Donald Trump

Sher Zieve #conspiracy

November 5, 2008: My prediction is that we are now going to experience some of the darkest days — if not the darkest — that have ever befallen this country. Marxism — as professed by Barack Obama — will destroy both this once-great country and its people. Harbor no doubts, my friends. The days of massive oppression have just begun. With no one — or groups — willing to oppose him and his minions, this will be the end of the American experiment. May the Lord God bless us all.

October 18, 2012: But, keep the faith, folks. With God's assistance, help is on the way. On 6 November 2012, we will elect a new president of the United States and send the old one packing!

November 7, 2012: The Islamo-Marxist "President" of the United States of America Barack Hussein Obama was elected to another 4 years in office. I had hoped and fervently prayed that the prophetic words in my column 'Is the USA Ready for an American Stalin?' written in 2008 "if Obama is elected we will never be able to get rid of him" were not true. But, they were and are.

March 3, 2016: Let's face it, folks. The ruling class members – worldwide – are closer than they've ever been to a One-World Government and they do not intend to allow "upstart" Donald Trump to take the YUGE prize of the US presidency.

Jared Taylor #racist

A man described as the “intellectual godfather” of the racist alt-right movement insists he isn’t a white supremacist — and says Republican voters are more racist than the Republican establishment realizes.

Jared Taylor, the editor of the magazine American Renaissance, has been prominently featured in a new Hillary Clinton campaign ad that links her rival Donald Trump to a variety of racists. But Taylor told The Daily Caller that he objects to being portrayed as a white supremacist.

“Presumably a white supremacist is someone who wants to rule over people of other races,” he explained. “We have no such desire. Nor do people on the alt right think that whites are a superior race. In many respects Asians are more objectively superior to whites and certainly athletically blacks are probably superior to whites.”

Taylor previously made headlines after placing thousands of robocalls urging GOP primary voters to support Trump. He said the alt-right movement has been “very very rapidly” growing thanks in part to white insecurities and the Black Lives Matter movement.

“The notion that whites are responsible for the failures of all non-whites,” Taylor told the Daily Caller. “White people get beaten over the head every day with this kind of thing, and they reject that. They also reject the idea that they should cheerfully become a minority in their own country. And things like the Black Lives Matter movement have probably swelled our ranks far more than anything Hillary Clinton could ever do for us.”

In a speech on Thursday, Clinton described the alt-right as “a paranoid fringe in our politics, steeped in racial resentment.” She said the racist movement had effectively taken over the Republican Party.

Taylor said that mainstream Republicans were mystified by the rapid rise of Trump because they didn’t understand the racist views of their own voter base.

“They have been deliberately blind to the frustrations of their natural constituency. They have bought the myths about race. They’ve swallowed that completely. In terms of the interchangeability of races, of the idea that America is up for grabs, that whoever can manage to sneak in more or less belongs to them – they’re no different from the Democrats,” Taylor said.

Pepe Escobar #conspiracy

‘Resistance’ runs amok in the US Deep Throat War

Bob Woodward’s book and the ‘resistance’ op-ed look increasingly like a sophisticated psy-ops scheme and a prelude for a ‘Deep State’ coup

We now live in a psy-ops world. The latest Deep Throat War in Washington bears all the elements of an epic of the genre. Fear: Trump in the White House, by Bob Woodward, who remains an associate editor at the Washington Post, will be released next week, on the 17th anniversary of 9/11.

This, in turn, will divert attention from the fact that the former, Bush era-coined Global War on Terror has metastasized into an all-American Rebels With A Cause special, featuring support for the “moderate rebels” al-Qaeda in Syria, former Jabhat al-Nusra, now Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.

In the wake of Fear, a Deep Throat surged out of nowhere in the form of an anonymous Op-Ed in the New York Times, which spilled the beans on Trumpian chaos in the White House.

Post-modern cynics were left wondering if this one-two walks and talks like a tie-in, it must be a tie-in. The Washington Post is the property of multi-billionaire Jeff “Amazon” Bezos and it has been on a permanent collision course with President Donald Trump.

And yet the Post may be seething now because Deep Throat, this time around, actually helped the competition. Adding insult to injury, the Times timed the release of its bombshell Op-Ed for the day after the Post’s strategic “leak” of Woodward’s book.

The heart of the matter is that the possible tie-in plays to the simple premise – extolling the role of a small “resistance” or the good guys. They are driven to protect “our values” and “our institutions” from dangerously chaotic Trump.

Post-truth cynics also cannot help being reminded of the historical precedence of a 1970s “resistance” – at the Nixon White House – who leaked to the press that “Tricky Dick” was out of control and was kept in check by true American patriots.

The current Deep Throat War is more like the case of a fractioned Deep State out for revenge on Trump via its media arm. The one-two tie-in – Woodward’s book and the “resistance” Op-Ed – looks increasingly like a sophisticated psy-ops – a prelude for a Deep State white coup.

At the heart of the “resistance” is Russia. Trump, who was egged on by the divide-and-rule personal advice from Henry Kissinger since before the inauguration, essentially wants better relations with Russia to try to detach Moscow from the strategic partnership with Beijing.

Virtually everyone surrounding the president, not to mention most Deep State factions, are opposed to this.

And this brings me back to the “gutless” Op-Ed, according to the Trump administration, by a “senior official,” according to the Times. It argued that Trump was always against moves to counter proverbial Russian aggression before he finally acquiesced.

Now, compare it with Republicans on Capitol Hill, who forced the White House to impose even stronger sanctions on Russia. And yet they do not label themselves as “resistance.”

The anonymous “resistance” warrior has to be put in context with Trump’s basic instinct of trying, at least, to put together an Art of the Deal dialogue with North Korea and Russia.

This is seen by the mainstream media as a “preference for autocrats and dictators,” such as Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un, over America’s “allied, like-minded nations.” Again, this sounds like something straight from the editorial pages of the Washington Post and the New York Times.

The arcane rules in Washington determine that whistleblowing should proceed only via two authorized forms. This involves a leak, as in Mark Felt, the original Deep Throat, to the Post, or leaking official documents, as in Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers.

Digital smuggling, as in the Edward Snowden case, or receiving digital files from insiders, as in Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, is strictly off-limits.

The “resistance” bears no documents. Instead, the “resistance” warrior tries to make the case that Trump is not running the show as the real protagonists are anonymous functionaries who can be equally praised as “patriots,” according to the Times, or derided as “traitors,” or “TREASON?” as Trump tweeted.

Curiously enough, the site MyBookie lists the odds for the US president charging the “resistance” warrior with treason at 1-2, which is more likely than Trump being impeached by 2020 at 3-1.

Meanwhile, there is no debate whatsoever on the dire consequences of removing a sitting president – as alluded by the “resistance” warrior – because he’s unwilling to let US-Russia confrontation degenerate into a nuclear red alert.

It would be hard to dismiss the President when he says: “I’m draining the Swamp, and the Swamp is trying to fight back.”

Andre Vltchek #fundie

In Washington, Regime Change Is Truly and Urgently Needed!

I am surprised that no one else is saying it, writing it, shouting it at each and every corner:

It is not Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Iran that are in dire and crucial need of ‘regime change’. It is the United States of America, it is the entire European Union; in fact, the entire West.

And the situation is urgent.

The West has gone mad; it has gone so to speak, bananas; mental. And people there are too scared to even say it, to write about it.

One country after another is falling, being destroyed, antagonized, humiliated, impoverished. Entire continents are treated as if they were inhabited by irresponsible toddlers, who are being chased and disciplined by sadistic adults, with rulers and belts in their hands yelling with maniacal expressions on their faces: “Behave, do as we say, or else!”

It all would be truly comical, if it weren’t so depressing. But— nobody is laughing. People are shaking, sweating, crying, begging, puking, but they are not chuckling.

I see it everywhere where I work: in Asia, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East.

But why?

It is because North American and European countries are actually seriously delivering their ultimatum: you either, obey us and prostrate yourself in front of us, or we will break you, violate you, and if everything else fails, we will kill your leaders and all of those who are standing in our way.

This is not really funny, is it? Especially considering that it is being done to almost all the countries in what is called Latin America, to many African and Middle Eastern nations, and to various states on the Asian continent.

And it is all done ‘professionally’, with great sadistic craftsmanship and rituals. No one has yet withstood ‘regime change’ tactics, not even the once mighty Soviet Union, nor tremendous China, or proud and determined Afghanistan.

Cuba, Venezuela, DPRK and Syria may be the only countries that are still standing. They resisted and mobilized all their resources in order to survive; and they have survived, but at a tremendous price.

The victims keep crying. A few independent countries keep expressing their outrage. But so far, there is no grand coalition, which would be ready to fight and defend each other: “one for all, all for one”.

Until the recent ‘rebellion’ at the UN, no one has been openly and seriously suggesting that international law should apply to all nations of the world, equally.

People talk about ‘peace’. Many are begging the brigands to ‘to stop’, to ‘have mercy’, to show some compassion. But, neither Europe nor North America has ever shown any compassion, for long, terrible centuries. Look at the map of the beginning of the 20th century, for instance: the entire world was colonized, plundered and subjugated.

Now it is all moving in the same direction. If the West is not stopped, our planet may not survive at all. And let us be realistic: begging, logical arguments and goodwill will not stop Washington, Paris or London from plundering and enslaving.

Anyone who has at least some basic knowledge of world history knows that.

So why is the world still not forging some true resistance?

Is Venezuela going to be the last straw? And if not Venezuela, that is if Venezuela is allowed to fall, is it going to be Nicaragua, Cuba or Iran next? Is anything going to propel people into action?

Are we all just going to look passively how, the socialist Venezuela, a country which has already given so much to the world, Venezuela which managed to create beautiful visions and concepts for our humanity, is going to be burned to ashes, and then robbed of all of its dreams, its resources and of its freedom?

Are we all such cowards? Is this what we – human beings – have actually become; been reduced to? Cowards and cattle, selfish and submissive beings; slaves?

All this, simply because people are too scared to confront the empire? Because they prefer to hide and to pretend that what is so obvious, is actually not taking place?

Therefore, let me pronounce it, so at least my readers do not have that ‘luxury’ of claiming that they were not told:

“This world is being brutalized and controlled by the fascist clique of Western nations. There is no ‘democracy’ left in this world, as there is near zero respect for international law in North American and European capitals. Colonialism has returned in full force. Western imperialism is now almost fully controlling the world.”

And begging, trust me – begging and talking of peace is not going to help.

During WWII, fascism had to be stopped. If not, it was going to devour the entire planet.

In the past, tens of millions have already died fighting for freedom and for our mankind.

Yes, some nations tried to compromise and negotiate with Nazi Germany, but we all know where it all ended.

Now, the situation is the same. Or worse, perhaps much worse, because the West has nukes and a tremendous propaganda apparatus: it controls human brains all over the world with ‘mass media’, and ‘education’.

And because the citizens of the West are now much more brainwashed than the Germans and Italians were in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s; more brainwashed, more scared, submissive and more ‘disciplined’.

Look, seriously: are the people who are now writing those “peace essays”, in which they argue with the Western regime about who is right and who is wrong, seriously thinking that they are going to move people like Donald Trump, or Pompeo, or Abrams, or Rubio?

Do they believe that Washington is going to stop murdering millions of people all over the world? Or that the neo-colonialist plunder would stop, after the US Congress and Senate suddenly understands that it has been at the wrong side of history?

This is not some rhetorical question. I am serious: I demand answers!

Does ‘peace movement’ thinks that by amassing arguments it could stop Western expansionism? Yes or no?

Do they believe that Pompeo or Trump will suddenly hit their foreheads and exclaim: “You people are correct! We did not see this!” And call their troops, their thugs and mercenaries back?

If not, if this is not what peace movements believe would be done by North American and European leaders, then why all those thousands of wasted pages?

Would you go near a crocodile that is ready to devour an innocent child, and try to reason with it? Would you, seriously? Do you think it would stop, drop a few tears, wag its tail and leave?

Sometimes I tend to believe that ‘peace movements’ in the West are making things worse. They create false hopes, and they behave as if the empire is some entity that has a soul, and understands logic. They grossly underestimate the threat; the danger.

And they tend to analyze the Western threat from a Western perspective, using Western logic.

It somehow gets lost in interpretation that fascism, terror, and bestiality have to be confronted and fought.

One cannot negotiate with a group of countries which are already bathed in the blood of some 80% of the planet. If it was to happen, it would just be a mockery and it would simply humiliate everyone that is sincerely trying to stop the assassins.

Right now, Venezuela needs solidarity. It requires direct help, actions; not words. And so do many other countries.

Instead, it gets an endless avalanche of best wishes, as well as premature obituaries.

The Bolivarian Revolution has gotten plenty of colorful words. But what it urgently needs is volunteers, money, and internationalist brigades!

I know that billions of people all over the world are now cheering from their armchairs; in fact, doing absolutely nothing, while also spending zero. Their love for Venezuela is ‘platonic’.

I have just left Syria, where I was covering the Idlib war zone. There was not one single foreigner near me, during those days. Eva Bartlett and Vanessa Beeley usually work all over the toughest areas in Syria, but how many others do? And most of the time we work with near zero backing, just because we feel that it is our moral obligation to inform humanity.

I am wondering, how many foreigners are fighting for Venezuela, right now?

Who is going to face the Western spooks implanted into the Caracas and the Venezuelan borders with Colombia and Brazil? A few RT and TeleSur reporters, those true heroes, yes, but who else?

Only direct action can save Venezuela, and the world.

This is no time for debates.

This is worse, much worse than the late 1930’s.

The proverbial crocodile is here; its enormous ugly mouth open, ready to devour yet one more brilliant, proud country.

It is time to stick a big metal rod into its mouth. Now, immediately; before it gets too late.

Let us shout LONG LIVE VENEZUELA! But with our hands, muscles and purses, not just with our mouths.

And let us not be scared to declare: if anywhere, it is Washington where regime change is truly and urgently needed!

Nathan Rinne #fundie

In the Western world, today’s “conservatives” are increasingly libertarian when it comes to matters of sexual morality. Whatever good might come out of a Trump Presidency (full disclosure: I voted for the man), it seems unlikely that the nation’s appreciation for the importance of sexual morality will deepen.

Increasingly in our society, the expectation for any romantic relationship is that it must be sexual or get sexual without much delay – married or not. Going hand in hand with this, political progressives and libertarians both seem basically united on the idea that the choice of each individual is the controlling principle. As some on the Supreme Court told us in 1992, “At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.”

This kind of thinking really does not seem all that alien from what the Trump-supporting “free speech fundamentalist” Milo Yiannopoulos has said:

Read what you want.
Watch what you want.
Play what you want.
Think what you want.
Say what you want.

That might not work in a marriage, but otherwise why the hell not? (marriage couldn’t be that important anyways, could it?) Political correctness can die the death it so richly deserves! The sky is the limit!

Yiannopoulos may say that some – by virtue of biological and psychological limitations – can’t be whatever they want to be, but with his emphasis on the individual’s rights, one is hard-pressed to argue why some, at least, shouldn’t give it a shot (please note I say all of this wanting to defend free speech to, while being concerned that not all of our speech is helpful).

And, tying this back to matters of sexual morality, why suppress human nature? Yiannopoulos regularly encourages college students to not hold back in exploring their sexuality with others. And, when asked here about Harvard’s men’s soccer team this past week – namely, about their recently revealed shared Google form treating their female counterparts as sexual objects – Yiannopoulos defended them to the hilt. One might think he could have said, at the very least, that the men’s behavior was to be strongly discouraged – even if the Harvard President had overreacted (read this and this for a balanced perspective). He didn’t say this though – he simply talked about our inability to overcome human nature: basically “men will be men”.

After all, as popular You Tuber Gavin McInnes says (language alert) all men act like this. And likewise, all men must surely know that they are incapable of waiting for sex – and they must be lying if they say they do! Guys like Tim Tebow (what has he accomplished lately?) are surely hypocrites, and evidently, most of the time, just aren’t manly enough to obtain the good things that come their way, grabbing them by the—.

But even if we perhaps should respect the real power of human nature here, we also cannot overcome the consequences of human nature. Even if you, by virtue of your social capital and financial resources, appear able to rise above some of the most socially deleterious effects of sexual licentiousness, many – particularly the most vulnerable – can’t. And all of this contributes to the fracturing and weakening of the family, which one would hope any conservative would understand. This glorification of our choices when it comes to matters sexual, of course, makes the goal of marriage – and the commitment involved therein – less and less of a possibility for many (listen to Jennifer Roback Morse here).

Yiannopoulos may have once written about the dangers of pornography in the past (see here and here), but these days, he seems to have left that concern behind (a necessary casualty of his message and newfound fame?). Now, ironically, it is some on the left (some!) who are bringing up the critical importance of this issue (see here and here for example). Speaking merely from a tactical standpoint, perhaps persons like Yiannopoulos should find a creative way to address this, before being outflanked by progressives concerned about the truth of these matters?

So, what does any of this have to do with the theory of evolution – and sophisty?! Hang on— we getting there right now—.

First of all, a popular meaning of the word sophistry is “the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving”. It is a simply a matter of fact that men are capable of controlling themselves (though, if I may say, we seem to live in an age that likes to play with the fire of temptation).

Second, in the theory of evolution, all is about sex (and death): everything comes down to being able to pass on one’s genes to the next generation. Supposedly, evolution “designed” us for this.

Third, and here is the meat of my point, in a recent edition of the Atlantic, an article called “The Case Against Reality” lays out the implications of the theory of evolution (spurred on by what I call the MSTM, the modern scientific and technological mindset) in a very helpful manner. An interview with cognitive science Donald D. Hoffman is featured, where he argues that “the world is nothing like the one we experience through our senses— the world presented to us by our perceptions is nothing like reality” (as the Atlantic sums him up).

In short, Hoffman believes that “evolution itself [is] to thank for this magnificent illusion, as it maximizes evolutionary fitness by driving truth to extinction” (italics mine). It is not accurate perceptions which helps us to effectively pass on our genes but “fitness functions,” i.e. “mathematical functions that describe how well a given strategy achieves the goals of survival and reproduction.” “Suppose,” he says, “there’s a blue rectangular icon on the lower right corner of your computer’s desktop — does that mean that the file itself is blue and rectangular and lives in the lower right corner of your computer? Of course not— And yet the desktop is useful.”[ii] Hoffman says that this is “conscious realism,” meaning that “Objective reality is just conscious agents, just points of view.”

And hence, evolution’s connection with classical understandings of sophistry is complete. Perhaps Christians taken with evolution should take evolutionists like Daniel Dennet more seriously when they assert that it is a “universal acid” that “eats through just about every traditional concept, and leaves in its wake a revolutionized world-view, with most of the old landmarks still recognizable, but transformed in fundamental ways” (see here).

The Sophists of the ancient world said that our base assumption should be that certain truth and goodness is unattainable. With change being the only constant and knowledge an illusion, everything is about building consensus through persuasion. The ethical sophist – assuming positing such a person is reasonable! – would persuade on the basis of arguing for things that are not true, but possible and perhaps probable—

How does this not sync perfectly with what Hoffman is saying, a “match made in heaven,” or hell, as the case may be? Can’t he – or anyone else – see the implications of this thinking for human reason itself?

Let’s break it down:

In brief, Hoffman, assuming temporal survival is what life is all about, says that it is our “fitness functions,” and not accurate perceptions, which help us to pass on our genes.
Therefore, it follows that being able to create grand, plausible sounding theories – whether they are true or not – also can be reduced to being about the survival value they have (in that they attract partners who know brains are valuable – and who can pass on genes).
Therefore, as long as one can avoid the impression one is totally disconnected from matters of concrete fact, disqualifying one’s self in other’s eyes, the sky is the limit!
As Hoffman says, our perceptions are “tuned to fitness, but not to truth”. Why would our capacity to construct narratives, our story-telling imaginations, not be as well? Why would this also not figure into the all controlling “fitness function”?
So, if this is the case, why believe the theory of evolution is true at all? It might be useful for passing on genes, but true?

And yet, of course, what Hoffman is doing in his interview – what he cannot avoid doing even if he might protest he is doing it – is putting forth a truth claim. Truth, in one sense, is “driven to extinction,” where, in another, it rises from the ashes reborn. “Believe me,” he is saying— “I am speaking with some real authority on these matters.” The ancient sophists played the same game— the truth is that we cannot not really know truth— what is important is that you listen to me, noticing how smart I am—

And so, as evolution and truth evolves, so does “our” (Not mine! Not yours I hope!) understanding of individuality, sex, and gender.

To state the obvious, given his assumptions, is that not just his “fitness function” speaking? And if he opposes me socially and politically and I fight back, evidently with my own fitness function that still falsely believes there is truth, just what hope for common ground do we now have?

I’m calling B.S. I’m calling out these new sophists for the danger to society and culture that they are. Absolute. Total. Nonsense.

RoseAnn Salanitri #fundie

Predictions, prophecies and possibilities

Throughout the ages many have set dates for the Second Coming of Christ. Within the last two centuries, the Millerites and Harold Camping both presented logical (but wrong) arguments to support their predictions. The Millerite prediction for the Second Coming was 1843, which they then represented was misunderstood and should be have been interpreted as a “cleansing in heaven” and not on earth. More recently, Harold Camping predicted the Lord’s return in 1994, which he then revised to 2011.1 While such beliefs were sincere and well-founded, they ignored the Scripture that tells us that no one knows the day or the hour – only God in heaven. However, Jesus emphatically warned us to watch for the signs of the times so that we would not be overtaken as victims of a thief who comes in the night.

As we begin a new year, we should review and consider the fulfillment of the signs Christ spoke about. It needs to be stated clearly that this is not meant to suggest any time line, but only to increase awareness of the likelihood of Christ’s impending return. For although many prophecies have been fulfilled, that does not mean that we can set any date, for the Lord is not slack in returning but wishing that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). Therefore, it is the will of God that the time frame we label as the “end times” very well can last an incalculable period of time until He is satisfied that all that will come to repentance have come to repentance.

Two fulfilled predictions in modern times

While there are many fulfilled prophecies regarding this time period, I will only discuss two.

Daniel 12:4 (NASB) says: “But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.” Any soccer mom, or anyone stuck in rush hour traffic, or anyone who has spent time at an airport would be hard-pressed to deny that people are running back and forth all over the place. It is also undeniable that the last two decades have experienced a historically unparalleled increase in knowledge.

Luke 18:8b says: “However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Since 1859, the teachings of Evolution have assaulted the faith of many by challenging the veracity of Scripture, and consequently, the existence of God. As a result, the faith of many has not materialized.

Two key intervals

In addition to fulfilled prophecy, there are two significant time pins that are noteworthy.

1. Daniel 12:11 (NASB): “From the time that the regular sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days.” Ellis H. Skofield in his book The False Prophet, argues that this abomination is the Dome of the Rock by calculating a year based on 360 days until AD. Thereafter, counting one day for a year, as Daniel’s prophecies established with the birth and death of Christ. Using this formula, 1290 days from 552 BC (the time of Belshazzar) brings you to 688 AD, or the year the Dome of the Rock was built. At that point Muslims took over Israel’s most holy location, which made it impossible to worship on the Temple Mount—and yes, spiritually and in the eyes of the one true God, it is an abomination! (Also see Ezekiel 8:1-8; 16.)

When Israel came back

2. Daniel 7:25 (NASB): ‘He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.” The “he” referred to in this verse is a world leader whom many have labeled the Antichrist, but Scripture also tells us that the spirit of the Antichrist is already at work. Entire books can be written about this demonic spirit(s) and the form(s) it will take. Here we are discussing time pins, which requires a judgment call – or dare I say “an educated guess?” Assuming that Daniel’s original point of reference goes back to the first year of Belshazzar (552 BC), and a time, times, and half a time equates to 2500 years, we arrive at the year 1948, the year Israel once again became a nation.

Part 2 will deal with America’s possible roles in prophecy (including the administration of Donald Trump) and the political signs given in Scripture. Contrary to what many believe, throughout history and as recorded in biblical prophecies, faith systems of all kinds and politics do intertwine. The two time pins mentioned above are both spiritual and political in nature. To be sure, according to the books of Daniel and Revelation, we can expect this duality to continue. Until then, lift up your heads and watch, because your redemption is drawing near. Luke 21:28 NASB.

Editor’s Note:

1Harold Camping’s 2011 prediction failed – twice in one year. He suffered a stroke and died in that year. His Family Radio empire died with him. Your editor noted that Radio Station WFME, the Family Radio affiliate in West Orange, New Jersey, quietly went off the air.

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie

Right-wing commentator, conspiracy theorist and Donald Trump–obsessed sycophant Wayne Allyn Root unleashed a rant on his radio broadcast on Monday in which he vowed that he and his fellow Trump supporters will destroy the NFL and its commissioner, Roger Goodell, for allowing players to kneel in protest during the national anthem.

“The rebels with the pitchforks are back and we’re going to drive the NFL to its knees,” Root declared. “Boycott the NFL and demand the firing of Charles Goodell’s little goody-two-shoes spoiled brat son, Roger Go-To-Hell.”

“Roger, bye bye,” Root taunted. “We’re bringing you to your knees and we’re taking out the NFL.”

Root promised to wage a relentless war against the NFL for allowing players to “kneel and disrespect my flag and my country” and “disrespect vets, and disrespect cops, and disrespect active military.”

“Your dad was a putz and you, my friend, are a putz, Roger Go-To-Hell,” he continued. “Goodbye, Roger. We’re driving you out and we’re going to bankrupt the NFL for the next two weeks and prove, with specific action, that 63 million Trump voters have the power to take a business that disrespects us — and knock them down.”

“We’re going to war, baby,” Root boasted, “and Trump and us are winning.”

State of the Nation #conspiracy

The Internet is now overwhelmed by misinformation, disinformation and false information about the Washington, D.C. scandal known primarily as Pizzagate.

This alarming report has been prepared to provide both the global context and additional perspective for concerned people throughout the entire planetary civilization. Pedogate is going on practically everywhere.

For newcomers to this subject material, it is especially urgent to read this entire “Special Report” so that the Pizzagate lexicon and Pedogate back story can be properly understood. We also highly recommend the following excellent ebook: PIZZAGATE FOR DUMMIES for those who are unfamiliar with the Pizzagate back story.

Pedogate is Global, Pizzagate is Local

Many have complained that Pizzagate should be called Pedogate.

In fact, Pizzagate is just one of many Pedogates occurring around the world at this very moment. As the title indicates, “Pizzagate Represents Only a Single American Franchise Within a Worldwide Child Trafficking Operation Known As Pedogate“.

It’s true that Pizzagate is a uniquely American franchise that operates primarily in Washington, D.C., but also includes operations in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and other major metropolitan areas.

There are many other Pedogates, which have nothing to do with Pizzagate, taking place all over America at this time. Are these related? Yes, some much more than others.

For instance, the ongoing Hollywood Pedogate is joined at the hip with the D.C. Pizzagate. The very reason that many Hollywooders came out of the woodwork to support Hillary R. Clinton and bash Donald J. Trump is because of this close association of decade-long child abuse scandals in both D.C. and Tinseltown.

The most critical point here is that Pizzagate is the lynchpin that is inextricably connected to all the other Pedogates. Because it represents the child exploitation operation in the nation’s capital and related power centers, its outing has the capacity to expose the whole bloody child abuse culture. Yes, Pizzagate is that prominently configured within the world-wide Pedogate scandal. It’s not the grand-daddy like the Brussels Pedogate, but it involves a Who’s Who of American society and especially the political class.

Pizzagate is much more serious than previous Pedogates

Why did Pizzagate blow wide open—just before the election?

First, it’s important to understand that Pizzagate was revealed by the double whammy of the Podesta WikiLeaks and Anthony Weiner’s 650,000 emails. In other words, the time had come for this pedophilia in high places to be blown wide open. Because it all went down just a couple of weeks before the most contentious election in U.S. history, the whole world was watching the American political theater with utter amazement.

This is the timing and environment in which Pizzagate was first disclosed. Since the very first disclosures, it has gathered momentum that just won’t quit. In fact with each day comes new information and startling realizations about just how BIG this thing really is. That Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and John Podesta are at the epicenter of this “Scandal of the Millennium” makes it all the more shocking and hard for many to believe.

Nevertheless, it is these and other dramatic elements that have pushed Pizzagate to the forefront of the news cycle. Especially when the NYT, WashPo and BBC are running front page stories to defend an extremely dubious gay pizza parlor owner, the reader knows that there is something not right. And when FOX News’ Megyn Kelly is featuring an interview with Comet’s notorious James Alefantis that not only exonerates him from all suspicion, but lauds him as a hero of sorts who stared down the Alt Right, something is very wrong indeed.

It’s actually the real back story that is being kept carefully hidden; for were the true details of Pizzagate to leak out to the public, the world would change in a day and a night. The shocking back story of the much larger Pedogate looks like this. Take a very close look at the following excerpt. This short synopsis of the 1980s Franklin Scandal and Cover-up captures the sheer depth and breadth of the crimes being perpetrated against our children.

What the reader needs to understand is that Pizzagate represents only the tip of the iceberg—a global iceberg of profound criminality committed against the children of the world. Not only does it concern a much larger worldwide pedophilia ring known as Pedogate, it also involves an international crime syndicate that trades in the exploitation of children—EVERYWHERE —24/7.

Washington D.C. and the C.I.A.

What makes Pizzagate so very explosive is that all of the key players are deep in D.C. politics and Washington power-plays, US government influence peddling and federal power-brokering. And then there is the C.I.A., often regarded as the intelligence agency that not only controls the many Pedogates occurring nationwide, but also closely monitors each and every one of them. After all, these unimaginable child abuse operations are implemented — first and foremost — as the primary control mechanism that keeps American politicians in complete check.

Why is that so very important?

For the uninitiated, it is crucial to understand that the United States of America has been painstakingly cultivated to function as the military arm of the New World Order (NWO). In this pivotal role the USA takes direction from the financial arm headquartered in the City of London as well as from the religious arm of the NWO located in Vatican. This is why it’s so important for the World Shadow Government to control everything that goes on in Washington, D.C. the high command of the U.S. Armed Forces and military policeman of the world.

Pizzagate has simply uncovered what everyone in Washington has always known. That virtually every politician of note is controlled by having been compromised with an illegal and/or outrageous sexual affair, often with underage children. In once Puritan America this has always been the easiest way to bring down a noncompliant elected official. Of course, if the unlawful and lurid conduct occurred in the context of child rape or satanic ritual sacrifice, their political career not only ended, so was their freedom of movement due to imprisonment.

The C.I.A. has always been notorious for being deeply involved in the top 3 illicit revenue-producing operations of the world. Drug trafficking and arms trafficking are both quite HUGE; however, it is child trafficking that really keeps them in business. The CIA has so many black budgeted operations to fund that they require massive funding from these criminal activities to continue to run them across the planet. Child trafficking also provides a special means to control those in positions of perceived power. However, it is those who occupy the highest echelons of the global power structure who are also taken care of by way of this global pedophilia ring.

This is what really distinguished Pizzagate from all of the other child sexual abuse scandals in high places over the past many decades. It has broken open a prominently configured C.I.A. cell of deeply embed operatives within the international child exploitation business. This particular Pedogate operation is really controlled by the C.I.A., as well as other alphabet soup agencies that no one has even heard of they’re so secret and nefarious in their criminal activity.

What could possibly be more radioactive than pedophilia in high places?

Actually, the pedophilia rings are organized ostensibly as a cover for a much, MUCH more sinister business operation. Those criminal activities routinely carried out include the production of child pornography, both photographs and films, as well as the filming of snuff movies. Other criminal behavior falls within the realm of satanic ritual child sacrifice and blood drinking. The most odious crimes, however, involve child organ trafficking, tissues harvesting and blood extraction.

It’s crucial to comprehend that the C.I.A. does not, and never has, worked for the American people. The Company, as it is also known, works exclusively for the Military Industrial Complex and other key Fortune 1000 companies scattered around the globe. The C.I.A. is also employed by select NGOs, which have actually been set up as CIA front companies like the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Global Initiative is just that—a global CIA operation that interpenetrates every kind of corporation that is necessary to perform a blackop wherever it is necessary to have such a benevolent cover.

The Clinton Foundation: A Typical ‘CIA-Directed NGO’ That Is Completely Above The Law

For these and other reasons, both Hillary and Bill Clinton have been implicated in various schemes which have to do with child trafficking. The Pizzagate scandal at Comet Ping Pong is just one that was overseen by Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta–a key figure in the D.C. pedophilia ring along with his brother super-lobbyist Tony Podesta.

The very endeavor that put the Clinton Foundation on the map was its response to the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti. However, a woman who was caught and convicted of child smuggling (33 children) — Laura Silsby — and who Secretary of State Clinton tried to protect from prosecution, also has ties to the Foundation. Which is why the mainstream media (MSM) was eerily silent on this whole criminal matter.

Ann Barnhardt #conspiracy

is NOT about Trump becoming “president” of the former-United States. Never was, folks. It was pre-arranged with the Clintons as a means of re-installing the Clinton mafia in The White House while allowing Trump to evolve the Trump brand and increase the value of the Trump brand by billions of dollars.

Donald Trump began by cultivating his persona as a real estate tycoon and casino mogul in the 1980s. But that is a somewhat limited market, and also very cyclical and risky. After all, building giant mirror-penis skyscrapers and slapping your name on them in gold-mirror caps can only take narcissist so far. He then decided to expand and elevate his persona by moving into entertainment – specifically reality shows – in the 1990s and 2000s. While risky and cyclical like real estate, entertainment is far LESS risky once a given entertainer has established a foothold. Trump did that with “The Apprentice”.

Being “friends” with the Clintons, Trump saw how lucrative the political racketeering paradigm was, specifically the “speaking fees”, which are just extremely thinly-veiled bribes and payola, and the “Clinton Global Initiative”, which is a straight-up money laundering racket. But, in order for Trump to break into the world of ten-figure political racketeering, he needed to evolve his brand even further. He needed to evolve into “Donald Trump: Global Statesman”.

And THAT, my dears, is why he brokered and concocted the kayfabe with the Clintons that you are now seeing. Was Trump inspired in all of this after his dabble in Professional Wrestling a few years ago? Were his business dealings with on again-off again billionaire Vince McMahon (owner of WWF/WWE Pro Wrestling) his inspiration for the kayfabe “presidential” run? NOTHING would surprise me at this point.

Now to the “winning and losing”. This is all fake. Clinton is going to “win” and was always going to win no matter what because the elections themselves are a sham. I know this is really, really hard for Americans to come to grips with, but these national-level elections are all bullshit and have been for a while. Donald Trump wants NOTHING TO DO with being “president” of the former-United States. Think about it. What person in their right mind would want to be “president” over the next four years, as the catastrophic destabilization, the aggressive execution of the Cloward-Piven strategy comes to full flower? As I said from the beginning, the Obama regime would incite a race-based civil war inside the U.S., while simultaneously destabilizing the rest of the world AND reforming and arming a new islamic Caliphate. Check. The Obama regime also executed the Cloward-Piven Strategy upon the U.S. economy AND healthcare delivery system. This was done in a two-pronged attack, namely Obamacare and the dissolving of the Mexican border. Check.

David Irving #racist

Sixteen years after an English court discredited his work and the judge called him “antisemitic and racist”, the historian David Irving claims he is inspiring a new generation of “Holocaust sceptics”. On the eve of a major new Bafta-nominated film about the trial, Irving, who has dismissed what happened at Auschwitz concentration camp during the second world war as “Disneyland”, says that a whole new generation of young people have discovered his work via the internet and social media.

“Interest in my work has risen exponentially in the last two or three years. And it’s mostly young people. I’m getting messages from 14, 15, 16-year-olds in America. They find me on YouTube. There are 220 of my lectures on YouTube, I believe, and these young people tell me how they’ve stayed up all night watching them. “They get in touch because they want to find out the truth about Hitler and the second world war. They ask all sorts of questions. I’m getting up to 300 to 400 emails a day. And I answer them all. I build a relationship with them.”

Irving v Penguin Books Ltd was one of the most infamous libel trials of the past 20 years. An American historian, Deborah Lipstadt, had accused him in her book, Denying the Holocaust,and Irving, then a somewhat respected if maverick historian, sued her and her publisher. The film, Denial, with a script by David Hare, is released at the end of this month and stars Rachel Weisz as Lipstadt and Timothy Spall as Irving. It depicts how Lipstadt’s legal team fought the case.

James Libson, a junior solicitor in the case and now a senior partner at Mishcon de Reya, said that the verdict seemed “momentous at the time”. Lipstadt won, with the judge concluding that Irving was an antisemitic, racist Holocaust denier. He was forced to declare bankruptcy and his scholarly reputation was shattered. “We really thought the verdict marked a line in the sand,” says Libson. “That it marked Holocaust denial as a done subject. We’d proven it, conclusively, in a court of law.

“We naively thought that the internet would help that. All the material from the case was published online and we thought that would provide sufficient answer to anyone who could possibly doubt it. Whereas, of course, the internet has actually done the opposite.

“I wasn’t aware until recently of how Holocaust denial has now taken off online again to such an extent. I was really excited to watch the trailer for the film and I couldn’t believe the number of absolutely vile comments beneath it – about the holohoax and so on, more than 4,000 of them. It’s incredibly disturbing. It’s actually way worse now than even Irving was because they’re so abusive.”

Libson was assisting Anthony Julius in the case – another Mishcon lawyer who had made his name representing Princess Diana in her divorce. Irving lost the case – and another that he brought against the Observer over a review by Gita Sereny – but speaking from his home in the Scottish Highlands, a 40-room mansion near Nairn provided by an anonymous benefactor, he says that history has “vindicated” him.

“History evolves. The truth about the Holocaust is gradually coming out. And this is thanks to the internet. It’s how this new generation finds me. There’s a general belief among people out there that they are being misled. The people I’ve called the traditional enemy [Irving’s term for Jews] are very worried about this phenomenon. They don’t have a handle on it.

“Newspapers are dying. And the internet is suddenly there. And they don’t have an answer for it. It’s like some ugly weed they don’t know how to deal with. Eventually they will hack it down but by then it may be too late.”

Google, which owns YouTube, has come under pressure for disseminating hate speech about Jews and promoting Holocaust denial after the Observer revealed that its top results for searches around the Holocaust were directing people to denial sites. After weeks of pressure, Google agreed to make changes to its algorithm, but they are far from comprehensive. Google auto-complete still suggests the Holocaust is a “lie” and a “hoax” and still directs to neo-Nazi websites such as Stormfront, where Irving is considered an authority on the subject. He also has a presence on Facebook, where his page has gathered more than 7,000 likes.

Lipstadt said the idea that Irving had been vindicated by history was “preposterous”. “There was nothing, zilch, in the historical claims that he made. We proved that. But this is the world we are living in. Where facts don’t matter any more — and it’s absolutely terrifying.

“I’ve no idea of knowing if his claims about his newfound popularity are true or not but you’d have to be living under a rock not to see that this proliferation of racism and antisemitism is being disseminated by the internet. “This has nothing to do with freedom of speech. It’s about truth and lies.”

Irving, however, says that he is speaking to people who have lost trust in mainstream sources of information. “It’s all to do with this phenomenon of people not trusting what they are told by their governments and newspapers. They seek around to find someone who provides some remedy to this. And they find me. “I am part of the remedy. It’s not just that I’m selling huge amounts of books around the world. One of the big changes of the last two years is the amount I’m getting in donations.

“It used to be small amounts, and they still come in, but people are now giving me very large sums indeed – five-figure sums. I now drive a Rolls-Royce. A beautiful car. Though money is completely unimportant to me.”

His new fans, he says, are the same people who in the US are supporting Donald Trump, who he believes will make a good president and “has his heart in the right place”. Though, he says, he is also impressed by the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn. “The Labour party is tearing itself apart with these allegations about antisemitism,” he says, “but Corbyn seems like a very fine man. Maybe it’s because he’s near my age, but I’m impressed by him.”

The Burning Blogger Of Bedlam #conspiracy

FRANCE, Bastille Day ‘Attack’: 100% Staged False-Flag – And Here’s Why—

So, so sick of this BS.

And I know I’ve said that a number of times before, so let’s just get on with it. Let’s just expose this latest staged ‘terror attack’ nonsense quickly and be done with it – so that we can get on with our day.


France has essentially been maneuvering to go the US/NSA route and establish a surveillance super-state based on the American model (a route that Britain can certainly follow too, now that ‘Brexit’ has placed a pro-surveillance Prime Minister into power); a route that I noted previously ‘it can now follow with virtually unanimous public support thanks to the Friday 13th attacks’.

And where France leads, the EU might follow; and in that scenario, we’ll end up with a NSA-style surveillance super-state that spans the entire Western world, backed up on the ground by armed troops with expanded powers to arrest, confine or eliminate people – and almost certainly sponsored from the beginning by the American Deep State.

You probably won’t hear much of that in the coming days.

Instead you’ll hear lots about ‘the Muslim Problem’, those ‘terrible refugees’ and the threat they present to our societies, the ‘failure of multi-culturalism’, etc. And if you fall for that and go along with the misdirection, then frankly you’re an idiot and I hope you enjoy your complete loss of liberties when it gets set in stone.

Watch now and wait for all the usual BS; the sheer, inane predictability of everyone and everything in response. ‘Oh no, another terrible attack!’ ‘Something must be done about these awful Muslims!’ ‘Multi-Culturalism has failed!’ ‘It’s the refugees – deport them all!’ You can set your watch to all this bullshit; oh yes, and the obligatory Donald Trump comment about the Muslim Problem (has already happened), and— let’s wait and see how long it takes Info Wars to blame Islam, multi-culturalism, liberalism, feminists and Ewoks.

It’s the Ewoks – those furry, shifty-eyed Ewoks up to no good.

Watch the Far Right gain even more ground and milk this for everything it’s worth. Watch ‘ISIS’ be linked to the attack – to justify increased French/Western military action in the Middle East.

Get ready for all the psy-op conditioning and the #PrayForNice or #PrayForFrance or #PrayForEurope hashtags, and all the mainstream news broadcasters spending the next few days asking ‘what can we do to increase our security and make sure this doesn’t happen again?’, accompanied by dramatic montages with sad music – it’s only been a few hours and I’ve seen both Sky News and RT doing it already.

It’s called the script.

Cheryl Burns, anonymous Alabama Residents #racist

GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump took his road show to Alabama Friday night, appearing at Ladd–Peebles Stadium before a crowd estimated at 20,000, many of whom matter-of-factly shared their racist views with visiting reporters.

As Trump spoke to to his assembled fans and curiosity seekers, one man could be heard yelling “white power!” (see video below) in between breaks in Trump’s stump speech.

Wearing what is becoming his trademark campaign speech golf hat reading “Make America great again,” Trump hit many of his familiar themes, including bashing “illegals” whom he says are are destroying the U.S.

Trump again pitched building a wall between Mexico and the U.S. saying, “we’re going to build it” while stating Congress could end the guarantee of citizenship for children born to immigrants in the U.S.

“The 14th Amendment — I was right on it. You can do something with it, and you can do something fast,” Trump said. “In the case of other countries, including Mexcio, they don’t do that. It doesn’t work that way. — We’re the only place just about that’s stupid enough to do it.”

Trumps comments found favor with many in the cheering crowd with one local man, Jim Sherotta, 53, telling a reporter from, he’d like to see bounties placed upon the heads of undocumented workers coming over the border.

“Hopefully, he’s going to sit there and say, ‘When I become elected president, what we’re going to do is we’re going to make the border a vacation spot, it’s going to cost you $25 for a permit, and then you get $50 for every confirmed kill,'” Sherota explained. “That’d be one nice thing.”

Sherrota later stated that he was just kidding.

Speaking with the Washington Post, Cheryl Burns — who was visiting from California — told reporters she left behind a devastated state and that Trump is telling the truth about undocumented workers ravaging the country.

“There is no more California,” Burns said. “It’s now international, lawless territory. Everything is up for grabs. Illegal aliens are murdering people there. People are being raped. Trump isn’t lying about anything — the rest of the country just hasn’t found out yet.”

Washington Post reporter Dave Weigel, who is shadowing the campaign sarcastically noted this morning that his interviews with citizens of Alabama are “going well so far,” with a local farmer telling him: “You probably think we’re prejudiced, but my whole life we had n****rs work for us in the field. And they were n****rs. My daddy called them n****rs. I’m not ignorant. That’s just the way I was raised. There’s black people and there’s n****rs. You live around here, you know the difference.”

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy

Right-wing commentator, conspiracy theorist and Donald Trump–obsessed sycophant Wayne Allyn Root spent a good portion of his radio broadcast yesterday ranting about the need for conservatives to hire special forces operatives who “have killed people” to destroy liberal groups before “our lives are erased.”

Outraged that WorldNetDaily had its Twitter account temporarily suspended for its incessant promotion of the debunked Seth Rich conspiracy theory, Root fumed that conservatives “are all wussies and they don’t understand that we have to fight back so viciously and we have to boycott every liberal company in this country.”

Any company that advertises on MSNBC or CNN or in the New York Times, Washington Post or on any liberal website must be universally boycotted by every Trump voter in America, Root said, “before we are taken off the airwaves and our lives are erased.”

Reading from a letter he received from a friend, Root claimed that progressive organizations like Right Wing Watch, Media Matters, and the Center for American Progress have massive offices all over the country filled with staff who do nothing but send emails, letters and make phone calls “to sponsors and newspapers and cable and TV networks all over this country and all over this world to try to destroy the right.” Conservatives don’t have a similar operation, Root fumed, because they are “lazy, cheap, wussy, country club, RINO a-holes.”

“We need to hire an attack dog,” Root declared. “We need to hire former CIA or NSA or FBI or Navy Seals that have been involved in counter-insurgency operations all over the world, that have killed people, that understand how to fight; that don’t bring a knife to a gunfight, that bring a gun to a gunfight, preferably a shoulder-fired missile to a gunfight, preferably a nuclear weapon to a gunfight!”

“It is time to go after the left as viciously as they go after us,” Root proclaimed. “These people are mentally insane — and I will tell you right now, they would burn books if they could.”

“They would love to burn the Bible, because we all know they hate God,” he added. “And you know they hate the country.”

Ann Barnhardt #fundie

[Gives series of quotes from Donald Trump and asks who said them]

I’d just like to also mention for the record the fact that we are all up-in-arms about Pope Francid and his Franboys getting ready to eviscerate the sacrament of marriage later this fall, but don’t even bat an eyelash when public figures have a string of ex-spouses. I guess I’m just being completely unreasonable, unrealistic and— wait for it— IMMODERATE to expect any degree of intellectual consistency from anyone, ever. After all, it’s a post-modern world, and the essence and battlecry of modernism is, “WE DON’T ACTUALLY BELIEVE WHAT WE BELIEVE!”

So here’s the answer. All of the quotes above are from the second coming of George Washington, or Constantine – oh, no wait. The second coming of Constantine is Putin—

—That developer of mirror-penis skyscrapers which he then names after himself, because that is so totally NOT indicative of anything even remotely problematic:

The only function I would attend with Bill and/or Hillary Clinton, people who are rapists, murderers and guilty of capital crimes against humanity, would be their public executions.

Lady Checkmate #fundie

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Pastor Robert Jeffress: ‘God Has Given Trump Authority to Take out Kim Jong-Un’"

God can and will use anyone he wants to use to bring about His will on the earth.

The pastor of the 12,000-member First Baptist Church in Dallas says that President Donald Trump has God-given authority to “take out” Kim Jong Un of North Korea.

Robert Jeffress, pastor of the church, told CBS that the Bible is “clear” on how to deal with “evil-doers.”

“God has endowed rulers full power to use whatever means necessary – including war – to stop evil. In the case of North Korea, God has given Trump authority to take out Kim Jong-Un,” he said.

“I'm heartened to see that our President – contrary to what we've seen with past administrations who have taken, at best, a sheepish stance toward dictators and oppressors – will not tolerate any threat against the American people.

“When President Trump draws a red line, he will not erase it, move it, or back away from it. Thank God for a President who is serious about protecting our country,” he added.

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified.Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

Rocky Suhayda #racist

(Note: Rocky Suhayda is the president of the American Nazi Party.)

“Look, this phrase ‘muslims’ is simply a PC code word to cover the reality of all these THIRD WORLD peoples invading OUR country. Don’t you realize that in about 2025, if these trends continue, White people will become a continuing MINORITY in our own land(s)?

“Unless Trump plans on ruling by Presidential Decree, I don’t see how he would implement ANY of his ‘plans,’ the rest of the sold out ‘mainstream’ political whores would block his every move. I seriously doubt if he even believes all what he says, but its nice to have someone like him saying it.

“We have a wonderful OPPORTUNITY here folks, that may never come again, at the RIGHT time. Donald Trump’s campaign statements, if nothing else, have SHOWN that ‘our views’ are NOT so ‘unpopular’ as the Political Correctness crowd have told everyone they are!

“But, and here’s the kicker – so WHAT do we DO – sit back and heartily congratulate ourselves that our viewpoints are NOT the pariahs that we have been told that they are, and get all warm and fuzzy feeling OR, do we FINALLY get SERIOUS about what we are supposed to be engaged in.”

David Barton #fundie

In 1945, George Orwell penned “Animal Farm.” One of his characters was Squealer the pig, who arbitrarily redefined words so that they would mean what he wanted. As Orwell explained about Squealer, “he could turn black into white” as part of his attempt to get the other animals to accept his message. It appears that secular progressives are the modern Squealer.

According to them, Donald Trump has now shown us who he really is: a theocrat. Never mind that leading up to the election, we were all fed a steady diet of how irreligious he was. That doesn’t matter anymore. Now he’s a theocrat!

Ironically, they don’t even call the pope a theocrat, and especially not their Shariah supremacist friends seeking to install a global caliphate. The term “theocrat!” is so repulsive that it is reserved solely for Donald Trump and those who support him.

They are so repulsed by traditional religion that they exploded in derision after first lady Melania Trump recited the Lord’s Prayer at a rally in Florida. And then when a public meeting in Louisiana was opened with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance, the invocation was repeatedly interrupted with vocal outbursts and heckling. All of this was nauseating to them, but then – horror of horrors! – Trump promised to restore constitutional protections for the rights of religious conscience and to level the political playing field to allow people of faith to have the same constitutional free-speech rights secular folks have. That announcement was so terrifying it caused a Washington Post columnist to warn the nation that “Much-dreaded ‘Shariah law,’ or something resembling it, may well be coming to the United States.” Wow.

Let’s see if I get this right: If you want to restore the constitutional free-speech rights of all citizens, including pastors (rights unconstitutionally removed by Sen. Lyndon Baines Johnson in 1954), and if you want to protect the constitutional rights of religious conscience (which, historically speaking, is America’s first-protected, most-important and longest-cherished politically protected right), then you are establishing a “theocracy”?

To quote a famous line from Inigo Montoya in the popular movie “Princess Bride:” “You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.”

I understand that it might be difficult for secular progressives to know the meaning of a word as simple as “theocracy.” Most of them probably went first to public school and then attended an “elite” academic college afterward, and study after study affirms that most of those who attend such institutions no longer receive even a rudimentary knowledge of basic historical facts (and they certainly don’t get much logic or common sense).

So just for clarity, here’s the simple definition of “theocracy”:

“A system of government in which priests rule in the name of God, or a god.” (Oxford Dictionary)

“A form of government [with] the God’s or deity’s laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities.” “A system of government by priests claiming a divine commission.” (

“Government ruled by — religious authority.” (American Heritage Dictionary)

Do they really believe that Trump is a priest, or an ecclesiastical authority? How silly! And a theocracy also uses coercion and force to enforce its beliefs and dogmas. Furthermore, it excludes input from the people – no elections. So by definition, a constitutional republic with open elections, such as America has, cannot be a theocracy (but let’s not confuse them with something so simple).

However, there is one other important fact secular progressives ignore: Just as religion can be the basis of a theocracy, according to the U.S. Supreme Court, so, too, can non-religion. Back in 1965, the court held (and reiterated many times since) that all that is required to be a “religion” is “whether a given belief that is sincere and meaningful occupies a place in the life of its possessor parallel to that filled by the orthodox belief in God.” The court has therefore repeatedly ruled that progressives, humanists, Satanists, atheists, evolutionists and other such secularist groups are just as religious as Bible-based groups, and so each of these secularist groups now receives the same religious tax-deductible standing as traditional religious groups.

So, if what Trump believes can represent a theocracy, so, too, can what secular progressives believe. In fact, secular progressives are more likely to be truly theocratic, for they regularly exercise coercion to force dissenters to adopt their beliefs. If you doubt this, just ask the bakers, florists, photographers, clerks, chaplains and others who have tried to avoid participating in the progressives’ religious rites to their great goddess of the Sexual Revolution, whether abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, or other manifestations of the LGBT agenda. (Significantly, Romans 2:21-23 in the Bible points out that critics are often guilty of the very crimes and shortcomings they accuse others of. That certainly appears to be so in this case.)

So how does the charge of “theocracy!” relate to what Trump and his administration is doing? It doesn’t – unless you are Squealer the pig.

Andrew Anglin #racist

Poll: 16% of Americans Want to Go Live in Another Country

I think it is safe to assume that 100% of these people are white, because immigrants surely don’t want to leave. And black people sure as hell don’t – they’re barely aware that other countries even exist. In fact, I don’t think you could really say that they are “aware” of that fact, because it becomes too abstract to imagine somewhere they’ve never seen as being real.

So if 16% of the total and only white people answered yes, then that means— do the math.

Probably about a third of whites said “yes, I would like to move to another country.”

Blaming this on Donald Trump is insane. Typical HuffPo gibberish.

Nothing has changed since he has been President, other than that things have gotten much more Jewish because Jews have lost their minds and flexed their muscles.

I cannot imagine that a single liberal can name a single way in which their own personal life has been negatively affected by the Trump Presidency, at all. Let alone in such a large way that they feel they need to flee the country.

It certainly has negatively affected the lives of conservative white people – because again, Jews have lost their minds, they’re clamping down on everything.

Maybe the women said they want to leave because of Trump, because they felt they were morally obligated to say that. I don’t know. Nor do I care about what women think.

But a lot of the men answering they want out is simply because the US has become a shithole country.

I haven’t lived in the US really at all in my adult life, and I miss my people but I’m not sitting around longing to go back.
No Freedoms

People hate living in America because there aren’t any freedoms.

We’re actually living under an extreme form of brutal Jewish tyranny.

For as much as the ostensible American vision is about “freedom,” there is hardly a country on earth that has less freedom than America.

The only “freedoms” that exist that don’t exist in alleged “dictatorships” are “freedoms” to be deviant and depraved – stuff that should be illegal.

In America, you have the freedom to:

Do man on man anal masturbation
March around naked
Be a Moslem
Produce, distribute, consume pornography
Inject your son with estrogen
Inject yourself with fentanyl
Smoke marijuana
Own guns (restrictions apply)

In America, you do not have the freedom to:

Live in a homogeneous community
Send your kids to a homogeneous school
Pray at school
Refuse vaccinations
Drive around without being threatened and harassed by police
Post your views on the internet
Go to a brothel
Go camping on public land
Not have health insurance
Demonstrate in public without fear of being physically attacked and then charged with crimes
Have sex without fear of being charged with fake rape and sent to prison
Safely get married without fear of being divorce-raped
Do anything at all without some license
Hire employees based on merit or other employer preference
Buy bump stocks
Not bake an anal cake

In China, you have the freedom to:

Drive around without being threatened and harassed by police
Drive through any neighborhood without fear of being shot by black people
Walk around at night without fear of being attacked by black people
Post your views on the internet (everything except anti-government)
Keep your bar open as long as you want
Beat your wife (within reason, restrictions apply)
Start your own small business without being taxed to death
Go to a brothel
Live in safe, homogenous communities
Work and make a good living
Get married without fear that the government will give all of your money and your children to your wife in the event of a divorce
Smoke cigarettes in coffee shops and bars
Do things without being asked for a license
Hire whoever you want
Bake cakes for whoever you want

In China, you do not have the freedom to:

Criticize the government
Own a handgun without a license
Do man on man anal masturbation
Produce, distribute, consume pornography
Be a Moslem

So I mean, I don’t know – it’s not exactly a math equation, but it would be a hard argument to make that you actually have MORE freedom in the USA than you do in China. Certainly, on a day-to-day basis, you feel a lot more free in China than you do in America.

Though this is not exactly specific, in America, you have a constant feeling that there is pressure pushing down on you from all directions, and you do not have that in China. At least not as a foreigner. Chinese people do feel a lot of pressure from their parents.

Overall, the argument that there is a higher level of freedom in America than in China or whichever other country is demonized as a non-freedom country by America is stupid, and I think a lot of people feel very oppressed in America.
The Browning

I haven’t lived in America in a very long time, but I talk to people, and everyone says that all these places I grew up in are now overrun with various “New Americans.”

We know that diversity creates a feeling of alienation, and I imagine people want to escape that.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the number one reason that ex-pats give for having left the West is immigration. Granted, that is usually Europeans rather than Americans, because there aren’t very many American ex-pats, relatively. But clearly, the same principle applies.

So I would not be at all surprised if a lot of men answering this poll were responding to immigration. Even if they aren’t consciously aware of it, or willing to admit it, this is the thing that is changing America. Donald Trump – regrettably – is not changing America.

That’s how we all feel. But much worse.

It is deep, soul-crippling alienation.

So it really isn’t a surprise that people want to get out of this mess. Especially when all of these social-engineering programs have successfully broken down family ties.

America was the best country that ever existed, and these kikes have wrecked it completely.

It hurts me to think about what they took from us.

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie

Right-wing commentator, conspiracy theorist and Donald Trump–obsessed sycophant Wayne Allyn Root appeared on the Financial Survival Network last week, where he told host Kerry Lutz that President Trump should not worry about the 24 million people who could lose their health care if Republicans repeal Obamacare because those people are not Trump voters.

Root said that “nice guys get screwed over,” so Trump shouldn’t even bother trying to protect healthcare for these Americans if doing so will hurt him politically.

“Just ignore that and worry about the entire silent majority middle class that is losing their lives because of Obamacare,” he said. “The 24 million that are on it, guess what? None of them are voting for Trump anyway! Why would you care? They’re not voting for you. You’re never going to get their vote. Ignore them.”

Later, Root fumed that a judge in Hawaii had ruled against Trump’s revised travel ban, wondering “who gives a crap what some liberal Hawaiian thinks? They barely live in our country. A hundred years ago, Hawaii wasn’t even a state.”

Root recommended that Trump “get even” by announcing that he is going to “take all the Muslim refugees and ship them to Hawaii — Let all the Hawaiians enjoy the wonders of living around Muslim refugees.”

Patrick Henningsen #conspiracy

Is Donald J. Trump running a false flag campaign to help Hillary?

This idea was originally floated as a Republican Party conspiracy theory back in August, but failed to gain any traction by virtue of Donald Trump’s abrupt surge in national GOP polling. That’s changing now, as reality is starting to dawn on The Donald Show.

The GOP has got a fundamental problem now. Presently, the Republican Party has its own hands half-tied – unable to fully distance themselves or condemn Trump’s recent call to ban all Muslims from entering the US, or even Trump’s somewhat disturbing call on Monday to “close down parts of the internet.”

The reason the GOP’s hands are tied is because Trump isn’t the only candidate invested in this litany of reactionary policy rhetoric in the GOP’s now legendary race to the bottom – as a still bloated field of presidential candidates rush to gather all the lost political souls before February, by pandering to the radical right and the remnants of a scattered Tea Party base. Any remaining Republican moderates, like Rand Paul, are currently buried under Trump headlines, and left to fight for the scraps with a motley crew of war hawks (Christie, Graham, Fiorina), accidental runners (Carson), TV evangelists (Huckabee) and potential Wall Street servants (Cruz, Bush, Rubio, Kasich). In the end, GOP pollsters can only watch as their moderate support gradually melts away and with it, their chances for a November win.

Even RNC Chairman Reince Priebus caved in to the mob recently, treading on egg shells over Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ controversy. When questioned about Trump’s near ‘final solution’ to his Muslim problem, Priebus gave a (right-wing) politically correct answer: “I don’t agree,” said Priebus to the Washington Examiner. “We need to aggressively take on radical Islamic terrorism but not at the expense of our American values. That’s as far as I’m going to go” (yes, the right-wing has its own politically correct whip too).

So why is the GOP brain trust so afraid to condemn Trump’s fascist rant? Answer: they are scared of Trump going it alone as third-party independent.

Whether or not Trump’s comic book-style candidacy is contrived and calculated to divide the party base, or just the Real Donald – might be up for debate, but there can be no debate about the end result – should Trump choose to run a third-party ‘Independent’. A Trump third-party run will split the Republican vote enough to all but guarantee a comfortable Hillary Clinton and Democratic Party presidential victory in the general election.

Jared Taylor #fundie

Press and politicians are blind to the truth.

If you get your news from NBC, this is what you learned about yesterday’s Unite the Right rally: “Charlottesville White Nationalist Rally Violence Prompts State of Emergency.” That’s right: The problem was white nationalist violence. It was as if the demonstrators had behaved just like Black Lives Matter or masked antifa: looting, burning, stopping traffic, and roughing up bystanders. Of course, what caused the violence was hostile counter-demonstrators, many of them wearing helmets and carrying shields. If they had not been there, there would have been no violence, and the rally would have taken place as planned.

Of all people, it was Donald Trump who came the closest to getting it right, condemning “hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides.” This, of course, earned him near-universal condemnation. As former Vice President Joe Biden explained, “There is only one side,” and the problem was Unite the Right. This prompted a storm of retweets and similar sentiments. Virginia’s attorney general Mark Herring tweeted that “violence, chaos, and apparent loss of life in Charlottesville is not the fault of ‘many sides.’ It is racists and white supremacists.” Actress Leslie Grossman probably expressed the only-one-side view best.

Here, one side is demonstrating peacefully, though provocatively; the other side—the good side—is committing violent aggression. (Swastikas were extremely rare in Charlottesville, but they make for better “anti-racist” graphics than Confederate flags.) So this is the moral calculus of Joe Biden, the Virginia attorney general, and the rest of the Left. It wouldn’t matter if every hand lifted by Unite the Right was in strict self-defense; the violence is their fault. Racially conscious whites deserve violence simply because of what they think.

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe saw only one side, in a widely praised speech, telling Unite the Right, “You came here to hurt people, and you did hurt people.” Is Terry McAuliffe a mind-reader? Would they have hurt anything or anyone if counter-demonstrators had not showed up with shields and batons, screaming and throwing smoke bombs, determined to shut down the demonstration–and hurt “Nazis”?

One young white man did crash his car into demonstrators, killing one. We don’t yet know his motives, but even if he deliberately hurt people, there was just one of him, and everyone associated with Unite the Right has condemned him.

What about the police? They were clearly either incompetent or determined to shut down the rally before it began. The swarms of uniformed men on the scene did very little to separate demonstrators from counter-demonstrators. Television has broadcast one fistfight after another, with no police in sight. Besides the driver of car—who is charged with 2nd degree murder—those swarms of police made only three arrests. What were they doing?

The fighting, which started before the rally even had a chance to begin, was the excuse for police to declare it an “unlawful assembly” and call it off. Jason Kessler, who organized the rally, has rightly pointed out that this meant counter-demonstrators exercised the “heckler’s veto,” successfully silencing people with whom they disagreed. Instead of excerpts from pro-white speeches, the only thing media consumers therefore got was Confederate flags and brawling.

But Joe Biden tells us there is “only one side” to this story. Actually, there are three sides: Unite the Right, which gathered peacefully but defended itself; anti-racists who shut them down; and the police who let them do it.

There is a clear pattern to these events that not one mainstream outlet has noted. There is confrontation only when anti-whites harass and try to stop pro-white events. The reverse never happens. Lefties and non-whites can mount the most brazenly anti-white events, unmolested and with full media approval. It would be hard to imagine a clearer example of this contract—and of the entrenched bigotry we face—than yesterday’s events.

Jason Kessler is scheduled to make a statement to the press today at 2:00 p.m. He is smart man and a brave man. I’m sure we can trust him to make an excellent case for our side.

Update: Mr. Kessler set up microphones in front of the Charlottesville city hall to make his statement. Counter-demonstrators made such a racket that it was impossible for the press to hear what he was saying. Protesters edged closer and than attacked Mr. Kessler; police escorted him away for his own safety. Once again, a pro-white message has been stifled by anti-white thugs.

Andrew Anglin #racist

Just Imagine: The Media is Confused Why People Thought Liberals Would Want Poor Brown People in Their Neighborhoods

Fox News has run with the same narrative I ran with yesterday when I read the WaPo article about how the Trump Administration is considering busing tens of thousands of invading Central Americans to Democrat cities: this is a gift that the Democrats should be thankful for, and referring to it as a “cruel punishment” is virulent racism.

Tucker quoted many liberal sources who referred to this as “dumping” – like dumping trash.

Laura Ingraham also did a piece, echoing this same sentiment.

I’m still shocked at the fact that the WaPo ran this story in the first place, that Nancy Pelosi gave comment, and that all of these liberal outlets ran with the story without considering the obvious implication.

This was so clearly a setup that it is mind-blowing that the media is so out-of-touch that they couldn’t see it for what it is. As soon as I saw it, I said “well, obviously Stephen Miller leaked this himself to get this response.” But these people are so disconnected by their privileged status as the elite ruling class that they cannot grasp the fact that anyone would be taken aback by their position that “diversity” is simply a way to punish working and middle class Americans – even when they openly say “actually, we only want to flood other people’s neighborhoods with diversity, and doing it to us is a cruel punishment, because we don’t deserve this dumping.”

But maybe this shouldn’t be shocking. Maybe the media is as shocked that people are shocked that the shocked are shocked.

Truly, they must be thinking: “I thought everyone understood that we were only using immigrants to harm working and middle class white people? How did they not know this?”

Well, the reason people didn’t know it is that they didn’t say it. They said “diversity is our greatest strength,” without stipulating that what they meant is “displacing normal white people by destroying their communities will make the ruling ideological elite stronger.”

This entire spectacle almost makes the media seem more honest. They just assumed that everyone knew that they didn’t think diversity made people stronger in a general sense, and that this was simply an attack on white people.

What I hope is that they now feel comfortable just coming out and saying things straight. They are saying things straight by saying they don’t want this genetic refuse “dumped” on them. But they need to expound on that, and just tell the whole truth and nothing but:

We only want to use immigrants to destroy normal white people, because America will be stronger when white people are gone. We don’t mean ‘strength’ as in ‘your communities get stronger if there is less social cohesion’ – that doesn’t even make any sense at all. When we say ‘diversity is our greatest strength,’ we mean that America and the world is stronger if white people are destroyed. Sorry, we thought all of our viewers understood what we meant, and we didn’t realize there was any confusion about this until Donald Trump threatened to dump these illiterate peasants in our neighborhoods. Now that we’ve cleared this all up, we trust that you will continue to support our plan to ethnically displace and ultimately commit genocide against white Americans using the tool of mass nonwhite immigration. To clear things up going forward, instead of using the phrase ‘diversity is our greatest strength,’ which has led to this confusion, we will say ‘wiping out the white race is our greatest strength.’ Thank you.

Then, everyone is honest, and we can finally have this discussion we’ve been waiting so long to have.

Or, perhaps we can’t have it. Perhaps after the media clears this up, the left will continue to be just as rabid – if not more so – about silencing all dissent. But that’s fine. If they come out and say “we’re silencing you while we commit genocide against you, because we don’t believe you have a right to defend your own existence,” then at least everyone is honest and we all know where we stand.

It’s much better to admit that the censorship agenda is because they do not want us to defend ourselves from genocide than for them to keep slandering us as terrorists with this “hatred and violence” mantra.

All I’ve ever asked for was honesty.

And Stephen Miller’s sanctuary city troll might have just led us all to total honesty.

LD50 #fundie

Art gallery criticised over neo-Nazi artwork and hosting racist speakers
Artists and campaigners call for closure of the LD50 gallery after accusing it of promoting ‘hate speech not free speech’ but owner criticises protesters

A London art gallery has come under criticism for exhibiting neo-Nazi artwork and hosting openly racist speakers.

This weekend, artists and campaigners will protest calling for the closure of LD50, in Dalston, east London, after accusations the gallery gave a platform to anti-immigrant, Islamophobic and “alt-right” figures and promoted “hate speech not free speech”.

Guests at LD50’s Neoreaction conference last summer included Brett Stevens, the white supremacist whose writing was an inspiration to Oslo far-right terrorist Anders Breivik, who murdered 77 people in 2011.

After Breivik’s attack, Stevens wrote: “I am honored to be so mentioned by someone who is clearly far braver than I, no comment on his methods, but he chose to act where many of us write, think and dream.”

Others on the conference programme included anti-immigration activist Peter Brimelow, who runs Vdare, described by the Southern Poverty Law Centre as “an anti-immigration hate website” that “regularly publishes articles by prominent white nationalists, race scientists and antisemites”.

Brimelow’s talk at LD50 was orientated around the threat imposed on “native white Americans” by a “great influx of third world immigration”. He said that while it was socially acceptable for Hispanic and Asian ethnic activists to call for more immigration, the only people who get criticised are whites; described the Black Lives Matter movement as a Democratic party racket purely designed to increase turmoil; and referred to the Jewish faction of the Democratic party vote as problematic.

Gallery owner Lucia Diego said in a statement published on the LD50 website that the programme was intended to create “a dialogue between two different and contrasting ideologies” and that the audience for the conference was “very liberal”.

However, a recording of Brimelow’s talk reveals that members of the audience who contributed to the discussion were predominately sympathetic to his views, agreeing with his statement about the need to remove the “corrupt treacherous elite” in government and one professing support for David Duke, the former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and Holocaust denier.

Shut Down LD50 has accused the gallery, which has previously exhibited works by Turner Prize nominees Jake and Dinos Chapman, of curating “one of the most extensive programmes of racist hate speech to take place in London over the past 10 years”. They said the fact that the list of names of the conference speakers had been made public only after the event was finished was telling. “At first in secret, LD50 has acted as a platform for a cross-section of the most virulent advocates of contemporary extreme-right ideology.”

Alongside the conference, the gallery hosted an art exhibition titled Amerika, which explored far-right and Nazi imagery and featured video works of far-right and neoreactive texts being read out by avatars. A pink swastika was graffitied onto the gallery front door last week.

Writing on his ultra-conservative blog, – which is directly linked to on the gallery’s website – Stevens said the neoreaction conference had been held behind a “veil of secrecy to prevent the usual suspects (Leftists and other neurotics) from attacking”.

Last week, in an Facebook exchange with artist Sophie Jung, Diego described the left as “more like a fascist organisation than the real fascists” and indicated her support for Donald Trump, writing: “I’m not even sure if I disagree with the Muslim ban. I see it also as a temporary measure in order for America to get sorted while they transition to another form of government.”

In an open letter, Shut Down LD50 said that it could not “creditably be argued that the talk series was an instance of artistic license or of the free-spirited ‘exploration’ of ideas.

“The fact that the gallerists decided to make the details of their conference public only in late November, after the Trump election victory, is the clearest evidence of conscious purpose”.

Andrew Osborne, a fine art technician at the Royal College of Art, who is among the campaigners, said they would be handing out 2,000 leaflets in the area around the gallery on Saturday to make the public aware of the gallery’s allegiances, adding that the campaign had the backing of businesses neighbouring the gallery. “We believe this is a matter of public safety,” he added.

In her statement, Diego defended the gallery’s programme, writing: “We feel that the exceptionally aggressive, militant and hyperbolic reaction this has provoked vindicates our suspicion that at some point, as a society, we have drifted into a cultural echo chamber.”

She said the reaction of the protesters was proof that anyone who disagreed with the left was “publicly vilified, delegitimated and intimidated with menaces”.

“Our position has always been that the role of art is to provide a vehicle for the free exploration of ideas, even and perhaps especially where these are challenging, controversial or indeed distasteful for some individuals to contemplate.”

Lou Engle #fundie

Dominionist Lou Engle, taking part in multi-day Ohio gathering of the Religious Right group POTUS Shield called on Friday for God to “sweep away” Supreme Court justices and federal judges who would uphold Roe v. Wade, suggesting that God could do so by converting them or killing them.

POTUS Shield is an operation launched by self-proclaimed apostles and prophets, many affiliated with the New Apostolic Reformation, to pray for the Trump administration. The group is holding a multi-day prayer rally at Frank Amedia’s Touch Heaven Ministries Church in Canfield, Ohio, this week. Amedia was a prominent supporter of Donald Trump, who campaigned at a worship event alongside Amedia, and for a time served as the Trump campaign’s volunteer “liaison of Christian policy.” On Friday morning, Lou Engle took the microphone and began to talk about abortion and the federal courts.

Engle said that during a recent five-day fast, he had a dream about women gathering to hear the book of Esther taught. Someone in the dream said that there are two words in the book of Esther that mean “Nazgul,” which Engle stated is the name of “the Witch King” of the ringwraiths in the Lord of the Rings, the “most powerful being of darkness and death” who could be killed by no man, but who is defeated by the King’s daughter as she proclaimed, “I am no man.” Engle said the dream means that God is raising up an Esther movement of conservative women. “We decree it,” shouted Engle. “The voice of Esther is coming to take out the Nazgul, the principalities of witchcraft and death that demand bloodshed for the fueling of the agenda of darkness.”

“God sweep away the judges,” Engle prayed. “Sweep away the Nazgul, the Haman spirit of death. We decree, God, the sweeping of the Supreme Court.”

As we noted earlier this week, Engle called for a three-day Esther Fast to protect Trump from witchcraft; he said women around the world are praying for the reversal of Roe v. Wade and asking God, “pull down these Hamans, remove ‘em, either—” and there he stopped mid-sentence to make a point to those who might be squeamish about his rhetoric:

"I tell you, the church can’t be humanistic right now. I feel this in my spirit. We’re so concerned about these Hamans [the evil advisor to the king in the biblical book of Esther] that we’re not concerned about the millions of babies! I say that we believe that Donald Trump, President Trump, is a Jehu as well as a Cyrus. And I’ve been praying, ‘remove the house of Ahab.’"

In the Bible, God used Jehu to enact his judgment on the sinful house of Ahab, which Jehu accomplished by overseeing the slaughter of Ahab’s family, supporters, and priests. “We need to begin to pray to sweep away the House of Ahab,” Engle said.

“We declare that you are the God of the reversal of Haman’s decrees,” he said. “We declare the reversal of the decree of ’73, Roe v Wade — We declare the reversal of Roe v. Wade. The powers of Nazgul, witchcraft and death are being reversed now over this nation.”

Engle also referred to “The Last of the Giants,” a 1991 book by George Otis, Jr., which describes the history of that moment in terms of spiritual warfare between the church and demonic powers. Engle marveled that when God wanted to “shift and bring down” communism, “one Politboro member after another at that time just simply died—until God got his man Gorbachev.” Engle said another person had dreamed about “The Last of the Giants” and that God and told him, “You’ve been asking for three but I want you to ask for five” judges. “We said ‘Lord, sweep it away.’ Somehow it’s gotta be swept away, by a Sotomayor encounter, or they’re just gonna d—.”

It turns out that both Amedia and Engle have been praying specifically for Justice Sonia Sotomayor to have “an encounter with the living God” so “that she would see things from the mind of Christ, no longer from darkness, but from light, and that she would judge from light.” Engle, who said (wrongly) that Sotomayor’s name means “greater salvation,” prayed that God would “invade her with a dream” and return her to her Catholic roots. “Give us that soul, Lord,” he prayed.

At one point Engle said, “no one wants anybody to die” and that he prays that they get converted, but that when God starts to work he raises up kings and brings them down. Said Amedia, “He can haunt them in the middle of the night.” Amedia talked about his own dream, in which a broom went up one side of the Supreme Court and down the other, but this was not just a house-cleaning broom, but a broom “that brings destruction.”

“The Lord showed me the entire federal court system was getting shook and cleaned,” said Amedia, praising legislation designed to break up the 9th circuit–which he called a “fruitcake court”—and create a new circuit court whose judges Trump would get to appoint.

Amedia said there are 110 federal court vacancies on the federal courts, enough, Engle said, to create “the possibility of shifting the justice system for years.”

Herman Martir, who spoke earlier about his membership on an Asian American advisory panel for Trump, took over to lead prayer for God to “raise up righteous, godly judges.” Said Martir, “We’re legislating in the heavenlies.”

Engle ended the court session with a flourish:

"I want to stand with authority to declare the shifting of these judges, and the shifting of the federal judges of America. We declare it in the name of Jesus. We stand before the courtroom of heaven, presiding God in Canfield on earth, and around the throne in heaven. We stretch forth your rod and rule in the midst of your enemies. We decree a massive shift over the federal courts and the Supreme Court, in the name of Jesus, from the Supreme Court of heaven."

A heads up for you Trump resisters: It’s not just judges who Engle thinks are asking for God’s judgment. Engle had a warning for “those who are funding anarchy.” God is slow to anger, Engle said, but when His time comes, He will “seize the initiative.”

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Trump is an INSIDER and a PEDOPHILE like all the other NWO puppets

Look at how much of an "outsider" trump is, he uses pedophile pimp Jeffrey Epstein just like Kissinger, Clinton, Rockefeller, Blair and all the other insider NWO puppets

Trump is such an "outsider" that the establishment "hates" so much they let him use the same pedophile pimp to the elite and let him hang out at the same parties where they have sex with underage girls

When you all gonna realize elections are a rigged joke?????

Vote for Clinton you get the CFR
Vote for Trump you get the CFR

"In 2010, Epstein pled the Fifth when asked by a lawyer representing one of Epstein's victims about his relationship with Trump:

Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump?
A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir?
Q. Have you socialized with him?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Yes?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?
A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir."

[link to (secure)]

"During its investigation, the FBI obtained a copy of Epstein's private 194-page phone book. Lawyers for one of Epstein's victims told VICE News it was stolen by a household employee sometime around 2004.

A copy we obtained includes investigators' margin notes pointing to key witnesses against Epstein as well as handwritten notes identifying dozens of then-underage girls, as well as their phone numbers.

Among people listed in the phone book were well-known political figures such as Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, Tony Blair, former Utah governor and Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman, Senator Edward Kennedy, and Henry Kissinger. Also listed were major political contributors like David Koch and Pepe Fanjul.

All those names were listed alphabetically at the front of Epstein's telephone book, along with the names of Trump's former wife, Ivana, his daughter Ivanka, and his brother, Robert.

Epstein created a number of other odd categories, including one called "Jeffrey." There were dozens of names in the Jeffrey category, including Ehud Barak, Alan Dershowitz, then–Senator John Kerry, former senator and lobbyist George Mitchell, powerhouse DC lobbyist Thomas Quinn, and David Rockefeller.

Trump was also listed in this section. Under his name were 14 phone numbers, including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman."



And just like insider and former puppet president Bill Clinton, Trump uses the same pimp to the elite for all his underage girl fucking.

Not only would Trump fuck his own daughter, but he'll pay to fuck someone else's underage daughter too.

Nothing says "I am an outsider" like be a regular customer of Jeffrey Epstein!!!

Trump is an "inside-her" just like Billy Clinton, David Rockefeller, The Koch Bros, Tony Blair, henry Kissinger, John Kerry, Prince Bandar, Thomas Quinn

Christopher Leonid #sexist

The Mainstream Embrace Of #MeToo Puts Us One Step Closer Towards The Enslavement Of Men

Defining male agency during the collapse of the Sexual Revolution.

The progenitors of the #MeToo meme have been elevated to that dubious plinth of social endorsement, the cover of Time magazine.


These women did not “launch a movement.” However, the current wreaths-to-laurels victimhood craze does bear out the completion of an important cultural cycle.

Free Love Wasn’t Free

A core premise of our sexual dystopia is:

‘My body my choice.’

Within the bounds of legality, we are supposed to believe that neither sex is more damaged by their coital decisions than the other. The retro-active outrage now mounted by women at men on account of mutually consensual sexual intercourse (and calls for the bounds of legality to be shifted accordingly), reiterates that this is not actually the case.

The struggle of many a post-prime girl for exclusivity with a series of increasingly inferior suitors, must be a brutal way to discover that it is still impossible to raise a joyridden car back to its factory-new price.

Men are checking out of monogamous commitment, leaving two generations of women wandering a widening bimbo-limbo between settled life either as a housewife or denizen of the increasingly cash-strapped welfare state (the overwhelmingly administrative sector jobs provided to ‘career women’ being a manifestation of the latter).

As an institution, marriage is only debased further by social and legal efforts to enforce commitment from men to polygamous women who spent their bloom years in promiscuity. Although such an iniquitous contract could be excused by a myriad of exceptional circumstances, the unprecedented glut of women beneath the male investment threshold turn the exceptions into clichés.

The Gynocentric Interpretation

A defining characteristic of corporate and clickbait discourse is the effort to sublimate readers’ frustration into outrage while bypassing the question of accountability. Time and others are now under huge pressure to find mythologies to both explain the dissatisfaction of their female readership and serve as the basis for corrective political action. Someone must be to blame for their problems; anyone but themselves.

What Time has produced is a fairy tail without a prince. It begins:

‘Movie stars are more like you and me than we ever knew.’

We are then introduced to a wide range of women who were:

‘brought together by a common experience.’

They were actually brought together by Time, at great expense, to confirm the biased premise of their leading article. Time then chews over each of these women’s testimonies, droning on and on and on in a tantric, mantric, incuntation of its utterly banal and predictable conclusion:

Time have revealed their straw man – and he’s called Donald Trump.

I suspect that the feminist Trump-tantrum is not caused by Trump per se, but by the part of American society which voted him into office. It’s an important distinction because it means that, as a political instrument, Trump is needed the most by the very people who like him least. Without Trump, the outrage would be revealed for what it truly is: a million personal vendettas against a million brash, powerful and wealthy American men who these women consentingly gave their bodies to.

Trump’s appeal to the free market and private capital (as well as the string of hot women who have let him ‘grab ‘em by the poosy’), is more than just a refusal to push the envelope on welfare policies which enable sexual liberation—it is an exposition of the gulf between what is conventionally true and what is actually true about modern female sexual opportunism.

The self-deception may be genuine, but was revealed nonetheless when #metoo was triggered by the loss of societal contingency plans to ensure female sexual freedom (alpha fucks and beta bucks), by constraining that of men. The fat child screams not while it is happily eating itself to death but when the cookies are taken away.

[Video titled "Satan leaves a woman's soul as Trump is sworn in"]

Feminism’s Finale

The premise of #metoo has now been twisted by various degrees to its own complete inversion. Nearly a year ago, I was told by a County Court in Britain that I owed money to a woman whose sexual advances I had gently rebuffed some years before. Neither I nor the court had any idea why I owed her money or what her claim was, but I still had to defend myself.

A case that would never have come to trial twenty years ago dragged out for months as she gradually patched together a claim (without evidence), which gradually escalated to an allegation of sexual abuse.

My trial was the direct result of her assumption that society would stand behind her in extracting resources from the man of her choosing. I was lucky that she had a legal history of ‘choosing’ other men before me, and the judge sent her howling from the courtroom.

But what if I had been her first shot? What if she’d gone to the Crown Prosecution Service?

I add, for the sake of completeness, that I am a strict adherent of pre-marital abstinence and, in the case of this particular woman, had never kissed, hit on, made a pass at, nor been in any form of romantic relationship with her. #Iwouldnt—and that is precisely what enraged her.

Let the irony of this case serve as an illustration of the extent to which feminine imperatives can now be exercised to strong-arm men into compliance. If you have earned a #metoo assertion like I did, you’re probably doing something right.

What for men in 2018?

The dregs of women will always preen their sexual worthiness in a sensational light by announcing that a man once made an unwanted pass at them, just as feminist Phrynes like Emma Watson will always lend a pretty face to their ugly cause (phoney outrage is her profession’s prerogative. I bear her no grudge).

Our toxic tributary of sexual realism to the mainstream discussion sees the feminist victimbragging for what it really is: another attempt to circumvent rational analysis and keep society plugging the feminist narrative. Soon, #metoo will become as passé as ‘Trump Bedroom Backlash,’ but these phenomena are mere symptoms of a deeper social condition.

As private debt piles up and resources cease to flow, society will have to find new ways of demanding that men judiciously restrain their own behaviour on behalf of the unfettered dualistic sexual strategy of women—sexy badboys and stable providers stepping up and down as and when women demand it. The contradictory messages that this sends to men are now compounded by the constant possibility of being criminalised for making a faux pas.

Today, as trials move from the courtroom to the press and to Twitter and Facebook, the degree of kafkaesque reassurance that I had—the basic certainty that I was on trial—is starting to ebb away. A lot of men who don’t grasp the underlying biomechanics behind the sexual victimhood phenomenon are doomed to be spirited on a windowless train of THOT thought from false premise to final solution: their enslavement to women, either directly or via the state.

The chaotic disconnect between the claim and the truth is not a means to an end but the end itself. This climate of fear is the West’s way of forcing the marriage of mankind to womankind, joylessly mandating social responsibilities without providing any privilege. The carrot has gone from the sexual contract and only the stick remains.

It can still be a beautiful life for men who don’t answer to society. Careful though, the beta version of this man is Smeagol Gollum.

The harder men try to opt out of commitment to women, the stronger the social effort will be to drive them back, until escape from women will turn into escape from society itself.

Yukon Jack #conspiracy

Hardcore Zionist stooge Donald Trump has illegally attacked Syria for Netanyahu and the Greater Israel Plan. He is a supremacist just like the Jew, he is an egoist just like the Jew, Trump thinks he has the moral right to violate sovereign nations because he’s the Donald. This fool could get us all killed.

Americans should be concerned that Jew Inc. has put into power a fool narcissist. Tweet after tweet proves this guys self absorption with his own greatness. Now he’s in charge, the big man on the totem pole, the decider in chief, another big egoist just like Il Duce Mussolini who ended up on a meat hook.

Want proof that Trump is self absorbed?

“All of the women on ‘The Apprentice’ flirted with me — consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.”

“The world was gloomy before I won – there was no hope. Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over a trillion dollars!”

“There’s nobody bigger or better at the military than I am“

The politically naive alt-right feels betrayed just as the neo-left was by President Obama. The alt-right has awoken to the Trump betrayal which wasn’t a betrayal but really an unveiling. Trump is Jew whore just like Obama, Clinton, Bush, Ford, Nixon and all the way back to President Wilson who authorized the Federal Reserve. Make no mistake Trump is a hardcore Zionist whore of Netanyahu and world Jewry.




Trump is the President, if he didn’t want Zionists on his staff he wouldn’t hire them, if he wasn’t a tool he could call in the Marines and have the traitors of the Republic arrested. I can tell you as a former USAF officer for a fact that all military personnel will obey his orders without question. Whatever Trump says will be followed automatically as a command by all military personnel. So what this means is that “big man” Trump is doing what he is doing voluntarily.

To the alt-right it seems Trump has betrayed them – but if you objectively examine his AIPAC and other pro-Jewish speeches you will realize that Trump is part of the Kosher Nostra – in other words Trump’s is beholden and linked to Jewish wealth. Trump’s daughter Ivanka is married to 666 Fifth Avenue owner Jared Kushner who served in the Israeli army. Trump’s staff is loaded to the gills with Jewish moles, Goldman Sachs executives, Zionist warmongering generals. The idea that Trump is opposed to Jewry is patently false.

Where’s the proof that Trump is being controlled, coerced, or blackmailed? Trump is owned, Amerika is owned by world Jewry and this idea that we the people have any say in how things are is just not true. It is only an illusion that this a democracy, the ugly truth is that elections are staged events where people vote between two false alternatives.

As soon as the lying politician gets into office his concerns of the little people is soon forgotten because voting is a charade of the ruling class to establish authoritarian rule. They care nothing for us and have their own agenda, and in the case of modern states subverted by ZOG the agenda is an Israeli agenda. Fools on the antiwar left are fighting with the alt-right instead of uniting against ZOG. We have no hope if we can’t unite.

Amerika been fooled again because voting is manipulated emotional response and not objective reality. Well the koolaid is wearing off, the new boss will be worse than the old boss. The goy were fooled again and that is good because it will force them to dig deeper and discover Jewish control. America is ruled by Jews and they are masters of statecraft and deception. The people remain divided, and it will probably stay that way right up until the bitter end.

Trump is not betraying us all. Trump is part of the Jewish crime scheme. He didn’t flip all of a sudden, that is a misperception by those with stars in their eyes about making America great again. Doesn’t a slogan like that bother you? Why would we want to make a war mongering nation great again? The fools don’t understand the real plan is to destroy the United States by pitting it into a no-win war with Russia and Iran.

Jews plan to rule the world from Jerusalem. Fool Trump has promised to make that the Jewish capital. They need Amerika and Russia to go at it leaving them victorious. Zionist Jews are completely ruthless, they will do anything to get their way. The Israelis are masters of deception, they are the real terrorists, they did 911 to manipulate America into endless wars in the Middle East until they are used up and then thrown into the ditch.

How much more evidence do the patriots need before they through the towel in and realize they’ve been had? Trump is not your friend, he isn’t going to save America, he is not going to make America great again (if that was even possible on the long cycle). Trump is just another mad man who could get all of us killed.





As crazy as it sounds, all the facts point toward another war in the Middle East with boots on the ground by June 1st. The stakes are high and Putin is not leaving Syria. Trump has proved himself crazy with the Syria Tomahawk missile strike. Trump is like a character in the Dr. Strangelove movie, he’s going to ride the bomb into oblivion and in all probability nukes could be going off soon. Don’t be fooled by this cult of personality, Trump is a liar who told you what you wanted to hear to get elected, now he will implement the plans of his Jewish supremacist masters.

Sher Zieve #fundie

We have entered a time in the history of the United States of America that augurs whether or not we will survive as a nation. When We-the-People elected Donald J. Trump as our president, the globalist powers visibly headed by Luciferian leader and ObamaFriend George Soros began their malicious work to overturn the election and end the USA as it was founded. Since 20 January 2017, the protests against our elections – and us – have increased as more anarchists have been and are continuing to be brought into the fray by these same New World Order globalists. George Soros – just as he fomented and spurred on the Ferguson and other paid-for riots – is firmly behind the worldwide rioting and attempted overturn and destruction of the Trump administration...and the USA. In order to affect that destruction, it is necessary for most, if not all, government institutions to stop following any and all US laws that would defeat the ultimate purpose of the New World Order; which is the complete dismantling and destruction of the United States as it now stands. To wit, Obama and Soros met multiple times in our White House during Obama's presidency.

Marcus Cicero #racist

[From "“Mad Cuck” Mattis: DACA Soldiers And Veterans Will Be Never Be Subject To Deportation"]

We are now officially at the same level as the Roman Empire in its death spiral – hiring and protecting barbarian soldiers at the expense of the native population.

The difference lies in the fact that in Rome’s case, the barbarians were mainly of White Nordic stock that partially reversed the results of centuries of multicultural decadence.

Not so much here in America, though—

Military Times

The approximately 800 service members whose military service was put in limbo by President Donald Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program will not be deported, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Thursday.

Congress has been at an impasse over DACA, which provides a protected status for some younger undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children.

Mattis told reporters Thursday that he has finalized an agreement with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to put the military’s ”Dreamers” in a protected status.

“Anyone who is in the delayed enlistment program, in other words they are already signed up and they are waiting to go into boot camp, anyone on active duty and anyone in the active reserves and anyone with an honorable discharge is, right now, except for two possible exceptions, they will not be subject to any kind of deportation.”

The exceptions are convictions for severe felonies like rape and murder, and those who are already judicially-ordered to be deported (usually after convictions for severe felonies).

“They’re protected,” Mattis said.

He also said he thinks the program will live on.

“I think that it is not coming to an end right now either,” Mattis said. “You can sign up right now, as I understand.”

Many of us voted for Trump with dreams of a heavily-armed Deportation Force flashing through our minds.

The problem lies in the fact that for all intents and purposes, the real #MAGA is going to involve the Dreamer Beaners – millions of them, their children, and a nice chain of migrants that won’t stop until at least 2027.

Pete Hegseth #conspiracy

Donald Trump’s favourite TV show, Fox & Friends, has a reputation for giving airtime to conspiracy theories that benefit the White House agenda. But host Pete Hegseth may now have managed to upset the famously germaphobic president – by revealing that he has not washed his hands in a decade.

The admission came as Hegseth discussed eating day-old pizza that had not been refrigerated. He did not see any issue with eating the pizza, he said, then added that he didn’t think he had washed his hands in 10 years.

“Really,” he said. “I don’t really wash my hands ever.”

Met with laughter, he explained: “I inoculate myself. Germs are not a real thing. I can’t see them, therefore they’re not real.”

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie

Right-wing radio host, commentator, conspiracy theorist and Donald Trump–obsessed sycophant Wayne Allyn Root delivered a furious rant in defense of Roy Moore on his radio program last week after reports surfaced that Moore had pursued sexual relationships with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, demanding to know why the press never investigated reports that both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama had gay relationships.

“They’re scumbags,” Root said of Moore’s critics, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, whom Root insisted is “evil” and “looks like he died 20 years ago.”

Root said that based on the photos he has seen of the women who have accused Moore of pursuing them when they were teenagers, “they were beautiful young girls and they could have passed for 20” and so even if Moore did “hit on a couple of them,” it is no big deal because “every time a see a video or picture of [Joe Biden], he’s got his hand inappropriately on a woman’s ass.”

“Where is The Washington Post to dig into Hillary Clinton’s background?” Root asked. “Where are the women Hillary’s dated all these years? How come they don’t come forward? Where are they? Everybody knows about them.”

After Root suggested that Clinton was responsible for the deaths of Vince Foster and Seth Rich, he also demanded to know why the press never covered the rumors regarding Obama.

“I’ve heard the rumors about Bathhouse Barry,” he said. “Everyone has. Bathhouse Barry, well known in Chicago. By the way, not a rumor from a stranger I don’t know, rumors from my friends in Chicago, who are people in the know who tell me Barack Obama has a sordid past.”

Wayne Allyn Root #sexist

On his radio program yesterday, right-wing commentator, conspiracy theorist and Donald Trump–obsessed sycophant Wayne Allyn Root rejoiced over the poor ratings that Megyn Kelly has received since leaving Fox News for NBC, attributing the results to the fact that liberal men won’t watch her show because they are all gay.

“She’s got great legs,” he said. “She’s a hot babe and no one gives a crap about her. You know why? Because a hot babe on Fox News, Republican men loved her; take her off Fox News, now the whole world knows what she is. Republican men like me, I wouldn’t tune in. Screw Megyn Kelly.”

“I hope she dies,” Root said, before quickly adding that he meant that he hopes “her ratings plummet and her career dies” because “she tried to screw over our man, Donald Trump.”

“Outside of Fox News, you have no support,” he continued. “You had the hottest show in the country, my friend, and what did you do? You spit in our face. Now you’re done. All those Republican men who appreciate beautiful women, we don’t like you anymore, we’re never going to give you the time of day, Megyn Kelly. Who’s left? Liberal women won’t like you because you’re coming from Fox News and liberal men, well, they’re all gay or they don’t appreciate pretty women.”

“Real men like beautiful women,” Root said. “Liberal men? You could walk into a room and they wouldn’t even notice. They’re too busy worrying about the poor. They don’t care about beautiful legs, they don’t care about your beautiful face and your blonde hair and your tight skirt. They don’t care!”

“You are a traitor,” he fumed. “Eat dirt. Have a nice life. Goodbye. Adios. Go to Mexico, you’re not wanted here anymore.”

Andrew Anglin #racist

“Illegal Immigrants Commit Fewer Crimes Than Natural Born Americans” Is Anti-Black Hatespeech

It is time for the media to stop touching black bodies with their hateful statistical facts.

After President Trump’s speech in the Oval Office telling America about the need for a wall, the media returned with an old anti-black canard to defend Mexicans: the theory that natural Americans commit more crimes than illegal immigrants.

It was all over the gosh-darned place.

Of course, what they are all dog-whistling is “blacks are more violent than precious Mexicans.”

It is an old canard based on long-debunked annual statistics that are released by the FBI every year.

The theory, promoted by the FBI using racist information, is that blacks commit so many crimes that no other race could possibly make a statistical difference of any kind.

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True or not, there can only be one reason for bringing up this information: pure hatred for the color of the skin.

One type of racism can’t be used to justify another – saying “oh but niggers are killing everyone anyway” is racist, even if true, and should not be used by the media in a conversation about immigration.

Doing so is hatespeech, and I am shocked that the media is willing to sink this low simply to take a cheap shot at Donald Trump.

The fact that Mexicans commit 50-100% more violent crime than white people is no reason not to flood America with criminal latinos. In fact, it is all the more reason to do so, as it will teach white people a lesson.

But we do not need to insult the blacks in order to accomplish this goal.

CH #fundie

But does he have tight game? The evidence gathered to date says— the tightest! For instance, examine closely how well Trump handled his own Realtalk™ charge that could’ve blown up in his face given leftoid Hivemind and GOP (one and the same) hatred of him.

Trump said Juan McCain is no war hero, because, paraphrasing, there’s nothing heroic about getting captured.

I happen to agree, in part, with Trump here. A sure sign of national decline is bastardization of the native language (to suit the needs of ruling class propagandists and, less ominously, to strengthen group identification among the lower classes). As Greg Cochran has noted, we live in a culture where the hero has MOVED ON to the right side of history, becoming a “hero through suffering” rather than a “hero through deed”. This is supposed to be an improvement. It’s not. It’s a dumbing-down of heroism, so the mass of mediocrities can feel like they have a spiritual connection to the hallowed Hero’s Hall every time they fall into a depressed resignation about their miserable lives.

I specify that I agreed with Trump “in part”, because the Merriam-Webster definition of “hero” does include, under line item #2, the description of the hero as someone with “noble qualities”. You can argue that, once captured, possessing the grit and fortitude to stick it out for years until release is a type of heroism.

So there was wiggle room there for Trump to take a legit hit from his enemies to the—. “””right”””. (hahaha i keel myself!)

But did Trump back down when the Hivemind assembled its buzzing battalions to perforate him on a, ahem, trumped-up charge of insufficient patriotism and groveling toward a veteran with a stellar record of lapping up the precum off Vicente Fox’s Spanish-European glans? (A charge, it should be mentioned, not a single member of the Hivemind conglomerate takes seriously in his own life.)

No. Not only did Trump refuse the offer he couldn’t refuse, he struck back with guns twice as big, twice as fast, and ten times as lethal.

This fuckin guy. ????

As wags have dubbed him, Trump is a kind of morph of Realtalking internet commenters and Duke Nukem. Here he is on peabrained cuckservative Rick Perry, after Perry swallowed a load of Hivemind jizz and tried, feebly, to oust Trump from respectable GOP circlejerks:

And look what Trump did to that most effete of GOP supracucks, Lindsey “gaypedoface” Graham, (who called Trump a “jackass”). Skip to minute 26:00 to see Trump brandish Graham’s real cell number, asking the studio audience to call Graham for clarification on his past request for Trump’s campaign assistance. It is quite the slashing shiv.

Trump has tight game.

– He reframes his opponents’ attacks.
– He goes on the offense, never allowing himself the womanly comfort of the defensive crouch.
– He never apologizes. Especially not when his accusers are such gratuitous phonyfucks.
– He is socially savvy, and knows how to speak to the common man.
– His upgraded third wife is a hottie. And not just “for her age”.

If Trump is President, no one will have to humiliate himself pretending that a First Gorilla is a highly fuckable beauty.

Trump is such a BAD BAD RACIST EGOTISTIC MAN that he currently sits atop the Republican polls. Game can get you laid, and it can help you become leader of the free world.

President Donald Trump.

Isn’t it about time the Presidency was occupied by an alpha male worthy of the office? You know, alpha males like we used to have with the Founders?

If nothing else, Trump makes what would have been a tedious, insipid non-race with no import besides greasing the skids to national dissolution into something interesting to watch. Trump has pushed the Overton Window so wide, its gaping hole resembles Andrew “RawMuscleGlutes” Sullivan’s prolapsing rectum.

Trump fucks with the status quo, and the fucking is good.

Donald Trump #fundie

'He is the founder of ISIS': Trump repeatedly claims Obama is to blame for creating the terror group and calls Hillary its 'co-founder'

Donald Trump claimed Wednesday night during a raucous south Florida campaign rally that President Barack Obama and his first secretary of state Hillary Clinton were the 'founder' and 'co-founder' of the ISIS terror army.

His stunning claim came at the end of a pointed lecture recounting the conditions that led the regional militant group called al-Qaeda in Iraq to grow its ambitions – and blaming the president for creating the power vacuum that terrorists rushed in to fill.

'In many respects, you know, they honor President Obama. ISIS is honoring President Obama,' Trump said, working himself into a lather at the end of a full day of campaigning in two states.

'He is the founder of ISIS. He is the founder of ISIS, okay? He's the founder! He founded ISIS!' he continued, always crescendoing.

'And I would say,' Trump added more solemnly, getting to his election-year point: 'The co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton. Co-founder! Crooked Hillary Clinton! And that's what it's about!'

Trump has made claims before that Obama precipitously pulled U.S. forces out of Iraq on a predetermined date, giving ISIS room to breathe and expand.

But Wednesday marked the first time he has credited the current White House with the creation of the self-described 'Islamic State.'

Minutes later in what may be interpreted as a dog-whistle to his Islamoskeptic fans, Trump uttered another rarity, referring to the president with his Arab middle name.

Responding to complaints that he had misinterpreted the recent geopolitics of Russia and Ukraine, he declared that the Crimea 'was taken' by Russian President Vladimir Putin 'during the administration of Barack Hussein Obama.'

Trump's figurative case that Obama 'founded' ISIS rests on his contention that the president disrupted a delicate balance of power between Iran and Iraq, two countries afflicted by more than eight decades of border disputes.

'We had a president who decided he would announce a date, and he was gonna get out by that date. The problem is, the enemy, which really turned out to be ISIS, the enemy was sitting back and actually didn't believe that this could be happening,' he said.

Trump criticized Obama for failing to leave 'some small forces' behind in Iraq to keep order.

The result, he said, was predictable chaos with Iran the dominant aggressor but ISIS reclaiming dominance in broad swaths of Iraq.

'You know, for years and years these two countries fought,' he said. 'Decades and decades and decades they'd fight. That's what they did – they'd fight.'

'And they'd fight for four years and stop. Then they'd fight for four more years. Saddam Hussein would drop gas, everybody would complain. Tremendous, tremendous carnage. And they'd stop. Then they'd start.'

'It would never change,' in Trump's reading of history, 'because you had military powers of essentially the same strength.'

'And then,' he said, President George W. Bush invaded Iraq and 'decimated one of the powers, and we unleashed fury all over the Middle East. And it was a terrible mistake.'

'And then Obama came in,' he continued. 'And normally you want to clean up. He made a bigger mess out of it. He made such a mess. And then you had Hillary with Libya. So sad.'

During the rally he also unveiled a number of new signs including one pitting himself against Clinton showing how much of their campaigns were funded by hedge funders.

He also unveiled a chart showing home ownership rates plummeting over the years.

Angela Kaaihue #fundie

Earlier this month, Angela Kaaihue won the Republican Party nomination for the U.S. congressional seat representing Hawaii’s 2nd District. She beat her closest Republican rival by six points.

Kaaihue is a big supporter of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, with whom she has a great deal in common. Like Donald Trump, she’s an erratic bigot and a litigious bundle of grievances. Like Trump, she appears to lack any discernible political ideology or convictions, and seems to have entered politics mainly as a way to address personal grudges and the seething resentment that gnaws at her day and night.

Angela Kaaihue has chosen, like Donald Trump, to go full Breitbart, hoping to make up for her lack of widespread appeal through sheer outrageousness.
Kaaihue is good at sheer outrageousness because, like Donald Trump, she’s full-gonzo bonkers. This image, for example, is taken from an ALL CAPS post on Kaaihue’s candidate blog, “Hawaii’s Holy War 2016“:


For the record, the Antichrist, in Kaaihue’s opinion, is “CHRISTIANS TEARING DOWN CHRISTIANS.” This was Kaaihue’s first blog post following her Republican primary win.
But while Kaaihue has little patience for CHRISTIANS TEARING DOWN CHRISTIANS, she reserves most of her wrath for those she hates most of all: The Japanese. And also Hindus and Buddhists, but mostly the Japanese.
Confronted about her enthusiastically anti-Japanese Facebook post — which began, “F–k you J–s!! F–k you f–king J–s!! I hate you you f–king J–s! Go to Hell you f–king J–s!! F–k you you stupid f–king J–s!!” and then, believe it or not, went downhill from there — Kaaihue responded with an August 21 press release reading, in part:

"U.S. Congressional GOP Nominee and Candidate Angela Kaaihue responds back to HAWAII’s citizens rude, defamatory, ignorant remarks made to her through social media. She states, “Repent and ask God for forgiveness!”
It’s a shame HAWAII NEWS MEDIA uses Japanese reporters to report the racist bigot remarks towards Japanese people made by U.S. Candidate Angela Kaaihue.
HAWAII NEWS MEDIA is disservicing Hawaii’s people by NOT investigating WHY and HOW a locally raised woman of Hawaii, grew up and lived in Hawaii all of her life, grew to HATE the Japanese so much."

And it has all proved to be a bit too much for Republican Party officials in Hawaii, who are now denouncing their nominee in no uncertain terms, as Chad Blair reports for Honolulu Civil Beat:

“I want it understood by the general public and the media that the recent inflammatory comments made by candidate for Congress (CD2) Angela Kaaihue do not represent the views, values, or the sentiments of our Party and its members,” Fritz Rohlfing said in a statement issued late Friday. “Her vulgar, racially-bigoted, and religiously-intolerant descriptions of Democratic Party candidates are offensive, shameful, and unacceptable in public discourse.”
Rohlfing added, “I unconditionally denounce her despicable statements.”

Reached by phone Saturday, Kaaihue criticized Rohlfing for leading a “disenfranchised party” and suggested Rohfing had “slammed” her for her religious views.
“I am talking about God, preaching about God, restoring his kingdom back into Hawaii,” she said. “This is God’s country, America is God’s country. I am trying to educate people about that.”
Kaaihue said there was a war going on between “the righteous and the unrighteous, between God and Satan.” Rohfing’s denouncement of her candidacy, she suggested, demonstrated “how we are being deceived by Satan, the biggest liar and deceiver.”
She said Rohlfing needed to “be careful” because he was taking on “the messenger of God.”
“‘Angela’ means messenger of God,” she said. “My whole family is Christian.”

Islamists #fundie

Al Qaeda, Isis and other jihadi groups are thrilled with US President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration targeting Muslim countries, describing it as proof that the US is at war with Islam.

The new legislation signed by Mr Trump on Friday temporarily suspends the US’ refugee programme and bans citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen) from entering the country on the grounds of national security.

Isis-friendly channels on the Telegram messaging service described the ban as “blessed”, echoing how the US 2003 invasion of Iraq was called a “blessed invasion” for reinvigorating anti-US sentiment in the region.

One user greeted the news of the “Muslim ban” as “the best caller to Islam”, hoping it will draw Muslim Americans to their cause.

Several posts suggested that the prediction of Anwar al-Awlaki – a US-born al Qaeda leader killed in Yemen in 2011 – that “the West would eventually turn against its Muslim citizens” was coming true.

Confusion reigned at border control over the weekend over whether green card holders and those with legal work or study visas should be sent back from the US or allowed to re-enter if currently overseas.

“[The ban] plays into this clash of civilisations idea, which is something that global jihadis need as fuel, to claim Americans are against them, that the West is against them,” Dr Renad Mansour, a fellow from the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Chatham House, told The Independent. “Trump is seen to be validating what they already claimed was happening.”

Donald Trump #fundie

Trump grabs 'em by the Twitter as he says he has 'tremendous respect for women' on International Women's Day

Donald Trump boasted on Wednesday that he has 'tremendous respect' for women.

The president sent two tweets in honor of International Women's Day – drawing a sharp contrast from his long-ago comments about women that drew outrage during the 2016 campaign.

'I have tremendous respect for women and the many roles they serve that are vital to the fabric of our society and our economy,' Trump wrote in one tweet.

'On International Women's Day, join me in honoring the critical role of women here in America & around the world,' a second message read. The two tweets were sent from both Trump's official '@POTUS' account and his personal account.


Ivanka Trump echoed her father's sentiments, tweeting: 'Today, we celebrate women and are reminded of our collective voice and the powerful impact we have on our societies and economies.'

Trump was regularly pilloried during the presidential campaign in a seemingly endless series of stories about his past comments about women, despite declaring more than 50 times over the course of the White House race that he 'cherished' women.

The most infamous example to the contrary was an audio recording in which he is heard explaining that famous men can get away with sexually abusing women.

'When you're a star, they let you do it,' the president was heard in ten-year-old audio, captured before a broadcast of 'Access Hollywood.'

'Grab them by the p***y,' Trump said in the recording. 'You can do anything.'

Then-candidate Trump issued a pointed mea culpa, the first such plaintive apology of his political career.

'I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize,' he said in a video message.

'I've never said I'm a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I'm not. I've said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who I am.'

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie

Right-wing commentator, conspiracy theorist and Donald Trump–obsessed sycophant Wayne Allyn Root kicked off his radio broadcast on Wednesday by heaping praise on President Trump’s decision to ban transgender people from serving in the military.

“Brilliant Donald Trump cements his support among every conservative, every Christian, every evangelical Christian and every straight white male in America,” Root crowed. “We are back! America is back! Thank God for Donald Trump. Thank God for common sense.”

“We’ve had it with this transgender issue,” he continued. “Do whatever you want in your bedroom, but you can’t go in the military, you cannot serve alongside the men and women who are fighting to save America [who] don’t want to be on the battlefront or in the fox holes with a he/she.”

“You don’t get to fight in the military,” Root proclaimed. “Where does the U.S. Constitution say you have a right to not know if you have a penis or a vagina and sit in a fox hole and shoot people? ‘Cause you don’t have what it takes to sit in a fox hole and shoot people and the other men who do, don’t want to sit in a fox hole with you; they’re scared of you. They’re not scared of murdering communists, they’re not scared of crazy, murdering, set-you-on-fire Muslims, they’re scared of you who don’t know if you have a penis or a vagina! That’s who scares most straight men! Sorry to tell you. They don’t want to be near you. It’s like a freaking Nightmare on Elm Street if they see a bunch of transgenders walking towards them who don’t know if they are a man or a woman.”

“Those days are done,” Root celebrated. “Real men are in charge of the United States of America again, not the sissies called liberal men. Those days are over. The military is for real men ’cause your children’s lives are on the line.”

theantifeminist #fundie

Hollywood luvvie Meryl Streep has given a speech lambasting President Elect Donald Trump. No suprise there. The Alt-Right, led by paedohysteric Mike Cernovich, has responded by pointing out that Streep gave a standing ovation to Roman Polanski – the director still wanted in the USA for taking a 13 year old girl up the ass, back in the 70s. No surprise there either. His Twitter feed has quickly degenerated into a shouting match as to who are the bigger paedos – Conservatives or Libs – complete with pictures of Trump kissing a very young cutie on a bed (Brooke Shields?) and Obama apparently feeling up his own teen daughter’s ass on the sofa.

This is what political discussion has been reduced to in the death throes of Western civilization – which side is the bigger paedophiles for openly showing attraction to fertile teenage girls. The really creepy thing is, both side’s Twitter armies are full of profiles with anime avatars showing very young pre-pubescent girls. In fact, I believe the alt-right are particularly famous for it and even have a group dedicated to it (anime).

Donald Trump #fundie

Donald Trump called his Democratic rival 'the devil' on Monday in a high-profile escalation of his campaign rhetoric – at precisely the moment he needed to change the subject.

Facing a four-day-long scandal over his criticism of the father of a Muslim soldier who died in combat, the Republican presidential nominee shifted gears.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, Trump told an overflow crowd at a high school in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, 'made a deal with the devil' when he endorsed Clinton at last week's Democratic National Convention.

'She's the devil!' he added.

Trump has hinted at the insult before, saying Friday in Colorado that 'Bernie blew it. He sold his soul to the devil. He did.'

But Trump had previously stopped short of declaring that Hillary Clinton is, in fact, the Prince – or Princess – of Darkness.

By rallying around Clinton instead of standing on principle, the billionaire said, Sanders 'made a bad deal. He should have not made a deal. He would have gone down as [having] done something really important.'

'Once he made that deal, and believe me, he has buyer's remorse.'

'If he would have just not done anything – just go home, go to sleep, relax – he would have been a hero,' he said. 'But he made a deal with the devil. She's the devil! He made a deal with the devil. It's true.'

knowledgeispower88 #fundie

Trump was chosen by God and can be proved.

Use Calculator to confirm dates for proof.

Date Calculator:

Donald Trump D.O.B: 14/06/1946 Donald Trump First Day of Presidency: 21/01/2017 Day Israel became a Nation: 14/05/1948 Donald Trump electors who voted for him: 304 (with 2 defectors) Hillary Clinton electors who votes for her: 227 (with 5 defectors)

1. Donald Trump was born 700 days before Israel was a nation again

2. Which would mean when Israel was 77 days old, Trump would have been 777 days old.

3. Which would also mean Israel’s 70th Birthday will come 700 days after Trumps 70th Birthday.

4. Trump won by 304 electors, Hillary lost with 227 electors. 304 – 227 = 77

5. Also 3+0+4 = 7

6. Trump was 70 Years, 7 Months, and 7 days old on his first day of presidency.

7. Trump became president in the Hebrew year of 5777.

Number 6, 1, 2 & 3 are the most significant.

If Trump was born 1 day earlier or later, or Israel became a nation again 1 day earlier or later, then these numbers wouldn't match.

Only an all mighty God could have made Trump be born 700 days before Israel was a nation again, & make Israel a nation again on that specific date, make and know the 45th Presidency would be on that specific date (21/01/2017), & that Trump would be exactly 70 years old, 7 months old, and 7 days old on his first day of presidency. These are facts, these dates happened and can be calculated by you.

N/A #fundie


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Hateful letters sent anonymously to three mosques in California with a warning that President-elect Donald Trump would “cleanse” the United States of Muslims have stirred fears among congregants, a community leader said.

Hussam Ayloush, executive director of the Los Angeles chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said on Saturday (Nov. 27) that the letters were identical and were postmarked as being sent from Santa Clarita just north of Los Angeles.

Ayloush said his group is considering asking the Federal Bureau of Investigation to look into the letters, which he believes were sent to other mosques aside from the three that received them earlier this week.

Civil rights groups have signaled alarm over attacks targeting minorities, including Muslims, since Republican Trump won the presidential election on Nov. 8. There have also been reports of harassment toward Trump supporters.

The letters were sent earlier this week to the Islamic centers of Long Beach and Claremont in Southern California and to Evergreen Islamic Center in the Northern California city of San Jose, Ayloush said.

They are signed anonymously as “Americans for a Better Way” and say that Trump would “cleanse America and make it shine again” and would carry out a genocide against Muslims.

“You Muslims would be wise to pack your bags and get out of Dodge,” the letter said.

Ayloush said he has counseled the three mosques to work with their local police departments to have the letters investigated as hate crimes.

The San Jose Police Department in a statement said that, following a report about the letter, it sent officers to Evergreen Islamic Center on Thursday and that a unit that handles hate crime investigations will conduct the probe.

Trump’s name has been mentioned in some hateful graffiti markings that surfaced since his election.

A representative of Trump’s transition team could not be reached immediately for comment.

Last year, as a candidate in the Republican presidential primary, Trump called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States. Trump this year pledged to suspend immigration from countries where Islamist militants are active but did not say he still wanted to ban all Muslims.

Following his election, Trump, who takes office on Jan. 20, promised to be a president for all Americans.

CAIR has tallied more than 100 incidents targeting Muslims in the United States since Trump was elected.

Erik Rush #fundie

What is Islam? It, too, is a belief system – one that advances xenophobia, institutional deception, murder, rape, extortion, slavery, pedophilia and a host of other grievous affronts to the human spirit – an embodiment of the inhumane.

If we’re being honest with ourselves, it doesn’t matter if five guys goose-stepping in circles in a garage down the block or a billion people worldwide subscribe to something; if it embodies the inhumane, we want no part of it. The only agencies that continue to doggedly insist that Islam is a benign religion meriting protection under the First Amendment are those in collusion with Islamists.

Why should the left have a cat if I disrespect Muslims in such an impudent manner? Who cares what one big fat narrow-minded meanie and Islamophobic bigot has to say, anyhow?

Well, imagine all of America suddenly becoming aware of what a dire threat Islam truly is. Their first question would be: Who left us so vulnerable to those of that vile creed in the first place? Then, they would start looking at the great many calamities for which America has been put at risk, and who is responsible. Ultimately, they would get to the causation of discrete hazards such as the recent rise in ethnic tensions, the advancement of sexual ambiguity, the shameless proliferation of crony capitalism, the weaponizing of government against the people, the marginalization of Christians and the insinuation of enemy operatives into sensitive security positions in our government, to name just a few.

The ensuing momentum of that mass of angry Americans on the march could entirely crush not only the radical left, but progressivism as well.

The left, the Obama administration and progressive Republicans know that a climate wherein Donald Trump is doing so well in his bid for the GOP nomination not in spite of, but because he is saying the things he is saying suggests that a few more prominent voices joining those such as mine could lead to the undoing of a hundred years of their evil work.

Don Boys #fundie

[About Donald Trump's wife and the Cruz campaign slut shaming her.]

I would have been horrified if my future wife had posed like that and would have broken our engagement. If she had been my adult daughter I would have broken fellowship with her although still loving her. A husband is responsible for his wife and daughters’ actions. Are you ready for this? They are accountable to him and once a daughter is married the accountability transfers to her husband!

Since I am in deep, deep water I might as well go deeper. I have been to Rome and Greece many times and have seen their famous paintings and sculptures and I think many of them are scandalous, salacious, and even slutty. I’m aware that it is supposed to make a difference because it is “great” art, even religious art but that is a silly, shallow, and shameful defense.

Here’s the bottom line: it is wrong to display one’s body to satisfy anyone–except a spouse. Often it is done by teens to get attention and that often comes back to bite them in their derrière a few years later. Then, they usually complain about an invasion of privacy! Simple answer to that: keep your private parts private except for your spouse.

Celebrities who whine about leaked nude photos are hypocrites as well as sluts. They never should have posed nude for the camera.

At a gallery of nude photos and sculptures all the spectators must be fully clothed as they look at totally naked bodies! Would it be acceptable if all the spectators were nude like the art? Why not?

Donald Trump #fundie

A month after suggesting Hillary Clinton could be attacked by “Second Amendment people,” Donald Trump used similar language during a campaign rally on Friday, The Guardian reported.

Speaking in Florida, Trump accused Clinton of wanting to “abolish” the Second Amendment, then criticized her for traveling with armed Secret Service bodyguards.

“I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons – they should disarm,” he said. “I think they should disarm immediately, what do you think, yes? Take their guns away, she doesn’t want guns. Take their guns away, Let’s see what happens to her.”

Eileen Kuch #racist

I couldn’t say it any better, and I agree with you 100%. The US Supreme Court consisted of four Jews and five Gentiles when the issue of “gay marriage” crossed their desks. The Separation of Powers Clause in the Constitution assign certain powers to all three Branches. Passing legislation belongs only to the Legislative Branch; signing legislation into law and enforcing it belongs to the Executive Branch; interpreting the law belongs to the Judicial Branch.

In the case of “gay marriage,” Congress was deliberately bypassed and the issue handed to the Supreme Court, a violation of the Separation of Powers Clause of the US Constitution. The nation’s highest court legislated it into law, in a 5-4 decision–therefore, two of the five Gentiles had to have voted with the four Jews to enact “gay marriage” into law. Chief Justice John Roberts had some financial skeletons in his closet; thus, he voted with the Jews for the legislation; and Justice Kennedy’s a Liberal (there are rumors he may retire).

What’s happening here and in Europe is the evil work of Jewry. George Soros (Jew) and the Rothschild Clan (Jews) are responsible for the Black/Muslim invasion of Western Europe and for the rise of Antifa in the US. Most of the Federal Judges who’ve been blocking Donald Trump’s entry ban of Muslims from certain Islamic countries are Jews. Every pornographic movie, website and print matter are run by Jews. Editor Mike S. King wrote about the moral decline here in the US just this past month.

Just imagine, Br. Nat, a library where a class of kindergarteners are seated, listening to some creepy critter dressed in women’s attire, giving them a lecture about homosexuality, lesbianism and transgenderism. This is what Mr. King slammed in one of his latest articles. Weimar Germany in the 1920’s was just as decadent as the US is today. Transvestites, as well as scantily clad women, entertained audiences in theaters in the cities, and all they lacked back then was the technology to equal the decadence of the West in the 21st Century.

By 1933, all that came to an end, when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor. The Transgender Bathroom Executive Order signed by Barack Obama has recently been rescinded by Trump (thank God), but the decadent “Gay Pride” parades continue on, and a Federal Judge (cough, cough) recently blocked Trump’s ban on Transgenders in the military. It was Obama who opened the military to them. I’m sending you $20, as I’ve been doing for some time now. I hope this will be of some help to your mission.

Joe Hoft #fundie

Amazing! Trump Cuts US Debt by $12 Billion In His First Month – UPDATE: Trump Tweets Our Numbers

President Donald Trump reduced the US Debt burden in his first month in office!

On January 20th, the day of the Trump Inauguration, the US Debt stood at $19,947 billion. On February 21st, a month later, the US Debt load stood at $19,935 billion. Trump cut the US Debt burden by $12 billion and 0.1% in his first month in office!


On January 20, 2017, the US debt was $19,947 billion.
On February 21, 2017, the US debt was $19,935 billion.

By comparison, under President Obama, the US Debt burden increased by more than $200 billion in his first month in office.

J.D. Pendry #fundie

In Christianity, today is our most holy day. The day of resurrection is about many things but, most certainly it is about renewal. It is about the gift of a second chance. It is the opportunity for a new life. It is springtime for humankind. It is a time for introspect and choices. Choices whether good or bad that will shape us as individuals and as a people.

In the people’s house is a man well-heeled in communism and Islam. He makes little effort these days to masquerade otherwise. His parents and grandparents were communists. He was raised Muslim by a stepfather. He was mentored in adolescence by a card carrying communist. He has publicly proclaimed his Christianity on more than one occasion. The punditry minds us to accept what he says as truth lamenting that not one of us mortals truly knows his heart.

We are taught not to judge others, but conversely we are taught that a person’s actions speak to what he holds in his heart. Think of the tremendous cost in American blood and treasure spent to block the advancement of communism. Consider the millions who died under the boot of communists across this earth. Then to watch the President of the last nation standing between worldwide tyranny and freedom embrace a murdering communist dictator is sickening. It is just a bit more than I care to take. To look across the globe and see the atrocities committed in the name of Islam and have a leader who still refuses to mention the name of that religious political system in the context of terrorism has also reached a level of detestable I would have never imagined in our country.

The President embraces communism and Islam. Two brutal systems that is wholly antithetical to our constitutionally guided representative republic.

When the President of our country drones on about our values and what we should and should not do regarding out of control immigration, our relationships with oppressive communist regimes, and how we should or should not confront the brutality of Islamic terrorism – we should clearly understand. When he attempts to shame us by declaring “that is just not who we are”, the “we” he is talking about should be clear in our minds.

I recall listening to a local football coach talking about bowl selections. His phrase that sticks in my mind is that “in December, you will remember November.”

We have a chance for renewal. A change to reverse the course we are on, but only if we have leadership that has our security and freedom in mind. First and foremost. There will be a communist on the ballot who is connected through associations at the very top of her inner circle with the Muslim brotherhood. There is no assurance of who will represent the rest of us on the other side of the ballot. But we must note that this is our chance for renewal of America.

We are at one another’s throats about who the person should be to lead our country’s healing process. The political class is trying to circumvent the democratic process to ensure that the “wrong” person is not on the ballot. How does that differ from communist thinking? The punditry class has injected itself at a level I have never seen in a primary cycle. Some declaring for whom they would never vote even if it means putting another person in the Whitehouse to complete the destruction of our country. Some of them are displaying total disdain for voters. One presumably conservative magazine published an article on how America would be better off if the working middle class would just die out. Radio talker Glenn Beck, whom I once listened to, declared that you cannot be a Christian if you are supporting Donald Trump. I guess Beck who is quite proud of his transformation from a down and out alcoholic to a God fearing man, cannot find it in his heart to believe that someone like Trump could have his own re-birth.

For all who are battling hard to save our nation, remember who we really are because in December we will be thinking about what happened in November.

Jeremy Joseph Christian (A murderer) #fundie

(Reuters) – A man fatally stabbed two people aboard a Portland, Oregon, commuter train when they tried to stop him from harassing two women who appeared to be Muslim, police said.

The attack on Friday afternoon unfolded hours before the start of Ramadan, Islam’s holy month, when most of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims observe a daily religious fast.

The incident began when the man started shouting ethnic and religious slurs at two women who appeared to be Muslim on a MAX train at the Hollywood Transit Station, the Portland Police Department said in a statement. Three men who intervened were stabbed, two fatally.

The attacker, 35-year-old Jeremy Joseph Christian of Portland, was arrested shortly after he left the train, police said.

Christian was booked into jail on two counts of aggravated murder and additional charges of attempted murder, intimidation in the second degree and being a felon in possession of a restricted weapon, police said. He was ordered held without bail.

In a statement responding to Friday’s attack, the Council on American-Islamic Relations blamed an increase in anti-Muslim incidents in the United States in part on President Donald Trump’s focus on militant Islamist groups and anti-immigrant rhetoric.

“President Trump must speak out personally against the rising tide of Islamophobia and other forms of bigotry and racism in our nation that he has provoked through his numerous statements, policies and appointments that have negatively impacted minority communities,” said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad.

The administration says that while it strongly opposes Islamist militants, it has no quarrel with Islam.

Following the attack, police said one of the men died at the scene while another died at a hospital. The third man was treated for non-life threatening injuries.

Witnesses told police two young women on the train during the attacker’s rant and the violence that followed were possibly Muslim. One wore a hijab.

The women left the train before officers arrived, police said, adding that detectives wanted to speak with them.

Portland police did not immediately identify the victims.

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