
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

ProxyMusic #interphobia #transphobia #ableist ovarit.com

Yes, technically it's easy enough to discover they have it. With the NIPT so cheap that it's come into extremely widespread use, and prenatal sonograms the norm even amongst poor people in poorer nations, fetuses whose karyotypes don't match their genitals are now being identified in the womb. Eventually, no one with CAIS and various other DSDs resulting in external anatomy inconsistent with their chromosomes and genes will be able to claim they didn't find out until puberty.

But that doesn't change the fact, nor will it change the fact, that legally it's not easy to keep persons with CAIS out of women's sports AT ALL. And in my comment, I was solely addressing your claim that it is "easy to keep them out of sports," which is entirely separate to the matter of public toilets - an issue that in the case of CAIS I don't care about and is not something I want to waste time getting into here.

The Caster Semenya case is soon to be heard by the European Court of Human Rights. Semenya is backed by every international "human rights" organization in the world, most of the MSM on the planet, all the powerful institutions in the Western world/Global North, including most major law firms in Europe and the Americas, and all the African and pan-African political organizations with clout and influence. The only country with a large population where the government and the general public seem to be strongly against Semenya and other XY DSD athletes being allowed into women's sports is India.

In this climate, and with all the legal decisions that have been made since the late 1980s, pray tell what exactly are the strategy and legal arguments for keeping CAIS out of women's sports? How are you - or "we" - gonna keep CAIS athletes out when the IAAF/WA have failed in being able to keep out athletes who have a range of other XY DSDs that leave no ambiguity about them being male, and there's no question that they possess the same exact male advantages that all normally-developed males do?

It was "easy enough to discover" that Martinez Patino had CAIS in the mid 1980s when MP sued the IAAF/WA. In fact, MP only sued because the mandatory sex chromosome and genetic testing then in place for all athletes seeking to compete in women's elite international sports easily discovered that MP is XY with CAIS. Yet MP won anyways, and female athletes have been losing out ever since.

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/G77LPGNW4KLK, Transscript starting around 13:00 and ending around 15:21 of a 36-minute video)
okay on to the next bit.

recently some bloke asserted that I couldn't prove that trans-identifying men were a threat to women. I sent him to the crime page on my website and I haven't heard from him since

Taln said "I don't doubt that you have some collection of 'trans women who are bad'" - you could say that - "but that doesn't prove anything". Yes it does! It proves that there are trans-identifying men who are bad. It proves that claiming to be women doesn't make violent, predatory men less so. You seriously think that we should be accepting these men in our single sex spaces. Seriously? I'll link to that vid below. And Taln said "we don't take away rights from minority groups just because some individuals from said group behave badly" no of course we don't. But we do take away rights from half the population because members of the other half - the dominant half, many of whom do indeed behave badly - don't give a toss about the safety and well-being of women and girls.
Next. "The assertion that 'gender criticalism'" - I've not heard that one before, and I don't know why he puts it in quotes because nobody actually says it - "the assertion that gender criticalism would only mean that the person believes that biological sex where immutable and separate from gender identity is fundamentally dishonest." and he goes on to say what he thinks it means, including that trans people should be forced into spaces on the basis of their sex instead of forcing themselves on people of the other sex in their spaces. But no, it isn't fundamentally dishonest to say as I did that

the core tenet of gender criticism is that woman means adult human female therefore so-called trans women are men and they don't experience womanhood at all

that isn't what gender criticism only means, but it is the core tenet and other views flow from it. But not everyone who agrees with the core tenet agrees on everything else.

@janeclarejones #transphobia twitter.com

Dear Trans Rights Movement,

You could have focussed on anti-discrimination. You could have focussed on resources. You could have campaigned for services that you needed. You could have paid for research into medical treatment and the best outcomes.

Instead you tried to erase sex, force your way into women's spaces, take our language, take our political movement, destroy our political analysis, demonise us, silence us, intimidate us, and medicalise children without a proper evidence base.

And you banked your entire political strategy on the thought that women were too busy, too stupid, too compliant, too powerless, and too despised by this society to do anything to stop you.

Big. Fucking. Mistake.

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Males (highlighted in pink) of r/actuallesbians upset that the lesbian dating app HER is flooded with other men

( mathlover )
Omg, that is hilarious. AGP heterosexual mlae predators are angry because their prey (lesbians) have mostly abandoned the dating apps. And male chasers, who want girldick, are now preying on the AGP het men. Rofl. Every AGP het male larping as a "lesbian" deserves this.

Now there just needs to be a way for lesbians (you know, XX + XX) to privately meet each other, totally excluding all males no matter how they "feel" or "identify". Leave the guys all stuck with each other.

( butchplease )
They do this on purpose, they fetishise and appropriate the lesbian existence to such an extent that they even get off on parroting lesbians who are upset at the destruction of our own spaces due to the very men whose boners thrive on mimicking our misery. This isn't them being stupid or wilfully obtuse. This is them wanking themselves off to the thought of lesbian culture being murdered.

( shewolfoffrance )
they fetishise and appropriate the lesbian existence to such an extent that they even get off on parroting lesbians who are upset at the destruction of our own spaces due to the very men whose boners thrive on mimicking our misery

I think the same thing is going on with "gender critical transwomen" like Debbie Hayton. They get a little shot of validation by mimicking terfs, and if they're lucky, some headpats too.

( butchplease )
YUP. Mark my words, the next thing they'll conquer will be radical feminism. At the moment, there's nothing more undeniably female than being a terf. It'll be their next big thing to appropriate.

( femlez34 )
Yeah, I'd be shocked if there weren't TIMs on this site already larping as "terfs".

( butchplease )
Oh no, you've just unlocked a whole realm of horror to my mind.

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: The trans lobby jumped the shark with sex-denialism

( hmimperialtortie )
Except that “living as the opposite” always meant men imposing themselves on women, whatever terminology they used. There’s no point in “living as a woman” for a man if he only does it in private. It’s all about making people accept his version of events.

( CeruleanPisces )
And you can’t validate your lesbian fetish without a lesbian there to help. I’m sure the anime girl body pillows just don’t cut it for these AGP’s.

( hmimperialtortie )

There are no acceptable levels for this shit, no class of poor sweet HSTS who miraculously passed and were so meek and mild no woman ever clocked them. The concept of transsexual or transgender is rooted in misogyny whatever their reasons and it’s always a public display.

(bojackie )
I'm not optimistic about how this will all play out. Either way it goes I think women's freedoms will be diminished: if trans ideology prevails, then women who don't want to share bathroom or spa with a man or if a women doesn't want to say TWAW, she will be told to stay home. If trans ideology is shut down, it will likely be because of conservative backlash to return society to regressive gender roles. If anything, feminism will be BLAMED for confusing young people about what's for girls and what's for boys. The right wing will say this all started because women wanted to cut their hair short and wear pants. Then there will be a right wing campaign to put women back in their place.

( Mandy )
I agree. It was the sex denialism that drove me to become GC. Now I see potentially a more sinister agenda behind the a-gender; robbing women of their rights by allowing any man to declare himself a woman. However, I am wary of turning into a conspiracy theorist. I think there are a lot of chancers hitching their wagon to this horse. The real losers are women, children, and also the transpeople who really do just want to pee and get on with their lives.

I am also deeply, deeply alarmed by the skyrocketing numbers of trans children. It's beyond me how anyone can fail to see this as a symptom of something profoundly wrong with our society.

hybridmongrel #transphobia youtube.com

RE: Reacting to Kat Blaque on Rachel Dolezal and Caitlyn Jenner
(Note by submitter: responding to https://fstdt.com/WZ786G$3HL5Y3 )

@MacyJane I agree it is gold, as is your comment. This subject is not focussed on enough by gender critics, so I'm delighted Maria has gone there. The rank hypocrisy of transideology, that their brand of pseudo oppression trumps all others and re-writes the history of humanity is so grandiose I'm amazed it isn't seen as the narcissism it so obviously is - and even so much as a faint criticism is felt as a narcissistic injury, mortification and met with narcissistic rage. This pathological process is well known, documented and - apart from Vaknin's Cold Therapy - untreatable.
Diana Shaw (womenarehuman.com) is brilliant on this, as you probably know (but for the people who don't...) siting trans firmly in the white colonial historical trajectory, the 'final frontier' (before space is plundered, whitey gearing up for that now) being women's bodies and identity. It is so obvious, especially to anyone with even a tiny grasp of left wing, anti-racist, anti-colonial education and awareness. Slacktivist indeed!
The other area where gender critics need to occupy is FGM. To the trans-cult:
Female Genital Mutilation (illegal in most of the West) = barbaric Black and brown witch-doctor savagery (where poor girl recipients are doomed to a life of no sexual enjoyment, excluding them from any possibility of being 'sex positive')
Female and Male Genital Mutilation (legal in most of the West) = the highest form of empathic civilisation and whitey enlightened technology, enabling recipients to enter the kingdom of glitter-sparkles and heaven gender-bliss (where boy and vulnerable male adult recipients can look forward to a life of sissy porn-fantasy-cum-true, oh my! And women can look forward with expectant glee to their rolled up tube of armskin faux-phallus, pumped up with a $10,000 erectile implant, woo hoo! Or talk to Buck about the alternative... )
As Jennifer Bilek says, this is seriously the most f*kd up sh*t ever in the sad history of patriarchy and capitalism. And it must be exposed and stopped.

MacyJane #transphobia youtube.com

RE: Reacting to Kat Blaque on Rachel Dolezal and Caitlyn Jenner
(Submitters note regarding context: the Video in question is a reaction by Maria Mclachlan/”Peak Trans” to a video by a trans woman titled “why Rachel Dolezal isn't Caitlyn Jenner”)

This video is gold. It's a topic that even in more open spaces that generally allow for gender critical critique/discussions, it is an aspect that remains censored incessantly. Because despite even regarding the leftists who are gender critical, they're often still afraid to go anywhere near race. No matter the context and how relevant it is. The thing is... it's the same thing. So many slacktivists claim it's "not the same thing at all! Stop comparing them!", but they won't say _how_.it's different. Because they can't say. And even those who aren't gender cultists, their reasoning is that it's just not politically correct to speak on race. Especially if you are white.

But the truth always rears its ugly head when a black feminist comes right on out and says it, that they ARE functionally the same thing, and that in fact, race isn't nearly as solid as sex is. Race is far more amorphous, more nebulous, more ambiguous than sex. It is far more a social construct than even gender (not sex, because obviously sex is NOT a social construct). If anything could be up for identity, between race and sex, the former would make more sense. But it's still absolutely batshit for a white person to identify as black.

Inevitably, that black woman who speaks on this issue gets the boot firmly on her neck, and it's almost always by a white leftist who wants to shut her up. So I don't think the reluctance towards (and desperate fear of) talking about racial sex ID v sex self ID comes down to "being respectful" or politically correct. It's primarily about what it's always about, avoiding common sense. Avoiding the truth like the plague. Because the moment you spend more than 5 minutes thinking about it, the whole house of cards falls apart.

Peak Trans / Maria Mclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/K$L7MW3X.2G.C, Transscript starting around 10:48 and ending around 13:00 of a 36-minute video)
Recently we learnt that Lia Thomas, the heterosexual male swimmer on the university of pennsylvania's swimming team regularly exposes himself in the women's changing room. We learned that many swimmers have complained to the team coach and have basically been told to put up and shut up. What is the difference between any random man going in there and showing his genitals and Lia Thomas doing it? nothing. It's abuse. Abuse of women, being carried out by a heterosexual male with, the complicity of the coach and relevant authorities.
And he continues - you might want to watch your blood pressure on this one - while girls fear of trans identifying boys is irrational, as trans inclusion does not pose a risk to them(note by submitter: displaying a headline referencing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudoun_County_Public_Schools#2021_sexual_assaults ). Well there is some evidence that contradicts that, in the form of the two sex assaults by this boy at that school in Virginia. But as I have said repeatedly, it's not just about physical danger. It's about how women and girls feel. The trans cultists go on and on about how so-called misgendering and other nonsense is bad, because of how the truth makes them feel. Yet girls fearing having boys around, when they need to get undressed is irrational because there is supposedly no risk to them. And as for feeling embarrassed or upset, hey who cares they're only girls. Right. The study he cites by the way is not fit for purpose, the methodology is unclear and there is a bunch of standard information missing. But it doesn't even matter because the study neglects to consider the major issue here, which is about dignity privacy and psychological well-being. He goes on "therefore trans women's need to be able to use female spaces outweighs transphobic women's desire to force trans women out of them" you mean keep men stroke boys out of them. Yes how transphobic not to want to be around men while we're all in various stages of undress. we're such villains, muppet.

jvsmine & hmimperialtortie #transphobia ovarit.com

Re: Thinking about my time at "the gay homicide project" and trans murders

(jvsmine )
nahhh. TIMs are not actually terrified of being murdered in the streets because they're the ones pushing the lie that TERFs are causing "cis" men to beat them to death. They know they're not in danger. they like to pretend that they're afraid for the oppression points, faking panicked breathing and teary eyes so they look more feminine. there are literal guides teaching poor lil TIMs* how to look more afraid and intimidated.

They don't care about truth.

( hmimperialtortie )
Exactly. Most TIMs are more likely to be murderers than victims. They’re the safest demographic of all. They’re not black prostitutes in Brazil. It’s all lies.

Heads up the mods may zap your comment if you turn TIM into the diminutive name. It’s dehumanising, apparently.

( jvsmine )
jesus, what a joke. not even in all women's spaces can we be "mean" to poor wittle baby TIMs.

noted and changed.

( hmimperialtortie )
Yeah, the rules have to pander to the site hosts, if I understand correctly. 🙄

shymmieshymz #transphobia reddit.com

We only care about LGB, take the rest of that dumb shit out and cry about your fetishes in your therapist’s office.


Yeah because she knows if she doesn’t you’re going to threaten her with legal action for transphobia and she might lose her license. Your intimidation tactics are the only reason any professional deals with you.

yeah lmao it’s hilarious cause it never happens right? decent, intelligent people trying to do their jobs, for which they are highly qualified, are getting fired left and right simply because they don’t appease troons and their raging mental illnesses. I’m glad you think it’s hilarious.

Peak Trans / Maria Mclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/9D_PVWS25W5TG, Transscript starting around 8:47 and ending around 10:48 of a 36-minute video)
that's the first paragraph of a very long comment well worth the read. The only thing I would add is that this is a red herring. Really it doesn't bloody matter what your brain is doing. Men are typically bigger, stronger, more aggressive and more violent than women. Most violent crime is carried out by men. Most sex crimes are carried out by men. And a majority of trans-identifying men are heterosexual. This is why women need some places to be single sex. It really shouldn't be this hard to understand. Even for misogynists.

the next is in response to when I said

you'd think it boils down to a numbers game there are many more girls who are distressed and uncomfortable at boys being allowed into their toilets and changing rooms at school then there are boys who claim to be trans and want in there

Taln tells us that "it's not a numbers game trans girls" - by which he means boys who claim to be girls "need to be able to use female spaces in order to be safe from sexual violence" and he quotes an article reporting on some research done by a phd candidate. But that's irrelevant. I am quite prepared to take this claim at face value and believe that assault of any kind is more likely to happen in a male changing room. It doesn't follow that those males who may be vulnerable should be forced on girls. What about the boy who doesn't claim to be a girl, but who is nevertheless somewhat effimnate and crap at sport? Might he be vulnerable to bullying an assault? Should he be sent to the girls changing room? The male entitlement in the phrasing here just makes me want to throw up. Again, it's about males using females as shields, regardless of how the females feel about it. Their feelings don't matter. But this time the females in question are school girls and college students.

various commentors #transphobia youtube.com

RE: Awwa Period underwear SELLS OUT women

(Samantha Whang)
I hate when people say “be kind”. It’s just a manipulative way to get empathic women to feel sorry for men, who claim they are vulnerable, even as they are gaslighting and abusing us. I don’t ever want to hear “be kind” from anyone ever again.

(Amalie Olsdatter)
That is so true! It sometimes works on me. Especially since i do feel compassion for people with genderdysphoria. However not enough to distort reality.

(Samantha Whang)
@Amalie Olsdatter These people never ask the men to be kind to us.

Yeah, woke for be quiet 🤦🏻‍♀️

@Amalie Olsdatter define the term gender in a way that isn’t just sexist stereotypes build on our oppression? There is never a reason to feel bad for men based on his sexist beliefs about us. It’s not an illness it’s a belief system the endorses our oppression.

(Amalie Olsdatter)
True, they do not. And even if you try to be understanding, they call you hateful if you are not willing to distort reality.

(I hate 2020)
Exactly I thought I was the only one. Also, “respect people” like no...respect is earned not given. The “be kind” bs is just them guilt tripping us and trying to make us look like bad people for disagreeing with them

(Rock Legend Films)
The whole "Be Kind" movement is another example of wokism! What they really mean in the most hidden way is: Accept LGBTQ as normal, and if you don't, we will share your rejection on social media!!!

Mantronikk #fundie #homophobia #transphobia heteroseparatist.blogspot.com

Look at how this woman's message to protect children is attacked by the homofascists that are holding signs in the background. Why can't those who disagree with exposing their children to homofascist propaganda speak without harassment? If the glbt community is so right, why do they want to silence those who disagree with their life choices?

I read the Word of God daily to keep from being caught up in the propaganda of the Godless people of this world.

I can understand why this woman speaks out against transmadness; her marriage was ruined by transdelusionality.

hmimperialtortie , SulphuricMirror & haruspex #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

RE: "MTF Passing Tips"

( hmimperialtortie )
You’re not fooling anyone, you perverted freak.

( SulphuricMirror )
Ew, he's wearing little girls underwear, and you know "valid" is code for "aroused". Pedo scum. Also, tighter clothes makes these men look like fridges stuffed into body con dresses, if anything looser clothes would be better, I would think. But that doesn't feed into the fetish. The fact that they wear tight women's clothes signals to people they come into contact with that: "this is a mentally unstable man who might freak out if I don't cater to his delusion, I better just grin through it and hope he leaves soon" and they think that means they pass. Idiots.

( haruspex )
I kind of looked through that TIM's reddit profile and he also boasts about being "small enough to wear girl's clothes." Definite pedo.

( SulphuricMirror )
I saw his pic, he's a slight/slender asian young man/teen boy, so yeah that makes sense, but he could also fit into age-appropriate clothes for his own sex. Yeah, it's clear he goes after the largest girls' sizes (like probably aimed at large girl children) just to feed his fetishes. So gross.

various TERFs #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com


spoilerIf you are illustrating that misogyny is real and that hatred of females is real, I agree. If you think any of those cultures would treat a transitioned MtF TS better you are wrong. Either they would be treated as a female (stealth), or (if non passing), killed or ostracized.
But when you use the fact of sex-selective abortion as an explanation to claim trans women don't face misogyny.. it becomes inexplicable. Also, if/when brain scans and
genome scans become good enough to catch transsexuality in the womb, they'll be aborted with even greater vigor.

( oatmeal )
Well it would be impossible to find "proclivity towards mass porn use and sexual deviancy" in a brain scan on a fetus so he has nothing to worry about.

( XXathlete )
Nah, just abort all male fetuses except a chosen few for breeding. Bees know what they're doing.

( Researcher1536 )
👏 👏 👏

( Gould2022 )
Well said.

Mantronikk #transphobia #homophobia heteroseparatist.blogspot.com

It took me two years to complete my first, self-assigned, reading of the Bible, and I wanted to double-up this year to even out the years. This has taken a lot of my time; but the Word of God is my core operating system.

But today, I am at home, with rare time to blog.

It looks like the glbt community is mad at Dave Chappelle for saying gender is real. Wow. I was careful to take the time to watch the show that the transdelusionals are upset about, before posting on my blog, and I have to say...

How is what is between your legs when you use the bathroom NOT reality?!?

The fight against homofascism and transdelusionality is gaining traction.

Various Commenters #transphobia #pratt twitter.com

Complete the sentence

Transgenderism is.. .?

(I'll start)

*its for a thing I'm doing.

A misogynistic money making ruse

Creating a sacred caste



Biology denial
Sports cheating
State sanctioned rape and abuse
Child safeguarding breaking

Grooming vulnerable children.
Bullying women and men who speak against it.

Ant- human
Anti - science
Anti - enlightenment
Ideology Deranging
Actively Deconstructionist
Drenched in Religiosity
Anti - Civilisation

A male supremacy movement
Hugely Well-funded corporate woke-washing scam
Euphemism for AGP/paraphilia

Dangerous to women & children
Total crap


Transgenderism is the fall of society...
It's triggering my insanity.
Can't understand why they believe, that
A woman is what a man can be.
It saddens me, that they look at me
And see right through me
As if I didnt exist
I must risk, my safety to placate they
No way, never mate

Absurd, Orwellian, contradictory, nonsensical, anti science, funded by big pharma, bourgeois, oppressive, anti intellectual, anti common sense & elite.


Peak Trans / Maria Mclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/5CJLQY9RCTVX3, Transscript starting around 6:48 and ending around 8:47 of a 36-minute video)

The trouble with procedures is that it's human beings who make them, and human beings who interpret them, and as long as genderists succeed in obscuring the difference between men and women, women will get hurt. As for raping women en mass, this is a straw man and it is absolutely typical of the gender cult. They cannot refute the claims we are making, so they have to fabricate a claim that nobody has made. Nobody has said trans-identifying men are raping women en mass. We don't need to. Even if it were only Karen White - the whom I didn't mention by the way - but the reason the likes of me harp on about him is because he is a very high profile case, widely covered in the media, easy to point to and the perfect illustration of what can happen as a result of institutional capture by gender ideology.

Now i said

however much they try to dress them up in science the claims they make are metaphysical

and Taln responded with the usual canard about the brains of trans-identifying people being more like those of people of the sex they wished they were. It's not brain activity that determines whether someone is male or female. I did a video on the trans brain bad argument and it's really rather good. My favorite comment in response which I pinned below it came from a neuroscientist who said "you are spot on on this one the evidence shows that there are no consistent significant differences between female and male brains except for size. But even if there were correlation is not causation" - obviously - "neuroplasticity - a fancy word for the brain's capacity to change itself upon experience or training can shape brains functional networks"


hmimperialtortie & remove_the_veil #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: trans extremists threaten not only the standing of the LGBTQ+ movement, but the hard-won gains of the anti-discrimination movement of the past 50 years

( hmimperialtortie )
That’s the point. They are trying to destroy equal rights, or any rights, for women (and gays who don’t want to service them).

( remove_the_veil )
They want women to be turned back into a slave class, once and for all.

( hmimperialtortie )
Yes, that’s it.

Peak Trans / Maria Mclachlan #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/538CRH$BKQHS, Transscript starting around 3:56 and ending around 5:58 of a 36-minute video)

Taln said "risk assessment exists so no a rapist who is a threat to the general population of a woman's prison is not going to get there". How dare you disregard the fact that women prisoners have and continue to be frightened traumatized and violated by such men? Don't talk about risk assessment it's bollocks. You can never guarantee a man placed in the female estate isn't going to molest or negatively impact on the mental health of women prisoners. You can never guarantee anybody safety in prisons. But you can certainly decrease the likelihood and extent of harm to women by not housing male criminals with them.

Taln said "trans women are at vastly increased risk in men's prison, 'transgender people in prison are exposed to horrific rates of abuse by both staff and their fellow inmates' (note by submitter: quoting https://transequality.org/issues/police-jails-prisons )" and I don't doubt that trans-identifying men are at risk in male prisons. They still do not belong in the female estate, because they are Men. Women are human and not mere shields to be used by some men against others. Is it really too difficult for you to come up with a solution, that keeps trans identifying men safe and which doesn't distress and endanger women and to campaign for that solution. Or is this, as I suspect, really about validation at all costs to real women

then he said "isn't it interesting that gender-critical feminists only care about rape in women's prison when they can use that to fear-monger about trans people" what on earth makes you say that? this is the same old victim playing "you don't care about women you just hate trans people". You really are a piece of work Taln.


@Burntoastocloc1 #transphobia twitter.com

I am sick of your bullshit. The more i learn about trans activists forcing women to accept mens rules, the more i fear for women and young girls. Very sinister.

how is that "mens rules"?

I dont care if anyone wants to become trans. I do care about grown men around women and young girls in safe spaces. We have seperate toilets, showers and changing rooms for very good reasons !!!

Well, good thing then that trans women aren't men and don't pose a threat to cis women in gendered spaces

Why are perverts and predators so oblivious to the feelings of real women and young girls. Men rape girls and men fight for the right to increase the chances of that happening.

wow. Now you let out the full transphobe, explicitly calling trans women "perverts and predators"

Because some are you stupid fool! You seem to think being transphobic is a bigger crime than rape and sexual assault. I seriously dont want any conversation with you. You make me feel sick.

nopenottoday #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Is anyone else against "preferred pronouns"?

This movement is backed by a lot of powerful loons with crazy ideas about transcending the flesh and becoming genderless and sexless and other crazy shit. These people don't want to keep this shit to themselves, they want to manipulate humanity into joining in. Don't ask me why. I really don't know. It's illogical and bizarre beyond belief, but its true.

These people are rich and smart and they know that language influences reality to the point where you will see the world in an entirely different way based on the words you use. That's where preferred pronouns began. That's where this all began. The more you realize that everything in our modern world is methodically manipulated to make us act and think a certain way the more everything starts to make sense. Preferred pronouns contribute to this end goal. It's amazing how quickly society has degraded since implementing these preferred pronouns especially the woke cities here in America. People get very angry when someone refers to a man or a woman as their proper sex. It's powerful enough to make people even violently angry at those who don't comply.

My point is that it's powerful stuff and no one should ever make the mistake of thinking it's just words. It was never just words.

See the Ben Shapiro video where he gets threatened by that man because he called him a man. Everyone in the room was hamstering to justify the violence. It's really quite fascinating to watch. They really thought it was okay for that man to treat Ben that way because he called him a man.

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com


( SulphuricMirror )
Of course it felt like an immense amount of power. You, a man, were committing a sex crime endorsed by the state for which you would never be punished, what more power could any male want than that?

( marshmallowmirror )
0% of congress are serial killers. Name 10 famous living serial killers. Serial killers are 100x more likely to suffer mental health issues. Why aren’t we taking better care of serial killers?? Why aren’t we letting them into positions of power so they can represent the needs of serial killers more appropriately??!? /sarcasm 😡

( llkit )
Want receipts for the poverty claim. Noting the absolute lack of giving a shit about others in poverty. Cis* ain't a monolith, lots of variation in 98% of the population.

I reject the term. Use it here to emphasise it's bullshit.

( jvsmine )
I don't care about poor trans people, I'll say it. They create their own problems, every single one of them. I've watched it happen. They enjoy being helpless. They've weaponized it. They love it.

( SparklingFem )
Reminds me of the TIM who had a GoFundMe to pay his rent and buy food for him and his child because he wouldn’t be able to work for awhile after his “bottom surgery”. Sorry, but if you can’t afford to keep a roof over your head and food on the table as the primary parent to a young child, perhaps you ought to hold off on unnecessary surgery until a time when it is more financially feasible. That kind of decision-making certainly won’t help get someone out of poverty.

( Haljurunna )
That begging for money online for an otherwise capable adult has become normalized for this "community" is beyond enraging.

( hmimperialtortie )
At least getting butchered bits would make sure he doesn’t father anyother children.

( hmimperialtortie )
Same. I don’t give a damn about any “trans” except the children being forced into it. The adults bring it upon themselves.

Peak Trans / Maria Mclachlan #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: Transscript starting around 1:19 and ending around 3:56 of a 36-minute video)

Taln responds that no one decides to be a trans woman as gender identity is innate. So Taln believes that even rapists and violent male criminals should be accepted as women because of their claimed gender identity, which of course there is no way of verifying. There isn't the remotest possibility that they could just be pretending in order to get transferred to a women's prison. On the prison page of my website I quote Dr. James Barrett who was chair of the british association of gender identities specialists who said it has been rather naively suggested that nobody would seek to pretend transsexual status in prison if this were not actually the case. There are, to those of us who actually interview the prisoners, in fact very many reasons why people might pretend this. Note that I said male criminals decided they are women. I didn't say trans women. Once upon a time I, along with large swathes of the population, were content to use the term trans women, understanding it to mean that it referred to men who wish they were women, who tried to present as women, without actually claiming to be women. Plenty of men who call themselves trans women still fit that profile, but thanks to widespread capture by gender ideology with its oft repeated and totally empty mantra that trans women are women the - purpose of which is to erase adult human females aka women as a sex class with needs that are distinct from those of men - we now have people conflating the two terms trans women and women. Those captured include political leaders and representatives of every part of the establishment. They pretend it's true because they think that is the side on which their bread is buttered. In the scale of things women simply don't matter. Men do. The upshot is that many of us who were once prepared to use the term trans women and walk that extra mile will no longer do so. Many of us who were prepared to be kind and accommodating will no longer be so, and there is no such thing as a trans woman and it's not your so-called gender identity that determines what we are. It's biology. I intend to deal with this in greater depth in a forthcoming video, so I'll confine myself to stating the obvious which is that no man can actually be a woman or vice versa.


amy. #transphobia youtube.com

someone tell me why us trans women are better looking than real females

Respectfully you aren't number one. You look like you were body slammed in the cosmetic section of a dollar general. If you're going to compare yourself to biological women how about you take all that off. Does the five o'clock shadow and the uncontoured adams apple will give you away? If you don't want to be measured in your passability, maybe don't measure women in their fuckability. If putting down biological women is the only way that you can validate your gender, you can take that misogyny and dilate your neo-vaginal disaster with it. Maybe if you didn't treat womanhood as a fetish you would have left your duets and stitches on.

Various TERFs #transphobia ovarit.com

(note by submitter: talking about the lyrics of Kim Petras song "Coconuts")

( Cookiemonster )
This is about his balls.

( Tabitha_Tuesday )
He had them removed at like 16. He's an AGP with limited hip movement due to the scar tissue.

( Cookiemonster )
Damn, still reads like a song about balls though. Maybe he's missing them? Who knows, disturbing all around

( fizzygiglet )
If you watch the song’s choreography, which I just watched as I was discussing it in another comment, it’s very clear that it’s about boobs. Half the dance moves involve him shimmying, groping his boobs, bouncing up and down, etc. as he nearly spills out his corset top ☹️ Lots of gratuitous close-ups too…

( XX_Power)
I just googled photos of him and ooof he's got a giant barrel chest which makes what are presumably silicone implants look like someone duct taped two oranges onto one of these big American refrigerators. Not attractive imo but i guess men only see "boobs" and like it.

( Owlchaser )
It's actually an APG anthem

( Lipsy )
The balls hypothesis is rebutted by "double D's" (lol @ scrotes thinking that's max big gazoongas size) and, especially, by "give 'em a squeeze".

( BlackCirce )
Double Ds = Ds = Deez nuts

( Lipsy )

( pakilez )
Isn’t he HSTS?!

( DebraKadabra )
He misses them lol.

( MissFeather )
Not AGP he’s a gay man. The song was written to appeal to the sexualized pop audience I doubt he wrote it himself.

Donna Brooks #transphobia youtube.com

RE: How not to argue. A response to taln0reich

I heard that Philosophy Tube had drunk the kool-aid. I'm still a Liberal and disagree w/ Rose of Dawn political but have a number of Rose's vids in my trans demands ideology playlist b/c they are quite good, esp. the ones on the scariest trans-identified people. The same goes for Blair White. It's a DARVO technique for the trans cult, who demand strict adherence to their dogma & turn viciously on anyone leaving their religion, to call GC folks a cult. We come from all races, from across the political spectrum, & from countries around the globe. We are LGB, hetero, & "trans". We are men & women, from various professions & trades, including students & retirees & those on disability. We are of all different ages. Most importantly, we all think for ourselves. Each YTer, writer, or speaker has a different philosophy and different tactics that they think are more effective and they promote those tactics & viewpoints all for the same goal. We don't demand conformity. We argue the case for things like not using the word, "cis", something which I myself will not compromise on, but I also don't go apoplectic b/c someone hasn't come to the same conclusion I have. I just ask them not to use that term around me b/c I refuse to be turned into a subset of my own biological sex class. It bothers me when people assume this is a "conservative" movement. WTF? So are we a conservative movement or are we all terfs (radical feminists)? Which is it? Because the "pro-family" Far Right is not going to funnel money into radical feminist organizations! That's ludicrous!

Kym Francis & Julie Smith #transphobia youtube.com

RE: How not to argue. A response to taln0reich

(Kym Francis)
When I was doing my Master’s degree, in 2013-2015 the degree was in behavioural & health sciences (specialising in disabilities & mental health). I did a subject on sexuality & people with disabilities. The précis of the unit described the theoretical & behavioural implications & proposed to suggest discussion on strategies for people to use to to support people with disabilities to explore their sexuality & to seek mutually beneficial relationships. My expectations of the lecturer was that they were going to have professional experience in that sector & to be politically neutral; I couldn’t have been more wrong. Unfortunately the lecturer was a trans man & he used that subject to promote his ideology. I was utterly confused & I actually questioned my values because of that person. My values were completely stomped on & I was gas lighted so badly that I questioned my motivation for completing that course. Fortunately I passed the subject (just) & I never had to encounter that individual again.
I’ve always considered myself as an advocate of the principles of social justice & I have spent a long career advocating for the rights of people & to have my career diminished & reduced to a 12 week course was extremely confronting. That was my first experience of the revolting agenda of trans men.

(Julie Smith)
When someone tells you the emperor has fine clothes on and you can see they don't they are buck naked then believe in yourself. Always. Good you pulled through. It's like an experiment in a class. All the kids were told to raise their hands in agreement that a statement was true when it was in fact a lie. All but one student was in on it. When they all raised their hands this student didn't but looked round and was uncomfortable he stood out as the only one until eventually he started to raise his hand even tho he knew it was a lie. !! Peer pressure wanting to fit in and too young to stand and say you are ALL wrong. This what trans are doing and people like them pushing their ideology and using their captive audience to indoctrinate and not in fact the correct curriculum. It's happening in USA and in our schools now. I'm glad yo came through

Positron #transphobia #dunning-kruger kiwifarms.net

Corrupt Cali judge stripped conscientious father of custody of his son, using false analogy: "If your son is so fragile that he'd be mentally damaged if he is confronted about his delusion, will you insist on him getting help?"


TikTok to ban videos in support of "conversion therapy". How about yeeting your teets?

Conversion therapies has been "tried" but never really clinically "tested" -- there is no commonly agreed protocol to "test". To say it doesn't work is like saying randomly hacking the brain does not cure brain tumor. Also keep in mind that we are now seeing a new types of gender confusion -- ROGD -- that transsexual activists simply forbid researchers to investigate.

Equality and Human Rights Commission #transphobia vice.com

Leaked EHRC Guidance Reveals Plans to Exclude Most Trans People From Bathrooms
Under unpublished guidance leaked to VICE World News, Britain’s equalities watchdog wanted to restrict the lives of trans people unless they held a Gender Recognition Certificate – despite only 1% of trans people in the UK having one.

Trans people in Britain would be excluded from single-sex spaces unless they possess a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) under unpublished guidance from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). GRCs are currently held by as little as 1 percent of trans people in the country.

VICE World News has been leaked sections of an unpublished guidance pack dated from the end of 2021 from Britain’s equalities watchdog, which advised businesses and other organisations such as shops, prisons and gyms to “protect women” by barring most trans people from their single-sex spaces, including toilets, wards and changing rooms.

A trans person looking for legal recognition of their gender identity currently requires medical assessments and psychiatric interviews in order to “prove” their gender and receive a GRC. Non-binary identities are not recognised in UK law.

According to the leaked EHRC guidance, a trans person should be barred from accessing spaces matching the gender they’re living as, unless they hold a GRC. But official data estimates only 1 percent of trans people in the UK currently have one.

Baroness Kishwer Falkner, the chair of Britain’s equalities watchdog wanted workplaces and businesses to “exclude trans people” from these spaces to “protect women’s rights”, VICE World News was told by ex-EHRC staff members.

The guidance was due to be released last month but has not yet been published.

Whistleblowers told VICE World News that Falkner was “furious” about UK department store John Lewis adopting gender neutral fitting rooms in April 2021 and had subsequently “pushed for the EHRC to adopt a totally gender critical position”.

“Falkner was furious about John Lewis ‘letting down women,’” one ex-staffer said. “She was being transphobic… The team just wants to exclude trans people more,” said another.


Positron #homophobia #transphobia kiwifarms.net

The fall, and fall, and fall of “rapid-onset gender dysphoria”: New study does not find evidence of a distinct “ROGD” population of gender-diverse youthu -- This is the recent Canadian study that relies on answers by the kids themselves. How much faith you can put into it? Indeed Lisa Littman, in her pioneering paper on ROGD, made it clear that the internet has taught the kid what to tell health care people

Facing their Number One Existential Threat -- misgendering -- trannies seek safety in number:


Alabama Senate committee #transphobia #wingnut eu.montgomeryadvertiser.com

Alabama Senate committee approves bill criminalizing treatments for transgender youth

Monroe Smith wanted the senators to understand that his gender transition was a long process and one that made him a success.

Speaking in opposition to a bill to ban medical treatments for transgender individuals on Wednesday, Smith, a senior at the Alabama School of Fine Arts in Birmingham, described a "slow and steady process" involving rounds of counseling and parental consultation before any medical treatments began. "Not once in this process," he said, "did he or his family ever feel pressured to engage in the treatments."

"The focus of my evidence-based treatment was not to force anything on me or my family," Smith told the Senate Healthcare Committee on Wednesday. "It was to facilitate my well-being, and offer me a chance to present to the world as I know myself."

But the committee ultimately decided on a voice vote to approve a bill that would make recommending those treatments a felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

The bill, sponsored by Sen. Shay Shelnutt, R-Trussville, would make it a Class C felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison, for any person to prescribe medications like puberty blockers and hormones to those under the age of 19 and prevent surgery that alters a child's sex. The bill would also require school counselors to not "withhold" information from parents about a transgender child.

Shelnutt and other supporters said that they were trying to protect children.

"They might go out of state for these surgeries, but we want to make sure that never happens to these children because there are lifelong consequences to these procedures," Shelnutt said.

Opponents of the legislation said the bill showed a profound misunderstanding of gender dysphoria and medical care for transgender youth. Dr. Nola Ernest, a pediatrician who practices in Enterprise and Dothan, citing the risk of suicide among transgender youth, said many parents approached her for help.

"But gratefully, we know the use of medication for gender dysphoria under the guidance of a medical team is an evidence-based standard of care," she said. "And it is often life-saving, not experimental."


Tennessee Republicans #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut foxnews.com

Tennessee considers ban on teaching 'LGBTQ lifestyle issues' in public schools
'I don’t see how LGBTQ and other issues and social lifestyles should be part of the curriculum,' the bill's sponsor says

Tennessee lawmakers are considering a bill that would ban teaching about LGBTQ issues in public schools.

"What it seeks to do is say we're not going to get into the LGBTQ lifestyle issues in public schools," state Rep. Bruce Griffey, who is sponsoring the bill, said.

The bill, HB800, would ban "public charter schools from adopting or using textbooks and instructional materials or supplemental instructional materials that promote, normalize, support, or address lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, or transgender issues or lifestyles."

The bill was previously discussed in the state last year, but was put on ice during the pandemic.

"The State of Tennessee is not allowed to teach my daughters Christian values that I think are important and they should learn, so I teach those at home," Griffey said, according to WMC. "So, if those are not part of the school curriculum, I don’t see how LGBTQ and other issues and social lifestyles should be part of the curriculum."

"I've had parents complain about a lot of the LGBTQ issues being brought up discussed and promoted in schools," he added.

Critics have slammed the proposal as one that would silence and erase groups within the gay community.

"Even if you disagree with the existence of a certain group, it’s good to learn that they are there so that you can still respect them as human beings," Tennessee native Jace Wilder told WMC.

A parent of a transgender child in Tennesse argued that the bill is akin to censorship and could affect the mental health of students in the LGBT community.

"You're contributing to our children's fear, you're contributing to our children's deaths," parent Jude Olubodon told News 9.

The bill is under fiscal review before it can move forward.

Florida Senate Education Committee #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut npr.org

'Don't Say Gay' bill would limit discussion of sexuality and gender in Florida schools

Proposed legislation in Florida would restrict how teachers can discuss sexuality and gender in the classroom, the latest effort by Republican lawmakers to remove the teaching of LGBTQ issues from schools.

Supporters say the measure empowers parents who deserve to have a say in what their children learn, but critics — who've dubbed the proposal the "Don't Say Gay" bill — argue that it will strip protections from LGBTQ kids and have a chilling effect on educators.

Versions of the so-called Parental Rights in Education bill passed a Florida House committee in January and cleared a Senate committee this week.

What's in the bill
Under the House bill, a Florida school district "may not encourage classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in primary grade levels or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students." The bill doesn't specify how "age-appropriate" and "developmentally appropriate" would be defined.

The bills would also give parents the ability to sue schools if they believed the schools violated any provisions of the law.

Florida governor signals support
Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signaled his support for the measure during an event on Monday but didn't say whether he'd sign the bill if it reached his desk.


The group Equality Florida, which advocates for ending discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, said the bill is "dangerous" and accused lawmakers of targeting LGBTQ young people.

"This legislation is meant to stigmatize LGBTQ people, isolate LGBTQ kids, and make teachers fearful of providing a safe, inclusive classroom," the group said in a statement. "The existence of LGBTQ students and parents is not a taboo topic that has to be regulated by the Florida Legislature."

Various Commenters #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Cocaine Addict Joe Biden Voter Identifying as Woman Rapes a Dog?!?!

(C B)
Remember the LGBT community is actively fighting for the rights of these types of people. Facts

Yes they are and advocating for kid phookers

(Rozie B)
Not to mention the socialist wing of the democratic party also.

(Kioko Fulgarion)
Hilarious that there are some insisting they're not, yet I have not seen one of them say or spread that they do not support this.

And remember, Trumpstein supported them, even held their flag up and posed with it for all the cameras of the world to see.

Nice try trying to turn people against the only guy who had the guts to destroy the deep states plans.

Share a link of anything where the LGBTQ COMMUNITY denounces any of this? Not a single LGBTQ person but a large group of the community as a whole. Because the San Francisco Gay Choir sang they were coming for the Children and I don’t recall any large backlash from the LGBTQ community as a whole that they were opposed to this message. I keep seeing love is love with grown men holding little boys hands, I see Sesame Street characters coming out as bi or non binary and I see schools having books that teach underage sex and I only see ‘far right’ mom’s speaking out against it.

ProxyMusic , YoureNotaClownfish & IrishTheFrenchie #conspiracy #transphobia ovarit.com

( ProxyMusic )
I don't think Semenya was ever deceived by the adults in Semenya's life when Semenya was growing up. Semenya was raised as a beloved, special male child with a difference of urogenital anatomy. Semenya only started claiming to be female after Semenya took up running in his mid teens and was scouted by Leonard Chuene and other officials at ASA. Members of ASA and the ANC came up with plan to enter Semenya into elite women's athletic competition as a way of sticking it to the IAAF and IOC after the battles over Oscar Pistorius, and as a way of getting back at white European colonialists and the countries of the "Global North" for apartheid. Lots of ANC members who became powerful in the SA government in the early 2000s had attended university and grad school in the US in the 80s and 90s - and they picked up on queer theory as they learned about, and helped to develop, such areas as critical theory and decolonization.

Semenya didn't get a birth certificate until April 2007, when Semenya as 16 and already had been identified by government officials as the country's potential "golden girl" runner. The BC saying "Female" was issued by officials of the same corrupt government that came up with the fraud that Semenys is female in the first place.

The head of Semenya's school told the press in 2009 that he never realized Semenya considered himself to be a girl until Semenya's final year. Semenya's first running coach referred to Semenya as he/him in an interview with the New Yorker in 2009.

I do believe that Margaret Niyonsaba might have been deceived about his sex as a child. But I believe the main reason would have been to prevent him from being forced into becoming a child soldier as young male children in Burundi customarily were during that country's long, bloody civil war. Niyonsaba was born at the start of the Burundian civil war and was already a teenager when it finally ended.

( YoureNotaClownfish )
Definitely. It is a very common disorder in the region and they know they are raising amazing future "female" athletes.

Caster has even said he has nothing in common with women and finds them tiring.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I 100% agree. I think Caster was raised male, knew he was male from an early age, and so did everyone else.

Chap Ihezver/Human Race Survival Resistance #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #ufo #magick #sexist #homophobia #transphobia adrenogate.net

The Illuminati NWO New Age hybrid nephilim psychic witches have different organs from what we humans have. They have a combination of nephilim alien and chimera alien and animal and plant organs, and not completely human organs. Some of their cloned hybrid human avatar bodies are hermaphrodites with both a male and female genital, in order to rape and sodomize both human boys and girls.

The real Christians are able to identify the hybrid nephilims and chimeras inside the church. That is why they are a threat to the devil and his Illuminati NWO. The pastors and religious Christian freak hordes, who are redefining Bible verses and rebelling against women’s head coverings so that their heads are controlled by the fallen angels, are marrying the hybrids and nephilim & chimera alien incarnate avatars and androids and clones and animals upgraded to human gene bodies, in order to birth hybrid children.
Western feminist nations have been replaced by the returned nephilim & chimera avatars, and 70% of their military and police are infiltrated, and that a lot of their pastors and church staff and church members are pedophile cannibal Satanist reptilian hybrid globalist elites, and that 12 million children are being tortured & lesbian raped & sacrificed & eaten by the earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers witches. They are the fake “Bible’s watchmen on the wall,” who are making billions of dollars from Satan Lucifer’s pre-1941 “The Plan’s” Bible prophecy rapture billion dollar industry and the Satan Lucifer’s Illuminati religious system unbiblical 10% salary tithe taxes theft. Kick these pastors and 99% of the church member religious Christian freak hordes out of the devil’s harlot Church, so that God’s Holy Spirit can flow back into his house.

Jonathan Kleck #fundie #sexist #transphobia thelightinthedarkplace.com

Their God is the matrix!

Everyone on Earth is born out of a mother’s womb, cast down into the matrix, slaves to Satan's flesh host body system that was created in Genesis 1.

The only way out of the matrix is to be born again (spiritually) by the Holy Spirit of The LORD God Jesus Christ.

The mystery of what happens to someone’s soul has been revealed by The LORD God Jesus Christ to his end-time prophet Jonathan Kleck. Jonathan has been preaching this truth for years now.

Everyone has wondered for a long time – Why the change?

Read about: What Is Woke Culture? MTF Male to Female Energy.

It’s about the spiritual energy at war within the human host body system.

There is masculine energy from Our Heavenly Father, The LORD Jesus Christ. (It comes from above, UP).
There is feminine energy from Satan who runs The Mother of Exiles flesh system. (It comes from below, DOWN).
The Wachowski "brothers" transformation into the Wachowski "sisters", is simply an outward manifestation of the masculine energy being consumed within their human temple, and the female rival energy taking it over.

The Wachowski brothers sisters have become victims of the matrix flesh system that wars against the Spirit of Christ.

Russ Winter #transphobia #wingnut #quack #conspiracy winterwatch.net

Agricultural commodity prices of late are hitting highs and have that Wiemar vibe to them. It goes without saying that high food prices and empty shelves leads to social disorder or worse. This seems very much from the agenda playbook of the kakistocrats aka sub-zeros. The ultimate goal is control through hunger- and shifting diets away from real food to more cheaper fake foods.
Burger King’s new plant-based protein burger, called the Impossible Whopper, is reportedly so popular that it has brought in more than $250 million from investors, including Bill Gates, and endorsements from sketchy celebrities, such as Ellen Degeneres, Miley Cyrus and Leonardo DiCaprio. My oh my, what all-star crew (/sarc).
The “burger” contains the inclusion of a genetically modified plant-based hemoglobin, called soy leghemoglobin.

Soy protein contains genistein, a xenoestrogen that has been tied to breast and ovarian cancer in women and found to adversely affect sexual development in males, among many other negative effects.
The Impossible Whopper has 44 mg of estrogen, and a regular Whopper has 2.5 ng of estrogen (no straw man fallacy comments please- we aren’t promoting regular Whoopers). Now, let me refresh your metric system. There are 1 million nanograms (ng) in one milligram (mg). That means an Impossible Whopper has 18 million times as much estrogen as a regular whopper, according to Tri-State Livestock News.

Forty-four milligrams of estrogen! By comparison, an entire month of estrogen tablets for transsexuals transitioning from male to female is 60 mg, and a year or so of that hormone regimen causes them to grow breasts, the penis and testicles to shrivel, and makes them infertile. So, in reality, this is a depopulation burger.
If that’s not enough, you can sterilize yourself with exposure to plastics, which not only reduce testosterone but reduce sperm counts. But nobody is behind an agenda here you say? Nothing to see here, move along?

Chakdar Azad #transphobia #psycho gbnews.uk

Trans woman executed by her brother in 'honour killing' in Iraq

Doski Azad had been documenting her transition on social media and was a make-up artist when she was shot by her brother Chakdar Azad.

23-year-old Doski Azad was killed by her brother in Iraqi Kurdistan, police have said.

Doski Azad had been documenting her transition on social media and was a make-up artist when she died in a 'honour killing' when her long-lost brother Chakdar Azad shot her.

Ms Azad's brother told local police about her death three days later.

Ms Azad had received multiple threats from her family because of her identity despite establishing her own life as a woman and working in a salon for over five years.

Ms Azad was found dead in the village of Mangesh, around 12 miles north of the city centre of Duhok.

Speaking to Rudaw her uncle Dlovan Sadiq said: 'She left the house five to six years ago, I had not seen her ever since. Doski made a mistake.'

A friend of hers also told the publication that Ms Azad's father had taken her ID and passport from her but that she 'seemed to have received it back because she spent New Year’s in Dubai'.

Another source also told Radaw that her brother fled the country on January 30th, and drove north to Turkey to avoid tracking.

The US Consulate General in Erbil, the Iraqi Kurdish capital, yesterday condemned the killing in a statement which read: 'We categorically condemn this violence and the discrimination that is undoubtedly at the root of this crime.

@therestofus5 #transphobia twitter.com

"Why can't you just let me live my life?" they cry... while they try and control your speech, push past your boundaries, appropriate your words, invade your spaces and categories, erase your sex-based rights in law and then pretend it is them who are being victimized.

actualdyke , hmimperialtortie & nopenottoday #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

"No cis man would ever transition for nefarious reasons!!"

I've heard this argument countless times and it always makes me want to tear my hair out. Firstly, they don't even have to transition anymore - self-ID makes it so that all they have to do is say they are a woman and they can get into any intimate female space they want. But even if that weren't the case - do you really believe that a man wouldnt undergo transition just to have access to vulnerable women? Men go through years of med school to become gynecologists/doctors and abuse women. Men go through the entire process of becoming teachers and professors to be in positions of power over women and girls. They become fucking PRIESTS just to abuse children for christ's sakes. If a man wants to abuse women and girls, there is pretty much no means he will not go to in order to justify that end, certainly not a couple E shots and a wig and name change.

TL;DR libfems need to stop being wilfully ignorant and pretending that there is ANYTHING that men would not do in order to pursue their nefarious motives.

(hmimperialtortie )
There are no not-nefarious reasons for men to “transition”. They may claim to be poor sad HSTS on occasion but the whole concept of a man being able to become a woman - or even worse, “was always a woman” - is nefarious.

(nopenottoday )
They all know this argument is just a deflection from the real concern and it's that there's no difference between a guy pretending to be a woman and... a guy pretending to be a woman. They are ALL pretending to be women to access women's spaces. Second most important point, none of this is our fucking problem and we don't have to sit around and suffer assaults and boundary violations while we figure out which ones are "true trans." They are ALL sexual predators because they are men trying to force themselves in women's spaces. That's the uncomfortable truth.

Charlie Kirk #conspiracy #crackpot #transphobia #wingnut lgbtqnation.com

Conservative host Charlie Kirk claims the trans movement wants to turn us all into machines

In a bizarre anti-trans rant, conservative talk show host Charlie Kirk recently claimed that transgender people are trying to turn human beings into machines.

“The transgender movement is an introductory phase to get you to strip yourself of your humanity to mesh with machines,” he said.

“It’s called trans humanism. They want you to say, ‘ok, well I can choose any gender, why can’t I just have an exoskeleton of some sort of machine around me?”‘

Kirk claimed turning human beings into machines is one of the major goals of Silicon Valley and tech advances like the metaverse.

“This is why they’re so insistent on this transgender thing,” he said. “Because if you stop being a man, then maybe you can stop being a human being. Maybe you can just plug into some sort of machine.”

Kirk expressed fears that somehow the transgender movement is leading to a world where we plug into a machine all day and are controlled by companies.

“Like Ready Player One meets Inception,” he said.


@AteMoth & SulphuricMirror #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com


spoilerI have seen a doctor on here wearing his 'T_rf repellent' badge apparently on his NHS lanyard. A clear signal that women requiring single sex spaces will not receive humane treatment. Many others seem to echo hose views.

Males really shouldn't be allowed to practise medicine. They aren't good enough for it in so many ways.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy #wingnut #magick adrenogate.net

I don’t know about you, but I see trannies everywhere I look now. Literally every single Hollywood actor, actress or musician is a gender invert. Pretty much anyone you see on TV has undergone some form of genitalia mutilation. All those Victoria’s Secret runway models have been castrated Brazilian boys all this time! I’m seriously embarrassed. Do you now understand why they push the trans agenda so damn hard despite how microscopic of a percentage of the population suffer from actual gender dysphoria? They’re not just shilling for the Baphomet, they are also ALL trannies themselves. It’s personal.

Elite Gender Inversion is the name of the game. A very ancient game actually. Instead of sacrificing their first born to Moloch per Druid/Babylonian tradition, they sacrifice the child’s genitalia instead. Look at Kathy Griffin, Anderson Cooper’s twin brother and offspring of one of the most powerful witches on earth, Gloria Vanderbilt. Will Smith’s two children Jayden and Willow are another two glaring examples of this practice. But like I said, take your pick of any celebrity child. There appear to be very few exceptions these days. They’re ALL inverts.

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