Donald Trump

pope_head #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist #wingnut

This images is one of the biggest anti christian psyops in history


the methodology behind this "reconstruction" is some guy just picked a random skull from the area and time in which Christ lived, did an artistic "reconstruction of what he might have looked like" and now its framed as a "scientific depiction"

frame something as scientific and literally any midwit will eat it up. this reconstruction wasn't "scientific" and the "scientist" was actually an artist.

scientists in the future: "behold, by analyzing a skull from the early 21st century, we have successfully recreated a scientifically accurate image of Donald trump:


this is literally what the "scientist" did with the recreation of Christ

they did everything they could to make him look like a bumbling retard. nobodies is going to believe this guy is GOD. (not that what he looked like matters, but its obvious this was a purposeful psychic attack to turn people off subconsciously)


this is what Christ looked like, if you disagree, cope and seethe freak


He may not have looked exactly like this but he was native to modern day palestine, so he definitely wasn't pale, blonde and with blue eyes.

never once said he had blue eyes. Im convinced you people have never met an old blooded pre Arab invasion levantine before


A 100% Levantine Canaanite Christian DNA Test from Lebanon


oh yeah, and Muhammad is described as having red hair and white skin, here is one of his ancestors. the fact that many of you have no understanding of middle eastern genetics is hilarious to me


sorry descendants, its early

Donald Trump #wingnut #god-complex

Former President Donald Trump reposted a meme calling him the "savior of western civilization" and appeared to respond to the suggestion favorably on his Truth Social platform.

Trump shared a post from a Truth Social user with the username @AQPatron early on Friday morning that included an image showing the former president and the phrase "They told me I could be anything I wanted so I became the savior of western civilization."

"Thank you. We have a long way to go, but we will get there!" Trump responded in what was likely a nod to his potential return to government.

Trump launched a new campaign for the White House shortly after the November midterm elections and he has been leading among potential Republican primary voters in most polls. The meme was in a thread of other users praising Trump for pursuing a second term, including one of Trump next to an American flag with the caption: "Donald J. Trump is the only one qualified to be President of the USA!"

Donald Trump #wingnut #conspiracy


Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Number one, it was all declassified. Number two, they didn’t need to “seize” anything. They could have had it anytime they wanted without playing politics and breaking into Mar-a-Lago. It was in secured storage, with an additional lock put on as per their request...

@realdonaldtrump America is under seige! We need you Sir!!

@realdonaldtrump we know they are corrupt Mr. President. 2024 I pray you get re-elected



@realdonaldtrump I'll keep this short. Trump has been, since his announcement for president, the most persecuted human being that I am aware of, and I do not live in my parent’s basement. Yes, he has lots of money / resources but these marxists are trying to kill his wealth by a thousand cuts. I am proposing that nation-wide we begin a collection of CASH ONLY to be setup at places like bars and eating businesses along with drive by "fill-the-boot" events with ALL proceeds going to THE MAN who has placed himself between the Godless marxists one-world cabal and we American Citizens. These proceeds would be transferred into a secure bank account that Trump has sole ownership of so he may use the money for what he believes provides him and the nation the most security. Anyone out there that may have experience in setting up such drives please come forward so we can begin to make this happen.


Michael Knowles #wingnut #conspiracy

It's so obvious that these guys fear Trump and want to do everything they can to prevent the people from having a choice -- that this is the silver lining of this whole storm cloud. The silver lining is that I think we can finally dismiss, once and for all, all the ridiculous piffle that the Democrats tell us about our sacred democracy. Our -- Donald Trump and the Republicans are a threat to our sacred temples of democracy, our cherished norms. We don't act like this in America. We are better than this. No, you're not better than this. You're breaking all the norms. You are undermining our allegedly sacred democracy. You're jailing your political opponents like a two-bit dictator in a banana republic, which some of us conservatives have observed for a long time. So, okay, that's how they want to play, fine. I do not want to hear it anymore about our sacred democracy or any of that other stuff. Don't want to hear it one little bit.

What should the Republicans do in response? I think that a Republican governor or, more precisely, I guess a Republican attorney general, should arrest a prominent criminal lib. There is no shortage of candidates of prominent liberal politicos who have committed crimes. Look around the Clinton circles. Look around the Biden circles. Look at Clinton and Biden themselves. Plenty of big criminal libs out there who have completely gotten off the hook. And there are plenty of Republican governors and attorneys general out there -- I think you would need a Republican governor as well as an attorney general, because if the attorney general indicts a big prominent criminal lib and there's a Democrat governor, the Democrat governor will apply political pressure or eventually, probably, just pardon the criminal lib. So I think you need to have a Republican governor there as well.

Tom Luongo #wingnut #conspiracy

So, the Democrats and their Davos benefactors have finally done it. They have finally found something they can indict President Donald Trump on. Apparently 34 somethings, which makes for great headlines.

The usual suspects have been thrown their chum — both TDS patients and MAGAtards. The social media war is now in full swing. And, frankly, it couldn’t be more tiresome.
This is a case so legally tenuous that even the Federal Government, famous for being able to convict a ham sandwich, wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole.

Because indicting Trump for any of these petty things is nothing less than the end of politics and a declaration of civil war.

Davos through the Democrats have been running a culture war for decades to stamp out the past. It is quite Leninist.
But, ‘just not done’ is exactly the thing being indicted here, not Trump. Trump is just the fulcrum on which all of this rests.

This is just the politics of envy taken to its ultimate conclusion. Racism, sexism, ageism, transphobia, LGBTQT+BBQ Sauce rights are all the same political position. They are all about tearing down the old institutional order.
Did I mention these people have the epistemology of weevils?

Again, in the South we say, “Some people just need killin’” Well, to the puritan mind, “Some societies just need killin’.”

That’s why Trump’s indictment signals the end of politics as we believed it operated. The key word there was ‘believed.’ We are dealing with people who see those that disagree with them as irredeemable.

You voted for Trump? Twice? Burn in hell you fascist!
Davos knows this is it for them. 2024 in the US or bust. George Soros said as much at Munich this year. This is why Trump needs to be indicted even though the case is legally illiterate.

Look, the conservative commentators who think that indicting Trump will only improve his chances of winning the election are wrong. It doesn’t matter that he can run for office from jail.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist

( Donald J Trump )
The FBI and the Department of “Justice,” which paid a man $200,000 to spy on me, and offered a $1 million “bounty” to try and prove a totally made up and fake “dossier” about me (they went down in flames!), are now leaking nonstop on the Document Hoax to the Fake News.

Who could ever trust corrupt, weaponized agencies, and that includes NARA, who disrespects our Constitution and Bill of Rights, to keep and safeguard any records, especially since they’ve lost millions and millions of pages of information from previous Presidents. Also, who knows what NARA and the FBI plant into documents, or subtract from documents—we will never know, will we?

( @Dinduvius_Shekelstein )
@realdonaldtrump Maybe you should've spent your 4 years not appointing swamp kikes and tweeting and having your DHS concentrate on "White Supremacy" as our greatest threat...whenever you weren't sucking Israel's dick.

( @TitusRISE )
@realdonaldtrump What do you expect Trump? The United States of America has been taken over by a judaic mafia tribe. They are destroying ALL western countries with the goal of exterminating the White race world wide. They want the whole world for themselves.

( @Unknownusername1988 )
@realdonaldtrump I hope they lock you up right next to the political prisoners you left hanging on January 6th. Fucking self serving piece of shit.

( @Lori_4_USA )

Donald Trump #wingnut

Former President Donald Trump on Friday proposed building up to 10 futuristic “freedom cities” on federal land, part of a plan that the 2024 presidential contender said would “create a new American future” in a country that has “lost its boldness.”

Commuters, meanwhile, could get around in flying cars, Trump said – an echo of “The Jetsons,” the classic cartoon about a family in a high-tech future society. Work to develop vertical takeoff and landing vehicles is already underway by major airlines, auto manufacturers and other companies, though widely seen as years away from reaching the market.

“I want to ensure that America, not China, leads this revolution in air mobility,” Trump, who announced his third bid for the presidency in November, said in a four-minute video detailing his plan.

He said he would launch a contest to charter up to 10 “freedom cities” roughly the size of Washington, DC, on undeveloped federal land.

“We’ll actually build new cities in our country again,” Trump said in the video. “These freedom cities will reopen the frontier, reignite American imagination, and give hundreds of thousands of young people and other people, all hardworking families, a new shot at home ownership and in fact, the American dream.”

Steve Bannon #wingnut

“Look at Fox News,” [Steve Bannon] said. “The president announces his – this is historic. A guy gave you four years of peace and prosperity, announces he’s going to run again after having it stolen in broad daylight of which they participate in — They don’t even, they cover it live for 20 minutes and then they say if there’s anything newsworthy, we’ll cut back, and they go to some panel and some discussion.”

“Note to Fox Senior management: When Donald J. Trump talks, it’s newsworthy,” shouted Bannon.

“They don’t respect you, read the depositions,” he said. “They have a fear and loathing and contempt for you. And you’re the ones that can make changes.”

He closed out with a threat to Murdoch.

“Murdoch, you’ve deemed Trump’s not going to be president. Well, we’ve deemed that you’re not going to have a network,” he yelled as the audience stood again, waving, cheering, and applauding. “Because we’re going to fight you every step of the way!”

The Last Trump #fundie #wingnut

Words cannot express just how refreshing it is to hear the voice of actual reason once again. Donald Trump is quite possibly the only one with any chance in hell of correcting the downward slide of liberal left extremism that has created "upside down world" in "Bizarro America" now completely unrecognizable from Her former glorious self.
God help him. He's got a long, difficult road ahead!

Mr. New York #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #quack #conspiracy

People are losing it already. 55% of the double jab will die and med beds will not be able to save them. 20% who took one vaccine will die. 40 to 50 % of the double jabbed will lose their soul, but God is making a plan to save them. Right now their souls are going to a different planet and locking them in , the cabal is thinking they can capture these souls but god will save them. The ones who lost their souls will have something go into them that is not their soul, like demon possession and and something AI that they cannot control.
3d souls are going off the planet, the double jabbed people will disappear through a black hole to live on in a copy of 3d earth. At some point they will dematerialize from this dimension. They are being drawn to a different planet. We will remember some aspects but they will wipe our memories of these people. A reset on the timeline occurs around the 2026, solar flash event.

Med beds will be available to general public January 2024, or about 4 months after NESARA’s Announcement. The souls of the vaccinated can come back but a ritual is needed. Most people will go through the med beds to get younger. If they don’t their soul will be on another hidden planet.
Trump travels off planet all the time on a spaceship with the tall whites. He comes back all the time. This will never be made known to the public though. Melania is with him and she is human, and not a ET. Baron Trump is a hybrid because his father Donald Trump is a Nimeolad ET, he is from a different planet and he is trying to have children all around the universe.
The person projecting himself while he is gone is a clone and does not have Trumps soul. When Trump comes back it will be the original Trump with a soul and he is more emotional. The reDonald Trump was told vaccines were good. Probably this is because gen 1 was supposed to contain HCQ and ivermectin and not the death shot Fauci gave us instead.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Herschel Walker is being slandered and maligned by the Fake News Media and obviously, the Democrats. Interestingly, I’ve heard many horrible things about his opponent, Raphael Warnock, things that nobody should be talking about, so we don’t. Herschel has properly denied the charges against him, and I have no doubt he is correct. They are trying to destroy a man who has true greatness in his future, just as he had athletic greatness in his past. It’s very important for our Country and the Great State of Georgia that Herschel Walker wins this Election. With all that Herschel has accomplished, when you come from Georgia, and you see the name Herschel Walker when voting, it will be very hard to resist. Don’t!

@realdonaldtrump u should give him 500 billion dollars and suck his dick king

@Dirty_White_Boy @realdonaldtrump we have to vote for the Republican candidate no matter what to stop the Biden agenda… it is just the fact of the matter

@Kelly1959201 @Dirty_White_Boy @realdonaldtrump voting doesn't matter

@realdonaldtrump I just don't understand how the republican party's best option in Georgia is a black guy with a gay son who was a democrat most of his life.

Make that make sense to me.

@VonGustav @realdonaldtrump the GOP sucks man. They are probably just elated that a nigger will run for office as a republican.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut

White Renegade of the Year — 2022

The White Renegade of the Year is not the person who is the most anti-white. He is the person who could have done the most good, but instead did the most harm. This year’s winner is Boris Johnson.

Boris Johnson had the potential for greatness. Other than Nigel Farage, it was Boris Johnson who delivered victory in the Brexit referendum. His closing speech was magnificent.

Unfortunately, like President Donald Trump, Boris Johnson betrayed those who believed in him. Unlike Donald Trump, Boris Johnson can’t blame saboteurs within his own government and party, a ferociously hostile media, political inexperience, or Big Tech censorship. Whatever Donald Trump’s failings, our former president faced obstacles he never imagined when he descended the escalator in 2015.

Though it was not the sole cause, opposition to mass immigration was an important reason why so many Britons defied the political establishment and voted to leave the European Union.

In 2019, after Brexit, Boris Johnson and the Conservatives ran and won the election on a strong anti-immigration platform. Immigration then increased.

From 2019 to May 2022, visas issued to Indians surged by 164 percent, Pakistanis by 255 percent, and Nigerians by 415 percent.

Brexit voters thought they were limiting immigration; Mr. Johnson expanded immigration beyond the European Union.

Boris Johnson also offered more visas to Indians in exchange for more trade with the former Raj. Indian leaders must hardly believe their good fortune: They can get more economic benefits and more revenge colonization. Though Boris Johnson’s term lies a-moldering in the grave, his agreement marches on, with India and the UK recently striking another deal. The interests of the British people don’t matter.

The Conservative government is now mulling an effort to get “migrants” to move to rural areas to “combat depopulation and replenish ageing communities.” In other words, replace Britons. “So what?” asked former Conservative Health Secretary Sajid Javid when Nigel Farage charged that the people of Britain are being remade. If that’s conservatism, it’s hard to care whether Labour wins the next general election.

Donald J Trump #wingnut #mammon

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT! My official Donald Trump Digital Trading Card collection is here! These limited edition cards feature amazing ART of my Life & Career! Collect all of your favorite Trump Digital Trading Cards, very much like a baseball card, but hopefully much more exciting. Go to & GET YOUR CARDS NOW! Only $99 each! Would make a great Christmas gift. Don’t Wait. They will be gone, I believe, very quickly!

Q-Anon supporters #conspiracy #crackpot

There is very little that former President Donald Trump can do to anger his ultra-loyal QAnon support base, but shilling NFTs seems to be one of them.

On Thursday, when Trump announced that he was launching a series of $99 digital trading cards with some truly disastrous graphic design, even QAnon supporters turned on the former president. [Referring to them as] “shit storm debacle NFT announcement” “foolish NFT cash grab,” “This is shady shit” “A fucking NFT? He needs a new PR team.” “a dogshit play.” “Cringe and tacky.” “tone deaf to a VAST MAJORITY of Trump’s base.”

But just as quickly as QAnon believers criticized the announcement as a major disappointment, the community quickly did what it does best and came up with multiple reasons to excuse Trump’s money-grabbing scheme.

Some accounts pointed out that a Q drop back in 2019 mentioned a “Trump card” while others pointed out that it had been 1,700 days since that Q drop was posted, and because Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet, then it obviously means something very important.

Others performed even more complex mental gymnastics to reach a point where they were able to make sense of Trump’s decision to sell NFTs to his supporters, claiming that it was a plan to undermine NFTs.

“The invention of NFT was always an attempt to clamp down on free speech,” one QAnon supporter wrote on Telegram. “What Trump is doing is clever, we all know the liberals will hate anything Trump supports. By creating his own NFTs he has destroyed liberal support for NFTs and thus shut down any notion that any Democrat can support the creation of the NFT legal internet censorship structure.”

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar

spoiler"THE BIDEN

@DrPaulGosar America would be a safer place without the FBI and CIA

@Footdoc @DrPaulGosar the last person to talk about dismantling the CIA got his brains splattered in Dallas


@DrPaulGosar #ImpeachAndIndict The Illegal Biden Fascist Regime Now to #SaveAmerica #DecertifyStolen2020Election "Manchurian Candidate China Joe Biden Must be #IMpeached & Indicted for crimes against American Citizens who support A FREE DEMOCRACY!! "We realize the power of our voices only when we are silenced." Malala Yousafzai #IndictTreasonusMikePenceForCertifyingFraudulent2020Election The little weasel only had ONE job as Vice President and that was to support his President Donald Trump & he couldn't even do that . "Those who would trade Essential Liberty for a little temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Benjamin Franklin #VoteOutAllTreasonoiusBastardRinosNowToSaveAmerica

@rpwarner @DrPaulGosar I agree just wait all these sheep liberals who wanted the Biden democrat regime will see when 87'000 IRS agents ts start victimizing everyone. That is what communism looks like.

Meghan McCain #wingnut

Fox News contributor Meghan McCain on Monday called on conservatives to stop trying to defeat Donald Trump for president, arguing that Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton was “truly evil.”

“I wasn’t a Donald Trump supporter but this is the will of the American people,” McCain told Fox News host Neil Cavuto. “But I think Donald Trump has to step up and answer a lot of questions. And he has to start being a leader, and he has said he wants to unite this party. That means uniting people like me.”

“There’s so many things that I have a hard time defending about his rhetoric and his values,” she admitted.

“But you still prefer him over Hillary Clinton?” Cavuto wondered.

“I told you, a tuna sandwich over Hillary Clinton,” McCain quipped. “Because I think Hillary Clinton is truly evil, and she’s truly a liar and she’s been responsible in my opinion for getting people killed.”

“Come on,” Cavuto replied.

“She’s Darth Vader,” McCain insisted. “I can’t trust her in any way.”

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

It's All Rigged Like Pro Wrestling: If You Think Kari Lake, Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker Lost without a Rigged Election, You're an Idiot

I now believe it's a fact the 2020 election was rigged and stolen. By a collusion of big government, Big Tech and, in particular, the FBI who together held weekly meetings to suppress any stories beneficial to then-President Donald Trump along with any stories harmful to then-candidate Joe Biden. They blacked out any mention of Biden's corruption, his apparent case of dementia and in particular, the Hunter laptop scandal.

The emails released by Elon Musk show the FBI ordered Twitter (and other social media companies) to fix and rig the election against Trump. You can bet the FBI held the same meetings and gave the same orders to the mainstream media. The whole liberal media cabal was in on the steal.

This shows the 2020 election was rigged and stolen — exactly as so many of us warned and reported, while being called "election deniers" and "conspiracy theorists."

In other words, I told you so. I was right from day one.

I was right the first time, and I'll be proven right again. Nothing has changed. I believe Democrats are STILL rigging our elections — just more carefully and subtly. I'm telling you it happened again in the 2022 midterms. Our elections are still being rigged and stolen.

Donald Trump Jr. #wingnut

Ukraine has been given $130 billion not including what they got from the 220 billion that went “missing” from the Pentagon’s budget, but the people of East Palestine Ohio get nothing from FEMA?!? Joe Biden and the democrats hate your guts and will always put America last!

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Remember, just two years ago we had the strongest and best Southern Border in U.S. history. They weren’t coming up and through because they knew that it was going to be very hard to come in, and stay in. That’s the best Border policy of them all, by far. I built the Wall, and then added more. Remain in Mexico, we said. It all worked!!!

You didn't build the wall.
You let millions in the caravans in.
You didn't deport any.
You would have let millions more in but so many criticized your open borders you had to stop it. You are just like Joe, you asshole.

@realdonaldtrump You should still be running this country, sir. We all know who won the 2020 election...

@realdonaldtrump It seems to me that those in power hate the United States and are doing all they can to destroy it.

@realdonaldtrump No, I don't remember that. I live in TEXAS and for my entire life all I can remember is illegal invaders pouring over the border while the government kicks back and says, "Well, wtf do you expect ME to do about it??"

@realdonaldtrump And this is why they colluded against you. The WEF Globalists NWO agenda is greater than one man. They want a world wide digital prison....incoming is a cashless society.

@realdonaldtrump Beg your pardon sir, but YOU didn’t build the wall. Hard working American’s built the wall. There are Too many “I’s” in your speeches, not enough ‘We’s’. It’s arrogantly incorrect.
Not once have I heard you say, “I let the crooked democrats steal the election.”
No offense intended, just a fed up patriot making a point.

“Jaime”, Francine Fosdick #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #pratt

Christian radio host Francine Fosdick, last seen on this site because a guest on her show falsely claimed the Red Cross was turning to human trafficking for blood donations, aired a prayer during her show that former First Lady Michelle Obama would be exposed as a man.

(She’s not even the first person this month to make that absurd suggestion.)

This prayer came courtesy of “Jaime,” a guest on the show.

“Father, I thank you for exposing all of the corrupt book deals, not only Obama’s, but Joe Biden’s, Michelle’s,” Jaime continued. “And speaking of Michelle, today ABC just had an article saying that she’s been named the most admired woman in the world for the second year in a row. Father, I am asking you that whatever plan they have to have Michelle or Hillary [Clinton] run for president, we call that cancelled in Jesus’ name. And I am asking you Father that the true identity of Michelle — Michael — would be exposed. Father, I am asking you that that whole family, that those children — they are not their children, they’re the children of Obama’s best friend — Father, we ask you that that whole lie would be exposed for the everyday person to see it, in Jesus’ name.”

Leave it to the worst kind of person to ask God to “expose” a complete lie. (Where Jaime got this information is anyone’s guess.)
Considering the Obamas are no longer even in the White House, this all seems rather overblown anyway. But since none of the doomsday predictions that conservative extremists made about the Obamas came true — no mass persecution of Christians, no round-ups for preaching — I guess they have to resort to this nonsense to avoid embarrassment. Even if we blow it off, there are people — somewhere — eating it up.

For what it’s worth, every display of faith made by Obama was far more genuine than what conservative Christians have seen from Donald Trump. And all that without hush money payments or a fervent desire to begin World War III to distract people from impeachment.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
This is what’s happened to America in just two short years. No respect! However, a good time for our President to get to know the leaders of certain Third World countries. If I were president, they wouldn’t have sat me back there—and our Country would be much different than it is right now!

@realdonaldtrump Why won't you say "antiwhitism" and "white erasure"?

@realdonaldtrump The queen's funeral is a distraction from the more important funerals.

@realdonaldtrump ME ME ME ME ME

WHAT ABOUT US? What about the J6ers? What about ... aww fuck it, you don’t give a shit about anything but yourself.

@realdonaldtrump Well, maybe if you hadn't wasted your four years in office shamelessly pandering to niggers and jews, while totally ignoring the White Americans who actually supported you, you might still be president.

SGAnon/Judy Byington #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy

There is Military action all around Australia. Policing the tunnels to ward out the bad guys.

There were huge underground facilities all around the world, under the oceans and under all continents.

In the Pacific Rim and three other continents the Alliance was liberating children while taking down mercenaries and pedophiles.

The big public International Tribunals will be held in late summer – early Fall of 2023.
Those Tribunals were based on Election Treason, violations of the Constitution, War Crimes and whatever the part they played in the plan for extermination of mankind.

They were using Maritime Law to justify Tribunals held on Military ships.

Shortly after Trump was inaugurated the Illuminati command in control was decapitated

There is large scale tunnel destruction under Europe right now

For five years the Alliance has been working on the tunnels throughout the world.

The Alliance began forming during the reign of Barack Obama. They approached Donald Trump to be POTUS.

In America there were 4,003 counties run by Soros funded entities. County clerks paid off through laundered money.

The US was overthrown in 1831.

JFK Jr. is still with us.

Roswell files were very real. 1967 in the Nevada Desert were very real. We are being monitored by extraterrestrials.

The Antarctica Shelf is the most Militarized part of the world.

We are going to have the Emergency Alert System (EAS) activated all around the world in order to wake up the public, especially about Covid

Andrew Anglin #wingnut

[From "Andrew Anglin Officially Endorses Ye for President of the United States"]

He’s the only person talking about any of the issues that affect our lives

I encourage all of my readers to do whatever they can to help the Ye campaign, to vote for him in the primaries and vote for him in the general election

We can do this

Remember: they told us Donald Trump couldn’t win in 2016. Up until the election, they told us it was a joke and he had no chance

Nothing is impossible with God

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

You've Been Gaslighted: It's Clear Democrats Just Stole Another Election

When something is so obvious, if the outcome makes no sense, if the outcome is literally impossible, then it is what it is. Forget "proof." You know it. You saw it. You felt it. You experienced it. It happened. It's real.

It seems the 2022 midterm was just stolen. Just like 2020.

If you disagree, you're delusional, or terribly naive, or brain dead. Or you're in on the fix.

It's time to admit we're all part of a massive experiment in fraud, theft, brainwashing and gaslighting to a degree never seen in world history.

Think of all the times in just the past few years you've been gaslighted. I believe they lied to you about open borders...they lied about Hillary's 30,000 deleted emails... they lied about spying on former President Donald Trump... they lied about Russian collusion... they lied about a perfectly fine Ukrainian phone call... they lied about massive Biden corruption in Ukraine and China... they lied about the Hunter Biden laptop... they lied about the origins of COVID-19... they lied about the need for lockdowns and masks... they lied about the need for COVID-19 vaccines... they lied about the vaccines being "safe and effective"... they lied and covered up all the deaths and injuries from the vaccine... they lied about the success of miracle drugs hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin... they lied about the 2020 election...

You've been the victims of nonstop, severe gaslighting for a decade now. You're all part of a human psychology experiment in the limits that government and media can go in propaganda and brainwashing... while you can see they're lying right in front of your eyes.

And these are the exact same people now telling you Democrats just overperformed, and stopped a GOP red landslide, against all odds, without cheating and stealing the midterm election.

The Rev. William H. Grimes #fundie #transphobia

Bradley Edward Manning (often incorrectly referred to as Chelsea Elizabeth Manning against the will of the Lord Jesus Christ) is a far-left kook and traitor to the United States. Manning jeopardized United States national security as a sergeant in the military, and is also likely a double agent sent from the Kremlin. Manning is now considering a run for the United States Senate in Maryland, where he will surely lose if the identity politics embracing left decides to nominate him instead of the safe liberal incumbent without the baggage of being a traitor, double agent, and mentally ill sexual deviant.

Manning was sentenced to a long prison sentence for his heinous misdeeds, where he was commuted of it by former "president" Barry Soetoro of Kenya conveniently right before successor Donald Trump took office. This was probably done because he is a so-called "transgender" individual who lives in drag outside of a stage persona, therefore in a state of denial about his God given gender and sexuality as he is indeed an effeminate sodomite who has not had proper Biblical truth exposed to him in a convincing way.

2000 Mules/Dinesh D’Souza et al., Donald Trump #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt


"Highly respected Dinesh D'Souza, working together with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote, just released a trailer to their new movie, "2,000 Mules," that shows the world exactly how the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen. The movie exposes the lies of the Democrats, RINOs, and Fake News who say it was the "most secure election in history." It was, perhaps, the least secure in history. The ballot box was stuffed, and stuffed like never before—and it's all on video. Ballots were trafficked and sold in a massive operation in each Swing State. The evidence is so damning, what will the cowards who sat and did nothing about the stolen election say now? The way our votes were taken away is a disgrace to our Nation. It must be fixed."


D’Souza Media LLC presents a film produced by Dinesh D’Souza. Music by Bryan E. Miller. Featuring Catherine Engelbrecht, Gregg Phillips, Dennis Prager, Charlie Kirk, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Eric Metaxas, Larry Elder. Written and directed by Dinesh & Debbie D’Souza, Bruce Schooley. Executive Producers: True The Vote, Salem Media Group, Inc.


77% of Likely U.S. voters who have seen “2000 Mules” say the movie strengthened their conviction that there was systematic and widespread election fraud in the 2020 election.

various commenters #wingnut

spoilerFirst, they came for Alex Jones and you said nothing
because you did not believe in "conspiracy theories."
Then they came for Steve Bannon and you said
nothing because you were not a Trump supporter.
Then they came for Mike Lindell and you said
nothing because you didn't care about election
Next they will come for you. You had learned
nothing from history.

@Carryingmarine JUST REFUSE TO BE TAKEN.

@Carryingmarine Donald trump lifted the rug at the white house so everyone could see what was swept under it .now that rug had been lifted up so the world can see how truly corrupt it is. The world now knows the truth and no matter what the traitors who are in the white house say , we all know they must be jailed for the miss deeds and punished for the deaths of Americans and the political imprisonment and attacks on Americans who want to see this country free from thier criminal hands .


@Carryingmarine All in the name of fun and games and a paycheck.

That is what I call the people who voted for Biden. Welcome to our Fascist Country.

Congratulations for doing the bidding of the corrupt government.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The FBI was paying a big time Russian informant (Spy) all the way back to 2017, while at the SAME TIME they were accusing me of working with the Russians in the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax. In other words, they knew their case against me was, with all of the money and man hours spent, a Fraud!

@realdonaldtrump They run the US like a third world country. The US government is a joke. Thank you Mr. President for exposing them.

@realdonaldtrump If people within the FBI don't go to jail over this, they got away with it. There is no justice. There is no respect for our government as it is.

I wish Trump had actually been pro-Russia. Russia is the last hope for humanity on this New World Order infested planet. God bless Mother Russia. Any young Russians who hate their country can come to California ( you know who you are you Russia bashing Russians on YouTube). All the Russians I've known who came here have voluntarily gone back. They realize it sucks. How many Mexicans or El Salvadorans or even more so Somalis or Haitians ever go back? Russians come and then go back. That should tell you something.

@realdonaldtrump The Trump vaccine helped kill useless eaters.

@WhiteMansBible @realdonaldtrump The vaccine was patented and ready in 2015, All Trump did was expose their plan!

@joelray59 @WhiteMansBible @realdonaldtrump And he promoted the Vaccine that's killed millions didn't save anyone.

@joelray59 @realdonaldtrump He willfully surrendered with Operation Warp Speed and fled to Florida and now is looking to defraud his supporters out of million$ AGAIN.

@realdonaldtrump communist country now!

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

"There is a man by the name of Donald,” the voice on the recording says. “God said, ‘You have been determined through your prayers to influence this nation … I will open that door that you prayed about, and when it comes time for the election you will be elected.” Where are you? You’re in the Twilight Zone of the ‘Great Awakening’ of 2022 with Donald Trump as the chosen one of God. You’re also on Day 966 of 15 Days To Flatten the Curve, so you better buckle up.

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are watching politics, religion, the Bible, false prophets and wacky QAnon conspiracy theories all merging together in support of the re-election of Donald Trump who has been raised to a Joseph Smith level of homegrown prophet. Trump has now become something he never set out to be, the anointed one of God who is raising up America in the end times. Let me just pause for a moment and assure you that none of this is biblical unless you want to view it as a picture of the spiritual deadness and biblical illiteracy of the American people in the last days. Have you forgotten that Trump’s trusted group of ‘spiritual advisors’ include heretic Paula White and the 100% false prophet Kenneth Copeland? I may be wrong about this, but I don’t recall one, single Bible believer anywhere in the Trump camp. You are watching revival without repentance, preaching without sound doctrine, a call to arms without confession of sin. Spurgeon said it best when he observed that “A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats.” And here we are. All this and more on this special presentation of the Prophecy News Podcast on the eve of the most rancorous Midterms that anyone can remember. TO THE FIGHT!!!

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Why aren’t they going after the people that RIGGED the Election? Massive amounts of irrefutable evidence. They are only interested in those seeking the TRUTH! Third World Country.

@realdonaldtrump We're becoming a third world country because of the antiwhites, antiwhitism, and white erasure.

@realdonaldtrump Why would they go after themselves?


Why wont you shut up, murderer? You betrayed your own supporters and murdered millions with your operation warp speed. Get fucked you kike sucker.

@AnkokuKishi @realdonaldtrump Murdered Millions....good God your brainwashed as have no ACTUAL prove that millions have been sound like a leftist for fuck sake......GO AWAY BECAUSE YOUR IN THE WAY YOU FUCKING TDS FREAK!!!

@Liberty0rDeath85 @realdonaldtrump

Millions worldwide thanks to sucking the dick of big harma? Even with the fake death numbers around the world, if you add them all up, it will go over 1 million.

And theres no way we'll ever learn the exact numbers because of countries like Jaban, which have hid the numbers worse than even the US has. 1800 dead over here from the jab, but how can that be when i hear 5-6 ambulances a DAY? That doesnt add up, and even controlling for population size, there should be at LEAST 8000.

So yeah, millions dead and maimed, because orange bitch decided to push the jabs on people with warp speed. Keep supporting that murderer, trumptard.

@realdonaldtrump Why would criminals go after themselves?

@realdonaldtrump HELL! the GOP leadership is working with Democrats to do all this shit. Mitch McConnell has his nose up every Democrat ass. So does Kevin McCarthy.

@realdonaldtrump because you didn’t drain the swamp! Actually You added to it. Now law abiding citizens are paying the price.

Balddog4 #psycho #wingnut #crackpot

Three poster in one day! I am on fire today! Anyway not spending a lot of time on this. I just want to point out, that if Trump was like Hitler, then why is it that people still talk bad about him? Why is it that the newspaper still talk bad about him.

I'll tell you why, it's because Donald J. Trump is not Hitler. Hitler silenced the newspapers and anyone that spoke bad about him was put in jail. And some like Hans Scholl and his sister Sophie were executed by Hitler.

So let me look for a similar incident with Trump… Hmm I can't see to find one thing that states that Trump is like Hitler. And I can't find one thing that shows that Trump executed people, that Trump silenced newspapers or networks. Trump refused to talk to CNN, but that's his choice. He doesn't have to talk to any CNN news reporter nor his he compelled to.

People need to stop with these false claims and false statements.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
It’s impossible to explain how great the people last night were in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. The level of love they have for our Country is both unbelievable and highly impressive—it is more than anyone would ever know. If the Radical Left Lunatics that work so hard to destroy our Country could just get a little bit of the love, energy, enthusiasm, spirit, and patriotism that we witnessed last night, our Country would go to the top of every list like a rocket ship.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Rally last night. It was a two-hour speech, and the only disappointment was that they were screaming, “Please, please, go longer.” They love our Country, and I love them!

@realdonaldtrump When are you going to give some energy and enthusiasm to getting the January 6th prisoners released?


He's monitoring the situation of pardoning them now!


@realdonaldtrump Antiwhites will largely never change, they are motivated by jealousy and envy. You need to support White Wellbeing.

Notice that the TROLLS only come out of hiding when it’s Trump that has something to say…not the decepticon, illegitimate Biden? You trolls are pretty funny to think A) we can’t see you and B) we give a crap what you have to say. 😂. How does it feel to know your only upvotes are from other trolls? 😂😂😂 You people are the best joke of the day.

@Peanutbutterandjelly perhaps they're not trolls, but good Americans who don't want swamp creatures with death jab and booster coursing through his veins , telling us how great the shots are and how only he could get them out en masses.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Wow! Fox News is really pushing the Democrats and the Democrat agenda. Gets worse every single day. So many Dems interviewed with only softball questions, then Republican counterparts get creamed. RINO Karl Rove is unwatchable, very negative, and on all the time - Has a big record of losing! Not an easy place to be as a Republican, especially with all of the “pervert” purchased ads. If “low ratings” CNN ever went Conservative, they would be an absolute gold mine, and I would help them to do so!

@realdonaldtrump -- That's because fox news is just like CNN. Both controlled by the same group of people.

@realdonaldtrump I can't believe Fox has an audience after their participation in the Election Fraud of 2020.

@realdonaldtrump pretty sure you know Tucker is a double agent by now. Right?

@realdonaldtrump Karl Rove is a Bush deep state SNAKE. I have been DONE with Fox since the election, other than Tucker, Bongino and Levin, depending on who his guests are

@realdonaldtrump sorry to say, but we need a 3rd party, The MAGA Party. Let the RINOS have their Republican Party. It is time!



Nick Fuentes #fundie #wingnut

Nick Fuentes[…]declared during a livestream Tuesday night that he is going to spend the next two years raising up an army of thousands of far-right “soldiers” who will be ready to take over the government should former President Donald Trump be reelected in 2024[…]
Those who filled the ranks of government under Trump, Fuentes griped, were too concerned about their own lives and the welfare of their families to be willing to sacrifice it all for the cause[…]
“We need to raise an army of soldiers, not an army of pussies that have the right opinions,” Fuentes bellowed. “We need to raise an army of soldiers, and if you’re meek or weak or you’re a bitch, you need to hit the bricks because it’s finished, that movement is dead”

“This is my mission statement,” he continued. “My mission for 2024 is to raise an army of at least 1,000 groypers that will infiltrate Capitol Hill and the Trump administration as staffers and bureaucrats[…]
“I’ve recognized my role,” Fuentes said. “I’ve got an audience of young people. I’m respected. I’m a role model, and I’ve got an audience of energetic, zealous Christian American patriots. My exclusive mission in the next two years is to get as many of them as possible trained, vetted, testified, fortified, tested, and plug them in to Washington, D.C., or various other institutions, plug them into Capitol Hill, plug them into the White House[…]
“It’s our job to create an entire generation, a true movement, a cadre of 50,000 people to take over the government and create a lasting MAGA institutional revolution at every level of government,”[…]
“We got to come back in ’24 with the vengeance,” he declared. “Not care what the media says, not care what your friends and family say, not care what anybody says. It’s got to be, ‘Trump 2024: Make America Great Again Or Else.’ Like, at all costs. ‘America First At Any Cost’

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Biden has likened every MAGA Republican and Trump supporter to a domestic terrorist.

Republicans must be proactive.

We must dismantle the corrupt FBI and fire the deep state.

@DrPaulGosar Biden is antiwhite, the FBI are antiwhites, the deep state are antiwhites.

@DrPaulGosar But the republicans have a history of being afraid to stand up. Only Donald Trump had the balls to stand up.

@DrPaulGosar Goodluck with that
This speech was written and approved by Israel which 99.99% of the GOP worships also.
So nothing will happen

@DrPaulGosar Fire the deep state? Who is that exactly? Who will you fire? Name them. Will this include all of the degenerate, depraved and immoral pukes in congress? Tell us how you are going to accomplish this now that the communists are in power. Be specific because you Republicans are notoriously vague and almost never follow through.

@DrPaulGosar Dictator JOE Biden and his DEMONRATS' gang are an evil-doer, a warmonger,a cheater,a liar and an arrogant tyrant.

@DrPaulGosar Weird how the 'domestic terrorists' tend to attack citizens where they are most vulnerable but the government where they are most fortified. 🤔

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The fired agent who was just escorted out of the FBI headquarters is the person who got the FBI to do a Raid on a home, Mar-a-Lago, that has “stirred” the World and created anger and hostility toward the FBI and DOJ the likes of which have perhaps never been seen in our Country before. The “Special Agent” In Charge of the unprecedented and unnecessary Raid and Break In of Mar-a-Lago, who concealed the partisan nature of evidence to secure the FBI’s approval to open an investigation into the 45th President in the first place, was also involved in the hiding and suppressing from the Public and the Media, the “Laptop from Hell,” the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, and so much more!

@realdonaldtrump Mr. President, let's talk a minute about Operation Warp Speed. Your hesitancy to own up to your poor judgment or worse concerns me. Kids are dying. Why not come clean, say pharma deceived you, whatever. I think people are starting to see the real you, and I don't think they like what they see. You can be forgiven, but you need to step up to the plate and own what you have done (not brag about it). I know that's hard if not impossible for you to do. Are you too compromised? Corrupt? Just have bad judgment? What's up? You will give account to the Lord Jesus Christ, are you ready for that?

@Alethinos @realdonaldtrump Trump believed, naively for sure, his health experts, especially fauci. Little did he know the little elf was the one who helped design the virus and I'm sure was in on the order to release it to try to unseat an economy that was punishing his partners the Chinese, and would certainly meant a difficult time of stealing the election from him.

If only you had drained the swamp and secured our elections...

@Teamsaveamerica #wingnut

We weren’t “homophobic” until you started messing with our children.

We weren’t “racist” until you started calling America and Americans irredeemable and deplorable.

We weren’t “fascists” until you started shutting down our free speech and banning us off the internet and social media.

We weren’t “Nazis” until you started assaulting us in the streets and physically attacking our rallies & protests.

We weren’t “bigots” until you started denying biological facts and rewriting the dictionary.

We weren’t “violating community guidelines” until after Donald Trump won the 2016 election.

We weren’t “offensive” until you started canceling everyone that was different than you.

We weren’t “misogynists” & “sexists” until women started murdering babies up to the moment of birth & even after, getting body counts in the hundreds, and making Only Fans.

We weren’t “conspiracy theorists” until you murdered Jeffrey Epstein in the most secure prison in the world and called it a suicide.

We weren’t “a threat to democracy” until after you burned our country to the ground for 5 months straight, held the entire country hostage using Covid, literally changed the election rules during election season without authority to do so, rigged Big Tech & social media to commit mass election interference (more election interference than in all of recorded history combined) everyday, illegally covered up the Hunter Biden laptop during election season, sent out ballots everywhere - even to empty lots, hired thousands of illegal mules during an election, stopped the vote count, and deplatformed the sitting President of the United States off all social media.

Lauren Witzke & Various commenters #wingnut #fundie

(Lauren Witzke)
We need more fighters who will stand up for persecuted Christians as @DrPaulGosar does in office!

@LaurenWitzkeDE @DrPaulGosar Christians? Just shut up. This is antiwhitism, they are targeting whites.

@LaurenWitzkeDE @DrPaulGosar Donald Trump told you this would happen if Biden was elected president and he was right!

@Gunsmith4570 There have been damn few things Trump wasn't right about. Unlike Dopey Joe and Camel Toe who have missed every opportunity for adequacy.


@LaurenWitzkeDE @DrPaulGosar

I knew you were fucking ZOG.

Jon Voight #conspiracy #wingnut

It is with great honour that I say ‘God Bless America’.

Let us all wish this great land a healing from all the unrighteousness that is taking place. My fellow Americans, we are in danger of a Third World War. We as a family of One Truth must hear this now, look at this lie, this deceit that continues day after day. Can you not see this lie? We must all wake up. Wake up because if we don’t see this lie, this land will die, die in its freedom, its beauty, its opportunity. It’s supposed to be the Land of the Free, it’s far from this. It’s a dark web, a dark world but not for long because my friends, a change is coming and a new light will emerge. We must all see this truth and allow justice to take place now.

You see, the only way we can win these elections is to see the lies, deceit and corruption from the Left, the media and the Unknowns, who know who they are. Let us all come together and [inaudible] for true justice for all. Let us pray that the one President who understood truths and had the best interests of the American people, the American Dream, President Donald Trump, will return to the Presidency. He, and only he, can stop this swamp, this deceit and injustice.

My fellow Americans, wake up. Wake up from this bad dream and bring back life, justice, truth in the only land that’s meant for dreams of goodness, the Land of the Free, America, the greatest land, the greatest soil for mankind. And this, my friends, is where we must see the truth. Allow President Trump to rebuild our soil and out land so we can rise to her glory.

Much love to you.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
A major motion pertaining to the Fourth Amendment will soon be filed concerning the illegal Break-In of my home, Mar-a-Lago, right before the ever important Mid-Term Elections. My rights, together with the rights of all Americans, have been violated at a level rarely seen before in our Country. Remember, they even spied on my campaign. The greatest Witch Hunt in USA history has been going on for six years, with no consequences to the scammers. It should not be allowed to continue!

@realdonaldtrump How about the rights of J6 political prisoners who are rotting in jail for you, you kike-worshipping maggot?

@realdonaldtrump the lives of the j6ers have been destroyed, file a motion pertaining to the fourth amendment on their behalf.

@realdonaldtrump What about the Jan 6 gulag you fat asshole?

@realdonaldtrump Yeah. The last time American's rights were violated this bad was when your supporters were thrown in prison and you did nothing.

It must be tough for you, Donnie...did those agents wipe their feet before they entered the mansion? Oh, the horror!

@Don1975 Trump sending his supporters to the Capitol: "And I'll be there with you". Never forget, never forgive.

@realdonaldtrump Some of the comments here are deplorable . I know it and you know , how the deep state is so entrenched in OUR government that it will take many years to drain the swamp .The DEMONRAT party own the media and every 3 letter agency in OUR government . They must be controlled by satan himself . This struggle is bigger than 45 , you shined a light in the darkness and the darkness comprehend it not....

@Speed455 @realdonaldtrump tell that to people who are being treated as terrorist for walking in the capital.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The Justice Department and FBI are “leaking” at levels never seen before - and I did nothing wrong!!!



@realdonaldtrump Keep hangin' tough Mr President!


@cinjans @realdonaldtrump why is it always old women who love trump

You didn't do enough to stop the antiwhites while you were in office, that's what you did wrong.

@realdonaldtrump We've been leaking here at Gab too! We like to leak info about all the damage your poison clot shot is doing to good Americans. Some of them forced to take it to keep their jobs. We know you care as much about them as you do the Jan 6 protestors that you fooled into going to jail. I see you Trump. You're one of them.. What do they have on you? Is it an Epstein tape? How can you sleep at night, traitor?

Tommy Tuberville #racist

Saturday’s Donald Trump rally in Nevada naturally featured some extremist comments, chief among them a false—and racist—tirade from Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), who claimed that Democrats are in favor of “reparations” because they are “pro-crime.” Tuberville’s speech also called for an end to food stamps, education reform, and closing the border. “No, they’re not soft on crime, they’re pro-crime. They want crime!” Tuberville said to the fringe crowd. “They want reparations because they think the people who do the crime are owed that. Bullshit!” The remarks at an event intended to promote Stop the Steal loons like Adam Laxalt, a Senate candidate, drew the ire of an army of critics on social media. Among them was MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough, who likened the Alabama senator’s comments to the rhetoric of segregationist figures like George Wallace and Lester Maddox.

Laura Loomer & Various commenters #wingnut

(Laura Loomer)
President Donald J Trump has single handedly DESTROYED the Bush, Clinton, and now the Cheney political dynasties in American politics.

That’s why the globalists are working so hard to take him down.

President Donald J Trump is one of the most impactful and consequential human beings in our entire world history.



spoilerThe Great Reset, and ESG, are
in progess
it's about money and control
trump cancels climate
accords, and
makes the U.S. a net exporter
of energy
They're putting Trump through
all this, because if he gets
back into the Presidency, they
have lost 100 Yrs.. of their

@lauraloomer Yes! Let's get this party started for you, Trump, and everyone in the #AmericaFirst movement! 🇺🇸☝️

@lauraloomer He could not impart any meaningful impact to secure the release of incarcerated Jan6 prisoners.

@lauraloomer yes he is and so are you both of you have been banned, attacked by the corrupt media, and even attacked by your own party. You have a great future in the America First GOP party God bless the both of you❤️🇺🇸

@lauraloomer He's got to ditch the vax. I can't support him unless he does. It's killing us.

@lauraloomer Nope. Trump makes a comeback at the end of this year. We are NOT going to let a fraud election continue to destroy America. By 2024, nothing will be left.

Peter Temple The Truth Sage #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut

Who is Patrick Bouvier Kennedy?

Abraham Lincoln was Abraham Kahlooni of the Druze Bloodline, from the line of the Davidic Kings and descendants of Jethro, the Priest of Median in the Bible and the Torah (Exodus 2:18). They descend from an ethnic minority called the “Druze” , and they inhabit the Golan Heights area of Israel from the town of Qunaitara & Majdal Shams and before that the town of “Kahloonia” in Mount Lebanon [45 Km south east of Beirut]

Abraham Lincoln had 4 children with wife Mary Todd Lincoln – Robert Todd Lincoln, William Wallance Lincoln, Edward Baker Lincoln and Tad Lincoln two of which were sent to Libya to live – they didn’t die as recorded.

These were William Wallace Lincoln and his brother Tad.
Mary, William’s daughter met and married a Prince – Said Issa H Kahlooni – from Golan Heights born in the Orchards in Mt Lebanon.<...> They had 2 boys who were both kidnapped from Benghazi, and handed over to mafia boss family Joseph Kennedy and was raised by him and his wife Rose Kennedy. They would later be known as John F Kennedy and Joe Kennedy. John F Kennedy was raised to become the 35th President of the USA. He is not a Kennedy, he is a Lincoln/Kahlooni.

John married Jackie Kennedy and had four children: Arabella Kennedy, John F Kennedy Jnr, Patrick Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy.

Patrick and Arabella didn’t die as recorded.

Patrick Kennedy was flown to Libya

Joe Kennedy was Flynn’s Father

John F Kennedy Jnr is Ezra’s Grandfather

Tad Lincoln was Donald Trump and Elvis’ grandfather.

Elvis, Trump, Assange, Lincoln Kahlooni, JFK, Joseph, John F Kennedy Jnr and Patrick are all Lincoln/Kahlooni and are cousins.

Elvis Presley is the TIP OF THE SPEAR.

Elvis was in the SPEARHEAD Division & also kept a SPEAR TIP on his book shelf.

Elvis told us all on August 15 1977 via the WOW Signal that he wasn’t going to be dying. Ask Howard Hughes.

The HH, John G Trump & Nikola Tesla connection is very important.

Download the TESLA FILES on FBI VAULT from 2019

Donald Trump #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday defended hosting a Saudi-funded tournament at his golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, by casting doubt on any connection between Saudi Arabia and the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Asked to respond to harsh criticism from families of Sept. 11 victims who are urging Americans to protest the Saudi-backed LIV Golf tournament, Trump suggested there was still uncertainty surrounding the attacks.

“Well, nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately, and they should have,” Trump said.

James Lindsay #conspiracy #transphobia #fundie

Anti-LGBTQ+ activist James Lindsay thinks that drag queens (who he calls “groomer clowns”) are part of “an unconventional warfare tactic to provoke” conservatives into killing one. Such a killing, he says, would make the victim a “Drag Floyd,” basically a drag queen version of George Floyd, a Black man whose 2020 murder by police sparked national protests against institutional discrimination.

Lindsay — who has previously published hoax “research papers” seeking to discredit queer, gender, and critical race studies — made his comments while speaking during Turning Point USA’s annual Americafest conference. The organization’s founder, Charlie Kirk, has attacked transgender people and described opposition to religious exemptions as “fascism.”

“Drag queens are a provocation. It’s been an escalating provocation,” Lindsay said, accusing drag queens of first putting on makeup and reading to children before eventually progressing to “dancing,” “grinding,” “sexual dancing,” “twerking,” and “doing simulated sex acts in front of children.” Very few drag shows contain simulated sex acts, and all-ages drag shows often involve reading children’s books while fully clothed or other family-friendly entertainment.

He said the “real goal of Drag Queen Story Hour” is to teach kids “living queerly [and] strategic defiance” and to get adults to either accept their methods or to react too harshly against them on video in order to “smear” such opponents as inciters of anti-LGBTQ+ hate, Media Matters reported.

“The goal is to get you to give in so they get their way or overreact — and that’s where I say ‘Drag Floyd,'” Lindsay added. “It’s so important to understand that they want a drag queen to get attacked and they want to make a huge amount of hay of it and they want to create summer 2020 again off of a drag queen or a trans person or something like this.”

Lindsay made his comments while sitting on a panel with Kirk; Steve Bannon, an anti-LGBTQ+ former advisor to President Donald Trump; and Tim Pool, a podcaster who said that queer people are child molesters who are responsible for their own murders.

momprayn #wingnut #fundie

When you check other true stories about Trump and his kindness and compassion for people going back decades, you get a better understanding of who he is. They go unreported because he deliberately doesn't seek for them to be acknowledged.
Latest one is from Ed Martin (worked with Phyllis Schlafly at Eagle Forum). At her funeral, Trump pulled him aside while everyone was leaving and said he forgot to pay his respects/pray at her casket - so he did. No cameras or reporting and that's how he wants it.
My view is God is behind him and this whole experience is drawing him closer to God and learning even more about his own flaws more perhaps and growing spiritually.
Another testimony re a dream a Christian had:

" this dream a young lady from Alaska saw the White House and in one room was Hillary Clinton and in another room was Donald Trump. Trump was kneeling down weeping and broken and she said that in the dream she knew that people didn't know the kind of man he really was. In the dream he had the Bible open and he was reading Ezekiel 22:30, "I looked for a man to stand in the gap."

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