Donald Trump

Tom Horn #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot

End Times author and SkyWatch TV CEO Tom Horn appeared on “The Jim Bakker Show” today, where he asserted that President Donald Trump authorized the creation of a “U.S. Space Force” because he knows that the asteroid prophesied in the Book of Revelation is headed toward Earth.

Horn was on Bakker’s show today to promote his latest book, “The Wormwood Prophecy,” which claims that the government is covering up the fact that an asteroid known as Apophis will strike the Earth in 2029. While scientists say that Apophis will simply pass by our planet in 2029, Horn insists that it will strike the Earth and fulfill the prophecy in Revelation 8: “The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.”

Horn claims that he discovered this information when he was shown a vision of what he thought was “a dual-horned, fiery dragon deep in space” that he described as “the most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

When he awoke from this vision, Horn said, “something whispered in my ear, ‘Apophis.'”

“Apophis, I am convinced, is going to impact the earth in nine years from now,” Horn warned. “And when it does, I think it’s the fulfillment of the Wormwood prophecy.”

“Don’t forget, Donald Trump has prophecy-believers in his ear,” Horn added, “and that’s the reason why he was pushing for the new space command, all the additional money for earth defense forces. This is all quietly going on behind the scene.”

Rick Wiles #racist #conspiracy #fundie

End Times broadcaster and rabid anti-Semite Rick Wiles called for social media platforms to be nationalized after his TruNews network’s Twitter account, which he used to rant about the “Jew coup” that is supposedly working to take down President Donald Trump through impeachment, was temporarily limited yesterday.

During last night’s broadcast, Wiles and co-host Doc Burkhart received word that the network’s “Jew coup” tweet had been removed for violating the platform’s guidelines against posting hateful content and that the account would be limited for 12 hours. This prompted Wiles to declare that his freedom of speech was being violated and to demand that the government nationalize all social media platforms.

“The censorship continues in America,” Wiles said. “What country are we living in? Where are we? Is this the Soviet Union? Is this communist Cuba? North Korea? Where are we? Your freedom of speech is being curtailed.”

“We need to nationalize the social media companies,” he declared. “Let’s take over the social media companies. Let’s nationalize them. Let’s turn them into utilities. Let everybody have free speech. If we don’t rise up and defend freedom, this country is moving quickly into a tyrannical state of censorship and suppression of ideas and beliefs. I’m not trying to stop anybody from speaking their views, but there are a lot of people trying to shut me down.”

Edgar Lungu #homophobia

Japhet Chataba and Steven Samba were sentenced in the capital, Lusaka, by a high court judge on Wednesday for "crimes against the order of nature" - Zambia's legal term for gay sex.

Responding to the decision, the US ambassador to Zambia, Daniel Foote, said in a statement: "I was personally horrified to read about the sentencing of two men, who had a consensual relationship, which hurt absolutely no one."

In an exclusive interview with Sky's special correspondent Alex Crawford, Zambian President Edgar Lungu warned of a breakdown in relations between Zambia and the US unless President Donald Trump took action.

He also insisted that nothing would change his mind on homosexuality.

He said: "We are saying no to homosexuality. Why should we say we are going to be civilised if we allow it... are you saying that we're very primitive now because we're frowning on homosexuality?

"Even animals don't do it, so why should we be forced to do it?... because we want to be seen to be smart, civilised and advanced and so on."

Jax1776 #wingnut #fundie #kinkshaming

During my years active and before, I've noticed a lot of Double Standards committed by the left. All of them are aimed towards what we love, ranging from American traditions to entertainment such as Anime.

For example, it’s OK to attack Donald Trump with false evidence of crimes, yet ignore the crimes Obama has committed along with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Threatening and degrading strong and accomplished Republican women like Melania Trump, Nikki Haley, and Elise Stefanik, while covering for evil and corrupt women like Clinton, AOC, and Nancy Pelosi

Making desecrating the American flag “legal” while making flags of tyrannical countries/terrorist groups, North Korea, Iran, Libya, ISIS, etc “illegal”.

Forcing people into changing heterosexual characters into homosexual characters while attacking the former of being “homophobic”.

Going after innocent people and accuse them of “rape” while the actual pedophiles and sexual predators get off scot-free.

Having female characters in anime, video games, fan-art, etc covered up while allowing male characters to go half-naked.

Fictional characters posing nude/swimwear is forbidden while vore, rape, quicksand, etc is allowed.

Attacking Political/Military Thriller stories (both actual & fan-made) as “Right-wing Propaganda” while promoting “Leftism” in stories.

Attacking our country as an authoritarian regime, while excusing the actions of Islamic dictatorships, foreign drug and human trafficking cartels, and the communist regime in China.

This only shows the hypocrisy committed by the Radical Left, using their tactic to attack both Conservative and Independent individuals while promoting their own ideas in entertainment and the mainstream media. We must stand up against them if we wish to be allowed to explore freely without any trouble.

Mark Taylor #fundie #conspiracy

So-called “firefighter prophet” and radical right-wing conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor appeared on the “Up Front In The Prophetic” program on Friday, where he declared an urgent need for President Donald Trump to arrest one high-profile Democrat or member of the “deep state” in order to prevent right-wing militias from engaging in violent civil unrest.

Taylor, an ardent follower of the QAnon conspiracy theory, has been predicting for years that Trump will unleash a wave of arrests and put on trial thousands of high-level cannibalistic satanic pedophiles, allegedly including even Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Lately, Taylor has begun to warn that right-wing activists are growing restless and will begin to take matters into their own hands if such arrests don’t happen soon.

Taylor said that he knows that God has a plan in place for carrying all of this out, but that Trump needs to send a signal to gun activists and militia members that progress is happening.

“If they wait too long, this is what is going to end up happening if we’re not careful is that you will see some civil unrest,” Taylor said, “because patriots are tired of it. They’re not going to put up with it any more.”

“I’m around the gun community,” he added. “I hear the talk. This talk is beginning to escalate, like the militia-type stuff. They’re getting ready to take up arms and to take things into their own hands if they don’t see something happen. So this is why I’ve been saying they have got to make at least one high-profile arrest. Perp walk the son of a gun, whoever it is. I don’t care who it is, perp walk ’em in handcuffs on national television to set the stage and to let people know, ‘Yes, we are very serious about justice.'”

Dave Daubenmire #racist #fundie #god-complex

Radical religious right activist Dave Daubenmire dedicated his “Pass The Salt Live” webcast this morning to ranting about the “atheistic Jews” who he says are leading the effort to impeach President Donald Trump and are, he insisted, responsible for much of what is wrong in America today.

Daubenmire, who is blatantly anti-Semitic, cited a recent commentary by right-wing radio host Michael Savage in which Savage said that Trump, like Jesus, is being persecuted by Jewish leaders. Daubenmire wholeheartedly agreed with Savage and proceeded to unleash a rant against Christians who travel to Israel, who he claims “are desiring to become Jewish.”

“I’m more precious in the eyes of my savior than any bloodline Jew that was ever born,” Daubenmire declared. “If we could focus on who we are as children of the king, much of this stuff that we see going on around us would end, if we realized who we are, who we represent, whose voice we are.”

Daubenmire said that he was sick of turning on Christian radio and always hearing “about Israel and the Jews.”

“The Jews should be begging to become Christians,” he said. “The Jews should be begging to be like us, and we can’t wait for us to be like them. We want to go be God’s chosen people. Dude, you already are! There’s nothing special about a Jew.”

“They’re supposed to be jealous of us,” Daubenmire screamed. “Everywhere I look it’s Jew worship. You say, ‘Oh Coach, are you anti-Semitic?’ You’re an idiot! You’re an idiot if you think that. I am Semitic, you are too. It’s lies! All lies! And the church gobbles it up and gobbles it up because we don’t know who we are. I’m a child of the king. I’m a prince.”

Donald Trump #god-complex #conspiracy

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump raised alarm Saturday as to when the country will know the results of the November presidential election, warning that it could take "months" or even "years."

"Usually at the end of the evening, they say 'Donald Trump has won the election, Donald Trump is your new president,'" Trump said during a press conference at his Bedminster, New Jersey, resort.

"You know what? You're not going to know this — possibly, if you really did it right — for months or for years. Because these ballots are all going to be lost, they're all going to be gone," Trump said, repeating false claims about vote-by-mail ballots.

Bernie-Or-Else Website #moonbat #conspiracy

(This could very well be a Russian trolling operation, but it’s definitely trending on Twitter, along with #DemExit…)




> In the 2020 Presidential Election, I refuse to vote for the Democratic nominee unless it's Senator Bernie Sanders.
> No party is entitled to my vote. I refuse to "vote blue no matter who." Policy over party.

(From the FAQ section)

**Are you pro-Donald Trump?**
Absolutely not.

Trump style politics are the result of late-stage capitalism and the type of appeasement politics suggested by candidates like Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden, and Amy Klobuchar.

The clear answer to defeat Donald Trump (and prevent the rise of an either further right-wing authoritarian) is by nominating Bernie Sanders. The Sanders platform is a clear rebuke of Trumpist policy, uncompromisingly.

**Is this a Russian operation?**
Scapegoating Russia is another example of establishment Democrats failure to recognize the shortcomings of horribly unpopular “moderate” candidates and policies.

Not every “out-of-the-mainstream” viewpoint you find online is a Russian bot.

Dave Daubenmire #fundie #homophobic

Dave Daubenmire is the latest Christian Right activist to pile on after Democrat Pete Buttigieg answered a question from a nine-year-old boy about how he could be brave when it came to telling people he’s gay. (Buttigieg said the kid, just by asking the question, didn’t need any advice from him on bravery.)

Daubenmire made the comments on his “Pass The Salt Live” program yesterday, saying that Buttigieg should be punished for “contributing to the delinquency of a minor.”

“Fifty years ago, they would have thrown Buttfudge in jail for even bringing it up and talking about it in front of a young kid,” Daubenmire bellowed. “What ever happened to shame? Why didn’t his mommy put him in a headlock and drag him off the court? Where’s his daddy?”

One of the participants in Daubenmire’s show then piped up to say that someone in the audience should have demanded that the sheriff remove Buttigieg from the stage for “violating the moral code of our lives,” while another declared that the boy who asked the question “was probably molested by either mom or dad or some relative.”

For his part, Daubenmire couldn’t believe that we live in a society where “a possible presidential candidate [is] contributing to the delinquency of a minor.”
Remember this exchange whenever Christians say they’re fine with homosexuality, just not homosexual acts. That’s not true. They can’t handle gay people, period. And they’re delusional about when people realize their sexual orientation.

Daubenmire and his guests are far more upset about Buttigieg treating a gay child with compassion that anything Donald Trump has done to harm children, whether it’s separating refugee kids from their parents or serving as the worst role model in American history.

These Christians don’t give a damn. Their bigotry overrules any semblance of common sense.

Mike King #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

To this day, nothing strikes fear into the black hearts of Jewish Mafia Globalists like the name of Adolf Hitler aka “The Great One.” He was, at least for a while, the only man who had totally rid his nation of the Marxist Globalist pestilence. For that reason, his name must be dirtied on a daily basis.

Convincing libtards and normies that AH was the devil-incarnate is a simple enough task -- easily accomplished through surround-sound Fake News – Fake Academia – Hollywood repetition. But how are (((they))) to misdirect the thoughts and emotions us pesky, disobedient, critical thinking, “Far Right ™,” alternative media, “conspiracy theorists” ™ who are wise to the tricks of the New World Order and their controlled bullhorn barkers? Legends of the “great men” of World War II, who “saved the world” from “Nazism” ™ -- scum such as Winston Churchill, Franklin Demono Rosenfeld and Dwight D. Eisenhower – won’t impress us "extremists" ™ because we know they were all corrupted Globalist agents of the International Jewish Finance Mafia.

Absurd fairy tales of the Holohoax won’t move our crowd to tears either because we are informed, confirmed and immovable “Holocaust Deniers ™.” So, what’s a Globalist propagandist got to do to divert our relatively small but growing community of truthers away from Hitler Truth? Simple --- (((they))) label Hitler a secret “Bolshevik, ” a “Zionist” or a “Rothschild agent” -- and then paste together past smears from history and new lies from the present with the flimsiest circumstantial “evidence” to create a phony case.

Sadly, these poison propaganda pills -- often packaged within pages and pages of authoritative-sounding hot air and deceptively "supported" by hundreds of "footnotes" which, upon closer inspection, only lead to some other writer's hot-air -- seem to have infected more than a few truthers. The ranks of the deluded (or devious?) Hitlerphobes of the "Far Right" ™ include writers like Christopher Jon Bjerknes (Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist) and Michael Hoffman II (Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People) – whose recent books on the subject are truly a black stain on their body of work.

Bjerkness, by the way, believes in the Holohoax -- which alone ought to disqualify him from being considered as a serious truth researcher -- in spite of some of his other perceived "anti-Semitic" and accurate writings. He is also, self-admittedly, of partly Jewish lineage. As for the bow-tied Hoffman -- who is excellent on Holohoax debunking -- his sanctimonious anti-Hitlerism smells of virtue-signalling. It's almost as if he is trying to ingratiate himself back into the world of "serious" academia by distancing himself from us big bad "Nazis" -- as if we are crazy smelly family members that he is ashamed of.

The great British historian and "holocaust denier," David Irving, flirts with such virtue-signalling from time to time as well, with his erroneous claim that Hitler only wanted a "small war" with Poland (False! Poland, backed-up by France, UK & FDR, started the fight which Hitler did everything possible to avoid); his grossly inaccurate courtroom characterization of Little Joey Goebbels as "evil;" and his post-arrest claim of possible "gas vans" having been utilized by the Germans on the Eastern front, after all.

As an inoculation for the benefit of the weaker-minded among our CyberTruth fraternity, The Real History Channel presents a debunking of eight of the most significant pillars (not all necessarily shared by the aforementioned writers) of the phony case against Hitler being perpetuated by Marxist moles, virtue-signalling chicken-men, and other assorted dupes within our ranks.


Baseless Claim #3:

Hitler was a Rothschild / British agent -- perhaps even the bastard child of a Rothschild!

In a piece (here) published at our former TomatoBubble home about three years ago, titled, Hitler was NOT a Rothschild-British Agent, yours truly thoroughly addressed this lunatic libel and offered a $500 reward for any actual evidence to support this preposterous propaganda. Still no takers, and the offer still stands. (here)

Far from being a Rothschild agent (secretly trained in England according to some of these crooked crackpots!), or, as some of really deranged cultists claim, a bloodline Rothschild himself -- Hitler was actually the family's worst nightmare. In Hitler's Germany, the Rothschilds, who thrive under the protective cloak of relative anonymity, were made known to every man, woman and child in Germany. Baron Louis de Rothschild was even arrested and had his bank seized. Have a look below at the headlines, and the movie poster for a popular German Hitler-era film about the evil clan.



Baseless Claim 7:

"Mad Man" Hitler Doomed Germany by Invading the Soviet Union

This one is Hoffman's favorite fallacy -- and he wastes more ink in his book on this than any other one of his ignorant claims. In so doing, Hoffman displays an astonishing ignorance -- perhaps willful, perhaps not -- of the real story of World War II, so accurately presented by yours truly in "The Bad War."

Soviet boss Josef Stalin’s objective all along was to let Germany and Britain wear each other out in the West, and then launch a surprise attack from the East (as he had already done to Poland in 1939; and Finland, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia in 1940) of such magnitude that it would subdue all of Europe. Hitler is hardly to blame for launching a preemptive strike, nor is he to blame for the massive amounts of U.S. aid which FDR would ship to Stalin to keep his evil regime afloat until the mighty U.S. could join the fray and open-up additional fronts which Stalin badly needed, and was desperately demanding.

The Great One, in a speech before the Reichstag on December 11, 1941, explains:

"Already in 1940 it became increasingly clear from month to month that the plans of the men in the Kremlin were aimed at the domination, and thus the destruction, of all of Europe. I have already told the nation of the build-up of Soviet military power in the East during a period when Germany had only a few divisions in the provinces bordering Soviet Russia. Only a blind person could fail to see that a military build-up of world-historical dimensions was being carried out. And this was not in order to protect something that was being threatened, but rather to attack that which seemed incapable of defense ... I may say this today: If the wave of more than 20,000 tanks, hundreds of divisions, tens of thousands of artillery pieces, along with more than 10,000 airplanes, had not been kept from being set into motion against the Reich, Europe would have been lost." (emphasis added)

The German preemptive strike -- code-named Operation Barbarossa -- and the heroism of the Waffen SS saved Germany and all of Europe from the same Bolshevik terror that had already exterminated or imprisoned scores of millions in the former Russian Empire. Would Hoffman, in retrospect, have allowed the Soviet hordes to storm all the way to Portugal and do the same? What the hell is the matter with you, Hoffman?!

The fact that Germany ultimately lost the war in the East was a tragedy which ought to be blamed on Franklin Demon Rosenfeld and the Red Jews surrounding him, not Hitler.


There are other ridiculous claims made by other ridiculous "researchers" on the "Far Right" ™ --- which we can just as easily debunk and/or dismiss for total lack of evidence, as well as lack of logic. But at some point, when it has become clear what the game is all about -- we need to just start ignoring this garbage and call it for what it is: deliberate disinfo originated by "the usual suspects" and aimed directly at the "less sharp-minded" among us -- and then retold by deceived innocent writers and bloggers who ought to know better.

More crap:

Hitler was an occultist -- Hitler persecuted Christians (only the Marxist preachers) -- Hitler was a blundering traitor who ignored his Generals (actually, more than a few of his generals were the aristocratic-class traitors) -- The "Nazi" leaders were closet homosexuals -- Hitler had only one testicle -- Hitler was the bastard child of a Rothschild -- Hitler was brainwashed/mind-controlled as a young man in Britain -- Hitler banned gun ownership (exact opposite is true -- here) -- The "Nazis" utilized mandatory euthanasia (False. Only very rare cases of terminal illness and extreme suffering were permitted) -- Hitler abandoned his people and fled to Argentina (debunked here) -- Hitler was a drug addict .... blah blah blah.

It is interesting to note that this same dirty game of "projection" -- in which "Far Right" ™ analysts and activists of dubious background smear Nationalist leaders as secret Rothschild agents -- is today being utilized against Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Bjerknes, in fact, has authored another book of comedy titled, "Putin's Reign of Terror," in which he breathlessly claims that Putin is essentially a Communist Trotskyite who secretly runs ISIS while working hand-in-hand with Trump to subdue the region for Israel. I kid you not! (summary here).

For his guarded optimism regarding Trump and his Q Anon operation, even your true-blue reporter here has been anonymously (and viciously) smeared in certain forums and on You Tube comments as a "secret Jew" because, according to some of these infiltrators and their innocent dupes, Q Anon is a "Jewish psyop" -- ergo, any blogger lending so much as the slightest bit of credence to Q Anon must be a spy too (palm to face, sighing, shaking my head.)

See their game now? It's all bullshit, boys and girls, and it's bad for you.

Gregory Hood #racist

White Renegade of the Year — 2019

The White Renegade of the Year is the man who could have done the most good for his people, but instead did the most harm. Charlie Kirk is 2019’s renegade. His organization Turning Point USA could have been a real force for American nationalism, but he has led it up yet another Conservatism Inc. blind alley.

Tuning Point USA’s budget is reportedly over $10 million and may be $20 million in 2020. It boasts over 130,000 members, including high school students, college students, and recent graduates. It has more than 50 chapters. President Trump and his son Donald, Jr. have spoken at its meetings. It is Conservatism Inc.’s youth wing.

And TPUSA is not entirely a sellout caricature. Ann Coulter spoke at its December student leadership conference, where she argued that immigration is the most important issue because it changes everything else. If you support gun rights and oppose socialism, you must limit Third World immigration. Politics is downstream from culture, but culture is downstream from demographics.

Deliberately or not, Miss Coulter was accusing TPUSA of irrelevance, because Turning Point USA has little to say about this critical issue. Its chapter handbook on “activism ideas” doesn’t contain the word “immigration.” The handbook does talk about “affirmative action bake sales,” but even College Republicans have been putting them on for more than decade.

TPUSA opposes affirmative action only because it’s “inadvertent[ly] racist” and another way “big government sucks!” Its handbook lists four different ways to protest “debt,” but President Trump, whom TPUSA claims to love, piled on trillions more in federal debt.

TPUSA is everywhere on social media. Yet memes such as “Let me get this straight: You’re on food stamps but you can afford an iPhone” don’t appeal to young people. Audience surveys show these slogans appeal to older Americans, namely, potential donors.

On his personal Twitter account, Mr. Kirk often blames failing cities on “Democrats” instead of race. Others challenge him to explain well-run Democrat cities (with mostly white populations.) He ignores them.

Turning Point USA is not afraid of race — just white people. This year, the group hosted “leadership summits” for blacks, Hispanics, Jews, and women. Nothing for whites.

Charlie Kirk has debated leftists, despite TPUSA’s memes claiming Communism is racist and murderous. He’ll debate a radical leftist, but not Nick Fuentes.

TPUSA blasts “political correctness” and mocks people who are “offended,” but it enforces political correctness. For example, in June, its “brand ambassador” Ashley St. Clair mocked Donald Trump supporters, immigration restrictionists, and even her own organization. TPUSA did not fire her. However, after she simply appeared in a picture with Nick Fuentes, she was gone. Contempt for President Trump’s supporters is forgivable, but even casual association with the “far right” is not.

In June, Mr. Kirk called America “just a placeholder” for ideas, in contrast to Israel, which is a real nation. Only later — and after much criticism — did he explain his remarks, calling America a “place, a people, a history.”

In recent months, the “Groyper Wars” exposed TPUSA’s hypocrisy. Mr. Kirk is eager to challenge leftists to debate, or at least to dismiss them with a zinger, but he seems to be afraid of nationalists.

In September, Mr. Kirk claimed being American has nothing to do with color or religion, said American identity is an ideology, and called an ethnically homogeneous America “insane.” TPUSA claimed this “DESTROYED” ethno-nationalism.

Two months ago, a young questioner asked whether “American ideals” could survive a non-white majority. Mr. Kirk said it is a “racist ideal” to believe “race and ideology are somehow intertwined together.” He further claimed that “the black community is an inherently conservative community.” Needless to say, blacks are clamoring to vote against President Trump.

After nationalists pressured him, Mr. Kirk claimed he supported cutting legal immigration, but he opposes a moratorium and believes that whites should win over non-white voters to conservative ideals. “His continued refusal to talk about demographics in good faith does little to inspire confidence that his movement has a plan for an American future,” wrote Matthew Boose of American Greatness.

In November, nationalists heckled Mr. Kirk, Donald Trump Jr., and Kimberly Guilfoyle off the stage after they refused to let the audience ask questions at an event. Miss Guilfoyle’s irrelevant and insulting reaction: “I bet you engage and go on online dating because you’re impressing no one here to get a date in person.”

At its most recent conference, TPUSA kicked out Nick Fuentes. The Bulwark, a neoconservative publication, credited TPUSA’s attacks on nationalists with Young Americans for Freedom’s decision to cut ties with Michelle Malkin. I’ve also heard reports — I can’t disclose details — that Mr. Kirk personally called conservative groups, pressuring them to fire people who speak well of Mr. Fuentes or the so-called “Groypers.” Nick Fuentes reports similar tantrums.

Why does this matter? Isn’t this all petty Beltway Right infighting? It’s President Trump who is appointing bad judges and failing his supporters.

The fact is, it’s not about Donald Trump. In 2019, no white advocate or civic nationalist believes President Trump will save us. However, his triumph is slowly changing the GOP into a nationalist party, and without that transformation the Republicans will die. Virginia’s quick shift from red to blue shows that the GOP mustn’t ignore demographic change.

Leading nationalists such as Tucker Carlson, Josh Hawley, Michelle Malkin, and Ann Coulter are doing their best to push America-first policies, but a nationalist movement must be led by young people. Instead of creating new activists, Turning Point USA is exploiting them. It’s funneling would-be nationalists into the same, stale Conservatism Inc. talking points and positions that could lead to disaster in 2020. Instead of attacking political correctness, TPUSA is reinforcing it and purging rightists.

To be fair, Mr. Kirk isn’t anti-white. He’s not a leftist. He’s got a stronger immigration position than most Republicans. His opponents are also our opponents.

But the hour is late, and Charlie Kirk is in the way. He’s built another multimillion-dollar dead end for young Americans. After decades of failure, we can’t afford scams like this. We’re out of time.

The country can’t survive another generation of “conservative leaders” who are terrified of race, demography, and identity. Young Americans, especially whites, don’t need “#BigGovSucks” hashtags. They don’t need more leadership summits for minorities. They don’t need more tributes to Israel.

They need a group that puts America First. They need young people who declare, without apology, not only that It’s OK to Be White, but that it’s OK for America to stay white. They don’t need Charlie Kirk or TPUSA.

Donald Trump #god-complex

I have done more for WOMEN than just about any President in HISTORY! As we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of women’s voting rights, we should build a BEAUTIFUL STATUE in Washington D.C. to honor the many brave women who made this possible for our GREAT COUNTRY...

...Congress should send me H.R.473 ASAP and make this happen! It will INSPIRE all women to continue being bold and brave in achieving their DREAMS!

Jon Rappoport #quack #wingnut #conspiracy

Perhaps the political leader with the most swagger and counter-consensus attitude—in the still most powerful nation in the world—is Donald Trump. Is he waking up the country? Is he stepping to the podium and laying bare the economic devastation that has been leveled at the people? Is he voicing a plan for recovery?



Most people see, in his maddening and conspicuous lack of real leadership, nothing unusual, because they are still in the middle of the trauma and the shock.

But there is “plenty of unusual.” A leader who doesn’t lead. A leader who, in a time of crisis, when leadership means so much, doesn’t step up.

THAT is unusual. That is madness.

Now, add this: the Stockholm Syndrome. People under rule by edict and force will often develop an attachment to their oppressors. Loyalty. Even a perverse love.

Why? Because they see no other option.

And because, on a subconscious level, the whole surreal world they are now living in makes no sense at all unless their rulers are doing the right thing.

Therefore, their leaders must be right. They have to be right.

The governors and mayors have to be right. Even the president, in doing nothing substantial, is right.

Of course, the loss of job and business and money is also paralyzing in the extreme. The government prescription seems to be: WAIT. Keep living on Welfare and bailout until the money runs out or until the crisis is declared over.

Jon Rappoport #quack #wingnut #conspiracy

COVID Trauma-Based Mind Control

“Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self preservation?” (CIA interdepartmental memo, Project ARTICHOKE, January 1952)

The covert operation called COVID, which has been planned for years, is all about trauma-based mind control.

The trauma combines fear of a germ with the sudden psychic shock of the lockdowns, the masks, the social distancing, the economic destruction.

For many people, this trauma is paralyzing on a subconscious level.

The government and media messaging about the “pandemic” was immediate, and it was launched as a wall-to-wall campaign. News reports, ads, public service announcements, talk shows, newspaper articles, press conferences, etc. No room was permitted for counter-opinion and evidence or intelligent discussion and debate. The messaging flood plays a major role in the trauma effect.

In a state of subconscious paralysis, people obey. They follow orders. They sleep-walk. They even, on top of the layer of paralysis, actively defend the powers-that-be.

A nation asleep. A world asleep.

—This would be the time for a political leader to step forward and address the people, in order to wake them up—first, by directing them to look around and see the unconscionable economic and, therefore, human wreckage.

This leader, this president, would describe in sufficient detail the horrendous situation: job loss, business closures, bankruptcies, suicides, murders, broken families. The national engine of production, shut down. The “cure worse than the disease.” Far worse.

Then the leader would rally the nation with a plan for recovery. This would be a further wake-up call. For example, for a start, the creation of a million jobs, to repair the crumbling national infrastructure. Roads, highways, bridges, canals.

Trauma and paralysis need “a reverse vector.” Supplied with great energy and conviction.

We see none of that. Political leaders are mainly timid and brainless—when they aren’t forcing more restrictive measures on the people.

Perhaps the political leader with the most swagger and counter-consensus attitude—in the still most powerful nation in the world—is Donald Trump. Is he waking up the country? Is he stepping to the podium and laying bare the economic devastation that has been leveled at the people? Is he voicing a plan for recovery?



Most people see, in his maddening and conspicuous lack of real leadership, nothing unusual, because they are still in the middle of the trauma and the shock.

But there is “plenty of unusual.” A leader who doesn’t lead. A leader who, in a time of crisis, when leadership means so much, doesn’t step up.

THAT is unusual. That is madness.

Now, add this: the Stockholm Syndrome. People under rule by edict and force will often develop an attachment to their oppressors. Loyalty. Even a perverse love.

Why? Because they see no other option.

And because, on a subconscious level, the whole surreal world they are now living in makes no sense at all unless their rulers are doing the right thing.
Therefore, their leaders must be right. They have to be right.

The governors and mayors have to be right. Even the president, in doing nothing substantial, is right.

Of course, the loss of job and business and money is also paralyzing in the extreme. The government prescription seems to be: WAIT. Keep living on Welfare and bailout until the money runs out or until the crisis is declared over.

All in all, many people are subconsciously asking this question: would I rather wake up and therefore see the mass insanity all around me, or would I prefer to stay asleep and follow orders and pretend that is the best course of action? They choose the second option.

Waking up means the individual is living life at a new and different level. It means seeing the truth. It’s the first step to coming up with a strategy for dealing with the reality that has been imposed.

Not waking up means living in a state of conformity, accepting official statements and orders, following those orders, fitting in, acting normal, adjusting, behaving according to stimulus-response.

Re quarantine, isolation, social distancing, wearing masks: “We did not know what the Russian [brainwashing] procedures were, but it seemed that they were producing some peculiar changes of attitude. How? One possible factor was perceptual isolation and we concentrated on that.” (Donald Hebb, Sensory Deprivation: A Symposium Held at Harvard Medical School. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1961)

John Q Citizen would say: “But I have to believe the quarantines, the isolation, the lockdowns, the distancing, the masks…they’re all happening so we can contain the virus. If I stop believing that, things would look very different. And I don’t want thing to look very different.”

Re the use of fake official science as mind control: “Brainwashing is a system of befogging the brain so a person can be seduced into acceptance of what otherwise would be abhorrent to him. He loses touch with reality…However, in order to prevent people from recognizing the inherent evils in brainwashing, the Reds [Communists] pretend that it is only another name for something already very familiar and of unquestioned respect, such as education or reform.” (Edward Hunter, Brainwashing. New York: Pyramid Books. 1956)

Re the recruitment of citizens to operate as contact tracers in a wide-ranging program: “Brainwashing is defined as an observable set of transactions between a charismatically-structured collectivity and an isolated agent of the collectivity with the goal of transforming the agent into a deployable agent.” (Thomas Robbins, ‎Benjamin David Zablocki, Misunderstanding Cults, 2001)


Louie Gohmert #racist

One top Republican in Congress is sick and tired of the Democratic Party — and he just made a serious move to take action.

Texas GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert announced from the House floor on Thursday that he has introduced legislation that would ban the Democratic Party from Congress because the party once supported slavery.

Gohmert also urged party leaders to change the name of the caucus, which he also said previously supported slavery.

The “Privileged Resolution” calls on Congress “to ban any political organization or party that has ever held a public position supportive of slavery or the Confederate States of America,” The Hill reported.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred,” Gohmert said. “Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan.”

Gohmert also included in his resolution more than a dozen instances of Democrats either standing in the way of civil rights reform or promoting racist policies.

These included Woodrow Wilson’s segregation policies in 1912, the Ku Klux Klan’s presence at the 1924 Democratic National Convention, and the prominence of Sen. Robert Byrd, who was one of the country’s most racist lawmakers.

“To avoid triggering innocent bystanders by the racist past of the Democratic Party, I would suggest they change their name,” Gohmert said. “That is the standard to which they are holding everyone else, so the name change needs to occur.”

Gohmert’s comments came after the Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation this week to remove confederate statues from the U.S. Capitol.

The vote was 305-113.

Seventy-two Republicans and one Libertarian, Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, joined with all Democrats in passing the legislation.

The legislation would remove all statues of individuals “who voluntarily served the Confederate States of America from display in the United States Capitol.”

If passed by the Senate, the legislation would direct the Architect of the Capitol to identify and remove other statues of individuals who served as an officer or volunteer in the confederacy and deliver those statues to the Smithsonian Institution.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has previously said he does not support removing the statues.

Last week, President Donald Trump said he will veto the defense spending bill if lawmakers try to change the name of Confederate monuments or bases.

Trump said he would not sign a defense bill if there were any amendments that called for military bases to be renamed.

Illuminati Watchdog #conspiracy #wingnut

Stay Away from Taco Bell and Its "Belluminati" Campaign
The Illuminati is making one of its most overt attempts to determine whether its brainwashing program is working, and that's through Taco Bell's "Belluminati" marketing campaign. The Mexican fast food chain already has a shady history that's shrouded in symbolism. Just take a look at how 666 and an evil eye are crafted into its logo, but none of that compares to what the company is doing now. It's literally telling people to come eat food endorsed by the Illuminati, and the campaign is highly popular. Why the Illuminati is choosing to do this at this point probably has more to do with its wanting to determine how much influence it truly has over the masses following the election of Donald Trump, who continues to defy the order at every turn.

Before we go much further, let's talk about the "Belluminati" logo. Now, conspiracy theorists have been saying for years that the Taco Bell logo has an eye in it, which can be seen at the bell's base. Of course, people and the company have refuted this by saying that it's just a coincidence and that the resemblance of an eye was not intentional. That can't be the case anymore. At the center of the "Belluminati" logo is the eye portion of the Taco Bell logo. This alone verifies that the company is really part of the order. It also confirms what conspiracy theorists have been saying for years.

What's even more sinister is what secret ingredients the Illuminati may be slipping into Taco Bell's food. Local franchise operators have no say in how the food is prepared, which occurs at centrally located plants, and cannot vouch for its actual quality. So there is no way of knowing what actually goes into it. One thing is for certain is that Taco Bell's beef is mixed with some kind of spicy taco mix to give it flavor. We're guessing that's what the Illuminati have tainted. They might even have put nanotechnology in the ingredients. People go there to eat tacos and not realize that they're ingesting nanobots that will latch on to their nervous systems and make them even more susceptible to suggestion. The Illuminati could be doing this to turn everyone into mindless drones or even something similar to zombies. Could the "Belluminati" ad campaign be the vehicle to start this?

The Illuminati has always been hiding in plain sight. It's possible that the senior members just want to see how far they can push it before people commonly accept the order's existence. However, this seems like more of an attempt to do something sinister. When the Illuminati places its stamp on people's food, something sinister is in the works. What's even scarier is that all of this comes on the heels of the reports of UFO fact-finding departments under the Pentagon, which delivers proof that the planet is being visited by aliens. Pyramids and aliens have been consistently present in films and popular culture, and we here at IW have written extensively about them. This latest evidence only goes to prove that the Illuminati is in contact with extra-terrestrial beings and has been for centuries. This leads us to the question of whether the "Belluminati" campaign is being used to implant alien technology into people?

These are scary times, made even worse by Taco Bell openly promoting the secret order. Who knows what they're doing, but all we can say is stay away from that chain. That Taco Supreme is not worth it, nor is the Nachos Bell Grande.

Eternal Observer #wingnut

The Equal and Opposite Reaction

Incels are constantly slandered and shamed for merely being the byproduct of a dying, degenerate society in its last stages of decline before collapse. It's generally observed that most great empires have only managed to last a total of roughly 250 years before either being destroyed or destroying themselves. I live in the United States, founded exactly 243 years ago and this seems about right, judging by our current state of affairs.

As we know, newtons 3rd law of motion implies that every active force is met with an equal but opposing force of resistance, but i believe this law applies to societal aspects as well, guised as the 'streisand effect'. Look at the phenomenon of rock music in the 60's and how widely scrutinized it was. The result was the genre EXPLODING in popularity literally within the decade, only increasing over the years until completely accepted and loved as a mainstrean genre of music.

Look at how poorly the media covered Donald Trump in the election of 2016, literally making things up about him by the week. The result was a MASSIVE amount of free coverage and exposure to his policies and campaign promises. This of course led to an inevitable victory over a woman literally estimated by "experts" to have had a 99% chance of winning, all because the media couldn't hold their arrogant tongues and thought of someone like him as a non-threat.

They see incels the same way. They create charicatures of us in their heads, reflective of only the most extreme of our ranks and they use this to lock us all in a box and slap an easily identifiable label on top of it. They brush off our issues until one of us loses it and picks up a firearm, then instead of figuring out how a young man could reach that point, they just use the incident to perpetuate the suffering of millions of men via shaming tactics and flippant dismissal of their needs.

I believe there will be a MASSIVE Societal ripple resulting from the ceaselessly negative shaming of men who have their needs brushed away like dust. Marriage is already declining. Birthrates have been below replacement level for several years now, Lonliness and sexlessness among young men has skyrocketed and women are having issues finding long-term commitment because chad doesnt want or need it, the same way modern women don't want or need sub-normie tier men. It's almost poetic justice. I dont think these first world issues that we have now are the true result, only the flip side of the current coin. I dont think we've seen the true ramifications of kicking this many downtrodden men while theyre on the ground already.

Imagine our situation as analogous to constantly pulling a rubber band as hard as you can in one direction. The only two things that can happen are:

1. The whole thing snaps in half and becomes unusable.

2. It will exert an equal force and go flying FAR in the opposite direction.

It may take decades but there will definetely be something, an event or cascade of events that will shock the system and wake people out of this self-indulgent, narcissistic, superficial haze. Just my thoughts on the matter.

J.B. Shurk #wingnut

So, along comes a communist virus, and the metaphor could not be more apt. It shows why national borders are important, why command-and-control economies collapse during crisis, why officials in authoritarian states exacerbate life-and-death problems because they fear telling their leadership difficult truths. How many lives in China and elsewhere would be saved today if China's military and local police had not threatened their own doctors, journalists, and ordinary citizens against speaking truth out loud? In a socialist utopia, though, tragedy and mistake are not allowed; because they reveal rot, they must be ignored. Better to live in a kingdom of pyrite than admit that "the welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants."

Bernie Sanders is about to become President Trump's number-one enemy, and the communist virus spreading around the world has just become one of the most compelling story arcs for the 2020 election. While the press and Democratic Party salivate, however, they once again fail to see the president's coming blow. Donald Trump has spent forty years arguing that America's national security depends on being free of China. He has spent his presidency singlehandedly changing the country's course by bringing manufacturing back home. Opposed by Wall Street Democrats, he has demanded America's energy independence from overseas adversaries and has endured endless ridicule for seeking a new renaissance for America's blue-collar workers. While Bloomberg, Biden, and Bernie grovel in obeisance to their Chinese lords, President Trump sees American-made steel, American-made pharmaceuticals, and American-made electronics as instrumental to American freedom. The Democratic Party wants to give American citizenship to the world, but the communist virus is a timely reminder that the illegal and uncontrolled flow of people across our borders not only depreciates wages and destroys American culture, but also sacrifices the lives of American citizens. The misery of Chinese communism created this virus, and the misery of Democratic Socialism seeks to spread it across the United States. Border security is health security. And energy, steel, and manufacturing independence is independence from overseas tyrants.

The coronavirus will pass. The stock markets will rise. The current state of fear will subside. But Bernie Sanders and the communist virus are now front and center, and President Trump has one hell of a story to tell the American people. It's a powerful story. It will be a powerful punch. And they'll still never see it coming. Just watch.

Steve Johnson #racist

An El Sobrante man built a huge swastika in his yard, irking his neighbors

Ground view: image

Ground view with Steve Johnson in front: image

Aerial view 1: image

Aerial view 2: image

Steve Johnson, a retired welder, said he wanted to get rid of his weedy front yard in El Sobrante and replace it with a nice new driveway to park his three vehicles. He said he chose a design he liked, bought about $800 worth of concrete, and lumber and started framing and pouring concrete strips and blocks.

But neighbors weren’t nearly as enamored of the design. When it began to emerge about three weeks later, and especially when Johnson painted the center black, it became obvious that it was a swastika — one of the world’s most offensive and recognized hate symbols.

While Johnson told a TV news crew it was a Tibetan symbol, he told The Chronicle he realized it was a symbol of Nazism and racial intolerance but insisted he has no such feelings or political leanings. He said he has a similar design in tile on a bathroom wall.

“I’m not against anybody,” Johnson said in an interview on his front porch. “I just thought it was a cool design.”

The swastika, about 20 feet by 20 feet, has attracted camera crews and TV helicopters to the quiet El Sobrante neighborhood that’s a blend of suburban and country.

Some neighbors on Lindell Drive have told Johnson they don’t approve, and one called a TV station. That coverage prompted even more reporting as well as luring lookie-loos and threats of possible protests.

“I don’t like it,” said Joni Arndt, 46, who’s lived across the street and down the corner for 25 years. “I’m concerned for my children. When they want to go outside, I feel like I have to be outside.”

Renee Schultz, a 52-year-old neighbor who has lived across the street from Johnson for 27 years, said she doesn’t think he’s a Nazi or a threat to anyone.

“He’s not a bad guy,” she said. “He’s harmless. I just don’t think he’s very intelligent. I don’t think he understands the depth of it. I think he just thinks it’s cool.”

Schultz, who is Jewish, told Johnson she didn’t like the swastika.

“I’ve made my opinion known,” she said, adding that she’s concerned the swastika could draw protesters, and perhaps violence, to the neighborhood.

Schultz also worries about the impact on her property value. She and her husband are considering selling their home and buying another, and their real estate agent told them they would need to disclose the neighborhood swastika as “a public nuisance” to potential buyers.

Johnson said he didn’t build the swastika — and four vertical concrete strips on the top and bottom — to get attention for himself or Nazism, or to upset his neighbors.

“I ain’t got nothing against them. I ain’t got nothing against anyone,” Johnson said. “I just want to park my cars. I’m not prejudiced. I’m not a Nazi. I didn’t do this to piss off the whole neighborhood.”

Yet, it seems he has.

On Thursday morning, one neighbor parked a car in front of his house and boomed a song with the lyrics “F— Donald Trump” for about 90 minutes.

Johnson said he didn’t anticipate the reaction to his construction project.

“Why are all these people so upset?” he asked. “That stuff happened 80 years ago.”

Were Johnson starting the project now, knowing the reaction it would engender, he would not include a swastika in the design, he said. But he said he can’t afford to rip it all out and start over.

Contra Costa sheriff’s deputies, who patrol the area, have had no complaints about the swastika, said spokesman Jimmy Lee. Officers couldn’t do anything even if they had, he said, “as no laws have been broken.”

Johnson’s display may be offensive to many, but it is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution, said David Snyder, executive director of the First Amendment Coalition.

“As a general matter, there is no exception to the First Amendment for hate speech,” he said. “Speech that is profoundly offensive to large numbers of people is protected under the First Amendment.”

Rush Limbaugh #conspiracy #wingnut

Far right radio personality Rush Limbaugh floated an absurd lie on his program on Friday, claiming Joe Biden’s live DNC acceptance speech the night before was so well-delivered and emotionally poignant because it was actually pre-taped and edited together for broadcast. That claim is totally baseless and easily refutable.

In fact, as this ABC News report confirms, there were roughly three-dozen reporters present—along with TV camera crews and Secret Service agents—at the Chase Center in downtown Wilmington, Del. to watch Biden give his speech in person.

Limbaugh tried to evade directly backing the ridiculous conspiracy theory by using a rhetorical trick commonly deployed by President Donald Trump, of the “people are saying…” variety.

“I have to tell you, let me just review, there are a lot of people I have come to find out who want to know if [Biden’s] speech was delivered live or was it pre-recorded,” Limbaugh began, notably without ever identifying the “people” making the scurrilous, absurd claims. “Now the assumption I think that everybody had going in was he was live because we didn’t hear anything else. And the time came for the speech to happen, the lights went down or came up whatever and here comes [Biden] and starts the speech. Some people are of the opinion that it had to be tape. And that it had to be taped in segments and the segments had to be edited together because plugs is not capable of 22 minutes even reading a prompter with no screw-ups, this is the prevailing theory.”

Donald Trump #wingnut #conspiracy

[Submitter’s note: I used Vanity Fair because I couldn’t figure out how to get all of Mr. Trump’s tweets in one link. Nonetheless, they are readily available. For context, he’s throwing a tantrum about Michelle Obama’s speech to the DNC last night in which she articulated what we all knew- he is a moron.]

Somebody please explain to @MichelleObama that Donald J. Trump would not be here, in the beautiful White House, if it weren’t for the job done by your husband, Barack Obama. Biden was merely an afterthought, a good reason for that very late & unenthusiastic endorsement.....

....My Administration and I built the greatest economy in history, of any country, turned it off, saved millions of lives, and now am building an even greater economy than it was before. Jobs are flowing, NASDAQ is already at a record high, the rest to follow. Sit back & watch!

Looking back into history, the response by the ObamaBiden team to the H1N1 Swine Flu was considered a weak and pathetic one. Check out the polling, it’s really bad. The big difference is that they got a free pass from the Corrupt Fake News Media!

The ObamaBiden Administration was the most corrupt in history, including the fact that they got caught SPYING ON MY CAMPAIGN, the biggest political scandal in the history of our Country. It’s called Treason, and more. Thanks for your very kind words Michelle!

Donald Trump #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt

HH: Ambassador O’Brien said China wants Vice President Biden to win. Why do you think that is?

DJT: Because they’ll own the United States if he wins, and with me, they were having the worst year in 67 years because I tariffed the hell out of them. We took in billions and billions of dollars. I gave some of it to the farmers because they were targeted, and I put the rest in the Treasury of the United States. We’ve taken in tens of billions of dollars from China, and it was having a huge impact on China, negative impact on China.

HH: You’re still the best interview…

DJT: And China will own, just like when his son walked out with $1.5 billion dollars from China to manage, where he’ll make millions of dollars a year. Look, China will own the United States if this election is lost by Donald Trump. If I don’t win the election, China will own the United States. You’re going to have to learn to speak Chinese, if you want to know the truth.

HH: Well, will Hunter Biden come up at the debates, Mr. President?

DJT: And you’ll have to learn it fast. They will own the United States. And I’ll tell you another thing that’ll happen. The market’s up 350 points today. It was up 350 points yesterday. It’s ready to break new records. NASDAQ has already broken a record. We’re doing very well in everything including Corona, as you call it. But let me just tell you, we’re getting to an end. We’re getting to, and the vaccines are ready to rock. We’re going to be very close to a vaccine. We’re ready to distribute, and we’re there for the therapeutics, which to me is even more important, frankly. It makes you better. It’s more important than the vaccine.

Benjamin Fulford #racist #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut #dunning-kruger

The Zionists are having a field day in the absence of an agreement to reboot the world economy. They are stoking a war between China and the U.S., promoting their pandemic and vaccine scam, and causing trouble all over the world. If we are going to defeat them once and for all, we need to realize that we are dealing with an enemy who works according to long term plans, some going back hundreds of years.

The latest example of this is the ongoing Covid-19 and vaccine scam. British MI6 intelligence now says:

“The Covid-19 thing was traced back to a document at the World Bank dated 1976. It is a form of Eugenics involving the UN and its organs.”

If you look at the world map of so-called Covid-19 cases at the link below, you will notice it is essentially a disease affecting monotheist controlled countries (including secret colonies India and Japan). Africa is mostly avoiding the whole scam as is most of East Asia. So, if it is Eugenics, as MI6 claims, the target appears to be mainly people of European descent.

The P3 Freemasons are saying the Covid-19 campaign is only going to intensify until an agreement is reached to set up a “World Republic.” Certainly, the P3 lodge involvement is easier to spot in Japan and Korea where all positive test results are being traced to either Christian (P3) sects or Khazarian Mafia hedge funds.
everybody who read the Project for a New American Century knows the Zionist regime has been touting race-specific or ethnic-specific biological warfare as a “useful political tool.” Also, the Zionists took over the infamous Japanese unit 731 biological warfare division and have been developing bioweapons ever since. They have been well documented, using bio-warfare agents like weaponized insects during the Korean war, for example. Since 9.11 they have built biological warfare research institutes all over the world, including Wuhan, China.
The Zionists also appear to be using weather warfare in an attempt to break China’s Three Gorges Dam. If the dam broke, it would flood 400 million Chinese and kill at least 500,000 people. However, those using such weapons must realize China would retaliate by doing something like blowing the Yellowstone Caldera.

The Chinese for their part note “structural changes” have led to a “to U.S. withdrawal from global affairs and waiver of responsibilities,” and “the COVID-19 pandemic is probably the first global crisis in more than a century where no one is even looking to the United States for leadership.”

In any case, despite all the arguing between the regime of U.S. President Donald Trump and the Chinese, the world is now entering an era where neither the U.S. nor China will be dominant. That is because both the U.S. military-industrial complex and the Asian secret societies that run China realize they both face a common enemy: the Khazarian Mafia – aka the Zionists.

Neil Kumar #wingnut

[From "You Reap What You Sow"]

Ah, the smell of napalm in the morning. As our nation burns, as we witness horrifying scenes of carnage and rapine, we may finally understand that the United States of America are dead. Our country is gone, stolen and surrendered. Donald Trump isn’t going to bring it back, even if he wanted to — and he most assuredly doesn’t. This is one reason why we should not vote in November. For another, like the pitiful desperation of the Amerindian race in its death throes, voting and calmly debating policy issues, participating in the present political system at all, is just a version of the Ghost Dance. We lose either way. Why keep praying for rain?

Forget the polity formerly known as America. It’s dead. Move on. We do not have anything even approximating a “movement.” It’s too late for all of that. We must forget national politics. The future lies in our communities. Our dwindling lives and resources are far better spent where they may be of use, in local and State politics, in building continuous enclaves to keep stoking the Promethean fire of the West against the nightmare now beginning to fall in torrents.

We can only get to a better future by letting our irredeemably corrupt System burn. I’ve seen arguments that this “accelerationist” position justifies voting for “Joe Biden”, and I’ve seen equally valid arguments to justify voting for Donald Trump. In my view, the totalitarian Left is here, and they ain’t going away. If “Biden” wins, the country collapses. If Trump wins, which will be difficult given the massive voter fraud that is certainly being planned, along with whatever false flag “mass shooting” psy-op they cook up, they’ll come anyways. We get burned.

By participating in the System at all by casting a vote, we place the imprimatur of legality upon the results of the “election,” whatever they may be. By “voting”, we allow the System to say that “the people” made a “choice.” We have not had a choice for at least eighty years. George Wallace said it best. There ain’t a dime’s worth of difference between the two parties. They aren’t even two parties. By simply walking away, by refusing to participate in the fraud, we expose the System for the sham that it is. A “winner” would have no national mandate if half of the nation didn’t even vote. And, a black mark on the rapidity of the Great Replacement, we still make up half of the nation that we built.

I don’t feel any sympathy for the leftist cities collapsing before our eyes — yes, even those in the whilom Confederacy, for they ceased to be ours as soon as the New South reared its ugly head. Why mourn the failure of evil? The good, decent people would have left long ago and decamped for greener pastures. Those who remain aren’t too poor to leave, considering it is insanely expensive to live in these leftist hellholes. Those who remain, with, I’m sure, a statistical handful of exceptions, are by and large True Believers. They voted for this. They voted for the carnage . They voted to disarm themselves. They voted to choke their sidewalks with filth. Let them live with the consequences of their leftism. Let the Coalition of the Ascendant claim they built America prove it. Just as we should never intervene in foreign lands, we should not intervene in the hostile slums that swallowed our once-great cities.

Why should Arkansas taxpayers be forced to foot the bill to clean up a smoldering pile of rubble left by those bent on their annihilation? Why should we give our tax dollars to heathens who will just burn it all down again anyways? Why would they even want our “racist” blood money? After all, our very presence “keeps them down.” Maybe Walmart can throw another hundred million dollars to the barbarians. Chick-Fil-A’s Dan Cathey can supply them with chicken as he kisses their feet.

Let ’em burn.

Good riddance.

Roy Den Hollander #sexist #psycho #racist

[...]Den Hollander, a self-described “anti-feminist” lawyer [...] was known for his misogynistic tirades and the dozens of lawsuits he filed, many frivolous. A Manhattan judge dismissed one of them in May, and a few weeks later, a federal judge in New Jersey named Esther Salas canceled a scheduled hearing in a different suit.

The delay followed years of resentment that he had harbored against Salas over his unfounded claim that she was moving the case too slowly. That, in turn, built upon a lifetime of seething hatred toward women: He accused his mother of preventing him from having a girlfriend, and his ex-wife of marrying him only to obtain a green card.

Den Hollander’s rage turned to violence this month when he showed up at Salas’ home in New Jersey posing as a FedEx deliveryman and opened fire, killing her 20-year-old son and wounding her husband, investigators said. She was not harmed.

[...]Hours after the shooting in New Jersey, police found Den Hollander’s body off a road in upstate New York with a single gunshot to the head.

In his nearby rental car, investigators found a list naming more than a dozen possible targets, according to people briefed on the investigation. Aside from Salas[...], the list included the names of three other female judges and two oncologists, at least one of whom had treated Den Hollander.

An examination of Den Hollander’s life shows how he represented the most violent elements of a male supremacist movement whose discourse online has become increasingly threatening toward women.

He made his views clear in thousands of pages of writing. In his final months, he uploaded the last version of his autobiography, a 1,698-page manifesto that ended with an ominous epilogue about his determination to fight “feminazis” until his last breath.

His beliefs swirled between the worlds of self-proclaimed anti-feminists and men’s rights activists. He ranted about what he perceived to be gender discrimination against men in family courts and other institutions, a focus of men’s rights activists, but also wrote blog posts calling for women to be killed.

After a contentious divorce in 2001, Den Hollander began using the court system to address his grievances, suing nightclubs for advertising ladies’ nights discounts and Columbia University for having a women’s studies program. When he lost in court, as he almost always did, he would sometimes respond with lawsuits targeting the opposing lawyers personally — and even once sued a judge who had ruled against him.

[...]Den Hollander’s turn to violence appeared to be years in the making. In his autobiography, he mused about killing his mother and about sexual violence against a female judge in his divorce case.

[...]Den Hollander grew up in Midland Park, New Jersey, a middle-class town about 25 miles northwest of Manhattan, and had a loathing for his mother, clinging to grudges against her. In his autobiography, he claimed that she told him she wished he had never been born and that she would not let him have girlfriend or learn to play a musical instrument.

Den Hollander described getting in trouble in the third grade after trying to forcibly kiss two girls in his class, a pattern that would continue throughout his life. He later wrote that he was kicked out of a martial arts academy for “flirting” with women.

[...]In 2000, Den Hollander married a Russian woman, Alina Shipilina, in Moscow and returned to New York with her later that year.

The marriage quickly fell apart. He filed for divorce in 2001, accusing his wife of being a prostitute and of duping him into marriage to obtain a green card. She accused him of publishing her diary and naked photos online, citing an incident in which he threatened her with a gun, according to a complaint she filed that was posted on Den Hollander’s personal website.

[...]The divorce consumed him. He failed in his effort to seek an annulment to invalidate the marriage. Standing on the courthouse steps in New York after a divorce hearing, his devastation turned to hatred, he wrote in his autobiography. He said he wanted to bomb a feminist organization.

“Finally,” he wrote, “I knew my real enemies, the ones who plotted my destruction from birth, the ones who smiled so sweetly through their blood red lips — dames.”

[...]His unorthodox legal battles gained Den Hollander appearances on The Colbert Report and Fox News, but his notoriety alienated him from mainstream clients. In recent years, he took contract assignments helping big law firms review documents. One job paid $31 an hour.

He filed for bankruptcy in 2011 and frequently bemoaned his declining income. At a hearing in 2018, he seemed embarrassed by his status, telling the judge, “I get by doing the lowest of lowest of legal work, called document review.”

A legal services firm, Epiq Systems, fired Den Hollander in 2016 after he called another office worker an “illegal,” according to a lawsuit he filed against the company. A spokeswoman for Epiq confirmed that Den Hollander was terminated, without elaborating.

Later that year, he made calls for the Trump campaign as a volunteer, according to his autobiography. He said he was drawn to Donald Trump’s views on immigration.

An official with the Trump campaign said, “We don’t know anything about him, but the crimes in this case are horrific.”

In 2015, in his suit challenging the constitutionality of the male-only military draft, Den Hollander represented a woman who wanted to enlist. It was a legal cause supported by women’s advocacy groups, but Den Hollander had a different motivation. He wrote in his autobiography that women should “finally know not just the benefits but also some of the real hell of manhood.”

When the case was assigned to Salas, he wrote that he was initially attracted to her and wanted to ask her out. Later on, he called her “a lazy and incompetent Latina.” He claimed that she had worked for organizations “trying to convince America that whites, especially white males, were barbarians.”

[...]In one of Den Hollander’s last court appearances, a federal judge in Manhattan ruled against him at a hearing in February 2018. Den Hollander became angry, and the judge urged him not to take the ruling personally.

“It was a pleasure appearing before you, Your Honor,” Den Hollander told the judge, “but it is always personal.”

Steve Jabba #sexist #fundie #crackpot

Socio Sexual Hierarchy : What Rank Are YOU?

What Is The Socio Sexual Hierarchy?
The socio sexual hierarchy was a term originally coined by Vox Day to describe where men fit on the socio sexual totem pole. Just as in nature, there is a hierarchy, where the guys at the top tend to get the most attractive women in the greatest numbers.

A key point to note is that the socio sexual hierarchy as it was originally intended was based on patterns of behaviour. These patterns of behaviour tend to lead to outcomes such as social success and success with women. We’ll get into that more later.


The Socio Sexual Hierarchy Ranks (Top To Bottom)

Alpha : Often physically imposing (tall, handsome) and confident.

[Picture of Donald Trump]

A good phrase to capture the essence of an Alpha is that they suck all the energy in a room.

The most famous example of an Alpha male that springs to mind in 2019 is president Donald Trump.

Alphas usually do very well financially and with women and alongside high functioning Sigmas tend to sleep with the most attractive women in the greatest numbers. They usually insert themselves in a social scene and dominate by virtue of their powerful personality and social skills. You’ll often find that Alphas get success with women by their place in the social hierarchy and social status.

You will rarely see Alphas that would choose to do Daygame, for example. That’s not how they meet women.
Positives : social success, financial successs, success with women.

Downsides : Alpha males care about their place in the hierarchy and are sensitive to criticism (especially from women), whereas Sigmas are indifferent. Often their focus on winning and being on top means they are prone to walking all over other people and not being mindful of other people’s feelings.
Sigma – Sigmas share some qualities with the alpha, such as self confidence, but they tend to be way more introverted and do not thrive on social attention.
[Picture of Han Solo]

They do not want to be a leader as an alpha does, and often shun social groups.

Whereas Alphas can make friends with anyone and intimately understand social hierarchies and alliances, Sigmas go their own way and usually form very close friendships with few people which tend to last for life.

The 2 key traits of the Sigma Male : Very attractive to women. Outside the hierarchy.

Because of this, Sigmas will often gravitate towards activities like Daygame, or solo game. They tend not to enjoy socialising or indeed having contact with those they don’t respect or wish to spend time with, so high functioning and intelligent Sigmas will seek to get out of the hierarchy as much as possible, by finding their own source of income that doesn’t involve having to perform a conventional job.

Sigmas do not acknowledge the social hierarchy or pay it any attention. They can be frustrating for Alphas because they tend to look them in the eye and show that they have no interest in the Alphas social status or any respect for it.


The article you are reading and all the content on my website is written by a Sigma Male (me). My book Primal Seduction and video series Secret Society explain how a Sigma can leverage his natural tendencies to get success with women.

Postitives : Do what they want, live the life they want, not affected by the opinions of others.

Downsides : Can take introversion too far and become socially isolated. Can experience periods of intense lonliness if they spend too much time alone and don’t actively approach women, which can mean long dry spells.
Beta : Betas are probably the happiest rank overall. They are like the lieutenant to the Alpha.
[Screenshot of Maverick from Top Gun]
They are also confident, but don’t have quite as much swagger and are less prone to boasting than Alpha Males. If you look at Donald Trumps famous tweets as President of the United States, it’s a fascinating insight into the mind of an Alpha. Were Trump a Beta, you’d see far less boasting and bragadocio on his Twitter feed.

Betas actually have the most stable existence with the best cost / reward ratio. They can thrive in hierarchies, they can get attractive women, and they don’t need to engage in all the risk taking and status jockeying of the Alpha. For this reason, there are far more Beta’s than genuine Alphas.

Many guys hear the expression “Beta Male” and get the wrong end of the stick. The Beta’s have a pretty sweet set up!

Advantages : happy life, high position in the socio sexual hierarchy.
Downsides : Always playing second fiddle to the alphas and they know it.

Delta : The average guy. Most men are Deltas. These are the guys that keep society running smoothly.
[Picture of a pilot from the 1980 movie Airplane!]
They tend to be average looking, with nothing particularly striking phyically or mentally (they tend to hover around the mean in terms of IQ). Think of Deltas as “worker bees”. Whilst less glamorous than their higher counterparts, they have a pretty happy existence as they are often happy with their lot.

Whilst Deltas do have some limited success with women (on average 6-10 lifetime partners or less), they do not really understand women and view them somewhat fearfully. They tend to give up on women earlier on in life and settle with a midrange woman, and are by and large happy with this arrangement, not wanting to spend too much time or energy in figuring out the opposite sex.

Advantages : They get the job done, everyone tends to like Deltas.
Downsides : Often pedestalize women, (which women really hate!).

Gamma – Probably the most disliked of all the archetypes by both men and women (Sigmas in particular cannot stand Gamma Males).
[Grima Wormtongue from Lord of the Rings]
Gammas live a life of dishonesty both to themselves and others. They construct a powerful delusion bubble and think of themselves as “Secret Kings”, who will one day get all the rewards of the Alpha when the world finds out how talented and powerful they really are.

They believe themselves to be worthy of adulation and praise (especially from women), and alternate between pedestaliation of women (usually by a girl who is unwise enough to smile at them), or outright hatred of the entire female race. Gamma rage and reality denying are a very real and scary phenomena.

They are often unattractive physically, if not because of genetics but also because they are too lazy and conceited to accept their flaws and get to work on ironing them out.

Factors That Affect Your Place In The Socio Sexual Hierarchy

Appearance : It should be pretty obvious to most but it’s worth mentioning. Your appearance does have an impact on your socio sexual ranking. The number one thing any guy can do regardless of his archetype to improve here is to get physically fit, strong and well built. I don’t think anyone would deny that muscles are a universally attractive masculine trait.

Location : Where you are in the world can affect your place in the socio sexual hierarchy. If you were born in the UK or USA (for example), you would naturally have a higher place in the socio sexual hierarchy if you moved to Bolivia (for example). This is known as geography arbitrage (actually, it isn’t , I just made that up.)

It’s not just that you would have more money than the locals. It’s that you look different and might well be perceived as exotic (there are some parts of the world where pasty white skin is considered exotic, believe it or not!)

Game : Game, or behaviour can have a big impact on your place in the socio sexual hierarchy. This is why the concept of the rank is based on patterns of behaviour rather than just physical appearance. There is no single bigger predictor of sexual success than simply upping your game (or displaying more universally attractive masculine traits), and putting yourself in front of more women.

Jon Anthony #sexist #fundie


Jon Anthony is a world renowned dating coach and the founder of Masculine Development, a blog for masculine men. He enjoys writing about workout supplements like SARMs (such as Ostarine and RAD 140), powerful nootropics (such as Modafinil) and is known for his triggering article on How to Fuck A Girl Properly. You can follow him on Twitter.

In order for a nation to survive, two critical emotions must be controlled. Contrary to popular belief, these emotions are not fear and greed—although these are very important to control, as well. Rather, it’s masculine aggression and feminine vanity that must be controlled…and we are doing a terrible job at this.

Unfortunately, over the past 70 years, we’ve seen sex roles and gender dynamics completely turned on their heads. Rather than men and women working together to create better relationships, more functional families, and more powerful countries, we’ve been pit against one another by toxic ideologies and ruthless demagogues.

It is not enough to simply know what is happening, however—we must know precisely how it’s happening, step by step, and more importantly, WHY it’s happening. In this article, I will explore why our society has gone so downhill so fast, and potential solutions we can integrate to remedy it (if we can save it, at all).

The Two Forces
[Picture of a Woman posing in a Mirror]

As I said previously, there are two very delicate forces which must constantly be counter-balancing one another, and anytime they grow unbalanced, there will be chaos. These two forces are, of course, masculine aggression and feminine vanity. Too much masculine aggression, and a country becomes war-torn, unable to run itself or stay stable long enough to produce any sort of civilization (think the Middle East).

Too much feminine vanity, however, and the opposite occurs. Men become reclusive, because women become far too difficult to deal with. This is why we’ve seen the rise of the sigma male over the past 20 years—men who refuse to attach themselves to any sort of social hierarchy. They’re not alpha, beta, or omega. They just do as they do, without adhering to any sort of social group or workplace hierarchy.

As feminine vanity grows excessive, female hypergamy is given reign to run loose. Rather than men and women developing healthy relationships with one another, women become so conceited that they refuse to “settle” for anyone less than an alpha male Chad Thundercock, and thus we have a surplus of angry, bitter women who hit the wall at 30 and end up childless and alone.

It’s so obvious that it should go without saying, that we are currently in a serious imbalance. For far too long, masculine aggression has been hampered and stomped down by our effeminate school system, our brainwashing devices (aka TV’s), and our mass media control system. All the while, these things have encouraged women to do as they please, without any consequences or thought of their actions on a larger, societal scale.

Restoring the Balance
[Screenshot from 300]

Balance will be restored, one way or another. There are only two ways for this imbalance to possibly be restored, and most men here will acknowledge, at least implicitly, that this is the case:

1. Men in OTHER COUNTRIES restore the balance (by coming here en masse)
2. Men in THIS COUNTRY restore the balance (by not being pussies)
Those are the only two options. There is no third option, where women somehow magically stop giving men 500,000 shit tests a day and step down to become good, faithful girlfriends, wives, and mothers. This will not happen. When a society reaches this critical imbalance, only one of two things can happen.

Of course, we all know what the elites (oy vey!) are pushing for. They want to bring millions of aggressive, young, fighting-age men to this country, to supposedly help combat “population decline.” We all know that this is complete horse shit, and that their true motive is to destroy America.

Even so, with the full force of the elites raining down upon us, there is hope. Over the past two years, we’ve seen more masculine energy emerge and come to the front of our socio-political battlegrounds than arguably any other time in history. For the first time in the past 70 years, men are reclaiming their manhood.

Let me reiterate that this is the only option. There is no magical world where everything just works out great, where we have millions of violent, aggressive 20-something-year-old men come into this country, and we retain our values as an Anglo-Saxon country. No. This will not happen. We either get our acts together, collectively, as men, or we watch our nation burn.

The Alternative
[Screenshot of the 2-minute hate from the 1984 movie]

If we do not successfully reclaim the balance of masculine aggression and feminine vanity in this country, all will be lost, and we will be forced to either live through hell, or leave our homelands. Here’s what to expect over the next decade or so, if a social justice warrior is elected President in 2020, and we lose the culture wars:

Increasing surveillance over the internet
More thought crime policies instituted into law
The figurative castration of men all across the country
Eventual race wars, or religious wars, spurred on primarily by Islamic migrants
This is non-negotiable. If we lose the culture wars to SJW’s over the next several years, we will begin to see lobbying to shut down any and all manosphere websites dedicated to spreading the truth. We have already seen PayPal, YouTube, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, and Google begin to censor people like Roosh, Alex Jones, Donald Trump, and other conservative/red pilled speakers. We cannot afford to stand this any longer.

If we lose these mediums to the globalists, they will easily gain the support of the public to institute thought crime policies into our legal system. You have a book by Bronze Age Pervert, that Amazon can track from your order history? NAZI SCUM! You’re going to prison. It doesn’t matter that you didn’t actually hurt anyone in any way shape or form, because you had an opinion that the globalists dislike.

As this begins to happen, men will self-imprison all over the nation. Some will fight, of course, and maybe win (if we’re lucky). Others will leave and attempt to gain citizenship in more male-friendly countries such as Denmark, Austria, and Poland. The rest will be forced to hang their heads in perpetual shame.

Eventually, as the population of third world migrants explodes, and tribalism is exacerbated by the polarizing media, we will begin to see rampant terrorist attacks, which are already happening in Germany, The UK, and other nations around the cucked European Union. Inevitably, this will end in a civil war.

It’s Our Choice

I have presented to you the only two choices that we have, and to me, the decision is quite simple. We can either sit around passively, and squabble amongst ourselves over stupid theories and philosophies, or we can take action to better ourselves and improve the stance of our nation.

The choice is clear to me. We either succumb to globalist propaganda, see the death of masculinity in the West, and see freedom of speech die as it is destined to do, or we fight back and create a better future. Some may say this is melodramatic. I would say that a mere cursory glance at history will prove otherwise.

Kurt Nimmo #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist #racist #sexist

I have decided to post my thoughts on the destruction of America (and Europe) before the election. If current polling is any indication, Donald Trump will not be re-elected. Joe Biden will be the establishment’s teleprompter reader. The Senate will swing over to Democrat control. Democrats and their “progressive” (corporate-financed) allies will go after anyone to the right or left of the establishment, with the exception of groups like Black Lives Matter, which now receive millions of dollars from the likes of Citibank and the Ford Foundation, the latter long known to be a front operation controlled by the CIA.

“The Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy recently announced the formation of the Black-Led Movement Fund [BLMF], a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the Movement for Black Lives coalition,” reports The Washington Times.

The COVID virus is a biological weapon deliberately released in China and from there spread to much of the rest of the world. It did not escape from the Wuhan lab. It was released by the US military while participating in an athletic event in Wuhan. However, it is believed the virus was circulating in November of 2019, possibly earlier. In April, a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Antiviral Research (Vol. 16, April 2020) concluded the COVID virus contains features not present in other viruses. Moreover, the paper argued the virus has no known ancestry and contains elements present in MERS, which the authors say “was not observed in the lineage b of betacoronaviruses.” In other words, the virus is an engineered bioweapon and not a freak of nature. [This is assuming the virus actually exists – see my article here – Ed.]

However, this military-industrial lab-created disease was not designed to kill millions and become the 21st century’s version of the Black Death. It is far more useful as a fear-inducing mechanism.

Here is the game plan as I see it:

1) bring down teetering fiat money and toxic asset driven economy and blame it on the virus.

2) destroy Main Street business in competition with corporate behemoths (recall John D. Rockefeller—his operating maxim was that competition is a sin).

3) create massive and sustained unemployment.

4) normalize the idea of house arrest and the negation of core constitutional rights.

5) enhance already intrusive and unconstitutional surveillance with “contact tracing” via smartphone and Bluetooth technology (check out this article which details how Michigan authorities used contact tracing against anti-lockdown protesters).

6) foment unrest and exacerbate social ills as a diversion from the planned globalist reformulation of the world economy and society (i.e., “global governance,” aka New World Order).

7) direct the corporate propaganda media to obsessively dwell on irrational race- and gender-based ideology and conflict, thus widening an engineered political divide, creating social chaos and violence, and thus diverting and reducing the threat posed to the elite and the national security state apparatus.

8) keep the narrative focused on Donald Trump; downplay the evolving economic depression, distract attention, and debate away from the elite’s endless wars and neoliberal predation (this was accomplished during the Obama regime).

9) continue to manufacture foreign enemies—Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria—and crackdown on “domestic terrorists” and “conspiracy theorists” now conflated with ISIS.

After Democrats take back Congress and the White House, this last point will kick into overdrive. MAGA, already maligned as Nazis and white supremacists, will be investigated and supporters will be prosecuted and imprisoned. Ditto folks on the left, or those not associated and bankrolled by elite foundations and corporations.

Roger Hines #wingnut

Half a century ago, the grandparents of today’s protesters were protesting. It was the glorious ’60s. Jane Fonda and Peter, Paul and Mary egged the protesters on as did John Kerry, fresh from the fields of Vietnam. On late night TV, Kerry told host Dick Cavett how murderous our troops in Vietnam had been during his tour there. The future presidential candidate and secretary of state was as viciously anti-war as any of the college kids who were blocking access on college campuses and pledging allegiance to our enemy’s leader, Ho Chi Minh.

There wasn’t just one summer of love during the ’60s. There were at least three: ’67, ’68, and ’69. The New Morality (which was simply the old immorality) was afoot. The Sexual Revolution was moving in. Universities were just beginning to lose their footing as places of learning, inquiry and respectful dissent. Much like George Orwell’s animals that were running the farm, students across the country were stating their demands and college presidents were caving.

Guess what the demands were. Better cafeteria food? No. Shorter classes? No. Changing the curriculum? Yes, because “Western Civilization 101 was all about old, white, European men.” More student activities? No. Acknowledgement of racism? Yes.

Forget that the Civil Rights Act had been made law in 1964, that segregation was coming to an end, and that Martin Luther King was successfully awakening the nation’s conscience to racial inequality. According to student protesters, America was still a sordid place. Sound familiar?

In 1967 San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury district was the epicenter of student protest. Over 100,000 students gathered there to the strains of “If you’re going to San Francisco / be sure to wear flowers in your hair.” Thus, the Flower Children or hippies whose level of idealism was matched only by the loudness of their scruffy dress, much hair, and bloodshot eyes.

1968 would bring a more subdued summer. Martin Luther King had been assassinated in April. We at all-black George Washington Carver Jr. High School in Meridian, Mississippi, were numb the rest of the school year. Excellent leadership from our principal and a stellar faculty helped students deal with sorrow and crisis. The beginning of the 1968 summer was marked by the June assassination of Bobby Kennedy. Americans felt nervous.

1969 brought the student protest movement to a feverish pitch, but not with violence like that now faced by America’s major cities. On Aug. 15 half a million people waited on a dairy farm pasture near Bethel, New York, for the three-day “music festival of love and peace” to start. Dubbed the Woodstock Festival, the event initiated the era of “sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll.” The Age of Aquarius was upon us.

Many artists such as Arlo Guthrie, Grateful Dead, and Jimi Hendrix performed. Joan Baez, great with child, sang on the last day. The Beatles chose not to participate. So did Bob Dylan. Some artists questioned the wisdom of doing a concert at a dairy farm.

The centerpiece of the culturally significant Woodstock Festival was freedom of expression. Despite its damaging residue — “free” love and the drug culture — the festival heralded freedom of speech. “To liberal kids weary of restraints and starving for dissent, the festival was heaven,” chortled Rolling Stone magazine.

Compare these “liberal kids” of Woodstock to their grandchildren today. Today’s “liberal kids” aren’t at all “into” free speech. They are demanding limited speech, speech that agrees with their own. We’re talking about kids at colleges and universities, not those who entered manual labor lines of work. How interesting that out of our places of higher learning has come a generation of youth that no longer believes in freedom of speech, but in shaming and shushing all who disagree with them, whether on Black Lives Matter, homosexuality or Donald Trump. How interesting that “deplorable kids” like electricians, plumbers, farmers, firefighters, cops, carpenters and small business owners are still the ones who keep the world turning, including the university campus.

Yet, the “deplorable kids” — those icky Goya bean lovers — are called racists, homophobes and xenophobes, all because they dare to dissent from corporate and higher education orthodoxy. Gramps and Grandma have a lot of teaching to do to get those grandkids back into the freedom of expression spirit of the ’60s. Today in the academic and corporate world there is no text, only interpretation; no truth, only subjective feelings. And no room for dissent.

“Democracy dies in darkness,” the Washington Post slogan proclaims. If the Post believes that, they have a task before them: Persuade colleges and universities that their historic mission of free inquiry is being subordinated by sensitive, young Turks at the gate who insist that we all think as they think.

How anti-intellectual is that?

Pavle Bihali #wingnut #racist #psycho

Serbia, alongside other countries in southeastern Europe, has a longstanding problem of stray animals on city streets, many of which become victims of abuse; alongside this issue, activists have claimed that Serbia’s government fails to enforce animal abuse laws already on the books. It’s an emotionally charged issue for Serbians, and Levijatan has managed to co-opt it.

Levijatan’s activities are not limited to the dog-cuddling photos they post on social media. They use their public platform to insult, bully and threaten their critics — not just because they might abuse or harm animals. Levijatan use any chance they get to inject nationalist rhetoric into their messages, including attacking anyone they consider to be “anti-Serbian.”

For Levijatan, “anti-Serbian” includes everyone from human rights activists and independent media to Romani people and migrants. The group’s leader, directly inspired by U.S. President Donald Trump, has even started labeling his left-wing critics “terrorists.” Though they deny it, Levijatan has also been accused of having links not only to organized crime, but to the ruling party of increasingly autocratic Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic. Levijatan is even running candidates in Serbia’s elections on June 21. (Levijatan did not respond to multiple requests for comment from Bellingcat)

<this is a tweet from Pavle Bihali translated by the author>
“I can swear here. Fuck you in your yellow mouth, self-hater, anti-Serb. Fuck you, fat wire-wearing hog Bojan Savic and the squeaky Polar Bears who commit the most heinous crimes and get away with it. Also fuck all the NGOs and you Oleniks, get stuffed in the ass like a stuffed pepper”
(Bojan Savic is a journalist critical of Levijatan; “Polar Bears” refers to Roma; Aleksandar Olenik is a lawyer and activist critical of Levijatan)
In the video accompanying the tweet, Bihali complains about a video of him singing a song by a Serbian nationalist folk singer being removed. “Of course, there’s no data to support who did this, and all I can say about them is that they’re the most disgusting scum to be found in Serbia. I don’t hate people of any ethnic background or religious background, but I hope that when I see one of those people on the street I can show them what I think of them. They’re idiots, they’re morons, they’re sickos, they’re pedophiles, they’re zoophiles….”

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger

[From "Gay Rights: Trump’s Man on the Court Sodomizes America"]

Donald Trump’s man on the court just bent America over and rammed his penis into the anus of the nation.

This is truly an anal reckoning.

This ruling might seem trite, as virtually every church is already full-anal and not going to fire a homo, and everyone already knew it was impossible to fire a gay person from anywhere other than a church, but it’s bigger than that. This makes them even more invincible, makes it impossible to even think about taking away their adoption rights. This is a ruling that means that gays are born that way.

The Hill

Neil Gorsuch, widely considered one of the more conservative justices on the Supreme Court, stunned observers and drew enmity from right-wing commenters after he authored Monday’s landmark decision guaranteeing LGBT people protection from workplace discrimination.
Gorsuch wrote in the 6-3 decision that the prohibition against discrimination on the basis of “sex” in Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act also applies to gay and transgender employees.[...]

Imagine that the Supreme Court is talking about trannies positively, like they’re normal people.

The Civil Rights Act should be repealed, as it in itself violates the Constitution in that it outlaws free association. But even the Civil Rights Act doesn’t say anything about gays or trannies.

This ruling is based on the idea – as he said in his opinion – that “gay” and “tranny” are the same thing as biological sex. Meaning that this is entirely political. That is absolutely not established as some kind of scientific fact. It is political propaganda that is now being used to make laws – ostensibly by our own side.
I am still 100% behind voting for Trump because of what the Democrats are going to do to us. But this argument is going to resonate with a lot of people, when cuckolds like Erickson make it. Erickson has always hated Trump, and this is a much bigger win than it is for any tranny.
We’re living with a lot of things these days, aren’t we Donald? Living with being locked in our houses while the blacks riot and tear down our entire civilization. Living with a totally collapsed economy. On top of feminism, mass immigration and a cultural crisis we were already living with.

So why not just live with this, huh Donald?

They’re just sodomizing the corpse of America at this point, huh?

The best we can really hope for is that they use a little bit more lube.

Maybe that should be your 2020 slogan, Donald?

“Please Use Lube While Sodomizing the Corpse of America.”
Yes. Foster care. And adoption. The reason that this is a big deal for the gays is that it is going to give them expanded access to little boys to use for sexual purposes. Everyone who knows anything knows that. Gorsuch and Roberts knew it very well.

It’s just so insane that we can still be talking about “securing equality.” Everyone in this country knows that gays are an ultra-protected class, who can do whatever they want.
Of course that law wasn’t written that way. That is insane. Gorsuch claiming to be a textualist is simply a lie. There is no such possible interpretation. He is saying “gay is a sex,” which not even the gays say. If the Civil Rights Act was intended to protect gays, it would have said that.

Furthermore, any textualist reviewing this case would have determined that the Civil Rights Act itself is unconstitutional. Because it is.

Everything in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was ALREADY declared unconstitutional in 1883 when the Supreme Court overturned the Civil Rights Act of 1875.

Did you know that? That there was a virtually identical civil rights act passed in 1875? Probably you didn’t know that. They don’t want you to know that, because obviously, the 14th Amendment hasn’t changed since 1883. It has not been repealed.

How is Neil Gorsuch going to rule on the First and Second Amendments under a Democrat president?

With this ruling, he seems to signaling – winking at the Democrats, saying, “you don’t have to worry about me, guys! I’m on your side!”

At least Kavanaugh is still riding hard.

Spencer Wells via The Golden Age Goddess #wingnut #crackpot #moonbat #conspiracy

“For the people who think this entire QAnon thing and the global mass-arrests are a complete farce, allow me to explain the legal justification to what is soon about to take place. For the last 19 years our nation has been undergoing a SILENT WAR between military intelligence and The Cabal (New World Order). Though I can't go into all of the details, America has not just been at "War Against Terror" BUT WITH EMBEDDED LUCIFERIAN TERRORISTS OPERATING WITHIN OUR OWN COUNTRY. What I'm about to share is simply a historical breakdown of the legal maneuvers that have led us unto this tenuous point in American and world history.

Were you aware that America is right now under a "declared state of war" since 9/11/01?

That declaration has NEVER STOPPED. It's been continuous for the last 19 years. The "War on Terror" has been an ongoing war since the times of George W. Bush and the fall of the World Trade Center. In fact, this ongoing DECLARED STATE OF WAR does not have a specific enemy nation. It's been a very broad-based non-specific "War on Terror." This non-specific DECLARED STATE OF “WAR ON TERROR” was obviously used by the Illuminati and their Rothschild puppets (Bush and Obama) to loot and plunder the Middle East, kill hundreds of thousands of innocent Afghanis, Iraqis, Syrians, and Libyans for their country's resources, and also to institute Rothschild Central Banks in those nations.

According to

( )
“A DECLARATION OF WAR automatically brings into effect a number of statutes that confer SPECIAL POWERS ON THE PRESIDENT and the Executive Branch, especially about measures that have domestic effect,” it says... these include GRANTING THE PRESIDENT DIRECT POWER TO TAKE OVER BUSINESSES AND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS AS PART OF THE WAR EFFORT; THE ABILITY TO DETAIN FOREIGN NATIONALS; THE POWER TO CONDUCT SPYING WITHOUT ANY WARRANTS DOMESTICALLY; and the power to use natural resources on public lands."

This clever bit of LEGAL JUSTIFICATION to plunder many nations and fulfill the desires of the Rothschilds all in one bang seemed fantastic under Illuminati puppets such as Bush and Obama. They went bargain shopping all over the world, stealing oil from Iraq, plundering Kaddafi's Libyan gold, taking control of Afghanistan's poppy fields for their CIA drug trade operations, while at the same time procuring child-slaves in these same countries for their Delta 6 intelligence/assassin operations.

But what would happen if a NON-ILLUMINATI PRESIDENT, someone like Donald J. Trump, came to power in this nation? He could not be bought out by special interest groups because he is already a wealthy man. Bribing or honey pot sex traps have long been the hooks of choice to ensnare politicians in blackmail, but what happens when the most powerful person in the world is NOT FOR SALE?

Mike Pompeo #racist

Annoyance among the G7 foreign ministers: A joint declaration on the corona crisis failed on the Americans. According to SPIEGEL information, they insist on a dubious name for the virus.

The G7 foreign ministers were supposed to meet in Pittsburgh this week, but the summit had to be canceled due to the corona virus. Instead, the G7 foreign ministers are joining forces for a four-hour video conference on Wednesday.

It will be a premiere across thirteen time zones.

So that no Secretary of State has to get up in the middle of the night, the video switch in the US capital Washington starts at 7 a.m. local time, in Tokyo it is already 8 p.m.

Things look relaxed for the European G7 members: The period from 12 a.m. to 4 p.m. is kept free in Heiko Maas' calendar .

However, there is not much left to discuss as things stand.

Because the idea of ​​a joint declaration by the seven important industrialized countries on the corona crisis is on the brink , according to information from European diplomatic circles . The reason is a dispute over what the pandemic should be called.

Accordingly, the State Department insists on the name "Wuhan virus". US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo represents the line of his president. Donald Trump speaks mostly of the "Chinese virus" at press conferences and on Twitter.

Original German:

Streit über "Wuhan-Virus"
Ärger unter den G7-Außenministern: Eine gemeinsame Erklärung zur Coronakrise ist an den Amerikanern gescheitert. Die beharren nach SPIEGEL-Informationen auf einem zweifelhaften Namen für das Virus.

Eigentlich sollten sich die Außenminister der G7-Staaten diese Woche in Pittsburgh treffen, doch wegen des Coronavirus musste der Gipfel abgesagt werden. Stattdessen schalten sich die G7-Außenminister am Mittwoch zu einer vierstündigen Videokonferenz zusammen.

Es wird eine Premiere über dreizehn Zeitzonen.

Damit kein Außenminister mitten in der Nacht aufstehen muss, startet die Videoschalte in der US-Hauptstadt Washington um 7 Uhr Ortszeit, in Tokio ist es dann bereits 20 Uhr abends.

Zeitlich entspannt sieht es für die europäischen G7-Mitglieder aus: Im Kalender von Heiko Maas ist der Zeitraum von 12 bis 16 Uhr freigehalten.

Doch nach Lage der Dinge gibt es nicht mehr viel zu besprechen.

Denn die Idee einer gemeinsamen Erklärung der sieben wichtigen Industriestaaten zur Coronakrise steht nach Informationen aus europäischen Diplomatenkreisen vor dem Aus. Grund ist ein Streit über die Frage, wie die Pandemie genannt werden soll.

Demnach besteht das State Department auf der Bezeichnung "Wuhan-Virus". US-Außenminister Mike Pompeo vertritt damit die Linie seines Präsidenten. Donald Trump spricht auf Pressekonferenzen und auf Twitter meist vom "chinesischen Virus".

Michael Williams #racist #wingnut

A Young White Man’s Struggle with Identity

This is part of our continuing series of accounts by readers of how they shed the illusions of liberalism and became race realists.

I am a white man in his mid-twenties who grew up in a middle-class home. My mom was a liberal public school teacher and was passionate about helping “oppressed” immigrants and minorities. She taught at inner-city schools and worked as a missionary in Haiti and Mexico. Looking back, I realize I was deeply influenced by her — especially since I had no real father figure. I was taught to not see color, and that in general, the reason why minorities and immigrants struggle in America was because of racist whites.

I was a rebellious teenager, and made plenty of trouble for myself throughout high school. Eventually, my bad behavior made my mom decide to pull me out of my majority white school and enroll me in the almost exclusively black school she taught at. She thought the black kids would “straighten me out” and “show me what it’s really like to have it bad” — but that isn’t what happened. Instead, I ended up coming to admire the black “gangster/thug life” and started using drugs and causing as much trouble as ever.

The next year she sent me back to the majority white school I had been pulled out of, but the trouble didn’t stop. I began using more and more drugs, and became addicted to Oxycontin. After that it was a downward spiral. I was willing to do anything to get the drug, and I started hanging around bad characters. By the end of high school, I was selling drugs and robbing people in order to fund my addiction.

Not long after I graduated, my parents kicked me out and I started “couch-surfing,” while still selling and using drugs. This ended with me going to a treatment center for a year and a half — but once I left, I quickly picked up my bad habits once again. I started selling crack and other drugs in a black ghetto, and my life was centered around getting high. But I soon found that I was not welcome there, and even hated. Not because I was dealing drugs, but just because I was white and operating in black “turf.” That period of my life was marked by many fights, a lot of close calls, and a revolving door of jail cells, treatment centers, and homelessness.

In the midst of all this chaos, I fathered a child with a black girl. Though nobody in my white family was bothered by this, some of my black “friends” and relatives of the mother openly voiced their disapproval of interracial relationships. Regardless, becoming a father motivated me to grow up, become a man, and change so I could be a good dad to my daughter. I sobered up and started working any job I could get.

My change in lifestyle made me start to think about race. As I was working hard, my “homies” still came around, but they never wanted to do anything but get high and get into trouble. A lot of my “friends,” most of them black, drifted away from me because I was doing something positive with my life instead of destroying it with drugs and crime. That was too “lame” for them. One of my closest black friends began constantly lamenting the fact that I was changing and wasn’t “the good old guy who just wanted to kick back and get high” anymore. But he still hung around, so I would say things to him like, “Hey I know we both have criminal records and drug problems, but if I can get sober and work to have a decent life, so can you.” I tried to be a positive influence, but he always had excuses.

One day, I told him, “I’ll help you put your resume together and I’ll take you to go apply to some jobs.” He said he would do it, but when I picked him up, he just wanted to get high and went on a long speech about oppression saying, “You don’t know how hard it is for a black man in America, it might be easy for you to just go and get a job, but not for me.” I asked him, “What makes you assume that it was easy for me? Just because I’m white?! And second, how are you going to cry victim when you haven’t even honestly tried to work hard or change? I’m offering to help you get a resume together, but you want to get high instead? No one is holding you back but yourself.” We argued and then went our separate ways.
Many blacks would rather live the “thug life” than work hard to make an honest living. Yet they make excuses, blame society, the police, and the white man for all their problems. Some blacks are hell bent on destroying themselves and everyone around them because they feel like victims, and they will never take any personal responsibility. I came to realize that the only thing I had ever had in common with blacks like that was a victim mentality and the desire to get high. Once I stopped being a victim and sobered up, none of them wanted anything to do with me anymore. Now that I was doing positive things with my life, they weren’t even happy for me, just envious.

I moved on and kept to myself in the years that followed. And after a few years of hard work and self-improvement, I got back together with the mother of my child and we moved in together. I was proud that I didn’t make excuses for myself, and did the hard work I needed to do to get my family back together, and made myself into the man and father they needed me to be. I don’t regret any of this. I did not want my child to grow up without a father, like I did. Fatherlessness is a huge issue in America today, leading to all kinds of dysfunction.

With my life in order, I turned my focus to education and the pursuit of truth. I dove into topics such as psychology, history, economics, politics, and ultimately — race. The more I learned, the more unconvinced I was by the “blue-pill” liberal worldview I grew up believing. When I discovered race realism, I was impressed by how many facts and statistics lined up with my own experiences living as a criminal in “the hood.” From there, I discovered the alarming realities of the “great replacement,” liberal censorship, and the violence committed by antifa and Black Lives Matter. The more I dove into the facts, the more I saw that Ben Shapiro, Jordan B. Peterson, Charles Murray, and Jared Taylor were telling the truth. Simultaneously, I realized how insidious the Left was in trying to smear, censor, shame, and shut down these thinkers. It was at this time that Donald Trump was elected, and I began seeing the protests, riots, rage, and unrest coming from the left. A political line in the sand was being drawn, and the Left was no longer open to dialogue: they were only interested in taking power by force.

White liberals claim to be on the side of minorities and other “oppressed” groups, but they know nothing about them. As a white man who lived the thug life in the hood for over eight years, I know that they hate the white liberals’ pandering, and when white boys imitate them. Most of them hate the idea of assimilating into white America: they want their own jurisdictions, culture, and rules — and they hate when whites intrude, peacefully or otherwise. Believers in the “melting pot” theory have never lived in a black community, but they like to imagine that they are great “warriors” and activists for justice and equality.

As a white man, and as a father to a black and white child, I felt that fully understanding racial issues was an absolute must. My daughter’s mother and I had many conversations about these matters, and — fortunately — she agreed with almost everything I was discovering about race. She saw the destructive tendencies of blacks firsthand. When she worked hard at her job or studied hard in school, other blacks were jealous and treated her with contempt for “acting white.” She has never been able to understand why most blacks have such a big chip on their shoulders, hate whites, and maintain a victim mentality when they never experienced slavery or Jim Crow themselves.

She doesn’t make excuses for her own shortcomings and has never cared that other blacks claim she isn’t “really black” or hated her for her success or for having a child with a white man. Because of this, our family remains strong and united. Some may accuse her of hating her own race, but the truth is simply that she refuses to buy into the lies and propaganda that blacks must fight against whites in order to succeed. She loves her own people, family, and race. She also appreciates and respects white culture and realizes that whites built this country and made it prosperous. She loves America, and doesn’t want it to change, so she supports the national identity of America as a white nation, and has no desire to see it taken over by blacks, immigrants, or “social justice warriors.” I believe more and more blacks are waking up and coming to support America instead of hating it.

I may have a mixed child, but I am a full supporter of the US, the white race, our culture, and our honor. I will die before I see our great country defiled and overtaken by leftists and foreigners who hate our culture and want to replace it with theirs. My grandfathers both died to defend this land, and it is my duty to do the same if the time comes — and every day it feels more and more like that day will come during my lifetime. The increasing amounts of censorship, indoctrination, government largesse, and white ethnomasochism that we see can make the future look bleak. But there is hope in the fact that if people wake up to the truth now — and stop being afraid to speak their minds — we can turn things around and preserve this great country — maybe even make it greater.

Benjamin Fulford #racist #moonbat #conspiracy #crackpot

The forces of light scored a huge victory against the Khazarian Satanists as their long-planned 2020/06/06/.06 offensive was stopped dead in its tracks, multiple sources agree. Instead of massive bloodshed involving armed demonstrators (million man occupation of the white house) and the U.S. military, there was a small, peaceful march against racism. This was because the armed saboteurs and their financial backers were all rounded up before their planned climax of mayhem, Pentagon sources say.

Even those of us who are not religious took note that very unusual lightning struck the Washington memorial immediately before the 6/6 offensive fizzled out.

This reminded a lot of people of how lighting struck the Vatican in 2013 immediately after pope Maledict resigned

The plan that was stopped, (with or without divine intervention) aimed to use massive bloodshed to replace the Republic of the United States with a draconian totalitarian government. As Rothschild front man George Soros, told Bild Magazine in September 2014:

“I’m going to bring down the U.S. by funding black hate groups. We’ll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people. The black community is the easiest to manipulate.”

Note: attempts to label this quote as fake appear at the top of internet searches such as “Lead Stories” but NSA sources say it’s real.

The plan nearly worked as the death of African American George Floyd triggered huge, coordinated acts of looting and vandalism all over the United States. Take a look at this video here, for example, to see the damage in New York City.


U.S. military intelligence says the rioting was stopped only after over a thousand armed looters were shot. In addition, U.S. and Russian Special Forces teams went around hunting down and killing the financiers and Khazarian agents stoking the flames. Also, on June 5th U.S. military White Hats found and disarmed three nuclear devices, seized countless pipe-bombs, and arrested two snipers,” according to NSA sources.

For those of you who still think that U.S. President Donald Trump is responsible for the rescue of the Republic of the United States of America, please remember that as a businessman he was bailed out by the Rothschilds each time he went bankrupt. This is a matter of public record. Also, his son in law is the Satanic 666 5th Avenue Jared Kushner who has been trying to mark of the beast microchip everybody. Please check the facts for yourself.

J.K. Rowling #transphobia

This isn’t an easy piece to write, for reasons that will shortly become clear, but I know it’s time to explain myself on an issue surrounded by toxicity. I write this without any desire to add to that toxicity.

For people who don’t know: last December I tweeted my support for Maya Forstater, a tax specialist who’d lost her job for what were deemed ‘transphobic’ tweets. She took her case to an employment tribunal, asking the judge to rule on whether a philosophical belief that sex is determined by biology is protected in law. Judge Tayler ruled that it wasn’t.

My interest in trans issues pre-dated Maya’s case by almost two years, during which I followed the debate around the concept of gender identity closely. I’ve met trans people, and read sundry books, blogs and articles by trans people, gender specialists, intersex people, psychologists, safeguarding experts, social workers and doctors, and followed the discourse online and in traditional media. On one level, my interest in this issue has been professional, because I’m writing a crime series, set in the present day, and my fictional female detective is of an age to be interested in, and affected by, these issues herself, but on another, it’s intensely personal, as I’m about to explain.

All the time I’ve been researching and learning, accusations and threats from trans activists have been bubbling in my Twitter timeline. This was initially triggered by a ‘like’. When I started taking an interest in gender identity and transgender matters, I began screenshotting comments that interested me, as a way of reminding myself what I might want to research later. On one occasion, I absent-mindedly ‘liked’ instead of screenshotting. That single ‘like’ was deemed evidence of wrongthink, and a persistent low level of harassment began.

Months later, I compounded my accidental ‘like’ crime by following Magdalen Burns on Twitter. Magdalen was an immensely brave young feminist and lesbian who was dying of an aggressive brain tumour. I followed her because I wanted to contact her directly, which I succeeded in doing. However, as Magdalen was a great believer in the importance of biological sex, and didn’t believe lesbians should be called bigots for not dating trans women with penises, dots were joined in the heads of twitter trans activists, and the level of social media abuse increased.

I mention all this only to explain that I knew perfectly well what was going to happen when I supported Maya. I must have been on my fourth or fifth cancellation by then. I expected the threats of violence, to be told I was literally killing trans people with my hate, to be called cunt and bitch and, of course, for my books to be burned, although one particularly abusive man told me he’d composted them.

What I didn’t expect in the aftermath of my cancellation was the avalanche of emails and letters that came showering down upon me, the overwhelming majority of which were positive, grateful and supportive. They came from a cross-section of kind, empathetic and intelligent people, some of them working in fields dealing with gender dysphoria and trans people, who’re all deeply concerned about the way a socio-political concept is influencing politics, medical practice and safeguarding. They’re worried about the dangers to young people, gay people and about the erosion of women’s and girl’s rights. Above all, they’re worried about a climate of fear that serves nobody – least of all trans youth – well.

I’d stepped back from Twitter for many months both before and after tweeting support for Maya, because I knew it was doing nothing good for my mental health. I only returned because I wanted to share a free children’s book during the pandemic. Immediately, activists who clearly believe themselves to be good, kind and progressive people swarmed back into my timeline, assuming a right to police my speech, accuse me of hatred, call me misogynistic slurs and, above all – as every woman involved in this debate will know – TERF.

If you didn’t already know – and why should you? – ‘TERF’ is an acronym coined by trans activists, which stands for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist. In practice, a huge and diverse cross-section of women are currently being called TERFs and the vast majority have never been radical feminists. Examples of so-called TERFs range from the mother of a gay child who was afraid their child wanted to transition to escape homophobic bullying, to a hitherto totally unfeminist older lady who’s vowed never to visit Marks & Spencer again because they’re allowing any man who says they identify as a woman into the women’s changing rooms. Ironically, radical feminists aren’t even trans-exclusionary – they include trans men in their feminism, because they were born women.

But accusations of TERFery have been sufficient to intimidate many people, institutions and organisations I once admired, who’re cowering before the tactics of the playground. ‘They’ll call us transphobic!’ ‘They’ll say I hate trans people!’ What next, they’ll say you’ve got fleas? Speaking as a biological woman, a lot of people in positions of power really need to grow a pair (which is doubtless literally possible, according to the kind of people who argue that clownfish prove humans aren’t a dimorphic species).

So why am I doing this? Why speak up? Why not quietly do my research and keep my head down?

Well, I’ve got five reasons for being worried about the new trans activism, and deciding I need to speak up.

Firstly, I have a charitable trust that focuses on alleviating social deprivation in Scotland, with a particular emphasis on women and children. Among other things, my trust supports projects for female prisoners and for survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. I also fund medical research into MS, a disease that behaves very differently in men and women. It’s been clear to me for a while that the new trans activism is having (or is likely to have, if all its demands are met) a significant impact on many of the causes I support, because it’s pushing to erode the legal definition of sex and replace it with gender.

The second reason is that I’m an ex-teacher and the founder of a children’s charity, which gives me an interest in both education and safeguarding. Like many others, I have deep concerns about the effect the trans rights movement is having on both.

The third is that, as a much-banned author, I’m interested in freedom of speech and have publicly defended it, even unto Donald Trump.

The fourth is where things start to get truly personal. I’m concerned about the huge explosion in young women wishing to transition and also about the increasing numbers who seem to be detransitioning (returning to their original sex), because they regret taking steps that have, in some cases, altered their bodies irrevocably, and taken away their fertility. Some say they decided to transition after realising they were same-sex attracted, and that transitioning was partly driven by homophobia, either in society or in their families.

Most people probably aren’t aware – I certainly wasn’t, until I started researching this issue properly – that ten years ago, the majority of people wanting to transition to the opposite sex were male. That ratio has now reversed. The UK has experienced a 4400% increase in girls being referred for transitioning treatment. Autistic girls are hugely overrepresented in their numbers.

The same phenomenon has been seen in the US. In 2018, American physician and researcher Lisa Littman set out to explore it. In an interview, she said:

‘Parents online were describing a very unusual pattern of transgender-identification where multiple friends and even entire friend groups became transgender-identified at the same time. I would have been remiss had I not considered social contagion and peer influences as potential factors.’

Littman mentioned Tumblr, Reddit, Instagram and YouTube as contributing factors to Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, where she believes that in the realm of transgender identification ‘youth have created particularly insular echo chambers.’

Her paper caused a furore. She was accused of bias and of spreading misinformation about transgender people, subjected to a tsunami of abuse and a concerted campaign to discredit both her and her work. The journal took the paper offline and re-reviewed it before republishing it. However, her career took a similar hit to that suffered by Maya Forstater. Lisa Littman had dared challenge one of the central tenets of trans activism, which is that a person’s gender identity is innate, like sexual orientation. Nobody, the activists insisted, could ever be persuaded into being trans.

The argument of many current trans activists is that if you don’t let a gender dysphoric teenager transition, they will kill themselves. In an article explaining why he resigned from the Tavistock (an NHS gender clinic in England) psychiatrist Marcus Evans stated that claims that children will kill themselves if not permitted to transition do not ‘align substantially with any robust data or studies in this area. Nor do they align with the cases I have encountered over decades as a psychotherapist.’

The writings of young trans men reveal a group of notably sensitive and clever people. The more of their accounts of gender dysphoria I’ve read, with their insightful descriptions of anxiety, dissociation, eating disorders, self-harm and self-hatred, the more I’ve wondered whether, if I’d been born 30 years later, I too might have tried to transition. The allure of escaping womanhood would have been huge. I struggled with severe OCD as a teenager. If I’d found community and sympathy online that I couldn’t find in my immediate environment, I believe I could have been persuaded to turn myself into the son my father had openly said he’d have preferred.

When I read about the theory of gender identity, I remember how mentally sexless I felt in youth. I remember Colette’s description of herself as a ‘mental hermaphrodite’ and Simone de Beauvoir’s words: ‘It is perfectly natural for the future woman to feel indignant at the limitations posed upon her by her sex. The real question is not why she should reject them: the problem is rather to understand why she accepts them.’

As I didn’t have a realistic possibility of becoming a man back in the 1980s, it had to be books and music that got me through both my mental health issues and the sexualised scrutiny and judgement that sets so many girls to war against their bodies in their teens. Fortunately for me, I found my own sense of otherness, and my ambivalence about being a woman, reflected in the work of female writers and musicians who reassured me that, in spite of everything a sexist world tries to throw at the female-bodied, it’s fine not to feel pink, frilly and compliant inside your own head; it’s OK to feel confused, dark, both sexual and non-sexual, unsure of what or who you are.

I want to be very clear here: I know transition will be a solution for some gender dysphoric people, although I’m also aware through extensive research that studies have consistently shown that between 60-90% of gender dysphoric teens will grow out of their dysphoria. Again and again I’ve been told to ‘just meet some trans people.’ I have: in addition to a few younger people, who were all adorable, I happen to know a self-described transsexual woman who’s older than I am and wonderful. Although she’s open about her past as a gay man, I’ve always found it hard to think of her as anything other than a woman, and I believe (and certainly hope) she’s completely happy to have transitioned. Being older, though, she went through a long and rigorous process of evaluation, psychotherapy and staged transformation. The current explosion of trans activism is urging a removal of almost all the robust systems through which candidates for sex reassignment were once required to pass. A man who intends to have no surgery and take no hormones may now secure himself a Gender Recognition Certificate and be a woman in the sight of the law. Many people aren’t aware of this.

We’re living through the most misogynistic period I’ve experienced. Back in the 80s, I imagined that my future daughters, should I have any, would have it far better than I ever did, but between the backlash against feminism and a porn-saturated online culture, I believe things have got significantly worse for girls. Never have I seen women denigrated and dehumanised to the extent they are now. From the leader of the free world’s long history of sexual assault accusations and his proud boast of ‘grabbing them by the pussy’, to the incel (‘involuntarily celibate’) movement that rages against women who won’t give them sex, to the trans activists who declare that TERFs need punching and re-educating, men across the political spectrum seem to agree: women are asking for trouble. Everywhere, women are being told to shut up and sit down, or else.

I’ve read all the arguments about femaleness not residing in the sexed body, and the assertions that biological women don’t have common experiences, and I find them, too, deeply misogynistic and regressive. It’s also clear that one of the objectives of denying the importance of sex is to erode what some seem to see as the cruelly segregationist idea of women having their own biological realities or – just as threatening – unifying realities that make them a cohesive political class. The hundreds of emails I’ve received in the last few days prove this erosion concerns many others just as much. It isn’t enough for women to be trans allies. Women must accept and admit that there is no material difference between trans women and themselves.

But, as many women have said before me, ‘woman’ is not a costume. ‘Woman’ is not an idea in a man’s head. ‘Woman’ is not a pink brain, a liking for Jimmy Choos or any of the other sexist ideas now somehow touted as progressive. Moreover, the ‘inclusive’ language that calls female people ‘menstruators’ and ‘people with vulvas’ strikes many women as dehumanising and demeaning. I understand why trans activists consider this language to be appropriate and kind, but for those of us who’ve had degrading slurs spat at us by violent men, it’s not neutral, it’s hostile and alienating.

Which brings me to the fifth reason I’m deeply concerned about the consequences of the current trans activism.

I’ve been in the public eye now for over twenty years and have never talked publicly about being a domestic abuse and sexual assault survivor. This isn’t because I’m ashamed those things happened to me, but because they’re traumatic to revisit and remember. I also feel protective of my daughter from my first marriage. I didn’t want to claim sole ownership of a story that belongs to her, too. However, a short while ago, I asked her how she’d feel if I were publicly honest about that part of my life, and she encouraged me to go ahead.

I’m mentioning these things now not in an attempt to garner sympathy, but out of solidarity with the huge numbers of women who have histories like mine, who’ve been slurred as bigots for having concerns around single-sex spaces.

I managed to escape my first violent marriage with some difficulty, but I’m now married to a truly good and principled man, safe and secure in ways I never in a million years expected to be. However, the scars left by violence and sexual assault don’t disappear, no matter how loved you are, and no matter how much money you’ve made. My perennial jumpiness is a family joke – and even I know it’s funny – but I pray my daughters never have the same reasons I do for hating sudden loud noises, or finding people behind me when I haven’t heard them approaching.

If you could come inside my head and understand what I feel when I read about a trans woman dying at the hands of a violent man, you’d find solidarity and kinship. I have a visceral sense of the terror in which those trans women will have spent their last seconds on earth, because I too have known moments of blind fear when I realised that the only thing keeping me alive was the shaky self-restraint of my attacker.

I believe the majority of trans-identified people not only pose zero threat to others, but are vulnerable for all the reasons I’ve outlined. Trans people need and deserve protection. Like women, they’re most likely to be killed by sexual partners. Trans women who work in the sex industry, particularly trans women of colour, are at particular risk. Like every other domestic abuse and sexual assault survivor I know, I feel nothing but empathy and solidarity with trans women who’ve been abused by men.

So I want trans women to be safe. At the same time, I do not want to make natal girls and women less safe. When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman – and, as I’ve said, gender confirmation certificates may now be granted without any need for surgery or hormones – then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside. That is the simple truth.

On Saturday morning, I read that the Scottish government is proceeding with its controversial gender recognition plans, which will in effect mean that all a man needs to ‘become a woman’ is to say he’s one. To use a very contemporary word, I was ‘triggered’. Ground down by the relentless attacks from trans activists on social media, when I was only there to give children feedback about pictures they’d drawn for my book under lockdown, I spent much of Saturday in a very dark place inside my head, as memories of a serious sexual assault I suffered in my twenties recurred on a loop. That assault happened at a time and in a space where I was vulnerable, and a man capitalised on an opportunity. I couldn’t shut out those memories and I was finding it hard to contain my anger and disappointment about the way I believe my government is playing fast and loose with womens and girls’ safety.

Late on Saturday evening, scrolling through children’s pictures before I went to bed, I forgot the first rule of Twitter – never, ever expect a nuanced conversation – and reacted to what I felt was degrading language about women. I spoke up about the importance of sex and have been paying the price ever since. I was transphobic, I was a cunt, a bitch, a TERF, I deserved cancelling, punching and death. You are Voldemort said one person, clearly feeling this was the only language I’d understand.

It would be so much easier to tweet the approved hashtags – because of course trans rights are human rights and of course trans lives matter – scoop up the woke cookies and bask in a virtue-signalling afterglow. There’s joy, relief and safety in conformity. As Simone de Beauvoir also wrote, “… without a doubt it is more comfortable to endure blind bondage than to work for one’s liberation; the dead, too, are better suited to the earth than the living.”

Huge numbers of women are justifiably terrified by the trans activists; I know this because so many have got in touch with me to tell their stories. They’re afraid of doxxing, of losing their jobs or their livelihoods, and of violence.

But endlessly unpleasant as its constant targeting of me has been, I refuse to bow down to a movement that I believe is doing demonstrable harm in seeking to erode ‘woman’ as a political and biological class and offering cover to predators like few before it. I stand alongside the brave women and men, gay, straight and trans, who’re standing up for freedom of speech and thought, and for the rights and safety of some of the most vulnerable in our society: young gay kids, fragile teenagers, and women who’re reliant on and wish to retain their single sex spaces. Polls show those women are in the vast majority, and exclude only those privileged or lucky enough never to have come up against male violence or sexual assault, and who’ve never troubled to educate themselves on how prevalent it is.

The one thing that gives me hope is that the women who can protest and organise, are doing so, and they have some truly decent men and trans people alongside them. Political parties seeking to appease the loudest voices in this debate are ignoring women’s concerns at their peril. In the UK, women are reaching out to each other across party lines, concerned about the erosion of their hard-won rights and widespread intimidation. None of the gender critical women I’ve talked to hates trans people; on the contrary. Many of them became interested in this issue in the first place out of concern for trans youth, and they’re hugely sympathetic towards trans adults who simply want to live their lives, but who’re facing a backlash for a brand of activism they don’t endorse. The supreme irony is that the attempt to silence women with the word ‘TERF’ may have pushed more young women towards radical feminism than the movement’s seen in decades.

The last thing I want to say is this. I haven’t written this essay in the hope that anybody will get out a violin for me, not even a teeny-weeny one. I’m extraordinarily fortunate; I’m a survivor, certainly not a victim. I’ve only mentioned my past because, like every other human being on this planet, I have a complex backstory, which shapes my fears, my interests and my opinions. I never forget that inner complexity when I’m creating a fictional character and I certainly never forget it when it comes to trans people.

All I’m asking – all I want – is for similar empathy, similar understanding, to be extended to the many millions of women whose sole crime is wanting their concerns to be heard without receiving threats and abuse.

WestWins #fundie #racist

(commenting on story “Minneapolis Burning: Violence, Riots Break out in City Following the Killing of George Floyd by Police”):

Chuck Anziulewicz:
While I'm sure most of the people who voted for Trump in 2016 do not think of themselves as racist (and I'm trying to be generous about that), the fact remains that ALL of the white supremacist groups, white nationalists, militia groups, "Proud Boys" and such were 100% solidly behind Trump. THOSE were the "deplorables" Hillary spoke of. And with Trump's election, they feel validated and empowered. There's no getting around this. And when things happen like what happened to George Floyd, I'm tempted to think that those same deplorables have infiltrated police forces all over America in an effort to foment a race war. This is just ONE of the reasons I'm voting against Donald Trump.

Odd comment. What does Racism have to do with this story? And what is a White Supremacist exactly? Is that different from a White Nationalist?
Are the Chinese in China Supremacists?

Divide, divide, divide. Race, politics, social standing, etc.

True.......but only in White Nations. Or I should say "formerly" White Nations. Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans..."Western Civilization" open to everyone!
Watch.......someone will call me "racist" for pointing out the fact that Western Civilization was predominatly white. Europeans are on the chopping block of humanity.

Yukon Jack #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #wingnut

It is only a matter of time, especially when hyperinflation engulfs the Amerikan Dollar, will radical thought leaders be venerated, sought after as prophets. It is being widely predicted that hyperinflation, as in Weimar Germany, is coming to Amerika. Some pundits are predicting deflation first. Either way, a huge financial catastrophe is upon us and it will get much, much worse.



Hyperinflation will get ordinary sheeple to cry out for a real savior, and Zionist whores like Donald Trump will be thrown out of office. This television personality Donald “your fired” Trump has proved to be a completely incompetent leader and needs to go now before he does any more damage. Trump did not make Amerika great again, he ended our nation and was the final President before a full dictatorship.

Kyle Hunt could be the new American Hitler, who knows, but some are already suggesting that possibility. The problem with our leaders is that they are not leaders at all, they are slavish Jewish whores. Donald Trump is a pathetic Jewish whore (or maybe even a crypto Jew as some suggest). How obvious the insane narcissistic character called Trump ended our nation.



Obviously all of the mainstream will be swept away by the tides of change. One thing that is happening is the next great awakening since 911. With each attack the sheeple are forced to question the official narrative. People are being forced to think and find someone that will lead them out of this mess, and there may be one who can, and his name is Kyle Hunt.

Locked in their homes, now turned prisons, the Amerikan sheeple are forced to examine the reality of their situation. Some will ask if they should flee the country. I would tell them yes, run for your lives, flee batshit insane Amerika. Run to save your sanity, run like hell and leave batshit crazy Jewmerika behind. I can’t imagine what evils lie before us because I am damn sure the Jews will completely destroy everything before they give up control.

Vladimir Vasiliev #wingnut #conspiracy

US friendly gesture is no doubt Trump's trick to drag Russia into the anti-China game

The friendship of Russia and the United States, according to Mike Pompeo, will end in unpleasant surprises for Moscow from Washington, said FBA Economika Segodnya ( Doctor of Economics and chief researcher at the US and Canada Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Vasiliev.

US will try to lure Russia into forming a coalition against China

United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in an interview with Washington Examiner said the fight against the coronavirus pandemic and terrorism is an area in which successful collaboration between Moscow and Washington is possible.

“I adhere to a rather pessimistic view of the prospects for Russian-American relations. As soon as the United States of America makes some kind of conciliatory gestures, later negative actions take place that sharply worsen bilateral relations.

Therefore, such statements can be called a harbinger of the unfriendly steps that Washington is preparing for us. It’s difficult to say which specific area it may affect,” comments Vasiliev.

The expert believes that the mention of the successful cooperation between Russia and the United States in preventing terrorist attacks was made by Mike Pompeo as a standard statement.

The US Secretary of State emphasized during the interview that he had been working with Russia since the time he was director of the CIA. He recalled that Moscow helped Washington save American lives by providing information, and the United States, in turn, helped Russia prevent the terrorist attack planned in St. Petersburg.

America gathers a coalition

The expert suggested that Mike Pompeo's statement is primarily related to American policy regarding the Chinese side.

“Turning to the topic of coronavirus under conditions when Pompeo is considered Washington’s main mouthpiece in the anti-Chinese course seems very suspicious. The United States of America is interested in using the Russian factor to pressure China,” the expert assures.

It is noteworthy that in his interview, Mike Pompeo openly declared Washington’s intention to force the world to unite in order to impose on China the costs incurred by states due to the pandemic. Pompeo also expressed hope that a union of countries would emerge that understands that the only way to get the world out of the coronavirus crisis is to rid it of the risks allegedly emanating from China.

Pompeo gave the interview after a trip to Israel, where he put pressure on the US ally to weaken its relationship with China. Among other states that Washington would like to bring around to its idea of ​​confronting the PRC, the US Secretary of State named India, Japan, Australia, and Brazil.

“The United States of America is forming an international position, and the statements of some states testify to this. I think that European countries will also join.

In other words, Washington has begun to form a coalition of states, which together with it will put pressure on the Chinese side in order to persuade the authorities to conduct an investigation into the emergence of coronavirus infection,” the expert believes. [Australia was one of the countries whose fawning leadership opted to fall into step with Washington. As soon as Australian sanctions on China were announced, China immediately banned Australian beef exports, causing an outcry among beef growers down under.]

Vladimir Vasiliev believes that America thinks only the Russian Federation can appeal to the Chinese leaders directly.

“Therefore, the White House will try to use Russia as a factor that could theoretically influence China’s position and persuade it to be more compliant with the West. Other states do not have such potentials.

Knowing the American approach, we can say that the principle of pressure permeates the actions of the United States to use Russia as a lever in relations with China. It is this motive that is embedded in the offer of friendship, voiced by Mike Pompeo,” the agency’s interlocutor is sure.

US is working on a strategy

Vladimir Vasiliev recalled that recently, the American side has been actively trying to pressure the World Health Organization to echo the White House’s opinion.

“The United States is gradually building its own tactics, as part of which they are also trying to probe the state of the Russian Federation, which is fighting the coronavirus epidemic. Thus, Washington intends to find out the state of our country’s economy, its epidemiological situation, and the extent to which the coronavirus has weakened Russia's position and made it compliant with the possible demands of America,” the expert explains. [At this point, Russian economists are saying that Russia’s position is strong thanks to its vast gold and foreign currency reserves, including yuan].

Marshall Billingsley, appointed by US President Donald Trump on April 10 as special representative for arms control, recalls Vasilyev, bluntly stated that the situation in the world has changed dramatically, and Russia's allegedly deteriorating economic situation opens up opportunities for the United States to strengthen the arms race.

“This logic is also observed in the statements of Mike Pompeo, who intends to launch a kind of mechanism and probe how much the pandemic has changed the Russian Federation’s posiiton.

The Americans do not share the views of Moscow, which supports China through its information activities. However, against the backdrop of United States actions, the question arises of how the Russian Federation will react and whether it decides to support the Western side to some extent instead of the Chinese side. The reaction of our country will show what role it will play in the information war that Washington has unleashed against Beijing.

However, I do not rule out that the friendly gesture by Mike Pompeo will be followed by a surprise or a gift in the form of a threat of new sanctions against Russia, ”the expert said.

Wayne Allen Root #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

I'm a God-fearing and God-loving American patriot. I am a Jew who took Jesus Christ as my savior almost 30 years ago. Today, I feel the devil all around us, like never before in my lifetime ... in any lifetime. This coronavirus crisis has the devil's evil fingerprints all over it. Not certain I'm right?

If I were the devil, if evil were my middle name, I'd love the deep state, the corrupt Washington, D.C., swamp and, most of all, its PR division, the liberal media. I'd love big government, globalists, communists, socialists and Marxists — anyone who would put the American people in misery and slavery. I'd dedicate my life to anything and anyone who'd destroy the American dream, opportunity and mobility. Because, of course, the devil loves misery. I'd want to enslave the American people to big government, ruin their exceptionalism, make them ordinary citizens of a global army of serfs. I'd want to turn the positive, wonderful, exceptional lives of prosperous American business owners into lives of misery, malaise and poverty. I'd want America to be no different than Cuba, Venezuela, Haiti or Mexico. Why should America escape my misery and pain? I'd give my support to anyone who'd take the American dream away. And more than anything, I'd hate President Donald J Trump. I'd hate anyone who wants to make America great again. I'd want to wipe that smirk right off the faces of Americans who love their country and God. I'd want them to suffer.

To accomplish all this ... I'd want to create a pandemic just like the coronavirus.

It would wipe away all of Trump's amazing, magical and miraculous economic achievements of the past three years ... in just a matter of a few shocking, depressing, tragic weeks. It would crash the stock market; collapse the oil and energy markets; kill over 30 million jobs; close the entire U.S. economy; shutter millions of small businesses. It would turn tens of millions of Americans into welfare addicts and wards of the state; eliminate Trump's 20,000-person stadium rallies; overwhelm the entire economic system; bring business owners to their knees; and make big government the only option to save a drowning nation no longer so "exceptional." It would make Americans hide in their homes, accept government telling them whether their businesses are "essential," deciding whether they can earn a living or not, deciding whether they can gain access to a potentially life-saving anti-malaria drug protocol or not. I'd root for a massive overreaction that leaves America shocked, depressed and weakened. And the government's reaction would be to spend so much money it would leave America crippled by unimaginable debt for decades to come. I'd laugh and do a dance to celebrate all the rich and powerful business owners left with nothing, reduced to begging big government to bail them out. And obviously, I'd hate Christianity more than even America or Trump.

I'd create something so vile and frightening it would close down churches and prevent Easter church services for the first time in the history of America. As a bonus, I'd want everyone in America to be not only broke, scared and humbled but also miserable. So, I'd eliminate all sports; close down movie theaters; shut down Las Vegas, air travel and cruise ships; cancel vacations and weddings. There would be no way out — except misery, depression and loneliness. Sex? All dating would be canceled. No one could come within six feet of each other. Except for Neil Ferguson, the U.K. scientist who scammed the whole world with hysterical, exaggerated claims and then apparently violated social distancing to have an affair with a married woman. That Ferguson is my kind of guy — a real devil!

Andrew Basiago #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo

Andy: Not moonlighting. I’m a lawyer admitted in Washington state and the US district court for the Western district of Washington. I’m a writer. I have been for 40 years. I’m a former protege of Norman Cousins who was an aid. He was many things. But probably most importantly, he was an aid to presidents, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson. And I began writing at age 18, 40 years ago. I’m now 58. I am a public speaker. I’ve spoken about my time travel and Mars visitation experiences all over the Western hemisphere from Colona, British Columbia in the North, to Cordoba, Argentina in the South, and from Orlando, Florida in the East to Kona, Hawaii in the West. I am a media personality. I’ve done a variety of both dramatic and even comedic television programs. I was featured in the movie Packing for Mars by Frank Jacob and Tonia Madenford.

And I’m a former US chrononauts. I was a member of DARPA’s project Pegasus, the US time-space program at the time of the emergence of time travel in the US defense technical community from 1968 to 1972. In that capacity, I took part in eight different modalities of time travel. And I became the first American child to teleport after children from Latin America had gone before me. And I was the first time traveler from the future captured in an image in the past in 1972 when I was captured in the Josephine Cobb image of Lincoln at Gettysburg when I was 10. And I’m a former astronaut. When I was in college at UCLA as an undergraduate from 1980 to 1984, I took part in the US department of defense’s Mars jump room program, also known as project Mars. And in that capacity, I took about 40 trips to the red planet from July of 1981 to May of 1984 and I wish the truth campaign for 15 or 20 years about these matters.

And then kind of wrapped it into a US presidential campaign in 2016. Of the 1500 Americans who ran in 2016, my platform was the best received, it was called awesome, brilliant, mind-blowing, unrivaled, genius in print and a life experience to read. And it garnered me about, we estimate, we don’t have an exact figure, but we estimate that my running mate and I, Karen Dell Kinnison got about 20,000 votes, but of course, we didn’t have the incredible wealth that one of our competitors, Donald John Trump had. And as a result, I wasn’t elected president. But we certainly got a lot of votes for the amount of donations that we had, which was about $20,000. And today I’m writing as I’ll describe today, I began to lose my vision in 2016, which is not what I was planning on. I was planning on serving this great country as president. So, I’m very interested in what Kosol has to say, or in other words, what he can facilitate.

Scott Lively #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie

It was only when the globalists (having failed to destroy Trump with the Russian Collusion Hoax and Impeachment Scam) launched the Covid-19 pandemic in order to collapse the world economy (a strategy I called “Globalist Chemotherapy”) that I began thinking they might actually take down the president, and the larger theme of Dynasty of Darkness became relevant again relative to current events. I’ve now published the Introduction and Chapter One in video and text form, and am preparing to publish Chapter Two.

However, a new development has put Obama back into the picture. On April 18, 2020, an article in the New York Post outlined a nightmare scenario for constitutionalists titled “How the Obamas could easily win eight more years in the White House.” In short, the scenario is Biden picking Michelle Obama as Vice President for the win in 2020, before being disqualified for mental incapacity in early ‘21under Article 25 of the constitution, putting her (and Barack) back in the Oval Office. The article didn’t add that she could then appoint her husband as VP, then resign, giving him the presidency again, at which time he could appoint her as VP. A modern-day Baal and Ashteroth would then have control of the nation.

As I contemplated this dystopian outcome, and the one (earthly) thing that stands in the way of it becoming reality – the Donald Trump presidency – I was suddenly reminded of “the restrainer” of the Antichrist in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 “For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.” Prophecy gurus have long assumed (without conclusive proof) that the restrainer is the Holy Spirit, but suppose the “he” is actually just a man: Trump. Heads will explode over this speculation, but it is at the very least plausible. However, it is not essential to my argument, just an interesting aside – and a reminder that many of the presumptions considered dogma by prophecy “experts” are based on ambiguous texts with plausible alternative interpretations.

I’m not going to publish the chapters of Dynasty of Darkness out of sequence, so interested readers will need to wait a few weeks for my full analysis regarding Obama, but in the interim, I’ll just remind everyone that this man, whose real name is Barry Soetoro, accepted the Democratic nomination for president on a stage literally designed after the Seat of Satan in Berlin, and that his “stage name,” Barack Obama can be literally translated “lightning from heaven,” as in Jesus’ statement in Luke 10:17-19 “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning.”
The Hebrew word for lightning is ’Barak” (Strongs #1300) , “O” is used to join concepts together, and the word for heights (of heaven) is “Bamah” (Strong’s #1116. Thus, the sentence in the Hebrew would state “I saw Satan as Barak O Bamah.”

Michael Caputo #conspiracy #racist

The man President Donald Trump just named to speak for the Health Department accused George Soros and the Rothschild family of seeking to exploit the pandemic for control and to advance their agendas.

Michael Caputo, who advised Trump’s 2016 campaign, last week became the spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services, reportedly in part because of Trump’s dissatisfaction with how the department secretary, Alex Azar, was handling communications during the crisis.

Caputo, known for his pugilistic style, deleted tens of thousands of tweets just before the appointment. CNN on Thursday uncovered dozens of the tweets, including attacks on the Chinese tinged with racially charged imagery, accusations that Democrats wanted people to die so Trump would not be reelected and disparagement of the media.

On March 17, responding to David Rothschild, an economist who often is caustically critical of Trump and accused Trump of “wanting to murder” people to stay in power, Caputo said that Rothschild “is an inbred elitist sphincter whose family craves control. That’s one reason why he constantly lies about President Trump.”

The New York economist is not related to the European family, which for centuries has been the target of anti-Semitic slanders that it is seeking world dominance.

On March 15, Caputo responded to a far-right figure, Jack Prosobiec, who wondered on Twitter why George Soros, the liberal philanthropist was ready to give to his favored political causes but not to efforts to combat the coronavirus.

“Are you kidding? Soros’s political agenda REQUIRES a pandemic,” Caputo said. Soros has given tens of millions of dollars to coronavirus relief.

On March 27, Caputo tweeted a photo of Soros captioned “The real virus behind everything,” and added skulls and crossbones.

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #racist

While I admit right readily that there will be no getting the “toothpaste back in the tube” again if one of the socialists vying for the presidential nomination of the organized crime family of the false opposite of the naturalist left winds up getting elected on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, it is only a matter of time before one of their number does managed to capture the White House. The demographics of the country are changing, and the very fact that the likes of the Jewish-born atheist and supporter of Marxism-Leninism despite labeling himself as merely a “socialist,” something that is evil in and of itself, United States Senator Bernard John Sanders (Independent, People’s Republic of Vermont), has the kind of enthusiastic support that he does is yet another proof of the effective nature of the ideological brainwashing and programming that has been taking place in America’s concentration camps, which go by the official euphemism of “public schools,” and of the constant drumbeat of leftism that is promoted by the so-called entertainment industry and by the mainslime media.

Another contributing factor to the rise of the “left” is the very prominent role played by the lords of conciliarism and their embrace of the naturalist, religiously indifferentist, Pelagian and anti-Incarnational civil state of Modernity that is the logical byproduct of Protestantism and Judeo-Masonry. Most, although not all, of the formerly Catholic elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities and graduate and professional schools are run by “leftists” of one sort or another, which is why the curriculum of formerly Catholic educational institutions is almost indistinguishable from their state-run counterparts.

The lies of “global climate warming” and environmentalism, statism, socialism, communism, relativism, utilitarianism, materialism, hedonism, religious indifferentism, pantheism, paganism and positivism are interwoven into the very fabric of public programs of state-sponsored, taxpayer subsidized indoctrination and ideological programming, noting that it is parishioners in formerly Catholic parishes in the control of the conciliar revolutionaries who subsidize the systematic destruction of even vestigial remains of the sensus Catholicus by lying about, misrepresenting and distorting the genuine history of the Catholic Church while extolling every false religion and atheism itself as superior to the true Faith. The sin of Sodom and all its perverted vices are now being promoted by the very same kind of ideologues whose predecessors sought to undermine the inherent innocence and purity of children by immersing them even in “pre-school” programs in the most vile, vulgar instruction in matters pertaining to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments, an immersion that is continued throughout the indoctrination process. Loads upon loads of children thus indoctrinated have grown up to be “Bernie Bros” or supporters of that eminent Biblical “scholar,” the sodomite named Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg, the reprobate who remains in perfectly standing in the counterfeit structures of conciliarism Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., the hideous screech of a socialist who advanced her career by touting herself as having “Native American” heritage, Elizabeth Ann Herring Warren Mann (Madam Pocahontas: My late mother’s race is listed as American Indian on her marriage and death certificates, a categorization based on her adoptive maiden name as Norma Florence Red Fox, whose adoptive father was a vaudevillian performed who claimed, falsely, to be a Sioux Indian chieftain, but I never once used these documents in any manner as to do so would be to engage in a deception such as the one you perpetrated to boost your own career), the egregious pro-abort and a serial thrower of binder and temper tantrums (see Former Kobuchar Staffers Complain of Mistreatment and Bad Temper) named United States Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar Bessler or, among the other minor played, Michael Rubens “Nanny State” Bloomberg, about whom an entire section of this commentary will be devoted. Those devoid of any understanding of First and Last Things are prone to seeking utopia on earth, heedless of the fact that the entirety of creation has been resent asunder by Original Sin and is worsened further still by the Actual Sins of men. Such people are likely to blame the Cornavirus, no matter its probable origins in a Red Chinese laboratory in Wuhan, or the locusts that have devoured entire farms in Africa before passing into Dubai and traveling to Red China itself on the current president of the United States of America, Donald John Trump, rather than see them as plagues sent by the good God to chastise His rational creatures so that those who are in need of conversion will do so and those members of His true Church who have lapsed into Mortal Sins and show no sign of repentance or a desire to amend their lives will to go Confession and do penance for their sins.

Sadder still, the lies of Americanism are propagated even in many fully traditional Catholic venues, predisposing the young to believe that “democracy” provides us with an “opportunity” to thwart the very evils that have received protection under the cover of the civil law and are promoted with abandon throughout all the crooks and nannies of what passes for popular culture precisely because of the lie called “popular sovereignty.” Such Catholics are taught, whether wittingly or unwittingly, to seek their secular salvation, if you will, in “conservatism” and to believe that an election will hold back the gates of hell if it turns out the “right” way.

Despite all the agitation, however, evil keeps getting advanced in greater or lesser increments. It is not exactly “good” that President Donald John Trump, who has certainly been and continues to be the target of disinformation campaigns and the politically-driven prosecution of people in his orbit in whom he placed unwarranted trust as he did not care about their amoral ways, has appointed a sodomite, Richard Allen Grenell, currently the United States Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany, to be the United States Director of National Intelligence.

The “lesser evil,” if not an absolute “good” or “essential” in the eyes of many of those who support the president reflexively and without any degree of critical evaluation, has done much to mainstream the homosexual collective’s agenda. It is tragic that so few seem to care or notice that silence about the incremental increase of evil is blameworthy as it is easy to speak out against the caricatures of evil that are seeking the nomination of an organized crime family of naturalism that would have warmed the hearts of the late Eugene Victor Debs, still late Norman Mattoon Thomas or the equally late Arvo Kustaa Halberg (Gus Hall). It is not easy to avoid being blinded by the excitement of the moment. One must come to realize that the dangers to one’s nation, no less one’s own immortal soul, are usually crafted by the adversary to advance evils so gradually as to go undetected until they become part of everyday living. In other words, according to the adage, “the devil without his tail is more dangerous than the devil with his tail.”

Katie Miller #wingnut #racist #psycho

Mike Pence's spokesperson sent to child migrant detention centre 'to become more compassionate' - but reportedly said: 'It didn't work'

Ms Miller's interview appears in new book examining Trump administration's child separation policy

Vice President Mike Pence's spokeswoman Katie Miller said the US Department of Homeland Security sent her to a child migrant detention centre so she would build empathy for the children who had been separated from their parents housed there.

"But it didn't work," she said, according to the author of a new book on the Trump administration's 'zero tolerance' family separation policy.

Ms Miller reportedly made the comments during an interview with Jacob Soboroff, who was conducting research for his book Separated. Mr Soboroff read the excerpt from his book containing the anecdote on MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show.

Ms Miller is married to Stephen Miller, Donald Trump's senior policy adviser and the architect of the president's immigration agenda. Before joining Mr Pence's team, Ms Miller worked as a spokeswoman for the DHS. During that time, the DHS was overseeing the separation of children from their parents when immigrants were attempting to cross the border.

"My family and colleagues told me that when I have kids I'll think about the separations differently. But I don't think so ... DHS sent me to the border to see the separations for myself — to try to make me more compassionate — but it didn't work," she reportedly said.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Wednesday that Ms Miller denied making the remarks.

“She said those quotes are not true, as described in the book," Ms McEnany told reporters. "There's no greater ally of the Cuban community than President Trump. He loves the Cuban community."

Mr Soboroff, who visited the detention centres as well, said he was shocked by Ms Miller's comments.

"It didn't work? I will never forget what I saw. Seriously. Are you a white nationalist? I asked, exasperated," Mr Sobroff said, reading from his book.

"No, but I believe if you come to America you should assimilate," Ms Miller replied. "Why do we need to have a 'Little Havana?'"

Mr Trump eventually ended the family separation policy in June 2018.

The US Department of Health and Human Services' inspector general issued a report that claimed children who were detained in the camps under Mr Trump's separation policy were suffering from acute psychological trauma.

"According to program directors and mental health clinicians, separated children exhibited more fear, feelings of abandonment, and post-traumatic stress than did children who were not separated," the report said.

Rep. Rodney Garcia #psycho #wingnut

ELENA — A Billings Republican legislator said Saturday he believes the U.S. Constitution calls for the shooting or jailing of those who identify as socialists.

State Rep. Rodney Garcia, from House District 52 on the South Side, first made a statement in the form of an unprompted question at a state party gathering in Helena Friday meant to kick off election season and offer training for party members and candidates.

In his question after a speech by former Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, who was Montana’s representative in the U.S. House for two years, Garcia said he was concerned about socialists “entering our government” and socialists “everywhere” in Billings, before saying the Constitution says to either shoot socialists or put them in jail.

The Montana Republican Party later condemned Garcia's remarks.

In this year's presidential election, President Donald Trump has often called Democrats "radical socialists" in an attempt to use the term socialism, which is defined as theories about collective or government ownership and operation of the means of production and distribution, as a boogeyman-like phrase to criticize proposals from Democrats where the federal government would play a larger role in areas like health care or education.

All but one of the Democratic Party candidates have repeatedly explained they are not socialists, while Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders calls himself a democratic socialist.

After Zinke responded with a non sequitur “You know, Montana’s a great state,” Garcia said back: “We have to do something.”

Zinke’s answer to Garcia didn’t engage in Garcia's statement and pivoted to talk about the former Secretary's effort to open satellite offices of the Interior department in the western part of the U.S.

On Saturday, a reporter asked Garcia to clarify his remarks.

“So actually in the Constitution of the United States (if) they are found guilty of being a socialist member you either go to prison or are shot,” Garcia said.

Garcia could not to point to where in the Constitution it says socialists could be shot or jailed.

Asked to clarify if he thought it was fair to shoot or jail a socialist, including those who live in Montana, Garcia said yes.

“They’re enemies of the free state,” Garcia said. “What do we do with our enemies in war? In Vietnam, (Afghanistan), all those. What did we do?”

Asked if that was an appropriate response to his opponent from the last election cycle, Garcia said “according to the Constitution, I’m telling you.”

“I agree with my Constitution,” Garcia said. “That’s what makes us free. We’re not a democracy, we’re a Republic Constitution.”

In 2018 Garcia ran against Amelia Marquez for the House District 52 seat in Billings.

Marquez said Saturday she is associated with the Montana Democratic Party and is an eastern member at-large with the party’s executive board. She said she is also a democratic socialist and her political views align with those of Sanders.

Marquez said Saturday after being told about Garcia's statements she wished the state legislator would spend more time talking to his constituents about their needs.

“I wish Rep. Garcia would continue to focus on the issues rather than this constant worry over things that are somewhat ludicrous,” Marquez said.

Garcia said he views what he sees as an influx of socialism in Montana as a “very dangerous” situation and that socialism has destroyed countries like Venezuela.

“They’re teaching that to kids. Thank God my grandkids know it’s wrong because I teach them. And it’s a very dangerous situation," Garcia said.

Garcia added he believes socialism is growing, citing advertising he says is done by socialists on Facebook.

Garcia is not new to controversy. During the 2019 state legislative session in the midst of debate over child protective services, he went on a conservative radio show to accuse child protection workers of kidnapping children. He was forced to return a $3,000 campaign contribution in 2018. He also proposed a bill during the 2019 session that would have had the state of Montana buy the Colstrip power plant. It was tabled in committee.

The Montana Republican Party issued a statement Saturday censuring Garcia’s comments. When Garcia spoke Friday there was laughter after his question; some of those asked by a reporter about it said it was a response to an uncomfortable situation.

“The Montana Republican Party wholeheartedly condemns the comment that was made and under no circumstance is violence against someone with opposing political views acceptable,” said Spenser Merwin, the MT GOP executive director. “It’s disappointing that this isolated incident took away from the weekend’s events which showcased the strength of our statewide candidates and the importance of the upcoming election.”

The Montana Democratic Party on Saturday evening released a statement decrying Garcia.

Kajm #wingnut

(Submitter note: complaining about Star Trek being ‘infested’ by social justice and leftist politics… a series famous for its’ left-wing political beliefs)

The new “Star Trek” series starring Sir Patrick Stewart isn’t being explicitly billed as “woke,” but it seems the series’ star, who will reprise his role as the legendary Enterprise captain, Jean-Luc Picard, believes “Star Trek: Picard” will have a message for anti-immigrant leaders and global isolationists.

The series will have a “more pessimistic take” on Starfleet, the quasi-military arm that handles discovery, research, and, generally, law enforcement duties for the United Federation of Planets, according to Newsweek. Stewart described the fictional organization, now years past the events of “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” and the subsequent Star Trek films, as hopelessly corrupt and cruelly “isolationist” in the face of a galactic refugee crisis.

And just in case you thought there’d be some ambiguity, there is none.

But Stewart will play the role, he says, as a way of injecting some of his own virtue into a world torn by Brexit and by President Donald Trump, he tells Variety Magazine in an extensive profile.

“Picard,” he notes, is “me responding to the world of Brexit and Trump and feeling, ‘Why hasn’t the federation changed? Why hasn’t Starfleet changed? Maybe they’re not as reliable and trustworthy as we all thought.”

Stewart goes on to describe both the United Kingdom and the United States as “f***ed.”…


Patrick Stewart, you have become a massive disappointment.

Star Trek is Dead. With all the old writers and most of the actors from the original series gone, is there Anyone who can repair this kind of damage? What a waste of potential.

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