
Right-wing nutjobs

Tomi Lahren #wingnut twitter.com

Your loved ones died alone in a hospital bed.

Your kids will have generational learning loss.

Toddlers had masks forced around their mouths.

You likely had to get an experimental jab to keep your job.

Your business likely never rebounded.

Inflation from Covid spending still makes your groceries unaffordable.

Fauci did that. Crooked Joe just pardoned him.
1:10 AM · Jan 21, 2025 · 261.6K Views

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Democrats just put a mentally ill congressman, who parades himself as a congresswoman to thrill his disturbing sexual fetishes, in charge of democrat policies.

Democrats really are the party of they/them.

imageSarah McBride
I'm thrilled to be named a Deputy Whip for Policy in the 119th Congress, advising House Democratic Leadership on policy priorities and plans for our caucus. Just as I was in the State Senate, I remain focused on lowering the cost of housing, health care, child care, and helping families make it through the inevitable challenges of life.
2:08 PM · Jan 17, 2025 · 184.2K Views

bill-11b #wingnut bill-11b.tumblr.com

[ Abortion is always wrong and is the ultimate evil because it kills a human life but deliberately killing thousands of civilians (as long as they are not american of course) is totally ok. Never mind some of those civilians may have been pregnant and carrying fetuses. I guess only american lives are the only lives that count as human lives. ]

Nice cultural relativism there. As it turns out Americans =/= Iraqis, Syrians, Afghans/Pashtuns, or American infants.

A mother choosing to end an inconvenient child =/= killing savages that refuse to enter the 18th century and choose to export violence around the globe.

I enlisted to serve America and America’s interests and to protect Americans and our way of life - and if securing and defending that way of life costs every drop of middle eastern blood. So. Fucking. Be. It.

That isn’t what I want, not even close. But I will not allow America to be destroyed in the name of fucking tolerance and whatever other liberal bullshit policies you think will appease them into loving us. If it comes down to total war, that will be their choice, not ours.

815o #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Actual bio of their account…)
I am a real National Socialist nigga who is a proud supporter of: My Nigga The President Führer Donald Trump, My Nigga The Future President Führer Kanye West 2024, and Führer Adolf Hitler. DEUTSCHES REICH SIEG HEIL! HEIL HITLER! I also proudly support my nigga The Filipino President Führer Roderigo Duterte, my nigga The Syrian President Führer Bashar Al-Assad, my nigga The Korean Führer Kim Jong-un, and my nigga The Russian President Führer Vladimir Putin! I do not block users, I am not a pussy.
Blocked by @LauraLoomer, @a Andrew Torba, @realNICKjFUENTES, zionists,& pussys 4 hurting feelings w/facts😜. Have been kicked, KIKEd, & JEW'd so far THIRTEEN¹³ groups on Gab for exercising Free Speech🤷 by posting the truth backed up with proof,statistics

madcatgamer #racist #wingnut incels.is

On Trump wanting to annex Canada and Greenland

Ideally I think this would be a good thing, but trumps admin is filled with Jews and billionaires that want mass immigration of pajeets into the us. I'm worried that trump will take those white countries and fill them with indians (i know Canada already has a big pajeet problem but still). I would love to see a great American empire be formed, but not if it's gonna be run by jews and were being replaced with indians.

Kejraj #wingnut #ufo #magick eraoflight.com

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

We ask that you let go of your worries relating to the presidential inauguration of @realDonaldTrump for he is protected by higher forces.

The star family which has watched humanity evolve for thousands of years, and has always been present in your skies, is also watching Trump during these times of great change.

From the Federation of Light, to Angels, and the ground crew, Donald Trump is protected.

What you may want to prepare for mentally and emotionally are events that may follow in the days ahead. For the Dark will stop at nothing to push fear, division, and chaos, in order to lower the vibrational frequency of the Human Collective.

The world is healing, regardless of what you see in the outside. A shift in consciousness is taking place, that is to see humanity rise into a new dimensional reality.

Nothing can stop this. However, it is the Dark’s goal to create as much chaos as possible so it can harvest the loosh released from the fear mongering. Let go of fear. Do your best to let go of all that which no longer serves your spiritual growth and expansion.

All the light to You!

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho sinfest.xyz


Panel 1: Old-school film projector.

Panel 2: Kids watching. Miko is in front.

Panel 3: [in movie] The rail line leading into Auschwitz.

Panel 4: Three prisoners in white-and-gray striped prison outfits. Devil-Person in a Nazi outfit, with a rifle.

Panel 5: The prisoners are being kicked into a flaming pit by Nazi Devil-Person. This is most likely meant to be a crematorium, despite that it looks exactly like how he draws people being sent to Hell. Also the real crematoriums were for disposing of corpses after they’ve been shot or gassed, and were not a method of execution.

Panel 6: The kids who are watching look shocked.

Panel 7: Uncle Sam running alongside US soldiers, who are oddly wearing modern combat gear.

Panel 8: Devil-Person Hitler… presumably. The mustache looks a bit wrong, though.

Panel 9: Devil-Person Hitler gets punched in the face.

Panel 10: Uncle Sam stands atop unconscious Devil-Person Hitler, holding a US flag.

Panel 11: Miko puts on the truth glasses. Originally the glasses were a “They Live” reference, but Tats seems to have forgotten some time ago exactly how they’re supposed to work.

Panel 12: Through the glasses, Uncle Sam is revealed to be a Fat Cat businessman with a cigar and top hat (Possibly meant to be Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild? Though he died before WW2), Devil-Person Hitler is revealed to be Germania (a pre-WW2 symbol of Germany, similar to Lady Liberty for the US), and the flag is an earlier version of the Rothschild Family Coat of Arms, minus the Lion.

Khornate Award

Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #psycho #transphobia dailystormer.name

[From "White Pill: Russia Says They’ll Probably Go Ahead and Deploy Nukes Across Europe"]


Just nuke everything!



In an interview with RIA Novosti on Monday, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov insisted that if Western nations refuse to sign a moratorium on intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF) in Europe, Russia will be obliged to place the weapons in the European portion of its territory. Moscow has proposed the deal as part of a package of measures intended to defuse the ongoing crisis in Ukraine#

Putin, c’mon, bro

Let’s make it happen

Let the fire rain down and cleanse this filth!

The time is NOW NOW NOW!


The people demand NUCLEAR FIRE!

We’re already in a war, and it’s a lot worse than a nuclear war

If you don’t think a nuclear war would be better than this, then you are a child tranny lover and you’re going to Hell

It’s a war outside, it’s a war outside, it’s like the last days of Sodom and Gomorrah outside

Everything getting nuked is literally the second best possible outcome here. The first being that everyone who got vaxed just dies very quickly

Not sure what the third best thing is

Bitcoin, I guess

[Anglin has inserted in this article several pictures from Fallout, along with portraits of Desmond]

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #psycho bradfordcwalker.blogspot.com

Narrative Warfare: The Purge Of Wokeness Begins
The God-Emperor of Mankind has begun the Counter-Reformation of America to destroy the Death Cult.

Trump signed an Executive Order setting all of this off yesterday. This? This is a Big Deal.

"Critical Race Theory" is the ideology of the present Death Cult afflicting the United States in particular and the West generally. It has gotten into every corporation and government agency, down to elementary schools, and by signing this order and giving Attorney General Barr the go-ahead to wage lawfare Trump has begun the purge of this vile heresy from American life.

Read through that thread on Twitter. There are provisions, tied to Federal money, to compel state and local governments as well as private actors to purge Wokeness from their organizations if they want that sweet Federal financing for their groups. As the alternatives to Federal financing don't have (officially) the bottomless well of the Federal Reserve to call upon, this should go a long way to putting a stop to the heresy going on.

It won't stop it entirely. What it will do is flush the heretics out into the open where normies can see them, and that's where we come in.

When the heretics, freaking out, act up those need to go viral across all platforms. The Alt-Tech platforms are already friendly, so that's not an issue. It's the Three That Matter--Twitter, Facebook, YouTube--that will be a bother. Fortunately, they will make it easy for us to make them improperly famous; they will issue hashtags, so usurp them and use them to expose them. Sure, right out of the old Gamergate playbook, but it still works so why not use it?

We can't expect the God-Emperor to do all the work for us. We have our part, and it's not just in the voting booth. The ride never ends, folks, and remember:


O'Brien Award

Adunaiii #moonbat #pratt #wingnut #racist #psycho reddit.com

[Submitter’s note: not sure how to do quote bars? I’ll just put brackets around what he’s quoting, and if someone without my technical ineptitude could fix it, that would be smashing] [Edit: fixed]

In fact, North Korea is ranked at or near the bottom of several freedom rankings, including Freedomhouse and Heritage.org.

Philosophically, we disagree. Personal freedom is a lie. An ideal for Christians. Nature only knows the survival of the population. This way, I am philosophically fascist, authoritarian - all men and women in Juche Korea work for the betterment of their entire nation. Even the lowliest job is important.

Life for one's own self is disgusting, no wonder southern Koreans are emigrating to the USA by the millions, and never have children. This is so funny when only a few hundred people per year emigrate from the DPRK.

the common citizen thats being oppressed or for the Kim dynasty that only seeks to expand their power.

We are all "oppressed" by life. The way of individualism is suicide - collective suicide. Beauty lies in embracing our oppression, and by working out a great future together, not dying alone.

if NK did not pose such a threat and be so aggressive against literally everyone then the US would have no reason to have a presence in SK.

Asking a foreign power for help in the matters of civil war is unfair and scummy. See the Irish in the 12th century.

Also, American occupiers kill Korean girls (Wikipedia).

I honestly get green with envy that the DPRK can have such glory, and my nation is drowning in squalour.


Thats not even taking into account the soldiers used by the PRC, which amounted to roughly 3 million over the course of the war.

Wasn't the RoK propped up by Americans? Then it's fair game to bring in friends (the Chinese are far closer to the DPRK both racially and ideologically, Mao Tse-tung was like a brother to Comrade Kim Il Sung).

I find it amusing that you preach about being independent when the nation you have trumped up as the golden standard has failed by the very metric you hold South Korea against.

Southern Korea bases its entire raison d'être on being a cog in the machine of Christian American capitalism. If they survive its collapse, then we'll talk. But a far more likely scenario is that they'll beg for a reunification under the DPRK to save them from utter chaos.

(The fall of the USSR is nothing like what will happen when the colossus with the feet of lay that America is disintegrates.)

Also, authoritarian governments only care about remaining in power and accruing more power, they don't care about you or anyone else as anything more than a tool by which they can spread their influence.

Yes, the government cares about its people, for without the people, it will not exist. In a word, fascism.

No, the DPRK government is rooted in the Korean race, not in economics or memetics. It is precisely the opposite - it is the southern Korean government that would rather import Filipinos to prop up its failing economy than care for its very population. It is the capitalists who view their people as interchangeable units to produce the idea of money - not the hard matter of blood.

Kalana Limkin #fundie #wingnut #psycho businessinsider.com

The initial complaint[…]indicates Kalana Limkin of Hawaii has been the subject of a criminal investigation since May and, upon his arrest, admitted to law enforcement that he is the creator of "Cultist," a splinter group of the satanic anarchist organization known as "764," that targets children and uses child sexual abuse material and videos of animal cruelty, self-harm, and other extreme acts of violence to "accelerate chaos in society"

"The group functions together as a coordinated unit by using Discord and Telegram as vessels to desensitize vulnerable populations through sharing extreme gore and child sexual abuse material ("CSAM"), with the purpose of breaking down societal norms and normalizing explicit material to corrupt minors and groom them towards future violence"[…]
Limkin is accused in the complaint of posting at least six images of child sexual abuse material on Discord servers, as well as exploiting a minor he first met through the now-defunct site Omegle[…]
Limkin showed the girl a graphic video of sexual abuse against a child, asked her for photos of herself in her underwear, and told her he had a collage of pictures of girls he had manipulated into cutting his name into their bodies[…]
The 764 group that Limkin based his Cultist faction on is itself an offshoot of The Order of Nine Angles[…]
"O9A advocates 'culling'[…]Jews, people of color, and others deemed to be inferior under their Social Darwinist views, as well as rape and sexual assault as a means of asserting domination, breaking social norms, and propagating the expansion of the white race," according to the complaint[…]"O9A embraces terrorism, including radical Islamic jihadist ideology and the violent tactics of jihadist groups, such as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham ("ISIS") and al Qaeda, as a means to accelerate the decline of Western society and to attack Jewish people in particular"

Mark Colborne #racist #wingnut #psycho telegraph.co.uk

A ginger-haired right wing fanatic wanted to kill Princes Charles in the hope that flame haired Prince Harry would become king, a court heard.

Mark Colborne, 37, wanted to “put a bullet in Charles’ head” using a sniper rifle “for the Aryan people”.

Loner Colborne is accused of planning a cyanide attack on ethnic minorities because he felt “belittled” by being white and having ginger hair.

But he also discussed killing the heir to the throne in a notebook seized from his house, the Old Bailey heard.

In it, he wrote: “I don't want to be a serial killer. I'm more of an Anders Breivik (the Norwegian mass killer). I have left potential targets open.

"I was waiting for an opportunity to kill one of them. LET it be Prince Charles which would be good."

He added: "Take up a good position and put a bullet in Charles's head.

"He is protected but not too protected. I would sacrifice my life for that one shot. Kill Charles and William and Harry become king. Kill the tyrants."

In another note, he said: "The first chance I would get with a rifle if he crosses my path is to murder Prince Charles."

Colborne also ranted about the killers of black teenager Stephen Lawrence as they were sent to jail, prosecutor Annabel Darlow QC said.

In one entry dated 20 May 2012 he said: “I want to perform strategic coordinated different attacks on the systems tyrants and tyrants in and around the septic island.”

The following year he wrote about finding information about building “nerve gases which are as deadly as small-yield nukes”.

Colborne added: “'I'm stuck between committing mass destruction using a weapon of mass destruction and just targeting tyrants.

“I have often wanted to smear on toxin on their door handles that in time seeps through their skin and kills them but doing it to more than one neighbour would arouse suspicion.”

Colborne fantasised about transforming from a ginger-haired victim into a military terrorist, the court heard.

He wrote in his diary on 28 April 2013: "I want my legacy to say that I fought a one man war against the capitalist regime.

"I want them to see my transition from poor red-haired victimised minority that is constantly walked over to a fully transformed military terrorist striking at the hearts of the bigoted tyrannical rulers and of course the dark-haired, dark-eyes Caucasian race.

"I will be heard through terror."

The court had heard how Colborne, who suffered from depression and agoraphobia, trawled the Internet for explosives and poisons.

He went on to acquire chemicals over the Internet forming the essential ingredients for the deadly poison cyanide as well as stockpiling dust masks, metal filter funnels, plastic syringes and latex gloves, jurors were told.

But in June last year, his half brother Kevin Colborne alerted police after he uncovered the chemicals and papers detailing Colborne's racial hatred stashed amid the clutter of his room at the family home in Southampton in June last year.

The prosecutor said Colborne had a "troubled" childhood and saw himself as marginalised because he was a white, ginger-haired male.

Colborne denies preparing terrorist acts.

The trial continues.

Senator Tom Woods #psycho #enbyphobia #wingnut friendlyatheist.com

Earlier this month, Nex Benedict, a 16-year-old non-binary student from Oklahoma, died one day after being assaulted in an Owasso High School bathroom. (The details are still unclear.)

The issue came up on Friday night during a “Legislative Update” featuring several lawmakers and sponsored by the Tahlequah Area Chamber of Commerce. An audience member, Cathy Cott, asked the four Republican members of the legislature why they had “such an obsession with the LGBTQ citizens of Oklahoma and what people do in their personal lives and how they raise their children.”

As reported by the Tahlequah Daily Press, State Sen. Tom Woods offered the worst possible response:

“… Woods said that while his “heart goes out” regarding the teen’s death, he represents a constituency.

“We are a Republican state—supermajority—in the House and Senate. I represent a constituency that doesn’t want that filth in Oklahoma,” Woods said.

“We are a religious state and we are going to fight it to keep that filth out of the state of Oklahoma because we are a Christian state—we are a moral state,” Woods said. “We want to lower taxes and let people be able to live and work and go to the faith they choose. We are a Republican state and I’m going to vote my district, and I’m going to vote my values, and we don’t want that in the state of Oklahoma.”

Donald J. Trump #wingnut truthsocial.com

The Radical Democrats have lost another pathetic, unAmerican Witch Hunt. After spending tens of millions of dollars, wasting over 6 years of obsessive work that should have been spent on protecting New Yorkers from violent, rampant crime that is destroying the City and State, coordinating with the Biden/Harris Department of Injustice in lawless Weaponization, and bringing completely baseless, illegal, and fake charges against your 45th and 47th President, ME, I was given an UNCONDITIONAL DISCHARGE. That result alone proves that, as all Legal Scholars and Experts have said, THERE IS NO CASE, THERE WAS NEVER A CASE, and this whole Scam fully deserves to be DISMISSED. The real Jury, the American People, have spoken, by Re-Electing me with an overwhelming MANDATE in one of the most consequential Elections in History. As the American People have seen, this “case” had no crime, no damages, no proof, no facts, no Law, only a highly conflicted Judge, a star witness who is a disbarred, disgraced, serial perjurer, and criminal Election Interference. Today’s event was a despicable charade, and now that it is over, we will appeal this Hoax, which has no merit, and restore the trust of Americans in our once great System of Justice. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
21.2k ReTruths 83.4k Likes Jan 11, 2025, 2:28 AM

RIA Novosti #god-complex #psycho #wingnut youtube.com

Russian state-owned propaganda outlet RIA published the new programmatic article with the title "What Russia must do with Ukraine". The article reveals a detailed plan for a genocide, starting from full elimination of Ukrainian state. Details below.

1) it calls almost every Ukrainian a Nazi who deserves death. "Nazis who took weapons, must be killed in numbers as much as possible... Not just the elites, the most of the people are guilty, they are passive Nazis, Nazi enablers. They supported these elites and must be punished"

2) It foresees tyrannic approach to culture. "Further denacification of the mass of the population is to be reached through ideological repression (oppression) of Nazi ideas and through harsh censorship: not only in politics, but in culture and education areas".

3) it foresees economic and political destruction of Ukraine: "Ukraine must pay for its guilt towards Russia. It must be treated as an enemy, and therefore may develop only in dependency to Russia. No "Marshall plan" may happen. No "neutrality" both ideological or practical".

4) A tyrannical future emerges: "Personnel providing denazification in new denazified republics (plural! - Sumlenny) cannot act on another way but only with direct military-police and management support from Russia. Denazification must be a Deukrainisation".

5) Ukraine is the enemy: "The history has proven: Ukraine may not exist as a national state. Any attempt to create it leads to Nazism. Ukrainism is an artificial anti-Russian construct... De-banderisation is not enough... Denazification of Ukraine must be De-Europeazation of it".

6) Deliberate targeting of civilians: "The Bandera-elites must be liquidated, they cannot be re-educated. The social "swamp" who supported them must experience terror of war and learn the lesson, and pay for its guilt"."

Tomorrow, The World! Award

Dmitry Medvedev #god-complex #psycho #wingnut mirror.co.uk

Russian President Vladimir Putin is endeavouring to build a pro-Russian empire stretching from "Vladivostok to Lisbon", a former Russian president has warned.

Ex-president and deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said Putin launched his brutal invasion of the former Soviet republic to bring peace to Ukraine, in a Telegram post.

The shocking allegations were made as Western leaders shared fears Moscow is planning a new military offensive in southern and eastern parts of Ukraine.

Medvedev said: "To change the bloody and full of false myths consciousness of a part of today’s Ukrainians is the most important goal.

"The goal is for the sake of the peace of future generations of Ukrainians themselves and the opportunity to finally build an open Eurasia – from Lisbon to Vladivostok."

He further accused "Nazis, murderers and collaborators" of stirring up "Russophobia" in Ukraine since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

The ex-Russian leader also said Putin's "special military operation" in Ukraine was undertaken in a bid to "demilitarise" and "de-Nazify" the country.

Matt Heimbach #moonbat #psycho #racist #wingnut lex18.com

Matt Heimbach, a self-described radical extremist who played an instrumental role in getting white supremacists to attend Charlottesville's deadly Unite the Right rally, plans to relaunch his old hate group as soon as this weekend.

In an interview with Newsy Heimbach says he now supports violence and killings in what he says is a revolution against rich corporate executives, global elites, and even those who have caused global warming.

"These people have names and addresses. Their kids have names and addresses, and the capitalist class, by hook or by crook, has to be liquidated. You know that it's called class war for a reason. " Heimbach said. "Any violence the proletariat brings is simply in self-defense."  


He co-founded the Traditionalist Worker Party in 2015 - a neo-Nazi group that advocated for a racially pure white ethnostate. 

The group’s members and Heimbach created a coalition of white nationalist groups, showed up at key Nazi events across the U.S. , and connected with international extremists. 

The group dissolved in 2018. For a time, Heimbach said he was out of the White power movement altogether.

Still, he plans to relaunch the Traditionalist Worker Party  as what he calls a ‘national Bolshevik’ group that takes inspiration from Marxism and China and targets global elites.

This does not mean he has abandoned all of his beliefs from his neo-Nazi days.

"Do I particularly like Judaism as a religion? No," he said.

Darth Sidious #wingnut #sexist #psycho welmer.org

I’m all for feminism, I only wish it would hurry up already and finish off what’s left of this pathetic society. The sooner this entire shithouse goes up in flames, the sooner I can start a roaming band of warlords.

Our mission: destroy and suppress all technological invention in the new world order. We need to go back and stay in the stone age. The only rule of law will be force. Secondly, we’d have to invent a religion that forbade all forms of independent thinking other than death and destruction, in order to prevent this mess called “society” from ever occuring again. All the rich fuckers who enslave us, we shall eat them and their babies. Anyone who spends time inventing shit, we’ll feed to the lions and watch them die slowly and painfully. The only men that will rise to the top won’t be rich, they’ll be the mericiless, ruthless, remorseless brutal killing machines. The only babies that will be born in the new dawn, we’ll be born to our women slaves, that way we can keep the population under control. Only the strong and ruthless will breed, all else will parish and die. Society and it’s weakness will be purged, it’s only a matter of time—.. just look at the Taliban if you don’t believe me. But we should do better than the Taliban. Think Ghengis Khan.

Joseph Czuba #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho chicago.suntimes.com

As the war between Hamas and Israel unfolded in recent days, a Plainfield man became increasingly concerned about what he was hearing on conservative talk radio — and became agitated about the tenants living in his home, a Palestinian American mother and her young son[…]
On Saturday, he allegedly attacked her and then stabbed her 6-year-old son to death — horrific allegations that have stunned the Muslim community in Chicago and beyond and drawn condemnation[…]
Joseph Czuba, 71, appeared in Will County court Monday morning[…]
Judge Donald W. DeWilkins ordered Czuba held in jail while he faces three counts of first-degree murder, one count of attempted murder, two counts of aggravated battery and two counts of committing a hate crime[…]
In the 45-minute detention hearing, prosecutors detailed how the crime against Shaheen and her son allegedly unfolded

Czuba’s wife told detectives that Czuba “believed he was in danger and [his tenant, Shaheen] was going to call Palestinian friends to come and harm them,” said Michael Fitzgerald, a Will County assistant state’s attorney

Fitzgerald said Czuba told his wife that Shaheen was Muslim and that he wanted her out of the residence, where they had lived for the past two years[…]
Czuba’s wife, who wasn’t home at the time of the attack, told detectives that he had withdrawn $1,000 from his bank because he believed “the grid” would go down, Fitzgerald said

He was also worried about a “national day of jihad” Oct. 13, and even though nothing happened then, he told his wife that he believed something would happen the next day, without specifying what, Fitzgerald said

Czuba’s wife told detectives that he regularly listens to conservative talk radio and was very interested in current events, Fitzgerald said

Shaheen told detectives that Saturday morning began peacefully as she had breakfast with her son, Fitzgerald said. Czuba then allegedly knocked on their door and began arguing with Shaheen about the Middle East

Oved Hugi #wingnut #racist #psycho timesofisrael.com

Energy Minister Israel Katz fired his political adviser Monday after media reports exposed extremist remarks[…]
Despite being fired, the adviser, Oved Hugi, attended a Knesset committee discussion on Monday

The Kan public broadcaster reported Sunday evening on Hugi’s remarks[…]
Hugi, a social activist and member of the ruling Likud party’s central committee who has for years represented Jewish residents of southern Tel Aviv in Knesset committees, blasted former top law enforcement officials on Saturday, after the judges in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trial reportedly said the bribery charge against the premier would be hard to prove

“May your memory be blotted out, Shai Nitzan, Mandelbluff and Roni Alsheich,” Hugi wrote on Facebook, referring respectively to the former state attorney, former attorney general Avichai Mandelblit and the former police chief, who were in charge of the investigation and the indictment against Netanyahu. Hugi has previously claimed Mandelblit and Nitzan were descendants of Hitler[…]
Hugi tweeted: “Today I understand why Hitler, may his memory be blotted out, slaughtered six million Ashkenazim and all of Europe cooperated with him.” In another post, reacting to an uproar over anti-Haredi remarks by radio host Natan Zahavi, Hugi wrote: “From day to day I respect Hitler, may his name and memory be blotted out, thanks to Zahavi”[…]
Hugi criticized Hitler for “killing six million [people] instead of just killing [former Supreme Court chief justice] Aharon Barak”[…]
Hugi wondered “how it is possible that there are people in Israel with the family name Schwartz while the commander of the concentration and death camp Auschwitz had the family name Schwartz”

Growing parts of the Israeli right wing associate Ashkenazi Jews with left-wing political positions and Sephardi and other Jews with Middle Eastern roots with the political right, arguing that the Ashkenazi “hegemony” has been subjugating the Sephardi “Second Israel”

Rabbi Eliezer Kashtiel and Rabbi Giora Redler #racist #psycho #wingnut #fundie timesofisrael.com

Two rabbis at a pre-military religious academy in a West Bank settlement were recorded making derogatory and racist comments about Arabs, defending Adolf Hitler’s worldview, and openly promoting Jewish supremacy.

In a series of undated recordings published by Channel 13 news on Monday, Rabbi Eliezer Kashtiel, the head of the Bnei David academy in Eli, can be heard calling for the enslavement of the “stupid and violent” non-Jews due to their genetic inferiority.

“The gentiles will want to be our slaves. Being a slave to a Jew is the best. They’re glad to be slaves, they want to be slaves,” he told a class in one of the video clips. “Instead of just walking the streets and being stupid and violent and harming each other, once they’re slaves, their lives can begin to take shape.”

“All around us, we are surrounded by peoples with genetic problems. Ask a simple Arab ‘where do you want to be?’ He wants to be under the occupation. Why? Because they have genetic problems, they don’t know how to run a country, they don’t know how to do anything. Look at them.”

In the lecture, Kashtiel goes on to embrace racism against non-Jews.

“Yes, we’re racists. We believe in racism… There are races in the world and peoples have genetic traits, and that requires us to try to help them,” he said. “The Jews are a more successful race.”

In another clip from the Bnei David Yeshiva published by Channel 13, Rabbi Giora Redler can be heard praising Hilter’s ideology during a lesson about the Holocaust.

“Let’s just start with whether Hitler was right or not,” he told students. “He was the most correct person there ever was, and was correct in every word he said… he was just on the wrong side.”

Redler goes on to say that pluralism is the “real” genocide being perpetrated against the Jewish people, not Nazi Germany’s Final Solution.

“The real Holocaust was not when they murdered the Jews, that’s not it. All these excuses — that it was ideological or systematic — are nonsense,” he said. “Humanism, and the secular culture of ‘We believe in man,’ that’s the Holocaust.”

The comments drew wide condemnation from opposition lawmakers who called for pulling all state funding to the Eli-based academy over Kashtiel’s and Redler’s remarks.


In 2017, then-defense minister Avigdor Liberman vowed to defund the Eli academy, but the move was blocked by the attorney general for legal reasons. Instead, Liberman announced that he would restrict the number of students as a punitive measure for the “constant sexism” at the Eli academy.

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist pepelivesmatter.substack.com

"Why can't we go back to the status quo? At least, we had comfort. Trump is too chaotic and wild. A man of war."

My response:

The previous status quo was nothing but war, hidden slavery, murder, the military industrial complex thumb on a world and people tell me that was a great time.

No, you simply felt comfortable because no one was challenging their power in a substantial way.

When Trump decided to push back against the globalist cult, he pushed for a real war. A war that actually meant something meaningful and good.

If you don't believe me, read the Georgia Guidestones, which now lies in rubble.

We are talking about a seismic shift. A pivotal moment in history. We were born to live in this special moment.

So, no, thank you.

I don't want to return to that status quo. I'd rather fight and believe to cross into that promised land than sit like a slave and reject the destiny that lay before. Not me or the many anons longing for a better world.

I choose real freedom.
Anon character has grown beyond what people can measure. Our patience is tremendous. We've been through a fire. Both personal and collective trials have hit us like rain drops pouring from the heavens.

Yet here we are. Still standing. Still believing.

Look how far we've all come.

We are an enigma.

History will look fondly upon the anons.

We've endured the precipice with knowledge the normie simply refuses to accept. That burden has made us tough as nails. Be proud, anons.

There's one way now and it's through. Whatever may come, that day draws near.
You came by the tens of million to become part of a historic movement the likes of which they have never seen before.

We are the only ones who can stop them.

They aren't coming after me, they're coming after you.

I'm standing in their way.
We are going to see this battle through to ultimate victory.

Trump is going to finish what he started.

I'm proud to be MAGA.

Proud to be a digital warrior for the bravest man I've ever seen.

We the People.


Marjorie Taylor Greene #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut alternet.org

Marjorie Taylor Greene targets former Biden official’s religious faith in House hearing

During a House Oversight Committee hearing on Wednesday, U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) invoked God and religion to harshly question Martin O’Malley, the former Commissioner of the Social Security Administration and a former Governor of Maryland, about his personal views on abortion and his Catholic faith.

In her highly confrontational interrogation of O’Malley, a longtime Democrat who also served as Governor of Maryland for eight years and ran for president in 2016, Congresswoman Greene, a self-avowed Christian nationalist, invoked his Catholic faith to attack his beliefs about abortion.

“Since you’re very interested in being DNC chair, you are after all a lifelong Democrat politician — I don’t even know if you had a job in the real world, but you have been an elected politician for years,” Greene accused (video below). “Mr. O’Malley you’re also a Catholic, are you not?”

“I am,” O’Malley confirmed.

“Do you serve God or do you serve the Democrat Party?” Greene asked.

“I serve God,” O’Malley responded.

An off-camera committee member interjected: “Mr. Chairman, as a Roman Catholic, I take offense at the suggestion that somebody has [inaudible] to God and their service as a Catholic.”

Greene tried to talk over the objection, which went unaddressed by the Republican majority chair.

“Mr. O’Malley, will you be supporting the murder of the unborn up until the day of birth like your party does? As DNC chair, will you be supporting the murder of innocent unborn people? Is that in line with your faith in God and the Catholic Church?” Greene said, appearing to grandstand.

Stand For Truth UK #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy standfortruth.co.uk

The Wireless Radiation (5G) Liability Notice delivers a powerful message to those advertently or inadvertently causing harm or trespass, and that by doing so, will result in them being held individually liable.

It is highly unlikely that you will receive a response, this is a good indication of success. The respondents may well remain silent through fear of self incrimination. Our notices contain some hard truths spelling out a massive fraud and injustice through which the respondents are a guilty party.

As we operate in good faith and honour, we ensure that we give plenty of opportunity for the respondents to provide a remedy, this is done through a three-stage process.

If they do not respond, or if they provide an insufficient response. For example; if they fail to rebut the Witness Statement, or offer blanket denials and not applicable statements, or send responses from a third party who lack first-hand material factual knowledge. The respondent agrees, by default, with all of the terms and provisions set out in the Liability Notice.

Round One – Liability Notice for Non-Consent, Harm, Trespass, Injury by Wireless Radiation.
These initial documents allow the respondents 21 days to rebut our claims.

Round Two – If after 21 days there is no response, the respondents are now in dishonour of the contract that they initially instigated.
Round Three -Final Notice. If after the 10 day extension period there is still no response, a third and final notice will be sent.
If you choose to send through the post make one copy as a master file with the wet ink autograph and witnessing and then make the relevant copies. Keeping the original safe in a file.
Autographing – Never sign the documents and never use cursive (joined-up) writing. Signing signifies sinning. Writing in cursive signifies cursing.

Liability Notice – Autograph in Upper and Lowercase using blue ink :John-michael:Doe.

Witness Statement – Autograph in Upper and Lowercase using :John-michael:Doe.

Patrick O'Carroll #wingnut #racist #crackpot #conspiracy henrymakow.com

HATHOR PENTALPHA <Talmudic super-lodge> is a prime example of Freemasonry controlling both sides when planning wars, refugee "crises", and other long-term projects, even as the mainstream-media presents all the events as taking place by "happenstance" or "coincidence".
Most members of the PNAC <Project for the New American Century> Group were members of HATHOR PENTALPHA too, which was founded in 1993 after communist Russia faked its own death on 25 Dec 1991. The PNAC Group called for the Zionist US military to gain "full spectrum dominance" over all nations, especially Mid-East nations, and later over all the slaves (or Goyim "Livestock") of the world via brainwashing.

The top actions of HATHOR PENTALPHA and the PNAC Group (members of both are in the same "Big Club."

1. Grab as much territory as possible from the "fallen", ex-communist Russia (by expanding NATO).

2. Grab resources in the Mid-East in the absence of opposition from the "fallen" Russia or "fledgling" China.

3. Plan Wars for Greater Israel to increase the death-toll of the Arab-Semitic Holocaust to over 10 million.

4. Plan Wars for Greater Israel to increase the number of Arab-Semitic "refugees" dumped into Europe.

5. Implement Freemasonry's "Clash of Civilizations" credo as its paramount doctrine for the twenty-first century. Under this "Clash of Civilizations" doctrine (credited to political "scientist" & HATHOR PENTALPHA member Samuel Phillips Huntington), the Kalergi Plan must be expanded to increase the proportion of Muslims in Europe and North America, to in turn induce civil wars that will bring a "new" order from the ensuing chaos. But avoid the term "White Genocide", by preferably calling it instead "Weaponized Replacement Migration".

6. Develop race-specific bioweapons to kill political opponents, "nasty" racial groups, and other "undesirables".

7. Ultimately, also acquire "full spectrum dominance" over the minds of the slaves through total brainwashing.

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

MESSAGE TO JUAN AND TRUMP. Area 51 = Secret Space Program = USAP …this trail is key as I hope you know. So you say Area 51 is run by the dark side military …this is known… So what about ALL THE UNDERGROUND BASES / CITIES/ OFF PLANET COLONIES… and how do you and Trump plan to deal with them? I know you won’t answer me and probably not read this but as you know I have been asking about this for months if not years. To take our planet back from the Reptilian/Draco/Grey Luciferian alliance is not going to be easy. Humans have a right to know this is a slave colony here on Planet Earth.
FYI….I have had a long running argument with many. MAGA people over whether the “white hats” are “in charge”. Especially _____ and _____. In my view it is insane to think the white hats are “in charge of the entire Earth”… But they continue to spout this out at every opportunity. Note: Juan has already said they are not “in charge of everything” but these MAGA people persist in repeating the white hats and Trump “know it all, have it all and are in charge”… But clearly these are people who do not acknowledge the Secret Space programs, underground cities and going off planet etc. It makes these MAGA people appear dumb and uninformed about the nature of reality to those of us who see the bigger picture.
Further religious programming is thick and unrelenting among the MAGA group and continues to fog and obscure their vision as to the multidimensional nature of reality. Juan and others that continue to promote the reptilian infested Vatican views are simply contributing another brick in the wall (to quote a famous band) preventing humans from seeing the true nature of existence or "life" on Planet Earth.

Much of this reptilian religious dogma acts as "comfort food" and furthers the deception with regard to how humans are toyed with, persecuted, trafficked, tortured, and otherwise the play toys for Reptilians, Draco and other negatively based alien races, vampires and the dark alliance.

cockroach #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #racist #transphobia incels.is

Freedom= being a faggot with aids, women being whores, black people stealing stuff.

Democracy= two same parties that worship Jews

When you look at all the dictatorships they look much better.

North Korea

No lgbt, no whores, no diversity.

“But communist 1984 Animal Crossing!!!” No one gives a shit about communism scare anymore sorry. We all know it’s the Jews that are the problem now. I don’t give a fuck if the government owns the means of production.

“Bbbut the lower standard of living. You don’t get to have cool stuff.”

How good is the standard of living in America? Everyone lives in shitty apartments with roommates and can barely afford their car. What is so great? I guess you can buy more consumerist goods. Are you really happy here though? It’s not that great.

“Muh evil dictator no elections.”
Dictators are like kings that actually care about the greater good of their country. When you have different parties and elections you get all these Jews that don’t give a shit about their country or people and just want to make money.

Andrew Tate #wingnut twitter.com

Trump accused of sex crimes

Tates accused of sex crimes

Trump vilified by old recordings making jokes

Tate vilified by old recordings making jokes

Trump false court cases and lawfare

Tate false court cases and lawfare

Trump wins

Tate wins
2:46 PM · Jan 14, 2025 · 531.5K Views

Republican Party of Texas #wingnut #homophobia news.msn.com

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — The Texas Republican Party now endorses so-called "reparative therapy" for gays, under a new platform given final approval at its annual convention Saturday.

The new anti-gay language never came up for debate before roughly 7,000 delegates ratified a Texas GOP platform that tea party groups succeeded in pushing further to the right, including winning a harder line on immigration.

One influential tea party group called Texas Eagle Forum had urged the party to support psychological treatments that seek to turn gay people straight. It comes after Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie last fall signed a law banning such therapies on minors, and California has a similar law.

The Fort Worth Convention Hall cheered when party leaders announced that Christie finished a distant 11th in a 2016 presidential straw poll.

"There's a very, very small group of people who want to keep the party in the past. We were here today to try to pull the party into the future," said Rudy Oeftering, vice president of the gay conservative group Metroplex Republicans. "The only way the party can go into the future is to start listening to young people, to start listening to people who have gay family members."

Oeftering and allies had lined up to speak against the therapy language that had been added earlier this week. But they never got a chance to address delegates, because a parliamentary motion to approve the full platform was called first.

Under the new plank, the Texas GOP recognizes "the legitimacy and efficacy of counseling, which offers reparative therapy and treatment for those patients seeking healing and wholeness from their homosexual lifestyle."

The American Psychological Association and other major health organizations have condemned such counseling, which generally try to change a person's sexual orientation or to lessen their interest in engaging in same-sex sexual activity. The groups say the practice should not be used on minors because of the danger of serious psychological harm.

"The platform reflects what the people in the Republican Party have asked for, and that should be no surprise: family values, protection of marriage between one man and one woman and everything that goes along with that," said Jonathan Saenz, president of the conservative group Texas Values and a convention delegate.

Gay conservatives did come away with a rare victory at the convention: Winning the removal of decades-old language in the state party platform that states, "homosexuality tears at the fabric of society."

Mike King #homophobia #wingnut tomatobubble.com

NY Times: Gay Marriage Case Caps Cincinnati’s Shift From Conservative Past


As the Supreme Court prepares to hear oral arguments on same-sex marriage, Cincinnati has become the measure of how far the gay rights movement has come in a traditionally conservative city.


The Anti-New York Times

In those parts of the country in which the mental and moral cancer of liberalism has yet to metastasize, the Marxists and their homosexual legions have turned to the court system to expedite the death blow to what was once conservative Christian Middle-America. And oh how Sulzberger's Slimes just luuuvs throwing these types of stories in our faces.

Emboldened by the Marxist media, the sodomite brigades have expanded the "the struggle".

The cancer can now be found anywhere and everywhere.

Playing upon the mushy sentimentality of the weak-minded, as always, The Slimes explains:

"Jim Obergefell says he “instantly pictured growing old” with John Arthur when they fell in love here in 1992. Just seven weeks after they began dating, Mr. Arthur gave Mr. Obergefell a ring set with diamonds — a sign that, in their hearts if not in law, they were married."

Two decades later, with Mr. Arthur dying of Lou Gehrig’s disease, they did marry, aboard a medical charter jet on the tarmac of an airport in Maryland — a state where, unlike Ohio, gay people could wed. When Mr. Arthur, 48, died in October 2013, Ohio refused to list Mr. Obergefell as his spouse on the death certificate. Furious, Mr. Obergefell sued."

The Homo Hissy Fits are working. One by one, even many churches are caving in, or at least 'looking the other way' to the new "tolerance". The double-standard that bars a man from "marrying" his dog, his sheep his mother, or his son can no longer be justified. There are such people who engage in these practices. Why should they be denied the "right" to fornicate and marry? As even the Pinko Pope decreed, "Who am I to judge?"

The real power behind this subversive movement lies neither within the courts nor with the foot-stomping homosexual brats. Those are just the tools. It is the usual suspects who are injecting the deadly cancer cells into every nook and cranny of the American body. Vice President Biden has confirmed:

“I believe what affects the movements in America, what affects our attitudes in America are as much the culture and the arts as anything else. I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense, (he repeats) the influence is immense. And, I might add, it is all to the good. ” - Joe Biden

Yes, Joe. It's "all to the good". Thanks Jews!

Move over Walton Family! The "Modern Family" is the new model for a New World Order. It's all good.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

President-elect Donald Trump, who takes office on Monday, has promised to usher in a golden age of cryptocurrency. What does it have to do with the Mark of the Beast? As it turns out, plenty.

Bitcoin on Friday hit its highest level of 2025, as cryptocurrency investors eagerly anticipated Donald Trump’s inauguration for his second presidential term on Jan. 20. Trump is reportedly preparing to issue more than 100 executive orders on Day One, some of which could focus on bitcoin and the digital asset industry. Ready or not, America is about to enter into the cryptocurrency age, and our new president Donald Trump is leading the way. But where does this all lead us to? That’s the memo.

“Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.” James 5:1 (KJB)

On this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, there is no doubt that bitcoin, dogecoin and all manner of cryptocurrency has its roots firmly embedded in the soon-coming Mark of the Beast. How do I know that? The Bible tells us that the Mark of the Beast, while it is not money, is an implantable application that allows for the transfer of goods to be bought and sold. What is the Antichrist? He is the counterfeit Christ, an imitation of the real thing. What is all cryptocurrency? It is counterfeit money, an imitation of the real thing as defined by the Bible in terms of gold, silver and precious stones. Did you know that the US dollar is backed up by gold and silver, that that is what the green paper dollars represent? Cryptocurrency is not backed up by anything, it is a pure invention of artificial money that only exists in the digital world. It can only be used by accessing it through a device, Paul says we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices. Are you? On this episode, we show you the shocking truth about the coming cryptocurrency revolution that leads straight to the Devil’s doorstep in the Mark of the Beast.

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

(Two anthropomorphic donkeys in blue suits are sweeping a dusk cloud with the words “Ashli Babbit Murder” under a rug.)

Cartoon published 01/06/2025

We at GrrrGraphics can’t let the anniversary of the January 6 Capitol protest go by without an acknowledgment, so here is a belated cartoon.

We MAGA-minded were outraged when Joe Biden magically received 81 million votes—many coming in the dead of night—and thus claiming victory even though Trump had led throughout the evening. Biden received far more votes than Obama and in fact, far more than any other presidential candidate in history. This despite his resounding unpopularity. Biden was way behind in many of the primaries until Obama made the decision that Biden would get the nomination and that was that—it was all rigged for Joe subsequently. He didn’t even have to run—he mostly stayed in his basement.

Make sure you sign up for the Cartoon newsletter and NEVER miss a cartoon! Click now

MABEL JOHNSON #wingnut #psycho web.archive.org



Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

The Khazarian Mafia have activated their plan for mayhem and destruction in the US to prevent President-Elect Donald Trump from taking power on January 20th. The attack on Los Angeles with directed energy weapons and UN-sponsored arsonists has already caused the largest fire in US history. You can be sure this is just the beginning. This means open warfare between the US military white hats and the KM owners of the mega-corporations has begun in earnest.

The important thing about the LA fires is that they have woken up the majority of the people in the US to the fact they are being attacked by corporate interests. That is why corporate shills at places like the AP (Absurd Propaganda) are coming under heavy attack when they pretend we are dealing with “wildfires.”
Then of course we have multiple reports of illegal immigrants with UN-issued debit cards carrying out arson attacks in LA.

It turns out that, just as in Maui, Acapulco and other places that have experienced such attacks recently, a “smart city” is being planned for LA just where the fires burned.

So who benefits? The answer of course is the usual suspects: BlackRock, State Street, etc. and their pet politicians like California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Of course the forensic trail of the ultimate owners of these corporations will take you inevitably to the Octagon group in Switzerland.

What we need to realize is that these criminals have been running the planet for over 20,000 years and do not intend to go quietly into the night.
Even though the KM have illegal immigrant mercenaries, DEWs and weather weapons at their disposal, they are human beings who can be hunted down and brought to justice.

This means the US military, the National Guard and civilian militias can deal with the problem.
That is also why a huge secret war is being waged over which “Donald Trump” will take power a week from today. Will it be the real one or the short avatar at Mar a Largo working for the Satanic P2 Freemasons?

Taki Theodoracopulos #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #elitist takimag.com

I no longer read today’s shysters, those grubby-fingered leeches called journalists, mostly because they’re as far removed from fairness and the truth as I am from LGBQTVMGM. The fact that Trump has won has not reminded them of their primary duty, which is to inform, not to convert. Most of them are envious creatures who erroneously believe in their moral superiority and their left-wing ideology, which is par for the course. One such jerk, writing in The New York Review of Books after November 7, announced the following: “There will be mass round ups and treason trials….” In other words, Stalin- and Hitler-like methods in the Land of the Free. The author of such rubbish is one Fintan O’Toole, probably the kind of wokester who thinks opening a door is unpaid labor.

Mike Stone #wingnut #crackpot #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Some of you may remember a piece I wrote back in 2021 about the enormous amount of high-rise residential construction going on in my Los Angeles neighborhood.

Huge apartment buildings ten to thirty stories high were going up all over (and still are). It was bewildering at the time, because the fake vaccine was in the process of killing thousands of people per week. With so many deaths-by-vaccine occurring, I remember wondering who would be left to occupy those buildings.

My conclusion was that Los Angeles was being transformed into a Smart City, and its citizens would be pushed into those high-rise buildings, by force if necessary.

Since then, several seemingly unrelated events have happened. We've had a huge increase in chemtrails, a huge increase in energy-directed wildfires, train derailments, toxic chemical spills, fires at food processing plants.

We had the Direct Energy Weapon wildfires in Maui that murdered untold numbers of people. We had the phony "surprise attack" of October 7, 2023, which led to the ongoing slaughter of peaceful Palestinians. And now we have the highly suspicious wildfires in Los Angeles. What do those last three events all have in common? They all involve beachfront property; high-value real estate.
Something Ain't Right

When you live someplace for a while, you notice things. On Wednesday morning, I stepped outside and into a scene I had never seen before in this city. The sky was black, the wind was howling and intense, enough to knock a man down and unlike any wind I've ever experienced. It was like nuclear fallout from a post-apocalyptic movie. Today, a day later, you can't step outside without inhaling ashes.

What I felt was not a natural wind. It felt like something conjured up by only the evilest mind imaginable. Can I prove that? No, but like I said, when you live someplace for a while, you notice things.

The Los Angeles County Fire Department donated surplus equipment to the Ukraine, leaving them under-stocked.


Carmen Cojocaru #racist #ufo #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy exognosis.com

Jews are type 3 Sirians. Humanoids in the Sirius B star system are white or olive skinned, a mixture of benevolent and malevolent (mostly malevolent) power hungry, selfish, often in the Illuminati banking system, eager either to dominate humanity and transform the Earth into a paradise in their style, or just dominate and control humanity.

The Type 3 Sirians entered into an alliance with the Type 4 Sirians (Annunaki) known as the Sirian-Annunaki Alliance. About 40% of their members have evolved in a more humanitarian direction while the majority of about 60% have as their mission to control and dominate the planet.

They largely control the mass media. Their philosophy is divide and conquer. They specialize in instigating one tribe against another and in permanent war to keep the people divided. They are one of the groups behind the ongoing conflict in the Middle East for thousands of years. They are the force behind the Israeli Mossad and the Khazarian mafia, a terrorist organization that controls the government of Israel and many Western factions.

They rule in Ukraine and provoked Putin to war to take their territories. The Khazars together with the Sumerians and the Jews are at the origins of the Jewish people. Contrary to public perception, the Semites were not among the original descendants of the Jews, they were a different Sirian-Orionian hybrid race that also settled in ancient Persia.
Recent research has indicated that the real Semites were the Khazars and it is funny that some of the Jews consider the Khazars to be their enemies, this makes the Jews anti-Semitic. There are also secret organizations of the Khazars whose objective is to enslave the Jewish people and everyone on Earth. The Jews today are led by another related group of Orion-Sirius hybrids called the Zionists who are an extremely evil consortium of aliens and their descendants who control large portions of the planet. They have an alliance with the dark Illuminati.

Richey Douglas, Cort Hatfield and Heru Heru #wingnut #conspiracy #moonbat msn.com

(Richey Douglas)
These idiot democrats' diplomats are putting us on a clear path to a nuclear war with Russia.  Joe Biden already blew up Nord Stream which is already an act of War.  That's coming back to bite because the Chinese are backing Russia now.  We are deep trouble.
(Cort Hatfield)
Do you really think those mentioned nations give a diddly what the G7 wants?  Hell no, they don't.  The USA is a 'compromised-by-China' laughingstock internationally and everyone knows it.
(Heru Heru)
I love the picture of that blinking idiot with Japan's minister, they must be twins.
I bet you if they did an ancestry search, they'd probably wind up on the same branch.
How old is that picture it shows Blinky and the clueless guy laughing when we just read Japan was not happy about the ease dropping or was that South Korea.
Then the article further States G7 rejects China, North Korea, and Russia's aggressions what aggressions Tehy went to claim those who wanted to reunite with Russia.
North Korea, what aggression, and China is going to reaclimate their wayward child who joined the cult, boy that must be tough on the knees

Nicolás Maduro #wingnut #moonbat theguardian.com

The foreign minister of[…]Guyana has said that neighbouring Venezuela is “on the wrong side of history”[…]
Tensions between the two countries have reached unprecedented heights ahead of a referendum on Sunday intended to rubber-stamp Venezuela’s claim on the region of Essequibo

Among the five questions President Nicolás Maduro is asking his citizens is whether they should convert the 160,000 sq km area into a new Venezuelan state

It remains unclear what the legal or practical implications of a yes vote would be, and the referendum is widely seen as a way for the deeply unpopular dictator to drum up public support ahead of presidential elections[…]But there are growing concerns that Maduro could push the country into war as he uses the century-old dispute to whip up patriotic fervour[…]
Venezuela has laid claim to the Essequibo ever since it gained independence[…]in 1811. Inhabited by 120,000 of Guyana’s 800,000 people, the region is largely impenetrable jungle but has large reserves of oil, gold and copper[…]
Past Venezuelan leaders have dredged up the dispute in times of domestic turmoil but perhaps none have campaigned as hard on the issue as Nicolás Maduro. The 61-year-old’s TikTok output has become increasingly prolific and his rhetoric more bellicose since 2015, when massive oil deposits were discovered in the contested region

Maduro has presented history lessons on state television, interrupted school classes to get young children to cheer on the country’s territorial claim and handed out revised maps depicting an engorged Venezuela straddling a Guyana a fraction of its internationally recognised size

The socialist government has also released a series of highly polished campaign videos of Venezuelan children playing in the lush forests and cascading waterfalls and an official song, The Essequibo is Ours

“It’s in your hands, compatriots,” Maduro pleads in one video, to the upbeat drumming of the catchy pop tune. “Vote five times yes!”

Elizabeth Nickson #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy elizabethnickson.substack.com

Like everyone I am horrified by the devastation in Los Angeles. The scale is beyond imagining, and the incompetence of city and state government so blatant, they will all need close security for the rest of their lives. Of course people are pointing to the Olympics in ‘28, and the inclusion of Los Angeles in the Smart Cities transition which basically means monitoring your very outbreath. Easier to do with fewer residents. Just build thirty-thousand high-rises, and house the cattle to be monitored and monetized.

Still, if I were God, I would want retribution. As actor and Christian Steven Baldwin says, “It’s all of them”. He is referring, of course, to the Luciferian or Satanist use of migrant and foster children and babies in the tunnels and party houses of Los Angeles. I’ve done enough research to know a) this is pervasive and b) nothing is stopping it. I also had/have friends in the business, scriptwriters, who were highly paid and one of whom was award-winning. So I know how fast and deep gossip in the business runs. <...> It might not be “all of them”, but certainly they all knew.
What has happened in Los Angeles can happen in almost every city vulnerable to the elements. We have been starved of water and in fact there is enough water for several hundred million more of us on this continent alone, all of us using the earth’s resources, building healthy effulgent lives and businesses as was intended by the divine.

Our water was taken from us by a combination of vicious, stupid bureaucrats and politicians, and conscienceless oligarchs. Or, as we are coming to know them, the usual suspects.
Why the Trump revolution? It started here, in America’s vast Edenic middle, where criminals dressed in Patagonia and Mountain Equipment with degrees from once respectable universities, decided to destroy the ground and being of America’s wealth.

The fires in L.A.? They voted for them. In all kinds of ways.

Logan B #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Fifty years ago the Light promised Archangel Gaia and God that they would free earth of the dark and fix the damage they have done. In 1975 Gaia put out an emotional plea for help.

You need to tell everyone you know that Ashtar is ready to land his fleet and get them to tell everyone they know etc. unless they don’t want peace, no disease and no poverty. Authenticity is 4000 times more powerful than love.

The world’s governments now know that resistance is futile and disclosure is absolute. We need President Trump to understand that everything else he has planned matters not. Disclosure and landings is the only thing that matters.

If you want to live a long healthy life on permanent vacation traveling to millions of planets in the universe then the time is now.

Victor Davis Hanson #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger amgreatness.com

Over 25,000 acres are ablaze in Los Angeles in the Pacific Palisades fire, a veritable living hell.

Some 12,000-plus structures were incinerated. More than 250,000 souls have been evacuated and are in need of shelter.

No one has really taken charge yet. And now even the woke culprits for the catastrophe are blame-gaming each other to determine who was the more incompetent, which in this case translates to the most woke.

The eventual price tag of the ruin will exceed $200-300 billion and outstrip the billions of dollars given to Ukraine.

And there are still some fires that are completely uncontained.

The Los Angeles apocalypse was a multisystem, green-woke collapse—and a disastrous reminder that when Soviet-style, anti-meritocratic ideology permeates all aspects of modern life in California, disaster is inevitable.

First, note that the culprit of the catastrophe is not climate change; it is not Donald Trump. Those are excuses for arrogant incompetency and disdain for the public. And it is not racism or homophobia to fault those who paraded and virtue signaled their tribal identities so extraneous to their actual responsibilities for public safety.

Note that all California statewide officeholders are left-wing. The California left holds supermajorities in both houses of the state legislature. Only 17 percent of California’s huge congressional delegation of 52 seats is Republican. California’s judiciary is the most left-wing in the country.

Add it all up, and the woke socialist state has been eagerly deindustrializing, decivilizing, and retribalizing its way into what is now a veritable peacetime Dresden on the Pacific.
The California green utopians, by their very ideological zealotry, ensured their fires likely will have released into the atmosphere several weeks’ worth of the entire state’s collective auto emissions.
To paraphrase a 1960s California left-wing slogan—green-woke is not healthy for children and other living things.

Thinker2 #wingnut #racist #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

One of an event is an accident, Two of an event is a trend, Three of an event is a plan, Four of an event simultaneously is an attack. No Water / No Insurance / No Power is an Inside job.

I’m talking about the California Arson Attacks. No Nukes were use but the devastation is the same.

Who done it?

Not Karen Bass
Not Gavin Newsom
Not P Piddy
Not Jeffrey Epstein
Not Ghislaine Maxwell
Not Hugh Hefner
Who done it?

The people who pull their strings and your strings, the Puppet Masters. But you go ahead and blame the Sock Puppets (Scapegoats), because that is what they are there for. To divert your attention from the real perpetrators (psychopaths). Go ahead and chase your tail one more time. Every war America has fought was lost, because we never arrest the Puppet Masters (Psychopaths). After WW2 1,600 N***s and their families were imported to America under Project Paperclip (The Military Industrial Complex).

Who did 911? It was not Osama bin Laden (Saudi Arabian), not Saddam Hussein (Iraq), not ISIS, not Al-Qaeda. Mossad, CIA, and FBI are responsible for 911.

No Lee Harvey Oswald did not shoot Kennedy, and Jack Ruby did not shoot Oswald. It’s all a puppet show for your distraction.

Have you considered blaming:

MOSSAD (There is a reason Mossad is not a member of Five Eyes)
Five Eyes

Do you have any idea who you are dealing with? Can you identify Liberals, Narcissists, Psychopaths by listening to them for a minute or two? You might want to learn.

I define “Insanity” as those who are a danger to themself or others (Self-destructive).

Peace, love, and blessings,


Q the Storm Rider #ufo #wingnut #racist #conspiracy starshipearththebigpicture.com

A WHISTLEBLOWER AND HAD TS/SCI CLEARANCE ( only 8 Congressman in the United States carry this high level top major CLASSIFIED security clearance> … these congressman are known as the gang of eight) .. TS/SCI CLASSIFIED CLEARANCE IS ONE OF THE TOP MILITARY CLASSIFIED CLEARANCE THAT ALLOWS YOU INTO BLACK OPERATIONS/ DEEP DARK OPERATIONS//// and he was coming forward on the drones and advanced military technology connected to infinity energy /Tesla energy/PLASMA ENERGY/ & ELECTROGRAVITICS
(Anti- Gravity)///
_Matthew Livelsberger worked at AREA-51 and deep state DEEP DARK operations in the United States and EU > Germany///
The United States w/ Prescott Bush ( Rockerfeller money) and Uk banks ( Rothchilds) funded Hitler /// … With central Europe being the World war One World war Two objective operation points, the GLOBALIST seized power and stopped all free flow information and changed history of countries and changed the military regime and installed new governments and new laws and new leaders. This now gave power to the globalist to take the technology out of Germany utilize the underground technology bases of ancient civilizations under Switzerland..
_after the war stopped on May 8 1945 in Germany the deep state OSS/ROTHCHILDS/ ROCKERFFELERS/ ETC. immediately excavated the hidden Underground civilization sites near Frankfurt Germany.
>On late summer of 1945 General George Patton and Allen Dulles delivered the first _ELECTROGRAVITICS > ANTI-GRAVITY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY UFO > UAP to the United States. ( Several other technologies were brought into Texas. Nevada, New York. Five fingers lake)

Average Dad #transphobia #racist #wingnut #fundie pittparents.com

That is correct, we must push back and stand for truth, if not western civilization is domed, history proves that 3 generations of this trans debauchery will be our undoing. We can't survive like this. Unfettered illegal immigration combined with unfettered sexual trans debauchery imposed on children will be our demise. Sexual freedom needs to reigned in some and our immigration laws should have always been enforced. But here we are. Those in power approve of the current state because they will be the ones left in power telling everyone what to do. They are the arsonists and the firefighters, they want to return to paganism and serfdom.