
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Sp8der #transphobia reddit.com

I have not seen convincing evidence that parenting can alter gender identity. That is, I've never seen evidence that parenting can induce big-D Dysphoria (as opposed to gender-atypical behavior) in a neurologically-typical child.

Conversely, real-world attempts to raise kids as the opposite of their natal gender have consistently failed (e.g., David Reimer, who was raised as a girl after a botched circumcision but transitioned back after puberty).

I just want to pose these two against each other for a bit.

What's the probability that the recent impassioned rise in ideologically-motivated "gender neutral parenting", which as far as I can tell simply manifests as an attempt to push opposite-gender toys, behaviours and so on onto the child, produces the feeling of unease that later gets the child referred to the gender clinic by going against their actual gender identity?

Because gender neutral parenting seems like a colossal clusterfuck to me, in that:

A; I believe that many of the people who do it are doing it for woke points and not because it's in the interests of the child, and many of them have a "desired outcome" of having a gender non-conforming child.

B; In conjunction with the above, "failure" (as in not being adequately gender neutral and pushing the child into their same gender role) and "success but not getting the result you want" (being adequately gender neutral but a male child choosing to be male anyway, as they will 99%+ of the time) look exactly the same and are pretty indistinguishable, leading parents who actively desire a GNC child to assume they've failed and push opposite-gender things on the child harder and harder.

Basically if anywhere south of 99% of "gender neutral parented" children end up not being GNC it's a pretty clear indication that there's some room for pushing from parents there... and from there, given the political climate, I'm not uncomfortable saying that those signs can be (mis-)interpreted as needing to start funneling the child down the trans pipeline.

The thing around future-gay children getting shoved down that pipeline is pretty alarming too, since if I was born today I'd probably be one of them.

I absolutely used to reject any notion of being a man. I hated when anyone would call me "young man" or similar. I had long hair and painted my nails. I even literally said "I don't want to be a man" a lot.

But all this was just my faulty definition of what a "man" is. To me, back then, "man" meant unshaven, beer gut having, lager-swilling, football-watching, stained white vest-wearing, eating crisps on the sofa in your underwear and scratching your arse. Homer Simpson, Onslow, Jim Royle. To someone who idolised David Bowie and his style, this was offensively repulsive and I was determined to never be a "man".

But, of course, David Bowie was a man. So are lots of stylish and outrageously fashionable and even somewhat feminine people. The problem was with me all along, and when I learned to let go of that definition and accept that I get to define what being a man is, I felt a lot better.

And so, to circle back, when I see Extremely Online trans advocates like the egg_irl lot shouting that any stereotypically female behaviour or preferences are proof positive that you need to be shoved down the trans pipeline with nary a second thought, I get angry because that could've been me. Those types of trans crusaders reinforce every gender stereotype they claim to want to break down. They decide to transition and immediately plump for, say, the girliest clothes, names, mannerisms, and everything else. Which just leads back to more kids developing faulty definitions like I did and going through the same thing, only now with a chorus crowd of people wanting to change their gender for them.

At the same time the Absolute Gender Neutrality At Any Cost brigade also annoy me, because certain traits DO cluster in certain populations. But they're not EXCLUSIVE to them, nor are they mandatory to be part of those populations. I don't understand why it's not okay to acknowledge "a high percentage of men will X, Y, Z" while also saying "but it's fine if you don't, there's no wrong way to be a man, this is just an observed trend".

That kind of meandered a lot but there's not many spaces where I can express this kind of thing and not get shouted down to oblivion -- which is also part of the problem.

Sp8der #transphobia reddit.com

I don't fully understand the point Gender Critical(aka TERFs in some circles) seem to be making, but one aspect which has stuck with me is the idea of abolishing gender completely. Biological sex is a real thing and our society, for better or for worse, establishes strict and starkly different expectations depending on one's sex. This is how I understand gender. The idea of "abolishing" gender would try and get rid of this assumed default correlation altogether.

But the correlation is there. The only thing wrong with it is the enforcement. Noticing that certain traits seems to cluster to each sex should not be the same as saying that those sexes MUST exhibit those traits. We should exist in a state of "typically, you'll exhibit these traits. Not all of them, and sometimes not even many of them. And that's fine too. They're trends, not rules."

"Abolishing gender" is too close to attempting to studiously ignore reality for me. These things do correlate a lot of the time, and to deny that is just wilful ignorance. But we should be more open to the idea that this pattern is not absolute and there will be exceptions.

Having the fluidity within society to just become an effeminate man seems at least to me to be far more desirable than getting stuck in this rubric where a full binary transformation is the only solution.

TRAs impede this as well. Look up how many of their are virulently, viciously against femboys and traps. Part of this is, I suspect, simple jealousy. But some of it is ideological, leading to the "egg" rhetoric or the "pinkpill" stuff, where every feminine male is a trans female in denial and they must be shown the light and made to take the hormones.

sp8der #transphobia reddit.com

Having a penis means you are a man. There is no such thing as a female penis.

Question, how do you define those who have XX chromosomes but have a penis.
Are they a man or are they a

Per the name of the page you're linking, the answer would seem to be male.

Regardless, extreme edge cases don't and shouldn't define broad rules. Over-specificity will render otherwise useful concepts useless through inflation.

"Cats have four legs" is a true species-level statement even given the existence of mutated or amputee cats.

There's also a tendency to fall into the univariate fallacy when discussing this. That because one magic vector that neatly cleaves the groups cannot be found, the groups themselves are invalid. This is patently false, traits can be clustered.

If an object matches 5/6 characteristics of Item A and 1/6 of Item B, which is it more likely to be? Which of the two boxes do you put it in when sorting?

Ok what about a woman who through surgery to attach a penis. Is this person a man or a woman?

More difficult. It depends on the rest of the cluster of traits, doesn't it? While that's a strong indicator in one direction, whether it's enough to balance out the rest has to be taken as an individual case.

I agree, there should be some flex in what determines who is a man and who is a woman, you seem to be against this.

Some flex maybe, not 100% flex. But my point was more that categories are rarely ever neat but they must be coherent, at the very least. Simply identifying as X is not enough to become X. And defining X as "ABC", without regard to exceptions, is more broadly useful to people everyday than strictly defining X as "ABC, except when D, but also ACE, unless F, or ABD in which case look at GH in conjuction with AB to determine if C."

I agree yet you seem so focussed on saying that this rule doesn't apply to trans people.

I suppose the corollary is that, as I said above, I don't consider all traits to have equal "weight" when determining what category to put someone in.

So having a penis might be 100 "weight" towards considering someone a man. Having XY chromosomes might be 50 "weight". Having a beard might be 5 or 10.

Identifying as a male registers as a 1, if anything.

This is all just numbers pulled from my arse, I've never sat down and quantified how much I consider each trait to be indicative. It's just my attempt to illustrate why someone who spends a lot of time money and effort on passing is an easier "sell" for me than someone like Yaniv, who does not, and why I do not consider the two equivalent.

But even then, anyone who manages to "cross categories" will still have an asterisk next to their designation, as you used as an example above, an "XX male" or "trans male" and I don't think that's inherently unfair. You can be male, subcategory trans, and that can be relevant information sometimes. Especially in medicine, or dating, or, as in the original example, other "intimate" or delicate/vulnerable situations.

I think it's important that trans people just make their peace with that, because a little compromise will go a long way to reconciliation, as opposed to attempting to "inflict" themselves on the unwilling put of a sense of moral indignation.

You personally think that the presence of a penis is more of an indicator than the xx or xy chromosome, I could find other people that disagree and say it is the other way around.

But again... "XX male". it's not Female Penis Syndrome.

Rather than imposing views why not let said people decide for themselves?

Because we don't let people self-identify as doctors, or as engineers. We take umbrage when someone who is noticeably not decides to call themselves clever or beautiful or talented. People's self identification means very little to us in quite a lot of ways.

So what someone identifies themselves as normally has little bearing on how others identify them, and this is right and proper. We are allowed to disagree.

I don't think this is an excuse to deny said person which sex/gender they are.

The argument they make is that if I don't want to date/sleep with them because they have a vagina, and that viscerally repulses me, that I don't "really" see them as a man.

Which, I mean, is right, but how do you reconcile that?

I mean I think both sides could be polite, no-one has to date or sleep with anyone they don't like.

I'm pretty sure that would get you excoriated by most trans activists. (Maybe not trans people, but activists.)

noseyredditguy #transphobia removeddit.com

Why I now identify as a transphobe instead of a gay man.

I first would like to say that I’m not actually transphobic, far from it.

Over the past few months I have been called a transphobe countless times for my attraction to cis men. despite my acceptance and understanding of transgenders and their struggles, I am still called a transphobe. So I embrace it.

I am a transphobe because I love the way men are shaped, their voices, they’re beauty. I am transphobic because I like men who were born male, in all their natural ways and characteristics. I am a transphobe because I love the way men walk, talk, and in most ways, act. I am a transphobe because I love men the way god created them. I am a terf ally because women are perfect, mothers, sisters, friends, who accepted me the way no man would have, and whose rights I will stand up for, lesbian or straight.

I am no longer a gay man, as that word has lost all its meaning. in a world where women can be gay, men can be lesbian, and a man dating a man is straight. I am no longer a gay man, who is required to like a bodily organ that I am not attracted to. in a world where a straight man is considered transphobic for not wanting to date another man, and lesbian women are threatened for not wanting to date men.

I am a transphobe because i am same-sex attracted. I am a transphobe because I like penis, vulgar I know, but in these times, such vulgarity must be said. I am a transphobe because I like the male organ, because I like men who can relate in what it is to be male, from birth until death.

I am not a gay man, that word is reserved for the trans men, who will never know what it was like to come out of the closet, of praying to god every night begging him not to send you to hell for your attractions. Who don’t know what it’s like to be harassed and in some instances, beaten, for looking at another man.

Gay is reserved for the women who chose to be gay, those people who will never understand the constant battle that one faces as a gay person. who will never understand the internalized homophobia, the strain of trying to change ones attraction to “normal”, they will never understand how going through school was like walking through hell. they will never understand the horror and yet beauty of being attracted to your own sex. They will never know what it was like to have a preacher look you in the eyes as he prayed that gay deviants were never allowed to be married. They will never know the joys of waking up to learn that if you ever find that one, you now have the opportunity of marriage, they will never know that excitement, that relief, that instant that made history.

I am not a gay man, for I am not a brave trans man, who believes it is adamant that everyone unlearns their genital fetish, whose trans sisters believe anything other than pansexual is immoral. I am not a gay man, when my gay brothers and lesbian sisters shun me for my same-sex attractions and exclusion of trans men when it comes to dating.

I am not a gay male, because gay men like women, straight men like men, and lesbian women like whatever she’s told to like. I am not gay, I am a man who likes men, a genital fetishist, and person with immoral bigoted preferences. I am not gay, because I don’t like vagina, or women. It took me years to find my true identity.

I am not gay, but a proud transphobe.

Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) #moonbat #transphobia thecommunists.org

As regards attitudes towards trans people, one would break off a friendship with someone who proclaimed trans people should be beaten up, killed, or even deliberately taunted or ridiculed, but even if you disagreed with a person who thought, for instance, that allowing people to change their birth certificates was a step too far, would you really break off a friendship for that reason alone? Or with someone who was against allowing those who are still obviously anatomically male to use a women’s changing room, or to reside in a women’s refuge? Or with allowing someone whose body originally developed as male, thus conferring superior strength, to compete in women’s sports?

Many of the political correctness bullies are students or graduates, and this may be related to the fact that universities push onto today’s humanities students a ‘postmodern’ idealist philosophy which denies that correspondence with the material world is any basis for judging the correctness of an idea. On the contrary, the only measure of correctness, according to these modern reactionary philosophies, is what the majority of people believe to be true (or the majority of ‘educated’ people, the initiated elite, believe to be true).

It is not always easy to persuade people to change their minds, even when presenting them with concrete and irrefutable evidence from the material world. So, if you deny material reality as the criterion of truth, how do you change attitudes sufficiently to impose a different idea and have it accepted by the majority of public opinion, thus making the new idea ‘true’ in the postmodern sense?

Well, you can try charming them into compliance, but when this doesn’t work, which it won’t with the more down-to earth types, all you can do is to bully and terrorise them in the hope that fear will shut them up. What else can you do? And in that respect, how are you different from the people you no doubt deplore who advocate killing, maiming or otherwise severely punishing people who give up their former religious beliefs?

For some unfathomable reason, being ‘politically correct’ is often attributed exclusively to people who are ‘left-wing’. Marxism is of course normally considered to be the essential philosophy of the ‘left-wing’. But Marxist philosophy is dialectical and historical materialism, which has as one of its most fundamental tenets that ideas are true only if they are in accord with material reality, regardless of what any number of people, learned or otherwise, might believe.

At one time, practically the whole of humanity believed that the world was flat, and/or that the sun revolved round the earth. But their belief did not make it true. And it follows that, however many people are bullied into believing that there is no biological difference between male and female, it will never be true.

HyperVersager_4EVER #transphobia #sexist #quack incels.is

[Serious] It is time for me to come out as a TransChad
      I believe in my heart of hearts that my current body does not correspond to what I truly am. I look myself in the mirror and what I see and what I feel do not match. I am not a manlet, rather I am 6’4 tall. I don’t have 15inch narrow clavicle, my clavicle is broad and domineering. My face isn’t hideous and full of genetic acne, I have a clean face with robust jawline and hunter eyes. I identify as Chad, I am a transChad. And you shouldn’t discriminate against me just because I wasn’t privileged enough to born as what I truly am, you disgusting cishet. And any Chad-desiring women too, should find me beautiful and treat me as who I truly am. If she desires a cisChad, she ought to desire a transChad like me too, otherwise it is bigotry and she should be punished under anti-discrimination laws, especially as a form of discrimination against disenfranchised gender and sexual minorities. After years of hard-fought progress, our society has finally advanced to a level that people can live as who they truly are and it just saddens me that some unsavoury women still discriminate against poor, impoverished transChad people like me. We must spread awareness on this issue, teach who transChads are to our kids early, so that they will not grow up to discriminate against all the disenfranchised minorities such us. Thanks for reading this kind stranger, it was painful for me to come in terms with who I truly am and I am slowly crawling out of my safe space. Your understanding means a lot to me! Here are some tags to help you spread our cause! Let us build a diverse and tolerant society together!

#TransChadLivesMatter #ILGBTQIA+LivesMatter #StopTheHate #TransChadRights #FuckATransChadTodayToFightTheHate

Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) #moonbat #homophobia #transphobia thecommunists.org

{from December 2018}

The following motion was passed overwhelmingly at the party’s eighth congress in September.

While being totally opposed to discrimination on grounds of race, sex or sexual proclivity, this congress declares that obsession with identity politics, including sexual politics, is anti-Marxian.

Congress therefore resolves that the propagation of identity politics, including LGBT ideology, being reactionary and anti-working class and a harmful distraction and diversion from the class struggle of the proletariat for its social emancipation, is incompatible with membership of the party, rendering those involved in its promotion liable to expulsion.

sp8der #transphobia reddit.com

Gay men are not attracted to transgendered woman (MTF) because they are not attracted to the physical appearance of a woman.

it's actually just the bit between the legs that makes me convulse, the entire rest of the woman is fine
i mean i like pretty feminine guys, and absolutely could not be less attracted to bears or bodybuilders, please explain

if you're interested in railing or being railed by Buck Angel, you're probably a gay guy

I have to push back on this because I cannot believe this is even remotely true. Almost every gay guy I know (and, being one myself, that's a fair few) is intensely repulsed by the mere concept of vagina and would go for Bailey Jay instead in a heartbeat. Bottoms especially would gain nothing from Buck Angel.

Sexual attraction really is sexual attraction in my experience.

Indeed. Myself and a bunch of my gay friends -- and even some of the straights -- have all shared the opinion that if we were to be raised today instead of X years ago, we would probably have been funneled down the trans pipeline.

kai_decadence #transphobia reddit.com

Men don't become women, women don't become men. A man can wear all the makeup he can afford, grow his hair out as long as he wants, wear nail polish, wear dresses & skirts, wear heels, and ingest Horse Urine and in extreme cases, have his penis surgically inverted but it doesn't make him a woman and he'll never be a woman. The saying "There are no girls with dicks, just men with tits" is pretty much the accurate saying for this. And i know what I said may sound harsh but that's just biological reality and it doesn't care about feelings, it cares about biological fact.

So sorry dude, if you're dating or have sex with a "MTF", you're still in a gay relationship or engaging in gay sex.

Thats the Ben Shapiro argument right there, its sound and valid. Realizing now how it boils down to how you define your words. Is gender a social construct (man/woman at your discretion) or a biological coding irreversible (permanently man/ woman)

I was never to keen on labels since it creates discourse; however to properly self identity, I'll say transexual or heterosexual or sometimes gay. If anything I hate the word pansexual, that is a lazy one.

Believe me there is a lot more to it than just that, I have real legitimate reasons why I do not believe in the trans ideology, it's just that i didn't want to overload with it on the question because it would be a wall of text. If you really want to know why I personally think transgenderism is a lie, just let me know and I will go more in depth because it's most likely not for the reasons you think.

Linda Harvey #transphobia #homophobia #racist #fundie missionamerica.com

What does this have to do with the original goal of homosexual clubs -- to highlight the problem of bullying?

Sounds like the bullied are being tutored to become the bullies, drinking deeply from a poisonous brew of misinformation, resentment toward authority, unhealthy sexual attractions and gender delusion.

It’s not just in the GSA clubs where America’s schoolchildren will be corrupted in the new anti-American, Marxist orthodoxy. It’s also occurring in sex education networks where Planned Parenthood and its affiliates direct the action.

Advocates for Youth, a major promoter of “comprehensive sexuality education” (usually condom-obsessed and XXX-rated) recently announced an online meeting for students called “Mutual Aid,” designed allegedly to help black “LGBTQ” youth. One of the groups leading the meeting is “Freedom Fighters DC,” describing themselves as a group of “activists focused on change through organized actions while simultaneously advocating to #DefundThePolice.”

Yes, this has so much relevance to preventing pregnancy. And taxpaying parents are always eager to open the door to such influence in the lives of their 13-year-olds.

Advocates for Youth receives funds from the federal government through the Centers for Disease Control’s Division of Adolescent and School Health. Shouldn’t such funding end for any group training youth to hate the police?

Watch for “reproductive rights” to piggy-back on racial equality concerns. In the Cleveland, Ohio area, a website funded by the U.S. HHS Department of Adolescent Health is called 216Teens.org , which is adamantly pro-abortion and pro-“LGBTQ.” Recently a July 16 social media post advertised an online “summit” for teens ages 13 to 19 to learn about the intersection of “racial and reproductive justice.”

So what is imagined to be this “intersection”? It’s likely to teach that any limitation on access to contraception and abortion for minority students is now part of the definition of “racism.”

Of course! Corrupt children sexually by playing the race card. We need to be one step ahead of this devious betrayal of children.

James Hawley #homophobia #transphobia gaytimes.co.uk

James Hawley has issued an apology for his recent anti-LGBTQ+ comments.

Earlier this week, the professional boxer responded to a comment asking whether he supports the community on his now-deleted TikTok account.

“I a thousand and million per cent do not agree with this, no,” he said in the video. “Listen, I can understand girls get with each other all the time at parties and things like that. I don’t care. It’s not a problem. I’d want ’em to get with each other in front of me, but boys on the other hand and transgenders… Something seriously wrong with you.

“What on Earth makes you want to change your gender and get f****d in the arse? What is up with you dirty c***s? I feel sorry for your families.”

Hawley’s vile tirade went viral on Twitter after Drag Race UK star Baga Chipz shared it with her followers, calling him “homophobic filth” and an “absolute piece of dirt”. Points were made.

Following widespread backlash on social media, MTK Global – “the world’s foremost boxer management company” – dropped him as a client.

“The management team have made the decision to terminate Mr Hawley’s contract with MTK Global with immediate effect and will no longer be representing him in any format,” they wrote in a statement.

sp8der #transphobia reddit.com

a homosexual attraction isn't valid or is lesser if both partners aren't cis.

A homosexual attraction is not a homosexual attraction if both partners are not of the same sex. That is literally against the definition. Having had genital surgery pushes it to a more grey area, but pre-op, it isn't even a debate. I know far more gays in relationships with pre-op MtF than pre-op FtM. (And, yes, they're well aware their relationship has an expiry date of sorts).

sp8der #transphobia reddit.com

[ Note: The term “trap” can also refer to trans-women]

The answer is somewhere between. Sexuality isn't a hard gay/straight/bi. It's made up of shades in between. If straight is 100 and gay is 0, bi would be 50.
I'd say trap fans (who arent attracted to masculine men) are around 70 or 80.

Bollocks to that. I'm a strict zero and I fucking love traps. Same goes for my boyfriend. Body hair, beards and muscles are gross. But vaginas are even grosser.

Are you sure you're a 0 then? If a straight dude told me he didn't like feminine secondary sexual attributes (breasts, long hair, petite), who preferred his women flat chested, with short hair and muscular/bulky it would certainly raise an eyebrow.
Not that that's wrong or that he isn't straight (if he's only into women he's straight), but I don't think that's a 100 on that spectrum... If you only enjoy your women when they're manly.
I'd expect a zero on that spectrum to like real manly men. For me as a straight guy relatively close to 100 reverse traps are extremely unappealing... (Because I'm not attracted to masculinity)

Well, I mean, there is absolutely no circumstance in which I would willingly have sex with anything that has a vagina. From my point of view you're straighter for having sex with Buck Angel than you would be for fucking Bailey Jay.

I don't really think it's "gayer" to like butch guys than it is to like feminine guys. I mean, is your idea of a person who is a zero manly as all fuck too, or feminine? And why? Cos when you think "super gay" you think femme, right?

Preferences are preferences. I'd argue a hypothetical Macho Steve McGristle wouldn't be any less hetero for having a bodybuilder girlfriend.

Throwaway017092 #transphobia reddit.com

I am tired of every sub glorifying trans people. It is a treatment to help a serious mental disorder, and a poor one at that. I have full support for most of the LGBT community, but I am struggling to justify the praise being trans gets. They are people, and being trans is wrong anyway.

Many trans people regret it after a while realising it’s a phase, and many only do this in the first place due to abuse, which is being hidden by ridiculous support for trans people. Becoming trans is not fixing your dysphoria, same as handing a suicidal person a rope because it’s “what they want” doesn’t fix the problem.

I would not label my self as transphobic (if we go with phobic in this case meaning hatred for). I see them as people, but I still question them. It is wrong. Think about it for a second. Chopping your penis off for a semi-functioning fake vagina. That is not normal. I understand why people do this, but this is not the way to fix not feeling comfortable in your body.

Sorry if this is incoherent, repetitive, or lacking correct terminology. I am just tired of glorifying something that isn’t safe or normal.

sp8der #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

[on transgender women]

Having a penis means you are a man. There is no such thing as a female penis. The concept is at odds with itself. A man with a penis who dresses as a woman and is attracted to women is a straight crossdresser. No matter what they call themselves or how they feel.

We might agree to come up with a different term to call them, but they can not and will never be a woman. That is a word that already has a definition that does not include them.

None of that is hateful, it is merely factual. Hate crimes are a false concept that deserve to not be recognised, and "non-crime hate incidents" even more so.

sp8der #transphobia reddit.com

[on discourse on straight men refusing to date trans women for being assigned male at birth]

I thought a big thing for the LGBT movement was the right to be attracted to whomever you wish; but apparently that doesn't extend to straight dudes. Sometimes I'm really glad I'm not straight, actually.

Like if I started getting amorous with someone I thought was male only to find out they had a vagina, I'd probably tell them to get the hell out of my house, because those things are disgusting to me on a visceral level that I can't adequately explain. I don't care how masculinely you present yourself, that's not what sexual attraction is about.

sp8der #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

I don't get the hate for women's genitalia that some gay men express. What's the deal? I get that women aren't attractive to gay men, but why be so negative and disparaging?

I can't even begin to explain it. It disgusts me on a visceral, primal level. you know how some people feel about spiders? That "NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE" feeling? It's that. if women had dicks, I would be happily bisexual, but I cannot have anything to do with that crotch-cave of nightmares.

I really don't mean to offend anyone but it just makes my skin crawl :( Buck Angel is literally my worst nightmare in a person. Manly body, vagina. NO. I like girly bodies and a nice, big cock.

TN88 #homophobia #transphobia stormfront.org

At my school in a little white town in Tennessee, a school that has only 4 black kids in it, their is about 5 or 6 trannys. That's right their is more trannys at my school than blacks! Me along with others try to just ignore them, but they are the most annoying thing I have had to deal with in my entire life.

They just group up and be obnoxiously loud at anytime possible (In the mornings, cafeteria, hallways, etc.) Then when someone tells them to stfu or to quit blocking the hallways, they tell a teacher saying their being bullied for being trans.

They made a GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) club at my school last year, it's filled with every tranny at my school and I think 2 lesbians. Most homos at my school don't even want to be associated with them. It has caused alot of fuss from most of my classmates, people were tearing down filers for it, saying we needed our own club, etc. The principal even called it a distraction to the learning experince.

Do any of you have this problem at your school? image I want someone to relate to though I hope nobody else is going to a school like mine.

staffonmod #conspiracy #transphobia #ableist #wingnut reddit.com

[Comment under "Sign language interpreters are annoying and distracting."]

"Signing Off Some Steam"

Why are we witnessing so many highly distracting new hires by the ASL, (American Sign Language) with all to most, presenting as flaming liberal transgenders, who also oddly, are trained stage actors, many whom are actually revolting (that demon possessed Lib look), and by far, more prominently positioned than the speaker, being forced on us? What exactly are the Commie plotters up to with this? I think I know.

Another question, how much is this costing local, state and federal governments, "we the people," to pay for this distracting mime clown show? Seems it all began with the Covida 19 show.

Do you know, these stage acting mimes of the ASL's, need their own 'hearing interpreter' who sits in front of them 'signing?' WTH, why not just use that person, like they used to? But the socialist way, why pay for one when two paychecks can now be cut. When did this start and how can we stop it? I've tried to explain to my highly educated sons, that this 'type' interpreter is a new phenomenon, and I know, nefarious on some level. We've always had 'signers,' at church, for special news bulletins, and political dignitary speeches. But, non assuming, almost in the shadows, or in a small virtual block off to the side of the TV screen. Now, they are the full attention spokesperson. and I stare in wonderment.

Look at all the Gov's press meetings. Dems and Repubs, legislature must have been passed in some Dem earmark and now, governors and involved informed citizens must bear thei punishment, as these nut cases are forced on all of us. They are not your regular certified American Sigh Language Interpreter, but raving leftest perverts and trained stage actors.

Here's DiBlassio's stage actor ASL, a long haired far leftest, who gyrates like his pants are on fire, with odd and distracting extreme facial antics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cdWzgFCV7M

Minn Gov Walz's ASL is a man woman, shaved head something, with over the top bizarre faces, and arms always flailing. Nic Patko. She has her own fan club. https://www.twincities.com/2020/06/06/meet-nic-zapko-her-face-and-hands-explain-gov-tim-walzs-words-to-the-deaf/

Kentucky and Virginia has their own 'internet famous and trending ASL's,' https://www.kens5.com/article/news/local/were-trying-to-get-the-message-out-to-everyone-asl-interpreter-keeps-kentuckys-deaf-hard-of-hearing-informed-on-covid-19/417-b7172c7c-d504-4a1b-bc5d-214540d4b7e0

One of the latest and worst with 'WTH' antics is crazy Chaz protectorate Gov Islee. His Guy actually bounces as he relays to the .1%. They must try to out-stage their niche genre. https://legalinsurrection.com/2020/06/washington-state-governor-jay-inslee-unaware-of-anarchists-taking-over-part-of-seattle/

One of the latest and worst with 'WTH' antics is crazy Chaz protectorate Gov Islee. His Guy actually bounces as he relays to the .1%. They must try to outstage their niche genre. https://legalinsurrection.com/2020/06/washington-state-governor-jay-inslee-unaware-of-anarchists-taking-over-part-of-seattle/

Last but not least is Governor Cuomo's Certified ASL Interpreter, he is actually a Ukrainian, and Professor, and admits his gig with Cuomo has bought him a sizable NY home, Arkady Belozosky https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/politics/albany/2020/05/14/who-is-andrew-cuomos-sign-language-interpreter/5188884002/

I don't doubt for a moment, this is purposeful and another evil ginned up ploy to bring 'WTH' confusion to the TV viewing public. I will admit this, I stop listening to the actual words these politicians are pontificating, and turn full focus to their 'mimes.' (they do have that mime weird aura, you can't deny.) Yeah, and they're winning, because we are not paying attention to the critical Governor mandates, rules and loss of liberties they are expounding upon our 'deaf ears,'

Ethan Huff #transphobia #homophobia #fundie #wingnut naturalnews.com

Is it okay to call biological men who “self-identify” as “females” things like “gender confused” or “gender dysphoric?” How about people who decided to become “trans” and later reverted back to their original biological gender – should they even be acknowledged as existing? Not according to the Trans Journalists Association (TJA), which recently released a new style guide that pushes journalists to stop publishing “offensive” content that mentally ill transgenders say is “transphobic.”

According to the TJA, phrases like “biological gender” and “opposite sex” need to go because they supposedly exclude transgenders from the equation. Referring to one’s “biological sex” is also off-limits because transgenders want the world to think of them as actually being the opposite sex, even though their biological identities prove otherwise.

It is no longer permissible to write “man” or “woman,” either, because many transgenders do not consider such words to be “inclusive.” And instead of differentiating between “biological males” “trans males,” or “biological females” and “trans females,” the LGBTQ mafia instead wants journalists to write things like “people with ovaries” and “people with prostates.”

“The media bears a great responsibility when it comes to ensuring accurate and sensitive coverage of trans communities,” the new style guide states, adding that professional journalists have a responsibility “to begin to improve trans coverage” by using words that transgenders find acceptable.

“When you write the word women, are you including trans women?” the guide further asks. “Does it apply to non-binary people and trans men? Most reporting about health according to gender overlooks trans people and incorrectly equates anatomy to gender.”

Try as they might to redefine human biology, the trans cult is wrong in suggesting that “people with ovaries” can be anything other than women. The same goes for “people with prostates,” who are always men. If you are born a woman, then you have female reproductive organs. And if you are born a man, then you have male reproductive organs.

Sorry, LGBTQs, but that is an undeniable fact, no matter how much you try to bully the writing community into kowtowing to your delusions. There are only two genders: male and female. And there is no such thing as a transgender, which is just a mentally ill person with gender dysphoria who refuses to accept biological reality.

These statements alone are enough to get us banned from every major social media platform and search engine, but they represent the truth that the trans cult is unwilling to accept. In other words, this publication will not now, nor ever, take this new style guide seriously.

WikiMANNia #fundie #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy at.wikimannia.org

(Submitter’s Note: A few highlights from an incredibly long screed about “Genderism”, a lot of potential quote material is cut)
(Note 2: Site is in German, this is a translation)

Genderism is an ideology developed by feminists and homosexuals that focuses on sociological gender (gender) instead of biological gender (sex) when looking at people. This ideology has significant consequences for the image of man and gender roles. Genderism can be described as racial teaching of the 21st century. However, it is neither scientifically stable nor can it be substantiated with concrete facts.


The ideology of genderism has so far largely remained without media attention and therefore unknown to the citizen. The - sometimes - Marxist actors know that social change cannot be achieved without changing the language . That is why new terms are needed:

Gender (as a counter-concept to biological gender)
Gender mainstreaming (gender in politics, as a political strategy)
Gender Studies (gender in research, in the academic field)
Gender Budgeting [1] (gender in financial planning, budget law)
Gender Theory [2] (The theory underlying gender ideology)
Queer Theory (A theory developed by gays and lesbians that became part of gender ideology)
Sexual Diversity (gender diversity)
Social engineering (social construction, a social science tool of genderism)
→ Main article : Technical terms of genderism

Pioneers of genderism have been a. the American feminist Andrea Dworkin and her life partner John Stoltenberg . In Germany it was Alice Schwarzer .



These incomprehensible terms contribute significantly to the fact that a broad discourse on genderism has so far failed to materialize. Most people have not yet understood the content of this ideology behind these terms . This raises the question of legitimizing gender policy.

Genderism is a project that has secretly infiltrated not only our society but also politics in recent years , worldwide, without the people of the individual countries being aware of it at all. Because there has been large-scale media censorship here. It is still taking place. Not even politicians understood the fact that gender (or gender mainstreaming ) is even a political program.

It is about the attempt to equality enforce gender at all levels of society. For the first time the term was in 1984 at the 3rd UN World Conference on Women [ wp ] discussed in Nairobi and later promoted to the 4th World Conference on Women in Beijing. [8] The Amsterdam Treaty [ wp ] made the concept the official goal of the equality policy of the European Union in 1997/1999 . [9]

It is striking that there is no sign of democratic legitimacy . Genderists have established the term gender at international UN conferences and in the EU bureaucracy. With the Amsterdam Treaty, gender ideology became the basis of the equality policy of the European Union, and in Germany gender mainstreaming was installed with an administrative act and has since then decisively determined all levels of politics. [10]

Gender policy was not discussed in parliament, nor was the sovereign, the citizen, questioned. The gender ideology was thus installed undemocratically past the citizen. Politicians therefore expect citizens to accept gender ideology like a religion that has fallen from the sky .


Following the change in divorce law in 1977 , the introduction of gender mainstreaming is the second serious, illegal act in Germany in relation to the family.


The content of gender ideology is hidden behind a cloud of Anglicist [ wp ] terms that no one understands and that are not translated. The difficulty in understanding lies not only in the language , the so-called gender talk , but also in a rather cloudy ideology , in which little is clear apart from the claim that people would only convince themselves of "being a man" and "being a woman", the sexes have no biological causes and the gender roles are attracted to society (in gender terms: "constructed").

Attempting to clarify the rather vague terms in a vague ideology is already part of a criticism because the necessary determinations can hardly be made neutrally.

Quote: «The paradox of gender ideology is that on the one hand - in theory - it is disputed that there are rigid genders, and on the other hand - in political practice - all efforts of gender politics amount to privileging women based on their biological gender: support programs only for women, preference for women when recruiting, quota for women etc. »
The terms are sometimes used interchangeably because the speakers are not clear about the meaning of the terms themselves. In the following, the resulting Babylonian language confusion is to be resolved by assigning clear concepts of genderism to the terms. But the reader should know that the terms are used differently, then the listener has to guess from the context what the speaker actually means.

Gender Mainstreaming

Gender mainstreaming includes the obligation for all political and administrative systems to check their own programs, decisions and regulations to determine whether they are indirectly discriminating against a gender. Gender mainstreaming is a political concept with which gender-based disadvantages can be systematically identified in professional work.

Gender Studies

Gender Studies is a pseudoscience at universities - comparable to Scientific Socialism [ wp ] - and can be translated as "gender-compliant gender studies". The core business of gender studies is essentially the analytical deconstruction of gender. It is not the genes or any other biological essence that explains the gender of humans, but only social categories. Whoever is treated and treated as a man is a man; whoever is treated as a woman is a woman. A very crucial place where this gendering (" Doing Gender") takes place, is raising children in the family and other social institutions. [13]

Note: "Gender Studies is a gender science based on gender ideology."
Note: "In contrast to gender mainstreaming, gender studies is the academic program."

TN88 #homophobia #transphobia stormfront.org

I am afraid of how fast this agenda is growing, especially transgenders. 2 years ago I couldn't even imagine going to school with one, but now their's about 4 of them at my school. The youth is constantly pushed propaganda through social media and tv.

Everyday on Snapchat I see on discover stories filled with pro-lgbt ****, and now we're living in a world where companies like disney are putting openly gay characters on kids shows and cartoons. It's only gonna get worst, not to mention schools are promoting it too.

I feel awful for the next generations that are going to be surrounded by this. I plan on teaching my future kids to stay away from propaganda, and possibly putting them in private or charter school that doesn't have mentally-ill kids.

What are some of your thoughts on this?

Warehouse Boy #transphobia #sexist incels.is

HR Foid: "You must call Her .... Him". Need Legal Help.

A confused mentally ill bulldyke Foid .....is coming into warehouse management, and we have to call it SIR

First of all I'm not going to call it sir. If anything I will call it IT. As in, YES IT, I will be glad to process this unload. Have a nice day IT.

Second can I be fired, or prosecuted in Texas for refusing?

Should I just quit now?

Andy Schlafly #pratt #transphobia #conspiracy conservapedia.com

Transphobia is a term made up by LGBT Marxists, who claim it is the "fear" of people who have willfully undergone anthropogenic sex change operations. LGBT agenda supporters use this non-existent "phobia" as an emotional smear term against anyone who opposes gender confusion, unnecessary surgical mutilation for the sake of "changing gender", and especially the intentional targeting of children by gender confusion activists to groom them and confuse them about their biological sex.

Lhopital_rules #transphobia reddit.com

Man, i can't believe we're getting downvoted for saying we want to have sex with a woman. Is it politically incorrect now if you don't accept having sex with someone who used to or currently has male genitalia? How is that wrong? It's not like races. As a culture, we are successfully learning to love and be able to date anyone of any race. But there is never going to be a time when males (in general) are going to want to be with transergendered women over a natural-born woman. That's just biology!

Smells like bigotry.

You know that that's the same thing people say about the entire LGBT community.

What are you talking about? I said nothing bad about transgendered people other than that I wouldn't want to sleep with a transgendered woman. Just like I wouldn't want to sleep with a man. Because I'm a straight male. So what?

I don't know if you're trolling or just dumb, but I have NOTHING against LGBT people and said nothing to that effect. This may be cliche, but some of my closest friends are gay, I have a good friend who is female-to-male, and I'm bi-ish myself. So gtfo with your stereotypes and assumptions.

Lhopital_rules #transphobia reddit.com

If someone presents themselves as a woman when they are a transgendered woman, without disclosing such information to their significant other, then yes, that is "lying".

A trans woman is a woman as far as being my friend is concerned. But not as far as being my lover is concerned. I will fight to the death to defend someone's right to get gender reassignment surgery if they truly have gender dysmorphia. But I will not pretend that I see no difference between a woman who was born that way and a woman who was constructed. Most men feel the same, though -- lucky for transgendered women -- there are men who don't care.

Reconstructive surgery is not necessary for living with gender dysmorphia.

To be honest, I don't really care how much the fact that trans people exist and some of them are women you might be interested in makes your boner sad. A trans woman living as a woman is neither a lie nor a "lie."

I didn't say that "a trans woman living as a woman is neither a lie nor a 'lie'". I said that it would be lying -- or at least, omitting the truth -- if a trans woman were to carry on a long-term relationship with a man without telling him that she used to be a man. Because most - though again, not all - men care about that sort of thing. And not because it's logical. But because a dick wants what it wants. You think a gay guy wouldn't be upset if the guy he was dating turned out to be trans and didn't know until 6 months in? (OK, maybe a bad example. I don't know any gay guys who would wait to have sex that long.)

But my point is, I think you may be letting your preconceived notion of me as a gay-hating librul-bashing conservatard (which couldn't be farther from the truth, btw) color your perception of my comments. All I've said and all I'm saying now is if someone isn't honest about something like that to their partner, it's not fair to their partner.

EDIT: And for the record, I understand that you feel offended or whatever about things I've said and that you're upset, but this is not a good way to go about bringing people to your side:

> To be honest, I don't really care how much the fact that trans people exist and some of them are women you might be interested in makes your boner sad.

Because, for one, you obviously care or you wouldn't be having this discussion with me. But also because it's a very spiteful thing to say. And utterly silly, since I'm not upset about trans women existing pre- or post-op, and I already have a girlfriend who I will likely marry. I don't have any personal vendetta against LGBT people [as I mentioned before, I'm very pro-gay rights and have close friends who are LGBT in one way or the other]. I'm simply having an intellectual argument with you. And I hope you know that. Because there's already enough hate in the world without you and I adding to it.

Tenshi #sexist #transphobia incels.is

so I was doing my daily research on baldness-related subjects on youtube and stumbled into this rabbit hole of trans foids I got quite curious about how it.

Can you guys believe this shit? Retarded foids paying thousands of dollars to end up being manlets, framelets, balding, twink subhumans JFL. They're literally paying to be incels.

Some of them even go further and undergo surgeries to turn their pussies into micro dicks. I mean, I've heard of severe mental issues, but that is a whole new level of retardation.

Gingor #homophobia #transphobia reddit.com

Straight men of Ask Men who object to gay (and bi?) guys in the locker room: why?

They are men that might find me sexually attractive and I'm not gay.
They should get their own locker room.

If they're not sexually assaulting you, ogling you, or otherwise treating you in ways that are inappropriate, then why? What's your objection?

I don't want men to be attracted to me, and I certainly don't want men that are attracted to me anywhere near me when I'm naked.

The thought of two men together grosses me out a lot (nothing against gays, as long as they don't do PDA though, do in your bedroom whatever you want), and me being one of those men in someone else's head is just outright vomit-inducing.

Straight Men: Do you see male-to-female transsexuals as female and/or women? If so, would you pursue one?

I'd be perfectly happy to treat them as women, as it makes them feel better and I don't really care, but female they are not. Females are born female while gender can be chosen.

I'm only attracted to females.

Edit: And before someone claims it again: I don't hate transsexuals. I don't think they should be beaten or killed or what have you. I simply don't want to sleep with them and believe that they should state their transsexual status before having sex for the first time, as it's a dealbreaker for a lot of people.

Would you have sex with a [b]transman[/b] (pre-op or post-op)?
Pre-op: If he looked sufficiently feminine, yes.

Post-op: Nope.

I'm a trans guy (so I was born female, but identify as male and am starting to [b]transition with hormones, chest surgery,[/b] name change, dress, etc). I'm mostly into men

I'd be more open to a relationship with you as a straight man.
I mean, you were born a woman, so it isn't really gay. Might be worth a shot, just for the experience.

Gingor #homophobia #transphobia reddit.com

Can you envision a world in which mtf crossdressing is normalized

That'd be a horrifying world
. You couldn't look at a high-heeled short-skirted figure anymore and go "I'd tap that" because it could be a feminine man.
That's a terrible thought.

I have nothing against crossdressing, as long as it is done at home, with the curtains closed.

Yeah, but if most of society has a problem with a tiny minority (and let's be real, if only 3.8% of people are gay, there'd be way less than 10% crossdressers), it's the minority's problem, not the majority's.

That's a remarkably relativistic way of thinking about something as inane as wearing a skirt.

What problems, other than mild discomfort, would this cause the majority? And also, who claims the majority has a problem with it?

It's not "mild discomfort". I'm close to vomiting if I notice I was mistakenly attracted to a woman that turned out to be a guy.

It would also cause much awkwardness when you approach a woman based on the appearance of her behind and then notice you just hit on a guy.

And it could cause sexual confusion in teens, that are still looking for who they really are.

It's funny to me that you are touting age-old conservative dogma.

Cause sexual confusion in teens?


I don't believe gays are born gay. I think they become gay through influences in their childhood and teens.
Now, being gay isn't bad, but only as long as there are still enough hetero couples to produce children. And if you do that and confuse younger people, that could end up making more people gay.

Let me get this straight:
You don't think gayness is innate. But you don't think being gay is wrong. However you think we should protect children from "gay influences" to assure that there enough hetero couples?
These are astoundingly irrational statements

I don't see the irrationality though.

Let me spell it out for you. You're contradicting yourself.

If there really is nothing wrong with being gay then you don't have to "protect" children from themselves.

You attach the most ridiculous rationalization to it: to further the human race.

This is so simple minded it is stunning

I have nothing against gays because they aren't hurting anybody. Have consensual sex with adults, I don't care who they are.
But the fact is that they do not contribute towards the continuation of the species.

As such, introducing major things that could cause confusion should be avoided.

Always vague fears and no real argument. What about progress and education and acceptance?

I'm all for those.
I accept gay people. I don't have anything against them. I don't think they should be killed, or converted, or whatever other stupid shit there is. Let them live their lifes and fuck other dudes or girls or whoever they want.
I just don't think that we should unnecessarily create more of them.

"Progress" is hard to define though. "Progress" towards what? One person's progress is another person's regression.

The cross-dressers can live their life in their homes if they want to.
Outside of that, society has certain standards of decency that you need to conform to and I'm grateful for them.

Your fears are very telling

I am not gay and I'm most definitely not a crossdresser and I'd appreciate it if you didn't insinuate it either.

Ohhiohyo #transphobia reddit.com

Dude, if she's lesbian but fell for a trans guy, she's at least bi. She could say she prefers women but he was an exception. But lesbians don't get attracted to guys unless they're not all lesbian, and same for gay guys being attracted to women. And cis or not, a guy is a guy and a girl is a girl. If you're lesbian and fell for an ftm, you aren't exclusively lesbian anymore

Lol “trans guys” are women why would that make her bi? The trans person in question isn’t even mimicking men that well either because OP knew their sex. It’s literally a women being attracted to a women.

There is a scale here though. I wouldn’t consider someone a straight man or lesbian if they wanted to sleep with buck angel for example. But if they’re sleeping with Kai Aiden from Tumblr who cut their hair short and that’s it? Yeah they probably look like a girl

I would if they were also only exclusively attracted to others of the same sex. Otherwise they are bi. I know a lesbian couple where one hormonally transitioned to “live as a man”. The partner who didn’t transition is still a lesbian.

Yeah I don’t agree that someone who likes people who are hormonally altered to look like men is exclusively into women

Being something and looking like something are different things.

RFANA #transphobia reddit.com

[ not: Buck Angel is a Trans man that has been on testosterone for years. ]

Someone in the thread linked a pic of Buck Angel and asked if straight men would be attracted to her. I mean, ya, if they are into masculine women, I would say yes. Obviously Buck presents in a very masculine coded way but she is still a woman. There’s no way to “look like a woman” other than having a vagina, so yes, if I saw a man with Buck I would call them straight. Buck does look like what people expect men to look like though so I can see how this could create social issues for a straight man. That is society’s problem

vintologi_se #transphobia #sexist #crackpot #quack docdroid.net

(This is from “Transmaxxing Manifesto”, the whole thing is 36 pages of PDF so there’s a lot of insanity there, this is just a small part.)

People improving their lives by transitioning is a beautiful thing

Usually when someone live a shit life as a male he will just complain about how women are unfair to him or he will spend his time on various copes such as videogames and anime.

It's very rare for miserable males to actually improve themselves via medical transition, it usually takes pretty bad gender dysphoria for them to actually take action and even then many fail to act in time.

1.Males transitioning to female makes the world more beautiful (less disgusting males).

2.People that transition and become beautiful benefit from it

3.people around them will see them improve instead of suffering or killing themselves.

4.males that transition are politically useful for my goals (maybe also your goals).

5.trans girls are high in demand and can allow cis lesbians to have biological children with a partner they find attractive.

6.voluntary chemical castration makes a male less likely to hurt other (and himself in the process).

I find it strange that people rarely object to psychiatry that outright harms people and costs billions of dollars each year but they complain about the government helping trans individuals transition even though it's one of the few mental health interventions that actually works.

Forced feminization

A lot of individuals cannot make it as males and will thus be forced to live as female or suffer the brutalsocial consequences of being male, this is especially true for females with gender dysphoria, they mightnot like their female bodies but medical transition would still be a disaster for them.

Most males are no longer needed in our modern society, technology has made name strength mostly obsolete and most males do not have any mental abilities not commonly found in females. Less than 10% of males are needed for sex and reproduction, most males are just a burden to society and thus we need to increase the number of males that transition to female, especially individuals who would clearlybenefit from changing their biological sex.

Most males hold into their male pride but that will soon crash down as females raise their standards (because they can) and even more males lose their jobs to automation.

Currently forced treatments are justified by "danger to themselves and others", you do not need to be convicted of an actual crime. If we are going to treat people against their will that shall include HRT.

A nurse will regularly visit your home. Your pants will be pulled down and soon you will feel a needle inside your muscle and soon the injection, estradiol valerate, it will be slowly absorbed by your body.

At first it was just pills given orally, now it's injections and at this point hiding the breasts is very difficult. The estrogen will make you more emotional and thus you will probably start crying due to theintense humiliation you received by the new government controlled by believers of vintologi. You crying and begging will of course not stop the nurse from doing the injection.

After a while you will stop resisting and accept your face as a girl. It will become increasingly difficult to hide what's happening to you, your breasts getting bigger, face feminized, brain feminized. Once you have been forced to be on HRT long enough there will not be much left of your old self, the hormones have changed your brain beyond recognition and now there is no longer any going back, not only do you look like a girl now, you are now also like a girl mentally.

There are a lot of males who would benefit from transitioning but they are not willing or able to actually transition, this can be due to social factors but in most cases the issue is ignorance, people simply don't know what's best for them. It's a difficult and scary decision to make to start HRT and this is why a lot of people fantasize about forced feminization, often they try to brainwash themselves via sissy hypno porn.

Chemical castration drastically reduces testosterone and thereby sex drive, sexual desires and aggression. Thus a lot of males that are currently dysfunctional in our society would become functionalif they start on HRT, this would allow them to avoid being jailed

Child molesters have drastically low recidivism rates when chemically castrated (1-4%) vs non castrated (40-65%)



Currently just being suicidal alone can warrant forced treatments by harmful and dangerous psychiatric drugs, forcing some males to take hormone replacement therapy can thus be justified in an attempt to prevent them from killing themselves using the same standard.

Innate gender identity?

Studies on intersex children show that about 40% will identify as female when raised as one, thus gender identity is only partly due to genetics


This tells us that a lot of people are able to adapt to living as either sex, the brain is flexible and we can adapt to a lot of things. Whether or not an individual will transition is only partly determined by genetics (33% in the case of MtF)


vintologi_se #transphobia #sexist #crackpot #quack docdroid.net

(This is from “Transmaxxing Manifesto”, the whole thing is 36 pages of PDF so there’s a lot of insanity there, this is just a small part.)

The male gender role is broken

Let's face it, if you present as male, there's exactly one personality that will earn you social approval: Chad. Assertive, dominant, successful. Nobody will be impressed by a male that is meek, submissive and struggling. Such males are not considered gender trailblazers; they're just derided as incel NEETs.Nobody is offering an actual solution to this. Tradcons tell you to just man up. TERFs tell you to just abolish gender. Liberals deny this reality altogether.

By embracing girlmode, you actually become free to be your authentic self without shame. Society at large requires men to keep grinding and struggling to keep the lights on, so obviously no serious and respectable person will encourage you to just drop down the pink vortex, but it's possibly the only thingthat will actually help you if you're stuck being a shitty male with no prospects.

Life outcomes of people that transition

Trans-women will benefit from the increasing female privilege, thus in the future more males will benefit from transitioning while it becomes less beneficial for females to transition to male despite trans-men becoming more accepted by society. Trans-women that are supported by their parents have good life outcomes as society becomes more accepting of trans-women the outcomes of people that transition from male to female will improve.


But what if people around you are not supportive of you transitioning?

Avoiding social difficulties while transitioning

The focus of transitioning should be on changing your secondary sexual characteristics (hormones, surgery, etc.). You should regard it as a body modification similar to “bodybuilding”. This is the only sensible approach if you value your social life, integrity, and self-respect.

If you believe that there is an “innate gender” which is unrelated to biology or society then you will inevitably create social problems for yourself. People might understand that one might want to be (or look like) a woman, but almost everyone takes “born in the wrong body” as a joke, especially if you were not previously flamboyant.

If you do not look and are socially regarded as a woman, claiming that you are a woman in the inside and that people should respect your innate gender regardless of how you look is meaningless and futile.

This at best makes people pity you and at worst makes them mock and bully you. The situation worsens if you dress in women's clothing but still look like a man. This should be avoided first and foremost out of self-respect, and second out of respect for fellow trannies. You will also hurt yourself for thinking that people do not treat you the way you should be treated.

You do not have to come out in any way to your family or other people who know your real identity.

Whether or not you should transition isn't something you should discuss with people who have not properly researched these topics, most people including your family will be utterly ignorant and thus they will not be able to give you any real help. If you announce that you plan or think about transitioning people around you may push or outright coerce you into not doing so even though it would be beneficial for you.

Thus the solution is to start medication without telling anyone about it that knows your real identity, later if/when they start noticing changes you can tell them that you are transitioning.

If you currently live in a transphobic environment you may want to relocate before socially transitioning. You may want to just leave everything behind to start a new better life if/when you can pass fully as a girl, being stealth allows you to escape transphobia and be treated just like another girl.

How society benefits from people transitioning

People that wish to transition usually have comorbid mental disorders 105106 thus future generations are likely to benefit from letting these women transition and sterilize themselves in the process, this comes with the cost of using tax-money for these medical expenses and losing women that could provide sexual satisfaction to other people.

Males transitioning to female is beneficial for society since it would allow people to have fun fucking them. Incels transitioning to female is good for society since they will become less likely to develop or maintain problematic political beliefs or become violent, they will instead benefit from accelerated hypergamy and gynocentrism.

Less incels trying to force females to waste themselves on losers is a good thing.

It has been proven safe to allow trans-women inside spaces reserved for women 01 trying to exclude them would harm natal women too 234

Not using tax-money to pay for medical transition would be dysgenic since it would make it more difficult for poor people to transition.

Julieandrea97 #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

Youtube is full of successful transitioning cases (from incel to hot babe)

There are so many cases that I don't believe society still doesn't accep trans people as a positive to the world. Well even if it still does not, it will change in the near future. Check out those MtF transformations:


and there are much more

The don’t want ugly males to know the truth. So they try to scare us with de transition story’s.

Candace Owens #transphobia twitter.com

BREAKING: Trump is proposing a rule allowing federally funded homeless shelters to turn away trans and gender non-conforming people — in the midst of the highest unemployment rates our country has seen in decades.

BREAKING: Trump is proposing a rule not to allow MEN into WOMEN’s homeless shelters, because MEN who self-identify as women, are not actually WOMEN, just as children who self-identify as mermaids, are not actually fish.


Kayitaly #transphobia reddit.com

My cis straight friend includes trans men in the people he could possibly be attracted to because of their genitals. I’m uncomfortable. Should I talk to him about it?

UH? So he likes vaginas... the worst crime you can accuse him off is being shallow!

My husband has clearly stated he will stay with me even if I was to fully transition and he is 100% sure he would still be attracted to me. He also already sees me 100% as a man. But he still identifies as straight (bc he has never been attracted to another man in any way). That is his own identity and I defend his right to say so.

What straight means to you doesn't need to be the same as to what it means to him. If for him it means "attracted to vaginas" then he is not misgendering anyone or being offensive.

Would I consider him straight? I believe I don't have the right to an opinion.

This isn’t a “I’m in love with someone who chooses to transition, and we’ve chosen to stay together, but I also want to keep my identity” situation though. Your scenario is understandable – your partner thought he was entering a straight relationship when you first got together, so if you’re okay with him identifying as straight and he’s okay with dating a man, more power to you.

But this is “I would actively try to have sex with [potentially mutiple] trans men and still consider myself straight”. Which is transphobic. If he wants to do the dirty with trans guys in the future, he’s not straight.

I just think it would be a odd definition of straight, but I can't get behind it being necessarily transphobic. If he sees them as men-with-vaginas he is not transphobic.

Maybe he grew up in an environment where "gay" was a heavy insult and can't shake off some internalized homophobia. Or maybe he is struggling with is sexual identity. Or maybe he is bi, but knows very well that to most people women can be bi, but men are pretending not to be gay (and he is worried women wouldn't go with him anymore, that does happen!)... or maybe he just has a odd definition of straight. Lots of possible explanations before we get to him being transphobic.

EmpathicDesign #transphobia deviantart.com

Here's the facts: The true enemies of transgender identifying individuals are their supporters. :3

Transgender identifying individuals have a 20x higher suicide rate than any other demographic of people; but why is this?
Society? No.
Bullying? No.
Discrimination? No.
Family or peers? No.
Exclusion? No.

Answer: Unresolved dysphoria pre and post hormonal therapies and corrective surgeries.

How do you help a person kick an addictive habit: You support them into stopping what that are doing that is causing and worsening the problem, not support them into continuing it; which is what trans supporters do; they're effectively leading the transgender identifying individuals to the noose.

Helping someone is helping them stop what is causing their problems, not encourage them.

History has shown that the best solution to resolving the transgender mental illness is natal sex therapy and watchful waiting.


vintologi #sexist #transphobia #quack reddit.com

Why you should transition

Becoming MtF tranny is a way better option than living another 40+ years as male incel.

Step0: watch tsf monogatari
step1: go to a gender clinic so you can get proper diagnosis.
step2: begin having fun with dildo, shove it up your ass.
step3: back up your sperm.
step4: start hormone replacement therapy.
step5: removal of unwanted hair.
step6: facial feminization surgery.
step7: social transition.

The experience of becoming female

Honestly this was even harder to decide to post than my attempt to be gay 8+ months ago. Because the implications and outcomes have been completely different. The experience has been completely different.

Disclaimer: Before all of this I 100% completely identified as a man, a man's man type of internal mindset. Very heterosexual. And gay stuff just did nothing for me. It was only out of desperation and having the right features that I attempted this gender transition. By right features I mean I was only 5'8 starting out and had a 2.7 inches erect penis. Plus all my facial features are feminine and I was pretty cute even as a guy. With 4 inches to my height and dick I could have been a normie or even chad lite. Yet reality is cruel sometimes. Since being on hormones I have lost some height, so I'm closer to 5'7 now, a true manlet if I ever decide to return to manhood.

I have been on estrogen for about 6 months now. It all started when I got my new therapist three months before that. Who referred me to a new general practitioner he knows. Obviously I told him nothing about being incel or hating females. Only that I always felt like a girl, which was a massive lie. I just wanted to get hormones to attempt a gender transition and hopefully become attracted to dudes like the other trans on reddit. Who so ironically betray themselves and their cause by casually posting truth.

I just want to say for the record I don't believe in any of the trans bullshit about being born that way. Maybe an exceptionally small amount of them are. Yet if you read their forums or subs its so extremely common how many of them are just guys who wank to shemale porn and have autogynephilia. The vast majority almost always speak about how their brains get changed by hormones. Further proving they are truly male in the brain. Basically they are mostly cross dressing fetishists. Maybe a very few of them really were born with a fucked up brain but its hard to weed out the liars. Since the fake trans just copy what the real trans say. Yet they let it slip in their posts how much they love tranny porn or wanking their she cocks. Not that it matters, more trans is always a good thing. Less beta orbiters and sometimes even trans that are hot.

The month after that things got even more intense. It was clear to me that females experienced sex with far more joy than men. Its like having a dick with sensory feelings that reaches all through up the body and hooks in the heart. My first experience with a guy was a non chad friend, who knew I had started a transition and thinks I am actually trans. We didn't have sex or even oral but we kissed a few times and cuddled for a few hours. It was magical, the cuddles were even better than the endless orgasms. Waves upon waves of mental emotion mixed with sexual waves of pleasure. Its so extremely addicting.

I'm beyond words enjoying my experience on female hormones. I still hate females, cucks, and chads. This is the turning point for me. If I don't quit now I will probably end up sterile and unable to break this intense addiction to female hormones and to men. Finishing transition will take work but leads to a life of happiness. Not finishing means going back to a hell after experiencing a heavenly paradise the likes of which I could have never imagined.

I feel like any choice I make is life wrecking but I was already totally fucked to begin with. Its so fucked up to crave men, to think of being dominated by them. My brain so fucked up on female hormones its telling me it would feel amazing to swallow semen and get creampied. I only have one cuddle buddy right now but I think about cuddling other guys too.

Things look potentially so good, at least better than when it was hopeless. I don't know if I can ever go through with having my genitals cut off. I just have like a mental block over such a barbaric surgery. I think I could live fine with just having male parts. I partially identify as female but know deep down I'll always be a man because men are awesome.

I could see this as being the best cope for manlets who are cute. As long as their face isn't too masculine. I'm not saying its perfect, it has downsides like having to pee more. Its still a lot better than being incel forever.

Cybersex is our hope #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Feminism imploding because of trannies

So apparently there is a total civil war between faggots/trannies and feminists.
Basically feminists invented gender ideology in the 90's to push feminism into institution without openly using the termine feminism.
Unfortunately foids have zero abstract capabilities so they didn't foresee how it could have backfired in the future.

Now they noticed there are 100% dudes who can say they feel a woman and they must accept them into their sports, toilets, groups, in diversity quotas, retiremen age etc...
So they are backtracking en masse and saying XY individuals can't be considered fully female and tradcucks are backing them.
So there is a funny af shitshow where feminazis and trannies shit on each other all over the web and trannies/faggots are being blackpilled on female nature understanding how foids never form an alliance because of idealism and justice but only for self-interest and pragmatism. Once they don't need you any longer you are thrown under the bus.
Wellcome to the blackpill club, faggots

Westboro Baptist Church #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #racist godhatesfags.com

The Lord has wrought many blessed judgments in the world this week which can be seen plainly by any who have
been given eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to understand by the gracious hand of God. Let’s view some of this
week’s judgments from the proper perspective:
On Monday, June 15th, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 – which outlawed
discrimination in employment based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin – applies to sexual orientation
and gender identity. The ruling concerned three separate plaintiffs: two homosexuals and one man who identified as
transgender. As of now, two of those three people are dead. Those two had their brief moment on Earth to fulfill
their duty to “fear God, and keep his commandments” (Ecclesiastes 12:13), and their legacy is putting sin and
rebellion on a pedestal. What this ruling does is equate sinful conduct to non-sinful immutable characteristics, such
as skin color. Those two plaintiffs who have died surely know the difference now. “For God shall bring every
work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:14).
“God that made the world and all things therein […] hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell
on all the face of the earth” (Acts 17:34-36).
On Friday, June 19th, the holiday known as Juneteenth was celebrated throughout the U.S. It is also known as
Freedom Day and Jubilee Day, and it has gotten more notice this year due to the focus on African American issues
in the last month. Juneteenth is meant to celebrate the emancipation of black slaves in the U.S. after the American
Civil War. Specifically, it commemorates Union army general Gordon Granger announcing in Galveston, TX on
6/19/1865 that Texas slaves were freed by President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, which had been issued
two years earlier. The day also generally celebrates black culture. The freeing of the slaves after the Civil War was
a great thing, and God should be acknowledged and thanked for that as for all things. The celebration apparently
first started with the churches in Texas, but there doesn't seem to be any talk of God on the matter any longer.
"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways
acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6). Acknowledge Him and see the truth that
we are all yet slaves without Christ and still require His help and care, and He requires our obedience. “And ye
shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and
were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? Jesus answered them, Verily,
verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. […] If the Son therefore shall make
you free, ye shall be free indeed.” (John 8:32-36).
In addition to all of the tumultuous racial unrest and other major news happening in the country (and the world),
there is also still the coronavirus that is spreading. Despite this, there were multiple mass gatherings this week. On
Sunday, June 14th
, a “black trans lives matter” rally occurred in Brooklyn, NY, with 15,000 tightly-packed people;
they cannot help but push their sin, even in the midst of a pandemic. “For they sleep not, except they have done
mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall.” (Proverbs 4:16). 25,000 people also
marched through Los Angeles that same day for an “all black lives matter” protest. On Saturday, June 20th, President
Trump held a rally in Tulsa, OK, in a stadium indoors that has seating for 19,000, although the number of attendants
was unclear. “Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a man, rather than a fool in his folly.” (Proverbs 17:12).
“A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.” (Proverbs
Repent or Perish!

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