
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

ChristianZen #dunning-kruger #racist reddit.com

RE: ‘Eastern European discrimination awareness’ part 6.

What’s the point of this? Some people are dicks but that’s nothing new.

To bring awareness to problems in Europe that are worth solving?

Then why title it "east european bla"? Are you aware that we all have to deal with bias? That is in fact how our brains work, thinking in boxes. Not easy to overcome.

A lot of people commenting thanked me for posting this. Also, there were people saying they got PTSD, depression, low confidence due to all the discrimination they have experienced. The problem is very real.

And now what? You want a east-block history and awareness month in all schools over the world? People walking with candles and forming human chains? "Hand in hand for eastern lands"? Benefit concerts?

When will people learn to grow the fuck up. React in the very situation. Actually step up for yourselves. If you do that, i promise you won’t have to deal with ptsd

Local man baffles doctors, invents incredible new method to remove mental trauma by "Just toughening up bro"

Everyone says this until they get the shit beaten out of them once and their minds change. I’ve had my moment. I hope you are protected enough by those around you that you’ll never be in that position. The world simply isn’t that black and white.

I just don’t deal with shit people. If somebody calls me slurs because of resentments against my country of origin then i know that this person is trash. But when i see an option that they are just stupid, then i try to educate them (like a grown up). This is all im saying.

Listen, the only appropriate reaction is “oh yeah, that should not be happening in a europe we’re trying to build”. I would really like you to be stepping up when getting consistently literally zero callbacks after applying to over 700 entry level positions after obtaining a master’s degree unless it’s a cleaning or construction work.

Were i live this doesn’t applies.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

The owners of the US Corporation and stage managers of the fake Biden presidency appear doomed after their $150 trillion plan to stave off bankruptcy was rejected by Asian secret societies. The West now faces a period of extreme turbulence as the Khazarian mafia fights to survive before their bankruptcy becomes official in early December, MI6 and Asian secret society sources say.

What happened was, when the KM met with Chinese government representatives at a Zurich Airport hotel on October 7th,(see last week’s report for details), the KM used a combination of threats and promises to be “good from now on” to buy a few weeks more time. The Chinese side then took back to their bosses a $5 trillion per year, 30-year, $150 trillion proposal “to fight global warming.”

The Asians were warned by MI6 that “Climate change is a money-laundering operation, it is the collapse of the US sovereign debt…it is yet another guise to hide the fact the Federal Reserve Board families are bankrupt.”
However, Asian and Western secret societies have already agreed in principle to a plan for what happens after the KM is removed. The plan presented to the Pentagon, the British Commonwealth, the Asian Elders and the Russians is as follows:

Plan for USA version 2.0

The United States Corporation is bankrupt. The Federal Reserve Board of St. Louis and others say it has over $200 trillion in debt and unfunded liabilities. The debt has risen exponentially over the past several years. Attempts to kick the can down the road are mathematically doomed. The only choice is a formal declaration of bankruptcy. When a corporation goes bankrupt, even a big corporation, new management is brought in to take over the still viable parts of the bankrupt entity.

However, in this case, we are dealing not only with the bankruptcy of the USA. We are dealing with the bankruptcy of mostly European aristocratic families who own the UN, the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank etc

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com


There are numerous agents all around us who have been trying to deprogram you and everyone else from fighting back. Suggesting things like “Non-Violent Action” in every form
While it may seem like government agents would be more likely to encourage you to commit violence, the contrary is actually true when it comes to large-scale schemes which have civilization-changing implications
Part of the problem with the general populations, is that they do not understand or see the world from the viewpoint of the Intelligence Agencies, because either they are always thinking the government agents will always use more aggressive tactics to trap them
In terms of civil wars and disobedience, they have much larger implications, and the controllers of this world have needed much time and patience to get their ducks in a row and use all kinds of means of programming people to not fight back
Intelligence Agencies throughout the world, know YOU better than you know yourself
Most people even if aware of things that the controllers do not want them to know, they are still Programmed Automatons without souls, therefore they are not mobilized for action or putting up a fight, because money and their reputation among others is at stake
These Agents who promote Non-Violence often resort to using “Religious Dogma” or putting a “Religious Twist” onto things, especially the Christian religion
It is also no coincidence that for example, Dr. Anthony Fauci is a Jesuit Agent
Most people are so detached from reality that they do not understand why a Civil War is Necessary even before all of this Racial Obsession coming from Non-Caucasians, and the COVID Agenda began
A Civil War has been INEVITIBLE for many Decades between Men and Women

Henry Makow PhD/E. Michael Jones #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #fundie henrymakow.com

In "A Goy Guide to World History" Part 4, a handful of thinkers describe how satanist Jews (Communists) have systematically attacked and dismantled the Christian social fabric.

These Jews were taught that this is necessary to prevent anti-Semitism, which they were told is irrational and a mental illness.

In the 45 minute documentary, E. Michael Jones, editor of Culturewars, explains how Satanism inverts truth. Evil is good. False is true. Sick is healthy. Thus Jews (Organized Jewry) who hate Gentiles are the "persecuted victims" while Gentiles who defend themselves are "haters" and mentally ill. Homosexuality is healthy while the nuclear family is sick.

Jones, the author of a dozen books, explains that Western Civilization is built on the belief in Logos, i.e. the Moral Order, God.

Logos uses Ethos (Will) to restrain and guide Pathos (Passions.)

Satanist Jews interpret any restraint on lust as Christian. In fact, Jones explains that, as the terms imply, Western Civilization is based on this Greek principle.

Take away Logos and Ethos, and Pathos runs amuck. You have Satanism i.e. Cabalist Judaism. "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." This is the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit which Jones believes will destroy society.
As satanic possession, Communism takes many forms. When it failed to mobilize the worker to revolt, it morphed into feminism and mobilized women. Communist Jews promoted sexual "liberation" and "LGT rights" to undermine gender, marriage and family. They promoted multiculturalism and mass migration to undermine race and culture. Satanist Jews always find a fissure to pack a stick of dynamite. Blow up Syria and inundate Europe for example. Civilization must fail so their hegemony will succeed.

itisamuh #psycho #racist mmo-champion.com

Well I don't see why it's illegal, or even taboo for that matter. I'd call a brother and sister hooking up less weird than old and young people getting together, or even interracial relationships, and a hell of a lot less weird than homosexuality. Since all of those things aren't really all that frowned upon by our society anymore, there's no legitimate reason for this to be either. I may not like it, but standards are thrown out the window these days. This might as well be okay too, as long as they're both adults or, if not, similar in age. It should be discouraged, yes, but not illegal.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

(Chad Wuotan)
I had believed in the idea of diversity. I saw ethnocentricity as the evil that hindered us from living in a multicultural utopia. That to simply “not judge people by the color of their skin but by the content of their character” was all that was needed for racism to disappear and everyone to live in harmony. I learned that this principle sounds nice in theory, but in practicality, it is impossible. Moreover, that wasn’t really what people wanted.

Each of the ethnic student unions called only for increased ethnic pride and solidarity. All of my non-white friends actively embraced their heritage and took pride in their skin color. To embrace racial identity for them was heroic and encouraged. For whites, it was racist and deplorable. Preaching the value of racial diversity to others while pursuing ethnocentrism for themselves was hypocritical at best.

(Grace And Panic)
There’s that phrase again, “judge people by the content of their character not the color of their skin.” To me, this sounds like an admission from MLK the black community is full of bad characters with the exception of a few. The author here also said it was ok for his nonwhite friends to embrace their culture and skin color but not whites. That about sums up that futile statement about “the content of character.”

(Son of the 1st Revolution)
People often misinterpret MLK. He wanted his kids judged by the content of their character. He never said to judge white people by the contents of their character.

(Vox Nihili)
Most whites embrace the concept of judging others as individuals. The problem is other races don't want that anymore, if they ever really did. They support their own regardless of poor behavior, and they dislike whites as a group.

(Jack McGriff)
Content of character was NEVER taken seriously, and that's why it was never mentioned again or cultivated within the negroid race.

It is all about skin color. 100%.

Skin color is your uniform, like it or not.

Jared Taylor #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist #wingnut amren.com

Evolution Goes into Reverse

In the West, up until the 19th century, rich, powerful men had a lot of children. The top guys probably had good qualities, so when they had a lot of children, the population was improved.

This began to change in the 1870s. Western countries set up welfare programs so that poor people could have children and not starve.

When people with above average traits have fewer children than people with below average traits, evolution goes into reverse.

And it’s definitely happening. This recent paper from Britain is called “Human Capital Mediates Natural Selection in Contemporary Humans.” That’s a fancy way of saying evolution is affected by the traits of people who have children.

The paper used a sample of 400,000+ white people in Britain, and compared the number of children they had to the traits they had — good and bad — as shown by their polygenic scores.


The next generation will have more of the traits to the right of the dotted line, and fewer of those to the left.

The traits most rapidly spreading in the next generation are ADHD, smoking, extraversion, high BMI, and large waist circumference.

To the left are the traits that are being bred out, and at the bottom, being bred out most rapidly, are three measures of intelligence.

The authors of the study are blunt: Consistently over time, polygenic scores associated with lower earnings, education, and health are selected for, and higher earnings, education and better health are selected against.


If this keeps up, Westerners will degenerate to the point that society collapses, there is no more welfare, and evolution will resume its normal direction. Ordinary folks know that the children of most people on welfare are going to be a drag on society. If they had a chance, I bet a lot would vote to give all welfare recipients implantable contraceptives.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist amren.com

RE: Jason Whitlock Attacks Obama, Tells Tucker Carlson Former President ‘Rejects the White Side of His Family’


BlazeTV host Jason Whitlock made a baffling comment about former President Barack Obama on Fox News Thursday night.

I saw that last night. It was only "baffling" to Josh Feldman of Mediaite.

A bi-racial man with a white mom, who demonizes the white race, has serious Oedipal issues. Freud would have been salivating at the prospect of analyzing him.

If there is so much white privilege why does bi-racial Obama identify as black?

Maybe because “white” Obama could not have gotten into Harvard. Undergrad or law school.

He certainly would not have been President if he was considered white.

(A. Ryan)
This is nothing new as there are plenty of examples of mulattoes rejecting their white side. This is probably for the best because black genetic traits are dominant, and they wouldn't pass as white in society. If any person is to blame, it is Barack's mother for being a mudshark.

Barry's race-hustling career was 100% based on affirmative action, so it's logical he'd self identify as a Negro

Actually all American blacks should thank the slavers who brought their ancestors here. But, they won’t.


I’ve often noticed this attitude seems pretty common among mulattoes for some reason. Talk about ungrateful.

Halle Berry is a good example of this. She said her award was for all of "the nameless, faceless, women of color. Her white mother who raised her solely by herself, was sitting in front of her in the first row of of the auditorium. Her black father was never in the picture.

(Occidentale Lumen)
The half-breeds are among the worst. Obama is archetypal.

As a symptom of our plight, there is now no status to be gained for a mixed-race person to claim or even acknowledge the White side. We have become moral pariahs in our own land.

Which is why we need a new one. All our own.

Transcended Trucel #racist #sexist incels.is

If your ethnic, don't read your history!

Seriously don't! I started reading about curry history especially the history past the 1500s and it is humiliating as fuck. Don't read that shit. It will damage your mental health. Don't learn your ancestral history. Literally the last 500 years of ethnic history is low IQ shitskin infighting and getting mogged and humiliated by whites. It is extremely humiliating. The more I read, the more enraged and disgusted I become.

Only ethnics who have done well or at least can be proud to some degree are East Asians(China/Japan/Korea). Every other nonwhite has horrible humiliating history. Their nations are complete shitholes, and the more you read about their history, the sadder and more disappointed you become.

Here are some examples of how far curries fell:

The Mughal Empire had a thriving industrial manufacturing economy, with India producing about 25% of the world's industrial output up until 1750, making it the most important manufacturing center in international trade.

Guess what it is today? 3.5%. Brutally humiliated. Just FUCKING lol. 1/7 the world population yet <1/15 the wealth.

Another ethnic nation for some more diversity that has fallen hard is Brazil.

In the 1850s, Brazil was a wealthy nation who could compete with eurocucks.

Brazilian economic growth, especially after 1850, compared "very well" with that of with the United States and the European countries, according to the historian Boris Fausto. Brazil in the last year of the monarchy was a “prosperous and [internationally] respected” country, according to historian Oliveira Lima.

But in the end brazil is 50% nigger mutts and still became a shithole.

Ethnic history is beyond humiliating and enraging. Reading this shit is not good for my mental health. Don't read this shit! Knowing less = more when it comes to ethnic history especially for the last 500 years. I fucking regret reading up on this. It is so despair inducing beyond words can express.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com


A former African slave is telling Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory advocates that they need to go back to school to understand what is happening in Africa today and to learn that the United States offers them unique opportunities that they are unlikely to find elsewhere.

Bol Gai Deng is a former slave and South Sudan presidential candidate.

“I believe Black Lives Matter does not understand what is going on in Africa, they don’t know what is going on around the world,” Deng explained.

The people who write the big checks for blm know exactly what’s going on over there and profit just as much from it as they do the stupidity of American blacks.

(Robert Kelly)
If white men disappeared from the face of the Earth, slavery would make a roaring comeback. Women's rights would be next on the chopping block.

(Curse of Ham)
Ironically it is suffrage and allowing Blacks to be our equals that has detsroyed us.

Whites ended slavery not invented it, as simple as that.

That is a great succinct answer to anyone on the anti White band wagon.


I hear that a lot of African blacks have a lot of contempt for American blacks. Is that true?

They consider them lazy.

Same in the Caribbean and West Indies. There was even a public service TV commercial: don't hate American blacks, don't call them lazy, it's racist, etc. I saw it on local television there.

They consider them to be a bunch of whiners and that they've wasted opportunities given to them, etc. The standard of living Americans blacks enjoy is light years ahead of what nearly any African has.

(Ivbin band)
The standard of living American blacks have today is higher than the standard of living that I experienced growing up in the 1950s and 1960s. Even the most poverty-ridden black "family" has food on the table (unless the money is spent on drugs, vice and alcohol) and air conditioning. Every black should thank God every day that his/her ancestors were brought here.

Harmonica #wingnut #racist #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "The Fruit is Still Rotten"]

I think that the focus on increased non-White immigration is an example of the Dissident Right putting the cart before the horse. This is especially true of the European Right[…]While immigration is certainly a grave problem, it is ultimately not the root of the West’s issues, but rather its fruit. The existential challenge the West faces is a loss of faith in its identity and history, this primarily started in the wake of the Great War and has grown rapidly since the end of World War II
Immigration certainly is a problem[…]Even without immigration, the West would still be in dire straits[…]The West[…]is in a crisis not so much because of foreign immigration, but because a large section of its native population no longer cares if their civilization continues
This is why I tend to hold so-called Far Right politicians like Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders at arm’s length[…]There is a reason why I’m suspicious of them, instead of being an avid fan of Viktor Orbán of Hungary and Andrzej Duda of Poland. The problem with Le Pen and Wilders is that they are, ultimately, defending secular Europe and not Christian Europe
The biggest difference between them, and the rest of secular Europe, is regarding the inherent conflict with Islam and Europe. With Islam, they are honest that a secular society cannot have a large population of Muslims[…]Le Pen’s France is the France of Voltaire, not the France of St. Louis IX
Mass non-European immigration assures that the West never can recover – or, at the very least, makes recovery much more difficult. Without immigration, Europe would still be in a deep spiritual crisis[…]That crisis would eventually end, a new generation would rise up and cast off the baggage of the World Wars with renewed faith in their own civilization

speculareffect #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy speculareffect.org

The sheep spend their entire lives fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd.

Leaf faggot, Justin Trudeau mandates vaccines for everyone who wants to travel by train or plane.

Canadians attempting to escape the impending Communist hammer and sickle that are about to drop and sweep their heads off of their necks, won’t be able to. They are trapped!

Get ready folks. Our turn is next.

Canadians, listen well, for your own good: rope and branches! Like it’s Europe in the middle ages all over again. Start with that faggot, Trudeau.
All you city slickers, still kicking back in NYC and other major metropolitan areas; I told you to leave. If you haven’t yet, I hope you’ve prepared for the worst.

Resistance is futile!

All the time for logical arguments and reason is over! Time for self preservation and that means, by any means necessary!

It’s getting worse by the day. Not just in Canada, but in the USA, as well.

Trudeau is a very evil homosexual who is trying desperately to destroy Canada. He is Klaus Shwab’s agent of anal chaos and holds a very high profile in the World Economic Forum. Again, he wants desperately to destroy Canada. He said himself, that Canada will be the first nation of the new UN.
Look here, fellow netizens; we are going into full-fledged Communism in the west and Canada is on the precipice. Now I know there a certain places around the world that you might say, “Well, look it’s getting better in Sweden and it’s getting better in a lot of different places”. Maybe things are going well, for now and that may be true, but in those places (((they))) might do something major to set them as an example. In places like Sweden, where they lifted all restrictions; prepare for false flag events.

Everything is on the table folks. Nothing is outside the reach of the powers that be. A lot of people are going to die. A lot.

It is time to get violent!

Alexei Arora #racist #wingnut twitter.com


China's Communist Party Formally Embraces Assimilationist Approach to Ethnic Minorities

Quiet changes to education policy, personnel in minority regions follow Xi's call for forging of a 'collective consciousness'

Communist China is ditching minority appeasement to create a unified national culture. Some provinces aim to abolish Reservation/Affirmative Action by 2026

Meanwhile here in Viśvaguru, we’re obsessed w caste-bank politics & welfare schemes that hurt poor general castes

Indian Communists would decry this exact same move as “fashizm” if it were done in India, btw. That’s why I do not take these jokers seriously.

Bruh you shill for China lol

No. I want to enact policies similar to China in India. I have no interest in wanting us to become Chinese puppets. I support balancing in both SCO/BRICS and the Quad. How is that shilling?

The_Trouvere #pratt #racist forum.literotica.com

Blacks have impacted our society in negative ways. Systemic racism is the current alibi for black failure when there is no evidence of racial discrimination. Whites and Orientals are discriminated against with affirmative action policies.

Blacks are not innocent victims of irrational white hostility. By every objective, measurable criteria blacks tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites. Blacks have an illegitimacy rate that is over twice the white rate, and a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate.

Those who blame these facts about the Negro race on white racism cannot explain why black rates of crime and illegitimacy have risen since 1964, when the Civil Rights Act was signed, and when the War on Poverty was declared. They cannot explain why black academic performance has improved very little, despite expensive government spending programs like Head Start and No Child Left Behind.

Speaking of white racism, no one should be surprised that a race that is accurately associated with low intelligence, crime, and sexual irresponsibility arouses feelings of hostility. I have known many Orientals and Hispanics. I have never known one who liked blacks. For economic reasons immigrants often need to live in or near black neighborhoods. They do not like what they see. They do not feel guilty about it.

Intellectual standards are reduced for blacks in order to achieve a student body or a work force that "looks like America."

The average black IQ in the United States is 85. For whites the average is 100. It is not possible to achieve anything close to equity without lowering standards for blacks. Because affirmative does not increase the number of opportunities, lowering standards for blacks means raising them for whites, and for Orientals, whose average IQ is 106.

I have worked with blacks who owed their presence to affirmative action. Their inferiority was noticed and resented by white co workers.

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut amren.com

Enjoy Columbus Day While You Can

Columbus used to be a hero because he brought white people and Western Civilization to the New Word, but now that makes him a great villain.

I have a better name for the holiday, which preserves the tradition of giving credit to a single man, in this case, an “indigenous person” named Opechancanough. He became chief of the Jamestown colony’s Indian neighbors when his older brother, Powhatan, died. Under Powhatan, whose favorite daughter had married an Englishman, there was peace.

Opechancanough was different. In 1622, he hatched a plot to exterminate every white man, woman, and child. The main population at Jamestown got wind of the plot, but even so, Opechancanough’s men managed to kill about 400 whites, or one-third of the colonists. The Indians had special consideration for George Thorpe, who had tried harder than any other colonial leader to be kind to Indians. In the words of a contemporary, they “did so many barbarous despights and foule scornes after to his dead corpse, as are unbefitting to be heard by any civill eare.”

The slaughter began a year-long war with the Indians, but Opechancanough sued for peace. Amazingly, in 1644, he ordered an identical sneak attack, and managed to kill between 400 and 500 English. This time, the colonists went on to kill so many Indians, including him, that two years later, the Virginia General Assembly noted with satisfaction that the natives were “so routed and dispersed that they are no longer a nation, and we now suffer only from robbery by a few starved outlaws.”

Opechancanough was a patriot and freedom fighter, a defender of his people against the rapacious white man. Rather than celebrating a tame abstraction — indigenous people — let us celebrate a hero who, not just once but twice, tried to save his tribe, his land, and his way of live by exterminating the hated white man. And Opechancanough is exactly the kind of alien, unpronounceable name that best stands for the America of the future.

Tom Shackleford #wingnut #conspiracy #racist identitydixie.com

[From "Critical Crime Theories"]

Crime in America was pretty bad when I was a kid but the issue wasn’t sugar coated. There was a whole entertainment genre themed: We need somebody to get rough with this scum
I grew up in a mid-sized Southern city that had seen better days just like Times Square. Our downtown was gentrified from a place with a smut shop (owned by an old guess who) and a bunch of rundown buildings into an area with trendy condos, shops, bars and restaurants

The residential properties are still okay but the retail is in sharp decline as shootings from the nearby projects have migrated into these locations. As SWPL as the transplants who snap the condos up tend to be, they’re still wary of catching a stray round while browsing for clothes
A sharp contrast between then and now is the lack of self-efficacy that defines the grievances of Heritage Americans about crime. In the past, cinema would cater to our displeasure and politicians would have to do something real about it

The point of movies these days is to replace white male protagonists or at least insert disjointed diversity into remakes[…]The agenda of politicians and prosecutors is a comprehensive reversal of all the progress made in the 90’s while simultaneously persecuting political dissidents and ordinary people who defend themselves

My question is where are they taking all of this?
An end goal that’s theoretically feasible? Not so much

I suspect this is why dissidents trying to conceptualize everything systemically often narrow down to the most terrifying dystopian possibilities
If there’s no political will to fix the problem, the practical mechanisms for addressing the problem are being dismantled[…]render much of the country ungovernable, maybe they’re letting it happen because they’ve got a more comprehensive solution in mind. By “they,” I’m not referring to the politicians

Muhammad Harub #fundie #psycho #racist israelnationalnews.com

The Tel Aviv District Attorney's Office filed an indictment in the city district court today against Muhammad Harub, 20, a Palestinian from Judea and Samaria, for a terrorist act of attempted murder, a terrorist act of causing serious injury and illegal entry into Israel.

According to the indictment. on the eve of Yom Kippur the defendant stabbed a man in Jaffa with a screwdriver, believing he was of Jewish descent.

Prosecutor Adv. Noa Bar stated that the defendant decided to murder a person of Jewish descent out of nationalist-ideological motives and in order to arouse fear or panic in the public.

"For this purpose, on September 15, 2021, on the eve of Yom Kippur, the defendant equipped himself with a screwdriver and entered Israeli territory without a permit. In the afternoon, the defendant arrived in Jaffa and began searching for a potential victim to carry out his plan. The defendant, who believed that the complainant was a person of Jewish descent, approached him without the victim noticing, shouted at him at him in Arabic 'Jew, Jew', slammed a bottle of water next to him, and stabbed him with the screwdriver in his upper body, with the intention of causing his death," the indictment reads.

It further states that "during the incident the complainant told the defendant in Arabic that he was an Arab and not a Jew, but the defendant ignored his words and continued to stab him. The defendant's actions caused the complainant serious injuries, he was rushed to the hospital, hospitalized and needed surgery."

Along with the indictment, a request was submitted to detain Muhammad Harub until the end of the proceedings against him.

BuffaloRepublic #racist reddit.com

Unnecessarily my fucking ass.

50,000 native kids aren’t in care outside of reserves because guilty white liberals want them there — they’re there because 50,000 native kids have piss poor parents that can’t even look after themselves due to a variety of issues.

Of course the native industrial complex in Canada will tell you that the parents are bad because of ‘residual damage from residential schools’, which is a major cop-out; quickly followed by the demand for more funds from whitey as repetitions for things and stuff.

Rick Santorum #racist salon.com

We came here and created a blank slate. We birthed a nation from nothing," he continued. "I mean, there was nothing here. I mean, yes, we have Native Americans but candidly there isn't much Native American culture in American culture. It was born of the people who came here pursuing religious liberty to practice their faith, to live as they ought to live, and have the freedom to do so.

Sriram #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut twitter.com

These Are Real Civilizational States: China, Russia, Japan, Korea (One) and Singapore.

Countries that have Potential to become Civilizational States: Egypt, India, Turkey, Brazil and Mexico.

Countries with no Potential to become Civilizational States: All Western Countries.

Isn't Russia part of the West ? White, European origin, Christian.

I don't want to get into Genetics but Slavs aren't/weren't considered White by many (ex: Nazi Germany). Stalin didn't consider himself as a White Person but rather an Arab. Russia is better considered as Euro-Asian Hybrid IMO.

Not Greece?

Greece recently had a Huge Debt Crisis which went for 8 Years and is having a Falling Population, so I don't consider it one.

Things in Mind when considering Civi-States
1. Competence of Governance
2. Keeping Marginalized Communities at Bay.
3. Economy
4. Education
5. Portrayal of Country to Foreigners
6. Promotion of History and Culture.
7. Respect for Ancestors
8. Mix of Traditionalism and Modernity

China - a civilizational state? CCP has done everything in its power to erase its history and heritage before 1949.

Not at all, China is promoting Traditional Chinese Medicine on the World Stage, India is not even promoting Ayurveda. Xi proudly claimed in front of Trump that China has 5,000 Years History. They still respect their Emperors, Have Banned Christian Missionaries and Confucianism is making a Comeback.

Why are Brazil and Mexico on the list? Bolivia is a country whose current ruling party seems to like its Pagan past. Mexico and Brazil? Not so sure.

Brazil & Mexico have growing Economies as well as Competent Leadership (AMLO in Mexico is Left-Wing and Nationalist while Bolsonaro is literally plotting a Coup Next Year).

C.T. #racist #sexist #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Spanish-speaking ‘conservatism’"]

Compared to the neighbouring country to the north, I consider Latin America the continent of the blue pill. There is nothing in MSM that resembles, say, Tucker Carlson. One has to search social media to find the voice of an Argentine, Agustín Laje, and his YouTube channel: a kind of Latin American Tucker who in the Spanish-speaking MSM would be inconceivable
Vox is a Spanish political party founded in late 2013. Its president is Santiago Abascal. Vox is the party of the right in Spain: a more conservative right than the caricature that the Republican Party has become in the US today

But Vox’s folk, Laje and the new Spanish-speaking right are limited to criticising the third feminist wave. Although the Spanish and Latin American media call them ‘ultra-rightists’ and fachas (fascists), they are actually progressive. Their criticism of feminism is not radical at all. Like Andrew Anglin, we not only reject the third wave that Vox rejects, but the first and second feminist waves, as can be seen in the sidebar book on Beth’s pretty boobs

The pendulum has swung so much to the left that liberals such as Argentina’s Laje and Márquez, and those of Spain’s Vox party, are seen as conservative. They are not
The so-called conservatives are liberals, and this applies not only to Vox and Laje but to Tucker and Sean Hannity (the latter interviewed a transexual man not long ago). There are no exponents of true conservatism in the media, neither in the English-speaking world nor in the Spanish-speaking world. And by the way, we are not conservatives but racists

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

RE: ‘Big Brother’ Star Tiffany Mitchell Says It’s Not Her Job to Explain to Fans Why Her All-Black Alliance Wasn’t Racist

You just can't win with Negroes in these matters. You are a de facto racist just for being white but blacks can openly practice racism all they want because with them, it isn't really racism.


“It is unfortunate that they don’t see the bigger picture. Unity is welcomed in all other communities and cultures when people come together except for in the African-American culture.”

Negro Logic.™

Are. You. Freaking. Kidding. Me. Blacks coming together is all we hear about nowadays. Now whites coming together? RACIST! WHITE SUPREMACIST! CANCEL THEM! KILL THEM!

For those scratching their heads wondering what the background to this story is, check out Big Bruthah’s Group Evolutionary Strategy, by Travis LeBlanc, over at Counter-Currents.

"Big Brother announced their cast for Season 23. There are 16 housemates, and six of them are black. Guess what happened next? If you guessed that the six black contestants formed an alliance in order to vote off all the non-black contestants so as to guarantee that a black person would win the season, then you guessed correctly."

Basically our enemies have the correct response to being called ‘racist’ and we don’t.

‘Who cares’? And ‘not my problem’ are the response whites should have used back in the ‘50s and ‘60s when we were being called racist.

If someone calls me ‘racist’ they have declared themselves to be my enemy therefore what they think is irrelevant. We also see someone even denying the existence of ‘reverse racism’ when in fact if is ‘racism’ itself that doesn’t exist. The concept of ‘racism’ is just a scam to get white people to share their civilization with non-whites. The failure to recognize this scam/attack against will lead to our downfall.

Making laws to prove we aren’t ‘racist’ should have never been an option.

Padraig Martin #sexist #racist identitydixie.com

[From "What Happened to Strong White Men?"]

As I am writing this piece, I am at a pub in a suburb that is north of Atlanta[…]As I sit here, I am surrounded by exceedingly soft White men, wearing jerseys that venerate black athletes, and cheering on teams for a sport that literally opens with the black national anthem. This begs the question: what happened to strong White men?
The soft jowls of the men around me betray exceeding amounts of estrogen in their diets. They do not seem to notice the beautiful girls at the bar – behind it or sitting beside them. They are dialed into the fast black guys
What happened to our sense of self? When did we sacrifice our masculinity for the sake of placating a feminized world?
Today, that same people sit at bars and worship black athletes who have established their own anthem in a country that was conceived and built by White people

Where are the strong White men? Whereas some are in the military, I have seen none who have taken a brave stance against Covid vaccinations and leftist governmental overreach
When someone asks, “Why are so many White women dating black men?” look around you. Those White women have been taught the feminist definition of masculinity[…]Those White women have been groomed on a healthy diet of Mandingoes and soy boys – the latter does not appeal to their genetically ingrained desire for protection, thus they gravitate to the former

If you have read this far, take an honest assessment of yourself. What are you doing to promote White masculinity?
Do you want to make a real difference? Embrace masculinity. Put down the video game, dial down your sports worship, wake up early in the morning, make your bed, go to work, provide, and embrace masculinity to the fullest. Your people are depending on you

Various Commenters #elitist #racist #sexist twitter.com

As much as I want to believe cities are dysgenic a visit to a rural PA grocery store is a reminder that everywhere is in its own way

Why is everyone so fucking ugly

(Your Humble)
People like to make it out like an agrarian versus industrial thing, but any post paleo diet is going to be dysgenic

(Yung Boomer)
Don’t tell #trad macho redneck rural twitter I said this: Republicans from blue states ought to colonize flyover country with pretty art hoe gfs.

Pennsylvania doesn’t have great looking people.

(Weimerica's Revenge)
America is a genetic toilet where all of the worlds pure bloodlines come to be flushed down the pipes together. Guess who was the one to coin the term "melting pot"

(Besta Posta M.D.)
It’s a class thing. Go to a ritzy area and everyone is beautiful. I used to go see my dad for two weeks every summer in his beach town. I remember the first year I got back and my mother took me to wal mart for weekly shopping and I was like, what the f@ck

(Lord Lightyear)
Part of the premise of cities being dysgenic is that they soak up all (most) of the good genes from rural areas and churn out low birthrates. Cities absorb the high iq and are iq shredders. They absorb the beautiful women and turn madonnas into whores (wives/mothers into sluts).

Darren J. Beattie #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

China bans any video game with
* Any non-gender conforming character
* Any gay relationship
* Effeminate men
* Any game where you have to make moral choices between good/bad

"If regulators can’t tell the character’s gender immediately, the setting of the characters could be considered problematic and red flags will be raised.”

China is serious about its culture war.

Serious countries don't whine about racism, sexism, etc.

The entire purpose of the American regime is to coddle the fragile feelings of women and minorities

That's why America is a laughing stock on the world stage

This is relevant to all of the low-IQ whining about Chinese influence on American box office

If Chinese tastes governed our entertainment industry, we'd be healthier and better off

If China keeps this up, the Globalist American Empire will declare war

A big part of American ruling class' hatred of Russia is that Russia is a major power that rejects the woke ideology at the core of American regime

Now that Xi's China is rejecting America's woke poison in key respects, interesting to see how this plays into cold war 2.0

Used to be conventional wisdom that Russian rejection of wokeness more threatening because Russia is plausibly European and therefore a model for Western nations

China's rejection wokeness could very well have an opposite net effect, in the sense that it could be used to dupe conservatives into partially defending wokeness out of anti-China "patriotism"

This would be the foreign policy equivalent of Dems are the real racists

Similarly, Cold War 2.0 against CCP can be used to dupe conservatives into rallying to defense of mil industrial complex that has essentially declared them domestic terrorists

Insane, yes. But I think you can always count on conservatives to be duped. It's what they live for!

KeithWoods #dunning-kruger #racist #transphobia twitter.com

Taiwan is worth fighting for, if Taiwan falls to China it’s over for the United States.

Lazy isolationist rhetoric (words I use all the time) doesn’t change the real world impact of Chinese dominance in the region. If you’re not a China hawk you can’t be America first, you’re just China first.

Real populism is sacrificing young white men to protect the independence of an island in the Western Pacific and maintain the global dominance of the empire that wants to turn your children trans and replace you with mexicans

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

The fake “Biden” regime in the US defaulted on September 30th and has been given until October 18th before the plug is finally pulled on that evil regime, Asian secret society sources promise. The funding was cut off because the Rockefeller/Rothschild etc. crime families behind the “Biden” regime failed to meet their promise to hand Australia over to the communist Chinese, the sources say.
In any case, the cut-off of Asian funding is what prompted the fake Biden to say “We’re gonna get this done,…It doesn’t matter when. It doesn’t matter whether it’s six minutes, six days or six weeks. We’re gonna get it done.”

By openly flouting the Satanic 666 number the criminals using rubber mask “Biden” as a front have fully come out of the closet.

Since these criminals have carried out horrendous acts of mass murder every time they faced default in the past, you can be sure this statement by Biden was meant to be taken as a threat.

This time, with little doubt, they plan to surpass 911, Fukushima and the fake pandemic of 2020. The obvious candidate this time is La Palma. The volcano there is erupting with increasing intensity and is doing so in a manner that is increasing the chances of a massive tsunami hitting the East coast of the US etc.

That is why joint military action by Russia, the Pentagon and China is necessary to finish these criminals off permanently. The underground base in Norway -where the HAARP attack on La Palma is originating- is a prime target. The Khazarian mafia headquarters around Lake Geneva is another.

In these circumstances, the White Dragon Society is calling for a meeting in Tokyo to ensure that white hats receive funding to take over the functioning parts of the US government after the Biden criminals are removed. This meeting has the support of the British Commonwealth, the Vatican (P3 freemasons), the Russians (FSB) and Asian secret societies.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #pratt #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Happy Residential Schools Are Awesome Day!"]

If you've been following the endless hyped blather on outlets like CityTV, you'll know that today is the day one of the days whiny Red Indians have started to "commemmorate" the tragedy of…checks notes…being provided a free education
It was over a half-decade ago that I took the entire "Truth and Reconciliation" racket to task [url=http://3edgesword.blogspot.com/2015/07/a-couple-things-wrong-with-standard.htmlby highlighting some of these same public education factoids[/url]

What are you talking about "reneging on the deal"? The Residential School program was intended to fulfill the deal: a modern education (functionally fairly similar to the British boarding school system, frankly). If you don't believe me, notice that the Canadian taxpayer is being asked to "live up to treaty obligations" by providing an ever-more-expensive modern education system[…]

That bit about today's modern education system is especially apt when you consider that Red Indians in Leduc Public typically skip school 50% of the time[…]As adults they make less money than educated whites or asians and then complain about that. One minor inference might just be this complete and utter contempt they hold towards education is the cause of their suffering
This brings us[…]to the ridiculous day they created today to "commemorate" schools which weren't actually bad[…]None of the complaints[…]holds any water, with the possible exception of sexual abuse. But was sexual abuse more common with nuns in stuffy 1920s Canada than it is today when faggot "educators" are molesting kids under the guise of "orientation"?
What was wrong from converting them to a religion that, as the picture at the top of this post implies, would cure them of their barbaric savagery? To avoid offending 2021 atheists?

Harmonica #wingnut #racist identitydixie.com

[From "The Fires that Forge a Nation"]

One of the most important historical realities for the Dissident Right to understand is that nations are made by outside pressure[…]A proto-nation is formed when a group of people[…]comes into contact with a people that are even more unlike them, which convinces them to unite against the new threat
None of this, including the fact that nations are formed by external pressure rather that something innate, means that nations are imaginary or national distinctions are arbitrary. Diamonds, too, are formed by external pressure, but they exist and the distinction between them and coal[…]remains real
The first phase is to convince Dixians that others are radically different from ourselves[…]Southerners met more and more people who were unlike them and they knew it[…]After the Counter-Revolution of 1877, Dixie was able to establish home rule and we knew then that we were different. But the North, now filled with global and colonial ambitions, had a fear that Dixie was going to become to them what Ireland was to the UK
In exchange for loyalty to the Empire, Dixians would largely be allowed to rule themselves and keep their identity, but this was to be regional rather than national, hence the tendency of Dixians[…]to fly both the American and Confederate flags
All this changed when the Yankees began to break home rule starting in 1948, a task largely completed by 1965[…]Dixians began to get a sense of just how different they were from others and more nationalistic feelings were able to develop. This was further aided by something happening that Dixie had been largely able to avoid before, large scale immigration (read invasion)
If White Alabamians had moved to Virginia in the same number as the Yankee, I guarantee you they would not be tearing down Monument Avenue or promoting infanticide

Vox Day #racist voxday.net

[From "3rd World People"]

Produce 3rd World results. This isn’t a mystery and it isn’t rocket science. It’s how the world has always functioned

There is “no question of the lights going out” this winter as a result of huge rises in gas prices, the business secretary has said

UK Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said he does “not expect supply emergencies” and described warnings about shortages as “alarmist”

His statement comes as smaller energy providers battle to stay afloat due to gas price hikes making price promises to customers undeliverable

Translation: the lights are going out

As a general rule, if you want your economy to function well enough to a) keep the lights on and b) keep the toilets flushing, don’t permit people named “Kwasi” to be put in charge

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #racist #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Preparing the Reichsführer of the future for Germany and his Permanent Seat"]

Learning from old mistakes which ought to never be repeated
The Seat of the Reich must be one based on the most toughest forms Meritocracy which elects such leader into a position of power, and the Seat of the Reich must be occupied by the Reichsführer for a lifetime or until the leader believes they may be mentally or physically not properly able
With the goal that National Socialism had in mind in creating itself to be the most perfected form of Totalitarian government, it does so in the effort to combat Malevolent Totalitarianism
These days, all people ever do is pray to some God thinking that this God somehow hears their prayers
As a Futuristic Totalitarian State, the Reich does not guarantee anyone’s help, rather it tells the people to help themselves for achieving our greatness
In every Democracy that has ever existed, internal divisions begin growing among the people in very complex manners that actually do not even develop under Communist Dictatorships
Irrespective of this, the Reichsführer still is the Ultimate Law, superseding any Law by the end of the day
National Socialism, like Fascism, were both not designed for export
The Principles of our beliefs are too rigorous, too extreme and involved for Barbarian Nations
While Russians have always been a mixture of Races, the very fact of the matter is that, from the occasions when this Nation did develop remarkable elements from Musicians, Thinkers and other really unique prominent figures, the arrival of Bolshevism had completely eliminated the best elements that existed in Russian Society
Mark My Words Eternally, that if the Reich shall never return, than the rest of this world is to absorb the punishment for all of its sins against Germany and its only destiny is to burn!

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: FBI: Murders Up 4,901 in 2020, Black Share of Known Murder Offenders Reaches Record 56.5%

The black to non-black murderer ratio is higher than the male to female ratio.

(American Plague)

If you use the more expansive figure of 14.2% for black population, then the ratio of black known murder offenders to nonblack ones in 2020 was 8.4 to 1. (If you use the more restrictive 12.4%, you get a ratio of 9.8 to 1.)

Incredibly, even the lower (at least part-black) ratio of 8.4 to one is a little higher than the per capita male to female known murder offender ratio of 7.5 to 1.

We need to get these numbers up! While some whites may be lost, the majority are killing their own kind, which would be good in the long run.

(Gabby Mouse)

Imagine if blacks were approximately 50 percent of the population? I wonder what their share of the homicide rate would be? That's a scary thought.

And some people here are still against abortion. I'm against it for Whites except for rape and if the mother would die, but the blacks, browns, and yellows can have at it all they want.

(Jack McGriff)
Blacks can't handle living in a civilization as advanced as White countries. That's a fact. It's like the curse of a poor person winning the lottery because in addition to it being unearned and thus not respected, the person isn't grateful and doesn't have the mental faculties to handle the windfall, inevitably destroying their life.

(Ilya Muromets)
Exactly right. I always thought the White man's laws & civilization are the black man's burden. They all need to go back to the law of the jungle, which they're accustomed to.

The law of survival of the fittest, which lies heavily on mental creativity, favored the White European. But he blew it allowing the negriods & Asians to share in his medical, mechanical, electronic, & other scientific marvels.

All because of the greed of the White leaders.

William Henry Whitlow #racist identitydixie.com

[From "And Here’s to Brave Virginia, the Old Dominion State…"]

Anyone with even a passing familiarity with current events[…]is aware of the atrocity which occurred recently in Richmond[…]The last vestige of beautiful Monument Avenue – the 61-foot-high statue of Robert Edward Lee astride his beloved horse, Traveler — came down after a lengthy court battle ended with the side of darkness coming out the victor
The Virginia Supreme Court said tough titties to both, but the argument with regards to the breach of covenant was particularly egregious
The land in question here was donated for the express purpose of serving as the home of a massive memorial to General Lee. On a 7-0 decision, the court made some asinine argument that the values of 1890s Virginia (i.e., Southern values) are not the same as those of a 2021 Virginia which has been besotted by foreigners working in and for Babylon
I have had the pleasure of walking Monument Avenue in better days
Monuments to five Confederate heroes: Lee, Stonewall Jackson, JEB Stuart, Matthew Fontaine Maury, and Jefferson Davis
But the Left can never leave well enough alone[…]The state unveiled a monument to Nathaniel Turner as a replacement on Monument Avenue
To the average mouth breathing American, slavery = bad and Nat Turner tried to free himself from being a slave, therefore Nat Turner = good
That same record offers poorly sourced details about a violent counterreaction fomented by the angry and terrified White population
I do not buy the idea of widespread retaliatory violence, mainly because I cannot imagine the slaveowners allowing their slaves to be subjected to wholesale butchery
Slave rebellion was a very real fear among the people of the South. Haiti was in living memory for many in 1831, and in most of the cash crop counties, the black population was larger than the White

GluePrittCel #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist incels.is

Our pain of us blackcels is greater than yours.

Most whitecels for not say the 90% are volcels in disguise. Not far different from their femoid counterparts. They cry that femoids don't want them but they will never date black women. Even worse, they will never date a single mom of their own race. Meanwhile we blackcels have gotten the worst cards of the genetic lottery. Non-harmonous features, not enough height and others bald.

Even our Chad version, the Tyrone, is equal to a low tier white normie for not say an incel tier white guy. This could explain why Tyrone gets only white fat foids in the Anglosphere.

Empiric proves are clear:


Then stormcels will shit on us due to the demographic change in their country despite that was possible to due white volceldom and cuckness. Despite demographic change in America is mainly due to mexicans while demographic change in Europe is due to Asians(arabs, indians, pakistanies etc)

Even the SJW warriors,that were supposed to be anti-racist players, will never understand our pain:


BBC is a merely lie.


And BBC is useless if you don't have the enough face, height or hair in your head for consentment.

Vyncennt & Reuben H #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Swedish Minister: Authorities Failed to Tackle Crime Because They ‘Didn’t Want to Be Seen as Racist’


Swedish Interior Minister Mikael Damberg has admitted that some of the country’s burgeoning gang-related problems were not properly tackled before due to the authorities’ fear of being seen as racist.

“Before, there was an anxiety to describe some problems, they did not want to be seen as racist and so on”, Damberg told the newspaper Aftonbladet.

It's almost as if 3rd world ferals, who have created 3rd world cultures in all of their 3rd world countries since the dawn of recorded history, might recreate those very same 3rd world cultures regardless of which piece of dirt they're squatting on...


(Reuben H)
So they're finally admitting to the cancer they've imported into their midst, and their proposed solution? Spread the cancer around (integration) and extort higher taxes from Native Swedes (to pay for an increased police presence).

I somewhat understand the need for de-segregation. After all, it must be inconvenient for those migrants to have to travel to other neighborhoods to find Native Swedish women and girls to rape. It's a violation of their human rights, and the government owes it to them to place victims closer to these poor men.

Not only that, but each time a migrant is forced to travel in order to rape a Native Swede, there's a carbon cost; it contributes to Climate Change. It's far more environmentally responsible to have the victims and perpetrators in close proximity.

Gregcyber #crackpot #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: Western Washington University creates segregated housing specifically for black students

Black and African American people and culture that rape the White Race?

What do you call a African America Race?

The the sexual urge to rape white slaves.
As the African Americans call them self's "the decedents of slaves".

The segregation laws of the past.

They called them Jim Crow Laws in the USA. As in jin

But in History, there are tails of a Upper Egyptian Queen, A God of Egypt.

She made a law that forbids African Males to Mate with the Slaves. Or African females to mate with slaves. That is why Asians are marked.

In time they forgot the past, greed, sex, lust and the rights to rape the white females, as riot's to join whites in everything they do.

I had thoughts of the Crow Law before this movie.
I thought the law was, as a Crow is a Black Female of Egypt.
But if you understand Ancient Egypt and the Brid Hieroglyph's. Some hieroglyphs have a meaning of Female, as a female has eggs.

For me to better explain this idea, I show you a move clip where a Male was chosen by a queen of Egypt for mating.


The Crow's law may only be in foreign lands, as the move talks about Dis-location of the Egypt Tomb.

Males of Africa, in Law, are not to breed or marry slave women.
Breeding Slaves and Africans is only to be done by the Alchemist with the Pharos approval.

Why Do you think the Laws in the US punish Africans more then whites at a point in time?
But now, maybe they passed a law that will accept mixed races, the new slaves.

Shawn Paul Melville #conspiracy #wingnut #racist civilianintelligencenetwork.ca

A prominent family of the Merovingian Bloodline is the Sinclair Family. The Sinclairs originally came from Normandy to England with William the Conqueror in 1066 before settling in Scotland. The family dates back to the Viking Age and the first ruler of Normandy, Rollo (860-932) who was the great-great-great grandfather of William I of England and the 32nd great grandfather of Queen Elizabeth II . The Sinclair family history is closely connected with the crowns of France, England and Scotland.
Here’s where it gets interesting: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s maternal grandfather is Liberal politician the Hon. James Sinclair (1908-1984), whose family lineage can be traced back to 1776 to Caithness, Scotland of the Clan Sinclair that held lands there.
Does this mean Justin Trudeau will lead the Merovingian Bloodline and become the next world monarch? The simple answer to this is no. Although he is perceived by many Canadians as being the next Antichrist, there are other more powerful families of the “Black Nobility” that have a stronger connection to the 13th bloodline such as the Queen and the Rothschilds. But what is significant here is that elite families of the Illuminati have placed their offspring in powerful positions, be they politicians, world leaders, media, industrialists etc., and the public is seemingly unaware of the connections to these bloodlines and the control they have in directing global upheaval.

So you see, Trudeau’s presence at the BLM “anti-racism” march is significant after all; it is a globalist coup to destabilize the United States and Canada by causing divisiveness, chaos, and disorder, and encouraging race wars in order to justify a militarized state they need for their New World Order! And it appears that the cockerel has cuckolded us all! It’s time to put an end to Baphomet (pbuh) and his Islamic New World Order!

C.T. #racist #crackpot chechar.wordpress.com

[From "The French and the Swede"]

Yesterday I mentioned Kevin MacDonald’s article in which he was trying to understand a series of tweets from white Americans celebrating that they will become a minority in their country. The phenomenon of white ethnosuicide is too large for the professor, who, like the vast majority of white nationalists, believes that the JQ is the primary factor of Aryan decline

As we know, I don’t think the JQ is the primary factor. Having lived for more than half a century in the largest metropolis in Latin America, I can’t believe in the JQ every time I go out on the street, as the horrendous miscegenation was perpetrated by the Spanish when the Inquisition, which existed in the centre of the city, protected society from crypto-Jews. It’s obvious that what happened in the Americas was ethnosuicide, caused by a Catholic (i.e., universalist) worldview about the races
Westerners are so plugged into the matrix of Christian ethics—atheists included—that they are unable to see that putting man at the centre of the universe has been a historical outrage, from all angles
Although the trauma model of mental disorders aims to decipher the mental illness of a disturbed individual, we could analogise this phenomenon to a whole demented age; let’s say, how the Romans committed cultural suicide by embracing Christianity, the ‘Aryan apocalypse’
Currently that apocalypse is repeated, but this time it is focused against the white race. Just as it is possible to interpret the disorder of a subject based on his abusive childhood, it is possible to interpret the neurosis, and even psychosis of an entire race, based on its buried history
The mind of blacks and mestizos is easy to understand: they are simply moved by an inferiority complex versus the Aryan. Jews are more complex, although MacDonald’s trilogy deciphers their psychology

IncelCream #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Why the Soviet Union is needed

Soviet basically offered different version of society because of this America didn't want it's citizens to become pro-Soviet hence all the Anti propaganda.
This meant USA didn't promote degenerate culture until end of Soviets, it's why housing was more affordable before 1990s and why there wasn't anti white media, if Soviets was still about, America and west would be different because western men would support Soviet en masse, they would give secrets ect and vote differently. This is also why dating was easier back then

This is why I think China will win, as American becomes less white and more anti white it will cause friction with Europe which will slowly become more pro Russian/Chinese

Without Europe America soft power is limited

Will American Ideas Tear France Apart? Some of Its Leaders Think So

Look at these Hungary Censored a question about China

Serbian have Chinese Police

Chinese police officers join Serbian colleagues on the beat in Belgrade

Breakingviews - China Inc will recycle used white guys

Will you betray America for what they did to us men?

Padraig Martin #racist #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #elitist identitydixie.com

[From "Whites and Blacks in a Free South"]

There is often a criticism levied by broader White Nationalists against Southern Nationalists regarding the disproportionate number of blacks in the South[…]That, due to the large number of black people[…]the South would struggle with their administration, and possibly find themselves inheriting a black insurrection
What to do with black residents who may find themselves in a White dominated, separate South? The short answer is that we reassert reasonable and traditional standards[…]This is hard for White Nationalists coming from other areas to comprehend
Rural blacks would probably find a Free South more comfortable than that which we have in the United States today. The LGBTQ crowd, transgenderism, pedophilia, and cultural degeneracy is just as foreign to them as it is to us
Urban blacks in the South are just as much a problem here as they are up North. The only difference is that our law enforcement and prosecutors know how to handle them and rarely coddle them, except in the biggest, black-run, liberal urban environments, like New Orleans and Atlanta
Making the economic system less comfortable for urban blacks (as well as other non-natives and underperforming Whites) would likely encourage them to move to places like Portland or the Northeast
The South always had a disproportionate number of blacks compared to the North, yet we never had a problem coexisting with them until Yankee interference through federal institutions. Take away the federal institutions and the South can return to similar policies that were established in the past. I do not mean Jim Crow[…]We would likely see a return to voluntary segregation at the local level for everything
Those blacks who remain would likely have a black sheriff who maintained law and order in accordance with the dictates of conservative, White statewide laws

Envita #conspiracy #homophobia #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

American females tried forcing their black man shagging ideals on the world.
Thank God it didn't work.
American females tried forcing their LGBT agenda on the world.
Thank God it failed yet again.
American females are now trying to force anal sex on infants too.
Hopefully that fails as well.
The Muslims are the good people in comparison
The american females are the demons, the communists, the socialists and vampires of all those around them.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #dunning-kruger 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@waub - Cool story, bro"]

Yeah sure, you totally cared about this non-issue 20 years ago

@Waubgeshig Rice

When I was a student there 20 years ago I always hoped there’d be a reckoning like this someday, but I never thought it’d actually happen
[Children's shoes at Egerton Ryerson's statue]

Twenty years ago the biggest ongoing news story about Residential Schools was that the "oral history" was that the schools were pretty good, and there were allegations of gravesites that every time we dug one up turned out to just be animal bones

Back then nobody with even 1/10th of a brain would think that Ryerson would be guilty about something that happened after he died, especially since activist Red Indians like Wasabi Rice still can't answer the questions about what Ryerson did that was so wrong

Rice is so ignorant he needs to go back to school. Spend a lot of time there, in fact..maybe he should just live in the school. Can't hurt

Prussian Society of America #racist #psycho #sexist #homophobia prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "All English / Celtic People, The Nations of the UK are STILL as much an enemy today of Germany as they have been in the past."]

It is a grave error to believe that somehow there is some modern form of true “Peace” or “Forgiveness” overlooking the past between the Nations of England and Germany
The people of these Nations[…]are a predominantly Hebrew People, and their existence is represented by Hebrew Energy and Connections. The Celts are a race of Jews, not Europeans, despite their former influence throughout Europe, and rightfully displaced by the Romans
To understand the root origins of these tribes on the British Isles can only be understood by the old names which these tribes existed under, such as the Bretons or Caledonians / Pictish Tribes, in which the “British” get their distinct origins, from the race of “Bretons”, a very wild and barbaric ill-tempered war-like people of which many French are related to
The Celtic people stand in contrast to a Highly Developed and Powerful Centralized State in Europe, which was the ultimate destiny and design of the Roman Empire
The Roman method of dealing these people was definitely an attempt to exterminate the races which today inhabit the British Isles, because the Romans viewed them all as a threat to the existence of their Empire
The same enemies of Rome and its Empire are the same enemies of Germany and our Reich
These Nations are responsible for promoting Obesity, Drug Use, Feminism, Homosexual Tolerance and Influence, as well as Illegal Immigration
The Fall of England and America have been inevitable, especially after World War II, although the Fall of Europe could have been avoided or at least mitigated in better ways, if there was a will among Europeans to re-awaken to their Sovereignty and have the desire to reconvene with the past.


Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #magick #racist #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia #fundie adrenogate.net

There are many cults in this world, but they all lead to one devil, though the manifestations of this Devil over the years has shifted from Bull – The time of the Minoans of Crete, when we were in the age of taurus into the age of Aryans and the Ram, We get these Houses from the procession of the equinox and they either fall into Sol or Luna worship. We are in Pieces moving into Aquarius, an interesting synchronicity.

The one thing these animals have in common is that they have been hosts to parasites for millennia and we have only just learned of the microscopic world and to what extent the microcosmos has affected our everyday lifes and civilization. Many have spoken of the basilisk as a threat through out time, often referring to it in terms that lacked the knowledge to describe them adequately. Hinting and beating around the bush, they could see the symptoms but not the cause.
The devil is often referred to as a snake, serpent, dragon – That old serpent which is the devil, has been worshiped in the form of the animals that those cultures held in high esteem.

Whom exactly is this devil? It i a transsexual hive mind who calls it’s self the queen of heaven and uses parasite demons to infect the children of God, by which he tempts them, influences them, kills them and even takes complete and totla control over them through demonic parasitic possession.
The parasite is some thing that has lived on in the background, motivating people to live out side of their own self interest, to partake in unholy rituals involving homosexual acts and human sacrifice, this parasite can be found in meat, produce and water supplies. It is the leading motivating factor behind homosexuality, pedophilia, human sacrifice and blood rituals and that is how it is spread among the elite and their golems and goy. They are a wasteland of parasites, zombiefied and droned out into being an NPC, An Enforce or An Acolyte of their secrets.

dacason/Camelot Daily #conspiracy #racist #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut camelotdaily.com

The guiding light for the Luciferian Rothschild financed, Freemason President Truman backed Israel, it’s leadership and the majority of those who practice the cult of Judaism is known as the Babylonian Talmud. The Talmud, which promotes pedophilia, transgenderism, homosexuality, murder, deception, etc. was invented by a false prophet and pedophile named Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai, who according to his own dying words is in hell today. Coincidentally, Rabbi Zakkai’s Talmudic followers make up just 1.8% of the United States’ population. However, they control 96% of the world’s media e.g., television, papers, magazines, big tech companies (Facebook, Google, Twitter) etc. and are the founders and controllers of the pseudoscience of psychiatry/psychology and America’s pornography industry, a weapon that’s been used by the ‘synagogue of Satan’ (Revelation 2:9) for generations to destroy morality throughout our once upright nations.
While many point to a more recent past, the synagogue of Satan’s onslaught against Noah’s bloodline of Japheth and the exceptional Western civilization they’ve created, in fact dates back over 2,400 years. The following is an excerpt from my book, Deception: The Ancient Mystery That Holds The Secret of Newgrange, p.133, which gives readers insight into the origins of this ancient vendetta. (note: modern Jews are descendants of the Khazarian Empire)

Awakened-UK #crackpot #racist #ufo #magick #fundie awakeneduk.wordpress.com

A friend asked me to explain the Levites of the Tribes of Israel. Let me explain something for those unaware. As I stated thus before, the Tribes of Israel were dramatically different based entirely on their mothers and the mtDNA because Jacob / Yakub was B- and a hybrid of all three tribes but the founder of the B-.
So when lookin at the Tribes of Israel you must pay close attention to the mothers of the blood lines because this is how, when and where the Betrayer lines of the Canaanites bred back into humanity. The Bible itself was nothing more than the Dragon blood lines killing each other in a bid for power and control and this is fact, since the Tribes themselves would even attack each other.
So to this day, all of these Draco blood lines all share the Canaanite / Demon Clan, the Ashkenazim / Naga and the Hebrew Jews / Daywalkers DNA in various ratios. We have ruled Earth for over 4000 years and it’s been nothing more than the Draco killing each other in a bid for power and using humans as the fodder / guinea pigs / sacrifices / pawns / cattle etc in their wars to keep their numbers down and fight over control.
It wasn’t until Daniel taking over Babylon that shit hit the fan, because the Satanic lines used to rule Babylon until the Hebrew Jews showed up and Nebuchadnezzar gave Daniel authority over Babylon. Everything was actually improving due to their presence and it wasn’t until the Tower of Babel that things took a turn for the worse.
After the destruction of the Babylon, the Canaanite Betrayers lines retook up their oath to destroy humanity and vowed to never interbreed with them ever again, and remain as almost pure Demon Clan Canaanites as a result and yes, due to lack of Pleaidian genetics, they are the Unholy Feminine who follow the Right Path of the Qlippoth. NO MALE ENERGY AT ALL which is also why they are all transgendered. Their ‘women’ dress like men and their men like women due to the Satanic Inversion of energy.

Nathan Laing #fundie #conspiracy #racist facebook.com

You really Have to first defined Christian extremism To avoid sweeping generalizations
that’s like saying that our biggest problem in America is white supremacy
there’s a HUGE difference between arbitrary or liturgical rules and extremism. In today’s political climate “extremism” it’s just a word to demonized and Marginalize or dehumanize Things That someone opposes
In fact the social media platform like FB are even doing the same thing to its political any enemies calling anyone that doesn’t fall in line with Joe Biden the discrepancies around the 2020 election are now “promoting extremist content”
We need to be careful Not to play fast and loose with the words that we use.

P A #racist #fundie facebook.com

Unless I’m mistaken the Jews are still Gods chosen people, Christ came as their Messiah and while most rejected him not all did, Israel is our only true ally in the Middle East and perhaps someone who feels that Palestine is somehow virtuous should study more. They use women and children as human shields and set off rockets from schools and hospitals, dig tunnels into Israel to enter in and commit acts of barbarism and their goal is to annihilate Israel. I find it astonishing that a Christian would hold such a stance against Israel. My support for Israel is based on scripture, not fundamental ideology I am also unaware that women are nothing but chattel in Israel, that women and homosexuals are stoned to death and that you get your right hand cut off for stealing. I know of no instances where Israel has beheaded an “infidel”.

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