
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Philia #racist twitter.com

It's odd how it's mainly jewish people defending cuties. Maybe it's something to do with how they have throughout history profited off the sexual exploitation of non-jewish girls.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Free expression for me, but not for thee"]

Cisco Systems fires employees for disagreeing with #NiggerLivesMoreImportantThanSocietyMotherfucker during an "open" forum.

The "incident" at Cisco (read: people expressing well reasoned opinions) has been a microcosm of similar situations at other silicon valley companies, who are left to try and figure out how to posture to the public they are concerned about racism, while at the same time not laying off their entire staff. Some believe that protests at companies could be next if employees aren't "trained" to think the right way.

Kristen Clarke, the president and executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, said: “Employers should be striving for zero tolerance when it comes to racism and discrimination, period. The protests we’ve seen in the streets have become part of our new normal and will eventually make their way inside workplaces if employers fail to meet the moment.”

Clarke is proposing the U.S. version of the Rachel Arab legislation I objected to last month.

Anonymous #racist desuarchive.org

Africans, in a void from superior races, would have continued living in mud huts chucking spears at each other until wiped out by a mass extinction event or the Earth being swallowed by the Sun. They were and are genetically predestined to be a step above apes but nothing more.

S Sinistrari #crackpot #racist stormfront.org

Nature has been trying to kill off negros for a long time, but they are resilient thanks to modern man unfortunately slowing the progress.

Negros, like other wild animals, grow quick to adapt to their wild world to survive. They ‘grow up’ quicker than whites, along with sex drive, then cap out in their teens. And that is where they mentally stay for life.

That is why younger Whites just think older blacks are cool because they act kinda like them, not knowing it is simply they have reached their limit.

White parents that let their children run around with negros like that White girl should have their children taken from them. All that girl will be now is some crack ho with mongrel retarded mixed children.

Young White brains develop slower, and keep on growing. But in their young years it is the responsibility of the Parents and other Whites to show these young minds the dangers of life!

For me, I would cut off all ties to retarded Whites. I don’t look to save them or their one and done brood, I look to save the smart ones.

Chernabog #conspiracy #racist stormfront.org

Talking to my friend and his brother outside his house yesterday and we see two kids skipping by holding hands, one black boy and one white girl with blonde hair and light eyes, who was noticeably taller than the black. They couldn't have been more than 6 or 7 and the black boy was aggressively leading the white girl. My friend chuckled, "They're starting earlier and earlier." We had a conversation about it and my friend was of the typical cuckservative point of view that "color doesn't matter/it's the character/democrats are the real racists" programmed response. His brother was like basically "fk ni--gers/can't stand them."

When I left, I turned the corner to the front of the house, and there they were, the black boy and blonde girl doing 'something' by the small tree in my friend's front yard. When they noticed me they suddenly stopped and looked at me like deer frozen in headlights. Then they quickly left and headed back up the block where they came from.

I don't watch any children's programming or see what they look at these days but found it odd that two very little kids of different races were sneaking off together and playing kissy behind the tree or whatever, with the black boy being so aggressive.

I don't remember much about being 6 years old but I think trying to smooch all the girls was the last thing on my mind. I know blacks are typically regarded as more aggressive and higher testosterone, etc. Personally I believe they just have smaller brains that don't suggest the possibility of consequences for promiscuous behavior, probably why their race are a petri dish of diseases and disorders related to promiscuity. They simply can't think about actions and consequences since their brains did not evolve to plan, unlike Western man's.

Obviously (((someone))) is telling little black boys to go around and kiss on all the little blonde white girls. Just another warning in case you already didn't know.

sterplaz #racist stormfront.org

I've noticed that someone with non-White/Aryan ancestry usually starts showing it in their senior years. That's when the "jewy" part comes out in force.

It happens to those with partial oriental ancestry; that singer/vocalist with the stage name Saffron in the 1990s music group Repulica. She looked quite White in the 1990s but nowadays is showing some old oriental woman visage.

It happens to those with partial negro DNA; Jayne Kennedy from the 1970s She is seriously looking full negress nowadays.

I've seen some red indians who looked White as youths and then late in life started getting the Sitting Bull look to them.

Hell, even Joseph Goebbels looked later in life like he had some serious Mediterranean ancestry. Looked like a German in young life, but started getting that "Guido" look, like some Mafia crime boss appearance to him.

It also happens to jews. Some jews when young look Aryan, even with blonde hair and blue eyes, but the jewy part comes out, like others, in the senior years. Even that abhorrent Ruth Bader Ginsburg in her youth didn't seem to have any jew to her. But now? Holy Hebes! Poster girl for jew wench/witch.

So, if you want to know the ancestry of who you plan to marry, or you want to know the same for your kids/descendants, then find any/all photos of that marriage prospect's direct family members in their senior years. As far back as possible. Because it, non-White ancestry, will most likely show up in those senior years.

FemmeBlanche #conspiracy #racist stormfront.org

Robin Williams - Called himself an honorary Jew, looked Jewish and made Nazi jokes all the time.

Meryl Streep - Looks Jewish, is worshipped by Hollywood.

Anthony Fauci - Looks Jewish, not Italian. Many Jews pretend to be Italian.

Joy Behar - Looks Jewish but says she's Italian. Very Jewish humour and way of speaking. Pushes the anti-white agenda.

Bill Gates - Looks Jewish. Has a tech company that rules the world just like Jewish Mark Zuckerberg.

Steve Jobs - Same as Bill Gates.

Donald Trump - I'm not sure about him but I suspect the Trump family is Jewish. On the filthy, childish animated series Drawn Together which aired from 2004 to 2007, the man refered to as "Jew Producer" is a robotic version of Donald Trump.

John Kerry - Apparently, his original family name was Cohen but was changed to the Irish name Kerry.

Any other celebs or politicians you think are secretly Jewish? How about the Bush family? Paris Hilton?

Wagiecel #racist #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Singapore is becoming gigacucked

It seems like a nice place to move to for work since everyone speaks English and its not a shithole.

As you know Singapore is already cucked because it forced all its men to do mandatory military service and waste two years of their time. Meanwhile they get all these white expats to get the actual good jobs. The foids get 2 year advantage in building their careers while fucking the white expats on the side.

However I read up on article that now Singapore wishes it could be like the good old days where it got cucked by white guys.

Now its getting cucked by curries instead. Not even by locally born curries. But by mainland curries.

What is happening is Singapore issues a lot of foreign visa to get curries from India to come to Singapore to work because they think their local talent cannot do these jobs. The problem is you end up having cases like DBS bank where the boss is a curry who isn't even a local Singaporean. And naturally they will favour their own and import more curries from India to work instead of local singaporeans.

Basically this is another H1B visa issue like you see in America. Except its much worse coz curries aren't here to do shitty code monkey work. They're gonna become your boss even though they never stepped one foot in Singapore before.

The government will try to deny it. But there's a reason ethnic tensions are building there. Singaporeans are getting cucked out of the job market by Curries who aren't even born on local soil.

So if you see Singaporean posters here who seem very pissed off, you have to understand they have a good reason to be. Feminism has already cucked them and now they're about to be cucked again. And to those who think everything is fine, whats the point of living in denial? You're defending a country that treats you like a slave, let the foids overpower you and now are surrendering the power to foreigners.

SAVE WHITE SETTLER U.S.A. #racist amren.com

"4 in 5 Latinos are US citizens"? If you consider anchor baby citizenship, Reagan amnesty, other ways of fraudulently coming here, and all those other Hispanics who lived here illegally for 20 years before obtaining a green card, sure! How many Latinos actually waited their turn down in Latin America before coming here??? I'm not sure I've ever met a Hispanic who did such a thing! I don't know any Hispanics who actually came here completely legally. They ALL cut to the front of the line!

I am not even going to get into how they have destroyed my city and states through their undercutting wages and jobs, stealing social security numbers, requiring everything in Spanish, abusing social services, hit and runs, crime and everything else that comes from them. Also they are much larger than only 18% of the country. The statistics are manipulated so whites aren't worried about the Hispanic ever-growing invasion. Last but not least as to college graduates among them, college admission was made easier in California to accommodate the Hispanic invasion.

Latin America and its people are terrific, but I'm concerned that Latinos in the U.S. are getting proselytized by the globalists, Marxists, and black radicals into the cult of anti-Western and anti-Caucasian sentiment.

You wouldn't have such sentiments if you had lived in a place where they have taken over and destroyed. I have nothing terrific to say about them anymore.

Marko Vojnov #racist amren.com

Take it from someone who grew up in the Balkans — diversity is not a strength. Like many Latin American countries, Venezuela is a strange contradiction: it is stunningly beautiful, has a wonderful climate, and is rich in natural resources — and yet, it is a Third World slum. The USSR beat the USA in its race to be the first in sending a man into space. That was in 1961. Meanwhile, in 2020, Venezuela is on the brink of collapse. Demographics, per usual, is the elephant in the room. The pure whites found in wealthy, secluded neighborhoods are few and far between, and many of them are either immigrants or the children of immigrants. I never once met a single inarguably white family that was third generation Venezuelan. In contrast to most of its population — which, though friendly, is largely lazy, unambitious, carefree, and uneducated — the whites of Venezuela are hardworking and productive. My own family was a good example of this. We arrived as immigrants speaking no Spanish and only basic English, and with so little money we slept on the beach. Within five years, we owned the biggest supermarket in town.

When the wars in the Balkans finally ended, my family decided to head back. As Serbs, my family went to the new nation of Serbia. That was the whole point of the wars, after all: segregation — Croats got Croatia, Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) got Bosnia, Serbs got Serbia, and so on. Ironically, twenty years later the Balkans are a peaceful place — thanks to the collapse of an artificial and diverse country, and the rise of several homogeneous nations in its place. Meanwhile, Western countries seem to want to remake themselves in the image of the former Yugoslavia — illogical polities composed of several different antagonistic and wildly different peoples. Or perhaps their long-term plan is to create new Venezuelas: genetically diverse countries where centuries of miscegenation have created something approaching homogeneity. I’m not sure which is worse.

James Rink #conspiracy #magick #crackpot #racist supersoldiertalk.com

Saint Germain Timeline

Francis Bacon was the son of Queen Elizabeth the 1st.
1603-1626 Established masonry as a fraternal order and wrote Shakespearian sonnets
1626 – Francis Bacon Faked his death with another body in the coffin.
1684- Ascension Day – Francis Bacon ascended as an ascended master and choose the name holy brother or Sanctus Germainus.
1727 – Saint Germain offered Rothschilds money making secrets of alchemy to turn lead into gold provided they would use the wealth to help humanity. They rejected his offer.
1729- Saint Germain established the World Trust. Put his gold making secrets to use and it quickly became the most valuable trust on the planet. The money was to be released on the onset of the Aquarius age as most people were too low consciousness and this kind of wealth would destroy them.
1782 the Bavarian lodge of masonry was taken over by the illuminati which was headed by Adam Weishaupt based on luciferic teachings of the Talmud.
1784 – Saint Germain accepted default and faked his death to travel to London to continue work on steam boats and steam trains
1785 – all the masonic lodged began to become infected by the illuminati order
1790-1875 – Lived in Tibet to train as a Shabelon Master in inner earth Shamballah.
1850’s – Secret Space technology of antigravity and free energy began to blossom in Tartaria and in Prussia for the elite circles in the Sonora Aero Club.
1880- Encouraged children of royal family’s and nobility to put their wealth into the collateral accounts which was under Foundation Divine. Eventually all major trusts of the world were layered within world trust and foundation divine. Today world trust is worth 1 quatrodecillion dollars. 1 with 45 zeros.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

so ... in case you weren't aware ... several higher education learning centers (particularly more left-leaning) have opted to created black-only dorms and other such events.

naturally they're labeling with such flair as "unique to allow People of Color to speak with others directly about their own unique challenges and relate to one another"
but it's still voluntary segregation.
and now we have the natural other side of the coin forming https://www.nationalreview.com/news/university-of-michigan-dearborn-holds-whites-only-virtual-cafe-event/

an equal, but separate, event for Non-POCs.

Of course ...

Because this makes subscribers of Social Justice look bad ... they'll defend it tooth and nail.
but it's still segregation. Only difference this time is that blacks and minorities are buying into it.

You Fail History Forever Award

Anonymous #racist #dunning-kruger #conspiracy boards.4chan.org

In truth, Asians are a sub-90 IQ race. Richard lynn and Charles Murray overestimated and lied about SE Asian IQs in order to avoid accusations of nordicism. Europeans generally have above-100 IQs (unless their water is fluoridated).

White men are responsible for every major invention that thrust civilisation forward. All science, all medicine, all genius ingenuity. White men with majority Northern European ancestry. Asians invented nothing. They plagiarise our inventions, make them smaller, and mass produce them cheaply for global consumerism. Stealing inventions does not make you intelligent. They are monkeys, and do not even display sapience, let alone the ingenuity of the white man. You were lied to about the "asian IQ" just like you were lied to about the jewish one. You're fucking dead.

COLT731 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

(A text picture that reads the following)

White Europeans have the right to have a place that they can call home as much as Africans have as their home, Asians have Asia as their home, Arabs have Arabia and Hispanics have Latin-America. If you think that white European don’t deserve a place then you are a racist and a bigot.

If you are crying and calling me racist all I can say is Voi voi ja kättä housuun.

BummerDrummer #wingnut #racist #crackpot incels.is

[Venting] Have to learn another language because of clown world

All I want is this stupid government paper that tells me I'm a good mindless slave who can't think for myself (high school diploma-I dropped out.) because it gives me the ability to not be totally fucked when my parents croak, yet the requirements needed spit in my face 24/7. Apparently I have to learn a second language and they practically forced me into Spanish. What fucking state of the cucked government, to make you learn a language that's not the main language of the country. Especially the language of the invaders that are pouring over the border to make a (((New diverse inclusive world))).

I mean holy fuck, imagine how insulting it would be to be Swedish or something and to have to learn Somali. I'm sure that will come into the curriculum in a few years time. Maybe Germans are going to be forced to learn Arabic :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :feelsclown: :feelsclown: :feelsclown: . Ontop of the poverty and crime invaders bring apparently also comes the forcing of you by the government to assimilate to them. Who can dispute this new world order and the oppression of minorities when the majority is literally forced to accumulate to your world view? You would be oppressed if the government didn't hold the leash on proud locals because they would instantly kick out the non locals, but the government is holding the leash and is actively supporting the non locals.

Clown world when the government is cucking its own people to accommodate for some poor retards across the border. If the governments actually cared about their people anymore this wouldn't happen. More proof everyone is on the same side in the top, and you're on the other side.

WOLF97777777 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

As of we all know, recently over the years there have been people in western europe receiving visits from the police and even facing jail time for posts on the internet that were deemed offensive or unpopular. Events such as this have become a common occurrence for white european citizens ranging from a variety of German, British, French and Swedish. The posts mostly consisted of questioning mass immigration and criticizing a certain religion online. Do I believe this is justified? No. The people should be allowed to have their opinions without worrying about the police showing up at their doorstep moments later, this is essentially thought control at it's finest and it goes against the citizens right to free speech. However I do believe terroristic threats should be monitored and those giving out threats on the internet should get a visit if they really seem legit, but offensive jokes that are completely harmless should not be a crime and the same thing goes for the 40 something year old boomer who likes to post asking if a certain religion is peaceful. Because asking questions and criticizing something is not a form of violence.

WOLF97777777 #racist deviantart.com

To any whites/caucasians or whatever else you call it who feel skeptical about their skin colour or bloodline, don't let others bring you down! Whether it's from self loathing pro white genocide leftists or just people who hate whites in general. Be proud of who you are! Never be ashamed to love your own race and skin colour, don't have fear of being called racist for expressing pro white values. Those who shut people down with the racist card are anti white racist bigots that want to see the white race dwindle in their numbers resulting in our nations and bloodline to dissapear. Just ignore those individuals and erase your white guilt! There's only so many of us fellow whites in this current generation, so many turning against one another to join along side the anti western cultural marxists. I encourage other pro whites to have more white children, I know it's not an easy step to take but once a small minority starts and others follow through, the sooner our white population will grow. After all whites have built and contributed to the modern world and I do not wish to see that dissapear along with my fellow white brothers and sisters. I don't know when I'll start a family of my own in the long road ahead. But I have faith in others who are currently having more white children. The better we keep the white birthrates up, the sooner our white aryan race will flourish for centuries to come.

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

And people say these colleges aren’t snowflake hug boxes! So the college of Michigan made these VR cafes or actual cafes and separate white People from minorities...MLK is spinning in his grave so hard that he’s having a beyblade battle with Malcom X! Surprisingly they apologized after people got pissed and unsurprisingly their apology SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS! https://umdearborn.edu/offices/external-relations/key-issues/virtual-cafes-september-9-2020 Here are the highlights!


Yeah, soooooooooo~much love for “non-POC”, huh? This college needed to protect minorities from “educating” white people on how to be an “ally” or not racist, hm? So again, white people are all racist so they need a space to hate themselves. Also how do you harm someone to educate you!? Are there bullies slamming students against lockers and saying “Hey! Teach me how to be an ally! TEACH ME TO NOT BE RACIST! NOW!” Fucking hell! Millions of steps forward but these crazies just. Keep. pulling us a trillion steps back and again they‘re so open with how much they hate white people and consider them racist just because they’re white! The funny thing is that this has happened before at Harvard in 2017!


Now to be fair this was organized by black students...but you gotta imagine what if it was for white excellence and white brilliance...it wouldn’t happen hell the students that would even suggest it would’ve been expelled, demonized and blasted on social media AND THERE’S NO FUCKING WAY YOU CAN SAY I’M WRONG. INCLUSION! THROUGH EXCLUSION! SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

john012 #psycho #racist stormfront.org

Blacks are only a problem when you live around them. Noise, crime, etc. are issues. As for Blacks on TV, it's all entertainment. I don't like cops, so it's good to see Blacks fight with cops. Jews are a different story. Unlike Blacks, Jews are doing sneaky things behind the scenes. A good example - they've made it virtually impossible to protest against Israel out in the open. If you own a business and support BDS, good luck getting state funding. IMO, we should focus on solving the Jewish Question first, as this is a bigger concern.

John B 14 #conspiracy #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia stormfront.org

Decades of brainwashing from Jew media.

Jews push for cultural marxism in western countries. These are the forced equality movements like open borders diversity, race-mixing, gay & transgender culture, feminism, affirmative action, etc.

At the same time, Jews are building a Jewish supremacist apartheid state of Israel with huge walls, immigration based on Jewish bloodline, where it's illegal for a Jew to marry a non-Jew.

This makes western countries weaker, divided, and easier to manipulate, while making Israel stronger.

In any competition, the group that works as a team has a big advantage.

End the fed #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Jews have been brainwashing more gullible submissive minded Whites to have white guilt since they were kids. These do it in the schools, media, and all forms of pop culture. Having white guilt and vulture singling is trendy.

Plus they're been brainwashing White women for the last 25 years to be attracted to black men. This makes then even more pro black and anti-White.
70% of single women under 35 are liberal. Most women under 35 are now White guilt mudsharks.

Dieudonne M'bala M'bala #racist rfi.fr

In a move that follows the controversial comedian’s ban from YouTube, Facebook and Instagram platforms, the video sharing TikTok app has now banned Dieudonné from its site.

"Dieudonne's account has been removed from the platform," a spokesman for TikTok told AFP without revealing the reasoning behind the ban this Wednesday.

His recent Facebook and Instragram ban stems from his use of "dehumanising terms about Jews".

Dieudonne, 54, is a convicted anti-Semite, often speaking out against the “Zionist lobby” that he says rules the world. His long 'rap sheet' includes condoning terrorism and hate speech— he was convicted for the latter in November 2019, fined €9,000 for insulting Jews.

And he was also sentenced to two years in prison for money laundering and tax fraud last year.

Various Incels #racist incels.is

[Venting] i hate slavs/slavic people

they are good for fooling around and drinking alcohol, but when it game time you can't rely on them. never trust russians or anyone that's part of the soviet bloc. if you ask a russian a favor you might as well shoot yourself instead, because death is more reliable than the word of a pruski. there's a reason why the world is distrustful of russia, and its not because of the nukes, and not because of the government- its the fucking people.

anything you hear about spetnaz being the 'elite forces of the world' is also bullshit. there's a reason why they aren't deployed anywhere and delta force is killing terrorists all year round. their mma fighters are also shit, they look scary sure. but americans are still dominating mma and they will for a very long time.

Slavic people were the original niggers. Their name literally came from "Slave". I'm fucking done dude it's over for slavs.

They're the niggers of White people. That is, if you consider them White in the first place.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut #transphobia amren.com

The whole Anglosphere has the same problem. “An interesting phenomenon in Australia is that a large fraction of the professional Aboriginal Media Personalities are close to phenotypically indistinguishable, more or less (and more than less), from the average bogan [lower-class Australian],” wrote Steve Sailer. Try watching this video without laughing. These women do not look like Abos. DNA tests would be interesting, but isn’t it enough that they “identify” as Aboriginal?

Anthony Beevor wrote in The Battle for Spain: The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 that rightists or leftists behaved this way if they found themselves behind enemy lines. Leftists would join the Falange; rightists would join the Communists. Committing ruthless acts would prove to their new comrades that they were comrades and shouldn’t be killed. I think many whites are reacting this way under our new Cultural Revolution. Professor Krug was Jewish, but most blacks and Hispanics see Jews as another type of white.

Still, egalitarians have a problem. If race is just a “social construct,” why can’t people “identify” as any race? Professor Krug admitted she was a fraud, but I think Rachel Dolezal really thinks she’s black. If there are dozens of genders and everyone’s “lived experience” is valid, why can’t anyone take a non-white identity? Furthermore, if there is “white privilege,” why are people so eager to be part of the “oppressed” class? Some could conceivably do this out of masochism, but Professor Krug, Rachel Dolezal, and the others benefited. Their fraud helped their careers. Should this be a crime? If so, should blood tests be required to prove who is black, Hispanic, or Indigenous? If it is just a question of “lived experience,” how do you tell if someone really believes he’s black or if he is just a good liar? If transgenders are real, why not transracials?

If any bureaucrats asks, I’m a “white Hispanic.” I have 0.1 percent Hispanic DNA to prove it. I know enough Spanish to get through a telenovela. Don’t question my identity, bigot.

eyzwydopen #racist #sexist #conspiracy stormfront.org

RE: Black female university journalist writes that it's racist for White males to exclusively date White females

70% of Black women can't get married, so no doubt this bitter hate filled old maid is boiling over with scorn when she spots normal well adjusted White people displaying a natural attraction to their own species. It isn't White peoples fault that Negro woman are so hidious that even their own species rejects them. That is what this is really about. Race mixing is unnatural, it goes against the instinct for survival. That is why the tribe is bombarding us with subliminal imagery to coerce us into doing it. It is the reason we see so many mixed race couples on TV. They are presenting it as normal behavior without the viewers being fully aware of what is going on. "By way of deception thou shalt do war." Her solution, use the magical incantation (Racism™)she learned from the tribe to make normal people feel guilty and ashamed of themselves for not conforming to the will of the Cult. This desperate race obsessed old maid is rejecting her own kind and that is why it pisses her off to see the object of her desire with White women.

Anonymous #homophobia #psycho #racist #sexist boards.4chan.org

I don't want to save the white race, I want most whites to die because most whites are subhumans no better than niggers in a lot of cases, all these whores, lard asses, faggots, race traitors, leftists etc. don't have a right to life just because they're white, they should die. God I hate "White Equality" so many white nationalists promote, just because someone is white doesn't make them special. Whites will live on no matter what and as soon as collapse comes same with all the non whites too, because they're dependent on whites giving them free food and water to live, like Africans, they'll die off fast as soon as the UN donations stop coming and non whites in europe and northern north america will die off as soon as they have no more gov't heating for their homes and the cold sets in, our destiny is set, I'm only preparing to survive

State of the Nation #quack #conspiracy #wingnut #racist stateofthenation.co

Everything points to COVID-19 as a FunVax bioweapon that has been purposefully released worldwide via various means of propagation in order to exponentially multiply the vectors of dissemination of the concealed VMAT2 vaccine.

Hence, the primary goal of OPERATION COVID-19 is to significantly diminish religiosity throughout the world community of nations, especially in those countries that are integral to the formation of a totalitarian One World Government. Those nations are primarily the Western military powers of the Zio-Anglo-American Axis that are members of both NATO and G20.

In point of fact, the New World Order agenda cannot be successfully implemented within those nations where the citizens have strong spiritual impulses and devout religious practice. The NWO globalist cabal will have an even more difficult time wherever there is a historical tradition of mysticism such as India, or an ongoing spiritual revival as experienced by the Pentecostal and Evangelical Christians throughout the West.

Various Incels #sexist #racist incels.is

[Brutal] [Monkeypill] Indonesian men are so low-value they pay to fuck Orangutans

Orangutan sex slave screamed when former captor visited her

Pony the orangutan was terrified when the woman who ran the 'brothel' where she was kept came to visit her in an Indonesian conservation centre.

Let's be honest here, a shaved Orangutan wearing perfume and makeup is the looksmatch of a generic Indonesian man

I can't believe that there are actually humans, who would fuck an ape?!

this is what happens when you disproportionately breed low-value men and abort females in these societies

>cumskins go to SEA and steal deathnic women
>cumskins wondering why deathnics fuck animals
Are you guys mentally reverted?

Sometimes I can't believe I am one gender with those people. Desperate men will fuck anything that looks even remotely humanoid. Why did I even read this.

Just lol at ethnics.

Truely disgusting shit. I have more compassion to the orangutans than foids in sexual slavery.

(Transcended Trucel)
Insanely low inhib. Mans horniness knows no limits

I can't believe that there are actually humans, who would fuck an ape?!

Yes, there are men who fuck cars, who castarate themselves, fap to stuffing shit down their throat. Coomerdom knows no limits

Are they even more low inhib than some foids?

Yes many furries have extreme fucked body mutilation fetishes

CrackingYs #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot incels.is

[Theory] We were so close! If Hitler had not attacked Russia in winter we would be living in a futuristic utopia right now

Imagine a socialist utopia, where everyone has a job, a purpose, nobody has to LDAR, and education is free. People can work as much as they want and their pay is based on their merit.

Imagine if Jews were not in control of all media, communications, and mega-corporations.

Imagine an ethnically pure society of healthy white people of Aryan descent.

Imagine a modern Empire with a strong military, strong leadership, and devoted citizens who support their country.


If I could send one piece of information into the past in order to improve the world, it would be a letter to Hitler telling him not to attack Russia in winter.

Rodegas #wingnut #racist deviantart.com


Obviously no one could have foreseen such outcome...

(Made by someone from ČR I just translated it.)

Video:Resident of Calais speaks. This is the death of civilization. (https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKAQX74yRyc)
(I remember when we had similar problem in Slovakia with gypsies, western europe condemn us, funny how thing can turn.)

If EU would really wanted to help, for same amount of money they would secure / take care for 10 times more people right there in nearest safe zone/ country.
Instead of resetling just a small portion of them to the most expensive countries in Europe!

For example Cost of living in Denmark is 90% higher than in Slovakia Cost of living in Norway is 121.06% higher than in Slovakia and so on.
Like, One-way Ticket (Local Transport) is 6 times more expensive so what are they doing? 1000 euros in EU is not much, but it is a lot in Africa.

"Europe has lost its will to live as Europe," said Mideast expert Dr. Mordechai Kedar to Ynet. "It is gathered into museums, into history. If the leaders will not put an end to immigration, we will soon be hearing the death throes of the continent as we know it."

TheIncelRepublic #racist #sexist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] If you are an Arab in the 21st century, you are living in the worst time (Sandcels GTFIH)

Just imagine not only you are born around the time of peak matriarchy, but you have to be also born in the peak of the Arabic cultural regression. Most of us were born too late to experience the Nasser era, and we couldn’t even live in the medieval times when our people were based. We do not live in our old cultural apex when we were scientists instead of thugs.

Instead, half of our countries are bombed to ground. Our people are generally hated everywhere. Every nationalist group hates us like Stormfronts, Hindu Nationalists, Black Nationalists, Oriental Nationalists all want us dead. Arab nationalism is dead and the Zoinists try their best to make sure it stays dead. MRAs, MGTOWs, Alt right, Hinduvatas, CCP loyalists, Black Panthers all want us dead and conquered. The only nationalist groups that are ok with us are the Pan - Latin ones and they probably don’t really care about Arabs.

Every newspaper and media always potray us as the enemy constantly. We are always cast out from others, people in general don’t like us. Thug culture is rampant in our communities because the elite want us to be degenerates. We are always considered rapists everywhere when none of
us are even remotely harmful people.

Our women have done nothing but betray us and welcome the invader with open legs. Our women say very hateful things about us (Look at @Tehgymethnicel ‘s video on Arab women) and wish we were dead. They have seen us as inferior and are willing to date out away from us.

At least Asians and Curries are smart and progressing good in their countries. At least whites have tech and stable nations. Blacks are portrayed very positively in the media and are generally cool people. At least Latinos are seen as hard workers and cool people as well. What do Arabs, fucking nothing but unstable nations, regimes ruled by the elite, no technology, no good media, thug culture is ramapant and infrastructure is destroyed.

Any Arabcels also feel this way?

TheIncelRepublic #racist #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy incels.is

[RageFuel] I fucking hate thug culture with a passion

Fyi, I do no hate black culture, black culture is jazz and basketball not fucking being a degenerate.

I just really fucking hate thug culture, of course the elite are pushing it on the youngsters, why because it keeps them low IQ so they don’t rebel against them.

I just hate everything about it, the music, the talk, the degeneracy, the clothing and the attitude. They promote it everywhere, society keeps on praising everyone to be a low IQ thug that hates intelligence.

God, and it’s ruining so many communities, it came for blacks first, look at them now 92% father’s in households in the 1970s and now 35% today. Now, it came for the Whites, Arabs and every other race here, a lot of the communities are now extremely degenerate. Thank fuck that Asians and Currys are resisting it and deciding to respect knowledge and good etiquette, but they won’t hold out for much longer because of the elite.

All of society’s problems can be traced to thug culture.

Broken households: Thug culture
Toxic society: Thug culture
Low intelligence: Thug culture
Absolute degeneracy: Thug culture
Crime and killings: Thug culture
Zero morals: Thug culture
Feminism: Thug culture
School bullying: Thug culture

I wish this disgusting excuse of a sick trend is driving humanity into the ground. I grew up in a low socio economic neighborhood and it was riddled with dumb kids wanting to be the next gangster.

How to get rid of thug culture?

Get rid of the (((elite))) who promote it.

AdoptedSubhuman #sexist #racist incels.is

[RageFuel] If I wasn't adopted I wouldn't be a incel

Imagine if i would have stayed with my real parents in my shithole country i would have been a bluepilled normie with a gf but now in the west im a ugly adopted subhuman ricecel mentalcel turbomanlet. I would have been nothing of this except ricecel ofc if my parents would have kept me but they probably gave me away because of my subhuman face

1) I wouldnt be adopted
2) I wouldnt be a subhuman because everyone is my shithole country is a subhuman
3) Yes i would be a ricecel but everyone there is a ricecel so it doesnt matter
4) I wouldnt be a mentalcel because i got mental from being a ugly adopted subhuman in the west
5) I wouldnt be a turbomanlet because everyone there is a turbomanlet


Why did they adopt you if you're ugly? They must've done it when u were rlly young

I think its because i was ugly, i saw some pictures of when i was young and i looked like a deformed little kid

I knew it would be a greycel thread just from the sounds of it. I hate most gracels with a passion, they are just fucking bluepilled normies not comprehending why they are lonely. IF YOU WASN'T UGLY, YOU WOULDN'T BE AN INCEL!

I wouldnt be ugly in japan because they all are fucking ugly subhumans just like me

Posts like this are why greycels get no love on this forum. :feelskek::feelskek:

Its over

Various Racists #racist #wingnut amren.com

A new book from American Renaissance, A Dissident’s Guide to Blacks and Africa, will be released next month. Here’s what people with advance copies are saying.

A Dissident’s Guide to Blacks and Africa is the best collection of essays I have seen that challenges the entire civil rights narrative and the premises sustaining it. All in all, fascinating, insightful and intellectually daring.” — Ricardo Duchesne

“Often poignant, sometimes horrifying, occasionally hilarious, but always thought-provoking, the essays in this volume offer fascinating insights into Africans, including a number of eye-opening pieces by Africans themselves. Well worth reading. — Edward Dutton

“This book paints a horrific picture of Africa and Africans that, unfortunately, I know to be accurate. Students at Swarthmore and Bard should be made to read it, at gunpoint if necessary, after which their professors can lead them in a cleansing chorus of ‘Kumbaya’ — but they might have learned something.” — Fred Reed

“Racial reality is discussed in this book, by whites and a surprising number of blacks, with a frankness that will shock anyone who has never ventured outside the American Ruling Class’s fantasy bubble. But what most strikes me is the book’s essential humanity and compassion, notwithstanding its grim conclusion — by a white South African — that demographic trends mean the whole planet may soon face the fate of his own country.” — Peter Brimelow

“Each of the book’s two dozen essays is served up in the inimitably dispassionate and logically airtight American Renaissance style — because the facts are shocking enough on their own.” — Jim Goad

“This book covers the whole territory of blackness calmly and frankly — a valuable addition to the literature of race realism.” — John Derbyshire

“I’ve heard countless academics, journalists, and musicians brag that ‘the future is black.’ If they’re right, A Dissident’s Guide to Blacks and Africa lets you know what we’re in for.” — James Kirkpatrick

Colton Morr #wingnut #racist amren.com

In 2016, a liberal Canadian and I were discussing immigration with our students. He asked them, “Wouldn’t you agree that the majority of foreigners who come to China are friendly, they teach you about Western culture, and should be welcomed here?” The students agreed, and the Canadian, pleased with himself, continued: “Then don’t you think it’s wrong for a person who wants to be President to not allow immigrants in? And wouldn’t it be heartless to build a wall to show the world that he doesn’t want them coming to America?” Once again, the students agreed.

I gave the class some more context to better understand the situation, and informed them that in 1960, whites were about 90 percent of the population in America. Today, their share of the total is closer to 60 percent — and in 25 years, they won’t even be the majority. I then asked them, “I’m sure we all agree that foreigners are welcome here?” Just as they had with the similar question from my colleague, the students agreed, but then I continued “What if someone suggested that we open the gates and flood China with millions upon millions of immigrants to the point where it would reduce the Han Chinese to a minority, would that be something you would approve of?” There was no ambiguity in their response: “China would never accept that.” Finally, I told them about the fences and security China has along its border with North Korea in Dandong and asked, “Does anyone think that this border fence in Dandong is racist against foreigners?” Not one student said it was.

China would never be intimidated into thinking they have to take in millions of refugees and unskilled immigrants. The Chinese people would never fall for the idea that they should reduce themselves to a minority in order to show how compassionate they are. It seems that all non-white countries respond in the same way. Nigerians don’t want to be reduced to a minority in their own county, neither do the Japanese or the Pakistanis. Perhaps my change in opinion about this reflects that my own thinking has become more “Chinese” after being here for so long.

BITG #racist #sexist incels.is

[Discussion] Since black foids tend to be the least desirable among all races of foids, does it count if you have sex with one?

Wouldn’t this be similar to fucking a fat girl? Fat girls don’t count as ascension, we all know this, but the reason is because they are the least desirable and basically bottom of the barrel when a lot of dudes here are just failed normies basically and aren’t legit subhuman in terms of looks. Wouldn’t the same logic as “ascending” with fat foids apply to “ascending” with black foids since they are the least desirable?

I personally think it counts, but maybe some people here think it doesn’t Jfl.

Sex with black women counts. Sex with fat women counts. Sex with fat black women counts. It's Incels.co. INCELS.co. If you wanna just feel sorry for how you didn't get the kind of woman you specifically wanted, there's still subreddits for that.

Sex with fat girls doesn’t count, especially if you aren’t fat yourself. Stop being cucked. This has already been discussed many times. Sex with black girls count as long as they aren’t fat, I agree.

Why? Because I "deserve better?" See if that doesn't get you banned from here. Sex you personally just don't feel counts.

NO. I’m drawing a line. Sex with fat girls is DESCENSION. You only inflate their egos, make women have less a reason to lose weight, and fuck other dudes over in the process. That’s cucked.


Ok, by definition you wouldn’t be incel anymore, that’s true, but the entire point of “ascension” is to stop being a low value male. Fucking fat girls doesn’t change that, you will still be viewed by normies as low value. Not only that but the other problems people have raised as well make this problematic, such as raising fat women’s ego’s and standards, them not being motivated to lose weight, etc

Brett Stevens #wingnut #elitist #racist amerika.org

After the downfall of Hitler, conservatives abandoned all of their organic principles and focused on the idea of making people obey an ideology of conservatism, which makes no sense since as a realist philosophy, conservatism is the opposite of an ideology, or a symbolic dogma.

They were so eager to prove themselves “not Hitler” that they turned themselves into Leftists. In fact, almost all criticism of conservatives boils down to the idea that they are not distinct enough from the Left, forming a uni-party or deep state that simply perpetuates the Leftist bureaucracy.

In contrast, the Left constantly advances because it is a cult which has a messianic Utopian core, the Big Lie of equality, which both explains all failings of its members as a lack of equality, and makes them believe that with equality, a new age of humanBasically, this is the same pap that they have been preaching since the pompously-named “Enlightenment”: reality is not what it obvious is, instead, we can live in this symbolic, emotional, and social state of mind where everyone is important!

Conservatives lost to this for two reasons:

1. They were not dramatic enough. Democracy is about manipulating huge groups of stupid, selfish, and ignorant people. They react to emotions and symbols, not facts and logic.
2. They were not desperate enough. Leftists are self-destructive and do not care if they get shot, so are willing to roll the dice and risk riots, revolutions, and crimes.

How do you counter a fanatical audience that, like the Mongols, attacks with abandon, sacrifices its members willingly, and always retreats instead of confronting a superior force? enlightenment will dawn.

Ron Edwards #wingnut #fundie #racist newswithviews.com

What began as a maddening series of protests accusing police of racial bias quickly assumed the real motives of the perpetrators, to wreak massive destruction of any and everything beneficial to normal society. Part of their deep, deep, dark mission is to also demolish our great institutions, history, the traditional God ordained family, male authority and the free market. It is a shame that hotels in our national capital must board up all but one of their entry points, because arsonists and other brutes are allowed and encouraged to destroy property and threaten people. But that is what Marxists do and have always done. Then there is the old and worn out class envy card the activists/Marxists consistently throw out. Both they and the political democrats hope to literally wipe out the middle class. The reason is, the leftist goal of fundamentally transforming our republic into the peoples republic of Amerika will not happen, so long as the majority are reasonably successful and secure. The middle class represents the opportunity for anyone to experience success and strive for greater achievement. Unfortunately, the leftists/democrats want to take that away from us, so they can wield control from cradle to grave.

ShySaxon #elitist #ableist #conspiracy #racist incels.is

[Blackpill] Only the Elite should breed

The Elite want the world for themselves. They want the population down to about 500 million at the highest, so I say let them have it. Being born with disadvantages means you’re destined for misery.

Working class people shouldn’t breed because you’re just creating more wage slaves and capitalist serfs to toil for Mr Noseberg and his corporation. You’ll make a fraction of what he makes. Being working class also means you’re poor and at the bottom rung of the socio-economic hierarchy. You’re one of the “commoners”. The masses. You’re just another number. A non person. Being poor = death. You’ll have limited monetary options in life and your life is expendable.
You will especially suffer in the dating market where the modern woman doesn’t want an average Joe.

Ugly and short men shouldn’t breed either as they’re at a genetic disadvantage compared to their peers. No woman wants to date or have sex with an unattractive man (somebody they don’t find attractive). Personality is giga cope, a woman doesn’t date based on personality.

I’m working class and ugly so it’s double over for me.

TL;DR: Give up if you’re working class, poor and/or ugly.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #racist dailystormer.name

[From "I Don’t Apologize for Calling Kyle a “Retard” – Going to That Riot was Retarded"]

I recently saw some slimy garbage person claiming that I had changed my message on Kyle Rittenhouse, saying that I called him a retard and now call him a hero. He claimed I was trying to “memory hole” that I’d called him a retard. I’d like to clear this up, as best I can.
Going to that rally was retarded. There is no other description for making a decision to go to a black riot with a gun to try to protect other people’s property.[…]
Doing something retarded doesn’t preclude someone from being a hero.

We discover that he is only a kid, and a good kid – a “plump infant,” as one columnist called him – and the impression regarding why he made the decision he made changes.
You’re also going to get more of these people going out with guns, and it’s only a matter of time before someone who isn’t a babyfaced all American boy shoots a person who isn’t a satanist or a child molester and they dig up his social media and find something other than wholesome activities.
Understand: William Barr could end these riots within 48 hours.[…]
If this was just a matter of going out and stopping the blacks, and the cops needed help from the citizens, you could send in 10 ex-marines with sniper rifles and clear the place out in ten minutes. Black people understand getting shot.
Move out of the city, and start getting involved in a small town community, so that our nation and our people have a future.

The White House #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger whitehouse.gov

It has come to the President's attention that Executive Branch agencies have spent
millions of taxpayer dollars to date "training" government workers to believe divisive, anti-American propaganda.

For example, according to press reports, employees across the Executive Branch have
been required to attend trainings where they are told that "virtually all White people contribute to
racism" or where they are required to say that they "benefit from racism." According to press
reports, in some cases these training have further claimed that there is racism embedded in the
belief that America is the land of opportunity or the belief that the most qualified person should
receive a job.


The President has directed me to ensure that Federal agencies cease and desist from using
taxpayer dollars to fund these divisive, un-American propaganda training sessions. Accordingly,
to that end, the Office of Management and Budget will shortly issue more detailed guidance on
implementing the President's directive. In the meantime, all agencies are directed to begin to
identify all contracts or other agency spending related to any training on "critical race theory/9
"white privilege," or any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either (1)
that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or (2) that any race or ethnicity is
inherently racist or evil. In addition, all agencies should begin to identify all available avenues
within the law to cancel any such contracts and/or to divert Federal dollars away from these unAmerican propaganda training sessions.

TheIncelRepublic #racist #sexist incels.is

At this point I considering moving to Pakistan, Chechnya or Nigeria

What I have read is that these places are secret based utopias for subhumans. Pakistan for example, everything I read about it is very based, honor killings, traditional values, intelligent people are praised instead of thugs, cheap standard of living. In Chechnya, they kill faggots and lesbians and in Nigeria, they uphold religious values. These places are utopias compared to the west. Inb4, "but muh tHIrD World SHItHolE". That's what cuckolds, simps and (((them))) always say. They don't want you to flee to countries that actually work, they want you to embrace the degeneracy of the (((first world))). Getting drone striked is 1000x better than feminism and degeneracy. Shithole = Not embraced feminism

Shitty internet: Good, no social media for foids Shitty water: Cleaner than the (((estrogen))) they put in yours Shitty restaurants: Again no trans fats Shitty breathable air: Just live in the country side Benefits: Cheap standard of living, great communities, great cultures and no feminism.

There's Feminism and all that other degenerate crap you hate in Pakistan. Nigeria is literary a shit hole where the sun doesn't go down. And Chechnya... even if you convert to islam, it won't work unless you're fully loaded, or a full blown chad. People in Central Asia and Eastern Europe are pretty xenophobic.

Name better countries, go on. Anyways, I can always larp as a Chechan as I am an Arab muslim. Even if those countries have a little degeneracy, there are no where near as bad as the west. Even if I don't escape Inceldom, at least I will live in non cucked country. I don't care about shitholes, I just want no feminism or sexaul capitalism.

SINCERITY.net #racist #crackpot amren.com

RE: Is Zimbabwe Extending an Olive Branch to Its White Farmers?

I wouldn't trust anything they say............watch your back

Absolutely right. If they pay at all, years later, it will be in inflated worthless currency. They just bought some time. Dishonesty everywhere. The fundamental dishonesty is the denial of #RacistFacts, of scientifically proven race realism or "scientific racism". The flawed and debunked idea that Blacks can run a country, an economy, and agriculture just as well as the prior white rulers. It is not allowed to compare white run Africa vs. later Black run Africa, if the comparison is embarrassing to Blacks. Anyone can point me to a high quality statistical documentation of the downfall? Running Africa based on false anti-scientific notions of equality fatally harms Africans. Running the US and Europe based on unjustified BLM "protests" and "Civil rights" is just as damaging.

The Monarchists Black-Yellow Alliance (SGA) #wingnut #elitist #crackpot #racist sga.monarchisten.org

Basics of the SGA program
Non-denominational - Pro-European - Monarchist-

Our foundation is the European tradition, which includes the values ​​of Christianity and the Enlightenment.

As responsible citizens from the middle of society, we are unconditionally committed to democracy, the rule of law and the separation of powers. Although we want to change the form of government, we are true to the letter on the basis of the current constitution of Austria and confess that we only strive for a change in the form of government via the path prescribed by the legislature and thus in a democratic way.
With the reintroduction of the monarchy, the currently applicable Nobility Repeal Act is to be amended so that people whose ancestors were entitled to use a title of nobility until 1918 because of their achievements for the good of the country regain this right for themselves and their descendants. However, this is only on the condition that the person in question has already actively campaigned for the restoration during the republican interregnum or at least has openly demonstrably committed to it. In all other cases, the titles are considered to have expired.

All other rights and privileges, apart from the use of the predicate, have been abolished as they were under the dual monarchy. In addition, we see the nobility as particularly committed to working for the good of society.

We propose that the number of seats that would be allocated to the proportion of non-voters after an election should be filled by non-partisan persons chosen by the monarch from among deserving citizens. This would also represent the non-voters and white voters in parliament.

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