
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Rick Scarborough #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut rightwingwatch.org

In 2021, Rick Scarborough[…]set his sites on taking over school boards in three Houston-area school districts. Scarborough was optimistic about his chances of having conservative Christians take over the school board because, he said, “most people don’t vote”

“We’re gonna win this Houston school board if the church shows up,” Scarborough bragged, and indeed candidates he backed were ultimately able to defeat two board members

Inspired by this showing, Scarborough announced in late 2022 that he had begun preparing to target school boards all across the state in 2023
On Wednesday, Scarborough’s Recover America Action organization released a video promoting his campaign to defeat the “godless educrats” and rescue the children of Texas who are “being groomed by homosexuals and the trans perverts to be recruited into their evil lifestyles”

“This is an SOS call to all Christian patriots”[…]
“For over 30 years, I’ve been trying to awaken pastors to the growing threat that teachers and others in education who reject God and his word pose to our children,” he continued. “Just look around. Perverted teachers have infiltrated our public schools and are brainwashing our children with critical race theory lies about America, filling their young minds with hatred for their country. These teachers are also normalizing immoral and abnormal sex acts, sexualizing our children with pornographic materials”[…]
“Our children are being groomed by homosexuals and the trans perverts to be recruited into their evil lifestyles. These children, starting in pre-K, are being taught that evil is good and good is evil, but they’re not being taught how to read, write, or learn math proficiently. Now, wicked drag queens are being given access to perform for our children in public schools and libraries, grooming them for pedophilia”[…]
“I’m pledging to you that with God’s help, I will end this demonic assault on our school children in Texas”

John F Trent #fundie #homophobia boundingintocomics.com

The Last of Us actress Bella Ramsey recently told viewers to avoid watching the show if they are not comfortable with viewing sinful acts of grave depravity.

Ramsey spoke with GQ Magazine, where she revealed the show will feature a plethora of acts of grave depravity going forward. She told the outlet, “I know people will think what they want to think. But they’re gonna have to get used to it. If you don’t want to watch the show because it has gay storylines, because it has a trans character, that’s on you, and you’re missing out.”


As for Ramsey’s claim that you are missing out, it’s clearly not anything good that you are missing out on. You are actively avoiding sin and the proliferation of it.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church notes, “Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered. They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.”


To reiterate, by avoiding this show you are actually avoiding sin and the proliferation of it. You are actively rejecting the evil that the show is trying to perpetuate.

Father Michał Woźnicki #racist #fundie #conspiracy jta.org

A Polish priest with a long track record of antisemitic comments has been sentenced to community service after being convicted of insulting Jews and inciting hatred against them, in what his critics say is a landmark case

Father Michal Woznicki, a Catholic priest from the city of Poznan, must perform 30 hours of community service a month for the next six months, according to the order handed down by a judge earlier this month

Woznicki was on trial for comments made during a sermon in October 2021. “Jews in the world have assumed the role of a leech, a tick, a body that lives on the host’s body, swells, leading the host’s body to death, moving on to the next one,” he said, according to Polish media. He also said that Jews were in league with the devil and responsible for the spread of sexual impropriety in Poland

Woznicki is already facing sanctions from the church because of his record of controversy, and he delivered the sermon online because he has been suspended from his pulpit. But because he remains an ordained priest, his conviction is groundbreaking, according to the civil society group that pressed for him to face charges[…]
“Woznicki is well known for his antisemitic diatribes and anti-church tirades (he has called Pope Francis a heretic),” Poland’s chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency by email. “The Polish court has handed down a clear verdict that antisemitic hate speech is illegal in Poland. We are hopeful that the Polish courts will continue to find others guilty of this crime”

After the Polish judge ruled that Woznicki was guilty of insulting Jews because of their nationality and inciting hatred on the basis of national differences, the priest lashed out in comments to journalists

“I am convicted of preaching,” Woznicki reportedly said. “Apparently, the Jews do not like me very much because I love the Lord Jesus. As a non-Jew, I concede to the Jewish king, while the Jews do not so much to their king”

Wyoming Republicans #fundie newsweek.com

The Wyoming Republican Party is seeking to kill a bill working its way through the state Legislature proposing to raise the state's legal marriage age to 16, arguing that putting "arbitrary" limits on child marriage interferes with parental rights and religious liberty.

The bill—which already passed the Republican-controlled Wyoming House of Representatives on a 36-25 vote late last month—proposes banning state residents from marrying anyone under the age of 16, while requiring anyone under the age of 18 seeking to get married to receive written consent from their parents under the eye of a competent witness.
The Wyoming Republican Party, however, is urging its constituents to oppose it not because the bill is too weak, but because it believed the bill stood to rob their constituents of constitutional rights in ways the "seemingly harmless" bill did not immediately make clear.

To make the point, the party shared materials in a Thursday evening email to constituents containing talking points from Wyoming Family Watch, a religious lobbying group organized by a conservative pastor in the state.

Among other points, the letter argued that preventing children under 16 years old from marrying "denies the fundamental purpose of marriage," robbing teen parents from the ability to remain together under one roof for any children they might bear together—even though nothing in state law would prevent those children from co-parenting.

"Since young men and women may be physically capable of begetting and bearing children prior to the age of 16, marriage MUST remain open to them for the sake of those children," the post read. "The sad fact that physical maturity often does not match emotional and intellectual maturity is an indictment of our modern educational system. That is a problem that should be addressed. But we should not use it as an excuse to instantiate bad law."

@SNLDan #conspiracy #fundie gettr.com

Thought everyone back in the day that talked about the NWO was crazy? I bet they don’t seem so crazy now do they. It’s gonna be the same way when Jesus returns. People saying oh He ain’t coming no time soon…Ok guys and girls keep thinking that. Get right with Jesus…PERIOD!🙏
#nwo #conspiracies #inyourface #endtimes

Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #fundie #racist #homophobia gab.com

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)

spoilerToday, and every day,
pray to end abortion
in America.

@RealMarjorieGreene Fight to end antiwhitism and white erasure as well.

@RealMarjorieGreene Get "Jews" out of the US and abortion will end.

@RealMarjorieGreene Abortion is MURDER.. Lets call it what it is..

@RealMarjorieGreene Pray to end sodomy too...this degenerate behavior is destroying young peoples lives


@Pink_Ocommie @RealMarjorieGreene I don’t take advice or feedback from faggots!

@Pink_Ocommie @NotGary @RealMarjorieGreene be more convincing if pagan white natalist types (and rising black nationalist types also) hadn't already noticed that feminism/LGBT/abortion was preached to depopulate them. In the case of witless whites, part of the motivation of some was to achieve a final solution to "white supremacy"/"white privilege"/etc.

So... what are you saying?

@RealMarjorieGreene no you dont or you would name whom is pushing it on Americans... But you really don't care...

@RealMarjorieGreene 82% of American Jews support abortion, they call it a fundamental right of their religion and people. How about you show some courage, name them, and don't bend the knee. Pretty sad when a black billionaire like Kanye is showing Whites in power how to address Jewish power.

Bob Schlenker #crackpot #homophobia #fundie #conspiracy #magick theopenscroll.blogspot.com

When you become aware of the sodomite signaling around you it raises questions. If you can accept what the Lord showed me some 20 years ago, that Adam was sodomized in the Garden by the “serpent tree,” you can follow the dynamic of this activity as it threads through the historical record up to the present and beyond, and make better sense of it. When our eyes begin to open to the legitimate reality of sodomy as a ritual gateway and means of worship and communion with the gods, of acquiring supernatural power, that's when we really begin to perceive the agendas, roles and objectives of people, their organizations and the events where sodomite methods have been concealed.
The SS (Schutzstaffel) who split off and superceded the SA seem to have taken ritual sodomy to a new level. Their runic SS has a Z for Zeus in the negative space between the lightning bolt weapons of Zeus. The bolts are also two men, facing the same way. The SA runic symbol of their former association illustrates the basis for it.

The secret of the Black Sun (Schwarze Sonne) is revealed in recognizing it as their god's asset, the ultimate sodomite portal. The 12 spokes are as the solar year zodiac and the 12 solar year cycle of planet Jupiter (Zeus), the father of Apollo.

The Black Sun. Leave it to the one who masquerades as an angel of light to put the sun where the sun don't shine.
After WWII, many Nazi scientists were brought to America, including Joseph Mengele, a Captain of the SS. Sodomy was not new to America, but it would apparently never be the same. To be able to understand why we see sodomy signaling everywhere and accept what it means, it helps to see past the cover stories we've been sold. Why would anyone want to whitewash what the Nazis did? Because it's even their own cover, that's why. Think about it.

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy christorchaos.com

[From "Jorge Mario Bergoglio's Support for the Unsupportable"]

Anyone at this late date who believes that Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s “synod on synodality” later this year is an honest process of “discernment” is[…]out of his cotton-picking mind[…]Anyone at this late date who believes that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is “Pope Francis” and/or that the unprecedent heresies, apostasies, blasphemies, sacrileges, and reaffirmations of hardened sins is coming from the Catholic Church is also out of his cotton-picking mind[…]
What is excluded by Catholic teaching on the papacy is a period of[…]putative “popes” and their “bishops” denying the unicity of the Catholic Church, making warfare upon the nature of dogmatic truth[…]
Not even the weakest pope in Holy Mother Church’s history would permit the selection of an open enabler of the homosexual agenda to give a retreat (into the bowels of hell, I should add)[…]Bergoglio has permitted Jean-Claude Hollerich[…]to selected “Father” Timothy Radcliffe[…]
Men such as Jean-Claude Hollerich[…]cannot believe in the inerrancy of Sacred Scripture and think that God the Holy Ghost is going to lead them to “find” “pastoral solutions”[…]“include” unrepentant sinners at what is believed to be the “Eucharistic Liturgy” and to celebrate their “love”[…]
Bergoglio does not only refuse to this, but he has also gone so far as to call for an end to all legislation that criminalizes perverse acts against nature[…]
There is no such thing as a “homosexual person” and human self-identification is not based on the proclivity to commit any kind of sin. People choose to be sodomites or lesbians[…]
Catholic teaching informs us that the principal purpose of the civil state is for its leaders to foster those conditions in the temporal order of things wherein citizens may better be able to sanctify and save their immortal souls as members of the true Church

Monica Cole #fundie #transphobia #enbyphobia #kinkshaming onemillionmoms.com

On Sundays, many Americans gather to worship God as a family of believers.

But for CBS Broadcasting Inc., Sunday is a time to bring debauchery and Satanic worship to the world.

On Sunday, February 5, the 65th Annual Grammy Awards ceremony aired on the CBS network. Originally designed to recognize outstanding artists in the music industry, this year’s Grammy ceremony achieved quite the opposite with its open recognition and worship of Satan.

One of the night’s most disturbing displays featured a demonic performance by entertainers Sam Smith, who claims to be non-binary, and Kim Petras, who claims to be transgender. These two gave the nation a Satan-themed rendition of their song “Unholy,” in which Petras performed inside a cage with drag queen dancers dressed in scanty devil outfits and sporting whips. Simultaneously, Smith gyrated in a costume featuring devil horns protruding from a top hat with his own similarly red-robed, demonic-looking dancers. These gyrating dancers surrounded Smith in the performance’s finale, pretending to devour and eat him like a pack of wild animals.

The entire Satan-filled performance was pure evil, and it is obvious who Hollywood worships.

CBS admitted as much in a network reply to Sam Smith’s pre-ceremony Tweet in which the singer shared a rehearsal photo wearing satanic horns. With an added devil emoji, Smith tweeted, “This is going to be SPECIAL. #GRAMMYs.”

Ironically, CBS has since deleted the network’s reply to Smith: “… you can say that again. We are ready to worship!”

CBS has no concern about souls celebrating Satan. The entire ‘performance’ depicted a hellish scene with lots of darkness, blood-red colors, and flames of fire.

The pro-LGBTQ Grammy ceremony aired during primetime when teens would likely watch and be exposed to this desensitization. But this terribly dark and sexually immoral performance wasn’t appropriate for an audience of any age.

Mike Stone #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I'm relaying it to show you how far down the rabbit hole I've gone on this subject. My research also led me to the correlation between UFO abductions and demonic possession. Today I believe that most UFOs are literally transports from hell.

By that I mean they are powered and flown by devils and demons. Have you ever noticed how closely sketches of ETs resemble demons? Have you ever noticed how many "alien abductees" describe their experience as demonic and their captors as looking like demons?

What is their purpose? That I do not know. Perhaps their intent is to steer humanity away from God. Perhaps they are a manifestation of the "signs and wonders" of the end times. We are told in Mathew 24:24 that the devil "shall show great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect."

My reason for broaching this topic is the rise of UFO sightings and stories appearing in the MSM lately. Have you noticed that? Why the sudden surge and why now? Could we be in the beginning stages of a fake alien invasion?

Think about it: If they could con almost the entire world into fearing a simple coronavirus, how hard would it be to fake an alien invasion?
If someone had suggested a fake alien invasion two years ago, I would have told them that despite my low opinion of the intelligence level of the average American, even I wouldn't think they're that stupid. But that was two years. Today I believe many, if not most, Americans are that stupid. I believe millions of people would fall for such an outlandish scheme.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it. If we're not seeing the early stages of a fake invasion, then perhaps my research into the demonic aspect of UFOs is playing out. As a nation and as a world, we've sunk so far down into sin and satanism, that perhaps these recent sightings are merely a manifestation of that. The more we engage in sin, the more these transports from hell make themselves visible. That's even scarier than a fake invasion.

Andrew Wommack #fundie #mammon youtube.com

[Emphasis added]

When you receive an offering, people think, “Well, you're just wanting money for yourself.”

You know, I don't care whether you give or not. God's gonna take care of me, I promise you. My needs are bigger than what you can meet… I just figured out this week I have to have $11,000 an hour, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days out of the year.

You are not my source. God is my source.

I could leave here. And you know what?… I didn't barely get here, and I'm not gonna struggle to leave here. I've got money! But you need to give.
There was a woman that came up during the altar call… and she says, “I need some money!” And I had just taught on this passage of Scripture that I shared with you. So I said, “What do you have?” And she made the connection. She knew what I was gonna do. So she went and got her purse, and she had a little coin purse, and she counted it out, and it was something like $78.35. Something like that.

And I said, “Give it to me.” And she said, “All of it?” And I said, “All of it.”

And I took my hands like this, and I took every penny that that woman had.

She said that she wasn't gonna get paid for a week, and she didn't have groceries. And I said, “Give me all of it.”

Fundamentalist Mob #fundie #psycho theguardian.com

Mob storms Pakistan police station and lynches man accused of blasphemy

Killing is latest in string of mob attacks against people accused of blasphemy in Muslim-majority country

A mob in eastern Pakistan stormed a police station on Saturday, snatched a Muslim man accused of blasphemy from custody and lynched him, in the country’s latest religion-linked killing.

Muhammad Waris, in his mid-30s, was in police custody in Nankana Sahib, in Punjab province, for desecrating pages of the Qur’an.

“The angry mob stormed the police station using a wooden ladder, dragged him out and beat him to death,” Waqas Khalid, a police spokesperson, told the Guardian. “After lynching, they were still not satisfied and tried to burn his body,” he added.

There have been a number of cases in Muslim-majority Pakistan of angry mob killings of people accused of blasphemy, the most high-profile among them the lynching of a Sri Lankan citizen in 2021.

Video of the incident posted on social media showed hundreds of young people surrounding a police station. There was footage of people dragging a man by his legs in the street, stripping him naked and beating him with metal rods and sticks.

The prime minister, Shehbaz Sharif, condemned the incident and ordered an investigation. “Why didn’t the police stop the violent mob? The rule of law should be ensured,” he said.

International and Pakistani rights groups say blasphemy accusations are mostly used to intimidate religious minorities and settle personal vendettas.

MK Uriel Buso #fundie #sexist timesofisrael.com

Netanyahu said he had spoken with coalition chiefs and they agreed the bill “won’t come up right now.” In a message to coalition party leaders, Justice Minister Yariv Levin[…]specified that the bill would not be brought before the committee when it convenes Sunday. Later Thursday, Shas back-tracked on the bill as well

The extraordinary legislation would ban egalitarian, mixed-gender prayer at the section of the holy site where it is now allowed, criminalize the activity of the Women of the Wall prayer rights group, and ban visitors from wearing attire deemed immodest

It would penalize offenders with a six-month prison term or a NIS 10,000 ($2,900) fine

The bill, which had been mentioned in coalition agreements in general terms, was added at the last moment to Sunday’s agenda of the Ministerial Committee for Legislation, with Hebrew media reporting that Shas party leader Aryeh Deri wanted the bill to pass its preliminary reading in the plenum over the next few days[…]
Shas said it welcomed Netanyahu’s decision to freeze the bill and maintain the status quo “as it has been until now”

“The Western Wall doesn’t need any law,” the party said hours after submitting the bill

“Most of the Jewish nation respects the holiness of the place, except for the provocateur women who don’t cease turning it into an arena of political combat, all under the cover of the High Court”[…]
Filed by Shas MK Uriel Buso, the bill would seek to criminalize mixed-gender prayer anywhere at the Western Wall, including the pluralistic prayer area

It stipulates that it will be prohibited to “hold a ceremony, including a religious ceremony, not in accordance with the site’s traditions, that harms the feelings of the worshipers in relation to the site.” The “site’s traditions” are defined in the bill as being set by the ultra-Orthodox-led Chief Rabbinate and the appointed rabbi of the Western Wall, currently Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch

Alexander Kamkin #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick #racist #ableist twitter.com

An Oscar [award] is an occult reference to the Egyptian deity, Sokar the God of lies, sinners and destruction. The same goes for the statue of liberty in New York. It is a reincarnation of the ancient Goddess Hecate, the goddess of death. The symbolism of destruction and self-destruction lies at the core of the Anglo-Saxon cultural code. Like medieval lepers, they ty to spread their death and self-destruction to everybody else to ensure quasi-equality.

Anonymous, milf-zone #fundie #psycho jambeast.tumblr.com

(Note: jambeast is not the fundie, but is responding to them. I have linked to their blog because the original post was deleted.)

Anonymous: Rushdie’s also a pretty shit writer. The Satanic Verses wouldn’t have sold 100+ copies if he didn’t include islamophobic hate speech to get western audiences to champion him. Notice how nobody talks about any of his other books lol. Obviously he shouldn’t have been stabbed, but he made himself a puppet for the west, so he can’t be truly surprised when that comes with consequences. Truly a case of Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes

milf-zone: Exactly right
My entire point here was that his entire association to fame is rooted in Islamophia. He isn’t a good writer and all this support he’s getting from is right wing Tumblr kids who have never read his work.

I just can’t stand it when authors, comedians, actors etc say fucked up shit and then hide behind their craft like it somehow gives them immunity form consequences.

Craige McMillan #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy wnd.com

Oddly enough, some of the
nations of the world seem to be consumed with making the world into one big nation, and having one big world government that runs everything. The U.N. – United Nations – comes to mind, as does the European Union, which is just another layer of government implemented over European countries trying to give the impression that it is one big unified nation with the same money, taxation, laws and customs for the suddenly subservient states that comprise the EU.

Both the U.N. and the EU portray fake unity. Come to think of it, the United States are laboring under a fake unity as well. Fedzilla was never created to rule over the various states in the union.
. This means, of course, they they never understood the purpose of their existence, for you do not serve other people by lording it over them. Odd term – isn't it? – considering that the one who was Lord of All became a servant unto death on a cross, to reconcile us to our Father in Heaven.
Satan did not give up after his defeat at the Cross of Christ. He has continued to simmer his one-world stew, where he will rule and reign over all the earth and all of humanity. He expects to do this through a one-world government that rules over all individual governments.
The people working to implement this beast system under the radar think they are so rich, so powerful and so smart that they can't possibly fail. In fact, many of them think they are gods.

They are about to learn otherwise. We are going to see God move supernaturally on a scale that humanity has never seen before, because this is an exodus of the nations of the entire world from Satan's grip. For now, God intends to have His church (the Body of Christ – Jesus is the Head) rebuild the world more to His liking. The Antichrist and the Beast system will appear at the appointed time. But not before the arising of the sons and daughters of God, the wise ones, the ones who will know what to do.

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #conspiracy christorchaos.com

[From "It Is Never Advisable to Die as the Former Head of a False Religion, part one"]

The enduring hallmark of Ratzinger’s life’s work is his unremitting warfare against the nature of dogmatic truth[…]
Ratzinger/Benedict himself considered himself a “synthesizer” of various theological propositions, was enamored of the “insights” of various Protestant and Talmudic scholars and dismissed the exactitude and certitude of Catholic doctrine by emphasizing a “communion of love” that united him with the heretical and schismatic Orthodox[…]
Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI’s warfare against dogmatic truth is directly responsible for moving me off the dime, so to speak, from merely studying the possibility that the See of Peter had been vacant from the time of the death of Pope Pius XII on October 9, 1958, to openly expressing my conviction in support of the vacancy[…]
Ratzinger/Benedict’s rejection of and contempt for the Scholasticism of Saint Thomas Aquinas made it possible for him to distort, pervert and misrepresent the lives and work of various Fathers and Doctors and saints, including Saint Robert Bellarmine and Saint Francis de Sales, to make them appear to be precursors of his own revolutionary agenda[…]
The events of World War II have been used by various adherents of the Talmud to demonstrate their deeply held belief that the spilling of Jewish blood is more horrible a crime than the spilling of the blood of others[…]
Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI was never a “conservative.” He helped to plan the conciliar revolution during the antipapal presidency of Angelo Roncalli/John XXIIII by participating in behind-the-scenes plotting to devise a schema for the “Second” Vatican Council[…]
Remember, if you will, that Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI personally esteemed the blasphemous Koran on two separate occasions in 2008

State Sen. Daniel Emrich #crackpot #wingnut #fundie nbcmontana.com

Senate Bill 235, sponsored by State Sen. Daniel Emrich (R-Great Falls), would establish requirements for science instruction in public schools.

The bill would prohibit teaching anything not considered scientific fact. SB 235 defines “scientific fact” as an “indisputable and repeatable observation of a natural phenomenon.”

The bill’s sponsor argued this doesn’t block teaching scientific theories, but an amendment may be needed to allow certain courses, including some Advanced Placement classes, to be taught.

“That could be a potential conflict with this bill,” said Emrich at the Senate Education and Cultural Resources hearing. “It may need to be tailored down to actually address that fact for limiting it so it doesn’t go into the high schools and affect them as more of a transition to the college environment.”

There was one proponent to the bill at the hearing, who likened the teaching of established scientific theories such as evolution to children as fraud that goes against the bible.

“There’s not one person in the room that I’m looking at right now, and there’s not one person I’ve ever seen or known of that was there when any of these events supposedly occurred,” said Patrick Gould, a law professor currently working in South Korea. “No one was there with Big Bang, no one was there with creation. No one was there when the first bird flew. No one was there with any of these events.”

Dozens of opponents pushed back saying the bill would effectively ban much of the current curriculum.

Fr. Robert McTeigue, SJ #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #kinkshaming #conspiracy crisismagazine.com

2010s: The remaking and erasure of the individual. The individual (sacred in Christianity; one among the undifferentiated masses in Marxism) cut off from past, future, and fellows, has nothing left but an unsatisfied and unsatisfactory self.
The isolated individual rejects the self as having been found in “the wrong body” (transgenderism) or “the wrong species” (variously known as transspeciesism, such that one identifies as an “otherkin” or a “furry,” i.e., as a member of a non-human species). Or the unsatisfactory and unsatisfied self rejects the limitations of body and mind and so advocates for transhumanism, with the individual “augmented” by various technologies in a man/machine hybrid

2020s: Narcissistic cannibalism—the unsatisfactory, unsatisfied yet self-obsessed individual is running out of realities to reject, alter, or destroy. Caught in the grip of enraged and insatiable disappointment, the empty self demands that remaining realities be destroyed more completely, more absolutely. So now we see the narcissist step into a kind of cannibalism. That which is affiliated with the failed human project must be absorbed into the empty and implacable self.
The narcissistic cannibal, caught in an unbearable present, aims his appetitive rage at the past and the future. We see this repudiation of the past in the recent advocacy o
f human composting. The human body and all that it represented may be broken down into its component parts and then absorbed by the hungry living. At the same time, we are being urged to cannibalize our future by reducing our children to the status of sexual consumables by normalizing pedophilia.

The human rejection of God and man, the destruction and even the devouring of the past and future—these lead to the nihilistic dynamic.

Daniel Haqiqatjou #fundie #sexist twitter.com

Unlimited kindness to women destroyed Christianity.

Unlimited kindness to women destroyed Judaism.

Unlimited kindness to women destroyed every traditional religion and culture...

...and their next target is Islam.

Humanity needs patriarchal family structure, which every religion has historically endorsed. But patriarchy has been attacked by liberalism as "oppression of women," i.e., being mean to women. So these religions deleted patriarchy in favor of equality, thus suiciding themselves.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

If scientists found a carved stone arrowhead in a cave they would claim this was evidence of an intelligence and human occupation. But when secular scientists look at DNA, the most complex information & code system in the universe, they claim it's a result of chance random...

Matt Walsh #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

It's not surprising to see a satanic ritual at the Grammy's. Satanism is the worship of the self. Much of modern pop music is satanic in this sense. Leftism is satanism. The only change is that now they're being more explicit about it.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

If you were looking for a theme song wrapped in an iconic moment to truly symbolize what it means to be here on Day 1,057 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, the 2023 Grammys last night was just the ticket. You had LGBTQ+ transgenders, Satan, women in cages being beaten with whips, all while singing a song called ‘Unholy’. And if that wasn’t enough, the moment this demonic mess was done, they cut to a ‘brought to you by Pfizer’ promo, tying the two in nice and neatly together. There is nothing more you need to know about the Great Reset, the pandemic, gain of function and all the rest of that junk than that. But don’t take my word for it, watch the video below and see for yourself.

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 (KJB)

In 5 minutes last night, the Grammys showed you a visual production of just about everything we’ve been warning you about since it all began. How many times have you heard me tell you on the Podcast about the ‘rising spirit of Antichrist’? It rose over the Grammys last night, and broadcast to a hundred million people. How many times have you heard me expose the evils of Pfizer and Big Pharma? Pfizer sponsored that satanic moment. People, if you can’t see where we are on the end times timeline by now, if you can’t see that everything we’ve been warning you about is happening right in front of your face, then I don’t know what to tell you. Obviously we will be discussing this in detail on the Podcast today so please join us. Like we’ve always said NTEB’ers are some of the most well-informed people on the face of the earth regarding the end times, and last night the 2023 Grammys proved that…TO THE FIGHT!!!

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut brianniemeier.com

Even ten years ago, you could maybe give infanticide shills some benefit of the doubt about really thinking they were helping women or the planet or something. But now their leaders have spent years saying, “Yeah, we know these are human lives. We want to slaughter them by the millions because we get off on it.”

Anybody who doesn’t demand the total outlawing of all abortion at all times is a barbarian inside our gates. These people can’t claim ignorance or good intentions anymore. They just want to kill babies.

You can’t live in the same society with people that morally retarded. Imagine trying to hold honest elections and maintain 21st century infrastructure working alongside the villains from Apocalypto. And now you see the real crisis Western society invited when we turned our backs on Christ.

various commenters #wingnut #fundie #racist gab.com

We defeated them once, we will do it again.

@CNofUSA Throughout my schooling, my history teachers never taught the true story about pre-colonial America... romanticizing the Natives. But the truth is, the natives were brutal; and the Christian Spaniards were simply doing what our patriarchs in the Old Testament have historically done to protect the faith.

@mrsnyamajor @CNofUSA whatever, sheboon

@Wendigo2007 @mrsnyamajor @CNofUSA You can be racist and also agree when a black says something correct lol

@mrsnyamajor @CNofUSA You are correct. The Natives weren't Dances with Wolves. People have enjoyed pretending they were completely abused. Columbus ordered the Natives to stop cannibalizing their enemies. They captured some of his men and roasted them alive. The whole night the party was forced to listen to the taunting of the Natives and the toucher of their companions. It didn't end well for the Natives.

@CNofUSA dont foeget the hundreds of millions of human sacrifices in wars for the jews


@CNofUSA Better not stop the blacks from doing it, or we'll be overrun with them. And sleep easy, they're not human anyways

@becky21k @CNofUSA your not human.

@Dawnfreedom @CNofUSA *you're

Niggers will kill you for saying "nigger" and think it justified. That's not human.


John Rolls #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

This balloon incident was nothing but a distraction. With the Judiciary Committee about to start their investigations, things should start pointing towards Hunter’s laptop and those documents found in Biden’s possession. It is definitely a drip drip drip process but once that stuff starts hitting the fan, I believe this is when we might start seeing some justice. All while our beloved President Trump will continue his journey back to the forefront and finally leading this country back to it’s glory and beyond. It is happening just as it should. God is good. Pray!

They have us talking about balloons in the news cycle now. Wonder what they are hiding? Tanks rolling into Ukraine that Biden said will escalate the War in Ukraine to WWIII. Joe forgot to take his own advice but in his defense. Dementia is a cruel mistress. This criminal and his criminal organization are going to get us all killed if they cannot stop escalating this war. What is going on is not funny or a laughing matter anymore. Satan is having his way these days.

S Michael Houdmann #fundie #psycho gotquestions.org

The sin of fornication violates the seventh commandment (Exodus 20:14), which was intended to safeguard the integrity of the family and the marriage union. God designed sex for marriage, and marriage to be a holy, prized, and honored institution. The Bible calls husbands and wives to keep themselves exclusively for one another or face God’s judgment: “Marriage is to be honored by all and the marriage bed kept undefiled, because God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers” (Hebrews 13:4, CSB). Condemnation of sexual immorality is unanimous in Scripture. Those who persistently indulge in fornication will not inherit the kingdom of heaven (1 Corinthians 6:9).

S Michael Houdmann #fundie #psycho gotquestions.org

We live in a world of pain and suffering. There is no one who is not affected by the harsh realities of life, and the question “why do bad things happen to good people?” is one of the most difficult questions in all of theology. God is sovereign, so all that happens must have at least been allowed by Him, if not directly caused by Him. At the outset, we must acknowledge that human beings, who are not eternal, infinite, or omniscient, cannot expect to fully understand God’s purposes and ways.

Why do bad things happen to good people? As hard as it is to acknowledge, we must remember that there are no “good” people, in the absolute sense of the word. All of us are tainted by and infected with sin (Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:8). As Jesus said, “No one is good—except God alone” (Luke 18:19). All of us feel the effects of sin in one way or another. Sometimes it’s our own personal sin; other times, it’s the sins of others. We live in a fallen world, and we experience the effects of the fall. One of those effects is injustice and seemingly senseless suffering.

Laura Wood #fundie #conspiracy thinkinghousewife.com

[From "Joseph Ratzinger: Subtle Destroyer"]

THE LIONIZING of the recently deceased “Pope” Benedict XVI continues apace

Conservatives indulge the fantasy that the erudite Joseph Ratzinger, who was under suspicion of heresy by the Holy Office under Pope Pius XII, was the ideological antithesis of the blabby, openly Marxist Frank Bergoglio, whose apostasy is difficult to ignore. Ratzinger was supposedly striving to preserve tradition, rather than engaging in his own classy form of demolition

The two, in fact, constituted a synthesis. The aim of the One World Religion has always been to appear non-exclusive, including even “rigid” traditionalists under its umbrella

@FutureFantasy #wingnut #fundie gettr.com

Dave Talks #783 - White House in Disarray.
I cover the lies, double standards, coverups, and crimes of the evil mind virus known as communism. My aim is to educate the people and build a movement to keep criminals out of power. MACA. Make America Christian Again. The elimination of communism is justice! Please watch the entire video. #nwo #Biden #trump

Paul Bury #wingnut #fundie #senpai_noticed_us familyfriendlygaming.com

Some angry psycho haters attack Family Friendly Gaming, me, and or my mission or family. They probably have no idea how much that powers me up. It charges me up. I am so empowered when the angry psycho haters attack us for being obedient to God. They must think their threats, and hatred will make us cower and follow them in their disobedient to God ways. Instead it makes me feel wonderful. I know that I am getting under the devil's skin because he sent his minions to try and force us into disobedience against God. We struck a nerve, and hit a chord.

The Holy Bible is clear that when we faithfully obey God we will face persecution. Whether it is some radical activist or someone high up in a video game company, we accept the reality that we are storing up treasures in heaven while they are storing up pain and suffering in hell. I would prefer they do the right thing. I would prefer they repent and turn from their evil ways. I would prefer they freely choose to be obedient to God. Their threats, and discrimination do not stop us from being obedient to God. The opposite happens. We stand up even more for God. Their attacks backfire and only make them look bad.

Andrew Anglin #fundie #sexist #wingnut bitchute.com

[The Apostle] Paul was basically encouraging people to be incels. He also just said that women need to shut up and not be involved in anything. They should take care of their homes. People will say, “But Paul said to love your wife.” Well, obviously you don’t hate your wife. You should take care of your wife, she’s the mother of your children, but you should have total control over her. In this society, that is actually impossible, so there’s some question as to how you’re even supposed to do it, but that’s a topic for another time.

Anyone who tries to say that Christianity supports women and women’s dominance and that Christianity says women are not obsessed with sex and don’t base their entire existence around sex, go read the letters of Paul, go read any of the church fathers. It sounds like an incel forum if you read what the first Christians were writing.
I think the basic problem with all of Western civilization was that the church sold out the people, and the first big thing that caused everything else was allowing women to go to education…and this will help fuel women’s egos, which is not even healthy for women.

When women are liberated, they have higher expectations. So, because their expectations are not met, they become unhappy because they have new expectations from feminism. And it’s like, well, Occam’s Razor: the most obvious thing is that women don’t actually get any happiness from this liberation. What gives women happiness is marriage and being submissive to a man, which obviously, they don’t do that voluntarily. You’re not going to have a woman voluntarily submit to you; you have to force her. That’s the reality. You have to dominate the woman, and even if you do think you have dominance, she’s gonna keep pushing you. I mean, there’s women who get divorced in their 60s and 70s. So it’s a lifelong thing to try and wrangle this bitch like a wild horse, but a horse [eventually] breaks.

Shane Idleman #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy charismanews.com

As our prayers go out to the families of the recent mass shootings, I recently read an article where the FBI reported that there were 61 active shooter incidents reported in 2021, which is a 52% jump from 2020. If we compare this to Columbine, the trend is alarming.

What in the world is going on? In short, our nation has rejected God and we are reaping the whirlwind. Just as water rapidly eroded the banks of the mighty Colorado River and created a vast Grand Canyon, America's current belief system (relativism) has eroded her foundation and created a moral void.
The Enemy Within

Interestingly enough, the stability of America is one of the top concerns on the minds of many today. There was a time in recent history when America felt secure knowing that the most formidable enemies were abroad. Not so today. Our enemies are within our gates. We, like the mighty Roman Empire that collapsed centuries ago, are crumbling from within. There are people who attempt to be "one nation 'above' God," rather than "one nation 'under' God." Scripture identifies this as foolishness, self-exaltation and arrogance—the downfall of nations.

There is a saying that one generation plants trees for the next generation. I'm concerned that instead of planting, we are removing and destroying the roots. As a result, our legacy as a great and noble nation has all but been forgotten. For instance, most schools no longer teach students about the spiritual foundation that has guided America throughout its history.
Consequently, America's moral and religious heritage is often deleted, grossly distorted or revised altogether. Students often miss the critical connection between America's unparalleled greatness because we put God first. This should concern us. The ideas of the classroom in one generation will create the ideas of society within the next. And this is exactly what is happening today: There is no fear of God in this place.

Opus Dei, Pared Foundation, affiliated schools #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming #dunning-kruger abc.net.au

[Title: Students at private Sydney school linked to Opus Dei told that masturbation is a disorder, porn puts holes in your brain.
How pressure recruitment is done is also in the article.]

a piece of sticky tape being passed from girl to girl around the classroom. "By the time it got to the last person, it was handed back to the teacher, and by that point the sticky tape was a bit grotty and not sticky anymore," she says. [...] 'That's what happens to you when you have sex before marriage, when you have multiple partners. You're not useful anymore, you're not valuable anymore, [...] you're dirty and unusable'."
Students say they were told that watching pornography caused holes in the brain, girls were discouraged from getting a life-saving cancer vaccine, pages on the curriculum were ripped out or redacted from text books, homophobia was rife and there were persistent attempts to recruit school students to Opus Dei.
HPV cervical cancer vaccine [...] it would promote promiscuity and they were expected to marry as virgins
masturbation is mentally disordered behaviour, as is homosexuality
"told that truth and fact is secondary to your ethos."
told that abortion and the contraceptive pill cause cancer
shown graphic cartoon videos of abortions without parental consent that showed foetuses with their limbs ripped off, which were inaccurate depictions
'Men are like cars, it's bad to rev the engine, but then not drive the car or leave it stuck in neutral' [...] focused around teaching us to behave in a certain way that we wouldn't lead men into temptation. [...] that men couldn't control themselves [...] Sex is too powerful an urge to be 'negotiated'. The very notion of rational consent to powerful passions, [...] is absurd [...]"
constantly told that homosexuality was a grave mortal sin that would damn them to hell
was encouraged to engage in "self-mortification" — whipping herself

Ann Barnhardt #racist #fundie barnhardt.biz

One of the greatest acts of counter-revolution today is LICITLY BREEDING (said the Spinster). Also, adopting and raising ethnically pagan children as devout Catholics. A married couple, even in their mid-to-late 30’s, can still have as many children as they want. Have as many of your own as God grants, and also ADOPT. The only horror stories I have ever heard about adoption were from Canadians who adopted already-sentient children (4 years old and over) from muslim Africa (in Canada, it was the trend for years, whereas in the US the trend was Chinese babies). I would NOT advise that. The African musloid children were already essentially demoniacs inculcated with murderous – LITERALLY MURDEROUS- intentions, and a deep-seated hatred of women.

MAN, if only someone had made a video presentation about EXACTLY THIS years ago so we all could have had a heads-up…

Seriously, if you have never seen this… yeah. It has aged in these eight years like the finest wine of the Pays-de-la-Loire. Sadly. It’s spooky, now. Now that’s IT’S ALL LEGIT HAPPENING.

(Followed by links to a series of video presentations)

Anthony of Westgate #fundie #conspiracy twitter.com

There’s literally nothing to explore in space it’s just a void occupied by demons. Atheist NASA cucks are obsessed with astronomy and space exploration because they can’t cope with the earth testifying to God’s existence.

Find an actual photo of a satellite orbiting in space, not a CGI image. It should be easy if there are allegedly 8,261 of them in orbit

It-goes-both-ways #sexist #fundie it-goes-both-ways.tumblr.com

Ask:Do you believe that men and women are wired differently or is it just that society (both men and women) have created a world where men and women are expected to think and act differently. I think the differences are mostly created by society and don't actually exist. Your thoughts?

Answer: If that were the case, how did they differentiate at all?

Men and women are far more similar than they are different, they just manifest differently. Empathy is not a female trait for example, while people find it more obvious in women because they’re more social, if there’s a dog drowning in a river or a child in a burning building, generally it’s men who will rescue them.
Right the way down to crimes such as rape, male rapists mostly target adult women while female ones will mostly target male children.

Women are generally more cautious and averse to personal accountability, using proxy violence or blaming others for their own actions. While men tend to be more overt about it, personally I’d take being punched in the face over being falsely accused any day. It makes perfect sense why this difference exists, of course women are more cautious, a pregnant woman wouldn’t last very long if she didn’t put herself first and early societies wouldn’t have lasted very long if they didn’t put women as a sex first. The differences in behaviour influenced society, not the other way around.

Obviously there are exceptions all round, #NotAll etc. The fact that it’s a biological thing is what makes it so bloody frustrating when dealing with feminists and tradcons alike.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #fundie #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "Counter-Currents: On the Christian Question"]

A quick glance at American politics and public opinion on White identity should be sufficient to answer the “Christian Question”[…]

Does Christianity help or hinder[…]“the efforts of the Right to defend the European-American way of life”? According to Giles Corey, that is the Christian Question (p. 2), and The Sword of Christ is his attempt to defend Christianity as not merely compatible with, but essential to, white European civilization[…]

Over 80% of Trump voters are White Christians

Over 3/4ths of the American Right are Christians and the “Far Right” is overwhelmingly Christian and specifically tends to be more evangelical and Protestant

If you look at rightwing voters who are secular, irreligious, agnostic or atheist (15% to 20% of Republican voters), they are people who are much more likely to have liberal and moderate politics than other conservatives[…]
Most people who oppose Third World immigration, who want to deport illegal aliens, who oppose miscegenation, who oppose the MLK federal holiday, who oppose the Great Replacement, who are concerned about anti-White discrimination and who have the warmest feelings toward other Whites are very conservative[…]Sure, there are woke evangelical elites who adopt African children and preen about racism or people who are Christian Zionists who support Israel, but those people are the exception[…]
The question makes sense when you realize that secular, irreligious and atheist Whites are overrepresented among White Nationalists, but White people who are secular, irreligious or atheists skew hard to the progressive Left[…]
If only Christians were allowed to vote in the United States, American politics would shift dramatically to the Right because the Far Left would be politically wiped out

various commenters #wingnut #fundie gab.com


spoilerDecades ago
when the Bible &
prayer were
banned from
schools many
wondered what
would become of
our society
Now we know.

@SeekUFind no God no God given rights

@SeekUFind What is even worse, when God was kicked out of the churches, for the pastors started preaching fables that they are told to preach over the truth of God's word. Then people wonder why there is so much separation in the church.

Sad how when one shows scriptures that the Holy Spirit is not the restrainer that goes away, exposes 6 fables the churches teach. For without truth, they live in lies and do not have God or Jesus and are not saved.

@SeekUFind It's hard to teach socialism with the Bible in the way!

Society isn't screwed up because of the removal of Christianity. It's screwed up because of what they replaced it with - holocaustianity and jewish secularism.

Dr. Jane Ruby #conspiracy #quack #fundie #wingnut beforeitsnews.com

NEW Dr. Jane Ruby (1/23/2023): All Americans Now Trapped by Vax Status — Z28.3 is a Coded 666!

Dr. Jane reveals the DOD/HHS plan to track you down by your injection status, including those who took the shots, realized this is mass genocide and don’t want any more; and the Deagel Forecast shows that, although the entire world has been subjected to medical tyranny, it is the United States that is the real target; did you know that pharma companies have violated federal laws for many years as a part of their normal business?

This is the Dr Jane Ruby Show and you’re about to enter Truth in Medicine.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: (Rev 13:16)

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Rev 13:17)

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (Rev 13:18)

FTW: The upper-level category code for these vax codes is Z28.3.

Z28.3 is a coded 666.

Z = 26th number in the alphabet: 26 = 13+13.

2+8+3 = 13

13 = the 6th prime number.

So, Z28.3 = three 13′s = three 6th prime numbers = coded 666.

Saiwana #transphobia #fundie forum.nationstates.net

No, what is sickening from my perspective is being expected to just pretend or go along with the notion (from people I see as rediculous) that men can be women and women can be men, rather than your sex being set at birth/in the womb like was the case for most of entire world history among our species.

I want a chance with my biological "other half" as the Garden of Eden fable describes. Not some artificial creation that is an abomination at worst and a poor imitation at best in my view. I will choose staying virgin forever if the only alternative was being intimate with an MtF that passes as a woman.

Rabbi Jonathan Blass #fundie yeshiva.co

Is it forbidden for observant Jewish students in the Diaspora to study on Saturdays?

I assume your question refers to secular studies since it is clearly desirable for Jews wherever they live to study Torah on Shabbat and on weekdays. It is permitted on Shabbat to read secular school books but ,if possible, this should be minimized (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayyim 307 17; Mishna Berura 307, 65). With rare exceptions (Shu"t Chelkat Yaakov Yoreh Deah 190), it is not permitted to attend school- where a gentile teacher is writing on the blackboard and performing other labors- on Shabbat on a regular, planned basis (Mishna Berura 340, 21). Technically, it is almost impossible for a student to be present in such a situation while observing all the laws of Shabbat (Mishna Berura 340, 21).
All observant Jews, students and others, should be aware that continued living in the Diaspora at this time, when Aliyah to Israel is possible for most Jews, is halachically problematic.

Roger Helle #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy #fundie patriotpost.us

I’m not sure why, but these movies remind me of progressives who have gone off the deep end, not looking for treasure but looking for ways to make the lives of average Americans miserable. How much time do they spend trying to find the latest microaggression or cultural appropriation?

Do they sleep at night? Do they form little bands of fellow snowflakes to come up with all of these offenses that can trigger them into a rage? What a miserable existence they must live, trying to make our lives miserable.

Twenty years ago, we didn’t know about personal pronouns, “nonbinary,” “transsexual,” “gender fluid,” “gender reassignment surgery,” or men getting pregnant. We didn’t have a boy wearing dresses to school, sexually assaulting a girl, then being sent to another school to do the same thing without any consequences. When the father of one of the victims expressed outrage about what happened to his daughter, he was thrown to the ground, handcuffed, and taken out of the school board meeting. How did we ever live not knowing all of these things? Pretty good, I think.

Twenty years ago, we still had the Rule of Law and equal justice under the law. Sure, the system had flaws because we live in a fallen world spiritually.
During the 1960s, while serving in the Marine Corps, I watched as Republicans were going all out to pass legislation giving blacks the same rights as whites. The Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, if I recall, did not receive one vote from a Democrat. The Republican Party passed it on its own.

Now, 58 years later, we’re told Republicans are racist, white supremacists, homophobic, and the scourge of people of color. Not that the Democrats really do anything to help minorities. They just keep them on the urban plantations with the promise that “someday” things will be better if they vote Democrat.

David Sorenson #conspiracy #fundie goldenageofgaia.com

They tried to kill me so I would not be able to tell you this
When I was conceived, a dark voice whispered to my parents: “Kill him!” They seriously considered aborting me, preventing me from ever seeing the daylight.

My mother, however, also heard a different whisper. “Don’t kill your baby…let him live!” She ultimately decided to listen to the second voice. While she held me in her arms, she heard a beautiful, warm voice tell her:

“Give this baby a lot of love, because I love him a lot.”

During my life, there were continuous attempts to take me out and prevent me from fulfilling the reason why I was to be born.
As a teenager, I experienced an existential crisis that prompted a strong push to commit suicide. During the middle of the night, while sitting near a canal with the razor at my wrist, I heard a voice: “Don’t do it. God has a plan with you in it.” I was puzzled. “God? What the heck…” I had run away from this Reality for years, and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I just hopped on my bike and rode away.

Once, I was poisoned at a hospital, which experience resulted in severe atrial fibrillation and arrhythmia; the doctor said there was no hope for me. My youngest son threw himself on my hospital bed and prayed for a miracle. A half-hour later, another doctor walked in and shocked me with a defibrillator. I walked out the door, totally fine.
These are just a few examples of the many attacks that I’ve survived. I believe that I’m still around thanks to the intervention of One who truly cares about all of us.

Through the years, I began to understand that I am alive for a reason. There’s a message that’s been placed inside of me, and it’s a burning fire that I cannot contain. This is the message:

The Creator did NOT appoint or anoint the wicked to rule on earth. They have no mandate, no divine blessing, no crown, and no scepter. The sole reason they have so much power is because of their sophisticated deceptions that blind and control mankind.

Joe Allen #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie joebot.substack.com

Chatbots are at the front lines of an unrelenting AI (Artificial Intelligence) invasion.

The steady increase of artificial minds in our collective psyche is akin to mass immigration - barely noticed and easily overlooked, until it's too late.

Our cultural landscape is being colonized by bots, and as with illegal aliens, much of our population welcomes this as "progress."

The bots will keep us company. They will learn and absorb our personalities. And when we die, they will become our digital ghosts. It's a morbid prospect, but the process is already underway.

E-learning institutions regularly deploy AI teachers. Chatbot companions are seducing lonesome souls by the millions, including religious chatbots who function as spiritual guides.

At the end of the road, various start-ups are developing cyber-shrines where families can commune with their departed loved ones and find comfort in the digital undead.

In the minds of tech enthusiasts, AI chatbots of all sorts will be our soulless companions on the trek toward the Future™.

These ephemeral "friends" are key psychological components of what many describe as human-AI symbiosis. They will be like artificial guardian angels in our palms - and by extension, in our heads - answering questions and steering decisions.

One thing is certain.

Whatever you think about this invasion, AIs are falling to earth like stars from a godless heaven.

And with each successive wave, their voices are that much more convincing.
Bots are invading our minds through,

our phones

our smart speakers

our educational institutions

our businesses

our government agencies

our intelligence agencies

our religious institutions,

...and through a growing variety of physical robots meant to accompany us 'from cradle to grave':

We are being primed for algocracy...

Past generations ignored mass immigration and environmental destruction, both fueled by tech innovations, until it was too late to turn back the tide.

James Gilliland #ufo #magick #fundie #conspiracy goldenageofgaia.com

I have often pondered the question what would happen if Jesus wanted to join the UFO community.

First of all, the Christians would denounce him for speaking about other civilizations, his fathers many houses. Even if the Pleiadians, Sons of Arcturus, and UFOs were mentioned in the bible.

Then the Luciferians, heavily entrenched in the UFO community and almost all other institutions, would censor him and try to character assassinate him.

After all he did warn them about harming children, child and sex trafficking is a definite no no. They would engage the mainstream media to shame and destroy his character, probably accuse him of Russian collusion and knowing all their classified secrets.

Then the scientists would have a go at him telling him he is a woo woo nut job. They would say metaphysics and spirituality is not science even though they acknowledge at least 11 other dimensions and 100 billion planets observed that can sustain life in this 3rd dimension alone.
What would happen if Jesus destroyed the controlled narrative and said we are not alone, there are whole civilizations of very advanced beings who have conquered war, disease, poverty, balanced and maintained their environment and if the leadership desired they would make contact and help bring Universal Law and healing to Humanity and the Earth?

An invite to join a Federation of Worlds in peace. How would that go with the war industry? The medical and pharmaceutical industry? The oil, gas, coal, all industries that provide our transportation and energy needs? How would governments react with most of the leadership in the back pocket of these major corporations?

What if they had replicators? No need for Wall Marts, Costcos, all your needs would be met just by hitting a button. Electric cars would not need batteries, they would not need tires due to anti/counter gravity.

Are you starting to understand now why we don’t have contact?

@kwood300 #wingnut #fundie gettr.com

“Famine is next. Tell them to plant 🌱 seeds.”
“The drones are coming!”
“Seven nations Army.”
“You are like Joan of Arc.”
“My Messenger.”
and showed me so much more
#pictures #Watchman #Micheal #Empath #compassion ✝️🙏✝️

spoiler#God told me in 2016...
1. @realDonaldTrump will #Win election
2. Help him by telling the #TrUth
3. They will come from the North and the South like a #Trojan Horse to cause chaos. Build camps to protect my people.
4. She is evil, expose #her
5. Children are being trafficked

spoiler6. #Watch the #Wall
7. #Watch #persecution on the #Cross
8. #Pray 4 #Ammon
9. I'm your #Manna
10. #Trump will be doing my work
11. @Israel come home
12. The lost dont know #TrUth or #jUStice they wont believe the peasant girl
13. #Danielll #Revelation
14. #InHisService #KOG

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