
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Charles Haywood #racist #crackpot #fundie theworthyhouse.com

There is no evidence whatsoever the Mongols, any more than any other Asiatic people, would ever have accomplished anything notable. Past performance here is an indicator of future success. (By notable, I mean enduring additions to mankind; conquest itself is not notable.). I said nothing about Americans; it is the West, Christendom, that has done everything that matters for the modern world to exist as it is (good and bad). This is objectively obvious and provable; it is not a founding myth.

erwgv3g34 #racist themotte.org

Jim Crow worked and lasted for a long time. So did slavery. Those are sane, stable solutions to the problem of having a racial underclass that is much less intelligent, much more impulsive, and much more violent than average.

Charles Heywood #racist #crackpot theworthyhouse.com

(Person claims that the 17th century Chinese were innovative and uses an example of using telescope spotters for their artillerists as an example)

Charles Murray: The idea that Chinese had telescopic aiming is also dumb. Again, it is very common for apologists like you to claim that vague and wishful claims are probative. (This is very like the common, and utterly false, claim that Muslims invented the fountain pen, discussed in another review of mine).

noble #wingnut #racist #conspiracy renegadetribune.com

[From "Hitler Was NOT Controlled Opposition"]

Making Adolf Hitler into a Jewish-controlled agent is quite a brilliant plot by International Jewry to divert newcomers away from learning the true history & background of National Socialism. Don’t be fooled!

Watch out for so-called “pro-White” online activists who are trashing Hitler’s legacy, or just giving Hitler lip service “1488” without teaching the fundamentals & principles of National Socialism. These “pro-White” online activists want you in their big “controlled opposition” tent. It’s a clown show!

Stand up for Hitler and National Socialism!!

In December 2019, a 6-part Renegade Tribune Series summarized the facts that Hitler was NOT Controlled Opposition. This article is a quick series recap for those new to the site.







Conservapedia #fundie #racist #wingnut conservapedia.com

(On Crusader Kings III)
This is a Role-playing game that takes place during the Medieval Age in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. This period is famous for its piousness and devotion to the principles of God, as in opposition to the values of sin. It also promotes true conservative values like fighting Islam and converting the religion of heathens.

(On Hearts of Iron IV)
This is a World War Two era strategy game that features very complex gameplay. The game was attacked by the CCP for it's accurate depiction of Tibet, Manchuria, and East Turkestan as independent countries before the Chinese invasions of each. The game's Man the Guns expansion was also heavily criticized for its accurate depiction of Democratic Socialism as a buzzword for communism. Hearts of Iron 4 also features a positive depiction of Catholics and a negative depiction of Atheists. The game also recognizes Communism and Fascism as having the same inherent government form, Totalitarianism. Hearts of Iron 4 was attacked by the leftist site Kotuku for allowing a player made modification that featured a positive depiction of Christianity and a negative depiction of Islamic Terrorism.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Trouble_Man )

spoilerWe are the ones you couldn't teach to hate their
We are the ones you couldn't teach to hate
We are the ones you couldn't teach to work against
the interests of their children.
We are the ones you couldn't teach to celebrate
faggotry and degeneracy.
And we are the ones that are going to teach you a

( @DarenFromDelaware )

We are also the same who you couldn't Propagandize into taking the poison aka covid vaccine.

We are the ones you couldn't stop us from saying It's Okay to be White and White Lives Matter

( @Italian_Supremacist )
@Trouble_Man Bye jews.

spoilerpicture of a pile of ash

( @Ulrik_Pedersen )

spoilerThis is the ideal Jewish body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
picutre of a hand full of ash

( @DavidWagner )
@Trouble_Man amen brother..and there's millions and millions of us unvaxed unmasked and untested Patriots that didn't fall for the globalist ruling class pedo parasites depopulation scheme prepared and ready for what's to come...to all American citizens who care about their children's future form your own groups of family and trusted friends and have a plan...you are not alone....

Jila Ansari, Esq. #wingnut #racist #conspiracy culturewars.com

I found the overall message of your speech to be an invitation to Iran’s Islamic authorities to allow for a reemergence of ancient Iranian principles that would balance the notion of sexuality within a self preservation concept – not only from a nationalist perspective but a universal imperative of retaining human purity – as opposed to finally giving way to the global zombification process at the hands of a technocratic Jewish kakistocracy.
The dangerous irony for Iran is that in order to continue this deception Judaism has sought the destruction of all Iranian civilizational legacies from archeological to literary, to scientific to even physical beings, all have been targeted for erasure via endless forms of warfare including chemical and biological let alone psychological and ideological.
At least a decade prior to the 1979 “revolution” Israeli intelligence had infiltrated Iran’s security apparatus under the pretense of cooperation against the twin menaces of communism and pan Arabism – both of which of course were invented by Jews.

But it was really Islam that was the Jews’ oldest and most formidable weapon against greater Iran.

Jews invented Islam. That’s why it calls for Tasleem, meaning surrender, and penalizes anyone who leaves the religion. Islam was designed as a devotional army serving the ultimate Jewish goal of invading the great Persian empire. Much later the Jews also invented the myth of king Cyrus saving them or the myth of Purim in order to self-aggrandize and back date themselves as an ancient people, which they are not.
Meanwhile Jewish agents were even physically deteriorating the shah by administering carcinogenic drugs via Dr. Ayadi, a Baha’i Zionist connected to the Mossad, who himself was killed a year after the revolution.

There are so many layers associated with the Iranian revolution and little space here to cover it all. Suffice it to say the defeat of Iran’s greatness has always been Jews’ primary target.

Vox Day #racist #sexist #conspiracy #elitist voxday.net

[From "Racial Destruction Goes Awry"]

The Kalergi plan from the early 20th century to politically unify Europe and destroy the European race through admixture with “the lesser races” might appear to be working as designed[…]

One passage that really stuck out for me in Amy Chua’s book, was her digression on yellow fever. She acknowledges there are a lot of skeevy WMAF couples out there, and makes a point to say that her white husband has never dated an Asian woman before[…]WMAF has become self-aware about just how low status their coupling is[…]
East Asian women are the lowest status women in the world, and so to market themselves to loser white men, they have to advertise themselves as the least feminist. Sexual Coolies serving as strikebreakers against White Feminism[…]
Asian women have crashed their own sexual market value, 6 March 2015

There is a saying among Hapas that if you want to know if a hapa boy’s father is Asian or White, all you have to do is throw a football at him. Loser white fathers don’t tend to produce boys who can catch[…]What about when WMAF pairs of high-quality 8_Gerek_Meinhardt_and_Lee_Kiefer]get together?[…]
Siphoning off the low-quality Europeans by encouraging them to trade in their children’s genetic heritage for additional sexual market value is only going to increase the average quality of the pure Europeans[…]
We can reasonably anticipate that one of the inevitable results of the Kalergi Plan, mass immigration, and the endless marketing of mudsharking provided by the media will be the production of two new genetic elites, one of higher-quality Europeans, and a second that is a super-subset of very high quality Eurasians that could turn out to have some of the highest-performance genetics ever produced by Man

planck's constant #psycho #racist plancksconstant.org

I have for years blogged about banning further Muslim Immigration and even deporting those that are already among us, see my 2007 article The Sunset of Christianity. Had this country heeded my warnings there would have been no deaths or destruction at the end of the Boston Marathon.

On 1 Jun 2009 an American convert to Islam, one Carlos Leon Bledsoe, opened fire with a rifle in a drive-by shooting on soldiers in front of a United States military recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas, killing Private William Long, and wounding Private Quinton Ezeagwula. This was only one case out of many involving American converts to Islam. In my 2006 article Can Muslims be Good Americans? No. No. No., I warned that "when an American, who was born here, converts to Islam, he becomes a threat to this country." Had this country heeded my warnings to deport all Muslims, including converts, there would have been no deaths or injuries in subsequent attacks.

Conservapedia #fundie #sexist #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger conservapedia.com

The Legend of Zelda series: Similar in vein to stories such as Lord of the Rings, Beowulf, and The Chronicles of Narnia, the games detail a classic message of good fighting evil, and also featured implicit Christian themes in the series (in fact, until the third game, the religion of the people in the games was supposed to be Christianity, hence the cross on Link's Shield in the first game). The main villain, Ganon, is revealed to have originally belonged to a group known as the Gerudo, who are depicted as a nearly all-female race (Ganon, or more accurately his human form Ganondorf, being the only exception) and having traits resembling Muslims, hinting at an anti-feminist/anti-Islam message. There was also a pro-family message in at least one game in the series, as one of the entries, Wind Waker, featured Link trying to save his sister after she was abducted early on in the game, as well as their getting along amicably throughout.

Metroid series: Although largely being based on the liberal movie franchise Alien, the game franchise has several conservative elements. Namely, it depicts piracy and terrorism in a negative manner in the form of the murderous Space Pirates who frequently act as the main antagonists of the franchise. The game Super Metroid also promotes parenthood in a positive light, as the main plotline of the game involved Samus Aran trying to rescue her "child", a Metroid hatchling she adopted after wiping out its race in the previous game due to it imprinting on her, from the Space Pirate forces. The Prime series also depicts the military in a positive manner in the form of the Galactic Federation Marines, and some of the Chozo Logs as well as the Luminoth also have some similarities to biblical accounts (i.e., the Worm, alluding to the titular antagonist Metroid Prime, alluding to Wormwood in the book of revelations). In addition, although the main protagonist, Samus Aran, is female, it does not promote the concept of feminism. The game Metroid Fusion also showcases the warnings of playing god and government corruption.

woodchip #racist #conspiracy #wingnut descentbb.net

"Florida State University criminology professor Eric Stewart was a guru of the claim that “systemic racism” infests America’s police and American society.

Now he’s out of a job on account of “extreme negligence” in his research."

I wonder how many "scientists" in the climate crowd are cooking the books just so they can get funding.

Medeea Greere #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy amg-news.com

I. Gathering of the Storm

The signs are all around us. Our world teeters on the edge of a cataclysm, a transformation to obliterate all that is corrupt, all that is saturated with the unholy stench of the Satanic Luciferian. GESARA funds are primed for activation, pushing us towards a complete overhaul of the global system. A pyrrhic victory? Perhaps. But from the ashes of the old world order, We The People shall rise.

II. Battlefields of Power

The Satanic Illuminati, they’ve been right under our noses, hiding in plain sight, and yet shrouded in a cloak of deceit. The Vatican, Buckingham Palace, the White House, not one, but two – one in the heartland of the free world, and the other, ironically, in Germany. The Three Gorges Dam in China, and perhaps even CERN, nestled precariously on the Swiss/French border.

Let’s not forget the towering giant that is Russia. What role does it play in this convoluted power play? And what of Big Pharma, the marionette dancing on the strings of Israel? More specifically, the Khazarians. They’ve ensnared the Chinese Communist Party in their web of deceit, pulling at strings to move chess pieces on the global board.

III. The Fall of Giants

The media, those 34 Satanic buildings and dams, they are but mere puppets on the strings of the Israeli Mossad. They orchestrate a symphony of lies, a cacophony of deceit. But their reign will end. And then, like divine retribution, the Rods of God will descend, annihilating all in their path. A period of biblical turmoil is coming, with the shadow of destruction stretching over the days leading up to Easter.

IV. The New Dawn

Picture a world in a state of utter stillness. The planes and trains have halted. The lights have dimmed. The power is cut. In the midst of this eerie calm, we will witness the birth of Tesla’s free energy, a liberation from the chains of oil dependency. The 34 Satanic landmarks will crumble under the onslaught, leaving behind the ruins of a past we have chosen to reject.

Jeffro Johnson #conspiracy #homophobia #racist #wingnut twitter.com

[After complaining that his church library lacks books by Lord Dunsany, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Robert E. Howard, Manly Wade Wellman and Poul Anderson]

Secondly, the reason the authors I mentioned went from being universally admired to being very nearly unknown in a very short period of time was due to the efforts of a cabal of Jews, communists, homosexuals, and pedophiles.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Germany: Faggot (Homo) Freak Teachers Flee Like Rats from East German Town, Hunted by BASED Students"]

If East Germany had remained independent, the world would be so, so much better

It would seriously be like if the South had won the Civil War


The two teachers say students greeted each other with Nazi salutes, threatened to beat up immigrant classmates and were homophobic and sexist[…]

Basically, East Germans are as based as Russians

Except the women born in the last 30 years, I guess

But the old women are based

If the Americans were smart, when they got control of the East, they would have force-integrated them

But they didn’t, and now you have a revolutionary group inside the most powerful country in Europe

Obviously, the Americans won’t let AfD actually take over the government

But by cockblocking them, they could create a serious problem

Germans have been beaten to death, man – faggotry, feminism, immigration, now a totally destroyed economy (basically, deindustrialization) – in order to support a war for America

I was in East Germany in 2017 (please don’t tell anyone that) and everyone knew what the deal was with everything

I’m sure some Germans will “well, aksshhhulllly” me on that, and yeah, I’m sure not everyone is based, but I could just walk into bars in the middle of the day and smoke cigarettes. No one spoke English, but I could tell my German guide to ask people the most hardcore shit

They all support Russia

Imagine that

After supposedly being “occupied by Russian communism,” they are hardcore Russia supporters who support a Russian invasion of Germany

This is an entire partisan bloc that would collaborate if this war ever really gets rolling

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Trouble_Man )
Unfortunately it seems White people are going to allow their wholesale replacement in their own nations to avoid being called a racist.

( @brextremist )
@Trouble_Man Yep. We cannot do anything about the problems we face without being what our enemies call "racist".

This is exactly why they have trained us to think of "racism" as some form of evil crime. In realty, racism is the one thing that can save us.

( @ToBeCensored )
@Trouble_Man people cant fight a problem they cant see and jew government brainwashing and propaganda stops people from perceiving the threat or giving a fuck about it.

( @1daguvernor )
@Trouble_Man spics, niggers, dotheads, chinks……Fuck em all.

( @Volcanic84 )
@Trouble_Man It has taken four generations since the end of their last try for enough white people to be brainwashed into degenerate anti human ideology.

( @Drissdan )

Nope…. I’m moving to Russia.

A free country.

( @Stormingtopower82 )
@Trouble_Man It would help if being labeled racist didn’t come with mass internet harassment, protests outside your house, losing your job, and having your friends distance themselves out of fear of being a “sympathizer”

various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Our community is being artificially seeded with subversive infiltrators whose sole purpose is to manufacture infighting between pro-Whites.

This isn't theory or conspiracy. This is a fact of reality that they admit to themselves.

--> https://web.archive.org/web/20190821180115/https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-02447-1

( @theystandnochanceagainstus )
@Nature_and_Race They out themselves pretty easily when they resort to the usual bolshevik bullshit - i.e., rarely (if ever) any rational discussion, always name-calling, unfounded claims, projection, and almost always some sick perverted sexual shit. Literal monkey brains.

For the subverters reading this: your attempts are incredibly obvious, laughable, and pathetic, all at once. You should give up now while you still can because if you keep this up, you WILL be dealt with eventually. Keep poking the sleeping giant and you won't like the result.

( @RandolfoCalzonian )
@Nature_and_Race Everyone's common enemy is the Jew. We must unite against them, despite our great differences.

( @ApatheticExtinction )
@Nature_and_Race If someone's fire is directed at one of us then all of our fire should be directed at them. White unity at every opportunity.

You are with US or against US....there is no in between.

Matteo Cina #racist #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Matteo Cina, a production assistant for Fox News Digital and a former writer for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, repeatedly posted antisemitic comments on his TikTok page, writing that “it is hard to talk about the Holocaust and rising anti semitism without discussing Jewish presence in banking”

spoilerTikTok posts from Cina

Media Matters has confirmed the legitimacy of Cina’s comments after they were first [url=https://twitter.com/cookiebot125422/status/1683896267137482757/photo/2circulated[/url] in screenshots on Twitter. In replies to a video posted to his own profile on TikTok, Cina made multiple comments validating “Jewish stereotypes,” including that “Jews control the financial sector,” and claiming this contributed to the atrocities of the Holocaust. In the video, Cina defended Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’ new teaching guidelines in Florida that claim “slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit”[…]
The revelations of Cina’s antisemitic commentary come amid internal discontent at Fox News over prime-time host Greg Gutfeld’s recent comments that victims of Nazi concentration camps “had to be useful” to survive extermination

Russ Winter #racist #wingnut #conspiracy winterwatch.net

It seems that Gen Z youth — those born 1995 to present, also known as Post-Millennials, the iGeneration and the Homeland Generation — are having an awakening (aka “red pilling”).

A generation of white youth is being made into scapegoats. As Winter Watch has been covering, their basic civil rights are being violated. These are the cadre that end up on college campuses and who see the worst elements of twisted, Millennial, anti-white agit-prop. Accordingly, we now learn college enrollments are down 16% in the last two years. Even Forbes, which we now rate as a passable mainstream media source, is dialed into the Gen Z political phenomena and covers it in a reasonably balanced way here.

As adults, we shouldn’t be overly concerned about how this manifests itself or the symbology used. Youth will be more rebellious, and they may incorporate shock value that gets the attention of the Lugenpresse. Mostly, the Gen Z presentation is clean cut.

It is also true that many of these Gen Zers are (or were) Trumptards. Winter Watchers who understand that this is not about dialectic partisanship can and should debate and educate them on that, but in a brotherly manner.

Our “elder advice” is to focus like a laser on the anti-white behaviors from any source. The participation of members of any particular tribe or racial groups involved in anti-white agit-prop and anti-white civil rights should be matter of fact and evidence-based.

Since Gen Zers are in part red pilled, the broader question is whether can they be mobilized as a force against Zionist neocon warmongering. That might require blood spilled or friends lost in a war in which the target (North Korea, Venezuela or Iran) fights back. Gen Z, being of fighting age, would take the hit. If a large anti-war America First movement manifested as a result, then kleptocratic Crime Syndicate captured politics will be turned on its head. This would be our beyond-left-and-right third-position nationalism.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(@Nature_and_Race )
You ever just walk into a grocery store and think to yourself, "This place is literally a third-world country" ?

( @freespeechordie1 )
@Nature_and_Race I pulled into a gas station today, there were no other cars. By the time I had filled my tank there were 5 more cars there, all non English speaking. Looked like a prosperous group of Mexicans out enjoying their new country. Of course I'm sure they came here to escape political persecution or some other totally legit reason. We are losing our home. By the way...I live in a small farming town in the south. 30 years ago there was the black side of town and the White side. Never saw a mexican. It's easily around 30% hispanic now

( @caiseej )
@Nature_and_Race Living in Texas, unfortunately yes. And it’s not just the blacks and Hispanics but a whole lot of Indians migrated here.

( @Kellyu )
@caiseej @Nature_and_Race
Indians (the pajeet kind) are infesting the entire US and ever increasing. So far, the worst hit area is central NJ.

( @T0000008 )
@caiseej Texas has been completely overrun by spics, and there isn't a single store you can walk into that doesn't have some pajeet or nigger behind the counter that can barely function. As a bonus after the mentally stunted commies fucked up California they are flooding in because they cant handle the diversity and inclusion they forced on everywhere else. All it is now is Northern Mexico......


( @PinoHeliRides )
@Nature_and_Race I was just at a Walmart, so yes. It was so 3rd world, I saw a race mixing blonde... with a fucking Cambodian or Flip or some jungle Asian. I know we have "Burn The Coal, Pay The Toll", but the fuck would you call that???

( @Nature_and_Race )
@PinoHeliRides -- Burn the rice, pay the price.

( @Ultra_Flat_White )
@Nature_and_Race my state is 95% White so luckily I go for weeks without seeing any shitskins

( @36x )
@Nature_and_Race everyday...I also look around for another White person...or someone speaking English...each day I find myself surrounded by non-English speaking people who weren't here last week.
The great replacement is just a conspiracy theory.

( @HellRazor65 )
@36x @Nature_and_Race SAME here where I'm at, they're like cockroaches!

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @RealSixMillion )
One year ago today.

Never forget the anti-White terror attack.

And never forget 👇🏻

spoilerIt doesn't matter if
you don't hate them.
They hate YOU.

( @Ulrik_Pedersen )

( @skitzorat )
@RealSixMillion The ADL even had the chutzpah to make it about themselves!

Never forget Whitey, both the blacks and the jews hate you because of your race - even if you stupidly believe "there's only one race the human race"

( @maximumman )
@skitzorat @RealSixMillion Disgusting kike parasites.

( @Cchastain )
@RealSixMillion I did not know that blacks hated white people nor did I realize how unbelievably racist they were until they started rioting. Now I stay away from them like a plague.

( @Down_For_The_Count )
@Cchastain @RealSixMillion There's nothing to gain, and everything to lose by interacting with them.

( @Cchastain )
@Down_For_The_Count @RealSixMillion I have lived in the suburbs of a black run-black dominated city all my life (55 years) and I have NEVER seen a black person treated racially. I have however, many stories of me and white people I know treated racially by blacks over and over again.

( @meatsnax )
@Cchastain @Down_For_The_Count @RealSixMillion White must organize and go on the offensive.

( @_Good_VS_Evil_ )

Conservapedia #wingnut #fundie #racist conservapedia.com

(About Get Out)
This racist horror comedy-drama follows an African American man who discovers to his shock that his white American girlfriend's parents transplant the brains of white Americans into the bodies of African Americans as if to strip their victims of African American cultural identity. It presents a false dichotomy between black and white culture and discourages American ideals such as interracial and intercultural integration, all while accusing white Americans of wanting to eliminate instead of integrate all racial subcultures in the nation.

(About The Purge)
Movie featuring gratuitous graphic violence, and normalization of violent degenerate behavior. It is based on a political movement called the "New Founding Fathers of America" (NFFA), which is portrayed as a reformation of the Republican party (this can be based on how a majority of the people that played roles for characters of the "NFFA" were white and old, which is how Liberals see Republicans). The protagonists are what would generally be considered by the Democrats to be people who would vote for them (black, Hispanic, Asian, women, etc.)

Charlie Kirk #wingnut #racist twitter.com

One month after the Supreme Court shut down racial discrimination in college admissions, Columbia Law School has added a mandatory 90-second video portion for all its applicants.

According to the school, "The video statement will allow applicants to provide the Admissions Committee with additional insight into their personal strengths."

Nobody is fooled.

Everybody knows the real reason: Columbia is worried that they aren't allowed to ask applicants their race anymore, so they want to be able to find it out by other means.

It's obvious that elite colleges are determined to keep discriminating against white and Asian applicants. The courts and Republican AGs need to make sure they don't get away with it. Sue the schools and FORCE them to be color-blind.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
How the GOP appeals to Black people:
“Here's what we're doing for Black people!”

How the GOP appeals to Latinos:
“Here's what we're doing for Latinos!”

How the GOP appeals to Asians:
“Here's what we're doing for Asians!”

How the GOP appeals to Jews:
“Here's what we're doing for Jews!”

How the GOP appeals to White people:
“Here's what we're doing for Blacks, Latinos, Asians, and Jews!”

( @Javanka_is_Rasputin )
@KeepNHGranite The Republican party won't save us. An expressly pro-White party is the only thing that will.

( @Trevordean )
@KeepNHGranite Taxation without representation

( @isebellin )

That will be Trumps (or any candidates) downfall…
Treating White people as stepchildren… or orphans…

No candidate owns the White votes, as they think…cuddle all minorities… spoil them with free stuff (that we have to pay for them) … and tell us to vote on another candidate that doesn’t even give us an afterthought…

White people are the part of America that make it America… without us America is just another violent incoherent third word dump…

All tribes have their pros and cons… but they are not necessary for the nation to work … and some would improve the nation by leaving …

Since the Kennedy murder …(another coup d’etat)… the chosen and their shills worked hard to erase Whites from their own, nation, history and culture…by mass migration, discrimination and propaganda…
Let us at least not help them…

An American president should be not America first but …🇺🇸AMERICA … period.🇺🇸

If a candidate wants to work for foreign nation… Israel, Ukraine or China he can do on his own time after retirement… using his own assets…

( @Audiofile )
@isebellin @KeepNHGranite Were becoming a third world dump quickly, especially in the cities which happens, by the way, to be led by incompetent democrats!

( @NationalGathering )
@KeepNHGranite the gop is an anti white Zionist op to make whites hate themselves as much as the Jewish left does. Jews are the foremost problem. Watch http://www.europathelastbattle.net

Wille Rydman #racist politico.eu

Finland’s right-wing coalition government has only been in office for a little over a month and has now been rocked by its third racism scandal, after a media report uncovered racist messages sent by the minister of economic affairs

Wille Rydman — of the far-right Finns Party — used racial slurs in private messages with his then-girlfriend in 2016, according to Helsingin Sanomat. According to the report, Rydman said he would rather ban headscarf-wearers than headscarves, and told his then-partner when she suggested giving her future children traditional Hebrew names: “We Nazis don’t really like that kind of stuff”

At the time Rydman sent the messages, he was a 30-year-old member of parliament for the National Coalition Party. He joined the Finns Party earlier this year and was appointed minister of economic affairs in June

On Friday morning, Prime Minister Petteri Orpo discussed Rydman’s messages with the chairs of the government parties. He wants to send a clear message “to Finns and to the outside world that racism will not be tolerated in Finland”[…]
The messages were given by Rydman’s ex to Helsingin Sanomat. In response, the minister on Twitter described the newspaper as “a platform for those who have already lied about me, repeatedly and demonstrably

In June 2022, the same publication ran a report accusing Rydman of taking advantage of his political status to meet young women

The Finns Party has been hit by repeated scandals since it joined the coalition government of conservative Orpo

Karen Schoen #wingnut #racist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

According to Joe, Americans are worth 12¢

Joe Obiden sold Americans into world slavery for 12¢ a head. How can I say that? Easy, emails and bank records show the Biden family got about $40 million from enemy countries like the CCP and Ukraine etc. to change American policy favoring China or their country. Divide $40 million by $350 million Americans at that time and you get 12¢. How does it feel to learn that the family representing the administration and Elite think we are worth 12¢. Thanks Glenn Beck for noticing. So when you pay your thousands into taxes, remember that we should send only 12¢ to the IRS.

Why do I believe we have been sold into slavery? Obiden got his $40million and We The People are paying for it. Our taxes are supporting all of the UN communist programs. Trump got America out of the UN, Obiden put us back. Our tax dollars are paying for the illegals to come to America at the behest of these same countries who are emptying their jails and mental institutions. <...> How much actually went to the people. We have financed the oligarch government and pensions. Who is paying for you?
What I described is life in CCP controlled China. Bernie, Klaus, Bill all think the Chinese model is wonderful. Do you? Obiden sold the Americans for 12¢. There will be no competition, or dissent. You will obey or wind up in jail. Is this our future? Is America worth saving?

Get your kids out of the indoctrination clinics masquerading as Public Schools. Check out goflca.org Micro Schools.

Remember: Everything is connected. Nothing is random, Everyone follows the same plan. ALL PLANS ARE BASED ON LIES. Globalists must control opposition. Globalists must take away our voice.

Globalists only care about MONEY, POWER and CONTROL. Don’t give them yours. Boycotts work. Stop using their services and products. Vote the RINO’S out. Vote with your fingers and with your wallet. There is a lot you can do. Doing nothing is complying.

Constitutional Nobody #conspiracy #racist ussanews.com

[From "Antichrist Trump is a Descendant of the King of Jerusalem"]

This video from Brother James is 6 years old but it explains the lineage of Trump’s bloodline and how he and his family are connected to the old king of Jerusalem. Now it makes sense why the Jews officially crowned him as the King of Jerusalem on July 10, 2023. Many Rabbis consider Trump to be from King Davids lineage so look out, the Antichrist is here and he’s almost ready for center stage! I don’t believe there will be any election in the USA in 2024. More on that later

Antichrist Trump Descendant of King of Jerusalem

Here is Trump from 2019 saying he’s like the “second coming of God” to Israel based on recognizing Jerusalem as the capital etc. Look for that statement around the 2:25 mark of the video below

Trump: I'm the King of the Jews

Finally here is the full length video of Trump’s speech and his being presented with the crown of Jerusalem. The speech begins around the 19 minute mark and Trump is presented with the crown at the 47 minute mark. Yes I watch these things so you don’t have to do so!

President Trump Hosts Israel Heritage Foundation Gala

Corruptico #crackpot #ufo #racist #wingnut #conspiracy corruptico.com

John Bolton clandestinely claims he’s related to a very large Masonic Norwegian Neanderthal family that descends directly from Egyptian Pharaoh King Tutankhamen.

Further, that these Egyptian Pharaohs were all created by the Anunnaki God Anu (Yahweh), who used his own DNA (Adams rib) along with the DNA of Zeta Aliens and DNA of Chimpanzees to create the Neanderthal species.

Bolton, a top-level Mason, moreover believes the Aryan race likewise, was also created from the DNA of the Anunnaki mixed with the DNA of Rhesus monkey, whereby proxy, created an entirely different species of mankind.

The source for this article is John Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High school friend and informant deeply connected with Freemasonry.

Reportedly Bolton and the Illuminati (Masons) believe in addition, that Aryans (Cro-Magnons) are the favored ‘Chosen’ conservative species of the Sumerian (Aryan) ‘God’ Anu (aka Yahweh)
Aryans historically, have been protected by Anu numerous times from the more aggressive Neanderthals repeated genocidal attempts, after flooding them from the face of the planet and rebuilding the Aryan race in their place.

This event has happened at least four times in history, two of which documented in the Bible under Noah and The Exodus.

Anu’s favored (non-aggressive) Aryan race include people like Noah, Socrates, DaVinci, Tesla, Ford, Malcolm X, Hitler and Trump.
Reportedly, Jews originate from Draco reptilians (the Anunnaki and Zetas both are reptilian as well). Dracos claim they have been living on planet earth since before the Anunnaki and Zetas arrived to create mankind, and therefore considered themselves earth’s original inhabitants.
Ultimately, “Jews and Neanderthals” (Pharisees and Pharaohs) teamed up together with Lucifer’s ‘Fallen Angles’ (through interbreeding). And along with their offspring, the Nephilim, set out to exterminate the entire Aryan race from the planet – Anu’s favored conservative Cro-Magnon species.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr #wingnut #conspiracy #racist twitter.com

(emphasis is the submitter’s)

Since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection. But not me.

Typical turnaround time for pro forma protection requests from presidential candidates is 14-days. After 88-days of no response and after several follow-ups by our campaign, the Biden Administration just denied our request. Secretary Mayorkas: "I have determined that Secret Service protection for Robert F Kennedy Jr is not warranted at this time."
Our campaign's request included a 67-page report from the world's leading protection firm, detailing unique and well established security and safety risks aside from commonplace death threats.

Unnamed Mina Witkojc School students and parents, Burg inhabitants and Jean-Pascal Hohm #racist #wingnut #psycho #homophobia #sexist apnews.com

Two teachers in eastern Germany tried to counter the far-right activities of students at their small town high school. They counseled bullies who threatened to beat up immigrant classmates. They gave more lessons about their country’s Nazi past. They invited in a Black rapper to talk about mutual respect

None of it helped. In desperation, Laura Nickel and Max Teske wrote a public letter in which they described an atmosphere of intimidation at Mina Witkojc School in Burg. They reported students greeting each other with the Nazi salute, scratching swastikas on their desks and playing music with racist lyrics in the hallways

“Teachers and students who openly fight against far-right students and teachers fear for their safety,” the two said in the letter they sent to local newspapers. “The problem has to be recognized and openly fought. Schools should be places free of fear, full of open-mindedness and safety for everyone and cannot provide a home for the enemies of democracy”

Even so, Nickel, who taught English and history at the high school, and Teske, a math and geography teacher, were unprepared for the backlash[…]A letter from an anonymous group of parents demanded their dismissals. Stickers with their pictures and the caption “Piss off to Berlin” plastered light poles near campus. On social media, someone declared a desire to “hunt them down”

Further disheartened by what they say was a lack of support from colleagues, the principal and local administrators, Nickel and Teske announced when the academic year ended two weeks ago that they were leaving[…]
“Far-right extremist statements, actions, slogans, homophobia and sexism were and are the order of the day at this school”[…]
After the teachers announced their withdrawal from Burg, the head of the AfD chapter in Cottbus [Jean-Pascal Hohm], Brandenburg state’s second-largest city, cheered on Twitter that Teske, whom he called a “leftist radical informer,” and his “accomplice” were gone

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

The big NATO meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania last week marked the real end of World War II and the final defeat of the Nazis, according to British MI6, Russian FSB and Mossad sources. This means the Khazarian Mafia, also known as Sabbatean-Frankist Jews, have been defeated in their plan to kill 90% of humanity.

However, the KM faction that wants to turn this planet into a giant animal farm ruled by “a good shepherd,” remains to be defeated. As the saying goes, the sheep spends his life in fear of the wolf but it is the shepherd who kills him. This means that while the genocide has been called off, the battle against digital slavery continues.

From a bloodline perspective, this battle has been between the British faction headed by Queen Elizabeth II and the German Nazi faction related to Adolf Hitler. Hitler’s relatives include former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton Rockefeller and Barack Obama.

As with the “official” end of World War II in 1945, we have to thank the Russians. Their total victory over the Nazi regime in the Ukraine ended the centuries-old plan KM to restore the ancient Satanic kingdom of Khazaria and rule the world from there.
The Khazarian Mafia, with nowhere left to hide, have tried a coup d’etat in Israel in an attempt to turn that country into a modern-day Masada where they plan to fight to the bitter end.
More importantly, would be Israeli God King Benyamin Netanyahu, collapsed after his attempted seizure of power in Israel. News reports say he is in the hospital recovering from “heat stroke” but Mossad sources say “the Bibi story is not what is being portrayed in the MSM. He had a stroke and is currently out of public view. The extent of the damage is not yet known. What is being shown are CGIs and doubles.”

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Reparations to the descendants
of black slaves obscure
the real debt
the Rothschilds
owe to humanity.

The Rothschilds may discharge this debt by forgiving all "debt" due to money creation and relinquishing ownership of central banks to national governments. This is letting them off easy, but the return to national sovereignty, personal freedom, and truth is worth the price.

A Tentative Invoice

The Covid Scam - 10 Trillion

World War Two - Ten trillion (includes Dresden, Hamburg and Jewish holocaust)

World War One - Five Trillion

Destroying the Catholic Church and Christianity - Three trillion

Removing God from social consciousness and public discourse - Five trillion

Destroying millions of lives through feminism (marriage and family destruction) - Three trillion

The war on masculinity and femininity has damaged heterosexuals and robbed the world of masculine virtue and feminine charm. One trillion.

Mass murders by Bolsheviks and Chinese Communists - Five trillion

General depredations of Communism - One trillion

The Cold War and other wars of the twentieth century - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria. Libya - Five trillion

The Great Depression, the Credit Crunch, and the #scamdeminc of 2020 -- Five Trillion

The assassination of JFK, MLK, RFK, and 9-11 - Two trillion

Wars previous to the twentieth century- i.e. US Civil War, etc. Two trillion

Attempt to start a race war in America - 300 Billion

Destruction of the democratic process, journalism, education, and the arts - five trillion

Damage to national cultures and identities caused by multi-culturalism and illegal migration -- One trillion

The Rothschilds will finance and distribute ten honest movies about Communist subversion and espionage in America,
as well as ten movies extolling American patriots like Louis McFadden, Charles Coughlin, Charles Lindbergh, and Henry Ford.
Airports and public places named after Illuminati traitors like G.H.W. Bush will be renamed.



Bruce Friedman #fundie #wingnut #racist #enbyphobia msn.com

A title in the Arthur children’s book series is facing a potential ban after a conservative activist claimed that it “damaged souls”.

On 12 July, Bruce Friedman, a member of the Clay county school district community in Florida, filed a challenge to Arthur’s Birthday, a 1989 children’s book by Marc Brown about a fictional brown aardvark whose birthday falls on the same day as another party of a different classmate.

At one point in the book, Arthur receives a glass bottle from Francine the monkey as a birthday present. The bottle has the words “Francine’s Spin the Bottle Game” printed on it.

According to the challenge, which the Daily Beast website published, the reason for Friedman’s ban request is to “protect children”.

“It is not appropriate to discuss ‘spin the bottle’ with elementary school children,” he wrote in all capital letters. “This book is found in all/almost all [district schools]!”

“‘Spin the bottle’ not okay for K-5 kids,” Friedman added, still using all capital letters. In response to a question about what he believes might be the result of a student using the material, he wrote, “Damaged souls.”

Friedman is the Florida chapter president of No Left Turn in Education, a rightwing group that campaigns against critical race theory. The group seeks to “use all forms of media to expose the radical indoctrination in K-12 education, its perpetrators, the resources and methods employed and the resulting harm it inflicts”, according to its website.

In a Facebook post in September 2020, the group compared public schools to “Pol Pot’s Cambodia”, referring to the former leader of Cambodia who perpetrated the mass genocide of over 2 million people.

Last December, Friedman said that he had compiled “a list of over 3,600 titles that I believe have concerning content [including] porn, critical race theory, social-emotional learning, [and] fluid gender,” Popular Information reported.

He told the outlet that he identified the titles by “scouring the internet” for books that have been challenged in other parts of the country.

@PureBloodFreedm & @Indiandude #homophobia #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gettr.com

( @PureBloodFreedm )
In the United States we observe our brave Veterans that risked their lives for our freedom for 1 day Veterans Day, and we only observe 1 day for the brave that died for this country on Memorial Day, we observe Presidents for one day. So why have they created Pride Month 😡⚠️Why have they given a whole month to observe and celebrate the wicked and immoral sexually deviant, perverted mentally ill people.
#holidays #veteransday #memorialday #presidentsday #pridemonth #depopulation #eugenics #nwo #wef #un #demoncrats #agenda2030 #thegreatreset #letsgobrandon #trump2024 #trumpwon #darkmaga #maga #endtimes #jesuschrist

( @Indiandude )
The only thing they want to stop… is the White race! It’s shown in just about every commercial, a white woman with a black male, signaling to them that it’s okay to do. And what do we get as a baby… a Mulatto. And when they grow up, they always take the side of blacks. They want a chocolate world!

( @PureBloodFreedm )
People of every nation must wake up and stand up against this tyranny, it’s not a conspiracy theory it’s happening now!!
David Rockefeller “Memoirs” page 405
Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalist’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - One World, if you will. If that’s my charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it…

various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
The average person read Orwell's 1984 and saw a warning.

The Jews read Orwell's 1984 and saw a blueprint.

You think I'm exaggerating? I assure you I'm not.

@Nature_and_Race The kikes think they are Orwell’s Ministry of Truth.

( @Felix_Krull )
@Nature_and_Race Orwell read the Jewish blueprint and saw a novel.

( @multipolonius )
@Nature_and_Race The ADL n SPLC are total jokes, depraved totalitarians, lying vermin, corrupt globalist supporters, and why any organization, business or social media site listens to their constant braying and caterwauling mandates and dictates , shows how powerful ,malevolent and monopolistic the chosen tribe elites are in the west ... We are in trouble if this cabal cannot be exposed, rejected and completely reduced to the ashbin of history.... I find it repugnant what they have done to Kanye West , and I am no Kanye West fan by any means, but the man has a right to free speech without crushing financial , business n social brutalization or personal smearing !!!

( @PostUmbraLux )
I think your timeline is backwards.
By 1948, Orwell, a lettered man of the left, pretty much knew what the communists were thinking. Yes there were a lot of Jews and ex-Jews, but they had a lot of help. Orwell was trying to expose them to those who would be called "normies" today. They thought he was warning them about the Russians and missed what was going in in their own nations.

( @beeryswine )
@Nature_and_Race The red pilled read Orwell's 1984 and saw modernity.

Paul Craig Roberts #racist #wingnut #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org

In the United States the majority of the population remains white despite 58 years of mass immigration of non-whites. Despite remaining a large majority, white Americans are not only being replaced but are being disappeared along with their history.

You no longer see white families in corporate ads. If a family is shown, it is a black man, white woman and mixed race children, or it is an Asian woman, white man and mixed race children. A white family has been given negative meaning as a statement against “diversity.” Diversity has trumped the basis of a nation state, which is a homogeneous population. A diverse, multicultural population is a Tower of Babel, not a nation. Without a common culture, there is not a common interest. Without a common interest, there is no nation, only a geographical boundary.
White people are being demonized out of existence, and they are helpless, despite being a majority in an alleged democracy, to do anything about it. To protest demonization is to defend whiteness which is regarded as proof of white supremacy. It is regarded as racist for a white to deny his guilt.

Museum curators, themselves white, present the works of white art in their collections as “racist works.” The artistic value and achievement of white culture has been turned into expressions of racism.

White Americans are helpless to stand up for themselves, because half of them–the blue state half–have succumbed to the brainwashing and indoctrination that white people–only white people–are “aversive racists” by birth and skin color, and as such are threats to people of color. This argument justifies restraints on white people, such as second class legal status in order to ameliorate “white privilege.”
This is America today for white people, few of whom have the courage and awareness to protest. Essentially American white people are being erased. Try to find white Anglo-Saxons in the Biden regime.

Florida State Board of Education #dunning-kruger #racist theguardian.com

Kamala Harris went to Florida on Friday to address the state board of education’s controversial new standards for Black history, which include the contention that some Black people benefited from being enslaved[…]
On Wednesday, the Florida board of education approved new standards for how public schools should teach Black history.

According to a 216-page document, public school students will now be taught that some Black people received “personal benefit” from slavery – because it taught them useful skills

“Instruction includes how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit,” one curriculum benchmark said

The new curriculum also says Black people perpetrated violence during some race massacres, including the 1906 Atlanta race riot and the 1921 Tulsa massacre

On Thursday, at a conference for the Black sorority Delta Sigma Theta, Harris condemned the updated education standards as “revisionist history”[…]
The Florida Education Association, a union representing more than 150,000 educators, called the new curriculum a “disservice to Florida students” and a “big step backwards”

@Nature_and_Race , @white_powerade & @Occidental_Rome1 #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Once this beauty is FINALLY done being under construction, I'm going to put in some serious time to take the perfect set of pictures of her, from all her best angles.

This is the kind of structures that White people, OUR PEOPLE, produce when our souls are allowed to be free. Unlike today, where the White soul is in a prison, as reflected by the garbage that currently passes for architecture.

( @white_powerade )
@Nature_and_Race This soul destroying ugly modernist architecture you lament is actually mostly jewish in origin or influenced by the works of jewish architects. It can hardly be overstated how thoroughly jewed-trough our modern world is and how alien it all is to our White Aryan collective soul, which leads to increasing alienation and detachment from our urban environments and a dampening of our spirits.

It is one of the main reasons why modern cities are so soul crushing, that every White person not yet completely dead inside feels the urge to flee them. Because the repulsive jewish spirit, the spirit of unchained commerce and economic utility without beauty or humanity, hostile to nature and life itself, manifest itself everywhere there.

( @Occidental_Rome1 )
@Nature_and_Race Even though our Race, which was tricked into Xianity, we still nonetheless hold the pantheon of architecture of beauty, balance, distinctiveness and disparity of excellence!

Nothing to be ashamed for (except being tricked and exploited as a result) but for FIGHTING FOR! That is the essence of the White struggle to survive!







State of the Nation #racist #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

<Travis Scott's UTOPIA concert, which was set to take place on July 28 at the ancient pyramids of Giza, was canceled after Egyptian officials took issue with the rapper's image. >

In certain circles of ancient pyramid esoterica, it’s well known that the Great Pyramid of Giza is absolutely not a burial edifice or funerary pyramid for an Egyptian pharaoh. Some knowledgeable scientific researchers and experienced artifact investigators have gone so far as to posit the possibility that the three pyramids at Giza were originally constructed to function as an ancient alien-controlled energy generator and transmitter and/or disseminator. Which brings us to the crazy drama surrounding the appearance of American rapper Travis Scott at the Giza venue to conduct a major ‘UTOPIA’ concert. This satanic rapper’s reputation’ for demonic behavior already precedes him as described in his Wikipedia page.
However, believe it or not, that’s not the worst of it. Everything points to the great likelihood that Scott’s masters are well aware of the extraordinary power of the very unique venue at Giza. Surely his Khazarian handlers are well aware that the amplification of extremely negative energy can be beamed across the planet by using the Great Pyramid at Giza in a specific way. And we know the Khazarian Cabal possesses the necessary dark occult knowledge as explained here: THE. WHOLE. MEGILLAH.
It appears that the Khazarians are working their black magic overtime to make sure this global psyop takes place as scheduled on one of their occult-selected days. All of the controversy surrounding this event only gets weirder by the day. It’s as though the power elite really need the malign influences and energies associated with this single black op before they can proceed with their next profound assault on the collective consciousness of humanity.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Vespasians_Sword )
@Apolitical we don't have a gun problem or the cuckservative deflection of "it's the Democrats" problem. We have a black impulsive homicidal behavior problem.

( @SteamerRolling )
@Vespasians_Sword @Apolitical Demonrats 🐀 can’t run a city without murder, mayhem and spending like drunken sailors. (No disrespect to Navy intended)

( @Vespasians_Sword )
@SteamerRolling @Apolitical blacks can't stop making and creating crime infested shitholes no matter where they live. Creating excuses for them like "it's the Democrats" only excuses and enables more of their impulsive violent behavior.

( @HorstWessel88 )
@Apolitical The jews love it when either side blames republicans or democrats for the actions of organized jewry. There would be no black problem if it wasn't for them dirty hebes

( @Dinduvius_Shekelstein )
@HorstWessel88 Yeah, so fucking tired of these MIGApede cucks talking about "muh Democraps". It's fucking kikes and niggers. Holy shit.

Jacksonville has a Republican mayor, still nigger central and therefore dangerous. On the flip side, pic related.


( @kiowaRenegade )
@Apolitical we dont have a racist problem, we have a race problem.

( @WhiteyWhiteman )
@Apolitical Controlled by democrats occupied by niggers.

( @CaptainButthurt )
@Apolitical i would gladly fund a program to send our entire prison populations and anyone that wanted it, a one way ticket to Africa with some cash to get started as long as they forfeited US citizenship. I think it would pay dividends. The greatest investment in the history of the world.

( @Mojave_MGTOW )
@Apolitical If any foreign country wants to nuke the US, they should take out these five cities. It would make the world a much better place.

( @Conservative_Susan )
@Apolitical what would be the crime rates if all the blacks were removed from every white nation? I bet you would be able to walk those streets at night.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Apolitical )
The US has the third highest murder rate in the world. If you remove:
1. Black people
The US is 189th out of 193 countries in the world. All of those cities have large black populations which commit all the murders. Fact-check it.


( @I_Am_Texas )

( @Bilo32 )
@I_Am_Texas @Apolitical That is excellent advice that should be common sense to the average Caucasian.

( @Ulrik_Pedersen )
@I_Am_Texas @Apolitical

( @Eemie )
@I_Am_Texas @Apolitical why move away but a Better idea is to ship them to an island far far away they can’t swim back & leave them there & let them kill each other n the world will be a safer & better place. What peace, safety & serenity people will have!

( @Kidbrightwillow )

It is very obvious Black Americans are the most violent race in the US.

( @Katzboi )
@Kidbrightwillow @Apolitical / why all them white crackers shooting up those schools ??

( @VictoryUs )
@Katzboi @Kidbrightwillow @Apolitical
You might want to look closer at:
(((white))) school shooters
why they don't cover black school shootings the same
Just look at Uvalde as soon as it was found out he wasn't White they changed tactics and made it disappear.

( @Eemie )
@Kidbrightwillow @Apolitical don’t forget the blacks commit a lot of crime in Europe as well!

( @wy0ming )
@Apolitical Baffles me how normies think democrat control equates to violent cities. Most of new england is democrat but is very safe, aside from the areas they’re turning brown.

( @DJBR )
@wy0ming @Apolitical Give them time. Real Africans, who literally run around naked looking to rape. Look at the footage in spain. Very recent.

( @RobDevere )
@wy0ming @Apolitical From post above:

"Controlled by democrats occupied by niggers."

Kitler & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Kitler )

spoilerOn October 17, Torba tweeted a screenshot of
a post from a Gab user who goes by "Kitler."
The post states that "if you're a White person
living in America today and you don't know
what happened to the kulaks in russia [sic] 1 00
years ago, you should look it up. Something
very similar is happening to you right now, and
the same group of people is behind it." The
post alludes to the belief that Jews were
responsible for the Russian Revolution in 1917
and communism, implying that they were
responsible for the subsequent efforts to seize
kulak land and deport kulaks to remote
regions of the Soviet Union. One user replied to
Gab's tweet with a screenshot of a page from
Mein Kampf.

( @USAirForceVet )

( @T0000008 )
@Halp Yeah, let's learn those facts about jews

( @bergus )
@Halp the jews WERE RESPONSIBLE for the russian judeo-bolshevik revolution.

( n@Lord_Vir )
@Halp Is this you bragging about being on the ADL's Shitlist, or the ADL bragging about murdering Kulaks? It's all so meta. 😅

( @blueappleHaIQ_aoringo )
okay, ADL, so, what's your point? ADL has a problem with the TRUTH being exposed? maybe 'jou' guys should stop lying about history, eh? .... cat's out of the bag ..... more whining about being 'oppressed' from the oppressors is probably NOT going to cut it anymore ..... can 'jou' hear it coming? 'make antisemitism great again'? 😆

( @TullaFlicka )
@Halp Greenblatt & the ADL always disappointingly leave me hanging... I mean, did he dispel the "allusion," or "implication?"

Or is he still hoping his oh-so-subtle mind-control game is strong enough to usurp facts, & history?

( @Atomic_Pope )
@TullaFlicka A subversive tactic of the jew is to cast doubt. They're lawyers so they use the tactics of dirty prosecutors like character assassination and injecting doubt into witness and narrative credibility.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @sethdillon )
I wasn't talking about Jews, @EladNehorai. Why would you assume I was? We were locked in Twitter jail for 8 months for a joke about radical gender ideology. Other comedians have been canceled, and even physically attacked, for similar crimes.



Straight up antisemitism from the CEO of the Babylon Bee. As a reminder, the Babylon Bee was one of three accounts suspended reinstated by Musk.

There are two questions every
comedian must ask himself when
writing a joke:
1. Is it funny?
2. Will it end my career because it
offends the most powerful-but-
insecure people in the world who
mitigate mockery at their expense by
self-identifying as oppressed and

( @Syngynn )
@sethdillon His comment makes me think of this jewel

( @carnifexrex )
@sethdillon you were for sure talking about jews but this is exceptionally well phrased so you can say you were talking about anyone

Also it makes the jews out themselves, as an added value

( @KristiTrumpkinDragonfly )
@carnifexrex @sethdillon possibly but I’ll get double prison time for defending myself against a tranny than I would a jew, in most States.
Better make it count

( @carnifexrex )
@KristiTrumpkinDragonfly @sethdillon a tranny might attack you physically but a jew would never dare do anything so discoverable

the punishment for defending yourself against a jew would be far far worse

( @Hypomania )
@carnifexrex I don’t think he names the jew. He probably legitimately thinks it’s the “elites” or the “globalists” that are cancelling people like him. @sethdillon

( @NordicWolf )
@sethdillon Well it does fit the bill for "anti-semitism".

Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #racist #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

It is natural human proclivity to run and hide from critical thinking, in what has become a society consumed by spurious headlines, ignorance of fact, and extreme propaganda, but fear not the truth. Understanding the culture war that seems to be perpetually ongoing, is not as daunting as it may appear. <...> It is imperative to expose the constant lies fed to the collective herd, and to isolate them so as to discover the legitimate truth, so that the State’s false narratives can be abandoned once and for all. Once this awakening occurs, if in fact that is even possible today, and a psychological escape from the insanity of this supposed ‘civilization’ materializes, one’s mind will be free of fear, anxiety, confusion, and hate. It is a wonderful state of being in which to dwell.

We are in a culture war, and the antagonist in this nefarious plot, and evil enemy of all sane thinkers, is the State, its controlling ruling class, and all those who would support, recognize, and enforce, its mandates and illegitimate laws. This includes those who would expect all others to live and act as they do, to blindly accept what they accept, and to bow to authority instead of depending on self.
Transgenderism and homosexuality are not normal. Rioting is not normal. Censorship cannot be normal in any free society. Mutilation, perversion, and degeneracy are not normal. Killing babies and exploiting children are not normal. Theft, looting, and property destruction are not normal. Mass homelessness is not normal. Abandoning and destroying family is not normal. It is impossible to blend all these things with all the good in life, and expect to retain any semblance of normalcy. Competing cultures of this magnitude have to completely separate in order to survive. In any case where unlimited ‘tolerance ‘and ‘diversity’ are demanded, and right and wrong have no meaning, no moral or compassionate ‘civilization’ can exist.

RFK Jr. #racist #quack thedailybeast.com

RFK Jr. Said COVID-19 May Have Been ‘Ethnically Targeted’ to Spare Jews and Chinese, Then Denied Saying It

At an off-the-rails event Tuesday in New York City, notable anti-vaxxer and longshot 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. parroted what has been characterized as a white supremacist COVID-19 conspiracy theory.

“In fact, COVID-19, there’s an argument that it is ethnically targeted,” Kennedy told a room full of press in a video obtained by the New York Post. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack caucasians and Black people. The people that are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

The Anti-Defamation League and other organizations have previously identified those claims as one iteration of a baseless antisemitic and sinophobic conspiracy theory voiced by white nationalists.


“We do know that the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnic bioweapons and we are developing ethnic bioweapons,” Kennedy said. “They’re collecting Chinese DNA so we can target people by race.”

Nick Fuentes #wingnut #racist #psycho combatantisemitism.org

U.S. white supremacist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes called for a “holy war” against Jews in remarks at an “America First” rally in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Sunday.

Quoting lines from the Talmud, the sacred Jewish text from which antisemites often cherry-pick out-of-context excerpts to incite hatred of Jews, the 24-year-old Fuentes said, “‘If a gentile hits a Jew, he must be killed. But when a Jew murders a gentile, there will be no death penalty.’ … This is the last part, and this is my favorite part: ‘Jews may use lies to circumvent the gentiles.’ … Do you think it might be a problem that the people that are running your banks, that are making the movies your children watch … do you think it’s a problem that they believe all Christians must die? It’s a big problem. It’s a huge problem.”

“We live in a Christian world, we need to have Christian leaders,” he added.

“We’re in a holy war,” Fuentes declared, “and I will tell you this: Because we’re willing to die in the holy war, we will make them die in the holy war. And they will go down. We have God on our side, and they will go down with their Satanic master. They have no future in America. The enemies of Christ have no future in this world.”

John de Nugent #racist #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy johndenugent.com

The Whites (who come in several, diverse varieties); the East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, etc.); and other earthling races all descend from ancient alien HUMAN races who limped desperately to this planet on their spaceships as refugees from lost wars and from natural disasters.

Why? Because Earth, Terra, is a “Goldilocks” planet, to use NASA’s own terminology, meaning, as with that ideal bowl of porridge, “not too hot, not too cold — just right.” 😉

Now, you also raise the issue of Black viciousness and depravity.

How very true! We all have had our own personal experiences with Blacks, and we read horrible crime stories every day. I have blogged on Black savagery toward harmless white men, women and children for 14 years now and am, frankly, sick of doing so. We need action on the problem, not more description of it.

However, all earthling races, including the Whites who live on THIS particular planet, Terra, and not the Whites who live on thousands of highly evolved worlds, are all barbarians. Dresden is just one of a thousand horrid examples.

Five hundred years of insane wars between the Ancient Germans and the Ancient Romans are another example,leading to the collapse of Rome and the Dark Ages.
And we must not blame only the jews. Blame ALSO the spiritually backward Whites who swallowed their lies and put a hating on more evolved Whites who tried to expose jew lies!

(If I just think of my own family, totally ostracizing me, one and all, and my own father, whom I loved, and a self-made millionaire, disinheriting me! For telling racial and jew truth!)

We Whites here are just LESS blind, less insane and less barbaric than the other earthling races.

This planet is full of people who are either young souls, that is, having their first incarnations on a human level, having been literally animals in their last life, or very fallen souls who attracted seriously bad karma by their crimes committed in other lives and never punished then.

Hunter Wallace #racist #conspiracy #crackpot #elitist occidentaldissent.com

[From "The Intellectual Counterattack on Caste"]

I haven’t been completely inert over the past few months

I have resumed my research into late 19th century / early 20th century intellectual history. I traced the roots of our current cultural decline back to this period a few years ago

There is a tendency in our circles to blame everything on the Jews or to blame it all on the Yankees or to blame it all on liberalism. We should take a closer look though at the Northern WASP elite who triumphed in the War Between the States and who ruled the country until around the Great Depression. They were the ones who fumbled the ball and lost control of America in the days of Madison Grant

How? Why?

The following excerpt comes from the chapter “The Intellectual Counterattack on Caste” in E. Digby Baltzell’s book The Protestant Establishment: Aristocracy & Caste in America

“The rise of the New Social Science paralleled the development of the Social Gospel, Settlement House and political reform movements during the closing decades of the nineteenth century[…]
It is important to emphasize the fact that most of the prominent leaders of the New Social Science, like the leaders of the Social Gospel and Settlement House movements, came from within the old stock and Protestant establishment

I’m sure many of our readers are familiar with Franz Boas and the contribution that he made in anthropology in the shift away from hereditarianism and toward cultural relativism. Boas was hardly alone in sowing the seeds that undermined hereditarianism and Victorian morals though

Note: Baltzell was a sociologist, historian and a cheerleader for the decline of his own social class. If you read his book, you will get a lot of insight into how WASPs lost control of America

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Donald J Trump )

( @Kaiser_Rotbart )

( @NatPop )
@Kaiser_Rotbart @realdonaldtrump How, without closing the border which has always been Trumps top priority?

( @SpookyMuffin )
@realdonaldtrump Shut the fuck up you zogged nigger lover.

( @kirkcp )
@realdonaldtrump we all know you're "Make Israel Great Again," (((MIGA))) you shabbos goy race traitor.

( @Jb100 )
@realdonaldtrump You spelt Israel wrong.

( @Gentrific )
@realdonaldtrump RELEASE THE J6ERS!!!

( @Figment_Of_Your_Imagination )
@realdonaldtrump America will be great again once White man (Europeans) has this country back as OUR forefathers intended and not full of every damn shitskin from other countries. You fuckers are going to pay for fucking our country up.

( @JimSerafin )
@realdonaldtrump Make America Godly Again is the only way...

( @kirkcp )
@JimSerafin @realdonaldtrump Trump bends the knee to loxist jews.

( @AnkokuKishi )

Yeah shut up traitor. Keep sucking off Israhell and pushing your depopulation program Operation warp speed like the fucking murderer you are.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
You know, my entire life I'd always discouraged shoplifting because it's not what White people do.

However, given how anti-White all these big corporations are, I'm not going to stop anyone from robbing them blind.

Just don't steal from privately owned stores owned and operated by White people.

@Nature_and_Race Normalize shoplifting from Walmart on principle.

( @MeinBlutIstMeineKraft )
@Nature_and_Race Whites should do what we can to tear down the pillars of the enemy system.

( @Zealous_Apostle )
@Nature_and_Race Any 'crime' against anti-whites is a heroic act. No exceptions. Just don't get caught.

( @Screw_Your_Optics )
@Nature_and_Race Thats how I've started to see things too. They want to starve Whites out, freeze us out. Doing what we need to survive in this post WW2 world isn't wrong.

( @ha_ha_ha_ha_rofl )
@Nature_and_Race Turn about is fair play.

Those unwilling to do what needs be done or those condemning those that do what works are showing an unwillingness to win in a war that seeks to erase them and theirs.

Hopefully those who are White understand not hurting their own.

( @Pratgioln )
@Nature_and_Race Whites are the geese that lay the golden eggs. Without Whites there can be no high trust civilization or markets. Theft from Whites is wrong but raiding woke corporations is heroic. Capitalism is just a game and rules are for gullible goy.

( @BrotherLou )
@Nature_and_Race All shoplifters of privately owned businesses deserve a free gift.... small pieces of metal traveling at high velocity.

( @CajunCatDaddy )
@Nature_and_Race If I lived in a place where shoplifting up to $900 was allowed, I would steal from anti-white corporations all the time. Fuck Target and their tranny and fag propaganda. Fuck Wal-Mart and their anti-white propaganda.

( @WinBackTheWest )
@Nature_and_Race I wouldn't advise people risk an encounter and arrest by the ZOGbots over a tube of toothpaste from Wal-Mart.

Siphoning gas from some shitskins or something is far more useful, you're fucking over non-Whites directly, and less likely to get caught.

C.T. #racist #crackpot #psycho westsdarkesthour.com

[From "Delphi"]

There are ineffable things that cannot be communicated through reason

The 14 words (aesthetics)

The day I visited Jez Turner and his London Forum group was the only time in my life that a reader of The West’s Darkest Hour, an artist I think, mentioned the Maxfield Parrish paintings I had added on the sidebar in the old incarnation of this site. No one else has mentioned that to me, presumably because the spiritual side of Aryan beauty, perfectly depicted in those idealised nymphs, can only be seen by a few[…]
The 4 words (ethics)

The 4 words, eliminate all unnecessary suffering, are also ineffable and complement the psychogenic emergency of he who already tends towards overhumanity. Like the 14 words, one cannot educate a subject in them: either you feel them or you don’t feel them from childhood. But the most serious thing is that the four words wrap up the fourteen words[…]
‘Goodness’ is what I call the four words which, although it sounds very nice, is ultimately a call for extermination because the Neanderthals are producers en masse of an enormous amount of unnecessary suffering. So in a conflict between the 4 and the 14 words the Overman prioritises the four. Savitri Devi in her books, and the first thing Hitler and his henchmen did when he came to power (banning vivisection), gives a clue to what we mean. But the way I say it in my trilogy is more direct, frank and brutal than what the Nazis did or what Savitri wrote

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