
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #god-complex #conspiracy stewart1611.blogspot.com

I have lived on Guam since 2004. I am a humble man, with a small laptop, and a small website ministry, on a small island, out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, but God is doing a big work through my earnest labors! Zechariah 4:10a, “For who hath despised the day of small things?”
I may be despised by Neo-evangelicals for my uncompromising preaching against Lordship Salvation and Devil's Bibles, but I make no apologies. I may be hated by Calvinists, but God is on my side for being on the side of truth (Romans 3:4). I am going to preach THE BOOK (the inspired King James Bible), THE BLOOD (Jesus' liquid blood sprinkled on the Mercy Seat in Heaven), THE BODY (the importance of attending a local Bible-believing church) and THE BLESSED HOPE (the coming Rapture) until God's says I'm done! Pastor Lester Roloff (1914-1982) said the great need of this hour is PREACHING PREACHERS! Ain't it the truth!
The first truth is that the new temple was not anywhere near the splendor of the old temple. Zerubbabel's temple was a joke compared to Solomon's temple. To the old men it was a sight for sore eyes, and they wept profusely! They realized what they had lost! Many Christians have ruined their lives. That young lady who gave her virtue to the dogs, succumbing to the lustful advances of some ungodly male, will never be able to give the gift of her virginity to her future husband. That is very sad. She will never be a Solomon's temple again. At best, all she can offer her husband is Zerubbabel's inferior temple. And I'm telling you, young ladies, stay pure!!! Please save yourself for the man whom legally marries you.
There is a Satanic conspiracy in the world today, and there has been since the 1960's, to steal your innocence! That is why we see demonic filth like this in music videos. Look at the vulgar gesture that singer Taylor Swift is shamefully doing. She should be in prison for making this for teenagers!

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] Noodlewhore blames love of white cock on white people

There are so many gross things about Asian men criticizing Asian women for dating outside their race but one of the worst parts is that it's just Asian men blaming Asian women for a problem that literally white people started. Like these Asian incels are mad that Asian women won't date them but all this emasculation or whatever you want to cry about started with white people. Not other Asians. Stop lashing out at the wrong group of people ??

It seems like women can't do anything without being controlled by some outside force. If it's not the patriarchy, then it's white people. But women are strong and independent btw. Don't lash out at the group that actually rejects and insults you bro. Lash out at these random motherfuckers instead just because they're white. Nice try noodlefoid. :feelskek:

women in general are incapable of taking accountability for anything. Even when they take accountability for something they are quick to point out that they aren't really accountable anyways. Absolutely infuriating to deal with, I am glad the amount of time I spend with women now is limited.

Is every woman a pathological liar and blame artist? Seriously, I have never seen one admit responsibility for their actions in a sincere, non-virtue signalling way.

yes, that's why for thousands of years they where never given power in society to any extent.

i'm disappointed that they managed to manipulate the pre-boomers into giving them rights.

My head imploded from an internal hydrogen bomb when I read that and then Tzar Bomba finished it off when I saw how many likes. Its too much literally EVERYTHING CAN BE BLAMED ON WHITEY. The lines between irony and reality are blurred beyond recognition.

roflcopt0rz_returns #sexist #elitist #fundie reddit.com

"WhY dO yOu gUyS aLwAyS pOsT aBoUt WoMen???!!!1!!"

You'll get a lot of wahmen and cucks who complain about us, how we apparently are not going our own way because we "complain" about women.

To which, I ask them this question; why do religious people constantly read their bible or testament or other religious scriptures, even though they've probably read the whole thing several times already?

Same reason why MGTOW posts about divorce rape, false accusations, marriage statistics, etc.

Same reason why people write down their goals that they supposedly should know and refer to their notes constantly (because, you know, it's their life goals).

Sometimes no matter how devout you are, your conviction wavers as life throws bullshit at you from every direction, and you need to remind yourself of the path you're on and why you believe it is right. A Christian will pull out his bible and read a random passage from the book to enforce his conviction. MGTOW's scriptures are real-life stories from men who were destroyed by the system for no reason, case studies, science, and statistics.

MGTOW is the path to happiness, enlightenment, and the truth. However your sex drive is your biggest enemy as it draws you to women and off the path of MGTOW. Reading about divorce rapes, gynocentrism, watching MGTOW videos, and so on, are the equivalent to Christians reading their bible everyday.

Various Incels #sexist #racist incels.is

RE: currywhores' self-hate is about to pass noodles'.Currywhores have been running wild lately at FDS.


And who's gonna marry these ugly currywhores? JFL. From my experience white men hate currywhores are hated more niggerwhores.

Here in Canada they're giving Asian a run for their money. So many white guys are with Indian and Sri Lankan femoids, I'm surprised it isn't brought up more by currycels.

Curry cunts are the worst. Sand sluts and rice bitches are not as bad as curries. They truly despise their male counterparts, on a level that the other two groups have yet to match.

Just look at that disgust they have for currymen these foids won't hesitate to shower currymen in Zylon B at all, and that hypocrisy of hating someone just for existing cos he can't cook :feelskek: :feelskek: , these foids only need one currycuck to betabuxx but they won't flinch a second to curse and abuse all currymen, most of which don't even talk with whores like these, and remain to themselves all through their lives like me, most of my friend are incels.


Most currywhores are hairy as fuck and basically psychotic. I've been around curries my whole life and fuck me I feel sorry for the men. I've seen what they have to put up with from the women and what hard work they are.

At the bar last weekend I observed a curry foid absolutely worshiping some white normie. Was like watching a living black pill.


It’s common in Indian culture, they’ve got a lot of BIG skin whitening industries over there

Nothing to do with Indian culture, where it’s imposed largely on women. It’s just another Westernised Ethnic whore.

Westernisation is brutal for ethnics. Just look at all the refugee whores in Norway and Sweden. All have white normie boyfriends.

There used to be this 8/10 Iraqi JB in Sweden who migrated as a refugee studying Medicine and now go look at her instagram and her bf is literally a 6/10 Swede. Brutal.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

[JFL] IMAGINE having so much innate value you can sell pictures of yourself online

This isn't even about prostitution, onlyfans and patreon whores. This extends into all faucets of life. If your value of just being is so high that you can do something like that, just imagine how fucking easy life must be. We cannot even fathom what kind of debug with just in time compilation mode women are on. You'd have to possess the body of a femoid and live through some of life milestones to get it, no tranny memes.

(insanus virginem)
You know these whores would be sucking cock for 50$ if it weren't for pathetic emasculated men who enable them? That's the horrible part about this. Knowing how little it takes for things to change for the better. All it takes is a little self respect on the male side.

This is why I hate simps much more than foids

Arab #sexist #racist incels.is

Ultimate proof arab women are traitors

This girl said arab men belong to latinas

All the arab women said arab men are trash and the latinas can have them

Then a guy said he liked white girls more than arab girls and all the arab cuck white knight faggots came into defend arab race traitor whores


That’s the exact opposite of race traitor. The Arab guy said he liked white women more which is the race traitorous act.

Arab women sold arab men out. How are they gonna say that. They are traitors.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

RE: Why does this forum talk a lot about jailbaits?

Because that is what most of us want and never got.


”Because they are hot. Females tend to date older guys, and there is nothing wrong for a 20 year old guy to date a 16 year old female tbh.”

Fucking HATE the double standard where an older woman with a teen guy is praised but we get CRUCIFIED if roles are reversed

This is the real problem. Age of consent laws are only ever applied to men and not the reverse. Its an attack on a mans ability to get a virtuous woman before she rides the cock carousel. AoC laws empower women to ride the cock carousel because they fuck regardless of the laws while limiting the potential dating pool for men.

Vituosity has nothing to do with age. In the right circumstances they would remain virgin until marriage no matter what age that happens. In the wrong circumstances they will start riding the carousal as young as 11

And what do you think of the hypocrisy when it comes to applying age of consent laws?

Because teens are more attractive. I am also suffering from missing out on teen love

Because if you don't marry them in time they will marry somebody else or move away.

Silence DoGood #fundie #sexist #wingnut #crackpot #pratt #conspiracy townhall.com

All the guns and armies in the world can’t defy God, and by pushing your absurd “rights” that have harmed women greatly, you are fighting with the Creator. Good luck with your losing battle.


So, you fight to vote, and can’t even think critically. Your emotion overwhelms your reason. Besides, 70% of single women vote Democrat, and the majority of married women do too. Without women voting there would be no Democrat party. It’s a nice game of the plutocrats, who weaken the family by discouraging women from getting married and having children. Makes us easy to control. Demography is destiny. While women like you are stubbornly fighting for the right to vote, you are stupidly neglecting your primary function, which is to marry and reproduce. And the bankers are laughing at you, as they make fortunes, and destroy America.

Today’s insane Democrat party is based on women being emotionally manipulated to vote Democrat. You are stupid if you think the Democrat party prior to women getting the vote is anything similar to today’s Democrat party.

Yes, because when women stubbornly divorce men, as 80% of divorces are initiated by women, that leads to single mother households, and angry criminal men, who mistreat women. It’s encouraged by the Government, as they throw welfare at you women to replace your husbands with Daddy Gubmint. Millions of silly women think that’s a great idea. Then they complain about why their children are so dysfunctional.

You can’t name a single movie or television show from 1980 on where a woman married a man and stayed home and had as many children as she could. Why? Because the bankers who control the media know that stable families would end their control. Wake up!

Men like me avoid poisonous women like you like the plague. You are hell to be around.

MandJtraveltogether #ableist #sexist reddit.com

Don't even date a man who was previously mentally ill.

No matter what he says about how he's over it, or his medication is working, or he is a new man. He's not over it, he can stop taking their medication, lol no sis he's not a new man.

The consequences of a man relapsing on his mental illness can be literally deadly. I would never put myself in a risky situation like that. Past mental illness in men is the biggest indicator of future mental illness. He'll also pass those genes down to our children and perpetuate it.

It is different for women because the majority of our mental illness is caused by living in a male dominated world.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

RE: [JFL] If we ever needed more proof most women are absolutely braindead

Men hating astrology and tarot, ect.

(insanus virginem)
If you want to know how stupid and primitive women are just look at the mainstream protests. There is always some foid screaming about how climate change will kill us all in 40 years or some whore screaming about how black people are being terrorized by police to a point where they are afraid to leave their house and wear their hoodie. If not that it's something about refugees and abortions.

Fods take up the most basic of basic political opinions and when they are feeling a little bit edgy they are retarded communist because their liberal arts college professor told them to read Marx.

Proof that the barrier to be acceptable as a woman are so terribly low you cannot fail. You can literally tell people you believe and magic and at worst people will be like "yeah thats kinda wierd"
Female dating strategy my ass. If they were autistic men they would be touchless virgins. Autistic female hobbies are nowhere near being combarable

this was my first blackpill when I was an 8yearoldcel. all foids, even supposedly respectable ones believed in all sorts of literal meme tier horseshit or worse. my mom went to a future teller once or twice a year :lul: she's a fucking biologist but dumb enough to do this :lul:

starcrapoo #racist #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] I can't pick up my burrito without encountering WMAF couples. I don't wanna live here anymore. Society is proud of their inhumane disregard.

After a whole afternoon of playing world of warcraft, masturbating, and thinking about how awful my financial situation and life is in general, that fucking stung me. The only good thing was that there was a couple of non-Whites waiting in line and that they were able to witness what I saw and what the workers saw. How is this fair? Surely they must've saw and felt some pity for me as I walked in and noticed them. They were probably wondering how I would react as a lonely Asian male walking into a restaurant and encountering two WMAF right in front of me.

I wanna move out to bumfuck central california where all of the red Trump voting counties are. I just can't fucking take it anymore. I'd rather get called chink and have my life threatened regularly than live in the bay area where lots of Asians live near affluent liberal whites. Who genuinely don't give a fuck about how hard we Asian men have it and proceed to make it worst. They know what they're doing is bad because I can see those WMAF immediately turn their heads away when I first notice them and they notice me.

I hope you guys are fucking proud of what you guys done and the very least I ask of you is that you don't condemn me for being bitter, miserable, frustrated, extremist, and disillusioned. I should have known better than to go outside on a weekend in the bay area ESPECIALLY since today was around 90 - 95 degrees. But then again I know that someday things will get better as American society sinks further and further to meaningless irrelevance because of their dwindling numbers of the core group.

FullTimeLoser #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] LOL at you if you don't hate women.

Women hate you. They despise you in fact. They villainize you every chance they get. They will call you a creep just due to your looks. They will gaslight you and tell you to be confident, and when you are they will accuse you of harassment. They will villainize your masculinity, your hobbies, your attempts, your desires; all because you're ugly, and to them, ugly people don't deserve to have desires and hobbies. We're not even human to them.

love women so much i wanna fuck them in the pussy crempie sex blonde stavcy

That's not love

Tbh. I want all toilets enslaved


I think hating women is meaningless if you don't back up your words with actions.

I'm mean to women I pass and I would never help a woman who'd ask me for something

Alphabet Agency Alert Award

ItheIthe #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Serious] I'm Developing an Urge to Send Nonvirgin Women to the Hospital with My Dick

The thought of trying to have passionate sex with a used nonvrigin just fucking grosses me out. Like how the fuck am I supposed to be passionate about a used cumrag? It's fucking disgusting.

However, I have heard of cumrags getting sent to the hospital due to getting fucked down their worthless throats (Also JFL @ soyboy marrying cumrags who have been dicked so bad they went to the hospital, how fucking emasculating). It happened to a girl I actually know in real life.

Anyway, I've spent parts of the last two hours or so contemplating doing this myself. I can't help but think I'd derive great pleasure from luring a used roastie in, fucking her down her throat, watching her choke and bleed, and then having her shipped off to the hospital while I relax and watch baseball. Like, the idea of her gagging and having blood run down her chin with some internal bleeding and then having to pay the hospital bill while I disregard her for the rest of the summer is really fucking starting to turn me on. I'm developing an erection just thinking about it. It would be a high quality punishment for these bitches.

I mean I'm in college. So these cumrags wouldn't have the money to pay for their medical bill/ambulance in all likelihood. Imagine the shame and humiliation they would feel having to ask their parents to pay for the medical bill of their very own throatfucking. Visualizing their despair puts a smile on my face.

If I <<<[b]HYPOTHETICALLY[/b]>>> did this, would it make me a hERo? Yes or no?

Lori Alexander #sexist #fundie #wingnut thetransformedwife.com

President Trump nominated Amy Coney Barret to the Supreme Court of America on Saturday. The many pro-life conservatives are extremely excited. I am a pro-life conservative. I want a judge like her who loves America and the Constitution. However, I am sad that she will be unavailable for her seven children. The job that she will most likely have is time-consuming and will keep her away from home a lot.

Yes, I want a pro-life conservative on the Supreme Court. Yes, I am happy that Amy is one, but her children only have one mother. There are many other pro-life conservative judges that would make great Supreme Court judges.


What about Judge Deborah in the Bible? We are told nothing about her age or even if she had children. This was a unique circumstance in the entire Old Testament and was not God’s ideal; for He tells us: “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths” (Isaiah 3:12). Our God is a Patriarchal God who ordained men to be the ones in authority. This isn’t popular in our day and age but for believers in Jesus Christ, it should be for us.

Amy will hopefully be a wonderful Supreme Court Justice. She is the complete opposite of Ruth Bader Ginsberg which is great, but it’s an indication where our country is headed. She was praised for being the first Supreme Court Justice who had school age children. This grieved me. They will miss her constant influence in their lives, since no on will be able to take her place in their lives. Also, her husband must fill the role of help meet to her instead of her being his help meet.

Michinomiya Hirohit #sexist #psycho incels.is

Even of u ever het a gf she sucked so much dick before

This thought really scares me it always bashes on us for wanting a pure girl yet these foids only want chad /chad lites. It disgusts me kissing a foid knowing how much cum she swallowed :feelsrope: For real all I want is a pure girl but it seems its to much to ask While foids out here asking for a 6ft white muscled 25 cm dick good hair good bone structured guy Life is so unfair no matter how hard I try no one is interested in me no one will ever love and it’s all because of my looks (for u it fags reading this I made a thread long ago debunking ur blue pilled shit stated all the things I tried and asked u guys how I could improve more jfl I know u fags couldn’t give me one reason ) I would give up everything to be a chad i wouldn’t care if I would be homeless Having one leg etc because foids still would love me how much more proof do I have to bring out for people until people acknowledge our suffering even my worst enemy I wouldn’t wish him to be a ugly incel because wishing that on some one is the worst thing you could wish to happen to some one looks are worth more then a diploma We live in a age where girls can get free money for legit doing nothing It is unfair and it’s racist against us incels. Yes I’m calling it racist since we are always viewed as non humans pedo rapists mass murders yet when we make a joke that allniggers are criminals we are the bad ones Jfl at society I legit tried everything to get attention from girls Even back in my blue pilled days as a kid Like many mother they tell you to dress nice be nice be respectful and what did it bring us incels ? Nothing legit nothing They need to talk about the black pill in elementary schools so the ugly kids know what the need to do to increase there looks later down the road u legit have incels turn gay because they want to feel loved it’s fucking gay as fuck and those should be shunned but I still understand why they would do it love is a basic human need while we incels never get it

Ps sorry for typos hella tired and sad

Based Frog #elitist #wingnut #racist #sexist rebelreformer.wordpress.com

Oppression of Most People is Actually Good

All the time, the communist party rants about how awful oppression is; and seemingly their delusional fear of oppression leads them to conjure up imaginary oppression in all areas of life. Time and time again, the normies espouse hysterical paranoia regarding oppression, as they hallucinate oppression to be an evil force ingrained in the remnants of the old-world society. Worst of all; they seem to believe that oppression is somehow ‘bad’ although they can never seem to explain why.
In actuality, natural oppression exists all around us and is fundamental to the structure of society. Don’t believe me? Well lets look at some examples of oppression. Arguably, children are oppressed by their parents. Parents set up rules for their children and teach them what’s good and bad. Parental discipline and rules are both good because none of it’s done out of a desire for totalitarian control; but rather because every child is inherently born as an uncultured barbarian who is in desperate need of basic correction.
How about oppression on the basis of race or gender? That’s also awesome. I’m personally opposed to any and all gender rights activism that has ever existed because it’s not possible for gendered oppression to exist, and then also I’m not necessarily a big fan of advocating for racial-rights either – especially not in modern times. As is mentioned by the communists; racism and sexism have theoretically resulted in oppression in many ways; all of which have always been perfectly wonderful.
In reality, it’s okay that inherent differences produce inequality: It’s okay that the West is white; It’s okay that women choose lower paying jobs; And it’s okay to oppose immigration. Then let’s remember that it’s oppression to not use a mentally disabled person’s ‘preferred pronouns.’ Lol. Honestly, anything that leftists claim is ‘racist’ or ‘sexist’ is actually just normal.

[And a picture of a Pepe Trump saying ‘no’ to a crying Pepe in a sombrero on the other side of a brick wall]

Michael Davis #sexist #fundie #psycho thetransformedwife.com

One question I would ask a woman who’s thinking about divorcing a man simply because they’ve “grown apart” is, “In what way is your life going to be improved by divorce? This is presumably the man who knows you better than any other person on the planet, has accepted you as you are, has raised children with you, has provided for you, has been faithful to you, and has given you a home. So what situation do you think you’re going into that will be better than what you have now?”


Well, I hope you have some job skills, because when you’ve taken that faithful man to the cleaners, you’re going to be trying to finance two households on the income that used to comfortably finance only one. Get ready to take a serious downgrade to your standard of living.
Also, your youth, fertility, and looks have diminished. The men your age who are single have probably been burned already by divorce and don’t have money, and if they’ve never married and DO have money, they’ve probably been playing the field this whole time and are only interested in dating much younger women.


Good luck. You’re probably going to wind up cashiering at Walmart and in a crappy apartment collecting cats until you get too old for that. Hopefully at that point, one of your kids will take you in. Your husband, on the other hand, will keep working and continue to put up with his situation just like he’s been doing for a few of decades now. Maybe, he’ll actually get some fishing or chess or poker in with some buddies. At least, it’ll be quiet after you’ve left.

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Paki Slut Who Got Nobel Prize for Being Uppity Says “No Compromise” on Girls’ Education"]

This bitch is not a real person. She is just a tool for the Western powers.

Radio Free Europe

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai says that “there should be no compromise” on the right to education for Afghan girls in ongoing peace negotiations between the government and Taliban militants.[…]

The Western powers know that they can make any concession – all of the concessions – and as long as they ram through women’s education, in a generation, the Western system will dominate.

With women in control, you can only even end up with anal sex, abortion, tattoos, and every other abomination. There is no possible road to freedom if women have rights.

The West knows this. So they will literally say, “yeah, just do whatever you want with your little Moslem stuff, we just want women’s rights.”

Women are literally tools of Satan.

Boardwalkcel #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[Serious] This entire country started trending downwards when abortion was legalized

The day it was decided that women had the right to legally kill someone that they themselves brought into the world, instead of accepting responsibility for their actions was the day we put them on a pedestal and the day it began going wrong. Fast forward 50 years and here we are.

Seriously, abortion is depraved, brutal and it's just downright fucking wrong. Take some serial killer going around killing babies, people would be mortified. Take planned parenthood, a literal BABY KILLING FACTORY and some people despise it (like me) but many people LOVE it. It's a pillar to the sinful shrine they've created. "But muh clump of cells" bullshit, Total utter bullshit. If it has a pulse it's a living thing. Even if it doesn't have a heart beat it's still a growing human unborn or not..

Trump just banned "post term abortions" jfl... Post. Term. Abortions. Yes that means exactly what it says it means, they were at one time killing babies after they were born.

It all rounds back to women being petulant children and for some reason not having any responsibility for their actions. If they cheat on their loving husbands/boyfriends with Chad its because they weren't getting enough attention. It's not their fault If they're literal psychopaths, mean, nasty, snobby, arrogant pieces of shit its either because their daddy was horrible to them growing up or because they're stressed with work or they're on their period jfl. They're never at fault for anything. Abortion is no different, for some odd reason the baby that they made shouldnt be their responsibility and that is when our problems really started. If you are pro abortion you are a cuck and a Simp. Plain and simple.

wereqryan #sexist incels.is

[Venting] Time to be honest: I'm extremely angry and unable to come to terms with the defeat that women have handed to men.

Let us not be fooled by any illusion here: after 70 years of relentless activism, women handed us a spectacularly crushing defeat. And now, after having subjugated us, they've completely remade society in their gynocentrism and matriarchy. They've dismantled religion and rationality, established massive control over the sexual marketplace, and coerced weak men into accepting prostitution as normal which has allowed them to rapidly accumulate wealth from socially and sexually starved men. No longer do women need a provider; they can provide for themselves through their whoredom. And now, as a result of all these changes, women have completely devalued men and reduced them to slave status.

They've handed us a brutal defeat, and they'll defeat us again when they crush Trump's uprising against gynocentrism. We aren't just losing, we have already lost in massively brutal fashion and it is something I can't seem to digest. It makes me angry. It boils my blood. Women's rule has been horrific to society; it has taken us back to hunter-gather style of behavioral dynamics with mob mentality and rioting. Our civilization is collapsing so rapidly, that the changes are noticeable from week to week! I just can't bear this. I would've roped had it not been for my anger and unwillingness to submit to this inferior gender.

but nobody will follow me, at best i will just end in jail accused as a terrorist.

They will not follow you or me into staging an uprising because they are low T, feminized, and brainwashed from early childhood into accepting the matriarchy as a just system. To them, our masculinity is inherently toxic and therefore needs to be kept it check.

AAAAAAAAAAAcel #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Cope] I categorically refuse to refer to anyone that isn't a blackpilled incel as human being

normies, foids, soys, chads, to me they are all part of one big entity: the enemy. The enemy is not human, it doesn't have any emotions or logic, it is only able to destroy anything that isn't part of himself. It has no purpose and no soul, it's only a worthless parasitic cancer on this world. I don't understand how can an incel delude himself into thinking he can be "friend" with a part of the enemy, it will always try to hurt you no matter what because it's in its nature. As for other incels, I still don't know if I can consider some of them as allies or if they simply are other people, but I'm certain that the worst incel is thousand of times better than the """""""best""""""""" part of the enemy

This is the kind of shit that gives us bad press. Stop this shit. Just because you don't like someone doesn't make him or her less human.

They dehumanize us every day, why shouldn't we do the same? Especially since we have valid reasons to do so

You don't. From a purely scientific and rational point of view, they are human, no matter how they behave.

We too are human, but the enemy doesn't seem to care for it, so I won't do it neither. Also human =/= homo sapiens sapiens, a human must also have emotions and reasoning to be conisdered one

Various Incels #sexist #racist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] chinkwhores give sex to white chad stranger but not to aisan boyfreind

Broke up with her asian bf, went to italy, let a green eyed older chad fuck her in her asshole, immedialty went back to her beta bux bf once she got home, he accepted her after she told hiim she cheated like the cuck he is, asked her to do the same to him, she says its dissrespectful that he asks. God I FUCKING HATE WOMENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!! relationship advice is one of the most depressing subs to read. You get a sense of just exactly how much women cheat and how they justify it. worst part? The users fucking agree with the whores!

Tall, Muscular, Green Eyes, Objectively Very Good Looking :feelskek: The memes are real and they write themselves. Chad Alpha fucks(anally) Rice beta buxx.

Literally cucked by an Italian med chad Bet you he unironically looked like this

Kek and they say Blackpill isn't real and looks don't matter. Redpillers will say that the Ricecuck should hold his "frame" more and it's just a shit test bro.

I read this one; and that was when I was bluepilled. I felt very somber; it was then I knew the world was not how it was supposed to be. And yet this was the lightest of steps taken on my journey to co.

Welcome buddy boyo

Felt something shatter when I read her story, like I was empathetic to the boyfriend. I didn't want let the efforts of one go in vain. I needed to release the pain somehow.

“anne gus” #sexist thoughtcatalog.com

In recent times, Feminism has done great things to broaden the definition of rape. In the beforetime, the 19 hundreds and suchlike, the common perception of what was rape was limited to that of a violent and mentally unstable man forcing himself upon a woman against her will. But now, thanks to the great work of Feminists everywhere, we all know that image is a lot more diverse and nuanced—something that in turn makes it much easier for us to put away creeps for a long time without that pesky “evidence” they’re always asking for. We still have, like, a really long way to go, however—many people still don’t think it’s rape if the woman regrets it the morning after (I’m not even kidding—these people EXIST); also, “Emotional Rape”, “Visual Rape,” and “Thought Rape” are only just emerging as legitimate crimes, but it’ll be a while before they are regarded as seriously as “Rape Rape.”

There is one aspect of rape that’s like not addressed enough though, maybe because it’s quite rare. I call it “Reverse Rape” and no, that doesn’t mean a woman raping a man because that can’t happen—men can’t be raped because men are the oppressors—no, reverse rape refers to the rare times when a man refuses to have sex with a woman.

insanus virginem #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] Another WMAWpill for ricecels

dont really care tbh, racial loyalty is a stupid concept

If a village of 1000 people is divided into 990 individuals and only 10 people who work together to subjugate the other 990 those 10 people are very likely to conquer and rule over the oblivious 990 who don't believe in "identity" politics. If men stood together women wouldn't be doing this to us. If ricecels in Asia stood together their women wouldn't be whoring themselves to SEAmaxers. etc

JohnWickCel #sexist #crackpot incels.is

I think one of the reasons that people now are so violent and confrontational now is the men women are breeding with.

I can't be the only one noticing how quick to violence the average person is now. They're willing to fight the cops, random workers at resteraunts, anyone over anything. Random workers are assualted for wrong orders. In my school they were so many arguments and fights, one kid even punched a teacher when he tried to stop one fight. I think this is partially due too women having kids with bullies and violent thugs now that they're allowed to screw whoever they want.

I agree.. it is like peer pressure but in the pretext of what pussy desires. It is like we are regressing to the Stone Age. By sexually selecting for violent characteristics, Foids are making the environment which Men act in. Foids tell Men what they want through who they go after.. they go after criminals that is what Men will turn into to get the Foids validation and sexual copulation.

We are regressing. Violent thuggish and/or stupid men are having the most kids. When's the last time we've seen a new tech creation? Where are our robots, AI, space travel? Where is our advancements?

I am looking forward to it. Americunts do not have much going on.

They'd never allow a fembot. Women would call it sexist and replacement.

JohnWickCel #sexist incels.is

[News] Tech has hit a wall and it's advancement has slowed down.

This is more than likely due to the next to nothing rewards men would get now for making things. Why create when you'll be just another betabuxxer at best?

But we all know I'm wrong. It's clearly due to women not being in every major position.

Despite What You Might Think, Major Technological Changes Are Coming More Slowly Than They Once Did

What’s Happening to Technological Progress?

If the rate of scientific progress is slowing, America must step up its game

OverBeforeItBegan #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Femoids over 5'9 are men

They should lose their femoid privileges as soon as they decide to grow past 5'9. Today I went to Starbucks to get a vanilla latte before work and I saw THREE femoids over 6'0. One was this blonde bitch who was 6'2. Built like a fucking NFL athlete. Huge shoulders and chest but she also had huge tits and ass and gigantic hips. She heightmogged and framemogged brutally a bunch of soys as she ravaged her way through the building.
I had to get close to her at one point in the queue and I really contemplated suicide afterwards. Absolutely brutal. Who is making these bitches?

Billowel #sexist #crackpot incels.is

A fucking cockroach,we are lower then a fucking cockroach.Can you imagine.We have never been touched,or hugged or kissed by a women,yet a fucking cockroach is allowed to caress her skin as if he was her lover all because the female finds them "cute tehehehe"

A fucking cockroach gets to hit all the milestones of intimacy(minus sex but that's because the cockroach cannot have sex,for if it could i wouldn't be surprised at what a women would do with it).

a cockroach is loves by a foid and taken care like a neet king whilst we rot.

that becky whom you had a crush for and loved,prefers to have a cockroach and pamper him with all types shit yet seethes in anger at just imagining(just IMAGINING)you laying one finger on her skin.

now the question remains.Are we lower then ants?


millions of normies and women take care of ants whilst you rot.

We are lower then bugs.Jfl,at normies approaching women when women find a cockroach more valuable then them kek.

take the bugpill

Soon foids would prefer the company of microscopic organisms in a petri dish than ugly men.

Dave Daubenmire #fundie #wingnut #sexist rightwingwatch.org

[ Note: I know this is a lot like something I previously posted, but I feel this deserves a place here.]

On his “Pass The Salt Live” webcast this morning, radical right-wing activist Dave Daubenmire reacted to the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg by calling her “wicked and destructive” and asserting that Christians should no more mourn her death than they would mourn the death of Adolf Hitler.

“Hitler condoned the killing of at least 6 million,” Daubenmire said. “Ginsburg—60 million. Do you mourn Hitler’s death? Who’s more wicked?”

“If it wasn’t a tragedy that Hitler died, why is it a tragedy that she died?” he continued. “Can somebody explain that to me, please?”

Later in the program, Daubenmire facetiously defended Hitler as he mocked those who praised Ginsburg in the wake of her death.

“Hitler had good intentions,” Daubenmire said, sarcastically. “He reformed Germany. He did a lot of good things. He rebuilt their economy. We’re just not going to hold this murder of these Jews against him, are we? He did a lot of great thing. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, why she went and advanced women’s rights. She brought women out of the kitchen. Oh, she did so many good things.”

“Do you see where I’m going with this, folks?” he concluded. “Wake the heck up. She was destructive. She was wicked and destructive.”

crew2 #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Women age badly drastically after 26 - 28 so now that I'm past that age I actually don't want them anyway unless it's just for sex

As an incel in his 30s one thing that I'm noticing is that the girls that I know from school and college who were once very popular and the most attractive in those environments are now massively underwhelming attraction wise in comparison and have been for several years. It is like when these girls youthful glow is removed they lose appeal like a fast football (soccer) player when he loses his pace in his late 20s. So essentially even the high end of my 'target market' is garbage. And that's coming from an incel who has never been picky at all. Most of these women have now settled down with guys who look like generic chubby fucking pub landlords and are 10 years older than them rather than the thugs and chadlites they would limit their availability to before.

Don't get me wrong if it was available and put on a plate I'd fuck it but if but if the catch was that I would move into a flat with it, announce the relationship on social media, put up with it's complaints all day and support it financially I think I'd rather stay alone. This is why (although there are exceptions) if you search for girls under 26 on Tinder you will get much less of the "not here just for sex, looking for a relationship only" garbage whereas over that age they might as well make that statement their fucking profile picture.

Walking around hand in hand with an unattractive woman past her prime who is literally only with me because she needs a roommate and knows she can't get better seems like a vision of hell to me.

My Gods honest opinion:-

Dating after 30 after spending your teens and 20s rotting will likely do nothing for your happiness in my opinion unless the girl you are with is below 26-28 or still looks good. Anything besides = carry on coping

neonfairylights #sexist #racist reddit.com

If it wasn't for arranged marriage, most desi men would never be getting married.

Let's be real, most desi males are lvm. They are momma's boys, never had to cook/clean because their mothers and sisters do it for them before they get married and after marriage they get transferred to another poor woman who has to look after this man child. They are not good at romance either, because their entire idea of romance is from bollywood and other regional film industries which is CRINGE level 1000. They aren't the most attractive either because they don't take care of themselves (hygiene and grooming). Every single one of them is misogynistic and have issues with boundaries. They aren't generous in bed either because their only exposure to sex is porn and they can be quite perverted. They aren't good fathers because their only definition of fatherhood is earning money for the family (lol) which women are doing too nowadays, so if they want children, what do they even bring to the table? They won't help take care of kids.

This is exactly why arranged marriage is such a strict practice in desi cultures, because they know that if this system wasn't there, most of them would never get to touch a woman and would never pass on their shitty genes. To be honest, I want desi women to resist marriage (unless they find a hvm, which is highly rare) and not have kids. Marriage is a horrible deal for us, because if not for your husband, your in laws will torture you. Even the most modern Indian male is a LVM because the only difference is they are okay with women working and they are "sex positive" lmao. Other than that nothing. Save yourselves, ladies.

DominicanDancecel91 #sexist incels.is

[Serious] The pain of seeing a Stacy and knowing you'll NEVER fuck her. Whitepillers on this forum how can I ascend to Whitepill ASAP?

I've been Blackpilled for a year now. Although people don't give me repulsive looks, I'm still completely INVISIBLE to foids. With the ever increasing standards of foids along with Chadlites lowering their standards and dating FAR below their looksmatch (therefore wiping truecels and normies completely out of the dating pool) it's pretty obvious that incels including me on this forum HAVE NO FUTURE in dating.

The biggest pain in life is looking at a tall, hot Stacy standing near you or a Stacy in a short, tight dress sitting next to you on the train while you look at her PERFECT body features and smile and knowing you will NEVER get to be with her.

I get more depressed everyday knowing that no woman will ever give 2 shits about my existence all because of how I look and I want to get over this and move on. I know that going down the purple pill route (denying that I have no chance at all) is COPE and the Whitepill (being happy with being TFL) is the way to go if I want to be happy in life so...

My question to fellow Whitepillers on this forum is... from your experience how do I ascend to Whitepill as quickly as possible?

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️"]


All the old bitch wanted to do was to make it to November.

Now the bitch bench permanently rests her case!

New York Post

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the second woman to serve on the Supreme Court and a pioneering advocate for women’s rights, who in her ninth decade became a much younger generation’s unlikely cultural icon, died at her home in Washington on Friday. She was 87.

Yeah, she thought that president would be her fellow top cunt Hillary.


Well, that’s that.

I guess you might say… this case is closed.


Unsurprisingly, the ultra cunt Lisa Murkowski is announcing cunt solidarity with this dead Jew cunt.


Show me one single place where a woman in public life has not been a complete disaster. We need to end the concept of “right-wing feminism.” It is not reality. What is reality is a total cunt overload kicked into seventh gear.

Furthermore, beyond the rule of “no women” we need a rule of “no gay homos.”


The entire election is now going to be overshadowed by this nomination, which is a good thing, probably. Trump can say we’re going to completely ban abortion and start handing out machine guns to elementary school children if he gets reelected.

insanus virginem #sexist #psycho incels.is

[RageFuel] The amount of times a sexually active male your age has had sex by now

Let's say that he lost his virginity at 16 and had sex just once a week since then. That's 52 a year and it's a low number. Someone who has a good sexual life does it several times a day in his youth or at last 4 times a week so 208 times a year. At the age of 22 that translates to 312 for a low number and 1248 for a decent number. And there are surely young sexually attractive males with higher lay counts out there.

If you are older and I am you are looking at much higher numbers than this. By 28 624-2496 . Even 600 is a rage inducing number but four digit numbers are maddening. You go through life coping that you are not missing out that much but in reality you are missing out on incredible amount of pleasure and validation.

Have a friend that started about 15 and had 3 diferent girls every week. how many cooming into girls uterus at this point ? we are 30+ now? I've not misset much, IVE MISSED TOO MUCH

:feelsree: That's why I hate women. They go through their life having sex thousands of times in their youth, mocking and shaming us but still expect mercy and compassion.

If I saw one of them bleeding on the ground after being run over by a car I would have pretended I saw nothing and walked away.

If you are a virgin past 20 the odds of suddenly recovering and becoming successful with women are almost no existent with each year added being another nail in the door preventing you from escaping this misery. A door with 20 nails is so fortified that only an ogre can break through and on the other side all the food has already spoiled by now.

RemoveNormalfags #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Blackpill] Lookism is the new racism

Racism doesn't really exist anymore.
Don't get me wrong, there are still a lot of racist people, but they don't admit it, because it isn't socially accepted anymore and they fear the consequences.
Meanwhile admitting lookism is totally fine.
There is even a lot of anti white propaganda in many countries (BLM, ...).

Lookism replaced racism and no one cares.
But the worst thing is, that it only affects men:
Calling a overweight woman ugly = body shaming
Calling a not good looking man ugly = totally acceptable

Even though the woman could just lose some weight...

We live in a time, in which discrimination based on superficial features is totally acceptable.

genetic_scrap #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] The "helpful" normies.

Anyone else hate these motherfuckers too?

Here I am, coming face to face with the fact that I am unattractive to women, choosing to distance myself from them an society because I refuse to accept the life of a cuck and these motherfuckers take it upon themselves offer you "advice" you didn't ask for, don't want, and of course, doesn't work.

"Just get out there and meet women bro!"
"Just learn to talk to women bro!"
"You're too negative bro!"

You've all heard that shit before.

Somehow coming to terms with the fact that you will never be attractive to women gets these idiots upset. They make no sense.

Me: "I am unattractive to women and there's nothing I can do about it."
Overly intrustive Normie: "You see, this is why people hate you."
Me: "...wut"

Fuck these people.

Various Incels #sexist #racist #psycho incels.is

RE: [News] Comments on Meeks yt vid praise incels and the blackpill

(The Abyss)

Aside from his great looks, he's actually a nice person. At least he raised his voice for the Rohingya during their genocide. I think that was nice of him to do. As if any other celeb cared, then this dude swoops in. Based Meeks!

Literally every normie is virtue signalling to these terrorists. Nigga fuck the rohingya, they're getting the same treatment they subjected the natives of that land to for decades.

(Made in Heaven)

It's not just looks. It's also his personality. Women unironically prefer thugs like him and are turned on by his criminal record. Anything that isn't straight up murder does not turn off most women.

Unironically this. When whores tell a man its his personality, what they mean is he hasn't murdered, tortured, or beat anyone. You can legit increase your SMV by going ape mode, like ER did, and then he had holes wetting themselves over him. Is it any wonder why Islam allows husbands to beat their wives if they're being rebellious?

(The Zulfigar)
Looks are everything...:feelsbadman:

Women and most people here worship this nigger. Idk why

People here doesn't worship him, but he is literally the walking proof of blackpill. Like when redditcucks go mental Olympics with their imaginary friends. Ooh, I have this friend, he is 5'0 turbo dwarf with lotr orc face, and he fucks different women everyday. Sorry, silly inkwell, but all your scientific proofs are nothing in comparison. The same way, we can point our fingers at Meeks, and we don't even have to straight up tell tales, just look at him, there he is!!

Roy Den Hollander #sexist #psycho roydenhollander.com

With the rise of the Feminazis, who consider the personal as fair game for public attacks and absolve their acolytes of responsibility for any despicable conduct, civilized behavior no longer exists in America. Ignorant, loud-mouthed, little people no longer fear what may happen to them if they don’t keep their virulent mouths shut.

When I encounter a venomous spewing individual who believes he or she can say whatever they want and get away with it, I simply challenge them to a duel by saying, “Peru turns a blind eye to dueling; it’s a short flight and no jet lag.”

If it’s a girl, she stands there in shock and I usually have to repeat myself: “I’m challenging you to a duel. You can even choose the weapons, so long as they are not T & A.”

So far my challenges have been declined, so then I suggest an old fashion fistfight, even if it’s a girl. After all, Feminists are strong, independent, and tough.

Once again, they usually decline, so I sue them for defamation. Victory in the New York courts for defamation is unlikely, but it’ll cost them a ton of money in legal fees. It’ll only cost me, a lawyer, the money to file the papers, and it’ll be worth my time because it’s a lot of fun. You don’t have to win a case to win a case.

Roy Den Hollander #sexist roydenhollander.com

Females know about compassion, but only when it’s directed toward them. They genetically understand how to take advantage of a man’s decency. Enough of these phony female hard-luck stories meant to manipulate a guy’s compassion. “‘Mister, I met a man once when I was a kid,’ it always began.” When it comes to females, mercy is not a quality that serves men well.

Men are by far the more compassionate. 74% of the females survived the Titanic but only 20% of the men. If females were the compassionate sex, the numbers would have been reversed. Of course, to a Feminist, none of the men should have survived.

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and welfare programs—all were passed by largely male legislators and all have a majority of female beneficiaries.

Can you think of a single Congress lady who has pushed for funding to help boys who are falling behind in school? Do you know of any female-sponsored resolution that sympathized with the injustice done dads who are barred from seeing their kids? Can you name a law for prostate cancer research that was sponsored by a female? Sen. Ted Kennedy was the first to seize on the idea of championing breast cancer research, probably to increase his chances of fondling such glands.

I’ve played a few sports in my life and suffered my share of injuries. But whenever I was hobbling around on crutches or with a cane, never once, not once, did a girl give me her seat or move so I could pass.

Many females and all Feminazis have no concern for the thousands of men who die every year in gold and diamond mines as long as the ladies get their diamond and gold jewelry.

Henry Makow, PhD #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia #sexist amazon.com

FEMINISM & HOMOSEXUALITY; HOW HETEROSEXUALITY WORKS Feminism, our official gender ideology, masquerades as a movement for woman's rights. In reality, feminism is a cruel hoax, telling women their natural biological instincts are "socially constructed" to oppress them. Feminism is elite social engineering designed to destroy gender identity by making women masculine and men feminine. Increasingly heterosexuals are conditioned to behave like homosexuals who generally don't marry and have children. Courtship and monogamy are being replaced by sexual promiscuity, prophesied in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Rockefeller and Rothschild created feminism to poison male-female relations (divide and conquer.) Their twin objectives are depopulation and totalitarian world government. Why? These bankers create money out of nothing and think they are God. "Cruel Hoax" shows the connection between feminism, Communism and 9-11. It examines male-female relations and shows how we can take back our heterosexuality.

Dr.Death.666 #psycho #sexist incels.net

Incels are not racists

I just want to say that we are not racist. I approve both these deaths with equality.(black and white) I don't care about the color. I am color blind.
I saw their pictures, faces and their arrogance in their eyes and face..these are the kind of women who have made me mentally and physically sick..
Good riddance.

”White woman shot dead by cop after ‘threatening to shoot him’ - but Kansas cops now say it’s unclear if she even had a gun” - Daily Mail
”Here’s what you need to know about Breonna Taylor’s death” - New York Times

u/penelopekitty #fundie #kinkshaming #sexist reddit.com

Re: “Let's stop using libfem language. "Sex Work" is not a thing - the correct term is Prostitution.”

Language matters. I'm appalled at how many young women on this sub are involved in Only Fans, camming and other things that they call "sex work." This is not normal or healthy. Call it what it is, PROSTITUTION. This kind of thing has become shockingly normalized. Calling things what they are and not using euphemisms is the first step in turning this around.

Silence DoGood #sexist #conspiracy #wingnut amgreatness.com

Whenever there is a controversial issue, you can nearly always count on the lukewarm RINOS, Murkowski, Collins, and Mittens being on the wrong side.

We need a conservative, constitutional, Christian male, on SCOTUS, just like the first SCOTUS Judge, John Jay.

Women voting has been a disaster for them. It’s not like those who will emotionally disagree with this have ever studied the 19th Amendment.

Warning to AmGreatness readers. American Greatness depends on American free speech. We have many purportedly conservative, pro free speech sites, which censor conservatives.

For some reason, Talmudic Jews control the Federal Reserve, media, schools, and tech companies, and they also control conservative media. Who are David Horowitz (owner of FrontPageMag, which banned me), Jim Hoft (owner of Gateway Pundit, which banned me), Ben Shapiro (owner of Daily Wire, who banned me), Larry Solov (Owner of Breitbart, who banned me), the owners of City Journal (who banned me)?

They are nearly all Talmudic Jews, and this is a gigantic Hegelian Dialectic game, where two opposing sides allegedly fight, but they aren’t fighting at all. They are fighting to enslave America.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] russian predator hunters confront sub5 men in their early 20s meeting jb foids, russian guys make him kiss their feet

Psychopathic cowards using an innocent man who just wanted sex and affection from a sexually-developed girl (normal, non-psychopathic human desire) as outlets for their evil sadistic cravings. Kill them with fire in Doom II.


these guys are only making these videos for internet fame. they don't care about protecting minors, they just want internet fame

What pieces of shit. That guy didn’t even do anything wrong. All he did was show attraction to a foid that was sexually mature

and he wasn't even that much older. in many societies this age difference was common. if the age of consent became 21 (which it might in the future), then these guys would confronting a 23 year old who dates a 20 year old

It really is pathetic. It really could be raised to a higher number in a future because of how cucked soyciety is getting


Who gives a fuck?

Because those faggot whiteknights only mess with weak non chads.

Jfl those sub5 subhumans won't ever get a jb no need for these roided "justice warriors".While slavcels are getting caught like this chadimir fucks jbs and is safe and sound

Those whiteknight faggots won't go near them.

i bet some got their ass kicked by a predator and didn't air it

:feelsree: I want to see videos of them getting their asses beat by predator hunter hunters.

Forgotten #sexist incels.is

[Venting] [Lfe fuel to baldcels] Having Chad as boss sucks

My boss is a almost 50 yo, biker, bad boy, Chad. He is married, but keep fucking Stacies who COMES to him asking for sex. Almost every day he tells me his stories about the uncontable sexual intercourses and orgies he had. Besides that, weekly I notice at least one or two new high tier Beckys (mostly MILFs) costumers interested in him, some of them come to me asking questions about him.

Life fuel to baldcels: he is bald, but have a beard. Looks like Kratos in God of War IV


insanus virginem #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Chad gets better grades in HS because of his looks

Most adult females are sexually attracted to teenage boys, there are plenty of "teacher bangs her student" stories to prove that point. Women make up around 75%-96% of all HS teachers or 77% in US. So a young 15 year old chad has mostly female teachers or in some cases all female teachers. And most of those teachers are superficial women who want to fuck him and will give him a pass whenever they can. https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=EAG_PERS_SHARE_AGE

Anecdotal evidence of this:

I once watched a talent show which had 1 female judge and 2 male judges. One of the performers was a 17 year old chad with decent but not amazing vocal skills. As soon as he finished and it was time to vote the female judge smashed the button to send him to the next round while both male judges rejected him. She then began begging them to change their decision saying "but didn't you see how cute he was?" This renowned professional dancer was begging two male judges to give the guy a chance until one of them gave in and sent him to the second round.

And this is what must be going throughout chad's teenage years. Grown women lustiing after him and breaking their profesionalism and granting him favorable treatment.

andinocel #sexist incels.is

Incel trait: women that are NOT mean to you treat and speak to you as if you were a child

It’s something I’ve noticed recently. I get two reactions from foids: bitchy behavior or talk to me as if I were a little kid

It’s because they don’t see us as sexual creatures , just weird looking labour machines

If a man is decent looking enough, women will steer the conversation towards sex and dating, but that has never happened to me; the notion that the man needs to initiate is complete utter bullshit --- if you have passable looks, you don't really have to do much.

Despite my vitriol on this forum, I am a lot nicer in public. If you are ugly and nice, women see you as non-sexual, and as you wrote, a "weird looking labor machine"

Rheinkwell #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Incel trait: you were bullied at school

It's always the same people who get bullied in school or at work and they're always ugly. Ugly foids can get bullied too but there's still a huge difference between ugly foids and ugly men: they can find love, we cannot.

If you ever forgive your bullies for what they did, or forget their names/faces, then you're a cuck. I remember every face of someone who laughed at me and trust me there were countless ones. I would ALWAYS try everything in my power to ruin a bully's life. I want them to suffer and I have no mercy whatsoever with this scum.

Silence DoGood #sexist #conspiracy townhall.com

Please no women justices.

Without women voting the Democrat party wouldn’t exist. Pelosi and AOC represent most women.

While women neglect husbands homes and children, they are increasingly involved in politics, muddling the system up.

Women getting the vote has resulted in them being raped, molested, abused, and enslaved at the highest rates in American history,

Giving women the vote was a clever ploy by the bankers to give shift authority over women from husbands to Daddy Gubmint. The welfare state followed soon after.

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