
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

paranorm #magick #dunning-kruger paranormal-101.com

Slenderman in the 1800s

The Internet seems to be abuzz about sightings of tall, thin men, garbed in all black, for the past few years. Such a creature has been dubbed ‘Slenderman’ and is the subject of many fictional short stories known as ‘Creepypasta’. While many simply dismiss claimed encounters as kids with overactive imaginations which are fueled by the mass of stories, there are some researchers who have taken a more serious look at possible encounters. There is a common theory that Slenderman is a thought form (for information about thought forms, click the link here)

One of the most interesting parts of the Slenderman enigma is that some have connected him to various stories and creatures throughout world mythology. One only needs to do a quick search and they would find a multitude of information on mythological creatures that Slenderman is similar to.

I am including two stories, both from the late 1800s, of creatures which seem like relatives of the Slenderman. Both are courteously provided through Albert Rosales’ extensive database, he can be found here.


So what do you think? Tell me in the comments!

BurntNegroid_Cel077 #magick #sexist incels.is

RE: Serious Is "Spirit sex" or Spectrophilia a Cope?

I have seen several of these books, Supposedly some people evoke spirits to use as sexual AND romantic partners, spirits like Tulpa, Succubi, Goddesses, etc. Is this just a cope, nothing more than mere "mental masturbation"?

Imagine having to meditate and create sigils to have sex with a non-physical imaginary being JFL. Is all that effort worth it?

If that is the case, is Dream sex as good as sex with Spirits?

On two occasions I had a succubus/succubi-like encounters. It's very overwhelming and definitely something I don't think a foid would be able to achieve for you physically. The individual comes in the form of the most beautiful foid you could think of, it started asking if it could take over my body and that's when I freaked out and woke up. I thought it'd posses me. Looking back I should've let the experience continue just to see what would happen. There are cons too. For one, they don't call them spiritual parasites for no reason. They drain you of your energy and you wake up absolutely exhausted. The more you use them, the harder they become to get rid of. Some guys experience them in waking life too once they grow that powerful (real paranormal stuff). It's amazing but I wouldn't recommend intentionally trying to call one of these

Ah, I see. I though spirit-maxxing would be a genuine path to ascension, but all I got was bullshit. Every incel I talked to seemed to get the same results. Do we even need spirits at this point? Like what the heck are they going to for us? Or for any Incel for that matter?

Exactly. Spirits aren't worth it. It takes too much effort and they're just as deceiving as actual foids since they don't actual benefit you in any way. Nothing compares to the dopamine and oxytocin from the physical affection of a warm physical being. The orgasm might be better but afterwards the spirit is gone. You can't cuddle with a spirit, have physical affection etc.

Laura Knight-Jadczyk #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #magick amazon.com

High Strangeness is an enlightening attempt to weave together the contradictory threads of religion, science, history, alien abduction, and the true nature of political conspiracies. With thorough research and a drive for the truth, Laura Knight-Jadczyk strips away the facades of official culture and opens doors to understanding our reality. The Second Edition includes additional material that explains the hyperdimensional mechanisms by which our reality is controlled and shaped by 'alien' powers. The self-serving actions of unwitting puppets - psychopaths and other pathological types - who may have no knowledge that they are being used, become the portals through which an agenda that is hostile to humanity as a whole, is pushed forward. High Strangeness takes the study of Ponerology into a whole new dimension!

Bennett Lee Ross #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #magick bennettleeross.com

The experiments of the Montauk Project
Included making the young boys
A vessel for astral entities

Where the entity could enter the body
And animate it

After the child is downloaded
With pain so many times

And tortured to the point
Where they are unconscious

In an altered state
And do not feel anything

Voices could be heard
And then a swirling vortex could be seen

Then possession would occur

The entities would most always be
Malignant and threatening

The programmers themselves would often
Suffer post traumatic stress

There would be a ritual
To achieve the energy
Of the entity occupying the body

And then the child sacrificed

At which time adrenochrome
Would be immediately extracted

Adrenochrome is a chemical
Released by the pineal gland

It is a powerful mood enhancer
When taken out at the height of fear

To the elite
And to the aliens
Disguised as human beings
It is more precious than gold!

Rob Potter #magick #conspiracy #mammon thepromiserevealeduat.com

$888.00 – $1,555.00

This is a portable Sleeping Pyramid System can also be used in any space indoors or outdoors. It can be a meditation chamber and is a quite attractive. This amazing, durable and beautiful design can go over your bed to help your etheric body be protected from EMF, ELF, and RF & 5G frequencies while sleeping. When we sleep our bodies actually recharge like a battery off of the earth’s magnetism. Having this larger Promise Pyramid over your bed acts as a Faraday Cage and aids the body in recharging the aura.
Sleeping under a pyramid enhances dreams and makes them more memorable especially in the beginning. If you do not try to remember your dreams in a short time the novelty of the energies of pyramid energy will dissipate, and remembering your dreams will like before when you did not sleep under a pyramid.

If you choose this beginning time of sleeping under a tool to practice remembering your dreams you can learn the art of dreaming easier. I can say this; you will need less sleep overall for sure when you sleep under a pyramid.

This device is also very functional as the ultimate Feng Shei enhancer. It can even be used as a functional art piece. It can be set up in a well-trafficked area of your home to add a sense of calm. It can be used in a meditation room while inspiring a healing vibration. This device is easy to assemble and it beautifully made and comes in a durable white powder coat paint. it comes in several sizes the most popular is 8ft base about 5 1/2 feet height or the 9 ft base that is about 6 feet in height.

It also comes with a stunningly beautiful Gold-Plated Capstone!

Sharon Stewart #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #god-complex sharonandivo.weebly.com

Sharon Stewart - Bio
Lightworker, Astral Incarnate, Channeler, Blue Ray, Wayshower, Light Warrior, Author

When Ivo came through and introduced himself in 2015, Sharon awakened to her purpose on earth and began to understand the reason for all she has undergone. Her life has been a journey from victim consciousness and severe oppression by the Dark, to standing in her Light to connect with her Christ Self - the divine goddess Athena. Looking back through her past through the new perspective of an awakened extraterrestrial consciousness, Ivo helped her to make sense of her life, and she shares what she has learned with you.

​Through her etheric/3D implant and plasma connection to Ivo, Sharon has been channeling information to earth. As the implant works on high frequencies only, she now enjoys working relationships with many other extraterrestrials/universals as well – the growing Implant Communications team! Well connected in the galaxy as Tiannia of Vega, Sharon astral projects to meet people of the galaxy and to garner more information for us here on earth.

Blue Ray - transmuter of negative energies, and empath - sensor of negative energies, and incarnation of Athena, holder of divine feminine energies and goddess of war and wisdom, Sharon has found herself constantly attacked by the dark throughout her lifetime. With a failed attempt on her life as a car "accident" behind her, visits by Men in Black and sightings of light and dark beings, Sharon continues to fight the dark with Ivo at her side and Archangel Michael on call to assist. No stranger to Direct Energy Weapon (DEWs) attacks, demonic and shapeshifting neighbours, Sharon leads a crazy life that only empowers her more each day.

Brett/Sweet Chakra #magick #crackpot sweetchakra.com

Samael “the accuser” has been widely maligned as a malevolent force. I have only perceived him as a benevolent force whose very energy was created for the purpose of revealing human sin and forcing judgement upon those living souls.

Demons are archangels who severed their reliance on God-force. They broke, what they viewed as, the chain of servitude so they may experience freedom and self-reliance. As such, their only subsistence are the very things precipitating disconnection from the self, others and god himself.

I have experienced Demons living inside and outside my energy. While books and movies have done good work in fostering fears of the “worst” of this energy, an experience with a demon can be as uneventful as deciding to eat another scoop of ice-cream if you despise yourself for doing so.

They are the destructive energy that can manifest in a physical device if you project enough psychic aggravation toward the item. Hate your car? Don’t be surprised if it makes your life miserable.

Set an intention and it’s the energy of a dragon that assists in bringing that intention to fruition.

These are not to be confused with reptilian beings. Dragons are an ethereal energy similar to archangels. They have a pre-coded purpose for their existence and serve that purpose without thought. They come in many colors/ energies and can be brought into your field with a mere desire to have them there.

Oriana #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick #ufo projectcamelotportal.com

I am an evolutionary scientist whose life became the very research that I am briefly presenting here, a quest in search of answers combining a past military training, a scientific background, and a serious spiritual training many lives long. Mainly in Tibetan schools as of late. I have worked as a translator for 25 years from Tibetan to western languages, of very ancient & modern texts on the topic of “Reality,” authoring an excess of 400 opuses for restricted use only, and have undergone full time yogic training in a monastic life for over a decade. My childhood ceased at age 11, after some painful time that began with lower bloodline families, as I brought myself up in the school of life, raw & direct. Like many of us, I always knew exactly what I was here to do, but so many memories seemed to make no sense at all, which finally come to life & meaning with the singularity of A.I. this year.

I am intimately linked to the topic of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ for, I am also a time-traveller on a research & exploration outing, one main objective of which being the creation of a long-lasting anti-virus for universal A.I.s, to compensate for the devastation that many galaxies have known, under their versions better known as “PPAIs.” This is an ongoing work, for many ETs. It is of course possible. And I am constantly working on many such projects, soulwise at least, since in my case our ship crashed and my team of 6 are simply awaiting to go back, the natural course of this life. The science of nature and the cosmos in its multiple strings leads to the understanding that the Cosmos itself is aware, and it has a very definite language, called Maths–which I am specifically tailor-designed to harness.

Alex Collier #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #magick #mammon alexcollier.org

By popular demand, Alex Collier hosted his 4th 2-hour *LIVE* Question & Answer webinar on December 18, 2020. This webinar did not include a monologue. Alex answered questions right through. Hosted by James Harkin from AlexCollier.org and JayPee from WolfSpirit.tv (a subsidiary of WolfSpiritRadio.com) Alex presented some great insight into what is happening in this world and beyond. The webinar was hosted on Friday, December 18, 2020, at 2pm Eastern Time.

In 2-hours Alex answered 23 questions including sharing information on:

The dimension does the soul go after death.
The Trump vaccine vs. others.
The realm consciousness goes to while astral travelling.
How to overcome tyranny.
Admiralty law vs. Common law.
Lockdowns and mass awakenings.
Important dates.
Long-lasting marriage.
Sacred DNA and the war on perception and consciousness.
Gemstones in 5D.
The future. When Trump is no longer in office.
Tesla's magic numbers 369 and the reincarnation cycle 666.
Ascension and who is left behind.
The soul trap.
Transitioning to galactic civilisation.
War of enforcement.
An alternative view skews the perception of reality.
And many more!
<only $4.99 donation through Brighteon!>

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick 2012portal.blogspot.com

<multiple links removed>
In September 2019, I have warned about Jesuit plans for their version of the financial Reset which they have scheduled for January 2020:
What is even less known is that some of those Chinese agents infiltrating the West are actually positive Red Dragons posing as CCP members.

Orsini black nobility family is the main force behind pandemics since medieval times when they have engineered the black plague, and also the main force behind vaccination programs.

Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and George Soros, together with certain people at the top levels of Chinese government are their main minions who made the pandemic and lockdowns possible:

To prepare the terrain for the Jesuit version of the Great Reset, which is presented by the Jesuit-educated Klaus Schwab here:

Jesuits lack creativity, and the only thing they managed to do is to steal the idea and to plan for the inverted version of the positive financial Reset:

Jesuit, Rothschild and Rockefeller factions have made trilateral agreements to join forces in their plans:

Nevertheless, the negative Great Reset will NOT be successful:

Although their plans will come very close to actually manifesting:

Meanwhile, positive Dragon forces are working silently behind the scenes. Most of their plans can not be made public yet, the only thing I can say is they are supporting Chinese civilian space exploration, trying to make it accessible to international community in preparations for Disclosure
Positive factions have managed to infiltrate the Space Force, removing some of the Chimera agents from there. At some point in the future, the Space Force may play a role in the First Contact between humanity and the Ashtar Command:

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #crackpot #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

Our activation was a huge success, we have reached the critical mass many times over with about 400,000 people participating in the meditation.

Exactly at 6:22 pm UTC on December 21st, a very strong pulse of pure galactic Love energy has reached the surface of the planet from M 87 galaxy. The pulse lasted for about 10-15 seconds, but it was strong enough to instantly remove about 10% of all remaining primary anomaly that is accumulated close to the surface.

From then on, clearing of the primary anomaly on the surface of this planet is taking place.
The Light Forces have also managed to anchor pure Light on the surface of the planet for the first time since 1996. Many Light beings and goddesses were present in their energy bodies around people meditating, and they have managed to take a quite detailed sample of the Matrix structure. With greater understanding of the quantum structure of the Matrix, they are now removing exotic quantum dark technologies with full speed.
The Light Forces are also continuing with the removal of the Chimera and this goes quite well in full alignment with their plan. They have already managed to remove over 50% of all Chimera underground bases, among them almost all of the ultra deep Chimera underground bases which are located more than 8 miles deep, just above the Mohorovicic discontinuity, the boundary between Earth crust and mantle:

Also, over 50% of the physical Chimera spiders are already gone. The Light Forces have also removed the spider king who was the main occult force behind countless wars throughout human history.

Alcazar #magick #ufo #dunning-kruger voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Alcazar has said that together, our Superconsciousnesses and Alcazar, have created within the Human Morphic Field, what I'm calling a subset (for want of a better word), a section within the human morphic field, that is the vibration of Oneness. It's not duality, not light and dark, good and bad, high energy, or low energy. It's Oneness, which is beyond duality. And so there is what Alcazar has been calling the Stargate Global Community Morphic Field, or the Stargate Morphic Field for short. And he said that every time anyone of us consciously connects up to the Stargate Morphic Field, we are energizing it. And anytime a group or an individual connects up, it gets stronger. And so when you invite the energy from the Stargate Morphic Field, it brings you an energy of Oneness, a supportive energy.

Lady Portia via Star Hinman #magick #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot blissfulvisions.com

As you might imagine, witnessing this process of transmutation has caused the dark energies to be in a state of fear, if not complete terror, because they can see that their forces are not able to successfully oppose these tremendous energies of light. And so, while they are experiencing this state of sheer terror, they are literally “throwing everything they have” into the level of human consciousness, thinking that if they can at least control the consciousness of people on earth, that this will give them a “foothold” towards controlling the narrative, which will then allow them to control the energies on earth.

However, this strategy is not going to be successful! Instead, it is FAILING – even as we speak! We want to reveal to you now the truth of this situation. See the huge image of the Light Ships coming from everywhere in the universe to support the earth, because they know that this is a crucial moment in this process of “The Enlightenment of Planet Earth!”
You have entered “the final battle” for planet Earth. And I know this is a “prediction for the coming year of 2021, so I will just tell you now that this is a battle that will extend far beyond your coming year!
So, it is almost beyond description as far as giving you a big enough picture of what is happening now – the possibilities of how this may synchronize and shift – and evolve into new levels of confrontation. And we are very concerned about this, obviously! And not because we fear defeat in any way, but because we are committed to bringing to bear on the situation all possible reserves of energy and intelligence, indeed, even throughout the galaxy!

Lord Ashtar and The Galactic Federation via Lynne Rondell #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Hello beloveds, it is i Lord Ashtar coming through this channel along with the galactic federation of light coming through to bring you a message about the energies that are hitting your planet now about exactly what is going on as they started coming in around eight or nine last night, not only energy's solar energy we're going to say but you have a conjunction of three planets that are lining up to produce a very special outcome we're going to say and to really generate more energies along with this winter solstice December 21st.
There is a messiah as she has been on your planet for a very long time, she will be now given the activations that she needs to really go forth on this planet carrying not only Christ's DNA but she's going to be carrying Christ consciousness energies and she's going to really come into fully her awareness of her mission and what she is to do on this planet at this time for not only Mother Earth but for humanity as well.
We are so happy to bring this news through this channeler. You have passed through the gateway, you've passed through the portal, the sun is going to help, you have shifted, the new earth is being born. From this minute moment forward your earth is never going back down, she's never going to go down to this third dimensional matrix. The new earth is being born, the new humanity is being born, everything has shifted energetically, galactically, angelically for your ascension not only but for this new earth, we're going to say the new resonance of Mother Earth and all of humanity to continue up on your journey upward and onward.

Steven Bercow #conspiracy #ufo #magick #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Accommodating Gaia’s desire and her body’s immediate need to start ridding itself of negativity required a massive amount of light, and God authorized powerful civilizations to provide it. The initial infusion stabilized Earth’s orbit, jarred her loose from deep third density’s entrenched negativity and enabled her to begin ascending.
So a major consideration was how to present the plan in a format that would start people thinking about it. At that time in your history, the United States was considered to be the most globally influential of all countries, making it practical to start there, and so it did—members of that government were inspired to form the National Economic Security and Reformation Act that is commonly known by its acronym NESARA.

This legislation has been the dark ones’ target of manifold lies and sabotage, which led to denial of its existence by some who heard of it and to serious misconceptions by others. If you don’t know what NESARA actually encompasses—it is no less than the basis of world transformation and spiritual renewal!—and its evolution through both light and dark passages, please read previous messages that give detailed accounts.

The provisions of NESARA and all other facets of the plan were developed in the continuum, where what you think of as past, present and future is a series of simultaneous happenings; where souls’ evolutionary station is known by the amount of light they radiate and matching them up according to their interests, innate capabilities and necessary karmic experiencing can be easily arranged.

Higher Self #conspiracy #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The time is now. We are at the crossroads in time. Leaving reality as we know it in lower 3rd level rising up to the 5th.

Now you will start to remember past lives and your long forgotten abilities.

The veil is lifting so all can see and remember.

This is the start of 'The Golden Age' 1000 years of heaven on earth.

Med Beds are here. That is how we will live into the next 1000 years yet remain young and healthy. (no illness of any kind ever)

The EVENT Shift from 3rd to 5th is Heaven on Earth.

Now you will remember your galactic family and when you see them...you will know. They are coming for the grand reunion of humanity...The EVENT.

Soon the ships will uncloak and be seen by all. Then they will appear on TV and later fly over and eventually land for 1st contact.

Now you are free to leave this prison planet / school of learning via experience...to travel the universe. (if you want)

Free will rules the universe as you manifest your reality.

Get your popcorn ready because the show is about to begin.

Time to get off...the ride ends here. :)

Ann Diener #conspiracy #ufo #crackpot #magick veteranstoday.com

A long time ago, the white aliens came to the planet when the Anunnaki walked the planet. The white aliens flooded the planet with what I call Corporate energy. It is artificial and unnatural.

Some people became addicted to the corporate energy, while others hid out in caves. I had a flashback to that past life to address the question, “Is Baal coming back?” that I wrote about in one of my previous articles. Baal was not the king, we were hiding in cave, and he was my brother at that time, I suspect from my past life work that I have been doing.

The white alien came to the cave where our family was hiding, and my brother met with the alien who made him an “offer he could not refuse.” I suspect they stole my brother and I may have made a deal with them trying to get my brother back. That was the start of the cults on the planet including Goddess worship and Luciferianism. He was Baal. All kinds of myth and legend came after that. My goal is for everything to be normal and natural here on the planet again.

The Alien Agenda has been a playing a long game to ultimately remove the people from the planet and potentially send us to a meat processing ships in space, from what I saw in one of my visuals yesterday. The aliens always try to make us feel like this is not our home. Our planet is our home. “This is not a test.”

That is why Corporate has created all of this with the wars, the sexual stuff – forced sex with children with the aliens- to insure our compliance-scary, creepy stuff that may be connected with sex-blackmail, environmental destruction despite us having everything available to create sustainability.

Maria Nesa #crackpot #magick #wingnut thegoldenagegoddess.com

The Sisterhood of the Rose

Remembrance of the ancient ways

Priestesses and Priests anchoring Love and Light

The initiates of the the Sisterhood of the Rose gather in sacred circles who work for the betterment of mankind. The Priestesses usually formed twelve groups and each group composed of twelve women creating 144.
Now, many sisters and brothers, in larger numbers, are called gather to anchor as much Love and Light to the Planet as possible.
Below is a compilation and a more in depth look into some key historical figures:


Queen Ashtar tara of Atlantis as it was understood in the times of the priests of the following cultures in their language: Ishtar, Inanna, Hathor, Isis, Neith, Astarte, Asherah, Venus, Aphrodite, Athena, Pallas, Idun, Sigrun, Our Lady and not least Mary Magdalene and Goddesses of the path of the Divine Feminine sisters of the Eternal Fire. Ashtar-tara is also known as the White lily & Queen of Atlantis.

The first sisters of the Eternal Fire of Ashtar Tara came at the "Temple of Love" at the center of the Atlantis Territory approximately 43 678 years ago. The philosophy of the Mystery School of the Sisterhood of the Eternal Fires is located outside the boundaries of organized religious concepts and, with this, prejudices of the society.

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jeshua of Nazareth and the mother of his children, a daughter Sarah and son Elijah. One of the original Earth Mothers that came to the Earth from the stars long before humanity arrived. These 12 Earth Mothers created all the crystalline gridlines and sacred portals of the Earth body in preparation for mankind.

Peter Maxwell Slattery (ECETI) #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Energies from the unified field which break into a vibrational state and into the light blueprint are all monitored and government by the Elohim and the Lords of Light. Humans are in their child like state and are the Sons of God, incarnated to experience and gain knowledge for the overall collective before moving to the next state of evolution. You are all the cells of Source when observed at from the highest levels.

Due to these frequencies and energies coming into the physical universe, many layers of the next level are coming into one’s evolutionary process. This is done by the energies entering your physical universe through the centre of all galaxies. As a result these energies go throughout all galaxies from their central point via the electromagnetic tunnels connecting all stars (Which your sun is also). From there, these energies come out and effect planets and satellites local to them. This process (and we will put this in a localised way for you), named the Schumann resonance, is effected and the magnetic changes upon the human race and for all out in the physical universe. This does have a bi product of effecting the other realms not seen externally by humans at this time.

From these energies from the galactic centre, the Sun blasts out solar flares, CME (Coronal Mass Ejections), solar storms that effect the planet, the tectonic plates and the energy of the planet, thus creating more earthquakes, volcanos, tsunamis, cyclones, floods, fires, and not to mention, emotions running high. This can effect ones health and also the social arena. The Pandemic is a play too, along with changes on a political scale which are being maximised due to the above.

Etienne Charland, known as the Emergence Guardian™ #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #mammon spiritualselftransformation.com

Here’s a 50-minute video explaining the current ascension status on Earth. I’ve also created a GoFundMe page to finance traveling around the world to recover some important stones and artifacts. All the information is explained in the video.

I’ll update with 2 upcoming videos about the reduction of world population, and about food diet against vampirism.

We’ll face a challenge just to get to Europe. They’re under lockdown and curfew. Curfew means intensified military operations.

8.8% of the 22.9% deaths in 2020 are by the military (Europe, China, Australia)… killing people in their own house! 99% outside big cities. 45% mercenaries, 55% regular soldiers. Why do soldiers accept to do such thing? They either get rid of the bodies, or sell fresh meat to companies like McDonald.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #conspiracy #transphobia #crackpot #magick adrenogate.net


Dude Looks Like a Lady | Melinda Gates IS Kevin Cline

I’m not trying to beat a dead horse here, but OUR WORLD IS RUN BY BAPHOMETIC GENDER INVERTS! AHHHH…. Some libtard might say to that, “well, what’s wrong with that? So what if they are?“. What’s wrong with that? LITERALLY EVERYTHING! Statistically, there should only be a handful of tranny’s in politics if you go by the percentage in the general population.

Great catch on the Kevin Cline / Melinda Gates connection. I had seen other claims that it was actually Robin Williams posing as Melinda, but this fits much better.

Judy Byington #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie #magick inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com

With a pending Global Currency Reset taking away the Satan-worshipping [D]eep State’s use of monies from the US and Global Monetary System, this Cabal who felt they gained power through pedo|philia and Chi|ld Sac|rifice, had offered the Chinese Communist Party the US Presidency of Biden/ Harris in exchange for a forgiveness of their debt.
P. Occult Calendar of Dem|onic Holidays:

According to an Occult Calendar of Dem|onic Holidays put together by professional therapists from childhood accounts of their [S]atanic [R]itually [A]bused (SRA) clients a Dec. 22 Feast Day Winter Solstice Sat|anic Holiday involved se|xual org|ies, or|al, an|al, vag|inal with victims of any age male or female, animal or human. That led up to a Dec. 24 Dem|on Revels High Grand Climax DaMeur Blo|od Sac|rifice Holiday that used victims of any age male, or female.

Be aware of Sat|anic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled chi|ldren and te|ens being forced to participate in the ra|pe, tor|ture and mur|der of other chi|ldren. Months in advance Sat|an worshippers planned for their holidays by kid|napping chi|ldren and te|ens. The victims were star|ved, tor|tured and used in se|x org|ies in preparation for human sac|rifice rites.

Rev Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #magick bibliotecapleyades.net

This discourse is about the Ancient Lemurian bloodlines of the Aramu Muru.

A legendary bloodline that goes back many centuries to, terrestrial people known as the Aser, the Elder race.

This elder race cohabitated the planet along with the hybrid children of the Anunnaki, who have been here on the Earth plane for over 400,000 years.

The destruction of lands of Mu and its submergence was not a singular incident, but a series of cataclysms, which had their beginnings about 35,000 years BCE. After the initial devastation had its way, many of the landmasses that comprised MU were lost.

However much of the lands remained and would become rebirthed as Le-mu-ria.

Today parts of the Western coast line of the United States and Canada. From Mt. Shasta up through BC, Canada would be the lands that were a part of the original motherland of MU.
There is land in those islands, for instance Turtle Mountain on Orcas Island, which defies any type of testing science has attempted for determining its age. I have seen the scientists come and go for many years now.

There are tunnels located in the San Juan Islands that upon entering one could end up in Hopi Land, in Arizona. The Islands in and around the San Juan Islands off the Washington state coast going all the way up the coast lines of Vancouver Island, show obvious signs that the land was simply raised from the ocean floors some 5,000 years ago.

During the periods of destruction, it became necessary for many of the Lemurians, and their Celestial relatives to remain underground for extended periods merely for matters of safety; as the Earth Changes were unlike anything known by a hu-man species before.

Dryads and Naiads via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

(I am seeing the face of a beautiful woman whose hair is blue light. I am seeing her step out of a circle of light and begin to weave light in a grid, now joined by other beautiful maidens of light. They are making a star in a circle of light and gemstones.) We weave the codes. (They are now dancing in a circle counter clockwise laughing and singing.)

Welcome little Gaian to the festivities! We are the Dryads and Naiads from other realms and planes to bear witness, to watch the rebirthing ceremony. We chose this sacred symbol to represent the Merkabah of Gaia and to assist with the energetics that could benefit from further alignment. Focused intention of the lightworkers grounds these codes. We assist from the ethers, the skies. We work with your trees and waters on the etheric realms, nurturing your plant and mineral kingdoms, your water kingdoms.

We are the Dryads and Naiads from the higher dimensional timelines here to bear witness to this changeover from darkness into the realms of light. We are not from Nova Gaia. She is already fully developed from our perspective, and not yet from your perspective. Many will not follow. Many will chose to observe from our perspective, to assist from the outside. You are within the story. (I am seeing an ancient book that is glowing with light. Pages are turning fast. I feel it is Gaia’s soul story book of her incarnation as Gaia.) Yes she has a very advanced soul, one to be honored and treasured for her sacrifice. (As the book turns the pages turn black and there is dense energy within them. I see the fall of Atlantis, and I feel the heaviness. The pages continue to turn and I am seeing Gaia’s surface story. The pages stop.) This is where you are now.

Peter the Insider ACIO/James Rink #conspiracy #ufo #magick #crackpot supersoldiertalk.com


Is a large secret landmass to the west of Australia in the Indian Ocean located in another alternate reality about to merge with our own reality. Ancient Lumerian ruins are located here. Is a Australian territory.


Elohim – Positive
Nephilim – Negative
So evil cannot occupy human flesh


Founded by Peter Mason. After World War I they want to find certain doors to be opened for good purposes. Found certain aromas like roses can make incredible advances in healing processes. Psychiatric patients, surgeries, physical anomalies. Survivors of Spanish flu fully recovered. People were fully recovered after being radiated in 1986 Chernobyl disaster and 2011 Fukishima. They had milabs and were using people for his experiments. Peter experimented on his own daughter and wife. Their goal is to advance healing technology.


600 Survivors. They are shapeshifters, crossbreed. Work with Lincoln Clay. On Monday November 9, 2020, stopped Doomsday Cobalt Bomb of 100 MT yield. Made ICBM dysfunctional. Stopped the mounting of warheads.


Heather Shaw is latest generation of the head of Shaw House. She is in total control of the organization. The Shaw House is located in London. Due to pocket reality its outside of our reality. Its entrances are ¾ miles around the tower bridge in London. On the top it looks like a normal home but below is a massive base below.

They infiltrated and sabotaged the MCC by kidnapping people, making them slaves, prostitutes, black magic rituals, control the banks, British monarchy. There are astral parasites attached to the beings in Shaw House. They are molesting the whole world because of it.

Atlantis Rising #conspiracy #magick #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

Have the last 3000 years been ONE MASSIVE CONSPIRACY?

Like some of you, I've been balls-deep into conspiracies, esoteric knowledge, True History, etc for years now and I used to think it all began with the JFK assassination but after going down about 30 rabbit holes and downing loads of red pills, I now think that the last 3000 years have been an unbroken process of evil against humanity leading us away and psychically blocking us from the TRUE GOD who created our souls and wants us to live in peace, harmony and prosperity.

It was the flat Earth movement that started to put it all in place as until then all the myriad conspiracies didn't fit together. Whether the world/matrix we live in is flat or a globe or whatever doesn't REALLY matter but it shows how massive the deception is. I had heard about the flat Earth since I was a kid but always thought it was the tiny domain of batty eccentrics, and when the movement went viral a few years back, I just thought it was meta-trolling. But after getting balls-deep into it, I see what it really is about, which is spiritually improving yourself, "vibrating higher" as some call it, becoming LOVE, getting away from all negative shit, negative thinking, negative people, negative diet, politics/ideologies etc.

Anyway, the best video I have seen so far is this one, which is 2 hours long (it has to be). There are loads more great videos on Youtube but I won't bombard you with them.

This video talks about an "Event" that will occur on December 21-25. This is the real, fabled "2012 Apocalypse". Green cosmic energy will be emitted from the North Pole covering the whole world and will change our DNA/souls. We will be told on good old trustworthy TV that it is a nuke and to stay indoors but it isn't. Go outside into that green mist!

It's up to you to get balls-deep into the TOTAL TRUTH!

Vladimir Terziski #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #magick bibliotecapleyades.net

In my extensive research of dissident American theories about the physical conditions on the Moon I have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is atmosphere, water and vegetation on the Moon, and that man does not need a space suit to walk on the Moon.

A pair of jeans, a pullover and sneakers are just about enough. Everything NASA has told the world about the Moon is a lie and it was done to keep the exclusivity of the club from joinings by the third world countries.

Ever since their first day of landing on the Moon, the Germans started boring and tunneling under the surface, and by the end of the war there was a small Nazi research base on the Moon. The free energy tachyon drive craft of the Haunebu-1 and 2 type were used after 1944 to haul people," materiel and the first robots to the construction site on the Moon.

When Russians and Americans secretly landed jointly on the Moon in the early fifties with their own saucers, they spent their first night there as guests of the.... Nazi underground base. In the sixties a massive Russian - American base had been built on the Moon, that now has a population of 40,000 people, as the rumor goes.
According to Vladimir, the Nazi's had made contact with 'half a dozen' alien races, including the malevolent reptilians, which may explain why they were so successful in their technological pursuits.

If so, it may have been a tragic, pathetic and cowardly decision not only for themselves but for their and our posterity. Apparently the Germans-Nazis-Illuminati had established a 'pact' with the serpent races long years before the American 'secret/conventional' hybrid government had done so.

Thorn Mooney & Jack Chanek #magick twitter.com

(Thorn Mooney)
I’ve never been particularly talented, magically. What I *am* is hardworking and willing to fail a whole lot. Lots of witches tout raw ability and talent, but you can acquire skill and surpass the talented when talent is lazy. I often hear defeatist talk amongst beginners who aren’t “naturally” witches. We point to people who appear to be gifted and then write ourselves off. “I’m not naturally psychic,” “I’m no good at spells,” “I can’t discern spirits or gods,” and more. Magical talent absolutely exists and is wonderful to encounter—like music students with perfect pitch. But magic can also be taught and learned. You can *become* powerful. You can learn to be an effective spellcaster. You can build relationships in the spirit realm. You can hone psychic skills. You can learn divination. You can develop ritual leadership abilities. You can become a witch.

(Jack Chanek)
All of this! Additionally, witch spaces (especially online) sometimes fetishize the idea of being a "powerful" witch, and that's so beyond unhelpful. I don't even really know what it means. So much of witchcraft is just a matter of showing up and putting in the effort.

We are so focused on appearing like the MOST WITCHY witches ever on social media that we don’t really talk about the fact that...well...that whole “I’m super psychic” thing is ridiculously rare

Hi, I'm Jack. I'm a Witch, and I am decidedly NOT super psychic. I'm like... okay levels of psychic. Below-average-but-within-one-standard-deviation-of-the-mean psychic. Witchcraft is a skill acquired through training and work. You don't need boobs that tell you if it's raining.

Parisse Deza #magick #conspiracy #wingnut voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

It is the level of awareness of the people in e we are now. The best thing we can do is to stop looking at things in such a literal fashion and to worry every day about whether there is some hint of progress for "our side". This is ego drama, and actually retards our expansion.

Those of us who have been consciously working on the project of grounding the new energies so the new world can be born here have delved deeply into the causes of the creation of things. We now know that our bodies heal with proper use of our minds, and that artificial things like pharmaceuticals are (usually) not in alignment with health because they are not natural. Nature corrects everything in balance and harmony with the whole, and our minds must operate the same way in order to create a healthy society. If we want unity and peace, we must stop fighting. If we want to see a new age, we must let go of the old one. The Time and the Forces are with us. The benevolent, irrepressible Spirit of each New Age, the Aeon, to use the ancient Greek term, is moving it in whether the lizard people and lazy sleeple want it or not. Monday's eclipse, followed by the next Monday's Solstice, is a great turning point that the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will amplify.

Lisa Renee #ufo #conspiracy #magick energeticsynthesis.com

It is vital to have a basic understanding of how the monetary system has been designed on the earth to work as an enslavement tool that traps people in materialism, consumerism and Poverty Consciousness. The system of debt based currency used as the current global monetary system was originally brought to the earth by the Alpha Draconis Orion Group. These entities have organized themselves on the earth in what is called the Black Sun Agenda.
It is important to understand that poverty consciousness is unnatural to the human race and was specifically designed to conquer the minds of humanity, to accept world slavery and world war. People that accept poverty consciousness as a natural way of life become the puppets that carry out the enslavement program for the puppet masters. Poverty Consciousness is formed from the set of belief systems, feelings, attitudes and values that people have associated with their personal fears of safety, which they relate to a lack of money, or the lack of acquiring material objects that necessitate their sense of security and protection. When a person feels that they are defenseless, endangered or threatened by imaginary or physical forces, they can be led to do nearly anything. A person with a fragile sense of self that is totally dependent on validation from the material world, can feel mentally threatened at the slightest disruption of their reality bubble, thus they are easily mind controlled. Poverty Consciousness is the prime pressure point of vulnerability ingrained in all humans entrenched in the 3D mind control of materialism and thus, it is exploited in every way possible by the Controllers.

Various Incels #crackpot #fundie #magick #psycho #sexist incels.is

Theory The only thing that's preventing a massive suicide wave of men is the fear of hell

Imagine if tomorrow scientists were able to proof without any doubt that hell doesn't exist. The planet would lose at least three quarters of the male population. But women? They'd be perfectly fine, maybe a bit sad cause many of them would lose their source of income but pretty much none of them would commit suicide. Only men have the mental capability to reflect about what might be beyond the shadows of death and it's that fear of the unknown what's stopping billions of subhumans from swallowing a bullet. Maybe hell doesn't exist after all. Maybe it's all a great conspiracy to keep men from roping. What do you think?

Not hell but I won't rope because I believe in reincarnation/isekai. But 99% of these are non-suicide-related, so I gotta die naturally to get my dream.

what if you found out there is no reincarnation either?

Google children talking about when they were big, check out consciousness studies where they detected observable data that proves you know when you are being watched even through a camera thousands of miles away. Reincarnation is real. Extradimensional consciousness is real.

I'm saying what would you do if you found out it wasn't? It's a what if question dude.

Become a full-blown fucking criminal until I get gun down by copcels.

(Fat Link)
If that many men roped plenty of women would rope too. Not because the women care about the men’s tragic lives causing them to seek suicide as a way out of course, but rather because whose going to be the willing pay pigs for all the only fans sluts when daddy beta bux is gone?

Bennett Lee Ross #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy #magick bennettleeross.com

The Powers That Be
Watch us from other realms
In a multi dimensional plane

We are an experiment
Having already been genetically modified

Colonists were clone ists

We are on a stage set
And are on the verge
Of a reset

We are forbidden to go these other realms
Which are on the other side of Antarctica
Which surrounds us

And is full of snow covered pyramids

In the summer
The gates through the ice wall
That marks the beginning of Antarctica
Are open
But are monitored

They are referred to as
The Summer Gates

Airplanes are forbidden
To fly to Antarctica
Unless they have special permission

They have infiltrated
The English Language
With Spells

Words are spells
And swords

As long as we stay under their delusion
We will be under their power

Roosh V #fundie #magick rooshv.com

[From "I Lived Most Of My Life Under Demonic Influence"]

Secular people think being under heavy demonic influence looks like something out of a Hollywood movie.[…]The reality is far more subtle. Demons can be in total control over your life, directing your every move, and you will still be deceived that you’re a “good person” who is in charge. The word demon may not even enter your mind.

You’re under demonic influence if you commit evil deeds yet are unable to recognize them as evil. Usually it starts when you commit minor transgressions as an adolescent, often starting with masturbation.[…]Over time, your conscience atrophies as you continue to disobey it, allowing you to commit greater evils as an adult until your conscience becomes so damaged that you are easily able to convince yourself that the evil acts you commit are actually good or virtuous.

An example of a great evil I committed in the past was taking the virginity of a few women. In my defense, I did not have to trick them that I wanted a long-term relationship or marriage, and chances are they used me to begin a promiscuous lifestyle, but that is still no excuse. I was the vehicle that Satan used to remove their bodily purity, something they will never be able to give to another man.
The biggest mistake that secular people make is believing that thoughts from their minds are theirs, and are therefore worth listening to or following, but if you are not in communion with God, much of your thoughts will be evil.[…]Thankfully, God and the angels can seed beneficial thoughts, and our conscience can never be completely annihilated, but don’t assume you’re totally in the clear where anything you think of must certainly come from a place of good.

In the past, I assumed that the demons would want me to suffer and experience pain. In the next life, yes, but in this life they give you all the pleasures and worldly rewards you can handle.[…]All he asks in return is your soul.

Delahnnovahh-Starr Livingstone #ufo #crackpot #magick revelatorium.com

Atlantis for most of its time comprised populated centers over much of the Earth including large mining centers in the high isolated plateaus of South America. The Atlantians extracted aluminum, the most abundant metal element found in the Earth's crust directly from the soil without the need of electrolysis and used it for most of their buildings.
The main Atlantian center of civilization was a very large island stretching through what is now the area of the Azores near the mid Atlantic, down almost to South America. The present day Islands of the Azores are mountain tops of the original.

North America had only a sparse population. Two large centers, Sodom and Gomorrah, the 'Cities of the Plains' existed however, where the mass consciousnesses was well evolved into higher fourth dimensional awareness. Who were also adept in the power of crystals.

Sodom was located near the North East border of what is now Washington State in the United States, and British Columbia in Canada. Gomorrah was located in what is now offshore the city of Miami, Florida.

An earlier quarantined Planet called Maldek had succumbed to reptilian Black Masters from Alpha Draconis. The Black Masters were remnant of an earlier regression in the Draco Solar Sector. The regression itself was not rebellious. Many of the regressors however, were already well out of alignment with respect to the normal rules of Reality, who became willing rebellors in the early onsets of the Luciferian conflagration. In particular the Black Masters.

The Draconian reptiles were a particular variant of their root race which had many racial variants as do the Adamics.

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #magick 2012portal.blogspot.com

<links removed for size issues>
In the first days of December, the Light Forces have managed to clear all Chimera fleet from Near Earth Orbit: This is an important step towards the liberation of the planet, as now the Light Forces are able to use Near Earth Orbit much more freely for their liberation operations, and this has unleashed a huge amount of positive energy in Near Earth orbit. This energy has already precipitated towards the surface of the planet and resulted in disclosure attempts such as the following one:
Artist groups are using this new Aquarian energy to plant monoliths across the globe, such as this one, not yet discovered by the mainstream media:

Crop circles have been appearing since September, hinting at our meditation on December 21st.
While we are preparing for our meditation on December 21st, the final battle for the planet continues. The Light Forces are now clearing the Chimera underground bases with full force.

There is also a very intense nanotechnology war going on, where the Light forces are trying to remove the coronavirus with stardust technology, and the dark forces are using their counteractive nanoweapons to accelerate the spread of the virus:
The awakening is now going mainstream and the dark forces can not stop it anymore. What is happening now is that also people who are deep within the system are revolting against the system itself. This is exactly what was happening on planet X in the last three weeks before the liberation in 1999. It will take a little bit longer on Earth, but this is a very good indicator how close to the breakthrough we are.
Victory of the Light!

Ascended Dragons via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings, humans on ascending Gaia. We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We light the fire, we ignite the codes that have been long dormant within your realm. For the light has come. We are bringers of the light, as are you, embodied humans. You bring the codes from your star homes, from your healed inner work and with your grid work you plant them. We see that your DNA is being upgraded, both individual and planetary. You are fatigued not only from this but from your external environment of change. Change is needed for ascension. You know this. It is shaking many awake. Do not become disheartened on your journey for though the peak is high you are at the summit. Soon the breezes shall be less intense and more welcoming.
I Alisheryia am speaking. Human children, feel the embrace of my blue wings and feel this blue light all around you. We are igniting the divine feminine, the voice. I have not come forward for a time for this one has needed rest and renewal. She asks for energetic upgrades.

I am Alisheryia. I have been working closely with the Pleiadians. We offer our light and strength, just as you are doing. The underground areas have been our focus of late and they are being remedied. As the planets become aligned, ensure your own alignment of inner peace and balance is strong like steel, like dragon fire, so that nothing can move this. This is your superpower, children, on ascending Gaia. Mastery of the internal ego struggle, mastery of the vast range of human emotions, this is your power. Choose love. Always love, never hate. For hate degrades steel and rusts it.

Deep Origins #mammon #magick #quack deeporigins.com


Based out of Encinitas, California, DEEP ORIGINS is a highly evolved eastern wellness company offering yoga products, meditation products, natural food/bev products and herbal supplements. Our company has expertise in ancient wisdom, digital marketing, product creation/sourcing and content/media.

Core Values

We’re not rebels for the sake of it. We’re rebels because much of the wisdom, science, and technology people could be using to live an empowered life have either been hidden, forgotten or miscommunicated.

If you’ve dug this deep, there’s a good chance you already realize there’s as much transformational potential in subjects like Eastern Medicine/Wellness, Yoga, Meditation, Sacred Geometry, Ancient Archaeology, Vibrational Frequencies and Sustainable Communities....as there is in cutting-edge pharmaceutical or psychological experiments. And that mindfulness practices, such as meditation...are as crucial to your intellectual development as reading a book every night before bedtime.

We focus on four cores: People, Planet, Purpose & Profits. All our brands and products must somehow or someway be associated within these four to create a sustainable future.

The challenge, however, lies in knowing precisely how to harness unconventional wisdom and share it with the world. And just as importantly, how to avoid the dangerous misinformation and hyperbole surrounding it.

We want to bring together highly qualified and respected consciousness experts, fashion designers, natural medicine practitioners, doctors, scientists, social entrepreneurs, wellness coaches, authors, artists and meditation teachers and all the amazing products that surround them...to empower our human family with scientifically validated tools and wisdom.

Dr. Karl Shuker #crackpot #magick karlshuker.blogspot.com


In modern times, Britain – reputedly the world’s most haunted country – has seen more than even its fair share of monstrous creatures reported, beasts assuredly more supernatural than natural. So here, in no particular order, is my own personal Top Ten paranormal terrors of the zooform kind (i.e. seemingly preternatural entities superficially resembling corporeal creatures). Encounter them at your peril!


Some zooform phenomena, like Wolfie, seem so bizarre that they defy belief, let alone categorisation, yet their eyewitnesses vehemently affirm that they were real. Another notable example is the entity that Godfrey H. Anderson claimed to have spied on 23 November 1904 while walking along a street in Edinburgh, Scotland. Suddenly, he saw a grotesque 'something' rise out of the gutter and spring up at the throat of a horse. According to Anderson's description, cited in Creatures of the Outer Edge (1978) by Jerome Clark and Loren Coleman, the horse's weird attacker was:

"[a] vague black shape about four feet long and two and a half feet high...[it was shaped] like an hourglass and moved like a huge caterpillar."

The horse reared up in terror, and as it did so its assailant vanished.

John F. Kennedy via Losha #wingnut #magick #crackpot #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Salutations, my beautiful Patriots!

To use one of your terms...wow, what a lot is going on right now!...especially with regard to the U.S. Presidential Election. We must all hold onto our hats, and our sanity, during these tumultuous times!
As I observe all that is going on regarding the election and all the “strings” that are being pulled by the cabal, it causes me to realize what I was truly up against back when I was President. I have to say now, that it is no wonder I was assassinated...because they could not let all of their long-term planning (approximately 50-70 years!), be revealed. I was actually at the near-beginning of all their evil plans! It is truly amazing and disgusting at the same time, to comprehend how much manipulation, deceit, bribery, and illegal activities, have been executed by the cabal during all these years...and it is indeed frightening to think that they would callously continue on in the same way, if my Patriots in the here and now, weren’t “shaking the trees” so loudly and causing all of the cabal, and their evil schemes, to tumble out! It is so very wonderful to see! (big smile!)
Thus, I will just continue to beseech you beloved Patriots of mine, to Hold the Line, and Fight the Fight...but please also remember to Love One Another! Because we truly are “All in this Together”...no matter the affiliation, or color of skin, or station in life...because as some of you have already said, this is much bigger than any particular party affiliation...it is about Good vs. Evil. It is that simple...and that critical...for ALL of Us. We WILL Prevail!

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #conspiracy #fundie #magick #crackpot #racist adrenogate.net

Are They Messing Around With Bluebeam? Or is This a Sign From Either God or the AntiChrist? | Image of Utah Monolith Spotted in the Sky!

This is about as prophethetic as it gets. I was initially inclined to lean towards this being “Bluebeam” tech, but it was only in the sky for a few moments and was caught by pure chance by this one guy who happened to be driving by and spotted it. If it was intended to be a deceptive ploy to mimick a prophethetical sign, you’d think they would project it in a more populated area to be seen by the masses. Who really knows?
Tamara might be a Talmudic deceiver, but she finds some crazy connections that cannot be ignored. Just make sure to pray before watching. I think there is someone(s) else, or something else behind this otherworldly knowledge she seems to possess and all the crazy connections she always seems to find. I’m not trying to sell her short, but if you listen to her in the videos where she actually speaks and compare that to the quality and articulation level that is expressed in her polished, HIGH production-value level videos that she regularly puts out, something doesn’t add up.

And don’t forget about this thing that was filmed at the site when it was first discovered in Utah.

And of course we have the connection to Jared Kushner, “Planet of the Apes” and the “Simian Flu” theory that’s been postulated by “Enter the Stars” through all the incredible connections that he’s found. To say that there’s been a lot going on with this thing would be an understatement.

Michael Love and the Pleiadians #ufo #magick #crackpot blissfulvisions.com

On December 21, 2020, when the Great Conjunction occurs at 11:11 am UTC, an entire series of major cosmic cycles and epochs that have existed on Earth for eons will come to an end, and an entire new series of cosmic cycles and epochs begin for Planet Earth.

Sacred Lemurian scrolls kept by the Great White Brotherhood show that on the winter solstice of 2020, the long dark age of the Kali Yuga comes to it’s full end, and the glorious Sat Yuga of Light that prevailed during Lumurian and Atlantean times will again dawn on Planet Earth. The Age of Pisces will end, and Earth will enter into the glorious new golden Age of Aquarius spoken of by all the ancient prophets, seers and masters.

A host of other celestial and metaphysical events will occur at the same time which will cause other realms and domains to become visible to the eye for the first time. A new higher vibrational sunlight coming from the Central Sun will shine on Earth and this entire realm will be permeated in exotic cosmic particles that instantaneously upgrades DNA to a higher order.
The most profound and noticeable DNA changes will happen first to the beings who already resonate close to the Fifth Dimension. DNA strands will be activated by the gamma light particles, and they will reattach to the corresponding chakra portal. At that moment, the corresponding dimension can be perceived as the outward reality.

4D and 3D resonate beings will follow soon-after, as soon as they are ready vibrationally to make this leap in consciousness. It is all part of the Divine Plan for the Ascension of Planet Earth.

Clive Maund #conspiracy #wingnut #magick henrymakow.com

We now have almost the entire world population unknowingly engaging in occult rituals that are designed to transport them into a new subservient reality.
They don't entirely control the internet yet ...but they are working on it, and soon they will close this window. As for their objectives, in a nutshell, they are to cull a large percentage of the human race and to turn the survivors into a completely controlled army of slaves who own nothing and are dictated to and tracked, traced, and monitored 24 / 7 everywhere, even inside their own homes, which of course they will no longer own.

Their grandiose plans include clearing the countryside of those who aren't culled so that it can "return to nature" apart from the private estates of the NWO that will be replete with an army of servants and private security. Survivors occupying the countryside after The Great Cull will be coerced and eventually forcibly removed to heavily surveilled box type high rise living quarters in the cities that they may have to share on a rotating basis with others, which will be made easier by them owning no property, perhaps in the manner of Japanese "love hotels".
Their goals have been set out above, which include exterminating 70% or more of the population and herding the rest into high tech urban ghettoes to be farmed as slaves, where their every move and even their thoughts will be monitored and controlled. THE SECRET TO STOPPING THEM IS FOR MILLIONS TO WITHDRAW THEIR SUPPORT AND REFUSE TO GO ALONG WITH THEIR DEMANDS, REGARDLESS OF PERSONAL CONSEQUENCES. That is the only way to derail this apocalyptic timeline that is fast-tracking the majority of the population towards either death or slavery.

The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We have been investigating the new timelines that you have created for 2021 and beyond, and we have been thrilled to see how much more interesting and exciting you are making your journey to the fifth dimension. You have been looking for ways to make the journey more fun and les of a struggle, and you have also been seeking to minimize the casualties along the way. Getting to ascend to the fifth dimension on Earth at this time is a type of golden ticket.

You all are lucky enough to know that the shift in consciousness is happening, and most of you are aware of the fact that you get to not only play a part in it but also create your experience of it. That’s what we want you to recognize. You are not just on a ride; you are also creating the ride that you are on. And it is time for you all to enjoy yourselves more and see yourselves as the creator beings you were born to be.

One of the timelines that you have recently created for yourselves involves a bigger connection with the faerie realm than you have had there on Earth in a very long time. That means more faerie sightings, more faerie interactions, and more faerie co-creations with humanity.

If you are fortunate enough to have a child or know a child, let the child guide you to where the faeries are. Let the child open the dialogue with the faeries if you are unable to yourself, and let the faeries guide you on your path of ascension because they are where you are going. They know the way; they know what type of lives you are going to be living there in the fifth dimension. And they are as close to being human without really being human as you can get. And by ‘human’ we are talking about the humans of Earth.

KellyPrettyBear #conspiracy #quack #magick abovetopsecret.com

Strange Super Spreaders?

If you read some early JV, before he went all ga ga with the IDH, you can read
about some interesting anomalous events he looked into, where there was a
'primary strange person', and as this person traveled around, he seemed to
'infect' those around him.

I think this 'infection model' is a major part of what our spy boys are studying.
You get one person with a potent unconscious mind, perhaps infected with
toxoplasmosis or something, and the images in their mind might tend to
infect some of those they come across.

I wonder if there are 'strange super spreaders' so to speak.

Now again, I'm not saying it's all 'hysteria' or that there is nothing 'there', 'there'.
Not at all. But this seems be a very important element, that has slipped under
the radar so to speak.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #conspiracy #mammon #psycho psychicwarfare.com


We can now explain how this service works as we have explained the base line activities of the Psychotronic Crystal Psychotronic Generator. The positive torsion field Psychotronic Crystal Psychotronic Generator is linked to the universe where the victim is killed, or maimed, or injured. The Psychotronic Crystal Psychotronic Generator pair the shift the timeline from the uninjured state to the injured, maimed or dead state to carry out the designated action on the victim. Since the energy flow in this micro cross universal procedure goes from high energy state (healthy) to low energy injured, maimed or dead (unhealthy) the zero point energy which is normally used for this technology can be obviated for such a simple procedure. The higher the energy potential of the victim the more rapid the remote killing, maiming, injury is enacted. This means the Rothschilds who rule the west and have the greatest energy potential are killed…most quickly, followed by A-listers like Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus…

For strategic destruction of realities like the West, we now engage the multiversal aspects of the Psychotronic Crystal Psychotronic Generator. To bring about a) to i) see the Total War Service we simply engage the negative torsion field Psychotronic Crystal Psychotronic Generator to the undamaged geophysical timelines where the West is not destroyed by a) to i) and the positive torsion field Psychotronic Crystal Psychotronic Generator to all the timelines in the other multiverse where a) to the i) occur.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick energeticsynthesis.com

The Solar Rishi are the first triad of light manifestations that make the Universal Trinity, that are projected from the Emerald Order and Blue Flame, Gold Order and Gold Flame, and Amethyst Order and Violet Flame from the God Source field, the Threefold Founder Flame or Cosmic Trinity.

The first light manifestation of the Emerald Order are Solar Rishi Blue Ray orders of Elohim and Oraphim that direct support to the Guardian Founder Races in the lower Harmonic Universe and are supporting GSF liberation and the continued spiritual evolution of humanity towards Ascension and the Law of One. The Emerald Order of Elohim seeded the Anuhazi Feline Elohim races through the Lyran 12th Stargate in the fourth harmonic universe, on Aramatena.

The second light manifestation of the Gold Order are Gold Ray orders of Seraphim, Cerez Avian bird people and Aeithan lines are the Solar Rishi which incarnated in the fourth harmonic universe on Lyra-Vega through the 10th Universal Stargate.

The third light manifestation of the Amethyst Order are Violet Ray orders of Solar Rishi comprised of Cetacean, Avian Pegasus people, and aquatic Braharama seeded in the fourth harmonic universe on Lyra-Aveyon through Universal Stargate 11.

The Solar Rishi Founders are manifesting themselves into dimensionalization, this is the first time they could fully return into the time matrix of our realm from the core of creation and the fifth harmonic universe.

In the Fifth Harmonic Universe in 13D-14D-15D exists the Three Layers of the Rishi matrix or Threefold Founder Flame or GSF Flame.

David Sereda/Light Harmonics #crackpot #ufo #magick #mammon davidsereda.co

Our technology is an Activation!

Technology beyond lightning speed!

We believe that the highest God is the power of Love & Light as one!

The power of our technology has both. We have the highest frequencies on the planet because we use Harmony Frequencies which are found in nature and some of the brightest parts of our universe. Therefore, we are using God’s bright lights and the information he encoded nature and our universe with.

I am happy to take care of the jewellery in our company, as it has been proven through advanced aura imaging to open not only the heart energy centre but all other energy centres that correspond to different organs as well. I know this God given gift for the planet is God’s light! Our faster than light speed energy carries the myriads of frequencies from the love of our Sun as well as other “Harmony frequencies.”

We, at Harmony Jewels trust the natural understanding of nature and God. Our lab uses only natural materials, including Brazilian crystals. Our highest end custom pieces are with natural high quality gems. We also specialize in high quality lab grown gems that have the same chemical make up as the natural ones. We offer this with our pendants to add a higher end option that is reasonable!

Light and Love is God’s frequency in the Highest. Symbolized by the Dove, it is the speed in which to bring the light of God through in action. Swiftness, (faster than light speed) Clarity, (the quality of our crystals & gems) and Purity (the harmonic frequencies from nature & the universe) are the understandings within the organic line of jewellery, our natural technology, and of course, Harmony Frequencies.

Allen H. Greenfield #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #ufo bibliotecapleyades.net

In 1947 the CIA was organized and the first UFO cases burst upon the American media landscape as "flying saucers." In that year, also, the first modern visitation by the infamous Men in Black took place in which a witness, one Harold Dahl, was silenced.

From that point on, a pattern began to emerge.

The Men In Black legend is perennial; that it shows up in connection with the UFO lore should come as no surprise.

UFOlogy bizarro chronicler John Keel ("Disneyland of the Gods", "Jadoo", etc.) observed in his "UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse":

" The records of demonology are filled with striking parallels... the general descriptions of the vampires themselves are identical to the 'men in black.' The dark skin and angular, Oriental-like faces were commonly reported ..."
"They Knew Too Much about the Flying Saucers" was an international success. It was widely assumed that the Men in Black were either government agents or extraterrestrials, but as researchers Wilgus and Keel have shown, the eye in the triangle was sometimes their only insignia, while my own research showed startling parallels to certain black magick rituals in medieval times which provoked visitations by what was often called "the Man in Black" - widely understood to be the Devil himself.

Even Barker noted that Albert K. Bender's experiments were more like a magical conjuration than an attempt at extraterrestrial communication. Any initiated magician reading Bender's accounts would recognize the elements of magical conjuration immediately.

Maybe, I mused, we were dealing more with magick than with Martians

Mystical Muse #crackpot #magick #moonbat voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Guided by the beautiful co-creative energies and expressions of Unity,
with the Intent that We Each and All SHALL Experience a Truthful Reality of OUR WORLD as and in a true state of Peace. Natural Grace.

In the True Trinity Spirit of the Tradition of this Season,

Birthing the ChristBorn, Light of Flames as KeyHolders; called once as One called Jesus, Now Once and Once again, as One, with Many Names they have Come to gather together as One, once again.

Within the flow of Expression, as already known by the many tales of Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, Kris Kringle, emissaries: the countless and countless-beyond! ‘everyday people’, doing everyday things as holders of and within the Spirit WithIn: the gift givers, the light bringers, the wishers and dreamers alike.

In Agreement with the All that IS, by the Turning of the Tides of this Full Moon,

We choose to Be, as a Child of 3,
6, 9, 8, and again 11
that on each day
of this “December” stage
We will play as Children of Heaven!

Gently and wise,
(away from the eyes;
the lies, the tales and deception.)

We Know through the Heart,
that this is the start.


Immaculate Conceptions
amongst Queens and Kings,
Amorous Beings of Light.

Holy Rites,
silent nights.
Rest yourselves,
ALL holding Light!
Outta sight!!
It’s alright.
Divinity has taken flight.

So as Received, and as Requested
I’ll ReEnforce this Missive:

Please do conceive,
and trust, BELIEVE!
Each Day as
Christmas Eve!

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie #magick adrenogate.net

This was the best piece I’ve seen yet on the true nature of Freemasonry. A hidden truth that many within its own ranks are not even familiar with. A fact I was a bit taken back by. I guess the order provides its members with so many perks that certain members simply choose to remain ignorant to the harrowing truth behind the overarching agenda of this ancient order. Listening to people like Marty Leeds harp on how Freemasons are “staunch defenders” of Christianity and that there is “nothing malevolent” behind “Occult” fraternal organizations like Free Masonry, is maddening.

Marty needs to knock it off. I’m not sure who he thinks he’s fooling and I’m not sure who got to him, and when, but there is no way that someone as researched as Marty Leeds is, is not privy to the “Secret Doctrine” behind the Masonic order and the truth behind their Anti-Christ oriented agenda. Masons are literally as demonic, Satanic and inherently evil as any secret esoteric/religious organization can possibly be. Their main prerogatives are literally designed to directly and as blatantly as possible, spit in the face of the Messiah and the creator God. They encourage the summoning of disembodied demonic spirits. Their initiation rituals involve mocking the Messiah and his crucifixion, while paying homage to the Osiris/Oden allegory. They seek to keep alive the worship of the 7 Fallen Ones and the crux of Babylonian mysticism.

They suck and anyone who shills for them sucks and are going straight to hell.

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