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Right-wing nutjobs

Devon Erikson #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia #elitist

- They, themselves, are luxury people. Civilization does not need them. It does need the specific subset of straight white males they are at war with.

- Their agenda is a luxury morality. Civilization will not collapse if someone says that male and female brains are different, that a man in a dress is not a woman, or that the dregs of third world Muslim failed nations are not a suitable replacement for the white male button-down-shirted NASA engineers of the 1950s.

- The agenda of their opposition, the aforesaid straight white males, is not a luxury morality. Civilization will indeed collapse if positions of responsibility are not handed out according to capability and trustworthiness.

What we desperately need certain people to understand, so that we don't end up having to imprison or kill them to save civilization, is that democracy is not a general synonym for "fair and enlightened modern civilization in general".

Linda Harvey #homophobia #fundie #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy

It’s curious that, as parents around the country unite against the wicked “trans” agenda directed toward our kids, quite a few are willing to accommodate homosexual identities.

“I have no problem with someone who’s gay,” I heard one mom say “It’s the gender mutilation that we need to fight.”

Agreed, that needs to stop, but doesn’t she understand that the fight to normalize “LG” and “B” is where the push for “T” began? They are intimately connected and that’s why they stand in unity: “LGBTQ.”
For both the mental and spiritual health of our children, I would like to offer 4 reasons that we need to keep objecting to the normalization of homosexuality, even as we work to halt the “trans” train:

1. We look confused and muddled when we fail to stand against all the sexual anarchy labels. They are connected and one flows out of the other.
We will get nowhere unless we accept a few basic realities: the “LGBTQ” movement is pushing for child emancipation and full empowerment on medical/counseling issues as well as age of sexual consent. That’s because the powers leading that movement have no problem with children being sexual. Many of them were and that’s how they got to their present identities.
3. Homosexuality is a sin and faithful Christians must stand on this truth. And we must continue to do so because these identities are a dire threat to our children. And it’s not hate to do this-- exactly the opposite. The “LGBTQ” agenda is, at its core, anti-Christian.
4. No one is born homosexual (or in the wrong sex body) and school policies and programs that imply this are based on a huge deception.

Rather than attempt to cover the stunning lack of science, let’s just think about one point. Knowing the profit-motive of Big Pharma, don’t we all know that if any “gay gene” (or similar) research had turned out to be reliable, this industry would be developing testing?

Such testing is not being developed because their science has fallen flat. This emperor has no clothes.

Donald Trump #racist #conspiracy #wingnut

[Title: Trump repeats lies and attacks Kamala Harris’s racial identity at panel of Black journalists. (31 Jul 2024)]

Donald Trump parroted disinformation about immigration and abortion, questioned Kamala Harris’s race and accused a panel moderator, Rachel Scott – the senior congressional correspondent for ABC News – of being “rude” and presenting a “nasty question” when she asked him: “Why should Black voters trust you?”
Trump arrived more than an hour late to the panel[...]
The conversation opened with Scott asking why Black voters should trust Trump given his repeated inflammatory comments about Black people.

“Well, first of all, I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner,” Trump said, before asking whether Scott was with “fake news network” ABC News.
Trump added: “I think it’s disgraceful that I came here in good spirit. I love the Black population of this country. I’ve done so much for the Black population of this country … I think it’s a very rude introduction.”

He continued, “I have been the best president for the Black population since Abraham Lincoln,”
He repeated the unsubstantiated claim that undocumented immigrants were planning on taking “Black jobs”,[...]“Anybody that has a job – that’s what it is. They’re taking the employment away from Black people.”
Trump claimed that Harris suddenly “became a Black woman” and had previously only been identifying with her Indian heritage. “Is she Indian or is she Black?”[...]“I respect either one but she obviously doesn’t because she was Indian all the way and then all of sudden she became a Black woman.”
At least two Black attendees sporting Trump hats frequently cheered for the former president, especially as he reiterated that he faced “political persecution” after being convicted of 34 felonies.

Alice M. Byrd #wingnut #transphobia #enbyphobia #conspiracy

The Unified Political Class shouts from the rooftops that “THEY” are going to be the most transparent party and leaders in the history of the USA. It’s like a church choir that is in perfect tune, even though different singers are singing different aspects of the melody…they sing ONE SONG in harmony. Henceforth, I will only refer to them as the “Imperial They”. The Corporate Cathedral of Conquest.

I woke up to find out the nightmare had become reality. The Progressives, Socialists and Marxists that have purposefully infected and now permeate throughout The US guv’mint, and I include the highly mischievous RINO’s who collaborate seamlessly with them. They have preached and PREACHED about how “They” are going to make their behaviors and policies transparent! It is my firm conviction that “They” have finally achieved their lofty goal.
People are whatever “They” want them to be! I wanted the world to be REAL…Apparently, I lose that wish. Men are not men; women are not women; they are gender fluid non-binary entities who can choose to be anything they want to be, whenever they want to be it!! Human Chameleons! Or should I say Chimeras? Oh, and men CAN become pregnant! Soon, they will not even be 100% human beings. They will be transhuman, implanted with AI and live forever! The world has lost it moral docking and our ship of humanity is finally lost at sea.
THIS is how the Global Corporate Command sees the average person. We are something to destroy through gullibility and temptation. Humans, beyond “Their” proscribed numerical limit, are a blight upon the earth who demand being fed and clothed and sheltered…and there are simply too many humans (cue the Covid Shot advertisement)!!
Those minions spiritually indwelt by the Forces of Evil have taken over the planet. Get ready to enjoy your breakfast of mealworms and your hovel of mud and straw; You’ll have nothing and be happy!………….or else.

D. Parker #wingnut #conspiracy

There was a time only a few decades ago in the '70s and '80s when politics wasn’t as divisive in that the other side could at least admit what they were and what they wanted to do. A time when it was Democrat or Republican instead of left versus right and we weren’t that far apart from each other. We could disagree without being disagreeable and still be friends.

But unless you’ve been living under a rock, or only getting your news from the national socialist media, you know that’s all changed. These days the un-Democrat party has gone so much to the dark side of red (as in communistic red) that they have to work constantly to keep it hidden. And you are having to go into full damage control mode when Comrade Kamala reveals too much.

RFK, Jr.’s campaign suspension, Trump endorsement, and speech, along with the freedom illusion projected at the DNC (a.k.a., commie con) and their dire direction off a cliff are all signposts of a dying political party.

There is the bad news in that the national socialist media is marching in goose step with the un-Democrat party, so it’s going to be up to the pro-freedom community to spread the word to counterbalance the commies.
It is even more curious that while they are concealing their move to the far left reaches of the political spectrum, they are co-opting the liberty language of the pro-freedom community. So, while they are going full authoritarian, they pretend to be freedom-oriented. That means they know their ideas won’t sell and they have to fake being far-right.
The un-Democratic Party is stuck with their far-left radicals, and they can’t hide them forever, and the political earthquake of the RFK, Jr. moves means that normal and sane people are moving away from them. The DNC’s marketing arm is doing all it can to push their candidates, so when Comrade Kamala starts sinking, there’s nothing they can do. There is only one way for them and it’s down.

Antun Šturlić #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

@ MFSB 2023
Who is NATO that they can decide to spread their imperialism? NATO started it, not Russia, Russia is protecting itself.
NATO is literally the one that took over not half of Europe, but entire Europe LOL.
Crimea was failure almost 5x and Zelensky will soon flee to Ukraine and he didn't even had elections. He crowned himself as infinite president which goes against democratic principles. In Moscow days are perfect, since Moscow is not being shelled, while Kyviv is.

Babylon Bee #forced-birth #wingnut

In addition to administering free vasectomies and abortions as part of the convention's festivities, Democrats confirmed that each night of the convention would begin with a ceremonial child sacrifice ritual. "It's important to maintain the deeply spiritual aspect," Harrison said. "Abortion forms the bedrock of what we are as a political party, so it only makes sense to showcase our celebration of killing babies in any way we can."

Officials said the red Chicago river would not only show the party's enthusiasm for baby murder but also serve as a visual preview of the tidal wave of communism the party would seek to usher in if Kamala Harris is elected. "We're all about the red," Harrison said. "The blood of innocent children… unbridled communism… bring on the red!"

At publishing time, city officials said they were unconcerned about the dyeing of the river since city streets have been running red with blood for years.

Babylon Bee #forced-birth #wingnut

DNC Dyes Chicago River Red To Celebrate Abortion
POLITICS · Aug 19, 2024 ·


CHICAGO, IL — As top Democratic political leaders and influencers gathered in the Windy City for the week, the Democratic National Convention dyed the Chicago River red to celebrate abortion.

The decision was made to make the river blood-colored for the party's convention as a striking visual to emphasize the Democrats' unending commitment to slaughtering defenseless babies in as large of quantities as possible.

"Turning the Chicago River blood-red is the perfect way to celebrate our party's national convention and remind everyone just how excited we get about killing babies," said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. "We're just bummed we couldn't use actual baby blood. Keep killin' those babies, folks!"

Jon Del Arroz #fundie #wingnut #homophobia

[Context: Heather Antos edits Star Trek comics]

Heather Antos pushed harder into the LGBTQ+ community, including contributing to a pro-child grooming anthology titled “When I Was Young,” which was marketed as stories about corrupting youth into sexualized situations. The anthology is a poignant example of fueling speculation as to whether this was an offering of child sacrifice to the Devil.

On top of this, Antos posted a viral video mocking Christians again by replacing the Bible with the book “The Jedi Path”, showing a deep commitment to known satanic institutions like Disney Star Wars, which are now pushing messages that evil is good and good is evil through their shows like The Acolyte.

Now, Heather Antos created further uproar this weekend by wearing a t-shirt at the Chicago Fan Expo, which clearly reads “Hail Satan.” With such a past of having toyed with devil worship, it seems like her intention is clear with comics.

If she has indeed sold her soul to the devil, it explains why she’s risen to such prominence in the industry despite demonstrated incompetence which has led to Valiant Comics shutting down and outsourcing their entire line to a different publisher via licensing, as well as IDW Publishing delisting from the stock exchange and laying off a substantial part of their workforce because of massive reported losses since Heather Antos has been editing at the company.

As comic book fans, we can only pray that Heather Antos will accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and get herself off this dark path.

JonFreeman #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt

A fundamental flaw of woke is "right makes might".

It's an attitude of "i an doing the right thing, therefore i will succeed, therefore anyone who doesn't believe me must be wrong and must be actively a threat"

This belief of the right to succeed supercedes hard work and attention to detail ... which leads to failure.

Hence: go woke go broke

various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut

Submitter’s note: Pretty much every single comment on the article reads like this

Bob bob: Hilarious that Dan Wolken doesn't understand biology or the clown form the IOC. Saying an explanation does not exists is just hard left wind idiocy. Maybe the IBA shouldn't be in the business of running boxing but I doubt the genetic test which is incorrect. Why doesn't the IOC have a genetic test performed and release the results? Because they know its going to confirm its a male no matter what the fake paper birth certificate says.

L*******: What an incredibly disingenuous analysis that dances around basic truth and very simple science. Another Russian collusion story? Please. What would satisfy the author, would a death in the ring satisfy him?

Curdweasel2: No one in the video addresses the XY question. What is the boxer's karyotype?

Bob bob: I love how they skate around it. Like there's no test that could reveal one's biological gender. We just have to believe the paper birth certificate and what a very male looking athlete says.

B G: When Khelif failed the qualification test, Khelif should have had enough integrity to step down rather than compete despite having already broken the rules.

Aaron Ray: Last year he was a dude

Michael B: Agreed. Someone like him should never be allowed to compete against actual women ever again.

Mismack Girma: He is a man period. He got man natural genetics from birth.

Caleb Nichols: XY chromosomes and high testosterone level? Hmmmm...

Corey Vette: I thought genitals didn't matter to the left. Now they do ???

JD Vance #conspiracy #crackpot #forced-birth #wingnut

I think our conservative idea is that parents and families should determine what children learn and what values they are brought up with. So many of the leaders of the left, I hate to be so personal about this, are people without kids trying to brainwash the minds of our children. That really disorients me and it really disturbs me. Randi Weingarten, who's the head of the most powerful teacher's union in the country, she doesn't have a single child. If she wants to brainwash and destroy the minds of children she should have some of her own and leave ours the hell alone.

Joseph Z #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #wingnut

Monday night’s edition of the FlashPoint program on televangelist Kenneth Copeland’s Victory Channel focused on the selection of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as the Democratic candidate for vice president.

Guest Rick Green, an associate of Christian nationalist historian David Barton, declared Walz a “power-hungry tyrant” who is “perfect for the Communist Democrats.” If Green was hoping that would be the program’s most memorable attack line, he would soon be sorely disappointed.

That honor goes to “prophet” Joseph Z. Here’s part of his answer to his first question from host Gene Bailey, who asked if Z was encouraged or discouraged by what’s going on the country right now:

“I believe very clearly the spirit of the Lord is making a way for the body of Christ to go through in this time. And you know even when we bring up guys like Tim Walz and look at what’s going on, people say he’s you know midwestern folksy, I have another word for him, being from Minnesota myself, and it’s weird. The guy’s just weird. You see the way he hugs his wife. You see the way he does everything. I believe the Spirit of the Lord is letting them overextend their reach. I believe he’s giving them a sense of confidence that’s actually going to be a surprise silver lining turnaround in this whole narrative. I believe the spirit of the Lord is going to bring victory and breakthrough. And you know it’s interesting how the spirit of antichrist just loves to pick these people that fit right in with the wicked overlord lizard mafia that is really driven by their goblin masters, and when you’re looking at this, I believe that’s exactly what we’re facing right now—a spirit of antichrist that wants to have its way.”

Nunya Bizness and Mike De Bruxelles #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot

(Nunya Bizness)

Meanwhile your ilk are pushing price controls, installing a candidate no one voted for, and using the law to go after opponents.

Prove me wrong on that last comment, what crime was Trump convicted of specifically. Hush money isn't the crime, that's a misdemeanor.

Meanwhile democrats are literally sacrificing children at the DNC thanks to planned parenthood. Can't make this stuff up. Evil.

(Mike De Bruxelles)

All heroes are joining Russia.

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut

Today’s Democrat party: Inside the convention will be America’s largest collection of radical America haters, Jew haters, communists, traitors & nut jobs. Outside protesting will be even MORE radical & even MORE extreme America haters, Jew haters, communists, traitors & nut jobs- who hate the Democrats inside convention because they’re not crazy & extreme enough!

FOXNEWS.COM Anti-Israel protesters expected to gather in Chicago by the thousands during DNC

Rhoda Wilson #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Who are the “far right” – the people being blamed for the unrest throughout Britain?

You are.

Unless you are a raging commie, fascist member of Starmer’s predictably Net Zero loving far left Government (which is determined to destroy everyone and everything of value) you are a member of the Far Right. In America you are a member of the Far Right if you aren’t a fervent supporter of the Clinton/Obama/Biden/Harris Democrats.

If you have any savings, you aren’t a “working person.” The British Government despises everyone with £1 in the bank or building society. And plans to destroy you – using the myth of global warming and the weapon of Net Zero to do so.

The politicians and the mainstream (corporate) journalists live in a cocoon. They have no idea of the fear being created by mass immigration. They don’t see the effect the nation’s overcrowding is having.
And yet the riots currently tearing Britain apart have been deliberately manufactured. Crazy policies (unapproved by the population) are tearing the country apart and giving the Government an excuse to bring in more laws and more police. Protesting will be classified as terrorism.

(Remember, by the way, that only 1 in 5 people in Britain voted for Sir Keir “Free Suits” Starmer. Four out of five electors did NOT want Starmer’s bunch of dangerous idiots in charge.)

The riots are being used to launch peasant shooting season.

And we are the peasants.

Brutal, authoritarian and pitiless politicians want to destroy everything we value.

Two-tier policing has clearly been introduced.

This autumn Starmer and Co will push up the minimum wage and increase public sector wages. The inevitable result will be a jump in inflation and a rise in interest rates (as I long ago predicted). Mortgage rates may fall for a few weeks. But they’ll soon be rising again. Tax rises will destroy anyone with small savings, with a small business or with hope or ambition.

The weapon which is being used to destroy you and your world is Net Zero.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

The Obama presidency from January 20th 2009 to January 20th 2016 was supposed to an interlude or truce in the secret war. However, the March 11, 2011 attack on Fukushima, Japan started the war again. The Japanese government, scared by the attack and by threats to blow up Mount Fuji, ended a brief rebellion against the Khazarian Mafia. They handed over the $7 trillion Japan had earned since World War II to Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Satanyahu. Satanyahu then handed it over to the Swiss based Octagon group.

They also installed a slave regime in Japan led by Shinzo Abe. After being installed, Abe was summoned over to Davos to read a keynote speech in January, 2014 in which be compared China to Germany before World War I. In other words, everyone was going to gang up on China and it would be defeated and split up. This speech was the modern Roman Empire’s (The US dominated G7) declaration of war against China.

What we now know in retrospect is that Barack Obama is a grandson of Adolf Hitler. As such he is part of the George Bush Sr. Nazi faction of the KM. His faction installed Abe as Prime Minister because he was a card carrying Nazi. To be more exact he was affiliated with the Unification Church or Moonies who had a ranch in Paraguay next to the Bush ranch. In other words they were part of the group of Japanese who never surrendered at the end of World War II.
The plan was to install Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, another Hitler relative, in 2016 to release these bioweapons around the world to soften up Russia, China and the resto of the world with a pandemic aimed at reducing their population. This was to be followed by an invasion first of Russia and then China.

What happened on November 8th 2016 was a gnostic illuminati coup against the Khazarian Mafia. On this day, at an emergency meeting at the Norwegian base in Antarctica, a decision was made to make Donald Trump president of the United States, according to two individuals who were at this meeting.

Kelleigh Nelson #racist #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

Despite the fact that both Obama and Oprah fawned over Nelson Mandela, he was not a savior for South African blacks. He deplored both white and black farmers who planted fields and raised cattle that fed all South Africans. By communist hands, many black and white families and even their babies were macheted to death. The seeds of Mandela’s “anti-apartheid” have been planted in America and are now being thrust to fruition on our soil.

Millions of third world country illegal aliens have come through Biden’s wide open southern border. Never for a minute believe they are simply seeking refuge. Amongst them are countless criminal elements, MS13 gang members, Islamic terrorists, Chicom soldiers with tats of elite Chinese units, human traffickers and loosed Venezuelan prisoners.

Unreported in American press, there is a brutal white genocide still occurring. This massacre is being instigated by the African National Congress (ANC), South African Communist Party (SACP), and like-minded organizations. The stories of white farmers being murdered, women and babies being raped, and property being destroyed or stolen are legion. Not only is the South African regime doing nothing to prevent it, they are deliberately adding fuel to the fire.
In 1962 Bible reading and prayer were eliminated from government schools. The 10 commandments were removed in 1980, but they’re back in Louisiana.

Racism is being used by Congressional democrats to divide and conquer our country for Marxism. Jew hatred is again proliferating and spewing its vile invectives on America’s college campuses, and anti-Semitic prejudice and crime is mushrooming in our major cities.

An estimated 11 to 22 million illegal aliens have entered our country since Joe Biden took office. Our nation’s wide-open borders threaten to demographically replace America’s white Europeans with third world illegal aliens.

Mandela’s communist white hatred is winning, thanks to former President Obama and his Marxist minions.

Concerned Residents of Florida #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy


How is it that ever since Ron DeSantis became governor, Florida has been targeted with more geoengineered hurricanes than any other period in recorded history?

We are sending this letter to every member of the Florida State Legislature in advance of Tropical Storm Debby making landfall in the Panhandle.
What follows are just a couple of exposés about similar superstorms that hit Florida hard during the last 5 years. Both of them had all the classic signatures of perfectly controlled hurricanes.

An Urgent Open Letter to Gov. Ron DeSantis
HURRICANE MICHAEL: A Geoengineered Superstorm Aimed at
the Florida Panhandle to Swing the 2018 Election to Andrew Gillum

By the way, if any of you members of the
state government are not aware of the massive and non-stop chemical geoengineering operations conducted in plain sight throughout the skies across Florida, why don’t you know?

Much more importantly, why have the many state reps, who have received these letters over the years, chosen to be oblivious to the greatest threat to the state of Florida—weather warfare.

So, if you any of you folks still claim ignorance of the regular geoterrorist attacks perpetrated against the Sunshine State at this late date, you have no right representing the people of Florida.

Now we have Tropical Storm Debby barreling right towards Tallahassee just as the last few have done. Do you not see the new hurricane pattern being purposefully fabricated by the NWO geoengineers?

Especially that many of these frankestorms are aimed right at highly strategic Florida locations during the months before Election Day? What better way to create chaos, confusion and conflict in those voting precincts where elections are won and lost in Florida.

Well, are you aware of these electoral machinations and criminal conspiracies?

If so, what are you all going to do about it?

Concerned Residents of Florida

Brent D. Cates #wingnut #magick #conspiracy

It’s Friday morning, July 26th, 2024 as I sit down at my workstation to compile my thoughts on where I am on this unfolding #SoulWAR.
And the GREAT NOTICING will continue as THE GREAT UNRAVELING on the attempted assassination on President Trump that was ALLOWED to happen coincides with more recent revelations on how the HAMAS attack of October 7th that was ALLOWED to happen as well as the attacks of 9-11 that were ALLOWED to happen.

After 23 years new, never before seen footage of the World Trade Center collapse of both towers has SUDDENLY appeared.

Showing to anyone but the brain dead it was a controlled demolition.
May I remind people the US Government has access to technologies they don’t yet let you play around with that are 20+ years ahead of anything you are ALLOWED to see?

So this is where we are.

9-11 ALLOWED to happen.

Massive political capital for these super criminals to take advantage of.

October 7th ALLOWED to happen.

The attempt to publicly execute Donald Trump for his innumerable crimes against their NAZI WORLD ORDER was ALLOWED to happen.

Before I continue I must mention this.

There are aspects of RITUAL throughout all of this.

When Anons tell you kid fucking Luciferians are running the World, please don’t take that as some fanciful narrative for a TV Show.

It is REAL.


They are on a ACTUAL Dark Crusade to defeat Our Creator and enslave humanity.

And were on track to achieving that victory until Trump arrived to deliberately stop them.

They intend to use the TRILLIONS they have stolen to find ways via tech and medicine to LIVE PHYSICALLY FOREVER while raping and sacrificing your children.

Without FEAR of being exposed or overthrown.

To do these things IN PEACE.

Humanity in THRALL.

Once their Orange Adversary was put down once and for all.

9-11 = #RITUAL.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #racist #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 2, 2024 – Why the world DESPISES the violence and terror of Israeli, UK and US governments

- Israel's actions in the Middle East, condemning Netanyahu's government for murder and war crimes. (0:03)

- Netanyahu's speech to Congress, and the shameless applause from lawmakers. (9:56)

- Larry Johnson: Israel's actions violate Christian values and principles. (16:22)

- US Empire's global influence, violence, and economic sanctions. (30:29)

- Western governments operate as a satanic death cult. (43:46)

- Zionism and its controversial origins. (49:39)

- Trump's actions and implications for end times prophecy. (1:10:39)

- Christian Zionism and anti-Semitism. (1:16:31)

- Freedom of speech and debate with controversial opinions. (1:38:19)

- The importance of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and life on Earth. (1:47:11)

- Carbon dioxide as the "miracle molecule" for the biosphere. (1:59:21)

Andrea #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

My name is Andrea. Like many others, I have been on the spiritual path for DECADES.

Since then there have been constant prophecies, predictions and visions.

Then for months EBS, QFS etc. All well and good. But unfortunately nothing is happening. Yes, I know. Sooooooooooooo much is happening behind the scenes.

I also know about Project Looking Glass. Great ideas, everything is great. But here too, secrecy, collecting ideas, but 3D is still going strong. Instead of carrying out or allowing the SEPARATIONS announced ages ago between those who have no consciousness at all, little consciousness, and higher, very high consciousness, ……..3D is still going strong here…..
Too many have 3D consciousness – and don’t WANT to change.
There should finally be a spaceship landing where all the spaceship members introduce themselves and also give the opportunity to visit the interior of a spaceship

And those who have the consciousness and want to get away from this 3D planet should finally be given the opportunity to come on board and do a service.

Or, for all I care, a portal that opens and allows those who are full of light and have the corresponding consciousness to pass through. So that SEPARATIONS can finally TAKE PLACE instead of us, who have worked on ourselves, being confronted with 3D on a daily basis.

And now – although I for one have not watched or listened to mainstream news for ages – all the sleepers are waking up. And I STILL see what is going on here in 3D. You have to be afraid of where you go so that you don’t become a victim of these knife attacks. Even though you no longer go out in the evenings. Even though you might just pop into the supermarket. Even though you are careful where you go.

If I could create a portal, I would – and take those who want to come with me.

I want the separation between 3D people and those who want to develop spiritually to be completed!!! So that we can finally live in peace, freedom and harmony!

Alex Collier #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy #mammon

Alex hosted his 57th *LIVE* Question and Answer webinar on August 23rd, 2024. The webinar was just over two hours and 41 minutes in length. Hosted by James Harkin from and the former radio host for Wolf Spirit Radio JayPee.

In just over two hours and forty-one minutes, Alex answered 38 questions. Some of the questions had multiple parts, so Alex spent time answering these questions thoroughly. Due to character limits in the description, here are the top 15 questions that have been paraphrased and voted up by webinar attendees:

Do you know anything about what is happening at Quantum Healing Systems?
Are there any updates regarding the soul trap previously used on Earth?
Will flowers and other vegetation be affected by the new sun frequency?
Do you see a black swan event happening before the end of the year?
Have certain people been cut off from their spiritual connection to their higher self and soul connection?
Who is The Heritage Foundation that has influenced presidents, including President Donald J. Trump?
Are members of the English Royal Family of shape-shifting reptilian descent?
Why was the Brunson Supreme Court case report released after President Joe R. Biden dropped his reelection bid and not before?
What will happen in Ukraine and Israel if those countries allied with BRICS launch a new financial system?
Are there 6,000 US Marshals in Washington, DC?
What can you tell us about the new replicators being developed?
Is there any update to the Quantum Financial System and the revaluation of the world's currencies? Will there still be fraud and manipulation?
Has the US Patent Office been liberated to free the suppressed technologies?
Is AI malevolent or benevolent, and is the race towards artificial intelligence good for humanity?
Do you know why President Donald J. Trump looks so healthy and fit?
And many more!

<Only 6 dollars!>

Ricardo Peterson Kuthumi(Indian in the Machine) #conspiracy #quack #ufo #moonbat #wingnut

In this lifetime, you get to experiment with many roles…


Boy… girl

You have an identity, sometimes you change it, sometimes you refuse to change it…

You have been a victim, or a colonialist…

You have gone natural, and you have lived a very artificial life…

As much as you are repelled by earth life you are also attracted to it…

You like the excitement of being in 3D and 4D.
You have a lifetime of being indoctrinated and the indoctrination started before you could talk.

You identify as ‘vaccinated’ or unvaccinated.

But there’s one thing you haven’t given your all yet…

You have yet to fully become a 100% loving human being.

This is what actually scares you.
Where’s your humanity.

You may have literally bent over and took it up the ass over the last scamdemic.

You said you did this because you cared too much.

You literally took a bioweapon and then said it was because you cared too much.


You watched a billion people die, and didn’t barely shed a tear.

The children had to be rescued by extraterrestrials while you pondered whether or not it is safe to pull your head out of your ass.

The darkside have been quite successful in turning you into an android.

Some of you think these words are gibberish and think you don’t have nanotechnology in you, but you never cared about the chemtrails that were spraying unknown technology on you for 40 years.
Go head… search the newsfeed for monkeypox, transhumanism… civilization is crashing down right now… will you remain lost, or will you find the real human you… the one who is designed to love, evolve, grow and who serves a Higher power?

You WILL have to pull your head out of your ass completely to survive this time… no exceptions.

It is my intention to help save another with these words.

Remember, they are coming after you, your children, your community and the world… AGAIN, because you didn’t even come close to stopping them last time.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #quack #conspiracy

A Bird Flu Plandemic Coming

How many chickens can you chew in one stew?

Less than a few.

A “Bird Flu” plandemic is coming your way.

Monkey Pox is paving the way to scare you as easy prey.

Let me tell you about the birds and the bees and the chickens and the feed and a thing called flu.

It started with its pilot program—”COVID”—in March of 2020.

Just a “dress down” rehearsal by Big Pharma Jews in sync with Global Jewry to wage “war on humanity” with its sinister depopulation agenda.
Usual suspects—Jews.
The Jew Stream Media has alreadyy reported on various takes of Bird Flu (H5N1) outbreaks.’

To date…

…since 2020, we’re being told—I mean being scared…

…that “Bird Flu” has killed millions of wild birds and has infected poultry, cattle, domestic cats, and a number of human beings.

Fear Mongering is a Jewish forte.

Thus comes along “Dr Peter Rabinowitz” to give the goys the shivers.

“Health officials are looking for evidence of mammal-to-mammal transmission and of person-to-person transmission which could be a definite warning about H5N1’s potential to become an epidemic.”

The jab will be lethal and deaths will be blamed on the Bird Flu, NOT the jab.

Placebos will be used on parts of the American population to give “cover” that the jab is safe.

Millions of Whites in targeted Red States will die.

Chickens, pigs, cows, will be annihilated to fool the White population into being “protected…”

…while at the same time starving them into malnutrition.

Be forewarned Mister Trump.

Bird Flu is the stuff that creates the perfect panic to usher in Mail IN Votes.
So “Mail IN Votes” across spacious bird flying skies and amber waves of flu will be mandated.

A car stays in every garage and any chicken for your pot will not survive.

The most hated VP could then emerge as president on November 5.

Antun Šturlić #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot

@Independently Critical
So should NATO and US on the border too with their weak minded citizens that are invading for past 60 years with proxy wars and including invading Ukraine in 2014 via coup?
It's actually completely opposite. It's the Russia not accepting of suppression like NATO are under Western Axis. Russia was only involved in proxy wars in order to defend other nations against the western invasions and it was not for the past 60 years. Since it was Soviet Union, completely different than modern Russia. 2 different things. I am sure it is difficult for some to understand that there are better alternatives than NATO using Soviet tactics of placing other countries inside them. Because that alternative would make NATO end up like Warshaw pact. And US dictatorship in the name of ''freedom and democracy'' as a masquerade. Russia is actually becoming very relevant, while US continues to be irrelevant.
There is no such thing as philosophical difference when it comes to reality. Russia is democratic nation with multiple party system and free thinking society. Capitalist and Democratic nation. It has been attacked by western and Ukrainian dictators that want war and destroying Russian freedom, not their freedom. In Russia people can express their thoughts openly and without fear of retaliation and confinement too and there are no penal colonies as long as they are not harming other co-citizens. Modern day USA is what was before Soviet Union.
True democracy and freedom is scary thing for NATO and Ukraine yes.
Russia is democracy, USA autocracy.
Putin is protecting his nation against communist democrats and evil dictator Zelensky correct.

Kandiss Taylor #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut

Kandiss Taylor hosts a program on the network led by “best friend” Stew Peters, a Holocaust denier who has attempted to portray Adolf Hitler as a “hero.” She has also promoted antisemitism, complaining that Jewish people are “controlling everything” and alleging that “we have some Marxist trash using our R who pander to the Jews.”

Taylor isn’t just a random commentator: She’s the District 1 chairwoman for the Georgia Republican Party. Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporter Greg Bluestein last year described Taylor’s elected position as a “key” post, noting that the state party “plays a role in mobilizing voters, marshaling activists and, most significantly, determining delegates for the presidential nomination.”

In October, Trump ally Mike Davis wrote on social media: “The Democrat Party has been overtaken by Marxist trash who hates Jews.” Taylor responded: “We have some Marxist trash using our R who pander to the Jews. Not much difference.” (Update 8/26: After the publication of this article, Taylor deleted her post.)

She is a repeat guest on The Stew Peters Show. During a February 14 appearance on the show, they discussed someone being charged for allegedly vandalizing a pro-LGBTQ mural. (Peters is virulently anti-LGBTQ.) While discussing pro-LGBTQ efforts, Peters asked Taylor: “No more funding our own demise — bioweapons and forever wars from the Jewish lobby that basically runs our entire government. And they run this as well, don't they?” She replied: “Yeah they run this. 100%. They're controlling everything.”

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

Artificial intelligence has recreated the ‘face of Jesus Christ’ from the Shroud of Turin that some believe was used to wrap him after his Crucifixion. AI is lying to you.
We live in an age of great deception that is combined with great tools with which to disseminate that deception on a global level never before seen in human history. The Shroud of Turin is an obvious fake based on John 20:7 in your King James Bible, but that doesn’t stop Roman Catholics who have made an idol out of it. Now with AI being applied to the Shroud, images of ‘what Jesus actually looked like!!’ are being published, and it’s all a deception, every bit of it. Deception is the first and greatest sign of the end times according to Jesus.

“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” Matthew 24:4,5 (KJB)

In our lukewarm Laodicean end-of-the-Church Age period in which we live, Christians are operating on feelings and emotions, doctrine is out the window exactly as Paul says it will be in 2 Timothy 4:-15. It is the preaching and teaching of Bible doctrine that keeps the Church on the straight and narrow path, remove that (and it has been removed), and you’ve destroyed the foundation on which the Church sits. Back in 2021, we told you about how you just might expect to see people claiming to have found the bones of Jesus, and you just might. You will never find on this Earth the Ark of the Covenant, the ‘holy grail’, the nails that pierced Jesus, or any of the wood from the cross they hung Him on. The Shroud of Turin? An obvious fake if you believe the Bible. Christian, you better climb inside your King James Bible and stay there for the duration, it’s the only safe space there is.

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

WHAT THEY WON'T TELL YOU IS THAT THE U.S. MILITARY has been trading HUMAN SUBJECTS IN EXCHANGE FOR TECHNOLOGY SINCE THE 1930S ..Humans that would be used as experimental victims, tortured and cut into pieces drained of blood and gladular material and become food, sex toys and ultimately killed by the aliens who feed off them. This is a genetic engineering of humanity that includes injecting humans with Reptilan DNA which becomes the primary cause for the ADRENOCHROME EPIDEMIC. Human slavery and sacrifice has surpassed the sale of guns and drugs around the world. THIS MUST STOP NOW.

WHY are they pushing Disclosure Now? A few reasons. 1. Through the deals they made with dark side ETs and some with the Pleiadians and others they now believe they can STAND AND FIGHT using the same tech they aliens have. 2. Even the aliens are pushing for disclosure so they have no choice. 3. Consciousness is at an all time high and the people already know a lot of the truth. 4. We have to negotiate with other species and races around the galaxies and need a United council on Earth to do so. 5. They need to take back our Earth from infiltrating alien races who have built bases both locally and in the sea. 6. They can no longer hide. 7. The coming war with ET and some AI will also involve the light and dark side humans who are already at war behind the scenes especially in the military

Hulk Hogan #racist #wingnut

Hulk Hogan proves that Trumpworld can't resist attacking Kamala Harris' racial identity

One of former President Donald Trump's lines of attack against Vice President Kamala Harris' racial identity has been given a fresh lease on life by his GOP surrogate Hulk Hogan.

The WWE Hall of Famer was seen making a racist joke, commenting on Harris' Indian heritage, as well as asking if she was a "chameleon," during a promotional event for his new beer on Monday night.

He also offered to "body slam" Harris, to chants of "yeah!" from the crowd.


'You want me to drop the leg on Kamala?'

Excerpts from Hogan's Monday night appearance included:

"You wanna get crazy?" Hogan asked the crowd, evincing a cheer after each question.

"You want me to throw more beers out? You want me to body slam somebody? You want me to body slam Kamala Harris?

"I said — do you want me to body slam Kamala Harris? You want me to drop the leg on Kamala?" he continued, referring to one of his signature wrestling moves.

He then moved on to Harris' racial identity.

"Is Kamala a chameleon? Is she Indian? OK, I like it," he said, before raising his hand in a gesture that is stereotypically understood as a Native American greeting. "How," he said, to laughter from the crowd.

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

Social media operates off of fear in many ways. Politics uses fear as a weapon against the opposing side. For those seasoned in the great meme wars of 2016-2024, you know this all too well.

Peace and tranquility are not monikers you’d give to political gamesmanship or 5G narrative warfare. It’s quite the opposite actually. Waking up the populace is more akin to guerilla warfare.
The enemy knows no peace. This is their weak point.

This is what hurts them the most.

The fact that we have made it this far despite all situations that could have caused our faith to waver is outstanding. We lifted each other when things got as rough as they did. When morale needed boosting, we found a way. And think about how close this next election is at this point. We are staring down the barrel of a potentially combustible situation in nearly every facet of this country but guess what? I personally have zero fear.

I know that mystery Babylon is falling.

I know that God is guiding us through this peril. This needs to be our anchor.


We need to be elevating our faith. We don't have time to wallow in self-pity or always focus on the pathetic schemes of the enemy. We need to meet this flood of resistance and tower above it like never before with a vision coming from God. The enemy is attempting to scare us when we all know that chaos is always part of the plan. Chaos ensues when Babylon falls. The very system itself quakes before God because it knows its time is short. This is nothing to be afraid of.
If you haven’t become more spiritual, closer to God, and hungry to see revival in this world after witnessing the COVID pandemic, the stolen election, Satanists and pedophiles embedded within our government, globalists scheming to create a new world order, the looming threat of war, and the reality of evil in this world being exposed at unprecedented levels then you are truly blind.

God is shaking people awake.

We're on the winning team.

Nothing can stop it.

Dawn Roebuck #racist #wingnut

It does make me sick to be constantly being told I'm racist because I'm white. I'm sick of being told I'm privileged. I'm sick of being made to feel like I personally did anything wrong to someone because of their race. Liberals need to jump off the racism band wagon. There just trying to make us all hate one another.

The Reveal #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy

We, the organic human, lost control of Creation due to religion’s worthless concepts of spirituality that the demonic hybrid human serpent seed bloodlines created for us. We are Love and are genetically encoded with Righteousness.

In the beginning, we created this beautiful and perfect earth but we have been dumbed down to the point that we’ve forgotten who we really are.

Trump is a construct of what mankind has been hopping for thousands of years. Trump is the perfect deception. Trump is the savior of manking, that through religion, we’ve been programmed to believe. Trump is the antichrist.

Trump has been groomed to facilitate their next step of evolution known as the New World Order. For thousand of years we’ve been given the illusion that good has defeated evil while pedophiles get their fill with our children underground. In this realm, no one is saving our kids.

We go to church every week to temples built by hands thinking that “god” will save our children but that’s a lie. We are the guardians of creation but we sold out to the worthless consepts of religion. We created this realm but we’ve been dumbed down to the point that we don’t remenber. The demonic human has been able to manipulate mankind to do its biddiding. Unless we understand how we surrendered our discernment to the doctrines of vipers, we will never be able to take back what’s ours…..CREATION

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy #ableist

The "woke" promotion of migration, vaccines, Ukraine, homosexuality, transvestism, CRT, "climate change" has nothing to do with human rights, or it would not trample on the human rights of healthy people.

It is a flimsy pretext for the destruction of Christian Western civilization, depopulation and the imposition of a Communist New World Order dedicated to serving Satan.

Satanism is war against God, i.e. the Moral and Natural Order. It inverts and unravels both, shreding the social fabric. It destroys its adherents.

Satanism is not a religion. Religion discerns & obeys God's Will.

Satanism is an anti-religion. It is a denial of the Creator's Plan. Its god is Death. It is the religion of Death, Destruction, and suffering.

Creation is a Miracle. If you deny the Creator's Design and Purpose, you are a Satanist. The only way mankind will make our rendezvous with God is for us all to serve Him by doing His work, as we see it. Raising healthy children is an example. Atheists and agnostics are Satanists.

Revelation 12:9 "....that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world."

(Protocols of Zion, 6)---"When we introduced into the State organism the poison of liberalism its whole political complexion underwent a change. States have been seized with a mortal illness--blood poisoning. All that remains is to await the end of their death agony." (Protocols of Zion, 9)

"In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the goyim before the proper time, we shall mask it under the alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes..."

A millennia-old satanic conspiracy is reaching a climax. If it is not arrested, mankind will enter a new Dark Age.

"But he that sinneth against Me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate Me love death." Proverbs 8:36

Alexandra Bruce #crackpot #wingnut #quack #conspiracy

Ron Johnson of Stranger than Fiction News (@STFNREPORT on Telegram) is one of the most balls-out independent news guys out there. He’s as de-platformed from social media as I am and he just released a new book, ‘Transhuman Genocide’, to not only inform you about the 5G “Death Towers”, as he calls them but about how to protect yourself from this toxic electrosmog – and to get ready the new next thing: energy weapons.

Sabrina Wallace has warned us about the upcoming “electromagnetic drone warfare” and “plasma charges” and how we need to secure and protect our biofields in order to survive this.

Back in the summer of 2016, watching former Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman, Tom Wheeler announcing the roll-out of the new 5G cellular phone platform was like watching Hitler sans the apoplexy. He was a smooth operator, selling us our own genocide at that press conference.
In hindsight, that press conference foreshadowed the juggernaut of psychopathic gaslighting by our bureaucrats and the media that became normalized during the 2020 Plandemic.

Catherine Austin Fitts hilariously called it the “Shriekometer”, when it was still something that they would only turn on, once in a while, for “emergencies”.
If we keep looking back, these Animatronic zombie psychos have been there, all along. Remember 9/11, the Dubya Presidency and the Invasion of Iraq? Do Larry and Joy Reid understand that they’re playing on the same team as the despised Dubya? (Mika, most certainly does!)

Over the past month, the Clown Show has catapulted into hyperspace, between that non-Googleable “glass shrapnel” to-do in Butler, PA and the whole Kameltoe for President jazz.

Make no mistake. They are soft-killing us, every which way, with their endless hectoring and their insanity-inducing ‘Alice in Wonderland’ torture technique, while psychologically rounding us up for their Final Solution Remix.

Climate Change, you know.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

The Phoenix has many counterparts

The Tartarian Griffin
The Egyptian winged disc Horus
The lion headed serpent Sphinx
The Macaw bird seated on a giant Nanka tree
The Thunderbird on his luminous tree
And Raven on the Totem Pole

A pinched plasma will break into a stack of toroids
Which are joined by a central bar

The toroids then flatten and curl up at the ends
Like the branches of a tree

When the aurora at the center of the world arises in full strength
It is accompanied by electrophonic sounds and ephemeral flashes

And becomes a luminous ethereal column of wind fire and water
And a visual celestial plasma current around which the circumpolar stars revolve

In the Pistis Sophia
The Venus goddess was deluded by the demiurge
Because of its resemblance to the true light of faith

The Tree of Life lingered in front of
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Lucifer originally was the beguiling serpent
Then later became the destructive aspect of Mars

He was pure fire and light
Sent out to stir the divine spirit

The enhanced high energy aurora materialized into visible light
From an influx of charged particles
Resulting in a giant atmospheric plasma tube

As planets magnetically drifted toward the center electrical column
They became the gods and goddesses of myth and religion
Interacting with the north polar axis

The very first verse of Genesis
Barit bar Elohim
Translates to In the beginning the gods created

Elohim is plural
It means gods or lords

Genesis 1:26 says
Let us make man in our own image
According to our own likeness

The use of plural pronouns
Implies Yahweh was not alone!

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #ufo #conspiracy

The autumn campaign in the secret battle for the planet earth has begun early with the execution of YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, the mysterious illnesses of Anthony Fauci and the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. A lot more is happening behind the scenes as well. This is heading for some sort of very dramatic climax in November, Secret Space Force sources promised at a white hat meeting on August 25th. For reasons of operational security, we cannot comment on what is expected in November other than to say it is about a lot more than the US Presidential Selection.

Let us start with Wojcicki. The official story is she died of lung cancer at the age of 56. However, CIA sources say she was executed for censoring the truth about vaccine mass murder on YouTube (your correspondent is among many who were banned for reporting the truth about the vaccines and Covid). Before execution she was questioned about the whereabouts of top Satanist and Google co-founder Sergey Brin, the sources say.
In any case, last night we got a call from an Asian secret society source who said Fauci “committed suicide” by stuffing toilet paper down his throat. We have not been able to independently confirm this information but, if true, it would represent poetic justice considering what has been coming out of his mouth. No official announcement of his death has been made.
The Russians also contacted French dissidents after Durov’s arrest to try use it as an excuse to mount an attempt to overthrow the French government “in the name of free speech.” The French warn that an “international group of actors will attack French infrastructure in the last week of August.”

The French also speculate that since President Emmanuelle Macron is a member of the French branch of the Rothschild family, “maybe they have no choice but to play ball with the Russians because they have lost so many of their members.” Here is a recent picture of him with his uncle who he pretends is his wife.

Thaddeus G. McCotter (Fmr US Congress-Repub) #wingnut #conspiracy

As the presidential campaign speeds past what was once its traditional kickoff date, Labor Day Weekend, many on the right continue to argue that engaging in the “Culture War” is either a distraction or that it is already lost. In both instances, waging the good fight to protect and promote a virtuous culture will ineluctably lead to the Right’s electoral defeat.

Instead, they aver, dispense with cultural issues, such as abortion, euthanasia, protecting parental rights, etc., and focus solely on the economy, immigration, and the weaponization of government. If these Republican Cassandras prevail upon the Trump campaign and GOP down-ticket campaigns to stand mute on critical cultural issues, what will victory in November accomplish for MAGA and conservative populists? The disintegration of our free republic by an erosion rather than an avalanche. And, in truth, the erosion would prove more painful by not only being slower but by being done by our own Republican hands.
The left is waging a culture war on America—indeed a war against the very concept of truth, itself—that aims to impose its collectivist, materialist, secularist ideology upon society; and subordinating and suppressing traditional culture and its adherence to moral truths. Since the left believes it is winning, if largely by default, and is hellbent on finishing its mission, in this Culture War the Republican Cassandras are laboring under the delusion they are seeking a Détente. What they are really calling for is unilateral disarmament on the path to unconditional surrender and serfdom.
Today, over thirty years, America is in a Culture War. Launched and waged by the left, it is a Culture War without quarter. Détente is not an option, and surrender is unconscionable, for it would mean the end of our free republic and all we have cherished for generations and hope to bequeath to future generations.

In brutal truth: we cannot make America great again unless we make America good again.

Rob Pue #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #racist #conspiracy

Perilous times are upon us, friends. There is no justice. Truth hasn’t just fallen in the streets -- it’s been pushed under a bus. Righteousness is not allowed to enter.

How far we’ve fallen here in America. This isn’t the nation I grew up in anymore. Those infected with the “woke mind virus” will call this “progress.” It’s not.

Today, we have a nation of lawlessness and insanity, the by-products of men and women being lovers of themselves, and haters of God.

They’ve worked hard to earn the depraved minds they suffer with. We’re a nation of liars who prefer lies over truth.

Natural affection between men and women is becoming more and more rare, as once-sane people turn to the profane and succumb to the spirit of Sodom.

There’s no doubt that we love pleasure, comfort and ease much more than we love the God who created us and sustains us, even in His patience and longsuffering. And evil men and seducers are growing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.
The illegal invaders our current Fake Biden Regime is importing and resettling into our American neighborhoods with our tax dollars are mostly violent criminals.

No, not all of them, but certainly numbering in the millions; certainly, enough to be great cause for concern.

Meanwhile, the lying media and our government officials either refuse to report these crimes or conveniently omit the fact that the attackers, rapists and killers are here illegally, from many foreign countries around the world — and all living quite comfortably in taxpayer-funded housing.
We have much to pray about as the foreign residents among us rise higher and higher above us and we sink lower and lower...and even more to pray about as truth — even the BIBLE — is now considered “hate speech,” or a “thought crime.”

George Orwell’s “1984” wasn’t meant to be an instruction manual, but that’s what it’s become as we continue the “progress” of this Godless world, with the “woke mind virus.”

Donald Trump #pratt #wingnut

During his interview with billionaire donor Elon Musk, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said they could "meet next time in Venezuela" if he loses November's election

"If something happens with this election, which would be a horror show, we'll meet the next time in Venezuela, because it'll be a far safer place to meet than our country," Trump said to Musk. "OK, so we'll go. You and I will go, and we'll have a meeting and dinner in Venezuela"

Trump had alleged that Venezuela has released violent criminals from its jails and sent them to the United States to reduce its own crime rate

"Their crime rate is coming down and our crime rate is going through the roof. And it's so simple. And you haven't seen anything yet because these people have come into our country and they're just getting acclimated and they don't know about being politically correct, law enforcement or lack of law enforcement and our police. I have to just end with this. We have great police," he said

Trump has repeatedly made the unsubstantiated claim about Venezuela releasing its prisoners to the United States

"I'll tell you what. Venezuela has not gotten rid of all of them. They've gotten rid of about 70 percent of their really bad people," he told Musk

"Their jails are about 50 percent, put into the United States. Same with other countries, over 30 percent. Some are at 50 percent. They're all different," he said. "But the bottom line is they're all going to be 100 percent. Why wouldn't you put 100 percent of it?"

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut

Submitter’s note: This is part 72 in the “Down the Rabbi Hole” series, originally based on the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland, which after a few detours has surprisingly gotten back on track.


Panel 1 - Bearded Drag Queen of Hearts: “How does the defendant plead?”
Panel 2 - Alice / Year Person 2024, covered in tomato spatter: “Not guilty.”
Panel 3 - Bearded Drag Queen of Hearts: “She denies her white guilt, isn’t that a crime, bailiff?”
Panel 4 - Tiny Jewish Bailiff: “Indeed, Your Highness, denying white guilt proves white guilt.”

Laura Hollis #wingnut #fundie #racist #conspiracy

Newly elected British Prime Minister Keir Starmer called the protests "far-right thuggery," and virtually every single media outlet has smeared all protesters as "far-right" bigots and racists. This ignores legitimate concerns of the native British population. Ever-larger percentages of Great Britain's residents are not native-born. Forty percent of London's population was not born in Great Britain, and 54% have parents who were born elsewhere. Sixty-three percent of immigrants to Great Britain now come from non-EU countries, and many arrive from countries with religious beliefs and cultural practices that are not only different from those of Great Britain but actively hostile to them. <...> It should not shock anyone that Western civilization is under attack. Christianity – one of the pillars of Western civilization – has been attacked for decades, its role in contemporary Western society continually eroded. This is societal suicide. There is no Western civilization without Christianity. <...> Too many of those who read the Bible do not distinguish between punishment and consequence. God advises us to do X and to avoid Y, and we ignore His admonitions at our peril; not because He will "punish" us if we disregard His precepts, but because He is warning us that we will destroy ourselves or leave ourselves vulnerable to being destroyed. The laws of human behavior and societal flourishing are as immutable as gravity. You can tell yourself you're God and throw yourself off a building, but you will still go splat when you hit the ground. <...> Those pushing to further reduce Christianity's influence on Western civilization – or eliminate Western civilization itself – will soon find that what takes its place is not a secular utopia of multicultural respect and scientific rationality but a bloody morass of sectarian conflict, widespread ignorance, routine violence and subjugation of the weak by those in power. In other words, the status quo before Christianity.

Various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy


it isn’t odd if you know the end game they have behind it people get mad cause I’m voting TRUMP but don’t want to see the ugly side of what the so called progressive Tolerant left wants to do.we are the carbon they want to reduce(when I say that I mean depopulation ) if you look at what globalists are plotting destroying America is just the first step in they’re evil bid to control the planet)


I SWEAR DeviantArt brings out the ugly in people. Just look at this guy over here!

I know I’m just awful to want to keep what I work for and be left alone

Devvy Kidd #wingnut #conspiracy

Progressives are full blown Marxists. Oh, they might huff and puff and say that’s not true but well-crafted Soviet style brain washing indoctrination methods were slowly inculcated using America’s schools even before I was born. By the time impressionable (and sometimes rebellious) young Americans got out of high school or colleges, they believe America is a democracy which it is not. That capitalism is evil and stomps on the down trodden. Socialism is heaven for everyone!

Over the past three decades I’ve educated myself on what I either wasn’t taught in civics classes or have simply forgotten being I’m now 75. One thing that has never wavered in my mind is the miracle of the birthing of this constitutional republic, capitalism and while I didn’t know all the finer intricacies of brain washing, I’ve always known socialism and communism are a deadly poison.
The birthing of the massive hoax, Global Warming now known as Climate Change” began after the 1928 convention in Moscow. It’s now a cult-religion and key tool of the Communist International Party as they believed it to be one of the biggest sledgehammers to destroy capitalism – especially in the U.S.

Communism is EVIL and it must be crushed in this country. Jeri explains exactly how the Communist International intend to take over the world. How to create the “new Soviet Man” and when the push started: “In 1928 Communists formally adopted “The Program” for building a new global communitarian social order composed of the ruling elite (the masters) and subjugated masses (the slaves).’
It’s us up to us to call these traitors out (non-violently, of course) and parents around this country to continue fighting back against the lies and propaganda being pounded into their child’s head every day. Their innocence is being stolen and they’re being deliberately dumbed down to be little better than oxen under the yoke.

Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues #moonbat #wingnut #dunning-kruger

The Left is not woke.[…] Susan Neiman, in her book published this year by Presença, presents us with a manifesto against tribalism and identity-based particularism in political struggle. She believes that woke thinking and behaviour are traps that distance the Left from the values ​​enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that kill hope and obscure alternatives for change.

“Is it possible to define woke?” he asks. And he answers: it begins with concern for marginalized people and ends with the reduction of each person to the prism of their marginalization. It is this reduction that is at the root of identity politics and tribalism. The Left’s attraction to identity politics is particularly tragic, because it makes it abandon the terrain of human rights and universalism where its origin and strength lie. “Tribalism is a dangerous game, as the Right realized very early on: if the demands of minorities are not seen as human rights, but as the rights of specific groups, what prevents a majority from insisting on its own rights?”

This is, we could say, a book of political philosophy applied to the analysis of the current situation of much of the Left. The author seeks to reach many of those who want to understand and help solve the problems we face in contemporary societies. Starting from the classics of the Enlightenment, she recovers the basic ideas of universalism - solidarity, justice, progress and commitment to doubt -, demonstrating their relevance to the formulation of Left-wing policies.

At the same time, it shakes up the darkest views on progress and the modern world, considering that, although they are in many cases valid and legitimate analytical exercises, they suffer from two problems. They focus human experience on traumatic and negative dimensions, anchoring us in the past, obscuring or even ignoring all other dimensions. In doing so, they undermine the future and the hope for change.

Because the steps taken towards progress have sometimes had terrible consequences, we have lost hope in progress. Disappointments are real and sometimes devastating. But woke theories, instead of pointing to solutions, place disbelief at the center of human experience, “creating a semblance of suspicion that constitutes the background music of contemporary Western culture.”

Hunter Wallace #wingnut

[From “The Case for Trump 2024: Secessionists for Trump”]

In the 2016 election[…]I was swept up in the Alt-Right wave and I voted for Donald Trump[…]
In 2024, I am still a Southern Nationalist. I still do not believe the system is capable of being reformed. I would happily vote to secede tomorrow. I do not believe that Donald Trump is going to Make America Again. Then as now, I have never believed this[…]
In 2016, I think my analysis was spot on. The country wasn’t ready for secession, but it was entering a deep national crisis. Donald Trump would prove to be a deeply polarizing figure. He wouldn’t succeed in Making America Great Again, but he would delegitimize institutions, widen cultural divisions and erode taboos[…]
In 2024, over half of Southern Republicans and Independents are now open to the dissolution of the Union[…]These people are also voting for Trump[…]Civil War and National Divorce have gone from unthinkable to mainstream in the Trump era. If Thomas Matthew Crooks had been a slightly better shot, you have to wonder where we would be today

In 2016, the SPLC thought it was bizarre that I was “Stumping For Trump.” I’m an Alabamian and have always been an admirer of Alabama senator William Lowndes Yancey. Yancey did not forsake mainstream politics. He participated in the Democratic Party of his day in order to stoke and inflame national divisions over issues like squatter sovereignty and reopening the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Yancey’s insight in the 1850s was essentially that the only way to destroy the system was to throw sand in its gears and drive up polarization[…]
I am ready to get to the other side of this, which is 2028 when Trump is constitutionally barred from running for the presidency. The divisive Trump era will finally be over. Institutions will be in shambles. America will be no closer to greatness than it was in 2016. Hopefully, a victorious Trump will have succeeded in taking out his various enemies though