Donald Trump

Professor Ellis Washington, J.D. #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger

One of the most important things I’ve learned from reading the writings of the great Greek philosopher Aristotle is this—In order to properly, systematically and comprehensively understand a given subject, discipline or area of inquiry, always begin from “First Principles”. For example, in this essay I am writing about the stolen History of Humanity that allowed a very small Cabal of super rich narcissistic psychopaths called the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, the Illuminati, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Council of 13, Council of 300, World Economic Forum, United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, DAVOS, and other Globalist, elitist entities connected to the Satanic New World Order to effectively enslave hundreds of millions of people in America for 150 years (1871-2021), including billions and billions of people worldwide under the treacherous legislation called the District of Columbia Act of 1871. In England this law was called the 1871 Act of England exits in virtually every United Nations member state country in the world to this day.
Once you purge your mind of all the propaganda taught by our corrupt institutions including the school systems (public and private), the colleges and universities and even ancillary institutions, pharmaceutical industry, social media, politics, law, religion, philosophy. . . everything is all lies, propaganda and disinformation designed to force you into a perpetually evolving Hegelian Dialectic.
The results? All of our storied, iconic Judeo-Christian morality, Natural Law and Natural Rights which enshrined all of America’s founding documents including—The Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights were all effectively a deadletter since 1871… until a miracle happened and God gave humanity one last chance at redemption with the ascendancy of President Donald J. Trump (2016 – present).

Mr. Bond ft. Dido #racist

(Lyrics to song "Dear Donald", by Mr. Bond and Dido)

[Hook: Dido]
My tea's gone cold
I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad

[Verse 1]
Dear Donald, I voted you in, why aren't you responding
can you see me from your Tower man, I'm down here at the bottom
I sent a million tweets in autumn
and I 'm sure you got 'em
There probably is a problem
'cause you're POTUS now or somethin'
I know the secret service keeps disturbances from bothering
But anyways, fuck it, what's been up, man?
How's your daughter?
My girlfriend's pregnant too, I'm 'bout to be a father
If I have a daughter, guess what I'ma call her?
I'll name her Melania
I saw the bullying the media did to her and Barron
that was so disgusting man
you seem like awesome parents
I know you probably hear this every day
But I'm your biggest fan
I got a Trump sign in my yard and bumper stickers on my van
I got a closet full of posters, MAGA hats and pictures, man
I love how you owned Rubio and Jeb, that shit was phat
Anyways, I hope you get this, man, hit me back
Just to chat, truly yours, the only one who cherished ya , it's white America

[Hook: Dido]
My tea's gone cold
I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad

[Verse 2]
Dear Don, you still ain't called or wrote us
I hope you notice
I ain't mad, I just think it's fucked up you ignore your voters
remember when we talked outside your rally about jobs in LaFayette
You even signed an autograph on a MAGA hat
for my little brother, man, he's only six years old
He waited in the blisterin' cold for you
For hours that's how much you give him hope
Our life is pretty shitty man and you're his fuckin' idol
the working class whites out here
are struggling for survival
I ain't that mad though, I just don't like being lied to
Remember when we met in Denver?
You said if I vote for you, you'd have my back
See, I'm just like you in a way; don't like politicians either
All they do is cheat us man we really need a leader
That's why I could relate to your debates and all your speeches
Jobs are overseas now where production is the cheapest
‘And I don't really got shit else
So that shit helps when I'm depressed
I even got a tattoo saying MAGA on my chest
And twice I almost got beat up by guys who called my Nazi
I just want a future for our kids, why would they try to stop me?
See, everything you said is real
And I respect you ‘cause you told it
My girl said you're just a show and won't trust you for a moment
But she don't know you like me Donald, bet my life that she's mistaken
They way you hugged those people on your stage you wasn't faking
You gotta call me, man
I'll be the biggest supporter you'll ever lose, if you keep up this barrier
sincerely yours, White America

[Hook: Dido]
My tea's gone cold
I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad

[Verse 3]
Dear Mr. I-Don't-Give-A-Shit-About-My-Base
You literally broke every single promise that you gave
I just saw it on the news even the wall has been discarded
it was just a metaphor
do you think we are retarded?
was my girlfriend right after all are you just another hooker?
cause it sure looks like you're getting bossed around by Kushner
who the fuck is this guy anyway I didn't vote for him
first you said you're for the people giving power back to them
then you're starting shit with Syria launching missile strikes
and I see you in that room surrounded by a bunch of kikes?
remember the guys who called me nazi, I was forced to fight
Guess what I'm a nazi now, I think those nazis they were right
I talked to them on twitter and they brought me to the light
you no longer have a voice up in this country if you're white
I loved you Trump, and we'll still make this nation great again
in fact I wanna thank you for starting my awakening
the hate for you pushed whites back together as a group
and made us see the system is completely owned by Jews
who kill us with immigration and degenerate our youth
I can't believe two years ago I used to laugh at David Duke
this was our last try voting, now it's about survival
and it's parasites like you who force us into voting with our rifle
I tore all your pictures down and put one of Hitler up
P.S.: looking forward to the war, we'll fuck all you bitches up

Ben Garrison #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia


Despite his very low poll ratings and very advanced age, I predict he will win his party’s nomination. RFK Jr. may be his biggest competition, but like Bernie Sanders, those controlling the Democrat Party will rig the primaries against him. Joe won’t even have to debate. He certainly won’t participate in a debate against Trump once he gets his party’s nomination. Joe will spend a lot of time away from interviews and press conferences. In other words, he’ll once again be spending time in his Delaware beach house basement awaiting his coronation. This is Joe Biden’s version of ‘democracy.’

We all know how unpopular Joe is. He was long known as the stupidest senator in Congress. Nothing has changed. He wasn’t popular during his earlier presidential runs—including his run in 2020. He scored low in the polls and in the Democrat primaries. He stumbled in the debates. Then, lo and behold, he miraculously began winning primaries. The powers behind the scenes decided an old, lying criminal was their man. He could be controlled. Despite his obvious mental decline, Joe Biden won the presidential election. To be more precise, the election was stolen from Donald Trump and handed to Biden.

The template has been laid out again. The oligarchs want Biden despite his persistent mental decline. Actually, they are enjoying inflicting their pedophile criminal with dementia upon the American people. They hate America and want to see its destruction. It’s necessary for the ‘great reset.’ Biden is necessary to bring about our demoralization and despair. They want us to accept ridiculous things such as ’trans’ and ‘equity.’ They want us to accept absurd leaders such as Biden and Harris. Now that Dominion won its case against Fox, they will have hundreds of millions more to advance their cause. I have not seen much in the way of election reform. The election fraudsters got away with it the last time and are now even more emboldened.

Yes, I’m saying Biden will have the 2024 election stolen for him. Again.The octogenarian will be 86 years by the end of his second term. By that time, America’s destruction should be complete.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
Here we go again! Rigged Election. After Sending 250,000 Ballots to Unverified Voters, Pennsylvania Now Warns of Delays Counting Votes | Facts Matter Daily

( @jimcalomeris612 )
@realdonaldtrump Why wouldn't they cheat? No one did anything about it in 2020.

( @notlebowski )
@realdonaldtrump Says the person who could have fixed it.

( @TrumpaBumpa )
@notlebowski @realdonaldtrump Trump doesn't want to fix it; he just wants to pretend hard enough to keep your support. He's one of them.

( @VJPayne74 )
@realdonaldtrump and they'll get away with it, again.

( @TrumpaBumpa )
@VJPayne74 @realdonaldtrump This is exactly why voting is pointless. Even Trump says it's pointless and rigged, folks. No point in participating in a corrupt system.

( @USAirForceVet )
@realdonaldtrump STOP mailing ballots!! The USPS is in on the fix.

( @chime4 )
Too bad a certain president who raised $250 million to "stop the steal" (LOL yea right) didnt do shit about it

( @Contentbellesc )
@realdonaldtrump yeayeayea...had two years to fix it . Same ole song and dance . Democrats only win if they cheat..

( @TrumpaBumpa )
@Contentbellesc @realdonaldtrump Exactly why voting has become completely pointless. Our votes literally do not count.

( @bill_boss )
@TrumpaBumpa @Contentbellesc @realdonaldtrump If the Republicans win the PA mid-terms, then the elections will have been fair & square, amirite?

( @TrumpaBumpa )
@bill_boss @Contentbellesc @realdonaldtrump I wouldn't be surprised if the R's do win a few of the big races, because they allow us to win a few. Makes it easier to pull off the next big steal in 2024.

Wayne Allen Root #wingnut

Wayne Allyn Root, the conservative activist and conspiracy theorist who helped Donald Trump campaign in Nevada and became one of Trump’s most enthusiastic boosters on the campaign trail, rejoiced in an interview on Newsmax TV last week that a Trump administration will appoint “people to important positions who have problems with radical Islam instead of people in important positions who are Muslims.”

Discussing Trump’s announcements that he’ll nominate Rep. Mike Pompeo to head the CIA, Root said, “They say [Pompeo’s] problem is he’s been negative toward Muslims and Islamic radicals—my God, that makes America great again! We finally have an administration that can use the word Islam and terrorism in the same sentence, and we’re naming people to important positions who have problems with radical Islam instead of people in important positions who are Muslims!”

When host Bill Tucker asked Root if he meant “all Muslims” or “radical Muslims,” Root replied that “number one, we are at war with radical Islam” but claimed that “the Muslim world in general says nothing” about terrorism.

“There are no real shouts of outrage from the Muslim world, just like there were no shouts of outrage from the German world [during the Nazi era], so therefore they bore some responsibility as well,” he said. “And I’m angry—I won’t hold them as the killers, they don’t need to go to prison, we don’t need internment camps—but I am absolutely angry, shocked and outraged at the Muslim community and I do think they bear some responsibility.”

“There were no Muslim Man Marches in Washington, D.C., to protest terrorism,” he continued. “Why? Why aren’t they speaking up? Just like Nazi Germany, they’re saying nothing. So I do have a problem with Islam. I think the war is against radical Islam, but we have to admit there are problems in general with the religion of Islam, why the people don’t speak up against terrorism.”

Donald Trump #transphobia #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger

Former President Donald Trump said that if re-elected, he would use the government to investigate and potentially halt transgender health care during a National Rifle Association (NRA) speech on Friday

“Upon my inauguration, I will direct the FDA to convene an independent outside panel to investigate whether transgender hormone treatments and ideology increase the risk of extreme depression, aggression and even violence,” said Trump to the crowd gathered in Indianapolis, Indiana

“I think most of us already know the answer,” he added. Trump then said he would direct an investigation of whether “genetically engineered cannabis” is “causing psychotic breaks”

The former president also accused Democrats of “pushing the transgender cult” on children. Earlier in his speech, he called school shootings a “spiritual problem” and not a “gun problem.” He also proposed a tax credit for arming teachers

Nya Major #sexist

Many black women are leading black men to be anti-Trump because it's the end of the road for some of these women. These black women have been using their alliance with their Liberal white daddy for decades to checkmate the black man and to enjoy a false sense of power over him.

Check the lives of these type of women. They're the type who don't typically have a man, can't get a man or can't keep one. Nor do these women have a family. Because a family would consist of having a man as the head of it.

Instead what you have is female-led communities that are filled with: high crime, poverty, fornication, abortion, occult stores, liquor stores, hair stores, bars, nightclubs and trap houses: that are being presided over by rebellious women who've spent the last 40 years telling God how they don't "need a man" - which is precisely why they don't have one!

These women hate Trump for the same reason they hate every Republican: because Republicans don't cater to the dysfunction of black women.

Conservatives don't treat black women as victims the way liberals do. Instead they require accountability from black women just as equally as they do from black men and everyone else.

Sorry black men, but most of you are too easy. It's the truth, and every black woman in America knows it. A little batting of the eye lids, swishing of the hips, pedicured hands and feet, showing a little cleavage, and pretending to be a woman in distress is all that is usually needed to bring out the simp in most of you. Couple this with the fact that most black men today have been raised by single moms who teach you to actually hate yourselves - and we have the perfect recipe for creating the type of men who'll put up with any amount of dysfunction coming from today's black women.

Donald Trump has an agenda that he termed a New Deal for Black America. Look it up. It would effectively end decades of urban blight and economic depression that black Americans have been suffering under through racist policies carried out and overseen by Democrats. Just look at Flint Michigan for a perfect example. Years of Democrat leadership has given us one of the worst water crisis in history!

Notice how the liberal media never talk about Trump's New Deal for Black America? That's because it would actually help strengthen the black man's position.

Here we FINALLY have a U.S. sitting president who has a specific agenda to bring the African American community in urban cities out of the financial and economic dumps and into the modern era by:

•focusing on job creation,
•strengthening black families (which include the black man instead of excluding him), and
•encouraging entrepreneurship for black men and women - and now the Democrats want to be the party of opposition to everything Trump does?

This nonsense about Russia has less to do with Russia and more to do with attempting to stop Trump from rolling out his agenda to put working class black and white families on a better financial footing; which would effectively end much of the racial/class problems currently plaguing the nation.

Trump's New Deal for Black America would also end the destabilization of the black community by:

•helping black men become equally employed and earning healthy incomes.
•taking the power of provision away from black women alone.
•and redistributing that power equally along the sexes.

And Democrats can't have that now can they? They thrive from the basic discontent from Americans who feel isolate and ran over by governmental policies that were basically created and implemented by Democrats! It's the ultimate sleight of hand deception. Remember: Democrats are the party that fought FOR slavery and Jim Crow laws that completely disenfranchised black Americans.

The Democrats helped implement the current child support/child custody laws that deprive fathers of the right to have easy access to their own offspring. The only reason why any woman would oppose correcting these inequalities is because she wants them to persist.

SO BLACK MEN: steer clear from black women who support an anti-Trump agenda. They are a death trap for the black man's soul. These women don't honor black men, don't like black men nor respect black men.

These women are full of man-hate and have a great disdain for Jesus Christ too - though they'll claim to love and serve Christ with all their heart and soul. Because if they truly loved Christ as they claim, they would respect the divine order He placed in first the home and then the Church: which these type of women never do. And for this reason so many of them have started becoming pastors and preachers and are okay with creating households that women are the head over.

But to God be the glory; He'll make everything right. And what you see in the image below, will come to pass again to liberate Black Men: a time in history - 1869 to 1873 - when all black men had equal rights in the United States, and were elected and appointed to senatorial and representative positions in government.

Many black men have already removed the blinders and have realigned with their political party of freedom: for financial freedom, spiritual freedom, legal freedom, and simply freedom to be a man!

Roosh Valizadeh #fundie

Why You Should Not Have Sex With Girls Who Hate Donald Trump

While Donald Trump is far from a perfect Presidential candidate, he represents ideas of beauty, tradition, truth, and nationalism. It’s not surprising that those who hate him and protest at his rallies represent the polar opposite: ugliness, degeneracy, lies, and globalism, though mostly ugliness. The women you see at anti-Trump rallies are awash in obesity, masculine behavior, and utter repulsiveness. For this reason, I recommend that you completely stop having sex with Trump haters.

Good women don’t hate Trump

I’m currently dating a girl who is apathetic about Trump. She doesn’t love him but doesn’t hate him either, and finds him more entertaining than anything. From that, you can correctly guess that she is feminine, thin, and sweet-natured. She doesn’t believe that all men are rapists and need to be taught how not to rape. She doesn’t think that homosexuals should be able to adopt children. From discussions with other masculine men, a pattern has emerged: their women are also not Trump haters.

If I was in the United States dating market right now, I would announce from the beginning of a conversation with a girl that I’m a Trump fan. I would put it in all my dating profiles and bring it up within five minutes of meeting a girl using one of the following lines:

• “Today I’m actually having a good day because my Donald Trump hat came in.”
• “Excuse me, I was on my way to a Trump supporter meeting but you have a happy walk and I wanted to know if you were also going to the same Trump meeting.”
• “What do I do? I support Trump. I’m doing some work now to make sure he gets elected this November, because it’s time to make America great again.”

The goal is to find a way early on to declare your allegiance to Trump. You’re doing this primarily to exclude women who don’t want to make America great again, not to build attraction (though it may do so). At this point in our societal decline, it doesn’t make sense to sexually reward a girl who wants to destroy the country with a socialist or globalist candidate.

Punish Trump haters with your cock

Besides the punitive element of withholding your cock from a Trump hater, we can also look at it from a time-saving perspective. If you are masculine, you simply won’t connect naturally with a feminist who hates Trump. You’ll have to act out her faggy ideal in order to get laid, waste time on interactions that go nowhere, and endure a lot more flaking. You’ll also feel a bit like a sellout for biting your lip when she inevitably spouts anti-male propaganda, which I have in the past.

Even better, by declaring your support for Trump, you’ll connect much faster with a girl who likes him, especially in this election cycle where people are drawing battle lines against family and friends who don’t support their favored candidate. Attraction will be achieved much quicker when you establish common ground that you can work off of. Any way you look at it, you win by announcing your support for Donald Trump as president. Otherwise, you waste time on a girl you didn’t even like or have sex with someone while hiding your genuine beliefs. Both are unfavorable outcomes.

It’s a fact that you’ll enjoy any seduction if you genuinely like the girl and share things in common with her. The only problem is if you live in a liberal urban shithole of brainwashed commie zombies. In that case, you have bigger issues than just getting laid, and should consider moving to a place that is not completely against your belief system. Until then, I urge you to say no to all women who hate Trump. Not only do you reward anti-American behavior, but you make it way easier to meet girls who you genuinely like. Use Donald Trump as a device to make your sex life great again.

If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh's book Free Speech Isn't Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain my operation.

Andrew Anglin #fundie

[From "I Wish Donald Trump was Going to Take Away Everyone’s Health Insurance"]

Just as I wished all of those stories about Donald Trump secretly being a Nazi were true, I wish that he was going to actually take away everyone’s health insurance.

Firstly, old people are already taken care of.

So only three kinds of people need health insurance:
• Fat people
• Women
• Cancer children

Government health insurance is simply yet another plot to redistribute wealth to the weakest, most pathetic and most useless people on earth.

Socialism is a system for the weak. Show me a person who isn’t pathetic who supports socialism.

I want a system where only the strong survive.

Where Apache UFC fighters are given medals for beating the shit out of their whore porn star girlfriends, instead of being wrongly imprisoned.

If you’re so pathetic you need a doctor to solve your health problems, then nature should be left to deal with you using her own devices.

Instead of giving fat people free health care, I want to force them to fight one another to the death for my amusement. I want to cleanse the earth of fat people and children with cancer.

Who would win in a death match: a 300 pound man, or ten repulsive bald children with leukemia?

I want to know.

You might even say I would make a wish to see that fight.

But I never will know.

Because Donald Trump won’t take any fat piece of shit’s health insurance. He’s not going to force any bald cancer children to fight to the death for your amusement. This man is sending billions to spread man-on-man anal sodomy in Africa.

I would prefer Pastor Ssempa was president.

You think Blormf is going to let some fat slob keel over and get himself out of our misery?

Not likely.

He’s probably going to up the funding to the sickening cancer children just like he is trying to save retards from being exterminated.


Andrew Anglin #fundie

[From "GoFundMe: Antifa Girl Louise Rosealma Needs $80,000 Because She Got Punched in the Face!" - Formatting in original]

Antifa girl went to a rally to try and scalp Nazis, and she ended up getting straight clocked in the face by the Prophet of WHITE SHARIA, Nathan Damigo.

Not only was she punched, but then the diabolical hordes of 4chan found her hairy vag fetish porno pics and spammed them everywhere and sent them to her family members.

Because of this, she no needs to be given $80,000 for free.

From her GoFundMe page:

As if being hospitalized with a concussion by the infamous founder, Nathan Damigo of the neo-nazi organization Identity Evropa wasn’t punishment enough for 95lb Louise Rosealma -for her protest at the grizzly display of violent chauvinism she’d braved to take a stand against Saturday afternoon in Berkeley- she’s since become sensationalized by the online fascist community as a prized target for the unrelenting viral campaign of death and rape-threats to follow that seem to be increasing by the hour. (Google “antifa girl” and see for yourself)

Her identity, home and cell phone numbers, home address, emails, friends and family’s residences, extremely sensitive and endangering occupational material have all been doxxed and spammed across every unspeakable online message board responsible for Donald Trump’s presidency. The poor girl doesn’t have a place on earth to hide that hasn’t been compromised and it doesn’t appear that the onslaught is going to end any time soon.


Though some donors appear to be donating simply to be given the opportunity to make a statement against her stupid, whore behavior.

This really gives you insight into the female psyche right here:

• Men and women are exactly equal
• I will go to a riot to prove this point by attacking men
• A man fought back
• I am a helpless little girl who has been abused by a male, much stronger than me
• Give me $80,000

This is an extreme case, of course, but it is only extreme because it is on display, publicly, in such a ridiculous fashion.

This is the way that all modern women think.

“Think” is an overstatement, of course. It’s a primitive, instinctive behavior pattern which does not in fact involve any actual thought.

Let It be Known

This is what happens when you fuck with us.

You might be playing a game. Based on my extensive study of antifa “ideology,” it is clear to me that they are playing a game, or that they are simply drug-addled to the point where they have no ability to understand reality, or even grasp the fact that reality exists.

But we are not playing a game.

We are not fighting for an abstract, confusing, mostly undefined ideology.

We are fighting for our existence.

And that is not a battle you can win.

This girl brought this on herself, and doesn’t deserve a penny of free money or an instant of sympathy, but she is surely right in saying her life has been destroyed. Can you imagine her father seeing these images of her disgusting gaping hairy vagina spammed in his email box forever?

This is the sort of thing that people do not recover from.

And this is the sort of thing that happens to people who fuck with us.

Louise Rosealma made a decision, and she is suffering he consequences of that decision. She is being made example of. And there are many, many more such examples to come.

You do not play a game with people who are fighting a war.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
We really are living in a Communist Country. We've skipped over Socialism as if it doesn't exist. We've headed straight to the Big "C", and that's really bad. Get smart Republicans!

( @IvanJackoff )
@realdonaldtrump Nigga, you surrounded yourself with Jew Communists.

( @AlanJr )
@realdonaldtrump hey dipshit. I’m sure your emergency declaration and medical tyranny had absolutely nothing to do with it?… Fuck you!

( @FreedRocc1 )
@realdonaldtrump I wonder if we could ever have a President that will arrest all the communists, instead of a moron that cries on Twitter while the communists steal the country right in front of his stupid face.

( @TrumpaBumpa )
@FreedRocc1 @realdonaldtrump Everyone here is just champing at the bit to line up and vote for that same ineffective loser all over again.

Not me. Never voting for Trump again, and I don't care what the choices are. He personally convinced millions to take a poison vaxx; what more do you need to condemn him?

( @FreedRocc1 )
@TrumpaBumpa I'm not brainwashed either way. So when Trump mentioned about injecting bleach for COVID, months before the vaccines came out, I understood that was the hint to not take any vaccines so I didn't. I don't blame Trump for the mental retardation of anyone that took the vaccines.

( @FreedRocc1 )
@TrumpaBumpa Yes. The communists wanted to cull the population, they manipulated the moron Trump with fear he's only human, and the brainwashed retards of the world gave the communist really good numbers for their statistics books. Stop being an idiot.

( @YupYup1562 )
Republicans? Bwahahaha. There aren’t two parties. It’s the Uniparty. But Trump already knows that.

( @No_facts_just_gut )
@realdonaldtrump Zionism is Communism. You are a Zionist.

( @optimum )
@realdonaldtrump faggot.

-larp as a republican swamp drainer
-fake a pandemic
-collapse economy
-increase spending
-administer jew jabs
-rally j6 patsies
-ensure biden (plant) victory
-gaslight normies with cia q propaganda
-endorse miga swamp politicians
-make ignorant voters beg for your return
-muh communism because biden, fauci, et al.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia

Homosexual agenda Donald Trump is not worthy to shine the shoes of Ted Cruz's father, who suffered while living in Communist Cuba, a good man who has told THE TRUTH about the homosexual agenda and Communism (MP4 you can download and save or share) being forced upon Americans! Senator Cruz' father opens people's eyes to the truth—the truth that the true agenda behind “homosexual rights” and forcing the lies of Evolution upon children, is all about the government gaining control over its citizens!

Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), Hitler's Nazi Propaganda Minister

Jesus warned in Matthew 12:25 that a house divided cannot stand. It is not a coincidence that Americans are divided on everything today, which the ungodly media keeps going. Much of the homosexual agenda is built on a house of cards, and it doesn't take much to blow it over! Americans need to speak up and stand up, besides throwing up, over the homosexual agenda! It is wrong to go along to get along with ungodly people! Psalms 1:1-2, “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.” If you love Jesus and fear God, then you are upset about the homosexual agenda as I am! I CARE!

Hitler's ungodly minister of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, truthfully stated:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

SOURCE: Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels.

Ladies and gentleman, that is EXACTLY what is happening today in America today! The ungodly media are the sole reason why the homosexual agenda is working. If it were not for the ruthless media, homosexuals would be the outcasts of society and NO ONE would respect, honor nor receive them! Why should we? Homosexuals are perverts! It got out in the news a few years ago in England, that singer Elton John's “marriage” is a sham, and that Elton and his “partner” are actually having sex with hundreds of men in wild parties! The media very quickly killed the story! Hearing that sickening story didn't surprise me one bit, because 28% of queers admit to having had sex with more than 1,000 partners!!! ...

Bell and Weinberg reported evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men. 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners.

SOURCE: Homosexualities: A Study Of Diversity Between Men And Women; Bell and Weinberg, page 308; ©1978.

Only in a facade of freedom, in a decadent society of tolerance of all manner of idolatry, covetousness, filth, evil and wrongdoing, can such wickedness as homosexuality thrive and even be given legal protections. This is the ugly TRUTH that the ungodly media has withheld from the American people. Have you ever noticed that Hollywood and the media always portray homosexuals by using two young attractive men with harming personalities, or two beautiful women with beautiful women with likable personalities? It is a deception. The ungodly liberals are trying to deceive you into thinking that homosexuality is a beautiful thing. Folks, never forget that the Devil is a beautiful liar! Never call “good” what God calls vile, sinful and an abomination!

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

Humanity is about to wake from a long and terrible nightmare. An ancient Satanic cult that has terrorized us for millennia is facing final defeat. The Jewish people are planning to celebrate their release from Babylonian slavery by building a new temple. This time it is expected to last forever. A new Golden Age is about to dawn for humanity. That is the big picture behind recent news events.

Now that the Satanists have been defeated in Ukraine, a final battle is about to take place to mop up the last major Satanist strongholds in Europe, the US and Asia, multiple sources agree.

The biggest event in the war to liberate the planet last week was the French and British Rothschilds throwing the Rockefellers and their fake President Biden under the bus. This was the story behind the visit to China by French slave President Emmanuelle Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
In any case, it also looks like Germany will join France in rejecting the Rockefeller-controlled US. The ethnically German King Charles of England went to Germany last week “to cement Anglo-German peacetime relations, fulfilling one of the late Queen’s missions,” MI6 says.

As a result of that meeting, German slave Chancellor Olaf Scholz is about to be removed soon via a parliamentary investigation into a corruption scandal of his. He will be replaced by someone who is not a Rockefeller stooge, MI6 says.
In any case, regardless of what happens in Europe though, the real showdown is taking place in the United States.

There we are seeing what appears to be Donald Trump version 3.0 appearing as Commander in Chief and getting ready for a final showdown with the Rockefellers and their fake President Joe Biden.

First of all, the Trump we have been seeing recently is clearly different from the one appearing even a few months ago. This one really does look presidential and in charge. This is a sign the long-awaited arrests may finally begin.

Dr. Michael Salla/Jon Stewart #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

Jon Stewart has spent more than 20 years researching the authenticity of a VHS Tape showing an alleged interrogation of a Gray Alien who was captured sometime around 1991. He watched the video soon after its release in 1996 and became intrigued by its realistic depiction of the Gray Alien. Stewart consulted video and animation experts, who did not detect any forgery. Stewart received a list of medical and military personnel directly involved in the interrogation and was able to speak with several of the named individuals or family members. He also learned about a disgruntled group of military insiders associated with the infamous S-4 facility at Area 51 who revealed they were behind the leaked video. Stewart concludes that the tape is authentic and was leaked by an insider called Victor.

Stewart is a former professional wrestler who worked with the American Wrestling Association on ESPN from 1988 to 1991 and became the AWA World Heavyweight Champion in 1996. He ran several times for the Illinois House of Representatives and the US Congress. His first campaign consultant was none other than President Donald Trump’s legal counsel, Kellyanne Conway before she joined the Trump White House. In this Exopolitics Today interview, he presents his trailer to a documentary of the Alien Interview, which he plans to complete by Fall 2023.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist

( Donald J Trump )
The Witch Hunt continues, and after 6 years and millions of pages of documents, they’ve got nothing. If I had what Hunter and Joe had, it would be the Electric Chair. Our Country is Rigged, Crooked, and Evil - We must bring it back, and FAST. Next stop, Communism!

( @RJ805 )


( @baxterc )

( @ThegreatuniterBLACKJACK )
@baxterc @RJ805 @realdonaldtrump 10x more evil

( @AdamHerrenvolk )
It only took us six years to fix what the Kikes broke.

@ThegreatuniterBLACKJACK @baxterc @RJ805 @realdonaldtrump

( @AdamHerrenvolk )
The (((jews))) blew up the Twin Towers killing thousands of Americans.

Commies made the “Anti-Defamation League” after Leo Frank (((jew))) raped and murdered an 11 year old girl and tried to blame it on a Nigger.

Leo Frank even had another Nigger murdered since he witnessed the (((jew)))

@baxterc @ThegreatuniterBLACKJACK @RJ805 @realdonaldtrump

( @Pastaboss )
@realdonaldtrump fuck off jew lover

( @RitMargue )

Waiting on you, Chief!

( @papasven )
@realdonaldtrump I'm with you all the way , Mr. President! Anything I can do, just let me know...

( @Dinduvius_Shekelstein )
@papasven President Blormph would like you to love niggers, Israel, record low black unemployment, legal spics, women's unemployment, decriminalized poopsex in Botswana as a condition of giving them our aide, Israel again, all of his RINO endorsements, his 100© jewish grandkids, and Israel one more time.

Any donations for these causes would be welcome. He'll use them to run a kosher censorship platform and boost his own ego this Hanukkah at his children's homes.

Mazel Tov!! MIGA!! Niggers and jews!!!!!!!!!!!


( @joeguererra )
@papasven @realdonaldtrump take the vaccine

Lance Wallnau #fundie

[In response to Trump’s indictment. Emphasis added.]

Why is the devil doing what the devil is doing? Because he’s manifesting because he knows he only has a limited time. Satan’s whole anti-Christ activity is him trying to consolidate control because he knows he’s about to lose everything. So, you have to really reinterpret what’s going on in the news, watching what’s happening with Donald Trump.

This is the time for the imprecatory prayers that would be answered, which is going to be, “May they fall into the pit that they have dug.” What would that look like? Well, it could be that there’s such an outrageous backlash over the clear political persecution of an innocent political candidate that we’re really becoming like a Venezuela or a Soviet Union where we find a crime to lock up or assassinate our political rivals. The American people won’t put up with it.

The elites in Washington, well, they shrug their shoulders. They’re happy that this is happening, but I’ve been listening to prophecies lately about sudden deaths, and it looks to me like there could be some sudden deaths coming in May. In May, you’re going to see some of the disciplinary hand of God come down upon those people that have been standing in the path of what he wants to do.

Donald Trump #wingnut


Alex Jones & Brett R. Smith #wingnut


Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is selling a “limited edition” of a children’s book that depicts President Donald Trump as a cartoon bunny named Thump. The book promotes white nationalist imagery and makes light of the video of Trump admitting to sexually assaulting women and the national outrage that followed.

The book, called Thump: The First Bundred Days, was written by a group of co-authors including Brett R. Smith, the creative director of the Steve Bannon-backed Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel, and Timothy Lim, who has worked with Marvel, Lucasfilm, and Hasbro. The book is published by Post Hill Press, whose books are distributed by Simon and Schuster.

The online store of Jones’ conspiracy theory outlet Infowars is selling the book with an exclusive poster showing Jones and Thump and describes the product as “the perfect book for teaching your kids or reading through it for yourself!”

Jones hosted Smith for a promotional interview on January 3, and flipped through the book, revealing some of its disturbing content.

On one page that Jones showed, the text read, “Thump found friends in strange places and in all shapes and sizes. Such as the frogs that croaked ‘KEK!’ They were full of surprises!”


The line is a reference to Pepe the Frog, an originally innocuous cartoon that was transformed into a talisman for white nationalism during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The book also references a video released in October 2016 that showed Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women. Thump reads, “Thump was caught talking of grabbing all things pusillanimous. Protesters even made pink hats: their ire was unanimous.”


Although pusillanimous is a synonym for cowardly, it’s a reference to Trump saying that he grabbed women “by the pussy.”

During segments of the broadcast, which also featured far-right troll and “Pizzagate” conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec, Smith explained, “We really wanted to come out with something fun and light, something that kids and adults, all Trump supporters could enjoy.”

Jones lavished praise on the book, suggesting people donate copies to their local libraries (after purchasing them from Infowars), and saying, “This is genius.” Smith added that what’s “great about Thump as well is that parents can use Thump to talk to their kids about Trump, and they can say, ‘No, Thump is a good guy, he’s the hero that we need.’”

Trump appeared on Jones’ show in 2015 to praise the conspiracy theorist’s “amazing” reputation. Since then, Jones has been a sycophantic supporter of Trump. He’s said he communicates with Trump and writes him memos, and most recently defended the president’s penis.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar

spoiler"THE BIDEN

@DrPaulGosar America would be a safer place without the FBI and CIA

@Footdoc @DrPaulGosar the last person to talk about dismantling the CIA got his brains splattered in Dallas


@DrPaulGosar #ImpeachAndIndict The Illegal Biden Fascist Regime Now to #SaveAmerica #DecertifyStolen2020Election "Manchurian Candidate China Joe Biden Must be #IMpeached & Indicted for crimes against American Citizens who support A FREE DEMOCRACY!! "We realize the power of our voices only when we are silenced." Malala Yousafzai #IndictTreasonusMikePenceForCertifyingFraudulent2020Election The little weasel only had ONE job as Vice President and that was to support his President Donald Trump & he couldn't even do that . "Those who would trade Essential Liberty for a little temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Benjamin Franklin #VoteOutAllTreasonoiusBastardRinosNowToSaveAmerica

@rpwarner @DrPaulGosar I agree just wait all these sheep liberals who wanted the Biden democrat regime will see when 87'000 IRS agents ts start victimizing everyone. That is what communism looks like.

“Jaime”, Francine Fosdick #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #pratt

Christian radio host Francine Fosdick, last seen on this site because a guest on her show falsely claimed the Red Cross was turning to human trafficking for blood donations, aired a prayer during her show that former First Lady Michelle Obama would be exposed as a man.

(She’s not even the first person this month to make that absurd suggestion.)

This prayer came courtesy of “Jaime,” a guest on the show.

“Father, I thank you for exposing all of the corrupt book deals, not only Obama’s, but Joe Biden’s, Michelle’s,” Jaime continued. “And speaking of Michelle, today ABC just had an article saying that she’s been named the most admired woman in the world for the second year in a row. Father, I am asking you that whatever plan they have to have Michelle or Hillary [Clinton] run for president, we call that cancelled in Jesus’ name. And I am asking you Father that the true identity of Michelle — Michael — would be exposed. Father, I am asking you that that whole family, that those children — they are not their children, they’re the children of Obama’s best friend — Father, we ask you that that whole lie would be exposed for the everyday person to see it, in Jesus’ name.”

Leave it to the worst kind of person to ask God to “expose” a complete lie. (Where Jaime got this information is anyone’s guess.)
Considering the Obamas are no longer even in the White House, this all seems rather overblown anyway. But since none of the doomsday predictions that conservative extremists made about the Obamas came true — no mass persecution of Christians, no round-ups for preaching — I guess they have to resort to this nonsense to avoid embarrassment. Even if we blow it off, there are people — somewhere — eating it up.

For what it’s worth, every display of faith made by Obama was far more genuine than what conservative Christians have seen from Donald Trump. And all that without hush money payments or a fervent desire to begin World War III to distract people from impeachment.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Number one, it was all declassified. Number two, they didn’t need to “seize” anything. They could have had it anytime they wanted without playing politics and breaking into Mar-a-Lago. It was in secured storage, with an additional lock put on as per their request...

@realdonaldtrump America is under seige! We need you Sir!!

@realdonaldtrump we know they are corrupt Mr. President. 2024 I pray you get re-elected



@realdonaldtrump I'll keep this short. Trump has been, since his announcement for president, the most persecuted human being that I am aware of, and I do not live in my parent’s basement. Yes, he has lots of money / resources but these marxists are trying to kill his wealth by a thousand cuts. I am proposing that nation-wide we begin a collection of CASH ONLY to be setup at places like bars and eating businesses along with drive by "fill-the-boot" events with ALL proceeds going to THE MAN who has placed himself between the Godless marxists one-world cabal and we American Citizens. These proceeds would be transferred into a secure bank account that Trump has sole ownership of so he may use the money for what he believes provides him and the nation the most security. Anyone out there that may have experience in setting up such drives please come forward so we can begin to make this happen.


Donald Trump #wingnut #god-complex

Former President Donald Trump reposted a meme calling him the "savior of western civilization" and appeared to respond to the suggestion favorably on his Truth Social platform.

Trump shared a post from a Truth Social user with the username @AQPatron early on Friday morning that included an image showing the former president and the phrase "They told me I could be anything I wanted so I became the savior of western civilization."

"Thank you. We have a long way to go, but we will get there!" Trump responded in what was likely a nod to his potential return to government.

Trump launched a new campaign for the White House shortly after the November midterm elections and he has been leading among potential Republican primary voters in most polls. The meme was in a thread of other users praising Trump for pursuing a second term, including one of Trump next to an American flag with the caption: "Donald J. Trump is the only one qualified to be President of the USA!"

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The Document Hoax Lawsuit, which is the “Weaponization” of the Justice Department and the FBI, is yet another Scam against me, much like Russia, Russia, Russia, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, the Mueller Report (No Collusion!), Spying on my Campaign (and getting caught!), Lying to the FISA Court, Lying to Congress, Illegally Breaking into my home in Florida in violation of the Fourth Amendment, also violating the Presidential Records Act, and so much more. This is all being done in order to hurt a political opponent, me, who is leading in all of the polls by over 50 points against Republicans, and from 5 to 10 points against the two primary Democrats, Biden and North Korea Sympathizer Kamala Harris. They have been doing this to me for six years ever since my wonderful journey down the “Golden Escalator.” The Radical Left Democrats are out-of-control, and our Country is going to Hell!

@realdonaldtrump and the do-nothing Republicans do nothing because there is not two parties there’s only one the uniparty that seeks to destroy the United States as we know it.

@realdonaldtrump When you get back in, I hope you aren't so nice to all the people determined to ruin our Country.

@MKemry @realdonaldtrump If he gets back in, he'll sell even more poison vaxx shots to MAGA Americans, like the millions he already convinced to receive it.

@realdonaldtrump TRAITOR JOE and His DemonRats Comrades-in-arms are manipulator, exploiter, and oppressor!


@MasonCutlip @realdonaldtrump

Bolsheviks to the Left of me, Zionists to the Right.
Here I am.
Stuck in the middle with jews!

Tom Luongo #wingnut #conspiracy

So, the Democrats and their Davos benefactors have finally done it. They have finally found something they can indict President Donald Trump on. Apparently 34 somethings, which makes for great headlines.

The usual suspects have been thrown their chum — both TDS patients and MAGAtards. The social media war is now in full swing. And, frankly, it couldn’t be more tiresome.
This is a case so legally tenuous that even the Federal Government, famous for being able to convict a ham sandwich, wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole.

Because indicting Trump for any of these petty things is nothing less than the end of politics and a declaration of civil war.

Davos through the Democrats have been running a culture war for decades to stamp out the past. It is quite Leninist.
But, ‘just not done’ is exactly the thing being indicted here, not Trump. Trump is just the fulcrum on which all of this rests.

This is just the politics of envy taken to its ultimate conclusion. Racism, sexism, ageism, transphobia, LGBTQT+BBQ Sauce rights are all the same political position. They are all about tearing down the old institutional order.
Did I mention these people have the epistemology of weevils?

Again, in the South we say, “Some people just need killin’” Well, to the puritan mind, “Some societies just need killin’.”

That’s why Trump’s indictment signals the end of politics as we believed it operated. The key word there was ‘believed.’ We are dealing with people who see those that disagree with them as irredeemable.

You voted for Trump? Twice? Burn in hell you fascist!
Davos knows this is it for them. 2024 in the US or bust. George Soros said as much at Munich this year. This is why Trump needs to be indicted even though the case is legally illiterate.

Look, the conservative commentators who think that indicting Trump will only improve his chances of winning the election are wrong. It doesn’t matter that he can run for office from jail.

Mr. New York #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #quack #conspiracy

People are losing it already. 55% of the double jab will die and med beds will not be able to save them. 20% who took one vaccine will die. 40 to 50 % of the double jabbed will lose their soul, but God is making a plan to save them. Right now their souls are going to a different planet and locking them in , the cabal is thinking they can capture these souls but god will save them. The ones who lost their souls will have something go into them that is not their soul, like demon possession and and something AI that they cannot control.
3d souls are going off the planet, the double jabbed people will disappear through a black hole to live on in a copy of 3d earth. At some point they will dematerialize from this dimension. They are being drawn to a different planet. We will remember some aspects but they will wipe our memories of these people. A reset on the timeline occurs around the 2026, solar flash event.

Med beds will be available to general public January 2024, or about 4 months after NESARA’s Announcement. The souls of the vaccinated can come back but a ritual is needed. Most people will go through the med beds to get younger. If they don’t their soul will be on another hidden planet.
Trump travels off planet all the time on a spaceship with the tall whites. He comes back all the time. This will never be made known to the public though. Melania is with him and she is human, and not a ET. Baron Trump is a hybrid because his father Donald Trump is a Nimeolad ET, he is from a different planet and he is trying to have children all around the universe.
The person projecting himself while he is gone is a clone and does not have Trumps soul. When Trump comes back it will be the original Trump with a soul and he is more emotional. The reDonald Trump was told vaccines were good. Probably this is because gen 1 was supposed to contain HCQ and ivermectin and not the death shot Fauci gave us instead.

Donald Trump #wingnut

Former President Donald Trump on Friday proposed building up to 10 futuristic “freedom cities” on federal land, part of a plan that the 2024 presidential contender said would “create a new American future” in a country that has “lost its boldness.”

Commuters, meanwhile, could get around in flying cars, Trump said – an echo of “The Jetsons,” the classic cartoon about a family in a high-tech future society. Work to develop vertical takeoff and landing vehicles is already underway by major airlines, auto manufacturers and other companies, though widely seen as years away from reaching the market.

“I want to ensure that America, not China, leads this revolution in air mobility,” Trump, who announced his third bid for the presidency in November, said in a four-minute video detailing his plan.

He said he would launch a contest to charter up to 10 “freedom cities” roughly the size of Washington, DC, on undeveloped federal land.

“We’ll actually build new cities in our country again,” Trump said in the video. “These freedom cities will reopen the frontier, reignite American imagination, and give hundreds of thousands of young people and other people, all hardworking families, a new shot at home ownership and in fact, the American dream.”

Donald Trump #wingnut #conspiracy


The Last Trump #fundie #wingnut

Words cannot express just how refreshing it is to hear the voice of actual reason once again. Donald Trump is quite possibly the only one with any chance in hell of correcting the downward slide of liberal left extremism that has created "upside down world" in "Bizarro America" now completely unrecognizable from Her former glorious self.
God help him. He's got a long, difficult road ahead!

Michael Knowles #wingnut #conspiracy

It's so obvious that these guys fear Trump and want to do everything they can to prevent the people from having a choice -- that this is the silver lining of this whole storm cloud. The silver lining is that I think we can finally dismiss, once and for all, all the ridiculous piffle that the Democrats tell us about our sacred democracy. Our -- Donald Trump and the Republicans are a threat to our sacred temples of democracy, our cherished norms. We don't act like this in America. We are better than this. No, you're not better than this. You're breaking all the norms. You are undermining our allegedly sacred democracy. You're jailing your political opponents like a two-bit dictator in a banana republic, which some of us conservatives have observed for a long time. So, okay, that's how they want to play, fine. I do not want to hear it anymore about our sacred democracy or any of that other stuff. Don't want to hear it one little bit.

What should the Republicans do in response? I think that a Republican governor or, more precisely, I guess a Republican attorney general, should arrest a prominent criminal lib. There is no shortage of candidates of prominent liberal politicos who have committed crimes. Look around the Clinton circles. Look around the Biden circles. Look at Clinton and Biden themselves. Plenty of big criminal libs out there who have completely gotten off the hook. And there are plenty of Republican governors and attorneys general out there -- I think you would need a Republican governor as well as an attorney general, because if the attorney general indicts a big prominent criminal lib and there's a Democrat governor, the Democrat governor will apply political pressure or eventually, probably, just pardon the criminal lib. So I think you need to have a Republican governor there as well.

pope_head #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist #wingnut

This images is one of the biggest anti christian psyops in history


the methodology behind this "reconstruction" is some guy just picked a random skull from the area and time in which Christ lived, did an artistic "reconstruction of what he might have looked like" and now its framed as a "scientific depiction"

frame something as scientific and literally any midwit will eat it up. this reconstruction wasn't "scientific" and the "scientist" was actually an artist.

scientists in the future: "behold, by analyzing a skull from the early 21st century, we have successfully recreated a scientifically accurate image of Donald trump:


this is literally what the "scientist" did with the recreation of Christ

they did everything they could to make him look like a bumbling retard. nobodies is going to believe this guy is GOD. (not that what he looked like matters, but its obvious this was a purposeful psychic attack to turn people off subconsciously)


this is what Christ looked like, if you disagree, cope and seethe freak


He may not have looked exactly like this but he was native to modern day palestine, so he definitely wasn't pale, blonde and with blue eyes.

never once said he had blue eyes. Im convinced you people have never met an old blooded pre Arab invasion levantine before


A 100% Levantine Canaanite Christian DNA Test from Lebanon


oh yeah, and Muhammad is described as having red hair and white skin, here is one of his ancestors. the fact that many of you have no understanding of middle eastern genetics is hilarious to me


sorry descendants, its early

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The FBI and others from the Federal Government would not let anyone, including my lawyers, be anywhere near the areas that were rummaged and otherwise looked at during the raid on Mar-a-Lago. Everyone was asked to leave the premises, they wanted to be left alone, without any witnesses to see what they were doing, taking or, hopefully not, “planting.” Why did they STRONGLY insist on having nobody watching them, everybody out? Obama and Clinton were never “raided,” despite big disputes!

@realdonaldtrump is great, but have you ever considered not voting for Jews and Zogbots?

Good morning to everyone except to the LOSERS who just want to sit back and wait for 2024. YOU Sheep are part of the problem! Thanks a lot. 😡
#Fix2020First #IStandWithTrump #Ignore2024


@realdonaldtrump the same reason they didn’t want anyone to witness anything that was going at at the polls on November 3, 4, 2020…

@realdonaldtrump no doubt about that they probably planted items. So for the record criminals running this banana republic, free Americans will not support any claims against President Trump because it’s obvious that they are purposely trying to destroy him ! Any evidence or any claims they bring up on media or social media will be only met with distrust and dismissal. Don’t waste your time. Don’t waste taxpayers time we’re sick of this shit!

@realdonaldtrump I believe Biden for once when he says he knew nothing about the illegal raid on President Trump's home on MAL.

Why do I believe Biden?

Because Obama gave the order.

Under Obama the FBI became more corrupt and lawless than any criminal or criminal organization the FBI ever investigated or pursued. The FBI has become the Gestapo, the KGB, the enemy of the American people.

Leo Hohmann #conspiracy #wingnut

Modern globalists tell us their plans in the wide open. They say that by 2030, if we will just trust their plan to create a Fourth Industrial Revolution, we will “own nothing and be happy.” Of course there is a downside to the utopian dreams, which one of their leaders, Yuval Harari, warns us about. He says openly that most humans will become “useless,” replaced in our jobs by artificial intelligence, and kept pacified by drugs and various digitized entertainment.
Because the globalists’ climate agenda doesn’t resonate with conservatives, the globalists need a prominent conservative political voice who could take their message and communicate it in a way that appeals to conservative patriotic Americans.

Enter the perfect stooge: Donald J. Trump.

In the same way Trump offered his services to the globalists when he sold their deadly mRNA clot shots to conservatives, he is now signaling to them that he is willing and available to be used again — this time to convince us to move back into the cities, where we will be safe, secure and well taken care of.

Trump over the weekend used a campaign message for his 2024 presidential run to tout his idea of building 10 futuristic smart cities on federal lands, a project he would bid out to private mega-developers.

But instead of calling them “smart cities,” Trump, in classic Trumpian form, has rebranded them as “Freedom Cities.”

Watch and see if 99 percent of the “conservative” media isn’t taken in by this.

Instead of being evil smart cities run by Democrats, when Trump builds them they will be sexy “Jetsons-like Freedom Cities,” a place where conservatives will flock to buy new smart homes connected to the smart grid with their smart cars zipping vertically up and down from one place to another within 15 minutes of their homes. How cool is that?

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
The highly partisan Democrat Witch Hunt goes on, this time in New York where, after viewing millions of pages of documents over many years, charges were brought against a long time Trump executive who they “tortured” & threatened for years, for not paying taxes on the use of company cars, the use of a company apartment, & the education of his grandchildren. No such “fringe benefits” case has ever been brought criminally(?) in the U.S., & right during the important Mid-Term Elections, of course!

Can you imagine, the failed Manhattan District Attorney, Cy Vance (at the time), took Crooked Hillary Clinton’s lawyers, from her and the Democrats Law Firm, Paul Weiss, Rifkind…., and gently placed them into the District Attorney’s Office in order to PROSECUTE “TRUMP.” They have GREAT liability for doing this! It got so bad that various prosecutors quit because they thought that Donald Trump was being treated so badly and unfairly - and it continues. In the end, Justice Must Prevail!

( @Publius2024 )
@realdonaldtrump Covid was a hoax. Why didn’t you say so? Coward.

( @Watchman_Joe )
@realdonaldtrump NY is ordered to pay the unlawful vax mandated employees.. you are next.. BIG law suites coming for you Mr Warp speed!!

( @PathosAvenger )
@realdonaldtrump TLDR: waaah. Donnie, we all know they use the system to hurt anyone they want. You had a chance to change it, and YOU FAILED.

( @WakeTheFuckUp )

Guess what else happened?

America was terrorized & torn apart for 2.5 years by a fake pandemic that you launched with your signature in February 2020.

Then you told us to get injected with a deadly gene therapy created by psychopathic criminals.

Remember that?

( @Larryoham )
@realdonaldtrump Democrats have no shame. Republicans should start using the same tactics. Put Hunter in jail, Impeach Biden. Go after anybody that supports Biden and make them rue the day they stole 2020. Put all the Mules in jail.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #quack

( Donald J Trump )
Who is going to enter the Trump Quicksand? Many have tried, leaving permanently damaged, or never to be heard from again!

( @Rjbz82 )
@realdonaldtrump vaccine salesman!

( @JimSerafin )

spoilerFor all the Trump haters
out there, what did you
hate most: no wars?
Middle East peace? Strong
American economy? No
inflation? Growing 401 Ks
Market profits? Low gas
prices? A secure oil
reserve? Lower taxes? A
strong dollar?

( @Parkersburg1962 )
@JimSerafin @realdonaldtrump The vaccine dear. It ruined my fucking life.

( @dirtygirt )
@Parkersburg1962 @JimSerafin @realdonaldtrump Did you not make the choice to take it?

( @Parkersburg1962 )
@dirtygirt @JimSerafin @realdonaldtrump no I had a nervous breakdown because my job was forcing me to take it and I knew it was the wrong thing. They finally paid me to leave because I was talking to an attorney. How about you? Did the existence of a vaccine that was totally untested compromise your life?

( @seanyo33 )
@JimSerafin @realdonaldtrump why not list “Vaccine Champion” and “BBC lover”?

( @RaptorsChamps19 )
@seanyo33 @JimSerafin @realdonaldtrump they only announced they had the vaccine after the election or do you not remember!?

( @seanyo33 )
@RaptorsChamps19 @JimSerafin @realdonaldtrump I remember Trump was the President who brought us Operation Warp Speed that sped up the production of that death jab and likely was the reason for it to be such an untested piece of shit. Do YOU remember him telling everyone that the vaccine was completed so fast because of him and Trump telling everyone to get it?

( @L10N3SS )
@JimSerafin @realdonaldtrump Jibbity jabs. Negroes get errythang. Incomplete wall. Less deportations than zerO.

@realdonaldtrump Is “Trump quicksand” code for the warp speed jabs?

( @fullmetaltruth )
@realdonaldtrump If you hadn't authorised an untried, unsafe depopulation concoction they'd still be alive.

( @QTardTerminator )

Like the J6 political prisoners?

( @Emmee83 )
@QTardTerminator @realdonaldtrump do you think the president who wins in ‘24 will pardon them all?

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut

White Renegade of the Year — 2022

The White Renegade of the Year is not the person who is the most anti-white. He is the person who could have done the most good, but instead did the most harm. This year’s winner is Boris Johnson.

Boris Johnson had the potential for greatness. Other than Nigel Farage, it was Boris Johnson who delivered victory in the Brexit referendum. His closing speech was magnificent.

Unfortunately, like President Donald Trump, Boris Johnson betrayed those who believed in him. Unlike Donald Trump, Boris Johnson can’t blame saboteurs within his own government and party, a ferociously hostile media, political inexperience, or Big Tech censorship. Whatever Donald Trump’s failings, our former president faced obstacles he never imagined when he descended the escalator in 2015.

Though it was not the sole cause, opposition to mass immigration was an important reason why so many Britons defied the political establishment and voted to leave the European Union.

In 2019, after Brexit, Boris Johnson and the Conservatives ran and won the election on a strong anti-immigration platform. Immigration then increased.

From 2019 to May 2022, visas issued to Indians surged by 164 percent, Pakistanis by 255 percent, and Nigerians by 415 percent.

Brexit voters thought they were limiting immigration; Mr. Johnson expanded immigration beyond the European Union.

Boris Johnson also offered more visas to Indians in exchange for more trade with the former Raj. Indian leaders must hardly believe their good fortune: They can get more economic benefits and more revenge colonization. Though Boris Johnson’s term lies a-moldering in the grave, his agreement marches on, with India and the UK recently striking another deal. The interests of the British people don’t matter.

The Conservative government is now mulling an effort to get “migrants” to move to rural areas to “combat depopulation and replenish ageing communities.” In other words, replace Britons. “So what?” asked former Conservative Health Secretary Sajid Javid when Nigel Farage charged that the people of Britain are being remade. If that’s conservatism, it’s hard to care whether Labour wins the next general election.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Donald J Trump)

@realdonaldtrump Remove the Jew

Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

@R2002hh the bolsheviks killed 70 million christians. Hitler was right. Shove it

@R2002hh Are Barrack Obama, Maxine Waters, Eric Adams, Mazie Hirono, AOC, etc. Jews?

In the absence of Jews, would those non-Jewish communists not continue to rob us blind through the same government and central bank institutions doing it now?

People crying about Jews are controlled opposition, seeking to make the communists' enemies look like assholes, and social retards.

Don't be controlled opposition or a social retard. It doesn't help.

@Justice_4_Germans @R2002hh Government and central banks are how communists enslave. Those are the enemies.

How does labeling them all Jews help?

You're not serious. No wonder they're winning.

@William_Jaeger @R2002hh (((their))) golems are always well compensated with wealth, power and all the toddlers they'd ever want to rape. #HunterBiden is a golem.

@realdonaldtrump You're gonna have to stop the jews first, Donnie boy.

@realdonaldtrump the Jews are communists…

@realdonaldtrump your support of jews is countrr productive

Call out the kikes and the blacks and I’ll start listening again

Maybe you should’ve had this talk with your kids before they married jews


various commenters #wingnut

( @patriotkeepers )


( @ElijahF )
@patriotkeepers if you let them

( @patriotkeepers )
@ElijahF already been proven that "we let them" but will this time result in revolt?

( @IWV692 )
@patriotkeepers That is why we have to vote to overwhelm them.

( @smartvalueblog )
@patriotkeepers Never forget President Donald J. Trump and Republicans => [ Democrats and RINOs can only win Elections if they cheat, because they do not work for the American People. ] You will not win the 2022 or 2024 Elections, if you don't: 1) Make Valid Photo Voter ID mandatory in all States, 2) Use only Paper Ballots in all States, 3) Absolutely No Mail-In Voting {aka: election fraud = Illegal Immigrant Voting = "Dead People" Voting = Ballot Harvesting = Corrupt/dishonest Democrats/RINOs in action}, 4) Absolutely no "Drop Boxes" in any State, 5) Eliminate all Soros' and Companies rigged voting machines (i.e., 💩 Dominion, Sequoia, Smartmatic, ES&S, MS SQL DBMS, etc.) in all States, 6) Completely stop social media companies from banning Conservatives, Constitutionalists, and American Patriots, 7) Ban/prohibit all voting from the Internet and Social Media platforms and Clouds of/on Facebook, Google, Instagram, and Twitter (i.e., ban all on-line voting from these rigged and treasonous platforms), 8) Remove all of the corrupt partisan FISA judges, 9) Ban/eliminate "Ranked-Choice" voting, and 10) Drain the RINOs, Never Trumpers, and the useless GOP/Democrat Establishment Elitists/frauds. @USA @DeSantis2024 @realdonaldtrump @RealMarjorieGreene @LaurenBoebert @wendyrogersaz @DrPaulGosar @tedcruz @RandPaul @_JimJordan @TeamTucker

( @BestICan )
and REPUBLICANS did nothing to prevent FOR YEARS not just 2020
REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS just want to lay back and draw their check from LOBBYIEST ---the little bit they get from US TAX DOLLARS $200,000+ BENEFITS is NOTHING TO THEM@patriotkeepers

Donald Trump Jr. #wingnut

Ukraine has been given $130 billion not including what they got from the 220 billion that went “missing” from the Pentagon’s budget, but the people of East Palestine Ohio get nothing from FEMA?!? Joe Biden and the democrats hate your guts and will always put America last!

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Herschel Walker is being slandered and maligned by the Fake News Media and obviously, the Democrats. Interestingly, I’ve heard many horrible things about his opponent, Raphael Warnock, things that nobody should be talking about, so we don’t. Herschel has properly denied the charges against him, and I have no doubt he is correct. They are trying to destroy a man who has true greatness in his future, just as he had athletic greatness in his past. It’s very important for our Country and the Great State of Georgia that Herschel Walker wins this Election. With all that Herschel has accomplished, when you come from Georgia, and you see the name Herschel Walker when voting, it will be very hard to resist. Don’t!

@realdonaldtrump u should give him 500 billion dollars and suck his dick king

@Dirty_White_Boy @realdonaldtrump we have to vote for the Republican candidate no matter what to stop the Biden agenda… it is just the fact of the matter

@Kelly1959201 @Dirty_White_Boy @realdonaldtrump voting doesn't matter

@realdonaldtrump I just don't understand how the republican party's best option in Georgia is a black guy with a gay son who was a democrat most of his life.

Make that make sense to me.

@VonGustav @realdonaldtrump the GOP sucks man. They are probably just elated that a nigger will run for office as a republican.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #transphobia

I believe that Trump’s indictment by power-crazed Democrats is yet another necessary step for the trial by fire that will see America rise up against tyranny, censorship, election rigging and the demonic infestation of the Left that has produced child grooming, transgenderism, trans terrorism and widespread psychological trauma.

The world needed to see the insanity of the Democrats as they not only rigged the election against Trump (and America) but are even now trying to put him behind bars… just as Democrats themselves are never prosecuted for serious crimes, including bribery, human trafficking and treason.
In my opinion, Trump has been too self-centered and tone deaf to the systematic oppression of his own supporters. For years into his first administration, Trump seemed to be wholly unaware that his own supporters were being censored, deplatformed and de-monetized across nearly all tech platforms. Even today, Trump still does not understand that his Operation Warp Speed has resulted in the killing and maiming of millions of innocent Americans.

For Trump to be the leader that America needs, he must be willing to be nailed to the cross (so to speak) and show that he is willing to put his own neck on the line to take a stand for America. Trump must also learn to reject the establishment traitors and deep state goons that characterized his first administration.
This may be God’s plan, yet only Trump himself can decide if he will undergo the “Hero’s Journey” transformation necessary to become the revolutionary leader that America needs.

In effect, Trump must transcend Trump if he is to be a true leader for America’s restoration. (George Washington transcended Washington, by the way, and became a servant of God to achieve God’s plan for America as a Christian-founded nation).

Personally, I will not vote for Donald Trump the man. I will vote only for Donald Trump as a servant of God’s plan for America.

Donald J Trump & various commenter #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Everyone is talking about the big hurricane barreling into Florida, as they should be, but perhaps a far more important event in the longer term was the announcement that the Nord Stream I & II Pipelines out of Russia (which I brought to the World’s attention as President when I explained how crippling reliance on it could be for Germany and other parts of Europe. Everybody laughed at the time, but they are not laughing anymore!) has been SABOTAGED. This could lead to major escalation, or War!

@realdonaldtrump And it was probably Biden that ordered it to be blown up. Allowing the Biden coup to stand for so long is having a far more destructive effect than many people expected. Do you think the coward Republicans expected this kind of thing when they voted to confirm an election they all knew was fake?


-*Biden, " ...then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it...we will be able to do that."
-January 27, 2022 VICTORIA NULAND: “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

@ThomasJWasney @realdonaldtrump they always tell their intentions ahead of time

@realdonaldtrump I'm sick of this idiot who was too weak to stop an election steal on his watch.

@IbeeFree @realdonaldtrump He's assuming every one of us on Gab is going to vote for him again in 2024. He's very wrong.

@TrumpaBumpa @IbeeFree @realdonaldtrump. Of President Trump wins the primary then I will be forced to vote for him.

@Saltillo @IbeeFree @realdonaldtrump There's no way in hell I'll be voting for someone directly responsible for convincing millions to get a poison vaxx, and that includes Trump.

@realdonaldtrump Who cares about Germany! They asked for it! #FloridaMatters DeSantis has his priorities straight!

@ILoveDragons @realdonaldtrump germany is an occupied country, occupied by the americans. the russians left europe in peace, taking care of their own business at home - the american occupancy stayed and broke every international law in the book inciting war and illegal attacks.


Steve Bannon #wingnut

“Look at Fox News,” [Steve Bannon] said. “The president announces his – this is historic. A guy gave you four years of peace and prosperity, announces he’s going to run again after having it stolen in broad daylight of which they participate in — They don’t even, they cover it live for 20 minutes and then they say if there’s anything newsworthy, we’ll cut back, and they go to some panel and some discussion.”

“Note to Fox Senior management: When Donald J. Trump talks, it’s newsworthy,” shouted Bannon.

“They don’t respect you, read the depositions,” he said. “They have a fear and loathing and contempt for you. And you’re the ones that can make changes.”

He closed out with a threat to Murdoch.

“Murdoch, you’ve deemed Trump’s not going to be president. Well, we’ve deemed that you’re not going to have a network,” he yelled as the audience stood again, waving, cheering, and applauding. “Because we’re going to fight you every step of the way!”

CancelThisCompany #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy

Once upon a time, the cardinal rule of business was to never even discuss politics, yet nowadays, virtually all of the largest corporations have gone woke to one degree or another. Many have adopted Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (D.I.E.), AKA quotas based on skin pigmentation, gender, and LGBTQ instead of merit. Fortune 500 companies are literally keeping track of employees by race, and have launched 'training’ campaigns to indoctrinate employees into critical race theory, eerily reminiscent of early Nazi Germany. Many of these woke companies are in essence, hate groups. They push racial polarization, fomenting the democrat party's toxic culture war, including by pushing the false and racist narrative of systemic racism [1, 2]. Many have made substantial donations to various race-mongering groups including the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter, the ACLU, the National Urban League, the NAACP, and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Some have brazenly alienated half of the country by openly smearing Donald Trump and/or Republicans, by attacking voting integrity laws, and by pushing for censorship of conservative speech or of just speech, for example, by pulling advertising from Elon Musk-owned Twitter. Some are anti-2nd Amendment, are parroting global warming hysteria, are trying to tear down gender constructs, and are pushing the insidious media/democrat party divide-and-conquer agenda of separating people into 'oppressed' groups (women, LGBTQ, etc). Some of these companies have actually come out against parents having the fundamental right to protect their children from being sexually groomed in elementary schools. Others have adopted ESG, the woke rating system.

Woke companies are a danger to our freedom and values. This is why we MUST stop feeding the beast that is using profits from our purchases to fuel the destruction of our country. Show them what 74 million + consumers can do to their profit margins. It is your civic duty!

Roger Kimball #wingnut #dunning-kruger

Well, nobody thinks the Chinese are bearing gifts. But the response to that minatory skyborne bladder has ranged from Laocoön-like alarm to amused indifference. The Pentagon says it doesn’t think the blimp poses a threat, but then the Pentagon is home to General Mark “White Rage” Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd “Stand Down” Austin. Not much joy from that Keystone-Kop quarter.
I don’t agree with Mike Pompeo’s neocon penchant for invading other countries, but he is right that Biden’s weakness “assures Chinese aggression.”

It is worth remembering that during Donald Trump’s first term as president (note that I say “first term”), America and indeed the world was a more pacific place. Russia did not invade Ukraine. Iran was bottled up. The Abraham Accords brought peace to the Middle East. Amazing.
Biden has depleted our Strategic Petroleum Reserve, shuttered the Keystone Pipeline, and put the kibosh on fracking. He has gone a long way towards transforming the United States military into a gender fluid sensitivity camp while also undermining the U.S. economy by incontinent spending and by pursuing other inflationary policies. Biden and his puppet masters tried to stymie Trump by turning his catchphrase “MAGA” into a negative epithet (and if “MAGA” is bad, how much worse is “Ultra MAGA”?). As Julie Kelly remarked, “if the balloon was an unarmed female veteran, the government would have shot it by now.”

But it didn’t work. So-called MAGA policies really did “make America great again”—richer, more secure, more confident and patriotic. <...> High on that list of commonsense pursuits was the policy of “peace through strength.” The Chinese, I feel confident in asserting, would not have been deploying spy balloons over U.S. nuclear installations were Trump president. Neither, for that matter, would Vladimir Putin have invaded Ukraine.

Peace through strength. It works better than Biden’s “Chaos Through Senility.”

OratorBlog Information Warrior #wingnut #conspiracy

Ladies and gentlemen, it pains me to say this, but the evangelical base was swindled by Donald Trump and the globalists.

We all know that the term, “drain the swamp,” had an impact on the election. The words galvanized voters. They stirred up an emotional response. Why? Because the words offer hope that corruption would be destroyed in Washington, DC. However, for Donald Trump, “draining the swamp,” was never a part of his plan.

As you watch the video, you will see that this is true. Trump did not invent the term. The slogan was developed in 2014, one year before Trump decided to run for president.

The slogan was the result of Cambridge Analytica’s data mining weapons lab which discovered that the slogan got a strong response from voters.
This EXPLOSIVE video visits the hidden mystery of Trump Tower and looks into Trump’s involvement in the dark arts. It will also visit Trump’s interest with mysticism and mythical gods.

If you have wondered if Donald J. Trump is involved in secret orders, the evidence presented in this disclosure, will answer those questions.

It will also explain the origins of Baal worship and freemasonry symbolism
President Trump did Not Drain the Swamp, he let it Overflow and walked away to let it infect the entire Nation.

And don’t you dare call Me a Cabal Shill. I have fought for Truth and the Defense of America full time for 7 years without making a penny.

The ones who Are Cabal Shills are 90% of our Leaders. They never call out our True Enemies, nor exactly what we they are Really Doing. They Never Tell us What to do to Take Down our Enemies.

And that includes President Trump…

Don’t you Think It Is Damn Well Suspicious that President Trump Never Warned us about the Coming Great Reset NWO Dictatorship? Nor by One Damn Member of His Administration?

Now can you Guess Why DJT Likes 5G and AI So Much? Why He Likes the Transhuman mRNA Vax So Much?

Donald Trump Jr. #wingnut

This isn't just the radical left weaponizing the government to target their political enemies, this is them weaponizing the government to interfere in the 2024 election to stop Trump. The only solution is to shove it down their throats and put him back in the White House!!! #MAGA

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