
Right-wing nutjobs

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

I don’t know what it’s going to take for people to realize the truth. The data is so clear the Covid vaccines and the flu vaccines don’t work. People simply want to trust the medical community no matter what the data says.image3:39 AM · Dec 16, 2024 · 154K Views
1,715 Reposts 98 Quotes 6,060 Likes 233 Bookmarks

Clif High #crackpot #ufo #racist #wingnut #conspiracy clifhigh.substack.com

The Space Aliens are well aware of this sociological principle that manifests in humanity. They did not, then, nor do they now, wish to destroy our civilization with inappropriate contact.

BUT they have a problem which is Humanity’s nuclear industries, and weapons. Nuclear weapons, without regard to where they are detonated, interrupt, and cause damage to, the galactic navigation and communications of the Space Aliens…...all of them.

And our nuclear power plants also intrude. They have to shield their systems from our ‘scalar pollution’.

The Space Aliens had made us an offer to bring us into ZPT (free energy & other tech) gradually...ahead of our civilizations actually having wide spread Contact. There was a competing offer made to the rich jews of the planet, those who own the power structure by way of claims to own petroleum under the ground, thus controlling all energy, thus controlling Humanity. These rich jews were involved because the CIA had informed them of the offer/meeting with Eisenhower.

The premise that is being developed here is that in the 1940s through the 1960s, a group of people within the OSS, which later became the CIA, who were known within the agency as ‘The Rabbis’ were responsible for fucking things up bigly between humans and the space aliens.

The Rabbis (who now include fundamentalist christians) within the CIA, and now, are spread throughout government agencies dealing with UAPs and UFOs and Black Projects, decided that they wanted to control the offered alien technology.
In my opinion, this bleak assessment is actually overly optimistic, especially given our current situation vis-a-vis the Elohim worship cult and their NWO plans to take over, then depopulate, humanity.

In my opinion, there is a very significant potential that this history will be exposed, as will the personalities involved, and the results expounded upon, until Rabbis, and by extension jews everywhere, will be seen as species traitors.

Humanity, the species, is at risk now.

MJTruthUltra/John Ferguson #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy twitter.com

The CEO of Saxon Remote Systems believes a Dirty Nuclear Bomb from Ukraine may be on US Soil - and the Drones may be Sniffing for Radioactive Activity

John Ferguson says he spoke to a High Government Official a few months ago who was trying to raise the alarm on a Nuclear Warhead that he physically put his hands on that was left over from Ukraine. It left Europe and now it’s gone missing.

He felt that it would eventually make its way to the United States for the purpose of getting us into war with Russia


What he’s describing should sound familiar to every single anon.

• U1
• Russia Russia Russia
• The film, The Sum of all Fears, where a dirty Nuke was detonated in Baltimore MD to get the US into a war with Russia,

This is the best theory I’ve heard so far. Regardless if this is a real threat or not, or that is what these drones are actually doing, we should consider the possibility.

We don’t know much.. and I believe the deep state is desperate enough to do something this stupid.

But in the end, God did not give us the spirit of fear.. so try not to worry too much about things outside of our control.

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

“None of the CHSs who entered the Capitol or a restricted area has been prosecuted to date.”

The most heinous part of the J6 fed-surrection isn’t the 26 undercover FBI sources in the Capitol & restricted areas, it’s the fact that J6 defendants have been rotting in prison for years, convicted of “terrorism” or who killed themselves while FBI fedboys who DID THE SAME ACTION are walking free. I’m so angry I can barely speak.image6:28 AM · Dec 13, 2024 · 55.2K Views
188 Reposts 7 Quotes 551 Likes 26 Bookmarks

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

I can't wait for Trump to take over! WE get secure border...we deport 20+ million bad guys who don't belong here...we kill terrorists...we find out who killed JFK...we find out who went to Epstein Island & Diddy's parties. We arrest traitors who intentionally tried to destroy USA. We shoot down drones from China or Iran. And no more nuclear dirty bomb threats inside USA- simply because border will be sealed. God bless Trump & God bless America.
5:31 AM · Dec 15, 2024 · 2,561 Views
13 Reposts 73 Likes 1 Bookmark

Dr John Brandenburg/ Dr Michael Salla #ufo #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Dr John Brandenburg is a plasma physicist and astrophysicist who worked on NASA’s Clementine Lunar Mission, before he became interested in NASA images of Mars revealing ancient oceans and artificial structures. Most significantly discovered, a rare nuclear isotope in Mars’s atmosphere, Xenon 129, which indicated a nuclear holocaust had taken place and destroyed the once thriving Martian civilization.

Dr. Brandenburg’s most recent book, is Cosmic Awakening (2024), in which he offers a historical overview of the UFO phenomenon and the visitation of Gray aliens from Zeta Reticulum. He says the Grays first arrived on Earth during the World War II era after they received radio transmissions from Earth that originated from Marconi’s first radio experiments in 1900, which took 39 years to cover the distance between Earth and Zeta Reticulum.

Dr. Brandenburg claims the Grays subsequently reached agreements with the US and other governments, which they violated with impunity in their genetic experiments, and began creating hybrids, which would be used to supplant the human race. He asserts that the hybridization experiments have failed due to the incompatibility between humanity’s iron-based blood and the Gray’s copper-based blood.

Dr. Brandenburg says that the Earth and our solar system are in a neutral area of the galaxy which is why at least three distinctive extraterrestrial genotypes have been battling one another to control Earth’s destiny. He describes these three races as the Zeta Grays, Reptilians from the Draco star system, and human-looking Pleiadeans (aka Nordics).

The human-looking ETs from the Pleiades are humanity’s genetic ancestors and are here today to help propel us into a Star Trek future. He corroborates Professor Haim Eshed that the first Trump administration was in touch with a Galactic Federation/Pleiadians and during his incoming second administration, the truth will be revealed to all humanity.

Political Hat #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger politicalhat.com

Your humble author has noted for some time that many on the purported Right have adopted Leftist thinking. Indeed, much of that thinking can be expressed favorably in Marxist terms, abet with a “trad” or “Christian” sheen upon it. James Lindsay, one of the people responsible for the academic hoax that got Leftist academic journals to publish Mein Kampf re-written as Feminism or how dog parks are racist has noted what your humble author—but, alas, not enough others—to notice: That the same fundamental thinking of the “wokes” is increasingly reflected in the thinking of the purported Right.

Now, Lindsay is no conservative, and is more akin to a George Orwell: A person of the Left who fears what Marxist thought—and it’s pseudo-intellectual decedents—has brought to the fore. Often, the knee-jerk defense is to cover oneself in religion as a magical shield that protects one from all criticism. It is also amongst many performative religious individuals where their thinking is fundamentally Leftist with their eschatology being, superficially at least, Christian. As your humble author previously has asked: “How much is one’s sense of normalcy derived from scripture as opposed to one’s sense of normalcy informing one’s understanding of scripture?”

James Lindsay has sought to goad many of these “Christian Nationalists” as the Leftists that they are in the same way he outed the woke academics via the “Grievance Studies Affair”: Specifically by laying on a superficial Christian sheen over “The Communist Manifesto”, which was accepted by the American Reformer in an article entitled “The Regime Fears the Rise of the New Rival”… like it was a haunting specter or something.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #quack #conspiracy brighteon.com

Dr. Lee Merritt and Mike Adams discuss the coming STAGED PLANDEMIC and the total fraud of virology and PCR “positives”

- Interview Introduction and Initial Discussion on Upcoming Pandemics (0:01)

- Debunking the Virus Myth and Historical Context (1:53)

- COVID-19 as a Bio-Weapon and the Role of Epidemiologists (4:20)

- Nicotine and Ivermectin as Protective Measures (7:12)

- The Role of Parasites and Chlorine Dioxide (15:15)

- The Psychological Warfare of the Pandemic (20:35)

- The Future of Pandemics and the Role of Technology (27:35)

- The Role of Symbolism and Ancient History (31:27)

- The Impact of Comet Impacts and Future Predictions (36:32)

- Final Thoughts and Encouragement (47:22)

Saint Germain via James McConnell #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy goldenageofgaia.com

I am Saint Germain, and I come to be with you at this time, in these special times, these times that you have been awaiting for a long, long time, many, many lifetimes that you have experienced.

All that is a part of this three-dimensional expression for so long now, but this three-dimensional expression, this matrix, if you will, is fading more and more, collapsing upon itself more and more.

So all that was, the lies, and the mis-truths that have been told to all of you for thousands of years is now becoming the truth, or the truth is coming forward.
Because of you, you as an individual and you as the collective that are bringing this all about, you are the ones that are bringing forth the expression of the new republic, but not only of this United States of America, but the new republic for the entire planet, for the world.
But it has to happen somewhere first, and that happens to be the United States of America. For long ago, 200 plus years ago, I stood among the fore fathers of this nation and expressed to them that this would be the republic, this would be the new expression of freedom, freedom for all, not just for one, not just for a few, but for all.
Those that are leading the charge, just as the George Washington led the charge across the Potomac River and confronted those adversaries at that time to bring about the freedom of the nation, so too is that happening again with all of you, and those that are leading the charge ahead, crossing, not the Potomac, but crossing the Rainbow Bridge.

That is where you are all headed now, the Rainbow Bridge of ascension. So allow the process to continue.

Believe, believe, and it shall become a knowing, more and more. Continue to trust, continue to trust in yourselves, continue to trust in those ones that have stepped forth and are leading the charge, and trust in the overall universal plan to bring about world freedom.

Various Commenters #wingnut #moonbat #dunning-kruger #transphobia youtube.com

Submitter’s Note: “Putin and the Little Johnny” is a YouTube Short where a Russian student named Johnny vanishes after asking Vladimir Putin why they are invading Ukraine?

Why didn't Johnny ask, WHY ARE WE SENDING TROOPS TO AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ, JAPAN, IRAN, GAZA, SYRIA, interrupting Pakistan, blah blah. 😂

Johnny and Timmy asked Putin, “why can’t we have freedom like America?”
Putin replied “because they lost count of their own genders.” 💀💀💀

Little Billy says, "when Russia & Ukraine had agreed a peace deal, why did UK Boris Johnson tell Zelensky not to sign & why has nobody in the west even mention peace?

Like Vietnam,Korea ,Afghanistan Iraq and Syria also Jeffrey Epstein.

who is the kid that ask Obama why is julian Assange telling the truth

The USA has Biden, Canada has Trudeau and Jagmeet, Russia has Putin! Who would you rather be Running our Country's? I'll go with a Leader. Putin. 😂😅

State of the Nation Editor #racist #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy stateofthenation.info

First, take a close look at the 2 photographs above.

Yes, that’s right, you’re supposed to be looking at the same person … … … only it clearly isn’t!

The surveillance footage on the left captured an individual who is far leaner in both physiognomy and body. Here’s the video that further fleshes out the very lean skeleton of the alleged shooter.

The photo on the right is a buff guy — that’s Luigi Mangione — whose jaw line is much broader and not nearly as narrow as the guy’s on the left.

Then there is the ridiculously absurd official narrative instantly pushed by the CIA’s entire Mockingbird Media.

We’re not even going to go there the whole story is so fake and gay is hurts.
As for “Luigi Mangione”, (SOTN did previously write that this assassination was carried out by a “contract hitman”, so what better name than L U I G I _ M A N G I O N E E E, as the Sicilian mafia would say), you just can’t make this stuff up.

Remember, the Khazarian Mafia rules every other mafia in the world, so they took it upon themselves, using their ever-prevaricating and -propagandizing Hollywood production studios over decades, to dramatize the ill-doings of the Sicilian Mafia in order to falsely make it look like the Cosa Nostra was the ruling mob organization on the planet; they aren’t.
The Khazarian Mafia is the muscle for the Khazarian Cabal that is responsible for every single major war and wave of terrorism, pandemic and epidemic, genocide and depopulation scheme over the past 100 plus years
It should be intuitively obvious to all but the card-carrying members of the American Idiocracy that the dark side is shrinking everywhere from the light of truth that’s rapidly suffusing this Earth realm of existence.
As for Luigi M, let’s go easy on him; for such a poor soul was obviously the product of the CIA’s MK-Ultra Monarch mind control program. How else could any of that highly
suspicious MSM narrative have taken place, if any of it is actually true, of course.

Al Thompson/Doug P/G #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Al Thompson:

Western civilization in today’s world is a very bad version of the Roman Empire. The governments of the world is run mostly by thugs. The foundation of most societies is built on lies and deceit and nothing good can come from it.

The morality of society is extremely important and the people have grown up not knowing the importance of proper ethics and morality. It is obvious to me that the forced vaccinations have shown just how evil the government can be. The Nazi style that the medical industry is using is outrageous. This is due to a lack of knowledge of the proper ethics and morality in government.

Morality cannot be ignored and all of us can do much better. Do not comply with immoral mandates.

Doug P:

Corporations are more powerful than governments and banks are more powerful than corporations. We put the banks into that position with the income tax. The world has always been run by money but love (Christian law / Common law) has been the regulative principle that has prevented big money from violating basic right - ie collection of income tax. Courts are forgetting this basic principle as we slide down from juristic Christian law to statutory Talmudic law. No sane Jew should want this - to be governed overtly by a Jewish oligarchy. The common Jews and minions (secret societies) are merely means to an end and not an end themselves.


Re: "So while Mother Liberty is gang raped, millions of people are glued to their stock market and crypto accounts, thinking that a wad of digits will protect them from what is coming."

So true, Henry. And not just "digits" but the paper stuff, too. And coins. And even the once reliable gold and silver. I just don't think any of them will hold water when all hell breaks loose. And it's already starting to break.
So we're back here at that junction we've arrived at so many times at your site: It's a frikkin' SPIRITUAL PROBLEM, and until integrity and compassion are at the helm, we're doomed.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger #transphobia youtube.com

Submitter’s Note: These comments are replies to another comment made on a video about electrofishing an invasive fish species. Since YouTube won’t let me link to comments directly, I’m linking to the video instead.

The mistake here is assuming the rest of the internet understands the Asian Carp problem you could of done this by simply adding "invasive" in the title so you don't get viewers misunderstanding the reason for electrocuting fish

I was thinking a simple "white" would have made most of the haters be ok with it. You know cause if your white it's ok to be hated..

A Biden supporter will soon say,,,,,, CLM 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Or assuming the carps gender.

Frosty Wooldridge #wingnut #racist #transphobia #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Every day you turn on the news, something even crazier than yesterday appears on your television, or broadcasts on your radio, or flashes across your computer screen. The dichotomies and insanities keep mounting and multiplying at breakneck speed.

As in the kid who shot, in cold blood, United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson! He stalked him, shot him in the back, and walked away. He killed a husband, father and friend. <...> But then, you’ve got people on social media cheering that father’s death. NUTS!
What about that “WOKE” crap being forced down the throats of our American soldiers. We don’t want our Marine and Army killers wearing dresses and earrings. We want men to get into the field to kill the enemy. The fact is, when you get around “transgender individuals”, you get a really icky feeling all over your body and mind. It’s a biological “ickiness” that a straight male cannot shake.
What about the insanity of “Defund the police”? How much more crime can we accept? How would you like to live in San Francisco where it’s totally and completely nuts with 50,000 homeless drunks, mentally ill, drug addicts and bums subsisting on the streets because the mayor and city council ALLOW IT!
Plenty more dichotomies continue in the United States. We spent $6 trillion in Afghanistan, Iraq and beyond. We imported the world’s mentally ill, criminals, gangs and worse. Biden turned Springfield, Ohio into a daily nightmare. Biden turned NYC into a nightmare. We’ve got Chicago residents ready to put their mayor in jail for his part in this entire stupid “Sanctuary City” nightmare.

What does all this confusion, chaos, dichotomies, transgenders, woke-ism, Muslims chanting “Death to America”, killings, massive drug use, Sanctuary Cities, $36 trillion national debt, mass and endless immigration out of the third world, infrastructure crumbling, killing a CEO walking on a city street—-all boil down to?

It’s almost like we’re a nation committing national suicide.

Danlboon #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

We have had the rumors of the RV, EBS and NESARA / GESARA coming and they never happened, but will it be that the DS will make it happen sooner on their terms for total confusion?

“Get Ready For Ten Days of Communication Darkness
The Power to entire World will switch off briefly to install our Starlink Satellite Internet
“Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas. Banks will close. ATMs and Credit Cards will stop working.”
“Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024: Announcement of the Global Restoration Plan. Every citizen will receive information about the new economic and legal structures. …Mr. Pool, Julian Assange on Telegram Wed. 4 Dec. 2024”

So the DS will have control of certain locations and shut things off before the White Hats and the US Military are there to stop them and We The People will think it is here, but in fact the DS are pushing this to make us believe Trump and the White Hats are in full control when it does go wrong and Trump is to blame for it all.

Just like it was to happen before, like in 2001 and just a month or two ago when the plans had to change as the DS halted things and we are here now still waiting.

The DS will make it possible for total disruption when some businesses, banks, ATMs and broadcasting networks will not be in operation for us to think we are here, but in reality we are in their world of Disinformation as it has been with all these present delays it is to come in a few days.

We must have the EBS coming by this Sat. 14 Dec. 12:00 AM EST thru to Tues. 24 Dec. 12:00 AM EST or we wait till Thurs. 26 Dec. 12:00 AM EST to not interfere with the Christmas holiday, but then again it will interfere with New Years Day.

But in reality we should just start on Thurs. 2 Jan., 2025 12:00 AM EST, yet again we will interfere with the NFL playoffs and there is no need for Congress to start its new session then as we are to be in the New USA Republic.

Yoon Suk Yeol #wingnut #conspiracy edition.cnn.com

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol’s cabinet has reversed a martial law order in the country, just hours after he issued the surprise decree that plunged Seoul into political uncertainty and sparked fierce backlash from lawmakers across the political spectrum

The cabinet decision came after Yoon backtracked on his shortlived decree in the early hours of Wednesday local time and withdrew the troops deployed to carry out the order

South Korean lawmakers – who had scrambled earlier in the night to block the martial law order with a parliamentary vote – are now calling for resignations[…]
When he declared martial law, Yoon had labeled the opposition’s actions as “clear anti-state behavior aimed at inciting rebellion.” He further claimed these acts have “paralyzed state affairs and turned the National Assembly into a den of criminals”

“To safeguard a liberal South Korea from the threats posed by North Korea’s communist forces and to eliminate anti-state elements… I hereby declare emergency martial law,” Yoon said in the address

He described martial law as a necessary measure to eradicate these “shameless pro-North anti-state forces,” justifying the decision as essential to protect the freedoms and safety of the people, ensure the country’s sustainability, and pass on a stable nation to future generations

whatofthenight.com #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy whatofthenight.com

Why is King Charles the Antichrist?

How can this be? When the Antichrist of the movies is this diabolical evil genius and King Charles is this foolish old, out of touch duffer.
We have Satan and his angels, which are cherubim like Satan. It was not a third of all angels but of the cosmic angels or the cherubim. There were at least 313 cherubim cast out, and that is made up of Satan his twelve evil apostles. They are called the twelve families, many who can be traced from Venice to their current homes in Switzerland.
We are interested in the Luciferians. The Luciferians like all cherubim, can change shape. Many of these cherubim have been king and queens of different countries. Just as Satan was called the kings of Tyre (Haram) and Babylon (Xerxes the Great). Whether Charles is one of these cherubim, I am unsure. I think there must be something different about him to be the Antichrist. His real wealth goes into the hundreds of trillions. There is a reason why he appears to be a bit dumb. It is not much to do with the story, however, it is interesting. We can see this when we are first introduced to Satan in the Garden of Eden. The serpent is described as wiser than any of the beasts of the field. Rather than comparing him to the wisdom of man. Inferring a lower intellect and the reason they were resentful of man. Until man came along, the cherubim were the number one beings of God. Man came along, and we were smarter, and this shows up in the dumb things that the ruling elites do these days. Why Charles appears thick because of his relationship with the cherubim, and, of course, he is thick. He may even be a cherubim or part cherubim. There we have it, Charles meets all the requirements of being the Antichrist. They have been at this enslaving or returning to the feudal world for a while now. The first of these fifteen minute towns/gulags was presented by Charles back in the 1980s.

Sierra/KatistheSea3/Q The Storm Rider #wingnut #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #mammon stargatenewsletter.blogspot.com

President Trump Wore Gold Tie To Notre Dame

President Trump wore a gold tie to the triumphant re-opening ceremony of the Notre Dame in Paris. As Light Warriors know, his gold tie is symbolic of incoming financial abundance for humanity.

Some intel indicated that the Alliance burned the Notre Dame ahead of a deadly attack organized by the (D)eep (S)tate. The alleged attack was meant to bring down the roof, k*****g everyone inside. No one was k****d or injured when Notre Dame burned. Please use your discernment about that intel, as with all information.

Great post from Kat about the significance of President Trump’s gold tie at the Notre Dame.

🇫🇷 President Macron
Nous y sommes. Le monde nous regarde
[Here we are. The world is watching us]

It’s happening.
You are watching it.
The World is Watching.

After the Notre-Dame Ceremony,
where it was made clear to the entire world
that President/CiC Trump was THE CiC,
POTUS met with Prince William in Paris.

IMO QE2 made a deal with POTUS in 2018
that in exchange for her capitulation, her GOLD,
the end of the U.S. CORP & her death,
her legacy would continue through William.

Just like Evelyn de Rothschild agreed to s*****e himself
as ordered by the White Hats on the Red Blood Moon,
in order to insure his children’s legacy & some of their holdings.

With QE2, Jacob Rothschild & Evelyn’s deaths
the Rothschild banking crime era ended & the GOLDEN ERA began.

Today President/CiC wore a GOLD TIE,
imo honoring his agreement w/QE2

🇺🇸 Q The Storm Rider

memetic_sisyphus #wingnut #racist twitter.com

The issue is the left has demanded we view race as a political category that groups an Ivy educated lawyer raised by college professors in with street thugs who are tatted up and get kicked out of school for stealing. And when the latter gets killed in the commission of a crime we have to pretend it was equally as likely to happen to the former.

Sidney Secular #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist newswithviews.com

The US emerged from WWII as the top banana. Entering the war late, undamaged by the fighting and bombing domestically, except for the sacrificial lambs left to be liquidated at Pearl Harbor. The switch from making war materiel to building homes, cars and TVs was not materially difficult, so we were poised to provide ourselves and the Western world with all manner of consumer goods. Thus, for many decades the US reigned as top banana.

We went bananas buying second cars and second homes, and engaged in conspicuous consumption. We brought the era of classic movies to an end with TVs in every bedroom playing silly sitcoms and game shows with viewers ogling the already rich entertainment stars. The US is still sort of top banana, except that the peel of the banana is turning brown with the “browning” of the population, and the appeal of the US as a beacon of hope and democracy and doing the right/righteous thing is being peeled away by the deep state to reveal a government rotten at the core.

<...> Culturally, males in our society were becoming soft “bananas” without the toughness required to enforce traditional cultural norms.
If even a small portion of these treasuries are redeemed at once, the US economy would quickly collapse — and yet the debt is increasing by 3 billion dollars a day. This is a situation that cannot or will not be corrected if your favorite candidate wins the next election. So we can now be called a banana republic.
Only a very few who “go bananas” over this situation receive any attention, and then it is short-lived. If we see a banana peel in front of us, hopefully we can sidestep it. However the pathway ahead is covered with banana peels, but the populace pays more attention on individual agendas than where they are walking. We’ve reached that apathetic state that typically won’t turn around. The position of the top bananas is not perennial, and new and better top bananas will hopefully arise.

various commenters #wingnut twitter.com


Mehdi (Hasan) is on the wrong side of everything. Consistently the worst takes. But you back yourself in a corner when you have to be against the republicans on everything.


I swear to God, this guy was on MSNBC for a reason. The stuff he posts is insane. He absolutely lost his mind.


Was thinking exactly this when I saw this post today.


Mehdi Hasan me ole china, my olfactory-challenging cheempanzoid of the sand.

You shall live through 4 looong agonizing years under The Fellowship of the Reign of Trump, Elon, and Peter Thiel.

Joe Rogan #crackpot #wingnut newsweek.com

Joe Rogan Reveals Tim Walz Made Him Jump Into Presidential Election

Published Dec 03, 2024 at 7:54 PM EST

Podcast host Joe Rogan insists that he wanted to "stay out" of the 2024 presidential election until his hand was forced by fury over "liar" Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, the Democratic vice presidential nominee.


"I wanted to stay out of the presidential election s*** because it's so gross," Rogan said. "I felt like I had to. I felt like this is so nuts. When that Tim Walz guy ... it's so nuts that guy was going to be the vice president. You're telling me this whole thing is fake, then. You're telling me that you don't care if someone is a liar?

"You don't care if they lied about their military rank, where they served?" he added. "You don't care if they lie about Tiananmen Square? There's too many things, this is so crazy. You would get fired if you were an assistant manager at a f***ing oil change company. Jiffy Lube would fire you!"


Walz [...] quickly faced criticism during the campaign for falsely stating during a campaign stop years earlier that he carried a weapon "in war" during his decades-long career in the Army National Guard.

While Walz did not carry a weapon in war, he did serve in Europe as part of a security force amid the war in Afghanistan. The governor also claimed more than once that he was teaching in China during the Tiananmen Square massacre, although he arrived months later.

Walz and the Harris-Walz campaign later issued statements saying that he had misspoken on both occasions.


"Fact check: Donald Trump is the biggest liar in American history. The Washington Post reported that Donald Trump made a total of 30,573 false or misleading claims during his time in office," the Republicans Against Trump account wrote in a Tuesday post to X, formerly Twitter.


Stormy-Chameleon #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

I rlly do need someone to explain in any way how atheism works.

Like, there is no other way to explain life other than there being a creator, we have kind of proven that already. People just don't want to admit it. They avoid debates and conversations because they can't admit they are wrong or change their lifestyle despite all the proof everywhere.

I just don't understand and I'm sorry if this is coming off as rude or judgemental I just need someone to explain the thought process.

Society have pressured us into feeling like we have to be agnostic bc swearing and drugs and alcohol and lgbtq and not supporting or participating in that will make sure you are heavily judged and hated by everyone around you. They just go along with it and never actually reach out for facts or logic because they arent willing to change the way they are already living. I wish people could see how much we are just trying to warn and protect them.

Please someone just explain how atheism makes sense. I need to understand where you guys are coming from outside of peer pressure.

Tomi Lahren #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Why do liberals fight so hard to sterilize kids? Why do liberals fight so hard to have drag queens perform in front of kids? Why do liberals fight so hard to have men in women’s restrooms and locker rooms? You really have to ask yourself what motivates this insanity.

What do y’all think? Money or are they just evil? Maybe both.
4:00 AM · Dec 5, 2024 · 104.5K Views
1,044 Reposts 55 Quotes 5,947 Likes 54 Bookmarks

Kotakuinactiom2 #pratt #wingnut kotakuinaction2.win

ACLU blog about Trump winning is full-on TDS insanity where they mind-read his 'real' intentions which are of course to be super-Hitler.

If he was even a quarter as based as his enemies say he is, we'd be in a much better position.

IMO, every intention that they accuse him of having, Democrats deserve to have done to them.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #fundie #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

This is about men-of-party, who owe first allegiance to political party(s). As we have pointed out before, Political Parties are governing elements that, in America, are unconstitutional governing organizations. They are much like NGOs, or Non-Government Organizations, that are now among the most influential organizations (Parties?) in international organizations like the UN and the EU.

What are Non-Government Organizations doing in organizations of governments? The same thing Political Parties are doing in America: working to undermine this and all sovereign governments, discredit the very idea of national sovereignty and lay the groundwork for elitist imagined New World Order "perfect" global government.

The Trump MAGA movement threatens all of that globalist/communist progress, and even to turn it back on itself.
Most Americans think the Black Lives Matter movement, the LGBTQ rights movement, the Pro-Choice movement, the antisemitic Pro-Palestine movement, the anti-Trump-anti-MAGA movement, the DEI-CRT-WOKE movements, the Drag-Queen movement, the Open Borders movement, the Defund the Police and No-Bail, No-Prosecution, Free the Felons movements, etc., are all separate, stand alone movements with no relationship with each other.
The American political parties have been unconstitutionally running the American government for so long now that nobody recognizes the fact that they are unconstitutional any more. Most all of what they publicly stand for is unconstitutional.

Party "platforms" and party "planks" in those platforms most always deal with some form of justice other than real or legal or constitutional justice. It's a family of bogus justice systems called Social Justice.
They instill discrimination while claiming to be ending discrimination. In all sorts of areas of discrimination, including racial, and sexual.

How could any unconstitutional anti-discrimination law in any area in which discrimination is possible not be discriminatory?

Beg NO Pardon #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy begnopardon.com

My dear friends, since humans were created they were free to travel how they saw fit. Likewise, Americans have shared in that same right since the dawn of our beautiful country. Americans have always had the right to travel freely and unencumbered from laws, regulations, statues, and licensing.

From the use of horse and buggy, to the early Model 'T', Americans have never been required to get "permission" to travel on the public roads or highways when it was for personal reasons. Has anything changed now that you have zippy fast cars?

Soon there were a lot of people on the roads for commercial purposes. This resulted in people lumbering along transporting generous loads on the roads with trucks and trailers, because of this the government felt the need to make laws and regulations to protect the innocent citizens from the dangers of this commercial traffic.

Following this, the government began requiring commercial drivers to register and obtain "licenses", basically this meant they were getting permission from the government for use on the public roads and highways for commercial use.

This lead to a creative revenue stream requiring a registration to be paid by these divers for their vehicles to subsidize the extra wear and tear on the public highways.
My car is NOT a "Motor Vehicle"

USC Title 18, § 31 9(6) - Definition of "Motor Vehicle":
"The term "motor vehicle" means every description of carriage or other contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used for commercial purposes on the highways in the transportation of passengers and property, or property or cargo."
USC Title 18, § 31(10) - Definition of "Commercial Purposes":
"The term "used for commercial purposes" means the carriage of the persons or property for any fare, fee, rate, charge or other consideration, or directly or indirectly in connection with any business, or other undertaking for profit."

Dennis Prager simps #crackpot #wingnut people.com

[Comments on “Dennis Prager, Far-Right Talk Show Host Who Founded PragerU, Hospitalized with Serious Back Injury from Fall” by Charlotte Phillipp, published on November 14, 2024 02:40PM EST]

Donna・14 days ago
Disagreeing with someone's political and social ideologies does not in anyway automatically make them an extremist. I'd like Ms. Phillips to tell us, just how many segments of his radio show have you listened to? Just how many of his articles or books have you read? Just how many PragerU videos have you watched? I'm going to guess, not any. That Mr. prager's rational views on religion, politics and social issues differ from yours does not make him an extremist. You've betrayed your journalistic integrity for falling into the name calling trap of someone with whom you disagree or, know anything about.


Otto・16 days ago
If Dennis is “far right” than Oprah is a “Communist”


Plenti・19 days ago
This very successful truth sharer is seriously hospitalized and you want to lambast him! This is not an agenda, it’s a report on accident that is quite serious but you want to label the one suffering. It’s okay, we get you and we know where the true Light comes from.

May Dennis Prager have a speedy recovery in all of the best health. B’H’

Alina・19 days ago
Wow… you really like to label people.
Dennis Prager is not woke progressive pro-socialist msn.
He is conservative, but it doesn’t make him “Far right” 🙄🙄🙄
No everyone is ho disagrees with far left is automatically far right.


TG・20 days ago
Using the terms “far right” and “staunch” to describe Dennis Prager are judgmental and inaccurate. He believes in facts and he reports them. People may not agree with him and they may not like facts, but he know what he is talking about. Rather than filing this story under politics, you should file it under opinion.

David・20 days ago
He's not far right. He's just a conservative. He deserves a lot of respect because he's a genuinely good man, regardless of your politics. [...]


WinterDragonGod #wingnut #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

This is just me being a Doomer so don't take it personally.... but honestly I just don't see any hope for America these days.

There's so much degeneracy and apathetic bullshit going on that it's obvious people don't care as long as they make a quick buck from it. Like, lets be honest here, regardless of who becomes President America isn't gonna recover. We're too deep in debt with other countries such as China, rampant Illegal Immigration, heavy Drug Use and other things.

I don't know what else to say other than that we're fucked. The American Dream is dead and has become the Nightmare and no one's willing to wake up and see reality for what it really is.

Joe Rogan #crackpot #pratt #wingnut thedailybeast.com

Joe Rogan Shocked Trump Won: ‘Turns Out Voting Works’

Published Nov. 7 2024 2:29PM EST 

“So turns out, voting works,” [Joe Rogan] said, “It’s real. As much as we f---ing thought they had it rigged, as much as we thought there were shenanigans and bulls--t and it’s just a puppet show and there’s no way, anybody can buck the system, turns out, voting is still real. At least if it’s too big to rig and clearly [Trump] was too big too rig,” he continued.


[Tweet from Joe Rogan]

The great and powerful @elonmusk.
If it wasn't for him we'd be fucked. He makes what I think is the most compelling case for Trump you'll hear, and I agree with him every step of the way.
For the record, yes, that's an endorsement of Trump.
Enjoy the podcast [...]


“The media gaslit us to the absolute limits of their ability [...]” he said. “Joy Reid spent the entire time she was discussing Trump the other day comparing him to Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler [...] as if he had never been president for four years and didn’t behave like any of those things,” Rogan said.

He then went on to praise Trump’s first term in office, saying Reid and others discuss Trump “as if the economy wasn’t booming, as if people weren’t making more money, as if we weren’t involved in any new conflicts overseas, no new wars.”

Rogan also [...] lauded Trump for taking on the “hardest job on the planet” when he “started without any knowledge of it.”


Rogan also expressed how excited he was that figures like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, and JD Vance are now attached to Trump this time around.

“We‘ve got a real chance to make real change, this is like one of the first times ever where there’s a real chance to make real tangible change that’s gonna be for the good of everybody,” Rogan said. That is, he added, if Trump can stop going after his critics now that he’s won: “He’s gotta not attack the left, everybody—let ‘em all talk their s--t, but unite.”

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Back in 2020, Trump signed a order stating that all companies that participated in movements that preached ideals contrary to "men should not be judged according to the color of their skin" would have all government contracts revoked and all government funding suspended.
DEI is affirmative Action 4.0, placing people according to the color of their skin
Companies are quickly and quietly canceling all DEI hiring practices in prep for January
And soon DEI is going to be completely openly mocked and ridiculed.
You woke bastards should be scared. No more free handouts for you.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

Michael Yon and Mike Adams DO THE WORLD - fascinating interview on crypto, comet impacts, cow dung and red mosquitoes

- Historical books

- Repeating the economic mistakes of history

- Bitcoin reserve

- Government pump, Bitcoin inflation

- Crypto decentralization

- Why gold persists as a store of value

- Rise of robots and extermination of humanity

- War, famine and pestilence

- Red mosquitoes as genetically engineered organisms

- Volcanic explosions and global famine due to dimming of the sun

- Comet impacts, asteroid impacts

- Gobar gas and the use of cow dung as renewable energy

- Escalating war in the Middle East: Israel, Hamas and Iran

Clif High #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy substack.com

The Discontinuity Dilemma… is that problem that Humanity faces currently. It is shaped as follows; there are approximately 3 billion humans who have no form of energy to cook food. They die early as a result, and the planet’s forests are denuded. There are 2 billion people without access to clean water. They die early as a result.
All ‘green energy’ is a net energy loss as it requires diesel engines to create and sustain it.

BUT ALL WEALTH ON EARTH is tied to diesel use. Petroleum is the second most abundant fluid that the planet creates. Petroleum is infinitely created by processes in the Earth, BUT by creation of artificial scarcity, we have fashioned a system in which ALL WEALTH on earth is bound to petroleum based ‘assets’.

AND this system is killing Humanity. This system allows the dominance of the Elohim worship cult and their evil perversions. Their tool, the central banking system, enslaves Humanity due to the scarcity of energy.
The Discontinuity Dilemma arises as Humanity is now faced with the arrival of UFOs, powered by ‘free energy systems’, labeled for convenience as ZPT (zero point technology). That these UFOs are here due to our bad behavior (nuke weapons disrupt galactic wide communications and navigation systems) is again, due to a distortion caused by the need for those people who claim to own assets to do everything in their power to protect that claim.
The Discontinuity Dilemma comes down to this.

If we free Humanity from energy scarcity, thus enabling a fantastic growth period where all individuals have opportunity for wealth, we destroy the existing power structure to its core.
ZPT is arriving in these UFOs. ZPT is here, now. ZPT will disrupt the human social order. Humanity needs the social order to be disrupted at this very deep level.

The existing power structure can not stop ZPT from entering into Humanity, it can only delay and cause more suffering in so doing.

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy blog.reaction.la

[From “Government Healthcare and the deficit”]

Healthcare in the US is extraordinarily, ludicrously, bad. It is also absurdly, extraordinarily, ludicrously expensive, both for any individual who is not part of an official victim group, and for the government. The government deficit is about two trillion dollars, and is unsustainable[…]
The cost of healthcare to the government is about equal to the deficit. Comparing US (corrupt civil service and judiciary) health care spending with Singapore (honest civil service and judiciary) health care spending we may conclude that almost all of that is waste, fraud, and corruption[…]
One of the big benefits of living in Mexico is genuinely private healthcare. Healthcare in Mexico is better quality and price for the individual than the US. Singaporean healthcare is, of course, way higher quality[…]
A lot of countries provide “free” healthcare. Which is unsustainable, and inevitably turns into mass murder, as in Canada and England. American healthcare has not yet turned into mass murder, but is unsustainable. Financial collapse and hyperinflation looms. You could provide free healthcare if you had an honest and competent civil service like that of Singapore to provide it, but governments that provide “free healthcare” do so out of evil ideology whose adherents increasingly worship demons, so I am unaware of any government has yet provided free healthcare without providing murder instead. The Philippines has a “free” healthcare system, but it tends to kidnap poor people who patronise it and demand that their kin come up with enormous sums of money[…]
The Christian faith in the Philippines is dying, but still strong. It is likely this is the reason that free healthcare in the Philippines is so expensive. The faith prevented them from resorting to murder on the scale that most western free healthcare systems have deployed. Being reluctant to make “free” murderous, they made it expensive, which is a Pareto improvement

Pleasant-March-7009 #wingnut #racist reddit.com

It is not racist to oppose mass immigration.

Why is it that our beautiful Canadian culture is dying right before our eyes, and we are too worried about being called racist to do anything about it?

I have no hatred towards anyone based on race, but in 100 years, it's our culture that will be gone and India's culture will be prominent in both India AND Canada.

Do we not have a right to our own nation?

pro-natalist legislators #forced-birth #sexist #wingnut fidh.org

Russia: Ban on "propaganda" in favor of childfree lifestyles


Paris, 14 November 2024. [...] Two days ago the Duma unanimously passed a bill banning the dissemination of neutral or positive information about being childfree on the Internet, in the media, films, and advertisements.

This law still needs to be approved by the upper house before being sent to [...] Putin for final approval. It includes [...] penalties, which can reach up to 400,000 rubles for individuals (around $4,200) and 5 million rubles for companies (nearly $50,000). There is also the risk of administrative arrest and deportation for non-Russian citizens.

[...] The regime [...] exalts motherhood as a fundamental cornerstone of national policy. In 2020, Russian authorities made significant revisions to the Constitution, notably adding Article 67, which states that "children are the most important priority of Russian state policy."

The year 2024 has been declared in Russia as the "Year of the Family." This [is] an opportunity to adopt measures aimed at "strengthening marriage and traditional values." Divorce fees have been increased eightfold, laws have been passed prohibiting "incitement to abortion" and [...] private clinics in certain regions are now refusing to perform voluntary abortions.

The newly passed law bans the dissemination of information about the "childfree" movement [...] According to Valentina Matvienko, Chairwoman of [...] the upper house of Parliament, "this movement does not align with the current expectations of women" and "must be legally prohibited."

Once the law comes into effect, Russian citizens will no longer be allowed to say or write anything that promotes a "positive image of childlessness and the conscious choice not to have children, unless this choice is related to medical contraindications."

[...] The stated goal is to [...] fight against a West deemed "decadent" and [...] control women’s bodies.


Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #conspiracy winterwatch.net

Fringe-culture rumors of underground alien-human shenanigans are in reality fed by leaks from questionable individuals, usually with intelligence connections. The whole captured-alien-hardware story is just a highly elaborate hoax to discredit those exposing the reality of these deep bases.

I’m suggesting that there may be a reset coming that would finish off the U.S. and the U.K. as we know it and usher in a hardcore Orwellian tyranny. War would be the pretense and cover used for this. It is a primary reason the neo-zio cons are clamoring for war with Iran and poking the Russian bear.

The rumored “Red List” and “Blue List” is effectively true. Only authoritarian followers and the most dense pajama people are not on the lists. Even being only slightly awake will get you recognition. If you speak out on Israel and Jewish power, you are there in spades. The Scamdemic has allowed the Tyranny to identify millions of people who don’t tow the party line.
Red List – These people are the enemies of the New Underworld Order (NUO) Crime Syndicate. They are outspoken leaders or influencers. The theory holds that they will be dragged out of bed at 3 a.m., taken to a facility and killed, similar to how the Cheka did it in the Soviet Union.
Blue List – These are also enemies of the NUO, mostly followers of the Red List folks. They’re not hardcore, but are partially awake. These people will be rounded up and taken to detention centers for “re-education.”
Many underground bases are owned by corporations or unknown Crime Syndicate-related entities. They are serviced by tram, gondola and elevators.

They are in remote locations, so they do not need many guards. They are guarded through satellites and other technologies.
Beta test versions of the cull are already in place. The January 6th Capital prisoners are a beta test for how long the Star Chamber can keep political prisoners indefinitely in foul conditions and without due process of law.

Arthur Sido #racist #conspiracy #wingnut identitydixie.com

[From “A Glimpse Into Our Future”]

One of my rules to live by is that if things get bad enough, people will accept just about anything to make it better (or at least not as bad)

That principle is going to be put to the test and soon if my view into the crystal ball is accurate

A lot of virtual ink has been spilt here about crime in general and black crime in particular[…]
Our black criminal class is bad but manageable because they are a) dumb, b) lazy and c) mostly spend their time shooting each other. It isn’t that difficult to avoid them

But the mestizo gangs like MS-13 and Tren de Aragua? Those f*ckers are vicious and crazy and a lot smarter than Ja’Quiff and company. They are less like Boyz n the Hood with random and thoughtless violence and more like the Mafia with organization and a code of silence. They go to suburbs and ritzy neighborhoods with a plan and high-tech gear to block alarms. Whereas blacks might shoot ten people at random while missing their intended target, mestizo gangs seem more likely to kill their target and their target’s entire family just to make a point

For years the nations of Central America have been slaughterhouses as the big narco-gangs basically ran those countries and killed whoever got in their way, with El Salvador leading the way[…]
Then a new El Presidente took office, President Nayib Bukele[…]
When people talk about hard time, that is what hard time looks like[…]
This is the future, when the people have finally had enough and start to string up ACLU lawyers[…]
The problem is that once you start locking people up and throwing away the key after setting aside legal precedent, it isn’t hard to do the same with enemies of the state. One only need look at the January 6th political prisoners[…]
I have been of the opinion for some time that the reason crime is out of control is that They want it out of control for the simple reason that if things get bad enough, people will accept anything to make it stop

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org


Remember, Thanksgiving is a celebration of the immigrant-invaders who overran, destroyed, or removed from power, the native inhabitants of North America.

The same thing is now happening to North America, Western Europe, and the UK. Mass immigration is the best weapon of globalism. It destroys ethnic-based nations and national conscience A tower of babel is neither a nation nor a country. Thus the path is open for global rule by power alone.

We are halfway there. Already Western governments no longer represent the interests of their citizens. The latest example is the British prime minister’s cancellation of the winter fuel subsidy for British pensioners for budgetary reasons, while doubling down on support for the war with Russia.

John C. Carleton #wingnut #conspiracy #racist johnccarleton.org

“I’m The Best Thing That Could Happen To Israel”-Donald Trump-IsraHELL Firster.

Everyone who’s head is not planted firmly up their own ass hole knows Israel and Israel blackmailed and bribed political whores in Washington DC did 9-11.
Anyone who can walk and chew gum at the same time understands these last 23 years of wars of Terrorism by US based on the false flag of 9-11 were wars fought with American Tax Slaves loot and American blood to benefit Israel.
Any ass hole living in America who supports IsraHELL is one of two things:
1: Too stupid to pour rancid horse piss out of a Texican’s cowboy boot with the instructions to do so printed in CAPITAL letters on the bottom of the heel!
2; A treasonous evil egg sucking child molesting ball-less demonically possessed soul-less minion of the Dark side.

Tomi Lahren #wingnut twitter.com

I hope Liberal Americans who voted for Kamala realize we don’t hate you. We don’t even dislike you. We want this country to get better for all of us.

You’ll enjoy it too.

Just stop screaming at the sky long enough to realize lowering energy costs, deporting criminal aliens and protecting women’s sports and spaces is, ya know, a good thing.
7:58 AM · Dec 1, 2024 · 85.2K Views
861 Reposts 49 Quotes 5,388 Likes 36 Bookmarks

baconman4646 #wingnut deviantart.com

You know the Meaning of an Executive Order In the United States is a directive by the President of the United States that manages operations of the federal government, as in it's how the POTUS manages the Executive Branch, Enforces the Law, and the only thing above an Executive Order is the Constitution itself. Keep in mind, you are the Retard who called them "Worthless and meaningless"

You know I have +48 Watchers over you for a reason, it's because I know American Law, people want to see someone who says the facts, and I'm not a little bitch who calls it meaningless who runs away from the argument and actually has something of value to say unlike you who does nothing but Echo the same Fake News Claims that have been going on for 8 years.

JonFreeman #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

The next time you see a liberal unironically fly off the handle in an uncontrolled sociopathic fury, justifying it as "triggered"


Remember that real ptsd triggered looks more like "fetal position begging for mercy even in the company of friends"


And that liberals only care about mental health so long as they get praised for it

Pete Hegseth #fundie #wingnut peoplefor.org

When Donald Trump announced his intention to nominate Fox News host Pete Hegseth to serve as Secretary of Defense, concerns were raised immediately about Hegseth's undisguised Christian nationalism[…]
On Monday, Hegseth appeared on the "CrossPolitic" podcast, which is hosted by Toby Sumpter and Gabe Rench, both of whom are closely tied to Wilson and his church

During the discussion about Hegseth's book "Battle For The American Mind," Hegseth said that he is working to create a system of "classical Christian schools" to provide the recruits for an underground army that will eventually launch an "educational insurgency" to take over the nation

"I think we need to be thinking in terms of these classical Christian schools are boot camps for winning back America," said Sumpter

"That's what the crop of these classical Christian schools are gonna do in a generation," Hegseth agreed. "Policy answers like school choice, while they're great, that's phase two stuff later on once the foothold has been taken, once the recruits have graduated boot camp."

"We call it a tactical retreat," Hegseth continued. "We draw out in the last part of the book what an educational insurgency would look like, because I was a counterinsurgency instructor in Afghanistan and kind of the phases that Mao [Zedong] wrote about. We're in middle phase one right now, which is effectively a tactical retreat where you regroup, consolidate, and reorganize. And as you do so, you build your army underground with the opportunity later on of taking offensive operations in an overt way."

"Obviously, all of this is metaphorical and all that good stuff," Hesgeth claimed, which promoted both hosts and himself to burst out laughing

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