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The narrow-minded fools at FSTDT laughed at my theories of Fractaral Psychoceramics! They called me mad! They called me a CRACKPOT! (tag for pseudoscience, pseudoscholarship and bizarre theories)

John W Armstrong #quack #crackpot

In this revolutionary treatise, J W Armstrong puts the compelling case that all diseases (except those caused by traumatism or structural disorders) can be cured by one simple means: urine therapy. The therapy is an entirely natural treatment, a drugless system of healing that treats the body as a whole. Moreover, the only ingredient needed is a substance manufactured in the body itself, rich in mineral salts, hormones and other vital substances, namely human urine.

It may seem strange to take back into the body something that the body is apparently discarding. Yet the theory is similar to the natural practice of organic composting. Fallen leaves, when dug back into the soil, provide valuable mineral salts to nourish new plant life. The same principle holds true for the human body.

Clif High #crackpot #magick #racist #quack

I died of colon cancer that was induced by the Salk polio vaccine. It was known, at the time that they were produced, that at least 11 million doses were contaminated. They used them anyway. The result was the largest wave of cancers to ever hit any generation. Of course the media are ‘tards & said nothing. Many of them in the Boomer generation died of the cancers induced by the vaccines that they supported.

There was a very large percentage of the cohort of male boomers who died of colon cancers. These were new in the sense that they were long growing, and undiagnosed until the very end when they proved to be fatal. That was my story. I returned due to a debt owed to karma, but it was a typical death from a 30 year old colon tumor in most other respects. One of many.

What is of note now is that it has taken our corrupt Elohim worship cult controlled ‘medical system’ a total of 5 generations to go from the long acting cancers induced into the Boomers, to the new ‘turbo cancers’ created by the covid19 attack.

They have always wanted to kill vast numbers of us, but they did not have the technology.

It they were to just start trying to shoot all the White Americans, sooner rather than later, the armed subset of the population would shoot back, and the word would spread, and ζRevolution would be ON.
If you keep on with this understanding, you may end up taking one of their proffered death routes. The Elohim worship cult not only are gritology centric, but they believe that the creator of the grit gave control of it to them. So they fuck with it, or rather they try. Their understanding is so poor that their achievements in this area are few and puny. The Elohim worship cult is still only good at killing by poisons. Vaccines are nothing but a new label for the same old methods.

Bunch of real egoists & real retards. Watch out for the rabbis, the Pharisees, the talmudists. They are a danger to you.

Steve Kim/The Supreme Beings #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

0. UFO? Soul? Purpose? Human? Farm?
1. Meet correct answers from our aliens.
2. Get enlightened to be a better person.
3. This book shall teach you everything.
4. It is about time to live in a new world.
5. He is, they are, and this book is real.
6. Aliens are coming out of their closet.

a. Earth = Alien Soul Farm
b. This Book = Their Book
c. We Are Theirs = Yes
d. We Are Slaves = No
e. They Are Friends = Yes
f. They Will Kill Us = No

Have you seen a book published practically by so-called aliens or extraterrestrials? I have. In fact, I hold one in my hand. You are invited to read all 24 chapters with about 58,000 words in 216 pages of this narrative nonfiction based on facts beyond truths.
This book goes far beyond whether UFOs are real or not. It shows us logically how to be a better person from instant enlightenment upon internalizing the whole big picture on how the universal life system works under earth-shattering core concepts.

Yes, this incredible extraterrestrial book is meticulously planned and designed by the supreme beings in charge of the current book project in order to induce mass instant enlightenment among virtually all the human beings on the Earth Soul Farm.

Over the age of Aquarius for the next 2,160 years, all the factual content in this unique extraterrestrial book shall provide a right guidance in terms of almost every aspect of diverse life experience given to the human beings on the Earth Soul Farm.

Whether we like it or not, a gigantic change in human consciousness will occur through dawnvolution solidly based on the new philosophy of dawnvolism. For reasons unknown to me, I am just being a conveyor of this extraterrestrial content. Yes, I have been contacted.

Going forward, my personal resolve is to gladly serve as a human consciousness coordinator duly appointed by extraterrestrials in 2017. I would perform whatever is required to publicize this extraordinary book designed to upgrade our humanity. Yes, we are not alone.

Le Patriote #wingnut #racist #crackpot #conspiracy

Hey Folks, I just want to say that the list below is MY OPINION ONLY of what is and has been truly going on in this amazing world of ours!

Please note when I say they, I am referring to the Deep State Cabal!

If You Are Truly Awake You Know

1. Donald J. Trump won the 2020 Election.

2. Joe Biden is not the President and was Executed 2019 for Treason and crimes against Humanity.
4. All Elites including The 13 most powerful families in the world, The Biden’s, The Clinton’s, The Bush’s, The Obama’s, The Soros’s, The Gates’s, The Rockefellers, The Rothschilds etc.. and all members of the Government and Entertainment Industry that were corrupt have been arrested and are either already [redacted] or being held in prison for treason and crimes against humanity.
6. Donald J. Trump turned power over to our good military in 2021 and they have been overseeing the country since in order to restore our Republic.
8. JFK & JFK JR are still alive and are True Patriots.
12. Many in our Government and many Elites in all industry have been involved in child sex trafficking, adrenochrome production, organ and body part harvesting.

13. You do not have to pay taxes to the IRS, they are a private corporation based in Puerto Rico, paying taxes to the IRS is in fact voluntary.
22. 9/11 was in fact a planned attack on We the People by our corrupt Government, The Vatican, British Royals and corrupt Israeli Government.

23. The corrupt FBI and CIA is responsible or have been involved in almost all terrorist attacks.
25. All history has been a lie, they have covered up our History because they do not want you truly know who you are or what you are capable of.
47. Q and the Q drops were and are very real, their purpose was to get people to start researching and solving the clues that were in the posts.

I do not want to make this post too long so in honor of our amazing President Donald J. Trump I will end it at 47, I could have went to 100 easily!

Anonymous Coward #86611836 #crackpot

The Matriarchal Age is now Favorable by Divine Edict

It is interchangeable in nature to the millennial reign that is governed by the Bride.

The Matriarch is not defined by biological gender but by principles of nature and order.

Think in terms of the laws of physics, the laws of nature and the laws of the land.

The Patriarchal Age ended in April and the Matriarch was by divine edict favored in June. The Matriarchal Age will be established at the time of the millennial reign or about.

The Patriarchal Age came to the end of its mathematical thought which produced binary code and its implements which required a lot of fast-food restaurants and waste to get the job done.

The millennial reign at a very fundamental level will be the very beginning of earth being a type 1 civilization.

Whatever is oxymoron to a type 1 civilization will not persist.

Welcome to the new era !

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

As has been made extremely obvious, during the final conflict dramas of the planetary liberation, any steward or leader that chooses a personal value system that aligns with the philosophical principles of the Cosmic Christ’s Law of One, as well as any individual that has genuinely chosen to dedicate their lives to serve Christic ethics, is under hostile spiritual attack. As small as our community reach is with online censorship, shadow banning and without a social media presence, even still ES material is considered to be a threat to the anti-christ forces and my persona is continually being assaulted with ongoing black magic spun character defamation, and the purposeful spreading of pernicious lies and false accusations that are meticulously crafted from either the darkly ignorant or those purely evil serving their satanic masters.
As a result of the many lies and deceptions being propagated to the human race for many millennia, we have inherited incredible amounts of Shadow, Pain, Fallen Angelics on this planet, along with a false identity that uses the same Predator Mind of the Negative Alien Artificial intelligence, in order to influence us to think and believe the same anti-human belief systems of the NAA. If we use the mind they have downloaded to us, we self enforce the enslavement of our brothers and sisters on this earth.
The dark resistance and ego fear of change, stunts spiritual evolution and consciousness growth from the NAA's tyrant-controller mechanism of Mind Control. As many of us realize, there are people that do not believe in evolution or that the Soul exists. This Ascension material discusses an array of topics dedicated to biological spiritual evolution of the human species through DNA Activation and Expanding Consciousness, which will be met with great hostility from people educated to be either Darwinian evolutionists, or Jehovah-Yahweh God creationists.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

Polaris is the north pole star that never flickers
Because it is an artificial machine
That is shooting out oscillating projections above us

On its bottom is a shiny crystal sheet
On its top is the cutout of the stars above us
The stars are just fake presentations

The Kaaba in Mecca
Is the top of the pyramid of Giza

It is technology hidden in a black box
Which symbolizes the north polar vortex of Saturn

It is said that if you have the correct DNA you can activate it
If you could navigate it back to the Giza pyramid
And get the Ark of the Covenant returned to the Kings Chamber
The pyramid would come alive again

A streak of plasma would shoot upwards
And the dome of the sky would open

CERN is a quantum computer
But just one of many that are not known
Which are mostly in Antarctica

They are frequency machines running on crystalline technology
They create an underground frequency and are responsible for the mud flood

These quantum computers are also manipulating Venus
Which is put on high electrical charge for a reset or restart

Venus produced the flower of life
Which was sacred geometry of overlapping circles that formed an intricate pattern

It had unique energetic properties
And was a bridge to the spirit world
The flower of life was the reflecting medium in windows of Tartarian energy centers

Quantum computers at the north pole manipulate the plasma stream at the polar axis
Which causes mountain building and rock formation
That are explained as natural processes over many millions of years

Profound truths remain intentionally concealed
And enshrouded by those who fear the dawning of a consciousness empowered populace

The biggest secret is that no matter how complicated the rhythm
That is beat against the drums of karmic laws
Light will come to the shadows
And echo the chorus of the universal perennial symphony
When the true magic unfurls
Concealed mysteries will be unearthed
And the Universe will sing songs with a crescendo

Mira via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick

Hello dear friends, this is Mira, working full time for the Earth Ascension project, here with several of my team members. We wish for you to know that you are well watched over, and that all is rapidly proceeding according to divine order and plan. We are not privy to the entire plan of the Divine, and we are unable to display any dates for you, but we can say that dating and timing is in flux as you are ascending more rapidly than was previously anticipated. You are holding the light codes with more aplomb than your bodies were previously able to handle, and you are radiating more and more light out towards us, towards the cosmos and other aspects of your great selves.


I Mira am speaking to you. I love you. I have great tenderness in my heart for this project and many of you are my friends and family from days – lifetimes – gone past. We do not age within the time field of no time and I have known your soul’s for millinea, many of you. I come forward this night at the request of this one, to offer encouragement and a news update as best as I can. There is much that of course I cannot share but much that I can and what I see as the biggest change since my last debriefing with you, friends, is the climate of energetics that you are radiating. We see more light from the earth emanating from you to us, and we see more light holders holding more and beaming more confidently. The ascension will happen whether every one is ready for it or not and it will happen regardless of who is in charge on any political scenes below, do you see? This cannot be stopped. The light, the planets, the very astrology of the cosmos is conspiring for the will of Creator to be put in place. There is much that has shifted and improved from our perspective. The underground bases are much more cleaned out and only a few tunnels remain, but we have technology that others do not and this technology we lovingly utilize to minimize any harm and to maximize the outcome of success.

I believe you will be excited to see the progress from our side of the screen. Won’t you join us tonight? Your Pleiadian family is here for you, as are your other many space family lineages. You are never alone, far from it. You are highly watched over. Another item that has condensed is your timeframe of manifestation. It is more instant now, so be careful what you wish for, and be open for miracles for they are on their way. We can see great changes and joys ahead for humanity. I Mira send you my love. We are tirelessly working night and day for your successful ascension project completion. Blessings. Over and out.

Mike King #crackpot #racist #conspiracy

The true story of the US Civil War, aka War Between the States, aka War of Northern Aggression does not “lie in the middle” somewhere; but rather, is something altogether different from either the contemporary northern Establishment account or the southern revisionist version. In reality, the brotherly bloodbath of 1861-1865 wasn’t really, in its true essence, a “civil war” as much as it was an attack launched upon the United States from an invisible foreign power with traitorous agents and sincere dupes operating in both the North and South.

It was “the usual suspects” based in Rothschild’s Europe -- aligning with (using) the empire-seeking Plantation Aristocracy based in the South -- who long-range-planned and, under one false pretext after another, finally executed America’s greatest disaster. And it was the determined leadership of President Abraham Lincoln that thwarted the elaborate scheme of this deadly Cabal in the end. Acclaimed "correctionist historian" and investigative journalist Mike's King will take you on an exciting "you are there" illusion-shattering suspense ride through important history which still holds modern-day implications.

Natalia Alba #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

We are reaching the culmen of the individual and planetary galactivation phase that we started at the beginning of this year. A year marked by the 8 universal number that now achieves its peak on the triple 888 Emerald passage. A period of wisdom integration and monadic reconstruction that many are undergoing and that our planet too is achieving.

The White Elohim planetary Guardians, the Original Creators, are supervising the Emerald retrieving that is now occurring and that will be finally concluded in the following months.
The White Elohim are working on the unification of the Earth’s grids and fabrics, bringing unity in what we call past, present, and future timelines, for our planet is now opening into a more simultaneous sense of time.

This involves a constant planetary work of inorganic timelines removal, a process many of you are supporting, as well as timekeepers, who will too be involved when the time to anchor the new earth’s codes coordinates and timelines comes.

This process has been facilitated by the energies from the 77 passage, received not just today, as it is not about one day, but during the previous months, now is its final peak. This passage, supported as well by the Elohim, Sirians, and Andromedans, as I previously shared, marks the planetary opening taking place in many of Earth’s structures, allowing the emerald return that we will witness in the 888 passage.
Many of you are now feeling the profound activation in your solar plexus, thymus, and eight-dimensional chakras, which are key body centers to embodying more life and divine force, activating our Blue Flame in the thymus, and allowing the Golden liquid crystalline light from the eight monadic chakras to descend and merge in the thymus, activating our fifth-dimensional self and reconnecting us to the soul and monadic dimensions, finally crossing the three-dimensional frequency bands and moving into more harmonic timelines.

Aero #transphobia #homophobia #pratt #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot

One, said kids do it because it’s trendy. All their friends are doing it. The mainstream media presents it as fashionable or glamorous to fuck those of the same sex, or to be willfully confused about what’s between your legs and hard-coded into your DNA. To sexually identify as an alien hermaphrodite with a barbie doll crotch. We do think of kids as being rebellious and so quick and eager to stick it to the man, or those in authority.

The only problem is, kids tend to only direct that rebelliousness towards their parents. Not towards the man, nor the establishment, nor towards crony capitalism, except maybe in word.
As much as we like to make fun of the regressive left for pretending to be edgy and rebellious despite having BEEN the establishment for a decade or longer, it’s easy for children to forget that. Many of them lack the maturity or the experience to understand that they are not being “liberated” or “freed” or being “authentic” or “true to themselves.”

I digress, but the point is, if the culture tells children that it’s cool to be a sodomite, they will take it to heart. They seldom have the cognitive ability to withstand that propaganda on their own. If sexual orientation were truly inborn or innate, this would be extremely harmful, probably even more so than forcing heterosexuality on adolescents who are clearly gay. They’re essentially persecuting those who carry society, carry the human population. Just because they’re jealous and angry at them.

But if homosexuality were made, not born, that provides an even stronger incentive to not normalize homosexuality. Like I said earlier, for even a large minority of the population to be LGBTQ is a disaster for any future population growth, or the well-being of future generations, as few in number as they may be. If homosexuality were made, not born, the last thing that you want would be an environment that actively fosters homosexual orientation in children. It doesn’t fucking matter how much society kisses the LGBTQ community on the ass. Being gay, or especially trans, significantly reduces your quality of life.

And the fewer people who are willing or able to bear children the natural way, or at least provide existing children with a stable home environment with parental role models of both sexes, the more likely society will collapse.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack

Our original genetics was composed of 12 strands or 12 strings of DNA
This diamond sun DNA permitted interdimensional travel and existence without deterioration

Double diamond DNA was 24 strands
And emerald sun DNA was 48 strands
Regenesis of digressive DNA lines will occur when the emerald sun returns

The Essenes held a strand of DNA for reassembling scrambled or mutated genes
It contained the crystal code gene for the diamond sun silicate matrix

This gene activated stargates and contacted their higher stations of identity
And connected them with the sound frequencies of the Living Light
It manifested the cosmic crystallization of the Christ blueprint

The integration and healing of all 12 levels of DNA coding
Will unite and merge to form the complete silicate matrix

The human race suffers without the proper functioning of their mitochondrial DNA
And is unable to effectively generate new proteins for DNA synthesis that activates the crystal gene
The foundation of human DNA is crystallized frequency which is patterns of electromagnetic light
That group into crystalline form as DNA seed codes

Each DNA strand is composed of frequency patterns and the light spectrum of one dimensional band
The template for 1 DNA strand contains 12 electron wave patterns

Each strand represents a fire letter code program sequence
That corresponds to 1 dimensional frequency band of consciousness
One DNA strand equals 24 seed codes

The level of frequencies accreted in ones personal morphogenetic aura
Will determine the level of DNA strand a person will possess

Higher frequency DNA will be silicate or etheric waves of plasma
The physical body will therefore be less dense and more refined

We are automatically shifting our carbon atoms
To more polished and purified states

And we are elevating our oscillating patterns and vibrational sequences to higher phases
Resulting in enhanced physical conditions!

BIBLE UNFOLD #fundie #crackpot


In this video, we delve into the intriguing question: What language did Adam and Eve speak? Exploring various theories and perspectives from scholars and ancient texts, we uncover the idea of the Adamic language as the original tongue of humanity, linked to Adam himself. Was it the Adamic language, Akkadian, Sumerian, Egyptian, or perhaps something more celestial? Join us on this linguistic journey through biblical mysteries and ancient languages.

(Their answer is that the Adamic language was the language of God and the Angels and not related to any post-Babel language.)

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

The transmissions of Saturn are dense and problematic
They pervert the lower dimensions
Propagate 4d astral delusions
And disperse false 5d ascension programs

When it was darkened it became Satan
Which is the negative aspect of Saturn
And the god for Satanic ritual abuse

Satanic rituals are to manipulate the energetic field
And to cause the thinning out of the dimensional difference between our world and the spirit world
Allowing entities to slip through their dimension and to literally appear before the cultists
But because of vibrational differences they cannot stay long

Alien craft posing as moons send electrical waves to Saturn
And cause a tremendous amount of electrical activity within the rings
Archonic posts are located primarily in the outer rings

The resulting projections are picked up by the moon
Then amplified and sent towards the earth

The moon is a base of operations for transmitting broadcasts of magnetic field manipulations
Which overlays the ley lines and gives shadowy creatures and energy parasites 2 way access
In and out of artificial wormholes

This lunar matrix also transmits mind control programs into the earths magnetic field
And propagates spiritually abusive belief systems into the subconscious layers of the masses
This computer generated dream world is designed to turn us into batteries

Lunar zodiacal imprints were generated by the invading races to suppress human consciousness
Reptilian entities are of a very low band of frequency
And that is only what they can absorb

If we only gave off frequencies of love joy and laughter
They would have to immediately depart

The Venusian mother principle was eliminated by prolonged efforts
And replaced with artificial programming and false images

When Venus arises in her true and complete embodiment
It is game over for the control structures
And the power elite who have been propped up by the invading non humans

We are in a virtual reality
A mind game
A matrix in which humans give away their power by acquiescing their essence

Leo656 #pratt #crackpot #transphobia

Nope. Real-life people recognize it as a marketing trend, same as any other. It's an unfortunate side-effect of the fact that nowadays you get tons more word-of-mouth from a Tweet than you would with a commercial. As such, companies think that it's "good business" to pander to the interests of people who spend all their time online... Which, as it turns out, are predominantly overweight, rainbow-haired, perpetually-offended, sexually-confused, easily-triggered, Gender Studies Majors and other (barely) high-functioning social misfits.

That's who's online all the time, sharing Tweets and memes and "making themselves heard", and so in turn, companies feel forced to pander to them. Because it SEEMS like there's a lot of them, but the thing is, they're just incredibly loud. As we see in Real Life by how most "woke"-infested movies fail hard, the growing number of lawsuits nationwide to stop letting schools indoctrinate impressionable kids with their nonsense, and the fact that people really, REALLY love Chick-Fil-A, MOST people are definitely NOT on the bandwagon.

Companies are slowly coming around to this. By now they've figured out that most of these people don't have real jobs and are barely scraping by under the crushing debt of their Liberal Arts degrees, and so in turn it makes no sense to bend over for them.

Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy

At Lucifer/Enki’s palace–Great Zimbabwe–we see a 12-fathom high tower and the lab he shared with Lilith/Ninmah and Ningishzidda, the genetics team from the planet Nibiru. Here, they created Adamu and Ti-Amat, the first reproducing hybrids adapted from their own Nibiran Homo sapiens genome, a few Homo Erectus genes, some copper and clay 300,000 years ago. Here, too, Enki begat Adapa and Titi–the ancestors of Noah, 200,000 years ago.

There, above the gold mines of the inland plains between the Limpopo and Zambezi rivers, the genetics team first adapted their Nibiran genome to Earth to create Ti-Amat, the first adapted homo sapiens woman and Adamu, the first homo sapiens man.
300,000 years ago, Enki, Chief Scientist for the gold mining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth, went North, to the Great Rift Valley (southeast Africa) to study an intelligent, fire-using hominoid, Homo Erectus [pictured below], the ancestor of modern Neanderthals (aka Sasquash, Bigfoot, Alma) as key to adaptations Nibirans would need to thrive on Earth. Enki, a Nibiran, and his cohorts on the expedition are 9-12 foot tall Homo Sapiens, much like us but longer-lived.
Erectus reasoned, freed animals from traps. He communicated telepathically rather than speak. Enki thought Erectus 1) evolved on Earth from genetic building blocks Nibiru gave Earth when Nibiru invaded the solar system, or 2) devolved from Homo sapiens colonists on Earth long before 450,000 years ago, or 3) evolved from humanoids terraformers planted on Earth. Erectus, Enki reasoned, would evolve in a few million years into Homo Sapiens. He built a lab in Zimbabwe to see if Erectus’ genes could help adapt the Nibiran genome to Earth
After Enlil evicted the hybrid Earthings from Edin, Enki knew Enlil would limit them and slander him as an evil serpent. So Enki set up the secret BROTHERHOOD OF THE SNAKE for a few Earthings whom he taught facts, technology and advanced thinking

Paul Gregory/Mark Steele #crackpot #wingnut

Mark Steele is a British engineer with a materials science background; inventor; patent writer; weapons research scientist; inventor of the world’s first binocular optical wave guides, weapon sight systems, infrared thermal imaging head up displays, molecular reactors, signal processing, and transducer design, among many others. As Chief Technology Officer at the company that designed and brought to market the world’s first internationally approved head up display (HUD) product, which has been accredited with a number of innovation awards, and is regulated to a number of internationally recognised standards, including Department of Transport ECE 22.05 and those of the American National Standards Institute.

Steele is a MWR weapons expert who has been alerting the world since 2016 to the multi-level threats from MWR weapons technologies. In a series of videos and reports, he has described how these MWR weapons have been covertly deployed in our cityscapes. 5G LED streetlights, ULEZ, CAZ, “SMART” motorways, 5G masts and the mysterious 5G black boxes appearing on telegraph poles are microwave radiation weapon systems installed for the purpose of killing you. It’s called “Fifth-Generation Warfare” and it encompasses psychotronic and psychological operation (psyop) elements, cybertorture, as well as the directed energy weapon (DEW) hardware.

LED streetlights have weaponised streets across the UK in recent years.[31],[32] Steele explains that their components prove them to be a weapon system masquerading as streetlights.
In Birmingham, Telensa light heads have been fitted.[35] Each emits MWR 700 times higher than the so-called exposure guideline (1 mWatt/cm2), with a range of 10 miles. 1 mWatt/cm2 is the point at which a microwave oven starts to heat its contents, which means that these streetlights are raising the temperature of the city and everything in it.

Daniel Bühne and Werner Gitt #fundie #crackpot

Of Quantum and Constants

Have you encountered seemingly contradictory passages while reading the Bible? How about logical impossibilities that cannot be resolved rationally? Albert Einstein once said: “Quantum Mechanics is demanding great awe. Bur an inner voice tells me it is not the Real Jacob. The theory delivers much, but it brings us not much closer to the Secret of the Old One. In any case, I am convinced that the [god] does not throw dice.”

“The physicist Daniel Bühne takes up this theme and comes to remarkable results. Namely, many phenomena such as Wave-Particle-Dualism, the Uncertainty Relation or Quantum Entanglement can help to deal with topics of tension within the Bible better, to find hits towards its reliability and to accept the limits of knowledge. This book aims to inspire to marvel at God’s work anew and to strengthen trust in him. The reader of this very recommendable book will discover in awe that access to the Bible is possible even through physical phenomena and that Faith can be deepened.” (Dir. u. Prof. a. D. Dr.-Ing. Werner Gittt)

Original GermanVon Quanten und Konstanten

Sind Sie beim Lesen der Bibel auf vermeintlich widersprüchliche Stellen gestoßen? Wie ist es mit logischen Unvereinbarkeiten, die sich verstandesmäßig nicht auflösen lassen? Albert Einstein sagte einmal: »Die Quantenmechanik ist sehr Achtung gebietend. Aber eine innere Stimme sagt mir, dass das noch nicht der wahre Jakob ist. Die Theorie liefert viel, aber dem Geheimnis des Alten bringt sie uns kaum näher. Jedenfalls bin ich überzeugt, dass der [Gott] nicht würfelt.«

»Dieser Thematik nimmt sich der Physiker Daniel Bühne an und kommt zu bemerkenswerten Ergebnissen. So können Phänomene wie der Welle-Teilchen-Dualismus, die Unschärferelation oder die Verschränkung von Quantenteilchen uns helfen, mit Spannungsfeldern der Bibel besser umzugehen, Hinweise für ihre Zuverlässigkeit zu finden und Grenzen der Erkenntnis zu akzeptieren. Das Buch soll anregen, neu über Gottes Werk zu staunen, und das Vertrauen auf ihn stärken. Die Leser dieses sehr empfehlenswerten Buches werden staunend erkennen, dass selbst mithilfe physikalischer Phänomene ein Zugang zur Bibel möglich ist und der Glaube vertieft werden kann.« (Dir. u. Prof. a. D. Dr.-Ing. Werner Gitt)

Dr. Michael Salla/Jelaila Starr #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy

In 1993, Jelaila Starr began communicating with a humanoid Lion-being called Devon who belongs to a Feline race that first established a presence in the Lyra constellation. She was told that the Felines were responsible for seeding the first humans in the Lyra and Vega systems, and later established a presence in the Sirian star system after a catastrophic war. The Felines have ever since acted as guides and mentors for human civilizations as they have colonized the Milky War galaxy with both great success and failures due to ongoing conflicts with Reptilian races who were also seeded in our galaxy.

According to Starr, the Reptilians were seeded by a bird-like race of beings called the Carians. She asserts that the Reptilians are important mirrors for Earth humanity as we are collectively involved in historical conflicts that stretch back millennia. Both the Felines and Carians are members of a Nibiruan Council that acts as proxies for a mysterious group of Ancient Elders. In her first Exopolitics Today interview, Starr describes the extraordinary circumstances that led to her first communications with Devon in 1993 and the discovery that she was a Walk-In. She also discusses important elements from the work of Zecharia Sitchin regarding the Anunnaki and Nibiru.

Timothy Alberino and Dr Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick

Book of Enoch, Fallen Angels, ETs and Cryptoterrestrials

Timothy Alberino has provided an introduction and commentary in a newly released compendium to the three books of Enoch that has co-edited. Contrary to conventional archeological scholarship, he asserts that the first Book of Enoch (aka Ethiopian Book of Enoch) predates Sumerian cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphic texts. Alberino believes that Enoch 1 provides an accurate historical account of a pre-diluvial world that used advanced technologies before being overtaken by cataclysmic events associated with the Great Flood approximately 9600 years ago.

He claims that the Fallen Angels, aka Watchers, precipitated the Great Flood and events that led to their destruction along with other civilizations such as Atlantis, as discussed by Plato. Alberino believes that Book of Enoch references to the “Son of Man” refer to a future Messiah (Jesus of Nazareth) that would deliver humanity rather than an individual that has ascended to a higher state of consciousness through advanced training in Egyptian mystery schools and similar mystical traditions in other parts of the world. He points out that the Crypoterrestrial Hypothesis which has gained greater prominence over the last decade, may be related to Deep State plans to conduct a false flag UFO event using hybrid beings bred on Earth and in Deep Underground Military Bases rather than off-world alien visitors.

Satchidanand #crackpot #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia

Carl Jung’s Gnostic Revival, Abraxas, and the 20th Century Cult of Mithra, the gnostic underground stretching from the Sodomite Rituals of the ancient mystery cults tied to Isis and Demeter, to the Templars, Franciscan and Jesuit inner initiates to the Hellfire Club, the Illuminati, 33rd Degree Freemasons - most Secret Societies are all Sodomite through the performance of Satanic Sodomy Rituals.

From the Rosicrucian takeover of Britain with the the Aleister Crowley Thelema Sodomy Rituals to inject Demons into the Anus, ALL Secret Societies believed in a cosmology which held that Psychopathic absolute nothingness devoid of love, reason, intention or any other quality (see: Newton’s assumed infinite space) was the essential character of reality.
All Satanists are Sodomites but all Homosexuals are not Satanic!

The Thule’s Vril Society was essentially an order of clairvoyant priestesses/witches who would service sacred ritual orgies as Whores of Babalon of initiated New Aryan Templars while also channeling spirit entities from the ether and messages from ‘the secret Chiefs’.

Please note that the Demon Baphomet is transexual and all LGBTPS stems from Satanic theory and practise.
The Rites and Rituals that developed over the eons to facilitate this breaking free of moral constraints, involved rites of initiation, and elaborate mystery plays, sacred mind-altering drugs, human and animal sacrifices, the castration ritual, cutting the breasts off, hysterectomy ritual, perverse sexual exercises like the Sodomy Ritual or Sex with the Whore of Babalon and other exercises that brought those who survived the rites of passage into a new identity as an elite order of human gods.

As I said in my Book Against Satanism 3 the purpose of Satanic Ritual is to implant evil energy blockages into people to turn them into Psychopaths, to split them into more subpersonalities, to implant demons into them, to make them more and more Evil so that these Evil people can be promoted.

Tony Rodrigues/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy

In his new book, Beyond Sight, Tony Rodrigues describes his harrowing experience as an involuntary child recruit in a “20 and back” program that began with an abduction by Gray extraterrestrials in 1982 when he was only 10 years old. He explains the disturbing circumstances that led to his consciousness being transferred out of his physical body into a clone. He next woke up in his cloned body that was taken to a secret remote viewing program located out at Inyokern, California. Rodrigues and other cloned children were subjected to multiple forms of trauma-based mind control in order to enhance psychoenergetic abilities such as remote viewing and remote influencing.

He explains how the program was conducted at a time when there were no legal prescriptions against trauma-based training protocols, which began later in 1983. In his book, Rodrigues supplied documentation showing how legal prescriptions began soon after the Inyokern program had concluded. He reveals how adult trainers, which included a leading figure in the remote viewing community, suspended their ethical reservations as they were told the child participants were clones who would not remember anything that happened once the program was completed.

Rodrigues describes how child recruits were taught not only remote viewing protocols, but also counter-measures designed to block other remote viewers from accurately seeing or influencing a target.

Based on the advanced remote viewing abilities he developed as a child, Rodrigues decided to start his own remote viewing training courses, which he now teachers online. In Beyond Sight: The Hidden History of Remote Viewing and Psycho Energetics, Tony Rodrigues provides details and documents supporting his remarkable experiences and the skills he acquired as a field-grade operational remote viewer from 1982 to 1983.

Kingsley L. Dennis #crackpot #magick #conspiracy

Metaphysics is not so much about that which is 'beyond' physics as this suggests that,

what is metaphysical lies only in the beyond zone and not within.

The metaphysical fire, which has correspondence to Origin, Source, and Intelligence of All, is behind time, space, causation and manifestation, as well as being integrated as all those aspects.

The metaphysical fire,

is as much beyond as it is within, for there is never a state that is void of it - even the void itself is an expression of the metaphysical fire.
What this means is that,

the metaphysical impulse (or Fire/Light) is existent - hidden within - all states of existence, including our material realm.

And this, for much of human history,

has been a grand heresy...!
The concept of heresy is brought out and utilized as a means of involving people - the 'public' - within the controlling system. In an age of secularization, the controlling narrative has shifted from a top-down religious power structure into a technologically enforced 'cage of modernity.'

The new secular materialism is bringing forth technocratic governance as a dominating narrative, and its affiliated religion of transhumanism is providing for the next priestly class of tech-elites and billionaires.

Together they establish what will strive to become the governing apparatus of technocracy - the modern totalitarian system masquerading as the new mode of 21st century global authority.

And the notion of heresy has been modified from quasi-religious sectarian cults into conspiracy.
The metaphysical fire is beginning to burn away the outer paintwork, showing the rotten wood underneath.

The gatekeepers of stolen power are attempting to cover up the sun by spraying their chemical clouds; yet still, the metaphysical fire comes through.

Flares, outbursts, and eruptions will soon be blasting towards our physical sphere as we cling to its surface like a receiving-transmitting membrane

And it shall all be a matter of frequency...

John Vivanco/Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

John Vivanco has been a professional remote viewer for over 25 years and has gained highly accurate results on a range of targets that have both pleased corporate/government clients but also antagonized government agencies that did not wish a civilian-run remote viewing organization to be successful. He and a team of remote viewers have recently gained surprising data on ancient technologies and knowledge hidden at megalith sites dating from the Atlantean era that include Egypt, and Gobekli Tepe in Turkey. Among the most surprising discoveries is that stone sarcophagi found at the Serapeum in Saqquara, Egypt were used for interstellar communication and possibly even transferring consciousness from an avatar body on Earth to one in distant star systems such as Sirius.

Vivanco’s team has also remote viewed the famed Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Kerala state, India which contains information and artifacts connected to Vimanas and flying cities. He has also gained important data on cryptoterrestrial beings such as the Naga (aka snake people) and dogman who live in underground locations or in interdimensional realms. Finally, he shared information about the accuracy of remote viewing future events versus past events, the latter of which yield much more reliable data.

CodezVII #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy

TO PREVAIL >>>>>>>>>>
WE ARE NOT ALONE >>>>>>>>>>



Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

No roads or airports, just plasma

Why were there no roads or airports in Tartaria and the Old World?

There are many Tartarian remains buried under the Mud Flood that are being discovered all over the world, but there is not a single concrete road or airport runway that could have been used to transport people and goods!

The reason there were no concrete roads, rail tracks and runways in the Old World was because people and goods were not transported by trains, cars or planes, but by a high-tech electric plasma portal.

Digging deeper down the rabbit hole, one might wonder what else we might stumble upon in terms of Old World high technology!

By the way, did you know that it is cheaper and easier to build a Plasma Portal machine than a car?

The good thing about travelling through Plasma Portal machines is that you get to your destination instantly, 100% safely and free of charge, instead of travelling by car, train, plane or otherwise!

Imagine how much environmental impact would have been avoided if we had Plasma Portal travel today.
On the other side of the ice wall of the North Pole, in the land of Hyperborea, people travel mainly by portals, among a few other high-tech means of transport, 100% safe and free.

Hyperborea beyond the Arctic Circle was the land of our great divine ancestors and is still on maps in the 16th century before it was invaded by the Deep State cabal.

The Church created a flawed theory of our solar system and blessed all wars and heinous crimes to kill the human spirit.
All this mentioned in this article and many others from the past is the true world. Whereas the world we live in today is superficial because it has been transformed into the most primitive way of life of the Stone Age

All aspects of life have been developed using advanced technology and manipulated to alter how we connect to our true Self through our DNA.

George Kavassilas and Dr Michael Salla #ufo #crackpot #magick #god-complex #conspiracy

Extraterrestrial Contact and the Fractal Nature of the Universal Heart Soul Essence

In 2003, George Kavassilas had a life-changing experience with a group of extraterrestrials from Sirius, Arcturus, and Lyra star systems, whom he deems his galactic family. He says that after being transported from a Sirian scout ship to a larger mothership with many races on board, he had an out-of-body experience where his consciousness went on a journey where he encountered the fractal nature of all reality. Kavassilas’ out of body experience propelled him into a new understanding of one’s soul essence as a fractal of a much larger universal consciousness. He believes that the human avatar body is unique insofar as we can experience the full fractal nature of our universe and the more expansive omniverse, while other extraterrestrials can only do so partially.

One year later, Kavassilas was abducted by an agency within the Pentagon responsible for tracking individuals who have had extraterrestrial contact or profound physical frequency charges. He says he met with former US President George H.W. Bush, and was tortured and experienced mind wipes. After his 2003 experience he accepted an ambassadorial position with what he called the Galactic Confederation of Light for a couple of years, but has since stopped working directly with any extraterrestrial organization.

Kavassilas asserts that while there are both positive and negative extraterrestrial organizations, they all to varying degrees ultimately promote an imperial project. This has led to him focusing his energies on helping individuals integrate the fractal nature of their heart soul essence with the universe. Nevertheless, he believes that individuals can benefit from positive extraterrestrial organizations, as he did, and encourages individuals to be open to all possibilities as we enter tumultuous End Times.

Revisionist Historians for World Peace #racist #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

So now you know that even an assassination attempt on a former POTUS and current 2024 candidate is fraught with hidden objectives and religious significance and political purposes and esoteric meaning.

And the following video of Trump pretty much seals the deal; you know, the one that he cut with his Old Testament rabbis and Talmudic scholars, Ashkenazi bansksters and Jewish businessmen, Israeli extortionists and Mossad blackmailers, Khazarian masters and Zionist handlers.
What is not widely known is that the major monotheistic traditions throughout the Judeo-Christian-Islamic world each had their own respective agendas where it concerned their end time prophecy. Over millennia “carrot and stick prophecy” became a very useful tool for keeping the congregation in check. As cities rose from the plains and dotted the coastlines, immorality and wrongdoing increased. The ruling class increasingly looked to the prophets and astrologers for divine intercession.

For these and other reasons the prophetic agendas in some kingdoms became more self-serving and manipulative over time. In some historical settings they became downright exploitative and oppressive. The whole genre of secret societies grew up as a response to this type of abuse and misuse of prophetic influence, occult knowledge and mystical power.
Well, guess what, the appearance of Donald John Trump as the “MOSHIACH” represents the fulfillment of what is perhaps the single most important prophecy of Judaism.

Before we continue with this disquisition, the following exhaustive exposé ought to be read in its entirety in order to correctly understand how Trump was methodically set up for his starring role in this meticulously scripted and fastidiously choreographed “GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH”.

Now we see that Jewish rabbis are openly declaring the anointing of Trump on that fateful day of Judaic destiny long prophesied by both the modern Jewish prophets and ancient Hebrew sages.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #mammon

Correct Magnetic Alignment - In this meditation we will intend to correct the magnetic alignment in our body to the highest optimum function, as we address our left side as the magnetic principle which works in our body as the receiver of consciousness energies, as this is the passive force of the female principle. Now bring your focus on your spinal column, connecting the spiritual energetic link from your tailbone running up into the back of your skull and neck. Intend to strengthen the connection between your tailbone and the base of your skull, see the clear and strong white vertical channel being strengthened every time you work on your inner pillar with the 12D shield. With every shield practice, creating the strong and clear inner central vertical channel moving from up your tailbone connecting into the back of your skull and up and through the top of our head. Feel the strength of this white pillar aligned to your spinal column, and intend to make it even stronger. Focus on your spine, we focus on the Skeletal system and bone matrix for Sound and Magnetic Transduction. Focus a moment on the sensation of your Soul body, move your awareness into your heart, go deeply into your heart and ask to communicate directly with your soul now. Intend to connect and communicate with your entire soul body with loving and peaceful intentions. I send all of my love and invite my Soul Body, my female principle to guide me with all that is needed now to unite us into unity, wholeness and direct connection with my highest divine source. Spiritual Body Soul Triad Harmonics, DNA Seed Code Activation for correct Magnetic Alignment. (35:13 minutes


Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The dark Atlantean networks has been completely removed. This has far reaching consequences.

As a result of this, the process of disentangling the Lurker from the surface population finally began. The first month or so of this process will be a testing phase, where the Light forces will evaluate the response of the surface population to the disentanglement process, and adjust it accordingly. After the testing phase is compete, the proper disentanglement will begin.

You can view this process as planetary exorcism. Darkness, which was until now quantumly and subquantumly entangled with human personalities, will finally begin to leave. An average human being is over 90% infected with the Lurker, and an average Lightworker is still about 80% infected. As the process unfolds, the percentage of infection will begin to drop, and human beings will begin to be more aligned with the Light, and will tend to start feeling better.
Also, enough anomaly has been removed to initialize the final process of alignment of this Solar system with the Galactic sea of Love. Solar plasma is still to a significant degree under the control of the Lurker, but at the heliopause the alignment process has already begun. Many different star races, with their fleets positioned just beyond the heliopause, are sending rays of Light into the Solar system and disentangling it form the Lurker. You can help with this process by meditating with cintamanis or various tektites and connecting the star from where those tektites originated and this Solar system with filaments of Light.

Galactic central race (the Builders) has massively entered the Solar System and is activating many ancient portal stargates on various moons, asteroids, and on Mars.

This will assist in activating the memories of the positive Atlantis, to start preparing human consciousnesses for the birth of the New Atlantis
Victory of the Light!

Judy Byington/White Hat Intel #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

Restored Republic:

How about:

No Income Tax
No Tax on Wages
No Property Tax
No Inheritance Tax
No Sales Tax on Used Homes & Items
No Vehicle Registration Fee’s
No Licensing Fee’s
No Tax on Food and Pharmaceuticals
Dissolution of Federal Reserve Banks and IRS
How about returning the money stolen to Retiree’s from SSN
How about a 14-17% National Sales Tax on New Items Only
How about an increase in 61+ Retiree SSN Pmts up to $5,000.00 A MONTH
How about Restitution of Chattel Bonds to people abused by them
How about the Restoration of Common Law
How about the Restoration of the Titles of Nobility Amendment
The end to Admiralty-Civil-Equity Laws.

Does this all sound familiar?

Perhaps how about making an open declaration through mass media about the implementation of NESARA, signed by Bill Clinton, and bring about the Restoration of our Organic Constitution and Dissolution of the Corporate US Inc Constitution of 1871.
White Hat Intel:
The DEVOLUTION PLAN and secret military orders Trump signed has captured the MAINSTREAM MEDIA OPERATIONS AND CAPTURED MOST OF THE DEEP STATE OPERATIONS (Now they are being forced to continue a script).
Showing the public the final EVENTS that will lead to cancellation of the election due to corruption and democratic interference that will lead to MASSIVE revolt by U.S. citizens (This is why SCOTUS Released hundreds of J6 political prisoners and laws are being exposed that WILL protect future the future of the NEAR civil war events and political uprising and Protesters).
What’s next TRUMP House ARREST, then a STAGED assassination attempt. (He WILL survive… because the White Hats are preparing this moment for game theory operations).
Then TRUMP returns as President in 2025 and makes peace with Russia. China. North Korea ( this is what Trump gave COMMS on yesterday).
Not everything is as it seems. THE FOG OF WAR. THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD

Soul:Ask #crackpot #conspiracy #magick

The most significant falsehood perpetuated about humanity is the notion that the further back in time we go, the more ignorant and undeveloped people were. This myth is widely endorsed, with claims that during the Middle Ages, individuals at 30 were deemed very old.
You may come across some rather outlandish claims about the ancients, such as fears of dying in their sleep leading them to sleep sitting up, using urine to wash clothes, or employing a sponge on a stick for toilet purposes. These notions seem illogical, yet they are often presented as historical facts in educational settings.

In contrast, there is evidence of a decline from a once-great civilization that had an exquisite appreciation for beauty and constructed magnificent cities, palaces, roads, and aqueducts across the world. They employed advanced construction techniques and technologies that appear superior to ours, moving massive stone blocks and fitting them together without cement, creating structures that have endured for centuries. T

This civilization, as observed, was obliterated by a flood—nearly all the ancient edifices were buried under mudflows composed of mud and stones, necessitating excavation, even atop hills. Ancient streets lay hidden beneath a five-meter-thick layer of mud, replete with scoops, plinths, and bones. Excavations of such remnants continue in Turkey and Italy, and perhaps similar sites await discovery elsewhere if excavated correctly.
The term “elven civilization” is quite fitting; it encompasses not only the harmony and beauty of their architecture but also the fact that, as depicted in Tolkien’s books, this civilization was in decline. Many structures, such as the grand Baalbek, remain unfinished. There was a period when the elven civilization existed alongside us, the so-called human barbarians, and afterward, it was humans who inhabited these grand edifices, which were certainly not any kind of temples.

Clif High #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

We are at the very END of the Fiat Federal Reserve Note (a debt instrument) aka the 'dollar' system.

As this crashes further this year and next, the economy will shrink back to favor those people who actually produce goods, those people who are ‘makers’.

These makers are the core of any economic system. Ultimately ALL economic systems come back to the farmers, and ‘excess calories’ which is what provides the civilization, the ‘carry power’ to go another year without collapse.

Side note: thus the huge amount of energy put into trying to collapse our food system by the Elohim worship cult.

Ultimately, all power goes back to excess calories. If there is famine, and starvation, there is NO social order. There is NO effective power structure.
It is my premise here that, within the collapse of the FRN/Dollar, will emerge a great cleansing of the social order here in USA, as well as a re-balancing of the political power, with much of that power returning to the Makers/Doers of our society.
As we work our way back into known, and yet to be translated, ancient literature, we will come to understand the ‘economic’ model of the Elohim which, like ours to some extent, was built on excess calories and the ability to carry their civilization forward to the next year.

Unfortunately for humans, we ARE their excess calories.

The economic model practiced by the Elohim, at its core, evolved to that of locating new resources, exploiting those resources, and then moving on to locate more, new resources.

The Elohim had shifted their entire social order away from being their own makers/doers, over to exploiting the makers from other species. Their economic model is based on, and consists of, space slavery.
Means we have to discard all the grit based fake science though. Get prepared to do a total rebuild on your understanding of physics, and humans.

We are coming out of bondage! Freedom and the expanse of the Matterium await!

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy

In a recent academic paper, Harvard University professors proposed the existence of cryptoterrestrials as a valid explanation for the origin of the UFO phenomenon. Rather than extraterrestrials arriving from distant exoplanets on superluminal spacecraft, the explanation for UFOs now shifts to cryptoterrestrials who are living under Earth’s surface and oceans. The authors speculate that cryptoterrestrials are survivors from very ancient civilizations that achieved a high-level of technological sophistication, before disappearing under the Earth’s surface during cataclysmic surface events.

There is abundant historical evidence pointing to the existence of crypoterrestrials and their interaction with surface humanity during cataclysmic events. Hopi legends tell of an underground race of Ant People helping native Americans to escape the transition and travel into different worlds, while similar accounts are found in various cultures. However, in the modern era, the emphasis has shifted to UAPs as an unknown national security threat. The US Congress, the military/intelligence community, and an increasing number of world officials go to great lengths to justify their interest in UAPs as an important national security concern.

Why the sudden shift in narrative to UFOs are a national security threat, and cryptoterrestrials are behind it? Why has the US Congress taken steps to reintroduce the military draft for men and women between the ages of18-26?

In his next webinar, Dr. Michael Salla presents a disturbing picture of how the Deep State is preparing a false flag alien event, not using extraterrestrials from distant worlds, but cryptoterrestrials from beneath Earth’s surface as the culprit. Most alarmingly, he will provide extensive data on the many thousands, if not millions, of cloned alien life forms already created in Deep Underground Military Bases which are likely to be used in staging a false flag cryptoterrestrial event.

Date: July 27, 2024

Cost: $35

Political Moonshine #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

Do we leave the door to the Executive open for Hillary Clinton? That is a question now warranting an answer despite efforts to keep our heads in the sand on one of the most divisive, abrasive and dishonest figures in the geopolitical landscape. Two things remain certain, though: 1-The Intelligence Community has been in the process of operationally removing Joe Biden from the Executive for going on two years starting with the Penn Biden Center revelations and 2-Hillary Clinton has always selectively and topically worked to remain relevant in the public eye and presumably to achieve her objective of occupying the Executive. Will these two things intersect in August 2024?

Translated, it means that the US version of Marxist tyranny is no different than China’s and the CCP’s with one exception: China and the CCP are open about their brand of Marxism and tyranny while in Amerika, it’s all done by deceit vis-a-vis inverting democracy, the Constitution and American culture to package it all up as an entirely fraudulent narrative that is ubiquitously propagated; especially in the public “education” [indoctrination] system.

They’re stealing 2024 – write that down – and Joe Biden is out – write that down, too.

Is Hillary Clinton in?

We’ll close by asking another question: Is Clinton’s apparent reemergence as a plausible nominee a deflection point away from the actual plans to install Michelle Obama or is it an authentic development?

Just in case it’s the latter, we’ll leave the door open for her.

If she walks through it, that recurring nightmare we previously discussed becomes our God forsaken reality.