
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Rightguide #sexist #transphobia #wingnut forum.literotica.com

This Is Why Trans People need To be institutionalized

Transgender TikTok user accuses baby of being transphobic

These people are absolutely mentally ill and should be hospitalized and under no circumstances should they be allowed anywhere near children.

Right, because that one person represents an entire community.

And you hate Twitter and probably never installed TikTok so...

I've watched TikTok videos on Youtube. It is the best testimony yet that feminism has destroyed life for the average American woman. I've never seen in one place more masculinized women. There is no doubt as to why so many American women 30 and over cannot find quality men willing to marry them and raise their bastard children. By the time they fuck their life away and hit that wall, they begin to realize they and their cats are going to die alone. Young men of quality are walking away from that fucking circus. These self-overvalued women bring nothing to the table except financial liability and children they won't allow him to raise. In essence, he'll be footing the bill for two separate households, one of which he won't control, and a heavily used coochie, there for security only.

David Gyull #transphobia #enbyphobia #elitist archive.ph

Oh no, sex-obsessed, mentally ill, entitled narcissists that pretend to care about and participate in various hobbies solely for attention are upset because a book features a line of pre-existing information that they would have long since known about had they had any genuine interest in the hobby!

They at least pretend to want female Space Marines (and not, say, male Sisters of Battle), and are more than willing to outright ignore the aforementioned all female faction that are already very similar to Space Marines, and project their bigotry, intolerance, and ignorance onto everyone that dares point out how stupid and wrong they are.

Would you be surprised that RagnarokAngel (or is it Sword?) is a pronouning pretender? He's not the only one of course:

Of course a pretender is envious of women. Not even real women, but plastic minis. Why do these guys hate art so much? Assuming he's not talking stats, Sisters of Battle have penitent engines/mortifiers, mostly naked chicks wielding two-handed chainswords, a missile-launching tank organ, their tanks have more bling (and I like them more than the hovering primaris rehashes), and they have the Triumph of Saint Katherine.

I'm curious: why not just say that your marines are women? You already play pretend with your gender, so why not go the extra meter with your minis? Maybe you can win a few games, accusing anyone that disagrees with your delusions of being whatever you consider to be a transphobe? Might be a necessary handicap, especially if just under half your army ends up attempting to cancel themselves before the game starts.

Pronouner and a self-proclaimed infiltrator. Two reasons to dismiss his unoriginal opinions that he plagiarized from someone else.

No, of course not. Because it's not about being happy. It's about control, and pressuring a company into bending the knee. Of course that still won't make them happy. There's always something else to pretend to be upset about. Hopefully Games Workshop isn't dumb enough to fall for the grift (seriously, just ignore the whiners and they'll invariably get distracted by some other triviality).

notsofreshfeeling #transphobia #sexist #crackpot #conspiracy ovarit.com

RE: The underdog position

Yay, in the sense that TiMs play an important role in upholding male supremacy by performing a kind of sacred rite among males to violate and claim any space that might exclude them: single sex spaces for women, language that excludes males (e.g., "woman"), and bodies that exclude the male (i.e., female bodies). This is why you frequently find men who never made public declarations of support re: any feminist concern (abortion, domestic violence, rape) vociferously defending the "rights" of "trans women." So primal is this urge to protect their fellow penis-haver, that most don't even bother trying to make their "feminism" more believable by, say, making a fuss about abortion rights as well.

So, yes, of course men would not allow women, as a sex class, maintain an exclusive claim to sex-based oppression. They've been trying for years through Men's Rights Activism to make the case that men are oppressed by women as well, but they were failing. Transgenderism with its fancy wordplay has been the perfect language hack to create enough cognitive dissonance in people's brains for them to begin mindlessly parroting "Trans women are women." All men had to do was be willing to call themselves "women" to claim the status of underdog without actually being the underdog.

And, of course, this is where apologists would normally froth and spout murder/suicide stats among TiMs (as though 1) men don't have higher rates of murder or suicide, in general, and 2) as though men are killed because they are women). When transsexualism and cross-dressing were less socially acceptable, men were victimized because they were seen to be betraying the code of masculinity. Men responded to these TiMs as though the TiMs were provoking them, daring them. In that sense, to be a TiM has always been the most alpha male shit a man could do. TiMs don't even need masculinity; masculinity is for the weak. TiMs can dispose of masculinity and enter the underworld of forced feminization and still exude their maleness from every pore (forced feminization is, of course, pure fantasy and takes place on a symbolic level). Men need other men to show them that they will survive a feminine underworld. TiMs are like shamans for them (which makes sense since a lot of so-called "two spirit" men also played a shamanistic role within their communities).


@wilsb8 #transphobia gettr.com

I was horrified to learn that in the 1950's, same-sex attracted people were told they were criminals and then pumped full of body altering chemicals. Thankfully nowadays, these people are told they are trans, and then pumped full of body altering chemicals. We've come so far.

UltramanZenith #transphobia #dunning-kruger archive.ph

Navy Proves They Suck C#$%!

Dammit, Navy! I thought things were bad when the Army, my freaking branch, released that stupid Emma "I Gots Two Mommies" video: showing how strong and capable Emma already was because of her lesbian parents, as opposed to how the Army helped mold her into that kind of person. But now we got this: the "proper" way to greet someone and how to "correctly" use another's pronouns. Someone please invade us. Seriously, we need someone to actually invade the US of A, so the people can be unified, the worthless scum scourged, and crap like this tossed to the way-side!

Jordan Peterson #dunning-kruger #pratt #quack #transphobia #wingnut telegraph.co.uk

We are sacrificing our children on the altar of a brutal, far-Left ideology

The medical profession is crumbling in response to radical transgender activists

The Hippocratic Oath has been replaced by a delusion: a belief that can be summarised as ‘by blocking the puberty of children, and then surgically altering them, we are only restoring what is theirs by right. A child’s feelings are the final arbiters of their reproductive destiny, and any attempt to contest their gender identity risks increasing their proclivity for suicide’.

Lies. Lies. Lies. Then butchery.

Psychologists have also surrendered to this groupthink.

These guidelines first read like a manual of indoctrination written by Marxist ideologues, and second like a document designed to undermine and destroy the practice of therapy itself.

I don’t understand this radical postmodern definition of gender, one that rests on a person’s “deeply felt” or “inherent sense” of being one sex over another, regardless of biology.

Psychologically it is indisputably the case that a non-trivial proportion of males have a feminine temperament (which essentially means that they experience higher levels of negative emotions such as anxiety and the analogs of pain – grief, frustration, disappointment, depression) and are more agreeable (compassionate/polite) than typical males, and equally true that a non-trivial proportion of females have a masculine temperament. But this does not change how, objectively, professionals should measure a person’s gender.

Psychologists are also now adopting the simple-minded and anything-but-revolutionary doctrine of “intersectionality” without question.

And, by the way: it will definitely be the case that a disproportionate number of children “freed” from their gender confusion would have grown up to be physically intact and fully functional gay adults. Need I point out that this unpalatable fact makes a mockery of any claim that the extended alphabet world of the LGBTQ+ coterie constitutes a homogeneous and unified “community.”

We have crossed the line from ideological possession to active malevolence – and we are multiplying our sin by attributing our appalling actions to “compassion”. Heaven help us. Truly.

Babylon Bee #fundie #dunning-kruger #homophobia #transphobia archive.ph

Chickens Hold Controversial 'Fox Story Hour' In Chicken Coop

FARMINGTON, MO—Progressive chickens at Stoodland Farms held a "Fox Storytime Hour" Friday, which some of the older hens considered controversial. During the event, various foxes were invited into the coop to read a story to the young chicks.
A number of hens were reportedly offended by the fox volunteers. "I can't believe what they're teaching our young-uns," said Pecky LeCorn. "I know there are foxes in the world, but to actually invite them into our coop to read to defensless chicks, it's uncheepable!"

Protests aside, LeCorn left her chicks in the care of the fox because she had a feathering appointment and babysitters were so hard to find. She reportedly took one last look and shook her head in dismay as Derrick the Fox read from Foxes Need To Eat Too And That's Perfectly Normal And Beautiful.

Rooster McStavens, an old cluck who loves the little chicks, was insulted that anyone could be so bothered.
"I say now, it's the year 2,022!" he crowed. "Your chicks ain't suddenly going to turn into foxes by hanging out with one! This coop needs to mature, I say. We done livin' in the dark ages, here!"
"Foxes are beautiful!"

At publishing time, all poultry in the coop was torn to shreds. Blood everywhere. Not even the young-uns survived.
To celebrate Pride Month, Mattel has released its first-ever pregnant man doll: Pregnant Ken! You can have all sorts of fun with the clearly MALE Ken doll and his pregnant belly! Available wherever non-gender-specific toys are sold.

ProxyMusic #transphobia ovarit.com

A transgender psychologist reckons with the rising number of teens coming out as trans

Anderson in a male AGP groomer. His whole life story illustrates that men with unsavory sexual proclivities will go to great lengths to gain access to children and adolescents either to abuse them directly or in more indirect ways by indoctrinating them into the club of paraphiliacs.

Anderson might not have engaged in inappropriate sexual touching of the bodies of the children he treats, or in other sorts of sexually abusive behaviors that don't involve touching others but would count as criminal offenses, such as indecently exposing his dick to his young patients, masturbating in front of them, showing them porn or peeping at them through windows, keyholes, spycams and cracks in door jambs. But he has certainly messed with these kids' minds, encouraged them to destroy their fertility and sexual function, fed them into the "gender medicine" maw to have their bodies altered by other "medical professionals" with hormones and surgeries, and turned the kids into sitting ducks who are easy prey for other male sexual fetishists and sex abusers.

Also, like other AGPs, Anderson has forced the children and adolescents he treats to be "up-close and personal" members of the unwitting and non-consenting but essential audience that men like Anderson need to be there watching them as they indulge and act out their sexual fantasies in full public view.

Finally, I believe that when men like Anderson work as psychotherapists, they get off on their patients'/clients' accounts of pain, shame and sex/gender distress - and much of the listening they do could count as voyeurism.

@Terfervilles #transphobia gettr.com

Not all Trans Identifying men are a danger, but the percentage who are - even if just a danger to women's privacy and dignity - is way higher amongst them than the male population at large (TIM prisoners - over 50% have a sex offence on their record, other male prisoners - 17%). Autogynephilia is a degenerative condition. I am not aware there is a cure, other than chemical castration (which the more extreme opt for, but by then they're so fucked up they remain a danger even without the extreme sex drive). 2/2


Various tweeters #transphobia twitter.com

Resharing this message as we see people masquerading as feminists suggesting otherwise in local right wing leaning media, anon twitter accounts and billboards (funding source unknown) !
Transphobia has no place in feminism. #AE22

Men have no place in Women's facilities. Funny how Irish people would pretend not to know what Women are. Magdalene Laundries ring any bells? Women only. Men can never be Women. And you know that. You know that. You have no place in Feminism with such callous disregard for Women.

They know what women are when they want to abuse them thats for sure

Or when they want surrogates.
Or who to stop meeting together to discuss their rights.
Or who to threaten with rape or death.
Or who to expose themselves to.
It's almost as if they really know all along.

The blades at the Belfast Meninist Network know fine rightly what a woman is. They just don't care anymore. Traitors.

Yemaya , Confounded & bunyip #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why do so many TRAs write in that condescending, over-enthusiastic, transplaining style?

( Yemaya )
I hate that shit too. They just say you’re “ignorant” and “uneducated” like we’ve never look into or even supported it at one point.

They can’t accept that gender ideology is a belief that not everyone will believe. It’s definitely NOT scientific like they claim it is.

( Confounded )

It’s definitely NOT scientific like they claim it is.

See, I have no doubt that gender dysphoria exists as a real mental health disorder (though I highly doubt that the sudden explosion in kids identifying as trans is a natural thing and not the result of social contagion).

So in that sense, I accept that there is a scientific basis for gender dysphoria as a mental health condition.

But it is a very long and unscientific leap from saying ‘this person feels like they are a woman although they have the body and chromosomes of a man’ to ‘this male person feels like they are a woman therefore they are a woman.’

People with mental health problems sometimes think they are Napoleon or Joan of Arc. This doesn’t mean they are these people.

To force society as a whole to indulge mentally ill people in their delusions to such an extent that actual women are expected to let men compete against them in sports or be housed alongside them in prisons is lunacy.

And as OP pointed out, talking down to those of us who prefer to maintain our belief in objective reality over someone’s delusions is the height of condescension. We’re not idiots, we’re just not going to sit here and pretend the emperor is wearing clothes.

( bunyip )
You're absolutely right. It is the exact same tactic as attempts at religious conversion.

I think it also takes inspiration from the justified condescending attitude used by liberals against the religious. They are obviously co-opting the gay rights movement and its arguments, falsely believing their situations are comparable. Gay rights activists would tell religious people "you can have your beliefs, but gay people must have equal rights under the law. We have the right under the law to get married and it doesn't matter if you dislike it."


OwnLyingEyes #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why do so many TRAs write in that condescending, over-enthusiastic, transplaining style?

IMO because they're true believers acting as missionaries and they don't want an honest debate, they want to convert the heathens. The possibility that they could be wrong, that the "heathens" might have a good point, their ego won't stand for it; their sense of conviction comes solely from the assumption that any deviation from their beliefs must be due to us not understanding them (or possibly being Evil Bigots (TM)). So they'll speak slower and use simpler words, until they can successfully "educate" (read: re-educate/proselytize) us into their way of thinking. And keep it perky sounding like talking to a small, slow, upset child, because HOW ARE YOU NOT AGREEING WITH ME YET? Trying to convert other people inherently comes from a place of condescension, because it assumes you have The Truth and they don't. And some people are more susceptible to condescension as a tool than others; it helps to be fairly confident in your own intelligence and critical thinking skills to be able to recognize a fool when you see one, not be dazzled by credentials.

Also, this ideology is pretty painfully stupid and it disintegrates rapidly when you try to have an actual adult discussion on it instead of a Twitter-esque slapfight (see: the unfolding Maya Forstater tribunal debacle). It is utterly dependent upon child logic that is never held to task to actually CLARIFY what they mean when they are asked to define a woman or say things like "sometimes someone has a woman's brain in a man's body, except because transwomen ARE women it's really a woman's body, and it's not a mental illness or a disorder, just an identity, but if you don't pay for this elective cosmetic surgery and hormone treatment they will literally DIE BY SUICIDE...unless they don't feel like getting it, and that's valid too, and no one's saying that sex isn't real but penises and sperm can be female and clownfish and intersex disorders exist and...."


Massresistance #transphobia #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia archive.ph

Section 3 includes the worst questions of all to ask 11-13 year-olds. These required questions invade students’ medical privacy and normalize things that no child should be thinking about, much less acting on. The question about talking to a “supportive adult” means a pro-LGBT person who can “counsel” them without their parents’ knowledge.

The questions about anxiety and depression are purposely meant to lead the child to think in that direction, and seek “help” from the school – often in the form of pro-LGBT counseling. This has led to terrible consequences.

The questions about sexuality similarly lead the child to think he is out of step if he is not engaging in sexual activities.

Mentioning “PrEP” (an HIV-preventative drug, which the survey incorrectly writes as PREP) will surely lead to curiosity about homosexual sex practices (and the belief that it can be safely engaged in). And mention of “dental dams” is intended to normalize oral sex.

Note that "competent health care" means health care "that can help you understand your identity" - i.e., accepts the radical LGBT ideology regarding children.

It should be no surprise that so many young children are falling into transgenderism, anal and oral sex, and other terrible behaviors. This is a window into the extreme and very destructive agenda being pushed on young children in their schools that parents and the public rarely see.

We have much more to present from our inside sources. In order to stop this carnage, it’s necessary to know what’s happening behind the scenes and where it’s coming from.

Babylon Bee #transphobia #dunning-kruger #enbyphobia #conspiracy archive.ph

Teachers Who Insist They're Not Teaching Your Kid About Sex Also Weirdly Outraged By Ban On Teaching Your Kid About Sex

ORLANDO, FL—On July 1st, teachers throughout Florida will no longer be permitted to encourage discussions about sex with children in grades kindergarten through grade 3. Florida teachers have been adamant that they've never encouraged such discussions in their classrooms but they are weirdly outraged that they will no longer be able to.

"I have never once told a boy they are really a girl, or a girl they are really nothing, or a man that they should be comfortable loving children. Not once. BUT IT'S OUTRAGEOUS THAT I CAN'T," said Ms. Feilershiek, a kindergarten teacher at Chickasaw Elementary, while picketing in front of her school instead of teaching children.

One third-grade teacher, Mx. Pat Frumouge (ze/zir), had begun teaching zeir students about LGBTQ culture full-time ahead of the July 1st deadline.

"Look, I don't groom any kids. But I have to constantly explain why I look like a porcelain fish-being," ze said, visibly shaken. "This law is going to erase me as an individual. My sexual identity and favorite kinks are my entire identity... if I can't share that with children—which I don't—then I don't know what I'm going to do. Teach math?"

Children at Chickasaw Elementary School are reportedly failing at math and science but excelling at peer-pressuring other children to switch genders at will. Teachers insist the kids are doing that on their own, however.

According to sources, teachers are preparing for the next year by abandoning all subjects entirely in favor of full-time LGBTQ lectures to make up for the fact they won't be able to indoctrinate children next year—even though they don't do that.

Leor Sapir #pratt #transphobia #wingnut #racist city-journal.org

The Assault on Children’s Psyches

California’s ethnic-studies curriculum is fueling a mental-health crisis among teenagers.

Patricia (a pseudonym) is the mother of a teenage girl who in recent years has come to identify as transgender. Her daughter’s trans identity emerged in response to feelings of shame about being white.

Other ROGD parents tell a similar story. Their schools compulsively tell their children how awful it is to be white, how white people enjoy unearned “privilege,” how they benefit from “systems” put in place by and for white people for the sole purpose of oppressing “people of color.” Plagued by guilt, the children rush to the sanctuary of “LGBTQ+” identity.

The students don’t want to be thought of as vicious oppressors. Lacking maturity and self-confidence, they fail to put “anti-racist” indoctrination in its proper context. They do not appreciate its ahistorical, anti-intellectual, and anti-humanist foundations, nor are they aware of the incentives leading teachers and administrators to foist it on them. Being white is not something these teenagers can escape, but they can mitigate its social costs by declaring themselves part of an oppressed group.

The wages of whiteness for teenagers are, however, only half of the story.

A recent study by Eric Kaufmann confirms the new meaning of LGBT among young Americans. “Whereas in 2008 attitudes and behavior were similar,” he writes, “by 2021 LGBT identification was running at twice the rate of LGBT sexual behavior.” The recent explosion in LGBT identification among Generation Z seems to be driven mainly by young, white, very liberal women who self-identify as lesbian or bisexual but who do not necessarily have female partners.

While both homosexuality and transgenderism are said to be organic and unchosen, being “queer” or “non-binary” takes nothing more than an act of will; one need only declare oneself so.

Whereas in 1991, most teenagers would have had at least one sexual encounter by the time they graduated high school, by 2017 most had had none. The vacuum left by the hollowing out of courting and relationships has been filled, so it would seem, by a new, inward form of “sexuality”.

Various Commenters #transphobia gettr.com

(@bernie_eee )

Intimidate, insult and frighten women - why we need single sex spaces. Bravo the men he works with BTW

Creepy man tries to use womens bathroom, get's all butthurt when he realises the world doesn't revolve around his fetish.
'I just want to pee....but only in the ladies!'

Good on the 2 guys!!! I hope ALL MEN do this everywhere.

What a brave chap he is, telling old ladies to fuck off. What was his reaction to a couple of blokes making the same point? Did he meekly trot off to the correct facility or pee in his pants?

He just needs to pee…. Well go to the men’s room idiot.

“Two men saves little old ladies from being told to fuck off by scary perverts in the ladies room”

@DavidArthurIBA & @jackflashus #transphobia gettr.com

(@DavidArthurIBA )
The Confusion and Chaos This lgbTQia+ Trans-Queer Gender Ideology Cult Is Leaving In It's Path MUST Be Stopped!

The ONLY Way To Rescue Children That Are Being Targeted, Preyed Upon and Devoured By This Cult and The Curriculum of Government Public Schools IS TO GET THEM OUT!!!

You Can NOT Care About A Child and Send Them Into Such Turmoil and Deception!! You Just Can't!!!

No Real Parent Would Ever Allow Their Child To Transition While Encouraging A MENTAL DISORDER That Desperately Needs Treatment, NOT Encouragement... It Needs Healing, NOT Hormones!

Wake Up Sheeple!!
Put these teachers in jail!!!!

Elvis Dunderhoff #transphobia #homophobia #fundie #crackpot archive.ph

It’s about damn time that someone started talking about banning faggots, and staging a rebellion against this false Republic which tells us we all have to accept “anal marriage.”

It’s time to cast off the shackles!

It’s time for a real leader to rise!

"“Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice,” it reads, a statement that is not in the 2020 platform.""

It’s more than abnormal – it’s evil and satanic, and these people need to be thrown off of roofs. Tie their hands behind their backs with a piece of old cord, and heave them over.

Period. End of story. Roof the rump rangers.

Matt Walsh #dunning-kruger #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

We Can Win This.

The final thing I learned from spending a year staring into this abyss is that, we can win this fight. Gender ideology is insane, destructive, pervasive, ubiquitous, and beatable.

You know, I get asked this all the time. Is this a hill that I'm really that I want to die on? Do you want to die on this hill? And the answer is, yes, I'll die on this hill, if there's any hill worth dying on, it's this one. The hill of objective truth. Yeah, I think that's pretty important. I'll die on that.

But though I'm willing to die on this hill, I don't plan on it. As General Patton said back in the days before the military cared about equity, intolerance more than killing bad guys, he said, no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country, he won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his.

Well, I would say the same, metaphorically, for this hill, this fight for truth, this struggle against gender lunacy. We can win because the other side can be crushed under the weight of simple questions. I saw this happen myself before my very eyes time and time again. The learned, the educated, the experts crumpled and collapsed and panicked in front of me, just this bumpkin wearing flannel armed with a high school diploma. Running out of the room.

Is it because i'm brilliant? Well, those are my preferred adjectives, that's how I identify myself, but no, I don't have to be brilliant, fortunately. All you need to do is just stand up and look this thing directly in the face, serve it a healthy dose of skepticism, force it to explain itself. The gender ideologues are weak and scared and vulnerable, they've perched themselves on a limb that isn't even connected to a tree, they're anchored in nothing, their world view is empty and frail and flimsy. We don't need to be armed with anything but a spine, enough to stand up against them straight, just stand up straight and ask questions, questions that cannot be answered, questions that for that reason aren't supposed to even be asked.

But we must ask them and if we do we'll win and we must win.

RisingUp #transphobia #crackpot ovarit.com

(Submitters note: In response to this Daily Mail article : Two inmates at all-women's New Jersey jail are PREGNANT after both had sex with transgender prisoners: ACLU won battle to house 27 trans inmates there )

idk. Suppose you are a pedophile and you want to adopt your very own baby and the pesky laws and social workers are stopping you. What are you going to do about it, assuming absolutely maximal levels of evil?

Well, obviously you'll campaign for no-restrictions surrogacy. You'll campaign for a loophole that means looser standards of safeguarding can be applied to men. I reckon you'll also push for laws that give parents fewer rights over their kids. So far, so TRA.

But what if you want to hurry the process up? Even with all the loosened restrictions you campaigned for to make it easier to exploit poor and desperate women, it's too difficult to find a surrogate willing to give your creepy ass a baby. I guess you're going to have to find unwilling surrogates. A class of women with no rights, who can be made pregnant against their will, and have the babies removed from them after birth.

Lightbulb! You need to put rapist men in women's prisons. You contact all the high placed pedophile politicians you share CSA material with and tell them to get working on it.

And the world is so fucked up that you actually succeed.

(I had no sleep last night and am maximally cynical but yes, I am expecting that eventually there will be a thriving industry of prison baby adoptions. And the standards of those adoptions will keep getting more lax.)

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano & Joe Hoft #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia thegatewaypundit.com

“The Family Is Certainly at the Center of the Globalists’ Attack” – Archbishop Vigano on the New World Order – Part II
By Joe Hoft

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a fearless opponent of the New World Order, where human rights are discounted and sacrificed for those in power, was interviewed recently by Attorney Reiner Füllmich.

We previously reported on Part I of this interview.
Today was have Part II of the interview:
Below are some key thoughts coming from Archbishop Vigano’s interview with attorney Reiner Füllmich.

* ...the authors of the pandemic farce are the same people who today would like to push the world towards a total war and a permanent energy crisis.
* False accusations are one of the means used by those who want to eliminate an adversary whom they fear and cannot fight fairly.
* Even the recent Russian-Ukrainian crisis significantly finds the globalist elite, NATO, the American deep state, the European Union, the World Economic Forum, the entire media machine, and the Vatican all aligned on the same side. Putin’s intervention in Ukraine is considered a threat to the New World Order that must be neutralized even at the cost of a global conflict.
* ...the Ukrainian crisis was deliberately provoked by the deep state in order to force the world to carry out the Great Reset reforms, in particular the so-called “technological transition” and the “green shift.” It is the second stage of the globalist technocrat coup, after the pandemic farce.
* Without a crisis, how could the increase in the price of gas and petrol be imposed as an instrument to force companies and individuals to make the famous “ecological transition” that no one has ever voted for and that has been imposed by bureaucrats who are enslaved by the elite?
* ...the ideological – and infernal – purposes of the elite make use of the complicity of economic potentates whose aims are merely to make profit.
* The family is certainly at the center of the globalists’ attack.
* striking at the family leads indefectibly to the dissolution of the social body, which by nature is incapable of replacing the role of the family.
There is much more below in the transcript from the interview.

@bernie_eee #transphobia gettr.com

How many transwomen have raped, physically assaulted or even killed women?

And then, how many TERFs have raped, physically assaulted or killed trans anyone.

They don't have a leg to fucking stand on when they talk about 'hateful dangerous bigots'.

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) Headquarters #crackpot #fundie #ufo #magick #sexist #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2022). I am attaching photos of their Illuminati NWO New Age Wicca witch pedophile cannibal Satanist Pedogate Pizzagate “White House Pizza Night” LGBTPB (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality) orgy child sex magick “bisexual Draco chimera” “quadsexual Pleiadian nephilim” “multisexual Mantis” “hermaphrodite Pleiadian fallen angel” spirit cooking ritual nephilim & chimera alien incarnate avatar globalist elites’ UNICEF Ball with all their satanic devilish costumes. The Western feminist nations’ “uncovered women’s heads fallen angel head controlled” religious Christian hordes worship these pedophile cannibal reptilian hybrid people as their gods and idols and mentors and role models and political leaders and heroes. This is why there is something seriously wrong with the heads of these 200 million American religious Christian hordes and other Western feminist nations’ fake Christians. Repent and receive Jesus as Savior, and make straight the way of the Lord! End of transmission
The reptilian hybrid pedophile
cannibal Satanist elite infiltrators inside BitChute are sabotaging the videos exposing the truth, and promoting their own Satanists’ ludicrous ridiculous stupid videos that keep the Western feminist nations’ “Bible redefining women’s head coverings rebelling fallen angel head controlled” religious Christian hordes’ attention on dumb issues. <...> God does not need 200 million American religious Christian hordes who are walking around with naked women’s heads and cross-dressing in men’s trousers to entertain Satan Lucifer and his fallen angels, but God can use one real Christian to banzai charge the devil and his kingdom and destroy it before we leave at the rapture. More the glory to God.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

What are the chances

( furyosa )
Both of these groups are mocking and appropriating womanhood.

Only one group is also appropriating women's rightful indignation at being mocked and appropriated.

Here's looking at you, TIMs:


( Tq231442 )
Yeah tbh I've never liked drag culture, but at least I can ignore it. I don't have my bosses forcing me to watch drag shows or drag queens showing up in my bathroom lol.

I can't pretend TIMs don't exist

( femlez34 )
Yeah, drag queens are not sending my friends rape threats on "lesbian" dating apps or mutilating children, we've got bigger fish to fry. If women stopped going to drag shows it would tank the industry, no activism required.

( Salixj )
Except now drag queens are giving story hour at local libraries, showing up on kids shows, and performing in local high schools.

It use to be a preformance, a gag.

But it is hilarious that TIMs are claiming appropriation.

Sometimes I want that asteroid to hit.

Aero #transphobia archive.ph

And of course, they got VERY angry when I bluntly called them out on it. Told them up front that it was rape culture. They told me that it was wrong for me to call them rapists, because they were underage children. That’s when I doubled down and told them that a very large percentage of children who experience sexual abuse are sexually abused by OTHER CHILDREN (and this becomes especially poignant in light of Loudoun public schools being exposed for covering up multiple rape cases in order to cover the troon community’s ass). And when I pushed them further on this issue, they could not provide me with a single coherent argument on why it’s not rape culture to coerce someone into an unwanted romantic/sexual relationship.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Hey cissies, our boundaries are valid, but yours are not

( actualdyke )
"not all boundaries are valid" exactly what i expect to hear from a group that believes lesbians and gay men should subject themselves to corrective rape or else they're bigots lol

( La_Terfa )
Lol, "trans women" are literally men, the biggest danger to women. Putting on a dress doesn't change anything.

But it's great to hear them saying "Not all boundaries are valid." Show your true colors, deviants and rapists, this way we don't need to make an effort to uncover your nature.

( GraceHoward1729 )

"when all the stats and research shows"

Ah yes, I shall take your word for it, random Tumblr boundary-violating incel, rather than the actual stats that show that 99% of sexual offenders are male, and the actual research that shows that cross-dressing is the most common paraphilia of convicted sex offenders, so actually men who pretend to be women (i.e. men who call themselves 'trans women') are more of a threat to women than men who don't pretend to be women.

Additionally, even if they weren't, these are men who hear our 'no' and purposefully violate our boundaries, so rape-y red flags all around.

( mathlover )
Rapists believe that "not all boundaries are valid". So of course that is what "trans" males say, since they are all rapists.

( Carrots90 )
Sir, Can you show us studies or even examples of TransWomen who have been attacked by other men for using the mens restroom?

( overanddone )
"transwomen are not and have never been any danger to ciswomen"

Tell that to the women in prisons and hospitals who have been assaulted by self-identifying "transwomen." Own the baddies who are using your cause or they will eventually bring down your cause with their behavior. They will peak the masses, in a way we could never do with our protests. (Then you too will have the not-so-very-easy job of "identifying the baddies" before they offend)

texas Republicans #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy reuters.com

Texas Republicans declare Biden election illegitimate, despite evidence

WASHINGTON, June 19 (Reuters) - Republicans in Texas formally rejected President Joe Biden's election in 2020 as illegitimate and voted in a state-wide convention that wrapped up this weekend on a party platform that calls homosexuality an "abnormal lifestyle choice."

The party's embrace of unfounded electoral fraud allegations in a bedrock Republican state came as a bipartisan congressional committee seeks to definitively and publicly debunk the false idea that Biden did not win the election.

Biden received 7 million more votes than rival Donald Trump. Biden also received 306 votes from the Electoral College, more than the 270 needed to win.

The congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol is building a case that Trump's efforts to overturn his defeat in the 2020 presidential election -- including by denying he lost -- amounted to conspiracy to illegally hold onto power. read more

Trump, the 45th U.S. president, has denied any wrongdoing.

"We reject the certified results of the 2020 presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States," the Texas party said in a resolution, passed in a voice vote at its convention.

Texas is a major player in U.S. national politics, with 38 electoral votes, the second highest after California. Voters there have backed Republican presidents for the past four decades.

The White House had no comment.

According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, about two-thirds of Republicans believe the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Trump. State and federal judges dismissed more than 50 lawsuits brought by Trump and his allies challenging the election while reviews and audits found no evidence of widespread fraud.


Nediljka_Orwell #transphobia ovarit.com

Some brave lawmaker needs to propose legislation that reads: If you engage in typical male sex offender behavior like flashing your dick or whacking off in public (or other male sex crimes like rape) you WILL LOSE your preferred feminine gender status on all your documents and be subject to supervised detransition by law. And thrown in a sex appropriate prison. Enough with the kid glove treatment, the "Too Trans to Jail" nonsense. Hit 'em where it'll really hurt. Real deterrence.

Larping as a woman 24/7 is a privilege, not a right. A privilege that can and should be forcibly and irrevocably taken away.

tacocat & Gladys_Kravitz #transphobia ovarit.com

( tacocat )
I figured out why I dislike lying about people's sex

I had to navigate childhood trying not to anger my mother, who was borderline. I always had to walk small and tell white lies to try to keep her from being angry with me. I had to be extremely good at reading her mood so I knew how to behave and what I could say.

When I see people saying there's no harm in "respecting people's pronouns" and "being kind," it brings me back to my childhood. It's the same effort I made to avoid being an emotional (and sometimes physical) punching bag, and I won't do it. I am not responsible for other people's mental health. I will not walk on eggshells for anyone. That kind of stress can take years off your life, and it's not worth it.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Same. I would say more, but this subject is honestly so exhausting. I've talked about my Nmom a few times on here already and it's draining every time.

These people give me the exact same horrible, tight, nervous, sick feeling deep inside—their behavior is a carbon copy of her narcissistic abuse.

( tacocat )
That's okay. We get it. I think there's a point where you just don't want to talk about it any more, so thank you for commenting. :)

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Thanks for understanding. The best thing I can do for myself is honestly just move on. The more time I spend dwelling on it, the worse I get. I can't change the past, and I will NEVER get a good enough answer as to why she treated me that way.

I've noticed that forcing people to disclose more than they want to is actually part of TRAs behavior. They always want an explanation that involves a lot of private things, like having to explain your "genital fetish" or why you get upset about men in the locker room (they try to force you to talk about your trauma).

It's my mother's behavior all over again. I wasn't allowed privacy, if she wanted to know what I was thinking/feeling she would physically corner me and force me to tell her my innermost thoughts. It was straight up psychological torture.

Donald J. Trump #transphobia newsweek.com

Former President Donald Trump has said that teachers should not be allowed "to teach transgender to our children" without permission from their parents, in his latest comments about transgender people.

Trump made the remarks during his keynote speech at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority Policy Conference in Nashville, Tennessee on Friday and also criticized what he described as "gender ideology."

The former president is weighing in on an issue that has rapidly become a major point of contention for Republicans: discussions of gender and sexual identity in the classroom.

"Pushing woke gender ideology, think of it, on young people, is nothing less than child abuse," Trump said.

"No teacher should ever be allowed to teach transgender to our children without the parents' consent, and I don't think too many people are gonna be giving that consent. Not too many," the former president said.

During his speech in Nashville, Trump also said that politics had become a "religion" for "the radical left" and that it "has warped their sense of right and wrong. They don't have a sense of right and wrong. True and false. Good and evil."

This isn't the first time in recent weeks that Trump has made direct reference to discussions of gender identity in schools. He made very similar remarks at a rally in Wyoming on May 28.

"No teacher should ever be allowed to teach transgender to our children without parental consent," Trump said at the time. "Can you imagine?"

"We will save our kids and we will also keep men the hell out of women's sports. Is that OK?”

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Emma Hilton claps back at AC. People clapped (for real this time)

( n3847 )
Our "goals"? Making mentally ill people seek the help they need and accept who they are instead of guzzling hormones, doing unnecessary surgeries, and living lives of hypersexual and in some cases, sexual predation? Protecting women from males who lack boundaries and may seek to harm them? Defeating the patriarchy? Yes, those are our goals.

I love how they act like these women are Al-Qaeda 2.0. POTTER MAGIC LADY LIKE BIN LADEN!

( cousinanger )
Women are not allowed to set any boundaries themselves. Saying NO to anything trans activists demand is always, always, always the same as wanting transgender people to be annihilated or somehow causes totally unrelated violent people to attack them. Always our fault, isn't it?

That is the gaslighting I can't take anymore. Not having boundaries is psychologically unhealthy, but despite decades of feminists writing about women's rights to have such boundaries and to defend them, I see so many tweets and other online comments yelling at women who do calmly state their boundaries. And all the Karening! And the demands for silence. Mary Beard's book about how women have never been really allowed to speak in the public sphere for themselves is still an important one.

( femlez34 )
I mean, I think boundary crossing is the entire point for AGPs, that's what their kink is. If we don't let them cross our boundaries and make ourselves available to be abused by them then they really won't exist anymore, they'll drop the fishnets and go find some other weird sexual fixation.

The AGPs have almost total control over the trans movement and they've convinced a lot of the very young, homosexual TIPs that everyone is out to get them so that they stay engaged in trans activism (the goal of which is always conveniently to give AGPs access to their targets, it's never something practical to help TIFs or the HSTS males pushed into prostitution). They also know that young gay TIPs are a more palatable face for the movement.

( ComplicatedSpirit )

Women are not allowed to set any boundaries themselves.

Now that doesn’t make any sense, that sounds like how men behave and we’re talking about TRAs! ….wait…..

Snake Baker #transphobia archive.ph

The agenda to destroy “gender” – i.e., human sex – is not really about trannies. Trannies are just a part of it.

The larger agenda is to turn all humans on earth into interchangeable units without any humanity at all.

They keep talking about “identity,” but their entire agenda is about destroying real identity. Sex is even more fundamental to identity than race.

PsalmSevenBooks #homophobia #transphobia deviantart.com

[There’s much more to this one. Archived here.]

During Pride month, Christians are required to say no to some things. We can’t participate in sin (Eph. 5:11) nor can we celebrate evil (1 Cor. 13:6). So you may be accused of being “anti” everything. These are moments it’s helpful to remember that anytime you say “no” to one thing, it’s because you’re saying “yes” to something else. Something better.

When we say “no” to doing whatever you want sexually, it’s because we are saying “yes” to virtue, discipline, delayed gratification, and the satisfaction and intimacy that comes from forming relationships God’s way. When we say “no” to the idea that boys can become girls, we are saying “yes” to finding our created purpose. When we say “no” surrogacy so that a child can be placed with two dads, it’s because we are saying “yes” to each child to be known and loved by both their parents. When we say “no” to bad ideas, it’s because we’re saying “yes” to better ideas. Every time.

XX_Power #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: 14 old TiM admits to having internalize homophobia

It's crazy how straight TIFs and TIMs looove calling themselves "gay" or "lesbian" because they want to be the sexy, interesting, exotic gays and are sick of being called oppressors or boring cissies.

Meanwhile the actual homosexuals who know what homophobia is are running away from it and just want to be "straight and normal".

Those kids are not okay, on a fundamental level. And instead of offering support and therapy, we're throwing snake oil at them, snake oil that destroys their bodies and minds forever.

Charlie Kirk & various Commenters #wingnut #fundie #sexist #transphobia gettr.com

(Charlie Kirk)
Watch how many Democrats show up to protest the Supreme Court saving millions of innocent lives and tell me this isn’t a spiritual battle.


My body my choice is back for women who want to kill their babies, but still not for those who do not want to take a possible kill shot !! And, since they claim that men can get pregnant, complete with male pregnant emoji‘s, why aren’t men being offered abortion?
And lastly, I thought calling somebody a woman was an illegal pronoun! Half of the babies in the womb are women, so how is it called female healthcare to chop female babies into pieces?

For sure it is a Spiritual battle and the dems side with darkness and satan.


It is very much a spiritual battle. Satan has been ticked off like crazy since Trump became president. The Demonic-party with its share of Rino republicans are still possessed. Even with Trump out of office, the Demon-rats remain obsessed.

Anyone who can support abortion, especially in the unfettered ways that most of these wack-job leftists do, has either no soul, or has leased theirs to Lucifer.

To ardently support and protest the right not only to kill babies in the womb, but in some cases after the child is birthed is pure evil.

James Howard Kunstler #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger #fundie kunstler.com

Do any of the mommies who bring their children to the drag queen story hour present themselves in public as women the way the drag queens do? As, above all, sexually super-available? Would, say, the Palo Alto mommy of a five-year-old pause to twerk in the frozen food section of the supermarket on any given afternoon? In that context, what might be the reaction of other mommies shopping for hot pockets and Ben and Jerry’s Chubby Hubby?

Five-year-old children generally have no idea what adult sexuality is about. Should perhaps their first exposure to a realm so fraught and complex that many adults do not understand it be the presentation of women as monsters? And why are the mommies so avid for their children to be introduced to sexuality this way? Are some of the children perceptive and astute enough to suspect that drag queens on display are not really women? That, for instance, they might be… men? (A beard can be a give-away.) And might they take that thought a step or two further and ask themselves: why does this man want to pretend to be a monster-woman? Why doesn’t he want to be a daddy? Are mommies monsters? Can they turn into something like this when I’m not around? Are daddies who try to act like mommies monsters?

Of course, we have not begun to probe what might animate a man to present himself to the world as a monstrous parody of a woman. Suffice it to say that such behavior suggests some complicated psychodynamics. And why, exactly, are they suddenly on-display so extravagantly now across the country, supposedly for the edification of children? I’ll tell you why: It’s not actually for the sake of the children. The children are just pawns in what is actually a national political psychodrama. Or rather, they are hostages.

Carrots90 & La_Terfa #transphobia ovarit.com

TRAs centring themselves in discussions of imperialism

( Carrots90 )
Yes. How apt

This trans shit is a sign of the decay of an empire

The Nazis in power loved to dress up as women. Men in complete power and control love to fetishize those they control. ‘The Danish Woman” was some privileged dudes who liked to escape into some daft bimbo alt he invented. It showed his insulting views on women. Daft, carefree, silly. Not having the mores and worries of thinking men

( La_Terfa )
The Danish AMAB was a disgusting movie. Am I supposed to empathize with this weird guy who fetishizes being a woman and sees women as nothing more than a sexual fantasy?

When he died I was like, "lol". I know that sounds cruel, but I mean, he chose to undergo extremely dangerous surgeries with Nazi doctors to chase a fetish.

( Carrots90 )
I didn’t see the movie. I hope it peaked some people

Unfortunately, they probably didn’t portray the reality of how stupid, misogynistic, and insulting his alt personality was.

( La_Terfa )
Well, to be completely honest, there are moments in the movie that could be seen as TERFy. For example, there's a scene where the main character goes to watch a prostitute peep show and mimics her movements, and it's so hilariously sexualized that you HAVE to think "he's doing this purely for sexual gratification".

There's also a moment when he says to his wife (who's a painter), "I want to be a woman, not a painter", and she answers "well, some people are both, you know?" And I thought that was a good slap on the AGP's face.

But my favourite TERF moment has to be when the painter wife is going to visit some dude in a fancy office and the manservant tells the dude, "sir, the Danish girl is here". So then it feels like the title of the movie, The Danish Girl, refers in fact to the wife of the AGP protagonist. NOT to the guy who says he's actually a woman inside. And that tiny moment was so precious, lol. It was like even this melodramatic movie that tries to romanticize a sexual deviant weirdo is being gender critical.

I honestly don't know how much of this was intentional TERFery, because the movie does try to make the AGP seem like a poor misunderstood victim, but it's there, and I find that very interesting.

It's a bad movie though.

Ramona Lappin #magick #ufo #transphobia #conspiracy #crackpot eraoflight.com

WOW, these are some powerful energies and Activations flowing in, with plenty of C-class and near M-class Solar Flares, following the big M-class CME from yesterday morning, and earlier Schuhmann Resonance whiteout and spikes, as well as solar winds, that have calmed down for now. I have to say it feel so f***** good purging all the AI Grids, black goo and materials fully from our and the planetary vessels, as our Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody and Avatar Self!
I was shown a huge healing of and between the black and white magicians taking place, as party of a massive final purge and clearing of the Black Magic Grids, DISSOLVING and declaring nill and void, ALL REMAINING, SPELLS, COURSES, HEXES, BLACK MAGIC, SORCERY, all that has affected us Starseeds greatly, these also go down our family lines.
We are clearing gender confusion, reversals, inversions and sexual distortions within the Consciousness.

Unification of Androgenous Blueprint within Gender Polarity, ‘balancing of the power of the sexes’ is coming up as a big theme as this is being corrected energetically also within the Grid System, as the new Blueprints and patterns of Perfection of the Eternal Lotus Flower and Three Fold Founder Flame ignite, that further help anchor the Trinity Wave current of the New Diamond Grid.
COSMIC MOTHER, FATHER & CHRISTED ANDROGENOUS CHILD BLUEPRINTS are now coming powerfully online! This is our new Albion Body/ Androgenous Blueprints and Templates. Correcting and healing the false father, mother and wounded child Archetypes, Blueprints and patterns. Also part of the corrections of the reversals, hybridisation traumas, DNA mutations/ lower codings and distorted Polarity currents, taking place.

AMAZING FREQUENCIES!!! Tune into these powerful Bliss, Divine Union/ Love, Edenic/ Paradisian, Ascension, Abundance and Freedom keys and codes, as well as DMT, oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins and dopamine releases, igniting and activating us and The New Eden from deep within!

Jonathon Van Maren #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger lifesitenews.com

“The events of the past weekend were horrifying and show a disturbing trend in which perverted adults are obsessed with sexualizing young children,” Slaton wrote in a statement. “As a father of two young children, I would never take my children to a drag show and I know Speaker Dan Phelan and the rest of my Republican colleagues wouldn’t either.”

California State Senator Scott Wiener, an open homosexual who represents San Francisco, tweeted out Slaton’s statement with a proposal of his own: “This guy just gave me a bill idea: Offering Drag Queen 101 as part of the K-12 curriculum. Attending Drag Queen Story Time will satisfy the requirement.”

Don’t think for a moment that Wiener is joking, either. Recent laws championed by Wiener include a 2017 bill to reduce the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection — previously a felony — to misdemeanour status. This change in law also applied to HIV-positive people who donate blood without informing the blood bank of their status. In 2020, Wiener sponsored another bill—signed by Governor Gavin Newsom — requiring California to imprison men who identify as women in female prisons. The view of the women locked up with these usually violent criminals is of no account to dangerous ideologues like Wiener, of course.

n3847 & Carrots90 #transphobia ovarit.com

TRAs centring themselves in discussions of imperialism

( n3847 )
It doesn't matter what the topic is. TRAs will center THEMSELVES. Invasion of Ukraine? We need to hear how cowardly males are hiding in apartments and TIFs don't want to be men when war to come to their country. ACLU put out some dumb Instagram post about "Reproductive Rights Are Trans Rights" No, it only affects one SEX (female) and most of them are sterilizing themselves for no reason. Poverty? "Trans people are more likely to live in poverty!" Maybe, they should stop spending their money on synthetic hormones, plastic surgery on their faces, breast removals/implants, and medically unnecessary surgeries on their genitals that makes them unable to work for months and have to beg for money on the internet.

( Carrots90 )
This is the complete truth

People dying alone in the ICU because no visitors in the pandemic? Job losses, depression and isolation, the upward transfer of wealth? Delayed cancer diagnosis, deepening political divide

Nope. An article on the pain of having to wait for ‘big mommy milkers’ as some of these pervs put it.

( Carrots90 )
I just went to google the article only to find that there are about 10 or more on this super important tragedy of delayed cosmetic surgery

( n3847 )
OH NO! How can one survive without shaving down their eyebrow ridges and mangling their throats to sound more feminine?! I remember Jessie Gender doing some sad-face video about how his penis-mangling surgery is delayed because of COVID. Poor thing, he'll have to deal w a working set of genitals for longer. He will have to wait to get to feel the relief inverting his ball sack and repurposing his intestines to create a fake vaginal canal. The euphoria of primed and ready rot pocket, will just have to wait.

Occidental Dissent #transphobia #racist #conspiracy occidentaldissent.com

Take a society, mix in killer doses of egotistical selfishness and freedom without responsibility to the community, and you’ll eventually wind up with transsexual soldiers threatening to physically assault world leaders.

Well, maybe not that far every single time, but with enough (((encouragement))) things will almost always end in similarly-bizarre outcomes.

So, Chris (that’s how you’re going to be addressed), do you understand that threatening the President of the United States is a rather serious offense that can be punished with years of imprisonment?

Men like yourself have been arrested by the Secret Service for far lesser breaches of conduct, and I’m really hoping and praying that you get dealt with most harshly for your impudence.

Perhaps a few years in lockup (minus hormone treatments if you haven’t already had knife-work done) would help to rip that individualistic streak from your shattered brain.

At least we can hope, right?

Lucius Vanini #transphobia #racist #pratt theoccidentalobserver.net

There are NO transgender people. If “transgender” denotes the transition from male to female or vice-versa, it relates to fact less than does “unicorn.” There is NO sex change; such a transition NEVER occurs in humans. The misnomer “sex-reassignment” signifies only a transition to NEUTER, to ex-men and ex-women deprived of their reproductive systems. Nor is “self-identification” any more efficacious. Identifying and even believing one is a member of the opposite sex doesn’t make one so, any more than Emperor Norton’s believing he was Emperor of California made him so.

I prefer the term “transvestite” to denote pre-op delusionals, sufferers of gender dysphoria; and “neuters” to denote post-ops.

“Biologically male” is redundant and implies there’s another kind of male. There are no other kinds. Maleness and femaleness (NOT identical to masculinity and femininity) relate to reproduction, which is biological. When I discuss, say, the invasion of males into women’s sports, I never use the customary “biological males” but simply “males.”

My point is that we should avoid using the language of the peddlers and consumers of lunacy, because doing so seems to imply endorsement thereof.

As for the idea of Pakis and Somalis and other non-NON-British being Brits because they’re physically in Britain, it’s of course a lie of the anti-Whites. Hell, how many times have I had Spaghetti al Pomodoro in London restaurants? Does that mean spaghetti are an English dish?

several residents of Bassersdorf #transphobia advocate.com

Trans Woman Burned in Effigy in Switzerland

Every year, the small town of Bassersdorf, Switzerland builds a “Böögg” — a large doll that’s set alight for Sechseläuten, an annual celebration at the end of April and the beginning of spring.

Typically, a Böögg is created to represent a snowman and is meant to signify the end of winter. In the past, Bassersdorf has opted to go in a different direction. Instead of winter, Basserdorf has created its effigies to represent people who they deem negative, including dictators like Kim Jong-Un and Muammar al-Gaddafi, according to LGBTQ Nation.

This year, the town created one in the likeness of a trans woman, which it called the “Diversity Böögg”.

The Böögg was dressed in a rainbow skirt and red tie. It had long blond hair and makeup on one side of its face, while the other had short, curly dark hair. It also had visible breasts and a penis, the latter of which was meant to be revealed by wind, Zuri Today reports.

“When it blew up the Böögg’s skirt, many spectators grinned,” master of ceremonies Christian Weiss told the outlet. “On Facebook, you can now choose the gender from a wide range of options,” Weiss explained. “It was the same with the Böögg this year. It has different features and there is something for everyone.”

Weiss explained that the intention was to focus on a current event but they felt that anything about the ongoing pandemic or the war in Ukraine would be too sad, so instead, they opted for the “happy fun” idea of burning a trans woman in effigy.

For those speaking out against the design, Weiss said that they’re simply reading too much into it. He explained that it’s not an attack on any one person, but rather a statement against “rampant narcissistic hypersensitivity and the pathological lack of humor.”

The town’s mayor, Doris Meier, issued a statement apologizing to anyone whose feelings were hurt by the event or for whom “the action triggered different opinions on this sensitive topic.” She stated that she didn’t believe that was the intent.


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