Donald Trump

Bussa Krishna #fundie

KONNEY/NEW DELHI, India (Reuters) - Bussa Krishna first began worshipping Donald Trump four years ago when the U.S. president appeared to him a dream.

Since then, after a run of good fortune, the Indian real estate broker has transformed his modest home into a shrine to the U.S. leader, who is due in India on Monday for a two-day visit.

“My love for him has transformed into reverence. That has given me immense happiness. Hence instead of praying to other gods, I started praying to him,” Krishna told Reuters.

Krishna, who lives alone in a village in the southern state of Telangana, has erected a life-size statue to Trump in his yard, while his walls are scrawled with the leader’s name - to the annoyance of his extended family.

“I am facing difficulties because of my relatives,” Krishna said. “They tell me that I am disgracing them in society. I told them that just like you believe and worship Shiva, I believe and worship Trump. Neither of us can stop the other from doing so.”

Mark Taylor #conspiracy

So-called “firefighter prophet” and radical right-wing conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor appeared on “The MC Files” last night, where he suggested that the coronavirus outbreak is really just a cover for the Trump administration to finally make the mass arrests long promised by conspiracy theorists.

Taylor, about whom Liberty University made a movie in 2018, is an ardent believer in the QAnon conspiracy theory, which posits that President Donald Trump has been working diligently to arrest countless prominent political, media, and business leaders for allegedly being part of a global satanic pedophile ring. For years, Taylor has been predicting that mass arrests were imminent, but they have never materialized.

Now Taylor suspects that the current coronavirus outbreak is possibly a cover to get leading Republicans—like Reps. Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar, Doug Collins, and Sen. Ted Cruz, who are all under self-quarantine after coming into contact with a coronavirus-infected attendee at the recent CPAC conference—out of Washington, D.C., so the Trump administration can carry out the mass arrests.

“They’re using the coronavirus as a cover to go in, shut places down, and go in and start making arrests,” Taylor said. “Are they pulling these guys out, like Matt Gaetz, are they getting them out of D.C. for a reason?”

“They’re pulling these guys out of D.C., the good guys, before they lock D.C. down, possibly, and go in and really start arresting people,” Taylor speculated. “Or could they be sending these guys home, and then they lock D.C. down in a way so that it’s secure, and then they go get these guys at their houses? I don’t know.”

“The corona thing I believe is a front, it’s a cover as an excuse to be able to lock stuff down, and go in and get some of these people out of here,” he added. “This to me is a good thing.”

Andrea Widburg #wingnut #transphobia

The media use the transgender movement as a lever forcing people to deny reality

George Orwell knew that totalitarian dictatorships retain power by compelling people to agree that 2+2=5. But what happens if it's not the government, but the media that lie? With the American media pushing transgenderism, we're finding out.

With accelerating force, the media insist that biological sex is meaningless and that people's sex is determined by their feelings. We are told to accept that people, through wishing, hormones, and surgery, can magically become the opposite sex.

Over the years, the homosexual rights movement has made people realize that, in a free society, no one should be penalized for a sexual preference. Today, the transgender movement, using the homosexual movement, is working with the media to force us to give it the same rights and respect. This ignores that homosexuality is different from so-called transgenderism.

Homosexuality does not force us to deny biology. Homosexual men are still men, and homosexual women are still women. Their differences are behavioral.

Transgenderism, however, is not about behavioral choices or biology. It's about denying fundamental biological realities. The saddest thing is that those who have accepted the media's drumbeat, often as an antidote to deep depression, are discovering to their cost that it's a lie.

Those committed to individual liberty will let people claim to be the opposite sex, or a camel or a Martian. But while the First Amendment ensures that our government can neither tell us that these beliefs are true nor punish us for denying those beliefs, our media are subtly trying to recalibrate our brains.

The latest shot fired in this media war to have us accept that 2+2=5 is an NBC article bemoaning women suffering from periods. Wait. That's wrong. It's not about the fact that, since the dawn of humankind, periods have been a pain in the tuchis. Instead, the article is about the psychic suffering of women who think they're men but, in relentless fealty to biological reality, still have periods:

When transgender model and activist Kenny Ethan Jones experienced his [sic] first period, he [sic] faced both physical and psychological pain. Initially, Jones, who had not yet come out as trans at the time, felt like he [sic] was losing control and didn't understand what was happening to his [sic] body. However, one thing was clear: He [sic] didn't feel like himself.

"I didn't believe that having periods would be a part of my lived experience," Jones told NBC News. "I felt isolated; everything about periods was tailored to girls, yet me, a boy [sic], was experiencing this and nothing in the world documented that."

He [sic] currently experiences a wide range of challenges with his [sic] monthly bleeding, especially when it comes to getting his [sic] hands on menstrual hygiene products.

Women all have a wide range of challenges when it comes to periods. They are painful, messy, and inconvenient, and they alienate women from their own bodies. You're not different, Kenny. You just think you are.

The real horror for Kenny, though, is that the companies who make tampons, pads, and other products for menstruation keep marketing them as if their customer base is...get this...female:

Some transgender and gender-nonconforming people who menstruate, like Jones, say when the products are categorized as women's products, they can feel alienated — and may even avoid purchasing them altogether.

The same women who believe they're men also believe they deserve special price breaks on menstrual products...because they're not really women. They're just men who every month have a period just like women:

The hurdles some trans men [sic] and gender-nonconforming people who menstruate say they face include the high cost of period supplies[.]

The article demonstrates that our media are relentlessly using the transgender movement to force Americans to believe that 2+2=5. Once the media have us believing that trangenderism is real, what else will they have us believe?

Perhaps they'll have us believe that, when Iran shot down a passenger jet flying out of Tehran Airport, Donald Trump was responsible for the 176 innocent people who died. What's sad is that, even in Iran, a tyrannical nation in which lies are government currency, the people aren't buying that story.

Rev. Paula White #fundie

In one of the more unexpected leaks to come out of the White House lately, a newly released video shows President Donald Trump’s spiritual adviser leading a prayer for “all Satanic pregnancies” to end in miscarriage. Unsurprisingly, this has sparked both outrage and confusion from Trump’s supporters and critics alike.

During a sermon on Jan. 5, Special Adviser to the White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative Paula White railed against “witchcraft” and called for “all Satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now.”

“We declare that anything that’s been conceived in satanic wombs, that it will miscarry, it will not be able to carry forth any plan of destruction, any plan of harm,” White can be heard in the short video.

Some have taken White’s words literally as calling for the termination of particularly pregnancies, an unusual act given both White and the White House’s firm stances against abortion.

White has faced backlash on Twitter over her sermon, with some Christian leaders condemning her remarks. In one case, Jesuit priest James Martin tweeted that “no pregnancies are Satanic. Every child is a gift from God.”

Others, including White herself, have said that she was speaking metaphorically, and was instead making a reference to “demonic plans” which White intended to undermine with prayer. White also said that critics of her sermon were employing “a disingenuous attempt to use words out of context for political gain.”

Although White has only been with the White House since last October, she has known Trump for nearly 20 years. Before becoming Trump’s personal pastor, White made a name for herself as an outspoken televangelist from Florida. She is a well-known advocate of the prosperity gospel, which essentially equates material and financial success with a sign of being in God’s good graces.

Baron Bodissey #wingnut #conspiracy

The Storm Troopers of the New World Order — In Denver

We’ve been posting about European Antifa groups for more than ten years. “Antifa” (or “anti-fa”) is short for “anti-fascist”, and the Antifas are prominent in almost any European demonstration or riot against the right wing. If a politician expresses sentiments that are even mildly nationalistic, or talks about limiting immigration, he can expect an Antifa manifestation outside his offices, complete with black clothing, black masks and hoods, flags and banners featuring logos and slogans of the Antifa and affiliated groups, burning trash containers, flung paving stones, and violent confrontations with police.

I learned about the Antifa was when I was first delving into the Danish anti-fascist scene. Back then (2007) a local manifestation of the anarchists known as the Autonomer was more prominent in Copenhagen than the Antifa; I don’t know if that’s still true. But the Antifa groups were dominant in Sweden, Germany, and the Netherlands. With the help of El Inglés and our Flemish correspondent VH, we posted a couple of investigative reports on the anti-fascist scene in Northern and Western Europe.

Since then it has become clear that the Antifas act as the enforcement arm of the permanent bureaucratic state in Europe; that is, the establishment that remains in place and manages political, cultural, and economic affairs regardless of which party is in power in any given country — what we now know as the “Deep State” here in the USA. Such functions are particularly concentrated in the bureaucracy of the European Union, which has no democratic component whatsoever — the European Parliament is a figurehead body (and a gravy train for those elected to it), lacking any significant power.

When the Antifas hit the streets, they do so in the interests of the entrenched European power structure. However, their funding comes from private sources, often those associated with George Soros, so that Brussels and the national governments can maintain plausible deniability. In order to understand the true nature of what’s going on, just watch the behavior of the police and the courts: despite the armored riot cops and swinging batons and black Marias, the Antifas are not seriously constrained in their violence, and any who actually get charged and convicted are sentenced lightly. Compare this process with what happens to any “right-wing extremist” group that expresses nationalist sentiments or opposes immigration — it can expect to be violently suppressed and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Remember the water cannons aimed at the anti-groping demonstrators in Cologne in early 2016? Did you ever see water cannons used against “anti-fascists” throwing bottles or paving stones? Me neither.

For all practical purposes, the Antifas are the Blackshirts of the European Union, even though the chain of command is occluded. It’s not like Germany in 1936 — Jean-Claude Juncker does not give orders to the commanders of the black-masked thugs who swarm the streets of Amsterdam or Stuttgart. By working through cutouts such as George Soros, the entrenched oligarchs of the EU can maintain their power without ever dirtying their virtual hands.

For the first decade of my work at Gates of Vienna I never saw any significant presence of Antifa in the United States. We had various flavors of communists and anarchists — Trotskyites, Maoists, Stalinists, International ANSWER, Occupy Whatever, etc. — but not the Antifas. But then suddenly everything changed…

As soon as Donald Trump was inaugurated on January 20, there they were, as if on cue — Antifa thugs breaking windows, burning vehicles, fighting with the police, and causing general mayhem. I recognized their banner immediately in the footage from the “protests” in D.C., Chicago, L.A., and elsewhere.

The photo at the top of this post was taken by Henrik Clausen yesterday at the pro-Trump rally in Denver, the same event at which Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff spoke. As you can see, they are identical to their European counterparts in appearance, including the logo on their flag. The Denver police — evidently not yet under the full control of the New World Order — kept the “anti-fascists” well back from the rally, and did not let them interfere with it.

There were similar rallies all over the country yesterday, and I’d bet money that identical-looking Antifa groups staged “counter-demonstrations” at most of them.

The inauguration of Donald Trump was the trigger that caused them to appear. Funds were released and the deployment of shock troops on the streets was ordered by someone at the highest levels of the Deep State.

For all practical purposes, the Antifas are the Storm Troopers of the New World Order.

And now they’re here in the USA, patrolling the mean streets of our cities, ready to squash anyone who dares to oppose the implementation of borderless multiculturalism in the Nation Formerly Known as the United States of America.

Mirrors of Truth #conspiracy #racist

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Donald Trump has Steven Mnuchin and had Gary Cohn, Steve Bannon, Anthony Scaramucci, and Dina Powell in his Administration and they were all top executives for Goldman Sachs.

The Goldman and Sachs families were from Bavaria. The Trump bloodline is from Bavaria. Ivana Trump was accompanied by Prince Manuel of Bavaria and Princess Anna of Bavaria for the Benefit Auction for the Jazz Musicians Emergency Fund in 2005.

Trump had a meeting with the Bavarian Henry Kissinger who wrote the National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 a report on population control.

Trump-appointed Jared Kushner as a senior adviser and his company RealCadre LLC was financed by George Soros and Goldman Sachs. Jared Kushner is also a Kabbalist Chabad member.
Thousands of children have been held in former Walmarts and government facilities under the Trump presidency. Trump does not deny this. That is child trafficking.
Nearly 1,500 boys between the ages of 10 and 17 are spread across the re-purposed Walmart. Most of the boys have crossed into the United States alone while dozens more were separated from their parents under Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ new zero-tolerance policy.

A few days later after the story came out about the thousands of Spanish speaking immigrant children detained in former Walmarts and other government facilities Trump met with King Felipe VI of Spain. I previously stated in other articles that Spain which is ruled by the House of Bourbon runs Mexico and various Latin American nations like proxies and that the Spanish House of Bourbon owns many of the Mexican and Latin American drug cartels which are involved in human trafficking. The Bourbon and Franco families were also involved in stealing an estimated 300,000 babies from Spanish hospitals over several decades.

Trump is friends with Prince Roffredo Gaetani of Roman-Vatican Black Nobility and his ex-wife Ivana Trump dated him for years. The House of Gaetani produced two Popes. In the image above Prince Roffredo has his hands around the waist of his girlfriend Ivana and also around the waist of the sixteen-year-old Ivanka with Trump present at the party.

Trump purchased property for his casino from the mafia hitman Salvatore Testa. The mafia built Atlantic City and launder their criminal profits in casinos. The NJ Commission of Investigation report on organized crime, contractors, casinos, and construction describes Philly Mob owned construction companies working on the Trump-owned Harrah’s.

Trump-appointed Kellyanne Conway as Counselor to the President. Kellyanne Conway’s grandfather Jimmy “The Brute” DiNatale was an associate of the Philly Mob.

One of Siligato’s closest friends was James “Jimmy the Brute” DiNatale, identified by police as an organized crime associate who ran a gambling operation in and around the migrant labor camps and in several Latino communities in the Hammonton area. DiNatale, who died in 1983, “was like a second father to me,” Siligato said last week. Another sore point with police, Siligato said, is that in 1980, he and DiNatale were alibi witnesses for mob boss Nicodemo “Little Nicky” Scarfo in a murder trial in which Scarfo and two codefendants were acquitted. Siligato describes Scarfo as “an acquaintance,” but not a friend.

Trump hired Roy Cohn who worked as an attorney for the mafia bosses John Gotti, Tony Salerno, and Carmine Galante. Trump has also been friends with the mafia associate Robert Libutti. The Gambino-Genovese owned S&A Concrete was involved in constructing Trump’s building in Manhattan with Genovese boss Tony Salerno as an owner. Below is Trump with the mafia lawyer Roy Cohn.

Donald Trump with Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies the Duke of Castro and his family at Trump’s Mar a Lago. The Bourbon-Two Sicilies' ancestors which were the Dukes of Castro officially established the Jesuit Order under Pope Paul III. The House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies is also part owners of the Trafficante crime family of Florida. The Trafficantes have criminal operations and casinos in Cuba. Cuba is run by the Castro family just as the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies are the Dukes of Castro. Their cousins the Bourbon-Parma family have residences in Florida.

Donald Trump was a Jesuit educated at Fordham. Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump went to Jesuit Georgetown. None of them are Roman Catholic. Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies is a top authority over the Jesuits.
Before earning his degree in economics, he was a student at Fordham College at Rose Hill (FCRH) for two years.

The above image is of Trump with Felix Sater who has Russian mafia connections. The Russian billionaire and Communist Aras Agalarov’s son Emin Agalarov set up a meeting with the Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya and Trump Jr, Kushner, and Paul Manafort. Aras Agalarov is a Commander in the Italian Order of Merit.

Helen Doe #racist

I was Liberal Until I Lived in a Los Angeles Barrio. Now I’m a Race Realist.

I was conceived out of wedlock by two California liberals high on marijuana. They had both grown up during the Civil Rights movement, and were proud of their status as enlightened egalitarians. We lived in a 90 percent white town, but my upbringing was nothing but leftist indoctrination and derision of “racist” Republicans and Southerners.

When I was a teenager, the only black guy in school had a crush on me. I didn’t think in racial terms back then, but was uninterested all the same. When a friend told me he had bought me a piece of jewelry for Christmas, I told her he should take it back. I told my mother about the incident, but didn’t mention the boy’s race. Later on, she found out about that particular detail, and nearly fell over herself gushing about how proud of me she was for not having found that aspect of the situation worth mentioning. She had raised a true egalitarian daughter, and she could not have been more pleased.

My mother substance abuse issues that eventually led to my parent’s divorce. Afterwards, she swore off men forever and took to decorating her house with every piece of African “art” she could find. The walls of our living room were soon filled with ghoulish tribal masks, while her bedroom sported framed posters of dancing African women with oversized backsides. As a child, I bought her African wood carvings and statues for Christmas and Mother’s Day. Mind you, I never saw my mother so much as speak to a black person (there were hardly any in our town), so this aesthetic obsession was entirely abstract, gleaned from television, movies, and a learned sense of self-loathing for being white. Today, I believe that her deep-seated white guilt contributed to her addiction problems.

Until reaching middle age, I was exactly what I had been raised to be: a typical ethnomasochist. I hated “white America,” dated outside of my race, took African dance lessons, voted for Barack Obama, and regularly decried racial injustice on Facebook. My awakening was very much an accident. My husband (white, thank God) owned and rented a little house in what used to be a ghetto but was now a barrio because of mass immigration into Los Angeles. He and I lived in another, white part of town, but we had plans to leave the city for greener pastures, so we decided to move into this house to fix it up and sell it. I was hesitant to leave our beautiful white area to live among the vibrant people I publicly praised on social media, but we really wanted to maximize our profit, so I agreed to move.

The next two years were a Hell punctuated by gunshots that my husband kept trying to tell me were only fireworks. It is hard to know where to even begin in describing it. We were immediately struck by how dirty it was. My husband and I walked the neighborhood every evening for months picking up all the trash lining the streets. Right when we’d get a block looking decent, the trash would start to reaccumulate. We’d pick in up again — hoping to shame our “neighbors” into better behavior — but that never happened. Eventually, we gave up and only kept our little part of the street clean. Even when we stuck to our property, tidying up and landscaping, drug dealers would drive by and gawk at me, leaving no doubt as to what they wanted. During those two years, every package I had delivered to our house magically disappeared — no exceptions. Eventually, I gave up and started having things sent to my in-laws, a 30-minute drive away.

Our immediate next door neighbors were Hispanic, and there were seven of them (including two out-of-wedlock children) living in a 700 square-foot, 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom house. To make more room, they put up a party tent in the backyard and turned it into grandma’s bedroom, though it looked more like a junkyard than anything else. They always left their windows, and we heard a constant stream of profane screaming matches, sometimes in English and sometimes in Spanish.

The worst thing about life in the barrio is the partying. Blacks hold base-thumping, rap-blaring, drug-fueled ragers. Hispanics squeeze 100 people onto one tiny property along with a mariachi band and a bouncy-house. Both types of party last all night long. My husband and I both worked hard at our jobs, and needed a good night’s rest, but were besieged by this endless racket. Making matters worse was that in order to make a noise complaint to the police, you have to have a precise address. So night after night, my husband would head out into the dark to find the party. He was always unarmed, too — since conceal and carry permits are not issued to regular citizens in Los Angeles County. I would stay home by the phone, praying for his safety. His perseverance ultimately paid off, and the parties started dropping in frequency and volume. It was a chivalrous act of bravery on his part to tread through the urban jungle and stalk the parties like that, totally defenseless but driven by righteous anger. He was doing the best he could to take care of us under very difficult circumstances, and to this day I admire him for that.

By the time we left this multicultural wasteland, California had started letting “non-violent” thugs out of prison early, so things were only getting worse. Incredibly, our house earned us a nice sum of money when a young professional couple bought it. They were both white, and I felt guilty selling it to them — but they were egalitarian liberals just like I had been. My hope is that they also become race realists and get the hell out. As for my husband and I, we now live in the Deep South.

As all of this was happening, Donald Trump was running for President. His campaign and all the comments he made about immigration were a source of hope for me. Even three years earlier this would have been unthinkable, but in 2016, I registered as a Republican and voted for him. Like with so many in our movement, 2017 was rough. The infamous border wall was clearly not a priority of the Trump Presidency. There was the disaster in Charlottesville, the subsequent deplatformings, etc. Meanwhile, Fox News and Breitbart were telling me how happy I should be because black unemployment was at a record low.

My newfound home did not prove to be a paradise, either. The number of blacks here is high, and getting higher as the reversal of the “great migration” keeps unfolding. There are also a shocking number of illegal aliens here. When my husband and I visited a local state park and we heard more Spanish than English. It makes me angry and depressed to write this, but sometimes it seems like this small Southern town is headed for the same fate as Los Angeles.

There is still hope though. In 2018, I attended my first American Renaissance conference. It was wonderful to be surrounded by people who knew what I knew, and who had their own horror stories about surviving multiculturalism. Not one person held my anti-white past against me. Everyone embraced me as one of them. It was truly one of the happiest weekends of my life. The YouTube personality “No White Guilt” uses the term “Going Free” to describe the process of “un-indoctrinating” ourselves from anti-whitism, and I absolutely do feel free. I am a more productive, confident, and complete person than ever before. My husband is still largely a civic nationalist, but recently when I was talking to him about the importance of “white positivity,” he said, “Your happiness is really attractive.” He’s not the only one who feels that way. Everywhere I go these days, people tell me how beautiful I look. I’m an attractive woman and I dress becomingly, but I’m in my early 40s and I’m not that beautiful. I think they see my love for our people, our culture, and the wonderful civilization our ancestors built radiating off of me. They sense my self-assuredness and pride. They see in me something they want for themselves but cannot articulate.

Unfortunately, I am not yet in a position where I can be openly pro-white, so most of the time I keep quiet and just pray for our people. I do look for opportunities to make small, white-positive comments to the people in my life, though — and when I have done so, people have been receptive. I also have an anonymous white-positive pen pal that I found through Way of the World’s NatConnect service, and she has been a wonderful source of encouragement for me. Our correspondence also goes a long way in making me feel less isolated. Despite the many obstacles we face, I believe the tide is turning in our favor. After all, if someone with my background can develop a sense of white racial consciousness late in life, the tide has to be turning.

Maseeh Ghani #wingnut #conspiracy

We have covered before that YouTube and other tech giants are slowly working to try and eradicate the counter culture, namely in this case and in the modern times, conservative voices. That’s right; the conservatives are now the counter culture. We know this by just a recent example when the CEO of YouTube in an interview suggested that Ben Shapiro should be banned. YouTube, however, isn’t always the main culprit here.

The New York Times published an article that could probably be summed up as a kid crying because they pooped their diapers. Namely, the fact that alternative media is vastly growing and is taking away their viewers.

New York Times journalist Kevin Roose interviewed Neal Mohan, YouTube’s product chief, solely on the topic of radicalization through YouTube videos.

What does he mean by radicalization through YouTube videos? Conspiracy theories, right extremists and white supremacists.

He questions the YouTube product chief on the rabbit hole of YouTube experience, where users get recommended videos based on what they watch. He questions though why Donald Trump-related videos are being recommended, as well as conspiracy videos. He even made the jump, stating, if we can ban ISIS related videos then why not right-wing extremists?

“Since the New Zealand shooting, we’ve heard this question about “Well, the platforms worked together to take down ISIS content. Why haven’t they done the same for white supremacy or violent right-wing extremism?” What’s the answer there?” Kevin Roose asks.

He pretty much exposes his root bias, where it all comes from, right here.

“So much of what YouTube has become over the years is this kind of alternative form of media. People don’t go to YouTube because they want the same stuff they would see on TV. They go because they’ve built relationships with creators that they trust, and when Logan Paul puts out a flat-earth documentary or Shane Dawson questions whether 9/11 happened, there’s a sense that YouTube is the place where these “real” explanations are being offered, and maybe that makes this all very hard to undo.”

It’s a slippery slope to ban just one thing, as one thing can just easily lead to another. That’s exactly what the New York Times want though, to ban viral information spiraling through YouTube because it is in direct competition with their platform. Information is what the New York Times provides, and YouTube is slowly monopolizing the medium of information because it’s as he said, YouTube is the place where real explanations are being offered.

But it’s not entirely the sheer bias that’s off-putting about this NYT article; it’s also because it breaks the fake news meter. It’s full of disinformation.

The main premise of the article is what keeps mentioning about the deep and dark rabbit hole that exists on YouTube. Roose opened the article in the first line quoting it as “one of the most powerful radicalizing instruments of the 21st century.” Kevin mentions more specifically, what he means by this, though saying, “I’m talking, of course, about YouTube — and, specifically, the recommendation algorithm that determines which videos the site plays after the one you’re watching.”

This is what he refers to as the rabbit hole of dark information and violence.

Obviously, YouTube recommends videos based on what you normally watch. That is in YouTube’s best interest, to generate more views and get people to spend more time on their platform. People can get radicalized in many ways, depending on what it is they watch. This includes ANTIFA radicalization as well. Left-wing extremists exist too, among other dangerous fringe types of content. But even with this type of content, exists elements of political viewpoints and speech. The line can get very blurry when you attempt to try and police the whole thing unless it’s outright violent and inappropriate.

What Kevin Roose recommends banning, however, is far from being outright violent. It’s mostly harmless information that he wants to be banned. Conspiracies and fringe so-called right-wing content producers do not deserve to be banned and their free speech essentially taken away. Many of these people make livings off of their right to free speech, yet Kevin Roose still insists that we ban them, just because he doesn’t like it?

The real danger to me here is, not in the fringe information, but in the free speech silencer activists like Kevin Roose. Impeding on a fundamental human right to me is considered highly dangerous. We are talking about restricting peoples voices, their mouths, their fundamental need as a human being to express themselves, and potentially ruin their source of income to live. This is the talk of extreme authoritarianism.

So how does the YouTube algorithm actually work when it comes to recommending videos? Well, there’s an open sourced software that actually tracks recommended videos based on what YouTube video you watch. You can see essentially the rabbit hole that you will be lead on based on what YouTube channels you watch.

Contrary to popular belief, it’s actually much more likely for YouTube to recommend a “Left” leaning YouTube video to people watching “Right” leaning videos. source:
Take a look at the chart. You will see that what you watch is what you get. Click on any of the dots which show YouTube channel’s names and you will see the rabbit hole of information YouTube recommends you.

You will find it’s mostly the same type of content for the most part. Steven Crowder videos lead to mostly other Steven Crowder videos, with also high chances of similar content related stuff like JRE, Philip DeFranco, Paul Joseph Watson, etc.

However, the lines across all political spectrums do converge. Meaning, you will still get left-leaning videos recommended even if you watch right-leaning videos. CNN can pop out on your feed if you watch JRE or Steven Crowder. If the issues are related, chances are these conversions will happen. This usually occurs with policy topics that both political sides talk about.

You do not magically get lead to a conspiracy-ridden rabbit hole that consumes your soul and then makes you into a mass shooter. YouTube’ isn’t all that bad. Most of us who use it do not have this weird problem that Kevin Roose was complaining about. It’s not really an issue worth bringing up, especially for a major news source like the NYT.

Neal Mohan surprisingly was pretty solid set on his answers. He pretty much refuted all of the journalist’s claims and just flat out made Roose seem ridiculous, to be perfectly blunt. With answers like these, it’s hard not see why.

“I think that even when you go to something that broad, it comes with real trade-offs. And I’m just raising the fact that there are considerations there, which is that you are then limiting political discourse to a set of preordained voices and outlets and publications. And I think that especially when it comes to something as charged and societally impactful as politics, there needs to be room for new voices to be heard.”

This completely goes against the mainstream media narrative. Neal Mohan is clearly more concerned about the user experience of his platform than some random political bias a news publication has.

The NYT trying to make this a legitimate issue by publishing articles and conducting interviews like these is a sad and pathetic attempt to selfishly garner more views for their own platform. Instead of winning the infowar by producing better quality content, they cry endlessly about it hoping to get the attention of some players in the industry to make it all right for them at a wave of a wand. Unfortunately for Kevin and the New York Times, this won’t be happening any time soon. Because for now at least, common sense still prevails largely amongst the general public.

Kevin Roose tweeted his thoughts on the interview after the article was published saying,

“This answer surprised me bc when I interview neo-Nazis and other extremists, I ask them how they got into the subject. Maybe 80% of the time, YouTube is involved. If there are counterexamples of people being de-radicalized by recommendations, YouTube should publicize them!”

He seems to have missed the point completely.

Number one, YouTube doesn’t feed you Nazi content unless you proactively go and search for it. No examples of this exist and nothing in their algorithm suggests that. The evidence was furthered provided in the research and chart.

Number two, Neal Mohan stated that it’s not in their interest to interfere with political speech on YouTube because that ruins the user experience. Banning outright violent videos is one thing, but banning so-called radical political views is another. One is violence and other is free speech. This quote from Neal Mohan during the interview explains it all:

“In the case of something like this, the challenges are harder because the line, as you can imagine, is sometimes blurry between what clearly might be hate speech versus what might be political speech that we might find distasteful and disagree with, but nonetheless is coming from, you know, candidates that are in elections and the like.”

The NYT article titled, “YouTube’s Product Chief on Online Radicalization and Algorithmic Rabbit Holes” has proven to be a fake news article. Online radicalization and algorithmic rabbit holes are loaded terms, don’t really exist, and have no bearing or significant effect in the real world. It is instead a disguised outcry for being losers in the content war. The New York Times’ last hope is, unfortunately, to try and get the plug pulled on their competitors from the backend rather than facing them from the front end.

Mike King #conspiracy

The following interview with an investigative journalist (a real one) named Harry Vox (Harry Stuckey) took place during the EbolaMania scare of 2014. Vox had gotten hold of a 2010 document authored mainly by "futurologist" Peter Schwartz and published by the Rockefeller Foundation. It was titled, "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development" -- in which the various scenarios for today's CoronaMania are clearly and "prophetically" spelled out. The report amounts to a classic textbook example of how "elite" members of the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) inform the lower tiers of their club with a wink-wink as to what will be coming in the near future.

One of the sections -- referred to as a "scenarios" -- is titled, "Lock Step." Sub-titled: A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen push-back.” The scenario -- written in past tense format for literary effect -- states:

“In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain — originating from wild geese — was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months…”

.... The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.”

Sound familiar? Then the "scenario" gets really freaky:

“During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty — leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.”


Wake up, people! We are the sheep and the conspiratorial PRC operatives are the ravenous wolves. Do you actually believe that an elitist wolf actually gives a rat's ass about about your health? Seriously?

In the name of "safety," the Globalist PRC is using what is essentially a common cold to destroy Donald Trump and swindle us out of our liberties, our livelihoods, our countries, and -- by way of the deliberate sedation overdoses now being wildly administered to helplessly locked-down seniors under the cover of COVID -- our very lives! If the YouTube video posted below doesn't rattle a few brain cells among the normies in your circle, then perhaps nothing will.

Donald Trump #racist

President Trump on Tuesday compared the ongoing impeachment inquiry into him to a "lynching."

"So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights," Trump tweeted. "All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here - a lynching. But we will WIN!"

Colmaxhoffmann #sexist

Females will lead to Extinction and I am not talking about climate change
Cracks of doom

I am scientist that has studied the future of species and human sustainability for years. My conclusion is that we will go extinct if we continue to allow females to take control of our world.

The reason is quite simple: since the dawn of time males have needed to please females to breed. This has become unsustainable as their demands have become increasing technology based. Technologies that burn oil a non-renewable resource: oil. Oil has become the dominant means of providing the energy for all other forms of energy and technology. Consider which energy is ised mining for coal, metals, and other elements like chemicals for fertilisers. Consider the same regarding agricultural production and transport.

Oil though is non renewable. It also has an energy cost to extract. The deeper the oil the more energy used. In 1900 it took 1 barrel of oil costing $1 to extract 100 barrels. 100:1 is an excellent ratio. Now having exhausted the oil fields we get a ratio of 7:1. It is predicted by 2046 this will be 1:1 making it from then on unprofitable to extract. By then there will also be a massive fall in quality of the oil. This means that oil will cease to be viable.

People believe by then we will have found substitutes for oil. Unfortunately so far not one has proved to be portable, safe, cheap to access/produce, packed with energy per weight or volume, as bunker fuel, diesel or petrol conventionally extracted and produced. Static energy requires can be met by renewable energy and nuclear power for a time but eventually these will be unable to replicated or repaired as oil is the very basis of making such technology viable either via the very materials required to manufacture/build or repair them or simply to get the workers to their sites eg wind farms at sea.

Food sources will be quickly impacted as food is transported by plane, ship and articulated lorries all of which rely on cheap fuel to be profitable. In some instances this may lead to revolutions and wars.

The demands of post-war (ww2) females will cease to be practical. They will no longer be able to titillate their desires with decorative jewelry or lipsticks since the markets will be running on an emergency basis. As hyperinflation takes hold money will devalue. Women will be forced to resort to their baser occupations since it will be better to become a whore than starve to death. Cars will be a thing of the past as even static energy systems are unable to be repaired as materials formerly easy to obtain even if formerly expensive cease to economic in the face of transport costs and demand. Society and civilization will simply disintegrate.

Women will find that males are required for protection and hunting. (In some cases scavenging on dead bodies will be required). Children will be a huge burden to survival.

All of this must happen because humans live under a female misapprehension due to a lack of scientists amongst them that men will solve these problems. They thus vote in people who have not a single clue that oil which raise a global population from a few billion to 7 billion and perhaps by 2050 25 billion is unsustainable. Most women don't know how a car works. They don't know that 80% of the fuel it burns is lost in heat and friction. This ignorance has contaminated the male world because males are now subservient to females. Consider Donald J Trump. He lives to enjoy women and the sex they provide. All else is just a means to gain more females. His entire life has been enslaved by the desire to breed. This desire whilst being natural has diverted men from seeing the future threat that the loss of oil creates.

Mike King #conspiracy

NY Times Headlines:
* Trump's Easter Back-To-Business Goal 'Catastrophic'
* Trump Says Reopen by Easter, Corporate America Says Not So Fast
* Coronavirus Advancing. All Americans Need to Shelter in Place.
* Dollar Signs Versus Vital Signs
* Trump Wants U.S. ‘Opened Up’ by Easter, Despite Health Officials’ Warn

In this tactical tug-of-war over whose script will be chosen for the final act of Coronavirus: The Movie -- we have, on one side, Trump and the patriots proposing the “happy ending” version of re-opening businesses and resuming the counter-attack on the Deep State by Easter Weekend (April 10 -12) --- and, in the other camp, there are the undefeated and still-mighty Globalists whose version of the closing scene climaxes with the “Herbert Hooverization” of Trump and allies worldwide by imposing an indefinite economy-killing “shelter-in-place” regime upon Planet Earth. Psychopath Bill Gates for example -- who, in my perfect world, would to be beaten to death with hammers on live TV -- is calling for up to an additional TEN WEEKS of shut-down.

As the above-listed pro-depression / anti-“get back to work” headlines clearly indicate, we know which ending that “the paper of record” prefers.

For the benefit of the historically rusty, a bit of Real History precedent review is in order here.

In 1928, Republican Herbert Hoover was elected President by winning 40 of the then-48 states. It was the third consecutive Republican landslide (Harding, 1920 & Coolidge, 1924). Hoover had inherited from his predecessors the booming economy of “The Roaring Twenties,” -- and optimistically spoke of continued peace and prosperity for the nation.

About six months into his term, the Federal Reserve and its subordinate banks deliberately choked off the money supply – crashing the highly leveraged stock market in October, 1929 and ushering in the Great Depression. As businesses across the country fell like dominoes, the Fed continued to contract the money supply so that both businesses and individuals couldn’t get their hands on enough currency to repay the old debts from the bubble years.

Hoover, for the most part, resisted the commie call for "action" -- wisely stating:

"Economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement. Economic wounds must be healed by the action of the cells of the economic body - the producers and consumers themselves."

That sure didn't go over too well with the Globo gangsters (cough cough) who engineered the crash. Like a trio of con-artists working the same “mark,” the Fed continued to throttle the economy, whilst the Fake News falsely blamed Hoover for not “doing enough,” whilst the Communists organized “spontaneous” street actions like the 1932 “Bonus March.” The End Result: The election of 1932 brought an end to 12 years of conservative Republican governance by installing Franklin Demono Rosenfeld in the White House in a 42-state landslide -- along with a Democrat super-majority in the Congress (most, but not all of them leftists). America would never be the same again.

Early on in his presidency, Trump took control of the Fed by dumping Globalist Janet Yenta Yellen (cough cough) and appointing Jerome Powell (the first non-Jew to chair the Fed in over 30 years). With the Fed having been tamed, the removal of Trump by the tried & true tactic of spiking interest rates / contracting money supply -- which was the original plan (here) -- was no longer an option. CoronaMania was therefore designed to do what the Central Bank could no longer do, namely, crash -- Herbert Hooverize -- the Trump's stock market and economy – albeit by different means than those utilized in 1929-1932.

Right on cue, from, March 25, 2020:

Headline: Will Trump Become the New Hoover? (here)

And this from the Washington Compost, March 23,2020 (accompanied by images of Trump and Hoover)

Headline: Covid-19 may destroy Donald Trump’s presidency

Sub-headline: Has Trump plunged America into another Great Depression? (here)

Bastards! But should we really be surprised? (((They))) don't care about how many people they murder in foreign wars; so why would (((they))) give a rat's butt-hole about how many American get thrown out of work? Our lives mean NOTHING to these monsters which so many millions of normies hold in such high regard as "public servants."

Like the “Russian Collusion” hoax of 2017-2019; and like the “Ukraine Phone Call” hoax of 2019-2020 – CoronaMania seems destined to backfire – maybe. The unpredictable “X-Factor” here is that 24 of America’s 50 states (including the two most populous states of California and New York) have Demonrat Governors. If enough of these repugnant villains (Newsome (CA), Cuomo (NY), Pritzker (IL), Murphy (NJ) et al) were to collectively scheme to keep their respective states on shut-down -- in spite of Trump’s Easter target date for a return to normalcy -- the Governors (and some big city Mayors) could inflict enormous damage not just upon the people of their own states, but on the nation as a whole.

It will be interesting to see how the coming civil war between the conveniently all-of-a-sudden “states’ rights” Demonrat Governors and the President plays out. Our money is on Trump coming out of this latest take-down scheme smelling like roses again. However -- if mass arrests of the criminal perps who just caused us to dump 2 Trillion on the National Credit Card don’t come out of this golden “National Emergency” opportunity; then one has got to start wondering how and when “The Storm” will ever happen. Not getting discouraged here – just a little antsy. We just need to see some bad guys disappear and die soon. That’s all.
– That being said, where the hell is Tom Hanks?"

In accordance with the dictates of New Jersey's insane and evil Governor Phil Murphy of Goldman Sachs, the Boobus Brothers are at home, "sheltering in place" ™ as they "social distance" ™ from their equally stupid and frigid wives.

St. Sugar: When the Boobusses sstart to feel the pain of not having a paycheck, they will sside with Trump againsst the Governorss!!
Editor: That's quite possible -- but the script for the final act of this secret war can still go either way, in my judgement.

Donald Trump #fundie #god-complex #wingnut

We built the greatest economy in the history of the world, and now I have to do it again. You know what that is? That’s right, that’s God testing me!

So you know, I did it once, and I said “Did I do a great job, God? I’m the only one that can do it!” He said “That you shouldn’t say, and now we’re gonna have you do it again.

I said “OK, I agree. You got me.” But I did it once, and now I’m doing it again. You see the kind of numbers that we’re putting up, they’re unbelievable. Best job numbers ever.

President Donald Trump #conspiracy #sexist #wingnut

[WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Tuesday attacked Sen. Kamala Harris over her questioning of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings in his first public remarks since she was named Joe Biden's running mate.

Harris, a former prosecutor, grilled the judge over sexual misconduct allegations against him during the contentious 2018 confirmation hearings.

"And the horrible way she treated Justice Kavanaugh, that was a horrible event. I thought it was terrible for her, I thought it was terrible for our nation," Trump told reporters during a White House briefing. "I thought she was the meanest, the most horrible most disrespectful of anybody in the U.S. Senate."

Trump saved his remarks on Harris for the scheduled briefing. But minutes after the announcement, Trump tweeted a new campaign attack ad on Harris, a vocal critic of the president. The ad accuses Biden of "handing over the reins to Kamala while they jointly embrace the radical left."

"She is also known, from what I understand, as being just about the most liberal person in the U.S. Senate and I would have thought Biden would have tried to stay away from that a little bit," Trump said.

Biden announced Harris, one of his former Democratic primary challengers, as his No. 2 pick after weeks of speculation in the lead-up to next week's Democratic convention. She will become the first Black woman and first Asian American person on a major party's presidential ticket.

Following the announcement, the Trump campaign seized on a feisty exchange between Harris and Biden during a June 2019 Democratic debate, when the California senator was still in the race. Harris challenged Biden over his remarks about working with segregationist senators and criticized him for his previous opposition to federal busing mandates – a moment that hobbled his campaign and led to her brief surge in national polls.

"Not long ago, Kamala Harris called Joe Biden a racist and asked for an apology she never received. Clearly, Phony Kamala will abandon her own morals, as well as try to bury her record as a prosecutor, in order to appease the anti-police extremists controlling the Democrat Party," Trump senior adviser Katrina Pierson said in a statement Tuesday.

"She is proof that Joe Biden is an empty shell being filled with the extreme agenda of the radicals on the left," Pierson added.

Daily Stormer #sexist #racist

[From "White Girls are the Greatest Because of Their Independent Aryan Spirit"]

A lot of people in the right-wing are talking bad about white girls nowadays, and I just want to say: if you don’t love white girls, you don’t love the white race.

Our white women are our greatest treasure.

It’s time for white men to man up and start marrying single mothers, because actually, it is the fault of white men, or maybe the fault of Jews somehow, that white women made these decisions in the first place.

It’s only because men are so weak that they don’t have the bravery to marry a used-up single mother. It’s that men who don’t respect women just aren’t masculine, so they just love Donald Trump, because they can’t get the respect of other men.

If you’re a true man of the pure Aryan spirit, it’s time for you to man up and honor our princesses.

Time to man up and be a real man if you want to be respected by other men as a true respecter of real Aryan princesses.

Our princesses represent true diversity, I just love their different independent styles and their unique personalities.

[Pictures of White women holding placards saying they want to date and sleep with Black men]

The love of our Aryan women is why we need communism, you dumb incel irony bro.

We can’t just control women, and force them to do what we want them to do.

We have to give them their freedom. We have to let them choose for themselves. That is the real Aryan alternative lifestyle choice.

The Christians want to control women, because they are afraid of their true Aryan independence.

They are insecure cowards.

If a man is not an incel and a woman-hating irony bro, then he understands that it is part of our values that we don’t control our women. We know they are strong, so we allow them to make their own decisions.

If you’re the kind of weak man who doesn’t think white women should be allowed to make decisions, it’s just that you’re weak and other men don’t respect you because you don’t respect yourself.

[Further pictures of White women holding placards saying they want to date and sleep with Black men and not White men]

Real men man-up and marry 30-year-old single moms.

That’s what socialism is really all about, and if you don’t agree, you’re a weak incel who just does irony.

Perry Stone #fundie

During the weekly “Firehouse Prayer” gathering held at his Omega Center International church in Tennessee last Thursday, right-wing pastor Perry Stone asked his congregation to pray against the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump’s actions towards Ukraine, and warned that if Democrats don’t back off, Christians may unify in prayer to ask God to strike them down.

For good measure, Stone also called out Right Wing Watch by name and predicted that we’ll have to apologize for being idiots when it happens.

Stone said there is “an unjust balance” in Washington because Hillary Clinton was allowed to “smash her BlackBerrys to keep the government from seeing what’s on them” and was not prosecuted for treason for keeping “four classified letters on a server,” while Trump, he contended, has been the victim of an unrelenting conspiracy to remove him from office that he alleged “was actually funded by George Soros.”

“The one thing that we have as Christians, as true believers, is the power of fasting and prayer,” Stone said, citing several biblical passages in which leaders “who attempted to delay and hinder the will of God” where “supernaturally removed by very strange diseases.”

“It is not about messing with a person, it is about messing with a sovereign plan,” he added. “When God has a sovereign plan, he himself will fight against people.”

“What the ungodly, unbiblical, Christ-haters in America do not understand,” Stone warned, “is that the true body of Christ that prays in the Holy Ghost, that has the power of God—and there are many of us, there are millions of us in America—if we so choose and decide to set out heart and our mind to fasting and prayer, we can move the hand of God to do anything that he would desire to do and give him the will—we have to choose, of course—to have his freedom, to say, ‘God, go do your thing right now.'”

“It may come to the body of Christ fasting and praying and asking God to clean house himself,” he continued. “This is going on the internet and I’m sure somebody will pick up what I’ve said. Right Wing Watch, I know you watch me, so go ahead and post what I just said and let’s see what happens. And then when it happens, you can apologize for being an idiot.”

President Donald Trump #racist #god-complex

In the interview with Axios’ Jonathan Swan, Trump said, “I really don't know” how history will remember the Democratic congressman. “I don't know John Lewis. He chose not to come to my inauguration. ... I never met John Lewis, actually, I don’t believe.”

When asked if he found Lewis’ life impressive, Trump responded, “He didn't come to my inauguration. He didn't come to my State of the Union speeches. And that's OK. That's his right. And, again, nobody has done more for Black Americans than I have.”

“He should have come. I think he made a big mistake.”

Trump also declined to say whether he found Lewis personally impressive: “I can't say one way or the other. I find a lot of people impressive. I find many people not impressive.”

Phyllis Chesler #fundie


It's become fashionable to draw comparisons between the popular television adaptation of Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and Donald Trump's America.

It's become fashionable to draw comparisons between the popular television adaptation of Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and Donald Trump's America.

Margaret Atwood, whose work I have long admired, is now being hailed as a prophet. It is quite the phenomenon. According to the pundits, Atwood's 1985 work, The Handmaid's Tale, which Mary McCarthy once savaged, and the recently-published 2019 sequel, The Testaments, are dystopias which aptly describe the contemporary climate change crisis, toxic environments, the rise in infertility, and the enslavement of women in Trump's America.

Is this all Atwood is writing about? Do the increasing restrictions on abortion in America parallel the extreme misogyny of Gilead, the theocratic state in Atwood's saga? Is the unjust separation of mothers and children, a la Trump on the southern border, what Atwood has foretold? Every review and interview with Atwood that I could find strongly insists that this is the case.

Michelle Goldberg, in the New York Times, attributes the current popularity of The Handmaid's Tale to Trump's ascendancy. She writes: "It's hardly surprising that in 2016 the book resonated—particularly women—stunned that a brazen misogynist, given to fascist rhetoric and backed by religious fundamentalists was taking power."


Gilead-inspired handmaid outfits have become popular at anti-Trump rallies as far away as Poland.

Gilead-inspired handmaid outfits have become popular at anti-Trump rallies as far away as Poland.

... At the anti-Trump pro-women's rights marches around the country, some feminist protesters dressed like Handmaids in billowing, shapeless red dresses, their facial identities obscured by large, white Victorian-era bonnets, carrying signs that read: "Make Margaret Atwood fiction again" and "The Handmaid's Tale is not an instruction manual."

They have a point. Abortion rights are being steadily challenged and nearly eviscerated in the formerly slave-owning American states. Right-to-life lawyers insist that the protection of unborn children without any gestational markers is the law of the land. We now have free states and slave states in terms of access to high quality, insurance-funded abortions. Pregnant, drug-addicted women are being jailed for child abuse.


Gilead most reflects what is happening not in America, but in most Islamic countries.

Gilead most reflects what is happening not in America, but in most Islamic countries.

However ... [t]here's another contemporary parallel that also gets scant attention. Gilead's system of pseudo-theocratic totalitarian control in both her novels and in the MGM/Hulu versions does not accurately reflect what is happening in America today; it mirrors what is happening in most Islamic countries, a fact that Atwood and her admirers are too politically correct to notice.

Obscuring one's individual identity, masking one's face, sequestering women at home, may have been true of many previous cultures and regimes. However, in this day forced niqabs (face veils) and burqas (head, face, and body bags) are mainly realities for women in Muslim countries and communities in the West. In Iran in July, three women were sentenced to a total of 55 years between them for protesting against the veil.


In July 2019, an Iranian court sentenced Yasaman Aryani (left), Monireh Arabshahi (center), and Mojgan Keshavarz to a total of 55 years in prison for protesting against the veil.

In July 2019, an Iranian court sentenced Yasaman Aryani (left), Monireh Arabshahi (center), and Mojgan Keshavarz to a total of 55 years in prison for protesting against the veil.

In The Handmaid's Tale Atwood does mention Islam twice (to exonerate Muslims as the suspected mass murderers of Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Oval Office in Gilead (p.174) and again in a reference to the "obsession with harems" on the part of allegedly Orientalist Western painters who did not understand that they were painting "boredom" (p.69). Atwood's quintessential Bad Guys are Caucasian, Bible-thumping, right wing, conservative, American Christians.

Where else but in the Islamic world do we see forced face veiling, forced child marriage, women confined to the home, polygamy (a "wife" and a "handmaid" under the same roof), male guardians and minders, cattle prod shocking, whipping, hand amputations, stoning, crazed vigilante mobs stomping and tearing people apart, and tortured corpses publicly displayed on city walls or hanging from cranes in order to terrify the populace? Or the torture murder of homosexuals? This is how Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram, the Islamic Republics of Iran and Afghanistan, the tyrants of Somalia and Saudi Arabia, interpret, correctly or incorrectly, Sharia law.

How could all the reviewers not see what I so clearly see? Perhaps here's how.

I once lived in a harem in Afghanistan—a harem simply means the "women's quarters." It is forbidden territory to all men who are not relatives. If you can't leave without permission or without a male escort, you are in a harem and living in purdah.


"I once lived in a harem ... the property of a polygamous Afghan family."

"I once lived in a harem ... the property of a polygamous Afghan family."

After a 30-month courtship, I married the glamorous, wealthy, very Westernized, foreign student whom I first met at college when I was 18. We never once discussed religion. Not a word about Islam. He had not prepared me for what life would be like in his country, even temporarily. For example, he had never even mentioned that his father had three wives and 21 children, that most Afghan women still wore burqas or heavy hijab, that I would be pressured to convert to Islam, and would have to live with my mother-in-law.

When we landed in Kabul, officials smoothly removed my American passport—which I never saw again. Suddenly, I was the citizen of no country and had no rights. I had become the property of a polygamous Afghan family. I was not allowed out without a male escort, a male driver, and a female relative as my chaperones.

This marriage had transported me back to the 10th Century and trapped me there without a passport back to the future.

I experienced what it was like to live with people who were permanently afraid of what other people might think—even more so than in Small Mind Town, USA.


Read more about the author's captivity in Afghanistan in her acclaimed 2013 book.

Read more about the author's captivity in Afghanistan in her acclaimed 2013 book.

I was terrified when I first saw women wearing ghostly burqas—ambulatory body bags, sensory deprivation isolation chambers—huddled together literally at the back of the bus. My Afghan family laughed at my over-reaction, which was considered abnormal, not their practice of burying women alive.

My dreamer-of-a husband kept assuring me that the dreadful burqa and my captivity would both soon pass. He lived to see this dream come true for about 15 years for the middle classes until it was shattered again, perhaps forever.

Many Afghan women have mothers-in-law who beat them and treat them as despised servants. Mine never hit me or ordered me to cook or clean, but she tried to convert me to Islam every single day and tried to kill me by telling the servants to stop boiling my water and washing my fruits and vegetables. I got deathly ill.

Poor woman, she was a deserted and much maligned first wife. She feared me, envied me, hated me—as a woman, an infidel, a Jew, an American, and mainly, as a "love match," something considered too dangerously Western. Afghan mothers-in-law do collaborate in or even perpetrate the honor/horror killings of their daughters and daughters-in-law. So do rural India-based Hindu mothers and mothers-in-law, Muslim mothers and mothers-in-law world-wide, and Sikhs, to a lesser extent.

I got out of the wild, wild East and I moved on. But I never forgot the way it was. I always understood that as imperfect as America and the West might be, it was still a much better place for women than the Islamic world. Forever after, I understood that barbaric customs are indigenous, not caused by foreign intervention; and that, like the West, Islam was also an imperial and colonial power, owned slaves, and engaged in gender and religious apartheid.

I owe Afghanistan a great deal for teaching me this. Perhaps my radical Western feminism was forged long ago in pampered purdah in Kabul.

Islamic or Islamist totalitarianism today and as I knew it nearly 60 years ago in Kabul is the more obvious face of Gilead than the one imagined by Atwood more than 30 years ago.

Like the handmaids and domestics in Gilead, the captive population in Orwell's 1984 is monitored around the clock through "telescreens" that can view every room, each person. The telescreens broadcast Big Brother's orders and conduct daily "hate" sessions. People are always anxious and paranoid; everyone has permanent enemies.

Today, Orwell's Thought Police sound a lot like the Afghan Taliban or like Iran's or Saudi Arabia's Virtue­ and-Vice squads, who arrest men and women for the smallest sign of "individuality" or difference, and who harass and arrest women for showing a single strand of hair, or a glimpse of ankle. Here's Khaled Hosseini's fictional description of life in Afghanistan under the Soviets in The Kite Runner:

You couldn't trust anyone in Kabul anymore—for a fee or under threat, people told on each other, neighbor on neighbor, child on parent, brother on brother, servant on master, friend on friend...the rafiqs, the [Afghan] comrades, were everywhere and they'd split Kabul into two groups: those who eavesdropped and those who didn't...A casual remark to the tailor while getting fitted for a suit might land you in the dungeons of Poleh-charkhi...Even at the dinner table, in the privacy of their own home, people had to speak in a calculated manner—the rafiqs were in the classrooms too; they'd taught children to spy on their parents, what to listen for, whom to tell.

And here he is describing Afghanistan in the Taliban era:

In Kabul, fear is everywhere, in the streets, in the stadiums, in the markets, it is a part of our lives here...the savages who rule our watan [country] don't care about human decency. The other day, I accompanied Farzanajan to the bazaar to buy some potatoes and naan. She asked the vendor how much the potatoes cost, but he did not hear her, I think he had a deaf ear. So she asked louder and suddenly a young Talib ran over and hit her on the thighs with his wooden stick. He struck her so hard she fell down. He was screaming at her and cursing and saying the Ministry of Vice and Virtue does not allow women to speak loudly. She had a large purple bruise on her leg for days...If I fought, that dog would have surely put a bullet in me, and gladly!

Hosseini's descriptions are right out of 1984 or The Handmaid's Tale.

Two memoirs set in Iran, Azar Nafisi's best-selling Reading Lolita in Tehran and Roya Hakakian's Journey from the Land of No, describe the savage curtailment of private life and thought—and of life itself—by radical Islamists.


Two compelling accounts of life for women in Iran's Islamic Republic.

Two compelling accounts of life for women in Iran's Islamic Republic.

According to Nafisi, Khomeini's goon squads closed news­papers and universities and arrested, tortured, and executed beloved teachers, prominent artists, intellectuals, and activists, including feminists, and thousands of other innocent and productive Muslims. The squads constantly harassed women on the street and at work. If a woman failed the dress-code standards even slightly, or by accident, she risked being arrested, probably raped, probably executed.

In Journey from the Land of No, Roya Hakakian describes the in­describable "Mrs. Moghadam," the newly-installed head of the Jewish girls' high school. Mrs. Moghadam tyrannizes, terrifies, and shames the Jewish girls. She tries to convert them to Islam. However, her true passion is more Talibanesque. She informs the innocent girls that, although they do not know it, they are "diabolical," "abominable," "loathsome," "lethal," capable of "drowning everything in eternal dark­ness," capable of bringing the "apocalypse" by showing a single strand of hair. To Hakakian's credit, she presents a rather dangerous turn of events as a dark comedy.

Mrs. Moghadam is definitely an Aunt Lydia, the lead female tormentor of the Handmaids, right out of Gilead, circa 1985.


Many Western feminists mistakenly see the face veil and head scarf as symbols of anti-racism.

Many Western feminists mistakenly see the face veil and head scarf as symbols of anti-racism.

As Muslim women are being tortured, honor-murdered by their families, or stoned to death, sometimes for refusing to wear the veil, many Western multiculturally and politically correct post-colonial feminists are deconstructing and wearing the face veil and the head scarf as symbols of anti-racism and as a form of respect when they visit Muslim countries. Such feminists are also silencing and demonizing all other views in academic journals, in the media, and on feminist internet groups.

I've written about this many times. Therefore, while I know that violence against women still remains a burning issue in the West, I agree with Allison Pearson's recent article in The Spectator: "The appalling vanity of Western Feminists who think Margaret Atwood writes about them."

Atwood depicts an all-female power structure in which the handmaids are kept in line by cruel female "Aunts," led by Aunt Lydia, who casually apply cattle prods and tasers, who blame them as evil sluts, punish them with group condemnation, bouts of solitary confinement, exile them to the "Colonies" to die cleaning up toxic waste, etc. Such behavior seems to contradict feminist views of women as morally superior to men and as more compassionate and intuitive.


Aunt Lydia (left) and the al-Khansa Brigade of ISIS

Aunt Lydia (left) and the al-Khansa Brigade of ISIS

Like men, women are human beings and as such are as close to the apes as to the angels. Women are also aggressive, cruel, competitive, envious, sometimes lethally so, but mainly toward other women. I would not want to be at the mercy of a female prison guard—or a female concentration camp guard—in the West. But let's not forget the Wives of ISIS—the all-femaleal-Khansaa Brigade who whipped, beat, and mutilated the breasts of girls and women when their heavy black burqas slipped. Displaced ISIS women continue their anti-woman reign of terror.

Misogynist thinking and actions exist in America today but not only among right-wing conservatives. It is also flourishing among our media and academic elites. Such thinking is flying high under the banner of "free speech," "multi-cultural relativism," "anti-racism," and "political correctness." Dare to question this elite's right to silence and shame those who challenge their views—i.e., that the West is always to blame, that jihadists are freedom-fighters, that the Islamic face veil is a free choice or a religious commandment, that polygamy encourages sisterhood, that Islam is a race, not a religious and political ideology—and, as I've noted many times, one is attacked as a racist, an Islamophobe, and a conservative, and swiftly demonized and de-platformed.

While MGM/Hulu's TV series is dramatically compelling, part soap opera, part horror movie, part Warrior Queen fantasy, the series is radically different from Atwood's 1985 novel. For example, Atwood's narrator, Ofglen, is not an increasingly daring, crazed, female assassin, as Elizabeth Moss brilliantly plays her. She is hardly heroic at all; under totalitarianism, heroism, collective or individual, is quickly ferreted out and destroyed. It exists but is rare.

Contemporary viewers are hungry for multi-racial characters, interracial and same-sex couples, "badass" women. Hulu gives them to us. Hulu's Canada is a multi-racial, politically correct refuge for Gilead's escapees; same-sex couples and feminists are government leaders. This is not true in the novel. On the contrary, in her 1985 Epilogue, Atwood has Canada rounding up and returning all Gilead escapees.


Media and academic elites are playing partisan politics with Atwood's original vision.

Media and academic elites are playing partisan politics with Atwood's original vision.

Atwood the divine novelist is absolutely entitled to depict whatever she wishes. But the current crop of reviewers as well as the filmmakers are playing partisan politics with her original vision and are refusing to see other and larger global dangers contained in her work.

Women's freedom and women's lives worldwide are under the most profound siege. To focus solely on the United States or on the Caucasian, Judeo-Christian West is diversionary. It scapegoats one country, one culture, for the far greater crimes of other countries and cultures.

Phyllis Chesler, a Shillman-Ginsburg Fellow at the Middle East Forum, is an emerita professor of psychology and women's studies and the author of eighteen books, including Women and Madness, Woman's Inhumanity to Woman, An American Bride in Kabul, and A Politically Incorrect Feminist.


[1]Commercial surrogacy has been outlawed in India, Thailand, parts of Mexico, Malaysia, and South Africa, as well as in many European countries including Austria, Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, and the UK. Hence, the campaign to legalize commercial surrogacy in America has gathered momentum.

[2] Contemporary surrogacy has now become a way of slicing and dicing biological motherhood into three parts: an egg donor, who undergoes painful and dangerous IVF procedures; a "gestational" mother who faces all the risks of pregnancy, childbirth, and potentially negative and lifelong medical and psychiatric consequences; and an adoptive mother or father. This vivisection of motherhood makes it impossible for a birthmother to win custody for any reason.

Assorted wargamers #conspiracy #moonbat

Beast..: We are not for Donald trump we absolutely despise Zionist and all it cohorts, Thus every president is a enemy to mankind let alone America

not since JFK and before him Andrew Jackson has any president from USA tried to free America from the Jewish Zionist Talmudic bankers

Rothschild, Warburg,Meyer,Isscar brothers, Levy Mosley family, Goldman family, Morgan family these are 7 of the 8 familys who rule in America thru its federal reserve connections they have connection's and stock In ECB which is the European central bank for EU courtesy of Levey Family and Rothschild

but thru these Jew bankers the globe is under their Control

EauBear: Oh vey

Beast..: Dont let the goy find out about the talmud Oy Sahedrin 57A and Zoarh oy vey

ive read many books i know exactly who did what and why and these men are a small piece of a long puzzle that stretches back before jesus himself as Cesar of Rome Julius said im 53 BC "Let us not agitate the jews for their power is strong in the council" History of central banking and the enslavement of mankind is were that quote can be found

Oops rambling sorry ill stfu China FTW

Ernest Eck #wingnut #conspiracy

Nigel Farage, the Covidiot who wants a forced ZOG Vaccination and Tracking system for the British people is now crying that his beloved Churchill-Stalin statue was defaced by BLM. Nigel Fraud is as much a ZOG multiracial Globalist as Comrad Trumpsky.

A Zionist YouTube channel called Patriotic Populist is playing Donald Judasgoat Trump and Nigel Fraud videos on his Jutube Channel. When I commented on live chat that the Rothschild Royal Family and George Soros were funding a Yiddish Antifa Police Force and Army in the U.K.. he blocked me from his channel. By the way the Cambridge Union (University) so far still allows comments whereas Harfart University and Yale are too afraid to allow comments.

Brenden Dilley #psycho

MAGA “life coach” and proudly amoral right-wing broadcaster Brenden Dilley said during his livestream program today that he and millions of other gun-loving Americans are just waiting until President Donald Trump “gives us the green light” to take to the streets and start gunning down activists who have been protesting all over the country following the police killing of George Floyd.

“Someone should politely explain to antifa [that] the most violent Americans, the most violent and willing Americans, haven’t even left the couch yet,” Dilley said. “The most violent and ready to go, the most tactically trained, haven’t even got off the couch yet. So you better pray to God, and I mean this literally—or whoever the fuck it is you pray to—that Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, and Attorney General Barr clean this up lawfully.”

“If for any reason the president of the United States feels that it’s not getting done the way it should and decides to put out the tweet that says, ‘My fellow Americans, my fellow 2A-loving Americans, it’s time to take up arms against these assholes,’ you are all fucked in under an hour,” he continued. “[We’re] waiting for that one tweet, that one emergency text message from the fucking president of the United States that gives us the green light to finish this entire thing in under an hour.”

“It will not be law enforcement. It will not be one of these slow, bureaucratic, justice system wheels of justice turning,” Dilley concluded. “It’ll be a group of people you didn’t even know fucking existed because we were at our houses, we got off work, we were with our families, but we were ready for that call. And if that call ever does come, you will be fucked seven ways from Sunday. So I suggest you back down.”

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #transphobia #racist

Anal Fiasco: Sadistic Homosexual “Gay Dog” Mattis Condemns Trump for Failing to Stop Riots with Songs of Love

The Anal Avenger himself, Down Low Mattis, has vowed a rectal reckoning.

The day of Rectumrok is upon us.


In fact, the Anal Ranger fled the administration after Trump got in the way of his plans to turn the military into a tranny bathhouse.

He gave a valiant speech, saying, “I will seek new, fresh anuses to ram my penis into in the fields beyond the sun.”

You can read his full statement on these riots. I don’t really understand what he’s talking about. It’s just a bunch of cliche platitudes about “who we are.” I guess he’s saying that the protests are peaceful, so the blacks should be allowed to continue rioting and looting.

I don’t understand what anyone expects Donald Trump to do in this situation. The riots are happening. He doesn’t have any way to stop them, because he is not in charge of the police.

Does the Anal Ranger want him to sing songs of justice and hope the spiritual vibes spread through the lands and cause the blacks to drop their looted TVs and join him in song?

What song would it be, Mad Dog?

Cat Stevens’ “Morning has Broken”?

Emilie Kao & Joel Griffith #wingnut #fundie

Trump’s Focus on Religious Freedom at the UN Should Lead the Way

The United Nations will host its annual gathering in New York this week. But amid all the hubbub, President Donald Trump is setting aside time to speak on a pressing issue: religious freedom and persecution around the world.

The president will keynote an event Monday called the Global Call to Protect Religious Freedom. This is exactly the right issue to focus on at the U.N.

Today, more than 80% of the world’s population lives under serious restrictions of religious freedom, according to the Pew Research Center. In places like Iran, Burma, and the Chinese province of Xinjiang, religious minorities like Christians, Rohingya Muslims, and Uighur Muslims face threats to their very existence.

Attacks on religious believers fuel social instability, violent conflict, and the deterioration of other human rights.

By calling upon all nations to protect religious freedom, the president will be giving a voice to those who too often lack one. He will also be celebrating a principle that is foundational to peace and security.

His call for religious freedom is particularly needed in light of this year’s attacks on synagogues, mosques, and churches, which have claimed the lives of innocent Jews, Muslims, and Christians. From Pittsburgh and San Diego to Sri Lanka and New Zealand, religious freedom is under threat.

In 1948, the nations of the world pledged in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to protect every human being’s freedom to adopt or change religious belief, and to live out those beliefs in the public square in addition to private life.

The U.N. has sadly strayed from this heritage and, with a new initiative, has become a threat to religious freedom.

Earlier this year, U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres launched a Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech as part of an effort to counter attacks on religious minorities. While well-intended, this effort is the wrong approach and would likely backfire.

The problem with hate speech laws is that the powerful use them to redefine disagreement itself as a form of discrimination. If you hold a certain opinion that powerful elites disagree with, your speech may soon be called “hateful” and “discriminatory.”

By nature, free people disagree with one another in an infinite number of ways. If we are to remain free, we must be able to disagree without fear of punishment. Hate speech laws would quash dissent in violation of liberal norms.

The U.N. should take particular issue with hate speech laws, given its task of supporting the liberal order. Hate speech laws empower governments to censor their citizens when they express their values and beliefs, including religious beliefs. The U.N. ought to openly reject hate speech laws.

In the realm of religion, the stakes are especially high. Abrahamic religions and other faiths offer truth-seekers different and mutually exclusive belief systems regarding the meaning of life, the existence of God, and the nature of good and evil.

Freedom allows the seeker to compare these claims, choose among them, and then order his or her life around them. And such beliefs are found everywhere, in every culture. Protecting their freedom to choose and practice a religion is central to their flourishing.

Unfortunately, the concept of hate speech is all too often wielded to silence comparisons between ideas that are essential to truth-seekers.

For example, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has actively advanced blasphemy laws at the U.N. under the misleading moniker “defamation of religions.” In Pakistan, the government has used blasphemy laws to punish the weak, religious minorities, and women.

One Catholic mother of five, Asia Bibi, spent years on death row simply because a co-worker with a personal grievance accused her of insulting the prophet Muhammed. Her acquittal sparked nationwide rioting.

Rather than pacifying the hostility, blasphemy laws fomented social intolerance and violence by legitimizing the idea that offensive words cause injury and should be punished—the same notion that defines hate speech.

Although the specifics of the U.N. secretary general’s plan have yet to be fully articulated, the U.N.’s own track record presents a cause for concern.

One impetus for the campaign is the rise of anti-Semitism—a valid concern on its face. Yet resolutions at the U.N. routinely delegitimize, demonize, and apply double standards to the Jewish state of Israel. Political leaders—including some in the U.S.—have recently unleashed old anti-Semitic tropes.

Combating anti-Semitism does not require giving political leaders the power to shut down speech. Government leaders should address the anti-Semitism within their own ranks, and the United Nations should take a hard look at its own anti-Semitic resolutions.

In another disturbing trend at the U.N., a designated official called the independent expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity called for religious and political leaders to be held accountable for speech that the U.N. deems “homophobic or transphobic.”

European governments have already punished pastors and imams for stating that marriage is between a man and a woman. The U.N. should not exacerbate this illiberal trend by treating reasonable disagreements about sexuality and marriage as discrimination.

In 1992, the U.S. Senate ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, a U.N. treaty that binds signatory nations to protect a list of political rights. When ratifying it, the Senate made a reservation to Article 20, which prohibits advocacy of “national, racial, or religious hatred.”

The senators who made that reservation certainly did not condone hatred. But they were discerning. They saw that such a rule could be misused and wielded to restrict freedom. After all, as a nation founded by religious dissenters, Americans know how easily terms like hate can be used by the powerful to limit the speech of the powerless.

As the U.N. meets again, the U.S. should lead the world on a different path. Instead of promoting the misguided idea of hate speech, countries should focus on empowering the oppressed by protecting religious liberty and free speech for all, and by calling upon politicians and U.N. bureaucrats to examine their own biases.

A plaque at the Statue of Liberty is inscribed: “Liberty is the air America breathes…”

Liberty is essential for people around the world to seek knowledge about the truth, and to speak up against those who oppress them based on their beliefs.

Even the most well-intended plans to combat anti-religious attacks through restrictions on speech will be counterproductive. Extinguishing liberty won’t simply suppress vile ideas—it will also snuff out those who speak from their conscience.

Chris McDonald Mark Taylor #conspiracy

During Monday night’s broadcast of “The MC Files” program, radical right-wing conspiracy theorist Chris McDonald and fellow radical right-wing conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor agreed that the shooting of Ahmaud Arbery was a “false flag” being hyped by the media in order to distract Americans from President Donald Trump’s efforts to take down the deep state.

Arbery was a 25-year-old black man who was shot and killed by two white men who pursued him while he was out for a run because they claim they thought he looked like someone suspected of several break-ins in their neighborhood. For months, no charges were filed against the men who killed Arbery, until footage of his death was released publicly last week, which prompted prosecutors to submit the case to a grand jury. Arbery’s death and the subsequent handling of the case has generated a wave of outrage and condemnation of the persistent racial inequities in the justice system.

On last night’s “MC Files” broadcast, McDonald and Taylor agreed that the release of the video and the subsequent media coverage of the killing are nothing more than an attempt to racially divide Americans in an effort to prevent the 2020 election.

“I knew it was going to happen over the weekend,” McDonald said. “They’re going to turn this into a Trump-bashing, racially charged event. They’re trying to distract. I look at this almost like you call it a red flag, a false flag. It’s not that it didn’t happen, but it was a distraction to get our attention off of [Trump’s fight against the deep state].”

McDonald said that if the investigation determines that “that these two men acted recklessly and they killed that boy, they need to be held to the account of the law,” but added that if this killing is determined to be a hate crime, then the Department of Justice needs “to look at every single time that this has been in reverse when you’ve had black people shooting white people, and let’s look about seeing that being a hate crime too.”

McDonald insisted that the law should be applied equally to everyone involved in the case, regardless of race and called on Americans not to be distracted by this “farce” that is being used mainly to harm Trump.

“Don’t let them do this to our nation tonight, folks,” he said. “It’s a farce. It’s a false flag, and they’re using it to destroy one Donald John Trump, and you cannot let them do that.”

“They’re trying to start a civil war in this country, a race war,” Taylor responded. “They’re trying to spark anything that they can right now to start riots or this, that, and the other to literally stop the election in November, and we just cannot fall for it right now.”

Donald Trump #quack

President Trump took the old saying that "sunlight is the best disinfectant" to a whole new level at Thursday's briefing. He had William Bryan, the science and technology adviser to the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, give a presentation about admittedly "emerging" results that the spread of coronavirus could slow with direct sunlight and humidity.


Here's what the president said:

Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous whether it's ultraviolet or very powerful light. And I think you said that hasn't been checked, but you're going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you could do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you were going to test that, too. Sounds interesting.

And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute, and is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it'd be interesting to check that, so that you're going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds — it sounds interesting to me. So we'll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it goes, the way it kills it in one minute, that's, uh, that's pretty powerful.

He went on to ask Dr. Deborah Birx, response coordinator of the coronavirus task force, if she'd heard of using "the heat and the light" to treat coronavirus.

"Not as a treatment," she responded.

Rick Wiles #racist #conspiracy

In case you’ve forgotten, since it’s been a minute or two, right-wing pundit Rick Wiles hates Jews. A lot. He’s already blamed them for impeaching Donald Trump, and now he says it’s their fault for rigging the app used in reporting the results of the Iowa caucus.

You want proof? Then you’re asking far more questions than Wiles ever has.

The pro-Israel owner of the Times of Israel newspaper, he’s backing homosexual mayor Pete Buttigieg, and he’s the money man behind this app?” Wiles asked his co-host, Doc Burkhart. “Are you suggesting the Israelis are influencing the election to have the Democrats nominate its first openly homosexual presidential candidate?

What happened last night was weird, and we have already pointed out there is an Israeli connection,” Wiles said later in the program. “They might accuse me of being anti-Semitic for saying it, but the truth is there is an Israeli connection to the app that bombed last night in Iowa. But you’re not allowed to say these things. Everybody is being censored now. By who? The same people who are doing this stuff.

Though Wiles’ anti-Semitism is almost comical in its lack of originality — he just had to throw in a money reference to check off more boxes on his Bingo card — his ability to jump to a conspiracy theory when pure incompetence makes far more sense is all too common.

Socrates #wingnut

(Mod here: removed what seemed to be unneeded bolding bits)

Did you know that president Donald Trump can legally use military force against left-wing extremists, such as “antifa” groups? He can. All he has to do is declare violent leftist groups to be “domestic terrorists” — which they already are, as shown by their own violent actions (they usually assault police, for example). By the way, Trump has mentioned labeling them as just that. Using such military force against leftists would accomplish several good things, e.g., the leftist terrorists would be held in military jails and subjected to military law and military judges, which would make it unlikely that they would be quickly released by some liberal, Jewish judge, as often happens in the civilian courts. In other words, Trump could easily copy South America’s Operation Condor program right here in America (granted, Trump’s program would have to be less violent than that).

Rick Wiles #fundie #racist #conspiracy

(Submitter’s note: Can someone turn this record over already? It seems to be stuck on the same old song.)

End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles said on last night’s “TruNews” program that President Donald Trump should use the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak as an opportunity to outlaw internet pornography and seize all reproductive health clinics in the nation and turn them into COVID-19 treatment centers. But, in keeping with Wiles’ long history of rampant anti-Semitism, he said that Trump will not take such step because he is controlled by the Jews.

“I don’t remember Congress passing a law that said we can kill babies,” Wiles said. “It was the Supreme Court that made a decision based on the Talmud, and we went from being a Christian nation to being a Talmudic nation because what the court decisions have imposed on us is an adoption of Talmudic values regarding abortion.”

“President Trump should use his emergency powers to seize all abortion clinics and turn them into COVID-19 medical centers,” he continued. “What’s preventing him from doing it? The people who read the Talmud. His son-in law and his daughter, that’s who. But he could do it. He could use those presidential emergency powers, he could have the military seize every abortion clinic in America and turn those medical clinics—the abortion baby butcher shops—turn those facilities into treatment care centers for people who are sick. I’d like to see him do it.”

“He could also order all online pornography to be shut down because the internet is overloaded,” Wiles added. “There is a lot of stuff he could do if he wanted to do it, but he’s not doing it because I know who owns the pornography industry, [it’s] the same people that control the abortion industry, and they all read the Talmud, so he’s not going to do it.”

William_Gillesq #fundie #wingnut

All men(people) are sinners.
There is no moral purity test to hold public office.
And no on could pass one.

BUT there is such a test for the true born again Bible believing Christian:

is the candidate pro-Christian?
or are they pro-Muslim?
are they pro-Christian/traditional moral values?
or are they pro-LGBTQ?
are they pro nation/national sovereignty?
or are they globalist NWO?
are they for less foreign wars?
or are they globalist Neocon warmongers?
are they for more fair and equal trade deals for OUR country?
or do they sell this county's economy and national sovereignty down the toilet in favor of political globalism?
are they pro baby murder abortion?
or are they for abolishing or at least seriously restricting abortion?
are they pro Israel or pro Muslim/pro "Palestinian"?

The list could be a lot longer, but we know where President Donald Trumps stands, and that is why any REAL born again Bible believing Christian is PRO TRUMP.

menslady125 #fundie #wingnut

With all this talk of people hating Trump like Hell and wanting to disrupt and riot at his inauguration ceremony tomorrow...not to mention commit terrorism by chaining transportation and murder by putting acid into air vents...I have this to say.

GROW UP! You haters are acting like children! Nobody did this when anyone else was elected President! I lived through Barack Obama! You'll live through Donald Trump!

Donald Trump quoting LindseyGrahamSC #conspiracy #wingnut

“We all know that AOC and this crowd are a bunch of Communists, they hate Israel, they hate our own Country, they’re calling the guards along our Border (the Border Patrol Agents) Concentration Camp Guards, they accuse people who support Israel as doing it for the Benjamin’s,....
....they are Anti-Semitic, they are Anti-America, we don’t need to know anything about them personally, talk about their policies. I think they are American citizens who are duly elected that are running on an agenda that is disgusting, that the American people will reject......
....What does it mean for America to have free Healthcare for Illegal Immigrants, no criminalization of coming into our Country - See how that works for controlling Immigration! They talk about Israel like they’re a bunch of thugs, not victims of the entire region. They wanted... impeach President Trump on DAY ONE. Make them the face of the future of the Democrat Party, you will destroy the Democrat Party. Their policies will destroy our Country!” @LindseyGrahamSC Need I say more?

Steven R, “Mike Pence” #fundie

Michael R. Pence is a liberal who is the current Vice President of the United States of America. He is serving under immoral liberal vulgarian Donald Trump. Pence is most known for serving as the governor of Indiana, where he passed a law that supposedly was bad to sodomites. It did not lead to sodomy becoming banned, nor to the arrest of any perverts off the streets. Therefore the label of “homophobe” is unearned by Pence, who is soft on sodomites and is likely a closet sodomite himself, due to his lack of intimacy with his wife.

Mike Adams and Alex Jones #conspiracy #wingnut

Mike Adams, a far-right conspiracy theorist and scam artist behind a site called Natural News, warned Infowars listeners that “globalists” are orchestrating genocide against the humans, and that part of that plan is the announcement of an impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump. If impeachment fails, Adams says, the globalists will simply assassinate Trump.

Since Infowars was banished from nearly every social media site, viewership of the network and its lead star Alex Jones has plummeted. Jones has been ensnared in a handful of defamation lawsuits brought against him, and his network has been ratcheting its typically bizarre and nonsensical message to new levels of nihilistic weirdness.

On yesterday’s episode of Jones’ program, Adams was an in-studio guest, assisting Jones in providing commentary on a press conference at the White House with Trump and President Sauli Niinisto of Finland. But before the press conference started, Adams launched into a rant about his frustrations that humanity was “failing right now to get angry enough” about a supposed “globalist” plot to kill all humans.

“There’s a soft kill of humanity, and there’s a soft coup of Trump right now. Both of these are going to go to the hot phase. Both of these are going to go to hard kill and hard coup. This is what’s crucial to understand. They’re happening in parallel. They are the exact same globalists—they are, and they are linked. If they destroy Trump, they also succeed in destroying humanity because Trump represents the last hope for humanity to have a free nation on this planet,” Adams said.

Jones burst in, saying, “And that’s what’s so crazy is he really is for real and then people aren’t going, ‘This is wonderful!’ They’re like, ‘No! We don’t want it!’”

“Well, right. And humanity is going to be overrun here. Humanity is going to be absolutely destroyed if we don’t turn this around and wake people up enough,” Adams said. He insisted “there should be a million people swarming Washington, D.C., peacefully and lawfully right now” to put pressure on the nation’s leaders, presumably to stop the apocalyptic plan Adams believes is taking place. Jones agreed, urging what viewers he still has to track down their elected officials and “get in their face” and intimidate them.

In an unexpected twist, Adams distorted what a NASA scientist told The Telegraph about plans for NASA and the European Space Agency to send two rovers to Mars to drill into surfaces and search for life on the planet, and used the mischaracterization to further warn about what he foresees as the coming systemic murder of the human race by elites.

“It’s going to be life on Mars, death on Earth. They are genocidally cleansing, ethnically cleansing this planet to try to kill us off while they’re going to announce, ‘The universe is filled with life, but you don’t deserve it because you’re a lowly Earthling, a lowly human,’” Adams said.

Jones replied, “Yeah, it’s obviously the big secret,” and theorized that this plan to genocide the human race is “why they’ve got Trump compartmentalized.” Jones said that the shadowy elites plotting the destruction of the world are also trying to prevent Trump from learning that cures for cancer have already been developed.

Adams said, “You can’t even say it enough. The American people think that they’re in a fight right now with Trump, trying to save Trump from this illegal treasonous coup carried out by these seditious crisis actors in the media—who are CIA puppets, by the way. This is just the beginning of the fight. If Trump survives impeachment, don’t run around and think that, ‘Victory, victory!’ No. They’re going to try to assassinate Trump. They’re going to use area-effect weapons.”

It’s worth remembering that Trump appeared as Jones’ guest on this program during his campaign for president.

Rabbi Aryeh Spero #fundie #wingnut #god-complex

[From "Many American Jews Need to Atone for Their Sins against Donald Trump"]

America has seen many presidents who have been good to Israel and the Jewish people. None has been better than Donald Trump. Beyond doubt, he has done unmatched and extraordinary things for Israel and has publicly spoken against anti-Semitism in the United Nations and repeatedly during his State of the Union addresses. The whole world has seen the priority Mr. Trump bestows on Israel and safety for Jews. Additionally, he and his father were tremendous friends and benefactors to Jews and Israel, much prior to his entering politics. Yet the establishment Jewish organizations and temples have too often falsely maligned him, and liberal American Jewry (about 70% of American Jewry) have been his most vocal critics. Actually, they are in the forefront against him, as often seen on television, in articles, and in speeches from non-orthodox rabbis on the pulpit. Even among regular liberal Jews, the railing against Mr. Trump is incessant, hysterical, mean, and full of hate. All of this constitutes gross, unprecedented ingratitude. Jewish Tradition frowns on ingratitude, indeed calls it a sin.

Many in the secular Jewish community do not consider their attitude ungrateful inasmuch as support for Israel is no longer important to them, and they seem undaunted when anti-Semitism comes from the political Left (their home), or from social justice warriors and certain "minorities." What they consider good for Jews most often has nothing to do with Jewish need at all, but rather a universalist agenda at odds with Jewish survival. In their zeal to destroy and remove Mr. Trump from the presidency, they have gone beyond ingratitude to downright lying about him, scheming against him, and throwing normal fairness and decency out the window.

Yom Kippur, the annual Day of Atonement, falls this week. One of the most prominent prayers is "for the sins we have committed," a list of grievous sins that may apply to the penitent, thereby requiring atonement. Thus, now may be the best and most appropriate time to review the sins many within the Jewish community continue to wage against President Trump. Perhaps they should begin some reflection and introspection regarding their three years of ferocious attacks and lies against a man who loves Israel and America and longs for Jewish individuals and children to be safe from terrorism. No doubt, there are as well other sins against innocent people that should be pondered, including sins even against Israel and Jewish peoplehood.

[Below is a list of various Jewish personnalities along with their allegued sins against Trump]

Peter Morici & Steve Doocy #mammon #wingnut

Underneath Fox guest Peter Morici’s complaint that Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s tax plan unfairly taxes those with “only” $50 million was the suggestion that rich people deserve more.

Fox & Friends hosted economist Peter Morici this morning to provide what host Steve Doocy called “a reality check” on Warren’s plan for a wealth tax of two percent annually on assets worth above $50 million and a 3% tax on every dollar of net worth over $1 billion.

“Think about it this way,” Morici said. “Suppose you have assets of $50 million, so you meet her threshold. And then you earn this year another $50 million and you invest 25 [million] of it. On that 25, you’re gonna pay another 1% a year for the rest of your life.”

“So you if you’re a 30 year-old woman, you’re facing an 85% marginal tax rate on that wealth,” Morici continued. “And, by the way, she wants to couple this with a 70% income tax on these people. So in the end, they basically, if they make a buck, they’re gonna have to pay $1.20.”

Doocy worked to amp up the outrage: “Let me see if I get this straight. If you make a buck, you’re going to have to pay $1.20. So you just stop making money, you start paying the government, just hand over fist,” he said. But, apparently, this 30 year-old woman would be just fine with her $75 million.

I’m not an economist and my math skills are not good enough to check these calculations. But I am capable of seeing that along with the scare tactics was the message that the very wealthy are more deserving of their money.

“You see if anybody invests in America that way,” Morici warned, as if smaller investors don’t count.

“No, what you do is you get yourself on a Delta Airlines to London, you get yourself an apartment in Mayfair, and you basically move your money to Britain and you pay your taxes over there,” Morici said.

“I mean, why were American companies leaving for Ireland before Donald Trump became president? One of the things she doesn’t get is, people can get up and leave,” Morici continued. Again, as if the rest of us will far apart without the ultra rich.

Doocy briefly played devil’s advocate: “We’re not talking about just wealthy people,” he pointed out. “We’re talking about super-duper wealthy people who have assets of more than $50 million, right?”

Or maybe Doocy was just handing Morici an opening to argue that $50 million is just a smidge over upper middle class.

“Well, 50 million is big but it’s not as big as you think,” Morici declared. “You work for Fox News long enough and you’re 60 years old, you’ll be surprised how much money you have.”

Then Morici made his rich-people-deserve-ro-have-more pitch explicit:

MORICI: You have to remember, these are the people who finance our startups. These are the people that give us companies like Amazon and Apple, ‘cause they’re the ones with the seed capital. See, they behave like these people sort of clip coupons, they have bonds, and they hang out at the Doral with the president and, you know, that sort of thing. That’s just simply not true. They’re very active people that are investing their money.

Rather than point out that we had a great economy under President Dwight Eisenhower, when the income tax rate was 90% (on roughly $1.7 million for an individual and $3.4 million for a couple, in 2015 dollars), Doocy said “Sure.”

Doocy just happened to have a graphic ready showing the findings of two French economists who claim the 15 richest Americans would have seen their net wealth decline by “more than half, to $433.9 billion, had Warren’s plan been in place since 1982,” Doocy intoned ominiously.

Doocy forgot to mention they’d still have many billions.

Jared Taylor #racist #psycho

U.S. white nationalist Jared Taylor wrote the foreword to “Ethnic Apocalypse: The Coming European Civil War,” a new posthumously published book by French “New Right” and “identitarian” writer Guillaume Faye, who died in March. A note from the publisher acknowledges that the English title is a toned-down version of the French, which was “Guerre Civile Raciale”—Racial Civil War.

In his foreword, Taylor, founder of a white nationalist think tank, describes his long friendship with Faye, who he says was “among the very best-known spokesmen for the survival of our people.” Taylor declares “Ethnic Apocalypse” to be “the darkest, bravest, and frankest book my friend has ever written” and “a brilliant analysis of the mortal threat to us of massive non-white immigration.”

Taylor admiringly quotes Faye’s articulation of three possible consequences of non-white immigration into France: “submission,” or collapse without real combat; a “racial civil war resulting in the defeat of French natives and other ethnic Europeans”; or “a victorious civil war with incalculable historical consequences.”

Taylor responds:

This is pure Guillaume Faye. While others fail to grasp the extent of the problem—or even the form or nature of the problem—Faye cuts straight to the fateful choices we face: submission, defeat, or victory. He writes that there is no other choice because a ‘convivial living-together is only possible when it involves populations that are biologically and culturally related. Anything else is but a sham. We do not wish to live with these people. Period.’

Taylor adds a fourth possibility—“voluntary, peaceful separation,” but finds it hard to imagine that happening in France, where, he writes, “an alien population with a ruthless will to power and united by a triumphalist religion threatens the native population and the entire country is at stake.”

In pondering the possibility of “submission,” Taylor writes, “A similarly contemptible collapse is likewise possible in my own country. If our people awaken and build for themselves a future as glorious as our past, it will be thanks to the efforts of brilliant, tireless men such as Guillaume Faye.”

In Faye’s introduction, he wrote that he hoped that “an unpredictable spark may yet cause our natives (meaning THE WHITES—let us state the facts as they are)” to “organize themselves and ultimately launch a counteroffensive.”

Faye’s overt racism caused a split between him and another “spiritual father” of the alt-right, Alain de Benoist, according to BuzzFeed’s Lester Feder and Pierre Buet. “I believe in the civil war,” said Faye, “He is against the civil war.” Both de Benoist and Faye have influenced the alt-right and white nationalists in the U.S., and both have appeared at Taylor’s American Renaissance conferences. As RWW’s Jared Holt reported, American Renaissance appears to be grooming the next generation of racists, including young white nationalist YouTubers and podcasters, via its conferences and other outreach.

In 2015, Faye addressed the annual “Become Who We Are” conference sponsored by the National Policy Institute, led by white nationalist Richard Spencer. According to one account of Faye’s speech, he said three things are destroying the white race: immigration, abortion, and homosexuality.

Taylor is one of the people to whom Faye dedicated “Ethnic Apocalypse,” as is Sam Dickson, a former Klan attorney. In his foreword, Taylor says he is honored to have the book dedicated to him, adding, “I also rejoice in his having jointly dedicated the book to my comrade Sam Dickson,” who Taylor writes “has faithfully and courageously fought the forces that would transform the West.”

During the 2016 presidential race, Taylor recorded a robocall backing Trump before the Iowa caucuses and told a fellow white nationalist radio host that he was “hugely encouraged” by the growth of white nationalism. “The most visible manifestation of this is the support for Donald Trump,” Taylor added. “Donald Trump is an opportunity for ordinary Americans to say they are fed up. And one of the big things they’re fed up about is the racial changes going on in the United States and they think Donald Trump might actually do something about it.”

In May 2016, Taylor predicted that if Trump were elected he would hire people “at all sorts of levels in his administration” who “think the way we do.” At the time Taylor said Trump was saying the kind of things he’d been saying for years, but couldn’t be ignored the way the media ignores Taylor:

And when people start thinking in those terms, Well, wait a minute, are Muslims really of any use to the United States? Then the next step, of course, is to say, Well, are there any other groups that are of no use to the United States? What do, oh, Guatemalans, for example, bring to our country? What do Somalis bring to our country? What do Haitians bring to America? Do we really need 30,000,000 Mexicans living in this country? When you start thinking in terms of group differences, then the camel’s nose is under the tent. That opens the door to all kinds, all kinds of anti-orthodox, subversive thinking. And so Donald Trump has played a huge role in breaking down the gates of orthodoxy and making it possible to raise these questions in a way that they’ve never been raised, at a level at which they’ve never been raised ever before.

When you consider the administration’s actions and Trump’s own words, it’s hard not to think that Taylor had a point about the president.

Liz Crokin #conspiracy

Right-wing “journalist” and Trump–worshiping conspiracy theorist Liz Crokin posted a video on YouTube last night in which she declared that the current coronavirus outbreak is really just a cover for the Trump administration to carry out the mass arrests long promised by conspiracy theorists.

Like her friend and fellow conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor, who suggested the same thing earlier this week, Crokin is an ardent believer in the QAnon conspiracy theory, which posits that President Donald Trump has been working diligently to arrest countless prominent political, media, and business leaders for allegedly being part of a global satanic pedophile ring.

In early 2019, Crokin publicly declared that if the mass arrests long promised by “Q” did not happen by the end of the year, she would “bow out” of the movement and “move on” with her life. The arrests never happened, but Crokin refused to give up, and she is now claiming that the coronavirus outbreak may really be cover for them to finally occur.

“I do believe that when these mass arrests happen that we will be in martial law for our own safety,” Crokin said. “I believe that the coronavirus, which the president of the United States and many doctors have said is no more serious than the flu, is the cover to put the country into lockdown—just like Italy is in lockdown—to possibly declare martial law, get people off the streets, keep them in their homes, so they’re safe so when the military and the National Guard sweeps in and conducts these mass arrests, it is done in a manner where people are kept safe.”

“Since 2017, Q has been talking about these mass arrests, and Q has also been talking about how when these mass arrests happen, there will probably be many days of darkness, social media might go down, the National Guard is going to come in, and the military will be used to arrest these people,” she added. “That is what I believe is happening right now.”

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist

[From "Democracy Dies In "Darkness""]

We learned back in the President Monkey days that negroes appear awfully tribal in their voting practices. After all, you don't hit 100% support in Detroit without a few dudes shutting off the civilized parts of their brains and getting no further than "LOOK LIKES ME=GOOD". I was more than willing to assert these motives to them.

I was mildly surprised to see the Washington Post agree with me though: negroes vote as part of social groupthink without any sort of intelligent independent thought whatsoever.

Okay they didn't quite say it like that. But not that far off, frankly.

As we show in our new book, “Steadfast Democrats: How Social Forces Shape Black Political Behavior,” the generally unified preference among black Americans for Democratic candidates (in 2016, according to exit polls, the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, won 88 percent of the black vote, compared with 8 percent for Republican Donald Trump) reflects not unified political preferences, but a social process by which black Americans hold one another accountable for voting in favor of the party that is understood to best represent the group as whole. So this book by Ismail K. White and Chryl N. Laird (aren't you missing a vowel in there, Cheryl?) is essentially saying that when niggers vote, they all are expected to share their vote with each other and therefore all express their vote as a block.

That's such anathemia to the entire concept of liberal democracy that WaPo (as noted in the clever pun for the post title) is supposedly so committed to. To have their pages be used to say "well, for civilized white people maybe. niggers would prefer to club anybody over the head for supporting it" is hilarious.

This isn’t to suggest the absence of some fairly wide policy agreements among African Americans, but rather that without this social process, the degree of partisan unity at the polls would not hold.

Oh, that's much better than isn't it? Wait, no. It would be bad enough if negroes were a massive voting block like Wahabbi Muslims who all fervently support all the exact same policy goals. For them to all have different ideals and principles and priorities and interests and then to still mass ignore or abandon them as part of their tribal loyalty is really sickening. I've written before that letting [I]women[/I] vote was generally a bad idea but who knew that extending it to other races would be such a disaster? Well, the Washington Post, presumably.

The lesson to take from what we know about why black voting is steadfastly Democratic in general elections, and to apply to the primaries, is that candidates seeking to consolidate bloc-like support from black voters have a twofold job. First, without party identification as a shortcut for political decision-making, the candidates have to prove to black voters that they have unique claim to the likelihood that they will represent the interests of the black community

Without a "LOOK LIKES ME=GOOD" and it's close cousin "HAS 'D' IN THEIR PARTY NAME=GOOD" shorthands, heaven forbid, negro voters will have to forego the mental shortcuts they maintain to replace rational decision making and instead resort to..., too...?

Second, they need to show that they can deliver on the black community’s understood interest in beating the Republican, particularly President Trump, in the general election. These two criteria can consolidate the impression that a particular candidate is clearly best for the group

So replace "HAS 'D' IN THEIR PARTY NAME=GOOD" with "ORANGE MAN=BAD", I suppose. In the meanwhile, remember that part I quoted at the start about 88% voting for Hillary and "only" 8% of blacks voting for Trump? Halfway through their article, White/Laird revisit this point by mentioning that 85% of black voters recently said they would vote for Warren/Sanders head-to-head against The Donald. Still tribal, but less so apparently. Is the legendary "shy Tory" effect at play even when it comes to the primitivized negro vote? Apparently! (WaPo, incidently, dismisses talk of a surge of Trump voters just because he's polling almost double what he got in 2016. Black voters aren't the only tribal ones around here...)

Meanwhile the discussion about the since-vanquished Mini-Mike is even more illuminating:

Bloomberg’s recent rise is perhaps most revealing about the trade-offs black voters face in the Democratic primary. As a mayor who, for years, embraced and perpetuated a stop-and-frisk policy that targeted African Americans and Latinos, Bloomberg is not well liked among black Americans. The January Post-Ipsos poll found Bloomberg had only a 29 percent net favorability rating among African Americans (with the caveat that many of those polled had either never heard of him or had no opinion) — compared with 69 percent for Biden, 63 percent for Sanders and 51 percent for Warren. In the same poll, among registered black voters, nearly 14 percent reported they wouldn’t vote in the general election if Bloomberg were the Democratic nominee — compared with 6 percent for Biden, 8 percent for Sanders and 10 percent for Warren. Lastly, when asked who would be the best candidate at addressing issues that are important to the black community, only 3 percent of black Democrats identified Bloomberg as the best, compared with 32 percent who selected Biden and 19 percent who chose Sanders.

Ignoring the fact that the biggest beneficiaries of stock-and-frisk are the poor negro communities that have most violent and thuggish of their citizenry suffering instead of them (the Professional Niggers® don't understand this: as this article makes it clear, rational thought continues to elude them), apparently their opinion of how a Bloomberg Presidency would improve their lives has little to do with what his policy goals actually are and instead is completely dependent on whether or not he would win. Better the guy who would (apparently) cause them harm than somebody they are trained like apes to dislike that would implement policy goals they approve of.

That this speaks ill of negro voters apparently occurs to White/Laird, who finish their article off by trying to mischaracterize negro voters as being better than they really are.

Many of Bloomberg’s priorities remain at odds with more policy-grounded group interests of black Americans.

Leftists always lie. niggers don't have policy-grounded group interests. They remain petty, tribal, and uncivilized.

Mike Huckabee #wingnut

[Donald Trump] could personally suck the virus out of every one of the 60,000 people in the world and suck it out of their lungs, swim to the bottom of the ocean and spit it out, and he would be accused of pollution for messing up the ocean, if he did that. There is nothing this President can do that will ever satisfy the people who hate him more than they hate the coronavirus.

Various Commenters #racist

RE: Latino Support for Trump Is Real


First line, "President Donald Trump has done almost everything he can to anger Latino voters".
I stopped right there.

Donald Trump began his 2016 campaign by insulting Mexicans by calling them rapists and drug sellers, so it would be very strange if those people from that heritage would suddenly support him by over 50%. Jennifer Lopez who is an American and of Puerto Rican heritage made a political statement during the Super Bowl expressing solidarity with the migrant children so I doubt that this community could be that fragmented.

Insulting Mexican rapists and drug dealers. Fixed it for you Rex. Now it reads factually not dishonestly as you've presented.

(The Second Triumvirate)

In Hispanics are a mixed race. Some have more Spanish blood than others, and not surprisingly, those with more Spanish blood are usually the ones at the high end of the Hispanic bell curve. Still, the important point should not be overlooked: no matter how many blacks or Hispanics they sneak in behind Trump at his rallies, neither group will ever vote 50%+ for Republicans. The conservatism Inc crowd is constantly making sound as though this will happen someday ... if we only keep being nice to them. In the end, these people are simply drinking that particular flavor of leftist Kool-Aid -- the flavor that makes you think that race is merely skin color.


You are correct. Pandering to the Hispanic crowd especially in regards to immigration will only result in more democratic voters. Voters who will not only vote democratic, but also Hispanic.
If the white man of any party affiliation think the Hispanics will vote for a white man instead of a fellow Hispanic, they are in for a rude awakening.

It will be a cold, cold day in hell when any POC groups vote republican in any great numbers.
90%+ of blacks vote Democrap
80%+ of Asian
70%+ of Hispanics
I expect the next presidential election will turn more of them Democrap.

(John D.)

Maybe 30% of Latino (or is it Latinx?) Trump supporters are smart enough to realize that their quality of life in the United States depends on maintaining a White majority and don't want anymore of their ilk coming in, lest we become just another brown outhouse country.


The Latinos I knew were fanatic supporters of Trump. One was Indio the other an actual black Hispanic. That’s just my small sample though. However I’d not be surprised to hear that a sizable amount do support him.

(a multiracial individual)

It is an admission that this country has a cap on people that look like them and still remain prosperous. That must be interesting (disturbing) to them psychologically.


There was an anecdote I read years and years ago here on Amren about a man who was riding to work with his Colombian co-workers. They kept bothering him about why white americans were so "racist" and why they didn't want more south americans coming here. Mostly joking around, nothing too serious.

He eventually got fed up and replied, "How many white guys have you met that illegally hopped over the Colombian border for a better life?"

They laughed, but more importantly they agreed with him.

(laura r.)

i live in mexico they loves walls. so much that they protest the caravans coming thu from cent. america. the MX gove promices a wall on the southern border. wont happen. the trans globalists are in charge. btw, even the poorest mexican has protection: an iron door, a roof dog, bars.


Never forget: Hispanics turned California Democrat

The "very few"Latinos support the 2020 Rino Trump, NOT the escalator Trump in 2016. Trump is now a RINO.
The Latino trump supporters out here have silenced me at tea party and Republican meetings.
These "so called trump Hispanics" still want more legal immigration and legal immigration made easier. They also are fine with Spanish being spoken and their hispanic culture taking over. Hispanics love trump because he has not deported anyone and they have stolen ALL the jobs. Plus, the GOP is more than happy to let unqualified first generation Hispanics run for office as a Republican. The Hispanics are coddled


I call BEX on this article. Notice it's author? Ramos?

I predicted that this would become the reoccurring strategy of the Globalist open borders cabal. Have their bought and paid for media puppets in the print and television media start to blast out propaganda that all of these Mestizos who are flooding across our border are actually model and trustworthy 'conservative' voters who do not pose any threat whatsoever to the GOP's future chances of remaining competitive on either the national or state wide political scene.

The idea is to tamp down the White racial awakening that kicked in and which lead to the Orange Man's 2016 victory over the Hildebeast. Fill the news media outlets with endless fabricated fairy tales of how much these Mestizos love and admire the Orange Man and millions of IQ challenged White nitwits in the red states will relax and allow themselves to be lulled back to sleep and hypnotized by these White race genocide promoting con-artists like Charlie Kirk and his Z-clops associate race traitor, Israel First pal Dan Crenshaw.

Oh, and who else would benefit from this kind of propaganda? Might the answer be the Orange Con Man who has made so little progress on the Wall he promised to build and on the promises he made to end DACA on day #1, and round up these illegals and send them back, and to end this abomination known as 'birth right citizenship', and to bring an end to this nation destroying policy of 'chain immigration? How many of us remember the speech the Orange Man gave at a CPAC conference several years ago - where he asked the question as to why America does not allow White Europeans to immigrate to our nation, since they would be a much better fit to our existing culture and would assimilate much easier to our dominant culture? Has anyone seen any passenger ships docking along our coasts and watched any White Europeans stampeding off those ships?

So, rolling out this kind of propaganda in an election year smells to me like an effort on the part of the White House and the Globalist, open borders, pro-White race replacement crowd to try to defuse some of the anger that is growing within the red state voters who are realizing that the Orange Con Man has not delivered on his 2016 signature issues. Its a repeat of the George Wmd Bush--Karl Rove horse manure lie that said: Lookee here, 'Hispanics are natural born conservatives' - so there is no need to worry about securing our border!"

Various commenters #sexist #wingnut

(Various comments from the comment sections on the page titled “Men on the internet are becoming more extreme, toxic, and abusive, according to study that analyzed 38.4 million posts on Reddit and various men's rights forums”)


Guess what happens when you keep branding a group of people with lies and hateful slogans. They get upset about it, they discover they are not the only ones, and they start to organise against the constant hatred. Then along comes an ignorant 'researcher' and discovers .. oh, look! These people are angry and resentful. Gosh, what a surprise, let's pile on more of the same instead of actually listening to them.


There is nothing that women can do that men cannot do better except one , having a kid , but they cant do that without men so which is the better sex . Hypocrisy is a ingrained in humans but the females of the species take it to a whole new level.If true equality were possible the women should compete on a level playing field but their idea of " equality " is based on them having an advantage before they start. LOL:


Mostly just banter. Men can say things and not mean any of it because words and feelings aren't real. A smack upside your face is real.


'The Southern Poverty Law Center' Yes, right, Donald Trump needs to drain the swamp and the SPLC should be the first to go!


MGTOW is in the name, men going their own way, by not being done over by women, MRAs are the men that have been screwed over by women and the courts

Kajm #wingnut

(submitter note: he gives alot of links to other stories, alot of which I’m a bit skeptical of for a variety of reasons, still, ya’ll can go through them to see if this guy’s sources to see if they are accurate or not)

Leftist Violence Continues to Rise.
“My son stayed home from school on Tuesday for a doctor's appointment and we drove by the high school to go vote. When we got there, we saw Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle, and my son was over the moon,” she said. “My son is the most patriotic kid you’d ever meet in your life.”

The Trump campaign confirmed that both Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle were at the polling place on Tuesday.

Campbell told Fox News that later in the day, her son was invited to volunteer at the polling site and hold Trump signs outside the school.

“I was apprehensive about him wearing the MAGA hat, because we know it can provoke and we know people don’t like Trump,” she explained. “But he wore the hat because he’s a proud 15-year-old and he doesn’t know what people are going to be like.”

Campbell said she dropped her son off to volunteer at the school.

“My son was standing outside on the sidewalk and he said ‘have a nice night,’ he said it to everyone. But this man was triggered,” Campbell explained. “He said ‘f--- you’ to him and wound up his hand as fast as he could and slapped him across the face.”

Campbell said that a man, also wearing a MAGA hat, came over to intervene. According to Campbell, that man now has a fractured jaw.

Campbell told Fox News that her husband is a firefighter in town and was on duty during the incident.

“He got the call about the assault and didn’t know it was our son until he got there,” she explained.

“He’s the sweetest kid,” Campbell said of her son. “He was so excited and not realizing that something like this could happen.”

Since the incident Tuesday, Campbell said her son is “pretty traumatized.”

“This guy lives in our town. It’s pretty unnerving,” she said, but added that her son has been going to school and is getting “a lot of support from his peers.”

The (stunningly) sad part? The tacit acceptance Trump-haters have for this type of violence. Even sadder? The large amount of Trump-haters who will deny it to you face, but are 100% ok with Trump supporters being attacked violently. The saddest of all? I am not being hyperbolic *****

— PenitentThief (@ThiefPenitent)
*****- and the sad bit is, the very FIRST comment on this journal, was made by just such a person.


How much longer before innocent people begin dying? Will the MSM / Dems condemn it? We didn't hear a PEEP when Republicans senators were shot up at a baseball game...


A person who refuses to look for himself wants more evidence? Ok:

Former NYPD detective Daniel Sprague was the Stage on Broadway in Nashville, celebrating his 50th birthday.

He anticipated presents, and he certainly got those including a nice red hat with the words “Make Fifty Great Again” and a shirt with and American flag with the words “Making America Great since 1970” from his wife.

What he didn’t anticipate was the attack from a woman who was at the music venue.

The Florida man who was arrested last weekend after allegedly ramming his van through a Republican voter registration tent told police that he was motivated by opposition to President Trump.


Political Violence Report (many pages of links)


AvatarCat09 #wingnut #fundie

NOTE: I'm not being hateful here, not in the slightest at all. Though I disagree with the LGBT and don't find myself supporting them, I do not hate anyone who's a part of it at all. I'm just noting what I've seen and experienced. So please read the description before you write whatever in the comments.

So here's a bit of background for me making this. I had been on the Warrior Cats forum last year, posting a thread that has my unpopular opinions on the Off-Topic Discussions page. Those opinions range from serious like "I support Donald Trump" or "I hate communism" to non-serious like "I'm fine with the live-action Garfield movies" and "I don't like ketchup and mustard". Everyone's having fun until someone brought up another serious unpopular opinion I have listed: I disagree with homosexuality. I didn't say it in a nasty way, just an unpopular opinion on there (though I think I should've explained myself more). It got ugly from there, two people saying I made that post to "be a bigot" and throwing in the "homophobe" card, one even saying that I was "covering up my homosexuality". I couldn't take it anymore, so overcome with a negative emotion at the moment, I said some words to them and left, and some replied with "You knew what you were getting into when you did that", though that was pretty much the first time I experienced the "homophobe" card. I came back later to apologize for losing my temper (while still keeping to my beliefs) and trying to be as polite as I could. Their response? It pretty much amounted to "I'm surprised that you're surprised that you're getting the hate" and "Glad you realized you're a homophobe".

And it's not just there. I've seen stuff across the Internet that glorifies the LGBT (or as I call it, the LGBTUVWXYZ) while demonizes Christians who disagree with them, lumping both normal Christians and extremists together. The more extreme people in this group keep preaching about love and tolerance, yet when someone even politely disagrees with them, they're very quick to slap the "homophobe" and "bigot" cards onto them. While there are indeed some hateful people out there that want to see LGBT people hurt or worse, this hatred thing is a two way street. It doesn't matter if it's straight against gay or gay against straight: blind hatred towards anyone is never any good.

As for my thoughts on LGBT and whatnot, I disagree with them (as I noted before). That doesn't mean that I hate them nor want to wish harm on them. Anyone can disagree with each other and still be polite about it.

Mary Ann Mendoza #racist #wingnut

New York’s new law allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses is part of a dangerous trend of lawmakers putting the interests of illegal immigrants over the safety and welfare of American citizens.

Thanks to so-called Green Light Laws, illegal immigrants can already obtain licenses in 13 states, as well as Washington, D.C., according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, and more states are jumping on the bandwagon.

These policies don't just help incentivize more illegal immigration — they risk creating more Angel Families like mine. Unfortunately, Democrats are becoming bolder about pushing such reckless policies, even introducing legislation in conservative states such as Texas. We can’t just resist this trend; we have to reverse it.

My life was changed forever on May 12, 2014, when an illegal immigrant killed my son, Mesa police Sgt. Brandon Mendoza in Arizona. Since that fateful night, I have committed my life to making sure that nobody goes through the pain and suffering my family — like other Angel Families — has had to endure. This is a danger American families should not be have to be exposed to.

Dangerous new laws
President Donald Trump has made tremendous progress, but Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill and in state capitals across the country are doing everything they can to obstruct his border security agenda, stymie enforcement of federal immigration laws and create incentives for even more people to enter our country illegally.

Running away all your life takes a toll:For undocumented immigrants, our enforcement policies drive a public mental health crisis

After New York implemented a law signed by Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo that allows illegal immigrants to apply for driver’s licenses last month, Department of Motor Vehicles offices were flooded with applicants on the first day, turning an already tedious experience into an hours-long ordeal.

That same Dec. 16, across the Hudson River, the New Jersey Legislature voted to enact its own Green Light Law that not only grants illegal immigrants access to state identification, but might also enable them to vote, since New Jersey automatically registers people to vote when they apply for a driver’s license.

My son was killed on his way home from work by an illegal immigrant driver whose blood-alcohol content was three times the legal limit. The driver, who was also high on methamphetamine, sped down the highway in the wrong direction before crashing into my son’s car. He had multiple criminal convictions during his 20 years living illegally in America.

Mary Ann Mendoza and her son, Brandon Mendoza, in Hawaii in September 2013.
Now that New York has also implemented its misguided bail reform law, illegal immigrants who commit supposedly “nonviolent” crimes will find it even easier to escape incarceration and avoid facing justice than they did before.

There are real dangers associated with allowing people who have already demonstrated a willingness to violate our laws to enjoy driving privileges and obtain government identification — and they go far beyond road safety.

Giving illegal immigrants access to services ordinarily reserved for American citizens and legal residents not only increases the burden on taxpayers, it can also incentivize further illegal immigration, creating a self-reinforcing cycle of dependency.

Challenges to Trump's reforms
The Trump administration has worked to reduce those incentives at the federal level by authorizing more resources for immigration enforcement, building or planning to build hundreds of miles of border wall, and closing legal loopholes in our asylum policies that had been exploited.

Those efforts are paying off: The number of immigrants apprehended after attempting to enter illegally last month was only a third of those who were apprehended last spring.

Unfortunately, liberal lawmakers are just as determined to undermine the president’s agenda by hampering enforcement of federal immigration law.

Ring of truth:Do Democrats believe in open borders? By not enforcing immigration law, it looks that way.

Just recently, Washington state filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration over the practice of arresting illegal immigrants at state courthouses. Massachusetts had already filed a similar suit, resulting in a preliminary court order blocking federal law enforcement from arresting illegal immigrants at courthouses, though that ruling is being appealed.

The so-called sanctuary movement is an extension of the same warped mentality — prioritizing the convenience of illegal immigrants over the safety of American citizens — that led directly to my son’s death. The illegal immigrant who killed Brandon was arrested in 1994 on burglary and assault charges and was convicted of a conspiracy to commit burglary, but he skipped out on his court date. Even though he was a fugitive from justice, he was let back onto the streets in 2002 after he was apprehended and offered a plea deal.

Such leniency toward law breakers is not a form of compassion — quite the opposite. It’s a direct assault on the rule of law that puts innocent people at risk in order to protect violent criminals. Granting illegal immigrants access to government services and privileges such as driver’s licenses only exacerbates the problem

The outcome of these policies is as tragic as it is predictable. Democrats’ open-borders agenda will lead to more illegal immigrants, more crime — and more Angel Families.

Mary Ann Mendoza, an Angel Mom from Arizona, is a member of the Donald J. Trump for President Inc. advisory board. Follow her on Twitter @mamendoza480

Rick Wiles #racist #conspiracy

When right-wing conspiracy theorist and End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles and the team from his TruNews network were granted press credentials by the White House to cover President Donald Trump’s trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, last week, it understandably generated news because Wiles and his network are virulently anti-Semitic.

On last night’s episode of his “TruNews” program, Wiles lashed out over the criticism that he and his network received, and predictably did so by blaming “the Jewish-controlled news media” for trying to shut him down.

“I have three constitutional rights at play here,” Wiles said. “We’re a news organization right here, this is freedom of the press. I have freedom of speech, I have a right as an American to express my views. And freedom of religion, I can express my religious beliefs also.”

Wiles said that the “news Nazis” are not only violating his rights, but are actively working to crush him and his network.

“They’re crushing all alternative voices in this country,” he said. “The Zionists are saying, ‘We will control what can be said, what you can think, everything.'”

“Wake up and realize what is happening to your country,” Wiles warned. “There is very little time left to stop the complete takeover. This is a takeover of the United States. You are being brought into slavery, you are being brought into captivity. It’ll be 100 years before you can break out of this. Look what happened to the Russians. They went 70 years when the Jews took over Russia in 1917 … so it’s happening to America right now.”

Wiles’ co-host, Edward Szall, added that when the Jews took over Russia, the royal family “was killed in a blood sacrifice.”

Tony Elliott #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

BLM & ANTIFA rioters are paid professionals

Leftists celebrate peaceful transition of power with violent riots.

On the surface, it looks like BLM and ANTIFA have hundreds of thousands of members across the United States and more than a million strong when you count those who riot internationally.

These numbers are as misleading as the purpose of the civil unrest and riots perpetrated by these two organizations who have proven themselves to be nothing more than terrorist organizations since the Ferguson Riots.

Many locals in cities across the US are confused at the amount of people who show up in violent demonstrations protesting anything from Confederate Monuments, local police, the President, etc. since it is known in these areas that most support the opposite of what these crowds are there to protest.

What is really happening here is most people really do not want what BLM and ANTIFA rioters are protesting for. A great example of this was the violence at most Donald Trump rallies during both the primaries and after he was elected.

The thousands of supporters who attended his every rally were there to see the man who they wanted in office. Yet, we are supposed to believe literally thousands of people attended his rallies in protest and were so angry that they attacked his supporters for their approval of him and his policies.

Nothing could be further from the truth, as both BLM and ANTIFA really do not have the massive numbers in members they want us to believe they do. They also do not represent the political views the majority of Americans have.

The truth is over 90% of the people who show up in all the protests in the US are literally paid protesters hired by Leftist political companies such as Crowds on Demand and a handful of others via Craig’s List, or other on-line advertising sites such as Google, and even local newspapers.

Adam Swart, founder and CEO of COD is literally responsible for most of the organization of individuals gathered for each BLM and ANTIFA riot in the US since his firm does most of the advertising for recruiting rioters and is the company who pays most of them anywhere from $15.00 to $75.00 per hour to take part in nationwide protests.

Of course, George Soros funds these organizations as well as BLM and ANTIFA, and Barack H Obama is responsible for originally organizing BLM and ANTIFA.

So, no wonder we have thousands of demonstrators appearing in areas protesting for issues that are in total disagreement with that area’s political mindset, they are all paid protesters.

Not only are they really not members of BLM and ANTIFA and just rioting because it is their job, most of them do not even live in the local area where the actual protests take place.

The large numbers of protesters we see appearing everywhere is designed to strike fear into the minds of those who are American Patriots and believe in the sovereignty of the US as a constitutional country and have them believe they are grossly out numbered. When in fact these numbers are false and misleading.

In reality, both BLM and ANTIFA do not even have a fraction of the number of members they want us to believe they do and would be nothing but a handful of NWO neo-Nazis with no voice if not for the help given to them by COD(Crowds On Demand) and other activist organizers.

If we are to bust these two anti-American groups, we must start at their avenues of success like COD and all the internet sites who carry their ads for domestic terrorism.

These organizers for terrorism must be held accountable for all damages, injuries, and deaths associated with every violent demonstration and riot since the Ferguson riots.

Everyone who believes in the US as an independent sovereign nation and rejects the NWO idealism of the past Administration of turning our country into a 3rd. World Banana Republic, governed by the United Nations has to realize the real purpose of the BLM and ANTIFA riots and just how very limited they are in numbers.

BLM and ANTIFA could care less about racism or any Confederate Monument, they are just using this genre as a ruse for their main goal, which is to erase all US history and heritage so they can transform the country into a faceless NWO stooge of the UN.

We have recently seen evidence of this with the defacing of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC, and the supposed mistake of vandalizing of a peace monument in Atlanta, GA, which was no mistake.

Since Ferguson, BLM and ANTIFA has caused around a billion dollars in damage to both personal and public property, caused millions in medical expenses of those directly injured by their civil unrest, and have indeed been responsible for many deaths.

They must be both made financially and criminally responsible for their terrorist acts. President Trump needs to make this law through Executive Action.

Jonathan Hill and Stewart Jones #wingnut

Upstate legislators want to name I-85, I-385 interchange after President Donald Trump
February 3, 2020 at 10:20 AM EST - Updated February 3 at 11:57 AM

GREENVILLE, S.C. (WYFF) - Two Upstate legislators want to rename the interchange of Interstates 85 and 385 after the president.

House bill 5090 is sponsored by Reps. Jonathan Hill, of Anderson, and Stewart Jones, of Laurens.

If passed, it would require the Department of Transportation to name the interchange the “President Donald J Trump Interchange.”

The bill is in committee.

The Portal #conspiracy #magick #crackpot #racist #wingnut

Monday, November 25, 2019
Before the Dawn
Although we did not reach the critical mass in our Silver Trigger activation, the Light Forces achieved big victories in the last few weeks and most negative scenarios for planet Earth have been eliminated and positive timeline secured.

Many sources are expecting a certain kind of endgame scenario to be played out in 2020, for which I did not receive clearance to comment upon.

Dark forces are considering many scenarios, from fake alien invasion (project Blue Beam), to global financial crash, to global war with depopulation originating from civil war in the USA, and many others. Different factions of the dark forces have trouble agreeing with each other which course of action to take. Needles to say, these scenarios will NOT be successful.

The Jesuits want civil war in USA to consolidate their power, and wish to polarize the population as much as possible, that is why they have allowed the election of Donald Trump.
Trump has deep ties to his Black Nobility and Zionist handlers:
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Intel in the above link is explosive and was removed from internet many times already, therefore it is the highest purpose to make as many copies as possible, store them safely and post online on mirror sites.

Although Trump is listening to the Positive Military at times, in most cases he is only following his emotional impulses or directives of his handlers and is thus an excellent tool for the Cabal:
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At the same time, Jesuits are massively infiltrating Brazil, Argentina and especially China. They plan to control the world through future global Chinese domination:
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The Chinese also want to dominate sublunar space:
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Any nation now trying to dominate anything above Near Earth Orbit will be met by Galactic Confederation fleet.

Meanwhile, Putin is trying to remove Reptilians from their still existing pockets in Near East

Nelly Jordan #racist #conspiracy

A Republican Party leader in Delaware blamed Jews for being behind the impeachment of US President Donald Trump.

“What amazes me the most in these theatrical Congress hearings, is to see how many Jews ‘In Name Only’ lend themselves to be in the hoaks [sic] of the pure made up story of Impeachment that the Democrats have woven as spiders catching flies and bugs,” wrote Sussex County Republican Party vice chairwoman Nelly Jordan, whose Facebook page, where she made the remarks, was apparently deleted.

“These jews [sic] have been enrolled to come and testify, to come and interrogate and to be involved in anything that the Democrats enlist them to do to try to look credible to the people of this country,” the post also stated.

Jordan added that Jews were going against the G-d’s will, “as it was in the times of the Old Testament.”

Delaware GOP chairwoman Jane Brady criticized Jordan’s comments.

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