
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Bob Wallace & roflcopt0rz_returns #sexist reddit.com

“When women are let loose to do as they please, away from the influence of men, they have not come up with a cornucopia of great inventions and discoveries. Instead they have aborted tens of millions of infants, blamed all their problems on men, voted leftists into office, become excessively promiscuous, gotten worthless college degrees and demanded equally worthless make-work jobs, believed that wealth falls like manna from Heaven, come to believe marriage is temporary, destroyed children’s lives through easy divorce and single parenthood... and rationalized every bit of it.”

-Bob Wallace

roflcopt0rz_returns: Women have one job in life; make babies. They do everything in their power to do the opposite of that. They are worse than useless.

dtyler86 #sexist reddit.com

The theory that most “feminists” these days are actually bent on female supremacy is no longer a conspiracy to me after international men’s day yesterday. This is real.

All I did was post the stats meme about men suicide rates, imprisonment and murder etc. and my most “liberal and progressive“ friends and family came out of the woodwork in droves to argue, insult and belittle the post about how there are more important issues and the whole gamut of undermining. The worst part is I’m a very center political person and seeing how so many of these people are the loudest mouthpieces of the left, it truly terrifies me away from being able to take most of anything they say seriously knowing how close minded and truly sexist they are. Anyone else experiencing similar things?

Something similar happened to me on my personal facebook not too long ago - I posted about male suicides and statistics of men at a disadvantage and the post had ‘male privilege be like’ at the top as sarcasm. Was immediately told that it was primarily because of toxic masculinity through the patriarchy, so I made it private and didn’t even respond - I couldn’t be fucked. And they belittled me saying it was a shitty post.

Dude, yes! Just today I mentioned, “oh we also have the privilege to die earlier than you. Go to DC and see all the “privileged” men’s names on the vietnam memorial drafted to their deaths”. No one cares. It doesn’t suit them. I actually want to try an experiment and most stats about men that specifically aren’t white or straight. I’ve come to the conclusion today that if I posted statistics about trans men it would probably get shared in light. If I posted statistics about Nigerian babies born with HIV, it would probably get liked and supported. It just seems that if it encompasses heterosexual white man it disgusts the general populace. This is mind exploding.

Gymcelled #sexist incels.is

Brutal [STUDY] High school facial attractiveness predicts life earnings well into the 30s and 50s


People generally negates or underestimate the power of looks halo, especially in males.

Interestingly I've seen several studies which say that looks failo is stronger than looks halo. It's beyond over

this isn't really news, everyone in psychology knows that interviews and stuff are heavily skewed towards good looking people rather than qualifications

Well the interesting part is that these advantages can already be predicted as soon as high school and are active for decades. Which obviously makes sense because attractive people don't lose their looks until they age badly or get into an accident that disfigures them.

It really destroys the whole bluepilled narrative of high school and looks don't matter. Your high school experience predicts so much about your life smh

Exactly, they get too busy fucking, partying, doing drugs and all sorts of fun shit to get even richer than they are. They don't have to bother, their life is already at peak greatness even if it's not with maximum richness.

I remember jordan peterson (aka jewden peterstein) saying that most women quit their job or stop trying to advance their careers in their 30s because they don't see the point of working more only to earn more and have more responsibility. Most people just want to be comfortable in life. Though obviously women aren't a great example since they can get a betabuxxer or sell their body, something men can't.

JosefMengelecel & BummerDrummer #homophobia #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is


Only when staring down the barrel of his gun do they finally feel remorse, and it's not even for him, it's for their own sake jfl. These kids are just expected to endure their torture from these psychopaths they go to school with. How could they expect the victim to be complacent and not snap eventually?

They don’t understand the capabilities of a man who no longer has anything to lose. The only way for them to feel or remorse or humiliation is when the barrel of the gun is placed against their head. They may not feel remorse for you but atleast they will be humiliated and will beg for their lives like bitches right before their brain gets pierced by a bullet

It's either a lack of empathy on their end or simply their inability to understand causes and consequences. They legit think they can get away with making every second of your life miserable and it shouldn't blow up in their face, you should just carry on and take the torture every single day.

Probably a combination of both. They can’t understand that people will want revenge if you wrong them.

At my school nobody gave a shit if you got bullied unless you were a “marginalized group” I.e if you were black, gay, tranny Jewish or hispanic/immigrant. Usually it was these people who were the bullies which is the ironic thing (trannies getting people expelled for homophobia, black women and mixed race males getting people expelled for racism, etc.) Any retaliation to them though and you’d get the whole school system right up your ass. One of my biggest redpills was when a flamboyant faggot/sissy kid said “I’ve gotten 11 kids expelled for homophobia” to me in high school.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

The fact that girls use small dicks as an insult just shows how important it is to have big cock

They like to say that size doesnt matter but then every single girl will insult you for any reason and say you have “small dick.” Its extremely brutal for guys with small dicks.

foids are good at exposing themselves

They know it's the most effective insult against men and it only affects low value men (= men with small dicks). Chad isn't affected because he just looks down at his crotch, sees the giant dangling banana and goes on with his life. So it's the perfect insult for undesirable men.

(Redpill Robert)
Yep. And there's no shortage of 'foids talking about how they couldn't enjoy sex with their ex (who they left for something better) because their dick wasn't big enough

watcher & Lebensmüder #racist #sexist incels.is

Whores pretending to be offended: the one thing that really pisses me off.

If there is one thing that rubs me the wrong way is when a whore pretends to be offended by anything an incel said or did.

We are talking about modern day women here, these walking fleshlights who drink a total of 20 gallons of nigger cum per week, listen to pop music that talks exclusively about hooking up and dick sizes, pretending to be offended because you either:

Said a woman is attractive or unattractive

Said or did anything remotely sexual

The bitch turns a 180 and becomes the most prudish woman ever, outraged that someone could be so filthy JFL

I hate women

Good observation. A pathologically sex-positive nymphomaniac on one hand, a prude as soon as it comes from an ugly male on the other hand.

Happylittleshadows #kinkshaming #sexist reddit.com

pickmes breathe their degradation

They manage to bring their degradation everywhere even placed where it has nothing to do with their submitting to males pleasure and being used as a cheap fleshlight

Since when is bdsm spiritual? Someone answer me Why the fuck would these degenerate of our gender bring bdsm as “spiritual” act on /witchcraft a sub where bdsm has absolutely no place to even be mentioned but they managed the bottom of the barrel of our gender to degrade themselves and us everywhere

I feel like trufemcels is legit the only sub on reddit where i can scroll semi safely knowing well I won’t come across one of these braindead beckies and it feels nice to have the right to report them and kick them out of here

I made a comment telling her to go degrade herself somewhere else and it got removed because “Be NiCe” was a wrong? No

As someone who has been involved in spiritual communities on social media I noticed a lot of libfems degraded themselves and they genuinely think it is empowering and when congratulate each other for their pathetic behavior and attitude.

Oh fuck I didn’t know that was a thing in these communities that’s so fucked like can these pick mes experience anything with dignity? They can’t even practice spiritually without being degraded it’s honestly amazing i’m just pissed they ruined r/witchcraft for me i thought it was going to be a nice peaceful community but Noooooo pickmes would never

Unknown Femcel #psycho #sexist imgur.com

Being a blackpilled woman starter pack

Accepting that a class of sociopathic, violent people who are completely ruled by their genitals are able to dominate and control the entire planet for no other reason than the fact that evolution gave them more upper body strength.

Knowing that the vast majority of women will never give up men and never stop giving birth to smeglets no matter what. Women would die before they stopped worshipping males

Accepting that women will never be violent or sociopathic enough to win in any kind of "war" with men. You being willing to fight to the death if males tried to take away your rights makes you an extreme outlier. The majority of women would immediately lay down and accept it.

Knowing that males will always see us as inferior subhuman fuckholes because they evolved to see us this way. Feminism and "socialization" will never change this.

Knowing feminism will never prevail and the vast majority of women/girls around the world will never be free as long as men exist.

Your only consolation is knowing you're going to die one day and you aren't leaving any kids to live in this shithole world.

UnapologeticMisandry #racist #sexist saidit.net

I dont care about any moids, including black moids. A rant

Over the past several months all I've been told is that, as a white women, I should feel sorry for black men and acknowledge their issues. I should acknowledge my "privilege" over them as a white woman and do my part to cater to them in society.

No thanks. Black men have ruined their communities. They have tortured, raped, sexually enslaved, and stolen from their sisters for money. No group of women is more shit on by their own men, than black women are by black men. I do care about black women as I care about all women, but I think their situation culturally is a result of the abuses done to them by black men, who used "muh whitey" as an excuse to shit on black women as the class below them, the way they always have, even before slavery. I don't give a fuck about black men's problems. I don't give a fuck about any men's problems.

I am not more privileged than someone who has the physical and social power to murder me, turn me out on the street, abuse me on film for money, get me pregnant, or rape me. This happens to impoverished white women every year, by black men. Race is a bullshit social construct. It has no basis in biological determinism. The only reality is sex and the weakness women live in psychologically and physically because of our ability to have children and because of our lack of strength. If white women and black men were trapped on an island, white women would be absolutely fucked.

UnapologeticMisandry #crackpot #racist #sexist saidit.net

Im often angry at women for their biological, endless masochism. Just as there is no group of women treated worse by their men, there is no group of women more willing to endlessly simp for a group of men who hates and rejects them at every turn just because they share melanin. I would love NOTHING more than to have real allyship with black women and girls. I have wasted a lot of time trying to get black women to see the bigger picture and the bigger problem with MEN, as a whole, and how race is redundant, because I used to feel for their struggles. However, black women refuse to give up their colorist, abusive, misogynist moids and continue to live in resentment and hatred of white women, Asian women, Latina women, basically any group of women that they perceive will "steal their men". I simultaneously feel sorry for them and have contempt for them because of this (similar to how I feel about all large groups of women).

Biological determinism forces groups of women to be cucks for their cultural group of moids, instead of caring about women regardless of race, class, national origin, sexuality, ect. I blame the misuse of intersectionality for making this worse. Women will never act as a single class, and one of the reasons is this tribalistic bullshit. It has long ago stopped being about helping certain groups of women with their unique struggles and started being about infighting regarding what group of women has it the worst, WHEN WE ARE ALL IN HELL.

This is another aspect of the Blackpill: The races of women are doomed to be pitted against each other, for the privilege of sucking up to our own skin color of moids. Black pickmes will continue to hate white women instead of ditching their stupid victim mentality scrotes. Female separatism continues to be a myth. All feminism, including intersectional feminism, is a fucking pipe dream because women will prioritize whatever aspect of "intersectionality" lets them align themselves with their stupid smegs.

_Moon_ , UnapologeticMisandry & Radicalwhirl #kinkshaming #racist #sexist saidit.net

(_Moon_ )
Women have a love/hate Daddy-issue relationship with white men. And this is ESPECIALLY the case among feminist and non-white women. The "me on Twitter; vs me IRL" attitude is a meme at this point: https://pics.me.me/me-on-twitter-vs-me-in-real-life-se-white-12717421.png All these BLM weirods on Twitter who """ironically""" call themselves "the white man's whore", etc. I think one of the reasons why they are so full of hatred for white women is that white women are statistically much more likely, of course, to have a relationship with a white man.

Mainstream feminism is nothing but a love/hate daddy-issue relationship with white men. Which is why it's so fucking useless. You cannot even talk about bread-and-butter issues like street harassment with them because when it comes to that, black and brown men are much worse, aggressive, violent, and stalkerish than white and yellow men.

Yeah but if you call that out it's racism somehow, even though I have no problem with black or brown women; I see them as my sisters but they will never see me as the same. I just can't stand their men. If they were paying attention they wouldn't be able to stand them either. White men are absolute degenerates just like the rest but your own eyes will show you that brown and black men are even worse by how they treat the women they're around. I'm not going to baby my own group of smegs but I am likewise sure as hell not about to baby an even more degenerate group of smegs. Black men can solve their own problems. They aren't entitled to the emotional labor of any women including white women.

This rant is one of the most honest ones I have ever heard. The intersectional bs is doing more harm than good. And all the newbie feminists, who wont think beyond how to please men ffs, are placing the ideology on a pedestal. This is why the woke feminism is so unappealing to me. On almost all social media platforms, we can see liberal feminist art and crap. Such waste of talents, imo.

your personality #sexist #wingnut incels.is

RE: It's Over I just can't tolerate how quickly men lost our rights within a short span of 10 to 15 years.

True but war might be necessary to bring some major changes in soyciety

No it isn't that is what people wanting to wage war to get rid of excess males would want you to think. There are no guarantees. After every world war women only gained, not lost rights. Meanwhile the idea that men would be conscripted against their will being acceptable only grew more and more established.

Isn't it better for excess incel men to die in war? Than suffer as an incel? As for foids gaining rights that's true. But next time it may be different who knows.

No it's cucked for excess incel men to die in war on behalf of a society that mocked them. If you want to die in war instead of suffering as an incel there's many going on right now that you can sign up for. For many incels their copes are good enough to get them through life. And the track record of women every time gaining more rights and participation in the workforce every time there is a world war while the status of men as good for nothing but being cannon fodder being more and more cemented in the public conscious speaks for itself.

Hmm that brutal then :feelsrope: then the only hope is that some religions conservative party wins

I'm fine with things just settling into a new normal but they keep getting worse. Social media and it's one-sided banning and profiling of manosphere groups while doing nothing and even encouraging radical feminist and harassment communities for ugly males is making things worse. By causing this kind of biased treatment to profilerate it sends the message to psychopaths of society that more than ever men are fair game for abuse and dehumanization.

Made in Heaven #fundie #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL Just get married bro. Nuclear blackpill. Chads fuck dozens of married women.

(Made in Heaven)

85% upvoted and mostly positive comments. These are the same people that condemn incels. All of this is believable but it is infuriating how acceptable this is. I’ve been a personal trainer for six years and have fucked two dozen married clients. AMA

Sounds like less of a larp if you read all of his replies. This is just a degenerate chad. He apparently is also the father of a couple kids with these clients who he doesnt give 2 shits about. Some stuff a reddit cuck couldn't come up with. He's even fucking a friend's wife. He said muslim women were the most passionate/ went the longest /most positions. Five women have his child and are cuckolding the husband. Yet everyone is upvoting him and saying how impressed they are by him but unattractive men that complain about women online are somehow evil and immoral.

While this may or not be a larp, that doesn't really matter. At the end of the day, no man can deny that there isn't some animalistic euphoria in fucking another man's wife, to make another man's wife orgasm, to make another man's wife scream your name and beg for more. It's just another form of domination/mogging. And of course, this is why gender segregation, stoning, and hijab are needed.

Dude is also half Arab himself so that plays a role as well.

lmao clown wants to leave that part out so everyone thinks he's some white chad "stealing other races' women". Don't deny that he's 'basically white'. Many arabs can pass as european considering 1) they're both caucasion and 2) there has been a lot of mixing between the two, be it through the Romans, Ottomans, Viking slave trade, or colonization. I myself look white despite being full iraqi. Regardless, him being a levantine would still make it easier for these arab women to let their guard down, so to speak

TheHopefulBeliever #sexist incels.is

JFL Foid refuses to call me beautiful despite Tyrone threatening to beat her ass

So I was added to a facetime call by my Tyrone friend, and there happened to be a foid in there (one of his hoes). I refused to show my face in the camera (for obvious reasons) so my Tyrone friend sent her pictures of me. She had a visible and audible reaction of shock at seeing how ugly I am, and so my Tyrone friend told her to tell me I'm beautiful just to try and make me feel better. Basically, she got it half out in the most pitiful voice I've ever heard and just couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence, despite my Tyrone friend threatening to beat her ass if she didn't say it. There were some of my other male friends in the call as well, and they told me "it's whatever bro, fuck these hoes" to also try and make me feel slightly better. I'm so used to getting called ugly by females over the course of my life however, that it literally doesn't phase me at all in the slightest anymore. JFL at being an ugly male

Women ALWAYS want to see your face so they can decide if you have a good personality or not, all the more funny when you've wooed them online for weeks or months & they have this built up mental image of Chad then when they see the truth finally after bigging up plans of getting together proper they suddenly evaporate.

Good face = good personality to women

58isbad #psycho #sexist incels.is

RageFuel Why should i have any morals or care for anyone ?

Being an incel means to be a dead man while youre still a live. So why should I care about other people's well being I don't give a fuck about a single family member of mine :feelsjuice: not my angry mother(hates that I Ldar), not my incel tier father (this manlet is why Im an incel in the first place), nor my siblings (there are all incel tier except for my youngest sister)

Understandable tbh It really is. They pretend to welcome you when they need something from you and then drop you after they no longer need you and remind you of your low status and subpar looks

:lul: happened to me many times. Normies are so nice when they need something from you, once they are done with u, ur very presence annoys them

Sometimes I feel the only reason I treat anyone with respect anymore is in case they mistreat me I can justify resenting them because they are an awful person. If treated them well and they returned by treating me like dog shit then I can justify hating them. The hate keeps me going when nothing else does.

I don't need to justify hate I'm based af I will hate people for no reason

There is no reason unless you're passing your genes down. Morals are there to help the community. If you are not part of the community, there is no reason to be moral with it.


Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia #homophobia #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Ellen Page still exists"]

No I'm not talking about the actress, even though she still clearly exists: Ellen Page is a woman, will always be a woman, you know the drill. Being an evil dyke wasn't enough for her apparently, she had to go an extra level of sick delusions.

But I mean literally Ellen Page still exists. As in Ellen.Page the website which the nutty actress started in 2014 after joining Calgary embarrassments Tegan and Sara in their quest to legitimize their sick lifestyle choices.

Just like Bruce Jenner will always be the actual name of an actual man, Ellen Page will always be the actual name of an actual woman. Yes yes she wants to be called "he" and "Elliot" now, but as I noted before Snoop Dogg wanted to be known as Snoop Lion. You saw how long we stuck with that. As is so often the case, Spiked-Online's Brendan O'Neill explains it so well:
I'll go him one further: Ellen Page still needs what Ellen Page has always needed: a good dick inside her and let her be Juno in real life. Just another straight white chick from Halifax.

radishman #sexist incels.is

RE: Brutal High school Bully gets cucks oneitis years later & Brags about fucking her to him

It kills me inside knowing she's with him and not me, "him" being my high school bully

- Foids says no
- Remains friends with her

JFL All foids virtue signal to their orbiters that she doesn't like musclemaxed bad boys and prefer sweet timid guys that make her laugh. And funny part is if he told the foid what the bully sent him, she would defend him and get mad at the cuck. Friends with foids? Not even once. Social media friends? Asking to be cucked. Faggots. All of them. Sent him a reply to block them both. Doubt he'll listen.

if a foid knows that you have a crush on her and doesn’t immediately cut you off, she’s exploiting you. you can’t be genuine “friends” in a relationship with that type of power imbalance. it’s like how a homeless man can’t be close personal friends with Jeff Bezos, there’s a superficial/sycophantic aspect to it that you really can’t avoid. the dominant party is actively withholding what the other person wants from them and this creates situations like the OP post

I hate how foids try and gaslight naiive dudes into thinking she had no idea he liked her. An awkward guy is always giving you attention and no other foid gets it. He's always willing to listen and help you. Give me a break. They know exactly what they're doing, but don't want people to think of them as a bad person for using the dude. Reputation is everything to them, which is why they cling so hard to the personality meme.

If a woman hates a guy there is a 99% chance she likes him.. eg.. calling him a 'cocky idiot'. The 1% exception is guys like us who women really hate but don't like.

Yeah but the 1% they use different terms. Guys they like are dicks and assholes. We're creepy.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is



spoilerOJ: When was your first lesbian experience?
Lana Rhoades: I think in the 4th grade.
OJ: Full-on pussy eating?
Lana Rhoades: Yes, I didn't really know what I was doing though.

wonder what 4th grade pussy tastes like


This is pure ropefuel. Not only can nearly any foid make a good living as a whore, but they're be celebrated for it too. Meanwhile many of us work our asses off to barely keep a roof over our heads and everyone hates us.


This is why we inkwell


She went to porn straight after she broke up with her boyfriend. L O L.

Gosh inkwell she just wants to support herself jeez dont project your internalized hatred onto this kween :bluepill::soy:


She’s also a huge racist who thinks blacks are superior to whites

I bet 100 bucks and my left kidney that she has a white bf.:feelsclown: Reason number 203 why Women don't deserve rights, i hope whoever her father is perished long ago.

(waste matter)
If a man did that his life would be fucked from that point.

Mainländer #crackpot #psycho #sexist incels.is

I was reading some posts both on Nathan's site and on IT, it's clear how much women like being forced. They just hate liking it. Some girl on Nathan's site was talking about how much she hates being a woman and wanted to be a man instead, but she was actually high IQ enough to come to the obvious conclusion she'd just become a weak, short, punny male, so she'd better embrace her femininity and be a little bitch in bed instead. She only forgot to add that it should be only with her loving husband.

Also, before someone says something, yes, there are real women on Nathan's site. I also thought it was all LARPers but there are women writting the name of the site with lipstick on their bodies.

They love being degraded in bed by Chad only. The husband they end up marrying in the end is the betabuxx for whom they have no physical attraction, ie dead bedroom. Unless she married Chad of course.

If an ugly man degraded them forcefully, they'd feel arousal. IT foids even admitted it. Also, most women orgasm during rape. They just hate feeling that arousal for ugly men because they're disgusted by us.

Mainländer #crackpot #psycho #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Theory Women hate being women

Women are indeed kinda like moral pedophiles who don't want to feel the type of sexual desires they feel. They don't want to crave abuse, rape, force, pain, submission, humiliation, etc, but these are what they crave.

Even though women have it WAY better than men, they are much frailer and more chaotic, anything can randomly make them cry, feel like shit, etc. Why do you think some women "transition" to men, even though it makes 0 logical sense, since men have it much, much, much, harder, especially in the sexual market but also pretty much in all fields of life? It's a desperate attempt to become stronger and get rid of that feminine weakness and cravings they hate. Feminism also has a lot to do with it, as well as looking more masculine through ugly body modifications, tattoos, super short hair and stuff like that.

Women will never be men though. They should just give up and embrace the femininity. It's ok to like being degraded in bed like they enjoy if it's with their loving husbands only. It's ok to be weak cause daddy/hubby will protect you.

Incels Wiki #sexist incels.wiki

A virginal bride is desired by many incels due to the desire to avoid baggage such as sexually transmitted diseases, trust issues, and negative comparisons to a girl's previous lovers (who may well have been Chads who refused to commit to her). A virginal bride is regarded as one who was well-protected by her father and/or not given to impulsive sexual behavior; thus, the prospects of her being a loyal and mentally healthy wife are enhanced. Because Chad has not left his imprint on her, sex with her husband might be viewed as something more unique and intimate by her.

Many incels also argue that they themselves are virgins, so it's only fair that their bride be as well. Feminists will often counter, "There wouldn't be so many non-virginal brides if men weren't sluts too" or "Women don't care if their groom is virginal, so men shouldn't care if their bride is virginal." This ignores that the 80/20 rule works to incels' detriment, not advantage; and that the feminine imperative gives foids a reason [hypergamy] to want to seek the kind of man who can have many sexual conquests.

FrailPaleStaleMale #sexist incels.is

LifeFuel William Costello writes spot on article about incels and the utterly ridiculous advice people shill to us

Comments are utter trash btw, there's a whore by the name of foxlady saying that sex is something men shouldn't feel entitled over but doesn't seem to understand whores demand this shit everytime they see a chad.

Funny because people like that have clearly not read the article. And are the exact type of person the article addresses I guess. Hate for the sake of it

"The dating market is highly competitive, hierarchical, and often cruel. This fact is uncomfortable for anyone who values egalitarianism, so a more appealing — albeit dishonest — option is to instead blame Incels for their plight by suggesting that their unpleasant personalities must be the problem".

Extracted from the article. The funny part is this was said by a feminist. That quote from the article encapsulates perfectly the essence of the bluepill.

bluepill is worse than a disease tbh. People love their fairytale approach to life, yet it rarely if ever works for them either jfl. Its basically lying to people. Its ignorant. It robs people of knowledge and opportunities to improve. Telling boys that are prepubecant or early puberty that all they have to do is "be themselves" or the endless stream of shit advice we all pretty much got I feel is disgusting. Because it sells them a lie. And those that dont meet the expectations years later are left behind and often vilified.

I think a lot of incels that exist, had they been spared lies and actually been told what sort of stuff matters in terms success, They'd have had much more time to focus on it. In the time of their lives when their body would be the most receptive and responsive to their efforts. A happier life would have likely been achieved for many. But no. We just got the generic balloon advice of "eh, its alright, someone for everyone"...

BummerDrummer & Bainville #racist #sexist incels.is

JFL Black man opens a shop, and it gets raided by twerking sheboons. They play the victim after.


some black guy opens a shop for his people and as a space for blacks to hang out. It instantly gets raided by sheboons who fucking TWERK IN HIS RESTAURANT. He asks them to stop and...like all women, the women play the fucking victim. They’re acting like this is a normal thing to do. But maybe it is the new status quo in this hell society. It’s fucking ridiculous. How can you not only do a public sexual act, but also get mad when someone tells you to stop?

This will be the future. Women will walk in and just start fucking chad in restaurants. Big gangbang on the big table in a restaraunt dude and if you tell them they can’t do it you’re the bad guy. Twerking is part of their culture I guess is another justification. What the fuck is going on jfl

and you still think black dudes should marry these whores

This comes from a lack of husbandry and the kids will deal with a lack of fatherhood. If you’re going to pump these whores full of children that they will raise (and completely fuck up) then you should marry or raise the child.


Dumb question, but what if white person or asian, latino entered this place, what would happen ?

White or asian man would probably get fucked with, as for Latino men, nothing would happen. Latinos have basically ethnically cleansed blacks in many areas of the US, California in particular. Latino criminal gangs mog black gangs to hell and back

Lv99_BixNood & Tenshi #racist #sexist incels.is

It's Over Japcel drops brutal racepill


Japanese women don't say anything, but there are many people who want to marry a handsome man who is over 180 cm tall, right? Women who want to marry a handsome man over 180 cm should marry in the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, etc. instead of Japan. Japanese, or East Asians, have a thin face, and the percentage of handsome men with double eyelids, small faces and profile E-lines is small. Majority of Caucasian men are over 180 cm tall, have a small face, a clear double, a straight nose, and a profile E-line, right? European countries such as the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany are all men with an average height of over 180 cm, small faces, long legs, clear doubles, deep carvings and well-organized faces. If an average Japanese man went to these tall, handsome-filled European countries, he would probably be not only excluded by local white women from love, but also causes them to be bullied and discriminated against. I think it's as difficult to marry a handsome Japanese man over 180 cm as it is to find a white man who is less than 160 cm and has a ugly face.

Never began for japcels. It's probably either a Korean trolling to bash Japs or a japcel spreading the blackpill tbh.

didn't know you were a fellow japanese speaker bro, also brutal replies foids have him

I taught myself when I was NEET. Japan has the best copes after all.

nice, same here but recently I haven't been coping as much with japanese media, too much blackpilled at this point and japan is too blatant when it comes to lookism, we don't see the kind of bluepilled retardation we have in the west there. You see, the foids replying didn't even try to gaslight him

BlackCel62 #psycho #sexist incels.is

Based Finally gonna accept the fact that I'm a misogynist. I hate women and I wish nothing but the worst upon them.

inb4 "See?! Tis y u inkwell!"

But seriously, I care nothing about foids, I don't care about their intellect (or lack thereof), their so called oppression, their fake rape stories, nothing about them. The only thing I care about is sticking my johnson in their holes. If I'm not doing that, then there's no need for us to even interact with each other.

Foids can talk about how much they hate men all day long and they will even get support from a bunch of other foids and even :bluepill: soytards. But when men say they hate women, everyone is ready to nail that dude to a stake. So at this point, fuck women and the soytards that enable their fuckery. I wish nothing on them but pain and misery.

”5'5 Black Fugly Turbosperg - Cooming to Lolis”

tryhard nickname, tryhard signature, tryhard post


Any man who isn't a misogynist in todays day and age is a complete retard. If you aren't an above average male, short, ugly, or human, remember that women hate you and wish for you to die. Not returning that hatred is the most soy thing you can do

We are looked at as the scum of the earth, nice or not. Nothing we can do as below average men will ever be enough. May as well give them a taste of their own medicine.

David J. Stewart #sexist #crackpot #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

God didn't create you [women] to become a soldier in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia. I am so sick of hearing about the epidemic of fornication in the military. Women don't belong with men in the military. The U.S. military courts can pass all the laws they want to, in an effort to discourage sexual harassment of women soldiers, but immorality and attacks will always exist as long as females train, bunk and serve alongside male soldiers. It is ridiculous! Call me old-fashioned, but I'm also 100% right!

It has become popular in these difficult economic times, for Bible colleges to offer nursing programs for young Christian women. The fraudulent central banking system in the United States, has destroyed our economy, eroding the value of the dollar by 82% since 1971 (when President Nixon took our nation completely off the gold standard). The reckless printing of tens of trillions of dollars out of nothing (money that no on ever earned), and then lending that money to Americans in the form of debt owed, has driven inflation sky-high, forcing the middle-class into poverty.

Consequently, many parents nowadays want their daughters protected financially, and a nursing career gives them that self-sufficient protection. As a father of three daughters myself, I completely understand. However, God didn't create you ladies to become a nurse. God made you to become a HELPMEET for a man. What saith the Scripture? 1st Timothy 5:14-15, “I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan.” Kindly said, if you are a Bob Jones University female nursing graduate, and you are already in your 30's and not married, and at least trying to bear children, you are turned aside after Satan! I didn't say that, God did in the Scripture passage we just read!!!

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

Kindly said, nearly all women today have their attitude toward marriage all backwards. I have been a member of the marriage dating website, eHarmony, since 2017. I check my “matches” frequently, hoping to meet that special someone. I have contacted dozens of women over the years, whom I liked a lot, but no one has shown any interest in me. The main reason for their rejection is that they say the distance is too far, since I live on Gilligan's Island (Guam) at the end of the rainbow. And I'm sure others turned me down because of my neck injury. I am damaged goods...lol.

I read a profile “match” which was sent to me today. Her name is Diana, 45 years old, who lives in Quebec, Canada. She works as a Clinical Research Associate. This is her Introduction to her profile (exactly as she typed):

“I Look for someone to complete me, understand me and cheerish a life with.”

I see this again and again, where women are seeking a man to complete them. That is totally reverse from what the Bible teaches. Genesis 2:18, “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” God created the woman to COMPLETE THE MAN, not the man to complete the woman. Ladies, I didn't write this blog to hurt anybody's feelings, God knows my heart. I wrote this to teach you ladies how to find true happiness in life. You'll never be happy as long as you're searching for a man to complete you. God didn't create a man in existence to complete you!
I am not judging Diana, whom I mentioned earlier. She simply has a wrong attitude, because she has not been blessed to have a godly pastor somewhere along the way, to teach her Bible principles. But I am teaching you dear reader! Ladies, you find you a guy and make him your world!

BlackCel62 #psycho #sexist incels.is

Based I'd rather go to jail for raping a thot than spend the rest of my life a KHHV and die without experiencing the warm, pleasurable feeling that is sex.

I personally see rape as a mans last resort to passing on his genes that women simply refuse to willingly pass on for him. And to finally have sex with a woman so he will no longer be a virgin and be denied something that is owed to him as a human being. Any kind of sex is good sex, even rape. It's simply encoded in a man's DNA to pass on his genes before he passes onto the next life. Even if that means forcibly fucking a woman against her will.

If I were to ever reach that point, I'd rope before the police would ever catch me. Why does the foid deserve "Justice" for having the honor to raise another life that she's bringing into the world? In a ideal world, she would be happy for bringing another life into the world. Also in a ideal world, women would be sentenced to lethal injection for getting an abortion or killing her own flesh and blood.

Also, why is it called rape when a thot is getting fucked while passed out drunk? She doesn't know that it's happening and more than likely isn't even feeling whats happening. I've seen foids passed out drunk all the time at my university and sometimes I feel tempted to go to town with them while shes black out drunk. And leave before anyone sees anything or before she wakes up.

SadLonelySingle #sexist incels.is

Brutal The majority of men are so starved for female attention that 80% of a cam girl's work is just talking to them like a normal human.

I would say that 70% of men barely have any interaction with (non family) females daily, and whenever they do it's because of some work/school obligation. Females will not treat men well, nor barely talk with sub8 men out of fear of being seen as flirting. So all these men will log online to a site like chaturbate just so they can ask a girl something mundane like favorite movies, songs, etc.

Most cam girls online just need to be braless and replying to conversation with the dudes online and they'll get thousands of dollars. Every hour or so she just needs to flash her pussy or ass for 5 minutes to get trending back on the platform.

These dudes just want to have a female engaging with them in a non corporate/hostile way. And they have to pay for it through a website otherwise they'll live every single day without any female noticing they exist at all.

It's still cucked to give money to females for whatever reason, and no men should support degeneracy, but it is so sad that not every male is strong enough to swallow the blackpill and become based to fight against this gynocentric faggot society.

there are cam girls that literally just kiss the camera and say "good night" with loving eyes at the camera then go and take a nap. while they nap hundreds of men donate to them because she told these men 'good night' it is sickening how easy it is to be female

Regardless of the fact that it is easy for females. I am so lost in the fact that basic human respect and having a normal conversation with the female gender is forbidden and denied to the majority of men. It's so brutal and unfair.

ScornedStoic #crackpot #sexist incels.is

I find it funny that the same people telling us sex isn't everything/even a big deal are nigh universally naturalists

People will seriously say in one conversation that they're atheists, that they believe humans are animals, that we're part of the natural world, that homosexuality is natural because it's found in many animals.

When we point out that mating is the same in humans as it is in animals, find the best genes + provider of resources/protection, they lose their shit and start up the magical thinking. Oh, are YOU COMPARING US to ApEs?!? But we're obviously so much higher than animals, the fact that you're comparing women to ungulates searching for the male with the largest horns is UNBELIEVABLY reductive!!! Of course sex isn't the end all be all of life despite literally everything in biology and the natural world pointing us in that direction. Don't be silly, we're RATIONAL here.

Then they go completely non-scientific, and start talking about romantic love which clearly is a male-only trait and is literally a drug fuelled hysteria that we objectively know is an evolved mechanism to force the naturally-wild-oats-sowing males to settle down. They proceed to completely ignore the innumerable cases of females deciding by either pragmatic love or by straight up betabuxxing an undesirable male because she missed her window.

I think it really throws off their tiny processors and gives them error messages that the natural state of about 95%+ of mammals and certainly all extremely successful ones are patriarchal in nature. The fact that we give women rights in a completely artificial environment and that those rights would instantly be voluntarily forfeited by women in the event of catastrophe goes right over their heads, I think.

I don't know, I find it funny is all.

Various Incels #crackpot #fundie #magick #psycho #sexist incels.is

Theory The only thing that's preventing a massive suicide wave of men is the fear of hell

Imagine if tomorrow scientists were able to proof without any doubt that hell doesn't exist. The planet would lose at least three quarters of the male population. But women? They'd be perfectly fine, maybe a bit sad cause many of them would lose their source of income but pretty much none of them would commit suicide. Only men have the mental capability to reflect about what might be beyond the shadows of death and it's that fear of the unknown what's stopping billions of subhumans from swallowing a bullet. Maybe hell doesn't exist after all. Maybe it's all a great conspiracy to keep men from roping. What do you think?

Not hell but I won't rope because I believe in reincarnation/isekai. But 99% of these are non-suicide-related, so I gotta die naturally to get my dream.

what if you found out there is no reincarnation either?

Google children talking about when they were big, check out consciousness studies where they detected observable data that proves you know when you are being watched even through a camera thousands of miles away. Reincarnation is real. Extradimensional consciousness is real.

I'm saying what would you do if you found out it wasn't? It's a what if question dude.

Become a full-blown fucking criminal until I get gun down by copcels.

(Fat Link)
If that many men roped plenty of women would rope too. Not because the women care about the men’s tragic lives causing them to seek suicide as a way out of course, but rather because whose going to be the willing pay pigs for all the only fans sluts when daddy beta bux is gone?

Wanderken, GlobalismIsEvil, [deleted], bassline17 #racist #sexist #psycho reddit.com


Native "leaders" blame just about everyone else for Tina Fontaine's death except themselves, who did nothing personally to help her

GlobalismIsEvil:"This is a common thread among almost every MMIWI story I read about. These women are abandoned by their families and tribes, who only seem to start caring after they're dead."

[deleted]:" Why can Natives of all people not understand: The world is a dangerous place, you need to protect yourself and protect your children and your communities.

If you swim in crocodile-infested waters and get bitten it's not the crocodile's fault it's their nature. There ARE psychos out there and maniacs. People need to avoid them and not put themselves in circumstances where they're vulnerable to harm.

ie: passing out in strangers' homes, being in gangs, doing drugs with strangers

It's weird on one hand they call Canada a racist dangerous place,. but then expect their women and children should make no effort to keep themselves safe

I'm a 35-year old man I'm not going to hitchhike and stumble around drunk with strangers in Winnipeg, because I'd fear for my safety doing so"

Diversity is our greatest strength

Incels Wiki #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.wiki

BBC Theory, or Big Black Cock Theory, claims black males have an advantage over other races of men in seducing women because black men have BBCs (Big Black Cocks) and dickmog all other races. In reality, a large penis (or, more importantly, a large BBC) is the only way white women can really conceive of black males as a sexual option, since white women are naturally attracted to tall, athletic, longer-haired white men.

Many redpillers often subscribe to this theory while many Purplepill'ed people often criticize such theories and argue the opposite is actually true. And that racial bias actually harms minority men.

Arguments in support and against BBC Theory


* Bald white men are almost without exception incel, whereas bald black men with a shaved head do not lose their attraction potential.
* Blacks are more extroverted than whites, making women more comfortable around blacks[citation needed]
* BBCs are not perse larger than white cocks, and are therefore not more pleasurable to women[citation needed]


* Most Black men don't have BBC according to statistics (however there are studies demonstrating a small increase in the mean penis size compared to other races, a small difference in the mean of a group leads to greater extremes at the tail ends of the standard distribution.)
* White women aren't very fond of black guys regardless of their schlong
* Ok Cupid/Tinder Data showcases that contrary to what some Caucasian Incels would have one believe; out of A pool of Women (All Races Included) the black man will be almost 2 times as likely to be swiped left on, regardless of facial composition, body size, and inherent wealth. Really only the black men at the top of the social pyramid are able to compete with the Average white male.

crew2 #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Even if by some miracle a foid did like you her friends would have to approve of your looks as well

Foids are always in groups and are hive minded. A million percent more now that they are all basically wired to each other via mobiles and Social Networks.

Even if some one off foid did happen to like you, the first thing she would do is point you out to her friends and they would all have to approve of your appearance first. What are the chances that this one in a million foid who is attracted to you also has a group of friends that find you physically attractive too? Chances are they are going to say something like "Him!??? Ew, no way!" and she will just go along with it and say "Yeah that's what I thought too. I was just joking. Tee hee".

What is the alternative? Negatively affect her precious social standing by touching some sub 8er or just go without and wait for a Chad?

This is why the Chad only mindset is so prevalent, especially in prime girls. When girls are younger they are at their most grouped meaning any choice has to pass the validation of the majority if not all of the group like a fucking democratic vote of some kind and obviously only Chad is ever going to be able to get enough votes.

Alexander Ash #sexist #crackpot #pratt incel.blog

Can Men and Women be Friends?

If you are a woman and have a friend who is male, it’s likely that he would have sex with you if given the chance. But if you are man and have a friend who is female, know that she would likely say no to going to bed with you.

It makes sense that men see all women as potential partners first, and potential friends second. Biologically, men are wired to seek out to be with as many women as they can. But women, on the other hand, have always been the picky ones; they must select the best male out of all available to be with them (i.e., to protect them, care for them, and carry their child).

For women, if a man does not surpass her threshold of standards (e.g., appearance, character, style) he is immediately demoted to the “friend” category, one where he is likely to never escape from. If he surpasses it however, he enters the “date” category, where he must compete with other men for her.

For men, even when rejection occurs (explicitly by being told no, or implicitly by seeing there is no chemistry), the possibility of sex always remains in the air. While the man may remain “friends” with the woman, he will generally be willing to have sex if the opportunity ever arises.

No friendship?

As the video above shows, even among ‘friends’ who have known each other for years, men would jump at the opportunity to have sex. Women however, would not. This means that women can form casual friendships- which never go beyond that – with men they see as unworthy of getting in bed with. Men however form friendships that are forever capable of evolving into more.

In short, men can’t form real friendships with women because they will always crave more. Women can’t form real friendships with men because they will always see them as inferior. Surely counterexamples exist, and good friendships without ulterior motives have been made in the past. But for many, friendship is a white lie they tell each other.

Jackthelad #sexist fstdt.com

Who do u guys support pro choice so hard tho?
Most men on here are virgins and seem all the happier for it, so idk why women can’t just abstain from sex as well. No need for abortion.

@mod let this through tbh, not trying to offend or whatever

grondilu #sexist incels.is

Story I was contacted by a 38yo female, here is what I felt compelled to tell her

I'm not going to give you the whole exchange, but here is something I felt like telling her today, while she had left the conversation suddenly after I asked her a question about her Tinder usage.

I hope my last question didn't upset you. You have to put yourself in my shoes, though. Guys like me, we never really had much success with women when we were young. Then, when we hit 40, we get approached by women of our age. These women, they had many flings when they were young, when they were at the peak of their physical attractiveness. So frankly, when we see them coming, sometimes with their children, that gives us the impression that us, we are only worthy of the "left overs", if I dare say. There, I had to tell you this. Especially when the pictures you send me seem to have been shot by your lovers of the time. You have to be able to understand that this makes me slightly bitter. thus why I kind of feel like asking you questions about your "past".

:chad: :banhammer:

I'm fourty two. I had never been contacted by a female before.

Why do you have to be so beta about it? Where is the hatred? Where are the slurs? JFL it reads like a cuckit post. Either way I don't know why you didn't send it to her

Oh, I did send it to her. I just felt like sharing it with you guys.

What did she anaswer? If you are an oldcel and some females in their 40s are trying to get with you, you are an honorary incel still. That's not ascension, that's just over.

She hasn't yet. I just wrote it while she was offline. Thanks. I knew you guys would be understanding and not immediately call me Chad.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

(Made in Heaven)
Man grooms deceased girlfriend's daughter and she loves it

Did my brother groom his “daughter” and if so what can I do about it?

JFL another lolipill that proves our ancestors were right

-35 y/o man's girlfriend dies
-She has 5 year old daughter left behind
-Because the kid has no family, boyfriend adopts her
-fast forward 11 years, and man starts falling in love with his "daughter"
-They hookup when he's 48 and she is 18

Unspoiled lolis pair bond to gigachad while we rot. I can't recover from this.:kys:

”I’ll have to admit I reacted VERY badly at first I yelled at him, called him a pedophile, accused him of grooming her and taking away her innocence.”

Grooming and taking a girl's innocence isn't bad if you plan on marrying her. Given this man raised his wife, the odds of divorce or adultery are extremely low anyways, dont know why she's seething

She is seething because of jealousy and misandrist hatred. God forbid a man being fortunate. I wonder if she gets mad at old female teachers having sex with young male students.

If he did that when she was 15 he could have popped her innie cherry, it's over for us.

Well done, what a lucky guy. In fact he probably got an unspoiled virgin too, highly respect this man. Probably the only sexhaver I will truly like and appreciate

Imagine if the roles were reversed. I wonder if people would be in outrage. Probably call the kid lucky and move on. The only reason this bothers people is because it benefits the man

Various Incels #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

JFL My oneitis looks like a tranny now

Just checked her display pic and she legit looks like she's trannymaxxing. Cope or not, the wall is a thing. Lot of foids lose their feminine looks in their late twenties/early thirties. Maybe the mgtow brahs got this one right.

Men can actually increase their psl in their 30s as long as they stay fit and there are no signs of balding

Its the opposite for foids.

Is she white? White people look great even until 40 from what I've seen. Sandnigger girls start getting ugly at 25. At 30+ they're all masculine landwhales you can hardly look at without throwing up.

Not white. Shes curry.

Not oneitis but over my school career there was a female who was probs the prettiest ive ever seen objectively (perfect genetics, with the only problem being she was neither blonde hair nor blue eyed) and by the end of it she had cut off all her hair, dyed her hair this weird turquoise cyan color, gained a shit ton of weight, got nose and lip piercings +tattoos and didn't fucking shave her arms.

(Transcended Trucel)
brutal. in a sane society would have never happened

MSCW #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: LifeFuel You get what you fucking deserve you skank

>She is black
>She is poor

She should not blame herself and make her full rage against them. image

They're the reason she is in that situation. Not so long ago, she could have her lovely KANG.

Minus: Baby drama, Collect calls, Handouts, Boost mobile, Prepaid debt cards, Gang banging, EBT card, And of course a musical career provided by the 2%. What an american tragedy.

https://archive.is/PoXzf Where to find quality black men?

You can't make this shit up. I have most of it from my list. JFL She thinks she deserves that Tyrone.

https://archive.is/XpK7l Being a woman doesn't make dating easier

Full of shit as usual. But this time one of them is honest about it. "I feel like dating, at my height, with where I am in life, would have been significantly harder if I was a man." "I'm 5'0 for one. Working part time, nearing 30."

https://archive.is/pM248 I often think about how fucked up the world is for black girls and women

They never had it as good and still find a way to complain.

Jesse Lee Peterson #sexist #wingnut #fundie archive.rebuildingtheman.com

GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tweeted yesterday: “Republican women were responsible for defeating 10 of the 13 House Democrat incumbents. The Republican Party is in an even stronger position for the future!” That’s a lie. They need to get rid of Ronna McDaniel. She’s a liar. They have weakened the party by putting all of these women in charge. The strength is not in the women; it’s in the men.

Those who return to the Father: the Republican Party is going downhill fast, because they are emulating the Democratic Party. They’re not doing what’s best and what’s right, they’re trying to prove something to the Democrats. The Democrats get a bunch of women, the Republicans gotta get a bunch of women. Fall into Hell, following Satan right into Hell. You’re gonna live to regret this, Ronna...Ronna McDaniel is not the one that should be running the Democratic Party, or whatever she’s doing. Chairwoman...this woman’s blind and crazy.

PM-me-your-psn-codes, [deleted] #racist #sexist reddit.com

'Caribou Legs': Man running to honour missing, murdered indigenouss women

PM-me-your-psn-codes: "That's fine and all but most are other Indians killing and kidnapping the women."

[Deleted]:"Meanwhile his own sex is murdered at almost 3x the rate as the women. And let's not forget that Aboriginal men commit over 70% of the murders of indigenous women. If you want to honour missing and murdered women, start with having your chiefs realize that it's a problem with our men.

But who am I kidding, no one gives a flying fuck about male lives, unless they're unborn kids, or black! /s"

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

For nearly 300 years the English-speaking world used the King James Bible. But then in 1881 Westcott and Hort claimed to have discovered a new, older and more accurate ancient Bible manuscript, one which just so happens to eviscerate every place in the Bible where the deity of Christ and the Godhead are proclaimed. Since 1881 it has been open season on the Holy Bible!!! It is for this transgression that I have been marginalized by the Neo-evangelical Bob Jones University crowd, and Dr. Marty Herron (who is no Baptist Fundamentalist). Shame on all of them!!! No one truly loves Jesus who is okay with the modern Bible revisions which attack Him!

We've lost our minds today in America! Here is an article by an ungodly feminist-minded woman, who says that females should use a gender-neutral Bible to make women feel included in the Bible. Gail Wallace heretically says: “Using a gender-accurate translation is a way to make sure everyone is able to see themselves at the center of God’s redemptive story rather than in the margins.” Gender accurate? What gives Gail or anyone the right to decide what is gender accurate in the Bible? Literally, she is saying that it is okay to change the Word of God to appease feminist social changes. A godly woman who understands that God made the man to be in charge of the marriage, home and church would never have an issue with the King James Bible. Kindly said, only a rebellious feminist-minded woman would take issue with the King James Bible on gender.

We are at war today over the inspiration and infallibility of the Word of God, and the biggest offenders are apostate Bible colleges (like Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary, Moody Bible Institute and Bob Jones University), who train pastors for the churches, “I-chabod” is written over our churches today. That means, the glory of the Lord has departed!!! I ask you dear reader—how can there be TWO Bibles if there is only ONE Savior? Revelation 19:13b says that Jesus' name is “THE WORD OF GOD”!

Various Commenters #psycho #sexist reddit.com

NOTE: Those are comments on an almost certainly made-up story about a man refusing to pay for his grandchildren’s college education because his daughter refused to be walked down the aisle by him at her wedding, insulted him, and called herself an “independent woman”

OP's sister wanted to be independent, THAT INCLUDES FINANCIAL MATTERS TOO, RIGHT? OP's sister shouldn't be a hypocritical person and excluding financial independence from her wish of being independent. If you wanted to be independent, be 100% independent, even with the money.


NTA, but are you and your brother going stay be quiet about your father being an asshole? He’s punishing his grandchildren over something so petty. I imagine it’s not the only time he’s been incredibly petty, either.

But the dad is kind of an AH for treating his grandchildren so differently just because he didn't get to walk one daughter down the aisle at her wedding.

Kids sometimes suffer the consequences of their parents' decisions. Life isn't always fair.

But she's a strong independent woman and he is respecting that by letting her independently finance the kids education on her own.

the dad is acting super super petty but he kinda has a point. Does she want to perform wokeness or live it? I'd def give a y t a rating to the dad if she was not comfortably employed in a traditionally well paying job tho.


He has to be prepared for his grandkids to hate him, though. I would.


Disagree. I would place blame where blame is due- on the daughter/mom who insisted upon her independence.

She isn’t being emotionally abused. She is being shown what it means to be an independent grown-ass woman. Independent grown-ass women don’t need their daddies to buy them a house or put money into their kids college funds. If she wants to flex being an “independent woman” then she can be independent.

LOLI BREEDING #sexist incels.is

LifeFuel Lolis are thirsting hard for faggots like harry styles or kpop oldcels. agepill debunked lifefuel

How many becky lolis, literal 12/13 year olds(prime age) have you seen worshiping these late 20s prettyboys or semi-prettyboys with niche appeal? There are a whole lot of them. the gooks in bts(famous faggot band) are 26-28 too. Lifefuel because if they can ascend so can I all I have to do is stop balding and get the general prettyboy aesthetic. I've always been on the framelet side anyway, seems easier than gymcelling & roidcelling for years to become a robust ogre. what's the best way to prettyboymax?

Good luck trying to fuck 12 year olds lmao, i'm sure that'll turn out great for you.

no you want to befriend them and groom them early at 12 so you can penetrate them on their 14th birthday when it's legal :) obviously I'd never do anything illegal :feelzez:

Balding and pretty boy are mutually exclusive.

yeah it's not tragic yet. hopefully my non-tranny-hormone hair copes work out :dafuckfeels:

Why do you want to transform yourself based on the whims of the most vapid members of society (young girls)?

I must ascend :cryfeels: yeah it's cucked I'd much rather pillage a village and get myself a foid like in the good old days but sadly that method no longer works

Matt Walsh #fundie #pratt #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

They use the forceps to rip the child apart limb from limb and crush its skull. Michael here thinks that dismembering children is great fun. He is quite literally a psychopath. The pro-abortion movement is almost entirely populated by psychopaths. Cartoonishly evil.

Some people say to ignore this stuff. I strongly disagree. When the pro-abortion movement advertises its depravity, we should absolutely pay attention and point to it. I am more than happy to amplify their message that they are evil scumbags.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

RE: TeeHee Woman fantasizes over her boyfriend’s attacker

lol everyone sympathizes with her in the comments. No one has questioned it. Apparently it's completely normal to lust over someone who severely hurt your boyfriend. Her brain is scared but pussy knows better. The attacker = daring, adventurous young man who despises the conventional morality and is able to act on his own. Her bf = pathetic, defenseless crybaby who called the cops instead of killing him on the spot. Matter of time until she teams up with her bf's attacker and they destroy him at the court. Just flip her testimony 180 degrees and the scum becomes victim.

(Made in Heaven)

Foid = Whore. She wants alpha. That’s why when fap to doujinshi I laugh when beta bitches get their childhood friend NTRd

This. Is it any wonder why Islam is right about women? If you keep these whores locked up in homes and burkas, even if YOU DO get in a fight with some other man, she won't be around to see it. Also, JFL at party culture, it is pure poison

gee, I wonder why men are aggressive and we still have psychopaths in our societies surely psychopathy should be bred out very quickly because who'd like to breed with someone who's detrimental to the society, r-right guys


"There's a thing that happens when some women watch things like MMA. It brings out something primal. Fantasizing is ok but I wouldn’t engage at all with the guy. You're fine. It's normal. Probably feels weird and scary for you, but I promise it's entirely normal.."

they actually are less evolved. brutal blackpill. look at how nonchalant that foid is. it's normal. she has experienced getting turned on by violent thugs many times before. it's normal. the only things they respect are bones and brutality

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