
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Winterheart #conspiracy #psycho #quack #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Selena Gomez to Host Global Citizen's Vax Live to Promote Vaccine

Why is this entitled, talentless mestiza famous in a White country and telling White people what to do? Why are these unproven vaccines being pushed so heavily even as restrictions refuse to loosen? All stuffed discussed elsewhere but this is an especially revolting example.

A mind-controled slave from Disney. Nothing to see there.

The point is not that she or any of the other "people" in the article have anything to say. The point is that they promote sexual degeneracy and miscegenation to young Whites. The point is that they are pushing these untested vaccines harder and harder. None of which is new, of course, but it's rage fuel. Ultimately, it's just an animal, no better or worse than millions of indistinguishable beasts the Jews flood our country with. They really want White nations to worship these things.

I’m not interested in opinions of wealthy celebrities.

They owe all of that wealth to the Whites whose countries they infest like parasites and yet their vapid "opinions" consist entirely of hating us, despising us, wanting to destroy us, even as they demand our acceptance.

I doubt whether she actually got the mRNA experimental potion herself.

A lot of drinking and sunbathing for someone with lupus and a kidney transplant. It looks like the little cucaracha is as appreciative for its friends kidney as it is for all the privileges of living in a White nation and having becoming a millionaire performing for White girls. Only grateful for degeneracy. Not much capacity for empathy, gratitude, loyalty, impulse control, delayed gratification, etc.

Vicious Deplorable dollop #racist #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

[Actually his signature, which GLP does not display on profile pages. Emphasis original.]
Kamala Harris is not a Natural Born Citizen. She's illegally running.

Used by the Founders...
Book I of The Law of Nations, Chapter XIX, § 212 (Joseph Chitty numbering) – “Citizens and natives”
reads: 'The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to
its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in
the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by
the children of the citizens
, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all
their rights.' 1758 Emerich de Vattel

Oh' What the Hell, do I look like I want to die in some nursing home one day...
America must have 4 new Constitutional Amendments...
1. Drug Tests and Mental Evaluations on all politicians and judges randomly five times per year.
2. Term Limits for Federal politicians and judges.
3. Mental and health standards for Supreme Court Justices and retirement age set.
4. A 'Star Chamber' of elected Natural Born Citizens (no attorney's) to ivestigate, try, and prosecute the politicians and government employee's as they see fit.

Mandatory death penalty by public hanging is the merciful sentence for pedos and their associates.

Democrats are a WMD, literally.

Let Justice Be Done Though The Heavens Fall.

Dave Landau, Garrett Morrison and Darrin Crowder #transphobia #homophobia #racist mediamatters.org

During the March 17 YouTube livestream[…]Dave Landau and other co-hosts doubled down on the show’s racism, transphobia, and general bigotry.

DAVE LANDAU (GUEST HOST):[…]You guys know Elliot Page? Used to be Ellen Page, now goes by Elliot. She had herself a little surgery[…]
LANDAU: He. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to misgender
LANDAU: He says I'm fully who I am. “It has completely transformed my life"
MORGAN: Or at least my chest. Not the bottom yet. But partially completely
LANDAU: The breasts will be auctioned off on eBay
LANDAU: Congratulations to Captain America. He's now a gay man. But Louder with Crowder has obtained some exclusive new story details[…]He battles against complications arising from sharing his super serum needles
Captain America brought AIDS into this office
MORGAN:[…]We gave the Native Americans a bit of a pass here, right? If you're idolizing these people as just being these peace-loving, wonderful people who had the buffalo and they lived in concert with nature. They actually scalped people, they enslaved one another, and they also practices cannibalism
DARRIN CROWDER (GUEST):[…]At some point, contact would have to be made. At some point[…]This is a nice piece of property, right? Somebody is going to come over here and clash with a society of pantheists that couldn't possibly advance. Their world couldn't advance. And so somebody was going to make sure that that happened
MORGAN: And many of them were actually captured and sold by enemy African tribes, right? So it's like the worst thing you can -- like, “We don't like these guys over here so I got some guys coming in boats, we'll take care of them. We'll just be like, ‘They're witches, take them away,' right?"

Annie-O #racist deviantart.com

Setting my flu apart, i wanted to ask you.....do we really have a black Pope? Oh, hallelujah, we're now officially doomed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not for the black Pope shit, but for the mega uber ego boost that the negroid race is gonna gain. As if it wasn't soo apparent when they saw O.J. Simpson be declared 'not guilty' from murdering the two white trashes like Nicole and Ronald and the gaining a darn black President. They just want to be the next white race and rule everything that we had worked so hard for ourselves......... they'll be doing to all of us just like we did to the Original Natives.

We shouldn't let this happen just because 'negrito wants what white mastah has'. People, stop condoling these creatures and let them stand for themselves! Notice that no land entirely occupied by blacks has ever evolved to progress, eg; Africa, Haiti. Any black and wobbling country has used the white's teachings to T_R_Y to become somebodies; at our expense. If they had ever invented something, it was AFTER they've left Africa, otherwise, this vast continent would've bloomed into modern progress. You can't call me a racist for not liking blacks since Americans hates Mexicans, Indians, Latinos, Europeans (to whom you've called euro-trash), Chinese, Japanese, France, Pakistan, Iran, Irak, Eskimos, Arabians and Blacks (along with any-other loser that i haven't mentioned).

Folks, it's ok.... nobody shouldn't like the people that we find unpleasant to be around with, not even me. We love the people that are similar to us....except for the black race that looks other races' women because that can't stand their own kind.

Paul Heffler et al. #racist cbc.ca

The Ottawa Police Service (OPS) is conducting an investigation after a video circulating online this week shows uniformed members of its force having a racist conversation.

One officer said, "Our days are done. White man's day is done."

Another replies, "you're probably right."

A third said, "you're onto something."

"The population of North America, we're the minority I think even at this point," one goes on to say. "You go to Toronto and every couple you see walking by is a mixed couple. You don't see white and white people together. It's white [and] Asian, white [and] East Indian. I told my son he can find a Chinese, Asian girlfriend. If he wants to stay in the mix, get your foot in the door."

The conversation is an example of the "enduring notion of white ownership of this nation," despite North America first belonging to Indigenous people and being "built on the back of free labour, of Blacks under slavery, and also exploitation of Chinese labour." Xiaobei Chen, a sociology professor at Carleton University, also said the conversation is problematic because it suggests using Asian women as the solution to the "disappointment that they're feeling" — and is an example of the long-standing sexual exploitation of Asian women. Chen said she hopes OPS uses this video to address white "nationalistic notions and racism and colonialism within the police force."

One of the officers in the video, Const. Paul Heffler, said his words were taken out of context. He said the conversation in question was harmless and the comments about demographics were based off an article he had read. "In my opinion, I didn't see racism in that. I didn't see it when I said it and then when I listen to it again, I still didn't see it," Heffler said.

BladingEagle #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

RE: black foid would date with racist

Tried asking a guy out and got a super weird rejection.

and the best about it that she knew he`s racist but still wanted to date with him

“You were willing to overlook racism because a guy was hot?”

"looks doesn`t matter it`s all about personality" :soy: :soy:

Of course she would. Look up white whores who live in South Africa that support EFF. They are there with niggers chanting "kill the boer kill the farmer" while being white themselves. Or any white slut at a BLM rally.

If anything nigger women have more racial loyalty with white women being the biggest race traitors followed by noodles

ThePopeofCope & HeroinNihilism #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Based White supremacist slaps Mexican bitch back to mexico


A Florida bartender is on the mend following a violent attack. The entire incident was captured on camera by a bystander outside Pop’s Sunset Grill in Nokomis, Florida on Friday. this is one of my fav videos ngl, drunk guy says he’s part of the aryan nation then bitch slaps a Mexican foid

Based. That's one less bad hombre stinking up the swamps.

She got a concussion and at the end of the vid they are interviewing the husband and he says he’s proud of her. Proud of her for what? Getting shit on?

Hell if I know. I guess proud that they could be annoying enough to make a white person snap and have a certified nigger moment?

Tbhngl. I think this is the fullest vid out there. As soon as the slap occurred everyone ground tackled him. People in the comments saying he should be arrested for life etc. what abunch of vaginas. She walked infront of him first!!

It's a sad day when a man can't slap a bitch in his own country

video was double satisfying, foid slapped with the might of zeus and a trumpcuck gets pinned and humilated

Michael Sangbong Rhee #psycho #racist losangeles.cbslocal.com

A Lake Forest man faces a hate crime charge after allegedly kidnapping an Asian woman, believing she was white, with the intent to sexually assault her.

Michael Sangbong Rhee, 37, was arrested Thursday night at his home in Lake Forest. Irvine police say Rhee may have attacked a woman, believing she was white, in retaliation for the rise in hate crimes against Asian people.

Irvine police say an Asian woman was sitting in the driver’s seat of her car near her apartment Thursday afternoon when she looked up to see Rhee standing at the door, holding a handgun. She told police she did not recognize Rhee, who ordered her to get into the back of her car if she wanted to live.

The woman said she offered Rhee her wallet and money, and he replied they would “do that later,” before getting into her car through the passenger side door and pushed her into the backseat, according to police. She struggled with Rhee, who she told police began to grope her, then yelled to a maintenance worker nearby that he had a gun.

Police say Rhee got out of the car and ran through the apartment community, driving away in his own car. Surveillance cameras captured his license plate as he drove away, according to police.

A search of Rhee’s home turned up the vehicle linking him to the assault and a BB gun similar to the weapon described by the woman, Irvine police said.

Detectives believe Rhee — who is Korean — targeted the woman because he thought she was white, based on his own statements, and that the assault was in retaliation for hate crimes that have skyrocketed against Asian people.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: NASA’s Artemis Program Will Land the First Person of Color on the Moon

(Jeff Coffey)
I truly do not understand this mentality. Is there anyone in this world who actually values being treated like a retarded child given a participation prize? If I were a racial minority, this would be deeply insulting. There is no success or accomplishment in filling a quota. Quite the contrary. If a minority does earn a spot in the space program on merit some day, it will put a question mark next to their name in the mind of everyone involved, even if it is not justified in that instance.

That is why the chosen people call the blacks Schooks which means easily duped. They will believe anything you tell them.

Reparations weren't enough. Now they found another way to waste billions of our taxpayer dollars in virtue signaling. That combined with the rioting cities of 2020 bail out, Covid relief and the coming economic shut downs / quarantines for the "new strains" that will likely be discovered will surely be enough to launch us into another Great Depression ... or worse.

I predict the first homicide on the moon will involve a “person of color”.

But it will be caused by “white racism.”

(Philly's best)
This is all anti white propaganda, our enemy and future rulers the Chinese will not have it.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: RageFuel i fukking hate slavic foids


I know an Algerian guy who slid into some Polish girls dm's on Facebook and now they're in a relationship

Proving his point. Slavic women are UBER whores.


all positive opinions on slavic foids are from western incels

that`s right western dudes easier date with slavic foids but no such easy as with asian

Polish foids are the sluttiest

haven`t you heard about Ukrainian

We are like asians tbh, like their women hates their own men and so does slav women

I live in Serbia and i agree 100%, they are crazy about Germans, Turks and BBC. They say things like "in relationship woman should be dominant but man should be dominant more" and " at least buy me a soda and pancake or you are not a man at all". They also think 190cm height and 20cm dick is average.

Nice combo, but thats how the balkans work; chetniks, ustashe, muslims, (where does the BBC obsession come from?)

South Slavs are fine imo

They arent

they love being invaded by that aryan chadcock

meanwhile slavic men die of alcoholism left and right (sad)

facts. bbc and muslims for fuck, slav(e)s for betabuxx

NapoliPizzaPie #racist #sexist incels.is

I have no experience with dating eastern slavic women (hence why I'm on this site) but I can just tell you from my exposure to them both irl and online they are arguably the absolute worst. The only ones who may be more toxic are black women, but at least black women are honest about how they feel and don't blindside you with bullshit.

Say what you will about American beckies and stacies - at least they try to be nice. At least they can be friendly at a professional/work level. At least there is some variety in their personality, from people like Lauren Southern to Rachel Maddow. At least some of these women will let normie men occasionally fuck them. At least American women have a basic understanding of American history, culture, and nation. At least American women recognize the importance of having a low body count and try to act pure to guys they like.

If toxic corporate feminism were an entire person, it would be East Slavic Foids who are literally the worst. They literally live the most degenerate, hedonic, shallow, and shameless lives possible, and then put on a show of being "empowered" and "hard-working" while expecting Chad Christ Himself to beta-buxx himself to her, otherwise he isn't worth her time. Anyone else is an ugly, lame loser who doesn't deserve her attention at even an informal/friendly level; they are toxic cunts to anyone who has a below average face, is at all fat, or is at all a loner.

And they have literally no comprehension of culture, history, or nation and believe that their own ethnicity is "ugly" by Western corporate beauty standards, therefore none of their own race is worth their time.

And whenever they get called out for their shitty behavior, they either blame patriarchy or they blame all the men of their entire ethnicity for not being patriarchal enough, for being so incompetent as to not meet their 99.99 percentile standards. Even though they literally offer nothing to any relationship but being broken, hedonic pos's

Father Land Descendant #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

I'd suggest to anyone who is having trouble separating the wheat from the chaff when it comes to the various spins on NS and Hitler to do what I am doing research it themselves. To many people with to many opinions on NS especially and they don't really know anything about that aspect of this movement. Instead of listening to the multifarious keyboard commentators on sites that do not necessarily focus on that particular ideology I'm going straight to the source the NSist. Just like I came here to check out what SF was about instead of taking the ADLs or the SPLCs take on it.

Sure your going to get slightly different flavors out there, but as long as the core ideology is the same one can build a decent understanding of what's what and who's who. I don't take as fact the opinions of persons who FEEL so strongly about their opinion, regardless of their sources, that they are affected when people don't take what THEY have to say as the be all end all on any subject. In the treatment field we call that Compromised Objectivity.

As to Hitler.... Well he WAS right about one thing, The jew! As for the rest... History is written by the victor, and the reality is he was not the victor, so another wrote the history the way they wrote it. Another biased opinion that surely DID NOT include ALL the facts and nuances that could lead to a more complete understanding of the whole truth.

People with half ass information make half ass decisions, and that is how it is most often when emotions become involved.

So I don't know how to answer your poll question at this time, because I only half ass understand the decision it requires me to make

redpillings #racist redpillings.com

If police officers don’t have the opportunity to use force against you, then fatal errors, like the one that took Daunte Wright’s life, have virtually no chance of occurring.

Those that push the “systemic police racism” narrative conveniently ignore this fact, because it's easier to blame racial disparities in police shootings on external factors like racism than it is to face reality.

The truth is, black people commit violent crime at a rate disproportionate to their population—at 7 to 10 times the rate that whites do, to be exact.

They also resist arrest at a rate multitudes higher than whites.

A 2015 analysis of San Francisco data found that African Americans were cited for resisting arrest at a rate eight times greater than whites.

A 2020 review of San Diego data found that blacks were 10 times more likely than whites to be arrested for resisting, delaying, or obstructing a police officer.

After accounting for these factors, many rigorous, peer-reviewed academic studies find no anti-black bias in police shootings.

redpillings #racist redpillings.com

This fatal error is clearly unspeakable and beyond redress. There is no bringing Daunte Wright back.

Inexcusable as they are, these blunders are extremely rare. They are also colorblind—affecting all racial groups (yes, white people, too).

In 2019, a Pennsylvania police officer shot an unarmed white man named Brian Riling during a struggle because the officer believed he was using his Taser, not his gun.
A similar incident occurred in 2018, when Ryan Shane Smith, a white man, was handcuffed in the back of a police cruiser but wouldn't obey officers' orders to pull his legs inside the car. An officer thought he grabbed his Taser but instead pulled his .40-caliber service firearm and shot Smith.
In 2014, a Missouri officer shot a white panhandler, Eric Butts, after accidentally reaching for his gun instead of his taser.

Errors, even fatal errors, are an unfortunate byproduct of being human. Enhanced police training may prevent some of these incidents from occurring, but even the best of us occasionally make mistakes—medical doctors, professional athletes, even cops.

The only surefire way to prevent these incidents is to avoid the actions that precipitate them—committing crime, resisting arrest, and so forth.


redpillings #racist instagram.com

The only way to avoid similar tragedies is to deprive them of any potential chance of occurring - by simply following police instructions and avoiding criminal activity.

If Daunte Wright did so, he’d still be alive today.

thrash_monke #racist #sexist incels.is

RageFuel i fukking hate slavic foids

if somewhere in the world exist the worst foids in the world it`s probably in slavic countries(like Russia, Ukraine and other shitholes of the world that shouldn`t exist), those bitches fucking hilarious, on their stupid heads exist two polar opinions like that

1) "men owe me and should patronize me"(even when im strong independent woman JFL)
2) and another one "I owe nothing to men and i have rights"

very fucking comfortable position, isn`t it? hypocritical bitches if somewhere really exist matriarchy it`s in post-sovietic countries

and the BADDEST part of it, that they hate Slavic men and like really they prefer over us some dudes that normal-white girls can`t look without disgusting like some black and ARABIC WITH TURKISH(they love them so fucking much in our countries a lot of jokes how slavic foids go to Turkey and Egypt just to fuck with shitskin dudes)

they think this is an achievement to date with black and arabic(muslim also) and are proud of it, i mean i FUCKING SAW HOW A LOT OF THIS WHORES TYPING ON THEIR BIO WITH PROUD THAT THEY DATE WITH BLACK DUDE OR ANOTHER SHITSKIN, i saw videos on tiktok where one foid show that she dates with black or arabic and girls type her how they envy her JFL

Slavic foids the cheapest girls in the world( the most of them are Ukrainian girls ahahahah) and there is a lot of jokes in Europe about them
even my fucking mother dated with fucking arabic dude before married on my dad lol

i hate this SHIT SO FUCKING MUCH, being borned in post-soviet countries the worst curse on the world and being slavic= being white african
sorry if there some mistakes, wrote it on feelings

thrash_monke & andinocel #racist #sexist incels.is


What I hate most about eastern european foids is their voice when they are annoyed. the broken language, the bad dialect, mostly with a cigarette and cheap bimbo clothes. Thats why I would never escortmaxx

One slavic foid wanted rent a house in Italy but italian woman said no cuz she thought if she slavic she will escort and go with her clients on this house JFL

I'm from a Baltic country and I'm escortmaxxing with Ukrainians. Almost all prostitutes here are from Ukraine.

My country has the most beatiful, cheapest whores, i have something to be proud of JFL

What you described happens everywhere.

Anglo-Saxones foids don`t hate so much men of their nationality and actually don`t prefer blacks and arabics over them

I thought that Slavic women are traditional, but they are not. They're slutty af, but still want men to pay everything for them, selling the "traditional woman" image to the cucks that fall for it. Slavic foids also like Arabs and Turks because those guys are huge simps (contrary to what Westerners believe)

I forgot to mention that your feeling towards Slavic foids strongly resembles my feelings towards Latina (esp. Colombian) foids, they are strikingly similar to Slav foids in many ways

I find it hilarious how many Slavs find niggers exotic, cool, or fun. I grew up in a majority black neighborhood, Slavs that romanticize blacks have no fucking clue how they truly are

Liv Heide #sexist #racist amren.com

[From "Even Those Who Would be Trad Wives May Miss Their Chances"]

Looking at the sign-up ratio at my website WhiteDate.Net of 12 traditional white men for every traditional white woman, one might think women have all the choices and men must compromise if they hope to find a partner in the crime of creating a white family.

But, white ladies, don’t be overconfident. White trad wives are the most desired creatures on the planet, but many white women still manage to blow it because they have never been told the rules that were invented by our female ancestors to protect their daughters. Even when men have fewer choices, they will still be men, even those who have the vision to create a family and build their own white clan.
The white woman should be reactive, which is the opposite of the sexually aggressive, dominant, promiscuous, vulgar, emotionally empty woman that modern media have taught us to be: “Just be yourself, throw yourself over him, and it will magically work out”. It won’t. Men appreciate women with standards and values they want transmitted to their children even if they themselves are not 100 percent up to these standards. Women set the bar.

Many Western men are horrified when they look at what has become of our women. I plead guilty myself for, as a white woman, having been manipulated in my youth by movies, television programs, and music. I acted in harmful ways. But then I began to define what I wanted, understand what led to results and what didn’t. I learned that our grandmothers were right.

I wish our men could help us become better versions of ourselves by explaining what makes us attractive. Unfortunately, reality is different. We must discover who we are, and whom we want to attract.

Icepinkgirl #racist stormfront.org

I am not feeling scared around blacks but I feel a total repulsion towards them. I cannot stand their typical voice, gestures and manners AND SPECIALLY I CANNOT STAND THE PROPAGANDA TOWARDS THEM.

I cannot understand how they are now very well accepted in the "western world" like if they were another white person when they are practically the most opposite to our race.

Some decades ago there was some good common sense towards them.

I do not wish anything bad on them though. I see them like another animal that needs some space to live and be happy in the way they like the most (In Africa of course).

Father Tadeusz Guz and Catholic University of Lublin internal ethics panel #racist #dunning-kruger jpost.com

A Polish lecturer who said that Jews had practiced “ritual murders” will not be reprimanded because his claims are the subject of “scientific discourse,” the university that employs him said.

An internal ethics panel made the decision not to take disciplinary action against Tadeusz Guz, a priest and faculty member at the Catholic University of Lublin, for a second time after again reviewing complaints over a 2018 speech he gave in Warsaw.

“We know, ladies and gentlemen, that the facts of ritual murder cannot be erased from history. Why? Because we, the Polish state, in our archives, in the surviving documents, have evidence spread across centuries when Jews lived together with our Polish nation,” he said.

Larry Elder #wingnut #racist mediamatters.org

Bottom line, if these researchers -- if these (January 6th) protesters had been Black, the likelihood is it would've been worse because the police would've been more reluctant, more hesitant to use force against Black people than white people, as evidenced by studies going back to the 70's. So, Joy Reid is full of it, it perpetuates that notion that the police are out to get Blacks, just because you're Blacks. It is a lie, a flat out lie.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

Now for some hard truth. First of all, a holocaust is a burnt offering to Moloch, otherwise known as Ba’al or Set. This is known to the Christians as Satan. During World War II, the Jews of Europe were killed as a burnt offering to Moloch.

The people I sometimes refer to as the Zionists are a specific group known as the Sabbattean or Frankist Jews. These people believe that it is up to them to make the prophecies of the holy books come true. They were funded and headed by the Rothschilds and other prominent pseudo-Jewish families. When the Jews of Europe refused to accept financial incentives to move to Israel, these people used one of their family members, a certain Adolf Hitler (Saxe Gotha) to force the Jews out of Europe on pain of death.
This is what happened to the Ashkenazi Jews, including members of my Polish and German Jewish family who were either killed or forced to flee their ancestral European homeland by the Nazis (National Socialist Zionists). They opposed the Sabbatteans, saying only God did God’s work and it was blasphemy for humans to try to take on this task. That is why they were persecuted and killed.
The forensic trail shows that the leadership of this cult of death has its headquarters in the Rothschild family complex near Zug, Switzerland. They are now being systematically hunted down and brought to justice.
In any case, out of respect for the peaceful and law-abiding Jews in Israel, from now on I will stop using the term Zionist interchangeably with the Khazarian mafia, the term I use to describe the Satanic cult pretending to be Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc. I will refer to the specific group that is trying to provoke Armageddon as the Chabad death cult.

Dave Blount #racist #conspiracy moonbattery.com

[From "Invasion Force Bused Throughout USA"]

Joe Biden has been making it clear for years that he wants the USA to be a white minority country. That would secure a permanent governing majority for a party that specializes in taking from whites so as to give to nonwhites. This is why his “Covid relief” and “infrastructure” spending blowouts include cash incentives for unwed mothers to produce more children. But that is a relatively long-term strategy, and Democrats are conspicuously impatient to consolidate absolute power quickly. That’s why Biden opened the border and issued an invitation to the entire Third World to come get the free goodies.

The crisis at the border is the tip of an iceberg. The objective is not just to turn Texas blue, but to demographically transform the entire USA into a country that can be counted on to vote Democrat. This means distributing the invasion force as quickly as possible throughout the country, so that it can never be expelled.
If the Japanese had invaded and occupied the country during WWII with our government’s encouragement and cooperation, it would have been recognized as treason. This is no different.

Not only is Democrat immigration policy treason, it is also genocide
Americans will be displaced, like the Indian tribes that lived here before them.

Shawn Bell #racist #wingnut amren.com

From Male Feminist to White Advocate

I went to a rural part of the Middle East. Seeing the Islamic world up close threw my worldview for a loop. Once, I was party to a casual, hypothetical discussion about raping tourists, which my interlocutor believed was justified by the loose morals of the woman concerned. Most of all, I remember the uncompromising fervor with which another acquaintance defended the Charlie Hebdo attackers. These were normal guys, not terrorists. Later, when I looked into the survey data, I found that their beliefs were relatively common among immigrant Muslims in the West. “How is this supposed to work?” I remember asking myself.

Classroom discussions were always derailed by non-white and/or progressive female students. One example was a diatribe from a black girl about a time a white man had stepped in front of her to board a train, which she saw as emblematic of white, male “entitlement.” Even though I was still a liberal at the time, I had to bite my tongue to keep from sharing some considerably worse experiences with blacks on public transportation.

The incident that contributed most to my white identity was during a discussion of some Marxist text. I asked how the abolition of private property would apply to personal items. A non-white student replied, “We’re coming for your toothbrush, whitey.” The feminist professor and other students laughed and continued. All of these people wanted me to see myself as white. They got their wish. Seeing the precious legacy of my civilization and my forebears attacked, smeared, and “deconstructed” made me realize for the first time that I had a particular culture that didn’t belong to everyone, that I was the rightful heir to a proud and ancient tradition, and that without action, my inheritance would be destroyed. Soon, I was calling myself an “identitarian” and had joined a national white advocacy organization. With the past as our guide, whites can be great again.

NoJusticeNoPeace1964 #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

You can’t hire blacks! Doesn’t any business owner know that by now. If you make them feel bad even once they will chimp out and become violent. It’s time to separate and I want separation now!

Luckily, the blacks of today agree on separation and separate stuff in many if not all ways. Maybe a New Segregation system, which both agree on, can be implemented. I'm all for it. Even Separate but Equal would be a good goal, though blacks would almost certainly want much more than their equal share.

I agree, separate but equal was upheld by the court as perfectly ok and moral, but in a sham of a court case which used biased evidence it was struck down. In order to bring it back we have to get rid of the civil rights amendment.

It was Plessy vs Ferguson (1896), and is was settled law until the Brown vs Board of Education decision (1954) when it was illegally overturned,

Isn't it ironic that the blacks of today want segregation more than most Whites. This is one instance where I I hope the blacks get their wish.

State of the Nation #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #quack stateofthenation.co

The Illuminati,
Black Nobility,
Khazarian Mafia,
British Crown,
NWO Globalist Cabal,
Central Banking Cartel,
World Economic Forum,
Deep State(s),
Zio-Anglo-American Axis,
All Collude to Foist the Fifth Reich
on the Entire
Planetary Civilization.

TPTB are using the GREAT RESET and THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC, after using THE GREAT STEALECTION, to sow seeds of unprecedented chaos and conflict the world over.
The immediate goal of this manufactured disorder and naked warmongering is to divide and conquer the world community of nations as never before. But first the New World Order globalist cabal is executing their Ordo ab Chao strategy to divide and rule all of humanity.
The Fourth Reich, which was the true reason for wild over-dramatization of the Third Reich of Nazi Germany, is the United States America as reflected by its imperialistic Pax America and tyrannical American Exceptionalism.

For the very first time, the Fifth Reich is designed to be a worldwide, supranational entity overseen by a One World Government with law enforcement managed by a Global Security Superstate, which has been initiated by the rapidly evolving medical tyranny spawned by OPERATION COVID-19.

This new political economic paradigm is based on a hybrid model that utilizes the inherent fascism of the quasi-capitalistic American corporatocracy, sometimes known as the U.S. Government-Corporate Complex; and the quasi-communist Chinese model that effectively functions as a unitary one-party socialist republic overseen by a despotic government. It will also employ many of the worst features of the European Union—a totally failed economic union and political superstate BY PURPOSEFUL DESIGN.

Hedieh Mirahmadi #wingnut #racist christianpost.com

Whether it is a Syrian Muslim gunning down “Trump supporters” in Colorado, the attack near the Capitol by a Nation of Islam supporter, the change in laws that protect police in New York, or the campaign against the state of Georgia, we must acknowledge the widespread assault on the conservative, Christian community. I use the phrase “White America,” though ironically we are comprised of all ethnicities and races but united in our stand for biblical and democratic values that are the foundation of our country. The radical left characterizes us as “angry white people” so they can garner support for the vilification of our principles as part of a broader scheme to undermine our way of life. It is critical that we do not look at each of these issues as separate unrelated events when each of them is a critical aspect of how insidious movements weaken traditional social structures.
However, the assault on “White America” that unites Islamists and the radical Left is particularly dangerous, not only because it has followers capable of terrorizing the population, they also have tacit support from the Biden administration, local and state lawmakers, and a large portion of mainstream society. Together these two movements have the power to murder opponents and sabotage traditional legal and political structures.
The orchestrated boycott and vilification of Georgia is another alarming example of how these movements operate. We are seeing mainstream social structures such as corporations like Coca-Cola, Major League Baseball, as well as President Joe Biden himself supporting the effort to isolate and punish Georgia for creating voting restrictions. The law protects the integrity of the voting system but it’s being purposely mischaracterized as racial discrimination to inflame the emotions of the public and cause financial harm, which they hope will force the legislature to retract it. The radical left is using social and financial coercion to compromise the sanctity of how we vote in this country.

Nukethisgayearth & starcrapoo #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Blackpill The cold, dark truth? Foids are as “racist” as they come

For soy cucks and fags who complain about muh RACESM!! Are we just gonna ignore how, genetically, toilets tend to prefer cumskins like 95 percent of the time compared to other ethnicities? There a reason they are called deathnics. At this point i feel a lot of them either go tranny or stay virgin throughout their lifes. Ive always felt like “changs” and “chaddams” were oxymorons. Chad is primarily cumskin.

White foids are the most racist foids by far.

At a distant second to them are noodlewhores (who are racist to their own kind).

I don't see any difference whatsoever between the average white foid that I come across the street and a white stormfrontcel.

They both see an ethnic subhuman male like myself as not even human who they would rather not be around AND do not want around. Meanwhile they want the right to travel around the world as much as they want and associate with whomever they want and when they want as they please. If they see some short term benefit of it. For the white foids, they want to post pics of their travels and show how virtous they are by taking pics with poor ethnic subhuman children. And the white males, they want to rape those children and JBW max with the local foids.

crew6dawg0 #crackpot #racist #sexist reddit.com

RE: Why are so many young men acting asexual?

I'm 21 and it's like most of my peers (mainly average to low status dudes higher status dudes still act normal) they have no drive or desire to get with or be with women. They act asexual, beta and friendly it's so wierd their like robots, and they actively chastise dudes who actively go after women. It's such a depressing existence and their ok with it. I think it's just due to them being conditioned to their social status from a young age and don't have the self awareness to break out of it or try to change their situation.

Its a crap load of reasons. Part is the #metoo bullshit movement. Guys everywhere, in particular white males, hear non stop that they are rapists and pieces of shit and the problem with society and the world. They see famous people and politicians get shafted over ALLEGATIONS.

Guilt and shame - men are ashamed of being who they are and wanting what men want. Society shames men for being masculine, for seeing women as objects and wanting to fuck them, meanwhile women literally walk around dressed like whores and objectify themselves, but if we acknowledge it we're "part of the problem." Women are literally praised for everything they do, men are shamed.

Education on relationships. We've all seen the women magazines at the stores, "50 Moves to Blown you Mans Mind in the Bedroom." Or the TV shows, Dr.Phil, Steve Harvey, Oprah - all designed for women to educate themselves on dating and relationships. Men have far fewer resources out there, and when we do have a resource such as TRP, they get banned and called incels (even though we are getting laid and are the exact opposite, tf?)

Dating apps. The 80/20 rule runs supreme in dating apps. A lot of guys simply cannot compete with Chad and Tyrone, and when they get on dating apps they lose all hope. It can really bring you down when you've messaged hundreds of chicks and none of them seem interested.

Hunter Wallace #transphobia #racist #conspiracy #wingnut occidentaldissent.com

[From "New York Times: Transgender Childhood Is Not a “Trend”"]

I can remember the exact moment when “trans” took off.

It was in the wake of the Obergefell decision in the summer of 2015 when Bruce Jenner reintroduced herself to the public as Caitlyn Jenner on the cover of [i]Vanity Fair[/i][…]Progressives jumped from gay marriage to “trans” which was the next novelty in the culture war. 20,000 different genders were discovered over the last decade and we’re all a bunch of bigots now for “misgendering” people with the wrong made up pronouns
I can also remember the exact moment when systematic racism became the next novelty and took off like a rocket with progressive activists. It was after George Floyd died last summer. From that point on, “racism” became systematic and “equity” became fashionable and “equality” fell out of fashion

None of this garbage has anything to do with morality[…]It is a disease of the degenerate professional classes. The Soviets used to call it “bourgeois decadence.” Modernism was banned in the Soviet Union
It is true though that the Weimar Republic got there in the 1920s. Modernism and gender fluidity began bubbling up in this country in the work of Gertrude Stein via Otto Weininger
From the mind of this Jewish lunatic at the turn of the 20th century sprang the idea of gender fluidity that has now seized control of the Democratic Party[…]Weininger shot himself in the chest and committed suicide. He was mentally ill

LaQueSabe_ #moonbat #racist #sexist saidit.net

RE: Do you think liberal feminism will be able to survive with extreme climate change, and other disasters?

I think once climate change reaches the extreme breaking point where even rich countries can't hide from it. I feel like liberal feminism charade will be over, and governments will get more like handmaid's tale style.

Nah, let me tell you what's about to happen. Massive migration to the North. The "1st world" is gonna be festered with 3rd world people, aka conservationism on the rise (Earthkistan). With so many moids around women are going to be killed and raped daily by the millions, even in developed countries. Our reproductive rights will be entirely revoked. The Chinese dominate Africa and Make Slavery Great Again, also create a new mixed Sino-African race with a whole new set of problems. At that point the whites will be gone, so liberal feminism is going to have little acceptance with New generation of women slaves.

So, feminism days are numbered. Liberal or not. Separatism is the only option.

Stupid question but do you oppose immigration for everyone, including women? I mean, they're not going to reject their religion/conservatism simply bc it's another country. And I get not wanting to see your race dying out.

I'm opposed to immigration when it comes to moids, see what happens in Norway when they have to be educated to not rape women.

Only female immigrants should be accepted in any country and as a 3rd world habitant myself, I wanna immigrate.

Lmao, I care about the white race dying out as much as they cared about my native ancestors being wiped out. I was just stating that they'll be in fewer numbers in the nexr decades.

Various Femcels #moonbat #racist #sexist saidit.net

Absolutely retarded to allow 3rd world women to immigrate. The women believe in patriarchalism very strongly too, and won't suddenly become liberal the minute they separate from their husbands. In fact I bet they'll become worse, women who seperate from their abusers by force only start longing for them even more. These women are gonna have plenty of issues adapting to the culture, and if they do anything independently, it will be political parties to bring in their husbands, fathers, brothers. 3rd world countries have collectivist cultures, these women will not be able to cope with the atomic social life in the West; they'll miss home, their mothers, sisters, brothers, they'll miss the patriarchal family structures they were raised.

What third world country? I'm Indian.

Now that you said it, I'm rethinking my beliefs now. That's so true.

Brazil unfortunately.

absolutely agree. I am 100% against immigration, whether male (obv) or female. Women aren, less violent obviously but completely male-identified. no thanks I don't want more pathetic women. The only women I would let in are lesbian asylum seekers. Never going to happen, so no to all immigrants. They refuse to integrate (talking about Europe here) let alone assimilate. Europe is a cash-cow in their minds, that's all. Their bond to their country of origin remains the strongest, especially since they're at most 4 hours away (by plane) from it. Integration, forced diversity don't work. Europeans who have many things in common fought each other for centuries but somehow I'm supposed to believe that men and women who come from vastly different cultures are going to fit in and integrate easy peasy? It's insane. Many Europeans realize this but it's too late.

CTON #racist #wingnut amren.com

Legal immigrants and citizens don't want illegals here.

I don't care if these nonwhites here are 'legal' or 'illegal' They're still not my people. They're still demographically displacing White Americans. They still have a bias, whether they know it or not, against Whites and America and Western Civilization. besides, why can't Whites just have their own nations? Why can't Whites just espouse their own views and interests without wondering who it might "offend"? I mean, we're not telling Latin America that they need open borders or that they need to change their traditions.

Dude, classifying all Latins as anti-western and anti-American is like saying all "whites" are the same.

The problem is within the Latino community you are united and your youth don't hate other Latinos for being proud of being Latino. You don't see young Latinos openly bashing their race or their ancestors. This is I see all the time from young whites.

You better start caring. Hispanics and Whites are going to be the only ones that matter in the election. You can whine and cry about it, but we have to deal with the cards that we are dealt.

You'd think being Macedonian you'd understand the importance of defending your nation and borders and what happens when you let "others" into your land, like Turks invading and displacing Macedonians and other Eastern Europeans for centuries.

When I hear people say "Not all (nonwhites) are like that, why I know this one...." I will say, "I once got around a group of wasps, but not all of them tried to sting me!"

Nathan Bedford Forrest & CTON #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Trump’s Latino Support Was More Widespread Than Thought, Report Finds

(Nathan Bedford Forrest)
Blah! Blah! Blah! This is one giant bag of baloney to try and deceive people into accepting mestizos. Who cares what political affiliation they are, they should not have been here in the first place.

Agreed but they are here and if you can peel some of the better ones off from the Democrats, it can make a difference.

Absolutely not, we’ve been pandering for far too long. Now if some Hispanics like the White first message and vote for us then fine, but they can’t be the objective. They are for their group and their group only. We Whites have to fight for our interests without their help.

Hispanics don’t matter to Whites and I could care less about them. They only care about their group, we will never get Hispanics on our side nor do I want to.

Agree. I'm getting vtired of naive White Conservatives who sit back and hope that these nonwhites will "See the light" and "vote for Traditional America!" They're just as stupid as liberals are. I know whites who lived around Hispanic majorities and they got bashed for being whites. Whites who fawn over Hispanics and illegals have obviously never lived in any place but a white environment. They see the short Hispanic man selling him tacos from a van or a smiley Hispanic lady cleaning their house and think it would be great if there were a lot more of them there. Yet once the nonwhite population gets above a certain level, these middle and upper class whites flee.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #fundie #wingnut finalwakeupcall.info

Everything is coming together. DNA-science has torn back the curtains of time and revealed the Serpent in this people. For the record: real Jews are not Semites, and real Semites are not Jews. The ones today called “Jews” are the very disciples of the evil entity whom the Bible describes as, “that old serpent, the devil.” – From the early centuries of the first millennia, the Khazars of Eastern Europe were known as the money changers, the diabolical “Serpent People,” as the nation of Israel has admitted.

The Satanist have power over, corrupt politicians, and others in charge throughout the system, they are mind controlled to safeguard complete control of events. For the outside – the side the public sees – these Satanist are quite normal, but when switched, they are very different beings. The originator of this mind control process is the Nazi ‘Angel of Death’ Josef Mengele, who was helped to escape after WWII to the United States and South America by the Archon bloodline network that control American Intelligence (CIA) and the Roman Catholic Church. They wanted the ‘camp doctor’ at Auschwitz, to continue his sickening genetic and mind control research that he had conducted on Jewish children in the concentration camps. National Borders don’t matter to the Archon Crime Cabal members; they are one ‘global family’.

Ryushin Malone #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #racist theorionlines.com

The Nazi Death Marches are in the shape of Orion to honor Orion. So they could watch their "food" being marched to their deaths.
After WW2 The USA made the same deal with Orion.

​​Death Camps Built in America With Tax Payers Money are IDENTICAL to the Nazi Death Marches in the shape of ORION. They secretly continued the trade. Trading Human Beings as a food and drug source, Adrenochrome for technology.
They've been secretly eating us this whole time.

Full Explanation World War 2 was an Adrenochrome Harvest in trade for technology with aliens from Orion

The Elite, Rothchild and friends, used Germany as they did in WW1 as a door stop to stop the spread of communist Russia into Europe. So they funded Germany. That's how they became so powerful so quickly right after WW1. Rothchild made a deal with the aliens trading blood, Adrenochrome for technology. That's how the Nazis got their hands on all of this UFO tech. The truth is the Nazis and the Reptilians won WW2 in Antarctica secretively.
Which then lead to the sign of "The Grenada Treaty" in 1954 where the Orion Aliens were allowed to take a certain number of Human Beings for "medical experiments" in trade for technology. Over all, the US got shity technology and then found out that these alien were taking millions of people.

An absolute violation of the Constitution.
And you wonder why society is collapsing, this is why.

Operation Paperclip

The group of Nazi scientist taken in by The USA.

This is why NASA and the government have been lying about everything. Because The Orion Group took over secretively after WW2. Thanks Rothchild!

Višnja Pavelić #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger english.elpais.com

Before her death in 2015, Višnja Pavelić, the daughter of the Croatian dictator Ante Pavelić, lived alone in a gloomy Madrid apartment[…]For 50 years she worked tirelessly in this perpetual twilight on her father’s archives in a room filled with towers of shabby files
The dictator’s daughter was serious but friendly and polite, always using the formal address of usted. She welcomed me into her home several times in the years before she died, seeming to welcome the company and to enjoy talking about her father, although she made it clear that she didn’t want any of what was said to be published until several years after her death
Initially, she would get up every so often to look for documents to try to prove that her father had not been as despicable as history paints him. Even when she became crippled by osteoporosis, she would reach for her files and repeat, “It’s all a lie. Everything they say about my father is a lie. Everything, everything”
“Jasenovac is a complete exaggeration,” said Višnja. “It was a labor camp, and there was poverty, but they had doctors, their own leaders, everything they wanted. It wasn’t Auschwitz, understand? They were all alive and well”
Višnja was especially upset by an anecdote told by the journalist Curzio Malaparte in his book Kaputt[…]Ante Pavelić lifted the lid of the basket[…]“It is a gift from my faithful ustasa: 20 kilos of human eyes.”
In another photograph from her personal collection, she is shown at the grave accompanied by a young man in traditional Croatian dress. Small and bird-like, she was still an unrepentant ultra-nationalist who expressed a genocidal hatred of the Serbs: “They are born criminals,” she said. “There is no Serb who is not a criminal. They have done nothing but kill! Nothing else. Killing is genetic in them, and all we have done is defend ourselves”

LazicStefan & Digital Intent #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon #racist #sexist youtube.com

RE: Young Men Are STRUGGLING To Find Dates As Apps Force Men To Compete With Older Wealthier Men

The group doing that has their HQ in israel. The solution is bitcoin. The govt can't print that and give it to whamen. Demand bitcoin for your work and soon the system of male exploitation will end.

(Digital Intent)
But very few people can actually see this, or worse, they see it but don't want to be labeled anti-termite, or some shit like that.

incelsvsAMWF #conspiracy #racist #sexist reddit.com

bruce lee, grant imahara and godfrey gao were all assassinated. there is a real conspiracy against the asian man

the Asian man is the number one threat to the west, they openly admit it now.

they can't win a conventional war, they admitted it.

they can't deal with the sexual competition, they admitted this.

they can't deal with our money, they admitted this.

so they do low dirty tricks, they assassinate our men in an attempt to keep white women away from us. spread lies about our countries, to turn the world against us. emasculate us in the media. invade our spaces, either real or online.

Yet somehow, Asian males are beta, undesirable, yet there are trillions of dollars spent to emasculate literal Chinese farmers? so called happy fulfilled white men are this desperate????

Warcraft1966 #psycho #racist patriots.win

For context, this is about Vikings CB Jeff Gladney being arrested for allegedly trying to kill his girlfriend.

Oh by the way the women in question was white. Go out with an animal, then don't be surprised if you get mauled. She didn't deserve to be murdered but she asked for it. Nature thinning the herd.

Vox Day #racist #wingnut voxday.blogspot.com

[From "The media discovers 2033"]

Laura Ingraham talked to a historian about the coming breakup of the USA on Fox:

Ingraham: Historian Craig Shirley writes our country is in a vicious toxic relationship with itself. Like any toxic relationship, the only inevitable eventuality is that it will mercifully end with breakup[…]
Shirley: No, I don’t think so, Laura. Look, we had national glue in the past to hold us together as a nation. We had Manifest Destiny, the Great Depression, we had wars and other activities. Covid should have been the national glue holding us together but it wasn’t. In fact, it drove us further apart[…]

Demographics is destiny. The dirt is not magic. The civnats have inverted reality and their basic concept entirely backwards: Mexicans are not people who happen to live inside lines on a map called Mexico, Mexico is where Mexicans live. The breakup of the USA is already inevitable and it has been since 1965. But now the concept is being normalized.

Therefore, it's time to make sure you're on the right side of the borders-to-be.

Ceirwyn & Hubert Cumberdale #conspiracy #fundie #racist #wingnut amren.com


... many are descendants of enslaved people, while others are recently arrived immigrants ...

Why would blacks immigrate to the white supremacy - structurally racist USA? The USA is where innocent black males are gunned down in the streets by racist white police. It doesn't make sense.

To steal everything from the poor who lived there and tried to assimilate them prior to the civil war. The Pharisatanics can't have white UKsians running their own states, and want their international slavers, the latins and black slaves taking over the area. The blacks are dumb enough and greedy enough to be hoodwinked and the latins are corrupt and Anti-Christ enough for that.

(Hubert Cumberdale)

I've got symptoms of a certain type of fatigue. "14%" explains it all.

Hispanics are vastly outpacing black growth though, and they are immune to the black grievance industrial complex. Bad news for blacks in the coming decades.

Bad news for us too. I live in South Florida... I know what a coming Hispanic majority means for our civilization.

Its bad news for us no matter what. In my dying breaths however, I'll be relieved to know that blacks will still be on the bottom rung of society and the new lords and masters of urban America (Hispanics) won't care about their self-induced plight.

CheapCocaine et al. #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Serious Should there be a day of the rope for redditors?

Yes Votes: 9 90.0%
No, because everyone has a right to free speech. Votes: 1 10.0%

Should there be a Turner Diaries-esque day of the rope, but for redditors instead of race traitors and niggers? Im talking every communist redditor (you know, the types that browse subs like IT, TolietPaperUSA, and ChapoTrapHouse) gets tracked down and hung on the nearest lampost in the Minecraft Village. What do you guys think?

I don't condone violence unless it's necessary, you really shouldn't care so much about what a bunch of idiots on dumb subreddits say

But leftists / communists and their whole ideology are heavily contributing to the demise of our society as a whole. Plus, leftism and cultrual marxism is a major factor that causes inceldom. Plus, i’m just shit posting anyways.

This society is beyond saving, let it die

Yes, but leftistism and cultural marxism are responsible for things like feminism, hypergamy, and womens sexual liberation. But you’re correct in that regard. The collapse shall commence soon.

Leftists think that everyone who is right of Lenin or Stalin is le ebil nhatzee. They are destroying society with their propaganda and cultural subversion. It’s an irrefutable fact that Jewish-owned leftists are trying to (and so far successfully) destroy traditional moral values and everything that they even mildly disagree with.

Johann Theronn #wingnut #racist amerika.org

On the Right we use the narrative that politics is downstream from culture, and culture is downstream from genetics. This attempts to summarize the idea in short form, but we must consider the implication of language in the process.

Environment influences genetics through Darwinism, then genetics in turn generates language and culture. From that comes politics, and in turn, that influences the environment that eugenically or dysgenically shapes future generations.

Civilization is destroyed if the above linkage is not properly maintained. For example, Joe Biden recently declared “climate change” a National Security Risk. If one assumes that Biden is of European descent, it might be enlightening to know that other races/genetics think global warming is a money-making scheme.
The implied benefits of speaking proper language affect all aspects of life because we can only benefit from avoiding the scourge of pidgin language. For example, a recent realization by Brett Stevens is that we should not only protect our environment, but also protect natural selection.

I would even go so far as to say that Aristotle was wrong about his pursuit of happiness. It should be the Pursuit to Protect Natural Selection (in proper language).

Back to our “Reality Czar” crazy talk: Joe Biden is about to declare war on diverse cultures/languages that does not agree with his views on climate change.

Does that make sense? Only in a pidgin world and people told me pidgin is not dangerous? It is fatal, brother.

Waldemar Wojciechowski #racist jta.org

A local politician in Poland used language that critics said was anti-Semitic during a regional council meeting about agriculture.

“Why don’t Jews buy land? Because you can’t cheat the earth,” Waldemar Wojciechowski, a representative of the right-wing Law and Justice ruling party, said at a meeting Tuesday of the council of the Lodz District.

The meeting was on a subject unrelated to Jews and Judaism, and Wojciechowski was quoting a saying to make a point about the need to be fair to farmers, the Gazeta news site reported Wednesday.

Designated Villain Award

Shane Vaughn #racist rumble.com

[In an episode titled “The Sorcery Of Soros”]

You remember in South Africa, that was a colony of Great Britain. It had a tradition of monarchy there for many, many years, and South Africa was a wonderful nation. But it was a closed society. It had a queen, it had an identity with the Commonwealth, with Great Britain. It had traditions. It had its own history.

So, [George Soros] brings his money down to South Africa, and he funds the university with scholarships for Black youth in apartheid South Africa. When he opens that school, he changes South Africa. And look what he did down there, look at the division that came between the white South Africans and the Blacks. Now they’re killing them by the thousands, taking their land. Why? Because he divided South Africa with this open society; remove the culture, remove the law, remove the foundation of the society, turn the races against one another, and then you take the nation, and you create now an open society.

Benj-amin #elitist #racist #sexist incels.is


Not surprising tbh. Most of her fans are probably black cuz "muh black culture", and niggaz tend to have low levels of IQ (this is not an eccentric opinion, even black people admit it). I think the average IQ for Blacks is around 80, so 75 is not far off the mark. It only means that Cradi B fans are the most retarded people on earth, even among niggers.

Notice how they are are Black "women", Black nigger Foids are the lowest trash of all foids.

Nigger foids are literal trash, most of them are low IQ hood type bitches who can't even compose a coherent sentence. They have insane single motherhood rates, and work dead end jobs, nothing worth pursing tbh. The only ones worth pursing are the ones who come from affluent families.

Lol imagine thinking that "affluent" black women are worth pursuing, They are just like the trash in the inner cities. Don't be fooled by the civilized Facade they put on, White man.

The ones I met in college weren't as bad as the low class ones, but then again, all women are trash after all. Some of them are just less trashy than others.

Also, are you black? Cuz if you are you probably know more about that.

I am a blackcel, yes. I live in a very segrated city (STL), one side of of city is literally mostly vacant lots, Vacant houses, and is 98% majority black, and where most of the shootings occur. On the other end, are mainly rich white folk that some Nigger foids try to emulate. Those "Affluent" Niggas you speak of.

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