
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Sen. Rob Standridge #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #racist thehill.com

Oklahoma lawmaker introduces book-banning bill with $10,000-a-day penalty

An Oklahoma state Senator this month introduced legislation that would allow parents to ban books in Oklahoma public schools. It would also set a $10,000 bounty to be collected by parents for each day a challenged book remains on library shelves.

Republican state Sen. Rob Standridge on Dec. 16 announced he had filed two bills for the 2022 legislative session, which begins in February, addressing “indoctrination in Oklahoma schools.”

“Our education system is not the place to teach moral lessons that should instead be left up to parents and families. Unfortunately, however, more and more schools are trying to indoctrinate students by exposing them to gender, sexual and racial identity curriculums and courses. My bills will ensure these types of lessons stay at home and out of the classroom,” Standridge said in a statement.

One of Standrige’s proposed bills would prohibit school libraries from having or promoting books addressing gender identity, sexual orientation or “books that contain content of a sexual nature that a reasonable parent or legal guardian would want to know about or approve of before their child was exposed to it.”

Parents believing a book violates the bill may demand school officials remove it within 30 days. If the book is not removed during this time, the school employee tasked with getting rid of it will be terminated —subject to due process— and prohibited from working at another school for at least two years

Parents may then seek “monetary damages,” according to the bill, including a minimum of $10,000 for each day the challenged book is not removed.

Under Standrige’s second bill, public universities in Oklahoma beginning next year would be prohibited from requiring students to enroll in courses “addressing any form of gender, sexual, or racial diversity, equality, or inclusion curriculum,” which fall outside course requirements for their major. 


Chronicity #transphobia ovarit.com

Dysphoria = cognitive dissonance

The title says it all. Dysphoria is the sensation that occurs when someone who is delusional about their membership in the opposite sex class is reminded that they know the truth about themselves.

It manifests as psychological pain because holding two conflicting thoughts in one’s head simultaneously causes extreme friction. Delusional belief in oneself cannot coexist comfortably with knowledge of one’s delusion.

There is an active thread in r/honesttransgender about how terrifyingly awful TERFs are. So much so, apparently, that some TIMs would rather go live in countries where the incidence of trans murder is sky high than live in a place like the UK, where women are semi-free to nonviolently express their concerns about space-invading men. Never mind the fact the UK has not seen a trans homicide in over 3 years; I guess murder isn’t a big deal anymore. TERF central is located in the UK and that’s enough to make it a less hospital than a place where transphobic violence is actually epidemic.


TERFs strike the fear in the hearts of TIP because our arguments induce cognitive dissonance in a way that true bigoted viewpoints do not. They are based in truth, logic, and common sense, and they are historically informed. The trans community knows that we are right; after all, they believe what we do. And we can be sure of that precisely because, as they admit, our opinions cause them agonizing pain. The proof is in the pain.

TRAs have to threaten us with violence to make us fearful. Their words do not cause us the pain of cognitive dissonance, so the next best thing is death and rape threats.

Andrew Anglin #transphobia dailystormer.name

In April, Target stores made the decision to publicly embrace transsexualism by encouraging mentally deranged perverts to dress-up like women and use the women’s bathroom in their stores. They expressed with this a disregard for the safety of children and women, which many found despicable.

Over a million people signed a pledge to boycott the company, due to it’s aggressive assault on the safety and dignity of women and children. At the time, they couldn’t very easily walk it back at that point, lest they appear as though they are incapable of basic managerial decisions.

Their announcement of predator-friendly policies was – surprise, surprise – followed by a wave of perverted incidents in their stores.

Stock dropped 15% following the announcement of the policy.

Yeah – the collapse of their sales was Apple’s fault, rofl.

This is what winning looks like, people.

For the first time since the Jews took over our systems after beating the White race in World War Two, we are finally, finally gaining a bit of the ground we lost.

The pendulum has swung.

TheEmperorsInvisibleClothes #homophobia #transphobia mumsnet.com

Sissy Hypno Porn - heterosexual conversion therapy?

I've been reading a lot about this sissy hypno (hypnotic/hypnotherapy) porn, I've really fallen down a rabbit hole with it, never heard of it until recently, but from what it's saying this appears to essentially be a form of conversion therapy for heterosexual men to basically change their sexuality and or gender identity. I don't know if it's been mentioned here before as am new. But my point is, why is this being distributed on legal porn sites if conversion therapy is illegal? Even YouTube has videos aimed at converting heterosexual men to being gay, there is a video "straight to gay in 15 minutes" and similar. Videos of this nature aimed at hypnotising gay men want to be with women are not allowed, but they are allowed to host material with the aim of hypnotising straight men to want to be with other men? Is anyone trying to tackle this or has there been any legal cases? I can't find anything through searching.

Milliard #transphobia gaybullyingitisreal.wordpress.com

As far as I’m concerned, the s.o.b. should get life without parole. Or, better yet, hang his/her/it from the first limb that will support its weight. Why? Because the clown just gave his “client” a death sentence. But then again, if the “client” had any brains at all, they wouldn’t be doing the dirty with anyone…..PERIOD!

operaghost #transphobia ovarit.com

It couldn't POSSIBLY be because they're prancing around in a delusion in public. Why on earth would they get promoted if they're spending all their workplace hours worrying about how to transition at work and convince their coworkers to participate in a delusion? Why should they expect not to be made fun of (what they're probably perceiving as catcalling) when they objectively are behaving in a baffling manner?

This thread is full of people's self-made problems. One transman was complaining about how they have it even worse than "cis women" in terms of healthcare, because their body is on hormones and a lot of gynecologists won't even see transmen and how awful it is to sit in the waiting room of a women's health center because they look like a man, and how insurance is harder because their legal documents say M not F, so claims for women's health care get denied, and so on and on and on.

And I'm just like... so? This is a problem you created yourself. You started taking testosterone and didn't think through the long term consequences of how you might feel in various social occasions. You went through a whole legal process to change your legal sex marker with no care for how it might affect our social systems. You CHOSE this. Every step of the way. And you want society to rearrange itself around you? How entitled.

Citipointe Christian College #transphobia #fundie #homophobia torontosun.com

Australian school insists it will only recognize students' 'biological sex'

A Christian school in Australia is asking parents to sign an enrolment contract that requires students to follow gender roles of their “biological sex.”

With the school year beginning Feb. 7, Citipointe Christian College in Brisbane sent the contracts to parents detailing that it will not recognize gender identity — only the gender assignment given at birth.

“We believe that any form of sexual immorality (including but not limited to adultery, fornication, homosexual acts, bisexual acts, bestiality, incest, pedophilia, and pornography) is sinful and offensive to God and is destructive to human relationships and society,” states part of the contract, obtained by the Daily Mail.
Parents were given a week’s notice to agree to the school’s terms.

“Whilst each student is individually valued and equally encouraged to pursue opportunities in both academic and co-curricular activities, I/we agree that, where distinctions are made between male and female (inclusive of, but not limited to, for example, uniforms, presentation, terminology, use of facilities and amenities, participation in sporting events and accommodation) such distinctions will be applied on the basis of the individual’s biological sex,” the contract reads.

It then goes on to state that failure to agree to the terms could lead to a student’s expulsion, or in contract speak, will “afford Citipointe Christian College the right to exclude a student from the college who no longer adheres to the college’s doctrinal precepts including those as to biological sex.”


In a statement posted on the school’s website, principal and pastor Brian Mulheran said the school “has always held these Christian beliefs,” but went on to contradict the contract’s wording, saying, “Citipointe does not judge students based on their sexuality or gender identity and we would not make a decision about their enrolment in the College solely on that basis.”

Tim Pool #dunning-kruger #wingnut #transphobia youtube.com

We like to say that the woke are white supremacists with guilty consciences and I think that's a fair point. They think white people are privileged and superior, at least politically. They reject that, saying "Oh, don't say that we're superior, that we think we're superior."

Yo. If you're a white person and you think you are granted and afforded special rights and privileges, you are saying that in society white people are superior, you just don't like that they are. That's a fair assessment. If you don't agree with that, well, that's your linguistic issue.

The racial thing becomes way too complicated. They said Polish people are people of color. You know that thing we talk about with Luke on the show, yes, woke people say that Slavic people are actually people of color. Whatever. Determining this is more difficult than gender.

Giggle is an app for females. Trans men are allowed on the platform, but the trans women community is viewing this more like an affirmation attempt. It would be lovely if male people respected female spaces and left them alone.

There was one story I covered years ago. In the UK, when they created unisex changing rooms, assaults against women skyrocketed. Why? The males who were committing these crimes against females now had greater opportunity.

So, when you have a CEO of a company who says they want a female only space, perhaps they don't want to be around a male of any sort.

During Occupy Wall Street you had women's only therapy tents. Somebody had raped several women in the camp, including a trans man. That's right, someone who is female but identified as male was raped during Occupy Wall Street. They created a female-only trauma tent.

They said trans women should be allowed in there because they're women. Several women got mad, saying these are males and they were scared to be around males, but at the same time, the trans man, they say trans men are men, was also allowed in that space. Why? Because she's female. Therein lies the conundrum.

mathlover & BlackCirce #transphobia ovarit.com

( mathlover )
Nearly all the men who say they are "women" are heterosexual men who get sexual gratification from seeing themselves, and forcing others to see them, as women. It's called autogynephilia. They have no dysphoria - only frustration, and ultimately rage, if they can't get off sexually the way they want, by larping as women. The reason they "trans" - the only reason - is sexual gratification. They still very much sexually desire women and, as straight men, center sex around their penises. So no, they don't ever want to get rid of their penises.

( BlackCirce )
Penis is what males have sex with. Sex is what males live for. Penis is what makes transvestism / autogynephilia enjoyable for males. No significant portion of males are ever going to voluntarily have their penis surgically or even chemically rendered useless. Only a small portion of trans identified males are so pornsick and mentally ill that they have bottom surgery. Men who want to have sex with trans males generally want them to have a penis as well. Most transwo men have their penises and don’t want to have them removed because that would be the end of their sex lives.

Jonathon Van Maren #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy lifesitenews.com

Sometimes small things are big indicators. Take, for example, one of the latest additions to the Apple emoji factory: In addition to a “gender-neutral pregnant person” (enjoy figuring out that phrase), the new choices include a graphic of a “pregnant man”. At least, that’s what we’re informed it is. It could also just be a dude wearing a blue shirt stretched over his beer belly, which would a) make way more sense and b) would have been people’s first guess like five years ago.

This is obviously a profoundly stupid story that could be written off as another culture war tempest-in-teapot — or even trolling from leftist Silicon Valley types disgruntled by the idea of people losing their minds over an emoji of a fat guy. But unfortunately, this story is just another indicator of how society is transforming around us, bit by bit.

The culture around us reflects what our society sees as reality, and increasingly, that culture is being reconstructed — transitioned, if you will — in the image of trans activists. I’ve been offered all sorts of options on “select gender” menus while filling out various forms recently — even on government forms.

We now have children’s shows from Blue’s Clues to Spongebob Squarepants featuring trans characters (including, I kid you not, a post-op beaver cartoon character that had a double-mastectomy); cereal boxes for kids teaching them about preferred pronouns; public school lessons on choosing your gender; drag queens reading stories to toddlers; adults insisting that children are entitled to block puberty.
Why would kids see transgender ideology as normal? They’ve got transgender cartoons, an entire summer month dedicated to LGBT issues, they’re taught this stuff in schools, the public libraries are packed with books and programming dedicated to transgenderism, and YouTube is chock full of young transgender child celebrities. Being trans is downright popular. Believing in the “binary” is what’s increasingly abnormal.

Ann Coulter #transphobia #homophobia #pratt vdare.com

As I was taking pictures with the Proud Boys at the restaurant, a freakish transgender in combat boots, fishnet stockings and a man-bun snuck into our private room via a back staircase. It seems that a rainbow-haired waitress had spotted me during the 30 seconds I was passing through the public part of the restaurant, and had called in my location to her antifa pals.

Poor Fishnet Boy surely had expected to burst in on 99-pound me having a nice dinner with a group of sweet College Republicans. Instead, he (she?) walked into what must have looked like a Hell’s Angels convention.

Not so brave, now, eh, Fishnet Boy? He/She bowed his head, pretended to use the cash register, and quickly made his exit.

@MattikOtto #transphobia twitter.com

You think it's ok to permanently sterilise children. You support child abuse.

Loads of medical treatment has sterilisation as a side effect. I don't oppose any internationally recommended medical treatments because I'm not a science denier. Denying people medical treatment is abuse, not giving them it 🤡

You support children being sterilised. You support child abuse.

Cool yeah just pretend I didn't reply at all and repeat the same nonsense, good one

Your reply doesn't change the fact that you support children being sterilised.

Are you opposed to chemotherapy?

You mean the treatment that actually saves lives rather than the abuse of children you support for nothing but reasons of vanity? Yes, I do. The fact you even compare the two shows how fucked your mind is.

So you support children being sterilised

Children who have chemo might have a chance of sterilisation to save their life. You support children being sterilised because they're mentally ill. Your brain is genuinely fucked if you think the two things are the same.

Being trans isn't a mental illness, you could have googled that

I support all internationally recommended healthcare because I'm not a science denier

Why are you saying that children who want to destroy their bodies are not mentally ill?

ihatethiswebsite #dunning-kruger #elitist #sexist #transphobia thepinkpill.co

Female Heterosexuality is a mental disorder (half joking, half not)

Disordered Emotions

Becoming irrational in the presence of men (to gain their approval)
Feeling bad for abusive men instead of their victims
Prioritizing the feelings of the male over his victims (ex. feeling sorry for the porn addicted moid instead of the various raped women)
Feeling personally attacked by radfeminism, lesbians, childfree women, and women who generally have thinking capacity
Giving into desires of men to escape the emotional burden of guilt when you stand your ground
Feeling intense fear, anxiety and hopelessness at the thought of not engaging romantically (sometimes even platonically) with men

Disordered Thinking

Inability to think critically
Glorification of pregnancy and motherhood (the two states that make women most vulnerable to male violence)
Believing that a male can ever become a woman
Believing in misogynistic religions for cope
Beliving that it is right and good for women to submit to men and men to dominate women

Disordered Behavior

Cutting off and disregarding female friendships to secure dick
Allowing daughters/sisters/friends to be sexually abused by a moid, and taking the side of the moid
Selling daughters into harmful practices for the benefit of males
Engaging in and supporting the objectification of self
Harming onself by being in a relationship with a man for fear of being alone
Forcing daughters to bear the brunt of household labor while the son sits around all day
Engaging in sex with men which has high risk of physical, emotional and sexual violence
Forcing women and girls to engage in such harmful practices
Birthing children when it is not affordable

GoodGoneGirl #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Do you think TIMs are knowingly misogynistic?

I think most TIMs are AGP, not victims of patriarchy. It’s just a fetish to them. My goal is not for them to be respected, my goal is for them to fuck the fuck off. TIMs are forcing the people around them to take part in their fetish and there’s nothing respectable about that. They’ve been socialized to believe that they can get what they want, when they want, while women been socialized to put men’s needs first. It’s a shitty combination that never fails to benefit men, however they identify. I would love for women to care as little about TIM’s feelings as they do about ours.

For the record, if you’d asked me this question six months ago, I would have been uncomfortable with taking such a “strong” position. But I had some doubts when women here expressed views like “all TIMs are perverts” so I went to TIM subs to find out for myself. Can confirm, even the little 13-year-old TIMs are that way because of porn. I’d at least have some sympathy for the kids if they weren’t such misogynist little creeps.

Positron #transphobia kiwifarms.net

"A little change in vocabulary is all I'm asking. It won't hurt you so why do you have to hurt me?"
"A little access to women's bathroom is all I'm asking. It won't hurt you so why do you have to hurt me?"
"A little stick of my lesbian girldick in your lesbian 'front hole' is all I'm asking. It won't hurt you so why do you have to hurt me?"
"A little stay with vulnerable women and their young daughter in domestic-abuse shelters is all I'm asking. It won't hurt you so why do you have to hurt me?"
"A little firing of doctors, academics and government officials is all I'm asking. It won't hurt you so why do you have to hurt me?"

AngryTreeRat #homophobia #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Kids feel pressured to figure themselves out too young, and aren't told they should constant revised their sense of self and who they are all while being bombarded with possible things they might identify as. You can see this with people trying to get their kids to figure out if they are gay, straight, cis, or trans before they are even 10 years old. They are given a weird warped idea of what these things are as they are told they are told things like "when boys like boys or girls like girls then they are gay" and little kids tend to play with their own gender and those are the people they like so they decide they are gay, attach that to their identity, which kids do with everything and healthy adults learn to undo and detach their interests form their identity, get it constantly reinforced and I have met a few people leaving their gay identity behind because it was something they make a decision on before they understood what it meant and felt pressured to stick to it. Similarly this happens with gender nonconforming kids being told they are trans when no, little Sally is just a tomgirl, and Billy just likes horses, but the troons are the biggest advocates for strict gender conformity, some of which I think is projections.

Melanie #transphobia smh.com.au

RE: Inclusive language risks ‘dehumanising women’, top researchers argue

Agree, but I resent being labelled cis-. Cis is a term forced on women by mostly men who wish to be considered the same, on every level, in every domain, as women who are born women. What does it mean to be a woman? It means being told how to live by men, and here we are, being reclassified, by men who wish to to take our gold medals, our safe spaces, our places on boards, our jobs in government.

SellYourSoulToMii #transphobia #racist #psycho reddit.com

Oh but it's not just one, now is it? It's never just one, doreen ford (antiwork mod) was a rapist, we all know about Chris Chan, there's so many cases that are documented and countless more that aren't

all transgenders are a plague to society, and need to be treated as such, until 41% becomes 100%


No, you are actually a nazi, if you can substitute the group you are talking about with jew or any other racial group and it sounds like something a nazi would say then you are a nazi

Fuck the Isrealis too actually, glad you reminded me

Are you talking about the people or the government?

Both, the government isn't just the root cause, the hatred and cultish mentality is indoctrinated in all Isreali Jews from a young age

Most people will say it's just the government, but if the people willingly follow the government without seeing any issue, is it not one and the same?


It's not the truth it's blatant bigotry, let me guess you think black culture is inherently toxic to the family dynamic?

Nah idgaf bout those niggas

Steve Sailer #transphobia vdare.com

"Around 1991, Dr. P got me to admit that I had tried on my mother’s dresses and undergarments in early adolescence, although we never got a chance to explore the ramifications."

The ramification is that that’s a massive tell for the fetish of autogynephilia, which is basically getting your sex objects (women) and your sex subject (yourself) confused. Sante skips over the part about masturbating in front of a mirror while wearing his mom’s lingerie and downplays other sexual aspects of his sex fetish to fit in with the conventions of our rather sexless Age of Gender Identity.

By the way, I think you can usually distinguish heterosexual transvestites from homosexual transvestites on sight: the gay drag queens generally have a too-much-is-not-enough aesthetic of tons of costume jewelry and giant false eyelashes. In contrast, the autogynephilic straight guy look is more of a-simple-strand-of-tasteful-real-pearls modeled after their mothers, who were typically respectable bourgeois ladies.

Steve Sailer #transphobia vdare.com

Henry Higgins' Complaint—Why Can't A Woman Be More Like A Man?—Is Finally Being Addressed By World War T's New, Improved Women

Anything a woman can do, an ex-man can do better.

Well, except for trivialities like conceive, bear, and nurse a baby.

Ted Gazynski & Bixnood #pratt #transphobia kiwifarms.net

(Ted Gazynski)
I don’t think this is true. I think tranny rights is being promoted in much the same way “girl power” used to be: a corporate, media friendly cultural movement that appeals to mainstream liberal sensibilities about individual freedom.

Any genuinely radical feminist perspective would reject it on various grounds. Gender constructivism reasonably asserts that gender is externally imposed based on biological categorization and therefore isn’t some sort of innate identity and cannot be claimed by a male socialized as a man. Furthermore, trans identity generally manifests as a grotesque and misogynistic performance of womanhood driven by deviant male sexual tastes. There’s no reason a consistent radical feminist WOULD support troonery, it’s counterproductive to their goals in a lot of ways(making it valorous for men to occupy spaces women have carved out for themselves is a good example).

I’m not a radfem or a leftist, but accusing them of creating trannies is stupid as fuck.

alot of you are writing with the benefit of hindsight, radical feminists have always wanted to drastically shift the status quo.
for many trans and homosexual rights were part of the progressive agenda which went hand in hand with women's liberation.
many feminists also argued that the main difference in the treatment of men and women was childhood socialisation something which is now a big part of the tranny zeitgeist.
I understand now why feminist would want to distance them selves from the trans movement now that it has had negative effects on women. but I don't see why it's so hard to just admit the part they played in it.

heteroseparatist #homophobia #transphobia heteroseparatist.blogspot.com

{from 2017}

It's over for Kevin Spacey. The irony of his show being called House of Cards is funny to everyone except the producers of the show.

Hollywood has been feeding me very well in the last three weeks. I now have more blog material than I need and the actual time to do some blogging which is woefully rare due to my job.

Anyhow, the homosexual pursuit of underage males is the dirtiest ex-secret of the glbt community. But, to my personal joy, the world is now starting to see what homosexuality is all about; turning young boys into gay men.

Apparently, when he was 24, Mr. Spacey was having a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old boy. And, in addition to that, he was sexually harassing young men on the set of House of Cards.

I love having the weapon of truth in my personal fight against homofascism and genderinsanity. The gay community should have left me alone.

heteroseparatist #transphobia #homophobia heteroseparatist.blogspot.com

{from 2018}

The video above is the most powerful case against males in female restrooms that I've seen in at least six years.

Once again, school officials are more afraid of the homofascists in the glbt community than they are of right-minded parents who don't want males in the restrooms or locker rooms used by their daughters. Parents who's children go to this elementary school were not notified that males would be allowed in with their daughters in bathrooms and locker rooms.

Is it not wisdom to design school bathrooms so that only one person can enter at a time? Why not make many, one-person bathrooms in a rectangular or circular building, with doors only on the outside, in order to protect girls (and boys) from predatory males? With all of this feminist talk about "toxic masculinity," why are males allowed in places where females are undressing?

Males having access to undressing females in their bathrooms and dressing rooms is absurd, yet very few people have the courage to stand up to the glbt community.

Eleanor Lynn, Hugo Brand & Lida Hall #transphobia youtube.com

(Eleanor Lynn)
the article is a very clumsy attempt at conflating feminist analysis of "gender identity" with being racist and bigoted. They're hoping it will scare people off questioning gender ideology without thinking critically about the issues. People are scared by that label and even just the accusation could be enough for many people to duck the debate.
(Hugo Brand)
I'm surprised that they don't argue that it's akin to attacking religion (read: a strong philosophical/religious belief or lack thereof) because it's far more accurate to what T ideology actually is and represents, right down to protecting an individual's behaviour and how they dress. However, those rights to manifest those beliefs are limited in certain situations to protect the safety, rights, freedoms, etc. of others.

In that regard, by qualifying their beliefs as religious/philosophical they'd have a much greater chance at having their beliefs protected while also providing women, gay people, and kids with protection from those beliefs.

And, fundamentally, that's the only logical, rational route the T argument can go--it has no sound basis in objectivity. It is a subjective, reality-denying belief that tries to force society, science, religion, and everything else to go along with it: 'man' brains in women's bodies; women who are truly 'gay men', men who are actually 'lesbian', and, the award-winning: "born in the wrong body" claptrap.

It's a religious/philosophical belief and needs to be treated as such. It deserves no greater respect or acknowledgement than that

(Lida Hall)
@Hugo Brand A major tenet of their religious belief is that they actually have some kind of "science" backing them up, teamed with a belief that their soul heavy belief system is not a religion when in fact, it very clearly is. I suspect that this cognitive dissonance serves to distract adherents from the cognitive dissonance the "born in the wrong body" narrative gives rise to - but that's just a theory.

Donna Brooks #transphobia youtube.com

@Lena Black Stop using that term, "cis"! It's offensive to any woman who refuses to be made a sub-category of our own sex! Women don't exist only as a "NOT TRANS" "woman" (i.e. a non-man) & that's what you are doing when you call us cis. It's a disgusting, insulting term. So men who say they are women (transwomen) deserve to be called women, but actual women should be called "cis" women? F*** that shit. Your use of the term, "cis", means you are forcing your cult's language, dogma, & misogyny on the rest of society, & WE WON'T USE IT. Now you'll come back & insist that it's an innocuous term & not meant to be an insult, which just is further proof of your willingness to subjugate the feelings of women to the feelings of men who claim to be women. If THEY say calling them a "man" is harmful, then ALL OF SOCIETY must bow to their wishes & reinforce their fantasy of themselves as women. But if WE don't want to be called "cis", then too bad because for YOU, it's "trans uber alles".

Spencer Lindquist #transphobia thefederalist.com

(Continued from https://fstdt.com/ZJKNRW9Y$8GG8 )

These People Aren’t Kidding. You Shouldn’t, Either
Yes, they are coming for your children. It’s a feature, not a bug. The history of transgenderism proves this. You shouldn’t expect them to stop unless you make them through protecting your kids, coordinated activism, and community involvement.

If you don’t, it likely won’t be long before it’s argued that children who can allegedly consent to sexual surgeries should also be able to consent to sexual relationships. If such a hellish future seems unimaginable, consider that any number of the outgrowths of sexual progressivism would’ve been beyond the pale only a decade ago.


Child grooming is already commonplace within the transgender movement as it has been since its inception, and attempts to normalize pedophilia have already hit the mainstream.

We Can’t Accept Half Measures In The Defense Of Children
If there was ever an instance in which the right needed moral courage and a healthy dose of stubbornness, this is one of them. You can defeat this, but not alone.

This movement is backed by an array of NGOs, elite interests, and pallets of cash. It’s pivotal that you find like-minded people in your church and community and that you employ all legal and ethical means to collectively reject the dangerous insanity that’s being foisted on your children.

For all the risks this comes with, you can be certain that cowardice bears a heavier cost, both on your children and on your psyche. But here’s cause for celebration: this moment is begging to be met by those who have the courage to do so.

Various commenters #transphobia youtube.com

Here is where I disagree with you. Buck Angel is a transman. We can respect that while not denying he is biologically female.

(Antje Galuschka)
why should we use trainslanguage? It's less harmless than most people think. Because when we read "man", our brain associates that it must be a male person. Whether the "man" is preceded by "cis" or "trans" is irrelevant.

How do you fix this cognitive dissonance „he is female“? It‘s an oxymoron.

I don‘t want to validate a GID.

(A. Rashid)
Then you have more in common with transactivists. If a sex offender is a "transwoman", do we need to legitimize that identity? Try to be consistent. Get a solid foundation of gender critical/radical feminism.

(Vanessa Vokey)
I don't respect pornographers. You've been groomed

(Crumbly Duckling)
Alternatively, we can choose not to respect bogus "identities" and childish, made-up language.

Spencer Lindquist #transphobia thefederalist.com

(Continued from https://fstdt.com/MTQD5F3292R6D )

A Legacy Of Abuse
Unfortunately, this isn’t speculative fear-mongering. Pedophilic child abuse has deep roots in the transgender movement. John Money, a sex researcher who paved the way for acceptance of childhood transgenderism, sexually abused his young patients and defended pedophilia.


According to Reason Magazine’s Books Editor Jesse Walker, Money “touted himself as a defender of sexual liberation: for the rights of gays and other sexual minorities, for legalized pornography, for breaking down social taboos.” When his abuse of the twins was exposed, he insulted his critics as “anti-feminist” bigots beholden to traditional gender roles.

Reimer’s life eventually ended in the same tragic way that still disproportionately claims the lives of so many transgender people when he committed suicide at the age of 38. As if it wasn’t sinister enough, Reimer’s case was used to justify thousands more sex reassignment surgeries on children born with genital abnormalities.

Transsexual Pioneer Also Supports Pedophilia
Money also used his stature as a prominent academic to defend pedophilia. The pedophilic organization North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) even references a quote from an interview with Money that explicitly endorses pedophilia in an attempt to normalize their pathology.

None of these revelations have prevented academics from lauding this moral monster as a founding father of the transgender movement. Terry Goldie, the author of a biography on Money, explained that Money “didn’t search for biological evidence of transgender identity, but accepted a patient’s conviction as fact.”

Anke A. Ehrhardt, a research partner and disciple of Money, similarily noted his role in the transgender movement, calling him a “pioneer,” crediting him with the introduction of terms like “gender identity” and “sexual orientation,” and pointing out his role in our culture’s departure from a biological understanding of sex.


Make no mistake, the transgender movement is predicated on a psuedo-academic legacy that’s replete with the most egregious crimes against children.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

In Germany, gay Roman Catholic priests are coming out, literally, and demanding that it is time for the world to see the ‘true diversity’ of the Roman Catholic church, and to demonstrate that the Body of Christ is ‘wonderfully queer’. Hoo boy. They are doing it, they say to put an end to ‘discrimination and exclusion’. To borrow an expression from the lukewarm evangelicals, there is a lot to ‘unpack’ here, so let’s get right to it.

It’s not so much that the Roman Catholic church is getting ready to welcome the LGBTQ into the fold, so to speak, because they are already doing that now on many levels. Pope Francis and his infamous remark of “who am I to judge?” when confronted with homosexuality in their church really tells you everything you need to know. But as the One World Religion continues to assemble itself, this type of thing will be ‘par for the course.’ Yes, the Roman Catholic church will embrace the LGBTQ, but also the Muslims, the Buddhists, the agnostics and just about everyone else including Bible-deficient Charismatics who are anxious to ‘return to Mother Rome’. Revelation 17 and 18 are quite clear as to who Mystery Babylon and the Great Harlot are, and guess what? It is the Roman Catholic church and the Vatican state respectively.

Regarding the ‘queering’ of the Body of Christ, let me just say that that idea is demonic in nature and satanic in execution, and can only happen in the counterfeit Roman Catholic “church” which is in no wise the Church that Jesus shed His blood to create on the cross. You can queer up the body of the Roman Catholic church members, that’s for sure, but the Body of Christ? No sir, those gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.

ESU IMMANUEL “JESUS” SANANDA #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia fourwinds10.com

We humbly ask to send all of Creation, our Creator, and the Great Lighted Masters all our Love, so they can return it to fill all chalices with Wisdom and Love. We ask for St Germain’s Transmutation Ray to transmute all the Wisdom and Knowledge from all of the Great Lighted Masters through this Petition. We humbly ask all the Lighted Masters help keep this Petition in the lower octaves, so it may heal and bring much Love to all. We, also, humbly ask for the Violet Transmutation Flame of St Germain to transmute all debris and darkness out of our pathway, as we ascend on the spiral of enlightenment, and to transmute all darkness away for which we petition.
We petition for all the Lighted Great Masters Knowledge and Wisdom to be transmuted through the Violet Flame of St Germain to all of creation! We petition that man once again will hear and understand the eighteen Laws of God and Creation. We petition that all Alter Egos, sexual perversion, sexual confusion, selfishness and self-indulgence crosses that all people, souled, un-souled, cloned and all races of beings on the entire planet of Mother Earth Shan within and without have and bear, be uncreated immediately.

We, also, ask all addictions of all beings souled, un-souled, cloned, and all races and animals on Mother Earth Shan, within and without, be uncreated immediately. We ask that all Satanic cults, O cults, secret societies, witch craft, demon worshiping, religions, organizations, groups, gatherings or self-proclaimed gurus of all races in and on Mother Earth Shan, be rendered useless. We petition for all of their evil teachings, books, war, hate mongering, lies, mind control, sacrificing, chanting, and complete 3D nonsense be transmuted away by St Germain’s Violet Flame to the higher octaves, be uncreated immediately to help all to awaken.

The Emperor Skeksis #transphobia #wingnut kiwifarms.net

Supporting/mentioning/memeing Harry Potter is considered a red flag by ADULTS who are able to read age-appropriate literature aimed at their age-appropriate reading level.

It's coming back around to being a dog whistle now, since JK decided to die on the hill of women's rights to oppose troons.

One day in the near future, after the Big Book Burning when all wrongthink books have been destroyed by the Great Diversity Council and the public execution-through-girldick of Joanne Rowling, TERFs living in deep cover will signal through their knowledge of Harry Potter. 'Snape was an incel' will be grafittied in the unisex toilets, 'Hermione was black, her skin colour was never explicitly stated', will be etched into a table at uni. And any woman reading will know that there is still hope.

Patriot Journalist #transphobia dailystormer.name

On the softer side of this sales job we have SheZow. This is new gender bending cartoon, just for kids, playing on The Hub. In SheZow, the hero guy, a manly little boy, becomes SheZow against his will. He is bummed out at first about having to dress up as a girl super hero, what with the pink boots, the skirt, and the cape. But eventually he gets into it and learns to explore his feminine side and experience personal growth. Yes, he learns the importance of getting a manicure and to leave his more macho attitudes behind. After all, men are barbaric. He discovers that he has “Super Empathy” when he is dressed as SheZow. Yes before long Guy is joyfully putting on the magic ring and shouting the magic words, “You Go Girl” to transform into SheZow.

It gets worse. At Camp You are You, a summer camp for boys with “Gender issues” boys from 3 to 14 are taught how to walk like girls, talk like girls, shave their legs, apply make up, and put on a fashion show wearing female attire. The kids are taught that they can be whatever gender and feel they are and that this is totally normal and should be accepted.

Six year old Coy Mathis is a little boy in Colorado, who thinks he is a little girl. He was born the only boy in a set of triplets. By 18 months, he decided that he wanted to dress and be treated just like his sisters. He didn’t want to be the odd man out. His patents gave in within six months and started dressing Coy as girl and referring to him as a girl. Coy was then enrolled in school as a girl. When a teacher found Coy, in fact, had a penis, she told the school and the school district made the decision that Coy would have to use the boy’s bathroom or a gender neutral staff bathroom by himself. Coy’s parents sued claiming that he, or “She” was being discriminated against and suffering harm.

Spencer Lindquist #transphobia thefederalist.com

Why Accepting Child Transgenderism Will Pave The Way For Accepting Pedophilia

The last several years can be viewed as a testament to the remarkable strategic power the woke left wields. The speed at which absurd ideas have been thrust into the limelight by vested media and a wide array of well-financed academics and non-profits is both startling and impressive.

Not long ago, it would’ve been unimaginable that a seven-year-old boy’s innocent preference for Polly Pockets over Power Rangers would find its tragic end in puberty blockers, chemical castration, and 15 minutes of fame on Snapchat’s explore page.

Calling this abuse doesn’t encapsulate the full extent of the damage. It is a culturally bolstered, politically incentivized mass grooming campaign with a disturbing history. Even worse, this all may be eclipsed by a much darker future should it continue unabated.

The push for childhood transgenderism is predicated on a perverse and extreme individualistic sentiment, specifically that children’s rights as individuals imply an autonomous ability to make irreversible decisions regarding their health, rather than require protection from parents and a culture that fend off all that endangers the most vulnerable.

The dangerous claim that children can meaningfully consent to puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy, or genital mutilation is, besides itself being deeply harmful, also leading our society down a sinister path towards accepting pedophilia. Here’s how.


Some /pol/ user #crackpot #dunning-kruger #homophobia #sexist #transphobia archive.4plebs.org

female only network makes users scan face in order to sign up - trannies seethe and review bomb app kek

It's seemed for a while to me now that radical feminists are trying to manipulate /pol/s natural aversion to trannies into supporting their feminist cause. There really is no reason to care about "trannies entering women's spaces." Like women's sport? Who gives a shit? The latest vanity app?
These things really are no big loss, and transgender invasion is maybe the most entertaining way to destroy them anyway.

*Danish Flag*

You're a retard if you don't see their cause the same as ours.

>Fact #1: Danes have smaller balls than Finns
This is true, actually Danes are already born with very small balls, tiny ones. And even after that they dont grow very much. Isn't that nuts?

>Fact #2: Danes have the lowest sperm count in Europe
Yes, I suppose this does make sense since they have such small balls. But their sperm count is really, really low! Finns have the highest in Europe and the difference is massive! The Finnish sperm count is a whopping 126.8 million ml−1, while the Danish sperm count is a pathetic 68.5 million ml−1, only half of the Finnish sperm count!

>Fact #3: Up to 60% of Danish teenage boys grow breasts!
Yes. When Danish boys hit puberty, more than half of them start to develop breasts. Yes, just like a girl! I suppose this is because they have very low testosterone which results from having very small balls.

>Fact #4: Danish men have the softest cocks in the world!
Another truthbomb. Danes can not get hard. Their cocks are very soft compared to everyone else.
Source: NOS3 research

Danes are little balled low sperm count soft cock femboys that grow breasts

AA BB #transphobia youtube.com

I haven't watch the entire video yet but, I still want to comment as I'm five minutes in. I just want to say that I really don't whether or not being trans is a choice. Just because something is not a choice, doesn't mean it should be tolerated or that it is right. The whole discussion about whether or not being trans is a choice just seems like a distraction. Nothing can justify what happened at the Wii Spa, the massage Parlor where Yaniv went or Loudoun County. If someone has a burning uncontrollable desire to be an awful human being, that doesn't mean they deserve acceptance. I'll live more comments after I've finished watching the video.

Donna Brooks #transphobia youtube.com

Welcome to the Light. Like you guys, I once defended trans people until this movement morphed into the misogynistic, homophobic, violent, authoritarian movement it has become. It's a dreadful feeling knowing I was played. It was as if, while I was looking the other way, someone wheeled a Trojan Horse into the LGB"T" "community" & suddenly all these T people were pouring out, attacking freedom of speech and the boundaries & rights of women, children, & LGB people!

@MacyJane A few years back, while watching some MRA YT channels, I stumbled onto a video of a guy proposing a strategy to get women out of good jobs & positions of authority through trance ideology. He proposed that men apply for jobs as women, so that when there were positions to be filled, they could count toward the women's quota. If enough men did this, they could succeed in driving women out of public life by using quotas & demands for women's equality against us. I never gave it much thought at the time b/c I was a couple years away from my sudden enlightenment re trans demands activists & ideology (and the dangers of identity politics). I didn't think men would actually do this. Now I'm not so sure. Hate will drive people to extreme actions.

Various editors #racist #conspiracy #transphobia #sexist #pratt conservapedia.com

There is a theory in popular culture that Michelle Obama is a transgender man named Michael Obama.[9][10][11][12] There is fairly substantial evidence for this. Some photos of Michelle Obama show her with muscular arms, an Adam's apple and a bulge around her groin.[13][14] Her children were also conceived by IVF, and there are no photos that seem to show Michelle pregnant.[15] Barack Obama has frequently referred to his wife as "Michael" in the past.[16] His brother, and even Michelle herself, have claimed that she is male.[17][18] Barack also used to have a transgender nanny, who he is believed to have developed an attraction towards, and he once considered pursuing a homosexual relationship in college.[19][20] Many celebrities, including Joan Rivers and Alex Jones, have claimed to believe this theory, and Jones shared his own evidence.[21][22] #BigMike once even trended on Twitter, before it was censored by the liberal administrators.[23] This theory has been strongly criticised by the liberal mainstream media, and ignored by Wikipedia, which could mean that liberals are trying to cover it up.

According to PBS Frontline, facial recognition identifies Michelle Obama as a man.[24]

The Obamas.[7] The photograph, which many alleged fact checkers and Obama apologists claimed was a fake, was used by ABC News to sell the Obama's as a heterosexual couple.[8]

Scrumption #homophobia #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Related to the topic at hand, the way MTFs are treated in gay male spaces online is probably completely different from how they would be treated IRL.

On occasion, I will see someone white knighting for troons by criticizing that gay men call vaginas gross because it hurts troon feelings and "not all gay men have penises." Of course, since this is on the internet, there is no way to know if the person saying this is actually a gay man. They probably are not. It is ironic troons want gay men to stop bonding over disliking vaginas, since that is kind of one of the few things all gay men have in common.

Another thing I have seen, primarily on Reddit, is an NSFW picture or video of a FTM in a subreddit that dedicated to gay men. These posts often get a decent amount of upvotes. Think of it like when a troon posts a shitty nail job on a nail art subreddit; they get showered in praise. I see three reasons for someone upvoting it: 1. societal pressure to conform to wokeness and pretend that the woman is a man; 2. the people upvoting are not gay at all, but are bisexual men or straight women; or 3. the person upvoting is a troon. It is an incredibly jarring experience to be a gay man scrolling through one of these subreddits and suddenly being confronted with pictures of someone with a hairy chest, beard, and labia, or worse, a testosterone-engorged clitoris.


Woke societal pressure may make some gay men feel obligated to at least make these women feel welcome in gay male spaces, but they would never consider dating one of them.

mechantechatonne #transphobia youtube.com

Why do you mind their existence? These people are doing stuff to themselves because they are in pain and trouble, Buck Angel for instance has been very open about the downsides of taking male hormones leading to vaginal atrophy due to testosterone intake, how can you say it promotes being trans?
You're just being hateful.

That's a weird question. Why would you oppose the entire practice of doctors giving medications and surgeries that cause serious, chronic issues to people with serious mental issues that asked for them? The answer ought to be obvious. Plenty of them are bothering people plenty with all the invading single-sex spaces and violating peoples' rights to safety and privacy in that way, and they're bothering people by recruiting ill children into their cult and making them lifelong medical patients. But even besides that, doctors shouldn't do you harm just because you ask them to.

These people are not doing things to themselves. These people are having doctors do things to them, things that are unethical and harmful, and they're lobbying politically for everyone to have access to medicalized self-harm. Nobody minds them "existing." People mind them promoting and lobbying for nonsense pseudoscience. IF they stop doing that, nobody will mind them existing at all.

Two Anons #psycho #racist #transphobia #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(UK Anon)
>be white 13 year old boy in 2022
>constantly told you’re what’s wrong with the world
>you’re responsible for racism, sexism and homophobia
>told to trust science in school (except for when you realise races could be different and men can’t be women)
>be told you’re the biggest threat to humanity despite your demographic committing ridiculously less crime than other races
What’s in store for future kids? Teenage boys are inherently combative and don’t really take being criticised well. So what’s gonna happen in 10 years when they have the power? Will globohomo engineering backfire with horrific results?

(US Anon)
They will plot a violent purge from the sidelines, like they are now. They fear the white man, and not a single time in history has he not wiped the floor with sniveling kikes.
>the fire rises, and the jew keeps pouring gasoline on it

Matt Walsh #fundie #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

I feel encouraged for the first time in a long time. The reaction to my segment on Dr Phil has been overwhelmingly positive. People see that gender ideology is toxic and insane. We have the numbers to fight back and destroy it. All we need is the will to do what’s necessary.

Galko #transphobia ovarit.com

Radical feminists are the new lesbians. Basically, men will always want what they can't have. Now they figured out a way to demand they be accepted into lesbian spaces, guitling libfems into sleeping with them, and calling themselves lesbian. So, lesbians conquered. Now where's the next group of women saying, "No," that would be Radfems. We're saying no very loudly, so it's fueling their fetishes to conquer us as well. So, they're trying this shit, because it's no different than porn with "lesbians" that welcome in the pizza delivery guy.

Vanessa Vokey #transphobia youtube.com

(Transscript of song sung)

Pronouns are rohypnol
Cause they try to numb your senses
If you can't tell it's a dude in a dress
You must need contact lenses

Cause Lesbians don't have penises
There's no such thing as a girl-dick
These fetishists just won't back off
I suspect they ALL are porn-sick

These adult men believe they're "girls"
But what does that really mean?
Depictions of females raped and abused
On pornhubs most watched video streams

Cause female is not an identity
You can put on when its pleasing
Its the cycle of the moon and tides
The life giving and bleeding

Do not call us vulva-owners
Babies are not fed by our chests
Stop erasing our experiences
And STOP sexualizing the function of breasts

younger gays are being told that they
Were born in the wrong body
Only perverts lie to kids about
Sex and human anatomy

Grooming is what predators do
They stalk their unwitting prey
MAPS are openly promoting their sickness
On Twitter and YouTube every single day

So if you're sick of this assault on truth
And you can't understand how we got this fucked
Share this song to all your friends
(Especially that one with his dick tucked)

Andrew Anglin #transphobia dailystormer.name

Trannies are perfectly healthy and normal, and this is all normal.

Don’t worry.

A utopia is just over the rainbow.

"A paedophile has been jailed after she had cocaine-fuelled sex with an Alsatian dog."

Why isn’t she allowed to have sex with a dog?

Love is love.

She should be teaching school children.

Andrew Anglin #transphobia dailystormer.name

Mentally Ill Tranny Ruins Family Christmas, Posts Terrorist Attack on Own Family on Internet

When you create a society where people only care about themselves, this is what you are going to get.

You are going to get trannies interrupting family Christmas to pull out tranny flags and demand that their families accept that they are now trannies.

This is the part where God should destroy everything with fire from the sky.

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia theothermccain.com

By the way, as I’ve often said, there’s always a backstory in such cases. Transgenderism does not occur randomly. You will never encounter such a case that cannot be explained as a result of social influence or disturbances in the child’s family life

This child exhibited extreme emotional disturbance in the wake of her parents’ divorce and, as previously mentioned, was encouraged in her transgender identification by a school counselor. The public education system has become part of the Transgender Industrial Complex and, as this case proves, the courts are also complicit in this madness.

We’re experiencing a shortage of millstones, it would seem

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