
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Burglingthebrownlog #sexist reddit.com

Men are not poverty eradication plans for lazy or fiscally irresponsible women.

But men are. Main points:

Men are never 100% certain their children are their own. (literal cuckoldry).

Women are always 100% certain their children are their own.

Fewer men have children than women, indicating a "chad" is doing the work on multiple women.

30% of unmarried men are virgins in their 20's. Only 16% of similar women are virgins.

Women are a net negative on taxes, while men are a net positive. This means that men are paying for children that aren't theirs due to-

Welfare subsidized unsafe sex and "mistakes in sexual partners", in other words, guys who get their rocks off and leave. Having a financial buffer, pilfered from all other men in the U.S. women thus have no incentive to be careful. What behavior you subsidize, you get more of.

It is therefore obvious that the state we have created is one where men have to pay for the pleasures, both in sex and raising children, of others, if they are single low status men, and men are increasingly single because of the ability of women to have children with a man who is higher on the sexual selective scale, because they can "afford" to be a single mother by his genetics.

Men have been stupid and asleep for a long time. What do we call it when those of lower social status have to pay for those of higher social status to enjoy the drugs of life?

carefulthistime #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

RE: Why Is Transgender Identity on the Rise Among Teens? Theories Suggest a "Social Contagion" - Psychology Today

”In the DSM-5, prevalence rates of gender dysphoria are estimated at 0.005% to 0.014" of the population for natal males, and 0.002% to 0.003% for natal females.”


“In a recent survey of 250 families whose children developed symptoms of gender dysphoria during or right after puberty, over 80 percent of the youth sample were female at birth”

I wonder if mtf families kept the issue more private and didn't participate in the survey OR has this been influenced by brainwashing girls for their entire lives that men have privilege and women don't? Maybe both and other factors as well.

You're close, real real close. It's not that they want male privilege as such, it's that they can not stand the idea of becoming what they have been told women ARE.

They have been told believe they are doomed to become mindless victims, their every thought controlled by magazines, able to be literally raped by a casual glance from across the street, they might have to be hospitalized due to the effects of a wolf whistle.

They are terrified of becoming feminists, wouldn't you be? They believe that they have to make this decision, or in a few weeks or months when the estrogen kicks in they will become unable to make ANY decisions, they will be the cookie cutter stepford feminists that they have been told all women are.

MonicaB921 #crackpot #racist #sexist reddit.com

RE: Non Hispanic Asian males less likely than non Hispanic whites to be sexually experienced by 18 years old


As a short white guy I tend to believe that the race pill is really just a height pill - the ethnicities who are commonly shorter in stature and smaller build (Asian and Indian) are less successful, why am I not surprised?

you have to dig deeper than that. They subconciously think about reproductive success genrations ahead. For example black admixture now might damage reproductive success generations ahead because of the surrounding society...

Various Commenters #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Males reciprocate friendship requests from females faster than vice versa and hesitate to reciprocate hostile actions of females (Michael Szell & Stefan Thurner; Scientific Reports, 2013)


This is interesting. Though social scientists may have trouble finding the right explanation, here we already know with certainty what is is: males are thirsty, females guard the gate.


This bias is suggested as a form of misandry/'benevolent misogyny', the latter being a concept within the theoretical framework of ambivalent sexism.

Of course, misandry is also misogyny, just beneficial misogyny. Lmao

I hate this world sometimes. Fucking loser piece of shit scumbags filled with denial and cope to uphold their delusional realm held up by plastic straws

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia stewart1611.blogspot.com

I am so disgusted seeing women wearing tattoos. It is foolish ladies! I think tattoos add ugliness to a woman's natural God-given beauty. All you're doing by getting a tattoo is revealing your mental weakness, that you have succumbed to the whims of this ungodly generation. By getting a tattoo you are identifying with the heathen world. Honestly, I don't even want to date a woman with a tattoo, because it looks really foolish and disguising. I've seen women whose arms are covered in tattoos, and those women look like circus clowns! I really feel sorry for them. Some are physically beautiful, but their brains are long gone—woefully lacking femininity, unable to relate to decent men, and brainwashed by feminism. I seriously doubt if those women will ever find a happy marriage and motherhood, and sadly, they know it and don't care. Today's American woman is becoming a freakshow!

Why are women today so messed up? It is simply because they are thinking wrong! They are in tune with this sick ungodly world today. I am shocked how many women are lesbians today, and how many professed Christian women brag of “having gay friends.” GET RIGHT WITH GOD!!! If you are sharing an apartment with someone who is gay, you have serious spiritual issues! In the Bible, Lot pitched his tent door (the opening) toward Sodom, and the very next chapter Lot lived in Sodom. Buddying with homosexuals is just one step toward becoming one yourself!!! A little leaven leaventh the whole lump!

The Bible commands every believer to THINK ON THESE THINGS? What things? Things that are trust, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, of virtue and praise. That eliminates the homosexual community entirely, who are wicked and enemies of God and righteousness! Any church that is soft and tolerant toward homosexuals is pulling on the same rope as the Devil. Preachers today don't preach against sin anymore! Your average pastor nowadays is merely holding an occupation to earn a living, and is not a Bible preacher of righteousness! No wonder the United States has gone to ruin and Hell.

watcher #sexist incels.is

TeeHee Prostitute: "I hate men and I like using them."

Confession: I hate men and I like using them.

Don't hate her for being honest, hate her for being a woman, because deep inside ALL women are like this. Sure, they can like to get Chad/Tyrone dick inside them, but none of them like men in general, in fact, all women are misandrist, the only difference between this whore and the other whores is that this one admit it.

If you judged women the same way men are judged, then all women would be "man hating misandrists", but due to female privilege, only men get shamed for hating the other gender.

I see everything that men do to women in general and it pisses me off because women are some of the most hardworking and long suffering people

Said the bitch who gets rich by having sex. And as you would expect, all comments agree with her. MISOGYNY IS RECIPROCITY.

Incels #sexist #racist incels.is

[On a video of a woman crying while her dog is being euthanised]

[SuicideFuel] Brutal Dogpill: No woman will ever cry like this for you
She will miss the intense moments of pleasure, brought to her by the hard knot of the dog.
is this even really dogpill? people lose their pets all the time and cry, both men and women
You're looking at it wrong, she didn't just lose a pet, she lost a boyfriend.
imagine being owned by a fat tattoued (previous whore for sure )who forces you to lick her stinky flappy pussy .
idk but besides our mom no woman in the world will ever show this level of emotion to us if we died.

Hell I bet more than half of the moms of the users of this forum wouldn't cry like this if their son died
Fuck her i cried my whole life and. No one ever gave a fuck.

Now shell go on kikebook and sell the soys and cunts a sob story and get tons of sympathy and support for her dead LE DOGGO PUPPERINO

Fuck you and fuck ur dead dog

Various BJP Officials #conspiracy #fundie #racist #wingnut #sexist washingtonpost.com

It was never easy being an interfaith couple in India. Now some states are making it harder.

Politicians in India’s ruling party are contemplating laws to thwart such unions, driven by a conspiracy theory that views them as a tool for conversions. Men who “conceal their names and play with the honor of daughters and sisters” should prepare for their final journeys, thundered Yogi Adityanath, the radical Hindu monk who leads the state of Uttar Pradesh.In recent weeks, four state governments have promised to enact new laws to combat the purported threat.

On Tuesday, the state cabinet in Uttar Pradesh — home to more than 200 million people — approved an order criminalizing religious conversions “by marriage” with jail terms of between one and 10 years. The order, once it’s signed by the state governor, would also nullify unions in which a woman changes her religion solely to marry. Conspiracy theories alleging plots to seduce Hindu women and convert them to Islam have circulated for years, propagated by “a section of Hindu nationalist activists,”. But now it has this endorsement and sanction from authority and power. Earlier this week, Arun Singh, the national general secretary of the BJP, told reporters in Delhi that “love jihad” is a “very serious problem” that states should pass laws to address. “Many mothers and sisters have suffered its bad consequences.”

Recently, police in the city of Kanpur formed a special investigation team to scrutinize such relationship after several women became involved “with men from a different religion,” which caused “public anger,” said a copy of the team’s final report. They found no evidence of conspiracy, said Mohit Agarwal, a senior police official in Kanpur.

Jai Singh #dunning-kruger #sexist avoiceformen.com


EDITOR’S NOTE: Following on from his previous exploration of male archetypes in The Aeneid and the horrors of a blue pill existence, Jai Singh investigates the same work in search of female archetypes, with particular emphasis on the goddess Juno as a figure who embodies feminist attitudes. Juno, as many here will be familiar, is the Roman version of the Greek goddess Hera who was previously explored in these pages as a representation of feminism and feminists. For anyone interested in learning more about the figure of Hera/Juno and her pivotal influence on fomenting gender discord, I further recommend the video channel of Greta Aurora, a learned archetypalist who will be delivering a series of analyses on the Hera archetype and its associated impact on men, boys and ‘non-Hera’ women. — PW.

She then begins to raise that hell by commanding Alecto – one of the Furies, female beings from the underworld who are used to tormenting men who do not deserve to be tormented – to instigate the war. Most importantly, Juno does not care that the fulfilment of her vindictive desires will lead to the loss of innocent lives, in the same way that a petty wife will use the family court system to financially and psychologically torture her ex-husband and not give a damn about the impact of parental alienation on the children. Throughout the Aeneid, she treats Aeneas like an overbearing mother who does not want her son to become independent, because if he did, it would leave her with no role to play in his life, and that purposelessness is hell for such a mother. Despite the fact that a red pill analysis of the fate that compels Aeneas to do what he does reveals the cruel and corrupt nature of that fate, Juno is not resisting this fate out of a benevolent desire to take care of Aeneas.

DonezoTheClown #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

Hypocrisy My response to the: "we only expose the crazy stuff incels do, we're not making fun of virgins"-argument.

Even if you only pointed out the bad stuff (which is a lie), you're still only focussing on one very small mostly depressed close to suicide group of people.

Imagine if a cop only arrested blacks, for years, never a white person just 100% black people. They could do worse crimes and the cop would ignore it but keep arresting blacks doing petty crimes. Would you think that's racist? Of course, you're progressive leftie. But aren't you doing the same to incels? Your post histories are IT, neckbeardthings, niceguys, maybe dyke or feminist stuff. None of you have ever seen a woman, Chad, muslim or SJW do anything wrong, you only care when we do something bad. The comparison is actually too charitable because there is no widespread depression or high suicide rate among blacks as there is for incels, but I know how much you soys care about your minorities.

Saying "this is why you're an incel" when we say shit you don't like is the same as "this is why you're a virgin". You use our inceldom against us, you look down on us and there must be something wrong with us, why else would bad thing = reason why you're not getting laid? But the same people who think this will also tell us "there isn't anything wrong with being a virgin and they would never look down on us for that reason".

I wanna add that I truely hope that the foids of IT have the IQ high enough to understand that them spreading their legs isn't proof that their personality is good, it's not, in fact most of your personalities are dogshit and men would never hang out with you if they weren't trying to get laid. The fact you sit on IT makes you even worse than the average foid. You have no reason to look down on anyone.

cvh1991 #sexist incels.is

Redditors as expected hypocritically defend misandrist cesspool that is “FemaleDatingStrategy” while bashing MGTOW/TRP


Nice to see not everyone in the thread is so delusionally biased, but the number of women in this thread making blatant “whataboutism” fallacies and hypocritically supporting one over the other is hilariously retarded. They really have no idea — some of them are even reeeeeing/making their typical BS claims about how “muh womens have it so much harder than men!” just rofl — these foids need to read up on actual statistics, but no, they’re just happy to defend their own and buy into their own bias while giving the finger to men as usual.

Hypocrisy like this is honestly surreal — I mean, if you’re at all familiar with the asymmetry between men and women/the objective stats that exist (such as the compiled studies on the scientific black pill article if incels.wiki) it’s clear that at least the male subs/groups have a genuine point/complaints whereas the female centric ones are just huffing their own farts, but whatever.

Anyway, stay based frens — was happy to see at least some sensible fellows in there calling them out. Also, notice the administrative bias that exists — FDS is considered fine and dandy, but TRP gets banned and MGTOW gets quarantined. Also, TwoXChromoses is a default sub just rofl. Nope, no bias at all — definitely no bias or hypocrisy that favors women and hinders men whatsoever...

Forgetaboutthelonely #sexist reddit.com

Feminist shaming tactics cause lasting sexual repression in men most sympathetic to them

I saw myself as a feminist, but I was also bullied. In high school, there was a course on women's studies. And the girls used what they learned as a bludgeon to bully the guys they didn't like. It wasn't just that they disliked the guy who asked them out awkwardly. Now, he was a creepy entitled misogynist objectifying them. Any guy they didn't like who talked about girls and his attraction to them (as hormone-filled teenage boys do) were labeled as sexual abusers and predators. The message we got was clear: "As a man, you do NOT show your interest unless she expresses hers first." I internalized this for years and it pushed me into a number of abusive and manipulative "friendships", because all we're left with for ways to express interest is being nice or being deceptive.

And I'm not the only one who has noticed this:

By the time I realized that I was a lesbian, I’d internalized that all attraction to women was objectifying and evil. I internalized these messages from exposure to feminist memes, norms, and communities. It was feminist messages, not homophobic ones, that made it hardest for me to come to terms with my sexuality. And it has happened by now to enough people that 'well obviously you’re misinterpreting it’ is starting to wear thin as an excuse.


I spent my formative years feeling not “entitled,” not “privileged,” but terrified. I was terrified that one of my female classmates would somehow find out that I sexually desired her, and that the instant she did, I would be scorned, laughed at, called a creep and a weirdo, maybe even expelled from school or sent to prison.

Various MRAs #sexist reddit.com

YES! MRA's fighting back in Kenya - UN/WHO is forcing men in circumcision. In Philippines 70% of boys get PTSD (Circs are done IN PUBLIC age ~10 - see paper and 40% in one cohort were infected)

Men are being kidnapped, beaten, moved by gangs and genitally mutilated see below. Thats before we even mention the nationwide TV shaming, campaigns, bullying, social and peer pressure, government pressure. Areas where circ not high enough means no food aid by WHO and UN so men basically shamed and punished into genital mutilation... again a consequence of western meddling

According to UN its evil to practise FGM but mutilating baby boys and men is okay. This is the same UN which didn't celebrate international men's day and made it about women, withheld food from single men in disaster regions, deliberately downplays male suicide and men's health, says that if men aren't dying before women then it means women are being oppressed. The UN doesn't care about men, its just another tool of Western Feminist political lobby. This organisation needs to be disbanded.

Anyone remember that Harvard study that showed FGM also reduced STD transmission? Lasted a couple of weeks before feminists had it removed from the internet. Not exactly a good reason for the practice. I don't have a link to that particular one, but there's another two, this article discusses it:

None of these findings is conclusive. I am not saying that female “circumcision” can ward off HIV or any other disease. But imagine that some of the above-cited health benefits are eventually confirmed. Would anti-FGM campaigners suddenly be prepared to say that female genital cutting was ethically acceptable? I would be surprised if that turned out to be the case.

Various Incels #psycho #sexist incels.is

How many sex slaves should a man be allowed to own in an ideal society?
0, women should have equal rights Votes: 6 19.4%
0, foids should be housewives with few rights rather than slaves Votes: 5 16.1%
1 Votes: 6 19.4%
2-4 Votes: 6 19.4%
5-10 Votes: 1 3.2%
As many as he can afford Votes: 7 22.6%
Total voters 31

I think 2-4 would be an ideal balance, low enough to be affordable for most men but not high enough to cause severe sex slave ownership inequality.

First, sex ratio must be fixed, if one man will have 4 foids, others will have 0

The first would be ideal initially. But after sex slave businesses kick off and start mass producing foids they'd become more affordable for all men.

0, foids need to be exterminated

That's sounds gay

Bots or nothing. Females have proven to be defective enough times.


This site gets monitored, and the site owners will have to give your ip dress if asked... be careful about what you post here

There's nothing illegal about saying men should own women. It's a fact through history

andinocel & JosefMengelecel #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL (Old incel story) Incel made a foid fail physics midterm by not giving her a calculator

In college I was a white knight dumbass, and foids would sometimes make friends with me and become study partners. The foids would simply sit next to me during exams and copy my answers. White knight idiot that I was, I let them. In statistics class, another foid had registered but for the following semester; she asked if she could borrow the textbook. I agreed. Both foid and textbook disappeared, never to be seen again. I always hated having foids in math & physics, because all they would do is complain. In math, you are either right or wrong, no fancy words can pull you out of your fuck-up; foids find this unfair. It's the reason why so many of them prefer to major in biology. If true, the guy in the physics class is based, and he did the right thing. It was her responsibility to bring a fucking calculator. If you think this is heartless, remember that your classmates are your future job competitors, and if the competitor is female, she already has a huge advantage. The bitch may have failed physics but remember that the west is a gynocracy ---- she'll be alright.

He did the right thing. It isn’t even because she is a foid although that is a damn good reason to do it. I personally would have done the same thing even if it was a guy. Your classmates are just competition so you should do what you can to make them fail. Them failing means you have a better chance. The world is one huge battle royale and you should always take the opportunity to sabotage other people to get them out of the competition

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Discussion chinks now considered white, good for ricecels?

This is the 2nd time I'm hearing of this. Maybe the US will but I doubt it, however they also said Mexicans are white.

Because mexicans can be white, being a spic is just an ethnicity.

No no no they consider hispanics to be white. Go to the border town demographics (Heres an example: Laredo, Texas). It's 95% white but only 50% can speak English, and it's very very obviously not white

muh english white language!!! english is niggerspeak, accept it, this soy creole doesn't define being white nor American nationality, btw Spaniards were first

Keep crying. You think some literal brown bean colored, black haired, black eyed person is white? Just lol.

Chinks are not even human. Only animals eat other animals alive/raw.

Asians are only considered white when SJWs are mad at them ngl.

Everyone is white when it's convenient, everyone is an oppressed minority when it's convenient. Especially one tribe. Chameleons


they are not considered white by anyone you whore and even if they were foids would still not be attracted to them

they're only considered white by colleges b/c if they are classed as ethnic there would be too many chinks at uni due to their greater studiousness which comes from a desire to betabuxx. they don't get affirmative action, so chinks have both the disadvantage of being ethnic and so less attractive to foids and also they don't get accepted into colleges or hired based on their race. it's a lose-lose for ricecels.

Us ricecels are seen as whites in terms of "priveledge" but are still treated like subhumans

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Tell Women You are Only Interested in Talking to Virgins"]

You should always tell women who are flirting with you in social situations that you’re only interested in talking to virgins, because a woman who isn’t a virgin is already spoiled and thus below you.

Virtually all women will flip out if you say this to them.

They’ve been told, and then subsequently convinced themselves, that virginity is “just a piece of skin” and of no real value. However, inside, it is programmed into their genetics to know that it is in fact very valuable. This understanding is so fundamental that they do not have to be taught it. It is “DNA information” in the same way that fear of snakes and spiders is “DNA information.”

Realistically, you’re not going to find a virgin. Sorry to tell you this, but that’s not likely in the cards. However, it is good for society to just say this to every girl who gets flirty with you in a social situation.

It’s very important to them to attempt to justify the fact that they’re a slut. Therefore, if you say this to them, they will become obsessed with proving you wrong, and thereby likely become obsessed with you.

As I’ve always told you, you should always treat women as if they are far, far below you, and this is just a great way to hit them right where it hurts, and make them crave your approval.

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie stewart1611.blogspot.com

I sympathize with anyone who is married to an abusive spouse. I am not condoning any type of marital abuse, God forbid. I have heard plenty of horror stories myself. But where does a married person draw the line? What is considered “abuse?” How much abuse justifies the so-called “breaking point” to justify a divorce? I knew a kind man whom I worked with for 4 years, in the late 1980's, who said that he never abused his wife during their 6 year marriage. He said that he raised his voice just one time at her, and she was all it took for her to divorce him! I have heard bitter women suggest that married women file for divorce for name calling. I am not defending those type of things, but for someone who wants out of a marriage, they can demonize their spouse for anything.
I keep hearing angry women demonize husbands for looking at smut on the internet, or in girly magazines; but our American government sanctions these very evils. What hypocrisy! I heard a woman say, who divorced her husband, that he looked at smut (I don't want to use the word to avoid being censored). She was attempting to justify her decision to divorce, based on something that is perfectly legal in America (which is shameful and needs to be harshly dealt with and criminalized). I wish the U.S. government would shut down every smutty website, every sensual music video, every filthy magazine, hellish H.B.O. movies, and Hollywood (who all promote that garbage).

Kindly said, American women today are angry, bitter and empowered by the courts! It is open season on men these days. Women are ready to divorce if they don't get the treatment they think they deserve! So what they do is magnify extreme cases of abuse in order to promote their agenda. We have seen this happen with abortion ever since Roe vs. Wade, hearing about the elusive woman with a coat-hanger in some back alley. Yet, not one such incident has ever been medically documented. Yet, abortionists use such extreme and bizarre fallacious stories to justify keeping abortion legal. Abortion is first-degree premeditated murder!

BummerDrummer & starcrapoo #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Blonde American foids are my number 1 enemies in terms of women


Yeah, foids are all bad, but the biggest bitches that I wanna hit them with a big pole in the face are those American blonde foids. I can smell the bitchiness from miles away once a foid is blonde, I will never empathize with their shit ever. Blonde foids are fucking horrible, they yell, they insult men and have poor hygiene.

They also fuck non blonde haired men, thus their children becoming black and brown haired untermensch. But if they don’t have blue/light eyes their hair color was probably dyed so fuck them anyway

Lol I am more White then you Pale, Brown hair, Thicc eyebrows, Blue eyes

I’m paler than you but paleness doesn’t mean anything rlly unless you’re albino pale then yeah because I’m not albino, Brown hair is gross, Blonde hair mogs (including body and pubic hair like me), Thick eyebrows isn’t a white trait, I have blue eyes, Also ur anglo so if u have any Irish or welsh then it’s over for u

They are so extremely arrogant it is unbelievable. But thats how they naturally are. One behavior I've noticed thats extremely common with blonde foids is that they will ignore everyone in public. To them, they feel that they are the center of attention, believe that they are better than everyone else, and thus will ignore everyone. Which is all just hilarious because if you actually get to know them (say in the workplace, especially corporate setting), you find that they are ignorant, shallow, and completely worthless other than having a vagina.

starcrapoo & BummerDrummer #racist #sexist incels.is

Name perfect words for each race of foid

These are the words I've designated for all the races of foids. And I'm very very serious. I've actually put some thought into white foids in thinking up of words since I objectively view them as the worst. I can't ever escape these conclusions. It literally never fails. Try to find the best words, on average that describes the average foid of each race. Sorry if I've pretty much named them all.

White foids = disdainful, contemptuous, evil, crude, arrogant, slobbish, degenerate, dumb, shallow, racists, hypocrites, narcissist, passive-aggressive, hostile, classist, witches, hags, banshees, vain, egotistic, ignorant, subjective

Asian foids = EASY SHAMELESS WHORES, pathetic, lowly, self-hating, ugly, internalized racism, sad, low-self-esteem, treacherous, undignified, insecure, weak

Latina foids = airheaded, dumb, attitude, tits, ass, ghetto

Black foids = blunt, loud, masculine, degenerate, ghetto

I dont know much about Indian or middle eastern foids...

White women are unironically the reason your ass is able to be in California in OUR country while yelling about duh wypipo. I'll never understand how people can say white women are racist or nazi or far right. Like JFC I wish dude, I wish. Would be a dream come true.

They're just virtue signaling.

The virtue signalling should surely stop when they actually start importing apes from the 3rd world

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL 7 yo loli getting hots for chad brother: My [17M] little sister [7F] is extremely clingy.

Whenever my girlfriend is over my sister will always try to butt in between us. If we're sitting on the couch she'll come sit on my lap and give my girlfriend cold stares. If my sister sees us kiss each other she'll get a little angry and point to her lips and insist I give her a kiss too. Almost every night she'll come into my room and try to climb into my bed.


She doesn't have the hots for her brother, dumbass. She's just an attention seeking turd

Stfu retarded nigger bitch she wants to fuck him as hard as no girl wants to fuck u. If I was that male I would have sex with her and the reddit OP is retarded for not smashing that yummy cunny

Children can feel attraction and desire for attractive people. Get over it. There is no way she would be begging her brother to kiss her on the lips and trying to sleep in the same bed with him if she didn't find him attractive. Doesn't mean she wants to be fucked, though.

(Made in Heaven)
This I agree with. She does find her brother attractvie, which is why she likes him so much. That doesn't mean it is sexual per say

Anime fiction is Chad reality jfl

This is brutality true. All the sexual shit you see in anime actually happens to chads

(Fat Link)
Could be true though. If it is the little girl probably has only encountered cuck and soy males her own age in kindergarten or preschool whichever she’s in, so it only makes sense that she clings to the first Chad that she finds even if he is her brother.

metabuxx #sexist #psycho #wingnut #dunning-kruger incels.is

RageFuel "You're not entitled to sex, sweaty"

If we go by this logic men shouldn't be entitled to anything.
Imagine working hard and wageslaving all month and in the end your manager says "Sure you worked hard but you are not entitled to my money, sweaty".
Or imagine paying for health insurance every month and one day you get shot and go to your doctor who says "You are not entitled to my medicines sweaty"
Or imagine studying really hard just to hear your teacher say after the exam "You are not entitled to good grades sweaty"

This is what is happening to us right now. We work hard, wageslave, earn money and except to get a foid who loves us and gives us sex but their response is "You are not entitled to sex sweaty"
For normies its even worse, they go on dates, pay for dinner, spend thousands of dollars just to hear the foid say "You are entitled to my body sweaty".

If a manager refuses to pay his employees or if a doctor refuses to give his patients medicine, it is termed as violation of human rights. Same with sex, if foids refuse to have sex with us, IT SHOULD COME UNDER VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.

TheNEET #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #sexist #racist incels.is

>brooo… we totally, like, hunted giant beasts with spears because I found this bone and a stick in the ground :soy:
honestly most of history sounds like schizo ramblings, predictive programming and shock porn
>oy vey, watch this movie about the horrors of Holocaust! how terrible, isn't it! doesn't it make you feel better about your own suffering?
>oy vey, just accept getting gassed, it's ok because human nature is really psychopathic and it's just a cycle of history! kill or be killed! :soy:
of course there are many psychopaths, most normies are high in dark triad, but I feel the psychopathy is a relatively recent development and humans get PTSD when they have to kill someone, so I don't see how violent genocides and wars could be even real (nowadays, maybe, because people have been desensitized to violence by movies and literature, but, like, 100 years ago? sounds like larp)
I can't even examine most of the supposed artifacts and we know for a fact that people will make stuff up for cheap controversy like James Ossuary or the Piraha language meme
history is totally malleable based on politics, like, if you want to prove womyn are weak and oppressed and feminism is some divine revenge, you get this narration of everlasting patriarchy, men oppressing womyn since the dawn of time, but if you want to prove womyn are ackshually strong, independent and feminism is about restoring the original order, you get this narration of pre-agricultural tribes (and literally the rest of the world potentially, depending how hard you want to shill your idea) being ackshually egalitarian if not matriarchal

radred #sexist saidit.net

Pink Pill liberated me.

I used to see everyone, men included, from a positive lens. I'd assume that since they are people, then they have compassion, are understanding, and are looking for the same things in life. I was obviously wrong. And it's not that I don't see them as people anymore, it's just that automatically they don't register as characters in my life. I've noticed that by default I assume they aren't good people, they have hidden motives (but not so hidden, you know? It's obvious what their priorities are), they watch porn regularly, they're misogynistic, they're overly confident, etc. The few good ones surprise me. But mostly I am proven right and it has been such a game changer.

I choose not to date. In fact, I don't understand why any straight woman actively does. Why 'sell' yourself off knowingly to men? Why offer yourself to them? Online dating is an extreme manifestation of this: women accepting that they're the product and putting themselves "on the market" for men to practically masturbate to and attempt to use and abuse. It baffles me. Most men are such genuine trash that it makes no rational sense to put yourself out there asking for repugnant, abundant, and low value dick. Relationships are important to our wellbeing, in the general sense. But romantic relationships are almost entirely fictitious. A product of fairly tale movies that paint men as beings who are capable of love. It is a lie.

I like the positivity of FDS and the realism of Pink Pill. FDS is more 'attractive' than Pink Pill because there's an air of energy and positivity associated with it, but it comes from not fully giving up on men. Which is bad. Pink Pill on the other hand is realistic and sees men exactly for who they are, but is a little fatalistic. I don't just mean men, but overall. The truth is that while men are awful, this has liberated me instead of made me "accept" my oppression. The truth is so powerful that the prevailing beliefs about women affect my self image very little now. Simply, it doesn't matter what men think. They're wrong. Laughably wrong.

Various Commenters #sexist reddit.com

RE: Was there a last straw for you?

Did something specific happen that caused you to go WGTOW? One final relationship that was just really bad? Heard about something that happened to another woman? Or just coming to a realization? Maybe you just developed consciousness over time? I would love to hear your stories. Thanks in advance.

Finding po*n on my male familys computers of degrading a incest shit. Can't even trust men related to you by blood. While that was my final straw, there was the gradual buildup of constantly being dissapointed and harrassed by them all my life.


Yes. It was my ex-husband threatening to kill me while in a drunken rage. For all of the pro-gun people talking about how guns protect you, I can say with certainty if there had been one in the house, I would not be here posting this.

That’s why you own guns but don’t live with a man.

I realized I was never happy in relationships and hooking up was not worth it because the sex was bad and men have no respect for you. I was able to not be in contact with men during the worst of the pandemic and it was so nice. No man will adore me how I want so I treat myself like a princess instead!

It has always been my predisposition to not be a person who's is oriented towards romantic relationships so it was an easy decision. The fact that most men (especially around my age) watch porn, and the fact that the percentage of dateable men is so minuscule that actively looking out for them is pointless and a waste.

P O R N. All men watch it. Psychologists and therapists defend this madness. Bleh

radicalXXfreedom #quack #sexist reddit.com

The Rapey (therapy) is so invalidating.

When handmaiden Ts look at you like you’re evil for suggesting that the world would be much better if males existed at 1% of the population or less because of all of the horrific things they have done to women for thousands of years, it feels so deeply invalidating & retraumatizing. And all their minimizing & deliberate ignorance feels like going to neglectful parents and telling them about horrific bullying that is being done to you, and them looking at you with a blank expression and doing nothing about it.

I personally thought all my therapists were useless. They were mostly all female, but even the female ones didn't seem to think much about the female experience in an analytical way.

Haha. Fucking right times 1000. It infuriates me that they’re so uncritical, unanalytical, completely lacking in courage, completely lobotomized and brainwashed, mindless, moronic, male colonized fools.

Yeah they believe if you just allow yourself to be even more abused then you'll be "healed". That's like telling a shark attack victim to let the sharks attack them again. It's fucked up and inhumane.

Yup. That’s the whole point of therapy: manufacture more victims for men. More compliant, willing, self blaming victims.

ThisWorldIsAMess #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

Will there be a societal collapse where most men become incels and choose to rebel?

People have said it before, but I'm not sure if it's actually going to happen. Someone once said that as inceldom increases among men, average men won't care about jobs anymore because the main reason men were participating in the work force and earning a steady income was to remain part of society and ultimately get pussy. Since social media, feminism and the possible election of Biden, it's evident that more men are headed towards inceldom.

I myself have noticed that most of my friends and people that I know in general are doing better than me in online dating and real-life pursuits with women. However, these guys rarely end up getting the main goal: relationship and sex. The girls always string them along and talk to them casually, giving them the impression that they're not incels but they are. They just don't realise it yet. When will guys realise this? That only the top 10% of guys are actually getting any solid and progressive interactions with women.

Once men as a society realise this, then there will be change.

Consider_the_Horses #sexist reddit.com

More women would go WGTOW if adult women living together non-romantically/non-sexually were normalized

One of the main reasons why women seek out men is that they hope these men to protect them from other men. Statistically, of course, are the men women know most likely to brutalize, hurt, and rape them. Men who are close to women are the gravest danger to women - not hooded strangers with knives. But, of course, there are statistics, and then there is the heart...

Women are RIGHTFULLY afraid of men. Even the most stupid, brainwashed women is subconsciously rightfully afraid of men. The smarter a woman is, the more clear-sighted she is about how dangerous men are. Men are dangerous beasts. Even men are afraid of other men ... if men lock the doors at night and do not go for walks at night and are afraid in the subway ... this is not because of women. Men are afraid of other men.

So I feel like more women would go WGTOW if adult women living together non-romantically/non-sexually were normalized. Maybe the bleak fact that more and more adult working people need a roommate to pay rent can be a blessing in disguise if it would normalize adult women living together non-sexually / non-romantically. Most women are - rightfully - too afraid of men (who are objectively dangerous animals and vicious, violent beasts) to live alone. But if women living together were normalized, more adult women would go / stay WGTOW, I believe.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel Even in death, ricecels will be humiliated for having a tiny penis

You have this Japanese-Brazillian CEO who becomes a billionaire. In spite of a being a billionaire, the best you could do for yourself is to marry literally a blond brazillian whore from a random backpage harem site. Then you get murdered by her via headshot, and dismembered by her while you're still breathing. It's also likely she was cheating on you the entire time, because it's more likely she had a lover all along who was capable of doing the dismemberment and lifting. You're dead, and the photos of your dismembered body, and tiny shriveled penis are unearthed on the internet for the world to see. AND FOR FOIDS TO LAUGH AT.


It's a sick sad world. How ironic that INCELS of all people are most empathetic to this murder?? How fucking heartless do you have to be to mock the appearance of a corpse? God, I hate normies

*standard entitled female*

Its actually a good example of why so many modern women are fundamentally broken. Women raised in a conservative background with strict parents and religious values probably wouldn't do this. A girl raised in a liberal household with no god, access to porn and multiple boyfriends by 19, probably would.

the thing is it's a catch-22, because if you raise a female to be a whore she'll accept that, but nowadays if you raise a female to be conservative she will feel 'trapped' and try rebel against her parents by being a whore because she wants to be just like her whore friends.

(Red Shambhala)
"Fragile masculinity" is the blue-pilled "answer" to toxic femininity.
"Muscular masculinity" is the red-pilled "answer" to toxic femininity.
:fire::fire::fire: is the black-pilled answer to toxic femininity.

Pumkin #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: Based Volcel if you don't auntmaxx

Is it too strange if I (M19) take my aunt (F34) as a prom date?

I once touched my cousin when she was asleep.

i also touched a cousin while she slept. specifically younger cousin. and specifically she was dead asleep because she had the flu and i was in charge of making sure her fever didn't get too high. if it got too high i was supposed to call one of our parents to come back home ASAP and rush her to the hospital. and while she was dead asleep i slipped her bottoms down around her knees and for some reason didnt spread her legs to look at her femininity but instead kept trying to sniff her ass. she must have felt a shift in the force and sprang to life and ran inside the bathroom and locked herself in there for about an hour while screaming at me through the locked door at the top of her lungs. for the next several years she wouldn't sleep in the same room as me and she would always position her ass to the wall if she was going to relax around me. and that was only 1 of my cousins. and you will never know if this is true or not.

back to OPs topic: i find it odd that is even an option. my prom had a stipulation that you couldn't invite anybody over 20yo. the only "old people" at my prom were the chaperones and we only had 3 chaperones. even the DJ was a 20yo. brother of a classmate.

ionlycopenow #sexist incels.is

Never forget how ugly foids are without makeup.

Next time you see a foid just remember she without a doubt looks ten times worse at home when nobody sees.

If you have cucked anxiety around them just remember: they are ugly as FUCK without it, look down at them like the leech trash they are and you will have no problems.

Just because they collectively do this little emperor has no clothes thing where they just kinda LARP them with makeup "counts" as "them", it doesn't. Most women are even uglier than the average guy is without it. And it's always been this way. All they're good for is having tits and ass, and do most have that (without being fat)? No. So they're quite literally useless through and through.

Take makeup away and looking at the average foid, you have someone who is:
-ugly as fuck
-horrible skin problems
-weak as fuck
-cant run for shit slow as hell
-no endurance
-herd/npc like, incapable of doing anything significant independently.
-usually doesn't even have an ass or tits unless they're fat (which doesn't count then because even men get an ass and tits if they're fat enough)

So yes, quite literally, failed men/half developed men like romans believed. They're literally useless without the cunt and even then they're hideous without the acid on their face.

Arthur Copenhauer #sexist incels.is

RE: Brutal Never forget this mog


It is utterly fucking absurd that people deny looks matter. Just think about how disingenuous you would have to be say that in response to that photo. Oh wait, it's because anyone who does that is deluded about their own sexual value, and thinks that they aren't that ugly and they can succeed in the sexual marketplace, and therefore don't want to upset the status quo by affirming the blatanly obvious reality of the situation.

I remember this was posted on IT and they said lots of women prefer "chubby" guys like the SEA manlet :lul: :lul:

It's literally not even worth trying to have a sane conversation with people who'll just blatantly lie to you with a straight face.

wELL, nObODy sAid tHat looKs dOn'T maTteR

Yeah, I love the backpedalling and gaslighting

StSausageCel & Neoginesu #psycho #sexist incels.is

JFL People think I'm harmless because I'm quiet.

They automatically assume just cause I'm quiet that means I'm gentle. I'm tired of them always bringing attention toward me whenever they say bullshit like that.

It's happened to me since I was little. People always calling me nice and gentle. Especially teachers. It's almost patronising, calling a young man like me"gentle" because that means you don't see him as a threat. I'm pretty sure everyone seems me as some harmless overgrown kid, because I don't see anybody calling attractive guys "gentle".

I'd love to beat the shit out of some foid one day, and show everyone how nice and gentle I really am...:feelsBox:

The opposite is true for me.

Everyone thought that'll grow up a future serial killer, school shooter, rapist, pedophile etc just because I didn't talk at all in primary school.

They're probably not wrong actually.

HomoheroBishii #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL Curry on IT wants to genocide his own race

The fact that his post isn't sitting in the negatives is more proof cucktears is racist. Talk like this about black men and they'd all go into NPC mode with the downvotes. "Black guys aren't hated due to racism, they're hated because too many of them are thugs!"

By their logic, white guys should also be hated because white dudes have gone around raping foids left and right throughout history. But of course ethnic whores enjoy being colonized by white men so it doesn't count.

This is also why I laugh whenever an ethnic foid is abused by a white guy. No matter how many white or black dudes are racist or abusive, only curries and ricemen are hated by leftists, so might as well enjoy the show. Asian men have the lowest crime rates but are the most evil according to SJWs. Okay. :feelskek:

Fearofeight #racist #sexist incels.is

TeeHee Petite 40-Year-Old Hispanic Female Looking For Tall White Male


This is on a homesteading forum I go on, for fuck's fucking sake, just fuck this fucking shit you really can't escape the blackpill.

Women are rapists, rapists I tell you, this is rape, I feel violated by this image, I cannot find peace anywhere I fucking swear.

starcrapoo & Twinkcel #racist #sexist incels.is

RageFuel This is the most depressing thread on reddit I have ever read. WMAF couples in SF. Ricecels, enter at your own risk.

Anyone from the San Fran area notice the rampant rise of WMAF in this city the past year?and wtf is “MRAsian”?

I know I have always been the one ricecel on here bitching and moaning about San Francisco but to hear other ricecels describing exactly what I've seen is both reassuring and depressing. Reassuring in that i'm glad that I'm not the only ricecel thats outraged by whats going on. I fucking hate White Anglo society and I know one day their children will suffer just like I and many other ricecels have. I suffer the sight of injustice and unfairness every other day. These WMAF are so proud when they are out and about. At the same time, I always see groups of Asian men hanging out together or walking alone. I think I'm gonna go fuckin insane once the vaccine comes out and seeing all of the WMAF couples and white normies. Rofl at these libtard females. If there were an equal amount of non Asian female Asian male couples, I wouldn't even be mad. But there is not even one in the entire city.

I’m not Asian and I felt the pain. I wouldn’t care if Asian men were doing fine on the dating scene but that are literally getting nothing and on top of that the shameless behavior of the Asian females. I don’t see white, black or Hispanic women talking shit about their men it’s only the asian and Indian women. Asian men should push harder and shame them even more. Get the parents involved into shaming the girls who date white guys. Refuse sloppy seconds after dating a white refuse the girls and announce them untouchable until they grow old with cats.

LovingIncel #crackpot #racist #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

The 6 Steps for Escaping Inceldom

1. Start watching MTF transgender porn, then move to femboy porn, and finally move to gay porn. Make sure at least 50% of the porn you consume is black-on-white action. Do not watch any straight porn and watch porn for 4-6 hours a day - every single day. Additionally during process, the incel needs to free itself from all of it's sexual prejudices (e.g. bestiality). The goal is to become as degenerate as possible. After doing this for 2 years the incel is ready.

2. Find another incel who has completed step 1, but has not started their transition. In the future there may be a website which matches such incels. Interracial matches are encouraged and recommended. This incel will become your life partner.

3. Upon meeting discuss ALL your sexual fantasies. Masturbate together. There should be NO secrets between the 2 incels. You are now partners in crime. Be as degenerate as possible. Be nasty to everyone is society except each other.

4. This step is only necessary if one or both of the incels are overweight. Eat a lean or keto diet and do high intensity cardiac exercise till you are no longer overweight. The incel couple should encourage and support each other during this process.

5. Together, start transitioning to female. Start the estradiol and testosterone blockers. Get facial feminization surgery. These are the two most important. DO NOT GET SRS - your penis is the most important part of your relationship.

6. Kiss each other and fondle each other's feminine penis. Suck each other's feminine penis. Take turns fucking the tranny pussy of the other one. Love each other and enjoy life.

Lori Alexander #sexist twitter.com

“Equality” between men and women is a word made up by feminism and what they fight for. There’s nothing about equality in God’s Word. We’re all completely different and unique. Fighting to be equal only breeds discontentment and contention. It’s not of God.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

A wife ought to wait on her husband hand and foot. I heard a woman scoff at that very idea once. She exclaimed: “I ain't waiting on no man hand and foot!” She had commit adultery with a married hockey player for the Chicago Black Hawks. I'm talking about a young lady who attended Hyles-Anderson College for a couple years. She quit because of an ungodly staff member at the college who berated and discouraged her. She started working in nightclubs in downtown Chicago, meeting wicked people. The hockey player used her, dumped her, causing her a nervous breakdown, because she loved him. I know his full name! That young woman got into astrology. Later illegal drugs. She died of a drug overdose at age 46, without ever having married, giving birth to a precious little girl out of wedlock, which was given away for adoption. Your attitude in life determines your altitude. Oh how sin thrills and then it kills! Oh how sin fascinates and then it assassinates! The Devil is a beautiful liar!

I know what I am talking about folks. Marriage is not just the old-fashioned way, it is the right way, God's way. The Lord knew what He was doing when He authored the Holy Bible. This wicked world is utterly confused today, because they reject the light of God's Word. That light is THE TRUTH, which will set any person free if you let it (John 8:32-36).
I have read thousands of dating profiles on e-Harmony since 2017, searching for a Christian woman to marry. A large percentage of the women look like a collection for the mob—whores, police mugshots, bimbos, no smile, goofy gals, barn yard ugly...yikes! I have not found even one profile where the woman says she wants to be a servant—a help meet—to please her husband in every way. The Bible says that Sarah called Abraham “lord.” Ladies, do you realize that God wants you, as a wife, to completely surrender to your husband, to the same degree that you would Jesus? Ephesians 5:22, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.”

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

[Submitter’s note: continued from https://fstdt.com/FJLQYWNZ4WGZH]

Hebrews 13:4, “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” Courtship is non-existent these days. Social media, the music industry and Hollywood have trained America's youth to have sex on their first date (but then to stop using a condom if you really love someone). That is the Devil's advice! These people are living for the Devil. Any sex outside of a legally-binding marriage as very sinful. God will punish all fornicators and adulterers! America's epidemic pedophile problem today is merely a symptom of a sex-crazed society which lacks morality, restraint, Christianity and the fear of God. Satan is the god of this evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:3-4), which is why the Holy Bible has been removed and banned by Freemasons from America's classrooms since 1963. We get what we deserve America!

Avivah is a foolish woman, who does not believe the Bible. Anything with two heads is a monster! God has foreordained that the man (not the woman) is the head of the home. God created Eve from Adam's rib (the nearest thing to his heart). The ribs protect the heart and vital organs. A wife protects her husband's heart. God created Eve from Adam's rib to be loved; not from his head to rule with him; not from his feet to be trampled upon with cruelty and abuse. God created the woman FOR THE MAN (MP3 sermon clip by Pastor Jack Hyles), whether you feminists like it or not! 1st Timothy 5:15 says that career women are turned aside after Satan! God does not want Christian young women pursuing careers to make money. Let the heathen world pursue careers. It is high time that God's children stop following the world!

All across America today, Christian men like me cannot find a wife who wants to stay at home and be a homemaker, because of the evils of feminism in our churches.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

The world is filled with bad advice! I ran across the following ungodly opinion today, from a woman named Avivah Wittenberg-Cox. She is a career woman, with a feminist mindset. Her horrible advice for women, is to stay single if they cannot find a man to pander to their career ambitions and goals. This is the Devil talking
Women ought not be in the secular or religious workplace. Women belong at home, married and bearing children, guiding the house as the Bible teaches (1st Timothy 5:14-15). Our nation is being destroyed today by career woman. Instead of being at home where God intended for them to be, they are pursuing careers, fighting in the military, advancing up the corporate ladder, childless and miserable at age 40. It is so tragic! Please read the preceding article, about how miserable career women are!!! Avivah has it all wrong, looking at things from a selfish point of view, totally bypassing God's purpose in making a woman, which is to be a HELP MEET for her man!

Avivah states: “The 20th century saw the rise of women. The 21st century will see the adaptation (or not) of men to the consequences of that rise.” Oh, we're going to see the consequences of their rise alright. Even so, it is already happening in America. Isaiah 3:12, “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” To the same degree that ungodly women are forfeiting motherhood, and pursuing corporate success instead, we are seeing the destruction of the traditional family. Lesbianism is on the rise. Abortion is commonplace. Broken homes are everywhere. Drug abuse is epidemic. Fewer people are willing to get married anymore. The situation has become so bad in these crazy modern times, that fornicating women are increasingly having their eggs frozen because they cannot find a stable relationship. Hello, it is called a “MARRIAGE”!!!

Youngcel_Oldcel #quack #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

Best looking people are men without makeup majority of women are ugly, smartest people are men- no denying this, fastest people are men- biological fact, strongest people are men- biological fact, best athletes are men- biological fact, greatest intellectuals and thinkers are men- facts, best poets are men-can't deny, best authors are men -can't deny, best actors are men- definetly, best singers are men- yeah, best leaders are men - 100%, best comedians are men- yes, best chefs are men- probably, best engineers are men,- yeah best scientists are men- 100%, best doctors are men- true, the prophets were all men - yeah. Men mog - 100%

Gymcelled #racist #sexist incels.is

[TeeHee] Good personality: "My husband tried to kill me tonight" (Reddit)


She probably got turned on from the entire thing.


"I wouldn't call the police because he's black so that would be a death sentence for him."

JFC apparently it's true some people believe US cops are out there hunting black people down.

Oh they really, really do. They've never seen the actual statistics that show that whites and hispanics get shot at more per police interaction

"He is Black so I can't call the police" :feelshaha:

Your brain on reddit

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

RE: Short Story: Meanwhile, in a parallel Universe


Just as she rose from her seat she noted an Ad popping up in her browser: “Feeling lonely? For just 50 bucks per month this prince will give you the boyfriend experience of your life!” Below those lines was a picture of an average looking guy, smiling into the camera.

Brilliant post, man. Feminists always complain about gender swapping because men and women don't have it the same way. Well, duh :p

U singlehandedly revealed the hypocrisy n double standards of soyciety n reddit especially

Girl, you are twenty-fucking-nine, that’s still very young, you have time. It’s absolutely normal for women your age to have never had a relationship


this: "On other occasions men would abuse, beat and rape her before ending the short lived “relationship”. Is unnecessary, women dont rape men as much as men rape women. At this point an average redditor will just say "Aha, silly inkwell, see! I told you women DO have it harder! Nobody will rape a man!" ignoring the message

I put that in there to underline that, in this universe, men have absolutely no trouble attracting woman and therefore value them so little that they casually abuse them even in the worst way. Women don’t violently force themselves on men but I would say that women use their infinite SMV and hypergamy to force men from the 6-7 range to fuck women from the 2-3 range. “You don’t want to be an incel? Then your only choice is to fuck those women you are not attracted to!”

I read the whole thing. i lol'd at the vanilla latte part. the onlyfans ending was a nice touch too. good stuff, OP. i find it fascinating how when you switch the genders, it becomes so obvious how unjust things are. as a society we turn a blind eye to men's suffering and blame them for it. People need to open their eyes.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] My mother lives like a queen.

We are not even rich, I would say we are somewhat average. My dad works very hard everyday to bring home a respectable paycheck while my mom watches TV. By no means I hate my mom, in fact I am grateful for all the time she cared for me but I am jealous of her. She lives the perfect life. She occasionally cleans the floors, does the laundry, cooks lunch for us and goes for shopping. I don't see shopping and cooking as a chore because you actually control what you want to have in your house and what you want to eat. She doesn't even cook dinner! (only once in a blue moon) All of her "chores" barely round up to an hour a day. I wish I could marry a cute girl who would bring home the paycheck and I would just be lazy all day (in fact I would always cook breakfast, lunch, dinner and do the dishes). I mean isn't that the minimum you could do?! Most of the time when my dad comes home he has to make himself dinner, and he is fine with that, like wtf? I think about it and almost every femoid in the world lives like this, while that kind of life could only be fantasy for men.

Fuck I wish I was my mom.

you should hate your mum. look at it this way: if they claim prostitution exploits women, however women get paid for the service. how is she not exploiting your dad, he is paying for her to exist, in a relationship their has to be a balance of giving by both parties otherwise its exploitation by definition, how is she not exploiting his labour for her own comfort.



And there are chads living such blissful lives of trophy spouses, just because they have some cms of bone more than we do. At least they are something rare, to do it as a woman one has to simply exist.

BurntNegroid_Cel077 #sexist incels.is

RE: My Foid Cousin asked me if she should become a Sugar Baby.

My relatives decided come over to stay at my house for Thanksgiving for the week. I have two cousins, one is 12 and the other is my age,18. We were talking to each other for a while when she asked me if she should become a sugar daddy to make quick cash, and I asked why? She said because she has older men simping for her on Instagram and she might as well profit off of it. Then I asked her If I could get money from her being a sugar daddy as a joke, but then she said she would need to create a paypal to do it. Weird times we're living in these days.

It blows my mind how much easier it is to be a woman (especially in the west) but how they bitch and complain about how the system is meant to oppress them and make their lives harder. Making thousands a week off of simps on onlyfans and sugardaddies without having to lift a finger, having your rent paid for riding the CC a little bit or giving head while being the gatekeeper of sex is definitely a "hard life" and "oppression". JFL.

Vintologi #quack #sexist #transphobia vintologi.com

transmaxxing2 manifesto

This is a new version of the transmaxxing manifesto (45 pages). Modified section, New section.

Why you should transition (1)
Forced feminization (7)
Alternatives to medical transition (9)
Therapists and psychiatrists cannot be trusted (9)
How a girldick differ from a male penis (17)
Transwomen have way better sex than 'chad' (18)
Benefits of transmaxxing as sissy (22)
Transmaxxing works even if you do not improve your personality (24)
Some people need a male to take care of them (24)
How to extract resources from men (24)
Sex work (25)
How to attract chad (26)
Transmaxxing success stories (26)
Not only did transitioning save my life, it got me out of inceldom (28)
I'm not a woman trapped in a mans body. I'm just a man with bad genetics and childhood traumas (28)
I didn't feel like i was a girl until i was on estrogen (29)
Most males are already obsolete (31)
Involuntary Celibacy (32)
Sexual reasons to transition are valid (32)
Being cis can be a mental illness (33)
How to do Hormone Replacement therapy (34)
Safety (38)

Should you emulate female puberty? (38)
The stop & go method (39)
Puberty blockers (40)
Who actually benefit from transitioning? (41)
Long term outcomes (42)
Why do some people regret transitioning? (42)

radical_freedom & kwallio #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

RE: I’m starting a private discussion group for biological essentialist, intersectional, antinatalist female separatist radical feminists who have studied & are continuing to study rf theory. There will be a screening process in order to join. If you are interested, please DM me.

Platform will be off Saidit and will require nothing more than any throwaway email address in order to participate.

Thank you

Edit: this is not a space for mothers of sons (“boymoms”). sorry not sorry 🤣

The term biological essentialism does not mean what you think it means. I think what you are referring to is just biology. Biological essentialism is the idea that women are nurturing and should only occupy nurturing professions like nursing and teaching, etc. Trans advocates misuse the term all the time but I don't think feminists should adopt the trans terminology. They've conflated biological essentialism and biology because the term biological essentalism has become a no no, what they are talking about is just simple biology.

Actually, I am indeed familiar with the usage of the term in the way that you are describing, but radical feminists who are biological essentialists in the sense that I mean will understand my post, so I do not need to clarify. We understand each other.

If you continue to use the term as the trans activists do you are simply helping them. Why do this?

Gymcelled #crackpot #sexist incels.is

image In the south of Vienna we told the women that the Russians are approaching and that they should somehow make themselves less recognizable as women [to prevent being raped]. And we gave them advice on how to do it. And then I blushed and felt ashamed —as the young 17Y0 that I was— when a Viennese woman replied "So what? Well simply spread our legs." [orig: "Och halt, mochn' ma halt's Beint breit'9]. Can you imagine that? Manfred Diener WW II soldier, Dritte SS Panzerdivision Totenkopf From his lecture "Soldaten erzåhlen"

Geezus, men really don't understand women. Being raped by conquering soldiers would be a dream come true for women, they would gladly spread their legs.. of course after some pushback to make sure the soldiers overcome their resistance.

He got blackpilled hard. They were trying the best to save the foids from the invaders only to find out that the foids would gladly fuck the people trying to kill and enslave the men of their country

A good example would be the daugther, wife and mother in law (yeah, all foids) of Russian/soviet writer Aleksandr Belyaev. Hoping that german chad will come and take them as wives bitches just made themselves pretty in besieged Leningrad/St. Pertersburg at the time when Belyaev himself was dying in his bed. His whore of a daughter even made shitty excuses later in her reminiscenses "muh he was dying anyway, we wyminu dindu nuffin we just wanted to suck aryan german chad cock because it seemed he was going to win and spare us because we are upper class citizens and not filthy peasants". Soviet government said yeah but actually no and expelled the bitches to live in based Siberia for 11 years after the war. Should've executed them both tbh.

Brutal. Just like with Honoria they got away with simple exile.

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