
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Various MRAs #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

I'm starting to hate women.

I have been an MRA for over a year now and seeing all of the anti-male rhetoric and hatred alot of women have towards men has slowly been getting to me, I was crushing on this chick and I check her Twitter only to see that she reguarly posts about how she hates men and it's making me really sad and depressed, like it's obviously not all women but at this point I'd be hardpressed to say they aren't a majority.

As a woman I am completely on board with you. I lost a friend because I explained to her how the 97% thing is not true and she's stopped talking to me ever since. I told her she should've read the study and she said she doesn't have to. It's hard making female friends these days if a lot of women seem to hate men or believe whatever is online. Makes me sad.


Stay away from American women. Find one from overseas from a country that treats women like shit you’ll be amazed how happy you’ll be. I found a great one from Colombia and I don’t have all the bullshit to deal with.

There is soooooo much truth to this. In 2019 I went to a few places in South America. The difference in the women in particular in terms of general behavior was absolutely staggering. When I was in Colombia I met a tremendous amount of cool women, women I would call strong. They rarely complained, were very proactive, they take responsibility and mostly understand their actions cause reactions. Everyone in general where I was was just so much more happy in general, good with their roles and embraced them. The women actually appreciate what men do on top of that, where in modern western culture when we do stuff, liek build the roads, it's just expected and thankless.

Alison Chabloz #racist #conspiracy jpost.com

In a landmark decision, a UK court has sentenced an antisemite to 18 weeks in prison for disseminating grossly offensive material and messages on social media denying the Holocaust.

The sentencing makes Alison Chabloz the first person in the UK to be jailed specifically for Holocaust denial, under the terms of the 2003 Communications Act.
Chabloz, 57, was convicted for comments she made in an interview with a far-right online radio station in 2019.

“The Jews, they need to stop indoctrinating their children, you know, their grandparents were gassed just because they were Jews,” she said. “No wonder they grow up into psychotic maniacs. They are indoctrinated from birth with this bullshit, and they’ve been doing the same for centuries, even before the Holocaust.”

In a separate interview with a different radio station, Chabloz said that “anything that’s worth controlling will have Jews there controlling it.”

Chabloz accused Jews of inventing the Holocaust in order to profit financially. Hitler’s treatment of European Jews was caused by bad Jewish behavior, she added, and insisted that there was nothing wrong with saying “Hitler was right.” Chabloz claimed that the judge who convicted her had been intimidated by the “Jewish lobby.”

She then publicized the interviews on Gab account, a social networking site associated with neo-Nazis and other extremists.

Sergei Lavrov #conspiracy #racist #wingnut themoscowtimes.com

Russia Warns of Anti-White 'Aggression' in U.S.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Thursday warned that anti-white racism might be building in the United States and said that political correctness "taken to the extreme" would have lamentable consequences. In an interview with political scientists broadcast on national television, Moscow's top diplomat said Russia had long supported a worldwide trend that "everyone wants to get rid of racism."

"We were pioneers of the movement promoting equal rights of people of any skin color," he said.

But Lavrov stressed it was important "not to switch to the other extreme which we saw during the 'BLM' (Black Lives Matter) events and the aggression against white people, white U.S. citizens."

Lavrov accused the United States of seeking to spread what he called "a cultural revolution" around the world.

"They have colossal possibilities for it," he said in the interview.

"Hollywood is now also changing its rules so that everything reflects the diversity of modern society," he said, calling that "a form of censorship."

"I've seen Black people play in Shakespeare's comedies. Only I don't know when there will be a white Othello," Lavrov said.

"You see this is absurd. Political correctness taken to the point of absurdity will not end well."

IslaVista2014 #homophobia #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

I Have A Dream: Incel Cartel

If there was an incel cartel that had each others back we could demand foids send nudes or get fucked with. Ex: doxx, phone/email/socialmedia bombing, exposing dirty laundry and doxx for all to see on like a kiwifarms.co , mailing dirty laundry to her friends and family, making craigslist ads with the foids name saying how she has a rape fantasy and invite all craigslist degenerates, putting her house in google maps as 1$ 24/7 bathroom stop for truckers, hosting a party at 3AM and inviting 10k+ people thru social media tweaking, making a altright twitter and linkedin with KKK Grand Dragon as resume, make an onlyfans with sagging tits and roastmaxx downstairs, etc...

If the cartel gets stronger we can also do things like release wasps, mosquitos and geese next to normie music festivals. Releasing frogs in sorority houses. Tweak up the UV and temperature in sun tanning salons so they get burned and also cancer. Get sfat persian guys to join their yoga classes. Get indian pajeets to identify as female and enter ladies nights in clubs. Organize fundraisers to help out with truecels defense in rape trials (srs with this tbh)

Hijack a LGBT pride parade by walking in front with an ILGBT banner and paper maché White Van and BMW as the parade items (I dont want to associate with these degenerates but the liberal butthurt is worth it). Steal all the condoms and birthcontrol pills in all stores within a large area so roasties and normalfags now are cucked either by not fucking or getting the biological equivolence of life without parole (child). Make fake makeup boxes but hide pissbottles in them then release these in stores.

Create a site similar to .gov criminal background checks but then with a whore background check that showcases thefappening and foidfarms.co type exposé. Here you can put up all information of foids that rejected you as a virtual pilgory. Simps and cucks are target to.

The incel cartel has both an agressive side not to be messed with (and purposely not elaborated on in this thread) but also a lot of devious mischief for lulz.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "1942 Liberals vs 2021 Liberals on race relations"]
1942 Hansard

spoiler[…]It is time that we stopped making Canada nothing more than a dumping ground for all the nations of the world
MITCHELL: In reply to my hon. friend the member for Témiscouata[…]let me say that the Minister of Labour is one of those who were dumped
I might add that I have recently been through a by-election in Welland[…]difficulty of governing a nation made up of all of the finest blood streams of Europe[…]

Pouliot is one[…]Liberal[…] objecting to a bill which would provide government benefits to soldiers[…]any old soldier who signed up for the British Empire would be compensated[…]tied that into[…]enlisting tribal Africans[…]Pouliot later split from the government over conscription[…]fighting to save France[…]didn't interest the cowards in Queerbec[…]No wonder General Wolfe whipped them
A Queerbec Liberal bemoaning immigration[…]with Ontario Liberals countering[…]all the European races belonged to Canada[…]balkanization into "dozens of racial groups" was a bad thing. Today, Welland[…]'s Liberal MP says retarded garbage like[here][…]
"Dozens of racial groups" thing was only a temporary concern for you?[…]Mitchell's concerns have come to pass[…]Badawey[…]got all pissy last year[i][for][/i]a gag about[…]Camel-a Harris
The alternative, of course, is the English Liberal/Conservative coalition of 1942's response([…]It's worth a note that it's the same government who sided with the Pouliot wing of the party when it came to ships full of Jews)

PsychoBeef24 #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

Everytime I see BLM or someone mention "white privilege" all I can think of is...

What privilege?

The privilege of being able to be open targets of racism and discrimination because society believes you can't do such to them?

The privilege of being sent to die by the thousands or millions in the Civil War and other wars usually against their will and being seen as easily disposable and replaceable immediately afterwards?

The privilege of having any negative encounter with a person of color be defaulted to "obviously because the white guy is a racist".

The privilege of being generalized as all racist by black support groups like BLM, but only when its the other way does it suddenly become an issue?

The privilege of being banned from speaking at an "anti racism" event in a university because they're white which barely got any uproar when the other way would probably bring riots?

The privilege of *not* having the world riot in protest when even just *one* of us is a victim of police brutality.

The privilege of being attacked by PC culture for wearing dreadlocks or having hair in a bun?

The privilege of being pulled over by a cop and being told "Oh sorry sir, I didn't know you were white, carry on"....which *never* happened ever.

The privilege of being seen as such victims of society that entire support groups rise in power and make city wide protests and any criticism is buried under accusations of prejudice thus allowing anyone to speak negatively of them without being seen as racist...oh wait, that's not whites.

The privilege of white males who can be jailed for LIFE or even sentenced to death for a woman making a false accusation with zero evidence as a uncommon but still noticable rate?

Those privileges?

(And no, there is no problem with people of color having support. The problems is people using that to shit on white people)

Sery Kim #conspiracy #racist lmtonline.com

Texas GOP candidate bashes Chinese immigrants over coronavirus: 'I don't want them here at all'

At a political forum on Wednesday, GOP congressional candidate Sery Kim falsely suggested that Chinese immigrants bring the coronavirus to the United States - and suggested that she opposes their entry to the country. "I don't want them here at all," Kim, who is Korean American, told attendees,speaking of Chinese immigrants and China in general, the Dallas Morning News reported. "They steal our intellectual property, they give us coronavirus, they don't hold themselves accountable." Kim, 42, also argued that a rising surge in violence and threats against Asian Americans has been trumped up by the media, saying that "Asians have always faced violence. It's not worse than before."

Kim says her comments were meant to be directed at the Chinese government, not immigrants. "I am shocked that in an effort to counter Asian-American hate the liberal media is targeting me, an Asian and an immigrant, in an effort to paint me as anti-Asian and anti-immigrant just for speaking against the oppressive Chinese Communist Party," said Kim in a statement Friday night to The Post.

Kim also explicitly blamed China for the virus, saying, "China created [the] coronavirus in a Wuhan lab."

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

Saving Elie Mystal from White Society

I Am Not Ready to Reenter White Society

The basis for this sweeping conclusion was an incident he witnessed at a CVS. An older white woman shouted at a black teenaged girl, “Is this where you get the vaccines?” It’s not clear if the black girl worked there. Nothing suggests that this white woman thought that the young black woman’s race mattered at all. Data show that few whites see their race as central to their identity, in contrast to 75 percent of blacks. Republicans and conservatives are the least likely to pursue vaccination. I’d guess the woman demanding a shot was liberal.

However, Mr. Mystal saw race. This small incident led him to a sweeping conclusion that he isn’t capable of re-entering a society integrated with whites without feeling stress and anxiety. He feels this way even though the government, academy, and media give him preferential treatment because of his race. Most whites don’t have racial consciousness. The system that rewards Mr. Mystal punishes white advocates. Many whites become racially conscious anyway as a result of encounters with non-whites. Most initially wanted to believe in a colorblind world but were forced into white identity because of the way non-whites treated them.

I don’t begrudge Mr. Mystal’s mini-Wakanda. I’d prefer it if he and his co-ethnics would build it on a larger scale and leave the rest of us alone. On average, blacks commit more crime, use more welfare, and perform less well in school than whites. Whites would be fine without blacks. It’s less clear whether blacks would be fine without whites. Perhaps we can simply separate. This isn’t an extreme idea. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, who is currently prosecuting Derek Chauvin, proposed a separate black homeland early in his career. Of course, Mr. Ellison, like Malcolm X before him, quickly realized that it’s easier to grift off whites than to build a separate nation.

Gog & BladingEagle #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

Islam was right about women

Yeah bro islam is so based, letting chaddam have 4 wives while you rot alone is so based bro

it all evens out because they just go conquer new territories and steal their women. it decreases the amount of men and increases the amount of women. early muslim historians were certainly of this opinion because they talked a lot about how generals would promise their soldiers blonde byzantine wives for their military service

Too bad the last islamic victory happened 400 years ago and chaddam just bought his 4th wife while you keep rotting alone

what are you talking about? Islam is currently taking over europe as we speak. Just look at how muslims are taking blonde swedish women

just go to war for gf, bro. You can’t be serious...

unironically yes. read the Iliad of Homer.

Women have no tribal loyalty hence women supporting mass immigration and being into foreigners all over the world. European countries have bad foids but I would say Japan and Korea's noodlewhores are really bad. Google Japanese war brides. Japanese women were marrying American soldiers despite two nukes being dropped on their nation. It's fair to say that if US government at the time decided to form colonies in Japan they could nearly breed out Japanese out of existence by now.

Andrew Anglin #racist #sexist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From “UK: Police Create New Moslem-Led Unit to Stop Moslem Pimping Rings”]

A lot of right-wingers want to come at the Paki Pimp Gang phenomenon from the Christian Feminist angle of “oh our poor sweet innocent princesses, corrupted by these evil foreigners”
If we come at this from the angle of “women are the collective property of the men of a nation,” then it is even worse

And the worst of the worst are the cops who are working with the Pakis to transfer our women to them


A new child sexual exploitation unit in Manchester, England, has been launched after years of failure on so-called “grooming” rape gangs

The supposed purpose of putting a Moslem in charge of investigating Moslem pimping rings is to protect the unit from accusations of racism
What the British do not seem to be capable of processing is that they are currently undergoing a process of being conquered by Moslems, and these people are all working together
Even if the individuals engaging in this process are not aware of it, they are part of a driving race consciousness
Faima Bakar wrote a piece for Metro last year claiming that discussion of the pimp gangs was a “distraction” from “important discussion about Islamophobia”
I’m sure she pays lip service to the Jewish feminist ideas that white women love so much, but for Islamic women, race conquest tends to come before any sort of “female solidarity.”

It’s all so predictable, watching all of these Islamic elements work in tandem against the white race, and then seeing it all be fueled by the Jews.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie henrymakow.com

I'll be honest. My first reaction is "F**K the human race. If it can't get its act together, it deserves to be destroyed. I'm 71. I had a good run. Feel sorry for the children though."

But after I've had my beauty rest and Snickers bar, I realize this is an example of the demoralization infecting the West.

We have had the misfortune to be born into a millennia-old satanic conspiracy that is reaching fruition in our lifetime. Most of the major historical events have been designed to advance the ascendency of Satan on planet earth.

We are under daily attack by Organized Evil, the Principle of Death and Destruction. This is confirmed by

1. The gratuitous attack on gender, marriage and family
2. The total abdication of journalistic principles by the media and its transformation into a propaganda machine
3. The unprecedented invasion of foreigners financed by our tax dollars
4. The normalization of sexual debauchery.
5. The emergence of the lunatic Left from the Satanist-Communist closet. (left)
6. Abortion to the moment of live birth = satanic child sacrifice.
7. Corporations promoting gender and racial "diversity" and miscegenation. All singing from the same songbook.
8. Biden's ratcheting up of nuclear war tensions consistent with Jewish armageddon prophecies.

We need to resist the pernicious power that seeks to rob us and our children of our Divine birthright.

Avi Maoz #fundie #racist #sexist #wingnut haaretz.com

Netanyahu Ally's Demand in Coalition Talks: Scrap Israel's Commitment to Women's Equality

The anti-LGBT Noam party, which won a single Knesset seat as part of the Religious Zionism slate, announced on Thursday that it will back Netanyahu in his bid to form a new government as expected. However, it is demanding in return that Israel cancel its official commitment to U.N. Resolution 1325, which obligates it "to include women in all decision-making bodies, especially those dealing with matters of security and peace and to take definitive action to protect women from violence and uphold international law with respect to the human rights of women and girls." Netanyahu put heavy pressure on the leaders of several far-right parties, including Noam, to run under one slate. Noam’s leader, Avi Maoz, was elected to the Knesset as a result of those efforts.

In a statement released on Thursday, Maoz presented a list of demands for supporting Netanyahu's premiership. “We will act to return to our country its Jewish character, which has been eroded in recent years,” he wrote. “We will demand to fix government decision 2331, which orders the institutions of the state to adhere to U.N. resolution 1325.” That government decision, adopted in 2014, called on all official state institutions in Israel to protect women’s rights and ensure representation and security for women.

Maoz’s list of demands also includes ending “government initiatives that work on Shabbat” and giving the ultra-Orthodox rabbinate total control over all Jewish conversions in Israel.

Leader of the opposition Yair Lapid reacted to Maoz’s statement with a warning. "This is the government you want? A racist, chauvinist government that will send Israel back to the Middle Ages? No sane Prime Minister and no sane elected official can allow this to happen.”

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Tourists should be fucking illegal. I'm done getting mogged by germans.

By germans I mean people from Germany and also german countries like Austria, Netherlands, Sweden and shit like that. Germans are gigamoggers. Fuck off and mog someone else I'm done with this shit. People complains about refugees but I'd much rather have refugees who rape our women than germans who heightmog me. To top it off, every apartment that is on AirBnB for them is an apartment that's not for rent. Which is why british people should fuck off as well. I hate airbnb tbh, that app singlehandedly made life in Spain so much worse.

TRUE I live in quite a populated place in Turkey that attracts many tourists because of all the otoman and other history shit there is there and everytime I go to the market to buy something I always get gigamogged by some easter european fag and I hate that shit tbh

tourists and immigration should be banned. Why do you wanna go to another country? That’s called being a traitor to your nation and to your people. Never been outside of America, hell never been really outside of the south (what I identify with)

poorcel cope

No, I and my family have plenty of money, I just never saw the point in tourism and think it’s a total betrayal of your people. What can I do anywhere else that I cannot do in TX or the south? I don’t need to tour around with not my people. You know what you call someone that tours around with not their kind? You call them a traitor. Not that serious but you get my point.


Southern european moment. I'd know :( All the germanic tourists that come are moggers

Wish I can kill them all so I can be free from the shackles of being mogged. (In Minecraft)

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

Serious Feminists should be sent to a third world country for a day.

Like the topic title says, feminists by law should be sent over to live in a third world country for a day just to show them what ACTUAL problems are so as soon as a feminist says anything like ‘The patrichary’ (which isn’t even a thing) or ‘Slut shaming’ then the feminist should be sent to a third world country for a whole day because they have fuck all to complain about, I mean, I complain but I have ACTUAL first world problems such as the fact I’m a locally undesired male and other personal issues on top of that which is a negative on top of a negative but shit like ‘Shamed for having too much sex’ is not an actual first world problem and never will be.

I want to put racemixxing liberal white women in the middle of the Congo naked with a go pro on and that would be the United state’s television program/show. Like naked and afraid but instead of an island you’re in the middle of a mud hut village of sex-addicted HIV carrying Congolese.

(Fancy Alcoholic)
Extremely based post ngl.

Feminist foids in first world countries don't know what life is like for the rest of 99% of the population, which is people living in third world country without all the social advantages they, as a privileged class, get from the west.

Where I live, people get shot in the head if they roam too freely in some bad neighborhood. There's no such thing as imaginary oppression here. When violence is real, you just have to act or cope with life. But "militing" is not even an option at this point, unless you want to get lynched and cut in pieces by low IQ low lives with machetes.

Ryushin Malone #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #racist theorionlines.com

This Is NOT Our World & We've Been Lied To About ALIENS Because We Are Their Slaves & Food Source.
Why do we need Space Force? Why are 'they' a threat? Question everything! Examine the evidence and ask yourself, is this true?
"Undiscovered stars learned." -Q "The hunter becomes the hunted." -Q "Information Warfare." -Q This is the information.

There is a lot of date here. Based on the evidence, I have made judgment from this prospective. Remember, I am only Human doing my best at interpreting the data. If you have different conclusions based on the data, then this is up to you.
No one is perfect and that's OK. We have been lied to for a very long time and that's not OK.
I am doing the best that I can interpreting the evidence based on my own prospective. Thank you!!

Aliens Have Been Adrenochrome & Loosh Harvesting, EATING Human Beings And They Didn't Tell Anyone Because The Elite, ROTHSCHILD, Have Been Trading Them PEOPLE AS SLAVES & FOOD FOR TECHNOLOGY Since The 1930's.
"Why have politicians and businessmen been having sex with children? Why is it said that thousands of children are being rescued out of The D.U.M.B.s? They didn't care about children because they were secretly feeding children as food to aliens in trade for technology since the 1930s. The Truth is, The Elite have been trading Human Beings, children, as food & drug, Adrenochrome & Loosh for technology with ALIENS from Orion since the 1930's.
Tell The People The Truth.
Ask The US Pentagon, why do we need Space Force?
Have aliens really been eating us?

Go ahead... Ask Government about,
I triple dog dare you.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Opposing "kids in cages" is to support "shooting Mexican children in the face""]

The forgotten thing about the objection to "kids in cages" remains how they got there.

The reason those kids are in America to begin with is because their piece of shit parents brought them across the border even though. It's not President Trump (or even FakePresident Biden's for that matter) who put them there. If you don't want kids in cages you can always separate them from their parents and deport them all en masse to Mexico. But they don't want to "separate families" either.

The kill 'em all and let God sort them out option

If you object to illegal aliens being given unfair treatment in your country, the solution is simple: armed guards at the border with orders to shoot and kill all enemy invaders regardless of age.

Alexander Lukashenko #conspiracy #racist #wingnut politico.eu

Alexander Lukashenko has a lot of opponents at home, so now he’s making even more enemies abroad.

The authoritarian leader of Belarus has unleashed law enforcement against leaders of the country’s small ethnic Polish minority — accounting for about 3 percent of the country’s population of 9.5 million. Last week, Belarus ordered the arrests of four prominent ethnic Polish activists. Prosecutors cite “illegal mass undertakings” which purportedly honored “anti-Soviet gangs operating during and after the Great Patriotic War” who “plundered and murdered civilians and destroyed property” — in a likely reference to Polish partisans who resisted the introduction of communism after World War II. They said the community’s activities “aimed at rehabilitating Nazism and justifying the genocide of the Belarusian nation.”

It’s part of a ploy by Lukashenko to buttress his support at home. Before 1939, the western half of Belarus belonged to Poland, and Lukashenko regularly warns his countrymen about the military threat posed by Poland and about Polish nationalist aspirations to recover its lost territories, although no such movement exists in Poland. “There is a continuous buildup of military presence close to our western and northern borders. Poland and the Baltic states have become a training ground for regular drills and exercises of NATO troops,” Lukashenko warned in December.

In response to the arrests, Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki accused Lukashenko’s regime of taking “hostages”. The EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, called on Belarusian authorities “to immediately and unconditionally” release them. “Targeting Polish minority violates [Belarus’] international commitments for the protection of national minorities,” wrote Gitanas Nausėda, president of Lithuania.

Poles in Belarus are increasingly nervous. “It is anyone’s guess how wide the group of people [up for arrest] is. For now, we know of five, but each of us is entertaining the possibility that we could be next,” said Pisalnik.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

News Bunch of holes write an opinion piece on incels

The Santa Barbara perpetrator (who had a white father and Asian mother) is presented as evidence that Asian men are viewed as less attractive in Western countries. These beliefs are presented as justification for the violent acts he committed, faulting women and a “degenerate society” that allowed for emasculation of Asian men and “race-mixing.”

They literally call ethnicels white supremacists jfl

That shit it's crazy. You criticize women for something and they accuse you of holding that same belief "Being ethnic is bad because women clearly prefer white men" --> "Omg you're a white suprematist"

Well they can do hit pieces on incels all they want. The fact is that none of those white foid writers (OR their immediate social circle of white foid friends WOULD EVER date a man of color). I may be a ricecel, BUT YOU, Megan Kelly​, Alex DiBranco​, Dr. Julia R. DeCook​

are a bunch racist hypocritical foids. End of the story. You know it as well. Asian, Indian, Black (doing a bit better nowadays), Hispanic, and Middle eastern males AREN'T even human in your eyes.

I am a currycel that hates whites (mostly, there are some good whites). I also acknowledge JBW, does that make me a white supremacist?

The majority incels are literally calling themselves low value inferior scum all the time, but somehow this genius gender studies Phd concluded that our beliefs stem from a male supremacist culture. I guess you don't need a triple digit IQ to be a gender studies professor.

Lv99_BixNood #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

One of the main reasons I hate racemixing

It's just cheating evolution. Soys always claim race doesn't exist, but the differences are large enough that an average white American is 99th percentile in height, 99th percentile in penis size and 99.99999th percentile in looks in the Philippines. So what are the odds of a filipino roastie finding a filipino male who is as tall, hung and good-looking as the average white American? We can make fun all day of how noodlewhores get the bottom tier white guys and it's true, but even bottom tier white men mog the fuck out of 90%+ of Asian men. So by going interracial w*men can get a much more attractive man than they could if they stayed in their own race. To be fair, the same is true for men. White men also get a much better deal with noodles than with white landwhales. But that's just cheating, it's unfair. They get more than they deserve and that's why racemixing is so irritating for me.

Are they and abbos related? Cause that explains why curries and jungle asians are usually at the bottom.

Yeah, pretty sure they're related somehow. They were the original inhabitants of SEA but then other races who mogged them came and took their women, and now pure negritos are only found in isolated parts of the jungle and shit. Most SEAcels probably have significant negrito admixture (explains why they have dark skin).


Also, choosing a partner due to their traits to improve survivability is LITERALLY EVOLUTION! “Racemixing” is literally best case scenario for evolution.

Ethnic holes procreating with whites to breed out their subhuman genes = best case scenario. Said by someone who also claims to be pro-black just fucking lol.

Various Posters #racist #conspiracy gameruprising.to

(on a thread regarding hate-crime attacks on Asians)

(DaveA): The Handjob Massacre was an incel attack. It had nothing to do with race; it was about sex, and young men who aren't getting any. But the incel narrative is now out of fashion, so the media shoe-horned it into the white-supremacist narrative instead. White racism is to blame for everything. Our racist thoughts float out of our heads and drift around like evil spirits, causing all sorts of suffering to non-white people.

(Saint Bridget): I have lived in very close proximity to Asians and blacks. They are both terrible. While Asians will assault your ears with their scream like Ching Chong barks and nose with their smelly food and filthy public health behavior, blacks will assault just you. Like physically. Lol. Both losing situations. They really have no business being in this country.

(Colonel_Sledgehammer): Which is why I've always wondered how Anglin could spend so much time living among them. Try watching a news broadcast from China or Thailand and not wanting to hurl yourself off the tallest building you can find, LET ALONE live amongst them and have to listen to that shit all day long. Their language is like some super insectoid sound weapon from an episode of the original Twilight Zone series.

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist #homophobia #transphobia #sexist bloodandfaith.com

[From “Podcast: The New Pharisees Want to Outlaw the Bible”]

This is a great opportunity for Christians to preach the Gospel that is so offensive to the New Pharisees. The Word of God is for strong borders, unified blood lines, against homosexuality, endorses two genders only (and each must line up with their anatomy), the male as the head of household and in authority over the Church (Jesus never appointed a single female apostle) and (bonus) Jesus Christ railed against the Jews (“you are of your father the devil!”).

Christian, if you are ashamed of the the words of Jesus, then you will be an unknown person on the Judgement Day. We are in a special time — the Church is being called out by Our Maker. Either side with the Word of God or He will not acknowledge you in the presence of His Father.

Various Posters #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy #racist #crackpot thegatewaypundit.com

(on an article entitlted “Biden and Obama Work to Make America Into a Third World Sh**Hole”)

(El Gato Blanco): Obunghole, Xiden and everyone from their illegitimate administrations should be hung from a multi rope 1800's style wood frame gallows in front of the white house.

(Hiden Biden): Oboon is homesick, we should deport him along with Joe's illegals.

(Democrats are Evil Commies): Here's the bottom line. We've gotten too smart for government and their partners in the MSM, so they need to import millions of gullible low IQ filth to replace us so the population is easier to control. It will also be easier for them to implement globalist one world policies.

(Gunny G ❤️🗽 USA #1/BIDEN SUCKS): The end result is that Americans finally rise up, like we did in 1776, and end the Ruling Class, chase out the illegals of all types, and put the country BACK on the right track.

(Democrats are Evil Commies): Bath House Boy Barry and his senile pedophile puppet are actively and openly turning the US into a third world shiitthole and it sends thrills and tingles up the legs of all Democrat voters as they sniff each others farts and sip their soy lattes.

(Sam Adams): Latinos are incapable of running successful countries. Move the Latinos out and move Europeans into those same countries and in 20 years they'll be prosperous.

(El Gato Blanco): Obunghole hates America because his mother was a mudsharking white (wh) ore and his real daddy, Frank Marshall Davis was a communist who took dirty pictures of his mommy. His white maternal Grandparents were American hating communists. Kind of hard to love America when you grow up in such confusing Arrangements.

(Judy Tractor): Biden and Obama can't do it alone. Which 2% minority has Biden appointed to half of his cabinet positions? Who provides 70% of the funding to the democrap party? Who pushes the globo-homo anti-white agenda on every mainstream media outlet?

Juan O. Savin #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #racist forbiddenknowledgetv.net

The military, in certain areas has already made its decision. We are going to see – you can call it Valkyrie, Seven Days in May – or half a dozen other names but at a certain point, to protect America, they will have to act.

“That’s when the American people have to take a deep breath, pick a side and back our military leaders, as they go ahead and hand control back over to a lawful civilian authority, which – look, President Trump won the election. We know the numbers in reality. If he courts won’t recognize the stolen election, if Congress won’t recognize it, the military does separately recognize it but they don’t run a banana republic. This isn’t generals taking over America. We don’t do juntas, like they do in these banana republics.

“So, what happens is the Military Code requires is that, as quickly as safely possible, while protecting the Constitutional Republic, the American People, they restore awful civilian authority to control.
“You know, our enemies would love us to have a civil war, a race war, a gender war, confusion in any way and then to dismantle ourselves from the inside; burn our cities down, do whatever they want to do; screw up our industry.

“That’s THEIR plan. That’s not our plan. Our plan is that we have an orderly disclosure of the information, go to a lawful court. If you can’t get it on the civilian side, we’ll get it on the military side but we will get justice. We will get a lawful leader and then, we’ll begin the process of re-industrializing America, getting back to work; doing what Americans do and then, taking on these global cabals; these Bloodline families, who seek to enslave the whole planet in some James Bond-style scheme.

EastAsianSoutherner #racist chimpmania.com

[moderator’s note:]

Dear contributers, please do not submit any further quotes from chimpmania. They’re simply repetative crazy talk and no longer welcome on FSTDT. Any further quotes from chimpmania will be (and have been for weeks) deleted without comment or futher explanation.

Various Posters #racist chimpmania.com

(on a thread about an article regarding Southern white people having more black ancestry than the rest of the rus)

(Monkey Pez): I call bullshit. Not one nigger or nigger lover in my Southern line and I've gone way back in my ancestry.

(Frenchy): The "study" is a load of bunk, designed by nigger coddlers to humanize the nigger beast. Thanks, but no thanks. Whoever funded the grant for such a study was led down the primrose path.

(Casper): Bollocks I say. They done a study like this in South africa a few years ago. They were trying to do the same thing. They said that most of the Boers were also 2/3% Nigger. The Fcuktards are only trying to push the same agenda.

(Obongo): I call both studies bullshit and nothing but. White Southerners and Boers are NOT nigger and the niggers know that. Fucking nigger coddlers.

(Honey Jigaboo Boo): Same here. My family is from the south and we are as light skinned as you can get and full of blue eyed redheads in our family line, and we can trace our history back to at least 1415. We OWNED and WORKED niggers, we didn't muh dick them. It would have been the equivalent of screwing my lawn mower.

(white devil): Oh what a steaming pile of libtard nigger loving propaganda. We take our bloodlines very seriously here in the deep South and as such I know all about mine. I had a great grandmother who used to research our family history before you could do it online. She would go to the state capitol and dig through the archives. She researched our family all the way back to the 1500's and there was not one single burrhead nigger in the pile. Not one. Our family has been in the South since before George Washington came to this country and we are pure white. This "study" is nigger nonsense, right up there with flying gypshuns. I AM the South and damn proud.

David Cole #racist takimag.com

Here’s a simple truth that none of the analysts left or right are willing to admit: Prop. 16 was a referendum on blacks. Not “diversity,” not “identity politics,” but blacks. Everyone with half a brain understood that Prop. 16 was there to help blacks, and blacks alone. Asians and Latinos are doing exceptionally well in the UC system (Asians are overrepresented, and Latinos, represented at roughly their percentage of the population, outnumber non-Hispanic whites). Blacks are the ones who need the “special help.” They’re the ones who feel like they can’t compete without being given extra points for melanin.

Proposition 16 posed a question to the people of California: Wanna help a brother out? And Californians said no.

Asians said no for reasons of simple self-interest. For the average California Asian, this wasn’t dim sum but zero sum: A “leg up” for blacks means a kick up the ass for Asians. For every unqualified black who’s affirmative-actioned into college, a qualified Asian is denied.

For Latinos, affirmative action isn’t really their thing…because they don’t need it. Not due to academic excellence (à la Asians), but because Latinos get their way through numerical superiority, not begging, guilt-tripping, and bullying (à la blacks). They might use it when it’s there, but to them it’s a strategy, not the strategy. Whereas for blacks, it’s all they’ve got. Give Latinos an open border, and they’ll do the rest. It doesn’t profit them to give blacks special perks that come at the expense of the majority because in many California cities, Latinos are the majority.

Latinos see themselves as the future of the state. Blacks are the past. For Latinos, every current black neighborhood is a future Latino neighborhood. The sooner blacks move out, the better. So there’s no motivation to make it easier for them to stay. You wanna go to college, Ja’Marquis? Move your black ass back to the Deep South and your beloved HBCUs.

Edmund_Kemper & Lebensmüder #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

Venting fragile femininity is more common than fragile masculinity.

I always hear women say the most retarded excuses for their dating preferences:

*i cannot date a guy who is short. i want a guy who is tall it makes me feel protected, small and feminine and i don't wanna feel big or masculine by being taller than them

*i cannot date a virgin. i want a guy who can dominate and control me and be rough during sex and i like being extremely submissive. i don't wanna lead and be dominant.

*i want muscular guys because they make me feel small and feminine and can carry me around and protect me.

*i want men with deep voices because they can protect me and take care of me (i literally saw a woman in an article say she wants a man who can take care of her).

*i cannot date a guy with less sex partners than me (I literally heard a woman say that although she won’t date guy who fucked over 20 girls she doesn’t want a guy whose body count is lower than hers. If any guy said he won’t date a woman with more partners than him he’d be crucified.)

yet nobody complains about this. yet a guy can say "i don't really like the color pink it's not my style" everyone's like "omg u just fragile masculinity i'm gonna emasculate you by saying you're insecure so i can scare you into wearing pink!!!11

It's all projection. When black leftists call whites fragile that's projection - guess what, when we are called crackers/cumskins/etc. we move on or insult the person, we don't harass that person for years (unlike what they do when they are called the N-word/other racial slurs). When a faggot/tranny calls a heterosexual man fragile, it's projection - they suffer from breakdowns when deadnaming/wrong pronouns happen, not a heterosexual men when they are insulted by them. When a woman calls men fragile it's the same.

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL Man Confronts Daughter’s Ex-Boyfriend Who Admits To Physically Abusing Her

Clown world on steroids. Worthless white skank fucked him because he's a Tyrone-looking bad boy. She only wants tall hunk Tyrone to fuck her with his longdong. I actually have a lot of respect for this Tyrone dude, he handled her and her cuck father very well, like they deserve to be handled. And the stupid bluepill cuck dad blames it on the bro instead of his stupid whore daughter, lol. Eat shit and suffer, bluepillers.

(The Abyss)
I hear this shit, they pick these "broken badboys" & attempt to fix them, "he's a project". Well more often than not this is met with a beat down or him bouncing as he's sick of her shit but in the rare occasions they succeed they then quickly lose attraction as not only did they adjust the stuff they dislike but also altered the things about him they found attractive.

>father has a daughter, tries raising her right but obviously impossible in a state where public school (brainwashing) is mandated

>father tries fighting female nature and globalist shithole country brainwashing with discipline for his daughter, fails

>daughter grows up and fucks nigger, hates dad because society told her that not being able to do whatever you want is abuse, and if you don’t kneel for BLM you are literally hitler

Boyfriend: “Hmm dumdatdoodaa shiiet muhfugga”

>get invited to dr Phil show by nigger
>explain very understandable position including how nigger has been sexually harassing wife
>sheep don’t get it
>black halo too powerful
>nigger opens his mouth
“Dumdadodamuhfugga whut chu want sir”
>audience sheep clap for him
it’s over

To koniec #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel JBM

Just Be Med
White males with dark features ( dark hair, eyes ) are most desired males on the planet. If you are enough interested you probably heard that italian men are hot and rarely that swedish men.

But here are biggest blackpill. You heard that russian girls are beautiful and russian males are anti thesis, they are basically apeish troglodytes, same could be said about polish girls and polish men. Do you know why people think so ? Cause Russians and Poles have light features and men love light features on girls and foids hates pale blonde men.

You ,BBBBUUUUTTTT CAUSE THEY ARE SLAVS' they why nobody fetishizes south slavic women ? cause they have darker features and not to mention that south slavs have dark features and are heightmoggers

This isn't slavicpill btw just general phenotypepill

Its always a funny experience as a deathnic seeing threads complaining about how awful you have it with aryan features.

polish don't like aryan men, don't care about non-white whores i want white girl

Fancy Alcoholic & BladingEagle #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

(Fancy Alcoholic)
Ultimate proof of female privilege from the United Cucks of Americons

Car Thief Drinks Whole Bottle of Wine During Police Standoff

Funny things are :

- half of the police force of the county is reunited here only to wait that m'lady finishes bottle of wine
- yeah, you read it, cops are actually waiting that "she" finisehs "her" fucking bottle of wine to arrest her.
- it's not even a "she" to begin with, but as the dude is dressed like a foid, ppl feel the urge to treat him like a princess JFL

Unfunny thing though : if it was a dude looking dude, he would have been shot the minute he got out of the car.


and also, it's ultimate proof that black being oppressed in the US today is fake news. If you want to find oppressed black ppl in the modern world, just type "modern slavery in Middle East" on Google.


That's a nigga in a wig.

Transnigger now just put a Yamakah on him for max opreyshun points.

I would I could blow his nigger head off along with all the useless wigger cops who allow car thiefs to act this way

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #fundie henrymakow.com

A "protection racket" is a scam where an aggressor instigates an attack, blames a bogeyman, and then offers to protect the victim from this bogeyman in return for money and power.

The "War on Terror" is a protection racket. The aggressor is the world financial elite known as the "Crown" based in the City of London. Their instrument is the Zionist project, specifically Israel, the Mossad and its Neo Con allies.

The victim is the people of the United States and the West in general. The goal is the overthrow of Western Civilization, and the establishment of a world police state called the "New World Order."i
The Jewish elite regards the Jewish rank-and-file as pawns to be manipulated. "Anti Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren," says the author of Protocols of the Elders of Zion (9-2) a "forgery" that reads like the blueprint of the New World Order.
My hunch is that the central banking elite, using Masonic secret societies in the military and intelligence agencies, is responsible for 90% of terrorism. The purpose is to manipulate people into advancing the goals of the New World Order, which includes destroying true religion, nation states, democracy, race and family. In their mind, they have to destabilize and enslave us to protect their monopoly on government credit i.e. money creation.
Remember they are challenging the greatest power in the universe: God, or Truth as witnessed in the souls of all human beings. They are most vulnerable now on the 9-11 attack which they perpetrated. If we rise up as one to demand the truth about this atrocity, their obscene criminal enterprise will start to unravel.

Various Posters #crackpot #homophobia #wingnut #racist thegatewaypundit.com

(on an article titled “Satanic Rapper Lil Nas X Gloats after Satan Shoe with Human Blood Sells Out in Under a Minute”)

(WoodyBoyd): Please tell me no one is surprised that there are 666 idiots out there stupid enough to buy such evil products. There are at least that many who are buying ABORTIONS, why would it surprise anyone that there are enough to buy this evil.

(J.Moore): Only 666 pairs and it took twenty whole minutes, in a GLOBAL market? He should be depressed it took that long. I figured just the satanists in DC alone would staunch the supply in a second...Sad to say I'm actually ENCOURAGED by this news. The demon worshipers let us down. Oh, well - I guess more baby-murder is in order. The appetite of Moloch MUST be satisfied. BTW, if you're still wearing anything with a Nike swoosh on it - you can go rot.

(squidettevet): Over the years I've only run into a handful of witches and satan worshipers and none of them could afford a $1k pair of shoes. Half the people who bought these will resell them for more than this satanic butt pirate made.

(7026139906): Good! I hope all of the evil people on earth will fight to the death with each other over these limited edition shoes. Let them spill more of their blood over these evil shoes. You know it's going to happen. Kids were killing each other over Air Jordan's & still will!

(Sher): Lil' ahole gloats that 666 pairs of shoes sold, so we know there are 666 morons in the world. As ridiculous at 80 million people voting for pedo joe.

(mojojojo): How many hood rats will be murdered by other hood rats to steal these shoes? You can be proud knowing you bought them for them with your welfare EBT dollars.

(Gary Warren): Guess we know why the Democrat Fascist need an influx of untraceable children for the manufacturing process. Spirit cooking is also on the rebound, with fresh ingredients. And Planned Parenthood has a whole new line of special order organs, with 12 hour delivery guarantees.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

(Fancy Alcoholic)
Female cop VS Tyrones (1 V 10)

A female cop. That's not the funny part. The female cop was supposed to deal with ppl using public water illegally in the street to play with it, blocking traffic and making noise. So, she enforced the law. Lol, nope. She says she "understands it's funny" and then begs them to stop. Her nice tone convinced them. JFL, nope, she got sprayed and publicly humiliated by some Tyrones.

Female Cop Gets Sprayed by People With Water Guns

The situation is laughable af, but the comments are so cucked it becomes METAFUN: "Boohoo, m'lady was nice, why are they so bad to her!!!"

Imagine being so bluepilled you think this could have ended differently. Thinking you can reason a crowd of delinquants literaly commiting an offense in front of a cop without giving a shit. Those normie bluepilled fuck are so bad at understanding human nature I still don't know how comes the darwinian evolution didn't get us rid of their genes.

(trying to ascend)
Female cops JFL, they always need a male cop to do her job, they can't do their jobs alone. Instead of hiring a female cope who waste the time of male copes, why don't they just hire only male cops? Oh, muh equality

Worthless foid cop: check. Niggers being niggers: check. Police disrespected: check

You can't have the weak gender deal with anything, she gets no respect at all from these thugs. Should've sent men to do this job and have her prepare coffees. Just lol at the disrespect, just lol at her falling and just lol at niggers.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

"Teenagers are just children, bro" and "Females are the nurturing gender, bro" Two women, aged 13 & 15, attempt to carjack a senior curry and kill him

Teen girls charged with murder in failed carjacking of UberEats driver

Bet they were nigresses

Hmm, both sheboons and cumskins have that "I can do anything I want" mindset. Are there many sheboons in Virginia, though?

(Total Imbecile)
My first thought too and what do you know. White women are not high T enough to commit such low inhib crimes

Coon Coon.
Black Baboon.
Brutal, Worthless, Thieving Goon.
Often High Thrives in Jail.
His Welfare Check is in the Mail.
Some 40 Offspring have been had.
None will ever call him dad.
And Yet he Hollers Day and Night
“I Blames De White Man Fo My Plight,
It’s Him Who Spreads Trash All Around My Shack,
It’s Him What Makes Me Smoke Dis Crack,
He Push My Kind To Burn and Loot,
And Sends De Po-lice Dat We Shoot.
But Inch by Inch we Taking Hold
Like When De White Bread Starts to Mold
We’ll Overrun Yo Homes and soon
Dey Only Be Fit Fo De Blackassed Coon

JFL imaging being a Paki who is 66 years old and being forced to wagecuck for UberEats only to get killed by I suspect, 2 nigger girls.


holy shit, not only do these whores deprive you of every bit of happiness you could possibly have, but they also actively try to kill your ass off.

Women want all genetically inferior men dead, they'd kill us all if it was legal

(Transcended Trucel)

why the fuck whenever those shit happens you immediate know its negros?

they are most lowest inhib race, when they feel like taking or doing something they do it. everyone else will consider the consequences

epillepsy #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

The only thing that women excel at are childrearing and giving blowjobs.

women are better at breastfeeding, not childrearing.
they kill their infant children at rates of five times as much as men, and that's not counting abortions.
if abortions counted, they would kill children at a rate of more than 70 million to 1, probably.

Brutal. The abortionpill killed pretty much all my preconceived romantic sentiments about the beauty of a woman in motherhood. How callously they disregard the sacred bond between mother and child is one of the few things which is truly heartbreaking to me.

it's never been a sacred bond. there's so little commendable about women, so a "sacred bond" between mother and child had to be invented to pretend that women are capable of any kind of love at all. since it was so obvious women can't love men, it was decided arbitrarily that they must love their own children (otherwise we'd have to admit that women are incapable of love). this is not the case.

mothers despise their ugly children. think back on how your mother treated you and if that was a relationship of love or hate. they are very vain and hate seeing their own ugly genes as a constant mirror before them. only good-looking men believe in maternal love. and no hapa has good memories of his noodle mother, who despises her son for not being fully white. (i'm not a hapa)

Various Posters #racist #crackpot #fundie amren.com

(on an article about a study of how races supposedly exhibit facial expressions differently)

(Wake up): Can we do a comprehensive study of why Dogs overwhelmingly hate Blacks? Could Black facial expressions have something to do with it?

(San Francisco Cynic): Black faces seem to fluctuate between perpetual scowl and intermittent, animalistic contentment (watch them coming out of an all-you-can-eat buffet - or a trip to the bathroom, for that matter!). There is, however, a the third Negro look which is what I call the "Easter Island statue face" - revealing a being devoid of a soul or any indication of intelligence - just the plodding presence of a predatory, parasitic species completely absorbed with its current urges, lacking empathy, compassion, creativity, or intelligence.

(Love One Another M): Blacks' expression when one of theirs is caught in the act crime - deep anger and hatred for the police officers who caught him/her. 
Blacks' expression when one of their criminals get away with a murder of whites - loud screams of joy accompanied with jumping.

(ky_native): The white lady on the top right looks like a woman who got a whiff of a negro woman stepping on an elevator inundated with perfume. I admit that it is easier for me to read white faces versus Asian faces, but the Asian guy showing fear is a classic example of the Asian fear look (like when Godzilla appears). The Asian look of surprise on the woman is harder for me to decipher because 90% of their women look that way all of the time.
 Well for me, the white woman doing an expression of sadness wins the face contest. Boy...that is a really sad look! The white guy with a gap between his teeth looks happy, but he needs a banjo to play to finish off the look.

(HT): Races are different in more ways than just IQ. Asians are like little calculators but do not exhibit the independence or creativity to develop what whites have done in terms of discovery and inventions. Negros? Not sure what they have to offer.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “A "black day" for Miami Beach”]

As the Miami Open is set to begin, there's a minor problem in the area with niggers acting like niggers always do.

Walking out on the bill is SO common during spring break that waiters are now having to chase down patrons and tackle them on the street. Oh yeah and don't forget the women twerking and blocking traffic which happens on every street corner. But wait there's more

There's always more when tribal folks play tribal games.

[Drakeposting where "no" is used for "Beach crowds not social distancing" and "yes" for "Niggers violently getting into fights in restaurants (and the streets, and in airports)"]

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #fundie #racist #mammon brianniemeier.com

Seeing highly skilled but clannish and nepotistic invaders taking our high end jobs, low-skilled invaders taking our blue collar jobs, and unemployable savages beating and raping our women gives our rulers a rush of vicious glee. They firmly believe we have it coming, so they double down.

And yet, not even widespread noblesse malice fully explains the reckless hate directed at us by our rulers or the sadistic cruelty with which they not only seek to disenfranchise us, but to systematically remove all sources of joy from our lives.

Regular readers of this blog are aware of the premeditated alienation of their own audiences currently rampant in Hollywood and the comics industry. There can be no other motive for throwing a rock through a stained glass window than diabolical hatred of Beauty itself and the Truth that beauty reveals. We now know what we're ultimately up against. The enemies are sin and Satan.


Do not pay to see any new Hollywood films. There is, bluntly speaking, no excuse for paying the major studios, Netflix, etc. to insult you. Entertainment alternatives abound. Archive.org has a free library of classic movies you couldn't exhaust in a lifetime. They've also got tons of music and even books and short stories from the pulp era. If you'd like more contemporary reading material, find and support indie authors like yours truly.


If you have the talent and inclination, I strongly encourage you to begin producing works that will assist in preserving and rebuilding Western culture.
Self-publish a science fiction novel in the tradition of the pulps.
Get some friends together, rent a camera, and do some guerrilla film making.
Record and release a rock album that retains the genre's blues roots.
Produce an independent comic featuring virtuous men performing acts of real heroism.
Start a podcast or a vlog dedicated to some aspect of traditional Western culture.
Blog daily, offering constructive criticism aimed at helping other artists improve.
If you're not artistically inclined, support the creators who are.

Murder_all_muslims #homophobia #psycho #racist reddit.com

Islam is a religion for pedophile pig-fucking faggots. All muslims should be slaughtered or experience medieval torture. Muslims are inbred cancerous vile apes that fornicate with animals.

Muslims are fucking retarded and should be extermimated at all costs. Fuck you if you're muslim and fuck you if you disagree.

I hope china puts more mudfags in concentration camps and that americs bombs islamic countries more. I hope Israel and other keep murdering muslims. I hate all muslims. Muslims are subhuman pedophile garbage and must be fucking removed from the face of this fucking planet. Fuck muslims.

Islam is a cancer upon humanity. Drag all mudfags out of their homes and hang them high in tall trees. Also do the same who even feel a slight sympathy with these abominations. Kill all mudfaggots until there are none of these fucking parasitic, inbred aids-infected, cancerous ape muslim apes left. Torture them all.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

Jews are (yet again) enraged that BBC allows debate on whether Jews are an ethnic group

The Jews are an ethnic group whenever a situation demands it, or a religious group whenever a situation demands it. They are shifty chameleons always.

BBC debate on whether Jews are an ethnic minority group sparks outrage - The Jerusalem Post


““Imagine if I was Black and four white people were asked to judge if I was a member of an ethnic minority. It would be as offensive,” Benjamin Cohen, the Jewish guest, tweeted. Cohen is the 38-year-old CEO of an online newspaper for the LGBT community.”

Well, if you chose to live as a minority in a foreign country, then yes, you should expect to be judged by them. Mostly if you’re a parasite with a history of subversion against the people.

Funny how Cohen tries to compare his Jewish ethnicity to blacks.

Oh , it's always funny. What's not funny is how blacks can't see how they're being used as little good destructive soldiers and wake up to this fact.

Though some have started to take notice, far too many still associate Whitey and the Jew just the same as one .

(All white is all right)
Judaism is an ethnicity. Ethiopian jews are the same ethnic group as ashkenazi, right? No? Uh, I mean, judaism is a religion. Atheist jews and jews whose ancestors converted to Christianity are the same religion as practicing jews, right? Wrong again?

Oy vey! God is laughing at us again!

Transcended Trucel #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: SuicideFuel The incest prohibition destroyed me

[quote"@Total Imbecile thoughts?”

Based, I have yet to hear a valid argument against incest. People focus too much on "b-but muh inbreeding genetic defects". Cool, if youre just having sex for fun with no end goal of reproducing then thats not really a valid argument

even for reproduction can take multiple generations to cause problems given the family doesn't have any recessive/very bad genes. you can check Ptolemy Cleopatra bloodline, a shit ton of sister brother incest for 5-6 generations yet not negative problems and we're always able to find heir.

inbreeding effect go both ways. it can amplify bad effects, but can also compound good effects. it all depends on what particular genes got combined.

Jews are good example, they have done cousin marriages for generations as result they have very High IQ manipulative nature and strong community ties. but also have nasty noses and mental illness risk being higher than the goyim.

Pakistanis and Arabs are an example of where cousing fucking amplified bad genes and they had literally no good genes to begin with creating hundreds of millions of shitskin Subhumans deplorable trash with no redeeming qualities.

a good example is my mother, apparently cousin marriage was a thing in her bloodline for past 3 generations, guess what she ended up schizophrenic, has fucked toes on one foot and is low IQ, just smart enough to be functional with Jew pills. should have been sterilized

Hugo Boss China #racist google.com

[Hugo Boss made uniforms for the Nazi Party and utilized forced labor to make their uniforms]

The Chinese subsidiary of Hugo Boss appears to have gone against the German fashion brand’s corporate position on buying from Xinjiang, saying on Thursday it would continue to purchase cotton from the region.

“We have always respected the one-China principle and resolutely defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity,” the unit said in Chinese on Weibo, the country’s Twitter-like platform.

“Xinjiang long cotton is one of the best in the world, we believe quality raw materials would show its value. We will continue to buy and support Xinjiang cotton.” The post, however, seems to contradict a statement on Hugo Boss’s main website, which says the company does not buy any goods directly from Xinjiang.

A member of the communications team at its Metzingen headquarters was unable to explain the discrepancy.

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Serious I wish i was black.

I wish I didn't have to be a cumskin. i could have been a low inhib black guy. Fucking white, latino and black girls alike. I would have been cucking all the white men around me with my bbc. Then when I would get bored, I would get on incels.co and pretend to be an incel just to have a laugh at all those white faggots suffering. Instead, I have to suffer as a white men in the west, which is a pretty much guaranted inceldom in 2021.

doesn't klinefelters make you tall?

Not really dude. I'm 5'11.

I can guarantee that you were just on either reddit,twitter or blacked

Blacked is for cucks only. Seeing 2 girls 1 cup was less disgusting than seeing those apemen fucking my women.

Just be black and move to East Europe.

Just get beaten up by high T Slavs theory

Nothing would happen as long as you don't go to low class areas.

I got attacked in Poland for talking English on a bus , in a high class area and I’m white, imagine being black in Ukraine or something


(Blackcel rigth wing)
Dumb ass want to be part of the most poorest/weakest and dumb race on planet earth who’s history is mostly slavery from Arabs from the north and east, Jews, Europeans and now China. No one can denied what I just said it’s facts.

Op you’re really retarded but then again what do I expect from a genetic defect like you.

Dr. Dicklet et al. #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Stumbled across this on a fagbook group


Notice the list on the box.

What would your list be for the perfect woman? For me it's

Aged 13-16
Tight hairless pussy
Cooks and cleans


Aged 4-12
BMI no higher than 23
Virgin and kissless
Tight hairless pussy, absolutely no pubic hair (Disgusting)
At least 12 inch long hair, dirty blonde, red head, or brunette
Cooks, cleans, and walks the dogs
Smells good

thats all

Savage, but also incredibly based


18 - 20
Eastern Euro / Northern Euro / Persian mix
Can orgasm with both pussy & clit
Has her own interests
Not depressed / anxious
Not a princess

Who cares if they can orgasm or not

I like how it squeezes my cock.

At 18-20 yo, there ain't nothing going to be squeezing your cock...think guatemalan cave

Various Incels #crackpot #psycho #racist #sexist youtube.com

RE: Incelibate State of the Middle East and North Africa

Taking a deeper look into the 50% ethnic tax, SMV of Middle Eastern men and all the dangers awaiting them in the future.

(kira light)
I am Egyptian and I want to mention something you missed in the video of the Egyptian girls talking to the British guy who learns Arabic. One girl was asking her friends how to ask him about his religion in English. Muslim women marring non-muslim men is haram. A man she just met and she wanted to know whether she is allowed to marry him or not. That's absolutely brutal.

(Warsaw Cat)
I think there needs to be a video of latin america incels. White worshipping is unreal in there, every actor looks White/European. We often talk about rice and curry but never mention the beans.

(brad jb)

Can you make a video about women who hate white men but date and marry them?

Just go on Twitter and see all these brown and white liberal women that endlessly hate white men but if you dig in to their personal life, they are like a breeding stump for these white men.

(Kikuyu Kiiru)

When I was in high-school (in the UK), one of my friends (a white guy) was secretly dating a Pakistani Muslim girl. Her family found out, and the guy started getting death threats from her brothers/cousins/uncles. He was only like 14, as well, lmfao.

I had a bit too much schadenfreude reading that. That white boy needs to date his own.

(James Blue)
their just trying to stomp out the degeneracy of interracial dating. There's been a bunch of Muslims in the UK that have sent their daughters, nieces etc back to Pakistan because they secretly date white boys.

(Kwai Chang Caine)
This is the most honest hard hitting channel ever. Brutal is the black pill. When i was younger I always felt bad for the Asian guys because I noticed most pretty Asian girls were with which men. I didn't realize Indian and middle eastern guys were being passed over by their own women

Mainländer & Gog #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

Feminists and SJWs wrongly think that everything about humans is learned behavior and that we feel bad about inceldom because of patriarchal culture

They seem to think that we "learn" to feel bad about our inceldom because we are culturally patriarchal and thus hold ourselves to patriarchal standards (that, as a man, you must be sexually successful, fuck lots of foids or whatever). My desire to have sex is not cultural, it's biological. If it was cultural, I'd never ever prefer JBs over older women for instance, since the western culture I grew up in absolutely demonizes guys my age who want to have sex with teens. It's just that I find them more attractive (because my male straight brain is hardwired to find developed female body + neotenous face the most attractive combination, which has nothing to do with culture) and I also want my partner to be a virgin (which is biologically advantageous as a male).

I don't feel bad about my inceldom because of culture, I do because I have a BIOLOGICAL impulse towards sex and affection, which is not being fulfilled, all the while I SEE guys getting tons of sex and affection because they're good-looking, famous, atrocitymaxxed, etc.

Foids only think everything is learned behavior because all they know is sitting in front of the tv screen or they phone getting indoctrinated with kikejew propoganda.

It's not patriarchal culture hindering my attraction to landwhales and trannies, it's the fact being obese isn't healthy or attractive and having a male bone structure and a penis isn't attractive to me. Let alone having an open wound where your genitals should be.

We can verify this by analyzing man's life in a state of nature (without any societal influence), and see that all this is true.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

Verified Hate: How the Lefties Coped

Last week, a murderer killed two whites and six Asians. Countless media outlets reported that this was terrorism against Asians. The two whites don’t matter. On Monday, a Syrian-born immigrant known to the FBI and who thought “Islamophobes” were hacking his phone killed 10 people. Few media outlets noted they were all white. The President did not bemoan anti-white violence. Instead, he wants gun control. Barack Obama blamed “racism” for mass shootings. Unless he means anti-white racism, he must be blaming whites for their own deaths.

The corporate media tried to hide the worst scenes of slaughter after the September 11, 2001 attacks for fear of inciting “Islamophobia.” Now they give loving coverage to every crime committed by a white nut against a non-white, even if it had nothing to do with race. Our opponents can’t wait to blame us, even as their attack on policing has led to a historic crime wave that has killed hundreds of the non-whites they claim to care so much about.

Change of subject, but thread is worth reading; it’s a sign of rising Asian-American victimhood.

These might be small inconveniences to people. But our names are our IDENTITY. It's our HERITAGE. It's what we have left that remind us WHO WE ARE. WHERE WE COME FROM. My grandpa gave me my Korean name. It has a beautiful origin and meaning. I'm ashamed I don't use it today.

Countless white Americans, including my own family, Anglicized their names when they came here. It was a commitment to a new country. Yes, names can be signs of identity and heritage, and they are precisely what whites are not supposed to have. At best, we get a lame civic nationalism, while everyone else takes pride in racial and ethnic identities. Michelle Kim is making a whites advocate’s case. A nation is a people, not a passport, and blood is thicker than paper.

Captain Harlock #racist #wingnut #psycho telegra.ph

[From here and here on 6/2020]

Creating a white ethno-state in France… What an idea !

It would have seemed totally absurd 5 years ago
The demographic outlook in France is irrefutable: whites will be in the minority by about 2060
The situation in France is too serious for us to have time to waste by voting again for civic nationalists like Le Pen et al…
the fate of our country will be similar to the fate of Yugoslavia, South Africa or Lebanon
French elites are faced with this paradox: our leaders would like to avoid this violent break-up, but at the same time they want to be able to continue to import and provide social assistance to the millions of immigrants from Africa
A secessionist white republic is in many ways far more realistic than believing that a France populated by Congolese, Algerians and gypsies, supervised by transgender Jews, could be viable for Whites
Hence this great project that we propose: the White Secessionist Republic of Burgundy
Ethnically replaced cities like Dijon will have to be ethnically purged
If France collapsed, the entire EU and then the entire Western European bloc would undoubtedly collapse[…]voracious black hole that would definitively suck in all the leftist democracies that emerged from the Nuremberg Trials
Faced with the inevitable torrent of Hebrew bile that we will receive from the Lugenpress, we will obviously be entitled to the evocation of "Nazi mysticism". This is one of the reasons why we have chosen Burgundy: the myth already exists
Once the project is known to everyone and on track, all we have to do is wait

Various Incels #conspiracy #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Brutal How a fully defeated incel and consoomer looks like on Reddit

Transitioning as a form of political humiliation r/transmaxxing


I realized what a great idea this is. With Trump’s defeat, white race is finished. African population will explode and more "refugees" will pour into Europe. The reason it is guaranteed to happen is because the female half of the population simply prefers Black cock. Black men are cooler, sexier, better lovers. Instead of being angry that our tiny pink dicks can't satisfy women, whitebois should just start taking titty pills and giving blowjobs to refugees.

This is the brutal transmaxxing pill. Imagine being so desperate that you wanna be a girl and turn on your race. This is what (((they))) want us to become. The full effect of brainwashing and constant flow of media can be fully observed in this post. This makes me proud I'm an incel. Rather be alone than be a tranny and/or fucking other men.

(The Abyss)

Lmao >germantranny4bbc.bdslmr.com

Fucksake, did you read that shit, the Jews really brainfucked that cretin.

I'm a 28 year old German t-girl. The only thing that could cure my white guilt was to feminize myself with hormones to become a soft, weak sissy girl. I am EXCLUSIVELY into interracial porn and believe black men are the epitome of masculine beauty. I encourage every woman to go black as every woman deserves the type of sexual pleasure only a large black man can provide. I consider myself "BBC only" which means that I only ever date people of color. I welcome refugees with blowjobs.​

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