
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Anonymous #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

Why are you surprised people are warming up to Socialism now? I'm not even trying to say "we should be socialist" (which, if /pol/ is a Nazi board, I'm assuming most here are) I'm just seeing alot of people both in real life and here who are seriously wondering "why" this is happening.

Why the fuck would pictures of breadlines in to 30's scare the average person when the average person is literally one hospital visit away from a breadlines at all times?

>Why are you surprised people are warming up to Socialism now?
non-whites aren't people

Justice #racist #conspiracy incels.is

Jews have betrayed india

When jews were being persecuted india took them in and gave them shelter and place to pray ect.

Come to the modern world and jews run hollywood and you see them making fun of india in the media and the movies. If I was a jew I would have picked Indians to be the sex symbols in the media and not black people to pay them back for generosity. Instead they made us even more incel.

Yukon Jack #conspiracy #crackpot #racist centralbankinginsanity.wordpress.com

So the first reason not to believe in Jesus is to not make the intellectual mistake of basing life decisions on what some myth man thinks of you. What Jesus thinks of you is exactly the same as what the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus thinks of you – which is nothing because Jesus/Bunny/Claus aren’t real. It is a grand mistake of reasoning, to think some god cares what you think or do, as no god thinks anything of you or cares about you in any way shape or form.



Look at how this Jesus belief is working out. Just look at how western societies are being taken down right in front of your eyes and White Europeans are doing nothing! While Christians await the savior return (ain’t going to happen because it is myth) the entire society is being shredded.



Can you see why some of us – who have transcended our fear of the unknown and afterlife concerns and are trying to wake you up? Why do we call Christianity “Christ insanity”? Are we trying to mock you or get you to snap out of your faith and get your balls back? We are being lined up in front of the trench for a slaughter, there ain’t much time left for you to decide, are you going to get armed and get ready to fight the Jews and their minions to the death?

Adrenogate/Jerry Derecha #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #racist adrenogate.blogspot.com

Well that was probably the least surprising thing that has ever happened to me. Getting canned by WordPress.com. I just can't believe my Twitter account is still pumping along. I guess they must hate Trump THAT much that my few and far between "Trump summoning Apollyon" posts are anti-Trump enough to keep me around until at least the election. While I would usually go off about free speech and my rights and all that, I did have posts talking about smashing racist college girls in their face and throwing them into dumpsters AND constantly mocked and ridiculed gender inverted celebrities with a wide array of vulgarity and did not use the best language, so I guess I can see how they had had enough. But it likely wasn't any of those reasons why they ultimately decided to pull me. Whatever it was, I know that I was doing something right to have triggered the staff over at WordPress.com to literally follow me around after canning the first account, and track my new accounts(I don't even know how they figured out it was me so fast) and IMMEDIATELY pulled those sites too.

I'm almost flattered. Alas, don't worry, I'll never ever ever ever stop. They would need to come to the trap deep the heart of an especially rough and tumble east coast city where I currently reside and kill me if that's what they want. For me to stop. Because I'll likely have a post in draft on my phone when they find my lifeless corpse if they decide to kill me, as I'll never stop posting. Period.

Hunter Wallace and ATBOTL #racist #wingnut occidentaldissent.com

[From "American Racial Decline and Modernism"]

I’m bumping up my response to ATBOTL from the comments who raises some good points:

“American radical abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison and Charles Sumner were openly anti-white in the current sense long before modernists had any influence anywhere or even existed. Most significantly, they a huge following among average, non-elite middle class whites in the North going back to the 1820’s. There was a mass movement of anti-white politics in the American North, based around liberal Puritan, Quaker and Methodist preachers that began to shift our culture in an anti-white direction even when many of the Founders were still alive.”

We’ve discussed this to death for years now.

It is true that liberalism existed in the 19th century. It is true that the Second Great Awakening spawned various religious and moral reform movements which were supported by middle class, White evangelical Protestants in Britain and the United States.[…]
Liberalism and Romanticism combined to produce abolitionism. Abolitionist literature focused on the poor, pitiful suffering slave and the cruelty and wickedness of the White master.[…] 19th century Americans argued over slavery and the rights of the negro due to liberalism
Charles Sumner reflected the liberalism of the Black Republicans.
Anglo-American ethnicity was unchallenged in the 19th century. Black Republicans like Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens were liberals who thought that civil rights should be extended to blacks, but they didn’t go beyond that to demonizing and rejecting their own ethnic groups. Americans took great pride in their ethnic heritage until well into the 20th century. It is worth noting that T.S. Eliot became a British subject and Ezra Pound spent World War II supporting Mussolini in Italy. It illustrates how Modernists are so commonly estranged from their own people.

insanus virginem #racist #crackpot incels.is

(Note: They are reacting to a video of a, probably drunk, woman getting naked while standing on the top of a car.)

RE: [NSFW] Female Privilege..Imagine If a man did this.

If it'd been a black guy, the coroner would be cracking his rib cage open right about now. A white guy would just have to register as a sex offender.

If it's a blackcel or any deathnic his corpse would be turned to mush by 50 cal rounds.

Are BLM niggers infecting this space too? A white homeless guy is far more likely to get brutalized by police than a nigger. A naked white man would get his skull caved in by the cops while the nigger would be babied like a big black baby that he is especially after nigger life matter protests becoming mainstream. No cop wants another "I cant breeef case on his hands"

wereqryan #racist #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] If you're white, race mixing is the worst thing you can do to your child!

Mating with any one of the mud-races will degrade your future genepool and cosign your offspring to constant mogging and suffering. The mixedracecel will never find solidarity in either one of his parent's communities. Its a disaster! We know that whites on average look much better than ethnics, so to mix with an ethnic is to downgrade your children's looks, thereby putting them at risk of inceldom.

If you're not white, not race mixing is the worst thing you can do to your child!

If you're not white, you should simply refrain from mating. The world is overflowing with subhumans. And if you have to mate, borrow the sperm/egg and do it via. surrogacy. Don't ruin a white person's sacred bloodline.

but high t guy with a black woman = light skin mogger

With a horrible face because blacks are ugly af! And dark skin is undesirable.

Zheyno #conspiracy #racist deviantart.com

(Submitter note: tried to reply to him one last time and turns out he blocked me)

Drivanmoffitt: Now you're just putting words in my mouth, I did not, in any way, suggest that at all, now who's stereotyping?

besides I'm really starting to think that you're either a Neo-Nazi or a White Nationalists

also... 'ancestors tradition'? what do you mean by that? Chrisanity or the old, long extinct religions of Pre-Christian Europe

Zheyno: Oh great, you‘re starting to use ad hominem. You’re not worth my time, you just whine and kvetch about the state promoted boogeymen, while it’s obvious the incompetent state can’t even maintain legitimacy when it cannot hold to its end of the social contract of protecting its people from the thugs they unleash on them.

A state that lets their people become obese, addicted to drugs, has awful healthcare, promotes degeneracy, has barely any representation for the working class, lies to the people, doesn’t promote art nor architecture, doesn’t repair its infrastructure, abandons its rural areas to become ghost towns, hesitates to prevent crime in urban areas, doesn’t have a common sense of purpose besides promoting more consumerism, etc.

This is a System that I Oppose and consequently, don’t hold find their Moral Authority to be Legitimate. I have nothing left to say to you.

Humans Are Free #conspiracy #magick #fundie #racist humansarefree.com

“Grand Druid Council” of 13 “Witches” control the Illuminati, and meets eight times annually on the “Witches’ Sabbaths” (incl. Halloween) when millions of occult practitioners engage in orgies, which sometimes involve human sacrifice.

My source is John Todd (Collins), the highest Illuminati defector in history, a Witch High Priest, a member of the Council of Thirteen, and part of the Collins Illuminati bloodline that brought Witchcraft to the US in the 17th Century.
He casts the Illuminati as a vast, highly-organized and powerful occult conspiracy that holds mankind in a satanic vice.

The Illuminati are “thousands of different conspiracies operating in parallel,” he says. For example, the vows and initiation rites of witchcraft closely mirror Freemasonry.

In 1972, when Todd was “saved” [converted to Christianity] and exposed the Illuminati.

Before that, he ruled a 13-state US region consisting of 5000 covens, i.e. totaling 65,000 priests and priestesses. That’s just the ministers, not the congregation.

Amazingly, I stumbled upon Todd just last week. This champion of humanity would be unknown today if it wasn’t for a website maintained by “James”, an American living in Japan, and another belonging to the redoubtable WesPenre.

Skeptics say that if the Illuminati were real, there would be defectors. There ARE plenty of defectors; entire clinics that deal with victims of CIA mind control and satanic ritual abuse are full of them.

But the vocal ones get put away. In 1987 Todd was framed “for rape” and sentenced to 30 years. According to Fritz Springmeier, when Todd was freed in 1994, he was “picked up by a helicopter” and murdered. (“Bloodlines of the Illuminati” p.93)

Rodney M. Cluff #crackpot #fundie #racist ourhollowearth.com

When Jeremiah took the message from the Lord to the Lost Tribes of Israel, he also took the legal right to the throne over the House of Israel and gave it to a descendant of David among the Lost Tribes who then took it to the Hollow Earth when the Lost Tribes migrated there in about 475 B.C. That descendant of David became King over the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, and a descendant of his named David, today reigns on the throne of David over the House of Israel in Our Hollow Earth.

In 1830, the Norwegian fishermen, Olaf and Jens Jansen, met with the Great High Priest Over all the Land of Our Hollow Earth. At the end of the interview the Great High Priest bid them Jehovah-speed, and even offered to let them stay in their land. But Olaf's father wanted to return to Sweden where his wife would have been missing them for the two and half years that they stayed in Our Hollow Earth. In their interview, the Great High Priest, who is the prophet and king of the Hollow Earth Nation, prophesied that Olaf's father would not make it back to his home in Sweden. This came true when Jens Jansen died in Antarctica after coming out through the South Polar Opening when an iceberg fell on their fishing boat and drowned him. Olaf was thrown up on the iceberg and was later picked up by a Scottish whaling boat that took him back to Stockholm, Sweden.

It is my conclusion that the Great High Priest Over all the Land of Our Hollow Earth is a descendant of David and sits upon the legal throne of David over the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel of the political Kingdom of God.

Zheyno #conspiracy #racist deviantart.com

Most people who complain haven’t even read the book, much like atheists, who jump on the bandwagon of being cool by attacking religion, rather than participating in their ancestors traditions.

Plus, if you haven’t read the book, you have no credibility on calling it poor, when you‘re just repeating the opinion of the elites, similar to the repeat of the ridiculous justification of burning down ordinary people’s businesses who have nothing to do with police procedures.

It’s hard to take you seriously, when you do “Though X and Y are similar, X is bad, because I was told to think X is bad, and Y is good because I was told Y is good.”

Freeze Corleone #racist timesofisrael.com

A French rapper who compared himself to Adolf Hitler was dropped by his label Friday after being accused of spreading anti-Semitism.

Fast-rising star Freeze Corleone’s debut album “LMF” was released last week, with one of his songs already amassing more than 1.3 million views on YouTube.

But Universal Music France said despite its success they were cutting all ties with him because “the release of the album has revealed and amplified unacceptable racist statements.”


The album, whose full title is “La Menace Fantome” (The Phantom Menace), also contains references to popular conspiracy theories.

In other lyrics Corleone declares that he “arrives determined like Adolf in the 1930s,” that he doesn’t “give a damn about the Shoah” and that “like Swiss bankers, it will be all for the family so my children can live like Jewish rentiers.”

Various Incels #sexist #racist #transphobia incels.is

RE: [JFL] IT cuckold from Facebook telling us to love ourselves we're not ugly forever!

(insanus virginem)


to this day, the most accurate portrayal of my own transgender psychosis i've ever seen was in Silence of the Lambs. as a teenager, i would compulsively draw dismembered female bodies. i was obsessed with the female form, desperately recreating it over and over, imagining myself living inside that skin. and then my shame would lead me to ritualistically dismember that body on the page, piece by piece, with me still inside it.

IT nigger is a mentally ill tranny, figures. BTW trannies and faggots in general have not been the "oppressed" class for at least 20 years so just lol at this fagget. The average trannyfaggot has a much easier time at getting laid than we do

Still, there are a lot of trannies who have it real hard. It is not that much better, believe me. You have to really (at least almost) pass as cis to do good.


Jesus fucking christ. That thing will kill some femoid someday, if it hasn't killed yet.

This Also good signature, like I've also pointed out masculinity has been feminized, so all these incels going around the forum complaining about "not feeling loved" and that "they'd refuse sex if they thought the woman didn't love them for them" are just indoctrinated men raised with a culture of feminized masculinity, what a woman thinks of you doesn't matter, what you can get from her does

Reminder that these abominations are the "sensible" ones JFL.

niggas really get high on estrogen, cut off their dick and obsess with dismembering foids and then go and tell us we're violent psychopaths who need to be locked up for using mean words like "foid" or "tranny"

As a teenager, I was obsessed with the female form, too. But I was jerking off from it, I wasn't imagining dismembering it. But I guess I'm the deranged one, right ?

Colin Liddell #racist #psycho web.archive.org

[Re: Is Black Genocide Right?]

Instead of asking how we can make reparations for slavery, colonialism, and Apartheid or how we can equalize academic scores and incomes, we should instead be asking questions like, "Does human civilization actually need the Black race?" "Is Black genocide right?" and, if it is, "What would be the best and easiest way to dispose of them?" With starting points like this, wisdom is sure to flourish, enlightenment to dawn.
But why should Whites even be in a position where we are forced to consider such a possibility? The White race is history's victor. We conquered Africa and the Africans on the sheer merit of the superiority of our race, culture, and society, and in a land that was largely going to waste we built an affluent and modern society capable not only of supporting a large number of our own people but also a vastly larger number of Blacks than would otherwise have been able to survive there. Of course, Black labour helped, but if that hadn’t been there, we would have imported White, Indian, or Chinese labour and have done the job anyway.

Rather than asking about White genocide, it surely makes more sense by any objective standards of utility, morality, or progress, to ask whether there should be such a thing as Black genocide.

SimplyConfess #racist #psycho simplyconfess.com

The chinese should get beaten to death, boiled alive, mutilated, decapitated, skinned alive, thrown into death camps under garbage, etc. just like everything they had done to other souls. Karma says so too. That chinese retarded lunatic ugly old pathetic miserable cocksucking incel schizo pedophile spammer of this site needs badly to have those and more done to him as well. His screams and talks to himself and cries will be extra joyous for us to listen to as he is bleeding and melting to his miserable death. Hahaha

based_meme #sexist #racist #conspiracy incels.is

RE: [JFL] Polygamy being a natural state of humans?

(((Psychology Today.)))

The article is trying to make people think that monogamy is unnatural so that they go around thinking it's the natural state to be a cuck and let hundreds of other men bust nuts in your wife, or to justify her whoring around.

I fucking love science and science told me it’s natural for Tyrone laquavius to fuck my wife :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:

Unironically, this is exactly what a soy NPC would think.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #sexist #homophobia #magick henrymakow.com

On page one of my book Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World (2008), I wrote, "If this were a movie treatment, it would be rejected as implausible. Our leaders are not chosen for their intelligence or achievements but rather because they are able to win the peoples' trust and willing to betray it. They are chosen by a small Satanic cult -- Cabalist bankers and Freemasons -- that controls the world's finances and media...Many "leaders" are kept in line by having them indulge in horrifying occult rituals including human sacrifices, sexual orgies, pedophilia, rape, torture, and murder...The Illuminati goal is to degrade and enslave humanity, mentally and spiritually if not physically. [Their] influence is like cancer that extends throughout society." Does the Coronahoax make sense now?

It's no wonder our "leaders" are criminals, Satanists, and perverts. These are the only people the central banking cartel can trust. The Rothschilds are Satanists (Cabalist i.e. Masonic Jews.) Their cartel is a criminal fraud. They create the medium of exchange ("currency", "credit") out of thin air as a debt to themselves and charge interest.

All the policies deemed "progressive" -- gender-bending, multiculturalism, miscegenation, migration, attack on marriage and family, (homosexuality, pornography, promiscuity), BLM, ANTIFA -- are designed to undermine the target population, people of European and Christian descent who the Cabalist bankers regard as the last remaining obstacle to their hegemony. They are promoting sodomy in public schools. They are all about promoting sickness. "We corrupt in order to control," is their credo. We are being inducted into their cult as their servants.

Sergei the Hardened Pedophile #racist #psycho #conspiracy rapey.su

[From "Jew inventor feminizm and enemy of pedo nature. Rebuild Auschwitz, gas and roast all jew now"]

Who invent feminizm? Jew invent feminizm.

Feminizm pervert essence of man true nature, pedo nature, which is original nature. All men pedo and loving little girl. First age of consent they raise, then jew feministsky say even when man look foid, even very very young foid is rape. All sex is rape if man not Chad, in marriage too cuz all foid still bludnitsa craving Chad. This way, all foid open hypergamous, suka for Chad.

Jew suppress pedo nature, so man if no Chad, cannot have very little foid. This mean jew enemy of pedo nature. Since in way of pedo nature, Auschwitz must rebuild and all jew gassed

AutisticMonstrosity #sexist #racist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] Just a normal/typical day of mine: first two couples I saw today were immigrant man with local woman

My streak of seeing organically couples is much more than 80 couples without seeing any foreign woman, Finnish man couples. Must be hundreds. I don't even remember when I last time saw Finnish man/foreign woman couple. Not this year at least. And it is always only with Asian women, Thais, Filipinos, Chinese etc. Never with Arab or African women or other white foreign women except betabuxxing poor Eastern European women, a phenomenon which has seen a big decrease since their economies have grown well while our economy is still (before the coronashock) smaller per capita than it was in 2007.

I opened my window the first time today. And totally randomly, what I saw? Tall, handsome, muscular mulatto man talking on the phone using hands-free earphones. He was walking alone, maybe talking to his Finnish girlfriend. He appeared using videocall feature, FaceTime or something, because he looked all the time to the phone screen while talking.

It is calming and jealous to watch the protester masses in Belarus in the news. Finland used to be like that. No foreigners to be seen in the masses of people. The only couples I know nearby are invader man/local woman ones.

I am literally starving here because I have not had the mental peace to go buy food in Lidl. Because the last a few times (since spring actually!) in a row I have seen every time Arab/(Iraqi), Afghan, British, African man, Finnish young woman couples. One time couple weeks ago the Finnish woman really watched me long in the eyes with a mien to signal her message of contempt for normal Finnish men. It is seen as cool to date foreign men and speak English. But these same women have utmost contempt for men that have a foreign spouse and call them losers. And the women-run mass-media agrees.

Various Incels #sexist #racist incels.is

[JFL] Female teacher slept with 15 year old student, praised him that he has bigger penis than her husband


JFL... True story, it's all over the news. And her husband is still supporting her, going with her to court trials and shit. Foids are ultimate psychopath, they have no sense of guilt or remorse, they will do anything to satisfy their desires - material, sexual, whatever.

WHY DO CUCKS EXIST I'd be fucking embarrassed to show my face in public if I was that guy. Instead he LITERALLY broadcasts being a shameless cuck to the entire world. BEYOND pathetic.

I can't decide which is more infuriating, that worthless whore or her pathetic cuck husband.

(insanus virginem)
Females sexually mature a year or two before males do yet whenever a 17 year old girl gets fucked by her male teacher it is considered far more gross and "pedophilic" than when a female teacher fucks a 15 year old male. Btw this isn't pedophilia it's ephebophila


" aspiring Chad " I think he earned the title now.

The adult in me finds this disgusting, especially as how she's essentially getting away with it. It's the purest form of sexism and everybody knows it. But the child in me, this was all I wanted as a kid. To get to fuck a grown woman. And to do that and be told that you're better than a grown man? I agree, open the books and make this kid Chad.

(Made in Heaven)
Yet whites still have the audacity to talk about being the superior race. Imagine getting cucked by a 15 year old who has a bigger dick than you. Imagine your wife telling a barely-adult male his dick is bigger than yours. Imagine STILL siding with that filthy whore afterwards, This is a genuine question: Are Europeans genetically predisposed to be cucks? It seems they absolutely LOVE getting cucked

Order of Melchizedek #conspiracy #magick #racist #fundie atam.org

It’s 2020, but many of us are beginning to realize it feels more like what was expected in 2012. According to the Ethiopian Calendar it is 2012 based on the Mayan Calendar. Somehow those interpreting the Mayan Calendar were 8 years off. Was it intentional to change the times and seasons, so we would not know? Was it a mistake?

Seems like what was expected then is happening now. We have an invented Virus, CoVid-19 made in and by USA along with others. We are yet somewhat in a Global Quarantine, Mass House Arrest since March, psychologically most have accepted it as the norm. We have Bill Gates & others talking Mandatory Chipped Vaccine, without that mark (chip) you wont be able to travel, buy or sell. We have had Extreme weather globally. Riots and Protest are happening globally. The globally Economy is crashing and burning right before our eyes. Now we have Trump signing a Peace Treated between the Arabs & Israelis.
The Occupiers of Palestine, renamed Israel are not the genetic seed of Abraham. They are not the ones whom the prophecy spoke of for an everlasting covenant. The “Jews” there from Europe, occupying Palestine-renamed Israel are “converts to the religion of Judaism.” Historically, archeologically and genetically proven. Are we seeing the beginning of the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy.

RREEEEEEEEE #racist incels.is


I swear to fucking God i'm seeing more and more of them.
I went out shopping today and I was looking at what copes I should get when out of nowhere came this fucking curry asshole who was visibly more curry than me and he ruined my entire day. How is it even possible for someone to be this fucking curry? He was ARYAN. Whenever I see a curryfag I look at his flip flops because I like to cope thinking the only reason they mog me is because of the flip flops they're wearing. Well, it turned out he was wearing Nizam Sikandar Jah's shoes worth $160,000, while I was walking barefoot and he mogged me this much. He wasn't stinky either. Another way I cope when I see a curryfag is that I like to think i'll have a much easier time putting on muscle while they'll struggle because of their height. Well, this curry was well built too.
My fucking day is over now. I was going to do something productive but instead I think i'll just LDAR.:feelsrope:
I live in the slums of Mumbai btw. I can't imagine what it would be like living in Chandigarh. I would have definitely killed myself by now if I had to endure all that currymogging.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

(To koniec)
[Serious] Did you fetishized foids from other countries/races ?

At beginning of blackpill i thought that polish women are worst and many polish incels hated polish women. They fetishized russian, ukrainian foids. Whitecels hate white foids and wants 'muuhhhh noodle feminie whores' Ricecels from aznidenity hate rice women wants muhhh blonde foids ( i look at you @PPEcel ) Browncels like curries, latinos thinks that brown women wants just white men ( despite majority of curry women marry curry men ) Always thought that such phenomen is caused due to view of your women with other race of men cause you to believe that their are traitor worthless and women from other countries are better. I thought about this about east slav women, but learned that women are same evrything. And russkies and hohols are anal loving degenerates ( despite their 'hatred' for gays ) ( seriously, a lot russian pornastars love anal ).

German foids are the worst of all, most of them wouldn't even date German guys. You need to have at least 1/2 (1/4 in some cases) foreign ancestry. But keep in mind that they wouldn't date rices, ethnics, curries.

I despise any Asian girls who are not native to Asia. They all seem to have a superiority complex because they Nintendo soytards treat them like goddesses. Makes me wanna smash their faces in.

I’m a spic-cel, and for a long time I fetishized Russian bitches. I still find them extremely hot, but I later learned they’re not as traditional as I naively thought —- high divorce rate and high rates of single motherhood. They also expect the man to pay for everything, even if they’re a doctor or attorney the only thing likable about Russian foids is that they hate fags, dikes and trannies

Let's put it this way, the more attractive curry cunts are white men chasing traitors, but relatively attractive curry cunts are rare to come by, that's why it's obvious that most curry cunts are with curry men but once they have the chance to jump on cumskin dick, they would.

Fed Up #racist #psycho amren.com

”If Mexicans successfully reconquered parts of the south western United States, they would turn it into another Mexico and have all their problems.”

"If"? "Would"? It's already happened in vast swaths of the Southwest. Check out a census map by race of greater Los Angeles, especially to the East and Southeast, which is like an extension of Mexico. And sure enough, there are criminal gangs, hapless schools, etc. But it's all OK, don't you know, because there's a taco truck on every corner. Because whites who created modern society would be otherwise incapable of following a taco recipe.

Eat tacos or anything from those rolling slop-wagons at your own risk. The filthiness of Mexicans, their disdain for sanitation and healthy practices are legendary. Also TOUR those vast swaths of the Southwest. Seeing with your own eyes how those "people helping make America great" trashed so much trying to make their new home resemble the old. Just look at any Mexican slum. I'm sure you can find one close to you. Where we now live, we barely have a handful of Mexicans or blacks. Three or four "homes" as you enter the town literally looking like the proverbial city dump. With disabled vehicles and equipment all over the place. Visiting Houston friends asked me "when did we do a U-turn and get back to parts of Houston" when they saw the trash.

If the native people don't defend the land, and especially if they don't even try to, invaders can freely take it.

You're saying we should have shot the invaders? I'd agree but for the fact that would make some of us criminals. When we first moved to Houston nearly 40 years ago, we met a old rancher not far from the Rio Grande. We got to be friendly and were shown a secluded piece of ground. Where he had helped his father and grandfather bury illegals caught on their land.

Zheyno #conspiracy #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

(Submitter note: had an agreement with this guy over The Turner Dairies, basically the second testament of Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists every, before I realize that the dude's a White Nationalist, I wanted to provide context but kept saying it was too long)

Zheyno: I doubt Oklahoma City Bombing had any to do with the book and more out of revenge for the Waco Massacre. And plus this line you’re drawing includes stories such as “V for Vendetta”…

Zheyno: It might have been Feds planting evidence trying to deter attention away from Waco. These are the same people who have, time and time again played dirty to advance an neoliberal capitalist agenda.
Besides McVeigh's anger for the government came from how he was treated in the military and after, not from overtly racial reasons….

Zheyno: Even if it is the case, then religious books would carry the same stigma of promoting “evil”. But they don’t, unless being labeled so by a state or state backed institution.
If one cannot draw a line without making exceptions, then should be no line. For artistic expression differs from one individual to another and can only be appreciated through self-discovery….

Zheyno: The President of America is often labeled a nazi, yet he isn’t behaving like described. Could that term be open to interpretation as well?…

Zheyno: Because it’s a well written book that does something different than the clique norm. Modern art is boring, repetitive, and doesn’t satisfy me, so I like to try new things to keep me from falling into depression….

Zheyno: Have you read the opening pages? It describes a world much like 2020, racial tensions to such a high degree, where ordinary people who wish to be left alone, are treated the same way as those groups they wish to persecute.
I think it‘s brilliant writing, for it speaks of a scenario that people think too extreme like other dystopian novels, yet much like the movie “Joker” the radicalization of such characters into aggressors, feels so interesting when given context on what motivates humans to take such a dark path.

Novuso #conspiracy #racist deviantart.com

You know that you live under a tyrannical regime if the mere opening of your month can send you to prison for years. This was no slap on the wrist. Usula Haverbeck will likely die in prison unless justice is restored and she is set free.

Resist, question all official narratives and research the the truth. Spread the word and let people know what is going on.

They would not be able to get away with what they do presently if they did not control past narratives. For over 70 years all they have had to do to silence their opposition is blow the antisemitism dog whistle and call those who opposed their plans Nazis. Don't like bankers controlling the world and printing money out of thin air well then you must be an antisemite. Hitler also complained about international bankers so you must also be a Nazi. Don't like your nation being flooded with immigrants well that is "wrong think" that could lead to the next holocaust. Thus the opposition falls into line or else is marginalized to the fringes of society branded as a Jew hater.

Jonathan Peter Wilkinson #wingnut #fundie #racist #elitist amerika.org

It’s not a pleasant thing when the monkey grabs the car keys. It gets less pleasant if said primate knows exactly where to insert the key and turn. The loud and predictable bang may well spell the end of your poor and loyal Family Truckster. This is easy to comprehend and probably worth an evil chuckle if it’s someone else’s Family Truckster. So what happens when the bug-ridden simian gets his grubby mitts on something like a religion or an ideology? Nothing particularly good.
The Millennial Heretic cons the audience by offering two things. They promise to painlessly forgive everyone’s sins and then punish “the real racists” or some other (((Goldstein))) instead. The painless forgiving of sins can either be religious or secular. The Christian version involves the baptism. This involves the death of the sinful version of me and then my subsequent rebirth as a saved and redeemed person.
The Post-Christian version of this 100% absolution is even less binding. You don’t even need to bring a new set of clothes and a towel over to the baptismal font. This is called virtue-signaling, and it’s as stupid as it is tempting. All I have to do to be saved is play Stuart Smalley from Saturday Night Live. “I’m nice enough, I’m smart enough, and gosh darn it; people like me!” That, or “I’m not one of the racists, sexists, capitalists, etc…” Once you’ve claimed that, the pearly gates are supposed to open and Stoned Jesus smiles a vacant smile. Except for the small print under this contract.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #sexist #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Brown People are Always Going to Support Socialism Because They’re So Much Less Competent Than Whites"]

In democracy, you have all these different groups which you must pander to. We take it for granted, but it’s really an absurd situation: society is totally divided into groups and politicians have to segment out what they do for each group in order to get votes from that group.
As Joe Biden recently said, Latinos are not monolithic like the blacks.

He apologized for saying that, or rather whoever runs his Twitter account apologized that he said that.
The thing I would like to offer today is this: it appears to me that democracy encourages these social divides.[…]
If immigrants were expected to integrate, very few would bother coming at all. Moving to another country is a big effort. But democracy, with this system of multiple group identities, encourages them to remain in these blocs, which then encourages more to come here.
These people are always with the Republicans, because the Republicans theoretically support military action in Latin America. Also, because they are lighter-skinned, they have higher IQs and generally do not want socialism here in America either. In any mixed-race country, socialism is a way for brown people to siphon wealth from white people. (In a purely white country, socialism is a way for women to siphon wealth from men.)
We need to abandon democracy and go back to the classical American republican model of government. If we did that tomorrow, and made the white majority the singular focus of government policy, things would slowly begin to swing in the opposite direction.

You would see:
∙ Blacks trying to act like people
∙ Women returning to the guidance of men
∙ Brown people going back to their shitholes

Rex Jones #racist twitter.com

It's all fun and games to bring up "Government Data" until someone mentions FBI Crime statistics


Acceptable “Conservatives”

- Candace Owens
- Ben Shapiro
- Glenn Beck
- Stephen Crowder

“Unacceptable” Conservatives

- Alex Jones
- Nick Fuentes
- Faith Goldy
- Tucker Carlson

See the difference?

Total Imbecile #sexist #racist incels.is

[Blackpill] Europeans are fakecels

I was just nostialgiamaxxing and watching this old music remix video that had a really pretty girl in it

I was getting really honry so I looked her up and turns out shes Romanian

And I see this pattern again and again, if a girl is even remotely attractive shes either a model or european

I can count on my fingers the number of slim girls Ive seen IRL

Every popular girl in my high school was either "thicc" aka fat or a muscled lacrosse bitch

All the best looking pornstars are european too, a fair bit of them are EE

Finally girls in Europe mainly use Tinder for validation or to actually find a relationship since hooking up is frowned upon, fuck even on r/FDS euro girls are complaining that dating multiple people and dating casually is discouraged in their country so they cant really do it, so online dating actually works there

I dont know how you can be European and not have a girlfriend dead srs

Just look at what kind of excuses these guys are coming up with, the "drivers license pill" for example JFL are you kidding me

I also briefly talked to that rich escortcel a few weeks back while trying to find an escort to fuck myself cause I couldnt find a single attractive one, and then he linked me to the site where he gets his escorts from, the dude is basically fucking victorias secret models for what I can only hope to pay some untested black crackwhore whale to blow me in my car

As soon as Im done with school Im moving to Europe, everyone is taller there but with lifts getting a gf should be a breeze

Also I agree that most beautiful women come from Europe. I'm leaving America once I've got the money.

Ive been to europe a number of times

Literally every girl has a flat stomach and a tight gap

Are you guys whipping them and starving them there like whats going on

I cant believe that belly fat on women is being normalized in the US and guys are eating it up

tehgymcel420 #racist #sexist #psycho incels.is

[RageFuel] It's almost as if ethnic foids believe they can become white by fucking white men

The racepill is brutal, first you accept that you're inferior, then you get angry when you see females who are inferior as you with better men. Every noodle, curry, sand, etc. foid is a white man's whore. But it's worse than that, these foids gain a huge ego from taking white dick, they no longer consider themselves regular roast beefs. They believe people are gods and that by fucking white men, they are gods too. That is why an ethnic foid will never settle for an ethnic man, they consider themselves above us despite coming from the same subhuman genes.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Appeals Court OKs Trump Plan to End Protected Immigration Status for 4 Countries

What is there to say? At some point people have to defend their own country and that's what Trump wanted to do. As for the central American's: I'm sorry that yours is a craphole but it's the Aztec/Mayan way. Go back and lop some heads off.

Lop heads off after cutting out the hearts. The left engaged in a malicious fraud in 1965 - they lied then, promising that their new immigration proposal would not alter the racial makeup of the USA. It has in fact racially transformed the US. Now, in 2020, they make out like it is illegitimate to try to prevent further immigration-driven racial transformation.

(Mark Sohn)
All these central Americans say is they are afraid for their safety because there are cartels in their home countries. But why come here, when they can stay with their cousins in Mexico? Free food, health care, shelter? Look you illegal sobs, fix your countries. We're fed up with you just crowding us and playing your loud La Raza music.

Many of them ARE the cartels.

Hehe, there was a film called, ‘Children of Men’ that showed nonwhites being expelled from the UK. Think of the film what you want; it did show nonwhites being expelled from the UK. Expelled, you know, the way the nations these people are coming from expelled their white populations, considering them colonists (and decolonization their number one national priority). I think a key feature of that is first decolonizing the minds of native citizens.

(Tom C)
We need "decolonization" in all Western countries.

Nixwerld #wingnut #racist #sexist deviantart.com

If I had a Twitter account, which I'm glad I don't, I would instantly DEMAND the peanut gallery on the mainstream and social media to cancel me for being "offensive" to their politically correct narrative.

Go right ahead, Twitter. Call me racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynist, transphobic, white supremacist, boomer or whatever. I don't care about YOU PEOPLE. Most of you are proud woke femmunists who hate everything, and your political correctness are depressing individuals, I'd be happy to compare the BLM movement to Jim Crow and Kristallnacht. Because as a wise old man once said, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Walid Khass #conspiracy #racist jta.org

The yearlong battle between a doctor and a New York hospital trying to fire him over anti-Semitic and anti-gay posts will be back in court next week.

New York-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital has tried to dismiss Walid Khass from his position as a pediatric resident since 2019, the Forward reported Thursday. In recent years, Khass has written on separate posts on social media “Go beat up a Zionist,” “You trust the Jews — I never did” and “I hope only Israelis get ebola.” He also wrote that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi’s mother was Jewish, meaning that she belongs to a “higher group run the corrupt world.”

Khass was admitted to the hospital’s residency program, but then was informed he had been found unsuitable. He sued the hospital to be readmitted to the program and won.

The hospital, which treats many Jewish patients, appealed the decision and is due to argue its case at a Sept. 17 hearing in Brooklyn state Supreme Court, according to the Forward. It says Khass cannot remain because some of his posts condoned or encouraged violence.

Nixwerld #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia deviantart.com

SJWs, they're all a bunch of social media addicted queefbags if you ask me. If the film industry wants to survive through the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis, and if they want to keep that theatrical window going, they should restructure their own brands, lay off many of those social media influencers, stop relying on China for their profit, stop remaking or rebooting practically everything, enough with the gender-swapping and female empowerment, stop forcing "diversity/representation" on everything, and so forth. It's people like them who appropriate racism and abuse and intolerance towards one another, and bankrupt the police so that they could kill people they don't like and all other sorts of things. That's what you'd get in Donald Trump's America. And Disney, they should stop with the live-action remakes, and sell off all the IPs which they acquired through Bob Iger as a CEO, they can't afford to own a competing major film studio like 20th Century (Fox) Studios at this point.

Absolutely. The studio execs in corporate Hollywood need to learn their lesson. I believe in the theory of "Go Woke, Go Broke", insulting and guilt-shaming your audience into thinking they're all a bunch of racists and hypocrites does NOT earn you money or respect, it makes the situation even worse, and it turns people off from watching your shows.

On the subject of Disney, they have already become far too big and powerful over the past severeal years. If they want to earn more trust and respect from their target demographic, they should sell of most, if not, all of the companies they acquired under Bob Iger, excluding Pixar. They should stop with the live-action remakes of popular animated films, and not only revive the Touchstone Pictures brand for more adult themed movies but also sell of 21st Century Fox and its affiliates to some other company while they're at it.

Fed Up #racist amren.com

Geez! That also describes Mexico perfectly. I recall a former co-worker. He came back from a visit to Mexico and said the sign, WELCOME TO MEXICO should be changed to read: WELCOME TO MEXICO! LAND OF THIEVES!

Or for turning a substantial part of a first-world culture into a replica of the s-hole they came from. But you can verify that in any city or town with a large hispanic population.

Kindly explain what culture they have? Enjoying cockfights and dog fights as they watch dumb animals literally rip each other to bloody shreds. Racing down a street, radio blasting their trash music as loud as they can, while being so drunk they almost kill themselves or worse, innocent people. Enjoying the premise no woman has the right to reject their advances -- if she does, rape is not only right but properly so. Incest with a young child is not really a crime, seen on a par with illegal parking or driving while totally intoxicated.

Yeah, and you forgot that they think that they can cheat on their wives or girlfriends, but their wives or gfs cannot cheat on them. These Hispanics have no morals or family values, and I get angry with these dumb clergy people, teachers and politicians who praise Hispanic morals and family values.

We read more than a few news items in the Houston Chronicle about family values. Especially incest, rape, and the like. Not to mention what "people coming to better themselves: did along the border. The only reason you won't read truth in today's Chronicle is because the newspaper has to kowtow to the advertisers.

Even there music is nothing but a spin off of German Bavarian music.

Germans compare to Mexicans like a diamond compares to a pile of dog droppings..

Various Commenters #racist #psycho amren.com

(Ghost Forrest)
I am always amazed that Hispanics cannot produce one successful country. But they are so proud of their “culture”. The world needs a lot less Hispanics and a lot more pristine wilderness.


Spain is not too bad!

Even Spain hasn't done as well as the rest of Europe for centuries now. Spain is dramatically inferior to Germany and Britain. That was true 100 years ago. I will never move to a country that has Spanish heritage. First, I hate their language, the way they speak, their vulgarity and accents. Second, they still are sh**holes compared to the US. Finally, their notion of law is bribery and illegal influence peddling.

(Rich at Large)
You make an unassailable point. Hispanics have a love/hate relationship with their homelands. They like the simple peasant stuff (food, music, dance, flowers, etc), but take it for granted that they will never produce functioning modern societies, and hence dream of fleeing to the US, which they expect to enter on their, not our, terms. They don't seem to recognize (and/or don't care) that by so doing, they are gradually turning here into there, in the negative sense.

Jack McGriff #racist amren.com

RE: Sheriff Alex Villaneuva Challenges BLM Supporter LeBron James to Match the $175k Reward for Gunman Who Tried to Assassinate Two of His Deputies

LOL. James is a low IQ uneducated fool who hates blacks as much as white liberals. Like Oprah, James will NOT live around blacks, seeks exclusive areas to live with whites, and won't donate a penny of his money to making any meaningful impact on black prosperity. Oprah and James use their positions to start charities to solicit white people's money for black projects so they can virtue signal, but donating their own money to blacks with no strings attached is out of the question. Even they know how stupid that is.

Ehud Would #racist #wingnut twitter.com

Basically every American military campaign since the War of Northern Aggression has been illegal, but a declaration of war against Mexico comports with Just War Theory. They have been waging not only economic, but ongoing physical war on the US for the last century.

Incline #racist #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Based South Africa putting white chadlites in their place

Look at this shit they still get free food because of JBW they would absolutely slay in SEA they mog me so hard but I moneymogg them.

This young men were looking for a job and got surprised

South Africa has lots of scientific advancements, for example: Just kill the white farmers who grow most your crops Theory

They are based they know whites mog all their ethnic population so they wanna get rid of them just look at this two dudes they fucking mog me out of this universe yet they are homeless and struggling to find job. Can't really blame the south africans for doing this, god's speed to them.

that would be a good idea except for the fact they are also killing black farmers and stealing their land

Well can't expect too much from those low iq communist wannabes. Still at least they are trying. Tbh if you think about if you are white you want as many ethnics coming to Europe/USA as you can. More ethnics = your white skin is more valuable.

chad worship thread ethnic chads killing whitecels as usual

Shit you're right it sounds like chad worship but what I wanted to show in this thread is just how Africans put this JBW white colonizers in their place by giving them low status.

Various Racists #racist amren.com

RE: Racial/Ethnic Variation Found in Nasal Gene Expression of Key Protein Used By SARS-CoV-2

Helps explain Covid’s disproportionate impact on blacks.

To say nothing of those big fat open nose holes sucking in all of that polluted infected virus laden air.

Plus they are stupid. Smoking (tobacco and marijuana) is endemic among them. Few have any impulse control which means most are overweight and many obese. And overall they lack the discipline to practice any sort of basic health safety protocols.

maybe the fact that these mental midgets dont wear masks and gather for hood parties is the reason they are infected at a higher rate.. plus the fact that most of them are fat and have hypertension and diabetes results in a higher death rate? naw, COVID be RACIST!!!

(Rich at Large)

So evolution is working slowly to rid us of this plague? Or the Chinese?

Between disease, famine, and tribal warfare, nature has been trying to keep this population in check, but we keep thwarting nature by applying fixes while inviting them to dwell among us.


According to science, Blacks have broad noses as an evolutionary development to help cool their bodies in hot steamy Africa. They also have a better sense of smell which could have given them more survival advantage in wild steamy Africa. This present plague is also related to SARS which all came to us from China.

Yeah the wider jackson 5 nostrils contribute to having more cases than smaller ones. That's not a surprise.

They also have much longer arms and big hands to help their bodies dispose of heat.. You can tell how Germanic/ Nordic a human is my their short forearms and fingers.. Also they love to spit in the street. Spitting was once out lawed in SA if caught 30 days jail time.

Conspiracy Theories Archives #ufo #racist #conspiracy conspiracytheoriesarchives.com

Felines Extraterrestrials or Felinoids (Homo Felidis, Homo Felinis, Homo Felis) would be, together with the Carians, one of the two primary races of our universe and form with the Canids, the Humans and the Shapeshifter Aliens the dreaded "Superior Hierarchy".
They would come to us at the invitation of the 12 Founders of the Universe.
It seems that, before time, as we know it, began, 12 highly evolved souls known as "the Founders" decided to create a universe in which to put into practice their evolutionary game called "Universal Game" or "Integration of Polarities": a theory that would describe the purpose of our universe (which is just one of several existing in the multiverse) and consists of the integration of two opposites, Light and Darkness.
During a subsequent phase of evolution, the felines who are great geneticists, brought their attention to that mammalian DNA and began a program of breeding and genetic improvement, creating humanoid-like mammalian breeds such as the Pleiadians, including a Pleiadian type known as Anunnaki, who respectively created the Syrians and the colored Homo Sapiens Sapiens, then all these types merged into the mixed terrestrial colony, that is, Homo Sapiens Sapiens. There were two lines, that of the more active and energetic mulatto red beings and that of the white beings, of a kinder and more introspective nature.
Both of these races took up residence in the planets around the Vega star in the Lyra constellation.

Ocean12 #elitist #racist stormfront.org

I am white (dark hair, dark eyes) but would never consider going with a black man. Nor would I want that for my kids. It's just you see them in the news every night charged with crime after crime. Then there was one the other day who had 17 kids and he was only 26 and he got killed. That is gross. Maybe that is African "culture" but that is not for me. It's disgusting is what it is.

Le Bowser #racist #sexist stormfront.org

This type of thing is a crime against nature and should never be allowed to happen

Now we have have a generation of cucked white males who have to either stay home and masturbate or race mix themselves

This is exactly why I am leaving Canada

On a side note, I saw a blonde white woman with a Hindu and striaght up asked her "Are you ficking that monstrosity" She got embarassed and replied no

The Hindu never said a word. LOL

der einzelganger #crackpot #elitist #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Right on, SS, glad to see someone here understands – It is Nature’s way that the higher the species, the slower its development

There is no living creature more helpless, more immobile than a White infant. By way of contrast, a newborn colt can stand up within minutes of being born. On its second day of life it can outrun a man; on its third day it can run with its mother.

In our competitive world the White child pays a heavy price for its eventual superiority. By the age of eleven, it lags nearly two years behind the negro, and one year behind other dark children. Even Asians are slightly ahead. Because of Whites’ higher IQ, this ‘equivalent age gap’ is not so apparent in the classroom. But in all measures of physiology – size, strength, agility, speed, endurance, and yes, sexuality – it can be a crushing disadvantage.

By the age of early to mid-20s the difference has been made up, and the White young adult will continue to advance far longer. But by then many key milestones of early adulthood have already been passed, and can never be made up. The level of individual self-esteem is long established, athletic scholarships and accolades have all been handed out, and one’s potentiality for success with the opposite sex is already in play.

What of the poorly parented White girl? Girls always develop faster than boys, so without strong leadership it should come as no surprise when the fast-developing teen bimbo – trembling on the brink of womanhood and frustrated with her less mature male classmates who are into gaming, RC toys and even studying – falls prey to some cocky world-wise mongrel.

Thule Foundation #ufo #magick #conspiracy #racist thule.org

In this recent inter-glacial warm period, the banished aryan E.T.'s inseminated the Chaldeans, Assyrians and the Sumerians by conquest with their hate,fear and avarice. So generation after generation of so called "Western man" has kept going West, never treating the planet as if it was their home, never treating the different colored humans already here as family.
The onslaught was momentarily halted at the Western edge of Europe, historians politely called the aryans "Indo-Europeans". After a brief rest the genetic criminals sailed across the Atlantic, took a foothold on North America and proceeded to decimate the indigenous peoples, giving them smallpox and killing millions of their bison foodstock. Reaching the Pacific ocean, undaunted they forced the Japanese into a corner, the Japanese attacked, and the aryans wiped their Earth with nuclear innocent population killing bombs.

Before the aryans arrived, societies would build monuments to harmony such as the pyramids, after the aryans arrived, humans have been kept busy building fortifications around their cities and armaments with which to kill each other.

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