
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Sparrow's Song #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Story] [Truecel Confession] I've Been Larping Online As A 47yr Old Convicted Child Molester For Two Years Just So I Can Bask In The Hatred People React With

I first got the idea after I got home from shopping at a Wal-Mart a few years ago. This was before I started wearing an eye patch whenever I went outside. I noticed that due to my enopthalmos and asymmetrical brow ridge, strangers would give me these horrible looks like I was the creepiest, inbred child molester they have ever seen. When I was looking up pictures of men with enopthalmos on google, I noticed that enopthalmos literally makes you look like a creepy toddler rapist. Then I looked up child molester mugshots and it appears that enopthalmos is a common trait among child molesters, in fact I would say that enopthalmos is such a child molester feature that any man who is afflicted with enopthalmos is literally a child molester whether they have molested children or not. If you have enopthalmos, society has assigned the role of child molester to you, you don't have a choice... that's how people will see you until you get surgery or rope.

So I decided to to see how people would react to enopthalmos with words because it's not like I talked to all the people irl who gave me looks of disgust and disdain. The best way to see how people react to men with enopthalmos is to see how people react to convicted child molesters. So I started larping as one so I could get an idea of what is going on inside of people's heads when they see my face irl.

A guy literally went tryhard on me and grabbed my IP to find my city and state. Then he looked for 47yr old convicted child molesters who served 10 years for a crime committed in 2007. He couldn't find anyone in my area who perfectly matched the description of my larp I gave him. Eventually, a friend of my friend who was in on the larp told him I was larping and why I was doing it. Then the guy with the IP grabber went around telling a bunch of the people who were spamming me death threats and shit that I was a larper. He was being a soyboy cuck about it and tried to call me mentally ill, I told him I was facially ill and I told him that I'm a convicted child molester no matter what because that's what me face look like. I was pretty upset that he did this because the hatred people had for me and all of the threats were my main cope at the time.

I wish there was a way I could get officially registered as a convicted child molester without actually molesting a toddler. I saw this documentary about a trailer park with for child molesters that were rejected from every other place they tried to live. That would be a great place for me because I wouldn't be getting facemogged or lifemogged that hard by people. there. All my neighbors would be worthless ugly scum just like me and we'd all be hated equally. I hate living around symmetrical faced people who aren't worthless and waiting to die like I am. There needs to be segregation. If facial surgery isn't covered by healthcare, the government should at least offer a program where they falsify records in your behalf so that any ugly faced man can be a convicted child molester without molesting a kid or doing prison time. Just give me the member's card, send me to the pedo trailer park, and give me pedobux. When you have enopthalmos and asymmetrical brow ridge, you have no future, no career, no friends, no relationships... you will die alone hated by the world and seen as subhuman trash... just like old child molester. That's why I identify as Trans-Convicted Child Molester, my lack of child molestation and prison time should not prevent me from having the same status and treatment as a biological convicted child molester, my face is all that should matter.

jerek #sexist #psycho #quack incels.is

As a bluepilled person i guess you could be "happy" if you found your ugly girlfriend in your late 20's. You could think you're special and meant of each other and, if you're lucky and she doesn't cuck you, you could enjoy a relationship without passion and a lot of starfish sex with your unkempt girlfriend that doesn't make any efforts for you (since you're not chad and you don't give her the tingles).

Also, if said guy got cucked he would probably become blackpilled.

And what happens if you absorb the blackpill? Well, you can't go back.

What IT doesn't understand is that, aside from the facade of shitposting, we are blackpilled because we CANNOT go back even if we wanted because EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS KEEPS SHOWING IT TO OUR THROAT.

We cannot delude ourselves into thinking that we are all equals, it's too late, especially if anything that happens proves otherwise! We know that an incel gets ghosted in the moment he shows his face (even if until that moment the woman was happy and interested), we know that chad can do anything and he will fuck because we did chadfishing at one point of our life.

Honestly i don't know what to do. The only solution i can think is cutting all ties from the internet (because the ones from society are already tied) and avoid at any costs all media that shows women with good looking guys (obiviously).

Seriously, there is no escape. You can do as much as you want, but in the moment you try to get a decent woman she will ghost you in the moment she sees your face, and you are back to square one.

SINCERITY.net #racist #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist amren.com

RE: After 274 Years, Princeton Will Have Its First Black Valedictorian

AA degree. "Financial engineering and operation research'. Someone who plans a robbery rather than just barging in with a gun.

Financial engineering and operation research is real logic and math. Something is wrong there. He is fairly black, not a octoroon, he is not from the Nigerian Ibo tribe. How can he surpass East Asians and Jews with median IQ of 105 or 115? His population’s median IQ is 85, he would need to be 4 STD from the mean to be on the top of Princeton.

I smell something wrong. Of course, he is quite intelligent. He was prepped by non-stop remedial teachers, or he repeated the year on purpose, something. Or they gave him lenient grades. I hope Vdare, Steve Sailer, someone does some research on the hidden details.

Who cares, since everyone knows it's a decision based purely on race?

How. If he is the top of his class, that is not a direct quota result. They must fiddle all of his test results, or coach him non-stup. Maybe he audited the class last year to now be repeating it. There must be a large scale manipulation. It is not like passing someone with a 50 percentile SAT into Princeton.

He may be the school’s first top-grad, but like everyone else, he seems determined to move us closer and closer to slavery. That’s how ‘negroes’ do it, I guess.

First black “she”is still to come. It is a male, looking clearly black,

MayorOfKekville #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist incels.is

[JFL] Voting for a leftwing party is literally voting for this

Transcript“This is the future liberals want”: A quarry with virtually naked men as slaves and women wearing fetish gear as overseers.

(Correction: I originally listed the website in the picture’s artist signature as fundie, somehow overlooking that that caption is not actually part of the image. However, it turns out that one actually is some fetish erotica site.)

Bradford C. Walker #sexist #wingnut bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

[On the Ms. Monopoly board game]

Filed under "Get Woke, Go Broke", it's good to see that this pozzed variant crashed and burned. Some good news on a Friday is a welcome thing.


The Death Cult finds this acceptable insofar as they retain control over the company, even if their Humiliation Ritual-as-Boardgame didn't go as desired, because crashing the organizations that they converge is part-and-parcel of the praxis of their creed. That's because these moves are cultural suicide bombings, and even failed bombings make an impact upon the target.

So long as the pushback doesn't cause them to lose ground on the moral level of conflict-which is where the Death Cult operates from--then it won't hit them where it hurts them because pain is not damage and they care about pain.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Support for the weaker sex is already too strong"]

Got your BS detectors up and running? This (anonymous) CP article is called "Canadian support for gender equality doesn't match reality, survey suggests".

[QUOTE]Canadian support for the principle of equal rights for women and men is among the highest in the world — but in practice, archaic attitudes towards gender roles are still alive and well both at home and around the globe, a new survey suggests.

Respondents to the international Pew Research Center poll released Thursday expressed overwhelming support for the concept of gender equality — 93 per cent of Canadians surveyed ranked it as “very important,” second only to Sweden at 96 per cent.

So 93% of Canadians find "equal rights for women and men" [ie. both of the only two genders... -ed] important. Sure. Hey in the rest of this article they break respondents down by sex, why don't they do it with this one too? Is it because a surprisingly large percentage of women don't believe in equal rights for men and women?

In more practical terms, however, the survey found a significant gap between men and women when it comes to which gender they believe enjoys a higher quality of life: 69 per cent of women in Canada said men have a better quality of life, compared with 49 per cent of Canadian men who said the same thing.

So women are stupid and crazy, we already knew this. What's shocking is how many men are still operating under the delusion that our "quality of life" is higher. Have they not seen how many girls get free dinners at The Keg? Have they not sat at 1STRND on Bourbon Street watching the women walking out as their husbands hold multiple bags from stores that don't sell men's clothing? Don't they know the guy working a $45/hr job and driving a 18 year old Aveo who doesn't get to see his kids in Vancouver because his wife cleaned him out in the divorce? Putting your COVID glasses on, women live longer: when we're being told that extending an 82 year old's life by another year is important enough to torpedo an entire economy how can you not rationally understand there's a higher "quality of life"?

"It is the case, I think, that people in Canada really see men and women having equal rights as very important. And they're somewhat more optimistic than other countries that women will eventually have the same rights as men," said Pew research associate Janell Fetterolf.

Oh go fuck yourself Janell Fetterolf, and make me a sandwich while you're at it.

Women already have, stop me if this is news to you, more rights than men. For starters, if I killed a baby people would at least look at me funny, not hold marches to celebrate my accomplishments. There isn't a single right that men have which women don't. That's not even something open for debate or argument. It's 10,000% fact plain and simple. Pew Research probably should have, you know, researched that.

Canadian women are also less optimistic than their male counterparts when it comes to the future of gender equality: 88 per cent of female respondents said they either are or expected to be treated equally, compared with 93 per cent of men.

We aren't dealing with rights here either by the way: if you expect "to be treated equally" part of "equal rights for women and men" then keep waiting. It's not going to happen and it never should.

Dumb broads like Fetterolf having equal vote is one of the reasons only 93% of Canadians (again, we don't know the breakdown of this number) think women should have the same rights as the menfolk.

metabuxx #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Daily reminder to always contribute in making a hole's life worse in any way possible

Always be rude to a waitress and never tip them.
Leave bad reviews on your nearest female owned businesses
Always give your female professors the worst rating in feedback forms.
Always dislike a YouTube video featuring a hole and report the channel for harassment.
Always criticize and be impolite towards nurses and flight attendants.
Never follow a hole on Instagram or Twitter or TikTok and if you want to, post hateful comments on their posts.
Download porn movies from torrent sites or daftsex so that not one penny goes into the back accounts of those whores.
Use Adblocks on female owned websites and leave negative comments
Never help a hole in distress. They are not entitled to it.

Remember, every hole on this planet hates you and wants you dead. The least you can do is make them feel a bit shittier about themselves. I know it won't affect their lives on tutorial mode much but every action of yours matters and it may lead to a beta uprising in the near future.

BummerDrummer #dunning-kruger #racist #transphobia #sexist incels.is

[JFL] I fucking LOVE science

I fucking LOVE science when its being told to me by a Jewish lens

I fucking LOVE science but I LOVE when mentally ill retards are chopping their penis off to become female

I fucking LOVE science but I LOVE when people tell me and I believe women are equal to men

I fucking LOVE science but I LOVE when people tell me an age of consent at 18 makes total sense

TranscriptStraw male feminist (“Soyboy”: “🚀💫I fucking l♥ve SCIENCE!⚗️⚛️”
Voice from off-screen: “Sciense says human races have different average IQs”
“Soyboy” cries with rage.

Oogabooga #sexist saidit.net


Inceldom is a cult. If you’re romantically / sexually desperate please read the following in order to protect yourself

It’s really sad how this cult-mentality has found a home online. And make no mistake it is a cult:

⁠Most if not all new entrants have come to them feeling desperate (with life in general or over something specific)

⁠Day 1 of being “accepted” into the cult is to have what little self worth you have left crushed by other members under the guise of “delivering the harsh truth” or even trying to “”help”” them.

⁠Isolation. The founders or longer standing members will ensure the new entrant never strays from the confines of the cult. Claiming to “””open their eyes””” to dangers that all conveniently exist outside of their group.

⁠Dependance. They will then make sure that you reject any form of help that is not exclusively provided within their walls. Berating therapists as ineffective is a popular narrative for cults to jump on since what constitutes effective therapy can vastly differ from person to person (not helped by the fact bad therapists sadly do exist)

⁠Preaching. Once you’ve internalised all of the toxic views of the cult they will then remind you of the “good” they’ve done for you and really make it hard to say no when it comes to returning the favour. This will usually manifest in reciting the cults beliefs now firmly ingrained to other desperate souls for the cycle to repeat, and for the cult to grow

People NEED to be able to identify these steps as it just makes me sad to see what can start as innocent desperation to be warped into hateful preaching (and much worse).

If you’re at all sexually / romantically desperate, I do not judge you for feeling the crushing weight of loneliness but PLEASE don’t ruin the potential for things to get better by buying into this manipulative group of cult-leaders who would sooner incite violence in their “lower ranking” members than actually do anything themselves. They do not care about you outside of what they can do unto you and get out of you. You are worth more than this community ❤️

TL;DR: Screw Cultcels (aka all Incel “communities”)

I can’t tell if you’re shitposting or literally retarded. But basically all of that is bullshit.

1. Telling people objective facts is no more soul crushing in this instance than in any other. If men are disadvantaged in the dating market, then why should they be deluded into thinking otherwise?

2. “Isolation“ is a meme at best. No one is forcing anyone to stop interacting with the outside world, many members have active social/career lives, and there’s nothing stopping anyone from logging out of their account, otherwise all these “ex incels” wouldn’t exist.

3. Dependance? We mock therapists because it’s retarded to think one can even begin to change all the external things that are wrong. Even the few “good” therapists only give the generic advice, many of us can’t afford it in the first place. Shit, many of us even encourage those who are able to go and get cosmetic surgery, since that’ll still at least assure you tangible results unlike (((therapy))).

4. Preaching? None of us spout any more rhetoric than what’s already there, if anything we have discussion regarding ways to cope with this shithole life filled with norm scum. And our so called “cult” wants nothing from its members, there’s no financial motive save for hosting websites, there’s not even anyone forcing us to stay. Users openly condemn fakecels and tell them to leave. If you wanna leave incel forums, just brag about all the Stacies you bang regularly.

Tldr: screw soyciety (aka faggots like you)

Andrew Anglin #racist #sexist #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Saudi Arabia Continues Rapid Liberalization, Ends Death Penalty for Minors and Flogging"]

Under the gaylike leadership of Jewfriend Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia is experiencing a bullet train ride to absolute Judaism.

Once the most conservative nation in the world by a longshot, the kingdom of Saud has in the last three years made drastic changes to the way the nation is run, as they quickly catch up to the West. This happened only following a plot by the prince to lock up everyone who believed in the country’s conservative values.

In 2017, hundreds of Saudi royals, billionaires and senior government officials were detained in the lobby of a hotel, and threatened and tortured.

They were forced to sleep on crappy foam mattresses on the floor of the lobby.

The claim was that the prince was shaking them down for money, but it is very clear now that he was in fact forcing them to agree to go along with his deranged plot against the entire Islamic world.

After that event, there was no more resistance to the prince’s Jew agenda, and it has unfolded with great speed.

You should remember that Salman is a close personal friend of Jared Kushner, and it was they together who allegedly developed the Israeli “peace plan” which is simply a massive land-grab attached to a bribe.

This is all about getting the region ready for the ascension of the Antichrist, who will rule from the Temple Mount.

With the Saudis on board with their agenda, pacified by sex and nigger music, there is nothing standing in the way of the Jew plot to build a new temple for their coming savior.

You first heard about them giving rights to women. Then they began allowing inter-sexual rap concerts with drugs and alcohol. Now you have them just slowly removing whatever is left of the old system.

They’re now moving to remove corporal and capital punishment, something which marked the seriousness with which they had traditionally dealt with crime.

ABC News

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman has ordered an end to the death penalty for crimes committed by minors, according to a statement Sunday by a top official.

The decision comes on the heels of another ordering judges to end the practice of flogging, replacing it with jail time, fines or community service and bringing one of the kingdom’s most controversial forms of public punishment to a close.


This is so fake and stupid.

Salman is a “reformer” who is very concerned about human rights but also torture-murders journalists who write mean things about them and chops up their bodies.

It’s an absolute sham.

Human rights are themselves a sham, and this just does a perfect job of illustrating that fact. The reason that harsh penalties against crime exist is to protect the “human rights” of the rest of society, who deserve to live in peace. You don’t execute people simply to be mean. That is the thinking of a little child or a woman.

Since we’ve implemented “human rights” in the West, the society has collapsed. Crime runs rampant, because we are more concerned about the criminals than their victims.

This is a small part of the larger agenda at work in Saudi, but it is a significant part.

The bigger issue is the empowerment of women, which will make the country nonviable as an Islamic superpower, and make it impossible for the monied powers there to launch a counter-offensive when the Jewish menace implements its plan to build the throne of its messiah.

They’re on the clock now that the flu hoax has begun the countdown.

cryptic__egg #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] Why do females feel the need to show themselves in public?

In Islamic cultures foids are quite rightly expected to cover their faces in public. What foids fail to understand is that being visible is inherently sexually provocative; your body is designed to attract the opposite sex, and simply allowing men to see it is inviting them to try to have sex with you. In the case of rape foids try to argue that it is never the victims fault, but in most cases the fact that she was wearing revealing clothes is what caused the attack. By revealing her body and face, she was indirectly inviting men around her to attempt to take her. It's ridiculous that foids in the modern age try to deny that any of this is true. We know that humans will be sexually drawn to other humans of the opposite sex, so how can anyone claim that knowingly displaying yourself in public is not a sexual act?

The world would be better if foids just covered themselves. Not only would they likely be protected from the sexual advances of men that they would be teasing by showing themselves, but they make the act of showing themselves more significant for the men they do love. Nobody wants to date a foid knowing that she is on display to everyone throughout the day. Your partner is your property, not the shared property of every man on the street.

Edmund_Kemper #sexist #homophobia #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] If you are attracted to post-wall old hags, you’re probably gay/bisexual

Middle aged old hags look like men with wigs and makeup. They have rough skin and wrinkles and aren’t very thin. As a result their skin is rough and makes them look manly. They look manlier than guys in their 20s. If you are attracted to middle aged hags you probably are gay/bisexual as a result

straight men are attracted to young adult foids, NOT post-wall hags

cryptic__egg #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Why do females feel the need to show themselves in public?

In Islamic cultures foids are quite rightly expected to cover their faces in public. What foids fail to understand is that being visible is inherently sexually provocative; your body is designed to attract the opposite sex, and simply allowing men to see it is inviting them to try to have sex with you. In the case of rape foids try to argue that it is never the victims fault, but in most cases the fact that she was wearing revealing clothes is what caused the attack. By revealing her body and face, she was indirectly inviting men around her to attempt to take her. It's ridiculous that foids in the modern age try to deny that any of this is true. We know that humans will be sexually drawn to other humans of the opposite sex, so how can anyone claim that knowingly displaying yourself in public is not a sexual act?

The world would be better if foids just covered themselves. Not only would they likely be protected from the sexual advances of men that they would be teasing by showing themselves, but they make the act of showing themselves more significant for the men they do love. Nobody wants to date a foid knowing that she is on display to everyone throughout the day. Your partner is your property, not the shared property of every man on the street.

Murdoch89 and Edmund_Kemper #sexist #dunning-kruger #psycho incels.is

(In response to this)
Swede deserves to get gang raped

She lives in Sweden a country with a high rape rate

Then hopefully it happens to her she certainly doesn't like incels

She claims to be a 50 year old woman jfl

She certainly doesn't have much of a life if she only checks up what incels are posting everyday on here

100% true. I bet she isn’t 50. She’s probably 20

Various Commenters #racist #sexist amren.com

RE: Black Rule: Stories from the New South Africa, 2011-2015


South Africa is in freefall. There is nothing that can save it now. Whites can save themselves only by segregating from the negro. If I were the leader of 1 million well armed white men, this negro worship would end. I would hold TV networks responsible for what they broadcast. If they air something that enflames the negro, I would shut them down. In a white homeland, negroes would be forbidden. This is the only way now.

Sweden has passed the Congo and is nipping at the heels of South Africa for rape capital of the world. Why? Because white women have more political power in Sweden than anywhere else in the world. There is no point to a white homeland - literally not worth the moving costs - if women are still allowed to vote, sit on juries, and hold political office. They will simply import Africans and Arabs to rape and murder.

The feminist white woman is the architect of the destruction of the Western world. Still vindictive, shrill, irrational after 50 years and show no signs of wanting to protect it. They have sided with every grievance group against the white hetero male. They show no sign of growing up sadly.

It's simply evolution. It's not something they can avoid. The same behavior is displayed by all sexually dimorphic mammals.

Think of the life cycle of a lion. A male lion will find a mate and have several cubs. The female is always on the lookout for aggressive males outside of her pride. She will entice any that she finds to come and fight her male. If the outsider male wins, he will kill her cubs and mate with her right then and there. The father lion always gathers up the bodies of his dead cubs and lays down beside them to slowly die of blood loss and infection while the mother of those cubs mates with the male who killed them.

When you hear of the Rotherham and Malmo rape gangs, as well as how white women defend them, understand that no words can sway a lioness to fight to save her children. Women are no different. They cannot be convinced.

Repeal the 19th. Repeal the Fifth Reform.


Your analogy is made even more powerful by the fact that the male allows the female to do this: he allows her to sabotage his pride, and risk the death of his children. It's the same in the West today: females only get away with this because the men allow them to. I suspect that, if lions have the mental capacity to think this far, the defeated male lion doesn't resist and kill the subversive female because he believes that it's simply the way things are in the world. Western men are the same: they don't understand that there was a time when women didn't have as much as they do now, and that the problems which exist now were more unimaginable than fantasies then.

I'm not advocating for killing women, but you get the point.

(Robert Kelly)

Sky News went to a township near Johannesburg to do our own impromptu survey asking men whether they had ever forced a woman to have sex. . .

In total, 28 out of the 38 that answered said they had raped a woman, and many even explained how and why. [Sky News, September 19, 2013]

And white men are accused of being the paragon of rapists and sex fiends by feminists everywhere. The only reason why women have rights is because white men have made it possible. If white men disappeared tonight and white women were left at the tender mercies of black and brown men, the above would be the result.

Left to their own devices, I don't think black and brown men see anything wrong with forcing themselves on a woman. To them, rape would only be wrong if another man raped a woman that "belonged" to him and even then, that's because of property rights not because he thinks rape is wrong.


I know we shouldn't judge a book by its cover but look at those pictures above. Or look at the pictures of any of the blacks who have murdered young White people. The White young men and women are beautiful, the blacks not just beastly but clearly unevolved. They are not us. They are not our evolutionary, moral or intellectual equals. How did the charade of equality ever take such a foothold? How could so many White people be convinced of such an absurd idea?

Great Post - I really think their hatred of us and the unspeakable violence directed at us is precisely this - pathological envy or jealousy of our (relative) beauty and we must be destroyed, no matter how successful the black person is, he or she has pretty much told whites they despise them. Their natural enemy is the mirror and we can never make that right. The contrived bravado, arrogance, third - person references, huge gold chains, "grills", speech and dress codes, even the way they hold a glock, screams animus and insecurity.

And that is why, I am sure, so many black women go over the top with hair coloring, make-up, hair styles and clothes. They know they can never look like us no matter how much they repaint the old barn.

(Vir magnus)

In recent years, the white race has been portrayed to be the utmost perpetrators of racism, injustice, misogyny, homophobia, brutality, and genocide; they bring nothing but destruction. If this is all accurate, then one can only assume that South Africa would benefit considerably from the transfer of white power to black power within their government. Contrary to the fallacies that liberal professors convey into the minds of our youth, the complete opposite was true.
No one will discuss the fact that South Africa is now the headquarters of rape and HIV, that "94%" of murderers face no punishment. And that this trend worsens as the white population decreases.
This should come as no surprise, given that the average IQ of Africa as a whole stands at less than 70. It wouldn't have taken a rocket scientist to predict a rapid decline in the standard of living of South Africans post Apartheid.

I am curious to know if Robin Diangelo's anti white conceptions would change if she were to take a two year trip to Nyanga, South Africa. Perhaps gang rape would be enough to change her mentality.

(Frank Jones)

A more grotesque outcome one can scarcely imagine. Apartheid was a more humane and eminently more sensible system of governance.

Coal Fax #racist #sexist coalfax.ru

[From "Frequently Asked Questions"]

Why are you doing this?
Because we want to. This is a public service to prevent men from unknowingly entering into relationships with whores.

This is disgusting and hateful. Why are you shaming these women?
For all you know I have created this database for my fellow black men to seek out companionship with white women.
This is nothing more than a database of white women who have interest in black men. If you find this hateful you are a racist.

I was posted on your website and want to be removed now! How do I get that done?
In short, it’s very hard.
Everything on CoalFax is public information. We do not publish extremely personal information(even though we could!) that could risk the safety of anyone in our registry.
The only law on your side is DMCA, and this refers to your copyrighted photographs and/or videos. However, we do not accept DMCA notices as they are impossible to verify for authenticity.

Did you know that if you ignore DMCA you are opening yourself to litigation? I am going to sue you!
Have your lawyer contact my lawyer.

Please I need my name removed from the registry, how do I do this?
In extreme circumstances we will remove your name from the registry. However this will only happen at our sole discretion or if a valid court order is sent to us.
Any emails from idiotic lawyers or law enforcement agencies demanding we remove your name will be laughed at.

Edmund_Kemper #wingnut #transphobia #sexist #senpai_noticed_us incels.is

(More from this thread bashing FSTDT)


this retard thinks he can handle being called a bigot and therefore he supports trannies using the women's room because it's the right thing to do. i'm sure if this fag lived 10 years ago, he would've thought this tranny bathroom thing is insane. he thinks it isn't difficult being called a bigot. well, i dare him to condemn the tranny bathroom thing on twitter, and he will be the victim of a viral call-out culture tweet and be harassed by tons of leftists on there, while if he defends it, he'll be praised on there and maybe only a few right-wingers will attempt to hassle him. he should try condemning the tranny bathroom thing on a viral video and he could get doxxed and cyberbullied to death. also being called by a nigger lover by a few people isn't as bad because most people won't hate you for respecting black people. many people WILL hate you if you oppose this trans bathroom shit. when you're taught by the norm that you're an evil monster if you oppose certain "rights", you're gonna support these "rights" out of fear. i know for a fact he'd oppose this trans bathroom thing 10 years ago. and he claims to have a wife. jfl i bet he doesn't. he's probably just some dumb 20 year old pretending to be in his 30s


this fag says "iT's NoNe oF yOuR BuSiNeSs wHaT BaThRoOm tHeY uSe" yes it is. the reason why trannies with cocks using the women's room or trannies with vaginas using the men's room is controversial is NOT because people are "bigots" it's because we seperate mens room and womens room because of difference in genitals NOT difference in gender/chromosomes. a person with a penis and a person with a vagina sharing the same bathroom is bad because of privacy issues, safety issues, etc. an adult with a penis shouldn't use the same bathroom with a 11 year old girl with a vagina all by herself. what's next? make all bathrooms shared by men and women and make all locker rooms, etc shared by men and women? it is our business because if a man walks into the women's room, women will feel uncomfortable. i'm sure many will feel uncomfortable if a trans woman walked in (but many women wouldn't admit that).


"we don't care about you incels, sweety" then why do you post about us? and this faggot thinks IT means pennywise jfl.

(later post)
Jfl at this post-wall roastie

"Swede? Is he talking about me?

Well, I’ve said a lot of things here, so I might have commented on him as well. I doubt that I’m “bluepilled” though, and I’m clearly not a fag. I’m more of a fag-hag…

I accept homosexuals and transgender people because they exist, and are not harmful to anyone else. I’d never write like that with every other letter a vowel, I’d get a cramp in my 50-year-old fingers.

As I call myself SWEDE, whatever AMERICANS approve of or not is clearly not my business. Of course, I care, and I can protest, but I can’t vote on it.

I probably said I WANTED to resist Kim Jong-un, but I don’t know if I would dare. I don’t want to end up like Sophie Scholl in the Weiße Rose.

Ancient Greece didn’t just have teen boys fucking adult men, it had long-term relationships between men of the same age in the army, and in other parts of society.

Ordinary men in history have very seldom married “jb” (jailbait, I guess) girls, as ordinary men needed a house-keeper; someone to organize the home and delegate to the servants what to do. A 12-14-year-old girl can’t do that! As second or third wife; yes, perhaps. Royalty, who needed heirs rather than life-partners, sure, but they were often BOTH small children when they were betrothed to each other.

I KNOW teens, I know that the brain is not fully mature until somewhere around 25 to 30. If anything, people grow up faster now, with better nutrition. Children are ALLOWED to stay children longer now, than before 1900, but that doesn’t mean they were ready and able for it then. After all, it took around a million years to reach the first billion people, but it took only two centuries, after that, to get to 7,7 billion people."

This foid claims to be 50 years old LOL. what 50 year old woman posts on a forum making fun of other people? she's probably saying that to appear "mature" and "wise". she's probably 20. and then she says she accepts lgbt people because they deserve respect, when she probably would've thought of them as "freaks" back in the 50s. and then she says it was rare for jb foids to marry in history when that's BS. if you look up marriage in ancient greece, girls DID marry 14/15 to men twice their age. just because homosexuality/pederasty existed back then doesn't mean men marrying jb foids never happened. also, sex between 2 males back then doesn't mean men married each other back in ancient greece. in ancient egypt, girls usually married at age 12-15 and boys married at usually 15-20. in ancient israel, girls typically married at age 12-13. in the early meiji period, women in japan usually married at 16. in 1371, most 16 year old girls were married and many 15 year olds were too. in the early 1900s, the average age for indian girls married was 13 and it was 20 for boys. before the industrial revolution, in regions like india, china and east europe, many teen girls married to older men.

and then swedes says "jB fOiDs CaN't hAnDLe bEiNg wiVeS". teenagers today maybe that's the case but teens back then grew up a lot faster. this teen brain thing is a MYTH. i've read about how the teen brain is NOT the cause of immature/reckless behavior and that the behavior causes the immature brain and that teens actually act immature because we infantilize them and treat them like kids. laws restrict teens' adult rights didn't appear until the 20th/21st centuries. teens used to be much more mature back in the day.

check out these urls about the teen brain myth: https://drrobertepstein.com/pdf/Epstein-THE_MYTH_OF_THE_TEEN_BRAIN-Scientific_American_Mind-4-07.pdf The Danger of Treating Teens Like Children Are the Brains of Reckless Teens More Mature Than Those of Their Prudent Peers?

now anyways, she once said that people in the 50s were more "live and let live" than i think. ok go back to the 50s and date a black person in public. go ahead. see how it ends.

here's the link: 3$QD8PZ6JVM46

fallopium #sexist #transphobia fallopium.tumblr.com

God if I see one more post like “I just don’t get why you’re so afraid of trans women in the bathroom…”

*deep breath* *screams*

ITS CAUSE THEY CAN RAPE US!!!!!!!! WE ARE AFRAID OF BEING RAPED!!!! YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!THEY ARE MALE AND HAVE MALE GENITALIA AND WE ARE NOT SAFE WITH MEN IN WOMENS SPACES. I don’t care if josh from accounting is fine using the same bathroom as a trans man. Shove a trash can up your ass!

I don’t care about men’s feelings #sexist idontcareaboutmensfeelings.tumblr.com

you cannot trust men. yes, it is a generalization. and it is absolutely correct. it is a universal truth.

you, as a woman (which means female, let’s get this clear) should not and cannot trust a man.

men know what they are doing. men know when it’s time to attack you and when it is still too risky for them to do so. men know which girls are easier to attack and which girls they may not get away with if they attack them, which girls are “marriage material” and should not be attacked. men know what’s the place and time. or maybe they just don’t feel like it. right now.

maybe your husband/boyfriend never laid a hand on you. he never coerced your for sex. he never yelled at you. but he might one day - one day he has had one too many beers. one day he decides you’re too deep in the marriage/relationship to fight back. one day he sees that he can hurt you and get away with it. maybe he hasn’t yet because you’re his madonna - other “whores” have gotten the violence in your place. maybe his ex girlfriend. his ex wife. his stepdaughter. your daughter.

you are never safe with a man. never. and if one hasn’t hurt you - you’re lucky. you just have plain, sheer luck.

Anonymous #sexist desuarchive.org

I fucking hate this
Id be fine with straight ships even, but the thought of shipping the mane 6 who were supposed to be friends angers me. Especially when its the character that was also supposed to be the antithesis of 'lol tomboy must be lesbian' thing
I guess that in the end my expectations really were subverted

exterminate all dyke scum

the writers could've just ended the show without jamming in any politics and/or SJW virtue signaling, but they just HAD to achieve retard critical mass at the last second

it's also extremely offensive to both straight and lesbian tomboys, if you remember that one Faust post from back in the day

Anonymous #sexist desuarchive.org

How can you talk about lesbians without talking about the statistically highest rates of intimate partner violence out of literally any pairing? The lowest rates are in m/m pairings, m/f is in the middle, and f/f have the highest rates of violence and abuse.

Frankly, I'm amazed it took this long in the thread to talk about lesbian bed death.

In the end homosexuality of any kind shouldn't be promoted by a civilization because it does not reinforce the family unit. A stable, functional society absolutely depends on the stability and quality of the family unit in order to survive. Families are about raising children.

I don't think it's the main force destroying society, but it's one of the cuts where the blood loss is coming from. There's not even any ill will here, it's just a basic sociological analysis. Conserving and building on the civilizational assets we all collectively own is critical for long term success.

All dyke or gay shipping in the fandom is trash.

BlkPillPres #psycho #sexist incels.is

(On “If you saw a stranger foid getting raped, how would you react?”)


I'm not answering this. I'm not fucking stupid lol.

You ironically sound fucking stupid, do you think you're going to be arrested by the thought police afterwards, you are under no legal obligation to help someone in danger, the only "illegal" answer is joining in, and again you can't be arrested for merely thinking about it

I would never join in, but not for moral reasons, but for logical reasons, there's just too much that could go wrong

1. The guy could respond aggressively and fuck you up, now your dna is at the scene of a rape even if you run away and survive the altercation

2. If you both happily team up its harder to keep track of what you did and what to clean up, unless you both plan on exchanging contact information after killing her and disposing of the body, you will likely get caught and then arrested as you can't keep your stories straight, one mistake and you're fucked

3. The guy could have STD's and you end up getting it when you guys "swap holes" JFL

Either way I just don't like the idea of sharing a rape

I chose to keep walking, but in reality I'd probably do a slight variation of two of them, I'd wait till the rape was finished, when the guy leaves, rush her and knock her out, take whatever cash she has on her

Andrew Anglin #sexist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "The CDC is Telling You to Fear Your Cat, He Could Infect You with the Doom Virus"]

I’ve noted that this entire coronavirus lockdown agenda appears to be more of a psychological warfare agenda against the public than it is anything to do with public health. No aspect of this plan makes sense in terms of actually protecting people from a virus that we’re all eventually going to get anyway.

It does make sense in terms of causing an extreme psychological condition in the people.

Case in point, with people completely isolated from other people, they are now telling you not to touch your cat.


What they are doing is creating in the minds of adults the psychology of an abused child: everything in the world is dangerous, and the only way to protect yourself is to completely withdraw from the world.

Meanwhile, the virus has a mortality rate that is similar to the flu, meaning that it is virtually impossible for a healthy person under 65 to die from it. The threat is minuscule, if it exists at all, and yet we are being conditioned through extreme behaviorist methods to live in a state of permanent fear.

This is what happens when your society becomes feminized. Neuroticism rules and everything is about immediate concepts of physical safety.

Edmund_Kemper #sexist #transphobia incels.is

[RageFuel] Bluepilled fags try to argue against me on fstdt

This bluepilled faggot named Swede reads that I said most people like him only agree with what everyone else believes and how if he lives in a society where society had different values his values would be different

then he says “i aCcEpT hOmOs aNd TrAnNiEs BeCaUsE iT’S rIgHt” no you don’t. And then he says in the 50s people were still pretty live and let live yeah go back to that era and kiss another man in public or kiss a black person and you’d get beaten up or yelled at. If he seriously thinks he would’ve accept homos back then he’s wrong. He would’ve hated them back then. And only 4% of Americans approved to interracial marriage back then. This retard cuck thinks he’d be part of that 4%. He thinks he’d resist Kim jong un if he lived in North Korea or would’ve resisted Hitler if he lived in nazi Germany when only a tiny percent of Germans did that. Then he says marrying jb foids wasn’t common back in Ancient Greece because pederasty happened back then. Just because teen boys fucked adult men back then doesn’t mean adult men didn’t marry jb foids. Several sources say girls usually married in their mid-teens to a man twice their age and then he says they were prolly bad wives back then because they were young teens even though teens grew up faster back then. And the teen brain thing is a myth (look it up)

keep an eye on this bluepilled website
Edmund_Kemper #wingnut
here’s the link

I hate the openness of the 21st century.
We allow too much degeneracy.

If he lived in the 50s he would’ve hated homos

Most likely.

Let’s be honest. The only reason why people approve of trannies with cocks using the women’s room is because we’re gonna be labeled “bigots” and get hassled if we don’t approve of it. 10 years ago nobody would’ve approved of it because they were allowed to disapprove

imagine thinking that trannies are a legit thing

Trannies are the most annoying retards online especially that sjw trannyfag Sam Collins

there is no tranny
trannies are males, even if they think otherwise

High IQ

Do you go out of your way to find these faggots? I don't encounter them nearly as often.

I heard of that forum so I check em once in a while

That place seems just as soy as Reddit. What a nightmare.

It’s like another clone of IT

Arthas93 #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy incels.is

[Hypocrisy] When foids say "patriarchy" they mean "ugly men only"

For the last few decades an horrible cultural and ideological war has been raging on in the West.
Many social changes occurred because of that war. One of them is "men are bad".

Women have sided with those who want to destroy males in the West.
A funny thing to me is that both white and ethnic women scream all day against the "patriarchy".
And when they finish screaming, both go to suck Chad dick. Or Tyrone dick.

So what kind of patriarchy is that you fight against by rewarding with free sex?
Pure foid double-think imbecility right?

Not really. Under a more careful look, foids are not hating "the patriarchy" of handsome, rich, powerful males.
Even though they SAY those are the ones they "hate". Their actions are very different from their words.

No. The "patriarchy" that they hate, doesn't include Chad/Tyrone.
When a foid, feminist or not, says anything about evil males or patriarchy, what they really mean is "ugly males".
They don't want to have to choose to keep relationships with ugly males. The "patriarchy" and "evil men" means "ugly men".

"Nuke 'em from orbit" Award

It's the only way to be sure.

Various Incels #sexist #racist #psycho incels.is

RE: [SuicideFuel] Dude beats 13 yo incel into submission and makes him twerk for talking to his 9 yo daughter


How do we know he was incel? An incel couldn't even get a foid to talk to him. The dad was based tbh. If every father did this to both the boys and their daughters, foids would stay virgins till marriage.


An incel can't talk with a foid. They ignore us. The kid was probs a young chadlite who wanted to fuck the chick. It should be illegal to even talk to a foid without consulting with her father, like the old days. We need Sharia but more strict.


going against the grind. Boy deserved it. Burn the coal pay the toll, the boy in the scenario fucked a nigger and u get what u get

The kid looked mutt. His hair is dark and curly.

oh well then. Still deleting whatever goods left in him.


I’d do the same thing if not worse if I was a father. Don’t see why everyone is hating on the based black guy


why the fuck does he care ?, his 9 year old is gonna become a total slut anyway, she'll be giving birth to multiple kids by different dads in no time.


How the ghetto rats mind works:
"I am mad at 13 year old boy"
"In response I will make him twerk naked"
He is using sex to dominate, same shit that happens in prisons. On a 13 year old boy.
Faggot shit tbh

(To_Live_is to_Serve)

OP does not mention the race of those involved. Its a primitive human attacking and humiliating a weak adolescent target of a rival people without the inhibition of a civilized man. Best wishes to incels of all races.


Clearly not an incel.
He was naked in a 9yo girl's room. Must have been an aspiring Chad. Black foids hit puberty around 8-9 yo so it would make sense.

nxdismycope #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Venting] just imagine how amazing it is to be a chad and crush foids

getting them to your apartment just with 1 message in tinder
making them deepthroat you and let you fuck their ass untill they cant walk
and swallow all of your cum

and then? you just go away. leave her like that like the filth she is
chads have such a huge power they can use against foids to BREAK THEM. just imagine how fun that would be
give me even one week of brutally fucking foids and then making them feel like garbage


P-Chan #wingnut #sexist #racist incels.is

[Venting] I fucking love (hate) Germany

(skip this part if you dont give a fuck)
So first to my Person, iam a deputy workshop manager in a small highly specialized company. I get a very good salary, very good means top 10% in income in germany.
(BTW how does a incel get this kind of job? Be an autist in you job field, make a friend in the company, he becomes the head of the department, he cant deal with Computers and statistics, so he makes is autist friend who is good with computers and statistics the deputy position, and we are a excellent team btw, he deals with humans and i whit the papers, pc and statisitc and tell him what to tell the managment).
I have a special car becouse i dont know what to do with my money, i mean money gets useless for an Incel at a certain point. You get a Apartment a oldtimer, a daily driver, and a poser car. (my daily driver is a old vw golf 4 btw, cant tell the other cars becouse they are very specific) and then? a R 390 and a I-6600K is enough for everything i play. so i sit like a incel duck on my money.

(now you can read)

So its a Student City where i live, a real student city, so its like 33% of all humans here are young academic woman and we had a bunch of refuges here and still much arabs because of the big industry in the district. (they work in the small citys around but all get to the main city at the evening). So whats the problem?
Its hurting to see how young student woman idolize this mans, they where meetups with female students and refugees, i see arabs have there prize womans on the side, talk with them in bars and taking them home, i see the 80/20 rule every time iam in the city 2 guys with like 5 girls around them. arabs making some shit in the bars, arabs fell like the kings of the world even with low income (i know it, i need to hire them and see them in the city) my friend is very social (the head of managment) so the barkeepers know me and i talk with them, this arabs do lots of shit in the bars and they cant do anything because muhhhh Racism....
And the funny part?
I pay for all of this.
i pay +10k of taxes and social taxes, (only direct taxes btw)
i pay for the chad students
i pay for the low working class arabs (they pay less taxes and i more. welcome in germany)
i pay for the refugees and the students meet ups
i pay for the female students and the cockcarussel student years
hell i even pay more on womans night so chad gets his bitches drunk

just venting guys, i needet this.

COPE GmbH #crackpot #sexist incels.is

[Based] German Language & Anthem == Based

Mann sounds like "man" which means one. By that we can see the German language considers man as "one / someone", and individual.
Where as woman means Frau, and it's similar to "Freue" which means joy as females are considered "something" for joy.
Weiblich means female and as you can see it starts with "Weib" and this is just what "wife" is in English as English is a Germanic language.
Weiblich means womanly in literal translation, so for a female human to be considered women she has to become a wife as the word Mädchen is of neutral gender.

Also when we look at the German anthem "Das Lied der Deutschen (Deutschelandlied)"
Females are objectified in the mens perspective and collaboration is called "brotherly"
"Vaterland" shows us that Germans have had idealized the patriarchy.

COPE GmbH #sexist incels.is

[It's Over] Stay At Home Chad with Multiple Working Wives

In the current times females are integrated more and more into the workforce, either by "merit" or politics.
Making one income houses in sustainable by putting the meme gender to work has increased the consumerism and lowered the price of labor.
In a "DYSTOPIAN" future where the workforce will be consisted mostly by females would drive the hypergamy even higher because a female with a job or a degree demands a much higher man if she did not have those. By that even more men will be lonely and it will be so skewed that there will be a even worse shortage of "good men". So the females will gang up and marry a chad and support him while those men who gets no matches on a dating app will LDAR or will have a fulfilling life with is waifubot, but if females overtake the government and everything "DYSTOPIA" no chance of obtaining waifubot. It will be like the "Rat Utopia" experiment.

Neil Strauss #mammon #sexist amazon.com

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

Hidden somewhere, in nearly every major city in the world, is an underground seduction lair. And in these lairs, men trade the most devastatingly effective techniques ever invented to charm women. This is not fiction. These men really exist. They live together in houses known as Projects. And Neil Strauss, the bestselling author and journalist, spent two years living among them, using the pseudonym Style to protect his real-life identity. The result is one of the most explosive and controversial books of the last decade—guaranteed to change the lives of men and transform the way women understand the opposite sex forever.

On his journey from AFC (average frustrated chump) to PUA (pick-up artist) to PUG (pick-up guru), Strauss not only shares scores of original seduction techniques but also has unforgettable encounters with the likes of Tom Cruise, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Heidi Fleiss, and Courtney Love. And then things really start to get strange—and passions lead to betrayals lead to violence. The Game is the story of one man's transformation from frog to prince to prisoner in the most unforgettable book of this generation.

SageKnows #sexist reddit.com

I am so sick of main stream media and social media trivializing moral decay and commercializing prostitution by trying to call it 'sex work'. No, 'sex work' is not 'real work'. No, it is not harmless. No, you ARE contributing to moral decay, trivialization of sex, objectification of woman [and men for that matter] and downfall of society.

All this bullshit with every single chick having an Instragram where she is in her bikini with 3k simp followers. Twitch girls, e-girls, onlyfans prostitution, etc. It's not fine. Yes, you have the right to choose what you want to be, but just because you decide to sell off your body on the Internet for everyone to see, does not mean that you have the right to also dictate your moral superiority or trying to 'rebrand' what you are doing to sound more positive.

This 'sex work' is a worrying trend in modern society and is NOT a positive thing at all.

11422168233 #sexist reddit.com

99.99 % males are simps/whiteknights (same thing) scums (That’s a FACT), And it wouldn’t be a exaggeration to say all males are simps scum, Real Alpha Males are Rare, If you are not celibate, You’re a simp simple as that, Just accept it, No amount of whining will make you “not simp scum”, If you REALLY wanna change that, Then improve on yourself, Your interaction with the opposite sex should be zero to rarely, Only when when you must have to and for only important reasons, Otherwise you’ll sucked deeper and deeper into the “females are wonderful effect” and then you’re fucked for life.

Self Declaration: Even though I was never a subscriber of r/MGTOW, Just call it celibacy simple as that.

Anyway, Ban me, Don’t ban me it makes no difference to me, I don’t care, I said what I had to say.

mellainadiba #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

FEMINISM EXPOSED: This is so hypocritical and absurd it becomes funny: 10 Instances Finland Enhanced Gender Equality. THEY CITE MALE ONLY CONSCRIPTION as gender equality and FEMALE ONLY LAWS - LOL? Feminism is a cult. Double think.

The list the fact that it has men only conscription (Finland is extreme in that it actually does jail men who don't conscript too) and women have the option of gaining milatry benefits if so inclined

It also celebrates female only loans lol


Mean time, Finald has 2:1 women to men in university, one of the reasons for this is the forced conscription, and women are paid more than men for equal work (men still earn more as they work longer)

Check out feminist response in Norway (OFFICIAL STATEMENT INCLUDED ITS SO BAD ITS FUNNY):

Lets take one issues affecting men and specifcally see what feminism (organisations not just random individuals) had to say about it. I have direct statements and policies from the feminisnt organisations. See below.

So Norway has forced male only conscription:

the ultimate form of slaverly, where men, regardless of their moral background or personality are forced to learn how to kill or face prison.

This is one of the biggest manifestations of gynocynetsicm in society and of course proof that the hypothesis of patriarchy is as robust as modern flat earth theory. Yes men create systems to benefit men by getting men to do all the dangerous and hard things (93% of work deaths, and here the milatry)

Many countries need conscription as voluntary private armies are too expensive for the nation. So it is needed. Of course the feminists know this and only want men to do it. Feminists when questioned often pay lip service, and say "yeah we support no draft, but if there is a draft women should do it too", as they know it won’t happen….. erm until it does. Norway passes both gender conscrtiption. Lets see what feminists flip flopped when shit it did happen:

Firstly one party voted against it in parliment. Many of Noways feminists organisations (NKF, IAW, WILPF) were viciously against it

Oncefa2 #sexist #crackpot reddit.com

By definition, "non-radical feminists" are MRAs. If they actually cared about gender equality, they would support the MRM.

Feminists like to go on and on about how there are "true feminists" and "radical feminists". Well I've come up with a pretty good litmus test to distinguish between the two.

You can tell if a feminist is a "true feminist" who "supports gender equality" by whether or not they also support the men's rights movement.

If you take their words at face value, this is what it means. People like Warren Farrell and Karen DeCrow are "non radical feminists". People like Bell Hooks and organizations like NOW represent the "radical man-hating" brand of feminism.

Hold them to their own standards is what I'm getting at here. If they advocate for double standards and disagree with MRA ideas like equal child custody laws and legal paternal surrender, then they do not support gender equality. Which makes them "radical feminists", per their own definition.

Whether or not that means that most feminists are "radical feminists" is their own problem to sort out among themselves. I say go ahead and welcome the rational ones into our ranks though. After all, they're the ones who said it. So let's hold them to it. The number of feminists who become MRAs should demonstrate pretty clearly if they actually mean what they say.

OldIncel #sexist incels.is

[Serious] If you have to put any effort in, it's over... SUB 5 INCELS COME IN HERE

Chad doesn't put in any effort. He will just text whatever slut is on his current rotation, "I'm horny." and that's it. He had sex that night.

Just lmao at anyone who is sub 5 and puts in any effort. You are working hard to attain something that Chad puts ZERO effort in. The only result you will get is humiliation and embarrassment when you fail. And lets say you "ascend" by betabuxxing? Now you are PAYING for something that Chad gets for free... And usually it's Chad's leftovers. Do you want Chad's leftovers, YOU CUCK?

Just go MGTOW(MSTOW) if you're sub 5. It's not worth it to put any effort in.

Only time when it's worth putting effort in is if you are a 6 and can looksmaxx up to a 8.

A virgin who expels countless hours and energy achieving that which society said he should achieve, will only end up dying tired.

A virgin who never contributes to society, never pays taxes, never consumes, never purchases or socialises, is something that they don't want.. they need enough people to believe the lie so the next generation can be brainwashed with the lie.

"Just keep trying bro!"


There's literally nothing i can think of that's more cringe than some genetic dead end socially outcasted low status loser trying to "self improve" to fit into society. It's like they're so far off the mark I don't even know where to begin with them. The average person, and even the above average, just exist and the things that you consider "normal" just happen to them. No high schooler ever had to "self improve" to get a girlfriend, he just existed, thought it would be cool and fun to play sports, and a girl was attracted to him and they gravitated towards each other. There's no thought out into any of this, these things just happened through the natural flow of life, no "self improvement" necessary. That's what happens when you're not a genetic dead end mentally ill freak, you don't ever find yourself one night lying in bed alone wondering why you don't have a single friend or you've never kissed a girl at 23 years old. You don't devise a plan to stop touching your cock for six months in order to look a girl in the eye. You just exist, you go with the societal flow, and you end up with a wife, a nice job, a house, and some kids. If you missed out on this flow, it's probably because you're complete genetic shit.


that is the blackpill distilled into one photo. If all blackpill archives were lost, this would be the only thing that would need to be preserved to make anyone rope.

I haven't been to 4chan in years but it's good to see that there are still good quality posts once in a while

FidelCashflow #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] 16 year old chad gets his girlfriend pregnant


This guy completely disproves the redpill and the bluepill.
He doesn't have any money so it proves females dont care about money.
Hes completely retarded so it proves females dont care about intelligence.
Hes completely immature so it proves females dont care about confidence and being maturity.

Jfl and 3 months after this girl gave birth, the Chad went and got her friend pregnant too
My favorite line of the video was "I had sex with her before we even kissed"
Jfl Chad's dont even have to wait for a kiss, they jump right into sex

Edmund_Kemper #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[SuicideFuel] this is what the future will be like. WARNING: SUIFUEL ENDMANKINDFUEL

*sub10 law will exist and even 9/10 chads will be incel
*saying hello to a woman will become illegal (unless you're gigachad)
*women will be allowed to be naked in public and if you even look you're a registered sex offender and given the death penalty
*accusing someone of rape will be enough proof to convict them and castrate them in public
*all politicians will be foids
*all bathrooms will be unisex and men and women will share the bathrooms together (people are now actually advocating for this i shit you not)
*the age of consent will be raised to 21 so will the age of majority and marriage age and porn age and predator hunters will confront men who fuck 18-20 year olds and they will be castrated in public
*freedom of speech will be gone
*the word "female" will be illegal

cryptic__egg #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Nobody wants us to ascend

Normies say that they want us to ascend, but in reality they set up a system of faulty logic that makes it impossible for us to ever be right. When we are trying to better ourselves they tell us that nobody is entitled to sex and that our efforts do not guarantee sex. When we become aware of this and stop trying, the narrative immediately shifts from us not being entitled to us not trying hard enough. There is no way we can be right. The standard set for us to reach through self improvement is impossible, so we're left to either chase it forever or be hated for not trying.

The real problem is the impossibly high standards of foids, with the average man being seen as a compromise that no foid wants. When we point this out we're just called misogynistic incels.

coppernicus #sexist incels.is

[It's Over] Chad is inherently worthy

I was thinking about this last night. Even if I do ascend, a woman will never want me for who I am, just for what I possess. Just think about it, back when I used to browse r/relationship_advice a lot of women there had problems with their bfs because they were unemployed and playing videogames all day, yet they still had a gf that wanted things to work out. As an incel, you're expected to jump through a hoop on fire, land in one hand and then juggle 5 balls with your feet, just so that you can get a crumb of women's attention. Is that really love? It doesn't seem as pure as the one Chad gets, it seems more like a transaction. While Chad is inherently worthy of women's love, we have to prove ourselves and work really hard, so that we are then valued based on our material possessions. And even if you do the whole mating ritual circus performance, you may still not get any this days. This whole thing is very depressing because I realize now that no matter what I do, a woman will never genuinely love me.

ThouShallObeyKing #sexist incels.is

RE: 2 mudsharks date the same 17-year-old father. foids end up fighting to death

Title sums it up. A 17 year old black single father (who worked at Chick-fil-a) ends up dating 2 white foids AT THE SAME TIME. Neither one dump him even after he exposed the fact that he as dating the other foid .. the foids simply got mad at each other, stalked each other, 1 stabs the other one to death, And the other goes to prison. All Because they wanted a 5.5 black kid with a kid



dude this is funny as fugg how primitive brains women have

this CHAD is her path to successful life. the CHAD is money, the chad is good genes for kid, the chad is father and all the other stuff that they need. They know how hard it is to get chad, they know that 90% of men arent as worthy as their Chad

thats why they do this


now chad has to register on our forum cus both his girls dont give him sex anymore (one dead, one jail)

fun part is the sentence "he winked at her and smelt like french fries"

french fries smell neutrally. its neither positive nor negative.

therefore he was just hot and the fact that he smelt like fries magically changed into positive in brain of that woman


i think they were madly in love with him that they were so emotional about it

either he was their first, or thats what chad does to women

cryptic__egg #sexist incels.is

[Serious] You should subtly insult fat foids

Whenever you get a chance to remind fat whores that their SMV is not as high as they think it is, take it. Direct insults will lead to attacks from simps, but there are subtle ways to put those disgusting landwhales down.

Be sure to comment on weight loss as a positive and attractive thing, while commenting negatively on weight gain. This isn't directed at a person but it reminds overweight foids that their weight is bad. Make fat jokes when possible to reinforce this.

Landwhales should be as ashamed of their weight as we are of our faces.

metabuxx #sexist #conspiracy incels.is

[RageFuel] The reason why holes shame men who try to surgerymax

Holes are dumb retards who are very easy to trick. They know that that if surgerymaxed men walked around then they would struggle to find real Chads.

If you are balding, short or belong to an inferior race, they want to see that in order to deem you as a subhuman. So they shame and humiliate us whenever we try to hide our inferior traits. This is why holes are always seething over surgerymaxed men because they know that those men will be able to pass on their inferior genes.

The employ numerous methods to prevent us from doing so -

Gaslighting - "Don't spend money on surgeries sweetie. You need to work on your personality."
Virtue signalling - "That guy who got a jaw surgery looks more approachable in his earlier pics. I would've totally dated him."
Humiliation - "Imagine spending thousands of dollars to increase your height just to get rejected because it was always your personality that mattered"
And when nothing works, Frustration - "I know you will get laid more after your surgery but remember this, women care more about what kind of a person you are rather than your looks. So enjoy all that meaningless sex while you can because you'll never find a woman to settle down with."

Don't listen to holes. They don't want us to ascend. Their purpose in life is to throw subhumans out of the genepool and they will go to any length to achieve it.

FidelCashflow & tomomot919 #sexist #racist incels.is

[Soy] Jfl at this Albanian simp




dude half of these posts are about girls trashing guys so... and stop creeping on people


I'm a Albanian man myself. You wouldn't understand what happens to Albanian woman because you have the privilege of doing what ever the fuck you want with out being called a "kurve" just for simply breathing. And yes there is a word in Albanian for man hoes it's "Kurvar" wonder how you would feel if the roles were reversed.


dude stop simping... while you act like knight in shiny armor for some woman, she's getting railed by some Italian or German dude!

Respecting woman and your fucking mother is not a bad thing. And also don't be saying shit like "i like non Albanian woman" but then getting jealous that Albanian woman dont like you. Also my sister so happens to be qettinq married to an amazing 6th generation American man of German decent. They both work, they both cook, they both clean, they do everything together. Most importantly he doesn't disrespect her or keep her locked inside a house cleaning like most Albanian men a known for

Albanian men as a whole are pretty based when it comes to females. This causes an issue because females want to be complete sluts that nobody can control, so they are always sperging out against Albanian men for trying to stop them from being whores.

What happened when an Albanian female enters the west is that she becomes a complete whore and will never date an albanian guy.

Above we have a simps albanian guy trying to white knight for women. Then a based Albanian man calls him out and drops some blackpills. The simp then reveals that hes right and his sister is married to an aryan non Albanian man who will allow her to be a degenerate whore

theson #sexist #psycho #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Based] High IQ idea: quantizing pussy

Users who quantize pussy by using terminology such as "a crumb of pussy", "an ounce of pussy", "tons of pussy" are high IQ. Toilets are pretending like sex is not a resource they have a monopoly over that can be redistributed, but rather some abstract spiritual thing that is bestowed by the gods upon the worthy. The traditional view of sex is similar to the divine right of kings to rule, where women's command of the pussy resource cannot be brought into question. Quantizing pussy and discussing dating in terms of markets desmystifies and democratizes sex which can be a catalyst for social change. Reddit toilets get mad when you quantize pussy, that's how you know this is a legit tactic.

FidelCashflow #racist #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Everyone here is bluepilled on the immigrant question

The fact is that more immigration means more inceldom, specifically more Whitecels
Immigration does two things, create more incel men that would have been normie, and give females more choices of men.
Just look at Sweden, the western country with the highest percentage of incels. It obviously wasnt allways like that, but after mass immigration (who where mostly young men) now there is too many incels.

And the ethnicels on here are coping if they think it isnt causing more whitecels.
Whitecels cannot fuck immigrant females since their heavily religious families prohibit them from being promiscuous. Sp what you have happening is white men do not get an increase of fuckable females, but the white females now have an increased number of men to fuck now that theres more chaddams and tyrones in their country.
I have never seen a white man fucking an immigrant female, but I've seen countless cases of immigrant men fucking white females

I don't think the immigration at least in its current proportions helps whites much, but do you have sources comparing the white virginity/ethnic virginity rates in Sweden/Europe?

It's common sense.
Immigrant females are banned from dating/fucking white men due to their religion and honor killings, while the immigrant men can freely fuck white females.
This causes an increase of men for white females to choose, while white men are not getting an increase of females, instead they have more competition to get white females

Of course if you are ugly it doesn't matter but I have seen plenty of fresh off the boat arabic Chads slay. Deathnics are heavily in denial that they are ruining white countries tbh and they invent retarded things like JBW theory to cope with "their" westernized toilets going for white Chads completely ignoring the fact that average and below average white guys are actually worse off.

This is what I dont understand. Ricecels hate when white men go to their countries and slay since it causes asians to become incels.
But when whitecels complain about non white men moving to white countries and slaying, the ethniccels on this forum act like it's a conspiracy theory

What? Whitecels cannot fuck any females because they don't live up to their standards, thinking immigrant foids don't ride white Chad despite risking cousins, brothers, fathers and uncles beheading them is major cope.

Your coping beyond belief, sure some of them still fuck white guys, but it is way less compared to the promiscuity of other women.
I'd say white women are 100% hypergamous since they have nothing stopping them, while at most I'd say immigrant females are 30% hypergamouse since they have religion/family/honor killings to stop them.
Are you really trying to say that immigrant females are as degenerate as white females?

SkinjobCatastrophe #sexist #racist incels.is

RE: Why I think some men worship non western women.

I think western men are so tired of being treated like crap by western women, especially white women, that they’ll take anything different. They keep hearing about how “traditional” they are which translates to “won’t treat me like trash”. It’s also why they go after Russian women and other races like I'm starting to see Latino women get held up as trad dreams. It’s because they aren’t western and therefore they’re, in the guys mind, different from western white women. It’s why alien or monster girls are so popular. They aren’t human women so they don’t have the same pain associated with human women that men connect to them.

At least in America, more than 70% of women are overweight. That leaves only 30% of women to have a chance at being attractive. The women here act ridiculous. They are entitled, loud and annoying, vindictive, and all around just awful people. Of course, all women have these desires, but in the west they really come out for people to see. Western women also are allowed to pick and choose men much more strictly than in other countries, so that here, even an ugly landwhale is not obtainable by an average guy

From the average dude’s perspective, western women are
-fat and therefore usually ugly
-loud and annoying
-impossible to please
-impossible to get, even the fat and ugly ones
And non western women are
-not fat, generally healthy
-attractive when they are young as well as when they are older
-quiet, peaceful, submissive
-happy with a kind husband
-open to dating/marrying many different kinds of guys
-generally act more feminine

From their perspective, it makes sense to me. Although of course they are wrong about most of these things, one thing is true - the percentage of attractive women in other countries is so much higher, because of the lower rate of being fat, and also because most ethnic women age slower. And they fall in line with being a traditional kind of wife much easier than western women.

I would be pleasantly surprised if I didnt know anything about the rest of the world and then I went somewhere like china or bolivia or turkey and saw a ridiculously high number of attractive women compared to the west

Various Incels #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: [JFL] Tranny hole mutilates her vagina and tries to become a man. Now notices she's become a truecel freak of nature and wants to kill herself jfl.


hahahahah tell her to get a better personality
this is exactly why supporting the lgbt non sense is NOT morally correct because by supporting this behaviour youre encouraging SUICIDE jfl
people were encouraging this woman to mutilate her vagina and thought its the moral thing to do
i mean dont get me wrong im happy this tranny will rope but just want to prove that supporting lgbt is not normal and its degenerate.


Yet another case of the awful tranny mentality of just "mutilate urself".
Guess what, your sex is decided when you're incubating in a foid, and no matter how much surgery or pills you take. You'll either a gaping hole, graphed flesh, and nobody ever "passes".


That's what liberal propaganda combined with the bluepill can do to you, holy fuck. I almost mustered a tiny bit of pity specifically for her, but timely woke up to who she is. Disgusting, hypocritical foid npc who happened to have so puny shit of a brain to even believe the lies she'd set up for us poor incels herself. Burn in hell, damnable bitch. You have well earned every bit of your plight.

She even calls a height of 5'4 "unnaturally impossibly ridiculously short". Well, have fun with it, stupid bitch. Enjoy your average manlet life and remind yourself that the height of the whole asian population fluctuates somewhere around that mark.

"I feel like a stupid asshole trying to call myself a man. I hate myself more and more every day. I’ll never know what sex is like, and therefor what love is like, never know what a real life is like."

Oh, you don't say? Could she imagine that somewhere, maybe even in her city or on her street, might've lived a man who thought of himself just like that? That he too would never know what love is like just because of few inches or millimeters of bone? She's just irredeemable, glad she now knows what it is like to be an incel.

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