
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

BurntNegroid_Cel077 #magick #sexist incels.is

RE: Serious Is "Spirit sex" or Spectrophilia a Cope?

I have seen several of these books, Supposedly some people evoke spirits to use as sexual AND romantic partners, spirits like Tulpa, Succubi, Goddesses, etc. Is this just a cope, nothing more than mere "mental masturbation"?

Imagine having to meditate and create sigils to have sex with a non-physical imaginary being JFL. Is all that effort worth it?

If that is the case, is Dream sex as good as sex with Spirits?

On two occasions I had a succubus/succubi-like encounters. It's very overwhelming and definitely something I don't think a foid would be able to achieve for you physically. The individual comes in the form of the most beautiful foid you could think of, it started asking if it could take over my body and that's when I freaked out and woke up. I thought it'd posses me. Looking back I should've let the experience continue just to see what would happen. There are cons too. For one, they don't call them spiritual parasites for no reason. They drain you of your energy and you wake up absolutely exhausted. The more you use them, the harder they become to get rid of. Some guys experience them in waking life too once they grow that powerful (real paranormal stuff). It's amazing but I wouldn't recommend intentionally trying to call one of these

Ah, I see. I though spirit-maxxing would be a genuine path to ascension, but all I got was bullshit. Every incel I talked to seemed to get the same results. Do we even need spirits at this point? Like what the heck are they going to for us? Or for any Incel for that matter?

Exactly. Spirits aren't worth it. It takes too much effort and they're just as deceiving as actual foids since they don't actual benefit you in any way. Nothing compares to the dopamine and oxytocin from the physical affection of a warm physical being. The orgasm might be better but afterwards the spirit is gone. You can't cuddle with a spirit, have physical affection etc.

TheNEET #crackpot #sexist incels.is

Serious Foids are literally just cum vampires

IDK why men keep getting tricked by their pussy hypnosis. They're literally fiat money: they have value only because men think they have value (so they create a system where having a foid is necessary for getting treated well). All they want to (and can) do is steal your semen. Considering how they're superstitious low-IQ life forms, they probably think sex is some power exchange ritual where they feed off your cum (similarly, they think abortion is a sacrifice to please their idols). Simps will put enormous amounts of money and effort into getting a foid just to get their cum sucked out. Literally all men have to do is go full monk mode and ignore foids and they'd loose all their power.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Incels are national heros for not raping the bitches who reject them"]

Twitch has changed it's terms to no longer let people use "incel" as an insult.

It's ridiculous Big Tech censorship, of course. But there was always something interesting about people who insulted people by calling them an "incel".

"Incel" as an insult basically means "you should go rape instead".

The term "incel" of course means "involuntary celibate". The person isn't having sex not through a personal choice, but because he (and let's be honest, it's almost always a he) can't find a willing (female) partner.

So then somebody on the internet calling an incel an incel as an insult (say that three times fast) is essentially telling him that he should stop being an incel. He would do this by, presumably, having sex with a woman.

However "having sex with a woman" is what the incel has been trying to do. But no women want to do it with him. So the command "go have sex" is essentially "go rape a chick".

Like all Big Tech censors, Twitch shouldn't be in the business of restricting any words: from "incel" to "nigger" everything should be permitted, but it's also one that the pansy leftists who use the term probably should have shied away from in the first place.

metabuxx #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

[emphasis original]

[RageFuel] 1098 reasons for your inceldom

The X chromosome contains 1098 genes while the Y chromosome only has 78. We inherited almost all of our inferior traits from our mother.

And yet those worthless braindead whores think that their inferiority will get overshadowed by Chad's superior genes if they mate with them. How tf can Y chromosome compensate for something that is more than 5 times larger than itself.

They are literally the stupidest creatures in existence. They deem us inferior on the basis of traits we got from them. And yet 80% of women has reproduced throughout human history while only 40% of men have. Subhuman women are the ones who should be stopped from reproducing, NOT US.

Alexander Iulianus #sexist apotheism.com

Psychical collectivism and hierarchy in women.

The actual utility of women’s twofold social nature can be understood as an instinctual mechanism where women perpetually test the ‘fitness’ of other women by their relentless hierarchising and rejecting. By this process, the women who attain and retain the acclaim of other women will generally be the ‘fittest’, these women typically appealing the most to men. They first privilege the collective, however, and most specifically the collective of women, because the survival of women has long historically relied upon communal cohesion and the human instinct of prioritising the concerns of women over that of men’s.

Rather than presuming that the instinct of privileging the survival and health of women over that of men’s to be present only among men, it is clear that this instinct is universal to both sexes.

Men tend to presume that the mental life of women is like his own, and so selfish acts are thought to be premeditated and deliberate. Women’s self-prioritisation is amoral and often so intimate with her natural behaviour she doesn’t even know herself to be doing it. Hence why when she is accused of being selfish, she is often confused and surprised and will find it hard to comprehend how he came to the conclusion. The question is made coherent when we know the instinct to preserve the female sex is innate to women as well.

So, unlike men who generally are indifferent to generalising remarks because the foundation of their sense of self is individualist, women can take the breaking of any woman’s integrity as being equivalent to breaking her own integrity.

Total Imbecile #sexist incels.is

Venting Its so hard reminding myself that my mom and sisters are evil whores too

I dont know why but I kind of have a soft spot for them

Being women they are obviously evil but Id never wish anything bad on them like I do on rando women that get posted on this forum

Its almost like an abusive relationship where you love your partner even tho they make you suffer

Objectively looking tho their female nature is clear

My mom settle for my betabuxx dad and she doesnt even love him

My sisters reap all the social and financial benefits of being girls, their lives are so much more fulfilling and better than mine

Its just exhausting

SubhumanAbomination #psycho #sexist incels.is

It's Over Anyone still can't believe that this is life?

When i was a child, i would have never thought the world and humanity would be THAT disgusting, it's almost as if everything is unreal. I mean, it can't be real, right? A world like this can't possibly exist, right? I've been into fantasy to cope and seen thousands of different worlds, but no world is as disgusting, dull and full of despair as this one. It's almost like a suffering and degeneracy simulator.

I really can't take this shit anymore.

This is unfortunately the real world. It is rotten to its core. Only a fool would want to live forever.

I'm too full of rage to die tbh, i want to see humanity suffering. Hopefully i will witness WW3 and civil wars during my lifetime (very likely).

How old are you? If you still in your teens, the suffering hasnt even begun to start. It isnt fair and I hope to God He saves your mental health (mine too)

21, suffering since birth

shii410 & Gymcelled #sexist incels.is



and yet the market for this shit is apparently fucking massive, to the point where onlyfans became something that everybody knows about within like a year of becoming a thing. how and why is this the case?

It's so common that random foids that make the news happen to have an onlyfan

Cancerous video but for fuck's sake how common is this shit becoming, so many women out there have an onlyfans account

Left Wing Journalist Gets ARRESTED For Setting Police Car on Fire, 4chan Finds Her OnlyFans


Ikr? I'd understand if they were paying for some specific fetish shit, like those onlyfan girls licking their smegma or something lmao. But not for porn that's available in droves.

exactly, this is the part that really makes no sense to me. im not surprised that women can make a profit off of desperate men by appealing to weird niche fetishes, like that one woman who sells her shit for a living. evidently that's not what most of onlyfans is though

like that girl in the vid @Gymcelled linked is literally just a random butterface noodlewhore posing in lingerie. you could find millions of women who look exactly like her doing the same shit with a quick google search. why the fuck would anyone pay money to see that? it seems like the value of pussy has become so inflated that any woman can just take a nude pic with her iphone camera and men will throw money at her.

nonpenishaver #sexist saidit.net

Female blackpill vs male blackpill

Female blackpill: realizing you are completely surrounded by people who have zero empathy for you, will never see you as a human, who at best want to use you as a disposable fleshlight, at worst get off to causing actual physical harm to you. realizing women will never have power in this world because of biology and there's zero you can do about it. misogynistic incel religions like Islam will eventually take over the world as backlash against women gaining rights.

Male blackpill: attractive men get to have more sex than unattractive men! 😱😱 MAJOR BLACKPILL! Western civilization is headed for COLLAPSE because I don't get Tinder matches! I'm a DOOMER because I'm almost out of highschool and didn't get to fuck the hottest girls in school. It's OVER.

_Moon_ #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut saidit.net

Just finished Cyberpunk 2077 and romanced Judy. And fuck, I wish I were lesbian! The XY attraction virus is far worse than the overhyped Coronavirus. I'd rather have the overhyped Coronavirus than the much more lethal XY (attraction) virus. I wish I were lesbian and had a GF like Judy.😭


...on the other hand, of course, if you look at "lesbian" dating profiles, they all read "Polyam. Married. They/them. AFAB. BLM. ACAB. Hufflepuff AF. Gemini Moon. Depressed/anxious/neurodivergent. Fat activist working on decolonizing my body. QTPOC to the front." 🤮

[deleted] #crackpot #sexist archive.fo

Almost all men are rapist deep down

Even the ones that don't rape they watch rape, they have fantasies about rape, harass women etc. I was shocked when I first time realized that men actually search "rape teen" in porn and actively watch rape, I believed that only "bad ones" watch rape porn, but I guess it's 90+% of male population doing it. In India men actively search for real life rape even when 12 years old girl is involved, they don't care, that's what excites them, so men are actually rapists, that's it. I bet when policeman or judge watches real life rape when the miracle happened and it was recorded somehow they still masturbate to it. That's why sentence for rapists is so low, because men overall DON'T THINK it is a crime. It is just material to masturbate. Men have never cared about rape and shamed victims and protect men, because almost every of them have this rapist mindset.

I think there are also studies that show that most men are OK with rape or have even raped someone before if you simply word it differently and ask them if they were OK with "forcefully" doing this or "remaining persistent" even though the woman does not "seem to like it yet".

Yeah I have read these studies, very eye-opening. Men overall are very different from what we (women) are oficially told. This "not all men are rapists" is piece of garbage of course not all are rapists, but most have this rapist mindset, they are just too afraid to rape voluntarily that's why they watch this on pornhub or other sites. You know men laugh when they heard about real-life gang bang, that's because real-life rape is just as good porn to them as what they see in pornohub.

Incel Wiki #sexist #conspiracy incels.wiki



Leggings, including yoga pants, are an instrument of torture[1] by which femoids torment incels with the sight of their shapely buttocks, hips, and labia, and/or the outline of their panties,[2] which are often clearly visible through the tight, sheer material. One man in particular, the Tallahassee 'Hot Yoga' shooter, Scott Paul Beierle, was ultimately unable to cope with the site of foids in these outfits, and went ER. Crustaciouse also launched a campaign in which he started several Incels.co threads decrying the practice of wearing these garments.[3][4][5]

Effect on men

The sight of a girl in leggings has been described as enraging and distracting[6] gropefuel,[7] and compared to what it is like to "stare like an african child would stare at a steak."[8] However, some find it empowering to stare at them since their intention is for only Chad to look.[9]


In times past, schools would allow girls to wear leggings during cold weather, but only under a skirt or other modest clothing. In the 2010s, it became common to see girls wearing just leggings by themselves, leaving very little to the imagination. One excuse girls give for wearing leggings is that they are extremely comfortable, but this has been questioned,[10] in light of the fact that sweatpants would probably be just as comfortable (and warm in the winter time), if not more so. The real agenda, it is said, is to make their buttocks stick out and appear larger than they otherwise would, and even make out-of-shape women look as though their buttocks and legs were firm and tight rather than flabby.[11]

Numerous accounts exist of men, especially those who are gymceling whilst adhering to the NoFap protocol, spontaneously ejaculating at the site of a girl wearing leggings.[12][13]

[A bunch of incels.co threads]

Consider the Horses #moonbat #sexist #transphobia considerthehorses.tumblr.com

Learn the Difference - It Could Save Your Life!



spoiler1st pic)

Womanism: There are no individual solutions to systemic and structural problems!

Radical Feminism: …And men and the patriarchy are such a systemic, structural problem!

Liberal “Feminism”: Although it depends on how, like, you identify? Like, my bxyfriend - who is also my BDSM Mxster - xe identifies as a hydrogender and, he, I mean, xe always says that, like, womxn like ximself are not accepted by wh*te TERFS? Despite xim employing so many womxn of color at the porn company xe owns? Like, feminism is not about hating men I mean womxn?

2nd pic)

Womanism: Pornography tells lies about women…

Radical Feminism: …but it tells the truth about men!

Liberal “Feminism”: Yikes, I literally can't even? That's, like, so white feminism? Like, my boyfriend, I mean my girlfriend ... who used to be my boyfriend before xe became my girlfriend, xe owns this porn company? And, like, they employ so many womxn of col*r and give them a chance to get off the street? And now they can work in "Anal Ghetto Sluts Destroyed" instead of being homeless? Why are TERFS so racist!?

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL Hyped up Black man tells fat Hispanic woman to go back to her country and kill herself


She only started screaming after she knew he wasn't going get physical, lol.

And they say they’re the stronger gender

>a nigger calling a latina a monkey

Jfl at the pot calling the kettle black.

Also I bet this landwhale hambeast also attended Black Lives Matter protests. :feelskek: No outrage for you, bitch, it's cuz you're brown.

LMAO! That black man is BASED ASS FUCK! Talk about low inhibition and how triggered that fat bitch got LMAO!


Based af. We need more men to be low inhib, sucks that we can't since the media tells men to 'respect m'kween ' and 'don't hit a girl' and we'd probably get a life sentence if we stare at a foid the wrong way.

Low iq black cel, your telling women to go back, NO we need the women because gender ratio, the men can go back tho

NothinButAComedy #sexist incels.is

Toxic Femininity 77% of women don't feel protected by men in todays society.

You're Not Entitled to protection sweetie. :feelshaha:

Foids killed chivalry then complain that men are no longer chivalrous? Remember women don't need no man. Foids can't change the rules but expect men to abide by the old rules! FYI feminism lied to you, you can not have your cake and eat it too. They bash and hate on men all day and get pissed when we don't come running to your rescue!

The vid where I found the statistic

Toxic Masculinity- | Listen To Black Women


Selinity #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is


Yes, that's right, in india and many other eastern european countries foids actually pay to go to events known as breeding parties where a bunch of curry foids have an orgy with white chad's with the intent on getting pregnant with white genetics. So that everyone is comfortable they all fuck at the same time in the same place. JFL, these women wouldn't dare to touch their own men but they'd be happy to pay for Chad's cock.

The requirements for the men are:

above 5'10


blue eyes (preferably)

Middle/Upper class

This shit is insane.

On top of that check this out:

“I almost feel like a god”: From dating to business, white men are winning in India

In countries like India, white skin grants a lot of social and economic advantages.

L. Todd Wood #conspiracy #sexist #racist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut creativedestructionmedia.com

With the exposure of Chicom influence, subterfuge, and corruption inside American political, economic, judicial and governmental systems, it is clear that a decades-long hidden agenda has been executed against the United States of America, and in fact the free world.

Think about it.

If you wanted to destroy a nation’s ability to defend itself, you’d want to destroy its masculinity. ‘Toxic masculinity’ ring a bell? You’d want to destroy its ability to reproduce – abortion on demand, the more the better. You’d promote homosexuality as normal – no new warriors being born there for sure.

If you wanted to destroy a nation’s culture — you’d promote radical feminism and destruction of the family unit. You’d try and confuse young children as to their gender, or even which pronoun they should use. You’d destroy a nation’s culture of self-reliance.

You’d destroy Christianity – like they do in China.

You’d promote massive waves of migrants from areas of the world that don’t share our values as a nation, a massive drain on resources and destruction of security and culture.
You’d do all this slowly, over decades, until one day in the future, when you thought you were entrenched enough, you’d literally try to steal a presidential election, install a Chicom puppet, and make the United States of America a vassal state to the Chinese Communist Party.

And, if even that didn’t work, you’d go kinetic — a dirty nuclear device in a big city, an EMP attack to destroy the electric grid. Or, a war in the South China Sea, or another virus.

It’s coming America, unless we get Trump back in his duly-elected rightful place in The White House.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

Blackpill Unattractive men earn less than unattractive women

Found another interesting study on attractiveness and income, it would seem that unattractive men actually earn below unattractive women, and that the wage disparity between the wages of attractive men and unattractive men is actually larger than the disparity between men and women


Ugly men get discriminated. No news tbh.

Yeah but the usual claim is that they still have it better than ugly women, which is literally not true with evidence to back it.

(your personality)
It never was true. Ugly males are bullied way more often and persistently than ugly women are, it's not even close.

That curve is brutally steep, whereas the one for femoids is a gentle upward slope.

More evidence of the blackpill if anything.

Not just money, ugly women have hundreds of dating options

CLOSE THE WAGE GAP. Oh wait... It doesn't matter if it's the other way around from what we usually hear. Just *crickets*

This is the real wage gap.

Being an ugly man is the worst card you can get

Various Incels #racist #sexist reddit.com

RE: Never began for Muslimcels



I never expected a hijabi to blackpill people so blatantly.


I live in Croatia. It always makes me laugh when some rightwing copers think women from "trad" conservative countries like the Balkans/eastern Europe or muslim women are "better" (more likely to date them) than neoliberal western women.

If anything they're even fucking worse. One thing I've noticed is that western women (men too) were at least nicer to me compared to the Balkans. The only difference is that some actually do have lower face standards - because they want aggressive high T assholes like football hooligans and shit.

Volcel if you live in eastern europe and aren't thugmaxxing.

Sure bro my beta personality low T 5.5 inch wrist framelet ass can thugsmaxx ez. It's only for tall, aggressive, main battle tank tier frame hooligans, drug dealers, street nibbas etc.

Its funny how a power outage in Berlin would just erase half of Turkish Twitter

Not offense but from the few interactions I've had with Turks, nearly all of them have been huge assholes. Other people have confirmed that they're assholes too.

Oh, they can be worse to other Turks. Just amplify everything by 2 or 3 for things told and done to you to get a taste for the unlucky guys whom lost the genetic lottery in Turkey.

Various Incels #homophobia #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

JFL Tried to blackpill reddit on the importance of genetics

CMV: There's no point in trying in life if you're not born privileged

Can't comprehend how a person could be this dumb and pathetic, reddit really needs to get nuked. Fucking braindead delusional cunts. They're arguing against how looks, height and intelligence aren't determined by genetics.

(quadRUPLE bogey)
I've come to this conclusion with the birthpill. You were born to either SLAY / CUCK / SLAVE. Destined from your birth preset, since day one.

Jesus so many "muh personality" and cherrypicking survivorship bias in those comments. Giga soy indeed.

Amazing how neckbeards turn anti-science as science starts proving how shit genetics they have.

IQ correlates heavily, in the West, with financial success, educational attainment, not having children out of wedlock, never declaring bankruptcy, not being addicted to drugs, not getting in car accidents, not going to prison and many other life outcomes. IQ is also highly heritable and can be consistently measured. Maybe it isn't some abstract, platonic notion of "intelligence," like this guy seems to be reaching for, but it's certainly something.


should have mentioned you're a nigger or LGBT saying that, otherwise that's a big yikes

LMFAO, watch the retarded normfags try and get around that one, JFL

Radicalwhirl #kinkshaming #moonbat #sexist saidit.net

The reemergence of regressive norms

Recently, there has been a resurgence in sexist attitudes towards women. The liberation, which was in full swing in the '70s has declined and is steadily going downwards. I will note down a few misogynistic trends gaining steam again:

BDSM: Female sexual slavery and masochism are paraded around as empowering. The pathetic reality is women are encouraged to consent to it. Empowerment too has been twisted to fit male sexual fetishes. And many women do believe all this crap. The rising number of female submissives promoting 24/7 BDSM lifestyle on social media shows how brainwashed women have become by liberal bs.

TradWives: Women who submit, serve and spoil their husbands. Or, to be more clear, women who choose to do all this. Women who believe their place is within a home. And many derive satisfaction in being chained to men and kids. The baffling aspect of patriarchy is that women are its greatest supporters.

Makeup: Faking for the sake of men, is again, an 'empowering' choice. By actively discouraging women from being comfortable in their own skin, beauty industry is reaping massive fortunes under the veil of liberal, lipstick feminism.

These are the things on the top of my mind. Feel free to add more below.

Basically, I can conclude that mainstream feminism is a pathetic joke.

_Moon_ & Radicalwhirl #sexist #transphobia #wingnut saidit.net


Lets all go r/childfree and the moid problem will be solved!

I totally support not having children, but all these childfree and "anti-natalist" places are full of egocentric manchildren who do not want to have children because they rather watch pornography and play video games 24/7 than growing up and taking responsibility. And the women there are woke leftists who worship AOC and Greta Thunberg and all these other useful idiots currently used to decrease the living standard of the working class in the name of climate change, etc. And some of the most prominent anti-natalist Youtubers are transgendered men, lol.

So, it's a collection of woke leftists, pornsick manchildren, and transexuals enforcing the American trans agenda. Ironically, the type of people who hang out in all of these childfree/antinatalist places are part of the reason why I do not want to bring children into this world.


You are actually totally right, didn't know people were black pilled about them but you surely are. Based

Especially the r/antinatalism. It wae heavily misogynistic. Tho many women are speaking up now.

But concerning YouTube antinatalists, there are transgendered men?! I didn't know that. Can you say who exactly you meant?

_Moon_ & trucrimepill #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

r/PinkPillFeminism is open again ... and their new rules now forbid "transphobia", JFL:


spoilerPosted by u/trucrimepill

r/Againsthatesubrecldits is TRANSPHOBIC (they banned me, a transman) and then they play warrior and pretend to TRAs. Bullshit. I want everyone
to know the real face of r/AHS.

Note from the moderators:

Please don't hate, I am a transman. But don't you think drag is kinda like blackface? I hope I am making it clear, that blackface is when you dress up as an oppressed minority, but then can dress back up in your privileged self after the show. This is different from transpeople like myself who are an oppressed minority in itself and can't dress in and out of stuff. In blackface, white men painted themselves black and acted outlandishly because black people weren't allowed to act. In dragface, or womanface as I would like to call it, dress up as women and act outlandishly and it stems from women not being allowed to act (look up ancient romans to Shakespeare, etc).

If you have a question regarding your ban. you can contact the moderator team for r/AgainstHateSubreddits by replying to this message.

Pinkpilled trans"men" accusing Reddit normies of being "the real transphobes" is as cringe as Republicans accusing Democrats of being the real "white supremacists".

bbbarbican & Radicalwhirl #moonbat #psycho #sexist #racist saidit.net

I give zero fucks about so-called "oppressed males": they're rapist, sadistic and violent like all males. In my experience, way more than white men who, let's remember, aren't the majority of males on this planet. Women who insist white men are the worst are self-centered and clearly haven't travelled at all. Or haven't thought about things very deeply. Why would men be any different outside of the US? (the default country per usual)

Go to any non-western country and see how men behave. You'll change your mind FAST. More likely, the cognitive dissonance will be too big, they'll decide to stay blind.

I agree about the race bullshit but I don't see women as sisters either. Most women are complicit. Especially heterosexual women who hate lesbians and who suck men's dick at every turn. Why on earth should I consider them sisters when the reason we still live in a patriarchy is because they keep fucking men and birthing boys? Fuck them. Don't care about the color of their skin: they will always side with their men instead of other women.

Being an asian woman, I can totally confirm that most brown men are entitled creeps who view women as nothing more than sex objects and birthing machines. Mainstream feminism is a joke nowadays. Libfems rant about how pregnancy and childbirth are what makes women powerful. Blatant ignorance, imo. Had women not been burdened with tearing apart their bodies to let this fucked up species continue, oppression and submissiveness would plummet.

CosmicFarmPrisoner #moonbat #racist #sexist saidit.net

You are spot on with the intersectionality point. Black women will bring up racism as an excuse to shit on non-black women, lesbians will bring up anti-gay sentiment to shit on non-lesbian women, lower class women will bring up classism to shit on middle or upper class women, etc. Intersectionality gives them an out for their misogyny and a way to shut down on unflattering discussions about their men. Don’t forget a lot of these women are or want to be boymoms.

I don’t think it matters if women get along, though. Men don’t rule because they all get along, they rule because they are not averse to violence and killing.

As for arguing about privilege, just ignore it altogether. In fact, you should consider “privilege talk” to be a yellow flag. It exists to shut down a conversation and dehumanize the opponent. The various unearned buffs and nerfs of someone’s life are far too complex to boil down to (outdated) American class/sex/orientation/race dynamics.

Infighting and oppression olympics seem to be an inevitable consequence of leftwing movements, and today’s feminism is a leftwing ideology. Basically, the biggest loser wins. Don’t mistake my take as pro-rightwing. Women end up as an auxiliary group fighting for scraps no matter what political movement they join.

Why do you accept that sex is relevant to behavioral tendencies, but not race (or ethnicity to be more accurate)? Do you think that over thousands of years of environmental and cultural selection pressures, genetic drift and bottlenecks, and even hybridization with different archaic humans, that traits related to brain development and function would be the one thing to remained unchanged?

fancy-creamy-mocha #sexist #homophobia fancy-creamy-mocha.tumblr.com

(=Regarding Netflix’s “She Ra”=)

Is everything NOT to do when making a reboot of a masterpiece and story in general. This fanfiction is barely passable. It’s just someone’s creepy fanfiction wet dream. My eyes are still bleeding from the first few episodes. How was this piece of crap greenlit?!

It is shit with its one cent low quality bland animation. The poor animators most likely gets half of a penny per week for doing this atrocious art style. The ethnicity is full of stereotypes. No imagination whatsoever. Masculinity is taboo and every guy has to look like a lesbian and stupid for some reason. Ya know its because sjws HATE men and strong female role models. Everyone and their grandma knows this already. It comes down to women being superior than soy boys out there. Sexist much?! The show is also hellbent on diversity by being racist against white people and this same racism goes towards their anti normal straight couples warpath. Who the fuck cares about actual characters as long as they are bland and uninteresting it’s great with this show.

Netflix has turned off reviews for a reason they don’t want people to rip apart this laughingstock called a reboot. They know how bad it is and won’t say anything. It’s not even a reboot. It’s using the name “She-Ra.” To make a name for itself while slapping the original content in its face and trying to be the next “Steven Universe.” Don’t watch this crap. I don’t even want my enemies to see this crap. That’s how morally wrong this is. DreamWorks what the hell are you thinking? Stop swimming in the acid already.

If you want to see a real heroine who stands up for the weak, and is an actual role model for girls, watch the original series by a creator who poured real sweat and tears into their work. If you want to see real characters with emotions, better animation, and a compelling story see She-Ra from the 80’s.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

Blackpill One of the best betabuxx chad-fucks anecdotes

Feels like I wasted my sex life...

Foids are not even willing to have that ritual lifeless sex with normies :feelshaha: :feelskek:

Future of all normoids who decide to betabuxx

Rude better than thou normies deserve that anyway, assholes can't even call a shameless whore a whore.

”She did the 1-night stands, the parties, all the craziest sex you can have before "settling down". Then I come along and we fall for each other. The sex starts and I feel like she just gives me scraps - sizing me up to past experiences. Just lays there most the time for me to get it over with. It's so unsatisfying I'm borderline repulsed by even trying anymore...”

seeing normies get destroyed is lifefuel.

Yes it is.

This is literally why I LDAR and never even try to get a gf, I dont want chads used scraps and starfish sex once a month fuck that rather die alone


The dark side of me just wants to explode and go and fuck the brains out of a passionate woman (or women) who wants to fuck the lights out of me.

He actually thinks this is possible for non Chads :feelskek: delusion makes the world go round

Good luck buddy :lul:

Copexodius Maximus #sexist incels.is

Blackpill Gigachad makes every wife in area stare in lust (one of the most brootal blackpills)

My RedPill Experience on Vacation | Female Nature

When 6'5" athletic gigachad walked into the pool area, every single woman in the area turned her head. Most the women were with their husbands/boyfriends but that didn't stop them from just staring at him with pure lust. Their beta cuck husband probably worked their butts off for the family, but there's nothing he can ever do to compete with genetics.

Who do you think the wives would rather sleep with? The wives would probably do the most extreme sex acts with the gigachad and fuck him as many times she can in a day, while her husband barely gets sex maybe 2 times a week, and probably refuse him saying she is tired.

Genetics are everything, if you are not a Chad/gigachad, your life as a male is one full of humiliation and wageslaving for some woman who will never be into you. On top of all of this, the woman will fuck Chads on the side and try to get their baby because they have better looks/genetics.

If you are sub 8, there is nothing you can ever do to compensate for lack of chad genetics. This is just as a normie. Imagine how much worse it is as an incel. It is beyond over.

BududubNow #psycho #sexist incels.is

LifeFuel I love looking at miserable women with kids

Nowadays all young women with kids look miserable as fuck and I think I know why. They thought they would settle with Alpha Chad and have his kids and he would "change" as in he wouldn't be aggressive and bossy but the reality is that Chads either left them after making a baby with them or stayed with them and didn't change or actually god worse and treat the foids like slave (not just inside the bed), most likely fucking younger, better looking girls on the side instead of their widened pussies.

So they are miserable and probably wish they found a beta to be there for them and do everything + pay for their bastard children but of course without giving them any sex. I love it when I see a miserable foid like this. Most of the time they have this begging puppy look that puppies have when they are beaten. Life fuel. This is why I respect MGTOWs, they come to right realization but not for the right reasons. At least they are not willing to betabucks for these whores.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

JFL Bluepilled incel gets blackpilled by reality

I’m in danger of becoming an incel.

This guy used to draw soy comics mocking us, look at him now jfl. You cannot escape the blackpill

jfl it's almost like no amount of simping and shitting on fellow incels is going to fix inceldom




(quadRUPLE bogey)
Im in DANGER of becoming an InCEL :feelskek::soy:
Get hit with life facts, you fucking cuck.

JFL dont even need to blackpill nowadays the foids are so obviously chad only we just have to wait for my brothers to turn up

(The Abyss)
What a sad sack of shit. He'll rope before he admits what he is.

Various Incels #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL How the average w*man loses her virginity in 2020


for example my first time wasn't with a boyfriend (well he was a boyfriend, just not mine)

And they get offended if you call them whores

ITcels dropping unintentional blackpills as always

Fucking whores, I saw that thread too on IT.

mmm, not sure about this one, it is kinda worrying if boys and girls are having their first times with people they don't even love. Screw whoever you want, but your first time should at least be a bit special if you can help it, imo.

Just when you think one of them starts to make a good point, they start saying "screw whoever you want" fucking sick. Almost got fooled.

They are so open and proud about it as well.

”WhY dO iNcElS hAtE wYmYn”

call me crazy but maybe we shouldn't give voting rights to creatures who seem unable to do anything except act on the most base instincts insects are more advanced that normies

This is the entire point of democracy, so people can be given the illusion of freedom and choice while they do their own stuff and pursue easy pleasure. This is also why a lot of normies are easily fooled by the "conspiracy theory" smear, they cannot believe that a group of people would ever plan something and not just pursue base instinct.

jfl, this is why so few people understand why jews need to be eradicated, they can't fathom it.

Note how careful they are with their words, as if they're walking on thin ice stating basic obvious human morality.

Vox Day #sexist #fundie #wingnut voxday.blogspot.com

[From "And which god is that?"]

Beth Moore, one of the leading Jezebels of the Southern Baptist Convention, openly attacks Christian nationalism:

I do not believe these are days for mincing words. I’m 63 1/2 years old & I have never seen anything in these United States of America I found more astonishingly seductive & dangerous to the saints of God than Trumpism. This Christian nationalism is not of God. Move back from it.

This is precisely why women are to be silent in the Church. Those who wish to teach men are possessed by a spirit that rebels against both God and man, and inevitably attempt to lead those men away from Jesus Christ and towards servitude to the god of this world.

The Bible says the nations will survive until the end. It is globalism, which is at its heart Babelism, that is opposed to the nations, as well as to both God and His Son. Which means that Beth Moore is a ticket-taking creature of Babel. You can see how these creatures always, always, lie. How can Christian nationalism not be of God, unless that god is the Promethean god who is the prince of this world?

CandyCandyAshes @ Nadie8101 #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

(=context: one is a teenage delinquent with anger issues, the other is literally Hitler=)

CandyCandyAshes: Life is Strange is trending, so I wanna say... Chloe Price is the worst and most awful fictional character I've ever known and I'm glad she gets what she deserves in the Save Arcadia Bay ending.

@Nadie8101: If people understand and empathize with Chloe's behavior as a result of her trauma losing her father, why don't those people understand and empathize with Adolf's behavior as a result of his trauma losing both his parents and growing up in Austria/Germany during arduous times :^)

NoCopeNoHope #sexist incels.is

Micah "X" Johnson: Anatomy of a Blackcel and His Massacre

I will make few threads focusing on mass killers that, while not fitting into the strict "incel" mold of ER, AM or Sodini, had inceldom as a likely contributing factor to their attacks.

2016 shooting of Dallas police officers

On July 7, 2016, he opened fire on Dallas police officers, killing several and wounding more. His killing, on the surface, was in response to perceived police violence against blacks. Indeed, that is how Micah would like it to seem. But those of us who are blackpilled can see the beginnings of why he did what he did.

We see a familiar picture. Instead of sports or other activities likely to be pursued by a higher status male, he took solace in videogames and being "quiet". References describe him as a "loner" and a social recluse. No biography I've seen of him talks about him having a girlfriend at any point during his life. He suffered from sub 5 face and, perhaps most importantly for a black male, a height deficiency.

He had few friends and this foid was likely his oneitis. She, however, described them as "friends". This rejection likely caused him to spiral downwards into madness. He began to racecope. He became more and more radicalized until he snapped. This is similar to the El Paso shooter, another racecoper who had no sexual or romantic validation. It is ironic how this blackcel's death is used by the very same black foids and normies who rejected him. In life he was ignored, but in death, he is loved. One of many cases of normies and political movements using incel males to do their dirty work.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

I used to help my dad deliver food for a company and it gave me one of my earliest blackpills.

There was an old lady who we delivered to who had a chad son living with her. He was the basement dweller meme to a T. Didn't have a job, lived in his mom's basement yet each time me and my dad went over there six times in the course of six months he had a different girl with him. One of the times we went over there he had his hand down the back of the girls pants and she was completely fine with him doing it. I have other stories I think are interesting but they aren't about the blackpill. I'll talk about them if someone wants me too.

(Anonymous MG)
Suifuel for incels who slaved away their entire lives learning more and suffering through years alone in University studying a difficult subject they don't give a shit about just for the chance to get a 6 figure job. Even if they accomplish their goal after years and years of studying, they will never have a female love them for anything other than their wallet/assets and they're highly susceptible to divorcerape. Chad can sit and play vidya all day and they would lead a more successful life than your ass pewpew.

(Incel Gamer)
Interesting story, OP. The NEET Chad. Guess he figures there was no point in going to college or getting a job if he could fuck a new Stacy each week. You don't need money or education if you have good bone structure.

Holy fuck brutal. All of that just bcus we lack the same skull.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

Story a tatted high-tier schizophrenic normie i know just impregnated a 3/10 bitch

Who beats her every second day and he told me that she told him that "she gets wet and she liked it when he beats her ". And btw when u see this bitch on first sight u might think oooh she is quiet and reserved my standards are low and ill be a good guy and she will love me . YEAH RIGHT :lul:. Darktriadpill , lookspill , confirmed again boyos and the famous personality detector failed yet again. :feelskek:

"but women can like sense your vibe and read your wavelengths that's why they won't date you inkwell" :soy: I legit once heard a guy say "a lot of girls have a weirdo-dar" jfl

My sister knew a girl who when she turned 18 got a casher job and an apartment alone, fell in love with a guy that just got out of prison (typical tattooed chad "badboy"), he beat her, stole from her, knocked her up, and went back to prison after stealing a store for cigarettes. Now she is raising his gremlin with another cuck. Awalt chad only.

(Transcended Trucel)

Dark triad maxxing is legit tbhtbh

legit @watcher posted about this in brazil. it also works in ghetto areas, for blackcels in many cases only way to ascend

Bald Incel #sexist incels.is

How I Pranked the Homecoming Queen in High School

LULZ. This was incredibly easy, and quite memorable. In fact, the whole stadium thought it was hilarious. And I never got caught.

I wasn't black pilled yet but the Stacey that won, beyond unbearable. Just abusive to ugly people. She looked like kim kardashian with even bigger tits and more makeup. I lived close to the high school, so in the middle of the night I took an old amplifier and a Fender speaker and simply hooked it up to an outlet with an extension cord and put the speaker underneath the bleachers where it butted up against a shed.

So I had a CD of The Bitch is Back. All I had to do was sit close enough and I could turn it on and off full blast. Maybe 110 decibels. So she comes up to the mic to give a speech and I hit the power on button. It totally drowned out her little speech. The funny part was that I only let it play for about 4 seconds and shut it off. People were pissed because they thought some knucklehead in the press booth was doing it.

So she started trying to speak again "I'm so honored to be a foid" yada yada and I hit the power on button again. BLAM! The Bitch is back! They heard the word bitch and just laughed. Even the parents. The foid was furious. The third time I left it on. None of the other speakers got my special treatment.

The next Monday the principal asked somebody to anonymously email him who did it. I heard that he got a ton of anonymous emails, but not one person suggested I did it. I was a totally invisible Incel that was invisible. Funny thing was, in the next school paper, somebody wrote a funny little article with a photoshopped pic of her trying to talk while a jet was going overhead, like a sonic boom.

Mainländer #crackpot #sexist incels.is

Based High IQ guy eloquently explains why we need enforced monogamy

"Humans are a naturally polygynous species. Comparisons of paternally inherited Y-DNA vs. maternal mDNA show a divergence in genetic diversity such that for every one male, 17 females have reproduced.

Of course, such brutal male selection has the consequence of high male competitiveness and violence. This is the reason for why we have evolved a sexual dimorphism between the sexes. In other species, the higher the dimorphism, the less monogamous they are.

The genius of enforcing monogamy in humans led to a 1:1 pairing of the sexes, unlocking a huge amount of male resources previously spent on infighting, a civilization-building feat. Monogamy has now become optional and even disincentivized, turning back the clock.

So we return to the times of 1 male for 17 females, but since we have laws against murder and rape, and because we have the state providing for single mothers, we have, in the west, nearly disabled natural selection. That leaves us with sexual selection as the distinctor.

This is why the most important male traits are now largely genetic: A large skeleton (height, frame), robust/aesthetic craniofacial bones (jawline, orbital ridge, face), full hair, beard, etc. Women are basically selecting for the strongest caveman without any actual fighting.

Hence the males of lower genetic value are forced to become suicidal, homosexual, transsexual, homicidal, a blue-pilled beta or a cuckold, all of which manifest in males much more often than females.

While feminism pretends to fight against male toxicity, it is actually encouraging it. After all, if given free choice, women women will choose the meanest, baddest and most dominant. No wonder that 50 Shades is the book that has sold the most copies in human history.”

incelerated #sexist incels.is

RE: Blackpill GettingSexPill: Women admits they can get sex anytime they want. Still ungrateful.

Foids 50 years from now:
"Yes I can get 10/10 sex whenever I want from my government assigned male sex slaves, and my salary is 4 times my husband's salary to compensate for male privileges, and my boyfriend has bought me a new car but its color is not the shade I told him. My boyfriends keep buying me cars with the wrong colors and I have to pretend that I like them. Men don't even put the effort to learn color shades. It's disgusting."

TL;DR: Give a foid the world and she will still complain.
Also female orgasm and "being good as sex" is just a filthy feminist myth. Foids are evolved for reproduction. If they enjoy the sex then good for them, if not, it's not the male's fault that evolution didn't give a fuck about their pleasure.

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

RageFuel My mother threaneted to divorce my dad,made a giant mess,insulted his family,me and my sister.

Now she is pissed bcs ı called her a ''Future tinder single mom'' Fuckin bitch,she does this every weekend,ı cant bare to be in the same house as her during weekends. She is pissed bcs my father doesnt buy her a car and comes home late from his own workplace (He earns a decent amount of money),thinks that he should get a proper job instead (Yeah a 40 something year old HS graduated man in current economy can definitly find a job.) Im currently staying in my room,door closed with pepper spray and a bat in my hand to stop her from wrecking my PC and killing my bird. In case she kills my birb and makes me go ER,ı just wanna say that ı love all of you.


hahaha my mum smashed up my old monitor and keyboard back in 2015, fucking women can get away with anything.

That's the power of having a hole. Everyone wants to fuck you and so they put you on a pedestal no matter how undeserving you are.

We need a Giga Chad Beta Male Uprising to save this planet earth . We are all going to absolute shit and doom and only the blackpilled beta male can relate and make changes . Normies and chads are dooming us all along side with modern foids. A beta uprising is the key.

We also need to close the borders to stop mixing. End feminism lgbt and degenerates.

i have autismmaxxed in the presence of my mother and sister. Now they act carefully around me .fearing that they might trigger me and I'll actually hurt them or even kill them.

tockthewatchdog #sexist #psycho tockthewatchdog.tumblr.com

I really love how men act like men committing suicide is a massive pressing problem that the rest of us have to solve. Like women are like “I have no generational wealth, i have to do 95% of the housework and childcare while also working a job, my health problems are dismissed or misdiagnosed, you rape and murder and abuse me” and men are like “Oh yeah? WELL I KILL MYSELF!” Stop killing yourself then you fucking mental midget. How am i supposed to stop you from killing yourself? As if I even care to begin with

tehgymcel420 #racist #sexist incels.is

Venting Life is too long

Only 25 and already had enough of this shit, I hate being a sand nigger. Whoever came up with the phrase that life is short was either coping or not an incel. Life drags by and seems never ending when you are an incel.

Exactly the same except I'm a latino nigger. Life is too short only when you get to enjoy love, sex, and material goods

tfw I'll never get to enjoy a female's stinky roast beef flaps.

If I was a chad I'd enjoy myself. I'd soak up every last second of my 80 year lifespan. Sadly, with only my copes and a few online friends it doesn't seem worth continuing for that long. I want to hold on though, until I have no choice but to give up

Personalityinkwell #sexist incels.is

Going to high school parties when I was in middle school was pure suifuel

I was constantly exposed to giga NT lifestyle, I would see kids playing beer pong, girls would flash their bare ass to distract the opponent, people would talk about their previous sexual partners, they'd do drugs in the backyard. I remember one time there was this dude who was hooking up with this chick, and he was trying to "defend" himself, he said to me "you know i'm using my toungue to kiss her right" and i was like "no you're eating her pussy". they were all in shock

its bittersweet though, i wasn't in the "in crowd"

How were you getting into highschool parties?

my older sisters threw them

THREW THEM?! Where was your father at?? Oh the things i’d do to my hypothetical daughters if they ever decided to do that. Getting kinda excited thinking about it.

my dad is the biggest cuck imaginable. you have no fucking clue. i'm drunk rn, but do you want me to make a thread on how cucked my dad is?

I’ve been to a few as I told u a while back, they are pure black pill. All high tier normies+ getting all the attention from foids, while the low value men are hiding in corners or all talking with each other. 100% black pilling experience.

indeed, when i was in middle school i knew i had no shot with the high schoolers anyway but college parties were an insanely brutal blackpill

Gabby Aossey #sexist #kinkshaming huffpost.com

As American women, many of us have an idea of what feminists are; freelancing women with all the sexual freedom in the world. But this is exactly the problem with American feminism; it is all about sex and the liberation of our bodies. Certainly, things like abortion and contraception is a part of that freedom, but in today’s society the fight has taken on a much different tone.

Hip Feminist campaigns like Free the Nipple only encourage a gullible behavior of disrespect for our own bodies, leading to everyone else around us disrespecting our bodies as well. If we want to be respected as women and taken seriously in all our endeavors we should look to a new source; Muslim women. Muslim women, as well as Muslim men, see every body as a sacred temple, especially the female body. Opposed to exposing themselves, it is through modesty. When we think of modern feminists we should stray away from the new American trends and start looking to what we have always thought as a contradiction; Muslim feminists.
Woman who wear hijab have freed themselves from a man’s and a society’s judgmental gaze; the Free the Nipplers have not. They have fallen deep into the man’s world, believing that this trend will garner respect.

So I urge my Free the Nipple gal pals to take a look at your Muslim sisters and collaborate with them to create a feminism that treats the female body as a temple and not as a toy. Let us see feminism in a different light—through modesty and the courage to savor our sugar. Let us call on the Muslim feminists of the world.

Various Incels #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: SuicideFuel My sister said I could pass as a girl

JFL WTF that's brutal She's basically saying you're low t as fuck. Shit I could imagine something like that happening to me ngl. Tbh one time I got mistaken for a girl by my teacher but that was at quick glance from distance but still it was probably my rounded jaw that made her think that

lesbianmax. This can work great for you if you think about it. You don't have to change anything about yourself but don't tell anyone you're a guy and get a lesbian to ascend with. If she rejects you after finding out you're a guy you can pull the transphobic card and the media will support you and back you up and go after the foid as a transphobe.

In the end you would have gaslighting foids at your feet to show that they're not transphobic to fuck you while staying as a dude. Living life like a chadlite because of how messed up the world is today.

Use their stupidity to your advantage. lesbianmax.

fuck your sister

With the way the dating market is heading, incestmaxxing may be another option to consider, fakecel.

agreed, if you can't get a boner for your sister (a young foid of the same race around your age), you're probably a fag.

Various Incels #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

RageFuel I'm sick of seeing 6'0+ femoids

They're fucking everywhere. Go to a shopping mall at 3 o'clock on any day of the week for an hour and you'll easily see 20+ of them. Some of them are visibly taller than me too. It's not like I live in the Netherlands or northern Europe either. I live in England. It's hilarious how people here call 6'0 incels fakecels when fucking femoids that height aren't any kind of an anomaly. Tall starts at 6'4 6'0 is mediocre as fuck for a man.


6'0?? I might have seen a 6foot foid only twice in my life

where do you live where 6ft foids don't exist?


kinda makes sense, southern euros get brutally heightmogged by their northern euro counterparts. greek foids are hot though


Fuck that's brutal. I always wonder if there are any real Dutchcels on this forum that are only 6 feet or below. Being Norwegian and below 6 foot is still terrible though. Both your parents are Norwegian yeah? What are their heights?

They fucked me up with Ritalin. It's been proved that ritalin fucks up your growth, as well as a lot of other shit. It fucks up your test and growth hormones and shit. Because of that I'm shorter, my dick is smaller and etc. I HATE my parents and the whole Jewish phsycomedical establishment for it. HATE HATE HATE!

(The Abyss)
Looks let's be real, tall Chad men dicking down women over time raises the height of foids as nearly every woman breeds but not as many men, the children today mostly come from tall fans now at the same time these cunts are obsessed with frauding their height via heels just so they can make sure any man their interested on is genuinely tall. It's a shit test to separate the genetics.

your personality #sexist incels.is

RE: Blackpill SexualVR&AIRobotPill: Society getting scared about Sexual VR for short and ugly guys.

We Should Worry About Virtual Reality Sex

They really want us to be asexual, homosexual or dead. They simply can't allow us to have any enjoyment of any heterosexual sexual feeling whatsoever can they?

Seriously These paragraphs in his article really show the kind of concern trolling and leaping to conclusions to demonize any future male customers of this technology. Again the tired rationalization that sexual substitutes/copes for men are a cause of lowered formation of relationships and ultimately birth rates and not a symptom.

They will say all men rapists, who can never stop sexually harassing foids and that we are constantly horny but then they'll say we never leave the basement and watch porn and play video games all day

Meanwhile they'll advocate for restricting/banning sexual outlets like porn, prostitution, sexdolls and virtual reality so that ugly men are completely disoriented, confused, helpless, full of rage and ready to fight battles of people that want to use them. That's why a lot of far left and far right political activists are against copes for ugly men.

True that. Hence Far Right Retards & Jihadtards (Jihtards)

Post 9/11 there were other attacks planned where more aircraft would be hijacked but the terrorists would only kill all the men and boys onboard while leaving women and children alive. Also religious fundmentalists are against sexual copes for ugly men more often than not.

Shariah Law Theologists Are The First To Say Sex Robots Are A Sin

BlkPillPres #crackpot #sexist #kinkshaming #psycho incels.is

Blackpill The Cultural & Political Importance Of "Deep Fake" Porn In This Modern Gynocratic Society

Some woman runs to be president next time, someone creates a high quality deepfake porn of her from getting gangbanged and releases it. Its goes viral and she loses the election, because "IT BREAKS THE FUCKING MATRIX"

As a society we all like to pretend like "women are people like men" but deep down we know full well they aren't (and even women know it). Every "professional" "high class" woman who we see in some business suit, later is going to be on her knees submissively choking on dick and being debased in every way possible. This is why having a female boss feels so weird to many men, you know she is submissive, you know her existence is undignified, but due to the mental gymnastics rules of modern society, you have to ignore and push those thoughts to the back of your mind and play along.

You can show me the most high ranking "powerful" feminist screaming in front of a crowd of thousands. Now imagine a high quality deepfake of her getting anal gaped gets blasted right behind her on a big screen that was just spelling out "Woman Power". She's just been fucking neutralized and will scream and even cry: BECAUSE THE ILLUSION WAS BROKEN THE LIES SHE WAS TELLING HERSELF WERE REVEALED SHE KNOWS IT, AND EVERYONE WHO SEES IT KNOWS IT.

EVERYBODY WHO SAW THAT VIDEO WAS JUST BITCH SLAPPED AND TOLD: "No this is women's worth, stop coping, she's going to be doing this later tonight, how is this empowering?. A woman's existence is inherently about submission and debasement, they should never lead anything or have a say in anything of importance"

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