulders and they became aware of the indoctrination of our children by radical leftists within our education system,” he said.

He went on to claim that he’d heard “on a radio talk show” that England’s National Health Service (NHS) has declared that “transgenderism” is “just a phase for children” and that we shouldn’t “accommodate the phase.” Johnson continued his misinformed rant saying that children should not be given “gender-blocking drugs” or receive “sex change operations.” In reality, gender-affirming genital surgeries are not performed on minors.

Johnson concluded by claiming that teachers are “pushing this stuff on our kids.”

Ken Ham #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

The moral issues before us, Gay "marriage", Racism, Abortion etc., are all symptoms of the one problem--people building their thinking on the wrong foundation of man's word. The solution has always been for people to believe the truth of God's Word & the saving gospel and...

build their thinking on God's Word. Out of God's Word comes a worldview of moral absolutes because God's Word is the absolute authority. “Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that...

very day his plans perish. Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God, who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, who keeps faith forever;” (Psalm 146:3–6)

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #conspiracy christorchaos.com

[From "The Robber Council Turns Sixty"]

Although the sixtieth anniversary of the opening of the “Second” Vatican Council on October 11, 1962, has come and gone, it is important to remember that October 28, 1958, marked the beginning of the robber council’s preparation when Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII stepped out on the balcony of the Basilica of Saint Peter after much confusion during the conclave that settled upon him rather than Pope Pius XII’s natural successor, Giuseppe Cardinal Siri[…]
The real engineer of the rupture presented by the “Second” Vatican Council was none other Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini/Paul VI, who got votes in the 1958 conclave[…]even though he[…]was not even a member of the College of Cardinals[…]
Jorge Mario Bergoglio has taken the “new ecclesiology” to mean that all “believers”[…]are saved as long as they “do good," and he has built on the foundation of the attack upon the monarchical nature of the papacy that is "episcopal collegiality"[…]
The “Second” Vatican Council proclaimed the heresy of “religious liberty and the conciliar “popes” have consistently praised nonexistent ability of false religions to "contribute" to the "betterment"[…]
The entire fabric of the counterfeit church of conciliarism’s teaching on the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, including its endorsement of the falsehood that is "natural family planning"[…]
Everything that the conciliar “popes” have done in the past sixty four years has pointed to a very well thought-out plan to change the entire nature of how the conciliar “Petrine ministry” is exercised[…]
While we hope and pray that this will help a few Catholics to leave the conciliar structures and to reject the Gallican heresies of the Society of Saint Pius X[…]to embrace the true state of the Church Militant in this time of apostasy and betrayal, we must pray to Our Lady to persevere in the true Catholic Faith

South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia wistv.com

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - Two of the men vying to lead South Carolina for the next four years outlined their visions for the state’s future Wednesday, with one pitching for South Carolina to stay its current course and the other arguing his opponent is pulling the state back to the past.

Republican Gov. Henry McMaster, seeking re-election for a second term, and former Democratic Congressman Joe Cunningham met Wednesday in Columbia for their first and only currently scheduled debate ahead of the Nov. 8 election.


“I think it was fine the way it was before under Roe v. Wade,” Cunningham said. “…If an abortion ban comes to Gov. McMaster’s desk with no exceptions, he’ll sign it, and I’ll veto it.”

Prior to Roe’s overturn, McMaster had indicated his support for a ban from conception without exceptions, but he has since said he finds the exceptions included in the state’s currently-blocked six-week ban — for the life and health of the mother, sexual assault victims, and fatal fetal anomalies — as reasonable.

South Carolina’s Republican-dominated legislature has been attempting since the summer to further restrict abortions, but lawmakers have not been able to come to an agreement on a final bill.


Questioning later turned to what would happen if the Supreme Court overturned another precedent, protecting same-sex marriage nationwide.

McMaster said he would follow a current state law that bans it. While that law is still on the books, it has been unenforceable following the court’s 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision to require states recognize same-sex marriages.

“Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I think marriage ought to be between a man and a woman, just like I think that boys ought to play in boys’ sports and girls ought to play in girls’ sports,” McMaster said.

Cunningham, seemingly caught by surprise by McMaster’s response, responded the governor was taking the state backwards.

“Gov. McMaster has been leading South Carolina into the 1950s since the 1980s,” Cunningham said.

@GodlyPatriot #fundie #homophobia gettr.com

#lgbtqpedo is dangerous to humanity ☦️ #homosexualpox now called #monkeypox reminds us of the time when #gaycancer or #grid (gay related immuno deficient) was changed to #aids , because the science confirming that homosexual Acts leading to global disease on mankind, would be too devastating to the demonic agenda to promote evil as good 🤔‼️

#orthodoxchristian #homosexualityisanabomination

LORD Jesus Christ move hearts to humbly repent of evil and wickedness before more suffer unnecessarily now and forever 😢😢♾️☦️🕊️ Save us LORD but you do not desire anyone to perish but became man to save us ☦️restore our call to become like God🛐😇🔥

Aleksei Pavlov #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #magick #psycho #racist #wingnut vice.com

Aleksei Pavlov, an assistant secretary on the Security Council of Russia, has called for the “desatanization” of Ukraine.

“I believe that with the continuation of the special military operation, it becomes more and more urgent to carry out the de-Satanization of Ukraine,” Pavlov said.

Pavlov said he didn’t know how many covens of satanists there were in Ukraine but that he expected it to be in the hundreds. “Some of them were created ‘having been sharpened in advance for a specific purpose and flock’, others ‘simply existed as branches of richer patrons,’ others— ‘and did in the form of a kind of closed joint-stock company with a couple of hundred small-town adepts,’” the TASS story said, quoting Pavlov. He also highlighted the fact that the Church of Satan is an officially recognized religion in the U.S. and that its influence has been spreading in Ukraine since the 1990s.

On the Russia-1 television channel, satanism has come up repeatedly. “Who is the Ukrainian God? It’s the devil, basically,” a guest on one of Russia-1’s shows said, according to a translation by Russian Media Monitor’s Julia Davis. “And when we’re surprised at the cruelty of these people, there’s nothing to be surprised at. That’s paganism. It demands human sacrifices. It demands blood.”

The Great Work #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com


• 1. Self-Preservation: This includes the preservation of one’s agenda and one’s group above all. This is in direct opposition to conscience, compassion, and love.

• 2. Moral Relativism: This denial of the objective difference between right and wrong allows psychopaths to falsely justify their violence and aggression against others.

• 3. Social Darwinism: This concept of a social version of “survival of the fittest” leads psychopaths to believe that they are the most socially evolved people in society. They actually believe that their lack of compassion and their ruthlessness are evolutionarily superior traits.

• 4. Eugenics: Since they consider themselves superior, they believe they have the right to decide who lives and who dies.

Ian Thompson #crackpot #fundie ianthompson.org

The causal closure of the physical world is assumed everywhere in physics but has little empirical support within living organisms. For the spiritual to have effects in nature, and make a difference there, the laws of physical nature would have to be modified or extended. I propose that the renormalized parameters of quantum field theory (masses and charges) are available to be varied locally in order to achieve ends in nature. This is not adding extra forces to nature but rescaling the forces which already exist. We separate metric time in 4 dimensions from process time as the order of actualization of potentialities. This is to allow iterative forward and reverse steps in metric time to influence intermediate variations in the vacuum permittivities to move charged bodies towards achieve specific targets at a later time. Then mental or spiritual influx could have effects in nature, and these should be measurable in biophysics experiments. With this proposal, we see after some centuries how ‘final causes’ could once again be seen active in nature.

Sidney Secular #racist #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy newswithviews.com

We are a stateless people with no political representation whatsoever. Non-whites have 535 politicians in Washington, DC representing them. Whites have none, zero, nada! As a result, white genocide continues apace because there is no real resistance to its implementation.

White genocide is well underway on another front - a matter that the insightful have seen happening for many decades but to which the decadent, deluded and mostly decrepit politicians and clueless citizens are oblivious or uncaring. The frightful constellation of movers and shakers that manipulate the zeitgeist ever leftwards, lurching towards the abyss, include the “legacy media” that is leaving us with a legacy of their treachery, NGOs, “reformed” religious organizations, big corporations, tech tyrants and the increasingly traitorous US Government, that is purposefully and happily engaged in ethnic cleansing of the White race from the face of the earth. The legacy is much more than that of such matters as increased crime, wage depression, economic displacement and destroyed social trust and cultural continuity – although it does involve all of these things.
There are many ways to fight and possibly win without directly confronting the system. Good people must find a Christian church that’s not yet of the devil – they do exist! – and become active in it in order to form a coalition of church members in the society to help create the required groups for an established Christian society
In these dangerous days in which the Deep State is able to see and know everything, it is wise avoid cocktail chatter over the insanities of the present system including national debt, balanced budgets and etc. because these are beyond anything the average person can influence. Furthermore, they encourage the interest of Big Brother! Rather, we should discuss the issues that individuals and small groups can influence and especially issues pertaining to the war on whites and how we can survive it.

Lila Rose #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Really tired of the media‘s outright LIE that all American women were so upset when Roe was overturned. Absolutely not. Millions of women celebrated. We still do. And now we are fighting our hardest to make sure laws protect all children. Abortion is sick & evil & we will end it.

Gregcyber #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #psycho #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Re: Taylor Swift Will Release Midnights Teaser During Prime Video's Thursday Night Football

from a previous Taylor Swift video:


Long ago she would be burned in a fire till death for mating and or promoting sex with the African Apes and African Dogs or any Bestiality.
It was in the bible long ago to kill these animals that mate outside of their own race, when the white race was pure.

But somehow, religion promotes Bestiality now.

Exodus 22:19

19 “Whoever lies with an animal shall be put to death.

As sperm from mammals is the smallest cell in the mammal's body and sperm is programed to invade cells and release its DNA Package into the living cell. Kind of like a virus.

This has to do with Males DNA being sharded with the other man or beast.
Aids is a DNA Package that finds compatible cells to host the DNA.
DNA and sperm are smart cells and when sperm finds a male-on-male cell, the DNA, by nature tries to kill the Male on Male.

Africans have a corrupted blood cell, Sickle Cell Disease and think, black tight curly hair follicles that are not found on any other mammal.

The African she lays with is her lust for sex pleasure, and she created the life forum just for sex.
What she did not know, is the power of nature, taking in the male's sperm of a beast (serpent) would change her DNA into a beast.
Females have more pleasure nerves in the reproductive glands / organ then male mammals, and the sperm from the male mammal is like the tree of knowledge.

If the female takes in enough male sperm, by drinking by mouth and using her Birth Canal to take in male sperm, where the eggs (fruit) are, and repletely over one time or many times, depending on how foreign the two life forums are, the male's sperm will slowly program the female's DNA to conceive and reproduce life, that's the power of nature.

Males and Females are God like; they create life in their own image, like a female can create corrupted life forums and then share it with the males.
The Great redeemer hides the sins of man and beast.

If a female seeks pleasure any way she can, the female is the slave master and will enslave her man, sons, father and brothers for she lusts of comforts.

hiscosmicgoldfish/Ishraqiyun/Xpistis sopheiaX #fundie #magick #conspiracy christianforums.com

Am I correct in thinking that the god Yahweh of the exodus etc. was a creation of the archons, and that Jesus was on a mission to expose this jealous, angry Yahweh? What are archons? Of late I have been thinking that this murderous psychopath, Yahweh, cannot be God, but was an imposter.

Yeah, YHWH - Yaldabaoth was the father and chief of the archons. The archons are beings of ignorance, sleep, and psychological disorder that seem to be ruled by unconscious drives for power and domination. Out of their ignorance evil often arises. They are jealous of humanity because of our divine spark and they try to keep us hypnotized and asleep so that we do not correct our mistakes and so that we come to lack a high level of awareness. They are beings of a psychic rather than spiritual nature. They may have strong powers of logical thought but lack imagination or inspiration. They are often described as reptilian in nature, or locust like, and in more modern times as robotic machine beings. They are alien inorganic forms of life that often have a parasitic relation to man. The grey aliens of UFO lore are good example.

<Xpistis sopheiaX>

Yes, YHWH is basically the first archon.

Part of Christ's mission was to free us from the control of the archons, as it is our duty now.

From the time I was 10 years old I could tell a serious difference between YHWH and Christ, and was always baffled by how they could possibly be so different. I was always told that there "is no difference" which is obviously a lie. It came as no shock to me to find that some of the earliest Christians felt the same way.

However, I don't know how literally you want to consider YHWH as an actual entity. I'm more of the opinion that YHWH is simply a false image of God. He doesn't actually exist outside of people's minds and Bibles.

Jennifer LeClaire #fundie #magick charismanews.com

God doesn't want us to fall into a pit of witchcraft. He warned His people, "Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God" (Lev. 19:31).

Catch that. Prophetic witchcraft defiles you. The Contemporary English Version of this Scripture reads, "Don't make yourselves disgusting to Me by going to people who claim they can talk to the dead." And The Message puts it this way: "Don't dabble in the occult or traffic with mediums; you'll pollute your souls. I am God, your God."

Defile means "to make unclean or impure." It means "to corrupt." It means "to contaminate." God calls us to be holy even as He is holy. Prophetic witchcraft and holiness do not mix.

True prophets pursue holiness and teach others to do the same. Ezekiel 44:23 tells us, "And they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and the unholy, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean."
When the Lord exposes prophetic witchcraft to you and you ignore His warnings, you come under the deception of prophetic witchcraft and it defiles you. Some of the spirit that's on them begins to influence you—and it's not the Holy Spirit.

Be sure, the Holy Spirit always warns us when there are counterfeit prophetic operations in our midst. He expects us to discern His warnings of prophetic witchcraft. It's our responsibility to pick up on His warnings.
I'm convinced those who operate in prophetic witchcraft reproduce after their own kind. Maybe they were taught some of the evil practices that defiled them, but that doesn't mean you need to let that teaching defile you.
Looking at this from the contrary view, walking in the counsel of the ungodly and standing in the path of prophetic witch- craft can bring curses in your life. God is certainly not cursing you, but when you are opening yourself up to demons and when you finally cut the cord, prophetic witchcraft operators will curse you on the way out.

Nick Fuentes #fundie #wingnut rightwingwatch.org

Nick Fuentes[…]declared during a livestream Tuesday night that he is going to spend the next two years raising up an army of thousands of far-right “soldiers” who will be ready to take over the government should former President Donald Trump be reelected in 2024[…]
Those who filled the ranks of government under Trump, Fuentes griped, were too concerned about their own lives and the welfare of their families to be willing to sacrifice it all for the cause[…]
“We need to raise an army of soldiers, not an army of pussies that have the right opinions,” Fuentes bellowed. “We need to raise an army of soldiers, and if you’re meek or weak or you’re a bitch, you need to hit the bricks because it’s finished, that movement is dead”

“This is my mission statement,” he continued. “My mission for 2024 is to raise an army of at least 1,000 groypers that will infiltrate Capitol Hill and the Trump administration as staffers and bureaucrats[…]
“I’ve recognized my role,” Fuentes said. “I’ve got an audience of young people. I’m respected. I’m a role model, and I’ve got an audience of energetic, zealous Christian American patriots. My exclusive mission in the next two years is to get as many of them as possible trained, vetted, testified, fortified, tested, and plug them in to Washington, D.C., or various other institutions, plug them into Capitol Hill, plug them into the White House[…]
“It’s our job to create an entire generation, a true movement, a cadre of 50,000 people to take over the government and create a lasting MAGA institutional revolution at every level of government,”[…]
“We got to come back in ’24 with the vengeance,” he declared. “Not care what the media says, not care what your friends and family say, not care what anybody says. It’s got to be, ‘Trump 2024: Make America Great Again Or Else.’ Like, at all costs. ‘America First At Any Cost’

Various commenters #wingnut #fundie gab.com


spoilerBiblical Christianity is unpopular
Popular Christianity is unbiblical

@I_Am_Texas Had a friend leave our church, asked him why, said he was tired of hearing how BAD he was! Well, that's what biblical enlightenment does, it pulls the covers off our sins! We then see how helpless we are WITHOUT Jesus! That's why we NEED Jesus! Sin is slavery, Jesus is freedom!

@I_Am_Texas Awsome bubba! It's so true. When I went to church and young kid the ministers would speak against sin. They spoke against homosexuals they spoke against but the prosperity thing and trying to be humble and christ-like but that ain't the way it is though. All these churches are apostate and I refuse to go back. They all signed the 501c3 and once they do that you never hear anything about what you need to really hear. It's like government-controlled church and I'm so fagot comes to get married and that Minister doesn't do it he'll lose her tax free status.

@I_Am_Texas popular Christianity is brought to you by the jew trash.

What constitutes "Biblical Christianity?"

@Karolus_Magnus. No gay, no premarital sex, being a person who follows the biblical commands of Jesus


Excellent question: likely #Jewish responses on the main. Let's see...

Kenneth Daniel #fundie whnt.com

BLOUNT COUNTY, Ala. (WIAT) — A pastor of a Jefferson County church has been arrested and charged with a child sex offense, Blount County Sheriff Mark Moon confirmed.

Kenneth Daniel, 64, was charged with facilitating solicitation of unlawful sexual conduct with a child, according to jail records from the BCSO. He was booked into the Blount County Jail on the felony charge Wednesday night.

A seven-year-old victim told her grandfather that Daniel, who is a pastor at First Baptist Church of Chalkville, had been sexually abusing her.

The girl reported that Daniel had touched her private parts numerous times at his residence, a pool party and the church.

Kanye West #racist #fundie #conspiracy timesofisrael.com

Kanye West launched into a fresh tirade against Jewish people during a podcast appearance on Sunday, after being restricted from major social media platforms for similar rants

The hip-hop star, now known as Ye, spoke on Revolt TV’s “Drink Champs” podcast, hosted by rapper N.O.R.E. and DJ EFN, where he made antisemitic claims regarding Jewish ties to media and wealth

“You get used to paparazzi taking a picture of you, and you don’t get money off it. You just get used to being screwed by the Jewish media,” West raged, adding that “the Jewish media blocked me out”

“Jewish people have owned the Black voice. Whether it’s through us wearing the Ralph Lauren shirt, or it’s all of us being signed to a record label, or having a Jewish manager, or being signed to a Jewish basketball team, or doing a movie on a Jewish platform like Disney”

He also repeated an earlier claim made in an Instagram post that he couldn’t be antisemitic, since black people were descended from Jews because they had the “blood of Christ,” echoing claims made by the Black Hebrew Israelites, which is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center[…]
On the podcast, West blamed “Jewish Zionists” for news stories revealing that his ex-wife Kim Kardashian and her then-boyfriend, comedian Pete Davidson, had sex in front of a fireplace

“It’s Jewish Zionists that’s about that life. That’s telling this Christian woman that has four black children to put that out as a message,” he charged

In another wild claim about Jewish people and wealth, West said that Catholics refused to work on divorce cases, “so the Jewish lawyers came in and were willing to divorce people. That’s how they came into the money”

Responding to Los Angeles apparel designer Dov Charney’s call for West to visit the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, the rapper said Charney should visit Planned Parenthood, calling it “our Holocaust Museum” in reference to comments he has made on abortion

US Anon #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie boards.4chan.org

Travis Scott’s Astroworld

The one year anniversary of the Astroworld concert where 10 zoomzooms died is coming up on November 5th. I don’t know if anyone remembers but there was all kinds of shit going on that night, to the point where normies even started questioning what happened.

1. All of the satanic imagery at the concert. The stage was a literal mountain of eyes sitting over a hellmouth surrounded by flames. The catchphrase for the concert was “See you on the other side”. Travis Scott also released a new song the day of the concert called “Escape Plan”. The album art for Escape Plan featured Travis Scott depicted as Batboy from the Weekly World News tabloids saying THE REAL DYSTOPIA IS HERE! Astroworld 2021 took place 666 months and 6 days after the founding of the Church of Satan, which is also the same date as Travis Scott’s birthday, April 30th.

2. The clip of Travis Scott singing while staring straight at an obviously dead guy getting hauled away by EMTs like it didn’t phase him. Other clips of blue and purple colored zoomers getting CPR performed on them while the concert kept going on.

3. The attendees said that there were way more dead bodies than what the official death count was. Attendees also said they tried to get the attention of the production crew livestreaming the concert to tell them that there were people dying in the crowd and the production crew told them to fuck off.

4. There was low frequency music blasting for hours before the show causing an uneasy feeling amongst attendees. Videos from attendees about the atmosphere at the concert compared to feeling like they were “in hell”. Also, all attendees had to be vaxxed to attend and there was an active 5G tower in the middle of the concert grounds.

5. Travis Scott seemingly came up out of nowhere. Why was this rapper pushed so hard?

6. People were being injected with unknown shit in the crowd, including one security guard.

Eyewitness saying he felt like he was in a concert in hell: https://twitter.com/officialshaane/status/1456898085792124936

Horned figure appears behind Travis and Drake during Sicko Mode: https://i.4cdn.org/pol/1666343283111534.gif

@Trini_Patriot #conspiracy #fundie gettr.com


The Lord is raising his armies right now we will take these people down and take back what's ours for us and the entire world. This has to go on worldwide in order for it to work. This will be the last world war man versus satanic pedophiles..

Various commenters #wingnut #fundie gab.com

Dear Christians: if you’re not hurting the feelings of the neo-pagans, the atheists, the abortion fanatics, and the LBGT crowd then you’re doing it wrong.

They don’t own the moral high ground.

You do.

@EmeraldRobinson So will you call out the jews or will you be a coward??

@EmeraldRobinson You going to call out jews or just trying to get christians to fight their Pagan kith and kin, many of whom are on their side, more?


Pro-White pagans, christians, and atheists who put race first will be what pulls us through the current time.

Putting religion first and forsaking your race is exactly what the people trying to genocide us want you to do.

@toomuchjuicex @EmeraldRobinson God first. A race war in America is the next crisis they want to use to justify controlling, then genociding us.

@deguerre00 @EmeraldRobinson Nonsense.

But keep doing the work of the jew.

White people have been divided by the jew agenda for decades now, while every other race has been united against us.

They are genociding Whites. The only response to White genocide is #WhiteUnity.

@toomuchjuicex @EmeraldRobinson White unity at every opportunity

@DagnarOdinsson Christians are commanded by Jesus to put faith above family.

The size of the United White group matters less than the strength of the unity within. We cannot give a free pass to the religion of shabbos goyism, since they will not have their priorities straight. They will not Unite with us. Jesus is NOT WELCOME within the unity of Whites, because he was never White.

Christian beliefs have ALREADY caused White genocide. From many nations, we have become merely "White". MudWhites. Left intact, Christianity will cause White genocide. There is no White Unity with Christianity.

We are infinitely better off leaving them to fend for themselves, then trying to deal with the disunity which is a deliberate effect of the faith. As Jesus said, "I have not come to bring peace but a sword. [A sword that divides families and households against themselves.]"

@toomuchjuicex @EmeraldRobinson

Marcionite Christian Church #quack #fundie #crackpot prlog.org

Citing the dangerous and unknown nature of RNA/DNA vaccines and their potential to permanently alter the genetic structure of humans, the Marcionite Christian Church has forbidden its members worldwide from receiving the vaccines for seven-years beginning August 1st, 2020.

The edict (Subitis Medicinae Edicto) issued by the Central Pontiate also bans participation in the use of nanovaccinology for a period of three-years as more is learned about the implications of the technology.

Church spokesman, Darren Kelama, says New Testament scripture also played a role in their decision: "Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" (1 Corinthians 6:19)

"Our understanding is that DNA vaccines inject synthesized genes, altering the human genetic makeup forever in unknown ways. And the RNA vaccines have the potential to trigger autoimmune reactions wherein the body attacks itself. Permanently altering a perfect creation of God using the cover story of a virus like Covid, which is about as dangerous as the flu, is not a risk we're willing to take," added Kelama.

Various fundie parents #biphobia #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick #transphobia #god-complex #homophobia nbcnews.com

A mural painted by a high school student came under fire when parents alleged it was promoting LGBTQ imagery and witchcraft.

Earlier this year, a Grant, Michigan, high school sophomore won a contest “to brighten up” the middle school health center, according to a statement from Grant Public Schools (GPS). GPS says the student received approval to paint images of “smiling children” and as well as the message “Stay Healthy.”


At a school board meeting on Oct. 10, parents accused the student artist of promoting witchcraft by including the Hamsa hand [a Latin American good luck symbol] as well as the video game character that bears the likeness of a demon. Parents also objected to the use of LGBTQ colors.

“I put my art up there to make people feel welcome,” the student artist said, her voice breaking, in footage captured at the meeting by WZZM-TV, a local news station based in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

One man at the meeting called the mural “hate material.”

Another adult at the meeting said, “I feel like (she) did a really good job finding excuses to defend the things you put on. None of us are that stupid.”

The student artist left the meeting in tears.

Jana #crackpot #ufo #magick #racist #fundie #conspiracy unshackledminds.com

The VaXXX is there to create babies with no souls. The VaXXX kills the soul.
Any living creature or robot, or clone (they are soulless) can be possessed by demonic entities.
If the reptilian demonic, former angels/now,demons of Hell who make the VaXXX, that changes your DNA permanently, then they are your creator Gods and you have a connection to them and do their will.
Before the demons of Maldak/fallen angels fell and blew up their entire physical dimension, they were beautiful. Now they are spirit only, no physical bodies. They became reptilian and ugly 7 to 10 feet tall.
There are a group who came from Adam and Eve, on your planet who are not human and have no souls. They were given reptilian DNA, from the still living fallen angels. They settled in Khazaria. They worshipped the Gods who created them in their own image/their DNA the reptilians from Maldak which is now Hell. THey are not Human, but hybrids. After the destruction of Atlantis, they went underground. Their slaves/robots that were once human are the grey, they built and underground tunnel system all over the earth.
A demon is any life that is soulless, created by the reptilians/the devils of Hell.
Like the Khazarian Ashkenazi are.
There is a war going on, to decide who you each choose of your own free will to belong to, because you are mixed.
The ones with reptilian DNA, will choose their true creator Gods, they do not have souls, so they know nothing of the God who created humans anymore and never will, they work for and do the will of the fallen demons only.
Only those, with no reptilian DNA, pure bloods, who still have souls, could never disconnect from their true creator, God. They know God, because he created them to evolve, higher into his image.
He came as Jesus and again as Hitler to save those who went astray.
Now the sheep and goats will be separated as it says in the Bible, handbook for evolution higher into his image.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

The creator of the Abraham Accords, Mohamed bin Zayed, is working overtime to bring to life the One World Religion of Chrislam, and now it has a soundtrack. Promoting the ‘holy trinity’ of Peace, Love and Tolerance, the Abrahamic Symphony. No expense has been spared to create a work that is visually beautiful, musically lush, and quite terrifying if you believe what your King James Bible has to say about the end times.

If you had to boil it down into a single thought, what is the One World Religion of Chrislam at its heart? It is the idea of wanting to have peace and love apart from Jesus Christ, and the only person who wants to bring you ‘peace, love and tolerance’ without Jesus is, of course, Antichrist who desires that Isaiah 14:13-14 glory above all else. Guess what? God is going to let him have it, but only for 7 short years.

Let me tell you something about the nature of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that He is the way, the truth and the life, and guess what He will not be doing when He returns at the Second Coming? He won’t be tolerating the world’s religions for even a nanosecond. King Jesus is coming to rule as a military dictator, and “in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts.” Offensive, you say? You bet it is, and a whole lot more than that coming up.

I have often wondered what it will look like when Antichrist is demanding people take his Mark while standing in front of the guillotine he will use as a ‘persuasion tactic’. I can picture brave Tribulation saints singing praises to God, refusing the Mark, name, number and image of the Beast, and choosing to be with Jesus Christ instead. What’s playing in the background as these dear souls go to a martyr’s death? Why, the Abrahamic Symphony, of course. It will be quite the scene, and coming soon to a theater near you.

Patriarch Kirill #fundie rferl.org

Patriarch Kirill, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, has told his followers that "sacrifice in the course of carrying out your military duty washes away all sins"

The patriarch's comments during his Sunday sermon on September 25 came amid nationwide protests and rising criticism over the Kremlin's recent announcement of a partial mobilization to replenish Russian forces fighting in Ukraine[…]
Russian officials have said the draft would focus on reservists and would bring 300,000 fresh troops to the war effort. But Russian media has said the real target is 1 million new troops[…]
Kirill, a prominent supporter of President Vladimir Putin who has "blessed" the war effort and warned by Pope Francis against becoming "Putin's altar boy," has previously claimed that Russians were doing a "heroic deed" by killing Ukrainians, even as he has urged them not to see the Ukrainian people as enemies

"We know that many today are dying in the fields of internecine battle," Kirill said at a church near Moscow on September 25. "The church is praying that this battle will end as soon as possible, that as few brothers as possible will kill each other in this fratricidal war"

However, he added, "The church realizes that if someone, driven by a sense of duty and the need to honor his oath, stays loyal to his vocation and dies while carrying out his military duty, then he is, without any doubt, doing a deed that is equal to sacrifice"[…]
Following Russia's invasion in February, about 400 parishes of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine that had remained loyal to Kirill cut ties with the Russian Orthodox Church over the patriarch's position on the war

Daniel Davis #fundie fantasticfossils.quora.com

People looking for meteors to have wiped them out; dividing the fossil layers like tree rings; extrapolative age calculation by context of half of what their eyes tell them; ignoring the mid oceanic ridges/trench; ignoring polystrata fossils; claiming that hundreds of millions of years of star soup can mutate into micro cabbage patch children that while yes any life can evolve non life can not do so. If a leaf fossil showing its veins can be half darker and half lighter based on which layer each half of the fossil occurs in and showing itself to be by current agreed upon theoretical standards half fifty million years older than the other half, the people saying that are utter morons standing on the shoulders of guesses they are too afraid to question anymore because of the politics of funding and haven’t done any real science a day in their lives. Sedimentation at the rates it had to occur to make lakes of fossil fuels could only be caused by millions of megatons of force obliterating the surface of the earth so that the bodies and plants of a region were all sealed in together like biological soup; and even microbes in the seawater itself - innumerable oceanic microbes died all at once to settle atop the other fossils and form various chalks. The force that it takes to make a crevice a third of the way around the globe and break apart the continental plates - we have all the evidence of that staring us in the face but our eyes have refused to see out of hatred for God of the scriptures; it was a great breaking open of the pressurized deep as Genesis states plainly. No dinosaur in those layers lived at any different time than each other or than man; we simply lived in a higher EM environment with a different atmospheric composition closer to the sun with earth on a vertical axis and some bodies of deep sea creatures and elements separated from the force of the shaking and earthquake waves were more dense and dark, settling deeper; while others contained more oxygen and bacteria that cause bloating and did not settle as deep in the resulting mineral mire.

@GodlyPatriot #fundie #wingnut #homophobia gettr.com

Respond to God's voice in Christ Jesus today and humbly turn from wickedness ☦️ with God's mercies there is hope 😇 remember the result of Jonah's message: national repentance & delivered. But also be warned: not repenting calls on the demons to unleash their fury 😢 God is not willing that anyone should perish but once all to come to eternal life in Christ Jesus 🕊️ Yield to the Holy Spirit and exalt Jesus Christ in your heart & life starting now 👏

Christ trampled down death by his death that we might experience eternal life now & ♾️

#christisrisen #repentance #blessingorsorrow #chooseChrist No to #lgbtqpedo #prolife No to #abortion #spiritualriches No to #loveofmoney #peace No to #warmongers and their #40billiondollarlaundering #humble No to #pridehomosexual

@GodlyPatriot #fundie #homophobia gettr.com

I exalt my God and Savior Jesus Christ ☦️ and stand against demonic #lgbtqpedo attacks on 4 year old children🕊️ #disney owned media admitted publicly that brainwashing children in the name of education is the gay agenda 🕯️

2020: the Russian constitution specifies that marriage is a union between a man and a woman, effectively banning gay marriage 👏 ☦️🕊️ Lord Jesus Christ thank you for those willing to stand for righteousness against demonic alliances 🛐 unite Us in heart mind soul and body with your love and holy will 🔥 Deliver us from the evil one ☦️ pray other nations join this holy call to restore marriage and to fight against this assault by #lgbtqpedo forces 🤝
#holiness #marriage

Dr. Leon James #fundie #magick theisticpsychology.org Trigrammatic Gene Structures

Trigrammatic gene structures were discussed in Section Consider the following chart. [...]


Love Wisdom Use
Celestial Spiritual Natural
Third heaven Second heaven First heaven
Doctrinal things Knowledges Memory-knowledges
Will Understanding Sensory (action)
Source Cause Effect
Inmost Intermediate Outermost
Divine Essence Divine Existere Divine Proceeding
Creation Redemption Salvation
Abraham Isaac Jacob
Jerusalem Assyria Egypt
Charity Faith Good works
Father Son Holy Spirit
Divine Love Divine Truth Divine Proceeding
Spiritual heat Spiritual Light Spiritual influx
Affective Cognitive Scientific (sensorimotor)
Celestial-rational Spiritual-rational Interior-natural
Lamb Mules Horses
Mountains Rivers Springs
Ideas Knowledge Faith

Those who are familiar with the Writings of Swedenborg will recognize the above trigrammatic units as appearing everywhere and entering into numerous rational presentations and explanations. Each trigrammatic unit encapsulates a rational theme that needs to be reconstructed in the mind in order to make sense of it.

Now inspect each column separately by looking up and down. Do each column in turn. What do you notice about the overall syntactic theme of each? The syntactic theme is not related to the content of the words in any obvious manner. So if you're looking for a relationship based on the literal meaning, you will have a hard time finding the difference.

Ann Barnhardt #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy barnhardt.biz

[From "Expansion on the Queen Elizabeth Piece: The World Has Been Conditioned To Accept That Their Visible Leaders Have No Actual Authority (cough, Biden, cough)"]

All of us today have been conditioned to not only accept but casually and easily take it for granted that the people we see presented as heads of state have no real power or authority[…]
Presidents had real power, and ran the Executive Branch. Queen Victoria[…]wielded massive power and caused a real constitutional crisis when she refused to have new ladies-in-waiting[…]
High-ranking public officials, heads of state, monarchs and THE POPE (and I’m talking about actual Popes, not Antipope Bergoglio) used to wield genuine authority. Pope Benedict’s catastrophic failure was a lack of faith in the authority that he possesses[…]
Pope Benedict himself, a product of the 20th century German/Nouvelle Theologie school, fell for this Modernist lie that the Pope has no REAL authority, because monarchy is a supposedly “expired” paradigm in the “modern, democratized world”[…]
Pope Benedict to this day has universal jurisdiction over the entire world, even the entire physical universe, literally. Pope Benedict is the Pope on the moon, and in the Andromeda Galaxy, and on every point of light the the James Webb telescope is showing us[…]
It seems “natural” for Trad Inc partisans, not to mention Novus Ordo Catholics, to justify their totally irrational and self-contradictory insistence that Jorge Bergoglio is the Pope and that Pope Benedict validly resigned (which he CLEARLY, OBVIOUSLY did not) by citing, even if just internally, the fact that leaders in the post-Christian west are understood and assumed to be figurehead puppets[…]
The Pope has REAL AUTHORITY, because it was given to him by Jesus Christ Himself in the Gospels[…]Look at every Protestant and Schismatic church on earth – the one word that sums it all up is CHAOS

Anonymous #fundie gotquestions.org

If we needed to know more about the demons, the Bible would have told us. Complicated mythologies about spirit beings and their hierarchy are, in the end, nothing more than products of the human imagination, possibly influenced by demons

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