
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Various Commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

What Matt Said.

@Spacecowboy777 i'll offer the first man to deliver a baby through his penis $1 million.

@VaderMykola @Spacecowboy777 He has to be an unaltered biological man. No way.

It is all about these fools claiming that a woman can be a man.

If she can give birth, she is a woman. Period. Pun intended.

@Spacecowboy777 I think red states should separate from blue. Do something like that. I never knew their hate ran so deep against us. It didn't take a lot to bring it out either.

@Spacecowboy777 If they were just delusional assholes, we could ignore them but they are slaughtering millions of babies, mutilating innocent children, and trying to destroy our civilization.

@Spacecowboy777 We could exile them to a country where their ideas are mainstream, if there was such a country.

There can be no peace with the left. They must be destroyed.

@Spacecowboy777 I just saw a Christian saying "No way in hell can you read the New Testament and come up with this as your rhetoric for dealing with a fallen culture" It's exactly this type of watered down version of Christianity that has gotten us to the place where we are. Why not? Why can't we deal with our fallen culture like this? There is nothing in the Bible that stops us from fighting to make this country a better nation, to bring it back to the sanity that it's left behind.

@Spacecowboy777 They have driven the nation to the point of no return. By that I mean, there is no living in any kind of unity with these people. They are dangerous to everything and everyone around them. They throw around words like "toxic", etc. They have no idea the meaning of the word. They are fully and completely vessels of satan spewing nothing but darkness and corruption everywhere they go. They are the truly toxic ones.

@Spacecowboy777 Agree I will not say live and let live to these demons.

@Spacecowboy777 Separation or purge

@Spacecowboy777 Yeah, I cannot be frens with baby killers, rapists, fags, or groomers. CUZ, my heart connects my brain to hands that wanna..........

Various Commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

During testimony in the House related to the Supreme Court’s decision to hand back abortion laws to the states, a pro-abortion witness refused to define what a woman is despite being asked to do so several times by a Republican Congressman.


If you can't define women , you can have no women's rights

@wighttrash @PrisonPlanet Probably should have been called "female rights" anyways so the males can't have a say just because they like to tuck and wear lipstick.

@PrisonPlanet so she’s so stupid she doesn’t know what she’s president of…….fake and pretending

@PrisonPlanet Admitting that a woman is a woman blows their whole game out the water. They can never admit there are only 2 genders. That would amount to betraying their whole lunatic base.


A real woman is someone who would never have an abortion as birth control

@PrisonPlanet retarded nigger.

@PrisonPlanet Difficult to define now that for the first time in all of human history men can get pregnant. /s

They are trying to erase women and I refuse to be erased by mentally ill depraved idiots.

@PrisonPlanet how to red pill the feminists...

@PrisonPlanet clearly, both issues are the product of an on going (under cover) depopulation agenda

@PrisonPlanet How could one work a the president for an organization with "Women's" in the name and not know what a woman is? Do they not see the hypocrisy in this? How can you represent women if you don't know what one is?

They need to be asked if they're a woman, just to see their response.

@PrisonPlanet The left spews nonsense. They are hoping that transhumanism will control population. The rest of us will be slaves to whatever they deem is good for them.

@PrisonPlanet The left is so evil that they are stripping women of their identity.

felicia rembrandt #crackpot #transphobia #conspiracy genderdissent.com

Trans Vision: Through a glass dark and distorted
(continued from https://fstdt.com/HGSCJQ7DQBNWF)
The trans movement has proven itself to be, not oppressed, but an extension of the oppressor class. Men with “special identities” have all the power that dominant well-off white males have and are extending that power into places they never could before they claimed to be women. This will be true of mindclones as well, as they will be extensions of people who can afford to create them and who dream of immortality.

The underclasses will be forced to give way to them, as women are forced to give way to men who claim to be women. Just as women’s protests against the erosions of our rights is labelled phobic oppression, resistance against mindclones will be repackaged and sold as oppression.

I am beginning to think that not only is the trans movement being used to dissociate us from our bodies and to teach us to see our bodies as consumable products in preparation for transhumanism, but that the trans movement is an experiment being conducted to research human reactions to the impossible, and from there, ways to manipulate those reactions. Pseudo men and faux women are in that sense scouts for the army of digital/robotic clones to come.

Our ability to tell male from female and to tell appearance from reality are both necessary for survival. If we can be manipulated and coerced into believing we do not have the skill to tell man from woman, then maybe we can be manipulated into believing that appearance is reality.

Rothblatt says in passing in his chapter on kinship (reconfigured to include plastic and software spouses and children) that “since the mindclones are the continuation of their biological selves, they are either male or female or transgendered” (203). This is curious. Since the concept of “transgender” relies on a misfit between the body and the mind, how can it persist after the body has decayed and all that’s left is the mindclone? Without bodies, we can all choose whether to be recorded as male or female.

Given the definition of “woman” in gender speak as the submissive sexual partner, women thinking of achieving immortality through a mindclone might do well to take a page from female gamers and assign themselves male. Failure to take that precaution could subject them to an eternity of sexual harassment.

@C_Ost2Coast #transphobia twitter.com

Heeeeeh. Are some people literally dysphoric? Yes, a few. But this is a social contagion issue.

Being trans leans entirely on gender and gender stereotypes. And really, gender isn't real. No one is born in the wrong body. Any personality can be male or female.

Going through puberty sucks.

No one has an easy time accepting their body.

Figuring out who you are is a complex journey. However, believing the complete lie that you can magically transition is dangerous and frankly, false. Why don't ppl embrace androgyny instead.

Let alone the lie of being 'born in the wrong body'

It's literally a cult. People are enticed and indoctrinated. Sold a lie and then believe they're happier.

Only time will tell, but a life time of injections? Big pharma just sees dollar signs and a vulnerable person.

@WeirAlison #transphobia twitter.com

The Scottish Government would like you to believe that proposed changes to the GRA will have no impact on women’s rights or single sex spaces and argue that these are protected in the Equality Act. Let’s look at this for a moment.

The Equality Act allows for single sex spaces where it is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim. Where the single sex exceptions apply you can exclude someone of the male sex from female spaces whether or not they hold a GRC.

But the Equality Act states that service providers cannot ask someone if they have a GRC and a GRC allows the holder to change their birth certificate to that of the opposite sex to their sex observed and recorded sex at birth.

So the holder of a GRC could claim to have been observed and recorded as female at birth and that they are, therefore, entitled to access single sex spaces even where the single sex exceptions apply.

Currently the conditions to obtain a GRC are restricted to those with a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria and only a tiny number of people hold a GRC allowing them to change their birth certificate.

Under the proposed changes to the GRA the category of people entitled to apply for a GRC is significantly widened to anybody who self identifies as the opposite sex.

They need take no hormones, nor undertake surgery and as they cannot be asked if they have a GRC virtually anybody could claim to have been observed and recorded as female at birth.

This makes the exceptions in the EA virtually unworkable as to challenge and suggest someone was not actually observed and recorded as female at birth despite what it says on their birth certificate is unlikely to ever happen. So the EA becomes impossibly to enforce.

Do you see the problem yet?



Dalton Clodfelter #psycho #transphobia rumble.com

I’m a proponent of bullying. I think if you’re a loser, you should be bullied and hopefully fix yourself. If you’re fat, you should be bullied and lose weight. If you’re dumb, you should be bullied and educate yourself more. If you’re trans, you should be bullied and not be trans anymore. It’s not a hard concept to follow. Of course, everyone reacts differently, so I’m not saying to just bully everybody. But as a general rule of thumb, I think bullying is good for the most part. Harassment is not good, but bullying can be.

Accept Only Substitutes #pratt #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Today, TRAs taught me that I'm a self-hating rapist:


That's not at all what she's saying. We don't let men take care of vulnerable women because we can't read the minds of the men we hire to make sure they aren't perverts and won't sexually assault them. Like it or not men make 99% of the sexual assaults we know of.

A study of college students a number of years ago showed that one third of the men said they saw no problem in having sex with a very overly drunk woman. Many of those men also said rape was wrong.

I'm not here to get into a debate on consent or saying all men are bad, but 1/3 thinking it's okay to take advantage of someone who isn't all there at the moment is terrifying for all women to hear. If that many think that's okay, how many think having sex with a disabled woman or girl is okay?

Maybe if the stats on trans women committing sex crimes were more like women's stats then people would feel more comfortable with letting them take care of the vulnerable. Since we know better it's not at all okay.

I'll go far as to say that anyone who has a penis - in any form - asking to take care of vulnerable women and girls is a huge red flag for being an abuser. These positions go to anyone with a clean criminal record and pay shit, so they aren't attracting the best type of people. It's hard, gross, and demanding work.

@StellaDoves #transphobia twitter.com

To remove single sex spaces & sports is to deny women/girls the right to dignity, privacy, safeguarding & fairness away from men/boys.
The removal of these rights are now considered "progressive"
This can only be described as double speak!
In reality it is regressive & dangerous.

@Vivian_Belli #transphobia twitter.com

Let's explain this most intriguing infographic - The THREAD:

"TERF" was an ancient term that once had a completely neutral meaning. It was created -by someone- specifically to appease the GODS OF EVIL. This sentence makes sense, since it's totally possible to create a slur w/"neutral connotations" to appease someone's wrath. People do that
We illustrate this point with the image of some angry person trying to hit a target with a bottle and missing it, hitting a person wearing a cap like an 80's kid (or a hip hop singer) instead. Cap person is confused. 3/
Our point is further illustrated by someone begging another person to take some ticket. Some piece of paper. The other person is trying to knock on a door, and has back pain. Remember, we're still talking about ANTITRANS EXTREMISTS!!! 4/
The struggle is real. Someone is either homeless or just drunk, and has peed on themselves in the street. It just shows you how evil TERFs can be. 5/
We must find a different slur for terfs, because terf is suddenly "obscure language". They certainly are not neutral! They claim to be either "male" or "female", too "either/or". Zero neutrality here. They are AGAINST OUR HUMAN RIGHTS! I'll never tell you what rights, though 6/
I'm talking about OUR HUMAN RIGHTS, so I'll illustrate my point with a person slapping someone who's spitting on the floor. R E L A T E D!!! 7/
A fat person wearing a tie is patting the back of someone carrying a document. I remind you once again, the theme here is "terfs are evil and anti-trans extremists who want to erase our human rights". Is everyone following? Keep up, huns. 8/

Isaac Willour #transphobia #wingnut blog.acton.org

We know what women are. They don’t. Now what?

“Nature always tells us the truth, even if we don’t want to hear it.” So begins the latest cinematic offering from the Daily Wire, What Is a Woman? The documentary is stirring up controversy with its sarcastic cultural analysis and skillful showcasing of extreme social absurdity. Conservative political commentator Matt Walsh’s dry style of comedic narration carries him from a therapist’s office to the halls of American academia to the Women’s March to Kenya and back, all in a quest to answer the seemingly simple question, What is a woman?

Many elite figures in America’s major institutions, including those dedicated to science, academia, and therapy, are either unwilling or unable to answer simple questions about basic biology. Whether one agrees or disagrees with the perspective Walsh brings, it’s hard to argue that his point—that this state of affairs is odd, to say the very least—isn’t made in a persuasive fashion.

In contrast, Walsh travels to the Masai tribe in Kenya, where questions about gender and a “man trapped in a woman’s body” are greeted with incredulity and mockery by local tribesmen.

It also exposes examples of ethically questionable research performed in the name of gender theory, such as Money’s experimenting with the sex reassignment surgery of David Reimer, a man raised as a girl after genital mutilation, who committed suicide at 38 after undergoing the surgery

So … “What is a woman?” Answers run the gamut from “I don’t know” to “Marry one and find out,” the latter provided by renowned author and psychologist Jordan B. Peterson. In the end, Walsh returns to his home to ask his wife the film’s titular question, to which he receives the answer “an adult human female.” The case the documentary seeks to make is simple: left-leaning Americans can’t even say what a woman is, including academics and therapists. They’re so unwilling to answer that question that they’ll encourage dangerous medical treatments for young people with gender dysphoria. Meanwhile, these Kenyan tribespeople can answer it without hesitation and seem not to care about gender theory. How absurd is this contrast?

Andrew Anglin #transphobia #dunning-kruger archive.ph

I don’t know if you know this, and I hate to say it, but in the womb, before the sex of the child it determined by a release of hormones by the mother, the sex organ that is developing is the penis OR clitoris. So if a girl during puberty decides to take a bunch of testosterone shots, it will cause her body to think the clitoris is a penis and start growing it.

@justdad7 #transphobia twitter.com

1/ https://ctvnews.ca/canada/new-census-data-offers-snapshot-of-canada-s-transgender-population-for-first-time-1.5878130 It's hard to understand how 0.33% of the population has such a hold on public policy until you realize that gender ideology meets a need of the managerial class of all parties - a perfect strategic lie.

2/ Political leaders want followers who will fall into line without asking difficult questions. Demanding that people assent to a strategic lie is a test of loyalty. This is what the Chinese proverb to call a deer a horse means

3/ A good strategic lie should have 3 qualities. First, it should have a veneer of plausibility so intelligent people can at least pretend to believe it. You don't want all your followers to be totally stupid, just to weed out the ones who think hard and speak their minds.

4/ Most people have been willing to accept gender ideology, preferred pronouns etc. as a simple extension of a social justice movement. It takes a lot of time and effort to unravel the specious claims and obscure language that support it.

5/ Second, it has to relate to something fairly common so people can't just evade it. If you are in the government / corporate / academic world today you have to show at least minimal compliance with the demands of genderism every time you sign and e-mail or put on a name tag.

6/ Third, it should not harm anyone in a position of power. The victims of the lies of gender ideology are mostly women with the worst harm being suffered by the most poor and vulnerable, like those in prisons and shelters.

7/ If the transgender movement was simply about protecting the rights of a tiny minority, it would be poor and struggling like every other minority rights movement. It is because it has become a vehicle for an elite loyalty test that it has acquired power. /End

felicia rembrandt #crackpot #transphobia genderdissent.com

Trans Vision: Through a glass dark and distorted
(continued from https://fstdt.com/MZM5KXNP_7889 )
Who will judge the humanity of any given mindclone? Rothblatt favours an idea first suggested by Alan Turing, “that software was humanly conscious if it successfully passed itself off to humans as being humanly conscious” (18). He proposes a consensus of three or more experts in the field, such as psychologists or ethicists: “…if others, especially experts in the mental health, see so much of themselves in a mind clone as to say ‘that one is human,’ then that one is human”(43).

This ignores the fact that neither psychologists nor any other mental health professional’s remit is to judge the totality of consciousness. There are no experts in the field.

I am reminded again of transgender ideology, and its early and frequent insistence that men in makeup and dresses could “pass” as women. Women protested loudly and just as frequently that we could tell a man from a woman. Were our protestations as “experts” – surely women are experts on women -- enough to stop the craze? Not at all – TRA’s simply decided that passing was not necessary after all.

This is a highly likely scenario in the case of transhumanism as well. The men with the money pushing both these ideologies on common people from above will see to it that a jury will be created who will accept mindclones as human. And if that should prove impossible, they’ll change the goalposts. Perhaps, as men with “special identities” now claim to be better women than women, mindclones will claim to be better humans than humans.

Rothblatt is already pre-empting the discrimination he forecasts against mindclones by arguing they must be given human rights, because “if we don’t treat cyberconscious mindclones like the living counterparts they will be, they will become very, very angry” (6). This too should remind us of trans ideologues, who claim to be the most oppressed group on the planet, while receiving support from almost all media, governments, academic institutions, major corporations, and financial institutions.


Massresistance #transphobia #homophobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #fundie archive.ph

H1728 would effectively wipe out a community’s ability to monitor or control the sorts of activities going on “next door.” While communities or property owners can ban smoking, they will not be able to ban wild behaviors involving protected sexual perversions parading as “gender expression.” If a property is next to a school and tenants wish to rent who “express” their gender through “swinging parties,” whips and chains, sex for sale, or public nudity -- the landlord will not be able to say no. It will be up to the “transgender” individual to decide how he needs to express himself in his (even rented) home or commercial property.

Look at the ads for “she-male” prostitutes (in the Boston Phoenix) whose “gender expression” includes sequential, anonymous visitors to their apartments, and who often express their gender loudly and violently through BDSM practices. They can rent any place they choose if H1728 is passed. (The only exception in the law, Ch. 151B section 4, where an owner may discriminate is for “a single dwelling unit in a two family dwelling, the other occupancy unit of which is occupied by the owner as his residence.”)

“Adult” stores catering to transsexuals and cross-dressers will not be stoppable. Local zoning regulations, if attempting to block them, will surely be challenged as discriminatory. No exemptions are built into the proposed law, no matter who the surrounding owners, tenants, or users may be -- including schools, playgrounds, churches, family neighborhoods.

Section 19 even says that no one (not just realtors or property managers) may publicly object in any way to an individual’s right to buy or rent apartment/condo-type dwellings on the basis of their “gender identity or expression.” This would include a letter to a newspaper, or a posting on a web site or blog.

This new law would have a profound effect on the business climate in Massachusetts. Watch for a continuing exodus by businesses from the state if H1728 passes.

@Woman4W & @FionaKabuki #transphobia twitter.com

"This adult male is allowed to see your underage daughter naked in a public shower facility because he says he's a woman - and if we don't let him he says he'll kill himself."

Say it out loud. Twice. Then consider that THIS is where we're at currently in Western society in 2020.

Up to him if he kills himself. That type of blackmail attempt is beneath contempt. I wouldn't dream of trying to stop him: he has a right to his decision.

@KollyKib #transphobia twitter.com

I've had about as much as I can take, of seeing the "transphobia" bleating fanatics casting women as hateful villains for the having temerity to defend their hard-won rights. Transwomen are men, and if they need to do a poo, they can do one in the "gents" toilets.

Infernal #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia kiwifarms.net

The thing is, Chris [McGee] seems to be just trying to avoid controversy and exist in the lgbt community and move on with his sad pathetic life, because most people have either forgotten or stopped caring about him long ago, even the twitter troons and fags who prided themselves in putting Chris on blast before, I guess because there are bigger accounts to cancel, there was never much return in terms of clout for going after a nobody like Chris, and performative "community safety" activism only exists to gain clout and prove they're the "acceptable" fags when in reality they're just as degenerate as Chris, they just are better about not getting outed like Chris's dumb ass. Despite efforts to inform people about his name change by some of the original callout people, the rebrand worked.

I think what may have helped Chris fly under the radar is he's so far kept his nose clean since the last major incident. (I certainly haven't seen anything about a new grooming attempt on a minor and not just regular old simping for fictional characters that even the lgbt weirdos who called him out are even guilty of themselves.) He hasn't talked about Harry at all, or even about the harassment he supposedly receives from people like us or "antis" other than extremely vague stuff that doesn't bring up the accusations. He just whines about being bad at competitive games, He's trying in vain to get enough average viewers to make affiliate on Twitch, and is now simping hard for this bad undertale-clone he's been playing. (I hate Undertale with a passion for the damage it's done to the gaming medium by onboarding a bunch of cringe lgbt bullshit into games, but this Omori game somehow manages to be worse from what little i've seen of it, It's WAY more pretentious than most of Toby Fox's shit, and I guess it clicked with Chris because it's total shota bait,)

He's just like any other twitter transtrander now. It's kinda silly how easy cancel culture let him off the hook so easily.

felicia rembrandt #crackpot #transphobia genderdissent.com

Trans Vision: Through a glass dark and distorted

American male billionaires are planning to jump ship.

When the planet explodes in fire and flood largely due to alpha males’ careless avarice, their presumed right to acquire whatever their ever- expanding appetites desire, they’ll be sealed up in capsules heading for green pastures in an unknown elsewhere.

The major obstacle is the human body, that relic from pre-digital times, that passé flesh bag that needs constant nutrients and fluids, that excretes inconvenient waste, that wears out over time – so BCE! so first millennium! – which is why new Canadian Martine Rothblatt, sci fi fan, virtual reality gamer and “person” who confessed he changes his gender as often as he changes his hair, has been busily developing “mindcloning” tech and associated sales propaganda.

In 2014 the father of both transgenderism and transhumanism outlined the future for humanity in his book, Virtually Human – The Promise and the Peril of Digital Immortality. The title is overlong, as there is no real peril in this vision of a new world where humans in flesh bodies, in digital form in the cloud, and in robot bodies all coexist. A new human trinity. If “God” can be father, son and holy spirit, then so can men created in his image.

“If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it probably is a duck –” this commonplace is meant to be a lesson in reality. If a duck should pretend to be something other than a duck, we can have recourse to our senses for a reality check. Rothblatt would use it to validate illusion: if you dress up a machine (or a fox) in duck feathers, bill and feet and teach it to quack, then it is a duck. To plausibly appear to be a duck is to be a duck. And, ultimately, it doesn’t matter – as he explains in the section entitled “There are Doubles, but no Duplicates” (74).

This is also the “philosophy” of gender ideology. Dress a man up in “woman-costume” and give him walk and talk lessons, and he becomes a women. All that matters (or did in 2014) is that he “pass” as a woman. The reality that he is male-sexed in every cell of his body, and that his personality has been created under the powerful influence of the kind of social conditioning brought to bear on male people only, is irrelevant.


behindyourightnow #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

It's funny that they try to shoehorn themselves in when as far as I'm aware they haven't even done anything to help abortion rights. In fact they've actively hindered it by making a big screech over the use of the word "women." That's like sabotaging the gun rights debate by insisting "guns kill people" is disinclusive of animals because animals are shot by guns too, and making a big screech to get anti-gun people to say "guns kill sentient beings." It makes no sense to dispute the one single thing your argument is about, it's infuriating.

They have actively hindered most recent feminist movements and projects by demanding to be centered and then making it all about themselves, which causes most actual women to leave or tune out. They have spent years making it impossible for women to even describe themselves without including males as well (first they came after “women” then “female” then “biological female” which they now call a TERF Nazi dog whistle). How can you organize if you can’t even define your own group?

They couldn’t be more successful if they were an actual MRA psyop.

It's because with leftism in the west now, you have to have lockstep adherence whatever the new orthodoxy is. You can't be pro-abortion, but pro-freedom of speech, or pro-women's rights, but pro-gun. You must march in lockstep to whatever the twitter mind has decided is the correct stance on any issue, as determined by who can come up with the most viral hot take.

Left and right (particularly left these days) have become social groups, not political ones. Political beliefs are just a way of signaling group identity. You’ll confuse and anger people if you claim to be part of their group without performing the appropriate verbal rituals.

Remember that white leftists in particular have lost access to most other group identities that might have given them meaning in the past (religious membership, national pride, any sense of local community) and so they’re desperate for something bigger than themselves to belong to. It’s just a shame that they latched onto performative online idpol rather than setting up a workers’ rights movement or something.

Don Surber #transphobia #fundie #homophobia archive.ph

So the Gay Patriot account is back on Twitter and one of its first tweets was, "Is it too much to ask that the #LGBTQ activists vocally denounce grooming and pedophilia?

"Why won’t they?"

But it is too much to ask. They cannot denounce grooming and remain LGBT. They are no more allowed to speak out than black leaders were allowed to condemn BLM.
LGBT rights are a myth. LGBT rights are rules for living if you are gay, trans or whatever. You surrender your rights when you join LGBT. Conformity means never speaking your mind again. Instead, you chant the slogan of the day, which for this month is Don't say gay!

To be an LGBT, one must keep up with the latest news. Thou dare not speak ill of the groomers. Instead, they dump all their vile disgust on J.K. Rowling because she dared to say women menstruate. Yes, the grievances promoted by LGBT leaders are that fundamentally stupid.

In exchange for turning your life over to the movement, you get to bully Christians into baking the cake at your wedding.

Mike King #transphobia #fundie archive.ph

You see, boys and girls, because these mentally confused queers can't actually produce their own children -- they need to groom and corrupt yours! That's what this is all about. But of course, were it only the 1% of boy-girls and girl-boys that we had to worry about, there actually wouldn't be much to be concerned over. Low level sickos can be contained and the "tolerant" non-queers who enable them can be re-conditioned. It's the "elite" cultural assassins injecting this poison into the nation's veins while protecting and exalting the demon-possessed trannies and "non-binaries" who need to be called out for this abomination -- and then beaten to death in packed sports arenas across America.

Poking fun at these misfits is all well and good -- as is HATING them when they take it a step further and try to corrupt innocent children. But unless and until more FOXtard "conservative" types start pointing the finger upwards, toward the real culprits, this cultural cancer will never abate. We'll wrap this up with a pair of power-packed quotes -- from two high historical personages who were in a position to know the game -- which tell us in a 2+2 manner all we need to know about the LGBT mass mania now afflicting so many young people.

Patrick Bellringer #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #transphobia #wingnut fourwinds10.com

Greetings to all souls. It is at this time that I have requested to have Anne open a message to all souls. I pin-point my message to all souls especially upon Mother Earth, for the LIE under which all souls upon Earth have lived has destroyed most of the valuable history that the Dark Ones have tried to erase.
Their evil goal was to educate the children that there is no difference between a male and female, and that men can birth a child just like a women, Their evil agenda is to teach it is almost imperative the change one’s sex, and that boys and girls must use the same bathroom and have no privacy. In essence it is a horrible mess.

The 4th of July is no different. If you were to ask anyone on the street, let alone a young person, and ask them “Why do we celebrate the th of July? You would be surprised at the answers.

They would say most likely, that it a time to shoot those fire works and to blow them up days before …probably the biggest and loudest ones they could find. History of the U.S.? Are you kidding? Even the adults have no concept of American History, the Declaration of Independence or the struggle the 13 colonies that were under “the thumb” of England and taxed to death. They had come to America for freedom, but in essence they were the slave-people of the British Empire.
According to the Phoenix Journals, the men were in argument because of the threat to them by the British Empire. Confusion rang throughout the room and there was a hesitancy on the part of many to sign the document. Suddenly a man appeared on the balcony and shouted at them with these words: “For God’s Sake men, sign the Document!!” His voice rang out with clarity and the earnest plea to sign that Document! The men immediately signed the Document! Who was this stranger?

It was St. Germain!!
America has a great history. The Dark Ones of Satan have tried to erase such a grand history, but the whole truth has been recorded and it us in the great Akashic Records.

@LoveBannonRants #transphobia gettr.com

I just bought @mattwalshblog children's book #JohnnyTheWalrus because the psychos are melting down about *everything*! Matt's book, #LibsOfTikTok, #ElonMusk ... it's absolutely delicious! I can't wait to get back on #Twitter and help the #Twittertards lose their collective 💩.
NOTE: If you click on the little Board book square, it's suddenly available. I also left a five-star review.

Brenda Power #transphobia thetimes.co.uk

Why women are right to defend their Terf

The invitation was mysteriously vague: would I be interested in attending an event that may or may not be happening, but would certainly include food? They had me at food, so I asked for more details. It'd be something like the event JK Rowling organised recently in London, came the reply. No need then for further explanation of the cloak-and-dagger tactics, and I was definitely in.

Since she queried the use of the term “people who menstruate” in preference to “women”, the Harry Potter author has been deemed transphobic - literally meaning a form of mental illness causing an irrational fear or hatred of trans people. She has also been subjected to abuse, death threats and attempts to erase her from the franchise she created.

Rowling recently hosted a lunch in London for a group of likeminded women, including some who had been “cancelled” and lost employment for their views. Women who believe that biological sex is immutable, and that being a woman is more than a costume to be donned or a feeling in a man’s head, are now called Terfs, or trans-exclusionary radical feminists. I was essentially being invited to a Terf event.

The location was kept secret until the last minute, and I won’t identify it for fear of a backlash against the very nice restaurant which took a chance on hosting 60 or more Terfs last Saturday week. When a woman carrying a placard stating “Woman = Adult Human Female” turned up at that sad National Women’s (People’s?) Council rally at the Dail last March, she was verbally abused by a group, including a large number of men, and asked to leave. You don’t want to draw those guys on a blameless restaurant, or indeed a group of women having lunch, so everyone respected the vow of omerta.

The guest of honour at the lunch was Helen Joyce, an editor at The Economist and author of Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality. In her brief speech she compared the trans ideology to Japanese knotweed: it has infiltrated every part of our lives when we weren’t looking.


Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various Commenters #wingnut #racist #transphobia gab.com

(Marjorie Greene)

spoilerNow more than ever, we must pray each day to END abortion in America

@RealMarjorieGreene yes, end abortion for all Whites.

@Myscorepower @RealMarjorieGreene So many beautiful black babies are gonna be saved now. Thanks, Clarance. ❤

@GroyperExterminator my daughter is 5. I tell her almost every day if she ever befriends a nigger I will shoot him in the face.

@Myscorepower and hopefully she will be disinherited.

@RealMarjorieGreene A few decades ago if a man beat a woman so badly that caused the death of her baby he was charged with murder. Now a mother can murder her baby and they call it abortion and it's not a crime I believe that All women who have an abortion must be charged with murder.

@RealMarjorieGreene Abortion ends when mothers love their children, fathers stand by their family, and *the only act that causes a new human life* is not treated as a weekend party game.

@RealMarjorieGreene I concur, MTG!

We also need to pray that parents open their eyes to the big lie and stop bringing their children in to have them injected with poison! Or soon they won't even need abortion to help with population control. Everyone will be sterile.


@CondorDM @RealMarjorieGreene You're definitely going after the wrong people. What's delusional is The Left Transgendering children and minors. While you spew "Christians you do not own America", "secular nation" and "theocracy" The LGBTQ, with their Gender Fluid/Neutral Ideological madness, is taking control of this country from right under your noses. We have bigger fish to fry here. Focus! We cannot allow The Left to eliminate the Gender Binary. Because without that, people of traditional morals and beliefs pertaining Marriage, Family and Gender/Sex cannot exist.

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #sexist #conspiracy kunstler.com

I wish I had a time machine. I would teleport a small delegation of Ben Franklin, Tom Jefferson, and Button Gwinnett from their sweltering labors at Independence Hall — then known as the Pennsylvania state house — to a Drag Queen Story Hour hosted by Lil Miss Hot Mess (“The People’s Drag Queen”) reading from her best-selling book, The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish, to a roomful of six-year-old offspring birthed by America’s current Progressive ruling elite. Here, I would explain, is what it has come to.

Have today’s elites in our country, marinated in social justice and frantically signaling their goodness-and-virtue, gone perhaps a tad too far in their quest to liberate the populace from boundaries previously established for human behavior?
This birthday of the republic we are on track to going medieval, or something that at least rhymes with it. I’m regretful as anyone to leave so much baggage behind, but frankly it’s been a long time since all the Fun, Fun, Fun was over and Daddy took the T-bird away. Daddy himself is gone, along with all representations of him. Donald Trump tried to play the role in a movie called The Years before Covid-19 but the critics savaged him. Anyone who dares to try to be Daddy in America now will be Me-tooed and J-Sixed to a fare-thee-well, we’ve been warned. In your New World Order of Bill Gates and the Schwabenklaus’s Great Re-set, we are all expected to be a hot mess (so the exterminations can proceed without resistance).

I, for one, refuse to comply with all that insolent wickedness and urge you to join with me in making something decent, honorable, and workable in the vast salvage yard that America will be when we expel the degenerate maniacs who broke it to pieces. You can, for instance, be a man. Or, another instance, be a woman. These binaries of human reproduction can produce new humans. A man, a woman, and children will comprise a family, a good start in rebuilding the organism called a society.

WND Staff #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy wnd.com

Two shocking and unprecedented megatrends are unfolding simultaneously in the United States of America right now.

The first is the explosion of what can only be described as openly predatory targeting of America’s children by legions of “gender activists” obsessed with seducing, grooming and recruiting kids into the phantasmagoric transgender world of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, surgical amputation of healthy body parts and astronomical suicide rates.

Incredibly, this wild celebration of transgenderism is being praised, promoted and funded by the ruling class at the highest levels, from the White House on down, while all who sound the alarm are demonized and canceled.
Teachers with bizarre hairdos and multiple facial piercings openly proselytize America’s children, some evangelizing the new transgender salvation aggressively on social media platforms like TikTok.

Consider now the second megatrend.

While this sexual-gender anarchy is exploding nationwide – and alongside it, of course, the rest of the deranged Biden agenda, from engineering an ever-expanding foreign invasion of America across its southern border, to destroying the nation’s fossil fuel industry, to bringing the U.S. to the brink of nuclear war with Russia – the very same political, financial, cultural and sexual revolutionaries responsible for all of this chaos have finally dared to “come out” and publicly identify who exactly they consider to be their biggest enemy.


That’s right. Bible-believing, Judeo-Christian morals-affirming, Ten Commandments and Sermon on the Mount-loving Christian believers are the real enemy.
Yet, fantastical and extreme as all this demonization of normal, traditional-values, law-abiding Americans has been, there has always been a lingering sense that the ruling elites were holding something back – that they were not quite speaking plainly about what is really bothering them.

Until now.

Dissident Mama #wingnut #transphobia #sexist #homophobia #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt dissidentmama.net

Mama had carefully sat me down and explained that substituting a plural pronoun in place of a singular was unacceptable, unclear, and grammatically incorrect. “He” and “she” were the singular forms and ought to be used when appropriate; “they” must be reserved for the third person plural.

Moreover, said she, the widespread adoption of the singular “they” marked a dangerous fundamental shift in the English language, one motivated by the sloppy thinking of modern feminists, whose insistence upon being inoffensive (or, rather, upon their being unoffended), was slowly destroying the clarity and preciseness of our spoken and written word. Why I was correcting my friends’ grammar, I do not know. Perhaps I was showing off. Perhaps I was genuinely concerned for them and thought that by proselytizing them I could do my part to help reverse the slow degradation of the English language. It might have been a little of both.
Redefining words is a clever means of changing the way people think. The Soviets used this to great effect. So has the modern homosexual movement – just consider their appropriation of the word “gay.” They have chosen a moniker for themselves which intellectually distances their chosen sexual identity from the acts and desires which define that identity while simultaneously associating themselves inextricably with the concept of happiness, fulfillment, and gaiety, using the older meaning of the word for their own purposes even as they redefine it. It was a brilliant linguistic coup. So was the singular “they.”

Manhood and womanhood are rooted in the created order. We tend to conceive of them as being defined by certain roles, but those roles are merely a natural outgrowth of God’s created design. The roles He has ordained are congruent with our being as male and female, man and woman. Such is the Biblical understanding, though it is quite clearly not the understanding of mainstream America, or even of most churches.

@JonKUhlerLPC & @Bertie007 #transphobia gettr.com

Seriously? So, objectifying women and children to such an extent as to use a woman to give birth to someone else's child is now going to require that we play even more symatic games, so that we don't offender porn-fueled deviant men-in-drag who are likely trying to use women in this fashion in order to get their hands on kids to traffic them and film their abuse?

Just erase women completely then - pretend that babies come from an incubator... Or from under a gooseberry bush then????? #transisevil #womenslivesmatter #womenarehuman #womenwontwheesht #transfascism

hisarcher19 #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger archive.ph

I find this form of doublethink particularly annoying. They claim something entirely mental can't change one minute and then say that your "gender identity" can change even though your sex is the most genetic and unchangeable thing about you. Again, it shows they only follow something when it's convenient.

Robert Stacy McCain #dunning-kruger #pratt #elitist #fundie #homophobia #transphobia archive.ph

Kinda rainbow, you might say. Now, if you insensitive morons ever stop laughing long enough, you might want to read the rest of the story, which includes a rather delicate and ponderous discussion of gay-on-gay violence, a problem more widespread than the Poofter PR brigades in the MSM would like to admit.

Political correctness demands that gay people can only be betrayed in the news media as either (a) heroic role models, courageously living their lives on their own terms, or (b) martyred victims, suffering hateful abuse at the hands of cretinous homophobic Christofascist Republicans.

An examination of the circumstances surrounding the murder of Matthew Shepard doesn't support that reading. Shepard was a dweeby rich college kid rolled by a couple of petty hoodlums who almost certainly never heard of James Dobson. But if you try to argue with the MSM-approved "Martyrdom of Saint Matthew" narrative, it only proves that you're a cretinous homophobic Christofascist Republican. So most people don't bother to argue.

Even further unsubstantiated by evidence is the MSM-approved notion of the "gay community" as one big happy Sister Sledge "We Are Family" singalong, where the leather daddies and the flannel-shirted bulldykes and the glitter-encrusted drag queens all rejoice in celebration of their shared gayness. Complete hogwash.

When you've got a couple of gals so butch they're willing to inject testosterone and undergo mastectomies to pass as men, and yet they cannot visit a lesbian bar for fear they'll be beaten up -- well, in light of such an incident, I think the absurdity of "We Are Family" solidarity is adequately demonstrated.

And if you think these two F2Ms "transmen" got it bad, just imagine the riot that would have ensued if a couple of male-to-female trannygirls should try to pass themselves off as actual women in a lesbian bar.

So, just as we can sneer at the ideological nonsense of feminism (Equality Is For Ugly Losers), we can also chortle derisively at the homosupremacist propaganda that would have us believe gay people enjoy a monopoly on enlightened tolerance.

Massresistance #dunning-kruger #fundie #homophobia #transphobia archive.ph

Over the past 50 years, Boston (like hundreds of other cities) has endured an increasingly massive and perverse “Gay Pride Parade” - ending with a “Gay Pride Festival” at Boston City Hall Plaza. It’s frightened summer tourists, scared away families, and destroyed the aura of a once beautiful city.

[Later they show pics where no one is scared or frightened]

For a dozen years, MassResistance documented the depraved event, sharing photos and videos – and exposing the participating corporations, schools, and politicians.

But this year there was no parade, no festival, and no plans for any in the future. The Board of Directors of the Boston Pride Committee, which planned, funded, and organized it, voted to permanently disband the whole organization. The streets of downtown Boston are (relatively) safe and sane again!

Every "Gay Pride" event seems to have an emphasis on "youth" and children ...

[And off course show everyone having fun and safe, in spite of the weird costumes. Likewise what do you mean by "emphasis"? That gay chipdren march as well? You are scared of them celebrating their identities?]

At one Festival following the parade this troubled young man entertained the crowd. The man at left in the green "I-heart-sperm" shirt has probably seen it all before, we'd bet.

[Is Steven Crowder or Rudy Guillaume troubled when they do lewd or lavisicious acts?]

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various Commenters #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist gab.com

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
When leftists say something ominous like 'this is just the beginning' & 'they will not stop here', they are not wrong.

We've had ENOUGH of drag queens sexually grooming kids, ENOUGH of biological MEN in women's sports & restrooms, etc and so on...

We're taking our country & culture BACK.

( @GangaritheWanderer )
@DrPaulGosar And we're not stopping there.

This is the beginning of the end of society-sanctioned: gay "marriage," public displays of faggotry, fornication, adultery, divorce, contraception, etc.

It ALL has to go.

( @DuaneDMartinJr )
@DrPaulGosar We'll never get our Culture back, our fertility rate has dropped (1.9) too much and those who've migrated here have fertility rate of 8.6, it's just a matter of time, I've tried to warn people of this for over 20 years. Not making people assimilate to our culture is another reason we'll fail like allowing little Havana's, little Chinas, little Cubas, etc. how about they assimilate and forget their 3rd world ghetto mentalities and the shithole countries they left behind or go back to THEM!?

( John Michael Henni )
@DrPaulGosar Amen! Give an inch they take a mile. The Jan.6 Committee should be shut down. The Congress members on the Witch Hunt are all disgraceful.

( @mrsnyamajor )
@DrPaulGosar The grooming started long ago under Jim Crow. The only way to take the country back is to disband the Democrat Party for treason and sedition... we've been dealing with their destructive anti-god, anti-American politics for almost 200 years now.

( @UniqueUser )
@DrPaulGosar Better watch the anti-semitism, buster. Israel, our greatest ally, is in total control of the situation and nobody is taking shit back so long as the Bolsheviks are in charge of all the levers of power, pop culture, public education, money, and propaganda.

Jews hate White Christians even more than they hate Palestinians and all the other Arabs in the Muslim world. They are anti-Christ, and quite proud of it. How is that not a problem to Christian posterity? We noticed you were too cowardly to comment on the recent declarations from Jewry that "abortion is a Jewish value." How fucking SICK is that to be proud of sacrificing babies to Moloch?

Your mouth is writing checks that can't be cashed but you know that because you serve Israel and Jewish interests.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò #fundie #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia scribd.com

On June 24, the Supreme Court of the United States of America, overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, healed a constitutional vulnus [wound] and at the same time restored sovereignty to the individual States after almost fifty years. The decision of the Supreme Court did not rule the “right to abortion” – as the mainstream narrative claims – but rather it has overturned its “obligatory legalization in all of the States,” returning the power to decide about the “profound moral question of abortion” to “the people and their elected representatives,” from whom Roe v. Wade had removed it, contrary to the dictates of the U.S. Constitution.

Thus the attempt to intimidate the Justices of the Supreme Court, which began with the malicious leak of the draft of the decision by members of the pro-abortion lobby, has failed, just as the rhetoric of death of the Democrat left, fueled by extremist movements and groups fnanced by George Soros’ Open Society, has also failed. And it is significant to see how violent and intolerant the reaction has been from self-styled liberals, from Barack and Michelle Obama to Hillary Clinton, from Nancy Pelosi to Chuck Schumer, from the Attorney General Merrick Garland to Joe Biden, not to mention the declarations of politicians and heads of state from across the Western world.

Actually, the following ought to be enough to make people understand the importance of this decision: attacks carried out by “pro-choice” groups, assaults against pro-life organizations, the desecration of churches, scenes of hysteria on the part of supporters of the right to kill the innocent life of the unborn child, emblematically uniting members of the Democratic party financed by Planned Parenthood, which in turn is financed by the government; the Woke Left; the followers of Klaus Schwab’s globalism; members of international Freemasonry; ideologues of green change and demographic reduction;propagandists of gender theory, LGBTQ+ ideology, and rainbow flags; adherents of the church of Satan, who consider abortion as one of their “rites” of worship; those who harvest and sell human fetuses from the death clinics; those who sell “vaccines” produced by human fetuses; [...]

@displayname000 & @CatherineWheel #transphobia gettr.com

Toddlers can have AGP now, so says "the good trans" David Hayton. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮 HE'S SO GROSS, I HATE HIM SO MUCH!
I think I might hate him more than your average AGP because it's so insidious. Makes otherwise reasonable people lose their innate alarm bells.

I hope the last of his supporters finally sees the light. He has used the "good trans" position to insinuate himself into places he doesn't belong for purposes of self-promotion.

@RoseLilyDaisy #transphobia gettr.com

In the end it’s the fact that these are children. At these tender ages my own kids can’t stop themselves from spending their pocket money on ice cream when they are trying to save up for something. To think they are able to give informed consent is absurd. I’ve got some issue as well w the way journalists talk about the doctors being “transgender women themselves” as if this implies inner wisdom & special expertise. I’d suggest rather it means that the industry is full of deviant men who have an indefensible interest in mutilating kids. Of course there’s also the evil female doctor Gallagher as well.

remiem & PaulBearer #homophobia #pratt #transphobia kiwifarms.net


If SCOTUS ends up overturning gay marriage on a federal level, do you all think that would be the catalyst for the LGBT movement to get their shit together again? Since they'd actually have a hill worth dying on.

It's not just marriage. As far as I can tell it's both sex (at least for gay men) and marriage if they were to overturn Lawrence v. Texas as well as Obergefell v. Hodges.

Considering monkeypox (and aids) has shown that gay men won't stop being sex fiends even at risk of disease, the T would be vastly overshadowed in an instant if sex and marriage for the gays were to be struck down. I'd even argue that some of the trans talking points could probably be weaponized against the LGB if someone was so inclined. If men can get pregnant and have vaginas why do you need to be sticking your dick in the ass of another guy?????

Queertardation reaching new levels.

Is it worth dying on? It's basically meaningless for gay people, there's no children unless some help from the opposite sex is involved.

Civil partnerships were that hill and it wasn't enough.

Not to mention that a lot of gay couples don't take it seriously much less so than straight people...they are basically taking the piss out of normality.

I await some salty fag telling me I don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry I already know and yet I still think it.

verifymejoshuaconnormoon & Asmobaby #psycho #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net


Women indulge troons way too much, both the ftms and mtfs find validation with women much more often than with men, the troon issue is like a female civil war.

gay men shit on ftms because they’re pathetic and an inconvenience at most.

the reason why women are passive/claim to support mtfs is because they’re violent narcissists who can physically harm us if they’re set off (not being the center of attention). that and women who are vocal against mtfs will get doxed and get rape/death threats.

the worst ftms can do when rejected by gay men is play the victim or call them faggots. mtfs are by far more unhinged and dangerous towards women, lesbians in particular.

i can confidently say that most women secretly are disgusted by them. nobody sees mtfs as women, just ignore them or pretend to support them out of necessity or pity. the ones who genuinely do support them are uninformed or just as crazy as the troons. there is not a single well-adjusted person who could look at the contents of this thread and honestly say they support troons.

Exactly this. Notice that only women ever get the "terf" label from MtF's. Never men, not ever. And the term "terf" can get you the rape/death threats and/or cost you a career as well.

Troons know it's way easier to punish a real woman - it's kind of what they're all about, really. They are making a mockery of us. They wish they could be us, fuck us, subdue us, replace us. It's this whole new form of misogyny, disguised as something "good" and "progressive."

And, yeah, we do find them disgusting. Especially whenever they "dress up" and look even more ridiculous. A real woman, at some point, figures out how to dress for her figure/bone structure but these troons never seem to do be able that (even the ones who get plastic surgery to look like Kardashians still look fucking ridiculous and try-harding). But it's our inherent "motherly" nature that will make most of us be neutral and/or nice to them out of self-preservation. Who wants to get punched by a man? Especially one that could "get away with it"??

Mantronikk #fundie #transphobia archive.ph



It looks like a website that was promoting a boycott of Target due to their desire to let men into women's restrooms, was shut down by a webhosting company.

“… A conservative website to galvanize support against Target’s ‘gender-inclusive’ restroom and changing-room policies was shut down on Thanksgiving morning by its web hosting company on the claim that it featured “hateful or discriminatory” content.

…In April Target, the second largest discount retailer in the United States, adopted a policy allowing members of one biological sex to use the bathrooms and fitting rooms of the opposite sex at all its stores nationwide.

…The move caused a massive boycott of the retailer, with more than a million Americans pledging on conservative sites to do their shopping elsewhere.

…The company’s stocks began to slip immediately,

…reports (here and here) began to appear of men posing as women who went into female changing rooms to film victims in the state of undress.

…“Liberals who constantly tout tolerance and inclusion go out of their way to shutdown ideas they disagree with,” he wrote.

…“To say our campaign is about inequality, intolerance, hate, discrimination or devaluing anyone is flat wrong, it’s about common sense and safety. But, some of the truest hate and intolerance we’ve seen has come from the liberal responses to our campaign,” he added. …”

Full story here.

Mantronikk #homophobia #transphobia #fundie archive.ph

Between my work schedule, the headache of covid-19, crazy inflation, the innocent people of Ukraine being murdered, and weekly mass shootings, I've been psychologically worn-out. Then there's my depression at the absurdist reality that there's not enough common-sense in this world to not let a man compete against women in a women's swimming competition. Then there's the fact that I've already covered so many aspects of homofascism from so many different angles already.

I remember the sadness I felt when SCOTUS redefined marriage for the nation. I was sad for the eternal souls of those in the glbt community that would be comforted in their journey to the wrath of God. I have homosexual coworkers that I really care about, and I have to live with the fact that they are on a collision course with the Word of God.

I am so jaded by the evil in this world, that I was stunned to see the Supreme Court get something right for a change. I never thought that I would see justice for the unborn from the highest court in the land.

I can see if a woman or girl has been impregnated without her consent, or her pregnancy will kill her, or incest between minors is involved, or fetal deformity is involved. That's different. But convenience abortion is murder in the eyes of God.

Look how much the glbt community used to love SCOTUS...

pennygadget #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: What about a GC voting guide?

Unfortunately, at least in the US, a vote for a candidate who vocally supports single-sex spaces is extremely likely to be a vote for a candidate who vocally opposes reproductive rights.

At this point, I don't fucking care. This may sound extreme, but what's the point in saving abortion if we lose EVERY other right in the process? Whats the point in voting for someone who supports universal healthcare if that person will also vote that "trans healthcare" gets priority over everyone else? What's the point in voting for someone who supports prison reform if they also support locking female inmates in cages with convicted male rapists/murderers?

Seeing more states enact draconian abortion restrictions is scary. But rolling that shit back will be far easier than reinstating women's basic right to define ourselves once those are taken away (just ask the women in Iran).

Also....the Democrats won't learn if we keep voting for them in the vain hope that MAYBE they'll make an effort to protect our reproductive rights in between gutting Title IX and making it a civil right for a dude to follow little girls into changing rooms

Rightguide #sexist #transphobia #wingnut forum.literotica.com

This Is Why Trans People need To be institutionalized

Transgender TikTok user accuses baby of being transphobic

These people are absolutely mentally ill and should be hospitalized and under no circumstances should they be allowed anywhere near children.

Right, because that one person represents an entire community.

And you hate Twitter and probably never installed TikTok so...

I've watched TikTok videos on Youtube. It is the best testimony yet that feminism has destroyed life for the average American woman. I've never seen in one place more masculinized women. There is no doubt as to why so many American women 30 and over cannot find quality men willing to marry them and raise their bastard children. By the time they fuck their life away and hit that wall, they begin to realize they and their cats are going to die alone. Young men of quality are walking away from that fucking circus. These self-overvalued women bring nothing to the table except financial liability and children they won't allow him to raise. In essence, he'll be footing the bill for two separate households, one of which he won't control, and a heavily used coochie, there for security only.

Various Blackpillers #transphobia #psycho #homophobia blackpill.club

RE: Do you would date a Trap?

(Bangkok or bust)
Fuck hell no. They are for faggots.

Boys are turning into traps coz our gynocentric male-bashing society makes them feel evil, contained and bad to be a male.

They are all anti-man agents too. Bring back patriarchy and we won't see such freaks.


If a Trap looks like Sue Lightning, Hunter Schafer or Somik Chan do you ascend with it?

No advantages.

If "she" looks passing and good it is chad only

yes I would fuck a trap
in the head with a baseball bat 100 times to make sure the cunt dies

Guys seem to develop shallow attitudes after "transitioning". Thus they voluntarily forfeit their main potential advantage over real women. So, even if you could, why date someone like that? Just for the dick or ass? Forget about it. Not that you could date them anyway, because they often become just as vain and insufferable as women, if not worse because they make it the core of their identity. Even women might have more personality.


Seems like the userbase consists of faggots

Yet when i said i would fuck a FTM or a black girl, i got called gay

FTM is even worse than MTF
either way the act of fucking a tranny is gay no matter what

@bjportraits & @Geoj03 #transphobia gettr.com

(@bjportraits )
Beware of anyone selling you any form of “gender” care. They are capitalizing on corporately constructed synthetic sex identities. Body dysmorphia can be experienced for any part of the body. There’s a reason this one is given special status & identity.

There is a big business of selling drugs and genital surgeries for people with body dysphoria.
They don't care about them geniunly.

(@bjportraits )
They are selling the problem and the cure.

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