
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Bonchie #racist redstate.com

If you thought tearing down statues of George Washington would satiate the thirst of some BLM activists, you haven’t seen anything yet. But who am I kidding? No one thought they’d stop with confederate statues, nor with the founding fathers. Now, they are moving onto Jesus.
Yes, I’m serious. Here’s noted BLM activist (and also noted white guy) Shaun King.

Shaun King: "Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down.

They are a form of white supremacy.

Always have been.

In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went?


Not Denmark.

Tear them down.


All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down.

They are a gross form white supremacy.

Created as tools of oppression.
Racist propaganda.

They should all come down."

I’m gonna go with Denmark not existing during the time of Christ for starters. Or perhaps our Lord and Savior just wasn’t a fan of the cold?
Jokes aside, this is absolutely astonishing, but also not surprising. Nothing is sacred anymore, not even religious depictions of Christ. King doesn’t even blink in calling for the destruction of statues of Jesus. He even manages to throw in the destruction of murals as well. Everything is white supremacy and must go.
Regardless, his claims are farcical anyway. Jesus wasn’t white, nor was he black. He did not go to Egypt to “blend in” because he was black. History tells us Jesus was Jewish, born in Galilee, and almost certainly olive skinned. Those paintings of a well tanned Jesus may not get the hairstyle right, but the skin tone is pretty much on point. I know that may rankle some people, but those of us with heritage in the Middle East win the looks portion of whatever ridiculous contest this is.
It feels silly to even have to discuss this as adults, but with BLM activists now calling for the destruction of “white” Jesus statues, my hand is kind of being forced. None of this is going to stop. First it was confederate statues. Then it was problematic founders. Then it was General Grant. Heck, even Ghandi didn’t escape their wrath.
Going after Jesus was the natural progression and here we are.

Anonymous #racist #fundie #crackpot boards.4chan.org

Ever wonder why (((they))) seem so comfortable in our skin? Why if they straighten and lighten their hair, put in contact lenses to lighten their eyes, they can pass as ugly White People? Why they have made it their goal to blend into every single White Nation? Why that even though they can pass as ugly White People their blood gives them away as Mud?

It's actually all pretty simple. / Eve was beguiled by Satan, wholly seduced, both mentally and physically. As a result, Eve became pregnant by Satan. Within the same time period, Eve lay with Adam and became pregnant. Eve was carrying twins from two different fathers, a condition known as, Heteropaternal Superfecundation. This pregnancy produced Cain and Abel. Cain of his father the Devil, and Abel a product of Adam. Cain slaughtered Abel and was cast out, traveling to the Pre-Adamic city of Nod and taking a mud wife to spawn the Satanic Kenite Race. The Pre-Adamic people were here on earth thousands of years before the White Race was created.

The 10 Southern tribes of Israel went into captivity to Assyria, modern day Iraq. When set free, Israel traveled over The Caucasus Mountains, hence our people called Caucasians, and settled the 10 main nations of Europe. / But, the two Northern tribes of Judah went into captivity to the Kenite city of Babylon. Judah was infiltrated by the Satanic Kenite race. For many, many years the Kenites claimed to be Judah, and after WW2 this vile race began calling itself both Judah and Israel, even though the vermin is neither. So, call them what they really are, The Kenites... Revelations 2:9

Dinar Times #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #mammom dinartimes.com

What is GCR/Global Currency Reset?
Global Currency Reset will be a future financial system which is expected to launch in couple of months. Global Currency Reset is a financial system which will work independently without any influence of Cabal and Rothschild financial system. A financial future system which will increase the valuation of recessive currencies and will ultimately revalue the currencies including Iraqi Dinar (IQD), Zimbabwe Dollar (ZWD), Vietnamese Dong (VND) and numerous others. Global Currency Reset will eliminate the artificial Cabal based fluctuations which leads to the prevention of Currency crises and the pricing and valuation of the currencies will solely based on the country trade volume, reserve of precious metal assets & positive economic growth.
How to prepare for the Global Currency Reset?
The best way to prepare for Global Currency Reset is to accumulate valuable metals as much as you can and invest in these solid valuable metals because in future as the Global Currency Reset will be initiate it will revert all the major economies to it’s originate. The trade will be established on Gold standards relying on precious metals and will diminish the paper currency system especially US Dollar which is currently printed in infinite proportion without any mandatory Gold Backed security. I have encountered with many partisan Economists of Global Currency Reset and they are of the view that Global Currency Reset will increase the value of precious metals like Gold, Silver and Platinum as the economies will be backed by the Gold, Silver and Platinum. From the past few years if we analyze the Iraq constant accumulation of Gold, than it can easily be predicted that this Oil haven is expecting something great which is Global Currency Reset, so it can easily be predictable that we are going to have a Global Reset which will Revalue the Iraqi Dinar on the expectations which we are waiting for.

Lincoln County Public Health Administrator #moonbat #racist newswars.com

Lincoln County’s directive, which went into effect June 16, appears similar to other mask orders across the country, stating:

General directive: All individuals in Lincoln County are required to wear face coverings during any indoor public setting or outdoor public location where a person will be in within six feet of another individual, who does not share the same household.

Where Lincoln County breaks from other places is it’s made an exception from the mask order for “people of color.”

“The following individuals do not need to comply with this Directive,” the order issued by Lincoln County’s Public Health Administrator states, before going on to exempt “People of color who have heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment due to wearing face coverings in public.”

The county did not offer an explanation, or go into detail about what kind of “racial profiling,” or “harassment” a person of color might experience due to a face mask.

It’s also unclear why “people of color” would be excluded from mask ordinances when CDC data supposedly shows minorities are being disproportionately infected with COVID-19.

David J. Stewart #fundie #racist #sexist #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt jesus-is-savior.com

I don't condemn anyone, for the Bible condemns all of us as guilty, dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinners. My salvation solely rests in Christ's righteousness, because of the precious blood that He gave for our sins. My intention is not to be unkind; but rather, to expose King's false teachings and Communist agenda.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s real birth name was Michael King Jr. Although his father later decided to rename Michael to “Martin Luther” King Jr. (after martin Luther the reformer), there was never any legal name change. Michael King Jr. was born and died as Michael King Jr.

Christianity Today promotes Communist Martin Luther King Jr. According to ChristianityToday, “No Christian played a more prominent role in the century's most significant social justice movement.” This is tragic! Few Christians are aware of the evils of Martin Luther King Jr. — King was an IMPOSTER as you will see clearly in this article. To no surprise, ChristianityToday also promotes Rock Music, Witchcraft, Homosexuality and Satanism. Billy Graham is the organization's founder. In 1965, the so-called “reverend” Martin Luther King Jr. did a Playboy (that's right, Hugh Hefner's Playboy empire of sexual lasciviousness, adultery and smut) interview with Alex Haley. No pastor worth his salt would ever do a Playboy interview. Shame on Mr. King!

Here are some facts about Martin Luther King Jr. that you won't hear from the liberal, leftist, mainstream newsmedia . . .

1. Martin Luther King Jr. was NO born-again Christian. King propagated a social Gospel of ecumenism (which is still strongly followed today by African Americans), but King certainly did NOT preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In his writings, King openly denied Christ's virgin birth, deity and bodily resurrection (effectively making King an atheist). Sadly, King is burning in the fires of Hell this very minute!!!

2. Martin Luther King Jr. was NO Baptist Preacher. Many of King's doctrines were way out in left field. As mentioned, he denied the bodily resurrection of Christ, Jesus deity, the virgin birth and believed that spirituality could be gained through “religious experience” as he termed it. King did not hold to the historical orthodox Baptist positions.

3. The “social justice” which Christianity Today praises was nothing less than a continued Communist conspiracy to destabilize America. This "social justice" has spawned feminism, homosexuality, gay-marriage, abortion, and a host of other evils in America. Freedom without moral restraint is no freedom at all and can only lead to certain bondage. The social justice which King propagated was not just a fight for equality amongst African Americans, but was largely a campaign to morally bankrupt America. Communism found a willing servant in Martin Luther King Jr. Today, America is largely Communist. Unbeknownst to most Americans, Karl Marx's 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto have been fulfilled already in America. For example, the 10th plank called for the creation of a public school system. The 5th plank called for a central bank. Communism's ultimate goal is the total destruction of America's sovereignty, economy, land ownership rights, Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution, and Christianity.

DunkleMaterie #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

(submitter note: someone on dA named SugarMarshmallow mentions this fellow on a note involving our discussion on dA wingnuts and had to check it out… yeah… he’s out there… he has this quote “Make Europe Sane Again”… yes really… of course he mostly post imagines and I still have issues with embedding the imagine on this site but does have a description so I use that instead)

(Submitter note: a collage of various 4chan posts regarding Chaz, or the self-declared Capital Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle by a bunch of anarchists)

Scource: https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1862213-capitol-hill-autonomous-zone

When I say "mild racism" I mean the use of slurs and words some people find offensive and hostile towards their own identity.
If you are an adult I encourage you to face reality regardless. ;)

So what do we have here now?
I had say, yes indeed, reality! =D

How could I miss this developments or not forsee them? Oh wait I did
( with others, in german "conspiracy tea'orist groups" ). ^^

These people just can't do shit.
Unable to create, they can only destroy.
Unable to live with others, only able to live through them.


Westboro Baptist Church #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #racist godhatesfags.com

The Lord has wrought many blessed judgments in the world this week which can be seen plainly by any who have
been given eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to understand by the gracious hand of God. Let’s view some of this
week’s judgments from the proper perspective:
On Monday, June 15th, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 – which outlawed
discrimination in employment based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin – applies to sexual orientation
and gender identity. The ruling concerned three separate plaintiffs: two homosexuals and one man who identified as
transgender. As of now, two of those three people are dead. Those two had their brief moment on Earth to fulfill
their duty to “fear God, and keep his commandments” (Ecclesiastes 12:13), and their legacy is putting sin and
rebellion on a pedestal. What this ruling does is equate sinful conduct to non-sinful immutable characteristics, such
as skin color. Those two plaintiffs who have died surely know the difference now. “For God shall bring every
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:14).
“God that made the world and all things therein […] hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell
on all the face of the earth” (Acts 17:34-36).
On Friday, June 19th, the holiday known as Juneteenth was celebrated throughout the U.S. It is also known as
Freedom Day and Jubilee Day, and it has gotten more notice this year due to the focus on African American issues
in the last month. Juneteenth is meant to celebrate the emancipation of black slaves in the U.S. after the American
Civil War. Specifically, it commemorates Union army general Gordon Granger announcing in Galveston, TX on
6/19/1865 that Texas slaves were freed by President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, which had been issued
two years earlier. The day also generally celebrates black culture. The freeing of the slaves after the Civil War was
a great thing, and God should be acknowledged and thanked for that as for all things. The celebration apparently
first started with the churches in Texas, but there doesn't seem to be any talk of God on the matter any longer.
"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways
acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6). Acknowledge Him and see the truth that
we are all yet slaves without Christ and still require His help and care, and He requires our obedience. “And ye
shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and
were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? Jesus answered them, Verily,
verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. […] If the Son therefore shall make
you free, ye shall be free indeed.” (John 8:32-36).
In addition to all of the tumultuous racial unrest and other major news happening in the country (and the world),
there is also still the coronavirus that is spreading. Despite this, there were multiple mass gatherings this week. On
Sunday, June 14th
, a “black trans lives matter” rally occurred in Brooklyn, NY, with 15,000 tightly-packed people;
they cannot help but push their sin, even in the midst of a pandemic. “For they sleep not, except they have done
mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall.” (Proverbs 4:16). 25,000 people also
marched through Los Angeles that same day for an “all black lives matter” protest. On Saturday, June 20th, President
Trump held a rally in Tulsa, OK, in a stadium indoors that has seating for 19,000, although the number of attendants
was unclear. “Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a man, rather than a fool in his folly.” (Proverbs 17:12).
“A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.” (Proverbs
Repent or Perish!

Four Teen #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Ocasio Cortez Could Be VOTED OUT On Tuesday, A Centrist Democrat MAY Actually Win

Here's hoping she, Tlaib, and Omar all get voted out.

LOL! Not happening. The less white the democrat party becomes, the more people like that will be voted in, not out. This is the future "die-versity" gets us.

when the other Latina woman wins Aoc will claim racism and sexism was the reason

Well, first off, she won't lose. Her district is 80% non-white, and non-white voters are immovable and are the foundation of unaccountable government. Also neither of them are "Latin," they're mestizo. Latin people are a Southern European people. I'm sick of rootless mestizo's claiming European heritage that doesn't belong to them, or having it attributed to them, when it's not theirs.

AOC is a celebrity outside her district, but she's been a terrible representative for her district. She scuttled the Amazon deal and cost her people a lot of good jobs.

Lol. You say that like non-white voters care. Look at Detroit and Chicago and other dumps of that sort. They'll vote her back in, watch.

Tommy G #racist #conspiracy twitter.com

Newsweek: Noose found in garage of Bubba Wallace, NASCAR’s only black driver

How much u wanna bet we never see a single security tape of the garage 😂 while the garage contains MILLIONS OF DOLLARS worth of equipment. 🤦‍♂️

This has Jussie Smollet written all over it. Just stop using the same playbook please. Can u switch it up? I’m not buying this. Sorry.

Prepare for like 500 more of these over the next 6 months guys. Soros ain’t gunna let this race war die.

This was either completely fake and a stunt or some paid actor sent in to do this to blow up the news.

The odds of this being another driver or part of their crew is .01%

LA Libertarian #wingnut #racist #conspiracy twitter.com

Replying to Lebron James’s tweet wrt to a noose being found in the garage of Bubba Wallace, NASCAR’s only black driver

Willing to bet $100 you never heard the name Bubba Wallace, nor knew he was black, more than a month ago. Same goes for George Floyd. Everything isn’t alway about you. And what if this turns into a Jussie Smollett case?

Hank Hungwell #racist #conspiracy twitter.com

Context: A noose was discovered in the garage of Bubba Wallace, NASCAR’s only black driver

Bubba Wallace is the Jussie Smollett of NASCAR. He is winless in the NASCAR CUP SERIES..and now is playing the oh poor me..let me play the race card and get media attention because I suck as a race car driver.

Sinclair Jenkins #racist #wingnut amren.com

Battleground Dijon

Dijon, in eastern France, is famous for mustard. However, if the violence in the city continues, Dijon may be known as a symbol of “post-national” France.

The mayhem began on June 10th. North African drug dealers, probably including members of the city’s Algerian drug mafia, attacked a 16-year-old Chechen resident, probably because Chechens do not tolerate the drug dealers. An attack on an elderly Chechen followed. In response, hundreds of Chechens, including some armed with bats, axes, knives, and guns, stormed through Dijon’s North African neighborhoods. At one point, as many as 200 Chechen men entered Gresilles, a predominately North African suburb. These so-called “punishment raids” have not only seen Chechens brutalizing North Africans, but also the usual anarchy that comes with rioting (burnt cars, burning trash cans, graffiti, etc.).

Paris sent police officers to the city in order to take it back from Chechen and North African gangs. Prefect Bernard Schmeltz summarized the violence as “a settling of scores” between the two groups. On Twitter, Vladislav Davidzon of the Odessa Review writes that Chechen hatred of drug dealers is widespread and well-known, and because of this the French authorities waited before moving into the city. It is possible that the French in Dijon back the Chechens as type of extralegal anti-drug task force.

Some might cheer Chechen gangs that beat up North African drug dealers, but how did Chechens in Dijon as well as Chechens from as far as Belgium and Germany manage to take over Dijon’s streets for several nights in a row? Ethnic gangs, not the police, have begun enforcing the law, though it is not the Napoleonic Code, but the tribal law of the Caucasus. In Chechnya, blood feuds are common. Two wars (1994-1996, 1999-2000), as well as the still simmering insurgency in Southern Russia, prove that Chechens are capable of violence in the name of nationalism and Islam. The community avenges any insult to a Chechen.

Their North African opponents are not shy about violence either. Paris’s banlieues prove it. Most of the residents are from the former French colonies of Algeria and Morocco, and many, especially the young, love hip-hop and riot every time one of their own has a bad time with the police. They hate France.

As many as 30,000 Chechens live in France. Thousands more live in Belgium, Germany, and Denmark. In Vienna, Chechen mobs terrorize civilians, while a death squad imported from the homeland executed political refugees. There were similar reprisals in Paris, especially during the Algerian Civil War of the 1990s. Dijon, a historically safe city, has seen a noticeable uptick in crime over the last three years, and this mirrors trends in the whole country. France, like most of the West, is on course to be minority-majority some time in the middle of this century.

What is happening in Dijon is a glimpse of the future. Rather than rely on the police, people may begin to form armed self-defense gangs. That is normal in low-trust societies. We are approaching that situation in the United States, as police watch while antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other thugs tear down statues, loot, and burn. The American police have never been more scrutinized and criticized. Even in France, Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said police are incurably racist.

Americans and Europeans may have to form self-defense militias. They would be friends and neighbors who are agree to rush to each others’ defense. The police will not save us.

T3 #racist stormfront.org

Re: Mass Gun Battles Between Chechen v Algerians in Dijon France

One group of Muslims fighting another, in France. I'd assume it's gangs fighting over their share of the drug trade.

It started over an attack on Chechen 16 year old kid.

Not saying it's the case here but, as I'm sure you know, that's exactly the kind of age group that stabs and even shoots each other in London as well. All these little immigrant wannabe thugs need to be deported. They're often the worst of the lot. Subhuman rats.

France will probably look more and more like the worst parts ofthe country look now, or similar to America.... Actual French people more and more a minority. Might as well rename the country to Muslimstan.

France sends police reinforcements to Dijon after 3 days of unrest | News | DW | 16.06.2020

We're not talking American towns like Detroit and Chicago here but historic European ones, famous for producing wine and mustard before they were overrun by foreign trash.

They probably thought it was a French lad they beat up, then they realised it was a Russian...and a Chechen at that.

Good to see these thugs getting a taste of their own medicine for once.

One group of Muslim thugs fighting another, showing no respect for the country they've invaded.

Anonymous #racist #fundie boards.4chan.org

Jesus came for the lost sheep of the House of Israel and no one else. Only white people are going to heaven. Jesus only came to save them, and no one else. He called the Macedonian woman at the well a dog, and if he was here right now, he'd call Georgie boy a nigger, too.

Christianity is a racial religion, and it's taken all the corrupt and heretical churches of the world two thousand years to twist the doctrine of Jesus, Peter, Paul and the laws of the Old Testament far enough that they can LARP at it being universalist. Racemixing is explicitly one of the punishments in the bible that God sends upon his children when they blaspheme. It is described as a curse God sets upon His unruly children to teach them a lesson. If race didn't matter, if niggers and taco goblins and chinks could all somehow get into heaven, then racemixing wouldn't be punishable by death.

Either God changed his mind, which means He's not all-knowing and all-powerful, or God hasn't changed His mind and it's the churches that are wrong. As the divine punishments for sodomy, racemixing, and consorting with Jews escalate, it will become increasingly obvious that what I have said is the truth, and it is the churches and the world that are in the wrong, and not Christ, who is God and King.

If universalism were true, then Jesus would not have said that there will be people at the end who will come before him and say, Lord, Lord, we have done great works in your name, and followed your laws, and done as you asked, and cast out demons in your holy name, only for Christ to respond, depart from me, for I never knew yea. God only cares about one man and his family on this earth, and that's the children of Abraham, who are themselves the children of Adam. God loves Adamites, the Aryan people, and no one else.

You will remember these words, even if you would like to forget them.

Nuance Bro #racist twitter.com

Savanah Hernandez: White BLM supporter tells Hispanic Trump that he is oppressed, so the Trump supporters asks for reparations

Nuance Bro: White liberals assume man is less American because of his skin color and get mad that he doesn't see himself as oppressed. When he tells them to pay him some money as a form of reparations they are exposed as hypocrites for not putting their money where their mouth is

The Distributist #racist twitter.com

Let's explore. If you are of indigenous European origin and you say "I am White" then under this explanation you are admitting to membership in a malicious conspiracy to commit hard to other groups. You are therefore painting yourself as a villain with a target on your back. If you say there is someway to stop being "White" why haven't you done it yet? Or have you? I look at wokesters and I don't see saints but petty and self-interested cowards.

What is this new baptism of non-whiteness and how does it have such little evidence in your soul?

Suppose for instance you say "I don't consider myself White". Do you then walk around saying this at woke gatherings? I come from a blue city and I know this doesn't fly. Try this and you will be accused of being EVEN MORE MALICIOUS by denying your privilege. So we end up with a catch-22. You claim Whiteness or deny it and either way you are maliciously attacking non-whites. Sounds pretty shitty right?

Now remember this is the dilemma that progressives are commending for ALL OF OUR CHILDREN. Such moral heroes.

Miller and Heying #racist twitter.com

Geoffrey Miller: If book-burning didn't have such bad historical associations, you know they'd already be burning all the books they don't like.

They only thing preventing that, for the moment, is the 'bad optics'.

Heather Heying: Five years ago the optics on tearing down statues of the founding fathers were so bad, it couldn’t happen.

What, that seems impossible today, will be within the woke Overton Window in five years?

Benjamin Fulford #racist #conspiracy #crackpot benjaminfulford.net

The Khazarian mafia power grab using a fake COVID 19 pandemic has failed spectacularly and now payback begins, Pentagon and Asian secret society sources say. The White Hats have begun an immediate offensive by killing Jesuit military leader and Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas, White Dragon Society sources say. The death of Nicolas opened the path for the liberation of Japan. This is being followed by the liberation of Germany. Only then will it be possible to liberate the United States and thus the planet Earth.

Let’s begin with the death on May 20th of the Black Pope. Nicolas, although supposedly a nice guy, was head of an organization that planned and carried out the 2011 Fukushima mass murder attack on Japan. Although his predecessor Peter Hans Kolvenbach was in charge of that operation, Nicolas failed to admit, apologize and make amends for this war crime.

His death has opened the way for regime change in Japan because he was the top commander of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) that actually runs this country. The day after Nicolas died, Hiromu Kurokawa the chief of the Tokyo prosecutors’ office was forced to resign over a “gambling scandal.”

Shinjicel #sexist #racist #conspiracy #homophobia incels.is

[Serious] Best US state to find traditional foid

I have wealthmaxxed and will surgerymax and location max. Worst case scenario I just act like I like her, take the kids and dip. I will not take any back talk or woke sjw bullshit. I am only doing this to give the middle finger to the jew and to mother nature, my genes are above this globohomo NWO faggotry. Only serious responses.

Various Incels #sexist #racist #psycho incels.is

RE: [LifeFuel] Based niggers throws black foid into the dumpster



So a group of Black Men threw this Black girl in a dumpster last night as they all laughed and recorded her

HAHAHAHAHA The look on her face at the end.


That's all she's thinking about. She's not thinking about hoe embarrassed she looks online because she's still getting the attention and knows one simp is watching that and will find out where she lives and go "I'll fuck her." and she will fuck her troubles away.

This won't change anything about her.


This is what happens to worthless cunts, based, no simping


She looks so happy to be in her rightful place :)


to where she belongs. turns out niggers can get rid of the trash they leave behind.


jfl white mayo fags need to get on nigger levels

Cumskins are too soy and beta for that.

they are submissive faggots but love to hate on blacks while sitting infront of a screen, watching bulls breeding their white wives


Now it’s battle of “who’s most oppressed”. Will niggers defend their own men, or rush to their gross women?

Whites are restrained by Jews. Some of them do shit like the guy who shot up antifa in New Mexico when they tried taking down the conquistador statue.

Blacks can do what they want because the media won’t kill them and then push the narrative they’re all bad. If a white does anything the media will just racebait and the pushback against whites will be worse.

i get that, but shouldn't whites run numbers game at this point?
i just know that enough white people dislike blacks in burgerland. rise up you pussies.

Not really. Jews really do have control of white westerners. If a race war were to happen it would be whites killing whites.


Blacks living up to the stereotypes.
Should have shipped them back to the Black Continent after the abolition.
Unfortunately (((they))) killed Lincoln before he was able to do that.

And other whites were sold the lie that, given enough time, they would integrate to the western culture and become civilized.
We can clearly see now that it will never happen.

OverBeforeItBegan #sexist #racist #wingnut incels.is

RE: curry gang "rapes" and beat up foid set free while the roastie is charged

In the oppression olympics, Muslims are the undisputed champions. Also, no one dares messing with them because those who do get their throats slit. Women don't stand a chance.

The champions are definitely white women. Second place would be blacks. Making fun of Muslims in the UK is still somewhat acceptable.

On second thought, you're right. I've let myself influenced by the results I got when searching images for oppression olympics. Most of them show Muslims on top, and I think this is wrong. Muslims don't really play the victim card, at least not nearly as much as the others. They just don't take up with any offense to their belief, and they have no issue punishing such offenses harshly.

White women are indeed very high up there, but Black people are making an impressive come back these days.

Yup. Talking shit about black people or women is basically a social death sentence. The same can't be said for Muslims. They're still high up there but you won't become an outcast if you say something bad about them.

islamicincel #sexist #racist incels.is

Muslim girls family wanted me to get married to her but she had a white bf

Can't make this shit up. Like all these redpilled theories are no joke.

I was at a wedding of one of my cousins. There was a 5/10 girl there and apparently they asked my aunt to tell my parents if I would consider marrying their daughter. Their daughter was studying here. So basically I think they were looking for a guy to use to get her that western passport.

She was also a huge cunt to my sister.

Anyways long story short I did some digging and found out through the community that she had a white bf. So basically her plan was to cuck me and get the passport.

Memes do really right themselves.

Anonymous #racist #fundie boards.4chan.org

Because the nigger is the animal in his worst form, God created all animals before Man except the nigger who was a Man so full of sin, so degenerate that God turned him into an animal. He has no purpose other than to be killed
2 Peter 2:12
But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption
Every other animal has a purpose in our ecosystem except the nigger

Quintus Sertorius #racist #conspiracy #wingnut renegadetribune.com

Non-White immigration into White homelands is perhaps the most devastating weapon of White genocide brought to bear upon us by the jews. The ability of the jews to wield this weapon against us only became possible after a protracted, relentless campaign of mental manipulation and behavioral conditioning that has largely enervated White societies by inflicting upon them widespread moral bankruptcy and an addiction to instant gratification. Why do the hard, dangerous work of defending one’s nation or homeland when instead one can simply watch alien, anthropological curiosities pile on top of each other on the “gridiron?” Why learn about the incredible, inspiring accomplishments of our racial history when instead we can sit passively in a JUDEO-christian church and listen to a lunatic, drunk on a knock-off brand Torah, tell us to meekly accept the worst, most hostile and primitive hominids into our countries, our communities, and our very families? The answers to these questions can be powerfully understood by any White person with the misfortune to find himself in a large American city today. The easily-observed rampant crime, congestion, overpopulation, and general filth are some of the terrible consequences of neglecting the duty to protect our homelands and our race as distinctly separate from the other branches of humanity. But these are only symptoms of a deeper Hebraic problem.

Our implacable jewish enemies have worked subversively and largely without opposition to erode our racial pride, racial cohesion, individual self-respect, and even the most basic common sense. These were the foundations upon which our healthy racial societies were once built, and in their absence we see today the travesties and offensive parodies that our homelands have become. The jewish poisons of relativism and equalitarianism have saturated our most important institutions, from our schools, to our media, to our governments – and have turned our ability to have a public discourse on anything of true importance into a mockery truly deserving the moniker of “clown world.” Even the faintest, most conciliatory suggestion of fostering a long-term concern for the welfare of the White race, or a mention of the discipline and responsibility that such a concern entails, is met with histrionics or outright violence.

Through this combination of intellectual corruption and hysterical intimidation, our rabbinical racial enemies have imposed on our communities a deleterious jewish middle-man mentality. Communities that were once built and sustained by like-minded racial compatriots have been reduced to ineffectual collections of atomized, alienated individuals, where blatant lies, and pitiless predatory exploitation are at best ignored, and at worst celebrated as laudable and exemplary. A disinclination to work for anything that creates real, lasting value is replaced by an insatiable urge to turn a quick profit, no matter the immediate harm or ramifications for the future. Irresponsible transience in all things, including the very existence of our race, has pervaded our once-healthy White societies – and it is nefariously promoted as freedom.

The consequences of a society that has recklessly replaced a racially healthy morality with wanton greed, hedonism, and degeneracy are now on display to all White people willing to trust their eyes, instead of the lying jewish-owned news propaganda. Most of our people are enervated, unfocused, and in denial. Many become visibly uncomfortable or even agitated when confronted with an explanation for our current predicament that falls outside the approved Democrat-Republican kosher control mechanism. Facts have become “hate” and truth is relegated to a form of heresy – when either are acknowledged, it is done so furtively and with great reluctance, and no small amount of risk. The necessary preconditions for our people to defend ourselves against this Hebraic nation-wrecking have been compromised, making it easy for the jews to bring their bipedal biological weapons into our homelands with only the most flaccid, and often disingenuous, efforts to resist them.

Many of our racial compatriots seem irretrievably bound by jewish mental shackles preventing them from realizing our predicament, as they stagger directionless and alienated between hollow, momentary pleasures that serve as little more than a distraction or escapism. It is our duty now, not to confront directly the jew as he sits in a position of unaccountable and undeserved power over us, but to confront White people who express concern or unease about our circumstances and cannot articulate why. It is our responsibility to meet the challenge of breaking the jewish programming that has blinded our people to the existential dangers we are in, and the vicious alien chosenites behind those dangers. We must help more of our people see the unequivocal connections between the jewish efforts to eradicate the White race, and the dysfunctional and increasingly dangerous conditions in our homelands. The Gordian knot of jewish lies will become increasingly easy to cut as the blight of our cities and the degenerate, Judaized culture which predominates in our societies becomes harder to ignore. We must stop the jewish-orchestrated White genocide.

Yair Netanyahu #racist jpost.com

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's son, Yair, called on Sunday for minorities to be banished from Tel Aviv-Jaffa.

Netanyahu made the comment in response to riots that began because of the city's plan to build the Center for the Homeless on a site that was an old Muslim cemetery. He was reacting on Twitter to Blue and White minister Alon Schuster saying there was no chance for coexistence of Arabs and the Jewish minority in Hebron

"The riots prove that there is no chance for coexistence in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, and all the minorities must leave the city," Yair Netanyahu tweeted.

Tupirani da Hora Lores #fundie #racist #conspiracy #psycho timesofisrael.com

JTA — A Brazilian pastor prayed to God to “destroy the Jews like vermin” and bring about a second Holocaust during a sermon in Rio de Janeiro.

“Massacre the Jews, God, hit them with your sword, for they have left God, they have left the nations,” Pastor Tupirani da Hora Lores shouted at dozens of congregants earlier this month at his Geracao Jesus Cristo church, a recording of the event shows. His congregants are heard repeating his words passionately.

“They contrived, went with prostitutes, and when they were told to repent they said they’d do it but they lied,” the pastor said, possibly in reference to the forced conversions to Christianity during the Inquisition.

Atavistic Autist #sexist #racist #crackpot incels.is

[Theory] Feminists hate male allies because they remind them of their effete fathers

Just like their fathers had a claim of authority over them yet were weak and allowed them become whores, soys similarly have a paternalistic attitude towards women, yet are weak and cannot enforce it. Foids therefore enjoy cucking soys with psychopathic Chads as a form of revenge against the fathers they resent for not adequately protecting/controlling them.

The same concept applies to Black Lives Matter and its White allies, who nogs hate because they are preening White supremacists on the inside and yet meek on the outside, so nogs derive special enjoyment from humiliating them.

Atavistic Autist #racist #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Accusations of police brutality are analogues to accusations of rape or sexual harassment

The accusations themselves may or may not be true, but what they fail to account for is ethics (or lack therefore) on the part of the individual nogs/foids.

A nog who is engaged in criminal behaviors will naturally encounter a police officer one day, and if the police officer is brutal towards the thug nog -- a brutal creature himself -- then one can say that he was asking for it (in the sense of "tempting fate," or redeeming "negative karma").

Likewise, a foid who wears slutty clothing for attention and leads men on to her own advantage without empathy for them can be said to be asking for it when she encounters a man who is more deranged, manipulative, and psychopathic than even she is, and who gives her "just desserts" in the form of rape.

The fact that the media discourages people from thinking this way goes in line with liberal postmodernist philosophy, which spurns objective reality in favor of narcissistic "lived experiences." You are not supposed to identify patterns of behavior and think in terms of cause and effect under this dogma, but just uncritically believe in the self-centered viewpoints of the supposedly "marginalized minorities" -- more like pedestalized minorities tbhngl.

It all goes in line with power dynamics, as socially ascendant nogs/foids are given the privilege of being narcissistic, but socially descendant Whites and men (and White men in particular) are to be "critically deconstructed" and humiliated.

Anthony Smith #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy sign.org

The rioting in Minnesota is the result of a perfect storm of liberal progressive policies and cultural Marxism. In fact, the rioting and creative destruction is the expected and desired outcome of years of communist ideological subversion, specifically through diversity politics and mass immigration. Ultimately, the root cause is the result of the failure of multiple Roman Catholic Popes to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as requested by Our Lady at Fatima.

Sound extreme? Take a closer look at the facts and then decide yourself.

The (Deliberate) Transformation of Minnesota

Minnesota has a long history of Democratic party politics. It was the only state that did not vote for Ronald Reagan in either of his two presidential campaigns. The Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor party (“DFL”) was formed in 1944 and has its roots in socialism. It has a history of on-again, off-again relationships with communists and modern socialists such as Bernie Sanders. In the 2020 Democratic Presidential primary in Minnesota, Sanders received 29.89% of the vote – second only to Joe Biden. Socialism is not a marginal movement in Minnesota.

Minneapolis was historically a city of predominately white Christian citizens. The percentage of white citizens in Minneapolis remained at 99% from 1910 until 1950. Non-whites started coming to the city in large numbers in the 1970s and 1980s. In 1980, the percentage dropped below 90% to 87%. By 1990, the city was more than 20 percent non-white. By 2019, only 60% of the population of Minneapolis was white.

The early migration may have been tempted by Minnesota’s generous welfare programs. That does not account, however, for the massive influx in recent decades. That change has largely been the result of the immigrant resettlement programs, which have deliberately placed large refugee populations in Minnesota communities. As recently in 2018, the census bureau reported that since 2010 populations of people of color had increased faster in Minnesota than the rest of the nation.

There is no natural reason for people from Sub-Saharan African to migrate to Minnesota. Yet, the state has 52,333 people who report Somali ancestry — the largest concentration of Somalis in America — according to data from 2017. This is not a stable group of people trying to assimilate into American life — more men and boys from the Somali American community in Minneapolis have joined – or attempted to join – a foreign terrorist organization over the last 12 years than any other jurisdiction in the country.
Minnesota was merely a petri dish where the virus of cultural Marxism was fed to generations of students, church-goers and citizens for decades. It was almost inevitable that the revolution would start there. The ideological subversion of the United States is likewise well-advanced. We are now watching the new Jacobins tearing down statues of Columbus and trying to erase American history. Major corporations, celebrities and politicians all rush to swear fealty to BLM and Antifa, and donations pour in to support radical organizations. The Church stands silent. What can we do to get rid of this spiritual virus?

The solution is prayer. We must pray for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary over communism. Regardless of whether the Holy Father consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart correctly or not (no Pope ever consecrated Russia by name to the Immaculate Heart), the current situation is the manifestation of the prophecy of Fatima – that Russia would spread its errors across the world.

Pray the Rosary daily for the end of atheistic communism!

Donald Trump #racist mediamatters.org

Since June 3, the Trump campaign has been running Facebook ads fearmongering about “antifa.” On June 17, the campaign added an inverted red triangle to some variations of the ad -- a symbol the Nazis used to designate political prisoners.

Using the Dewey Square Adwatch tool set to analyze Facebook Ad data, Media Matters found that the Trump campaign has run at least 2,110 advertisements with generic anti-antifa language since June 3. The ads ran on Facebook pages for President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Team Trump, Black Voices for Trump, Brad Parscale, Latinos for Trump, and Women for Trump.
In recent days, the campaign has experimented with various illustrations in the post -- mostly variations of a generic alert image. All the ads have the disclaimer “Paid for by TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE."

On June 17, the campaign ran 88 ads on the Facebook pages for Trump, Pence, and Team Trump with an inverted red triangle. The red triangle was used for political prisoners in Nazi concentration camps. The Trump campaign gave this explanation for the ad: This is an emoji. It's also a symbol widely used by Antifa. It was used in an ad about Antifa.

As one reporter noted, the inverted triangle is not a widely-used symbol for antifa.
Historian Jacob S. Eder, an expert on the subject, told The Washington Post that the ad is “a highly problematic use of a symbol that the Nazis used to identify their political enemies. ... It’s hard to imagine it’s done on purpose, because I’m not sure if the vast majority of Americans know or understand the sign, but it’s very, very careless to say the least.”
Facebook has previously let Trump run thousands of ads fearmongering about an immigrant “invasion,” even though the ads violated Facebook’s standards. Facebook also let the Trump campaign publish at least 529 ads with false claims of voter fraud.
The Trump campaign used anti-Semitic imagery in the previous election cycle as well. In 2016, Trump used a meme that featured the Star of David on a background of money to call Hillary Clinton the “most corrupt candidate ever.” Trump would eventually suggest that it was intended to be a sheriff’s star.
The 2016 campaign also did significant outreach to neo-Nazi figures. Campaign surrogates Diamond and Silk did an interview with a Holocaust denier. The Trump campaign gave press credentials to a white nationalist radio program, Donald Trump Jr. appeared on the program, and a Trump adviser gave interviews to that program at the Republican National Committee convention in Cleveland.

wolfblade111 #homophobia #racist deviantart.com

Anti Steven Universe Stamp
Liked this show at first, it seemed nice and cute buuuut then the SJW Propaganda started spewing forth from it and now I wash my hands of this "Cartoon".

When does the inclusion of nonwhite/LGBT+/Female characters become pandering and/or sjw propaganda?

When all the females are gay man haters. Granted The Gems ain't that, but eh, who cares.

Which begs the question. Why are you bothering asking me? Why should someone give a damn what someone else thinks? Or are you just hoping to start arguments that you want to win.

down low #racist #crackpot chimpmania.com

Niggers are only from a part of sub-Saharan Africa. Northern Africa is human, Arabic, Egyptian, all of the Middle Eastern ancient peoples.. Babylonian, Sumerian and so on; not nigger. Same with early South Americans, Incans and the like, Latin ancestry. Furthermore, niggers did not exist at random, anywhere else in the world, besides sub-Saharan Africa, i.e., there are no niggers born of ancient Asian, Caucasian, Indian, etc. descent.

That being said, why and how did this ape species even exist in the first place? It's bizarre, when you think about it. The blue-gum, shit-skinned, curly-fur, yellow eyed, huge nostril, sloped head, spear chuckin', click "talkin'," filthy, stupid, etc., nigger... it truly is an abomination, especially when you look at the variety of humans around the planet, who not only look nothing like niggers, in every detail, but have nothing in common with them, nor ever had! Even darker humans, such as native Indians or Pakistanis do not have nigger features, but HUMAN features, nor do they share the same feces coloring; they simply have darker, brown skin of their heritage, where niggers have a sickening, yellowish-bowel movement tint to theirs, as evidence that their internal systems are not functioning properly, hence the yellow eyes, the foul smell, etc.

This even goes further with the ape physique, the hideous "females" and their disgusting proportions, e.g., huge ass and skinny, ugly "legs," or the males with the knuckle dragging, peanut-headed, stooped shape; all that is missing is a tail, or the enflamed buttocks of different ape breeds. Perhaps some genetic mutation occurred, removing the tail? With the commonality of nigger burff defecks and mutations, this would be entirely possible.

For all sense of purpose though, niggers should have long been extinct, as they were supposed to have been, yet.... here we are.

Petit Grégory #racist amren.com

RE: Photos: Winston Churchill Statue Reappears

TBH they unboxed it because Macron will be tomorrow in London for the celebration of the 80th anniversary of Charles de Gaulle's call for resistance at the BBC and he was planned to visit the statue.

i suppose even the Turkish cuck who is ruling the remnants of the UK may have considered it would be really bad optics to see two European leaders bringing flowers to some Ka'aba-like wrap.

From what I've heard, there are plans to rebox it if oppressed watermelons demonstrate again.

James Lindsay #racist twitter.com

Too bad.

If you give in to bullies, they always demand more. The point is to humiliate you into compliance so they can keep taking your lunch money.


Oppression is sin.
Enlightenment is the Fall.
Whiteness is the mark of Cain.
Privilege is depravity, which is total.
Antiracism is piety, runs on confession.
Grace is by works for liberation.
Oppressed are the saints.
Social (group) "Justice" is God.


A Kindle plugin that changes every occurrence of "white" to "witch" in White Fragility, the Malleolus Maleficarum of the contemporary age.

Andy Ngo #racist twitter.com

The antifa "Patrick Kimmons Autonomous Zone" in Portland is named after a black male who was killed by police in 2018 after he shot two people and charged at police with his revolver.

Antifa wish he got away with killing more.

Pastor Louie Giglio #racist #fundie #wingnut newsweek.com

Atlanta Megachurch Pastor Wants to Use the Phrase 'White Blessings' Instead of 'White Privilege'

A prominent Atlanta megachurch pastor wants people to start using the phrase "white blessings" instead of "white privilege." Pastor Louie Giglio suggested the U.S. should "get over" the phrase "white privilege" in a conversation with rapper Lecrae and Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy on June 14.


"I feel like on the inside of the church we're fighting this historical context you [Lecrae] talk about. In other words, we love the blessing of the cross but we don't love to sit in it and realize this is what gods asking me to do, to die to myself, and live for him, whatever context that's going to look like for me.

But I want to flip that upside down because I think the other side of it is true with our nation's history. We understand the curse that was slavery, white people do, and we say 'that was bad,' but we miss the blessing of slavery that it actually built up the framework for the world that white people live in and lived in."


You can see the full Newsweek article here:

Anonymous #racist #elitist #wingnut #pratt #transphobia boards.4chan.org


(The image depicts a caricature of an intersex pink–haired communist giving the middle finger with the text:)

Yeah communism has failed every time and killed 100,000,000 people but you know what millions of people starve in thirdworld shitholes so. Guess that means market economies are evil for not feeding millions of violent sub 80 IQ blacks who would rape and murder if they had the chance checkmate capitalist pigs oh and btw IQ isn’t real because 100 years ago the test was flawed. The mountains of empirical evidence showing how IQ is both genetic as well as correlated with violence, financial choices and overall time preference is wrong because a white guy discovered it so that means it must be wrong

Anonymous #wingnut #racist boards.4chan.org

White Brothers, do not despair. I know some may be tempted to chimp out at these violent communists and niggers destroying the cities and the monuments, but now is not a time to despair but to rejoice. The enemy is doing exactly what we needed in order to awaken the masses to our struggle

Traffic to Dissident Right wing websites is at an all time high. Whites who were asleep are contacting their friends and neighbors who warned them about what was comming and are now watching The Greatest Story Never Told and Europa The Last battle. People are arming themselves and are forming adhoc defense forces to protect their white neighborhoods. Now is the time more than ever to give those seeking for answers the answers they seek. This is the moment we were waiting for. The enemy has dropped the mask.

How foolish are these low time preference degenerate faggots? All the kikes had to do was wait another 20 -30 years to flood the country with more and more niggers and muslims, but these retards could not wait and they over played their hand. These small bands of radicals are about to see an entire Generation of young white men organize a Mass Movement of Real Fascists. We are the Vangaurd, we shall lead the way, and we shall spread the message. We will spread it to our friends, we will spread it to our neighbors over beers in the yard and burgers on the grill. From personal experience the normies are ready to listen and they are believing. The time to build the movement is upon us brothers, the conditions are set, we have what we need and we know what to do. Read Mein Kampf, follow the blueprint. Hail Victory.

TheG-flash #sexist #racist deviantart.com

[ on the star wars movies with rey ]

A man created a great franchise with a trilogy and prequels, then a woman comes in and ruined it with it's feminist propaganda and identity politics and obviously shoved in a strong Mary Sue character because like what KK said, in her little brain she thinks girls aren't into Star Wars and they can't relate to Han and Luke because they are male which is absolute bullshit. There are many girls out there who loves Luke and Han not because they're male, its because they're great written well characters who have to go through challenges. But no under this SJW feminist garbage, we need more female representation and diversity. I don't have anything against woman creating things, but they have to understand the material and listen to fans to what they want to see, which is why Wonder Woman was such a good movie because Patty Jenkins stayed true to the source material and created a movie people want to see. But with KK and Ruin "Potato Head" Johnson they give a shit what the fans want or think, they basically give them the cold shoulder and blasted out if you don't like our stuff then you're a racist sexist misogynist homophobic xenophobic man-babies! These people are absolutely disgusting!

wolfblade111 #racist deviantart.com


[So if all lives matter gets hate because it sounds as though it includes
only 1 type of people and not everyone.

Does that mean black lives matter should be hated too? What about asian lives
Matter, hispanic lives matter, animal lives matter?]

Wolfblade111 #racist deviantart.com

[ in regards to the riots over George Floyd's murder ]

These Riots are Pathetic
If you haven't heard, MORE riots have started up due to Police killing a Man by the name of George Flyod and of course they say it was racist and are now Justifying their actions via Kidnapping People. Rioting, Destroying Public Property and Looting...some people just want excuses to tear the world apart. Even if it's something as trivial as this.

Racism is Trivial? In the grandscheme...Yes...Yes it is. But we're only human. We need excuses to kill each other. Not saying I don't care mind you but at this point...It's bothersome to even give a damn anymore about anything remotely connected to the rights of anybody regardless of race, gender, beliefs and so on.

Dr. Revilo P. Oliver #wingnut #pratt #racist renegadetribune.com

I have read countless accounts about the atrocities inflicted upon the German people by the Jew crazed Allied scum and it always makes my blood boil. My 2nd great grandfather was a “Vistula German” who came to the USA at the beginning of the 20th century from a small village known as Neudorf near Plock in a county then known as Gostynin and still known by that name. I spoke with a distant cousin who went back there about 10 years ago and he told me that all of our relatives who didn’t flee were murdered, their church destroyed and their graveyard with nearly 150 years of graves ploughed over by the Poles resettled there from the Eastern Polish lands given to the Soviets. My maternal grandfather was a little luckier since he lived in a rural area of Swabian Bavaria near Kempten in Lindau in a small village known as Weiler. While there was still little food he didn’t have to contend with a housing shortage although the Americans forced him at the age of 10 to work on a farm in which he was treated cruelly.
What all Europeans, all white people need to realize is that the fate of those millions upon millions of German expellees after WW2 will be the fate of all Europeans worldwide if we continue to only worry about our own individual comforts and refuse to see ourselves as part of the historical process. What is happening to the Boers in South Africa awaits every white family if we do not act, an act soon!

wolfblade111 #racist deviantart.com

Something Ironic I realized About The Riots.

Now what happened and what is happening is a Tragedy. But I gotta ask.Where the hell is this kind of Outrage and Disgust When an Innocent Child is Raped and Murdered?Where The Hell Are The Protests For The Innocent Men, Women and Children Killed by The Likes of MS13 and the like?

A Child dies. No one bats an eye.

A Man is Killed by Crooked Cops and Everyone looses Their Goddamn Minds.

People of All Race Die EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY OF EVERY FUCKING YEAR! and No One Does A Fucking Thing About It.

But One Man Dies thanks to a Cop who fucked up in handling the situation and The Whole Damn Country Goes Mad.

What The Fuck Kind of Moral Compass Does Humanity Have for This Shit? I'll Tell Ya What Kind. None .Just an Excuse to Riot against those who are supposed to protect us.So People will go out and attack every Cop they see.

But when a Family is Slaughtered by a Gang...nothing is done. Leave it To The Law.When The Law Mistreats The People. The People Mistreat The Law. Congratulations Humanity,You're Retarded.

Both Sides are Wrong and in The End. Humanity is One Fucked Up Piece of Shit.
If people want to go and kill each other over something as pointless as Racism but won't go out an exact this kind of violence on Gangs and The Like. Go Right Ahead. We're Good at One Thing. Being Fucked Up.
That's It. I'm Done. I'm Fucking Done.

wolfblade111 #racist #sexist #homophobia deviantart.com

They wanna do WHAT to Magneto and Prof X?!
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvBwYvUT1fE]Marvel & Disney Looking For Black Professor X & Magneto - WHY?[/ur]

yeah sure, Turn Magneto into a black man, like that's any worse than when he was in a CONCENTRATION CAMP IN THE COMICS DURING WW2!!! JUST SHIT ALL OVER THAT TRAGEDY TO PUSH YOUR OWN AGENDA WHY DON'T YA!

Also..doesn't having Prof X as a Bald, Black Man in a Wheel Chair sound...I dunno, maybe a smidge offensive PLUS sound like they gave back Fury his eye and made him crippled?

At this point, I think Disney is trying to cause Social Unrest. No really, make your favorite white character into (Insert race here plus add in Changed Gender and sexuality) and you got the perfect stewing pot for people blaming other people existing for ruining the characters.

For Christ sake Disney COME UP WITH BETTER IDEAS OR BETTER YET...USE THE BLACK CHARACTERS YOU ALREADY HAVE!!! WHAT NEXT?! YOU GONNA MAKE WOLVERINE GAY TOO Oh yeah that outta go over Real well with The Fandom, for crying out loud, his alternate gay counterpart in the comics is pretty much forgotten at this point cause that was just a stupid idea.

And no offense Stan The Man, but your original idea for Wolverine to be Gay...I'm sorry but that was just a STUPID idea. You cannot have a burly wildman like Wolverine be gay but I'm sure (NOT counting YaoiFans cause FUCK THEM) everybody would be grossed out to high hell if there was a Make out scene between Logan and Sabretooth and yes, you're all welcome for That HORRIBLE mental image.

Now I'm not being Racist or Homophobic here, I wanna see black characters in comic book movies...But ONLY THE ORIGINAL ONES! Like Miles Morales, Blue Marvel, Night Thrasher or Icon from DC.

Gay Characters...I'm just not a fan of them so I couldn't give Two shits whether or not they showed up. But Gender/Race/Sexual Orientation swapping already established characters is BS.

For gods sake Disney...Get your fucking act together You Fucking Morons.

If you somehow agree with their choices...I think you need to have your brains checked out cause this is becoming a bigger and bigger pile of Shit by the fucking minute.

Okay Rant over, go back to your stations people.

Anonymous Coward 70550610 #racist #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why You Should FEAR Mongrel-Theism...!
Mongrel Theism being defined as the belief/delusion of Kalergi-ites, "Multiculturalism", & NWO stooges, goons, shills & dupes.

The Mongrels have the greatest Mass-Murder Body-Count of any group of people in recorded history.


Body Counts For Mongrels Reach Into Tens-Of-Millions with speculations even higher...!

Mongrel Rule left behind few tangible artifacts -- like architecture or art.

They did leave behind tremendous piles of cadavers (corpses), and legendary stories of slaughter of men, women, children.

What of the incredible bloody legends that surround Mongrel Empire?

Their victims are counted in tens of millions, which probably was 20% of world population at the time.

Mongrels committed genocide everywhere they went from China to Russia to Khwarezm to Baghdad.
Speculation exists that Mongrels Genocided, and killed so many people, there was no-one left to farm and raise live-stock. The Mongrels being Nomadic degenerates did not have the skills, or desire to modify ("Their") behavior and maintain farm-lands,

Famine erupted many perished from starvation. (Similar to what is occurring now.)

Murderous conquests killed so many people that huge swathes of cultivated land returned to forest.

climate change/starvation may have forced them to cut their losses and stop their fearsome war of attrition.
Ruthless tactics and hordes swept across Asia.

One territory after another fell under the overwhelming force of the Mongrels, which would eventually stretch from the eastern shores of China. A series of successful forays in Hungary and Poland made even Europe seem within reach of Mongrel Rule.

Mongrels invaded Greater India, Anatolia.

By 1240, Kiev had been sacked and the Mongrel horde was advancing west. Their cavalry and siege tactics were laying waste to the cities of Europe.

[Mongrel siege tactics were known as "Kharash" or "Kheresh"

Mongrels slaughtered an estimated 1 million Hungarians: Troops, clerics, nobles, knights, and peasants. It was one of the bloodiest defeats of the medieval period.

Everywhere they went they terrorized local populace, killing, exterminating, or moving entire people to other places.

Mongrels and Co. were more of a pack of hyenas than people.

“It was not rare for Mongrel armies to butcher tens of thousands of unarmed men, women, and children in captured towns and the neighboring countryside.

In this the Mongrel armies have had no peers. I mentioned the 1,747,000 people possibly killed in Nishapur.

In 1219 Mongrel army captured Bokhara and allegedly murdered 30,000; and another 30,000 people in capturing Samarkand.

In 1221 a Mongrel army seized Merv and reportedly took 13 days to slaughter 1,300,000 inhabitants.

Historians also record that in 1220 the Mongrels killed 50,000 in Kazvin after it was captured; 70,000 in Nessa, and a similar number in Sebzevar.

It is written that in 1221, the Mongrel Tului slew 700,000 to 1,300,000 people in Meru Chahjan, one of the four main cities of Khorassan in the Northern borderland of Persia. Upon capture the inhabitants were made to evacuate the city, a four-day task. Then they were distributed among the Mongrels and massacred.

It took 13 days to count corpses. Among those who hid from the massacre, 5,000 were killed by Mongrel detachments when they later emerged.

Also, the entire population of Rayy, a city with 3,000 mosques, was slaughtered.

Herat was later captured, but only some 12,000 soldiers and their dependents were killed. However, after the inhabitants later rebelled Mongrels angrily sent a general Noyan against them. The city was recaptured and it took a whole week to burn it down and murder its estimated 1,600,000 people. Many thousands escaped, but Noyan later sought and killed over 2,000 of them.

“Then in 1226-33 there was the nearly total extermination--truly a genocide--of the Tanguts and their kingdom of Hsi-Hsia in China (in the province of Kansu). The Tanguts would not supply horses or auxiliaries for Mongrels war against Khwarizmian.

This was insolence that could not be tolerated.

After winning the war he then turned with vengeance on the Tanguts. Stating - "If it means my death I will exterminate them!"

At his command and with sheer slaughter as its ultimate goal, the Tanguts were defeated in one battle after another and pursued.

According to a Mongrel Bard, "To escape the Mongrel sword, the inhabitants in vain hid in the mountains . . . or, if that were not possible, in caves.

Scarcely one or two in a hundred succeeded. The Fields were covered with human bones."

“Total Annihilation/ genocide”

The population of Western Xia was estimated at 3 million

In September 1227, Emperor Mozhu surrendered to the Mongrels and was promptly executed.

The Mongrels then pillaged Yinchuan, slaughtered the city's population, plundered the imperial tombs west of the city, and completed the effective annihilation of the Western Xia state.

Anti Zionist League #racist #conspiracy #homophobia antizionistleague.com

The Well Poisoners – ‘Coronavirus’

Mildly changing tack since the Black Death, which did actually wipe out more than half the Caucasoid population, using their Chinese proxy the well poisoners have induced panic with what easily could be a contrived pandemic. Prior to the pestilence that was later known as the ‘Black Death’ the Jewish merchants were the bankers and financiers (without competition) with papal and royal protection. Like the Black Death this ‘virus’ began in China which is now Communist. Most scholars agree that a Jewish community has occupied Kaifeng in the Henan province of China since the Northern Song Dynasty (960–1127), though some date their influx to the Tang Dynasty (618–907) or earlier; well over 300 years before the Black Death. During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), a Ming emperor conferred eight surnames upon the Jews, by which they are identifiable today: Ai, Shi, Gao, Gan, Jin, Li, Zhang, and Zhao. It was on a branch of the Silk Road that Jewish merchants descended on Kaifeng territory and from there had easy access to the network of trade routes which connected East and West and later along which the plague followed. Not until September 1348 did the first recorded ‘confession’ take place in the Castle of Chillon on Lake Geneva. The accused had admitted that a Jew of Savoy had poisoned wells and food “so as to kill and destroy the whole of Christianity”. Yet in each of the countries were the Jews were punished the plague came to an abrupt end. Despite their apparent ‘untouchability’ their crime was laid bare, perhaps cutting to close to their protectors, it was now known that the Jews were to blame for the Black Death.

Jews have intermarried with local Chinese sufficiently to be indistinguishable in appearance from their non-Jewish neighbours just like the Jews that occupy Europe. Indeed the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 1921, a Jewish ideology invented by the Jew Karl Marx the Grandson of a long line of Rabbis, and its formidable rise is testament to their concealment and manipulation. It is also vital to note that according to the Jewish Press “85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish” including Louisa Sachs (Goldman) the daughter of the Jew Marcus Goldman founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs. Just like in the Russian Empire for over a decade prior to Communist seizure thousands of Communist Jews had been subverting the political landscape having been smuggled in under the guise of victimhood, by Ho Feng-Shan to secure a Communist victory. In fact China’s most renowned export is the so called martial arts icon Bruce Lee; elevated to almost mythic status the Jewish Press has proclaimed his Jewish heritage. Of course this is not unique, the Jews have always had us worship them, if not through Christianity then through their Hollywood machine with the likes of Chaplin, Fairbanks, Cary Grant, Douglas, Stallone, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Bacall, Goldie Hawn and Scarlett Johansson. Even the goyim convert to be successful Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe; or are elevated because of a perverted lifestyle (homosexuality) Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Rock Hudson, Dirk Bogarde, Brando, James Dean, Jodie Foster to name but a few. The apparently ‘gullible, naive and trusting Chinese’ have allowed the Jew sanctuary while the tribe has been in the process of seizing control of the Caucasoid infrastructure: “governments, media, education and entertainment” and using it to implement their destructive narrative. Meanwhile, just as Scott Robert has pointed out sugar coated and right under our noses, European jobs and industry are outsourced to the Far East.

Although the nefarious Jewish element has been scheming amongst us for millennia following the Jewish seizure of Europe in 1945 the Jew has spent the last 70 years accelerating his agenda. Now at the point of contrived crisis they appeal to the atomised to pull together knowing the impossibility, laughing and rubbing their hands at their achievement. Even alerts from the Jewish Prime Minister of Britain, asserting that now is the time to pull together while appealing to the public to stay 2 meters apart, are an absurd oxymoron only attesting to his Chutzpah. Coincidentally, between 1975 and 1977 the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) predictively programmed a fiction drama series called Survivors. It concerns the plight of a group of people who have survived an apocalyptic plague pandemic, which was accidentally released by a Chinese scientist and quickly spread across the world via trade roots. Given the extreme circumstance in which the characters find themselves the script is far from fanciful (Hollywood nonsense) and well worth a watch. The result of a Jewish think tank and puts an end to the absurd claims of the Alt-Right that the media acts independently. Indeed the enemy has created the ideal environment (multiculturalism, immigration) in order to spread disease yet political correctness (Cultural Marxism) prevents the public from pointing the finger at this course if indeed it is a disease. Clearly trust fails when one knows those in authority are Jewish. Indeed we are lead to believe that this virus originated in China and spread to other hot lands. Yet the Jewish Prime Minister of Britain Boris Johnson, a minority exerting his interests for the majority, insults our intelligence by informing the populous that come the summer the virus will slow down. This site certainly fails to see the logic. Jewish manipulation works wonders just like the ‘fleas on rats’ blamed for the 14th century plague that could not survive in the much cooler northern climate but served as an ideal distraction for the tribes criminal act. Interestingly, whilst Europe was in recovery from a devastating world war brutalising a generation in its prime the 1918/19 flu epidemic hit. Killing between 50 million and 100 million people, it was mysteriously misnamed the Spanish flu even though it was known it arrived from a military base in Jewish occupied America.

Anonymous #moonbat #racist #sexist literotica.com

(NOTE: For context, this is a comment in reaction to a NonConsent-themed erotic story about a Latina police detective “blessed” with certain abnormally-large body parts, who is blackmailed by a mafia member/police informer to “massage” a certain body part of his with said body parts of hers in front of a policeman heavily implied to be her romantic partner, in exchange for extremely valuable information)


Just wow.

Every single time I think white, male Americans can't possibly sink any lower, you guys do it anyway.

"who doesn't love big caramel latina tits?"

Fucking really? That is your explanation for why, in this day and age, in this political climate, with the situation in your country being what it is, with THAT situation at the border, you dared to write a fetishizing, exoticizing, exploitative, racist, sexist bunch of crap like this?

Let me guess, I can look forward to seeing you and the inbreds who favourited this pile of crap on the nearest Trump/"Straight pride" rallies, can I?

Like, I understand it, this is simply your primitive, primal, primate instincts as a male of the dominant group working as they should. After exploiting their men, throwing them in prisons for no reason and deporting them, after throwing their children into concentration camps to be abused and raped, of course you sick fucks would continue by fetishizing their women.

I understand it. It still makes me sick.

Such a shame though, you seem like a decent writer, but the world would be a better place without people like you. Waste of talent tbh.

J Sav #wingnut #racist youtube.com

RE: Democrats Virtue Signal BACKFIRES, They Accidentally Wear Slave Trader Garments

I lived in Accra Ghana for 10 years! They literally don’t understand the whole racism thing in America, because they are well aware that they sold their own people, there was a historic slave castle in Accra right on the water, there was a beautiful restaurant right next to it, we’d eat there all the time, and my local Ghanaian friends gave me very extensive history lessons, and they are still ashamed of their history, they don’t blame Europeans they blame themselves!!!!

Ghana is a lovely place. Sure, it's backwards by western standards, especially in the north, but the people are friendly towards outsiders and I never experienced any crime or racism.

neither did I, the Ghanaian people are amazing, and they don’t hate White people due to indoctrination, they truly don’t, ive only been as far north as kumasi and that’s basically not even central, the north is where they got me aardvarks to export, a shitty west African country is Togo, never liked going there, people were very rude, Benin as well not so great, nothing like Ghana, it truly stands out in west Africa! Labadi beach was beautiful, koala super maker in osu was another thing that made you feel at home! If shit ever completely turns to shit in the US I’m going to Ghana, I never once felt unsafe and I knew Accra so well like my childhood hometown!

They are ashamed for there history but white Americans did terrible things to black people for centuries. Do try and water it down man. Thats how things go south.

yep and Muslim countries are still doing it! And so are African countries, and China has concentration camps, white countries saw the error of their ways and fixed it! If America is so racist, and white countries are sooooooo racist, why do brown people put everything on the line to get here🤔 you know where I’d never actually go??? South Africa because they are racist against White people!!!

Tucker Carlson #racist mediamatters.org

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): It's a children's show. Got that, Bobby? America is a very bad place and it's your fault. So, no matter what happens, no matter what they do to you when you grow up, you have no right to complain. That's the message and it starts very young.

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