
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Halp )

( @MANNY7777 )

There is no much you can do when you exclude whites
jewish supremacy at its best
It’s the JEWS

You wanted a reset
Try to ENJOY it

( @AntiSatanic )


( @blondbraids )
@Halp The brits are done. Imagine: these are the so-called victors of WWII. They would have been in an unimaginably better shape if they had accepted Hitler's repeated offerings for peace. The jews and their diversity have wrecked England for ever.
But ask any white Englishman and he will say that Churchill was a hero and Hitler the biggest villain ever. 🙄🙄 Yeah right. With heroes like jew-ridden Churchill, who needs enemies?

( @PizzaJohns )
@Halp Common sense says that if you appoint foreigners to run your government, they will loot the country from the inside out. Just like what happens in America every day, due to Israelis running our government. No one who isn't the race that a nation is named after should be allowed to be in the government of said nation. England should only be run by the English. America should only be run by Americans. Otherwise your nation is a weakness, being run by foreigners, not a strength.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
"Exposing Jewish power in American institutions is anti-Semitic. You're not allowed to do it."

One can only wonder why Jews, who have the power in media and government to cancel you for talking about them, want to stop you from talking about them...

( @oharaldb )
@Nature_and_Race I really wonder what jews get registered as in affirmative action in universities? We keep being told there are so many jews in universities because of their high IQ, but if they are not "white people", so get easier in, then it is not IQ, is it?

( @GenesRus )
@oharaldb @Nature_and_Race Here in CA the race based admissions criteria were prohibited by law. But the work around was a percentage system that included family financial status and some other race proxies. And of course a letter of recommendation from UC staff would still carry significant weight. And there is over representation with the jew in staff, and I’ll bet in the admissions department…

(@genukem )
@oharaldb @Nature_and_Race It's not IQ. Faggotry perhaps. They're really not that smart. Not at all. But if you have the whole jew media talking about how smart jews are then you might get that impression. If they were intelligent in any fashion they would not be communist. Nor would they be getting themselves driven out of every thinking nation across the globe. Nobody wants to live near them much less with them. Of course you have to understand the whole semitic nature of the middle east. A lot of muslims are jews. Or rather hebrews. Just from different tribes. Plus a whole lot of jews aren't really jews or heebs, but are just more con-artist pretending to be God's chosen people. It can be quite lucrative.

( @DSWilliams702 )
@Nature_and_Race As long as they keep publishing articles and tweets and giving a platform for hosts using language that leads to White genocide we're going to keep talking about them.....and that bullshit about "Khazarian mafia" won't work.

( @Hillarysdouble )
@Nature_and_Race of course he’s a dumb faggot jew. Every single time especially if it rhymes with stein.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #racist brianniemeier.com

And you still get Christian parents who, even when informed of the outright Satanism rampant in schools, say “We’re sending our kids there to witness to their peers.”

Somehow they don’t see that’s like sending their kids to a remote island to evangelize primitive heathen cannibals alone.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Apolitical )
If jewish power weren’t real they wouldn’t

1. Fight tooth and nail to cancel anyone who talks about it.

2. Actually have the power to cancel anyone who talks about it.

( @NSSAP )
@Apolitical -- Indeed.

( @Psykostevo )
@Apolitical they rarely, if ever, deny they amass power to wield against the non-Jews. They just silence the spread of the word. How did 0.2% of the worlds population gain so much influence if it weren’t manipulated?

( @MANNY7777 )

It’s the JEWS

(@Vespasians_Sword )

3. Have power and influence over governments to get them to enforce and punish thought crimes.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @MorpheusMAGA )

spoilerLeftism is a religion of self-loathing.
It teaches white people to hate their
race, boys to hate their sex, women
to hate their femininity, Americans to
hate their country, westerners to hate
their history. What a contemptible,
toxic thing it is.

( @Weber_Kettle )
@MorpheusMAGA You misspelt Judaism.

( @SThury )
@MorpheusMAGA As long as one understands, Leftism = jews.
That's what you mean, right Matt?

( @LouManotti )
@MorpheusMAGA leftism is just low-tier judaism for unwashed golems.

(@LilyLove )
@MorpheusMAGA it's not leftism, it's cultural marxism

( @VonGustav )
@MorpheusMAGA Looks like matt walsh is firmly in the jew protection racket.

(@Kursi90 )
It doesn't teach MoIoch-worshiping J€ws to hate their religion. Why? Because MoIoch-worshiping J€ws created leftism.

( @JosephChristian33 )
@Kursi90 @MorpheusMAGA
True. 🇮🇱Karl Marx the father of ruthless, subversive Communism, was the grandson of 🇮🇱Talmud Rabbi, Levi Mordecai.

( @RWIS )
@MorpheusMAGA "leftism" is really judeo-cultural marxism brought to America and other European nations by the jewish psychoanalysts from the Frankfurt School.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

We Americans now have a who-knows-how-fraudulently duly elected phony-baloney American government and lots of phony-baloney state and local governments. We are being educated by phony-baloney academics and teachers. We are being illegally "regulated" by unconstitutional phony-baloney bureaucrats, paid by us and protected by unconstitutionally existing gigantic super-expensive phony-baloney bureaucracies. We are being "herded" by phony-baloney corporatist, (i.e., Fascist) powers, crony capitalists, oligarchs and plutocrats.
So now, shortly after we all learn that Kamala Harris, our oh so racially and misogynistically hated, downtrodden, disenfranchised, discriminated-against and under-privileged Vice President of the USA, actually is,

1) a descendant of Caribean slave driving plantation owners, and,
2) not even an African-American,
It turns out that being a phony-baloney oh so racially and misogynistically hated, downtrodden, disenfranchised, discriminated-against and under-privileged person in America, whether here legally or illegally, is now a job-requirement let alone a resume-enhancement, along with being any kind of sexual deviate or pervert, for all of the upper ranks of academia, corporate America and American politics.

The sole reason Karine Jean-Pierre was selected to be the Presidential Press Secretary is that she is an oh so racially and misogynistically hated, downtrodden, disenfranchised, and under-privileged black female homosexual.
Go down the list. The whole sole reason Pete Buttigieg is our totally incompetent secretary of transportation is that he is a sodomite, who, along with her husband, had to take maternity leave for six months while the world's supply chain was in crisis, because she had to nurse her new twin girls, who are now being raised by a couple of sick, twisted sodomite perverts who wouldn't be allowed to be around any children at all, if America were still a decent nation, which it is not.

Corey Daniels #racist #wingnut #conspiracy newamericangovernment.org

As part of the Sabbatean movement under Frank, Frank (or was it Weishaupt) told his people to go to Germany and establish factories and make big money and his follower became involved in the Masonic movement in Poland according to the Judaic Encyclopedia. they were openly Frankest in their practice. Seed money for Warburg and Rothschild started in the 14th century.

Jacob Frank told Adam Weishaupt to found the Bavarian Illuminati. Rothschilds were already established in power and wealth at this time. Weishaupt was financed by the Rothschilds to form the Illuminati but the instructions came from Frank.

The Rothschilds started in trade finance going all the way back to the earlier days of settlements in Khazaria. They were money lenders to finance business.. Christians and Muslims didn’t lend money for interest but the Jews did. Rothschild’s also made a fortune on the Battle of Waterloo in the stock market via a lie.
1660’s Sabbatai Zevi declared he was the messiah of the Jews. More than half the Jews of the world believed he was messiah… Sabbatai Zevi ordered the Jews to blaspheme the Torah. That’s putting it mildly… he decided that debauchery is theology and that every word of the Torah is true in the opposite sense. That means 613 (whats that?) are sins. .. And all the sins became?…. example: Do not kill means to kill. Do not adulterer became do adulterer. This was the beginning of wife swapping. Extinguishing all the lights holiday (Purim) and by his order Jews swapped wives all over the world, this is not a local phenomena, and all th books say the same thing. He gained prominence from Iran to Mexico. He declared himself messiah on June 18, 1666. (June is 6th month… 18 is 3 x 6 and then the year is 666 = satanic) Numerology has always been important to those who study Kabbalah. This date would provide for Christian backers.

MK Zvika Fogel #racist #wingnut #psycho timesofisrael.com

On the morning after a deadly and unprecedented rampage by settlers who torched dozens of Palestinian vehicles as well as several homes in retaliation for a deadly Palestinian terror attack, a member of the coalition gave the rioters his complete backing[…]
The Palestinian Red Crescent medical service said two other people were shot and wounded, a third person was stabbed and a fourth was beaten with an iron bar

But in a media blitz Monday morning, coalition MK Zvika Fogel of the extreme-right Otzma Yehudit party — the chairman of the Knesset’s National Security Committee — was unequivocal in his backing for the rioters and his denunciation of the government his party leader Itamar Ben Gvir is a member of

“I want to restore security for the residents of the State of Israel,” Fogel told Galey Israel Radio. “How do we do that? We stop using the word ‘proportionality.’ We stop with our objection to collective punishment [just] because it doesn’t fly with all sorts of courts. We take the gloves off

“Yesterday, a terrorist came from Huwara. A closed, burnt Huwara — that’s what I want to see. That’s the only way to achieve deterrence. After a murder like yesterday’s, we need burning villages when the IDF doesn’t act”

He lambasted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, saying he was ashamed that a coalition he is a part of was “stuttering” in its response to Palestinian terror

In a separate interview with Army Radio, Fogel said he viewed the result of Sunday night’s rampage with “much favor,” adding: “They have understood in Huwara that there is a balance of terror that the IDF doesn’t manage to achieve”

In both interviews, Fogel claimed the settler riots had achieved deterrence against Palestinian terrorism the likes of which nothing has achieved since Operation Protective Shield in 2002, a major IDF operation in the West Bank that helped quell the Second Intifada

Fogel later tweeted that his comments had been “distorted”

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
Now do 'White people.'


That's not how this works?


( @departmentofbased )
@KeepNHGranite The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

( @sometimescanbefunny )


By: Noseman (((Klein)))

(@WeimarSocietyMatters )
@sometimescanbefunny @KeepNHGranite I’ve noticed virtually anytime someone makes their life about being an anti white they’re Jewish and anytime they go hard defending even the slightest Jewish inconsistency they’re also Jewish

(@OldCalGamer )
@KeepNHGranite In other words stop telling our secrets

(@Gravewalkers )
Jew - "Why do you hate me?"

Human - "You said my life does not matter. That was you behind that - MY LIFE! does not matter, so therefore my liberty does not matter and my happiness does not matter. You are a Satanic racist, pedophile, swindler, pornographer, degenerate, embezzling, thief."

Jew - "I made it the law you have to love me. You are goyim. Ba'al god of the jews said you are cattle food for us to rob, rape, and enslave, and sacrifice your babies, and yes even eat your babies. We jews used our 87 IQ, the highest on Earth, to outsmart you so you do not know any of this about us. You love and obey us."

Human - "Israel is ranked 43rd in the world in IQ, and your apartheid prevented anyone else taking the PISA test with you, and you took it in Hebrew. Jews are dumber than fuck. You do not HAVE the Jedi mind trick; you only think you do, like you think you are smart and beautiful and talented as every movie and show you make is hated by all. We hate you because you SHOULD be hated. You are our worst enemies and OPENLY plot our genocide. You OPENLY laugh and celebrate when we are harmed by your nigger troops or drugs or the destruction of the nations we built and you only parasite in."

Jew - "Yeah, but we made it the law that you love us, so you have to do that. We are the persecuted victims. Jews all starve and are homeless and suffer more racism than anyone. So.. obey us immediately or we will use our total control to take everything from you."

Human - "Let's gas these kikes."

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Germany: Top Politician Demands Someone Stop Fat, Ugly Woman Attempting to Provoke WWIII"]

There are two things that really get women hot: black guys and mass death

Annalena Baerbock is like “I came here to start a nuclear war and fuck black guys – and I already fucked all the black guys in Der Nigger Town”

She then raided the cookie stash and ate a whole jar of cookies before crying and passing out drunk

What a creepy-ass cracker


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz must “stop” Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock before she becomes a “security risk” and pushes Berlin towards a conflict with Moscow with her “thoughtless statements,” Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Soeder said on Wednesday during a German political festival[…]
Soeder referred in particular to when Baerbock told the European Council in January that the EU was “fighting a war against Russia,” words that sparked uproar at the time. In mid-February, Baerbock herself conceded that the remark was a mistake

You people think I’m joking about war getting these sluts hot

I’m not joking in any way at all

I might say it in a silly way, to highlight the silliness of the thing, but it is just a fact: women are turned on by the idea of mass war. Go look at the supporters of this insane Ukraine war, which literally has no point that a man could ever process as being logical or reasonable. It is just all women going nuts, saying they want to have sex with Zelensky, and calling for a land invasion of Russia

Women as a group are a security risk

Jews couldn’t find men to support this insane Jew agenda, so they released the sluts as a standing army suppressing and oppressing men

They need to be locked up in cages

They are making a complete mess of everything that men spent millennia building and they think it’s funny

@StonehillBirch #racist gettr.com

#Whites in America would be wise to remember that the United States was originally conceived, created, and codified by #WhitePeople for ours and our posterity.



#AmericanHistory #AmericaFirst #14words #TheGreatReplacement #ReplacementMigration #WhiteGenocide

#Whites would be wise to endeavor to now get #WhitePeople legally established as a Protected Class within the United States. That way, legal and societal protections could be afforded, and turnabout lawfare could be used upon the non-White anti-Whites, as needed.



#IOTBW #14Words #lawfare

@Ghoste224Laurie #racist gettr.com

You Don't have to like it and I don't have to care. I've lived long enough to see Americans left in Afghanistan with our enemies the Taliban. White Americans have been set up and murdered by the government. We are now labeled as domestic terrorists just by being White in America.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
Our southern border, left wide open by the Biden Regime, is being flooded by an historic wave of deadly fentanyl which is killing Americans, Arizonans, and my constituents.

Hundreds of thousands of people have died because of this negligence.


( @Stu060381 )
@DrPaulGosar Get the Pedophiles, Terrorists, Sexual Deviants and the Communists that committed a blatant Election Coup Out of the White House !

( @Ben_Dare )
@DrPaulGosar The GOP is the party of surrender fags, and always has been.

( @giddyupgo )
@DrPaulGosar Rumour. Biden or the Deep State wamt to allow in the US one hundred million illegal aliens to transform the makeup of the country.

( @jg437 )
@DrPaulGosar ALL immigration and work visas should be ended until the US citizen unemployment rate falls below 1%! Importing cheap labor is a disservice to the average US citizen worker.

All illegal immigrants should be deported (after execution for those guilty of capital crimes).

#EndImmigration #EndWorkVisas #AmericaFirst #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll

( @SmallBusinessBarn )
@jg437 @DrPaulGosar the reason our big fat butt jerk companies cannot find people to work for them is because they force them into retarded woke claptrap by hate whitey and go faggotry. They are teaching anti-christian hate, discriminating against white people which makes us feel real unfriendly towards the brown ones especially because they attack Us in the street, and pro Satanist BS we are either all equal under the law or we are not. America does not wish to become one with Canada and freaking Mexico and we do not need any more arrogant give me that brown people who sit their ass on welfare their whole lives here. Blacks have Africa, Mexicans have Mexico, Japanese have japan, Chinese have China and this used to be a white nation and we damn well deserve to keep it that way this is not enriching Us in any way become a third world poop hole thanks a lot.

Jim Willie/Alexandra Bruce #wingnut #racist #conspiracy forbiddenknowledgetv.net

"The enemies of humanity have relied on being hidden from the rabble in order to maintain and exert their power over them. Sean from the SGT Report says that with the increased awareness of their identities, they appear to be unleashing chaos operations worldwide and are going “all-in” in their crusade to extinguish a large portion of the human race.

Jim Willie responds, “It’s not quite as bleak and negative. I try to be balanced. I realize that the upper levels of control rooms are all under the powers of the World Economic Forum, of the Rothschild central banks, of many different groups; the Langley narco groups, of the Gates Foundation.
“I don’t believe the United Nations will be around much longer. I don’t believe the Davos World Economic Forum will be around much longer. I don’t believe their puppet leaders in Western Europe and Canada will be around much longer.

“And I’ve been saying this, Sean for the last 6-8 months: Ukraine is their last stand. When it falls, their entire network of upper-level command is dismantled, destroyed and wrecked."
“What you don’t see is what I believe is the higher-level military, Sean and it’s something that it’s extremely difficult to get much information on. I do the best, I don’t get very far but I get bits and pieces – it’s the Space Force. And the Trump element of the US Military is part of the Space Force. And so are the Russians.

“What you have now – right now, here and now – is that the Trump element of the US Military is fighting hand-in-hand with the Russians, supplying satellite information, GPS information Starlink sharing, logistics. And a lot of the battles are going on underground.

“There’s a battle going on at the Maine and Vermont border with Canada. There’s a battle going on underground. I don’t want to get in too deeply to that whole issue, ’cause it’s just loaded with information, loaded with controversy. The Russians are the visible side to the Space Force trying to exterminate the Khazarians.”

speculareffect #racist #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #conspiracy specular-effect.com

There are some people out there who will tell you that some manlet, faggot vegan with a funny-looking mustache was the epitome of evil. Yet, when you really evaluate the behaviors and actions of all these people who make up and occupy governments around the world, you start seeing the world in a different light. The truth is a lot simpler than you think it is.

They are all evil!

Try explaining this to your normie friends and family members. NPCs are just out of touch and will never be in touch.
I told you dumb asses to get off of social media. I also told you that Israel is going to become the next world super power, replacing America, having Russia and China as protectorate states, in The New Jerusalem—Ukraine.

Jews are creating an alternative reality on the web where they drive and control the political optics of many nations; steering your minds to follow their agendas, smothering dissident voices in the interim. Yet, you dumb asses are still on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, 4chan, and YouTube. Sitting around with your thumb up your asses, believing that you own an email address.

I’m sorry, you stupid moron, but you do not own an email, neither is the cloud account yours. You are literally storing personal data on someone else’s computer.
Why are communists almost always ectomorph losers? These are the kinds of sissies who we would beat up back in the good ole days, because they were always tattling.

Give me a fucking break. Remember who this little bitch is. Trudeau forced the vaccine mandates, forced many people out of work, which led to them to losing their homes and other properties. Yes, many are now homeless and he continues to gaslight Canadians with the next “happening” and the people cheer like seals.

Yes, women and their faggot cohorts. They are why Communism is possible, for it is a feminine construct, as I’ve explained before.

Turdeau? Well, he’s just another estrogen infused puppet, yelling at hecklers and those who criticize him.

National Socialist Movement #racist nsm88.org

It becomes painfully obvious that Black people are a unique sub-species, one which is rife with harmful or detrimental characteristics, most of which are best suited only for survival in Africa. Blacks clearly are not suited for living in modern civilizations. Not every Black person exhibits all of these negative traits, but all Black people will exhibit some.

Empathy, meaning the recognition and understanding of the state of mind of others, including their beliefs, desires and particularly emotions, seems absent in Black people. This is often characterized as their inability to "put themselves into another person's shoes" or to see the harm or pain that they are causing to others. Black children seem to have particular difficulties with tasks requiring the ability to understand another person's thoughts, because Blacks have difficulty in accurately interpreting the intentions of others. Blacks see every motivation of White people the same as they see their own, as evil. This explains why Whites, no matter how kind or considerate we may be toward Blacks, our motives are always seen as racist and our actions as intolerant bigotry.


State mandated segregation appears to be the only workable solution to this unfortunate and unworkable paradigm, that we now find ourselves in. The only political party which could ever secure such legislation, would be a Nazi party.

Patrick McDonald #conspiracy #racist #wingnut msn.com

A year ago, I was called a "Putin Lover" for asking what our end game in Ukraine is. I still do not know that answer other than to spend 200Billion US Taxpayer dollars and for what reason. Nuclear War or surrender to CHINA / Russia. The SANCTIONS were going to do the trick, but RUSSIA GDP is the best everywhere in RUSSIA than ever. We have US total Government collapse and failing economy. No FEMA for OHIO and war mongers on NBC chanting the war mantra. Last year Zelensky (the Jew) had peace deal with Putin but the holocaust deniers threatened to hang him from a tree and BIDEN was weak. This is turning ugly,

@LoyalRepublican #racist gettr.com

Why doesn’t main stream news cover the stories of the surviving victims of the Waukesha Christmas massacre by black man? Why doesn’t Joe Biden pay a visit to the hospitals of the remaining WHITE victims who will never have a normal life again? Oh wait, WHITE lives don’t matter to Biden and his administration. It doesn’t fit the narrative. It only matters when a white person kills a black person! And the fact that the weapon of choice was a vehicle, it doesn’t fit Biden‘s “gun grabbing” narrative! #WhiteLivesMatter #BidenIsNotMyPresident


Various Incels #racist incels.is

RE: “Muh Europe is White”


jfl at cumskins seething



real white genocide is in America the spics are relentless at replace whites

slavs will need to invade western europe but they're too busy killing themselevs and each other

Slavs are the niggers of Europe

(Uggo Mongo)


You're the discount made in Bangladesh version of Sneir. So even obnoxious spazzes are inferior if they're brown

Many browns are impregnating 13 y.o German jbs so your clearly inferior

Most of this forum is brown half-wits like yourself though. So clearly you're not doing that since you're also posting here, also my comment was about poasting quality you 82 IQ radioactive slimetard.

All ur postings are low iq shit and half of this forum are inferior whites

your posts are just regurgitated gobbledygook from an 82 IQ perspective, you literally just regurgitated the post you quoted. you're a dime a dozen inbred retard. good point about an English language forum where the vast majority live in the west being 50% white, mohammad.

Keep coping bro while mohammeds and tyrones are breeding your women.

yet "jbw" is the prevalent ideology of the browns of this forum. Not just Chads or even Brads, but according to your inbred compatriots even Eugene and Melvin score easily with your brown women. Well either way, if it's so easy for inbred retards like yourself to get white women why are you here posting with me?

Epic race war ITT tbh.

And a lot of the whites here are slavs. All the white children are slavs. Germans die out.

Pretty based as far as I’m concerned, ngl.

I love how british cucks hate and treat like shit EE polish and other white nationalities that look exactly like them but they let arab terrorists ,hindu dindu cow worshippers and black gorillas rape their women.

Same here.

Retardinator & subhuman #elitist #racist incels.is

There's no german kids in germany anymore

I very rarely see young german kids anymore. Like 90% of all kids I see are ethnics. Turks, arabs, nigs, currys and whatever else.
And the rare time I see a white kid, it's a slav.

Just now in the Bus I saw a blonde and blue eyed girl that's probably around 8 or 9. I saw her with her blonde mother. So I thought "maybe it's not completely fucked". Then they started speaking russian.

Germans are an endangered species. The krauts themselves don't even care. Most young german foids in my class complain about racism and muh white privilige and vote for the greens. And most males are cucks too.

If you visit any large german city, you would not even know which country you are in. Full of ethnics and degenerates. And not even german flags. I never see those anywhere.

Just pride flags and ukranian flags

Good. Fuck Germans. Let them die out and get replaced with literal human garbage

Germans were at least better then anglos, french and slavs

Hitler himself admitted all the good Germans died in southern Russia. What’s left is the dregs of their gene pool and the rapebabies of all sorts of genetic trash from the Soviet Union. It was over 80 years ago. This is the inevitable consequence. Should’ve just given Germany to Poland tbh


Aren't you ethnic yourself?

Only half. And I'm white and have a german name.

I fucking hate my ethnic side fully

Kais Saied #conspiracy #racist #wingnut news.yahoo.com

Tunisian president says migration to Tunisia aimed at changing demography

Tunisia's President Kais Saied denounced undocumented sub-Saharan African immigration to his country on Tuesday, saying in comments criticised by rights groups that it was aimed at changing Tunisia's demographic make-up.

Speaking in a meeting with the National Security Council in comments the presidency later published online, Saied said the influx of irregular migrants to Tunisia must quickly be ended.

"The undeclared goal of the successive waves of illegal immigration is to consider Tunisia a purely African country that has no affiliation to the Arab and Islamic nations," he said.

Tunisian rights group, which had this week already condemned what they call hate speech directed at African migrants, said Saied's comments were racist.

"It is a racist approach just like the campaigns in Europe... the presidential campaign aims to create an imaginary enemy for Tunisians to distract them from their basic problems," said Ramadan Ben Amor, spokesperson for the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights.

Tunisian authorities have this month cracked down on migrants, detaining dozens of them.

Saied said in his comments that parties, whom he did not name, had over the past decade settled African migrants in Tunisia in return for money.

Black Tunisians have a long history in the country, making up 10% to 15% of the population, and rights groups have said the country has not done enough to address racism.

The president is engaged in an escalating confrontation with critics who accuse him of a coup for shutting down parliament and seizing most powers in 2021, and police have this month detained many leading opposition figures.

Saied has said his actions were legal and necessary to save Tunisia from chaos.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #fundie #racist #wingnut #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@cinefeminism - We already know Jews murder prophets and wallets, but babies too?"]


spoiler@RavBogard: "This 6-3 Court seems to almost exclusively prioritize 'religious liberty'. And so I want to be clear: laws that prevent Jewish trans kids from transitioning are a violation of their 1st Amendment rights, and an imposition of governmental Christianity on me and my family

@cinefeminism: "Absolutely. Same goes for their (Christians) views on abortion"

Fake Rabbi Dan Bogard pretends to be religious in order to push his far-left agenda (and keep him and his wife in the nws)

Nicole Morse is a mentally ill chick who thinks that "Thou Shalt Not Murder" is a New Testament creation

Together, they (falsely) make Judaism a religion deserving of being permanently wiped off the map

@dermotmulqueen #racist #wingnut gettr.com

Proof that the #HolocaustReligion is the number 1 Religion in Europe is that the #HostileElite politicians working for the #JewWorldOrder have introduced #HolocaustDenial Laws in over 20 European countries and the other countries have implemented #HateSpeech laws - so you’re prosecuted and jailed if you question #HoloHoax, or mention the 77 Senior Jewish Officers and 150,000 Jewish troops in the #Wehrmacht during WW2.





The #CauseOfEurope

The #KikeIsACockroach






various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

"White Supremacist" vs "White Nationalist" (WN)

White Nationalist are normal people who want to have our country, just like every other race does.

You don't have to be a "Supremacists" to be a WN

North East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans) have:
higher average IQ
lower crime rate

So no, Whites aren't superiour to every other race.

I still prefer to live in a society with my fellow whites.

But I'd be stupid to say that "whites are superior to every other race"

@ChadleyDudebroughington @Nature_and_Race

@Buddy_Holly @Nature_and_Race
The immigration rates to White countries prove you wrong. The other races enjoy better quality of life from our charity, than their own toil.

They know it, and so do we.

The time for polite dialogue has passed.
It's time to send their inferior, unevolved asses back to the 3rd world shitholes whence they came.

@Buddy_Holly @ChadleyDudebroughington @Nature_and_Race The White race is the perfect mix of intelligence, strength, and creativity. You're just pointing out that Asians are slightly smarter on average and saying THEY WIN. You're a retard trying to be anti-racist. When whites had their own country to themselves they far surpassed others. Nazi Germany just gave us a glimpse of what we would be.

@Buddy_Holly @ChadleyDudebroughington @Nature_and_Race if white culture isn’t superior, then why are they trying to destroy and flood our countries, globally, with other races? Their actions prove our stance. And the only reason they feel they have to destroy us, is because they know we are the only race that can give everyone the freedom to live life like they want to! These fucks over here bitching about systemic racism would still be chasing zebras, if left to their own. Whites are the best thing that’s ever happened to other races and if they keep fucking around, they’re going to learn how hard life is outside of white culture. Nothing but sand and walking miles for dirty water. And maybe food tonight. If we aren’t superior as a race, why do they hate us cause they ain’t us? Cry racism, while enjoying air conditioning. Vehicles. Flying. Clean water. Plumbing, indoors. […]

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Daily reminder,

If "White supremacy" actually existed, you wouldn't be allowed to question or criticize it.

But look around you, "White supremacy", and White people in general, are attacked on at every level of society - in schools and universities, in movies and TV shows, all across the spectrum of social media, in the military, in government, and in the job market.

@Nature_and_Race Indeed. Questioning "jewish supremacy" is another matter. Unless you are anonymous, you will be cancelled and have your bank account shut-down immediately.

@Nature_and_Race I instinctively understand my family and I are orders of magnitude safer in a "racist" society. my feelings on non whites don't factor in. statement of fact. as a matter of survival and being able to thrive, I prefer a "racist" society, it is safer for ALL ethnicities. the overabundance created in a free white society would inevitably overflow to non-white communities.

@Nature_and_Race There’s either White supremacy, White inferiority or human equality. It was never a reference to institutional power, but nonwhite fears of biological reality and amassing the numbers needed to crush it.

@Nature_and_Race we all know what group you can't attack, they have gaurd dogs to atack you with lies called the ADL and they have two names for you, antisemite and goyim

@Nature_and_Race Its just a matter of understanding what their terms mean. 'White supremacy' and 'white privilege' mean living in a society created by white people for white people in a majority white country. 'White supremacy' is a demographic white majority. 'White privilege' is what immigrants get when they come here without being us. In other words we open our arms, our wallets, our cultures to them and in return they are trying to replace us, despite the fact that they have their own countries. None of this could happen without Jewish supremacy and Jewish privilege which is a form of neo colonialism. WE must smash Jewish power.

White supremacy does exist as a biological fact.
White supremacy does NOT exist as an institutional social construct.

www.Atajew.com #racist #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy atajew.com

The Donmeh (the secret Jews of Turkey) movement is an important phenomenon which occurred during the late centuries of the Ottoman Empire. Nevertheless, this important phenomenon of the Ottoman history is never taught in Turkish schools, and never allowed to be mentioned in media. Never ever... Not even a single word!
Why is the Donmeh (doenmeh derives from the Turkish word 'donme') movement unworthy to teach Turkish school children? Why is it simply ignored?

The answer is obvious: The Donmehs took over the Ottoman Empire, disintegrated it, and then established a new regime called Turkish Republic. The leader of the new regime, Mustafa Kemal, was an ardent Donmeh (secret Jew). In order to conceal his Donmeh identity, he even adopted the last name of "Ataturk", which means "Father of Turks". And Turkey is still ruled and governed by these secret Jews today.
No one can understand how the regime in Turkey changed so much unless they thoroughly know what happened in the recent times, how and by whom the new regime called "Secular republic of Turkey" was founded. Who can dare to desecrate Islam, ban the Muslim dress code hijab which is a must for Muslim woman? Who are these people who glorify an enemy of Allah - Jewish kafir Mustafa Kemal, who was a stern dictator, Freemason and a British agent?
Some of those Jews followed the 17th century Jewish false messiah "Sabbatai Zwi" and became "Sabbatean Jews", in other words "Donmeh". One of the rituals these Jews observed was outwardly pretending to be Muslim (and then after 1923 only Turkish), but inwardly believing in Jewish faith and following Sabbatai Zwi as their messiah.
Note that, the so-called "Secular republic of Turkey" was one of the first states in the world who recognized the Zionist Israel. It's not hard to understand how this happened; the answer is simple.. The Jews founded two states: Zionist Israel and Jewish Republic of Turkey.

Steve Beckow/Matthew Ward #conspiracy #magick #ufo #wingnut #racist goldenageofgaia.com

The history of chemtrails is difficult to chart in that the deep state appears to have dialed back their resort to them and then increased them again and then dialed back….

So we’ll hear our sources say the chemtrails are gone and, then, some are appearing again but we’ve neutralized them and then they’re gone again, etc.

One explanation for that is that chemtrails are only one weapon in the deep state’s arsenal. Weather-warfare technology is another. Foreign aid, currency speculation, pandemics, climate change, derailments, GMO grains have all been used to extend control.

Each can be turned on or off in a globally-orchestrated manner to keep the public off-balance, responding to one crisis after another – deeply divided between vaxxed and unvaxxed, Democrat and Republican, climate change pro and con, and so on.

These are instruments that the deep state can resort to, almost as with an orchestra, to weaken us, poison us, and eliminate us. Because, useless eaters, that’s what the aim is: To eliminate all but 500 million of us by any available means.

Chemtrails are just one element of the plan.

Matthew Ward <a channeled ghost> in 2010 identified the Illuminati as being behind chemtrails: “The Illuminati … are the perpetrators of … chemtrails and other toxic pollution.” (2)
“In recent years they also have become known by other designations, such as the secret government, New World Order, dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the top figures in financial institutions, investment markets, multinational corporations, religions, education, media, military forces, judicial systems, entertainment, the medical ‘establishment,’ regulatory and advisory bodies, royal families, Zionists.”
Everything about the subject is a lot to handle – Satanism, adrenochrome, child sex trafficking, some things I don’t even feel ready or willing to mention.

Let me turn tomorrow to what the celestials and galactics (and Matthew!) have said about chemtrails over the last ten or so years.

@dermotmulqueen #racist #wingnut gettr.com

#France24 hold another #HoloHoax #JewishVictimhood propaganda interview with #CryptoKike Priest #PatrickDesbois but don’t allow any comments or corrections.

The mass graves that Patrick Desbois is referring to were of Ukrainians who were murdered by the Bolsheviks during #Holodomor to establish 4 #JewishAutonomousRegions in Ukraine by 1935, mentioned in the 1935 Jewish Yearbook.



#Justice4GermansDay #Loxism







spoilerWWII was essentially a war between two
competing ideologies: Nationalism vs. Jewish
internationalism/globalism. Adolf Hitler and
his allies fought to preserve the concept of
nationalism, not just for Germans but for all
peoples the world over. Nationalism really just
means the sovereignty of an ethnic people and
the right of such ethnic people/nationalists —
within their own bordered country — to self-


@dermotmulqueen #racist gettr.com

The film #TheGraduate was steeped in #EthnicRevenge and #KikeRevenge

The Jew defeating the hated Gentile Civilization #LoxistKikeRevenge

The #HoloHoax gave the Kikes underdog status and provided the dynamic to replace Gentile leading actors with Joos in Hollywood.

Jew as #Schlemiel and #Nebbish

#DustinHoffman #WoodyAllen
#HelpTheKikeGetTheLegOver Genre

The #InversionAgenda






various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Whites are second-class citizens.

Don’t believe me?

Try to access affirmative action.
Try to access minority hiring and promotion initiatives.
Try to apply for a federal minority business loan.
Try to access federal hate crimes charges.
Try to get someone cancelled for saying mean things about Whites.
Try to get someone fired for being racist against Whites.
Try getting either political party to even acknowledge you exist as anything other than a threat.
Try saying you’re proud to be White.

@Apolitical I was called a terrorist by a government official in the mainstream media for selling IOKTBW t-shirts

@VJMPublishing @Apolitical well maybe it should read it's better to be white

@VJMPublishing @Apolitical

@Apolitical this is exactly why I support white nationalists now

@Apolitical All True. 14th Amendment does not apply to WHITES.

@DietofWorms1521 @Apolitical more importantly the civil rights act which superceeds the constitution does not apply to White people

@Apolitical It makes perfect sense that the white minority would be criticized and even enslaved by the massive non - white majority.
Only 1/10th of the worlds population is non-Hispanic white..
The POC are almost all haters and in many cases are simply envious of what white people show the world they can do. White people created the world of wealth that most of them live in and they are embarrassed about it.
If white people were fish or owls they would be protected as an endangered species, but because of there successes that are hated by almost all POC.

Vincent James and Steven Franssen #racist #wingnut cozy.tv

[in response to Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy announcing their 2024 presidential bids]

Vincent James: We talk a lot about Blacks, we talk a lot about Jews, we talk a lot about gays, but the only time we talk about Asians is when we’re talking shit about Vince Dao trying to steal money from me. But now we’re going to have to talk about the Indians. We’ve got Vivek Ramaswamy, who is running for President, and he’s going to be going head-to-head with Nimarata Randhawa. This is OUR country, Steve. Thoughts?

Steven Franssen: This is OUR country, man. When you invite in the third world, you become the third world. A lot of opportunities here. “America, the land of opportunity.” A lot of profiteering, a lot of nepotism. I think the Indians are actually the most guilty of nepotism, so it’s really funny when they’re talking about merit. “Oh, merit this, merit that.” But if an Indian owns an apartment building, forget about it, dude. This is how these people operate. It’s kind of funny, the ideals vs. the reality on the ground. They’re very different.

Vincent James: Why don’t you leave running for president to Christian white people, Indians, and you guys just keep your freaking 7-Elevens? They’re coming out of the 7-Elevens, Steve! They’re coming out of the gas stations, and they’re running for office. What the hell are we going to do?

Akira Toriyama #racist reddit.com

—— MODERATOR’S NOTE: apparently, this quote is fake. ——

[Context:This is the creator of Dragon Ball defending himself after being criticized for the lack of black characters in the series.]

This is a Japanese franchise. Made by Japanese people, for Japanese people. It's not your show. It's ours.

The things people complain about continue to change over time, but Japan's racial demographics do not. They (black people) do not live here.

Scott Adams #racist thedailybeast.com

“If nearly half of all Blacks are not okay with white people—according to this poll, not according to me, according to this poll—that’s a hate group,” Adams proclaimed.


“I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from Black people,” the 65-year-old author exclaimed. “Just get the fuck away. Wherever you have to go, just get away. Because there’s no fixing this. This can’t be fixed.”

Reiterating that whites need to “escape,” Adams said that he had already done so by moving to an area “with a very low Black population.” He then cited Black CNN anchor Don Lemon to justify his assertion that there’s a “correlation” between a “mostly Black” neighborhood and “a bunch of problems he didn’t see” in majority-white areas.

“So I don’t think it makes any sense as a white citizen of America to try to help Black citizens anymore,” Adams huffed. “It doesn’t make sense. There’s no longer a rational impulse. So I’m going to back off on being helpful to Black America because it doesn’t seem like it pays off.”

@dermotmulqueen #wingnut #racist gettr.com

The motion for debate is:

‘European Girls who know about the Jews opening the #GatesOfToledo in 711 to the #MoorsInvasion, #Agobard confronting the Jewish Slave traders (selling Christian slaves to Muslims), the #HostileElite, #StSimonOfTrent, the Jewish role in the #BarbarySlaveTrade, #IsraelCohen’s racial plan, that Hitler’s racial survival policies were in response to the #KalergiPlan (which was the reason he wanted to move the Jews out of Europe), and that the Auschwitz Homicidal Gas chamber (shown to millions of Europeans since WW2 to convince them to accept Multi-Ethnic states) was built by the Communists after the War - are less likely to believe in the #HoloHoax and become Tyre-biters’





John DeNugent #racist #wingnut #homophobia #conspiracy johndenugent.com

Oktoberfest — something liked by many of the 50 million German-Americans
I was watching this video (in German) of a fun political meeting of the ascendant FPÖ party in German-speaking Austria, which is anti-migrant, anti-vaxx, and anti-lockdowns…. and it struck me how many of the modern Austrians, good people though they be, do not look even a little bit nordic any more….

FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl, although hardly blessed with movie-star good looks, hits the Establishment hard, in a popular and funny way. 🙂


I read this below the video:

677 views Feb 23, 2023
FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl lashed out against the government, [Green Party] Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen and the ORF [p.c. tv network] on Wednesday and received standing ovations in the Jahn high school in Ried im Innkreis.

I would like to speak frankly. When looking at this Kickl, whom I, of course, like very much for in essence, speech and action….it does remind me sadly how Germany — with its magnificent and once leading offshoot, Austria — has suffered THREE most horrendous, horrendous genetic losses over the centuries, real holocausts:

1) Thirty Years’ War

2) World War I

3) World War II

BUT there are also 50 million German Americans here in the American Midwest and West, and in Texas and Florida!

No catastrophic war or invasion has ever wiped out en masse people of German blood here in America.

A new movement of people of part-or wholly Germanblood power can arise here.

This crowd is fed up with the fact that Negroes and Jews, gays, Chinese and Mexicans are allowed to strut around and hold pride-parades while they have to remain silent about their origins, the largest and most blessed in the USA.

These Oktoberfests in the USA, beer bashes without any higher culture, are certainly nice, but are not enough!

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Neocons and the radical left are joining hands as they sleepwalk our nation into World War Three.

This madness must end for the sake of the entire world.

@DrPaulGosar It won't stop because Patriots being men of action rather than words no longer exists. We literally have all the power to stop these enemies from within, and we do nothing.

@DrPaulGosar I'm beginning to think WWIII might be their attempt at destroying the White race once and for all while securing more power for themselves.

@DrPaulGosar Neocons and the radical left have been joining hands for decades, most notably in sabotaging the Trump presidency 2016 and 2020 and sleepwalking our nation into the Obiden-Klaus-Soros Brave New World of which WWIII along with the compulsory Covid jab are just a few of the preconditions for a "Reset."

@DrPaulGosar Is there a difference between a neocon and a RINO?

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@Leenintome2 - Nobody associated tiny negresses with wholesome outdoor activities"]



Nope. Not for a second

That doesn’t mean it wasn’t occurring because of your own limited experience of the word as a slur. Once it’s known hard to think it doesn’t matter for organization and it’s ability to attract girls & their families
2:32PM·Nov 17, 2022

Last year, another organization tried very hard to have the stupidest overreaction ever to a random ugly nigger dying of COVID while a cop kneeled on his back: this time it was the Girl Guides of Canada, who removed the word "Brownie" because apparently one human being on earth heard that name and didn't only think of a bad sexual pun regarding baked goods[…]
In the real world, angry parents who sacrificed and volunteered for the organization (the few at least who hadn't already left in disgust after little boys in dresses were allowed to join) stormed out and refused to darken their door again[…]
Surprise surprise, the nonwhites aren't particularly interested in being part of the organization. Like in politics or in sports, groups might not want to chase away their loyal supporters to bring in new people who won't come anyways

So far the number of blacks and actual brownies who want to send their daughters in pursuit of Lares and Kelpie badges is completely unaffected by the name change. So until they start offering merit badges for violent assault or faking hate crimes, the number of niggers in the Girl Guides probably isn't going to be benefiting the change

Hey, wait....

#NigGirlGuides has quite the ring to it!

They should have gone with that

various commenters #wingnut #racist #quack gab.com

I'm glad that Trump and Kanye are talking, but here's the deal with Donald (a very good smart man in my experience): Kanye called the vaccine the Mark of the Beast and Kanye named the Nose. Kanye is somebody who needs to be supported, not reined in. Kanye is helping us when almost no one else is. That is power...for Kanye

@PatrickReports Zion Don shilled the vaccine. The Jews have owned since his bankruptcy’s in the 90s when they bailed him out in the billions of dollars

Trumps cabinet was filled with them. Including a Rothschild banking agent, Wilbur Ross

( @wanderingskeptic)
@BillyBravo. Bingo. And that is how long this vax / depopulation plan has been in the works. @PatrickReports

@PatrickReports It was the Mark of the Beast. Did you notice how access to work and other essential parts of your lives suddenly became conditional?

@PatrickReports Trump will never name the Jew, all his kids are married in

@PatrickReports I wonder how long Trump has been setting up to be the Messiah of Jews? The stage is set. He has been saying for a few years now that he could be the prime minister of Israel since 2019 at least.. and just 2 days ago he said it again.. he could fulfill the prophecy by bringing world peace when we are on the precipice of nuclear Armageddon Annihilation Holocaust

@PatrickReports He's a puppet that the jews knew people will salavate over. Even pro whites feel the need to have a super nigger.


Trump will NOT name the nose - ever! He has already made a couple of statements in that regard: one "we do not love Israel enough. We have to love it more." Two "all of my grandchildren are jewish."

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

people talk about how posting on gab isn't really doing anything.

All I can think of is people during wartime huddled by their radios hoping to hear something uplifting, or telling them what's really happening.

this is what we are doing here.

we are in war time, but it's a quiet war,

perpetrated by the jew, and we here on this shitty, malfunctioning website called gab,

are doing what we can for our people who are disconnected and banned from every other method of communication.

This isn't a fucking game. this isn't just some bullshit hobby or interest.

This. Is. War.

and we are in it.

@FreakSpeely Posting on Gab is like planting seeds and a really quick harvest.

- Day 1 - Someone posts some sort of new theory on Gab.
- Day 2 - Epoch investigates, finds real sources of that information.
- Day 3 - News goes mainstream on famous Gabbers posts
- Day 4 - News goes viral on Twitter and elsewhere.
- Day 5 - Mainstream media reports the news is false.
- Day 6 - Three letter agencies suppress news with you know who.
- Day 7 - Day of rest

Then it starts all over again.

@FreakSpeely The worse they make our living conditions, the more the European man notices. A multinational total rejection of judeo-marxism is underway.

@FreakSpeely Name the jew Blame the jew Expose the jew Expel the jew

My Dad taught me some truth about Hitler but he was limited on information. He told me "if those kikes were gassed we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now. He grew up in the 50s-60s.

@FreakSpeely when I came here i knew nothing of Holodomor or the faked holocaust. I didn't know Jews were a bunch of faggots who worship a hermaphrodite god and molest kids. Y'all are opening eyes and doing the good work. Thank you for the wake up

Clif High #wingnut #conspiracy #racist clifhigh.substack.com

Do you see the sabotage? The train wrecks? The damage? The casualties? Soon it will be at YOUR DOOR! Can you open your eyes and WAKE before it is too late?

We, the People SEE. We, the People KNOW!

We see YOU. Your neighbors are OUR SPIES!

How do you think we know to tell you weeks, months, in advance of the manifestation of events that will ALTER your FUTURE?

The playbook of the Enemy of the People is KNOWN. They are incredibly stupid!

The PEOPLE had to be SHOWN what the Enemy would do! That is why your world makes NO sense to you! It was necessary that the People see, that they bear Witness to the Crimes of the Infiltrated and Captured Officialdom! The Biden Crime Family as well as ALL the Corrupt Congress Critters will be KNOWN to the People.

It was a giant STING and they fell for it!

The People of Washington are also going to Witness the exposure of corrupt officialdom as Crimes are laid bare. Prepare for it! Your co-worker’s crimes WILL be exposed. We know the timing, THEY do not! That’s why they are sweating, and nervous as a man walking the plank! They can feel our eyes on them. They can feel that tightening around their throat! They can feel their bowels about to empty from FEAR!

.The People are learning of the WAR now in the Homeland! USA is invaded! Two MILLION saboteurs have come across the southern border. WHOM SHALL THE PEOPLE BLAME after the foreign agents are disposed?

Your neighbors and co-workers spy for US, We the People.

Next time you get coffee or food from the cafeteria in the lower level, look at the cashier! Even if she is BLIND, she hears!
Who empties the trash from your
office? Do you think they just dump it? We are not as stupid as you are naive!

Why are YOU being told all this?!?

Because we are all very close to major changes in the nature of this 5GUW (5th generation unrestricted warfare).

Remember, in 5GUW, the PEOPLE control the timing of the WAR, not our enemies.

Legislator, be advised, WE, THE PEOPLE, SEE.

Be prepared. Resistance is Useless.

Ann Coulter #racist #fundie nbcnews.com

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter is under fire for a racist tirade against new Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley

In an appearance on the "The Mark Simone Show" podcast this week, Coulter made several xenophobic comments about Haley, the former governor of South Carolina who was born in the U.S. to Indian immigrant parents. "Why don't you go back to your own country?" Coulter said

Coulter, known for her racist and anti-immigrant stances, attacked India, as well

"Her candidacy did remind me that I need to immigrate to India so I can demand they start taking down parts of their history," she said. "What's with the worshipping of the cows? They're all starving over there. Did you know they have a rat temple, where they worship rats?"

Haley did not respond to a request for comment

Coulter also called Haley a "bimbo" and a "preposterous creature," criticizing her for having advocated removing the Confederate flag from the grounds of the South Carolina Statehouse in the wake of the 2015 shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston

"This is my country, lady," she said. "I'm not an American Indian, and I don't like them taking down all the monuments"

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Stop pretending invaders will magically share your political views and support what’s good for *your* nation.

They are not like you. They will never be like you
They are not from here. They’ll never be from here

They’re replacing your culture, your politics, your jobs, your heritage. Sympathy for your destroyers is suicide.


@ShitstainJackson @Trouble_Man

@Trouble_Man Indeed, niggers will never become "conservatives". They're not even human.

@Trouble_Man If these invaders were really as good as we are being told, then their birth country wouldn't be a 3rd world cesspool.

@Trouble_Man Who are the jews going to live parasitic off of when all the whites are gone? They didn't think this through.

@Trouble_Man The same thing happens when a damnocrat from up north moves south, they like it so much they cannot change it fast enough.

@Trouble_Man These invaders want you to learn their language and culture. They come here and bring there disease and backwards culture with them.

@John_Madison @Trouble_Man yes, they are like locusts: they swarm in, grab what they can get, ruin everything by doing so and then the host country will end up a mess like the one they fled from…. 😞

@Trouble_Man But an ethnoreligious outsider told me that the tribes they wish to replace me with, are all "natural conservatives"! And they would never lie to me. If they were liars, they would have been kicked out of at least one country by now.

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #racist gab.com


destroying the
reproductive systems
of children that
Planned Parenthood
couldn't murder.


@bradnjones So Jew’s plan B for the white Christian genocide

@SpartansforTrump @bradnjones Nah, the jews plan is to kill everyone. Not just Christians.

@SpartansforTrump @bradnjones No just White. Only 1/4 of Christians are now White.

@bradnjones Planned Parenthood's Day of Reckoning is coming-- when each of its murderous henchmen will individually stand before God at the Great White Throne and be held accountable for slaughtering millions of babies. They will wish for millstones around their necks and to be cast into the deepest sea over the fate they've chosen for themselves.

@bradnjones We need to declare war upon the radical gay/lesbian thugs that are pushing to have our children sexually neutered; its like murder of our family jewels people!!!! If I were a normal man, I would go after them for trying to sexually change my boys if they chemically try to destroy his testicals.

@bradnjones or this: Transgenderism is just 'State' sponsored self sterilization of children dressed up as tolerance

@bradnjones don’t forget, the devil is part of this crap as well…homosexuality is a sin.

@bradnjones Destroy the foundation (God family home) and we fall!

@bradnjones Turning them into Baphomet wannabes.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The left hates Donald Trump because, for the first time in a long time, We the People were truly represented under his administration.


The more research you do, the less this appears to be true.

It looks more like he simply put on a good performance/act of We the People representation.

If you actually check the details of his actions, you find that he installed and empowered cabal puppets throughout the 3+ years he was in the White House and made sure that all of the 'good things' he did could easily be reversed the moment he was gone.

You find an enormous list of things that he could have done as President to save America - and had a moral & Constitutional right to do - yet suspiciously chose not to.

You also find that he appears to be the one who signed off on launching the scamdemic in the U.S. back in February 2020.

And, of course, he went on to be a disgusting promoter of the death jabs.

The liberal cult hates Trump for one reason only: his loyalty to America. Liberals hate Trump supporters for the same reason.

There is no common ground anymore between a liberal and an American patriot: we are separate cultures, separate religions, and separate nations, occupying the same land.

The liberal is dedicated to the fall of the Republic and the rise of a communist dictatorship in its place; this defines him as a traitor, and a traitor is a natural enemy of the patriot.


LOL!!! HOW SO???? He continued the BLANK check to IsraHELL! He went along with the fake virus PLANNEDEMIC! He allowed the UNCONSTITUTIONAL lockdowns! He pushed the jews MURDER jab!

WTF are you talking about you delusional jew shill CLOWN???

You know, soon EVERY ONE of the goyim will know and you wicked jew shill baby raping puppets satanists for the jew world order will have NO WHERE to run or hide!

The "left" hates trumpstein for the same reason the right loves IsraHELL, because the JEWS tell them to!

( @LawFag )
@DrPaulGosar By "We the People" you mean jews and blacks right? Where's my platinum plan

Ann Coulter #dunning-kruger #elitist #psycho #racist #wingnut youtube.com

What do we do about the drug cartels?

The Wall. The Wall solves so… Every problem in America gets easier with a wall. Every single problem. Race relations, poor people, bringing manufacturing back, everything gets easier when you solve immigration, because you don't have this. We don't need an extra problem to deal with and extra poor people we have to pay for, but the drug problem that's 100% a function of not having a wall.

Is it funded by the CCP?

Chinese used to send the precursor chemicals, but it was inefficient.

it is not coming from China. Meth is being made in Mexico. The opiods, it is all coming from Mexico.

They'll say, "Oh, but it's not all Mexicans, some of them are American citizens," yeah, they're anchor babies. It is an all-Mexican operation.

I've been thinking of it as a, like, just a continuation of the drug war, the Opium Wars.

it is Opium Wars, but it is Americans against Americans. The same people who don't want a wall, there is a crazy left… I'm not talking about all Democrats, many liberals are my best friends, not talking about all liberals at all, but there is an element of the left that just hates this country and they're fine with Americans dying of opioids. They are fine with a hundred thousand Americans dying from drugs every year.

These people also paradoxically don't even know what life outside of the United States is. They think the United States is evil, racist and with all those problems with cops, and they have no idea, they've never been to these other countries. Because if you go to these other countries, you're like, wow, America is pretty nice, how good we have it.

Do you think that Mexico poses enough of a threat to American lives to be worth invading at any point?

It wouldn't be necessary if we built the Wall, but yes, to take out the cartels. I mean, it's certainly more of a threat to us than the Ukraine right and we sent a ton of money shipping goods and resources to Ukraine, why wouldn't we just spend that money on the Wall?

Swagpilled, Zhou Chang-Xing & sneed (not chuck) #elitist #racist incels.is

Black People have no history

In their entire history. American natives and africans have accomplished absolutely nothing until the white man came and claimed their country for themselves.

Yet I am supposed to "embrace african culture" and "black history". what is there to embrace?

my shitty little town has more history than most african countries, excluding history there that was created by whites


even on the wikipedia page for "black history" most of the history is about ancient egypt and roman north africa. Both of which can't really be considered "black" by today's standards.

(Zhou Chang-Xing)
Yeah, there are more 1000 year old buildings in the village where I used to live than in the entirety of Sub-Saharan Africa.

The migration of tribes from Borneo to Madagascar is what brought the iron age to Black Africa.

Let that sink in, primitive jungle tribes all the way from Borneo went to Madagascar, colonised it, and then it still took CENTURIES for the Black people who can literally see Madagascar from their coast to reach the island, meet these jungle people and are taught how to make basic tools by them, this then inspired a revolution that spread across Black Africa.

When even the biggest losers of Gookistan are outperforming you you have an issue.

(sneed (not chuck))

we curries have a ton of historical monuments and shit, but here we are still a shithole because of our crap genetics. We are even lower than niggers.

Currys are not lower than niggers.
In the ancient world, Indians brought us: Chess, yoga, Sanskrit, binary system, and fucking cotton cultivation
In the modern world, indians brought us: plastic surgery, USB, fiber optics, and Java programming.



Look how brutally MOGGED blacks are. The page for Indian inventions goes on forever. THERE IS NO PAGE FOR AFRICAN INVENTIONS. The only African countries worth mentioning are Egypt (which wasn't inhabited by blacks) and South Africa (where the list of inventions is by WHITES). LOOK AT THIS BRUTAL WIKIPEDIA MOGGING.

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